#are they connected to the magnetic fields of the planet
talonabraxas · 2 days
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"I see and when the eye is opened, all is illumined."
Introduction to Our 12 Zodiacal Deities
We live in a swirling sea of magnetic forces, smaller fields contained within even greater fields, expanding throughout infinity. As our understanding increases, a new picture of the universe emerges ~ one of vast cosmic interdependence and connectedness. From first cosmic dawning to the last electron's feeble light, the whole universe is a complex of coils within coils, spirals within spirals, magnetic fields within magnetic fields.
The stars are interconnected with each other, exchanging particles and gases constantly, all flowing along magnetic field lines which are the arteries of the galactic body. The galaxy's coiled field lines diverge into intergalactic space where they ultimately connect to other galaxies. Do these tendrils of energy act as the nervous system of the universe, relaying information from star to star, galaxy to galaxy, on and on? One can only wonder.
Zodiacal Deities examines the conditioning effects upon humanity by the specialized and quite unique energies of the star groups comprising the Zodiac. We hold these star groups to be conscious, living entities in whose greater bodies we reside.
Traditionally the zodiac is described as the imaginary path of the sun through the heavens. This path "exists" only from our earth's perspective. If you were observing the path of our sun from another planet or body in space our sun would appear to "be traveling through" different constellations at different times of the year, to be on an entirely different path through the heavens. This path is largely an illusion but at the same time the 12 zodiacal constellations do exist as great beings, and the streams of energy which pass and repass, intermingle and interlock throughout space are by no means illusions. They express eternal cosmic relationships.
The science of astrology is a study of the interlocking forces of all the 12 constellations as they pour into and through all the kingdoms in nature, carrying with them also their own individual qualities as well as those of the seven rays, focussed through the sacred and non-sacred planets of our solar system ~ the discovered and undiscovered planetary Lives. The vision of these powers and their many weaving lines, seen as rivers and streams of light, is given to the initiate from the mountaintop of Capricorn, once that summit is reached.
As the various energies and forces circulate throughout the etheric body of our solar system ~ itself a Great Being ~ their effects depend on the state of the planetary centers, and upon the point of unfoldment of the centres within the individual planets themselves. Those great zodiacal entities who qualify life as we know it imprint their frequencies or harmonic resonance on the various vehicles that comprise a human being.
In the constellation Taurus, we find the most materialistic impulses and desires ultimately transcend into the light of illumination and revelation. The enlightened mind is the gift aquired when one transforms desire into spiritual aspiration. In the early lives of Taurus expression, desire rules the thought life, coupled with the bold determination and strong will needed to acquire that which is desired.
The most fixed or stable of the earth signs, Taurus has the ability to stay fixed and steady upon a goal ~ undoubtedly this is a strength of Taurus yet can also be a weakness, demonstrating as stubbornness and the inability to let go. The Taurus individual can also be very willful and strong-minded as their personality is on the first ray. In fact, the star Aldebaran, the "eye of the bull" in Taurus, is known as the place where the will of God is known. The evolved Taurean has an enormous capacity to visualize and manifest, powered up by their sun placement’s alignment with this stellar point of force.
A potent blend of energies renders the Taurus individual capable of accomplishing much ... unfortunately, for many it is the acquisition of things that is the goal. The love of comfort and a sense of security through the possession of things are quite prevalent in many Taureans, and represent a major challenge.
All types of desire including sexual are associated with the sex center or second chakra of the human energy system, and many Taureans are labeled sensual and sexually potent. This can be the downfall of many a well-intentioned Taurus individual. Over-identification with the form life and with the comforts of life are real distractions for these personalities, as is giving sex too much emphasis in life. Only when the bull of desire is mastered and sexual forces controlled can the disciple progress towards initiation. Eons of time and many incarnations are needed to raise the Taurean frequencies to this level ~ the lure of the lower nature (animal self), particularly of sexual attraction, is very great.
In advanced humanity incarnating in Taurus, desire is ultimately transmuted into aspiration eventually leading to light and illumination. When the eye of the bull is opened (the spiritual third eye), "thy whole body shall be full of light," as Christ stated in the New Testament (Matthew 6:22). This single eye takes the place of the two eyes of the personal self, as the attention becomes focussed upon spiritual attainment. When the soul acts as the controlling factor, and not the desiring personality, then the whole body becomes full of light.
The historical Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment, and died during Taurus. A cornerstone of his teaching, the 4 Noble Truths, reveals how to gain liberation from the suffering caused by desire. A mantram for Taurus is "give it up to the universe," in order to surrender to the greater Will of Spirit, giving up control of the little personal will. In Taurus is also found a burning desire to know and to gain knowledge through experience. Again, there is a connection to the Buddha's teaching through his example of developing mind as a means to attain enlightenment.
Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn are the great transformers under the great creative plan, and act as catalysts. Each of them opens a door into one of the three divine centers of expression which are the symbols in the body of the planetary logos of the three higher centers in man: the head, the heart and the throat. Taurus, representing the Soul, opens the door into the Hierarchy and guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.
Fertility and creativity are also keynotes of Taurus, and light, illumination and sound as expressions of this creative force are connected with this constellation. The "interpreter of the divine voice," as Taurus was called in ancient Egypt, can be paraphrased into Christian terminology and called the "Word made flesh." The end result of the work undertaken in Taurus, and the result of its influence, is the glorification of matter: the transmuting of the less than perfect parts of ourselves into material that in no way hinders the light of the soul pouring through.
When the vehicles have been purified completely, then the light does indeed shine through. This is why the moon is traditionally exalted in Taurus ... the lesser luminary represents the form or matter. The Taurean process ultimately produces the purified being, who radiates the light perfectly. Through the influence of Venus, the ruler of this sign and ever the symbol of earthly and heavenly love, and both spiritual aspiration and carnal desire, the evolved disciple born in Taurus ultimately embodies only the love aspect. No longer ruled by desire of any kind, they manifest love and create beauty through the arts or the quality of their lives. Because of this Venusian influence, Taurus embodies the second ray energy of Love and Wisdom.
The power of attraction is connected with second ray energy, and again this fits Taurus ~ as the star group the Pleiades, among them Alcyone, found in the shoulder of the Bull, is called the central sun of our universe. It is said our solar system with many others revolve around this star, clearly demonstrating astronomically its attractive powers. The Pleiades are the symbol of the soul around which the wheel of life revolves. Perhaps this helps explain the association of the Bull with "light." Taurus is literally plugged in to the enormous light of the seven hotly burning blue-white stars of the Pleiades, acting as a channel or gateway to the light of this tremendous center.
