#as if these personal boundaries and opinions are actually an Objective Moral Truth
alwaysbethewest · 1 year
Hot take: it’s okay to fantasize about celebrities, actually
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pbscore · 2 years
Honestly, all cis men should be on board with advocating for and supporting funding that can go towards birth control specifically for them. And this is something that I really don’t think is talked about a lot in a serious and productive way in any social circles, especially among cis/het men.
Genuinely, I think it has less to do with the ignorant takes from radfems/TERFs and certain ‘progressive’ feminists who say out of pocket stuff like ‘sterilize all men’ (bruh…y’all need to unpack the eugenics and racism within that statement pls) and more to do with the fact that most cis/het men are raised with this idea that they have no responsibility or accountability in situations regarding pregnancy and STI prevention when it comes to having sex.
Like, I will always support the idea that the only person who should have the final say on whether or not they want an abortion is the person who’s pregnant. Full stop. They should be the only person to make that final decision, completely free of any coercion from doctors or relatives or the government.
However, I always think it’s silly and dangerous (as we’re currently seeing) to act as though cis/het men should be left out of the conversation regarding contraception and pregnancy, overall, because now a good portion of them really believe that the only way to avoid the possible consequences of sex is to just… ‘uwu not have it’ yet they’d be quite angry if any women around them wouldn’t offer it to them. Many of these men who say these things often have porn blogs and will treat any woman/feminine presenting person as a sex object yet the moment the reality of pregnancy or STIs hits them, they bend over backwards to frame these people as ‘irresponsible sl*ts who should have kept their legs closed’ with no self-awareness whatsoever about their own position in the matter.
Really, all I’m trying to say is that the genuine lack of accurate and inclusive sexual education, especially in regards to how and why our reproductives systems work the way that they do, conversations about consent, boundaries, and rejection, as well as the severe amount of Christian based morality that is imposed on us in regards to whatever genitals we’re born with has lead up to this point we’re seeing in America.
All of the accountability and victim blaming is being tossed at only those with uteruses while cis/het men either act performative about supporting reproductive rights for those sweet ‘male feminist’ validation points OR act with such vitriol towards reproductive rights, with a gaggle of tradwives touting ‘we have uteruses and we have opinions too uwu’ at their feet.
Never having open and honest conversations about the realities of puberty, sexual health and development, consent/boundaries/rejection, and pregnancy and STI prevention without defaulting to black-and-white Christianized morality is exactly what’s leading to this new wave of misogyny, even in the most ‘leftist’ of spaces (literally the whole D*pp vs H*add case is a textbook example of how cishet men can say the most outlandish things and still be looked at with sympathy, even when the evidence is clearly not in his favor).
I’m just holding out hope that we can really start to mobilize and reaffirm actual intersectional feminist thinking that doesn’t fall prey to capitalism like it has been for the past 20 years. There are some harsh realities that need to be talked about in regards to gender inequity and many other social issues that overlap with it that will never see the light of day if we keep giving into this idea that cis/het men ‘can’t handle’ and ‘need to be gently educated’ on basic human anatomy and bodily autonomy for EVERYONE, not just them. The reality is that many of them already know the consequences, they just don’t want to be held accountable for their part in it unless it’s a way of maintaining some sort of control over another person or their own image.
Once this truth is finally talked about in cis/het men’s spaces, that’s when the work to undo so much damage to our perceptions of human relationships can begin. But until that happens, I’m not about to let any of them off the hook for their responsibilities nor will I not hold any of them accountable for their own actions, just like many of them feel a little too comfortable doing to anyone else who isn’t a cis/het man.
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sixrabbits-blog · 4 months
Lying: A lie is a false statement deliberately presented as the truth. Some manipulators will say anything to get what they want. They will do it frequently and with so much ease. They also use lies of omission which means instead of making deceptive statements, they simply withhold the truth. The goal of omission is to isolate the victim behind a wall of secrecy in order to exploit the fact that they are unaware of some important knowledge to him or her.
Insinuating Comments: The manipulator knows the victim’s weaknesses and buttons. They purposely push and pull on these to get a reaction. Often they will speak with double entendres or innuendos to confuse and hurt the victim simultaneously while maintaining plausible deniability of any hurtful intention. The goal is to drain the victim emotionally, wear them down, and to feed the manipulators ego.
