#angie // open // ultimate artist
honeydewmuses · 2 years
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God’s Specialest Girl :)
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Danganronpa Love Languages (DR V3)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Kaede Akamatsu - Words of Affirmation
Being a living personification of optimism, Kaede is always there to reassure you and cheer you up. Even at your darkest moments she will be there to pull you out and into the light. If you don't want help and just want support, she won't hesitate to just hold you and listen. She cares about your mental health a lot, especially since she knows how it feels. When Kaede is trying to boost your mood, she is commonly complimenting you. Sometimes it can get off track and she'll derail into making comments about your body (especially if you got big boobs or ass. Shuichi said it best, she can sound like a pervy old man sometimes). But hey, it boosts your confidence! And that's what she wants more than anything
Shuichi Saihara - Quality Time
Shuichi wasn't one with high self-esteem or confidence, so when you asked him out it took him a day to fully process it. Sure he's been crushing on you for a long time, but what if he can't be a good boyfriend? At the start of your relationship he will definitely be a bit awkward and nervous. The longer you guys are together though, he will gain confidence in both himself and your relationship. He will still be very subdued and bashful, but isn't afraid to show affection in public. In fact, Shuichi loves to stay by your side throughout the day. It will be every other day, as some days he needs alone time to recharge and relax, and you're happy to oblige! When he does feel the desire for companionship he will openly seek you out and ask if you could spend the day together
Angie Yonaga - Gift Giving
Atua will always be number one in her heart, but you are a close second! She talks so positively about you to anyone she can. She's got nothing to hide. Being the Ultimate Artist, Angie's specialty is making gifts and art for you. Paintings, statues, wood carvings, it's all for you. To add her own little spice, she likes to bless every creation with the protection of Atua. It's up to debate whether this counts as a gift or not, but every day she prays to Atua to look upon you and keep you safe. In her eyes, she is giving the gift of love and protection from her god, she is praying for your own good. Yeah it's a bit weird, but she's so cute it's hard to get upset
Gonta Gokuhara - Acts of Service
O h my ggod?? Gentleman, sweetie, baby, precious, a present from god. These are many words to describe Gonta, and it's never made more clear than when you date. He already was very gentle and protective of you, but when you get in a relationship he takes it more seriously. He protects you and treats you as if you were breakable. Think of yourself as a rare beetle! If he deems the terrain as dangerous, he resorts to craddling you in his arms and carrying you. As a true Gentleman, Gonta is incredibly courteous and polite, holding open doors for you and being as respectful as possible. And if you ask him to do anything he will happily do it for you (well, except hurt a bug). Whenever he does something that upsets you, or something he percives as rude, he does tend to freak out. He'll need a lot of reassurance. And just... please show Gonta physical affection too. Hold his hand, run your fingers through his hair, make him feel as loved as possible. He deserves it
Himiko Yumeno - Quality Time
Himiko wasn't really interested in relationships, she never felt a real attraction to anyone. Even Tenko and Angie she saw more as friends than love interests. In your first interactions she felt the same about you, but then oddly felt herself become more attached. Suddenly she was following you around and constantly trying to show you her magic. Whenever you were seperated she tended to think about you a lot. Himiko still can't fully comprehend why your relationship was different from all the others, but she isn't complaining in the slightest. You bring such peace to her heart and it's so refreshing. Expect lots of invites to her room for magic shows
K1-B0 - Physical Touch
K1-B0 is a pure sweetie. Being a robot, he is NOT used to any sort of relationship. It took him awhile to get friendships down fully, so when you asked him out he was not used to it at all. Any sign of affection made him blush like mad, if he had a heart it would be beating like crazy. Somehow everything you did drove him nuts! How soft your skin feels on his metal, the warmth radiating off your body, the way you nuzzle into his neck, it all felt like heaven. Another reason he loves your touch is how respectful you are (unlike 2 certain degenerates). You touch him with purpose and love, no judgement. Seriously, just cuddle with him and kiss his cheeks, let him know you care. It makes him feel alive
Kaito Momota - Words of Affirmation
Kaito is a BRO through and through! I'm talking ride or die. He will stand by your side through thick and thin, and will be your number one support system. Any issues you have he will want to hear and help with. Even if you tell him you just want someone to listen, he is gonna listen soooooo hard. The best part is that he's well grounded as well. Kaito isn't afraid to voice his true opinions and always gives it to you straight. He feels like lying ruins a relationship. The only thing he ever hid from you was his illness, and that was discovered fairly quickly. It hurts to see him put you over his own health, but Kaito will always do it with no hesitation. You are special to him, in more ways than one
Kirumi Tojo - Acts of Service
She is a maid, her life's goal is to serve. Whether it's her boss, friends, or lovers, Kirumi aims to please. With you she takes care of you well. Your house will always be clean, hot meals served to you daily, and if you need help with your hobbies she will learn as much as she can to assist. To be honest you tend to feel bad a lot. Despite your insistance for her to take a break, Kirumi refuses. It may seem like she's just a worker of sorts, but she has self respect and refuses to be treated as such. When she cares for you, it's out of love and care, not obligation. But sometimes, if you do something for her instead, you can catch her starting to tear up. Kirumi will try to reprimand you, but will eventually drop her professionalism and just embrace you lovingly
Kokichi Ouma - Quality Time
Piece of SHIT gremlin dear LORD I love him. Sure Hiyoko was a handful, but with Kokichi it's even more apparent. He's a trickster through and through, and just because you're dating doesn't mean he's gonna ease up on it. They will probably be less intense and more playful most of the time, and the name calling will be more cheeky rather than insulting. But you are not gonna be immune to his jackassery. He has a habit of following you around a lot and constantly trying to bug you and get your attention. Don't even get me started on his lies. At first you thought he was just wanting to be annoying (okay that's part of it), but actually he just really likes spending time with you. Being able to talk to you constantly and see your funny reactions gives him so much happiness. He'll deny how clingy he is and mock you for thinking so, but one time he followed you into the bathroom, so that speaks for itself
Korekiyo Shinguji - Physical Touch
Korekiyo is a... I'm just gonna say it, he's a kinky bastard. He finds humanity fascinating and wants to experience the wonders of existence, including the taboos. He is normally quite a smooth talker, and despite the messed up or concerning things he says, you still find yourself charmed. But the real affection comes from his touch. Korekiyo loves to study your body and your behaviors whenever he touches you in different places. He always makes mental notes on your habits and reactions. It intrigues him so intensely! But uh, his real experimenting and studying comes in the bedroom. Just get used to trying new things, he wants to experience it all with you
Maki Harukawa - Acts of Service
Being a groomed assassin since childhood, Maki has grown very cold and pessimistic toward people. To be honest she wasn't very fond of you when you first met. The only reason she ever gave you the time of day was because you were friends with Kaito and Shuichi. It took a long time for her to see you as a friend, and even longer to admit she had a crush on you. Believing herself to be less than human means she doesn't feel worthy to be loved. Once you declared your deep love for her full of passion, it kinda broke her. She didn't say much, but she broke out into tears immedietly. From then on, Maki started to show affection more. She wanted you to know how much she loved you, and thought that doing things for you is the best way to show it. She is very protective of you, both from people and situations. If you are ever in a dangerous or stress inducing situation, Maki is gonna be there to help and assist. And if anyone dares to try to hurt you... well, they won't have a body for the casket
Miu Iruma - Physical Touch
Now, it's obvious that Miu shows love through physical contact. But not in the way you think. You see, she talks a big game about sex and shit, but in reality she is a blushing mess everytime you hold her hand. A great way to see her squirm is hugging her around the waist from behind. Instant way to short circut her brain. These bouts of teasing often invoke swear filled insults thrown your way, but don't worry she's just embarrassed. If you do this enough it will lead to her getting frustrated, both emotionally and sexually. She'll initiate affection by pulling you close to her or just sitting in your lap like a grumpy cat. You wanna keep poking the lion? Well you better get ready for lion to pounce one day
Rantaro Amami - Physical Touch
He is a smoooooth talker. Very swoon worthy and always knows what to say to make you blush. His voice is the perfect tone too. Most people can attest to these facts. But he really likes to touch you gently and romantically. When he touches your hips or shoulders it's very gentle and relaxing. He also loves to nuzzle his face in your neck and chest while you cuddle. It's like you fit together like puzzle pieces. What he loves the most though is your hands. Rantaro takes any opportunity to hold or caress your hands, giving small kisses to the back of them. He loves the way you get bashful. Another fun way to bond is by doing your nails! It's a great time to catch up and talk, and you also get your nails done. So win-win!