In the Labors of Hercules, the second great test, that which pertained to Taurus, took place in the maze in which the Minotaur lived on the island of Crete. The maze has always been the symbol of the great illusion or the state of separation that bewilders and confuses unevolved humanity. The bull represented animal desire, and Hercules’s task was to capture and deliver it to the mainland. From the disciple's point of view, the bull of desire has to be caught and mastered and chased from one point to another in the life of the separated self, until the time comes when the aspirant can do what Hercules succeeded in doing: ride the bull. To ride an animal, in the ancient myths, signifies control. The bull is not slaughtered, it is ridden and guided, and under the disciple’s mastery.
Ride, control and master the bull reflects the phase when the disciple lives with group awareness and begins to consider the question, "What is best for the group with which I am associated?" It is by doing this that the bull is ridden to the mainland, and destructive desire, with its million distractions, conquered.
Finally, the major task for this sign is to master the Law of Attraction and not be a slave to the lower desires of possessions and sexuality ... in this way Taurus controls and uses matter correctly, with spiritual values motivating. In this fashion matter is "raised up into heaven," and free at last of the hold of maya and illusion.
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wizard-finix · 2 months
LU Star Wars AU: Part 5
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
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Time is a direct survivor of Order 66. He was a child living in one of the more remote temples when everything happened, and was able to escape alive by fleeing into the dense forests of the planet.
Time spent many years after that traveling on his own and not getting close to anyone out of fear of being found out, or worse, left behind. He holds a certain bitterness towards everything that's happened, and when he was a teenager, he was involved in a major incident on the planet Termina. Time finally decided to bury his saber on a remote planet after that, unwilling to take on the responsibility that comes with it.
Time actually ended up meeting Sheik and donning Mandalorian armor some time after that in his teenage years. He doesnt always gel with Mandalorian warrior ideaology, but he doesn’t truly fit the Jedi way of his childhood anymore either, after all the war and death he’s seen. He's determined to be strong enough to protect those he cares about, like Malon.
Time doesn't entirely get along with the Chain at first. (Especially Warriors and Twilight; Warriors reminds him of his old Jedi master, who wore a red scarf, and Twilight's saber looks suspiciously familiar.) The boys eventually grew on him anyway, and he counts them among the people he cares about.
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Sky comes from a gaseous planet in the Outer Rim with settlements that float in the clouds, constructed far above its surface.
Sky's planet is a bit of a cosmic mystery, since it should be impossible for islands of solid rock to float; some theorize that it was constructed instead of naturally occurring, or that there is a unique combination of magnetic fields and orbits that make it possible, but no one knows for certain. Loftwings are part of the planet's ecosystem of impossible floating islands, and are an important part of the culture there.
Being so remote, the Empire didn't show much interest in Sky's home planet until Ghirahim showed up. The Empire hasn’t taken over his home yet, and he is determined to keep it that way, along with the rest of the Knights of Skyloft (including Sun). Ghirahim's interest in the planet involved rumors that there was an old Jedi temple hidden on its surface, and the secrets that were hidden within it.
Those rumors turned out to be true; there was an ancient abandoned temple on one of the floating islands, and Sky and Sun ended up discovering it before Ghirahim did. Sky also found a protocol droid named F1, and with Fi's help he and Sun managed to forge their own sabers with the only remaining kyber crystals there.
Sky's connection to the Force manifests mostly as visions, and he occasionally experiences strange, cryptic dreams as a result.
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Linked Universe AU belongs to @ linkeduniverse!
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13lunarstar · 2 months
The ninth nakshatra ( closes the first cycle of 27 nakshatras)
Degrees: from 16°40' to 30°00' of Cancer zodiac sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Mercury (Budha)
Nakshatra's guna: tamas (demonic)
Ashlesha keywords: transformation, hidden potential, deception, cunning, strong family ties, intuition, mysticism, manipulation, emotional intensity, healing, rebirth, ancestral connections, strategic thinking, spiritual awakening, kundalini energy, inner growth
Symbol: a coiled serpent, representing transformation and hidden potential; a serpent's poison representing healing capabilities
Ashlesha in various planets
Sun in Ashlesha: brings intensity and depth to one's personality. There may be a strong drive for transformation and self-discovery, but individuals may also struggle with hidden subconscious fears or insecurities that need to be addressed. Individuals are driven by a desire to uncover hidden truths and explore the depths of their own psyche. There may be a strong desire for power and influence. These individuals may be drawn to positions of authority where they can assert their strength and leadership abilities. A good placement for studying and delving into esoteric and occult sciences.
Moon in Ashlesha: enhances emotional sensitivity and intuition as well as inner charisma & magnetism. Individuals may rely heavily on their gut feelings and inner guidance in making decisions. People with this placement may have strong family connections and may be deeply nurturing and protective of their loved ones. Moon in Ashlesha can indicate psychic sensitivity and a strong connection to the subconscious mind. These individuals may have vivid dreams or psychic experiences and may be drawn to mystical or occult subjects, as well as healing practices.
Mars in Ashlesha: can intensify one's desire for transformation and change. There may be a tendency towards manipulation or power struggles if the energy is not channelled constructively. Individuals with Mars in Ashlesha may experience emotions more intensely and may have a strong need for emotional connection and intimacy. They are fiercely loyal and will go to great lengths to defend and support those they care about. Mars in Ashlesha can signify a period of healing and renewal, where individuals confront and overcome deep-seated emotional wounds. They may find strength and resilience in their ability to face and overcome adversity.
Mercury in Ashlesha: enhances strategic thinking and intuitive abilities. Individuals with Mercury in Ashlesha may have a natural gift for understanding non-verbal cues and picking up on subtle energy shifts in their environment. individuals are adept at analyzing complex situations and coming up with creative solutions. They may excel in fields that require strategic planning, negotiation and sales skills, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Ashlesha is also associated with deception and manipulation, and Mercury here can indicate challenges related to communication and trust. Individuals with this placement may need to be mindful of being overly secretive or manipulative in their interactions with others.
Jupiter in Ashlesha: fosters spiritual growth and inner wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Ashlesha may possess emotional wisdom beyond their years, with a keen understanding of human emotions and motivations. They may be skilled at offering guidance and support to others in navigating through emotional challenges. Jupiter in Ashlesha signifies a deep spiritual journey. Individuals with this placement may feel a profound connection to the mysteries of life and may seek spiritual truths with great dedication and devotion. They may be drawn to mystical or esoteric teachings that offer insights into the nature of reality and consciousness.
