#and yellow guy is their child son who is also 38 at the same time
cirrateeb · 2 years
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i have more bs
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alpacahat67 · 2 years
piping hot take on yellow guy’s age
i think it’s pointless to argue about it because it’s a fucking yellow puppet however i’d like to compromise with the child-yellow-guy believers and the old-man-yellow-guy believers.
assuming that the theory that in the web series, yellow guy is representative of lesley’s dead son and was created to assist in her coping with said son’s death is true, that is the exact reason why yellow guy’s age is unknown?
now im gonna make a comparison that like no one who watches dhmis explains. sit down. so you know disney twisted-wonderland?
tl;dr disney villains turned magic boarding school and the 7 dorms are based on the queen of hearts, scar, ursula, jafar, the evil queen, hades, and maleficent and it’s a little crazy guys. each dorm has a handful of main characters that are integral to the story. the hades dorm, ignihyde, only has two, those being idia shroud and ortho shroud. considering the two look similar and have the same last name, it’s easy to assume that they’re brothers, however ortho is a robot while idia is a human. ortho also looks and acts way too young to be attending a high school despite it being implied that he’s 16, while idia is 18. in fact, he isn’t even an actual student, he’s only there because his brother is there and it’s sort of like they’re sharing an enrollment.
beyond this point is spoilers for disney twisted-wonderland book 6 btw sorry eng-only players! in book 6, which is the ignihyde arc, we learn that ortho died when he was 8 years old. grief-stricken, idia used his technology and magic skills to rebuild his brother as a robot to replace him and help him cope with the loss of his brother (kinda sounds like the death episode just a little more difficult of a process). because idia did not know what ortho would look or act like past the age of 8, idia made him basically perpetually 8 years old in all ways, despite the fact that his age increases every year as it would for anyone who was alive.
how ortho “ages” could be the exact same as how yellow guy “ages”. considering the fact that yellow guy acts very childlike as he’s naive, not the smartest frankly, and generally seems to not know much about the world around him, as well as the fact that he looks like a child, we can assume lesley’s son died at a young age. because lesley’s son died at a young age, yellow guy is perpetually stuck at that age physically and mentally, despite his age increasing every year as anyone else’s would, because lesley did not know what he would look or act like past the age he died at. and im sure the sheer amount of TRAUMA that puppet has is not improving anything. and that’s how he can be a child and also 38 at the same time if we’re going off of the pilot for clay hill (despite it being decanonized AHEM)
im too tired to fully explain how smart boy yellow guy comes into play here, but i will likely come back to it. good night tumblr.
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 38: Two Weddings and a Runaway
Once again, here I present you another episode of the main narrative of this fanfic blog inspired on Sanders Sides by Thomas Sanders, Joan S. and the Foster Dawg team. I have not much to say this time, so I’ll just leave you with the episode, and hope you enjoy it. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: The day has finally come. Two weddings are taking place at the same time in the Royal Castle. Logan and Patton, and Janus and Remus, are getting married, and everything looks fine for them. However, tension between Virgil and his son Chris is building up. Virgil tries to control his life too much, overprotecting him, and Chris is getting fed up of not being able to live his life as he wants and being treated like a child.
WARNINGS: Mentions to fractures and bleeding wounds. Remus is there, throwing some inappropriate shenanigans. Of course, lots of romantic prinxiety, logicality and dukeceit.
[intro sequence]
[the main room in the Royal Castle of Sandersia is filled with people. Roland is at the altar waiting for the two couples to make an entrance. Joan and Talyn are sitting on the first line among many other Sandersian guests. Then we see the backstage where Thomas is waiting next to Logan and Ian is next to Janus. Thomas and Ian are wearing ordinary suits, Thomas with a necktie with embroidered flowers, Ian with a black shirt and yellow bow-tie. Logan is wearing an elegant suit, with an indigo jacket and necktie and a black shirt, full of sparks as if it was the sky at night full of stars. Janus wears a suit that is an inversion of Ian’s colors, a yellow shirt with a black bow-tie and jacket. The bow-tie has a drawing of a snake on each edge, each looking at the opposite direction. He still wears his habitual bowler hat, as no one could convince him to take it off. Chris is there too, next to a little table with baskets of flowers on it. Virgil arrives to drop the final basket, full of artichoke petals, on the table]
CHRIS: Do I really have to?
VIRGIL: Yes, you do, and don’t mess up. This is the most important day in our friends’ lives, it has to be perfect. When you’re done with a basket, go through the back door back here and pick up the next basket. Remember…
CHRIS: Yes, indigo gentians for Logan, light blue poppies for Patton, yellow chrysanthemums for Janus and green artichokes for Remus. We’ve rehearsed it again and again for the last two weeks, you almost didn’t let me do anything else but training on that.
VIRGIL: Okay, then use that training and do your work. I’m going back to the dressing room to see if Patton’s ready and to wear my royal outfit. It’s so uncomfy, and the crown ruins my hair…
CHRIS: Okay…
THOMAS: I’m so nervous, you guys, you have no idea.
LOGAN: Thomas, calm down. You make it look as if you were the one marrying.
THOMAS: Hehe, it’s funny. When Roman and Virgil married, it was you who said that, in a way, I was the one marrying, since both Roman and Virgil are both part of me.
LOGAN: Okay, you may have a point. But calm down please. Your state of nervousness is not adequate at all for the optimal development of this ceremony of marital sanctions we’re all about to commit, so please, take a deep breath and relax.
THOMAS: I deduce that you’re nervous too. You only start talking in that over the top technical language when you’re reaching the edge and want to pretend you’re keeping your cool.
LOGAN: You’re right, I’m nervous… because you’re making me nervous. Please, as I told you, relax.
THOMAS: I’ll try. You trusted me with the task of taking you to the altar and I’m not gonna fail you.
LOGAN: Thank you, Thomas. Janus had his brother Ian, Patton had his son Virgil and Remus had his brother Roman, so I was feeling a little alone in that walk through. Thank you for accepting being my groomsman.
THOMAS: It’s my pleasure, Logan. Remember that you are my family too. Of course I wouldn’t leave you all alone.
LOGAN: I know, thanks.
THOMAS: Okay, everyone remembers what we have to do and when, right? First the four of us come in the room in couples, following Chris throwing the petals, and then walk to the altar. But who enters first?
JANUS: Would you mind leading the way? I’m so nervous I couldn’t trip and fall at all. I’m not sorry for that lie… Ugh… I don’t hope I don’t mess up when Roland asks me for my consent to marry…
IAN: It’s okay, relax, Jan. You can do this. This is just a mere procedure. Before you know it, you will both be wearing your rings, you’ll see.
THOMAS: I’ll lead the way then, Janus, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be…
[sounds of trumpets are heard from the room]
THOMAS: [his voice cracks and sounds loud and squeaky] …fIne. [clears his throat] Okay, the time’s come. Hold my arm, Logan. [mumbling] Lord help me not to trip and fall…
LOGAN: I’m ready, Thomas. Let’s go.
THOMAS: When you’re ready, Chris.