Ryoma Hoshi - Words of Affirmation
Ryoma doesn't feel like he deserves much in life. Or anything in general. Not only was he a convicted killer, he was also on death row. So when you came up and confessed to him, he actually turned you down and said you deserve someone much better. Someone who isn't a shell of their former self. But strangely you didn't give up and kept pursuing him, and eventually he broke and admitted he felt the same. Ryoma has clinical depression and it's quite clear, but he never tries to make it your issue. Instead of focusing on his personal troubles and trauma, he puts his efforts into supporting you and voicing his admirations. Pride for you is something he will bluntly show. When you attempt to talk to him and let him air his troubles, he'll insist he's fine. He'll still have a cool air to him, but deep down he really appreciates your concern. And honestly, he considers you a reason to live a little longer
Tenko Chabashira - Physical Touch
Tenko is aggressive with her affections (just ask Himiko) so when she crushes on you she is obvious and intense. She'll gush over you and shower you with praise as often as possible. So if you validate her and accept her feelings, she's gonna jump right into it. Expect a lot of hugs and snuggles quite openly. To the point of embarrassment sometimes. You are just so cute she can't help herself!! A favorite past time of her is to practice Akido with you. Tenko gets a lot of joy sharing her passion with you, and being able to toss you around is a bonus I'mma be blunt though. If you are femme or femme presenting she is gonna protect you with her heart and treat you like a queen. If you are masc or masc presenting it will be... rough for a while. She'll eventually come around, but you'll just have to prove you aren't a degenerate male and earn her respect. Once you do, Tenko will hold you in much higher regard than other men and treat you as the golden standard
Tsumugi Shirogane - Gift Giving
Tsumugi is a mastermind obsessed with the Danganronpa series in itself. Something about it is fascinating to her and brings her much amusement. And with you she instantly noticed that you fit the series perfectly. You fit her perfectly. She knew she had to get you, and luckily she did! While at first it was more of an entertainment thing, Tsumugi eventually found herself growing fond of you. She actually enjoyed going on dates with you, no ulterior motives anymore. To emphasize her newfound affection, she often liked to sew clothes for you! You can draw up a design for any outfit you want and she'll be able to make it a reality. Basically you'll never need to go shopping again. As some bonus "gifts", sometimes you'll come home to Tsumugi dressed up... in just the way you like~
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theamityelf · 3 months
Do you ever read game reset tenderbomb? It's a really good Makoto in sdr2 where he remember thh. Also, can you tell me more about Makoto and Shuichi dynamic with Angie in Makoto in ndrv3?
I haven't read that, but thank you for the recommendation!!
I think Shuichi is already pretty curious about Angie in the canon free time events, but he also takes a lot of Angie's behavior at face value, and I feel like Makoto (at least based on how he read Celeste at the end of trial 3 in THH) wouldn't do that quite as much. I feel like he'd have a slightly better sense of when Angie is joking or covering up a feeling, etc. (All of which I'm basing on my own understanding of Angie's character.)
As far as how each of them interact with her 1-on-1, I'd say Shuichi's free time events go the same as in canon.
Makoto asks Angie about herself and gets nowhere, because she keeps describing herself as a vessel for God and refuses to see herself as an Ultimate Artist when she's just being used by God to make art. He asks her about her home and gets more information; she likes talking about her home (albeit in a really tropey way that makes it hard to not think about the writing from a Doylist, what-were-they-thinking perspective). He asks her about her feelings about being away from home (Something like, "It sounds like you miss it," or "It sounds like you liked it there."), and that brings him closer to actually learning about Angie as a person.
The thing is, while Shuichi's responses to Angie are more reactive to her shenanigans, I think Makoto would really try to address her individuality and her excellence in ways Angie is not comfortable with. She wants attention, affection, and companionship, but she is unable to accept it except through her religion, and I don't think Makoto would engage with her religion pretty much at all. He insists on treating her like a person.
Basically, I think if Makoto were even slightly less genuine and likable than he is, Angie would react very badly to him, but because Makoto is himself, he becomes kind of an indulgence on Angie's part. She lowkey feels guilty for being friends with him, because she shouldn't be letting someone treat her like she isn't an oracle of God before everything else.
(Hence what I said in the other post, where, once she goes off the deep end with the student council stuff, him trying to appeal to her causes her to lash out and call him a heretic to all her followers.)
When the two of them are together, their vibes toward Angie are tentatively positive. Shuichi thinks she's kind of weird and isn't sure what to really make of her, and since he takes everything she says and does pretty much at face value, he's kind of scared of her a little. Makoto is kind of more worried about Angie. He's aware that she could be really dangerous if she wanted to be, but there are more undertones of Is she okay? from him than from Shuichi. And Shuichi subconsciously processes that Makoto is friends with Angie and he wants to see her the way Makoto does, so he's slightly more open to Angie than in canon.
I like to think enough changes happen in this version of events that some of Angie's actual internal issues get dealt with or addressed on some level. Even if she does still die in this version of events, I like to think she lives long enough for the group at large to reach a better understanding of her.
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eternal-love-song · 10 months
A Proposal of Love
"We should have a baby."
Kirumi's eyes opened wide and she bumped into her work table in her haste to turn more fully toward Kokichi. The sound of screws hitting the floor was the only way she knew she had knocked something over. "I'm sorry, did I mishear you?"
[Kokichi/Kirumi] [Talentswap, Established Relationship, Fluff, Humor, Post-apocalypse, post Hope's Peak]
It was quiet in the bunker. While normally there was anything from sirens to robotic laughter to the yells of her companions, today it was rather quiet. Kirumi had learned to cherish silence almost as much as she had begun to fear it. When the world had been intact, it was normal for her to go about her task silently, inventing and creating whatever her clients requested of her to the best of her abilities. She had been diligent, obedient, and skillful, praised for her work as well as its quality. She had also been solitary, working alone for hours on end at a time. Silence had meant peace, but now silence could mean that someone was hurt, missing, or worse. Silence was a portent of doom.
So it was quiet, but not silent, and Kirumi was grateful for that. There was the soft sound of clacking on computer keys as Kokichi worked in the corner. Usually he was one of her loud companions. He liked to tease or scare others, run around the bunker, and poke at everything on her desk. It was only when he was working that he was at all quiet, and even then he was usually able to multitask enough to talk.