Venus in Ashlesha: enhances emotional intensity and sensitivity in relationships. Ashlesha Nakshatra can bring a tendency towards idealization of love and romance, and Venus here may amplify this quality. Individuals with Venus in Ashlesha may have high expectations for their romantic relationships, seeking a deep soul connection and unconditional love. Venus in Ashlesha may bring a strong intuitive attraction to certain individuals. These individuals may feel drawn to partners who resonate with their emotional needs and who offer a sense of comfort and familiarity.
Saturn in Ashlesha: emphasizes the importance of ancestral connections and family responsibilities. Individuals with this placement may feel a strong sense of duty towards their family & heritage and may work diligently to preserve family traditions and values. Saturn in Ashlesha may bring a stoic demeanour and an ability to withstand emotional challenges with grace and maturity. However, Saturn's influence in Ashlesha may inhibit emotional expression at times. Individuals with this placement may struggle to openly express their feelings or may feel a sense of heaviness or burden in their emotional experiences. Overall, Saturn in Ashlesha signifies a potential for transformation through hard work and perseverance.
Rahu in Ashlesha: can amplify desires for power and control. Rahu's presence in Ashlesha signifies karmic lessons related to emotional attachment and manipulation. Individuals with this placement may need to confront and overcome patterns of behavior that stem from unresolved emotional wounds or past-life experiences.Despite its challenges, Rahu in Ashlesha offers the potential for spiritual transformation and growth. Individuals with this placement may undergo profound inner changes as they confront their shadow self and strive to integrate their desires and emotions in a healthier way. Also, Rahu in Ashlesha can signify intense and transformative relationships. Individuals with this placement may experience dramatic highs and lows in their romantic partnerships, with themes of obsession, possessiveness, and power struggles.
Ketu in Ashlesha Nakshatra: encourages spiritual growth, intuitive thinking and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals with this placement may seek inner transformation through introspection and self-discovery. Ketu in Ashlesha can signify a release of past emotional wounds or karmic baggage. These individuals may experience a profound sense of emotional liberation as they let go of attachments to people, places, or experiences that have been holding them back. Ashlesha Nakshatra's association with mysticism is amplified by Ketu's influence. Individuals with Ketu in Ashlesha may have a natural affinity for spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or energy healing.
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santoschristos · 15 days
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The Centre of the Torus is a Holographic Heart, meaning that this point or moment of space and time interconnects with every other point of space and time, where all parts are unified where all dimensions are interconnected.
This means that the old Einsteinian concept of travelling from one planet or star or dimension to another, in a linear fashion, from A to B no longer applies, (Einstein never understood what fractal meant), because the Holographic Heart suggests that we are already there at our destination, not by physical travelling but by folding time and space in an instant, as if you are folding paper effortlessly from one corner to another, a movement via consciousness. Remembering that the first human organ to form in the womb was not the brain, but the heart:
the still point the Higher Heart
the Torus Heart.
Thus an electro-magnetic field begins to envelop the embryo that You were, You became a magnet, an invitation for duality to set in, blanketing You with its counter-rotating fields:
electro is the principle of male energy, that which draws out, magneto is the principle of female energy, that which draws in, and the core is the Torus Heart it is the spark plug the lightning bolt that connects the Above to the Below. All Memory, which is vibrationally stored in Shape, in Crystal, and all Blood, which is DNA, must pass through its Gates. --Jain 108
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astrologged · 1 year
Sirius is a fixed star that can have an influence on a natal chart when it is conjunct a personal planet like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars.
If Sirius is conjunct an angle in a natal chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, or IC), it indicates a person who is destined for greatness or who has a powerful presence. It also indicates a person who is drawn to esoteric or spiritual pursuits.
Sirius in the houses: 
1st house: This person may have a magnetic personality or a strong physical presence. They’re natural leaders and have a deep spiritual connection.
2nd house: Financial success or a talent for making money. It also indicates a person who values spiritual pursuits over material possessions.
3rd house: They have a gift for communication or writing. They’re also drawn to spiritual or philosophical topics.
4th house: A strong connection to family or roots. It also indicates a person who is drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits related to the home or family.
5th house: They have a talent for the arts or entertainment. They may also have a strong spiritual connection to children or creative pursuits.
6th house: A person who is drawn to healing or service-oriented careers. They also have a gift for seeing the bigger picture or understanding the interconnectedness of all things.
7th house: A person who is destined for a powerful partnership or who values spiritual connections in relationships.
8th house: They have a gift for transformation or understanding the deeper mysteries of life. They may also have a strong connection to the spiritual world.
9th house: A person who is drawn to spiritual or philosophical pursuits, or who has a gift for teaching or mentoring.
10th house: A person who is destined for success or who has a powerful public presence. They’re also drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits related to career or reputation.
11th house: They have a gift for networking or bringing people together. They may also have a strong spiritual connection to community or social causes.
12th house: A person who is drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits, or who has a strong connection to the spiritual world. They also have a gift for healing or understanding the deeper mysteries of life, they can be psychic.
Sirius conjunctions in the chart 
Sirius conjunct Sun: A strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a significant impact in the world. This placement is associated with leadership and a need to be recognized for one's achievements.
Sirius conjunct Moon: A strong emotional nature and a need for emotional fulfillment. This placement is associated with intuition and psychic ability.
Sirius conjunct Mercury: A sharp mind and strong communication skills. This placement is associated with success in business and a talent for negotiation.
Sirius conjunct Venus: Gives the person a strong sense of beauty and aesthetics. This placement is associated with artistic talent and a love of luxury.
Sirius conjunct Mars: A strong will and the ability to overcome obstacles. This placement is associated with success in athletic pursuits and a competitive nature.
Sirius conjunct Ascendant: A person who is charismatic, influential, and likely to achieve great success in their life. They have a strong presence and are natural leaders.
Sirius conjunct Descendant: The person is likely to attract influential or powerful partners in their life. This could manifest as a spouse or business partner who helps the person achieve great success.
Sirius conjunct Midheaven: The person is likely to achieve great success in their career or public life. They may be recognized as a leader or authority in their field.
Sirius conjunct IC: The person may have success in their personal life, such as in their home or family. They’re able to create a stable and prosperous home environment for themselves and their loved ones.
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Uranus aurora discovery offers clues to habitable icy worlds
The presence of an infrared aurora on the cold, outer planet of Uranus has been confirmed for the first time by University of Leicester astronomers.
The discovery could shed light on the mysteries behind the magnetic fields of the planets of our solar system, and even on whether distant worlds might support life.
