#arc v ship rants
bphantom01 · 1 year
ARC V MONTH DAY 7 - Of Amores, Per the Prophecy
I'm late again lol @arcvmonth Atleast just a few hours this time...
Anyways, quick lil sketch bc i didn't know what to write (which is why its messy and somewhat random. Also its clearer if u press on the pic):
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YuriSere Photo Frame!
(The rest under this is just me ranting abt how much I love the ship & why btw)
I've shipped the two for a long time now lol...
The reason for this was bc I was like: So uh only the fusion counterparts don't have any canonical relationships, huh...
But then what IF they had? What happened, exactly, if anything? How would they differ from the others based on their attitude, the way they grew up & dimension they came from? How would they get along?
These were the questions—the questions that started it all.
Until now, I'm obsessed with whatever “what if”s abt em and still rlly wished I got to see em interact w/ each other more...
(Duel Links, this is so up to you now... Please, PLEASE...!)
Imma be repeating what other ppl say but another reason why I love them is their F*CKING AESTHETIC.
Blue, Indigo if u rlly want, Green, Purple, Pink, Fuchsia and/or Magenta... *melts*
And im already into space (not much with plants tho) and then there's BAM, EN MOON (also i think she the only one without the 's' at the end bc theres only one moon on earth), COSMOS. Then there's Yuri with his plants and the theory of him loving gardening—FLOWERSSSSS—bc Predaps bitch.
*whispers* Moonflowerssss
But uhm yeah. Behold, YuriSere, my one-and-only precious forever OTP.
(Also what I meant there by “idk what to write” was bc most ideas i have of em are uh... Reserved to be written for the other fics i write. And ive started three drafts for today but didn't know how to end em.)
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qishylia-adelia · 1 year
(a rant about murder drones fans on tiktok)
murder drones tiktok should stop talking about how much they hate nuzi for one second and give attention to my girl V and Doll for once.
"blushing doesn't mean love 😡"
No shit sherlock.I bet grown adults who worked on glitch know that too.Blushing can implied all kinds of things nitwit,including romance.
NO,I'm not saying you should stop hating on this ship because it may be canon.You should stop hating on this ship because their ages aren't canon.
I understand them acting like siblings may be a very personal comfort thing to you.
But it's not some crazy amazing interpretation like "they're black coded!" "this arc is trans coded!" "they're autistic coded!" or anything.Let people interpreted this lovable funky robot duo differently.
People are not obligated to like the same things as you just because you're uncomfortable when anyone disagrees.
Of course this doesn't apply to everything in life.But this definitely applies to media consumption and fandom interactions.
tldr: suck it up and give doll some attention.Pretty please?
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Introductions (+ Sexuality Headcanons)
Hi, I'm Claire and I'm a huge sadist. I hope we get along well soon blah,blah,blah I'll just skip the formalities, shall we?/j
Sorry 'bout that. My name is Claire. I go by she/her pronouns and I found Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun anime while I was searching for some new anime to watch. I'll admit when I first saw this anime I thought it'll be a normal isekai anime or something.
 But ever since the first episode, I had caught an interest to the anime, I realise the more I watch, the more I had fallen in love with it. When I had finished the Harvest Festival arc, I immediately went to read the manga and oh boy, it did not dissapoint. I found one of the most relatable introvert ever, shout out to my kin character, Purson!
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The most introverted boy in Mairuma. Love him.
Purson, a guy who was invincible to his classmates but has many things to say. The feeling of wanting to voice out your opinion but doesn't want to stand out resonated in me so much. I genuinely find Purson to be a person who struggles with social communication since he had to stay silent besides his family his whole life before the Music Festival arc. He's one of the huge reasons why this arc is one of my favourite arcs in Mairuma. 
(Sorry about my rant earlier.)
I have many things to post in the future too! So please if we could, be friends with me!
Agares Picero
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He reminds me of the boys who look gorgeous af but doesn't even try-
Agares Picero likes boys.
I feel like the reason he is always uncomfortable is because he isn't interested in female. Because mostly the people who went for him are girls. I always thought he would be a huge tsundere. Like I said this is headcannons, I don't fully know if this is true or not. But based of my research it's pretty accurate. And also Gaap-kun exist so...
Wouldn't it be funny if his gay awakening was some demon kid in kindergarten? God, I just got one hell of an idea for a post, definitely doing that later. 
Also great potential to torture him with trust issues! #characterdevelopment  😜/j 
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A literal cinnamon roll
Iruma likes girls and boys.
I mean... come on? It wouldn't be fair if Iruma-kun pulls both and only loves one gender? Seriously though, I mean he wouldn't be a Bicon and BiDisaster like Eiko but I would feel like he would be okay with both genders. Plus he radiates Bi vibes and have you seen his relationship with Azz-kun and Clara? 
