#apollo the betta
spacecowboy-01 · 2 months
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(Yes it’s my fish)
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apollos-prophecies · 2 years
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haven’t had time to do a proper introductory photoshoot yet, but i did want to at least document day 1 of his already godlike beauty
everyone this is Apollo! 🖤 (7.18.22)
stay tuned for some blog updates/changes, sunshine photoshoots, and maybe even a prophecy or two
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
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Doodle of Merpollo I did in astronomy class bc this is taking over my brain, plus some headcannons for this au!
Even though I called him a goldfish in my other post, Merpollo is much more of a goldfish-colored Betta fish. Whoops
Merpollo has a huge love of shiny things. He wears golden chains and piercings all of the time, as he loves being the shiniest thing in the sea. This gets him into trouble a lot though, as he often attracts danger.
This is why the tips of his tail are a bit ragged, as he injures it often trying to escape sharks and other larger predators from the deep sea.
His sister, Artemis, is the exact opposite of him, and she often hides on the ocean floor and in trenches and scares the shit out of anyone swimming by. Oftentimes this includes Apollo
Nero lives by the sea, and is trying to capture mermaids for research and profit. He often sends Meg to scour the beaches for any sign of them.
When Apollo angers his father, storms as strong as hurricanes ravage the sea. To escape his father's wrath, Apollo often hides in shallow caves near beaches. This is where Meg found him the first time.
Merpollo's singing voice is very similar to a siren's song, although he usually doesn't have any murderous intent. Usually.
All of the Olympians are mermaids, with Zeus ruling as the king of the sky, storms, and the surface of the sea. Poseidon is the lord of the deep sea, and is seen as much more dangerous than his younger brother.
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coyote-apologist · 1 year
hello! i am looking to make some friends! you can call me either apollo or lavender, and my pronouns are he/they/xe! i am almost 20, autistic (mentioning that upfront because i am beyond awkward in social situations) and a floridian!
if you share any of these interests, please interact with this post and/or message me directly!
fishkeeping, including bettas and gouramis, blackwater inspired tanks, and planted tanks!
botany and ecology, especially native plants and ecosystems!!
gardening, specifically in raised beds and pots, including vegetables, native flowers, and houseplants!
red dead redemption 2!
cats!!! in general, and including warrior cats!
queer shit! i love learning about queer history!
canning/preserves/jelly making, specifically with fruit or fruit juice!
cottagecore aesthetic stuff!
there's definitely more, so i will add things as i think of them
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Sonic Storybook but it's Greek mythology. Which characters are which gods?
ask @birdsareblooming she's working on it but i'll do my best
and also NOT taking into consideration familial/romantic relationships bc hot damn:
ZEUS (sky, storms) – Sonic. i mean... lightning, "knight of the wind", all that jazz. Alt: Surge.
HERA (family, marriage) – very few sonic characters are married so we should focus on the family aspect. Vanilla, then. Alt: Aleena
POSEIDON (ocean) – logistically, Chaos, BUT there's also a greek god literally named Chaos so, well. Other answer, Marine or Kitsunami.
HADES (underworld) – obvs answer but probably Shadow
DEMETER (earth, harvest) – hmm... perhaps Mighty
ARES (war) – OMEGA. do i even have to? Alt: Amy
ATHENA (strategy, wisdom) – Knuckles is probably an unpopular opinion but i think he'd fit. otherwise, Blaze or Sally.
APOLLO (sun, poetry, healing) – Silver. He's got the desire to heal the future, and, well. Solaris
ARTEMIS (moon, the hunt) – Whisper. personally i think Artemis is aroace but the lesbian interpretation is p good too so! let's go
HEPHAESTUS (construction, invention) –Tails. obviously. alt: Wave, Eggman
APHRODITE (beauty, love) – Rouge, not bc of her looks but bc of her love of pretty things. Alt: Breezie
HERMES (messengers, thieves) – probably bokkun let's say Charmy. Alt: Ray, Omochao, Rouge
DIONYSUS (drunk ppl and theatre kids) – Vector would be really funny lol
HESTIA (the hearth, home) – Blaze
IRIS (rainbows, light) – Tikal
HYPNOS (sleep) – Big
NEMESIS (justice) – Espio.
NIKE (victory) – Jet. that hypercompetitive bitch? yea. Alt: Honey.
HEBE (youth) – Cream, w/ bonus Cheese lol
TYCHE (luck) – Tangle. i dont have a reason just the vibe
HECATE (magic) – AMY. absolutely Amy. alt: Nicole, Merlina, Ebony, or Infinite if u wanna go dark.