The team of scientists, supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), have obtained the first measurements of the infrared (IR) aurora at Uranus since investigations began in 1992. While the ultraviolet (UV) aurorae of Uranus has been observed since 1986, no confirmation of the IR aurora had been observed until now. The scientists’ conclusions have been published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The ice giants Uranus and Neptune are unusual planets in our solar system as their magnetic fields are misaligned with the axes in which they spin. While scientists have yet to find an explanation for this, clues may lie in Uranus’s aurora.
Aurorae are caused by highly energetic charged particles, which are funnelled down and collide with a planet's atmosphere via the planet's magnetic field lines. On Earth, the most famous result of this process are the spectacles of the Northern and Southern Lights. At planets such as Uranus, where the atmosphere is predominately a mix of hydrogen and helium, this aurora will emit light outside of the visible spectrum and in wavelengths such as the infrared (IR).  
The team used infrared auroral measurements taken by analysing specific wavelengths of light emitted from the planet, using the Keck II telescope. From this, they can analyse the light (known as emission lines) from these planets, similar to a barcode. In the infrared spectrum, the lines emitted by a charged particle known as H3+ will vary in brightness depending on how hot or cold the particle is and how dense this layer of the atmosphere is. Hence, the lines act like a thermometer into the planet.
Their observations revealed distinct increases in H3+ density in Uranus’s atmosphere with little change in temperature, consistent with ionisation caused by the presence of an infrared aurora. Not only does this help us better understand the magnetic fields of the outer planets of our own solar system, but it may also help in identifying other planets that are suitable of supporting life.
Lead author Emma Thomas, a PhD student in the University of Leicester School of Physics and Astronomy, said: “The temperature of all the gas giant planets, including Uranus, are hundreds of degrees Kelvin/Celsius above what models predict if only warmed by the sun, leaving us with the big question of how these planets are so much hotter than expected? One theory suggests the energetic aurora is the cause of this, which generates and pushes heat from the aurora down towards the magnetic equator.
“A majority of exoplanets discovered so far fall in the sub-Neptune category, and hence are physically similar to Neptune and Uranus in size. This may also mean similar magnetic and atmospheric characteristics too. By analysing Uranus's aurora which directly connects to both the planet's magnetic field and atmosphere, we can make predictions about the atmospheres and magnetic fields of these worlds and hence their suitability for life.
"This paper is the culmination of 30 years of auroral study at Uranus, which has finally revealed the infrared aurora and begun a new age of aurora investigations at the planet. Our results will go on to broaden our knowledge of ice giant auroras and strengthen our understanding of planetary magnetic fields in our solar system, at exoplanets and even our own planet."
The results may also give scientists an insight into a rare phenomenon on Earth, in which the north and south pole switch hemisphere locations known as geomagnetic reversal.
Emma adds: “We don't have many studies on this phenomena and hence do not know what effects this will have on systems that rely on Earth's magnetic field such as satellites, communications and navigation. However, this process occurs every day at Uranus due to the unique misalignment of the rotational and magnetic axes. Continued study of Uranus's aurora will provide data on what we can expect when Earth exhibits a future pole reversal and what that will mean for its magnetic field.”
TOP IMAGE....An artistic representation of how the northern infrared aurora would have looked like in 2006 (marked in red). The darker red locations indicate confirmed aurora locations, with fainter red used to mark possible aurora locations. Credit to NASA, ESA and M. Showalter (SETI Institute) for the background image of Uranus, as was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (in the visible spectrum) in August 2005. CREDIT Credit to NASA, ESA and M. Showalter (SETI Institute) for the background image of Uranus, as was observed by the Hubble Space Telescope (in the visible spectrum) in August 2005.
CENTRE IMAGE....Averaged emission spectrum between 3.4 and 4.0μm, with annotated positions of valuable H3+ emission lines (known as Q lines) found at specific wavelength locations, the brightness of each line is determined by both temperature and density of the H3+ particles in a planet's atmosphere CREDIT Source: University of Leicester
LOWER IMAGE....Measured infrared brightness from the upper atmosphere of Uranus combined with rings of magnetic field lines which occur as the planet rotations (which produces the oval shape we see in most aurora). These rings are called shells and we expect the majority of auroral signal to occur between the dashed and dotted lines (as seen in 1986), which a portion of our results do. CREDIT Source: University of Leicester
BOTTOM IMAGE....Measured infrared brightness from the upper atmosphere of Uranus over a 6-hour period, areas highlighted with a black border and no hash or dots are locations of enhanced emission (aurora). Hashed areas means possible aurora though the signal is too weak to confirm and dotted areas means no aurora in these points.  CREDIT  Source: University of Leicester
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 5 months
Science fact of the day- Earth!
We're probably all fairly familiar with Earth. I hope. While Earth seems like a fairly typical planet, for our solar system it's actually fairly unique. It's the most massive rocky planet, and also the densest, it's the only one with a reasonable thickness atmosphere, and it's the only one with a strong magnetic field. The last two are actually connected, because the magnetic field deflects high energy particles that would otherwise contribute to atmospheric evaporation. Since yall are probably pretty familiar with the Earth in its current state, I'll go through a bit of history.
The Earth was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, although it forming was actually a long process of it gradually gaining mass. Pretty soon, it had been impacted by Theia, leading to the formation of the moon, as I've discussed before. When the Moon first formed, it would've been many times larger than it is now, but you mightve been lucky to see it. Earth's atmosphere was originally more rich in CO2 and methane, which are both incredibly strong greenhouse gases- and so although the sun was only at 70% of its current brightness, it still would've been hotter than it is today. During this time, it's believed that it was hit by a good deal of meteors, infered through moon Craters of a similar age. This asteroids are probably what brought water to Earth, and with it, life soon appeared. After some 1.5-2 billions years of life growing and evolving, it figured out photosynthesis using the CO2 in the atmosphere. Great! But, uh, now the atmosphere is filled with a super toxic fuck you kill everything gas called oxygen, and so almost everything died. But at least the sky is blue now!. Anyways now it's cold. Really cold. The Earth is a snowball. Actually it was a snowball like 4 different times. But hey that oxygen can also turn into O3 (ozone) which is great for the sun not killing us. So now shit is on land now and then stuff gets big then it dies like 5 times, last time it was because of a meteorite. Now mammals go everywhere and before long they got smart enough to make weird devices where nerds can send cool science facts to fans of the same comic. Isn't that cool!. But the earth isn't done it's gonna keep on trucking with or without us. Pretty soon it's gonna slam some tectonic plates together again and we'll have a new awesome supercontinent! …which will be mostly massive desert far from the ocean that'll get so hot most mammals are going to die, probably. The sun is also still getting hotter. Eventually it'll get so hot that certain process just won't work, then it'll get so hot the oceans will boil. Then it'll get extremely hot because the sun will get big, but it'll also lose mass, so Earth will go further away so we might be fine. Nobody knows for sure though. Then we don't really know what will happen if do survive, but probably some star or something will eventually fly too close and screw up the orbits. But it's fairly unlikely the earth would actually get destroyed, the planet might be able to physically exist for a very very very large number of years.