Lied-kun has a huge admiration for Gyari right? Like an Akudol / Evidol crush, so I have been thinking what if Iruma found his first Akudol / Evidol crush to be a male? That would be the first time he realized he wasn't straight.
 (Look, for the IruAzz shippers I would like to say I knew Iruma had a few sparks with Azz-kun but it was never way too obvious, plus Iruma-kun is very dense when it comes to love so..)
⚠️  I'm not shipping Iruma with my own OC! This is simply an idol crush, like how Lied is to Gyari !   ⚠️
(I also shall not say his sorry excuse of a parent names cause he deserves better.) 
Gaap Goemon
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A cute pansexual
Gaap seems like the type of person to like any gender as long as their allies. (I worded that wrong didn't I?). I wanted to say he likes boys because of Agares but Kuromu and Nee-san ( Elizabetta-san) exist so.. and also radiates Pan vibes. 
I honestly don't think he would react much to his first male crush (Agares), I feel like he wouldn't mind at all and would just act like it's just a normal crush.
But I think his immediate acceptance will make Agares more bothered on how easily Gaap accepts himself when he, himself can't even get other people to accept who he is much less himself. So it will cause controversy between the two.
✨So future angst✨
( Don't worry I know how to treat my characters well, there will be comfort. )
So yeah, this is my first post from this community I first plan to only do an introduction but then I felt bad that I didn't put any Mairuma content so I made 3 characters sexuality headcannons. I will make a part 2 on Mairuma Sexuality Headcannons! If you have any suggestion on what Mairuma characters I should do next, please tell me! Here is my discord in case you are interested in talking abt M!ik hcs, ships and etc with me: https://discord.gg/hsSt8sYH
~Claire has logged off~
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Favourite he who fights with mosnters character?? Please rant about them!
HIII sorry for not responding for so long anon im here now tho hiiii Okay not gonna say my fave team biscuit character bc like i love them all equally
fave side/not super plot relevant character: AUTUMN SHES SO SILLY I WISH WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF HER
fave earth arc character: noreth tbh theyre such a good villian i love morally dubious characters instead of plain good v bad kinda shit :3
fave asano: ericka asanoo shes so jfhdsd her and jasons dynamic >>>>>>
fave pallamistus deity: knowledge or hero i think knowledge is just a v cool person shes lovely and hero idk his book 10 bit his little speech my hearttt </3 hes so wet cat codedddddd (healer justice and dominion r also v silly fellurs bc the deities all have rly cool characters and theyre all so unique!!!!!)
fave familiar: gordon OR echo i wanna see belinda bond w her familiars moreee (i hope they can talk better at gold or diamond rank :3) (looking forwards to gordon becoming a voice of the will i wonder if itll be linked to intrinsic mandate magic since gordon just got v big and ate magiccy slugs so idk how gordons is gonna work im so hyped)
fave diamond ranker: soramir :3 hes kinda goofy fellur yk
fave ship: i only have one and its so sillly its jason x neil theyre just soaaaaaaa
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how the mcu fuked Sharon carter over, how steggy isn’t the hot shit it thinks it is, and how Steve Sharon is actually a good ship fuck you
i had to get this rant out. i am right about this :)
1, Peggy in the comics is a one-night stand of Steve’s in the war. she doesn’t even know his name. she isn’t the love of his life, she’s barely a love interest, and she has little importance to him.
2, Sharon is one of Steve’s close friends, and there romantic relationship, while on/off at times, due to their conflicts and work, they still have a close bond and care for each other, they know the reasons they fight, but deal with them p well, they are both headstrong independent people, but they have each other’s backs when they need to.
Sharon is honestly my fav love interest of Steve’s, and the one that makes the most sense (other than Sam but unfortunately that won’t happen anytime soon) they are the type of couple who can mature together, and help temper each other rough edges, as well as both jump into danger like the highly trained people they are.
3, while Sharon and Peggy are related in the comics, Sharon doesn’t know that when she first meets Steve (and maybe never? Sharon knows Peggy has an obsession w captain America, but I can’t remember if it goes further) and honestly? it was a one-night stand, who cares.
now this is the mcus fuckups
4. Peggy shouldn’t have been made out to be the love of Steve’s life.(its Sam) she has no impact on him and I get they need a love interest, but it fucks shit up down the line, and why do u need a love story?? there meant to be a family, (I’m stopping this tangent here I have to many thoughts about the adaptation)
5, you know how Natasha’s friendship with Steve was massively strengthened during captain America: the winter soldier? yes that was meant to be Sharon, but Scarlett Johansson kicked up a fuss. all that development... also while Natasha is important to the winter soldier arc, Sharon is more in the part they are covering, and nats part is when bucky enters more.