Discourage and Criticize: The criticism is not for negative behaviors but rather to discourage positive outlets the victim may have to express themselves. Any attempts to join a social club, team, or organization will be discouraged, undermined, or sabotaged by the manipulator. Any attempts to be creative artistically, musically, or otherwise will be criticized and the victim’s work belittled. The goal is to crush the victim’s self-esteem and isolate the person from anything which might garnish him or her praise or attention from others.
Diminish and Dismiss: The victim’s ideas, opinions, or cry’s for help, are either verbally or non-verbally (eye-roll, smug smile, scoffs, ect.) diminished, dismissed, overlooked, undervalued, or simply ignored. The goal is to make the victim less willing to voice their wishes or grievances. When multiple people work together against the victim this can leave him or her completely isolated and vulnerable with a strong feeling of hopelessness and nowhere to turn.
Intrude and Interrupt: The manipulator has no respect for another person’s boundaries, they will say and do whatever they please in front of, behind the back of, or towards their victims, regardless of objections or morals. If done covertly the victim will have no idea what damage has been done until it’s too late. The goal is to cut the victim off from speaking up, gaining support, or making positive changes, either for themselves or the people around them.
Deflection, Diversion, and Evasion: When the manipulator is asked a direct question or called out on a lie, they will either deflect the conversation back onto the victim, “How dare you accuse me of that!” or they will steer the conversation onto another topic as a diversion, or will give an irrelevant, vague, and meaningless response instead. The goal is to create confusion, throw the victim off balance, and avoid any responsibility for their actions.
Emotional Blackmail: Knowing that someone close to them wants love, approval or confirmation of identity, and self-esteem, manipulators will threaten to withhold the emotional support the victim desires or needs, or even take it away altogether, making the person feel that he or she must meet the demands of the manipulator. The goal is to ensure that the victim feels afraid to cross them, obligated to give them their way, or guilty if they resist.
Emotional Barriers: Whenever the victim gets upset and question the manipulator or complains about something they’re doing, the manipulator turn the focus on the victim’s angry or upset state. The manipulator becomes demeaning about the victim’s objection to his or her poor treatment. The victim could also be attacked for being happy about something. The goal is to frustrate and suppress the victim’s emotions in order to dodge the blame for wrongdoing or maintain control of them.
Guilt Trip: A special kind of intimidation tactic. A manipulator suggests to the conscientious victim that he or she does not care enough, is too selfish, has more than they deserve, or got it too easy, regardless of how much or little the victim actually does or not, or what the manipulator has ever contributed. The goal is keeping the victim in a self-doubting, anxious and submissive position.
Inappropriate Restrictions: A person has the right to be taken seriously, to develop their potential, explore and express their interests, and to find meaning and fulfillment in their relationships and lives. The manipulator will engage in ongoing behaviours that inappropriately restrict the victim’s life. The goal is to hold him or her back from success, happiness, or anything else the manipulator does not deem the victim worthy of.
Objectifying: The manipulator treats the victim as a tool for their own purposes. This could be sexually, or to simply damage and destroy, for their own gratification. The goal here is to dehumanize the victim, to the level of that of an object, as if there is no need for concern for the victim’s feelings or experiences. If done long enough the victim will also feel the same about themselves.
Threats: Rarely in the physical form, but more usually they are cognitive and social in nature. One of the biggest such threats is that of social exclusion, which affects our belonging need. Threats do not change minds, but they are often very effective at changing how people act, at least in the short term. The goal is effectively taking control of the victim’s life and preventing them from controlling their own destiny little by little.
Crazy Making: The manipulator says or does something and later denies ever saying or doing such things. The goal is to make the victim doubt their own sanity and perception of reality. Driving them slowly and systematically mad over multiple occurrences. This effect can be heightened/increased when the manipulator employs others to act the same.
Blaming: The victim is held responsible for the harm they suffered. The victim brought it all upon themselves and the manipulator is in no way responsible for their actions. The goal is to put the victim on the defense which makes them look and feel guilty while simultaneously masking the manipulator’s malicious intentions.
Shaming: Shame is an extremely painful state to be in and is a very powerful weapon. The manipulator loves to humiliate their victims frequently with put-downs, expressions of disgust, contempt, disappointment, etc. The goal is to make the victim feel worthless and inadequate in order to subdue them into submission.