I hope it doesn't get to lonely here when that day comes.
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reality-detective · 11 months
Who is involved in screwing up the planet? You? Me? I don't think so. I would say the United States, DARPA and HAARP are most certainly involved. They just blame us. 👇
Was the true purpose of building the pyramids to prevent the cyclical cataclysmic event described in the ancient texts? From Antarctica and the South Pole to Alaska close to the North Pole… (speculation time)
It is a well-established fact in geophysics that the strength of Earth's magnetic field, now over 35% weaker than it was 300 years ago, is declining at an increasingly rapid pace. Electromagnetic energy is a fundamental component of the Earth's magnetic field.
The movement of charged particles, such as electrons, in the Earth's magnetic field creates electric currents, which in turn generate magnetic fields. This process is known as electromagnetism.
The Earth's magnetic field interacts with electromagnetic energy in various ways. For example, the magnetic field plays a crucial role in shielding the Earth from the solar wind, which consists of charged particles emitted by the Sun. These particles would be harmful to life on Earth and could potentially disrupt electrical systems if they reached the surface without the protection of the magnetic field.
Some are predicting that the next catastrophic event will involve the disruption of electricity power, primarily attributing it to a potential hacker attack. But this might happen due to the weaker magnetic field and the solar flares. The hacker attack might be the cover up.
According to the censored book by the CIA ‘The Adam And Eve Story The History Of Cataclysms’ this leads to reducing the Earth's inner MHD (Magnetohydrodynamics) energy to such a low level that the shallow molten layer, which begins at a depth of 60 miles and extends to 120 miles, is able to function as a free liquid lubricating layer between the Earth's crust and solid interior.
Eventually, this process leads to a sudden 90-degree flip(Polar flip), resulting in widespread chaos and all hell breaks loose leading to the massive floods.
Now how is this connected to the pyramids?
In 2018 scientists published a paper about ‘Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration’ in the peer-reviewed scientific journal ‘Journal of Applied Physics’.
Researchers have proposed that the Great Pyramid possess electromagnetic resonance properties. This idea suggests that the pyramid's shape and composition interact with electromagnetic waves, potentially focusing or amplifying them. The geometry and structure of the Great Pyramid's influence how it interacts with electromagnetic waves. The pyramid's shape could cause scattering or diffraction of these waves, altering their behavior.
So, could it be that our advanced ancient ancestors built this technology to strengthen our magnetic field during periods of natural weakening, thus attempting to maintain a balance?
But technology can be used for both good and bad purposes, as we can see from its utilization in our militaries. Every new technology is initially employed for military purposes.
The biggest gatekeepers of the UAP/UFO phenomenon the US Navy, the US Air Force and DARPA have made a similar project in 1993 called HAARP. It is designed to investigate the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, which is a region of the Earth's upper atmosphere.
The radio waves used in HAARP are a form of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves are a combination of electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space. They include a broad spectrum of waves, ranging from radio waves with low frequencies and long wavelengths to gamma rays with high frequencies and short wavelengths. HAARP operates in the high-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
HAARP utilizes a high-power, high-frequency transmitter array to emit radio waves into the ionosphere. These radio waves interact with the ionized particles in the ionosphere, creating artificial auroras and modifying the ionospheric properties.
So, how did these three crucial agencies involved in the UAP phenomenon decided to recreate a project that potentially resembles the function of the pyramids?
But now it gets interesting because this same technology can influence the behavior of the population, it can make them aggressive and less aggressive.
Tom DeLonge, Linda Moulton Howe, and other UAP researchers have discussed an alleged giant underground pyramid in Alaska that is purportedly still 'activated' and is believed to impact human consciousness. But if there is a pyramid in Alaska close to the North Pole, there is a pyramid in Antarctica on the South Pole further more adding to this crazy theory…
So, how can this technology influence our consciousness? If we read the ancient texts the last days before the catastrophic event are described as being filled with corruption, love for money, arrogance, disobedience, lack of self-control, wickedness, theft, and murder, which ultimately lead to God's judgment.
Two scientists at Hahnemann Medical College conducted an experiment with two groups of mice. One group was placed in aluminum cylinders under a magnetic field similar to our Earth's, while the other group experienced a magnetic field similar to being halfway between Earth and the Moon.
Both groups had the same physical environment, including food, lighting, play area, and water supply. After three months, the mice in the low-density cylinders experienced the same effects: their protein structure broke down, and more than 35% of them developed visible cancers throughout their bodies. Internal cancers were not analyzed. Also, the mice turned criminal (cannibalism, aggressiveness and rape) in their low-density magnetic field environment.
This was the conclusion of Chan Thomas (the author of ‘Adam and Eve Story) for the behavior: Lowered magnetic field environment could give its occupants a sense of impending doom. Certainly, there would be a feeling that something out of control was destroying them, so why not get what they want irrespective of consequences? In the case of humans, those without empathy turn criminal first in the case of animals, it is probably proper to assume that there is little or no empathy there to start with.
So, apparently this technology can be used to manipulate human behavior, but it also has the potential to save the planet from mass extinction. So, what happened? Why did the event occur again? Did the technology fail, or did the ancient 'elite'—the ones flying the UFOs today—use it for a different purpose?
Remember the saying; "It's Not Nice to Fool With Mother Nature(Earth)" These people are playing God and they are horrible at it. Think about it. 🤔
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astrojulia · 11 months
Hey there what do you think about Venus in 8th house sextile Mars in 6th house?
Venus in 8th house sextile Mars in 6th house
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Hello Siren,
With Venus in the 8th house, there is an emphasis on deep emotional connections and profound intimacy. This placement suggests that you are drawn to intense and transformative relationships that have the potential to profoundly impact your life. You may possess a magnetic allure that draws others towards you, especially in matters of love and sensuality.
The sextile aspect between Venus and Mars indicates a harmonious relationship between the energies of these two planets. Mars in the 6th house brings a dynamic and energetic quality to your work environment. It suggests that you are driven, determined, and passionate about your professional pursuits. This combination may also indicate a strong work ethic and the ability to assert yourself effectively in your chosen field (If you're not working, you can change this to your daily duties).