5.1 so basically the kiss in civil war was meant to be between characters that had had a lot more development.
6. Hayley Atwell. don’t get me started. there are much better threads somewhere, but the rundown is she has some sort of blackmail cause the amount of steggy... she’s obsessed w Chris evens and has sent hordes of angry steggy shippers after Sharon’s actor and cause a lot of issues.
tldr: mcu fuked up by making Peggy Steve’s "one true love", Sharon’s character development was stolen, and Hayley Atwell decided to be v weird about it
(Disclaimer: I’m not currently in the fandom, I haven’t read captain America 2006 in a few months, and I can’t be asked to do citations, but this is something I’ve wanted to get down for a while. also, I’m not making a judgment on Johansen, but am on Atwell)
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what do you think of soulshipping from Gx, sharkbait from Zexal and Bracelet from arc v? also do you have a sevens ship you'd like to talk about?
oh fuck I love them; I still haven’t watched the second half of yubel!Martin vs Judai & Johan but I do love them. I’m just a monsterfucker and Yubel is one of my favourite genders too. I love that GX has a canonically pansexual main character, I love to see it as a pansexual yugioh enjoyer. I can’t wait to see more of them as I eventually watch more of GX
I’m not into it all that much. I prefer Kaito/Shark and am something of a Sky monoshipper for Yuma; actually not true at all, I like Cathy/Yuma since I am a Cathy stan. Again, I think they’re great friends but I can’t see it as anything more. Shark’s a bit aggro as well which I’m blah on but who knows. A ZeXal rewatch could bring unexpected things but for now,, not really my cup of tea. I don’t recoil all that hard seeing shippy fanart of them but I’d never willingly click a link to a fic about it or something;;
I might have started arc v for the fruits but the introduction of Yuto and the mystery of the bracelet really helped me to stick around when I was already super invested super early. I don’t like that I don’t see it all that often :( their colour schemes go so well together and also I’ve never written them which also sucks. Although, that being said, I’ve never gone out of my way to consume it; I just want it to fall into my lap and to enjoy it but yeah, definitely my favourite Yuto ship nonetheless but I also wouldn’t put Yuto in my S or A tier characters though
thank you for giving me a sevens ship that I could pick, I was literally just thinking about these two <3
If I had a dollar for every yugioh character I adored who was adopted by a non-human person(s) and became the second in command/malewife to a light haired story arc boss... I would only have two dollars but its weird that its happened twice. And in a row no less so yeah I love Chevelle and I am such a sucker for “you saved me so now I have to devote myself to you” ships.
Like, there are a lot of good Asana ships (with Tiger and with Yuga namely but I’m also into her with Ranze or Romin as well, she is a launcher, I swear) but this one does tickle my fancy a little more than others which sucks cuz I haven’t written it yet but I plan to. I have a Chevelle headcanon that I could hammer Asana into and hopefully squeeze a fic out of.
I just think they’re so nice. And I can’t find the screenshot that I’m thinking of but they looked so soft in that ending where they’re having high tea together. It was chivalrous but intimate;; I love to see it;;
- Mod Playmaker
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redxriiot · 3 years
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Anon​​​​​​​​ said :  Would you ship this? Todokiri?          『 Meme || Accepting 』
         OH, BOY WOULD I-
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terriblygrimm · 3 years
what i don’t get, what i TRULY don’t get, is why m@rvel had to take the character that’s been claimed and loved by the gays for legit 10 yrs.... and make him “flirt” with not one, but TWO women in the course of 5 eps, when in comparison to the shows other main character, sam- who hasn’t even talked to a single woman all season.
like ???? m@rvel is so deliberate in their homophobia and i hate them so much
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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ashpkat · 3 years
okay so the silver mask isn’t a bad book. im gonna say it now, the only reason why I dislike the book is because of callmara. and thats somewhat controversial because in a lot of ways its stupid to dislike a large thing of media just because of a ship. but i see the vibes of the book, and what cass + holly were going for, got completely overshadowed with call primarily thinking of tamara. AARON DIES AND THEN THEY START DATING LESS THAN A YEAR AFTER. im not super upset at that but call didn’t even have time to properly grieve the death of aaron, and then immediately starts dating his bsf. the book would have been one of my favorites if it hadn’t been for callmara, and don’t come at me with “well you wouldn’t think the same if it was calron” i actually would, the magisterium series should have been romance free. it just never sat right with me. 
