#anti c/tra
misssakurapetal28 · 1 month
C@tra Stans: OMG why people are criticizing C@tra so much!? She’s a literal teenager! Poor baby! 🥺
Also C@tra Stans: OMG C@tra and C//A is SO sexy and spicy! I love it! 😍😍😍
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justmenoworries · 1 month
fanon Adora: "Yay, Catra's here! I love fighting her while she threatens my friends and insults me!"
canon Adora whenever she sees Catra's also on the battlefield:
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dirt-apple-productions · 11 months
Yo 👋🏾!
Why did Catra, a violent, unhinged, and dangerous war criminal, get off Scott free and an unearned redemption arc? Why was Shadow Weaver not given a redemption arc and was given the death sentence?
I’m bad at respecting pronouns. I will do my best, but if I call N.D. by his deadname or misgender him, that is an act of forgetfulness and not malice. Please be patient with me.
First, the way you’re framing this is (unintentionally, I hope) a little intellectually dishonest. I would definitely not call Catra unhinged. She’s impulsive and definitely attempted more harm than Shadow Weaver did (while being a grown-ass adult perfectly capable of making her own decisions…), but I would not call her unhinged. Her behavior is typical abusive behavior, and I laugh at the idea of war crimes in She-Ra at all because Bright Moon also doesn’t even have a prison. Moreover, I’d argue Shadow Weaver is equally as dangerous as Catra up until Micah arrives and she starts to change. She was the one throwing away soldiers on pointless missions, sacrificing the collective to get Adora back, and trying to wipe her ward’s mind (not to mention the physical abuse both she and Catra committed).
That said, the reason Catra was forgiven by the narrative and Shadow Weaver wasn’t is pretty simple. N.D. doesn’t believe Shadow Weaver is capable or worthy of redemption.
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I do agree with him that you can’t redeem someone who doesn’t want to be redeemed, but the language about someone not being “capable” or “worthy” of redemption is entirely different than acknowledging that universal reconciliation isn’t a thing. He is making an assertion about Horde Prime’s value and worth in this statement. Not the free-will choices he made. N.D. can pretend as though it’s about actions all day long, but this is not the true motivation. He’s also conflating Prime’s actions with his worth by bringing up his bad actions and long lifespan, which has nothing to do with anything. It’s all window dressing. What makes Prime’s end work is that he COULD have chosen at any point to repent, surrender, and face consequences, but he chose not to. Get that? C H O S E.
It’s also worth noting that N.D. doesn’t see Shadow Weaver as redeemed.
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Here are all the effed-up things in this passage:
N.D. admits he didn’t plan Shadow Weaver’s arc from the start, which is laughable and shows he has a dearth of writing skills. If you’re going to write a story, literally the bare minimum is knowing the climax and ending. But he couldn’t even be expected to know that? Come on.
N.D. acts like it’s so terrible for Shadow Weaver to think she’s the good guy when that’s a.) literally how Catra behaved for the whole story, and b.) how everyone thinks of themselves. Everyone wants to think they’re going through life with the best of intent here.
N.D. asserts that Shadow Weaver ruined the lives of people she never ruined the lives of. She was never in Castaspella’s life before S5, and all signs point to her treating Micah with utmost kindness up to and including when she was possessed. I challenge anyone to find one instance where she treated him at all similar to how she treated Catra and Adora. They won’t find it.
Shadow Weaver does not care about Catra. She cares about Adora but the Spell twisted her love so much it no longer resembles the real thing. Love is an action, not a positive feeling, and the fact N.D. is stating otherwise shows he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.
Shadow Weaver’s sacrificial ending was suicidal. I don’t really care who’s mad about me saying that. She said “it’s too late for me” and burned herself alive. Suicide is selfish and cowardly in its own way, but N.D. in other interviews portrayed the final act as a way to smarm Catra and Adora for resenting her, which does not come across in the scene at all. Again, N.D. has no idea what he is talking about here. I have autism and even I understand the basic concept of PORTRAYING WHAT YOU INTEND IN YOUR STORY. And if she was truly being selfish all along and never changed, only manipulated the girls to the bitter end, the next point makes no sense either.