Silent Treatment: The manipulator refuses to communicate and uses emotional and/or physical withdrawal as punishment. This is to convey contempt and communicates that the person is not worthy of the manipulator’s acknowledgement. The goal is to render the victim powerless to change the current situation and induce feelings of abandonment or rejection. If the manipulator withdraws emotionally the victim can become love starved for their affection.
Negative Reinforcement: The manipulator will only give positive attention on a random basis to keep their victim off balance emotionally. The goal is to increase the manipulators control over him or her by making them desperate for the manipulator’s love and attention. Then the manipulator will continue to use negative behavior and only stop when the victim complies with demands.
Positive Reinforcement: If a manipulator gives a gift it is only because they expect something in return, or to deceive others into believing they genuinely care. Compliance is bought and paid for with gifts, attention, approval, money, and superficial charm, interest, or concern for the victim. As like negative reinforcement the manipulator will retract anything positive as soon as the victim fails to comply with demands of the manipulator, hence proving it was superficial all along.
Hurt and Rescue: A drowning person will clutch at a straw, so push them in the water, then throw them a rope. Hurting the other person does not mean physical harm and it may not even mean making them feel bad, but it does mean creating a situation that they want to resolve. The goal is to get the victim to play into the manipulators hands so they can rush to their “rescue” only to trick the victim into trusting them or becoming dependent upon them.
Infantilize: The manipulator does not acknowledge their victims maturity either emotionally or psychologically. The victim is treated as if they have no knowledge of life or experience dealing with life’s challenges. The goal is to reduce a person to that of an infant or child, lowering their status in the social order, and stripping them of the ability to make choices, both in the victim’s mind and the manipulator’s.
Double Bind: In the manipulator’s eyes the victim is damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Regardless of which choice is picked the manipulator will always point out that the person should have picked the other. This may be accompanied by remarks such as “Well if you had done this I would have done something great for you, but forget about it now.” The goal here is to beat the victim down psychologically and emotionally, in order make him or her question and doubt their own intuition and judgment.
Covert Aggressive Abuse: Insults are disguised as teachings, helping, giving advice, and offering solutions. The manipulator makes them appear as a sincere attempt to help, especially to others. This can also be followed by put-downs, and disappointment from the manipulator and anyone else who they have convinced of the victim’s inferiority. The goal is to belittle, control, and demean the victim while covering up the appearance of wrongdoing on the manipulators behalf.
Setting up to Fail: The manipulator puts their victim in such a state of stress, or stressful situation, that failure is almost certain, wherein the outcome can be used as ammunition to discredit and blame the victim. This can be done covertly as well, using sabotage or undermining an objective that may otherwise have been achievable. This type of manipulation may be the projection of the bully’s own feelings of inadequacy onto the victim.
Moving the Goalpost: When the manipulator has control of the situation they will re-define the victim’s goals, in reality, to intentionally devise a way so as to assure that an athlete, for example, will ultimately never be able to finally achieve the ever shifting goals. Depending on how this is done the goal may be to humiliate the victim, keep them preoccupied so as to accomplish nothing else with their time, or to simply wear them out.
Symbolic Aggression: This could be something as small as giving a “look” or some other gesture. Often times it is slamming a door, punching a wall, or throwing something, otherwise a show of force not directed towards the victim. A more extreme case would be brandishing a weapon, or at least making it known to the victim that a weapon does exist and at the manipulator’s disposal, but in a possibly non-threatening way. The goal here is to put the victim on warning and intimidate them into compliance with future demands.
Monitor and Stalk: The manipulator is always present, lurking behind the victim’s back, or from a good safe distance, keeping an eye on him or her. If the manipulator is narcissistic or psychopathic it is common for them to monitor the victim’s computer or phone, and even use surveillance equipment in order to follow the person’s every move. The goal here is simple, maintain knowledge of everything the victim says and does, their coming and goings, and who they know.
Feigning Innocence or Confusion: The manipulator tries to suggest that any harm done was unintentional or that they did not do something that they were accused of. The manipulator may put on a look of surprise or indignation. The manipulator may also try to play dumb by pretending he or she doesn’t know what the victim is talking about or is confused about an important issue brought to their attention. The goal is to make the victim question his or her own judgment and possibly their own sanity. When others are deceived by a manipulator this way the victim feels powerless.