Kirumi looked up from her work table, eyes immediately finding the room's other occupant. Kokichi Ouma, once the Ultimate Programmer of Hope's Peak Academy and now just one of many trying to find refuge in a chaotic world, had his head down and his brow furrowed as he typed away on his laptop. There were pictures over his head, a mix between his own messy doodles and the more crisp images of the Ultimate Artist, Miu Iruma. There were similar pictures near her workstation as the two had designed various machines that they wanted her to create. As the Ultimate Inventor, the only thing that held Kirumi back was lack of materials.
Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Adventurer, was rather good at scavenging for parts for her or the rest of the group to use. Their supreme leader, Kaede Akamatsu, always had a list of things that needed to be gathered and while Shuichi was the best at gathering resources. Of the rest of the group, The Ultimate Cook, Rantaro Amami, handled their food while the Ultimate Assassin, Angie Yonaga, handled their safety.
"Hey Kirumi." She looked over at Kokichi, but his eyes were still trained on the laptop in front of him. Talking didn't seem to get in the way of his typing in the slightest and she wondered what it was that he was working on.
"Yes?" she asked him.
"We should have a baby."
Kirumi's eyes opened wide and she bumped into her work table in her haste to turn more fully toward Kokichi. The sound of screws hitting the floor was the only way she knew she had knocked something over. "I'm sorry, did I mishear you?"
He looked up then, flashing her a grin brighter than the lightbulb hanging overhead. "That depends," he said in a teasing tone. "What do you think you heard?"
Kirumi stared at him for a moment, debating whether or not to drop the topic. As usual with Kokichi though, curiosity got the better of her. "Did I hear you say that we should have a child?"
His grin got wider. "Yep! Sure did!"
Kirumi stared at him. Her silence neither seemed to dim his smile or dishearten him from his strange request. Kirumi sighed as she prepared to approach the topic directly. "Surely you jest?"
"Not at all!"
"You… a child, Kokichi?"
He put his laptop aside as he gave her his full attention. "Does my darling Kirumi not want to have a baby with me?"
There were a million ways for her to say no to that and just as many reasons to do so. She didn't want children, she wasn't certain that he did, they were in the middle of a highly unstable situation, and their relationship was nowhere near the point of… Well, truth be told, Kirumi hadn't been entirely sure of the validity of their relationship at all. When he had expressed interest in her, she'd thought that it might have been a prank and when she accepted the proposal anyway, very little seemed to have changed. They spent more time together, but they were also in the middle of an apocalypse and sharing a small space with five other people, so if there was more that would follow, there was very little chance. Which was another reason to reject the proposal.
Kirumi didn't think bringing that up would be useful, however. Instead, she wiped her hands, brushed off her skirt, and faced him properly to ask, "What is this about, Kokichi?"
"What do you mean?" Kokichi asked in turn, getting up to skip closer to her. "I think I was pretty clear."
Kirumi highly doubted, but the sincere look on his face made her blush anyway. She looked away from him, "Do not jest."
Kokichi came at her like a rocket, nearly knocking her over as he hugged her and held her tightly. "Aww, you're so cute when you blush, Kirumi!"
"I told you not to jest," she repeated, feeling the heat in her face intensifying.
He buried his face in her chest, nuzzling her. "Aww, you don't believe me? Even though I love you sooo much?"
Kirumi shook her head, trying unsuccessfully to brush off the embarrassment. "You're only this affectionate when you have mischief planned."
Kokichi looked up at her. "I guess you could call making a child together ‘mischief’ if you really want."
He laughed, pulling away from her, but not going far. "I mean it, though! I want to create something that has the best parts of both of us! Your looks, my brain, our skills combined. Don't you want a way to show the world our love?"
"I hardly think this is appropriate," she told him. Though she did like the framing of the idea, the more that he said it. Something to symbolize their connection, something that got more affectionate moments from him.
That didn't change the fact that this was a terrible idea though.
Kokichi took her hands. "You like it though!"
"I said no such thing," she told him firmly. She didn't take her hands back though. Kirumi was awful at asking for affection, even when she wanted it. There was something endearing in the way he gave her affection so freely, if not always in the ways that most people would. She enjoyed the way he would crowd her, lean against her, hug her, the way he could be so cheerful and excited. Kirumi wasn't the most expressive of people, but Kokichi was and it was something she cherished even at times like these. Perhaps especially so.
He squeezed her hands. "I know you, Kirumi. You want everyone to see how well we work together. Right? Riiight?"
Kirumi huffed. "There are more important things to be focused on then… whatever you are proposing."
Kokichi glared at her. "Don't ignore it! I want us to have a child!"
"I'm not--"
"Say it."
"What?" Kirumi blinked at him. He was glaring at her even more and even she couldn't decide if he was being serious or not.
"We're talking about having a baby together, don't talk around it," he told her. "Say it. Say that I'm asking you to have a child together. Say it! Saaaay iiiiit!" He dragged out his syllables.
Kirumi sighed, finally pulling her hand out of his to brush off her dress, her hair; fidgeting though she would never call it that. "Alright, fine. Why do you want a… a child, of all things?"
Kokichi smiled at her again, the precious expression falling away like water. Typical of him. "Because I love you, I already said."
"That's hardly a suitable reason," Kirumi told him sternly. "A child is a lot of work, Kokichi. There must be more to it."
"Alright, alright, there is," he admitted. "It's because I want to see if we can!"
"You want…" Kirumi held back a sight. "You want to see… if we can make a child…"
Kirumi stared at him. His smile seemed so simple, so guileless. That was the true lie of Kokichi, making things seem simple when they rarely were. "Now I know that you are simply teasing me. What do you mean when you say that you want us to have a child? Define it for me."
Kokichi sighed. She wasn't certain if he was put out to have to explain his voice or, on the very rare chance that he meant his words as boldly as he'd stated them, because she was being so obtuse on the matter.
"I want us to put our love and sweat and tears into combining the best parts of ourselves!"
Now she knew he was hiding something. He was just repeating what he'd said earlier. She folded her arms as she glared at him. "Be serious."
"Fiiiine," he said with a long, drawn out sigh. "You make the body, I make the brain, and our beautiful love child will be the best parts of us both."
That was when it finally clicked with her. "You mean for us to create…" She closed her eyes, trying to repress the sudden irritation that she felt. "You want us to make a robot."
"Not just any robot!" Kokichi exclaimed. "Our robot love child!"
Kirumi opened her eyes again. "Was it necessary to tease me that way?"
He grinned. "Yep! Otherwise Kirumi wouldn't have realized how much she wants to have a child with me!"
"I did not!" she replied sharply. "I don't want children and if I did, I would not want them now."
"Kirumi was so overwhelmed with her love for me that she couldn't even think straight!"
Kirumi turned back to her work table, venting her frustration by tidying up her workspace. "Honestly, you are absolutely insufferable at times."
"But you suffer me gladly!"
"With much disdain and annoyance."
"Aww, Rumi." Kokichi hugged her from behind. "Did you want to make a baby with me so badly that this is a disappointment to you?"
"I'm going to invent a device to wring your neck," Kirumi told him.
"That's murder!" He objected.
"You won't die,” she assured him.
"Now it's kinky!"
Kirumi let her head fall against the wall as Kokichi laughed behind her. "You are going to give me a migraine."
"Alright, alright," Kokichi said. He took her hand and pulled her away from the wall and over to the table so they could both sit. "I really do want to make something with you. I think a robot would be a great idea. Something that could protect us or help us find resources. The perfect combination of our talents, something that really does show how well we work together." He brushed his thumb over the back of her hand. "Plus, what else would we call it, if not our love child? It'll take weeks of passion and long nights together, it'll bring us closer, and it really will require sweat and tears."
