#as YOU DO
waokevale · 7 months
Part 2 of Le this
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Betcha didn't see that coming huh?
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shadow0-1 · 5 months
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Save a horse, ride a Vaquero 😌
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wuffen · 2 months
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marvel-lous-guy · 5 months
Tony: What the hell was that!?
Peter: what was what?
Tony: you shot me!
Peter: no I didn't
Tony: Yes you did
Peter: *awkwardly hiding a paintball gun behind his back* when was the last time you slept? Maybe you're hallucinating again
Tony: ...I literally just woke up 5 minutes ago
Peter: maybe you hallucinated going to sleep
Tony: what
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lammydraws · 6 months
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consider this plush concept
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plumadot · 3 months
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i don't think i ever shared the full arts of my dnd character on this blog for some reason??? this is roselle she's a little bard who made a pact with a fey creature for the power to make her drawings come to life!!! :D and now she's lost in barovia :'))))))) all of this art is almost two years old but i still like it!!!
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akanemnon · 3 months
(confused hand raise) Is it "Fix Climate" or "Fix Climate controls" or something like that because I'm now picturing them going in to fix the AC or fans in some room and oh no it's another dark world portal...
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It's just "fix climate" as in "fix climate change"
The joke is that the whole schedule is absolutely ridiculous, even if their heart is in the right place.
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gothiccharmschool · 3 months
AKA: Finally getting to hang out with @leannareneehieber!
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emailsquid · 6 months
i think sumi is a rlly good inversion of akechi actually.
akechi hides his true self by being pleasant and agreeable, and sumi tries to do much the same. for akechi, its because he feels like revealing his true self will hinder his goals, and fears the retribution. for him the adopted personality is a curse he has to endure to get what he wants.
sumire is essentially forced to abandon her true self, but at her own desire. freedom from the burden of being herself is her end goal, working in the complete opposite direction to akechi.
between them is akiren, who strikes a balance between them. he never tries to abandon his true self, its able to come out in the metaverse and at times with morgana and the thieves. at the same time, he uses the same people pleaser tactics as the others whenever he talks to anyone, even the thieves. he seems comfortable with both though, happy to wear different masks in social situations but not wanting to shun his true self.
i think sumire's reaction to maruki revealing the truth is by far her best character moment. she's revealed to have such strong self hatred she'd prefer to just. not exist. and this doesn't go away, evem after rank 10, since if you take maruki's deal kasumi doesn't come back, sumire just becomes kasumi again (this kind of assumes that maruki's happiness thing takes into account the extremness of her self hatred, since it's not like anyone else transforms into someone else in his reality)
much like he takes away sumire's self hatred, maruki's deal removes akechi's external anger, turning him into the facsimile he acted as. maruki can't allow akechi's true anger and bitterness and trauma, so akechi's true self, that he wants to be, becomes that pleasant outward demeanour.
to conclude i guess i think sumire and akechi are good vessels to explore hatred, societal expectations and self acceptance. akechi cannot be himself because of his hatred, and how that conflicts with societies expectations. personal thoughts on societal and interpersonal expectations cause sumire to hate being sumire, and prevent her from accepting herswlf. (wow its the theme of the game. no way. sometimes p5 is coherent).
this is what sets them apart from the other thieves, who have generally accepted who they are and the fact that they will not fit into society in a conventional way. the royal trio forgo being themselves in order to fit more easily into society, letting society's expectations mold them into a shape that fits for their role.
this commentary would probably go deeper if i had more confidence and understanding on japanese societal norms, but from what i understand this seems relevant to japanese culture's collectivist tendencies, with regards to supressing your personality to fit in.
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tartarduck · 11 months
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an instructional guide by agent raven and his fiancee, who's tagged along for this training session
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snarkspawn · 10 months
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go home losers you're drunk
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ohheyitsjustbear · 5 months
Bard of Huntington, at your service
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Treats ♡ Tips for Tattoos
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mollymauk-teafleak · 11 months
I think Tom Kazansky snores. Like loud, sawmill snoring that sometimes has Maverick sitting up in the night staring at him wondering what is wrong with this man. Slider warned him about it before they got together but he still didn’t think he’d be woken up at 3am, wondering whose louder, Ice or their dog. Abs of course Ice gives him a flat look in the morning and tells him he’s got no idea what you’re talking about, Mitchell, but you’ll shut up if you want him to make you pancakes for breakfast.
But then of course the reason Maverick can never sleep well when they’re separated is because he hasn’t got that sound that’s become so familiar and comforting to him. Enough that sometimes he’ll call before bed and ask Ice if they can fall asleep on the line together so he can hear him doing that thing that definitely isn’t snoring? And Ice smiles so fondly and says he still doesn’t know what you’re talking about…but sure, sweetheart
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bookwormwinnetou · 5 months
OH so 1670 is a show and here i was thinking the poles just decided to be super into a random year
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
no one understands the gallery scene in s3a actually changed me it’s like tasting ambrosia and it fucking up your tastebuds forever so you can no longer eat normal food like how can I ever look at any romantic scene the same way ever again nothing else can compare I feel ruined like I’ve been left out on the sidewalk to suffer in the rain under the moonlight
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so-that-was-okay · 17 days
Hmmm Tommy and Buck get ambushed by some gang members who want their car. They try to talk their way out of it but they end up being kidnapped by the gang.
Tommy switches to full military mode because this is about survival now and protecting Buck. But he also knows Buck is not a damsel in distress and he trusts him to play his part in whatever they will have to do to survive.
And because angst is one of my favorite food: Buck intentionally kills for the first time, for survival. It's a new trauma but it also puts many things into perspective in his life, especially regarding his past.
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