#anti hajime isayama
Realized I treat HH and HB the same way I treat MLB MHA and AOT
I like the characters and the concept but the creators are terrible people and they suck ass at writing so I end up rewriting it and making it my own thing
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 month
I'm sure I'm in the minority on this.....
But with everything we now know about Eren after the manga and anime finales, primarily the fact that he engineered Carla's death to further his own ends, I think that makes Attack on Titan infinitely more unwatchable with that knowledge in mind.
The whole thing has been built on Eren avenging his mother and his people by wiping out the Titans. To know everything in the series was all something beholden to his design including the explicit revelation that Bertolt only survived the fall of Shiganshina because Eren decided it wasn't his time to die.....it's an infinitely more damaging revelation than his pathetic confession of his feelings for Mikasa.
"Sasha and Hange died because of me...." Right, so apparently any deviance in the time loop that might've guaranteed their survival was a roadblock to his plans even after he hsd fully committed himself yobtbe Rumbling, his plan was really that precise and to the letter? What if Connie and Jean died or what if Marco lived, like the implications here are utterly baffling and repulsive. Guy who was so dead set on saving his friends couldn't make room for those girls huh? I call bullshit.
So thoroughly turning Eren's motivation inside out like this is a decision not enough people are picking apart, not enough people are really looking at the logistics of any of this or considering how much you gotta suspend disbelief in order for this to make any sense.
And I was at Awesome Con just a week ago, Bryce Papenbrook was right there a hundred feet away. I just missed my chance to get his two cents on this. I can only hope for better luck next time.
Sadly though I don't think I can look at the first three seasons again because of how thoroughly tainted they now are because of the final season.....I would have preferred Eren was a straightforward villain from the start because this is truly Isayama's greatest betrayal. (Second in my book, right after you know what....)
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
Hey look!
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The Attack on Titan characters are moving on after the Rumbling and living a happy life!
Wonder what Mikasa's doing...
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Ah- wait- didn't she just-
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Yeah, yeah, she did. Right. So she'll probably be seen happy later-
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Oh. Okay. Got it.
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sungkaan · 6 months
My biggest gripe about the ending isn't even about the ship or about Eren's character. Now, it's how they disrespected my queen, Carla Yeager.
Whatever happened to "He's already special because he was born in this world"?
I remember watching that and feeling what Eren has felt. Like a weight was suddenly lifted off my shoulders because I don't need to prove that I'm special so I can justify my worth. Me and everyone are already special by virtue of being born. That made me cry. That line got me through tough times. I always go back to that.
Now, the main character and the author is suddenly saying how idiotic it is. They've contradicted it.
"Oh sorry all of this happened because I was an ordinary idiot."
Are you implying that if the founding and attack titan were to be given to someone 'special', the the rumbling wouldn't have happened?
Yeah fuck you guess he prob need Ackerman genes to be special.
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aoehacker · 6 days
[theory] Five Year War
tldr: in alternative timeline Mid-East War was 5 years long, instead of 4.
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Illustration by Hajime Isayama for 3rd anniversary of Hita's museum opening.
As you can see, it is an alternative timeline where Reiner and Berthold decided to join forces of Paradis (+Marco is alive). As for the reasons... this theory is not about why Reiner joined Paradis, but I will point out some foreshadowing.
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chapter 108 - nice foreshadowing: Porco is looking down on Reiner, and calls him traitor.
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chapter 46 - foreshadowing of Reiner becoming a soldier.
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chapters 15 and 96 - obvious contradiction; in different timelines Reiner had different experience.
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chapters 40, 47 and 95 - obvious contradiction; but I'm not sure how it impacted Reiner's personality; I didn't find any clues that could explain his different behavior shown in chapter 15.
Alright, enough with Reiner acting different. Let's talk about the war!
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chapter 108 - 4 year war, 4 years ago Anti-Marleyan Volunteers
If you are not aware, Isayama is constantly switching back and forth between multiple timelines in his story and trying to present it like it was all a single timeline. It is very easy to spot in artistic choices by WIT. In another cases, you will have to look for contradictions in dialogue. I suggest you read u/Ellen_Yevner theories if you want to be convinced about constant switch of narratives.
So, in essence: every single panel of manga and every single cut of anime can be a completely different timeline. The above image (ch108) is another example of that.
First panel shows Reiner and says that Zeke planned raid on Marley for four years.
Third panel doesn't show Reiner, and says that Zeke snuck Anti-Marleyan Volunteers four years ago.
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chapter 90 - waited through winter
Of course it makes absolutely no sense! It was clearly shown in the story, that after battle for Shiganshina, Paradis waited through winter, before they went to explore the southern port, where Marley turned Eldians into Titans. And Paradis came into contact with Anti-Marleyan Volunteers by ambushing them on the sea.