The harmonious aspect between Venus and Mars suggests that your work and relationships can complement each other. Your passion for your work may spill over into your relationships, and vice versa. You might find that your romantic partners or significant others are supportive of your career ambitions and understand your drive to succeed.
Moreover, this aspect can enhance your charm and magnetism in the workplace, potentially attracting opportunities and collaborations that align with your desires and passions. It may also indicate the possibility of forming deep emotional connections with colleagues or finding love through your work connections.
Kisses from the Sea! 🪸
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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jbfly46 · 4 months
Geoengineering like chemtrails, genetically modified organisms (gmo), weather control technology like HARRP, and mind control signals piggybacking on civilian wireless communications are apart of a planet terraforming plan by Reptilians working for the Archonian Empire that made a deal with the U.S. government after they started testing nuclear weapons. The radiation in the upper atmosphere from nuclear testing there was a form of energy seeding and cut off the Earth’s connection using its magnetic field with the rest of the galaxy.
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basicgeology · 1 year
The Earth's inner-core is a little weirdo...
You might have heard or read in the news, a couple of months ago, that it seems our planet's inner core might have slowed down it's rotational velocity, but do you know what this means? I'll give you the bullet points, and a link to download the paper in which the two researchers who described the phenomenon this described their whole research process in depth.
The Earth's inner-core is a solid mass floating in the outer-core, which instead is liquid.
For a while researchers have known that the inner-core rotates at a different velocity than the rest of the planet, usually faster.
How did they know? Seismic waves that traveled through the Earth's inner-core in different years were found to have different wavesforms, despite having the same intensity and traveling the exact same path.
Through a process of elimination, it was found that it must be because the inner-core rotates at a different velocity than the rest of the planet, therefore the path was altered by it's movement. (Note: the Earth's inner-core is not a humogenous sphere, there are deformities and variations of material throughout it!)
Yang and Song (2023) took a series of PKIKP waves and compared their waveforms, mostly to see how 1) similar they were to each other, and 2) how long it took them to get from one side of the Earth to the other.
What is a PKIKP wave? Good question! A PKIKP wave is a seismic wave that specifically travels through the Earth's inner core. There are many different types of waves, and I might make a post about them if anyone's interested!.
The researchers found that most recent waves (more or less in the last decade) have waveforms that are a lot more similar to each other than waves that were registered in the 80s, 90s, and pre-2010.
This meant that the path has remained the same! Therefore the inner-core has slowed down to a velocity that is more similar to the rest of the Earth's rotation.
Not only this, but it was found that this is not a unique event! Apparently, something similar might've happened in the early 70s!
What does this mean? Well, not much! We don't know for sure how this variation affects the rest of the planet, Yang and Song (2023) suggest it might be related to a variation in the length of day for a few years (mind you, we're talking about a variation of less than a second, you won't even realize something's different).
Other things that might be connected are a variation in the Earth's magnetic field and in the Earth's climate, but this is mostly speculation, take it with a grain of salt!
Why does this happen? Yang and Song (2023) think it might be caused by a gravitational and electromagnetic imbalance happening in the deeper layers of the Earth.
NOTE: I thought it would be interesting to break down something that is a very recent discovery for geophysicists, and some of you might have even heard about it.
Y. Yang, X. Song, Multidecadal variation of the Earth’s inner-core rotation, Nature Geoscience, 16, 182-186, 2023
Yang and Song (2023)
Yang and Song (2023); summary
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13lunarstar · 1 month
The 10th nakshatra
Degrees: from 00°00' to 13°20' in Leo zodiac
The ruler of nakshatra: Ketu (South Lunar Node)
Nakshatra's guna: tamas
Magha keywords: royalty, authority, ancestors, lineage, traditions, ambitions, recognition, pride
Symbol: a royal throne or a palanquin, representing authority, power, and the regal demeanour
Magha in various planets
Sun in Magha: These individuals often display a regal demeanour and a commanding presence. They possess a natural aura of authority and respect and may effortlessly assume leadership roles in various aspects of their lives. They have a deep reverence for tradition and cultural heritage and take pride in their ancestry and family lineage. They may have a deep understanding of their roots (due to Ketu's influence, which indicates past karma) and may feel a sense of duty to honour the achievements of their forefathers. This connection to their heritage provides them with a strong sense of identity and purpose.
Moon in Magha: brings to individuals a deep-seated desire for recognition and respect. They seek validation for their accomplishments and may strive to achieve prominence and influence in their respective fields. Moon in Magha natives are ambitious and determined individuals. While they may appear confident and self-assured on the surface, Moon in Magha individuals also possess emotional depth and sensitivity. One challenge for those with Moon in Magha is managing their pride and ego. They may struggle with feelings of superiority or entitlement, which can lead to conflicts in their personal and professional relationships.
Mars in Magha: signifies courage, determination, resilience, and drive for power and recognition. Individuals with this placement may be ambitious and competitive, striving for success and authority in their chosen field. They may exhibit strong leadership qualities but may need to temper their power with humility and reduce impulsiveness and possible aggression. Good placement for competitive sports, large businesses, or other fields where they can assert their dominance. Highly value their independence and may resist authority or restrictions that limit their freedom.
Mercury in Magha: brings intellectual ambitions and drive to acquire knowledge and information. Natives have a thirst for learning and may pursue higher education or specialized training to enhance their skills and expertise. Good placement for education, research, or academia. These individuals may have a keen understanding of power dynamics and may use their intellect to navigate hierarchical structures in society or the workplace. Moreover, people have a deep respect for traditions and cultural heritage. They may value intellectual pursuits that explore history, ancestry, and traditional wisdom, seeking to preserve and uphold these values in their own lives. Individuals have the ability to inspire and mentor others through their knowledge and expertise.
Jupiter in Magha: signifies optimism, wisdom and spiritual growth. Individuals with this placement may have a deep respect for traditions and may seek guidance from ancestral teachings or spiritual mentors in the early years. They may also be drawn to philanthropic activities that benefit their community or society as a whole. Also, this placement helps to excel in leadership roles within spiritual or academic fields. These people have a natural ability to inspire and motivate others through their wisdom and knowledge, and they may serve as mentors or teachers who help others on their path of personal and intellectual growth.