"How long have you been thinking about this?" she asked him.
Kokichi reached over for his laptop, putting it on the table before her and showing her the very complex code he was working on. "A while."
Kirumi wasn't anywhere near as familiar with coding as he was, but she wasn't a novice. She could understand at least some of what was in front of her. "You've already started?"
"Started is a bit of a strong word," he said. "This is just a bit of brainstorming that wouldn't work at all."
Kirumi smiled. "You really want to do this with me?"
Kokichi looked at her with a rare, soft expression. "I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else."
Kirumi had a soft spot for her menace of a partner and moments like this always reminded her why. No one else could make her want to leave her comfort zone or push her limits like Kokichi could. "Alright. Let's do it. Let's make a child together."
There was a loud sound near the door and both Kirumi and Kokichi turned to see Miu in the doorway, a pile of scrapes that she was carrying on the ground at her feet. "You two are going to do WHAT?"
The wicked grin that immediately sprung to Kokichi's face made her sure that was going to be in for a headache.
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hertareum · 1 year
VOTE 4 SAYOMI IN THE @smallartistocbracket !!!
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Do you like characters that are silly and also profoundly sad? Were you a Danganronpa antagonist enjoyer at some point? Do you like characters that are aware of the audience (and maybe even the author)? All the more reason to vote for Miss Sayomi Ouma in the Small Artist's OC Bracket! Minor infodump below!
Originally conceptualized as a fankid between Kokichi Ouma and Angie Yonaga, Sayomi gained a life of her own as I grew up. No matter what happened, one thing always remained constant, and that thing was Sayomi. No matter if it was Danganronpa, She-Ra, Genshin Impact, Borderlands, or one of my friend's universes, and no matter how bad things got in the real world, I always brought her along for the ride. She's kinda like a stress toy, yknow?
In her original form, she was the Ultimate Hypnotist. I try to preserve this element when I can, for it opens up story routes that previously may not have been available. Still, like Barbie, I tend to more or less throw her at any role I can find. Sometimes she's a princess, sometimes she's a puppet, sometimes she's a careful and cunning antagonist, and sometimes she loses her impulse control. Whatever serves the narrative best- and whatever's more cathartic to write. You can fit so many titles in this funny little hypnotist!
If you're looking for a reason to vote for her, I can't really give you any other than "it'd be funny". She was really made to appeal to me and me alone- but if you like her, go ahead and toss a few votes her way! Maybe she'll go further than I anticipate.
Here's one final version of her propaganda poster for the road! Good luck to the other competitors, and thanks for listening!
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jenkinstheartis · 1 year
This Is Why by Paramore
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February 10, 2023 / 10 songs, 36 minutes
This album feels like a mix of Paramore’s original sound and their new stuff coming together to create something so new. They take the self reflecting cynicism of After Laughter and their self title album Paramore and mash it with that old alt pop sound that just needed to have a comeback.
Track 1 | This is Why - 6 out of 10
mediocre lyrically, great opening vocally tho.
"Better have conviction, 'Cause we want crimes of passion. Survival of the fittest, You're either with us or you can keep it To yourself (To yourself)"
Track 2 | The News - 7.5 out of 10
love love love its so real, so honest, united and useless
"Every second our collective heart breaks All together every single head shakes"
Track 3 | Running Out of Time - 8 out of 10
realer, got fired for "running out of time" puny, funny, fun, great sing along
"Shoulda, coulda, wouldn't matter, ultimate alibi You know it's a lie. There was a fire (Metaphorically). Be there in five (Hyperbolically)."
Track 4 | C'est Comme Ça - 8.5 out of 10
dont know what that means but i like it! very manic gets my heart racing real? real.
"I hate to admit getting better is boring But the high cost of chaos, who can afford it?"
Track 5 | Big Man, Little Dignity - 9 out of 10
my fave thing: taunting men love the intense sadness with that subtle feeling of defeat beautiful lyrically
"I memorized all your lies. I can't look away, you're like a movie that I love to hate. I fantasize your demise. I should look away because I know you're never gonna change."
Track 6 | You First - 10 out of 10
she opens the song with how living well is a privilege, how can i not lose my mind in pure fucking glee? vocally orgasmic too
"Turns out I'm living in a horror film ,where I'm both the killer and the final girl. So who, who are you?"
Track 7 | Figure 8 - 7.8 out of 10
another vocal and musical masterpiece, that's it from me tho
"I was only being kind but you mistook me for weak"
Track 8 | Liar - 7.9 out of 10
not a fan of explicit love songs (im the shit she running from but I DON'T CARE im different) but her voice is so pretty and that oh my love shit is gas
Track 9 | Crave - 8 out of 10
do not crave to do anything (except for like everything) again!! >:( please miss hayley go easy on me!!! that line is my everything
"Look up and see a reflection of someone who never gave way to the pain What if I told 'em, now that I'm older, there isn't a moment that I'd wanna change"
Track 10 | Thick Skull - 9 out of 10
grungy, angy, revengey, sadistically. tells a pretty grime story in a song sort of way; you get what that means trust me.
"Hit over the head Epiphany Over my head Repeatedly Thick skull never did Nothing for me"
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Started Danganronpa 3
Some initial thoughts. I haven't reached the first murder yet; Just got past the fakeout where Monokuma died and then respawned the following day. Some thoughts. Spoilers after the jump.
So, I may have figured out the twist. I know there's usually a twist regarding the outside world. In Danganronpa 1, the twist is that the school is actually a safe space, and the outside world is on fire. There are no homes to go back to. In Danganronpa 2, the twist was that Jabberwock Island was a simulation all along.
Here, we have a school building under construction that seems overrun with greenery. There are giant mechs being used by the Monokubs. We're surrounded by huge walls and, not only that, but the whole thing is inside a massive birdcage.
What got me was Gonta talking about the lack of bugs. There are no bugs. Absolutely none. This is a bug-free environment. And that seems odd, right? There's no possible way that there wouldn't be bugs in an open-sky environment like this. That's only possible in a sealed-off space.
So I'm looking at the bars of the birdcage while thinking about that. And I'm thinking, why is there a birdcage? What is the point of the birdcage? It wouldn't just be there for no reason, right? It's not like the birdcage is keeping us in; That's what the walls are for. Why is it there?
And I'm looking at the sky that I can see through the bars. I start to think, what if I'm not seeing the sky beyond the bars? What if I'm seeing the sky between the bars? What if that's not a birdcage, but a dome? What if those are panels?
So here's what I'm thinking. I think we're in space. Maybe a satellite in Earth orbit or something. The overgrowing greenery is for oxygen production and the Exigal mechs are for construction and maintenance. There's no bugs because this a controlled atmosphere.
I don't know why we're in space. I don't know how we're in space. I don't know how we're going to leave space. But I think we're in space.
Regarding the characters, my first impressions are as follows:
Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Pianist - Ooh, female protagonist. This is the first core Danganronpa title to have one. I'm surprised that she has a "real" Talent, so to speak; She's neither the class's obligatory Lucky Student nor ???. This feels very different.
Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Maid - Oh, this character can go a variety of ways. She seems like the most dangerous, but dangerous can be either good or bad. She could be a major asset or a formidable Blackened.
Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Mage - This character is precious and I want to keep her forever. I love the running joke that her "real magic" is just stage magic but it's TOTES REAL I SWEAR. I hope they never decisively answer whether or not she can cast real spells.
Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Child Caregiver - This character is an asshole. She's probably never going to be a Blackened. The obvious asshole is never the culprit. For reference, see Byakuya Togami.