The idea that Shadow Weaver has to “affirm” and “get closure” for the girls in order for them to heal is toxic. Not that Shadow Weaver shouldn’t repent and apologize, but Adora and Catra’s healing can’t be hinged to that or else the moment she makes a mistake in her journey, they’ll instantly be heartbroken. YOU CANNOT SEEK VALIDATION FROM OTHERS. And this brings to attention the tonal whiplash. Catra and Adora should be, by all accounts, utterly distressed. But they just…forget about Shadow Weaver immediately after that, like it was as easy as her death achieving their happiness. Demented. And to think kids are having this message as their takeaway.
So the reason is quite simple: N.D. doesn’t actually believe in redemption, and he never saw Shadow Weaver as redeemed to begin with. As to why Catra’s actions are downplayed, it’s because she’s hot, gay, and young, and she’s N.D.’s special girl. It’s really not that complex.
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spopsalt · 4 months
you know what i started to think, that Adora fans aren't real if they ship c*tradora because if they were really her fans they would understand and know how badly floptra treated her during all the season. Also I rewatched the season and i found out that i'm an adora kinnie ( i had a catra on irl and it's not a lie, i actually get menthaly abused not physically for a boy that it's the one i liked, he treated me very badly but i couldn't do so much for the fear ), also what do you thing about this ? do you think that Adora fans are not real fans if they ship/like catradora ? and most important question, do you think that people who love/support C*tra or are C*tra kinnies support abusive or support abusive/toxic relationships ?
Thanks for the ask! I can definitely see why you would think that, I feel like some of them forgot the other 4 seasons even happened (Even thought Catra was horrible to Adora in season 5 too) And when I was making Adora complimation, a lot of the pictures revolved around Catra, I wouldn't say all aren't real Adora fans but a some of them definitely just see her relationship with Catra in season 5 and nothing else. Also side note, another anti I interacted with (Not saying their name for privacy reasons) said that a spop stans called them a snowflake for saying Catra reminds them of their abuser! Aren't spop stans lovely?
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acephysicskarkat · 10 months
Hello, saw some of your anti c//a that mention how you think c//a is a bad enemies-to-lovers ship while griddlehark is a good one, and may i ask how that is? Genuine question, because i don’t like c//a, and i’m neutral on griddlehark (mainly because I don’t know much atm), from what i’ve seen/heard, it seems like it’s a lot more toxic of a dynamic than c//a is initially/pre canon? Again not trying to bait, am gen curious /genuine
This is going to be kind of disjointed, and I apologise, but this is kind of a topic that defies a simple summary.
Bear in mind that ahead be big Locked Tomb spoilers and the SP0P spoilers that basically everyone already knows.
I would say that the two critical differences are 1) the handling of the toxicity within the narrative, and 2) the structure and arrangement of the toxicity.
You are absolutely correct that pre-canon Griddlehark's mutual hatred is a toxic dynamic. They initially detest each other with a passion; one of the main plot points driving the entire series is a young Harrow having Gideon's blood under her nails after a fight.
As Gideon and Harrowhark work together, however - and here is the point where 100% of bad enemies-to-lovers arcs crash and burn - the toxicity goes down. It never becomes totally healthy - indeed, post-GtN Harrow invents an entirely new way to have an unhealthy relationship, involving performing brain surgery on herself at 17 - but the majority of the narrative is spent showing them moving from "would piss on the other's grave given the chance" to a mutually tolerated working relationship, to a growing loyalty, to the pool scene where Harrow shows Gideon more honesty and trust than she's had from anyone in her life. A lot of what makes this work is pacing and structure; every new step works because it's building on the previous ones, none of them feeling jarringly fast or unmotivated.