Vilifying the Victim: More than any other, this tactic is a powerful means of putting the victim on the defensive while simultaneously masking the aggressive intent of the manipulator, while the manipulator falsely accuses the victim as being an abuser in response when the victim stands up for or defends themselves or their position. The goal is to build resentment for the victim and put them on trial before he or she is even aware something is wrong, or make them feel guilty enough to question their position.
Playing the Victim Role: The manipulator portrays him or herself as a victim of circumstance, that their behavior is only because of someone else’s, or was the only way to handle the situation they accidently found themselves in at the time. The manipulator was “taken for a ride” by the person or people that are being manipulated. The goal is to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby escaping any blame for wrongdoing or even getting support and cooperation from unsuspecting outsiders.
Rationalization: The manipulator justifies and makes excuses for their behavior. They create false reasons or fake angles which make their actions seem more understandable, acceptable, and appropriate through the use of spin. This often times is done around others, behind the back of the victim. The manipulator may have a different rationalization depending on the type of people they are talking to at the time. The goal is to get the victim off the manipulators case so they can continue doing whatever they feel they are entitled to do.
Minimization: This is denial coupled with rationalization. The manipulator asserts that their behavior isn’t really as harmful or irresponsible as someone else may be claiming. Often times down playing the behavior by comparing it to others, “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone,” or such logic may be present. The goal is to make a molehill out of a mountain, thus letting the manipulator continue the abusive behavior, or at least escape much of the guilt.
Trance: If the manipulator is a psychopath, their intense presence and laser-like focus on their victim will cause a trance-like state. He or she will become hyper-focused on the manipulator and vice-versa. Everything they say and do seems undeniably right if for no other reason than pure force of will power. The goal is to render the victim psychologically defenseless. The experiences during these trances are permanently seared into the victim’s psyche and remain ever persistent.
Brandishing Anger: The manipulator puts on an act of furious explosive anger, verbal abuse, or physical threats. If the victim is in a trance or has previously been manipulated by the abuser, with just one incident of such behavior the victim can become conditioned and trained to avoid upsetting, confronting or contradicting the manipulator ever again. The goal is to establish dominance or superiority, and complete and unquestionable compliance, over victims through fear.
Brainwashing: Also referred to as heart washing, is the act of changing a person’s mind or heart by using extreme mental or emotional pressure or abuse. This is typically done when the victim is extremely outmatched by their manipulator either mentally, physically, economically, or socially. This can be achieved a number of ways but usually the victim is in a situation they feel they can’t escape, and will involve several tactics simultaneously. The goal is to convince the victim into believing their viewpoints about life, people/person, or the world are immature or pathetic, and need to be realigned to the viewpoint of the manipulator.
Scapegoating: Manipulator subjects the “whipping boy” to constant negative treatment and blame they don’t deserve. Manipulators unconsciously project their own unwanted feelings and problems onto the victim. The punishment which the scapegoat has to endure is a direct projection of the manipulator’s own insecurities. Scapegoating is a deliberate act of torment against another person for the cathartic pleasure of the manipulator.
Gang Stalking: Is a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form. Gang stalking is organized harassment at it’s best, and a suicide inducing attack at its worst. It is the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc., by a group of people. The goal is an organized psychological attack that can completely destroy a person’s life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators.
(list by reddit user OnTheBrink401)
I’ll never trust a person who did most, if not all, of these. If they’re ever going to really find redemption and try to become better people, they shouldn’t count on me to forgive and forget.
Don’t ignore these red flags, people. And don’t give people like this power over you; they don’t have much of it if you don’t look up to them or care for them.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
the problem with sherlock and watson (yuumori)
Feel free to ignore honestly this is a giant opinionated and not well informed ramble but yeah here it is for those of u that follow me for some reason, this is probably pretty controversial so yeah feel free to scroll past
also spoilers for anime onlys, we’re almost there though
So I’ve been Thinking about these two recently, and yeah, to be fair I’ve literally never read or watched any other adaption of sherlock, so I’m just speaking as to what I can tell, but yeah. I’m not sure at this point if it’s really a complaint or just an observation, but I do have some slightly confounded observations about how things are different from what I expected with them.
Mostly my Confounded Observation is just... Watson is straight?! I don’t mean in a literal way, he definitely has Bi Wife Energy TM but... you know, he’s comparatively straight.