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Aikido Master - Her dynamic with Himiko cracks me up. Extremely distrustful towards men specifically but given the context, I can't exactly criticize. This is a killing game. You do what you need to do to keep yourself safe, ma'am! If anything, be more paranoid. You're leaving yourself open to 50% of the potential Blackened.
Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Cosplayer - This character freaks me out. She seems nice and sweet and kind and all that, but she freaks me out. She's Ultimate Cosplayer. Her entire persona could be a cosplay. I still remember when Mukuro Ikusaba cosplayed as Junko Enoshima. No thank you. I have my eye on you, cosplayer.
Angie Yonaga, Ultimate Artist - I love her. I'm going to be really sad when she dies. I don't know why, but I just feel like she has tragic victim written all over her. She's a fairly simple character with a funny joke that she retells every time you talk to her. And it's funny every time, but it doesn't seem like it lends the character much longevity. I mean, the same could be said of Gundham Tanaka, but he didn't exactly make it to the endgame either.
Miu Iruma, Ultimate Inventor - I'm still figuring out what to think about her. The way she breaks down at the slightest criticism makes her mean girl attitude seem totally artificial. She's definitely obnoxious to talk to. Maybe she's going to be the Byakuya asshole we never get rid of?
Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective - I'm sorry, Ultimate what!? Oh, you'd better buckle up, Shuichi, because those are some big shoes to fill you're stepping into. Kinda nervous because he's the starting round buddy-buddy to hang out and help you out. One of those characters tried to frame mine for murder and the other was Nagito Komaeda, so that's not a role I trust easily.
Kaito Momota, Ultimate Astronaut - When he first told me his Talent, I was like, "Haha, whaaaaat?" But now that I think I've figured out this whole space station thing, his skillset suddenly seems extraordinarily relevant. We need to protect this guy with our lives. Unless he's the Mastermind. Shit, that's a possibility.
Ryoma Hoshi - Hahahaha deep-ass fucking 40-year-old voice coming from a 5-year-old body. That's hilarious. This toddler's been in prison!? XD This character is a very funny joke. 10/10 Good job.
Rantaro Amami, Ultimate ??? - He has to be our Lucky Student, right? Every class has a Lucky Student. If it's not him, then we don't have one. That wouldn't make sense. Also, he seems to be the only character who is actually familiar with the Killing Game. I think he may have seen Junko's broadcast? I'm intrigued.
Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Entomologist - This character is precious and I want to keep him forever. He's a sweetheart and I adore him. I rank him 9 out of 10 on a trustworthiness scale. The only way I could conceive of him ever being a Blackened is by accident.
Kokichi Oma, Ultimate Supreme Leader - Also a potential candidate for the "It's never the obvious asshole" tag. He calls himself Ultimate Supreme Leader but I think he's full of shit. I bet you money this guy's the Ultimate Liar, because every word out of his mouth sounds like an exact inversion of what he really thinks.
Korekiyo Shinguji, Ultimate Anthropologist - He's just so weird. I don't know what to think of him. He rubs me the wrong way. Reminds me of Mikan.
K1-B0, Ultimate Robot - Oh hey, it's Genos from One-Punch Man! This character is precious and I want to keep him forever. He doesn't deserve to face the kind of robot racism that Kokichi subjects him to. I wonder if he's connected to Alter Ego in any way?
So that's where I'm sitting. I tried to complete the obstacle course of doom by save scumming, but wound up giving up on it anyway. Too intense for me. If you can beat it, all respect to ya, but I had to throw in the towel.
Looking forward to getting to the first murder. Monokuma promised there wouldn't be a class trial for the first one? That can't be right, can it? Junko Enoshima would be spinning in her grave to hear that we're skipping the trial. That's like 80% of the Killing Game's appeal!
I'm waiting for the boot to drop. It has to drop, right?
We wouldn't. Actually skip it. Right?
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sizhui · 1 year
hi angie!! ur bit about bl generally being less interested in explictly talking abt gayness is very true! in fact yea i dont think its limited to bl as shows or novels or manga and extends to general media containing or focusing on explictly gay characters in asia. rather than homophobia itself i find media tends to focus more on the fallout / general form of it such as isolation and marginalisation. i find people on the fringes of society serve as good vehicles to explore a feeling of deep isolation and desire that is taboo to express but incredibly common in increasingly modernised societies and many directors / writers see that too. ofc this is a very general observation. to be more accurate being on fringes also allows these characters to simultaneously exist in society and exiled from it which opens them to certain experiences and emotions we typically keep repressed. when they are a part of society they may be battling constant dissonance but when they are exiled they may face loneliness everywhere. ig the weirdness n ability to enter the unreal allows for emotions in these stories to be amplified beyond what is normally possible or even socially acceptable to express. you're alr past 1 boundary whats 1 more u know? IDK THIS IS JUST A HYPOTHESIS
idk i think while in some part culture informs the decision to stray away from focusing stories on homophobia (because homophobia also doesnt take the same form in these countries & ultimately stems from different historical events) because explicitly expressing one's homosexuality is like Very different from merely partaking in said activity and results in arguably a very different story too. i also think it has to do with different artistic interests. its not even really exclusive to asia because i find plenty of lgbt artists tend to also branch out into more related or adjacent themes grounded in their lgbt experience rather than on being lgbt alone ig???
i got off track again but imo i think good lgbt art is also just good art n can explore other themes and basically tries to say more abt people than just this or that
i find maybe more western media wants to focus on these characters as being forced to exist in society as outsiders but not like in other settings idk im not articulate
this isnt my full response btww keke just thoughts :3
DEAR LAB!!!! thank you so much for this, it was really insightful and valuable to me!!!!!!! Sorry for being unable to write a longer response at the moment , but I would love to continue this conversation whenever you feel like it, so feel free to dm me or send more asks anytime ^_^ thank you again, so glad to be talking about it with u!
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Hallmark Reveals September Movie Lineup 
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HALLMARK CHANNEL'S "FALL INTO LOVE" All premieres are at 8 p.m. ET/PT.
Marry Me in Yosemite
Starring: Cindy Busby and Tyler Harlow Premieres: Saturday, Sept. 3 Zoe (Busby) is a top photojournalist who has published successful coffee table books featuring her images of iconic places. Her publisher wants her next subject to be Yosemite, so she heads west despite not being sure she can do justice to the majesty of the landscape. While there, she meets Jack (Harlow), an intriguing tour guide who opens her eyes to new possibilities as they take a journey together.
Marry Go Round
Starring: Amanda Schull and Brennan Elliott Premieres: Saturday, Sept. 10 Abby Foster (Schull) and Luke Walker (Elliott) were high school sweethearts who were married for a brief time. Many years later, Abby’s life seems perfect as she gets ready for a new life in Paris along with her soon-to-be husband, Edward. When an unexpected letter arrives throwing Abby off course, she must decide what her heart really wants.
Wedding of a Lifetime
Starring: Brooke D'Orsay and Jonathan Bennett Premieres: Saturday, Sept. 17 Darby (D’Orsay) and Jake (Bennett) are an engaged couple who have been together since their days as high school sweethearts in a close-knit mountain town. Over the years, they have found themselves in a rut and drifting apart. When their entire community nominates them to compete for an all-expenses paid wedding in a nationally televised contest, this just may be what the couple needs to rekindle their romance.
Fly Away With Me
Starring: Natalie Hall and Peter Mooney Premieres: Saturday, Sept. 24 When Angie (Hall) moves into her “no pets allowed” building, a parrot arrives unexpectedly. New neighbor Ted (Mooney) and the dog he’s secretly sitting try to help her find the bird’s owner without being caught.