More than that, a big help is that the toxicity feels intentional. The relationship being Kinda Fucked is a 100% intentional thing that I'm pretty sure I've seen Tamsyn Muir talking about in interviews. It's a narrative element that Muir is monitoring and adjusting with the care of a good zookeeper trying to keep the humidity in the reptile enclosure exactly right.
(I genuinely cannot praise the writing in these books enough.)
Turning to SP0P as a contrast, its relationship has a more understated toxicity, but a much more pervasive one. Young Adora and C*tra weren't clawing at each other's faces whenever left unsupervised, but young C*tra sure did claw at Adora's face for wanting to have more than one friend! It's not the PVP arena of Growing Up Griddlehark, but "you are my friend, therefore your needs are subordinate to mine" is still far from a healthy dynamic, and the narrative never addresses it.
The bigger problem, though, is that the toxicity doesn't so much "go down" as trace out a parabola. The entire first half of the narrative shows the toxicity going up sharply, to the point of C*tra being willing to die just to make Adora miserable, then it hovers there for another quarter, and then it returns to an earlier level of toxicity. S5 C*tra's treatment of Adora stays awful. She spends "Taking Control" throwing a tantrum over how the real problem is Adora and the others being mad at her; she portrays herself as the wounded party in her like four separate murder attempts on Adora in "An Ill Wind" to produce the worst line of the show; she continues throwing tantrums whenever she doesn't get what she wants and making everything about herself right up to the love confession, including that confession ("stay with me, the person who spent four seasons refusing to stay with you!"). It feels bizarre that Adora goes from "even if you're my best friend, I won't let you blame me for shit that isn't my fault" in S4 to doing nothing but looking sad when C*tra portrays her as being in the wrong for not just meekly standing by while C*tra burned down her home and murdered her friends.
And - and I'll acknowledge that a big part of this is probably executive fuckery, I just don't think that really matters - the pacing and structure absolutely are not helping. I could buy S5's sudden reversal if C*tra and Adora had had a fun, weightless enmity where there was an obvious respect between them. They don't. C*tra spends a truly distressing amount of time utterly consumed by the desire to cause Adora as much pain as possible, to the point of attempting a murder-suicide on the entire world. No point in S2-S4 shows a C*tra who Can't Bring Herself to Really Hurt Adora, regardless of the things the stans have convinced themselves they saw; she's so totally driven by spite that she tears her own life to shreds in the hope Adora will be caught up in the edges. The relationship has to do a sudden R*ylo swerve rather than building on what's gone before because "what's gone before" is like three plot points in the first season that have been narratively overwhelmed by C*tra's multiseason campaign of cruelty like a single pea being weighed against the USS Nimitz.
This is where intentionality comes into play. The toxicity in c/a is just there. For all the bullshit about C*tra's story being about what happens when you're the toxic friend, it doesn't feel like an intentional narrative element that is seriously being examined; it feels like a writing fuck-up where C*tra was supposed to feel like way less of a stalker asshole.
Anyway, I hope this has made some vague semblance of sense, but I've been at this for like an hour and I'm tired and I need to go check on a craft project.
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catradoratwtgoodies · 2 years
As a latine lesbian i'm honestly so tired of non latine Catra antis ignoring my complains when i told them to stop acting like it's their place to decide if Catra it's or not a "stereotypical latina" or whatever and the worst thing it's that every time i try to call them out they act like my opinion doesn't matter because i'm an "evil C@tra apologist 😡" or whatever like they're honestly just a bunch of white saviors at this point
The thing is Catra isn’t even canon latine. I’m pretty sure ND confirmed her as poc but she has no canon ethnicity.
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So the whole stereotype thing is stupid. The only people who dislike it are weird white people. They always talk over poc, it’s so annoying. Personally I think we need more unhinged woc who get an happy ending.