In my opinion, no matter which timeline it is, the earliest Paradis could have met Anti-Marleyan Volunteers is one year after battle for Shiganshina (because they have to clean up the Titans first).
With above assumption in mind, and with the hint from Isayama about Reiner and Berthold joining Paradis, we can conclude that there exists an alternative timeline, where Mid-East War was fought for five years (in this post, I will refer to it as Timeline 2).
Because Reiner didn't return to Marley, Marley would only have Zeke and Pieck. That will surely restrict them in their war efforts, and they would be much more cautious, which would prolong the war for one more year.
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chapter 93 - Zeke has 1 year left; ships started missing 3 years ago
In Timeline 2 Zeke would have 0 years left, by the way.
"Alright, but is that it? So what if they fought for five years, instead of four? What does it matter?" I hear you ask.
Well, it does matter! Because what Paradis lacks the most? Time!
Here are some examples of Isayama re-iterating the lack of time for Paradis:
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chapter 107
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chapter 108
It also matters from strategical perspective, when it comes to The War for Paradis arc.
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chapter 108 - Reiner; Zeke has 1 year left; Global Alliance will attack in 6 months
What would change in Timeline 2, if Zeke has 0 years left?
Reiner proposed to attack immediately, because he didn't want to give Zeke time to prepare any plans (because he still has 1 year left).
If Zeke had 0 years left, (we have to remember, that in Timeline 2 Reiner joined Paradis) Magath decision would probably be conservative - to wait for Global Alliance to form and attack in six months.
Although, it is hard to predict. Magath may also think why Zeke even escaped to Paradis, even though he has 0 years left.
From one perspective, Paradis will only gain a mediocre Titan.
From another perspective, Magath may question why raid on Liberio (with the intention of evacuating Zeke) was done in the first place, and what are the future plans of Paradis.
Magath could conclude that they are plotting something, but it is debatable whether he will make a surprise attack. Porco won't propose anything hasty, because in chapter 95 he was described as someone who follows orders.
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chapter 118 - Reiner is described as the main reason, why Marley attacked so early.
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chapter 118 - sounds very contradicting; isn't Global Alliance not formed yet? Isn't there like still 5 months before they all come together?
So, from above images, without Reiner pushing the decision, I'd say that in Timeline 2 Marley would attack together with Global Alliance, presumably in 6 months (we can't be 100% sure that it will still take 6 months in Timeline 2).
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
because I refuse to keep this going any longer than it needs to, this is my last post addressing this whole thing. Mainly because the disrespect to myself and other black writers on this app has been completely unwarranted and far out of hand. First off, this entire situation could have been avoided had certain opinions been kept in the drafts or amongst themselves because regardless of how you feel about someone’s writing/portrayals of a character, we all are different, we all have to find our niche and grow into it. I’ve been writing since I was 13 and adult me would laugh at the shit I used to put out. And hell, vice versa. The entire take was rooted in anti-blackness, jealousy and respectability politics. Plain and simple. Which is hilarious considering that said character in question didn’t abide by the respectability politics in his own verse. The boy’s daddy is a doctor and he runs around picking fights he can’t win, sticking guns to his head and all that other shit. Rather than accepting that yall’s form of expression is not the status quo nor is it the only way, you chose to attack an entire subset of other writers to make yourselves feel less inadequate. To tiptoe and tap dance for an entirely different audience who we’re not even writing for. Nor trying to appease. (side note: I have hella mutuals who don’t look anything like me and may not be able to relate to what I write about and STILL love it. And vice versa.) As someone who’s had to deal with harassment and hatred on every other facet of the internet, simply for existing, so much so I’ve given up on a lot of other passions I love. I’m not doing it here, sorry. In a community that I finally felt accepted and free to express myself, as well as met an amazing group of people who I look up to, feel close to and love more than anything. I’m grateful for this space and the people in it. I’m grateful to log in here everyday and see so many creative minds of all races, backgrounds, etc. on here just sharing their love for fandom and their favorite characters. Without people being worried about names and followers. At the end of the day, if y’all want to keep beefing and throwing subs about figments of Hajime Isayama’s sick imagination, then you will be doing it on your lonesome. Talking to your damn selves and fighting the wall because this is ridiculous. None of us deserved to be treated like this and talked about so horribly. None of us deserved to have our already tiny community even more divided and to have all of our amazing work pushed to the wayside for drama. I’m over it, my mutuals are over it and I’m sick of it. Thank you and have the day y’all deserve.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
I mean the creators of FNAF and Attack on Titan are pretty yikes. Scott Cawthon is a republican trump supporter and Hajime Isayama is like really not fan of jews and is all about japanese nationalism. Im not sure how the works themselves are problematic as i havent really seen much bleedover of their personal beliefs in their work. So maybe thats what the anon was talking about but even then, nobody is asking you to support the creators.