[the double door opens. Chris opens the door with the first basket of indigo gentians and starts throwing petals all over the way. Logan and Thomas enter the room and walk solemnly. When Chris completes the route, he goes through the back door, almost running. In a few seconds, he appears through the double doors again with the second basket, full of yellow chrysanthemum petals and does the same, then Janus and Ian enter the room. They’re around ten steps behind Logan and Thomas, with Chris between them. Both couples are so nervous they can barely notice the people looking at them in awe. Finally they all reach the altar. Chris runs away through the back door and Thomas and Ian drop Logan and Janus’ arms and walk a few steps away. They all start looking at the doors. After a few seconds, Chris enters through the door. He shows a face of resignation while he throws petals of light blue poppies, then Virgil and Patton make an entrance. Virgil is wearing the royal gala uniform, similar to Roman’s uniform, but with a purple sash. He’s also wearing a small royal crown as the consort prince of Sandersia. Next to him, Patton is wearing a light blue suit with a gray vest and necktie. They both walk solemnly towards the altar. Patton looks at Logan and blushes. Logan notices Patton’s necktie and shows an emotional smile of pride. When they arrive to the altar, the music stops. Chris runs through the back door. Virgil leaves Patton with Logan, who holds his hands, and then Thomas and Virgil step aside. After a minute or so, hard rock music starts suddenly playing, startling everyone. Chris enters throwing full artichokes everywhere, a little frustrated, while Roman and Remus enter the room. Roman wears his royal gala uniform and shows a face of resignation while Remus is wearing his usual outfit and dancing to the music. When Chris reaches the altar Virgil speaks to him in a low voice]
VIRGIL: You were supposed to throw artichoke petals, not full edible artichokes!
CHRIS: [blushing with a mixed face of embarrassment and anger] I know, it was Remus’ idea to replace the basket. Don’t blame me! It was shameful enough already for me with the original basket, you know?
[Chris goes to sit down next to Joan and Talyn while Virgil sighs. When Remus gets closer to Janus he grabs his hands. Janus is blushing a little bit as the music stops, with a little gesture of shame, but smiles anyway]
ROLAND: Distinguished guests. We are gathered here to witness the union of Logan and Patton and of Janus and Remus as married couples. If anyone in this room knows a reason for which any of these unions should not take place, speak now or forever hold your tongue.
REMUS: Oh, don’t worry, they’ll hold their tongues… [looking threateningly at the audience] because you want to keep your tongues attached to your mouths, right?
JANUS: Remus!
REMUS: I’m just kidding. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t marry anyway, so you may continue…
[Roland looks at Remus in confusion. Then, he clears his throat and continues]
ROLAND: Let’s just go to the main ceremony then. As there are two couples, and I’m concerned about what Remus would have written, let’s skip the vows and go straight to the consent step. Each hold your partner’s hands and look at each other in the eye. Logan, do you take Patton to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?
LOGAN: That couldn’t be more adequate… I mean, I do.
ROLAND: Patton, do you take Logan to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?
PATTON: [emotional] Of course I do.
ROLAND: Now, Janus, do you take Remus to be your husband, to love and to cherish, for as long as you both shall live?
JANUS: I don’t… sorry, it’s the nerves. [he starts nodding nervously]
ROLAND: I’ll take that as a yes. Remus, do you take Janus to be your husband, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live.
REMUS: Of course I take him, [wiggling his eyebrows to Janus, who blushes] and how I’ll take him…
ROLAND: [frowning] “I do” would have been enough… Okay, who has the rings?
VIRGIL: I have Patton and Logan’s rings.
ROMAN: And I have Janus and Remus’ rings.
[Patton and Logan pick up their rings and so do Janus and Remus]
ROLAND: Okay, Logan, place the ring on Patton’s finger while you read from this book.
LOGAN: [reading and putting the ring on Patton’s finger] With this ring, Patton, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Now it’s your turn, Patton.
PATTON: [also reading while putting the ring on Logan’s finger] With this ring, Logan, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Very good, now it’s your turn, Janus. Don’t worry about the nerves, you just have to read from this book.
JANUS: [sighs, then puts the ring on Remus’ finger while reading] With this ring, Remus, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Your turn, Remus, and please, don’t be creative just right now. Stick to the book so that the ceremony can be valid.
REMUS: Okay, if you insist, but only because I can’t wait for the banquet to take place [wiggling his eyebrows at Janus again] as well as our own private dessert… Okay, sorry, I’ll read now. [reading from the book while putting the ring on Janus’ finger. Janus has previously taken his yellow glove off] With this ring, Janus, I thee wed, and I promise to love and respect you in sickness and health, in richness and poorness, in good times and bad, until death do us part.
ROLAND: Each couple has expressed their free consent in front of witnesses to be joined in wedlock, so by the powers vested on me by the state of Sandersia, I now pronounce you married couples. You may now kiss each other… Each his own husband only, Remus, before you ask.
[Patton and Logan kiss and so do Remus and Janus, while the audience cheers. Time goes by and everybody is in the big dining room in the royal castle, everybody is having their meal. Thomas and the Sides, as well as Roland and Ira, are sitting on the main table, the rest of the guests are in different tables. Everybody seems to be enjoying the party. The songs from the Sides playlists are being heard as a background music for the guests all the time]
THOMAS: What a party. This is what we missed on your wedding, Roman, Virgil. I’m glad that we are able to live it now, although I would have wished you’d have your own party too.
ROMAN: Me too, but, oh, well, the past is in the past, and the important thing is that we got married in the end, that we’re still together, and that we’re living happily ever after. Even If that “ever after” has discontinuities from time to time, but we always come through them eventually.
[Chris gets up from his chair]
VIRGIL: Are you going somewhere, Chris? You didn’t finish your dish yet.
CHRIS: [sardonic] If you must know, I need to go to the bathroom. Don’t worry, I can walk there by myself with my own two feet. I promise I’ll wash my hands like a good boy.
VIRGIL: I don’t like your attitude today, young boy.
CHRIS: Well, dad, like that song said, I’m sorry I can’t be perfect. See ya all in a minute.
[Chris leaves the table. Virgil sighs again]
VIRGIL: I don’t know what I’m gonna do with him… it seems like he puts himself against anything I ask him to to. It’s exhausting.
ROMAN: Well, you gotta understand that Chris has had a totally irregular development. He was an adult less than 24 hours after being born and we didn’t have time to process it. Maybe you should give him some space to spread his wings. We can’t control every step of his life, no matter how much we both would wish to do so.
VIRGIL: If only I could do that… but it’s like I can’t help it. Once a worrier, always a worrier, and I fear so much about Chris’ safety, all the time… And I know this is wrong because it leads to overprotection and that’s not good… but I can’t help it. I’m overprotective by nature and I don’t want anything wrong to happen to my son.
THOMAS: But you must give him some space, Virgil. Eventually, you will have no choice but to let him live his life. That has happened generation after generation in the human world and that’s how it’s gotta be.