Of course, I understand why the author might want to make sure watson doesn’t really get in the way of sherlock and liam (which is honestly hilarious but understandable) and for the purposes of the story it does make sense, but it’s... you know, again I haven’t consumed literally any other sherlock content so I wouldn’t know but from what I’ve heard watson’s always a flaming homosexual and well, it’s not like this series lacks for those, but?? 
It’s not just that he’s straight in the sense of his sexuality, it’s that... he’s a straight character in the sense that he’s like, normal? Kind of overly normal? I was kind of expecting more out of him, to be honest, and to see him just be like, a functional human being who seems to be doing totally fine in all ways? That... I don’t know, it’s kind of weird. Especially in contrast with Sherlock, who as everyone can tell is violently not doing just fine.
Since this part of the manga will be covered in the anime soon, I think this is timely, but I feel like this is just made painfully obvious when the shit goes down between him and sherlock.
Speaking on the nature of their relationship here, it’s weird. Because you know, the author is clearly going sherliam endgame (istg if they don’t just make it official i cant take this anymore) and I support that lmao, they’re like my favorite dynamic- but yeah, it’s obviously different from the other adaptions, where, you know, sherlock and john are ambiguously gay people.
Like, it’s honestly comical how in this series that is significantly gayer than every other one that watson is so clearly a Heterosexual Man honestly
But Sherlock still, clearly isn’t, and I think there is something to be said about how he feels about John, though of course in the end he... obviously chooses Liam. (and considering John’s kind of ass character in this version, he was right to do so)
I mean, just look at them.
We’ve got this obviously autistic obviously gay man who is violently codependent with this mild mannered british dude. Sherlock’s feelings for this guy are complex, and they’re clearly very different from the ones he has for Liam, but they’re certainly there. Sherlock clearly has no idea of romance, no idea of the boundaries between platonic and romantic relationships (and neither do I, but,,, yeah) and I think what Sherlock feels for Watson is like a queerplatonic relationship, but like.... not reciprocated?? 
It’s so weird for this to be the case, but it so clearly is? In the part where they explore that, it goes into how, like... Sherlock doesn’t really know how to function without Watson, dude’s holding up his entire mental health without even really doing anything, and Sherlock feels fucking awful when he is no longer Watson’s like, #1 person. The fact is, the same thing is going on with him, though they’ve existed like this for years it’s clearly not going to work anymore- Sherlock is basically having to choose between him and Liam, and you know what he’s gonna do. But it’s still an awful feeling for a bond that strong to break.
The thing about it really is that for Watson the tie was never that strong in the first place. Watson is so... without conflict in his character. And this is something that actually honestly bothers me. He’s so lawful good it’s infuriating. He’s steady, he’s calm, he’s rational and he’s emotionally mature, he can manage himself fine and care for everyone he needs to. He’s doing just fine even though Sherlock is caught up in this ridiculous murder drama, and that’s what makes the relationship so... I don’t know, off in this version.
Sherlock needs Watson, and Watson cares about Sherlock, but not nearly to the same extent, and he’s like. Not really doing it right? For someone who’s been with him for presumably years at this point, Watson doesn’t really feel like he knows Sherlock all that well. And that sucks that that’s the truth. 
In every other story with friendship/romance tropes like this, the characters have conflicts like this, but when one person thinks the other doesn’t care for them that way, they’re wrong. It’s like oh no, I’m a burden, I’m being clingy, he’s got a life to get back to and I don’t, I’m too much, he’s better than me etc... those are things Sherlock’s type of character tell themself, but the catch is that’s not actually the case, they’re just Mentally Ill. Having that just... be true in Sherlock’s case is kind of heartbreaking, as much as it’s clearly for the Sherliam agenda.
The problem is just that Watson here is just so lawful neurotypical that he just doesn’t really get Sherlock. He’s got this strict moral code, and he kind of makes it a problem to Sherlock. He says all the things that Sherlock would expect everyone to say, but it’s not what you’re supposed to say, you know? He’s all like murder is bad stop doing that I won’t be your friend if you shoot people we don’t do that >:(, be civil be nice stop putting yourself in danger Don’t Do Drugs etc etc. You know, of course that’s sensible information, but it’s... not what he needs to fucking hear? That’s like the school counselor going hey guys, just say no :D THAT DOESN’T WORK. And you’d think that Watson would get this by now? All it’s doing is hurting him more. It’s genuinely making me dislike Watson, and that’s not something I want to do.