Okay, let's set the record straight here. The whole "Attack on Titan is anti-semitic/Nazi propaganda" thing is an incredibly blatant misreading of the source material. People really did see one media illiterate Polygon writer post an absolutely horrendous take on the series big plot twist and started regurgitating it uncritically.
Yeah, that's where the whole "Attack on Titan's creator is a facist who hates Koreans and Jews" thing comes from. The source for that is a Polygon writer who somehow failed to comprehend that a group of people who saw another race as inferior and performed experiments on them weren't the good guys.
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stuff-diary · 6 months
Attack on Titan: The Final Chapter
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Attack on Titan: The Final Chapter (2023, Japan)
Directors: Yuichiro Hayashi & Tokio Igarashi
Writer: Hiroshi Seko (based on the manga by Hajime Isayama)
God, I don't even know how to begin this review. Attack on Titan has been part of my life for so long, and I find it hard to accept that it's finally over. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this final episode. It gave us show-stopping action, it gave us drama, it gave us a powerful anti-war message. Like this show has always done. In some ways, the mixture of cynicism and hopefulness that permeates this final act reminds me of Evangelion, and I mean that in the best possible way. Tbh, now that I've finally seen it, I can't understand why people have hated it so much ever since it was first published. How else could it have ended, after all the twists and turns the story took? I think Isayama did the best he could, and MAPPA took things to the next level with some of the best animation they've ever produced. This final chapter gave me a lot of food for thought, and I'm pretty sure it will stay in my mind for a long time, just like this world and its characters.
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sulan1809 · 5 months
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Eren Yeager - Resumo da queda de um herói para o lado sombrio
Quem assiste Attack on Titan(進撃の巨人), certamente vai se lembrar de Eren Yeager, o protagonista da obra de Hajime Isayama, que tinha atributos para ser um grande herói, mas ao que parece, ele descendeu para o caminho dos demônios ao tomar atitudes que desagradaram os fãs que acompanharam a obra. Pra começar, Eren fez coisas terríveis, como por exemplo, 1) Ele cometeu um atentado terrorista que matou pessoas inocentes em uma praça pública; 2) EREN DISSE ABERTAMENTE PARA MIKASA QUE ELE ODIAVA ELA, E ELE ESPANCOU ARMIN; 3) Eren ajudou a exterminar 80% da população mundial; 4) Manipulou o próprio pai dele, e 5) Perdeu a humanidade aos poucos. Basicamente, Eren Yeager acabou destruindo a reputação dele com essas e outras ações funestas, o que nos leva a diversas questões sobre se ele é mocinho, vilão, ou anti-herói.
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madraleen · 8 months
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.26-27: A Roller Coaster of Emotions Commentary
-i'm laughing bc beast is literally like FUCK EREN FUCK YOUR REBELLION FUCK THE FOUNDER GIVE ME LEVI
-i hope levi gets his revenge and doesn't die
-'the other ackerman' haha
-i miss eren. as in, i miss seeing his pov, seeing him talk, seeing him interact
-oh this is armin's plan
-i'm surprised eren isn't just eating jaws...? to get the titan power...?
-ooooh "assassin's bullet"? oh no... who's getting killed. should i get tissues. not one of ours?
-armin always reaching out to stupid eren help
-how long has it been eren, how long is it since he left, the jerk?
-oh levi. you haven't changed a bit, i love you
-"it's normal to kill them" jesus, gabi
-oh. oh sasha. oh no.
-"you put your trust in us... and we've lost our trust in you" nice hange
-mikasa crying for sasha, my heart
-eren imma need you to show emotions babe. babe please help us.
-anyway i feel better now that we're with the survey corps.
-my heart hurts for eren. i don't know what's happening, but it's eren and i love him and it hurts seeing levi confirm that he never expected to see HIM like this, and goddamn i need answers and reconciliation.
-i'm not just anxious to uncover all the mysteries, to see who lives or dies, i'm also stressed to see who will snap. who will slip. who will make a misjudgement and how much it will cost.
-the pure titans be having a dance party in the background
-um. alright, anti-marleyan volunteers... but zeke kinda nearly destroyed us...
-OOOH OKAY, zeke turned ragako into titans.