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empress-hancock · 8 months
TRAs calling transwomen they’ve deemed bad “b*tch” or “c*nt” in an obvious attempt to show that they still validate their identity as women even though they hate them for something is really uncomfortable.
We know you think you’re doing the right thing in saying that gendered slur. We know other people reading it are going to see it as a sign of basic respect. We know the person it’s directed at is going to see it as validation and “gender affirming.” None of those attitudes are appropriate to have towards slurs.
The fact that they view slurs this way (and I would argue that anti-gay slurs like f*g and d*ke and qu**r are probably in the same boat) is probably a big part of why they’re so comfortable using them all the time. These slurs are affirming to them, so they feel no apprehension saying them both “positively” and negatively towards both members of their own group and people outside it.
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verdantmeadows · 1 year
I follow an anti C//tradora blog because it has interesting points and helps me think about how I could write characters with problems like C/tra's if I ever needed to without falling to the flaws of SP0P. I still ship C//tradora of course (my only issues of it is that C/tra isn't really given a redemption arc and they didn't let Ad0ra forgive her on her own terms). But then I saw them say that it is basically inc3stual and their relationship relies on them being sisters. Girl what. What the fuck are you talking about. I was with you until then.
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cozycade · 1 year
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Hi Hello ^_^ Welcome 2 my Comfort blog! My namez Moss! I’m a 26 yr old queer fool. d=P This blog iz a place for me to go be zurrounded in thingz that make me feel zafe, happy, and comforted. A lot of thingz reblogged here are ztuff that remindz me of my childhood, like toyz, pluzhiez and zuch, az well az nature and animalz n zome pozitivity too d=) I type with a typing quirk here becauze it makez me feel happy! I don’t tag thingz very heavily on here but if you need zomething tagged lemme Know!!
Thiz blog iz a place I ezcape to when I am ezpecially Anxiouz, upzet, or Overwhelmed. It iz a zafe zpace for myzelf to zurround myzelf in thingz that make me feel happy and zafe. I will not dizcuzz any zort of Heavy Topicz here or anything related to any zort of Dizcourze.
Thiz blog iz a Happy place firzt and foremozt.
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mezzopieno-news · 2 years
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Una rivoluzionaria cura in grado di prolungare la vita dei pazienti con la forma più comune di tumore del fegato, il carcinoma epatocellulare.
L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (Aifa) ha approvato due nuovi farmaci che riescono a ridurre del 42% il rischio di morte per i pazienti in stadio avanzato o non operabili. L’Atezolizumab e il Bevacizumab rendono meno letale le manifestazioni tumorali causate dell’epatite B e C, da cirrosi e altre malattie del fegato non operabili per cui solo un quinto dei pazienti è vivo a cinque anni dalla diagnosi.
“Sono i dati migliori finora ottenuti nella storia della terapia dell’epatocarcinoma e sono confortanti sotto il profilo di maneggevolezza e tollerabilità con ottimi risultati anche sulla qualità di vita dei pazienti – spiega Fortunato Ciardiello, Ordinario di Oncologia Medica dell’Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli – L’interazione tra l’immunoterapia e la terapia anti angiogenetica rappresenta il nuovo standard terapeutico in questa categoria di malati”.
L’epatocarcinoma è uno dei tumori più aggressivi e una delle prime cause di decessi oncologici nel mondo. Ogni anno 1,8 milioni di persone muoiono a causa di questa malattia: in Italia, nel 2020 i nuovi casi stimati di tumori epatici sono stati 13.000 dove l’epatocarcinoma rappresenta il 75-85% delle diagnosi. Finora solo il 50% dei pazienti arrivava alla diagnosi quando ancora la patologia era curabile mentre per gli altri l’aspettativa di vita era molto bassa.
Fonte: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco; Università di Trieste; Cancers; Roche
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Thanks for your responding to my questions about Angella. Was Hordak wrong to dismiss Shadow Weaver over Catra?