PAN (the wild) – STICKS.
BOREAS (north wind, winter) – Dulcy. she breaths ice y'all
ZEPHYRUS (west wind, spring)– Bean the Dynamite. he seems like the type to accidentally kill a guy he had a crush on
NOTUS (south wind, summer) – Wave
EURUS (east wind, autumn) – Storm, Eurus is seen as a Storm god
and then the muses:
CALLIOPE (epic poetry) – Aleena. Alt: Elise
CLIO (history) – Gold the Tenrec
ERATO (lyric + love poetry) – Mina Mongoose cause why not. Elise is also an alt for her, also Breezie.
EUTERPE (music) – Sonia
MEPLOMENE (tragedy) – Void (Sonic Shuffle)
POLYHYMNIA (sacred poetry) – Coral the Betta
TERPSICHORE (dance, choral music) – not a lot of sonic characters are dance-based– however, Manic could work, he's musical and quick lol
THALIA (comedy) – Lumina (Sonic Shuffle)– gotta match her twin
URANIA (astrology) – Amy would fit good here too lol, but I think we should go with Maria/Merlina.
and OBVIOUSLY Kronos is Mephiles like who are we kiddin
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ungarmax · 3 months
You gave me a cat, so I'm going to talk about my cats. Some interesting factoids about them:
The first cat I can remember was my cat Puff. He was a fluffy black cat that I named after Puff the Magic Dragon, because I have always named my cats after characters, even when I was like 7, apparently.
I used to draw Puff everywhere. I particularly remember drawing him as a firefighter for some reason.
I once had a cat who had two kittens, and I named the kittens Sephiroth and Quistis. Quistis was semi-feral and never came around (they were outdoor cats), but Sephiroth was quite nice. It turned out Sephiroth was a girl, and she lived a good, long indoor life with my niece after being renamed Penny Pinknose.
My family had a thing for a while about naming all our pets after different kinds of cheeses. This started when my sister decided to name her kitten Cheese.
The fandom I have had the most pets named after is Ace Attorney. I've had Phoenix, Apollo, Miles, and Franziska. Part of the reason Miles and Fran have their names was because I've had three pets named after Harry Potter characters, and I didn't want that to be the fandom I had the most pets named after anymore.
My next highest amount of pets named after a certain fandom is a tie between Metal Gear Solid and Homestuck. Yes, in case you didn't know, Pounce was a Homestuck cat. I'm not sorry because Homestuck is not actually a thing I'm ashamed of liking.
One time I had two rats named Frank and Dave and then I got a job where I worked with two dudes named Frank and Dave, and it was really surreal.
I one time had this betta fish that I bought because he was dying on the shelf at Walmart and I felt bad for him. He was tiny and red and angry (he would blow out his frills whenever he saw me) so I named him after Edward Elric. I bought him a ten gallon tank with a filter and all that jazz, and this motherfucker was the horniest fish I've ever had. He made a bubble nest so big it covered the entire top of the tank (even with the filter constantly destroying some of it).
Those last two points weren't about cats. Oops.
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penname-artist · 1 year
Probably very random but after your recent post on Apollo, I want to know some random facts heh! Let's see some Apollo appreciationn
Apollo definitely appreciates it, he's been pouting in the corner for a while since Tyker and Clutch stole his spotlight lol
Apollo was born February 2nd, and yes that means he was born on Groundhog's Day. Also formerly the birthday of a childhood cat. Also, that makes him an Aquarius!
He was born to parents Ruben and Sandra Valentinas, both wealthy business people (it's just like, in the family, apparently)
the majority of his family is from Columbia. Apollo (and Rey) was born in California, though.
He's a hopeless romantic, and shamelessly watches Hallmark movies during the holidays
[kinda NSFW] This man has a 'Gay card' and he has played it many a times. She hasn't made a fic appearance yet because I ditched it early, BUT, there's a wealthy woman by the name of Heather who has professional flings with Ripslinger on occasion, mostly for money reasons, and she has gotten deals with other guys (*cough cough* Dusty) and she made ONE attempt to woo Apollo, and he stood up straight and said "sorry, I prefer Almond Joys, not Mounds Bars." [Because NUTS-]
[NSFW] He has a *cough* intricate collection of *cough cough* "toys". He doesn't use them often, but when he does he makes sure to go all out.
[it's not NSFW anymore I swear] He's debated getting a pet for a long time now, and hasn't. Though, the best pet for him is most likely a Betta fish. Beautiful, solitary, and pissy.
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This is me introducing myself
Hi I'm jasper.
I don't like labeling myself but I do use he/her pronouns.