HALLMARK MOVIES & MYSTERIES All premieres are 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Love's Portrait
Starring: Aubrey Reynolds and Richard McWilliams Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 4 Lily (Reynolds) is a museum curator who finds a painting that looks just like her. Lily’s search for the artist leads her to Ireland, where she meets William (McWilliams), a charming man who helps her on her quest and may also know more about the portrait’s origins than he’s letting on.
To Her, With Love
Starring: Skye P. Marshall and Tobias Truvillion with a cameo by Shanice Wilson-Knox Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 11 Kayla (Marshall) heads back to her hometown of Stansville, North Carolina, after her substitute teaching job at an elite, private high school comes to an early end. On her first day back, her loving yet inquisitive mother (Maria Howell, Hidden Figures) sets up a job interview at her high school alma mater. Kayla, who ultimately wants to get into a competitive teaching program in London, is hesitant to apply. However, when it turns out that her high school best friend Tanya (Brittany L. Smith, Sweet Magnolias) is a teacher there and she is offered the job on the spot and quickly accepts. When Kayla initially struggles to connect with her students, Jordan (Truvillion), a jack-of-all-trades teacher who is devoted to supporting underserved students, steps in to help. Though reluctant to accept his input at first, she is soon inspired to try a fresh approach to help each of her students tap into their unique artistic passions and her students begin flourishing. When Kayla learns the school may be cutting the arts department due to budget cuts, she and Jordan work together to set up a fundraising showcase, with a little help from her longtime friend Shanice Wilson-Knox. Soon, sparks are flying between Kayla and Jordan as they discover a shared love of teaching, service and Sidney Poitier movies. However, when Kayla receives some teaching opportunities that would take her away from Stansville -- and Jordan -- she finds that her heart may still have a few things to teach her about what will make her happy.
The Secrets of Bella Vista
Starring: Rachelle Lefevre and Niall Matter Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 18 Based on the book, The Apple Orchard, by Susan Wiggs. Tess Delaney (Lefevre) gets the surprising news by estate executor Damhnaic McAuley (Matter) that she has inherited half of an apple orchard from the father she never knew and has a half-sister she didn’t know about. When she visits the orchard and connects with her new-found family, she learns that the orchard is deep in debt. Using her knowledge as an antiques expert, Tess and her half-sister work to unravel the mystery of their grandmother’s “treasure” that could hold the key to saving the orchard. And, in the process, Tess ultimately finds a new understanding of herself.
Francesca Quinn, PI
Starring: Mallory Jansen and Dylan Bruce  Premieres: Sunday, Sept. 18 When private investigator Francesca “Frankie” Quinn’s (Jansen) fiancé is murdered, his sister hires her to find the killer. Frankie must work with Wyn (Bruce), the local detective assigned to the case…who also happens to be her ex. As the one-time couple joins forces to unravel a serpentine plot, the investigation strikes at their hearts.
Click the link below for the full article at ETOnline.
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austajunk · 2 years
Shinnaga Creepy #1, I bet they say the similar things to each other
Ah the endless question of who’s freakier? Angie or Korekiyo? :3
Noncon, somnophilia, drugging, and femdom beneath the cut.
“Mhmmm, you do look really nice when you’re asleep…”
Korekiyo’s eyes snapped open. Underneath his mask, an irritable twitch tugged at his lips as he tried to move. However, his limbs simply didn’t respond to the first jolts of his body. In fact, he only experienced a sense of numbness in the fingers behind his back. He was laid upright with his arms clumsily positioned behind his back, secured with copious amounts of rope.
But such a thing could never really concern him. To be bound in his sleep was something he was familiar with even if it was meant to be uncomfortable. It established security for a dominant… a dominant who had taken a perch on him as he was apparently asleep.
“Angie…” His voice was stifled by the mask over his lips. Some sort of cloth was pressed between his lips, which meant Angie must have pulled his mask down during the night when she tied up him up.
The cool breeze of his room traced up his naked hips. However, Korekiyo found that his pelvis simply didn’t feel the chill around him.
That may be because his cock was locked inside the Ultimate Artist. The cloth in his mouth now began to taste like rust, alerting him to even more tampering on Angie’s part.
“Ehehehe…” Angie said as she spread her legs to present the show of his cock making its home inside of her. “Sorry. It was a late night and Angie needed some spare blood for a little…mhmmm… inspiration…”
“I see…” If this upset Korekiyo, he made no mention of it. “And that is why I feel so very lightheaded. My, my… and my cock inside of you?“
It felt warm. He wanted to crash his hips against her, to savor her and establish dominance once again… but no. He couldn’t move. Angie made sure of that.
“Mhmmm!” Angie nodded pleasantly. “Kiyo’s morning wood looked so delicious! I wanted to keep him warm to repay him!”
“This is agony.”
Angie’s eyes shined, narrowing down at her prisoner. She playfully circled her thumb around his lips through his mask.
“Shhh… I want to watch you just a bit longer…”
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illadvisedart · 3 years
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whatever im gonna dump all of my bullshit here this one was fun bc i didnt draw a single actual facial feature lol love u korekiyo
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snellyfish · 3 years
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Day 2 of @shinnagaweek​ -- Talentswap
Funny little married couple in which both are made up 70% of ink instead of water. I learned there’s subcategories of Anthropology, being Social and Cultural anthropology, so Angie’s specifically a Social one!! Korekiyo excels in many forms of art but his love of the human body made him pursue tattooing more than anything. They own a little tattoo shop together.
Korekiyo tattoos Angie a lot, and has to make her slow down since she comes to him every day with a new idea for a tattoo she wants done NOW. He's the only reason she's not constantly in the healing process.
Angie will only get tattoos and piercings from Korekiyo, she has 0 interest in anyone else giving her body mods.
Their shared interest in humanity is how the two became so close, with Angie being in love with the mind and Korekiyo being in love with the body as a whole. It all started when Angie decided she wanted a different culture's style of body art and rambled to Korekiyo, whilst being tattooed, about the people she had studied that day.
Korekiyo has absolutely let Angie tattoo him with her extremely minimal skill, needless to say, it was absolute dookie. But even with Korekiyo’s frequent laser removals to get more and more new tattoos constantly, he will never remove the “art” Angie adorned him with.
Since Korekiyo's clients are unable to really see his tattoos, it's not uncommon for them to distrust his skill--but with a half-naked Angie running around his store full-time, this issue no longer occurs since she's so loud and proud about every single tattoo he has ever given her, making her a literal walking portfolio for his career.
Korekiyo is left-handed, so he keeps his wedding ring under his right glove for safe keeping and to keep it out of the way of his tattooing. Angie, however, shoves her wedding ring on the outside of her thick glove, she loves to show it off; her husband being much more reserved and privately sentimental about it in his own way. (Also ensuring he won’t lose it, it’s a literal miracle from God Angie hasn’t lost hers at this point)
Transcript of the image under read more♥
Angie Yonaga - Ultimate Social Anthropologist
Very interested in nature, people, religion, travel, and the psychology of cultic behavior. Has been in a few cults. For fun.
Significantly more street than booksmart, despite being an occasional heavy reader and constantly in the mindset of wanting to learn more and more about the world, she greatly prefers a hands-on approach and impulsively throws herself into situations where she can learn more on her own terms--no matter how dangerous said situations are.
She has been frequently stranded in various forests throughout the world many times but really doesn't care, and miraculously finds her way out unscathed every time. She, of course, never forgets to give her thanks to God afterwards.