[Virgil has no time to answer, as, suddenly, the music stops and the lights go dimmer. Some servants place what looks like a training dummy and a bullseye in the middle of the hall, in an empty space between tables. Then from the main doors, Chris makes an entrance. He’s carrying his fencing sword and has a belt full of little daggers]
VIRGIL: [in shock] What… is going on here?
CHRIS: [theatrical voice] Distinguished guests. In order to please my grandparents and uncles in their big day, I’ve set up a little show of fencing that I hope you will find entertaining.
VIRGIL: What? He prepared that ridiculous show despite me explicitly forbidding him to do so?
ROMAN: Let him do his show, Virgil. If you make him nervous now, he could really get injured if he makes a mistake.
[Chris starts his show. He showcases some fencing moves towards the training dummy. He looks majestic and everyone in the audience watch in awe. Roman even gets emotional with a little tear dropping down his cheek. After he’s done with the fencing, the audience applauds him]
CHRIS: Thank you so much, everyone. And now, to finish my show, a little practice of aiming. I don’t think anyone could be endangered, but just in case I recommend that everyone steps aside from the bullseye, for your own security.
[the guests that are the closest to the bullseye do as Chris asked and move a few steps away. Then Chris starts aiming at the bullseye, then throws a dagger. It sticks at the center of the bullseye. He throws six more daggers, they all land around the center, forming a perfect equilateral triangle. Everyone applauds. Then, Chris starts juggling with five of the daggers, walking around the tables as he keeps on juggling and the amused guests cheer and applaud. When he reaches the main table, he notices Virgil’s face of anger. Chris shows a face of doubt and fear, and accidentally grabs one of the daggers by the edge. He obviously cuts his hand. He groans in pain, dropping the dagger immediately and all the rest of the daggers fall to the floor next to his feet, while the audience screeches in fear]
VIRGIL: [scared] Chris! Are you okay!?
[Virgil jumps over the table to get to Chris and check his hand. Blood is spurting out of a long cut right in the middle of the palm, so he quickly grabs a napkin and puts it around Chris’ hand, tying it as tightly as he can so that the hemorrhage is contained. Then, Virgil takes Chris to the sick bay, almost dragging him, while Roman tries to assure the audience that everything’s fine. A nurse there attends the wound properly, disinfecting it and covering it with a proper bandage. Then, the nurse leaves Virgil and Chris alone in the room]
VIRGIL: [angry] I knew this was gonna happen! I knew it!
CHRIS: Don’t dramatize, dad. It’s just a little cut, that’s all. You heard the nurse. In a few days, I’ll be good as gravy.
VIRGIL: I told you not to do this, because I knew this would happen! But you never listen to me! And now you’re wounded! But it will be the last time!
CHRIS: [suspicious and afraid] What do you mean?
VIRGIL: Fencing is over for you, Chris. Since you’re not responsible enough to hold a knife safely, you will hold no knifes or swords at all.
CHRIS: [horrified] But dad! Fencing is my life! You can’t…!
VIRGIL: [sudden tempest tongue] Don’t argue with me! [beat, then normal voice] I’m tired of having to push my way through your stubborn skull! From this point on, you will obey me with no question! Is that clear!?
CHRIS: [mumbling] I hate you…
VIRGIL: What was that?
CHRIST: [yelling] I HATE YOU! And I wish you weren’t my father at all! You are the worst parent anyone could have! You’re not good enough to be a fa…!
[Virgil interrupts his statement by loudly slapping Chris in the face. Chris puts his hand on his cheek and looks at Virgil with his eyes full of tears. Virgil gets suddenly horrified when he realizes what he’s just done]
VIRGIL: [trying to reach his hand towards Chris] Chris… I’m… I’m sorry, I…
CHRIS: [yelling, on the verge of sobbing, slapping Virgil’s hand away from him] Don’t you ever touch me again!
[Chris runs away from the room]
VIRGIL: Chris, wait! Don’t go!
[Virgil runs behind Chris who is a much faster runner. Chris gets out of the castle, ignoring Virgil’s calls to come back. He summons a horse, jumps on it, and rides away to the distance. Virgil watches him go, with his eyes full of tears]
VIRGIL: I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…
[Roman gets next to him]
ROMAN: What happened, Virgil? Where is Chris?
VIRGIL: I messed everything up, that’s what happened. I knew I wasn’t good enough to be a father. Chris thinks that too. And I only gave him proof of that right now when I slapped him in the face like the monster that I am. I’m a horrible father and now Chris hates me!
[Virgil starts crying, Roman hugs him tightly]
ROMAN: It’s okay, calm down, my love… You’re not a horrible father and for certain you are not a monster. You… we are just doing our best, the best way that we can. We both love him and only want the best for him in his life, and that’s not my idea of being a bad parent. Is it?
VIRGIL: Well, my best is clearly not good enough, it seems.
ROMAN: Virgil, don’t let this unfortunate event overwhelm you. Chris and you just need to have a good old talk, and understand each other’s point of view. And then, everything will be fine, because you love each other, and that has to count.
VIRGIL: Chris hates me, with good reason, I must say. I don’t think he’ll ever want to see me again.
ROMAN: Don’t be so negative. Chris doesn’t hate you. No matter if he told you that, I’m positive he didn’t mean it, just as you didn’t mean to slap him in the face. It was all just a product of the emotional state you were both in.
[Roman summons a bright white horse]
ROMAN: Come on, let’s go back to the Mind Palace and look for Chris.
VIRGIL: But… the wedding?
ROMAN: Thomas and Roland will take care of the guests, and the grooms will understand. This is more important right now. Let’s go.
VIRGIL: I didn’t mean to drag you into this.
ROMAN: Drag me? Chris is my son too. I’m as responsible of his education as you are. We are in this together, and we’ll get out of this together. Now ride with me and let’s go fetch our son.
[Roman helps Virgil get on the horse, then he gets on behind him. Then they ride the horse, following Chris’ steps which, as they had guessed lead straight to Roman’s room. They get off the horse and enter the room]
VIRGIL: Chris? Chris, are you here?
[there’s no response. Virgil and Roman walk up the stairs and knock on the bedroom. They try to open it, but the door is locked]
VIRGIL: Chris, if you’re in there, open the door, please. I just want to talk to you. I’m with Roman too, so that you don’t feel uncomfortable being alone with me. Please, open the door.
[no response]
ROMAN: Chris? It’s your father. Please, open the door. I’m sure we can amend everything if we give a chance to dialogue. Please.
[still no response]
VIRGIL: I have a bad feeling about this…
[Virgil tries to peek through the keyhole. The room inside is in the dark]
VIRGIL: There’s no light inside. Either he’s there with the lights off, or he’s not in there at all. But why is the door locked then?
ROMAN: You’re right, there’s something wrong here. Wait a second.
[Roman summons a key. Then he unlocks the door and opens it. Inside, they find the room completely empty]
VIRGIL: Where is he? Where could he have gone?
ROMAN: Look, there’s a note on the bedside table.
[Roman picks up the note and reads it]
ROMAN: Oh, goodness…
VIRGIL: What does it say? Tell me!