My favorite colors are red and blue
My favorite band is ovibously def leppard
My favorite song is all the young dudes by Mott the Hoople (its joes fault)
I have tons of animals
3 bettas (apollo, domino and rogerina (who i was told was a female and is definitely not but i cant change the name now))
4 rabbits (gwilym, Anastasia, samandriel and tricky)
1 cat (im currently feeding 7 ferals though) (mars (also ziggy,taz, karen, nikki, hell-bert, pip, precious and stardust dont tell anyone i named them )
1 snake (felix)
And my life line my dog monster who is a task trained service dog in training I have been training for the last 7 months.
If you have any questions about me please ask!
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Thinking about the Claydar Siren/Sailor AU actually.
Hmmmm.... Maybe most of the murderers are sirens? Because they lead people to their doom? And are looked down upon because of that? (Kristoph wouldn't be a siren though because he's Captain of the ship Apollo and Clay are on... I need a good name for it)
Actually, maybe more of the villains who are People in Power are human (Gant, MVK, Blaise, Redd White, etc) and are running ships or ports or regulating ships or something?
Phoenix's ship is called the Turnabout, I think... Perhaps Kristoph's ship is.... Hm.... The Ace of Spades? Something card themed maybe?
Anyway the murderers who are more charming and not necessarily in legal positions of power are Sirens... So to think of some.... Definitely Dahlia, Probably Calisto Yew, Dee Vasquez, Matt Engarde, Mimi Miney, Richard Wellington, Alita Tiala, Daryan (obviously), (literally no one from game 5 LMAOOOOO sorry you can't be good looking or charming in any way game 5 killers. Xoxo get well soon), and Probably Roger Retinz? Uhhhh other AAI because I already mentioned Calisto ... Jacques Portsman, Cammy Meele, Horace Knightly maybe? And probably Simon Keyes. I know I said "some" and then listed all the sirens but shhh, I'm typing what I'm thinking
ACTUALLY maybe its the act of killing that turns you into a siren? So that's why, say Iris isn't a siren/the rest of the Feys aren't Sirens. Yes, Sirens can PROBABLY have children but far more come from those who have killed. (I'm not going off of actual mythology here just shit that sounds cool)
MVK/Blaise/Gant haven't physically killed anyone in this (just kinda... Led them to their deaths or sentenced them or something) and I feel like I might be going into too much lore for a thing that's essentially "but what if... They kissed" but shush it's world building.
Lamiroir/thalassa is rumored to be half siren. The Gramarye boat got caught in a storm, leaving Zak and Valant alive, Magnifi dead, and Thalassa presumed dead but actually on a different shore with no memories. (Trucy wasn't allowed to go on the boat yet so she was fine) Anyway.... Hmm... I want to say that Daryan was part of a ship run by Klavier and he began smuggling on the side. Anyway, LeTouse called him out on it and without really even questioning if what he was doing was worth it, Daryan shot him. He jumped overboard immediately but everyone else on board kinda figured the situation out when they found Daryan missing and saw Letouse dead
Let's see, I feel like the people on Klavier's ship would be... Klavier, Daryan, Letouse, Lamiroir, Machi, and maybe Athena and Juniper? Something like that I guess. Maybe more people... Maybe Sebastian too?
Anyway, I think the siren transformation turns you into part fish or fish like thing (fins and a tail essentially) so Daryan is shark, Dahlia is Betta fish... Idk that much about fish. so Daryan jumps overboard and as soon as he hits the water he's got a tail and gills and stuff.
So Kristoph's got his own ship and it's got Clay, Apollo... Actually maybe The Turnabout got sunk (probably by Kristoph) so Phoenix is first mate and Trucy is there too. Zak is probably a new crew member who people don't really recognize as zak gramarye? Trying to think of other people vs people who would be on land vs people who would be on a different boat
Anyway this was all world building and no actual romance so maybe I'll make another post. Gonna start tagging this
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tfsroleplay · 3 months
AFRAID for Sylvia!
Glimpses of the Past
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
((I went with more "scared" then under threat for this one))
blood tw!
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Sylvia, aged 13 paces back and forth in the hospital waiting room while Haru, aged 5, waves at a few of the doctors and nurses that pass them. He's been in the hospital a lot already, but at least the staff were kind to him. For once, they're not here for him. Sylvia pauses, looking over at Haru.
「How are you doing?」
She speaks to him in Octarian and kneels down to his height, checking his back tentacles and then his developing arms and legs. She's making sure he hasn't lost or damaged anything. Haru hums, shrugging and kicking his legs back and forth a bit.