It depends on what you mean by “wrong.” So many of Hordak’s decisions are subject to moral debate because of his perspective, indoctrination, and then the way his worldview clashes with Shadow Weaver’s. I’ll parse it out below.
Was he right to destroy Shadow Weaver’s means of living? No. The Spell of Obtainment made her dependent on the Black Garnet to survive. Cutting her off from it, regardless of how she’s using that power, is murder.
Was he right to choose Catra over Shadow Weaver? From his perspective, absolutely. Shadow Weaver had a long history of treachery and rebellion, not to mention being temperamental to the point of causing property damage. She was not mentally sound enough to be a good leader. That was never in question. The question is whether he realized Catra was just as treacherous, catty, and petty about her distracted goals. Which she absolutely was, and she treated Hordak far worse than Shadow Weaver ever did. So at minimum, it was unwise.
Is it objectively, morally correct to choose Catra as a leader instead? Well, putting aside the Horde’s general crimes…sure. Now, he treated her just as abusively as he did Shadow Weaver, and that was bad. But I don’t think the decision to promote her was a bad one. Assuming she and Shadow Weaver weren’t constantly at each other’s throats, they could have co-leadered together. But Shadow Weaver was disrupting the order of the Horde’s goings-on and dealings, so she had to go, especially if you consider Hordak’s own perspective.
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spopsalt · 2 months
This will be a bit more of a personal rant / ramble about spop if that's okay!
So like I was around 11 when the first season of spop came out. My sister followed Nate and was very excited for the project so we watched it, and we both really liked it!!
So each time every season came out we watched it and came up with fan theories and all that jazz! Keep in mind, we never really rewatched seasons in between. So we watched season 2, waited around half year and then watch season 3 when it came out. So we never watched season 2 again in between those months. This makes it that you forget some things, but that was alright.
I think this is the way the show is meant to be watched. It was enjoyable, we came up with theories, we came up with ships, we bonded with the characters. Season 4 was my favourite season because of all the tension and drama!!
And then well, season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but yeah sure! That's fine, y'know. I am not a shipper at all, my sister is aware at this point that her ships are never really popular so she didn't have her hopes up (she ships glimmadora). She also followed Nate so she knew that he liked c//a and stuff.
Anyways, when the show was finished, people really started watching it because of the lgbt representation. This always felt weird to me? It didn't make sense? I didn't watch Spop with the idea in mind that c//a would become canon in the end. Which made the show a whole lot easier to watch.
I also felt like.. it wasn't really the point of the show at all? There was just a kiss at the end that was about the romance the show had gotten, I didn't get it (im aromantic asexual so maybe that's why).
I have a lesbian friend (they/she) for example, who watched the show for c//a. Which is fine, they really like it and they relate to c/tra, due to trauma and stuff. It's just that it felt so.. weird talking to them about the show. Because everything about the show kinda felt like it was about c//a for them? Just like how you anti-spop blogs talk about how c//a shippers can make any scene about c//a. That's how it felt. Now I didn't really mind, but it felt odd to me.
Either way. At some point, me and my sister finally convinced my other sister to join our rewatch. Which was,, tough. Well, it was alright, in the sense that, I just focused on my favourite characters and (platonic) relationships. (Entrapta! Scorpia! Glimmer!! Adora!!! :D!!)
But the c//a kiss at the end made me physically cringe. (Literally)
I don't really have a point to make! I just believe that Spop isn't meant to be binge-watched? I feel like? I really really enjoyed my first watch, and I have very conflicted feelings about it (due to nostalgia too. dt being the first enban ive ever seen on tv?? mindblowing!!).
I like it. But also as an emotional abuse survivor, it also is just.. tough. All in all it's just, a bit, disappointing?
I guess that's it :) that's my ramble.
I'm not sure if anyone has any similar experiences, as pretty much everyone I know watched it after all seasons came out and it has risen in popularity.