I think it works for the purposes of this specific narrative, because they don’t want to create problems with Watson being left behind, they want to say that he’ll be fine on his own so that it will all work out fine. And yeah, of course I want that, I don’t want there to have to be conflict of sacrificing John’s emotions for Liam, but I feel like they didn’t have to sacrifice John’s character for him. 
This series could have a Watson who cares deeply about Sherlock and has some weaknesses and conflicting emotions about him without them being romantic. We haven’t seen how Watson dealt with Sherlock’s “death” yet, I don’t think, but... I don’t really like the thought that this Watson would honestly be fine. He’d be sad, he’d be mad, but he’d get over it and get on with his life and is objectively in a better situation without Sherlock. Yeah, I just... don’t like that.
I want to see a Watson who understands Sherlock. Isn’t that what he’s supposed to be? I want to see a Watson who cares for Sherlock so much that he has to make hard decisions, that he has to make the wrong decisions sometimes, that he has internal conflict because of it. I want a Watson who gets that Sherlock is nothing without him, who gets what’s going on with him and Liam, who’s trying to help him and keep him on track and maybe failing. I want a Watson who’s genuinely conflicted about leaving Sherlock for Mary because he knows it will hurt him, who worries about his ability to take care of everybody, who shows his problems from you know, being in a literal war, who wonders how to portray Sherlock in his books. We can have that without losing Sherliam, man. He doesn’t have to be Hideyoshi Nagachika (god, no one needs to go thru that shit), he just has to have at least a bit of emotion, bro. I want to see a Watson who’s struggling with what to do. Like. Even once. 
Instead we have this. This dude who is just... a nice, rather clueless guy who helps out sometimes and who’s just a bit too much of a rule follower to fit into a story like yuumori.
Sorry to just complain on main here I just think he was done a bit dirty here and it’s bothering me, if u have thoughts or info about other portrayals feel free to hmu i have become a bIT hyperfixated
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c0smicheaux · 4 years
Ninth House In the Signs
When the ninth house is in the sign of Aries, a person can be too passionate about their beliefs, not allowing others to express their system of convictions. Fighters for religion, ethical approach, college, or their own progress of any kind are seen here. In general, this is a strong position that finds energy in the future and draws a person towards positive change. However, any ties to the past will make their dreamland vivid and blur the direction they are supposed to follow. Once they feel they are on the right path, with a mission to accomplish and deep beliefs leading forward, these are the exact people who will learn about boundaries, conflict, and fiercely achieve any goal they set out to reach. They tend to find purpose only in things they are truly passionate about and wither in any circumstances that don’t invigorate them and make them feel alive. They need their talents put to use and the fire in their stomach constantly burning in order to live a long, creative and healthy existence.
If the ninth house is set in Taurus, the purpose of a person’s life is always found somewhere in the material world. Experience needs to be built in the real world, through financial and physical matters, and this is the exact reason why these individuals turn to education in fields of finance, agriculture, cooking, or real estate. For as long as they don’t lack initiative and primal energy, they can truly be fantastic in practical issues, but also tend to close up for new experiences if they get hurt or disappointed. This is a tricky position for as much as the beneficent sign of Taurus can be mellow it can also be lazy, static, or stiff to accept change and the beauty of constant movement. There is a special joy these people find in tradition if their Venus is beneficently set, and they will strive to reach family values and practical pleasures as much as they can in this lifetime.
The ninth house in Gemini leads to growth through communication. These individuals will learn new things quickly and with passion, while at the same time having trouble holding on to large chunks of knowledge or finding synthesis for everything they’ve learned. To mend the troubles found in overthinking, they need to also learn to stay concise and focused on one point at a time. If they have too many goals at once, they will rarely manage to reach any of them, and the most important thing the ninth house in Gemini has to teach, is how one should think and use their words. If they find true emotional intimacy, it will usually give them a strong basis to improve their approach and help them thrive in fields of oratory skills, public exposure, trade, and information technology.