the ending of the golden tower was terrible, not v unpopular opinion but have we every stopped to discuss why? the whole reason I stuck with the series after tbk is because alex was a compelling villain, I wanted to see him punished for aarons death. for the twist to be it was never constantines fault and anastasia was the big bad all along for mind controlling her son, it was really disappointing. there was so much build up-- to what though? there was too much happening in that book, and it would have been better if they had gone over some of the stuff that happened in tsm instead. like call getting the memories of maugris and the other mages before him would have worked a tad better in the setting of tsm. 
calls potential villain arc should have been explored. not shocking coming from my mouth, the evil call ceo, but it had so much potential. the book is written in third person --hearing calls thoughts only which is a slight problem with my proposal-- so it wouldn’t have been weird if the perspective switched to tamara whilst call went through it. i see it likely that call would have atleast tried the evil for more than 2 chapters, considering he successfully raised a dead person, that had its own free will (mostly) and technically wasn’t a chaos ridden. plus with master joesph being a master manipulator and the influence of anastasia, you can’t say he didn’t feel atleast a little bit pressured to be evil. so why not? thats always bugged me in tsm, it felt like call was out of place, and never truly interacted with his surroundings. he was a separate being.
lets talk continuity errors now, and why i consider the iron trial being an unreliable source of information. number one is kimiyas age, she is a copper year in the iron trial. a year older than tamara, but by the time of tbk shes a gold year. unless she skipped a year in the magisteirum (which is physically impossible) thats just an error. i think it was so her relationship with alex was less weird, and she could just be brushed to the side in tsm and tgt. constantines hair is another one, he’s described as blond in the iron trial but beyond he is a brunette. just found it weird that he died a blond, but was discovered a brunette. heres a funny, master joesph dyed his hair brown so him and jericho could be matching. sounds like something he would do. also alastairs eyes don’t get brought up enough, his eyes are grey in the iron trial but later on they describe it as something else. dont quite remember what.
i have so many issues with the series, but i love it to death 
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
What i've gathered from the happy tree friends real time fandub
So there's this three part series on youtube called “happy tree friends real time fandub” and I wanted to write down my favorite parts from it.
The peta in this universe aims to protect machines.
Lumpy's great grandfather is Michael Afton, sometimes when Lumpy is stressed he quotes his great grandpa's fathers lines when he needed his son the most.
The frequency of Nutty's voice could shatter your ear drums.
Sniffles whole character arc is just him wanting to suck cock.
The reason why Lifty chose the life of crime was to try and get rid of his lung cancer while supporting his family, Shifty is just there for the ride.
Lumpy used to work for the navy.
“give me the rice”
The residents of this universe have come to terms that they will die and sometimes don't react to being hurt, stabbed, killed e.c.t.
The cursed statue is an among us sex toy.
The ant wife is Marge Simpson.
When Flippy flips he gets extremely horny.
Cuddles will scream at you to buy his bikes.
Pop's biggest bruh moment was giving birth to his son.
Cub hates white people.
Pop “let it rip” with his son attached to the beyblade.
Sniffles makse inventions specifically to “get some bitches”.
Sniffles diagnosed Nutty with erectile dysfunction and cum withdrawal.
Flaky made a gum review, and died.
Flaky was gonna beat Tricky from fnf in a fight with a metal bat.
Nutty made a car review, and died.
“oh no hentai”
Nutty is an average British resident.
Giggles busted a nut after finding out someone simped for her.
Mime retired from being a mime and can talk now.
The “These balls in your mouth” joke is common and everybody hates it, so the creator of the joke got deleted.
“Angry German Ranting”
Cuddles and Giggles ascended to heaven but were brought back.
Cro-Marmot is in constant pain.
Handy, Mime, Flippy, Petunia, Lumpy, Giggles, Lifty and Shifty all play Fortnight.
Lumpy is phone guy and frequently makes phone calls with the same opening.
Mr, Pickles is another British resident.
Sniffles at one point shoved two dildos up his ass, he personally wouldn't recommend it.
“Happy Tree Friends - Ś̶̨͖̰̍͆́p̸̦̝͉͎͝ą̵̡̨͔̥̖̑̍͊r̴̹͈̘̯̮̝̅́̆ë̶̯̋̿͝ ̸̹̺͕̫͇̋͗̆̿M̴̤̣͙͂̂̑́è̸̲”
Lumpy is the imposter from among us.
Disco Bear's only source of confidence is his cheeto puff hair.
His wig, snatched.
Disco Bear prompts dollar shave club now.
“what you know about rolling down to the deep end”
Nutty listens to money machine.
Russell is a living Foxy reference.
Russell thinks that sex is cringe.
The creator of “These balls in your mouth” was un deleted by unpopular demand.