ROMAN: You’re not gonna like what it says.
VIRGIL: Gimme that!
[Virgil takes the note from Roman’s hand and reads out loud]
VIRGIL: “Since you cannot respect my hopes and dreams and what I want to do in life as a Side, I have decided to move away to somewhere where I’ll be able to fulfill my goals without being a burden to anyone around. I’m moving to the Dark Realm. It is empty and calm right now and all I want now is peace. Don’t try to follow me. At least try to respect my wishes for once in your life. Signed ‘Chris’. P.S. Say goodbye to Thomas and the others for me and tell them they will always be in my heart.” Oh, no… not the Dark Realm. He won’t be able to survive there for long, Roman, he’s not a Dark Side!
ROMAN: You’re right. One thing is to visit that place from time to time, but staying there for the long term could be dangerous for him. My heart is torn between respecting his wishes and going after him, but we have no choice. We need to go after him.
VIRGIL: Let’s go, then.
ROMAN: Do you still remember the way, Virgil?
VIRGIL: I’ll never forget the way, Roman, even though I tried. Let’s go.
[Virgil holds Roman’s hand, then they both sink down. Then, they appear in the Dark Realm]
VIRGIL: Gosh, it’s all so void and empty… no sign of our old rooms anywhere. They were all gone when we transformed into Light Sides. Only Remus’ room remains… Do you think he may be there?
ROMAN: Who knows. It’s worth a try.
[Roman and Virgil start walking. After some time, they reach the wall behind which Remus’ room hides]
ROMAN: Okay, hold my hand. You know that only Remus and I, and now Chris, can go through this wall and any other Side needs our help.
[Roman and Virgil hold hands and cross the wall. Then they appear in Remus’ room]
ROMAN: Maybe it would have been better to go by the sea, if we had known.
VIRGIL: Chris? Are you here? Nothing, there’s no answer… but look, the front door is open. Could he be in Remus’ castle?
ROMAN: Again, it’s worth a try. Remus’ castle is an appropriate place for hiding and training in sword-fencing, if that’s what he wants in life, as long as he stays in the throne room and doesn’t venture inside the castle with all its traps scattered everywhere…
[Roman and Virgil enter the castle. They’ve only walked a few footsteps when they hear a desperate yell in the distance]
ROMAN: What was that!?
VIRGIL: I think it was Chris’ voice! [yelling as loud as his lungs allow him] Chris! Where are you!?
CHRIS: [from a distance] Dad! Is that you!? Please, help me! I can’t hold on much longer!
[Roman and Virgil show a face of horror]
ROMAN: He must have fallen in one of the traps! Oh, how I hate being right this time!
[Roman and Virgil start running in the direction where they heard the voice]
VIRGIL: Hold on! We’re on our way!
CHRIS: Hurry up, please! I’m falling!
[They finally get to the place where the voice was coming from. They find a corridor with a huge chasm in the middle. Chris is holding from the edge, but his hands are slowly slipping]
VIRGIL: Chris! I’m here! Hold on!
[Virgil runs, fast as a thunder, to the edge of the chasm. Roman follows him from behind. They find Chris there, with horror in his face]
CHRIS: Dad, father! Please, help me! I don’t wanna die!
VIRGIL: [kneeling towards the edge, reaching his hand] I promise you, you won’t die! Not today! Hold my hand!
CHRIS: If I drop my hand from the edge, I’ll fall. My other hand is wounded and I won’t last long holding from it!
[Virgil looks at Chris’ other hand. The bandage is stained in blood, proving that the wound is open again]
VIRGIL: If you don’t hold my hand, Chris, you’ll fall anyway. Please, trust me! I won’t let you down! I swear!
CHRIS: Okay… please, hold me, dad!
[Chris hesitates, then he drops the edge with the healthy hand and reaches Virgil’s hand. Before he can reach it, the wounded hand, unable to support Chris’ weight, slips out and he starts falling]
CHRIS: [yelling] No! DAD!
[before anyone can know how it happened, Virgil is holding Chris’ both hands. He’s hanging on the chasm, with his body in it down to the waist. He slowly starts slipping into the chasm, but Roman quickly reacts and holds Virgil’s legs, then Roman starts pulling with all his might, until both Virgil and Chris are safe and out of the chasm. They’re both breathing heavily, still terrified. After a second, Virgil hugs Chris tightly, and kisses his forehead and cheeks rapidly]
VIRGIL: My son, my dear son, I thought I was losing you! Oh, my goodness!
CHRIS: I’m sorry, dad! I’m so sorry!
[Roman joins them both in a group hug]
VIRGIL: Okay, can you walk?
CHRIS: I don’t know…
[Chris tries to stand up, he immediately falls down]
CHRIS: My leg! I hit my leg on the walls of the chasm when I fell in. I think my femur is broken.
VIRGIL: Oh, no…
ROMAN: This is troublesome… We are inside Remus’ castle and, as we have seen, his traps are still working. But Remus is at the wedding, so… [face of realization] wait a second.
ROMAN: We’re in Remus’ castle now, so that means we’re in Sandersia again. And that means that I… Give me a minute, guys.
[Roman closes his eyes and concentrates]
CHRIS: I’m so sorry, I caused two messes in one day. You were right, I’m not responsible at all. I’m just a spoiled child.
VIRGIL: No, Chris. You were right. My obsession with overprotecting you has caused all this. This is my fault. I’m so sorry I slapped you earlier. I was scared and frustrated and… I didn’t know what I was doing. You were right. You have all the right to experience life by yourself doing whatever fulfills you, no matter how dangerous I think it could be. You need to learn how to deal with these minor dangers and you never will if I get in the way. So, of course you can keep doing fencing if that’s your passion. I won’t object.
CHRIS: Thank you, dad. You were just trying to take care of me… as you’ve always done. I’m the one who’s sorry for telling you all these horrible things. Of course you’re good enough as my father. I wouldn’t want anyone else other than Roman and you as my dads. Would you please forgive me?
VIRGIL: Only if you forgive me too, my boy.
CHRIS: Deal.
[Chris and Virgil hug]
ROMAN: Okay, the help is on the way.
ROMAN: As we’re in Sandersia, I can make telepathic contact with any Sandersian, including Ira and my brother Roland. I’ve told them everything that happened and asked them to send help. I hope they don’t take too long.
CHRIS: I’m sorry I spoiled the wedding for everyone…
ROMAN: That doesn’t matter right now. The important thing now is that we get you to safety. And for that, we’ll need Remus to help us evade all the traps, if any. We were lucky enough that we got here without falling ourselves in another trap, and with you barely able to walk, we’re gonna need Remus’ guidance, so we’ll be staying right where we are until the rescue committee arrives. Now, let’s see that hand. I don’t like how it’s bleeding.
[Roman kneels towards Chris and takes the bandage off Chris’ hand. He summons a bottle of peroxide and some gauze, then starts cleaning the wound, which has effectively opened and is wider than before]
CHRIS: I didn’t know you had knowledge of first aid care, father. [grimace of pain when Roman touches the wound with the gauze] Ouch…
ROMAN: Sorry… I’m a warrior. I need to have knowledge of this kind of stuff just in case I need to use it in battle.