Sees the beauty, as well as God's influence, in everything; everywhere she goes.
Prefers her expeditions to be in a small group she is leading, and would rather go alone than not be said leader.
Even though she became an Anthropologist to study the human mind itself, she gradually divulged into the more cultural aspect, studying their material items such as art; after being inspired by Korekiyo's art.
Needs glasses, but often loses them, breaks them or just forgets about them entirely.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Ultimate Tattoo Artist
Unhealthily obsessed with symmetry.
Enamored by the beauty of the human body, has gone to and drawn countless live nude models very frequently when he's not working.
Raised with a pencil in his hand from the moment he could lift one and drawing every day, and later on finding his knack for masochism after getting his first tattoo, his third eye opened and it immediately clicked what he wanted to do for a career. And he was a natural, to say the least.
Goes without saying that he loves the art of Shibari as well.
Always covered from head to toe, obscuring all his body mods; every piece on his body has a different detailed meaning to him and he prefers to only share it with those close to him.
Despite being mostly renowned for his tattoos and ability to ink any desired style flawlessly, he does many other body modifications; mostly favoring scarification and piercings... and just about anything that draws blood.
Devoted to cleanliness in every aspect of his life, sterilizing everything in and out of his shop.
His art style, outside of tattoooing, never strays far from abstract sybolism and horror surrealism.
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dangankingdom · 3 years
Can I get Akamatsu, Angie and Amami with a GN reader who is the SHSL streamer? Pog if possible thank you besties!!
Kaede, Angie and Rantaro with a GN!Ultimate Streamer S/O
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Kaede Akamatsu
The girl doesn’t understand much about the topic, since she spends most of her time practicing on piano. However, she wants to support your passion in every way possible and would love an explanation from you on how the whole thing works. 
Whenever the blond takes a break, she hops onto whichever streaming platform you are live on. Leaving a few nice comments about your skills and pretty face in the process. Those will often get you flustered on camera, causing you to lose your focus.
After an exhausting day, both of you lie down and share the experiences you’ve had over the course of time. Kaede doesn’t mind you rambling about some of the useless teammates at all, agreeing on her behalf that they are only disrupting your game. But don’t forget to question her practices too.
If you were to open up about the mean comments you are receiving while gaming, pianist will be truly heartbroken. She cannot understand, why anyone would want to inflict pain on a person of such charm. And Akamatsu will stay up late, cradling you in her arms and whispering soothing affirmations whenever that happens.
Don’t overwork yourself by staying up late at night, because that will cause your girlfriend to stress quite a lot. In no way does Kaede wish any health concerns for you, so you should listen to her advice. After all, It would be a shame to disappoint an attentive partner like her.
Another point is you relationship, and how public it is. If you decided to show your lovely girlfriend to the world, she wouldn’t mind. In fact your viewers will certainly adore the girl for her bright and caring demeanor. But If you wanted to keep it quiet, Kaede wouldn’t push you into an uncomfortable zone. But It would leave her wondering, If you are afraid for her safety due to your individual being so popular.
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Angie Yonaga
Your partner having an extremely creative nature, would offer her help. To make your streams more interesting, the artist would incorporate animation or colorful backgrounds into the view. But don’t let her go too far, Angie has a tendency to get caught up in the moment.
Same as Kaede, the girl is not quite sure how you operate, but Atua seems to be smiling down on your ultimate. So before each gaming night, Yonaga will grant you a blessing from her god. For good luck that is.
Angie doesn’t like  all that much, however your company pleasing to her. So she might attend some of your streams, appearing on camera. Drawing a portrait of you or a scenery where you two first met, while also entertaining the audience with her positivity. Your viewers will absolutely love the girl, to the point where it seems that Yonaga needs a streaming account of her own.
If your significant other were to spot your worries about the hate messages, no worries. She will reassure you in Atua’s protection of both of you, and that he will deal with the jealous bunch. The artist speaks with such passion, you almost start to believe in it.
Whenever you hit a milestone on your account, Angie will celebrate with you. The female will thank her creator for allowing you to reach such a high number of followers or activity. And you need to just go with it.
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Rantaro Amami
Growing up surrounded by younger females, Rantaro isn’t all too familiar with the gaming industry. In fact, he find it a bit too boring. The matcha-haired prefers to go outside and experience the joy of nature, instead of spending hours in front of a screen.
But the male won’t try to get on your way. “You do your thing”, his motto regarding the situation. He just doesn’t want you overworking yourself, due to long exposure to electronics.
Sometimes Rantaro will watch some of your recordings, fascinated by the skills you obtain. Just because he is not into your passion doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate your abilities. You also seem to have quite the audience.
He will probably try to decline any mention of appearing on your stream, just because he doesn’t see a point in it. He is not going to play, why should Amami just sit there and do nothing? After all, he doesn’t have a cool talent to show off, therefore matcha haired prefers to stay anonymous to your followers.
When it so happens that you get mentioned in aggressive comments, he will only sigh and advise you to ignore them. It’s surprising to him how cruel people on the web can be, as If human feelings are just an empty sound to them. The male secretly wishes that he could somehow protect you from the pressure, but he trusts you to make wise decisions for yourself.
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- Mod Kaede
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adorbs-dice-kinhelp · 2 years
Raffle Prize For @mourningmad!
Angie Yonaga Execution
Angie Yonaga Execution: Just Beyond The Painting
Angie Yonaga was trapped. She didn't know where. She just knew her enclosure was made out of reinforced glass. She couldn't breathe in there well. Her oxygen would run out if she didn't get help, but she'd only waste it by screaming.
Suddenly, Monokumas approached the enclosure. They took pictures and prodded at the glass and posed for photos, just like tourists with artists' work in museums. All the while, Angie cried out for someone to help her, for Atua to help her. She couldn't keep the smile. If Atua didn't save her, who could she rely on to help her?
The banging of her fists against the glass could be heard. Muffled shouts could be heard. A meter beside her enclosure increasingly went down. The meter that showed her oxygen levels. Her classmates watched in horror as the artist depleted her own air supply by screaming for help that she knew would never come. Not from them, not from Monokuma, not from Atua. She was well and truly doomed.
When the meter was at an all-time low, and Angie was beginning to feel lightheaded... a Monokuma picked up a metal baseball bat and smashed the enclosure open. Angie fell to her knees, gasping for breath and assuming a praying position to thank Atua for saving her. But her ordeal was far from over. Said Monokuma dragged her outside of the room, and shoved her down into the stream that flowed in the execution chamber.
Angie struggled for her life to push Monokuma off of her, but several more assisted the first in holding the young artist down. Unable to gasp for breath, Angie quickly fell limp, losing consciousness. Not even that persuaded Monokuma to stop, continuing to hold the Ultimate Artist under the water. Then... they sheathed their claws deep through her torso, staining the water deep crimson. Angie laid on her back clutching her stomach wound, eyes lifeless. She was officially deceased.
Panning to the left, Monokuma could be seen painting the grisly scene. When it was finished, the painting was simply titled "Angie", a clear reference to the historical painting Ophelia. The only difference? It was much more gruesome, showing Angie's gashes through her stomach and the fact that the water had been stained red with blood. An artistic ending for an artistic girl.
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foxanddragonbooks · 3 years
Book Recommendations by Asian Authors
I wanted to rec some great books by Asian authors that I`ve read.
The Gilded Wolves and The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi
The 3rd and final book comes out in September so you won´t have to wait that long for the conclusion
It´s a great YA fantasy series set in 1889 Paris with a loveable, diverse set of characters, found family, and heist plot.