-"to crush the world to dust" eren is OUT FOR BLOOD
-"welcome to our filthy island, home to defiled devils" LEVI I LOVE YOU
-why can't we have this kind of fun all the time :'(
-armin my pacifist bb :(
-ayy, eren's shot panel followed by sasha's getting shot panel, pain
-will we come to understand eren? like, on page, not on analysis and intuition
-eren with a manbun and no facial hair. yes, good, keep this. I MISS EREN LET'S SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH EREN POV
-ngl i've missed seeing eren say 'fight.' it's been so long and it was so defining for his character.
-"my dark night!!" LMFAO SCHOOL MIKASA WTH
-what is this demon eren pose on v27 cover.
-okay but why is eren angry with US? why won't he talk to us, to hange, when HE put us in the worst position?
-ey, mikasa gets her speshul status too. she's hizuru's hope. welcome to the hope club, don't let the pressure break your back
-sir. you gave your father to the authorities, what do you mean you've always been loyal to your father's dream. sir. zeke. oh. oh i see.
-WHY IS HE ATTACKING HANGE, EREN WHAT ARE YOU DOING NO. man he's so desperate. you CAN'T turn against him, he so fucking desperate and hopeless and broken
-who. who is the baby daddy? who is historia's baby daddy? does eren know about this?
-i'm so angry. i'm so angry at what we (the characters) have been through, at how we've been backed up against the wall again and again to the point that we (the characters) became like this, and i'm so angry at all the suffering we (the characters and the readers) have to go through. it's all so HOPELESS. part 1 was suffering and pain and questions, but there was always hope. there was "okay, we'll fix the thing, we'll learn the secret, we'll take back the city, we'll find the traitors," there was always a concrete goal and you could see hope at its attainment, you could believe that things would get better if only we had this thing. but now? there's no hope. there's no good outcome. there's nothing. there's literally us against the entire world, and the way we're going, us against each other as well. there's nothing!
"you all got so big... how dare you." L E V I I ADORE YOU
-why. why did gabi and falco have to go to the blouse house. why. so good. so painful.
-not to be armin, but... why can't we all just talk :'(
-why is the horse smiling when gabi falls, lol
-i don't know who to trust! except levi ofc, levi is special
-what the fuck...someone blew up zackly...
-oh. eren has escaped. of course. because why not. to quote mikasa... “what the hell is happening?”
-eren back to his shirtless wonder era
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goetzjpvis · 3 months
2/14/24 "Godzilla" JPT3391
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I had never seen Godzilla before it was prescribed for this class, and as a massive Attack on Titan fan I didn't expect the similarities between Godzilla and AOT to be insurmountable aside from the inclusion of a "giant monster". I now see where Hajime Isayama had received heavy inspiration from! In fact, you can go as far as to call AOT a successor of the Godzilla movies. For the purpose of this passage be mindful that there will be AOT spoilers.
In both medias, a giant, 50-meter monster comes to life, terrorizing civilizations. But does it stop there? Not at all! Titans and Godzilla are both indirect consequences of war- Although the titans and Godzilla are seen as villains, they were created by people pursuing war as a means of conquer and defense. The Japanese nation was senselessly bombed by the Allied forces during WW2, ending in a ceasefire, but effectively serving as a wakeup call for the nation who then pursued bomb-testing in order to have a weapons arsenal at the ready. In AOT, King Fritz utilizes the titans to serve his wartime purposes, eventually settling for them to be used as wall-construction material after losing (strange, I know), until they are awakened by the power of the founding titan. Here we see themes of people engaging in war (on what is considered the side of the oppressor- Eldians and Japanese), losing and going into 'hibernation', and then attempting to resurface one last time with Hbomb testing and the rumbling. Both stories are ultimately a testament to the anti-war movement, and the titans and godzilla are not exactly villains, but rather innocent bystanders caught within the crossfire of war (especially the titans that were forcibly converted).
Furthermore, the last comparion I will make to AOT is the themes of violent monster v. a gift to mankind. Professor Yamane actually didn't want to kill Godzilla, but rather study it in order to see how it could live for so long, and eventually benefit humanity. In AOT, the titans were initially used to improve the Eldian society until they began being used for war. So although both creatures had different plot relevance, similar themes arise. Both series pose the ethical question of to what extent can humanity be responsible for great scientific breakthroughs, and whether we are quick to kill things we find "new" or "scary" for us.
I also want to point out that a uique theme I noticed here was another ethical question - should the truth be released to the public, even if we think it may harm us? The scientist in the courtroom scene argued that we should not release the information because it has a utilitarian detriment to Japanese society. The woman on the other end argued that the truth should always be available to the public, even if it provides a slight detriment. Should secrets be kept? Should we trust in our government or deal with absolutism?