[Roman takes his red sash off, then rips it apart with his bare hands to make a bandage. He covers Chris’ hand with that bandage and ties it carefully, making sure that the hemorrhage is contained]
ROMAN: That should do it for the time being, at least your hand won’t get any worse. The leg is a different thing, though. I’m not versed in fractures, unfortunately. We’ll need to take you to the hospital in the Sandersian town so that they take care of it.
CHRIS: It’s okay, father. I’m sorry you had to ruin your precious sash.
ROMAN: Don’t worry, I’ve got lots of sashes like that one and it wasn’t one of my favorites. I only wore it on special occasions… precisely because I didn’t want to wear it often. I’m glad I finally gave it a good use for once.
CHRIS: Do you think they’ll take too long to get here? I mean, I can wait… but my leg hurts so much. I’m scared that I won’t be able to walk properly again if we wait too much.
VIRGIL: I know, Chris… but you must endure the pain. They have to cross the sea and get to Remus’ island, and then here safely. That will take time. But at least we’re together.
CHRIS: I know. I don’t know how I would have dealt with this on my own. Well, I do know, I’d be dead down in that chasm… Thank goodness you didn’t listen to me and that stupid note I wrote.
VIRGIL: Which reminds me… why did you lock your door if you weren’t planning to come back?
CHRIS: I was hoping that with the door locked I’d buy myself some time to run away while you were figuring out if I was in my room or not. It’s a good thing it didn’t work.
ROMAN: Yes, and it’s a good thing I can summon a key for every lock in my room, as well as in Sandersia. Please, don’t ever do something like that again.
VIRGIL: Yes, I was ready to respect your wishes and let you go. We only followed you because you said you were going to the Dark Realm. You can’t live in the Dark Realm, Chris. You’re not a Dark Side, and it would be dangerous for your safety to stay here for a long time. We can only visit that place from time to time, but we, Light Sides, can’t stay permanently, not anymore, at least. Corruption would eventually destroy us.
CHRIS: I didn’t know that… I’m sorry again. Dad?
CHRIS: I suddenly thought of something. Remus is a Dark Side, right? And Janus is a Light Side. Now that you’ve spoken about corruption, I remembered the story about how, when father was turned into a Dark Side, you two couldn’t be together for the corruption. Why doesn’t that happen with Remus and Janus?
ROMAN: Well, Remus is not an ordinary Dark Side, Chris. It wasn’t Thomas who repressed him and made him a Dark Side. It was me. Because of that, he’s now some sort of “hybrid Side”. He’s part Light Side and part Dark Side, so to speak. That means he can’t corrupt us and neither can the Dark Realm corrupt him. That also means he’s not immune to Sanders Sprites, like regular Dark Sides were. That’s why Ira was able to take control of him so many times.
CHRIS: I see…
REMUS: [voice from a distance] Roman? Guys? Are you there?
ROMAN: Remus? Speaking of the devil, never better said… [yelling] Remus, we’re here!
CHRIS: Wow, they surely crossed the sea really fast.
VIRGIL: Too fast to go by the sea, I think. Perhaps they went the same way we did, through Remus’ room, as a shortcut.
[Remus arrives, followed by Thomas and the other Sides]
REMUS: Are you okay?
VIRGIL: Roman and I are fine, but Chris’ leg is broken. He’ll need help to walk. And we need help to evade the traps.
REMUS: It’s okay, I’ve disabled them all when we arrived. I’ll keep them disabled as I don’t need them for the time being. Why did you get here on your own, boy? Don’t you know this place is dangerous?
CHRIS: I’m sorry, uncle Remus. I didn’t know about the traps.
REMUS: Well, if you were so anxious to see my home, you could have asked me. I’m more than willing to give you a touristic trip around the castle, but warn a dude next time.
CHRIS: [trying to stand still] Okay… Ow, it hurts…
REMUS: No, don’t try to get up, that fracture doesn’t look good. And I know a lot about fractures. By my own experience of suffering and inflicting them.
JANUS: That’s not disturbing to hear at all…
[Remus summons a stretcher. Roman and Virgil grab Chris and lay him carefully on the stretcher. Then they both carry him out of the trap area, back to the throne room]
CHRIS: I’m sorry I spoiled your weddings, uncle Remus, uncle Janus, grandpas, I’m really sorry.
PATTON: Well, to be fair the wedding was getting a bit boring until you stole the show. It was amazing what you did over there, kiddo. You are a great swordsman.
CHRIS: Thank you, grandpa.
LOGAN: And don’t worry about the weddings. The party was almost over, anyway, and the important thing which was the marriage, was already done and sealed.
REMUS: Also, this will be a fine anecdote to remember for years to come. I love anecdotes that involve broken bones and bleeding wounds.
VIRGIL: [sighs] Of course you do. But let’s get out of here, now. He needs to get to a hospital.
REMUS: Okay, my ship is on the dock ready to go.
[The gang gets out of the castle and into the ship at the dock. Then they sail back to the continent, docking in front of the castle. There, they carry Chris to the hospital to take care of the fracture. Time goes by. Chris has got surgery to fix the leg and is in his room in the hospital, already wearing a plaster on the leg and a thick bandage on the hand. Roman and Virgil are next to his bed. Chris then starts waking up. Virgil’s face lightens up when he sees Chris opening his eyes]
CHRIS: [drowsy voice] Hi, dad… Hi, father…
ROMAN: [with a bright loving smile] Hi son, welcome back.
VIRGIL: [sweet voice] Hello, my little boy. How are you feeling?
CHRIS: Drowsy… How did it go?
ROMAN: It was fine. The doctor said it was a clean fracture, so they managed to fix your leg perfectly, though you’ll have to wear that plaster for at least two months. After that, you’ll be ready to start rehabilitation and you’ll be walking and running like usual in six months from today. There will be no sequelae on your leg, the doctors said.
CHRIS: Six months! Oh, well, I had it coming, anyway. At least in six months, I’ll be fine.
ROMAN: Oh, and they also took the chance to properly stitch your wound in your hand so that it heals better. The scar in your hand will be unavoidable, they said, but your hand will be fully operational.
CHRIS: That’s good to know. And it’s a silver lining, I wanted a scar to look cool and I got it. Guess that saying of “be careful what you wish for” is true, after all. [chuckles and the others sigh and chuckle too] By the way, how long have I been out of it?
VIRGIL: Around eight hours since they took you to the operating room, up until now when you opened your eyes.
CHRIS: Eight hours!? Then it is already the morning after the wedding! Have you two been here all the time?
VIRGIL: We didn’t move from this room. First waiting for the surgery to end, then waiting for you to wake up.
CHRIS: I hope you have slept, at least.
VIRGIL: Roman had to, as Thomas did get some sleep, and you know the rest of the Sides fall asleep when he does. But I didn’t. I couldn’t get a wink. I’ve been watching you all night long, just in case.