Sniffles made anti cum to inflate his peanes.
Fliqpy likes to emotionally degrade his victims.
Lumpy read Logan Paul's apology letter and never forgave him, until like 3 seconds.
Giggles got springtrapped.
Lumpy used to work at Freddys as a night guard.
Lumpy smokes weed.
Giggles is an E-Girl.
“Shipping myself to Dwane Johnsen at 3:00 Am”.
Lumpy walked in on a fivesome, until Petunia died.
Cub got killed for saying the “These balls in your mouth” joke unironically.
Flaky is the only smart character.
Everybody screams in fear when Nutty's on screen.
Splendid has super lazer piss.
Counter to popular belief, Giggles is the one that wants feat pics.
Lumpy sometimes changes his accent depending on his job.
The cake is alive :)
Disco Bear is Nikocado avocado but backwards.
Cuddle's got a feat collection.
Fliqpy is the imposter in real life.
therapist Lumpy is sick of Flippy's shit.
Fliqpy made Nutty swallow.
“this is the third time”
Flippy has a hypnosis kink.
When Flippy looks in the mirror he sees Freddy Fasbear.
“That's for bead time and beed time only evil Flippy”
“aw shit”
Lumpy went fucking inzane.
Toothy had plastic surgery to look more like an emoji.
Toothy didn't choose Hot wheels, Hot wheels chose Toothy.
Toothy speaks in printer, whatever that means.
Thanos collected the infinity stones and killed Fliqpy.
“ding ding mutherfucker ding ding”
Lumpy gets a new job every day.
“A dick sucking emergency?”
Nutty has a f̷͔̩͐a̴͙͆ṟ̶̛̗͎̂̕t̴̩̓̂ ̴͓̓͗c̴̼̟̜̎o̷̤͖͂m̸͉̔͠p̴̭͈̀̉ḯ̶̧͎̅̕ͅl̶̦̾̈́͒ȧ̸̰͓̘t̴̫̀̆́i̵̤͂̓o̵̱̕͜͜n̷̛͓̼̓͜, his words not mine.
Nobody knows how to open doors so they just throw axes at it.
And apparently they also don't know how to close them either.
Nutty became a model citizen, until he became a twitch streamer and then resumed to being a crack addict again 24/7.
“It's like, its like Minecraft”
After having his balls demolished it was clear that Lifty would never have children.
Sniffles went to a dick sucking university.
“NO my seman”
The Mole wants to kill tricky but is having trouble finding him and instead kills other people.
Lumpy used to shove pinecones up his ass.
“i'm going to suck your dick whoo, give me them titties”
Sniffles got stepped on by a rocket.
Flaky has made severe and continuous laps in her judgement.
Nutty had a dream of suking on a candy cane, vigorously.
Binging with Lumpy… I HATE MY LIFE
Splendid can't handle the battle pass.
“ironic catchphrase hear”
Shifty wants to fuck a christmas tree.
“the true hunt has begun”
“why won't you pee in my mouth”
Disco Bears final words “oh shit it's a can”
Lumpy got drilled up his ass.
“The dick driller”
“Like these balls? they jiggle”
Cuddles has a Deviantart.
The butterfly of shame.
“i want him to do that to my ass”
Sniffles Pogd.
"̵̘̤͐̚Ả̴̛̛̛͈͙̯͎̠̈́̆̀M̷̰͎̹̳̰̪̖̆̈̀͑̉͌ͅO̴̹͌̈́͌̌̑N̸̨̜̖̫̫̜̻̤̲̓͗̕̚G̸̨̙͗̊͛͘ ̴̨̪̌̊U̸͊́ͅS̴̻͓̝̠̣̞͔̯͉̀̾͑"̶̡̥̅
Sniffles used spider seman to create anti scp 999.
Nutty was so h̷͍͈̭̩͙̾̊̎̇y̵̥̣̍͗̃̈́ͅp̶͇͚͓̯̅̌̋ẽ̵̺̬̥̒̈́͒̈́ḑ̷̊̈́͑̇̕ that he stopped existing for 7 seconds.
Flippy has a Minecraft diary.
The two most dreaded characters show up together, Sniffles and Nutty.
But then they die.
“choke me daddy”
Lumpy is a pyro main.
Gnome jokes.