Lastly, I wanted to point out the use of miniatures in this series. Miniatures were used for nearly every non-human scene involving a natural disaster. It was amazing to me how they used small scale dioramas in order to showcase helicopters being squashed, shrines being destroyed, and buildings being crushed by Godzilla. It was creative, and likely a new filmmaking technique at the time- cutting edge!
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 month
Something I gotta say to you Eren fans...
Let's be very clear, this is NOT a channel where you're going to find any love for Eren Yeager. So let me extend something important to you guys;
If for any reason ANY of you here still have any genuine sympathy for Eren, even after all he did to betray and manipulate his friends, to warp space and time to slaughter billions of people, to betray everything the Survey Corps stood for.......
I extend you some advice. One, get some professional help IMMEDIATELY, because I have absolutely no respect for your affection towards Eren after he committed global genocide and knowingly sacrificed his own friends to see it through. I have no respect for anyone who blindly glosses over his crimes.
This shit is called ATTACK ON TITAN. NOT ATTACK ON EREN, this is NOT the same anime that hit the scene back in 2013, I will not acknowledge this bizarre shift in the story as a legitimate part of the AOT narrative, and nor should you. It is wrong to enable Hajime Isayama like that, who legit tried to frame Eren's actions as justifiable, something he WASN'T doing with Reiner, Bertolt, and Annie up to a certain point. Eren wasn't the initial villain, and if that really was Isayama's game from the beginning, I refer you to my previous post about how much Eren poisons his own saga.
And second, if you're not prepared to come to grips with that, you better keep your feelings for Eren FAR AWAY from this channel. Just, don't fucking bring that filth to my page. I don't want it. Because, GENOCIDE. Romanticizing a character guilty of that is NOT okay. This cunt from Hita, Japan trying to frame this kind of character as a tragic hero is NOT okay. Not here, I will NOT listen to it.
"Thank you Eren, you became a mass murderer to save us...." Fuck off. NO, the anime ending does not absolve Isayama of that line.
Tread carefully. It's already going to be ugly enough the next time I catch up with Bryce Papenbrook, and especially the day I finally catch up to Isayama himself.
Bottom line guys, FUCK EREN.
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lettieriletti · 8 months
L’Attacco dei Giganti 15 – Terza Ristampa
L’Attacco dei Giganti 15 – Terza Ristampa
Dopo aver scoperto che la famiglia Reiss è la vera famiglia reale, l’Armata Ricognitiva inizia a muoversi per far incoronare regina Christa, legittima erede al trono. Ma ecco arrivare la “squadra di soppressione anti-uomo” del Corpo Centrale di Gendarmeria che rapisce Eren e la stessa Christa! Colpi di scena a cura di Hajime Isayama.
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sungkaan · 6 months
Mikasa shouldn't have been written as Ymir's parallel cause it ruined the story
I think Isayama's goal for the last ep or chap was to shoe-horn eremika to sell that Mikasa merch(yes, i am calling it shoe-horning cause there was no compelling build-up. it's so fucking one-sided). It was no longer about the plot or the characters because he threw plot and character consistency out of the window to force Mikasa into becoming a central character (which she's not).
But if he badly wants to make this shit canon, then he could've just not force the Ymir-Mikasa parallel or have Mikasa be the one to free Ymir. I thought it was Eren who freed her but if he wants a fucking parallel give it to another character who would make more sense.
If Isayama really wants Eren to lose and proclaim his love for her, he could have written something like 'Tell Mikasa that I love her and I'm sorry" to Armin. None of that Ymir chose Mikasa bullshit cause only Ymir knows.
Granted this ending wouldn't be perfect. It would be mid, but at least it wouldn't have devolved in aot being about a one-sided love story. If Eren just randomly said he loves Mikasa before dying (without the Ymir-Mikasa parallel bullcrap), I'd find it odd but I'd prob be able to accept it. It would still be odd cause it wasn't established but at least it wouldn't retcon most of the characters and the themes.
Like Isayama wasn't perfect. There are writing choices which I find odd because it wasn't established like aruannie, the Reiner transferring his consciousness in retaking shigashina arc, or Armin not dying after being burned to a crisp and falling from a 50m drop. But I was able to accept it because these did not puncture a plot hole so big that it would make the story contradict itself.
It's so funny that Isayama has to puncture holes into his story to force the relevance of this ship.
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fullmetal-brunette · 2 years
Bro,I just went on a tirade on twitter and retweeted a bunch of anti Eren responses to this clown who said he was the most romantic shounen protagonist. Seriously...Edward Elric,Mao and Inuyasha are right there damnit.
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