CHRIS: Dad… you shouldn’t have. You must be exhausted right now.
VIRGIL: I am… but don’t worry. I’m used to these nights of vigil. It’s in my name after all. And besides, seeing you sleeping peacefully is the only thing that calmed my concern and brought me peace tonight.
CHRIS: I love you. I feel like I don’t tell you as many times as you deserve, but it’s true. I love you so much and I’m so proud of being your son.
[Virgil looks at Chris, emotional]
VIRGIL: [trembling voice out of the emotion] I love you too, and every pain and struggle I’ve gone through in my life is worth it just for hearing these words coming out of your mouth.
CHRIS: Then hear them again. I love you, I love you, I love you.
[Virgil sniffs]
VIRGIL: Gosh, why I’m reminding myself so much of my father, Patton? They say like father, like son, but this is ridiculous. [chortles and sobs at the same time] Come here, kiddo.
[Virgil hugs Chris. Then Thomas and the other Sides enter the room]
THOMAS: Hello, guys. Hello, Chris, glad to see you waken. How are you feeling?
CHRIS: Hi, Thomas. Right now, I couldn’t feel better.
THOMAS: I’m happy to hear that.
PATTON: How are you three doing, kiddos?
VIRGIL: We’re fine, dad. But you shouldn’t be here. It’s the morning after your wedding, you should be on your way to your honeymoon.
LOGAN: Patton and I thought that if you two could wait to get your own honeymoon, so can we. We wouldn’t feel at ease if we left you here on your own when you may need us.
ROMAN: We appreciate it very much, but we’ll be fine, don’t worry. You can go on your honeymoon whenever you want. That goes for you too, brother, and Janus.
JANUS: We agree with Logan and Patton. If we left now, we wouldn’t enjoy our honeymoon. We prefer to wait until Chris is perfectly fine. We have plenty of time.
CHRIS: It’s gonna take six months, so don’t even think about it, uncle Janus. I’m already sorry I’m the cause of you delaying your trips, I won’t take being the cause of you canceling them altogether.
REMUS: Stop saying that. You are our nephew and grandson. If we didn’t do this for you, who would?
CHRIS: Gosh. It feels so good to be part of this huge fam. Did you notice? We’ve always been a fam, but now we are a fam, fam, for real, all of us. And I love my fam.
[Everybody goes to hug Chris, while Thomas looks at the camera]
THOMAS: Well, until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[a couple of days have passed. Chris is still in the hospital, recuperating from the surgery. Roman and Virgil keep him company. Ian enters the room]
IAN: Good morning, Chris. Good morning, guys.
CHRIS: Hi, Ian.
ROMAN: Hi Ian, how are you doing?
IAN: Not bad, actually. The guys are enjoying their honeymoons. It took time but we finally convinced them to get the heck out of here and enjoy their first days of marriage on their privacy.
VIRGIL: I’m glad to hear that. I was starting to think that they would cancel their honeymoons, and that’s not okay.
CHRIS: Agreed. I’m happy to know that I’m not the cause of them missing it.
IAN: It’s good that, at least, this has happened during quarantine in the outer world. At least Thomas doesn’t have urgent compromises for some time. I don’t know what we would have done if he had had his usual huge pile of working compromises and we weren’t able to help him.
CHRIS: Yeah, you’re right… Dad, father.
VIRGIL: Yes, Chris? Do you need something?
CHRIS: As a matter of fact, I do.
ROMAN: What is it?
CHRIS: I need that you two get out of this room for a couple of hours. You two didn’t leave my side in the past couple of days and you need to get out and feel the sun and fresh air as much as the next side.
VIRGIL: But, Chris, we’re fine. We…
CHRIS: Please, dad, don’t argue with me. And don’t worry about me. I’ll be perfectly fine. If you’re still concerned, Ian wouldn’t mind staying with me while you’re out having a break, right?
IAN: Oh, of course I wouldn’t. And Chris is right. You two need to get out of here and relax for some time.
ROMAN: Are you sure, Ian? The truth is I could use that break, my legs are aching of staying in that couch.
IAN: I am sure. Get out of here, guys. I’ll take care of Chris while you’re out, I promise.
VIRGIL: Okay, if you insist…
CHRIS: I insist. Get out and have some fun while you can.
ROMAN: See ya in a couple of hours, then. Come on, Virge.
VIRGIL: Okay… See ya later, guys. I love you, Chris.
CHRIS: I love you too, dad. Now get the heck out of here.
VIRGIL: Okay, okay. See ya.
[Roman and Virgil leave the room. Chris and Ian hear their footsteps fading in the distance]
CHRIS: Thank you, Ian. I thought they would never get out of here. And they really need it, even if they don’t want to acknowledge it.
IAN: Yeah… Okay, if you need me for anything don’t hesitate asking me.
CHRIS: Well, to be honest, there’s another reason why I wanted them out. I wanted to speak to you, alone.
IAN: To me? Why? Is there something wrong?
CHRIS: No, not really… I think. The truth is I wanted to talk to someone about something that is bothering me, something I don’t want my father and dad to know yet, especially my dad. If you promise that you won’t tell them anything, that is.
IAN: I hope you don’t put me in a serious compromise, Chris. You know I’m Honesty, and though I don’t support brutal honesty, I have to tell the truth if it’s serious business.
CHRIS: Don’t worry, it’s just the comfort of a friend what I’m asking for, or an uncle, if I can call you that. I don’t know if my uncle-in-law’s brother has a real relation with me, but I don’t mind calling you my uncle for all purpose, if you let me.
IAN: Of course I let you and it fills me with emotion that you would consider me your uncle. I’m certainly glad to call you my nephew too. Well, in that case, I’m here for you. What do you need to say?
CHRIS: Since all of this happened, I couldn’t stop thinking. I rushed everything by running away from my parent’s room as I did, and I’m facing the consequences of that… but the point is…
IAN: Yes?
CHRIS: The point is that, even if I tried to do it the wrong way, the motivation for me wanting to leave still stands. I love my dad and my father, and I will always love them with all my heart… but I’m an adult. Even if I was born only a few months ago, I’m certainly not a toddler. I’ve matured like an adult, both physically and mentally, and I’ve started longing to spread my wings and take flight on my own. I still want to leave my parent’s nest and build my own room in the Mind Palace.
IAN: Well, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You’ve said it yourself. In all sense of the word, you truly are an adult. You’re only lacking experience of life, but that’s only gained by living life itself.
CHRIS: When I’m fully recovered, I want to tell them this… but I’m scared of their reaction. I don’t think that they would oppose, or anything, they already told me yesterday they were ready to support me. But I’m scared of breaking their hearts. Especially my dad Virgil’s heart. He’s so attached to me, so desperate to protect me from anything and everything, that I fear that I’ll cause him a panic attack if I tell him this now, after my accident.
IAN: Well, when someone becomes a parent, they know that, sooner or later, their child will leave to experience life on their own. If Virgil loves you, and I’m positive he loves you more than anything, he’ll understand, I’m sure of it. And besides, it’s not like you’re moving to a far away land or anything. You will still live in the same Mind Palace and you’ll never lose contact at all, don’t you think?