He finally responds, holding his arms up to her. She sighs, lifting him up and carrying him as she continues to pace. Haru leans his head on her shoulder. Earlier that day, she'd been trying to get some homework done in her room. Her mother was watching Zach and Haru, or at least that's what Sylvia thought. Zach had eventually come into her room asking her to play with them, and she just shooed him away so she could finish.
Next thing she knew, Zach was screaming bloody murder and she'd never run as fast in her life. Her mother followed her eventually, but by that time Sylvia had already called her father and was rushing to the neighbors to ask them for a ride.
...the sight of blood on him will never leave her mind...
A doctor finally approached them, looking from his clipboard to them.
"Ah, Ms. Flores. I thought the last name was familiar."
Sylvia recognizes him, as does Haru. He was a betta fish, usually worked with the younger patients due to his colorful scales grabbing their attention instead of the tools they used.
"Hi Dr. Splenden..." Sylvia's lower lip trembles, she's close to crying, "Is... Is my brother okay??"
He smiles, though she can tell he's trying to calm her down. He opens his mouth, but doesn't get to speak as Apollo nearly broke the door off it's hinges as he entered the hospital. He spotted Sylvia quickly, immediately pulling her and Haru into a hug.
"Mr. Flores. Good to see you... Please do not break our doors..."
"My child called me in a panic over her brother. Is he alright??"
"Yes. However, the damage to one tentacle was too severe, we had to surgically remove it. The other is in rough condition and likely will not regrow what he lost. Regarding the rest of his injuries, they will heal with time and proper care."
Dr. Splenden smiled at them, nodding his head for them to follow him to the room. Apollo took Haru from Sylvia and held her hand as they walked down the corridor. They entered the room, Zach, aged 6, lies in a hospital bed with a nurse giving him a shot. Almost immediately Apollo and Sylvia were by his side, the nurse talking to Apollo. Sylvia wasn't focused on them she was focused on Zach. Haru was set down beside her, waving at his brother.
「I'm sorry. I should've been watching you... I didn't...」
Sylvia frowned, finally beginning to cry. Sure, Zach wasn't bleeding anymore, but he was still injured. And it could've been much worse. She should've just followed him when he asked to play, homework could've been done later. Or never, it could be replaced. Her brother couldn't if something happened. What if he'd--
「Momma said I could... I'unno. I don't 'member much... I want ice cream, can we get some...?」
He shrugged, clearly still groggy. Their mother... of course... Sylvia rubs her eyes and nods, gently squeezing his hand.
「...We'll ask Dad later, okay?」
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copiasass · 4 months
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My betta Apollo who was laying on some moss, scaring me, but he's just a little sleepy.
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goldenboywrites · 8 months
same old damage
It was still so far out of his imagination that this was happening right now. Isaac did his absolute best to keep his power to himself as Apollo took his hand. A warm smile still proudly splayed on his face as Oliver burst back into the room. Always so nervous. But there was something else swimming in all that radiating off of him. His brow furrowed and he opened his mouth to ask but quickly shut it. It wouldn't do them any favors if he asked what was wrong and Oliver had a complete meltdown. Which, from the look of him, wasn't entirely off base. "Righ'." He nodded finally and tugged the younger wizard alongside him, turning to urge the little blond one to Oliver's side. Isaac moved with Apollo through the door first, keeping a quick eye on everything around them. As they cleared the staircase it made him feel a bit easier. Thankful Oliver's boyfriend and Apollo's best friend was in a dorm with people that kept mostly to themselves. How funny it was that all of their dorms were so vastly different. He supposed that was on a count of the people within but still, sorting had always baffled him. Never made sense to him in slightest. He'd realized he'd gone quiet in the time they'd been walking through, nearly clearing the door at that point. His gaze drifted down to the little one nearly running beside him and then back to the blond just staring up at Oliver. Eyes wide and his amazement just plain as day on his face. He wondered for a moment if they'd reverted back entirely or if that was just happenstance. Could be. "Wha's ya boys favori'e 'hin' ta ea'?" He asked, still looking over his shoulder and then down to Apollo. Isaac held out his other hand, pushing down the handle until the jam popped open and the four of them were through the door and into the fresh air. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, trying to inspect for who was near by and the most direct way to get them there, in and out, as quickly as possible. "They migh' ha'e a tart. Dunno how they ma'e i' bu' i' is the bes' 'hin' eva." He smiled brightly to Apollo, turning back to the other pair. His brow furrowed as he took in Oliver, trying convey every question he could imagine on his face. Whether or not the other understood, well, that remained to be seen. Once the two boys were settled he'd get it out of him. "An' Oliver really likes i' too. Don' ya?" He added, trying to get him to play along with him. Keep the boys from truly catching on to whatever was going on with the lion behind him. "Betta wi'h ice cream, righ'?" Isaac straightened, sensing they weren't entirely alone. A pair of students were walking down the path just before them. His pace slowed ever so. It was inevitable they'd have to pass people but he wasn't entirely sure if either Cassio or Apollo could be recognized like this. Perhaps they should have disguised them in some way. "Ya idoi' Isaac." He mumbled under his breath, smile dropping just ever so as it washed over him. Maybe luck could be on their side ... at least for this ... maybe.