“i thought that was my ass”
Cuddles is evil and is behind the whole series.
here's the links
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andramaquynhs · 3 years
you not liking a/v/a (aka that ship) 👀
(TL;DR at the end bc predictably i ended up ranting)
On me not liking time becky (a/va) one bit indeed, anon. Main the reason i stopped watching the show tbh. She basically solidifies the start of and the reason why Sara became nothing more than a love interest in a show where she was arguably the lead, or one of anyway. a/va was supposed to be a side character but everything revolves around her now, both in canon and fandom, and it's tiring as all fuck for a character as bland as hers, i stg just thinking about her and ava/ance takes 5 years off my lifespan
Lot's writing was always a bit lesbo/biphobic, in particular (mick outing sara at every turn? fetisizhing the fact that 'this frilly likes other frillies'?? lot having sara sleep around on important missions?), but then it used her as queer 'rep' bc they knew Sara had a big wlw following and it somehow got even worse. Nothing says someone is your equal quite like them beating and abusing you, nothing spells romance like they undermining, belittling, discriminating and putting you and your friends in danger, being more preoccupied about your girlfriend's s*x history with men than the fact said girlfriend was fucking dying, critizing your gf's ten year old choices and her oldest friend while she was grieving him ...but it's alright bc we get to see two white women who could play sisters kiss every 5 minutes, right?
And that's all they doooo, Sara hasn't had a story arc besides being in a relationship with another woman and being dead since then. She couldn't even grieve her fucking father, we got breadcrumbs when Laurel died but we still got to see some of her reactions, season two i think was had a whole thing about her learning to accept Laurel's death, accept that she shouldn't change it even if she had the means to, and ends with her deciding to preserve the timeline as it is despite how deeply it hurt her. It was powerful, granted at CW levels and in a show with so many characters, but she had a story arc, she learnt something, she grew...she's done none of that since time becky came around, it's sad and infuriating and a lot of sara fans understandably stopped watching bc of that. I held out for Zari, Amaya, Charlie, Jax and Stein but then they were mostly gone too
And trust me, I'm aware nyssara has some issues as well, the whole conflict with Nyssa's adherence to league rules and going after Sara's family, but Nyssa was very much a product of her upbringing, it was all she knew, it had a reason, it instigated change and served the story, it resonated. and i didn't keep watching arrow but from what i've seen Nyssa grew as a character as well, she chose to stay in prison and told Sara to move on and step away from the shadows. at the very least, they had conflicting, interesting, solid foundations while ava/ance is? just there?? besides time becky belittling Sara and her team, especially the poc, especially Zari, what else does she do? she's not even shown being a good leader, she's co captain bc she's f*cking the captain who doesn't even seem like the captain anymore! Neat little exercise that works every time: picture time becky as a man......suddenly things ain't so cute anymore are they
the only good thing to come out of lot before i stopped watching is Sara going to the time becky factory world or whatever, and when someone says it must be paradise she basically goes 'is it though???' :|||| a whole ass mood bb ♥
TL;DR: time becky aka a/va is bland af and ava/ance made Sara a shadow of her previous self. her entire character now revolves around being in a relationship with an abusive, self centered, biphobic and racist woman who could be her sister, and being dead sometimes. but gay rep, yay!
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shortkingvi · 3 years
Unpopular opinion but it's really uncomfortable to me how quick the fandom is to ship Weiss with any faunus character. Like why did so many people ship Weiss and Marrow last volume. The fandom is still majority white people so I constantly grit my teeth and look away whenever white fans of those ships frame Weiss as someone who needs to be with a faunus character or that Weiss in a romantic relationship with a faunus character makes sense in canon bc "lol they teach her to not be racist and she teaches them not all humans are bad 😜, and she's sticking it to Jacques 🤪" People can ship what they want but can people at least be critical about why and what they're implying when they say stuff like this. Sorry for the rant :(
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
bestie i truly don’t think you know how long i’ve been waiting to talk about this,,,,,,,,, the way people frame weiss dating a faunus as either penance or some kind of weird gotcha to her racist father never fails to baffle me,,,,,,, like??? do u also believe the children of white suprem*cists should date black people just to stick it to their parents? do you truly think that privileged people have more of a right to feed their saviour complex than minorities do to like,,,,, be protected and safe and not used as a means to prove something?????
not to get too deep here but it’s very reminiscent of how lots of people are quick to throw ACAB in their bios but won’t put BLM in there because,,,,,,, being a quirky rebel is what they care about, not black lives,,,,,, also v much reminiscent of this new culture of dunking on terfs and transphobes without actively supporting, protecting, and uplifting trans ppl, u know??
it just,,,,,,, infuriates me that ppl think that weiss ending up with a faunus for the sake of her own redemption arc/to prove she’s not racist anymore is somehow a thing that MULTIPLE people are into???? what the fuck????????
send me an unpopular opinion!