Have a nice day!! Love ur blog
Awwwww thanks for your kind words, also it's ok, the ask buttons says "Rant with Me!" for that reason, I love hearing rants! But yeah, I personally was never that big of a fan, but it's good that you like it! But yeah the representation is definitely bad, the only bisexual character get in m x f ships, which is fine, ofc bisexual people don't have to date only people of the same gender, but...they never show attraction towards other people of the same gender?! The only bi characters get in m x f ships, one of them was extremely rushed, and one of them was creepy considering it looked like an adult dating a teen. Also the main couple is literally just a victim falling back into the cycle and kissing her sister who literally gave her trauma.
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daniela--anna · 1 month
Also called "red gold" it is considered the king of antioxidants thanks to the presence of precious micronutrients, including vitamin A, vitamins B1 and B2, vitamin C and manganese, which give it anti-inflammatory, calming, sedative, neuroendocrine and neuroprotective properties, also in the prevention of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
🌷 The natural aromas contained in saffron are also able to promote digestion and reactivate the metabolism.
To take advantage of these properties it can be taken through an infusion or in kitchen preparations, being careful to add the extract only at the end of cooking.
Saffron extract should always be made cold.
Take a small quantity of pistils and pour in a little warm water.
Leave to rest (covered) for 12 to 24 hours, and then dilute as needed.
🌷To prepare an infusion, part of the extract will be diluted in a cup of already hot water;
🌷 for cooking it will be added to the dish last, before seasoning and serving.
🌷 The properties of saffron have been recognized since ancient times.
Because of its excellence and preciousness, saffron is also mentioned in the Bible in reference to the conditions of prosperity that will exist under the rule of the Kingdom of God.
Then, the purified earth will give its best, and there will be an overabundance of every good even on the mountains!
“The desert and the arid region will rejoice, and the desert plain will rejoice and blossom like saffron.
Waters will flow in the desert, and streams in the desert plain."
(Isaiah 35:1, 6)
To produce just 28 g of saffron, a yellow-red powder obtained from dried flower styles and stigmas, it takes around 4,000 flowers.
As soon as the flower opens, or shortly thereafter, the stigma and the upper part of the style are detached and then dried.
Saffron is used to color and flavor foods, and was once used more extensively than now to dye fabrics yellow.
It was also used as a medicine and in perfumery.
Today it is mainly used in phytotherapy and cooking, as well as in the preparation of delicious honey.
Chiamato anche "oro rosso" è considerato il re degli antiossidanti grazie alla presenza di preziosi micronutrienti, tra cui la vitamina A, vitamine B1 e B2, vitamina C e il manganese, che gli attribuiscono capacità antiinfiammatorie, calmanti, sedative, neuroendocrine e neuroprotettive, anche in prevenzione di malattie degenerative come l'Alzheimer.
🌷Gli aromi naturali contenuti nello zafferano sono anche in grado di favorire la digestione e di riattivare il metabolismo.
Per usufruire di tali proprietà si può assumere tramite infuso o nelle preparazioni in cucina, avendo l'accortezza di aggiungerne l'estratto, solo a fine cottura.
L'estratto di zafferano andrebbe sempre fatto a freddo.
Prendere una piccola quantità di pistilli e versarvi poca acqua tiepida.
Lasciare riposare (coperto) fino dalle 12 alle 24 ore, e poi diluire secondo necessità.
🌷Per preparare un infuso si diluirà parte dell'estratto in una tazza d'acqua già calda;
🌷 per cucinare si aggiungerà alla pietanza per ultimo, prima di condire e servire.
🌷Le propietà dello zafferano sono riconosciute fin dall'antichità.
A causa della sua eccellenza e preziosità, lo zafferano viene anche menzionato nella Bibbia in riferimento alle condizioni di prosperità che ci saranno sotto il dominio del Regno di Dio.
Allora, la terra purificata darà il meglio di sé, e ci sarà sovrabbondanza di ogni bene addirittura sopra i monti!