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Apollo found himself drawn to the man with a funny accent. Isaac, he reminded himself. When he slipped his small hand into his, a weird warmth of comfort came over him. It wasn’t something he understood because he was supposed to be cautious with strangers, especially given the circumstances of being in a weird place and having to protect Cass. But with the grumble in his stomach and the promise of food, Apollo had to make do with it. The men hadn’t hurt either of them and didn’t try to separate them so maybe they were trustworthy. 
“That sounds good,” He mumbled, quickening his tiny steps to match Isaac’s big ones. He squinted as the sun washed over his face. He looked around at his surroundings trying to detect if he was in familiar grounds but he didn’t recognize any buildings around them. “Apollo?” A voice ran out in his head. He snapped his head to the left, opposite of Isaac to look for who had spoken to him. It sounded like… but he couldn’t be. There was no way. He shook his head and looked straight ahead, watching carefully where Isaac was leading them. 
The other man, walking next to Isaac, was quiet for the first time since Apollo had met him. He kept darting glances over at the man who kept shooting looks at Isaac. He observed Oliver as he chewed on his nails and tapped at his pants pocket. He didn’t like how nervous Oliver had gotten since they left the room. It was like he knew something or had planned something. But thankfully, Cass was tucked to Apollo’s side and the furthest away from the man. “Where are you?” The voice rang out in his head again and Apollo lost his footing, stumbling over a crack in the sidewalk. He fell scraping his knee against the ground, Isaac’s hand the only thing saving him from faceplanting fully. He cried out, mostly from surprise, but the burn of the scrap pulled the tears from his eyes. “I’m coming.” 
A soft crack sounded and a woman appeared in front of them. His eyes narrowed in anger. Apollo looked up at her from the ground, sniffling. “Thena?” He shakily whispered, slipping his hand out of his Isaac’s and reaching for her. It didn’t matter that she didn’t look the same as he remembered. He could feel and know his twin anywhere. 
Athena Maddox shifted her gaze between the two children she had grown up with to the two men hovering by their sides. Leave it to Apollo and Cassio to go to university only to end up reverting back to fucking toddlers. “Get away from them,” She growled, shoving her hand out and magicking a shield around the children, separating them from the two men. “What have you two done now?” She asked in a softer tone while moving towards the boys. She bent down on one knee, waving a hand over Apollo’s knee until the bleeding and scrape disappeared. Apollo wrapped his arms around her neck and she hoisted him up, settling him down on her hip while extending her other hand for Cassio to take. “I’ll take it from here,” She said to the men, shooting a glare at them. “Leave.” 
Guilt washed over Oliver as he watched Apollo’s twin appear and take control of the children. He didn’t dare reach out towards the shield around them after sensing how strong and protective her magic was. There was no doubt in his mind who she was. She was the female version of Apollo down to her attitude. It was hard not to be impressed and terrified of her presence. “I-” He started, his mouth shut as she snapped a heated look at him. “I was the one who called you!” He blurted out, wringing his fingers nervously. “From Apollo’s phone.”We’re friends. We’re… we know them. We found them,” Oliver explained in a rush, fearing that she would take Apollo and Cass and disappear. “We’re going to feed them. Come with us and we’ll explain what we can…” 
Athena tightened her grip on the boys. Apollo’s head tucked into the curve of her neck and Cassio’s hand squeezed hers. “You both have ten minutes before I leave with them.”
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andromeda-buffy · 1 year
My betta just died. I think it was ammonia poisoning but I'm not sure. I know he had a much better life overall than the last fish I had but I still feel terrible for letting this happen. He struggled a lot the last few days.
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He was a good boy. Was always so active and curious. I am going to miss you, Apollo.
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lord-vaders · 2 years
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My new betta fish Apollo ☺️☺️
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klaviergavinwiki · 2 years
man i miss my betta fish *blows a kiss to fishy heaven* for diego hugo apollo and Benson (who was very ill and only with us for a day but he is still part of the family)
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salty-fishist · 4 years
the fish is bored
ask me questions
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