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siren-virus · 3 years
Luckyboy!AU ask :D I've only sent asks about it but I can't help it being almost obsessed with it, I love it a lot XD
Anyways, MERCHANDISE, is there any merchandise of Gwen 10 with the humans? A toy line? Some sponsorship that has been offered to her (which she would obviously reject btw :V)? How big are her royalties in case she has any of that?
What about Ben? Does the Nekomata persona has a fanbase big enough in Undertown that he has his own toy line? How about some smoothies flavoured in his honour? Does he have a coffee in the shop that's based on him? Like a unicorn milkshake but with his colours and aesthetic? Would he even be able to get some royalties if that was the case? How much merch would Ben buy of Gwen 10 and Nekomata considering his own pay?
What would the different people think of the toys, clothes, food and merch that are based around the Tennysons cousins (even if they don't know that Ben is Nekomata)? Would Gwen parents sue whoever dared monetize their daughter's identity? Would the Plumbers try (and most likely fail) to stop the spread of Nekomata's merchandise? How would the both of them react to learn that they have stuff based off on them in the first place?
Please please PLEASE tell me that Argit and Ben form some kind of unexpected friendship over their bets regarding Kevin and Gwen, and end up ranting with eachother about their respectives friends without ever giving any kind of info that could be used against them. I imagine that friendship starting with the bets, then continuing with the safe rants, and developing eventually into just getting to know eachother until they can actually call themselves friends (☆▽☆)
Also, would Ship still be able to turn into a spaceship in this AU, or would he become another kind of vehicle? Considering how they were heavily involved with the Forever Knights, and we don't know how that whole arc went in this universe, Ship might as well never have assimilated the Antarian Obliterator (just googled the name XD), thus having another form instead of that one :V
OOp, sorry for the delay, took a break from Lucky boy/Nekomata so I can refresh a lil bit
Wow these are things I never thought of tbh, I think yeah, there'd definitely be merch, (happy) meals occassionally come with one of Gwens aliens.
Gwen doesn't mind too much, although she's a bit disturbed about the bootleg toys. She loves the artwork that she sees online sometimes. People are so talented!
Nekomata doesn't have official merchandise, more like fanmade stuff (the good stuff!). Unfortunately there's nothing in the coffee shop based on him, at least nothing edible. I'm pretty sure anything that's toxic green/magenta should be avoided at all costs, it surely can't be safe to consume. But there's a few stickers lying around by artists, that Ben or some other employee has purchased.
Ben has a poster of Gwen in his room, even though they're distant Ben will always cheer from the sidelines.
Gwen doesn't have anything Nekomata related, she's already ticked off enough by his presence.
Kids love the Gwen 10 toys. Adults too if they're nice enough. Parents are a bit iffy towards the merch.
Same deal with Nekomata, alien kids love him, alien adults also love him, but are a bit more secretive about it.
Plumbers have tried to stop Nekomata sales, but there's too many individuals selling it, so no point!
Gwen would be indifferent to the merch, a little happy to know that people like her enough to buy stuff based on her though.
Ben is absolutely esctatic, and gets a little happier everytime he sees a stray item based on him. (He'll collect them if his pockets aren't already full.)
Yes to this. Ben and Argit deffinitely form an unlikely friendship!! Everything about this is beautiful
I'm pulling a blank on this one, it's been so long since I watched UAF ;;;
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gins-potter · 3 years
Just curious, why don’t you like enemies to lovers? Not even if it’s written well, with a satisfying redemption arc and character development?
Okay, I wouldn’t say I don’t like enemies to lovers all the time, just that 90% of the time it’s not for me.  Bear with me because I’m pretty sure this is going to get long because I have lots of thoughts on the topic.
If it’s like you said, well written with a satisfying redemption arc and character development I very well may like it.  I just happen to find that redemption arcs that are satisfying for me personally don’t happen very often.  Obviously this is a subjective topic, but personally what makes a redemption arc satisfying is not the villain or enemy having a single moment of repentance 5 minutes before the ending of the novel/movie/tv show.  For me to be satisfied it actually has to be an arc and one that exists away from a relationship.  Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender jumps to mind.  If memory serves, Zuko’s redemption arcs starts at the beginning of season 2 which means that arc is developed across two whole freaking seasons and that commitment to redeeming him is why it’s often characterised as one of the best fictional redemption arcs.  And also why I’m much more open to shipping Katara/Zuko or Zuko/Sokka (I much prefer the latter just because I’m a Kataang girl).
But going back to enemies to lovers specifically, I also find that a lot of the time the “enemy” goes too far to be redeemed.  If you look at the actual definition, an enemy is “a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.  a thing that harms or weakens something else.”  When you have two people on different sides on a (usually moral) conflict who are actively trying to defeat, kill, or harm the other, for me I’m not comfortable with shipping them even if the enemy or villain has been redeemed.  And that’s no shade to people who are!  It’s just part of how I interact with fiction, my favourite characters tend to be the good guys, imperfect and flawed sure but relatively good people who are trying to do good.  And that translates to shipping as well.  