CHRIS: You’re right… Okay, there’s a long time ahead before that. I have six months of recovery to tackle on before I can think on that. In six months, we’ll have that talk. And I hope everything goes right.
IAN: Everything will be all right, you’ll see.
CHRIS: Thanks for listening to me. I needed so much to let this out of my head.
IAN: You’re welcome. Any time you need me, don’t hesitate calling me.
CHRIS: Thank you, uncle Ian.
[Chris holds Ian’s hand and gives him a heartwarming smile of gratitude]
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ssugawarakoshii · 7 years
Random stuff no one cares about (fuck u jo)
@mysmoldarkfictionalsons told me to do this so it here it is 1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? Milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Yes
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Pages of homework, pens, tickets, earphones
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Alone or with really little milk
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Yup
6: do you keep plants? Two cactus
7: do you name your plants? Nope
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Does editing count?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? All three? But I’ll say side?
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? “Stitch”
12: what’s your favorite planet? Uranus
13: what’s something that made you smile today? Talking about 80s voltron with Ce
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? It’d be small, full of our stuff and a comfy sofa for us to cuddle
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! There is a planet that may be made entirely out of diamonds
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Spaghetti carbonara
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Rose gold/purple/blue
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. When they got drunk in the village party and they tried jumping to the river from the bridge and I had to take care of them all (I am the one to bring this up btw)
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Kind of? And just random ideas and stuff (ok and also dates and shit)
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Green
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. It’s blue with starts on it and it’s completely destroyed by now, the zip doesn’t even work anymore and it’s all full of scratches rip
22: are you a morning person? Depends tbh
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Watch a movie/show/anime, read or edit
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? I think yes?
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? An old house… I don’t usually break into places
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? My Panama jack shoes rip
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Berries
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? When she’s nervous, Eva is always trying to grab someone’s hand without realising AND IT’S SO CUTE
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Yup
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I like socks, but not that much? In winter and all they’re great but in summer I prefer my feet to be free
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. A guy in the village party (again) kept following us around, so Angel went and asked him what happened. The guy then just turned around like half pouting and handed us his empty hand and was like “I wanted to give you cookies”. And we ran. The lesson is, kids, never drink or do drugs if you don’t want to end up like that man
33: what’s your fave pastry? Orejas de carnaval con chocolate
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? It was called Eric and it was a white dog with brown spots and it’s somewhere in my room, im pretty sure
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yeah but in the end I always end up using the most normal stuff
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? Oh wonder
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I hate it when people like crack their knuckles? Nope don’t do that in front of me I beg you. Also people that walk slow… move dammit
39: what color do you wear the most? Black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? The chain my grandmother gave me for my communion. It has an image of virgin Maria as a child and my name engraved and she told me my grandfather had always wanted to give me a chain like that one
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? El laberinto de los espíritus
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Not really
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Silvia…
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? Like a week ago? Lmao it didn’t last long
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? Yup.. doesn’t mean they work
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Are you a son of Poseidon? Cause you got me all wet (I’m gonna go bury myself now)
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? Cauliflower. Take it away
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? My biggest fear was the world suddenly ending… yep…. I was weird. Maybe it isn’t the same but yoU CAN’T TELL ME THAT ISN’T SCARY
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Yes but I usually cant buy them which leads to the part where I can’t remember which one was the last I bought
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Do snow globes count? I have some of them and I love them
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I’m not mentioning the person but photograph
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? The glasses one? Is that from this year or last? Ah fuck it
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? No, yes, no, yes Weird af but strangely great
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? Grandma
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Breaking a pencil (the thing we were discussing was that I didn’t have enough strength to break it okay so I got all hulk mode and broke it)
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? people that do a lot of hand gestures (they remind me of myself tho)
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? It makes me feel like a psycho murdered :’) nah kidding it makes me feel nostalgic AND WHO DOESN’T RE-ENACT THE LYRICS SMH
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? Jandro is the Vodka aunt and Jo is the wine mom (although she is Vodka but she is way more mom so fuck it)
59: what’s your favorite myth? Persephone’s myth or Icarus one
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I love it and my fave authors (cause I can’t choose poems) are Bécquer, Góngora, Rubén Darío and Pablo Neruda
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? I’ve never given really stupid gifts? My gifts are good *gasps* and my cousin gave me a clown nose once
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? Sometimes I drink orange juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I am very fussy and it’s the one thing I’ll always have tidy af
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? Ugly grey ugh
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Do my online friends count? Maybe?
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? It’d have blue and white that’s all I know
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Sleepy. That’s it.
68: what’s winter like where you live? Cold and grey but with snow tho
69: what are your favorite board games? To be honest I don’t know?
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nah (I was going to, then backed down you see)
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I don’t know, I’m more of a coffee girl
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Yep
73: what are some of your worst habits? Biting my cheeks/lip until it bleeds and scratching my scalp and ears until it bleeds too (que sanguinolenta por favor)
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Love
75: tell us about your pets! A bird, his name is Winnie and he’s a little shit but I love him
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Studying history
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Yellow (I’ve never had pink lol)
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I’m neutral ground
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Joana’s video for my birthday
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Violet and white and yes I chose it because they’re two of my faves colours there’s nothing feel about it
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Beer bottle
82: are/were you good in school? I am good thanks very much
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? Idk
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Idk
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Yes and here’s a thing about me I cannot by the sake of my life choose favorites in anything don’t make me do it
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Depends?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Tbh I’d say the Godfather (can’t really think of any other rn rip why do you put me in such compromises?)
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? No??
89: are you close to your parents? Meh
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. All I have to say is it has history, culture and it’s beautiful sorry I don’t want to make this long
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Dublin lololol
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? Drown it in cheese bitch give me all of it
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? Ponytail/bun
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? A classmate on the 28th
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Doing my Spanish project and editing
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? Procrastination my dear
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, cancer, Ravenclaw
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? I’m not sure? Sometime in December with my father and yes
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Light by sleeping at last100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the future, I don’t want to relive my past thanks
I don’t have anyone to tag (my only friends are the tagger (fuck you) and the other person she tagged ( @nekolance why) So bye bye do it if you want to
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lostinyourears · 6 years
Masked Matches of May X : Los Brazos vs Rocky Star, Lizmark & Eddie Guerrero, 1988, UWA(?)
Video link to the match over at Lucha Central : https://youtu.be/uD8r4FGiD6A
No Cagematch page for this match/event.
Who’s Who?
Los Brazos(Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Plata & El Brazo)
All of these men had singles careers, but since they are competing as a team here we will lump them together. A few days ago we talked about Satanico, MS-1 and Pirate Morgan forming Los Infernales in EMLL as a response to trios becoming popular in large part due to UWA group, Los Misioneros de la Muerte being such a hit in the early 1980′s. Well Los Infernales wasn’t the only group that formed to capitalize on the boom. 