“Il deserto e la regione arida esulteranno, e la pianura desertica gioirà e fiorirà come lo zafferano. . . . Nel deserto saranno sgorgate le acque, e torrenti nella pianura desertica”.
(Isaia 35:1, 6)
Per produrre solo 28 g di zafferano, polvere giallo-rossa che si ottiene da stili e stigmi essiccati dei fiori, ci vogliono circa 4.000 fiori.
Appena il fiore si apre, o poco dopo, lo stigma e la parte superiore dello stilo vengono staccati e poi essiccati.
Lo zafferano è usato per colorire e insaporire vivande, e un tempo era usato più estesamente di ora per tingere di giallo i tessuti. Veniva usato anche come medicinale e in profumeria.
Oggi viene soprattutto impiegato in fitoterapia e in cucina, come anche nella preparazione di delizioso miele.
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lamannafranco · 2 months
Soda Bar Osmosi
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 SODA-BAR REFRIGERATORE/GASATORE ISTANTANEO SOTTO BANCO Con sistema  osmosi inversa 3 vie 90lt./h. ambiente - fredda - f. gassata Pronto all'uso CRATTERISTICHE - Programmatore digitale temperatura acqua, sistema di raffreddamento acqua istantaneo, in 1,5min. - Raggiunge la temperatura impostata alla prima installazione e tra una erogazione e l'altra. - Scheda elettronica di controllo funzioni, con l'obbiettivo di ottimizzare la resa della stessa, controllare ed informare in merito al funzionamento, rilevare problemi. - Come misura di sicurezza straordinaria i dispositivi equipaggiano un sensore anti-allagamento che blocca l'acqua in entrata e l'intera macchina. - Il luogo più frequente per l'installazione del dispositivo è sotto il lavello della cucina o un mobile annesso senza nessun aumento di calore rispetto alla maggior parte dei refrigeratori causato dalla collocazione in posti stretti ed angusti senza adeguata areazione. - Il sistema è completo di Kit installazione e di rubinetto a 3 vie. - Sistema acqua stop. Previene perdite d'acqua bloccando il sistema. - Centralina elettronica di controllo. Controllo di ogni fase di funzionamento, per garantirvi sicurezza assoluta e tutelare al meglio la vostra salute. Specifiche osmosi : - 1x 07001023 Ionicore IC-11SE Filtro in Linea a sedimenti 1/4" FPT 2,5"x11" - 5 micron - 1x 07001027 Ionicore IC-11SCCB Filtro in Linea carbon block al cocco battereostatico 1/4" NPT 2,5"x11" - 5 micron - 2x Membrane Ionicore 2012 - 200 GPD - Membrane style: Dry/Asciutte - Ratio del flusso: 360GPD(90lt./h.) - Motore: Raffredamento ad acqua - Pompa: Pompa a palette in ottone 300 lt/h - Pulizia membrane: Post-autoflussaggio automatico 15 sec. - Salinità massima in entrata: 2.000ppm. - Regolatore del TDS in base ai propri gusti (sali minerali in uscita) - Pressione di esercizio: 0,1~0,4MPa (1~4 bar) - Ratio temperatura: 3°C.-14°C. - Alimentazione: 220-240V-50/60Hz CE - Ratio alimentazione: 50W. - Abbattimento medio: >95% - Ratio recupero: >25% - Accessori compresi nel sistema, pronto per l'installazione: * Kit Installazione. * Tubi. *  rubinetto di prelievo 3 vie 1/4" Cromo. *  Riduttore di pressione Co2 per bombole monouso manopola diritta attacco 11x1. * 01012005 SR adattatore prolunga per riduttore di pressione Co2 per bombole ricaricabili M11x1 a W21.8x1/14”. *  Terminale diritto tubo Ø - filetto conico BSPT 1/4" X 1/8". *  Bombola Co2 monouso E290 per refrigeratori acqua 0,600gr.
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