Take Sp*rxshipping or D*rklina for example (just to use two ships I’m relatively familiar with).  With Sp*rxshipping, V*ltor is directly responsible (in part anyway) for the destruction of Bloom’s home-world and the imprisonment of her parents for nearly two decades and then spends a whole season trying to destroy the universe more or less.  For D*rklina he manipulates Alina and tries to take her power to use for his own goals (to sum it up very quickly).  Neither villain have much of a redemption arc imo (the Darkling’s backstory and motives are explained and arguably sympathetic but for me personally don’t justify his actions) but even if they did, how do you redeem an enemy like that in a way where the hero would conceivably forgive them and want to be in a relationship with them?  And again this is just something that I personally need to enjoy a ship like this, some people don’t, some will be satisfied with a redemption arc no matter what’s happened between the villain and hero, some don’t need the redemption arc at all.  And all are valid!  This is fiction, and (generally) liking what you like doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s just that personally for me I don’t find those kind of dynamics enjoyable and why enemies to lovers in the truest sense of the trope isn’t one I typically enjoy.
Now, if you consider other kinds of enemies to lovers ships, because enemies to lovers is a broad category and encompasses a lot of different dynamics (insert rant here about how enemies to lovers should be broken down into more specific categories) I’m much more open to those ships.  Take the category of ships I would call adversaries to lovers for instance.  An adversary is “one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute”, a definition that isn’t all that unlike the definition of “enemy” technically but the cultural implications of the two words create a difference.  To me adversaries might be in conflict or dispute like the definition says but to a lesser extent than enemies might.  
Nessian jumps to mind.  They start out as very opposed to one another and constantly in disagreement despite the fact that they are on the same side of the larger dispute in the series (Prythian vs Hybern).  And then we get that really nice redemption arc for Nesta in ACOSF (I call it a redemption arc for the sake of this post even though I wouldn’t necessarily characterise it as such as it’s more an arc explaining her history and why she is the way she is) where she really grows as a person, in conjunction with Cassian but also on her own.  I never thought I’d ship Nessian and without that arc in ACOSF I probably wouldn’t but it’s because of that arc, and the fact they were never truly enemies just adversaries that I found myself loving them in SF.  Previously they’d hurt each other’s feelings sure, they’d been nasty to each other, but never to the extent of true enemies.  And as I’ve said a couple times now, if they had gotten to that “enemy status” as it were I personally probably wouldn’t be comfortable shipping them even with Nesta’s “redemption” arc in SF.
I’ll finally talk on rivals to lovers the last category of enemies to lovers ships and probably the funnest one imo and the one I ship the most.  Rivals, defined as “a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in the same field of activity.” are two people not diametrically opposed but nevertheless in competition with one another because of a similar goal or desired objective.  Perhaps the softest of the enemies to lovers ships, this category tends to bring out a lot of fun tropes like stupid over the top competitions.  And with this one a redemption arc isn’t really needed at all because neither side really ever crosses a line so much that one would be needed, the two sides just happen to be in competition until they realise “eugh I actually really like them” and have to deal with that which is always fun.  The Hating Game by Sally Thorne comes to mind for this one, and while I didn’t love that book as much as everyone else seemed to, it wasn’t because of the ship.
So I guess the whole point of this was to A). finally have my “enemies to lovers is too broad a category and should be broken down into sub categories” rant and B). show that when I say “I don’t like enemies to lovers ships” I mean enemies in the truest sense of the word.  And that liking enemies to lovers is totally valid!  They’re just something that I personally don’t enjoy a lot of the time.
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Spiritshipping & duskshipping
I love them and they were absolutely my GX otp as an 8 year old when I'd only seen like three episodes of whatever GX was airing on Cartoon Network as a kid. And hoo boy did 8 year old me have good taste because I adore even now what is going on between them in my current GX watch that I really need to pick back up. Absolutely my favourite YuGiOh equivalent of a Jojo/JoBro ship (which my brain just said: hey. gyjo au for these two so sure that's now cooking there) but yesssss I love the bromance and I think they should smooch
I'm kind of ambivalent but in a good way on these two. I think there are absolutely Dennis and Yuri ships that I love way more but this is still a very good ship and I know if I were to rewatch Arc V, they would have me howling in joy whenever they interact but also??? Purple/orange is a top tier colour scheme so I enjoy them very much but I also feel like I've gotten fuzzy on their dynamic lol
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