Venus in Magha: brings magnetic charisma, elegance, luxury and grace. Natives have a royal appearance and may radiate an aura of refinement that commands attention and admiration from others. Strong drive for recognition. Venus in Magha also embodies creative expression and artistic talents. These individuals may have a natural gift for music, art, or design, and they may excel in creative fields where they can channel their refined sense of aesthetics into beautiful and inspiring works. These people are somewhat romantic idealists who believe in the power of love and romance to transform their lives. They may have high expectations for their relationships and seek partners who embody qualities of nobility, grace, and refinement.
Saturn in Magha: emphasizes deep respect, responsibility and duty towards one's family and lineage. Individuals with this placement may feel a sense of obligation to uphold family traditions and values. They may also experience challenges or delays in achieving recognition or authority but can ultimately benefit from their perseverance and dedication. Individuals are ambitious and may seek recognition and respect for their achievements. They are willing to put in the hard work and effort necessary to attain positions of authority or influence where they can showcase their leadership abilities. One of the challenges for this placement is that these people may hold conservative values and may be cautious or resistant to change. They prefer stability and security in their lives and may be wary of taking risks or venturing into unfamiliar territory.
Rahu in Magha: amplifies desire for power and control. Individuals with this placement may be driven by hidden agendas or may engage in manipulative behavior to achieve their goals. Natives may struggle with feelings of ego and self-importance. They may have a sense of entitlement and may expect special treatment or recognition for their talents and accomplishments. These people often have an unconventional approach to achieving goals and are willing to take risks and explore uncharted territory in pursuit of their ambitions, often thinking outside the box and defying convention. While Magha itself is associated with traditions and heritage, Rahu's presence in this nakshatra may manifest as a rebellion against traditional values and norms. These individuals may challenge established authority and seek to break free from societal expectations and constraints.
Ketu in Magha: signifies a deep spiritual quest for truth, wisdom, and liberation as well as a connection to ancestral wisdom and spiritual lineage. These individuals may feel a strong resonance with the teachings and practices of their ancestors, seeking guidance from ancient traditions and spiritual teachings. These people often possess intuitive insights and psychic abilities. They may have a heightened sensitivity to subtle energies and may receive guidance from the spiritual realm through dreams, visions, or synchronicities. This placement brings opportunities for karmic healing and release. These individuals may confront unresolved issues from past lives or ancestral karma, leading to deep healing and transformation on a soul level.
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diariesofanoldsoul · 14 days
The Matrix is not your daily 9 to 5. The Matrix is not repeating the same day over and over again. The Rabbit whole goes way deeper than that.
The Matrix is a elctro magnetic field sourrounding our planet. Every Single one of us is constantly connected to this magnetic field and we're unconsciously exchanging our thoughts and emotions, like little light messages we're sending each other via electro grid.
This Matrix has been created, in order to help our Souls in the ascension process to reach Higher states of Being.
So no you are not escaping the Matrix, by hussling yourself to death in order to reach financial Freedom. That is just the Illusion.
The Truth is you aren't able to escape it, until your able to control your thoughts and emotions and ascend from a egoic state of hatred and greed into an higher state of unconditional love for self and other's.
The Matrix is not a Material Prison, The Matrix is a Mental Prison.
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teratocrat · 2 years
this iron saber was forged and wielded by the tortoisewoman soldiers of Mars, and as you hold it, you think of that planet, remembering memories that are not your own. the training camps of Mount Olympus and the labyrinthine fortifications and burrows worming under its foundations, with rumors of a dragongirl asleep at its nadir like the vast bulk of the mountain was a weighted blanket. the steppes of the northern hemisphere, with shepherds and camelherds and llamaherds eking out a simple existence and trading with the miners and salvagers who live in caravans of treaded transports the size of hills. the monasteries and villages on the slopes of Elysium that have drawn countless pilgrimages from all over the solar system. the martian capitol, the vast u-shaped strip around the Bay of Isis, a jumble in concrete and bronze and steel and gold, baking bread smells wafting from the tandoor ovens and weaving through the domes and mosques and synagogues and factories and refectories and tenement halls, where throngs of Girls and Beastgirls and Robotgirls and Ghostgirls work and play and learn and love. the carcinogenic southern highlands, so bitterly arid that even the miraculous hexavalent chromium sequestering roots can find no purchase in most of its rusty soil, and treasure hunters need sealed suits to track down and salvage centuries-old derelict warships. the northern Utopian and Arcadian and Acidalian shallow seas, where snow leopardgirls sail from port to port weaving through field ice and dodging wrathful auroraserpents who come down from the northern magnetic city. the northern and southern magnetic cities themselves, connected via a shaft dug by industrious molegirls and rabbitgirls through the planet’s long-cold core, a miracle of socialist labor. the mysterious and unmarsly Mariner’s Valley, a forest bounded by sheer cliff faces, where deer twenty feet tall at the shoulder bound and boars as big as houses snuffle through the undergrowth. all these places and more you consider, and then you put the sword down once more.