In fact there were 3 different brother factions that formed trios : 
Villano brothers who all went by Villano I-V who would be big names in UWA(sons of co-founder and old school talent Ray Mendoza) as well as working with CMLL, because remember UWA/CMLL didn’t have an antagonistic relationship. Some of the Villano brothers would go down as GOAT Lucha Libre talents, particularly 3, while some of them didn’t really do much outside of playing a role in the brothers trios fare. They started as a group in UWA in the latter half of the 1970′s getting into wrestling like their father before them.
Los Hermanos Dinamita, who are a later addition to the brothers trio craze. Starting in the mid 1980′s with just Cien Caras and Mascara Ano 2000 before the addition of younger brother Universo 2000 in the late 80′s. They would start as a EMLL group before jumping ship to AAA in the 90′s when that promotion kicked off and started to get hot. 
Los Brazos, who amongst these brothers teams was the most well traveled. Touring Japan with both NJPW and AJPW in the 1980′s. Being in high demand they were amongst the biggest draws in Mexico for a time and came up basically at the same time as Villano’s team. Also, like Villano’s they were actually more than a trios of brothers. Outside of the 3 in this match you also had :  Super Brazo,  Brazo de Platino and  Brazo Cibernetico. However, unlike the Villano’s who were interchangeable to a degree. Like a trios match might be I, IV and V or II, III and V. Los Brazos as a trios was always the three brothers in this match. All 6 Brazo brothers, are sons of old school lucha talent Shadito Cruz. 
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Picture of Shadito Cruz flanked by sons and grandsons in the early 2000′s or late 1990′s.
I bring up the other trios of brothers who aren’t in this match because famously there was a confrontation in 1990 or 1988? Villano Brothers vs Los Brazos in an epic mask vs mask trios match. One that really changed the history of Lucha Libre. You can check it out here, I’m not doing it for the series, cause it’s not very good video quality. Brazos ended up losing their masks in one fell swoop vs Villanos’ who they feuded with over the course of the 1980′s in UWA. 
This is a look at the Brazos at their peak when they were a wrecking ball in the Lucha Libre scene of Mexico. During their 2nd reign as UWA Trios Champions(which they wear coming into the ring for this match) and having held the Mexican National Trios Titles twice before this as well. They were a group not to reckon with unless you wanted to be wrecked on top of being one of the most well known luchador groups outside of Mexico as mentioned touring both AJPW and NJPW before this match in 1988.  
Oh also to tell them apart(I haven’t done this for most matches cause it’s more obvious), let’s look at their 3 names in Spanish.
Brazo means arm.
So.... Brazo de Oro(Arm of gold in all gold/yellow), Brazo de Plata(Arm of silver in all silver/grey) and last El Brazo(The Arm, a mix of both). I’m like 75% certain of this, If I’m off base please feel free to correct me. 
Rocky Star 
Rocky Star is basically a poster child for the lost past of lucha libre. A guy who had at least a 20+ year career. Yet, here is his cagematch.net page career page. I wish I could say more about him, but I just don’t have the information to give him proper credit. I did find that he lost his mask in 1987 so a little bit before this to Cinta de Oro who was unmasking people left and right in the late 80′s before he himself lost his mask to Fishman who we have covered earlier this month. UWA which ran from 1975 to 1995 has lots of lost history and Rocky Star is proof of that. At least some of his career still exists on video like this.   
Lizmark made his debut in 1976, would capture his first title the  Mexican National Welterweight Champion in 1979 and would carry many title before this becoming one of the biggest luchadors in the 80′s. Often teaming with Atlantis, though they wouldn’t get gold together until the mid 1990′s.
In the 80′s Lizmark was capturing many singles titles at this time he was either in his 1st or 2nd NWA World Light Heavyweight Championship reign. He would mostly work with CMLL, but for a short stint he jumped to AAA like many talents did from 1992 to 1995 before making his way back to CMLL and becoming tag champs with Atlantis who had never left CMLL. In 1999 Lizmark would suffer a heart attack and his career slowed considerably though his legacy lived on through his son Lizmark Jr. who he had worked with in the 90′s and would team with in the 2000′s despite showing down after his heart attack. Lizmark passed way in 2015, I highlighted him in last years Masked Men of May series. 
Eddie Guerrero
I could probably assume that you know who Eddie Guerrero is, but lets act like you don’t. Eddie Guerrero got his start in EMLL, which is the same promotion his father Gory Guerrero had been a major star for in the middle of the century. Debuting in 1986 he would have been basically a rookie at this point in 1988. WWA World Trios Champion would be his first belt in 1989, which he captured with his brothers Chavo & Mando. In 1992 Eddie would do a tour of BOSJ III at the time called Top of the Super Juniors. This went so well he was invited back and worked heavily before working there full time in the mid and early mid 1990′s leaving CMLL behind while also being a hot ticket in AAA. Before working with ECW/WCW and then eventually WWE. Where he worked until he passed away in 2005 at the age of 38. 
One of the most well known talents of Mexican descent. Eclipsing his brothers and standing shoulder to shoulder with his father Gory Guerrero who also was a household name in his time. Not to say his brother Mando/Hector/Chavo didn’t have good careers. As Chavo had a pretty great run too and feuded with Roddy Piper in California’s NWA Hollywood promotion before Eddie had even debut in 1986. They all had careers to be proud of even if Eddie had the most widely known and beloved career of the 4 brothers.  
How is the match?
Very good, it’s not a mind blowing trios match. It has it’s spots though and was included more as a spotlight of Los Brazos who were very important in this era and are still very important in Lucha Libre having 3 mainstream lucha libre stars with their sons Maximo Sexy/La Mascara/Psycho Clown with the latter two main eventing Anniversary(Mascara) and Triplemania(Psycho Clown), with Psycho Clown winning the AAA’s biggest yearly main event twice over peer Pegasso and older legend Dr. Wagner Jr. 
Anyways, enough about stuff that happened nearly 30 years after this match. Captains in this match are Rocky Star & El Brazo. It’s a little strange that Rocky Star seems like the tecnico they wanted to highlight here, but the most impressive guy is probably Lizmark. Eddie was a rookie here and works with Lizmark to get a fall in the contest, but is mostly there as a body. I think my favorite part of this match is probably the entrance with the Brazo’s just looking like 600 pounds of badass wearing the belts or the short stint of Lizmark going wild when he is given time to get his shit out. 
Seeing Brazo de Plata(later known as Super Porky) hitting a superkick/thrust kick was pretty wild in the early on. Also, seeing El Brazo bleed like a pig is very much something that just screams classic lucha libre before CMLL banned blood and became more sanitized(this wasn’t in EMLL/CMLL, but at the time you would expect blood in that company as well). I wouldn’t take a bite out of someone’s bloody scalp, but Rocky Star does here. It’s a fun Brazo brawl, but this isn’t an all time classic like the last few days of matches. This will be the last match from the 1980′s and tomorrow we will be moving on to the 1990′s. 
Highlights :
Los Brazos(Brazo de Oro, Brazo de Plata & El Brazo) vs Rocky Star, Lizmark & Eddie Guerrero, 1988, UWA(?)
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