It deals with identity and characters struggling to find their place in the world while dealing with prejudices against them. Especially the biracial characters dealt with that the most. The author herself is also biracial so it´s own voices in that aspect as well. There is also an autistic coded character in the books. I am not autistic so it´s not my place to say whether or not the representation is done well or not, but I can say that that particular character is one of my favorites.
Miracle Creek by Angie Kim
Boy, I don´t even know where to start with this book.
It´s ultimately a mystery novel that follows the events of an explosion that kills one woman and one boy. Time forward to one year after the explosion, we meet a set of characters at a courtroom. A woman has been accused of orchestrating the fatal explosion that killed two people and throughout the book, you try to figure out if it was really her, or someone else. There is so much going on. The book thematizes topics like mother- and parenthood, immigration, autism and so much more. I had so many mixed feelings about all of the characters and the things they tried to keep secret. Because you follow different characters' perspectives you are going to read about their different opinions and the way they approach things. The author leaves it quite open how she feels about any of the topics discussed and leaves therefore room for the reader to make up their own mind. Which character is ´bad´ which is ´good´ or are they all just morally grey?
The Last Story of Mina Lee by Nancy Jooyoun Kim
This mystery novel follows the complicated relationship between a mother and a daughter, and immigration. When Margot returns to visit her mother in Koreatown of LA, she finds her mother dead. Margot, who never fully understood her mother, wants to what happened. Was it an accident? Or murder? On her way to answers, Margot not only figures out more about her mother but about herself as well. The author painted a beautiful picture of what it means to be an immigrant and how it affects different generations.
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi
Damn this book really came for my heart.
It´s ultimately a slice of life book set in 1950´s India. It was a very educational book for me and you really get to see traditional Indian culture mixed with western influences. There were many feminist topics in there and what it meant to be a woman during this time. It´s a beautifully atmospheric book about womanhood, sisterhood, and self-worth. I don´t want to give too much away because I thought not knowing too much about this book had me surprised on several occasions. Trigger Warning for abortion.
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
I know that everyone and their mom have heard of this book but I wanted to add it nonetheless. If you haven´t watched the TV show yet I recommend reading the book first because there are quite a few differences. It´s a very character-driven, slice-of-life type of story that focuses on 2 families. But! We also get to see a few minor characters that influence the characters and the story A LOT. A major conflict revolves around one of these minor characters. The book literally starts with a house burning down and then we go back in time to events leading up to this tragedy. The book deals with quite a few heavy topics like trauma, microaggressions, immigration, privilege, complicated mother-daughter relationships, and so much more!
Flame in the Mist by Renée Ahdieh
This YA story is being advertised as a Mulan-inspired fantasy, and I can definitely see why. Mariko is the daughter of an important family and on her way to visit her betrothed, the prince, her caravan is attacked, killing everyone but her. Mariko managed to escape and disguises herself as a boy because it´s her who was the main target of the coup. As she is trying to figure out who wants her dead and why she joins the same group that ultimately tried to kill her.
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tsumugimagines · 3 years
Platonic Rantaro x Kokichi art project!
A Valentine's exchange gift for @poisonous-mocha !
Happy Valentine's Day! This is for the Valentine's exchange at @danganronpavalentines !
"Your assignment is to create a piece inspired by an American artist. I will be assigning you partners, and you will have the entire class period."
Rantaro crossed his fingers. For obvious reasons, he hoped he could be partnered with Angie. This would be easy then-
"Amami, your partner is Ouma." The teacher called. "You will be working in the room directly across the hall. All the supplies you might need are there."
Shoot. Alright, this might be okay. How badly could it possibly go?
"Yay! I get to work with my dearest Amami-Chan!" Kokichi cheered as he got up from his seat. Rantaro saw Kaito roll his eyes as he did so. The pair walked into their assigned room, with a canvas already set up on an easel. Carving tools, packs of modeling clay, and brushes of all shapes and sizes were all over the place. He had just put on a smock when he heard one thing you never wanted to hear working with Ouma.
"Hey, what's this do?"
"Ouma, what are you- NO!" Rantaro cried, but it was too late. Ouma had opened up a container of paint, causing it to explode all over his smock, Rantaro's smock, and the easel. Rantaro felt his heart sink.
"Naw, not the easel!" Kokichi pouted, seeming quite saddened for a moment before it suddenly have way to a bright smile. "But that's not a problem! We can totally just paint over it!"
"Hopefully..." Rantaro replied, picking up a paintbrush. He had it in his grip for about a second before Ouma snatched it and ran off giggling.
"Come get me, Amami-Chan!"
"I'll pass." Rantaro replied, knowing better than to indulge him. He turned to the easel and looked it over. The green paint was splattered across it... He could probably make a landscape of some kind, right? There was definitely some American artist who painted grassy landscapes... Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by something cold and very wet brushing across his cheek.
"Aw, blue's a cute color on you, Amami-Chan!" He giggled, stepping back a little to admire his work.
"Ouma, did you just paint on my face?"
"... Give me that paintbrush." He sighed.
"Come get it!" Came the reply.
"... Fine."
"Haha! You're- Wait, what?!" Kokichi exclaimed as Rantaro began to walk towards him. Rantaro felt a small smile spread across his face as Ouma backed away, his eyes darting around in a desperate search for an escape. Suddenly, he seemed to have found one.
"Ouma-Kun, what are you- AH!"
Ouma had squeezed a tube of yellow paint in Rantaro's direction. Hard. The splatter covered not only them, but the easel.
"Nishishi! That's whatcha get for trying to intimidate the Ultimate Supreme Leader!"
Rantaro narrowed his eyes. He'd spent enough time with children to know that sometimes, you had to play their game. And win.
He reached for the purple paint.
"A-Amami-Chan? What are you doing?" Kokichi asked shakily.
"... I bet purple's a really cute color on you." Came the reply. Kokichi seemed to know what was coming as his eyes widened. He immediately bolted, grabbing a tube of colored paint of his own. Rantaro followed up behind him, made sure he was close enough, and squeezed the tube as hard as he could. Purple splattered everywhere.
"I gotcha-" He started, only to be cut off by an explosion of red in retaliation.
"Nishishi! Bold of you to fight back, Amami-Chan! I like it!"
Suddenly, the door creaked open.
"Well, the two of you have certainly made a mess of this place, hm?" The teacher asked, looking them over. "May I ask what you're painting?"
Oh, no...
"I-I can explain." Rantaro started.
"Naw, come on!" Kokichi interrupted. "Lemme do the talking for once!"
Rantaro looked at Kokichi, puzzled. The teacher did the same.
"You see, we wanted to make a painting inspired by Jackson Pollock! He's the abstract painting guy, right?"
Rantaro looked back at the easel. Indeed, it was covered in splatters of paint in all different colors. It looked like an abstract painting, for sure.
"Well, you certainly did an excellent job." The teacher chuckled. "But it looks like you two made yourselves into abstract paintings, too. Go ahead and clean yourselves up."
They both nodded, shedding their painting smocks. Kokichi practically skipped down the hall to the bathroom, giggling. Rantaro followed close behind.
A week had passed.
"I will now hand out the grades to the art projects inspired by American artists you did last week." The teacher announced, handing out the papers one by one.
Rantaro gave the teacher a smile as she handed him the paper. A bright red "A" was marked at the top of the page. In pleasant surprise, he looked up from his paper, and suddenly made eye contact with the supreme leader. Ouma gave him a smile and a wink.
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