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Astronomers observe the first radiation belt seen outside of our solar system High-resolution imaging of radio emissions from an ultracool dwarf show a double-lobed structure like the radiation belts of Jupiter Astronomers have described the first radiation belt observed outside our solar system, using a coordinated array of 39 radio dishes from Hawaii to Germany to obtain high-resolution images. The images of persistent, intense radio emissions from an ultracool dwarf reveal the presence of a cloud of high-energy electrons trapped in the object’s powerful magnetic field, forming a double-lobed structure analogous to radio images of Jupiter’s radiation belts. “We are actually imaging the magnetosphere of our target by observing the radio-emitting plasma—its radiation belt—in the magnetosphere. That has never been done before for something the size of a gas giant planet outside of our solar system,” said Melodie Kao, a postdoctoral fellow at UC Santa Cruz and first author of a paper on the new findings published May 15 in Nature. Strong magnetic fields form a “magnetic bubble” around a planet called a magnetosphere, which can trap and accelerate particles to near the speed of light. All the planets in our solar system that have such magnetic fields, including Earth, as well as Jupiter and the other giant planets, have radiation belts consisting of these high-energy charged particles trapped by the planet’s magnetic field. Earth’s radiation belts, known as the Van Allen belts, are large donut-shaped zones of high-energy particles captured from solar winds by the magnetic field. Most of the particles in Jupiter’s belts are from volcanoes on its moon Io. If you could put them side by side, the radiation belt that Kao and her team have imaged would be 10 million times brighter than Jupiter’s. Particles deflected by the magnetic field toward the poles generate auroras (“northern lights”) when they interact with the atmosphere, and Kao’s team also obtained the first image capable of differentiating between the location of an object’s aurora and its radiation belts outside our solar system. The ultracool dwarf imaged in this study straddles the boundary between low-mass stars and massive brown dwarfs. “While the formation of stars and planets can be different, the physics inside of them can be very similar in that mushy part of the mass continuum connecting low-mass stars to brown dwarfs and gas giant planets,” Kao explained. Characterizing the strength and shape of the magnetic fields of this class of objects is largely uncharted terrain, she said. Using their theoretical understanding of these systems and numerical models, planetary scientists can predict the strength and shape of a planet’s magnetic field, but they haven’t had a good way to easily test those predictions. “Auroras can be used to measure the strength of the magnetic field, but not the shape. We designed this experiment to showcase a method for assessing the shapes of magnetic fields on brown dwarfs and eventually exoplanets,” Kao said. The strength and shape of the magnetic field can be an important factor in determining a planet’s habitability. “When we’re thinking about the habitability of exoplanets, the role of their magnetic fields in maintaining a stable environment is something to consider in addition to things like the atmosphere and climate,” Kao said. To generate a magnetic field, a planet’s interior must be hot enough to have electrically conducting fluids, which in the case of Earth is the molten iron in its core. In Jupiter, the conducting fluid is hydrogen under so much pressure it becomes metallic. Metallic hydrogen probably also generates magnetic fields in brown dwarfs, Kao said, while in the interiors of stars the conducting fluid is ionized hydrogen. The ultracool dwarf known as LSR J1835+3259 was the only object Kao felt confident would yield the high-quality data needed to resolve its radiation belts. “Now that we’ve established that this particular kind of steady-state, low-level radio emission traces radiation belts in the large-scale magnetic fields of these objects, when we see that kind of emission from brown dwarfs—and eventually from gas giant exoplanets—we can more confidently say they probably have a big magnetic field, even if our telescope isn’t big enough to see the shape of it,” Kao said, adding that she is looking forward to when the Next Generation Very Large Array, currently being planned by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), can image many more extrasolar radiation belts. “This is a critical first step in finding many more such objects and honing our skills to search for smaller and smaller magnetospheres, eventually enabling us to study those of potentially habitable, Earth-size planets,” said coauthor Evgenya Shkolnik at Arizona State University, who has been studying the magnetic fields and habitability of planets for many years. The team used the High Sensitivity Array, consisting of 39 radio dishes coordinated by the NRAO in the United States and the Effelsberg radio telescope operated by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Germany. “By combining radio dishes from across the world, we can make incredibly high-resolution images to see things no one has ever seen before. Our image is comparable to reading the top row of an eye chart in California while standing in Washington, D.C.,” said coauthor Jackie Villadsen at Bucknell University. Kao emphasized that this discovery was a true team effort, relying heavily on the observational expertise of co-first author Amy Mioduszewski at NRAO in planning the study and analyzing the data, as well as the multiwavelength stellar flare expertise of Villadsen and Shkolnik. This work was supported by NASA and the Heising-Simons Foundation. TOP IMAGE....Artist’s impression of an aurora and the surrounding radiation belt of the ultracool dwarf LSR J1835+3259. Image credit: Chuck Carter, Melodie Kao, Heising-Simons Foundation CENTRE IMAGE....The first images of an extrasolar radiation belt were obtained by combining 39 radio telescopes to form a virtual telescope spanning the globe from Hawaii to Germany. Image credit: Melodie Kao, Amy Mioduszewski LOWER IMAGE....The electron radiation belt and aurora of an ultracool dwarf were imaged by combining 39 radio telescopes to form a virtual telescope spanning the globe from Hawaii to Germany. Image credit: Melodie Kao, Amy Mioduszewski
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tiderideraa · 6 months
the way i am so eyes emoji @ the dis galaxy / auradon being a planet and the isle being an asteroid prison. can you tell the public (it's me, i'm the public ;P) some more about this verse?
oh, yes! it's my marvel / dc verse thing. a lot of it's the same concept as d/esc canon except on a larger scale. auradon is a planet with an extremely unique and complex ecosystem of beings similar to earth populace / earth mythos / folklore. rumors circle that many auradon travellers settled on earth at some stage but there's no physiological or scientific evidence to back it up.
many of the " magical " beings and creatures native to auradon cannot survive off - planet, those that can lose their connection to their " magic " unless they are particularly powerful ( auradon does have issues with intergalatic poachers / trafficking and crack down harshly on those found committing such crimes ). the origin of their magic is closely intertwined with the natural magnetic fields, energies, etc of the planet and so going too far essentially cuts them off while beings made entirely of magical energies will cease to exist entirely once they go off - planet. hence why the former rulers imprisoned their criminals on an asteroid just outside the gravitational field of the planet.
some hybrid beings can draw on energies of their own physical bodies when off - planet but their abilities are nowhere near as powerful as they would be on auradon. this is why many magical beings and creatures just doen't leave auradon, they'll die, they have no reason to or they would be significantly weaker because of it.
timeline of events follow typical d/esc canon. ben is crowned, 4 isle prisoners are allowed entry to auradon, maleficent escapes and is defeated yada yada. king gets kidnapped during a visit to the isle, escapes, action is made to improve the living situation on the isle, some isle prisoners escape, auradon is saved, etc etc. things change post - d3, the blip cuts the populations of both auradon and the isle in half, gives ben the opportunity to allow second/third gen isle borns / raised to relocate to auradon, another couple years pass and then everyone is brought back leading to mass destabilization and revived anti - isle sentiment.
the isle gains their independence, the majority of their income comes from intergalactic business / trade / and mining of valuable minerals found only in the atmosphere around auradon ( negotiations were made between isle representatives / auradon to gain " ownership " of these particular minerals ). as the majority of the isle populace are either non - magical or are so used to being without magic that intergalactic travel is pretty easy to adapt to, most intergalactic involvement from the dis region is with isleites ( isle born/raised/imprisoned ), unless travellers are visiting auradon specifically.
auradon itself has a thriving intergalactic tourism industry marketed as being clean, pure, and, magical. this industry has been around for decades before beast became high king, it's only in the last 30-40 years that auradon has seated a high king and ben has only been high king for 7ish years but there's been a massive move to become more involved galactically. similarly, there's lots of export of auradon goods galactically ( though disclaimers are made of magical products not having the same effect off - planet ). it's also insanely difficult to get citizenship or live on auradon if you're not either auradonian or an islelite. visiting's fine, wanting to stay? lmao, not in your lifetime.
harry is a space pirate, leading a bunch of other space pirates. think treasure planet style space ships / travel and the isle is kinda like omega from mass effect. uma is pirate king of the isle, but they do have a stand in for when she wants to go out and be a menace to society.
there's probably more but this is all i can think of right now
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