With the ninth house in Cancer, there is always a simple striving held in a person’s path – to find peace. This is not an easy mission for someone with their mind standing in the way, for our human nature often doesn’t allow enough silence and peace to reach that much needed state of clarity and peace. A strong purpose is always in connection with family issues that have to be resolved or gained through their own ability to form calm relationships with their partner and children. Very often, this position will point to the possibility of life abroad, in case it is confirmed with at least two more significations in the chart. Their greatest teachers are found in their own heart and they will come to see that only people they love can actually teach them anything at all. This will lead to some hurtful emotional experiences for the purpose of each feeling they have might be to teach, rather than last or provide them with that much needed peace.
When the ninth house is set in the sign of Leo, we see that someone has to clarify the image of self apart from their family, upbringing and values taught at home. If they are too proud to accept that truth is relative to all people, they can become pushy and force their opinions and convictions on everyone around them. The key to a healthy existence here is often hidden in their chase for emotional satisfaction and the Moon will speak of their ability to forgive, move forward, and accept their feelings instead of trying too hard to remain in a rational mode. Awareness will grow as soon as they realize how vulnerable they actually are, face the fact that they are human and that their emotional core gives them much more benefits than weaknesses. They will learn from dominant figures, their boss and their father, but rarely have enough respect for the feminine side within to achieve their incredible full potential.
The ninth house in Virgo speaks of the focus on helping others, charity work, and matters of modesty and detail. Those who were born with this house position often have the need to learn how to heal and rationally understand the intelligence of their physiology and practical issues in the material world. However, their ego stands in their way and they will always have a challenge of their Sun to overcome to truly reach the state of wisdom and purpose. Something is always used and needs fixing in Virgo, and it is quite common for these individuals to have problems while traveling for choosing accommodation that is too cheap to be enjoyed, or overpaid for the one they get. They will have a flare for literature and many linguists and writers will have this position accented, if their tenth house supports strong materialization of everything they have learned.
If the ninth house is set in Libra, there is something strangely confusing in a person’s belief system, the main problem being the fact that their beliefs seem to be defined by other people. They will find many role models in this lifetime and need to overcome their self-criticism in order to truly reach their desired state of mind, physical state, or professional goals that they see as their calling. Hard work is needed for their plans to materialize and they will often be stuck in their dreamland, or when disappointed too many times, in their world of envy and feelings of incompetence. Relationships with quality will have to stand the test of time, and it is very often that these individuals remarry, sometimes only to find that marriage is too serious for them in the first place. When well supported, they will blossom in areas such as law, diplomacy, marriage counseling, and all activities done with a partner or someone they have an emotional bond with.
With the ninth house in Scorpio, we have to understand that a person will make choices that many would think of as strange. In the most positive manifestation, this will give one an incredible depth of mind, belief in the power of planet Earth, connection to endless pools of inner energy and a tendency to study science, psychology, or even occult teachings. Still, we have to keep in mind that practically speaking, these individuals have a belief system rooted somewhere in the river of their ancestors, highly unconscious and strange for many people around them. Their convictions will be powerful and obvious in their manifestations, while their need to learn about deep matters that others don’t want to deal with often sets them apart from their group at school, college, or at any family gathering. They have to find a way to satisfy their inner craving for deep understanding of the Universe and Unity, but they will find it only if they mend their broken relationships and realize that no man is born into this world to be alone.
The ninth house in the sign of Sagittarius speaks of a higher mind, in a way, and shows one’s need to travel, learn, and widen their horizons as much as possible. The trouble with this position is held in the inability to go deep enough to actually ground ideas and entire mental belief systems. Even though these people can be incredible teachers, attorneys, gurus, or motivational speakers, they will often have trouble accepting change as a necessary tool for improvement. Sticking to their moral convictions without a doubt in their mind, they will forget that change is the only thing that will truly help them regenerate. Aiming high, they don’t have a clear idea of everything going on at planet Earth’s surface and need a reality check from time to time, just to remember that distances are there to be crossed, not just to be observed.
If one’s ninth house is set in the sign of Capricorn, their beliefs can be annoyingly stiff. It will be very hard for them to make a change in pace or direction once they set out to do something. Their main problem is hidden in the real purpose of all things in their lives. This is why they sometimes have to exchange their practicality and common sense for a dream or two. The main objective with this position is to achieve a state of acceptance that allows these individuals not to push their convictions on everyone around them. There will be an ease in learning about ancient teachings, history, substance, and mathematics if their Saturn is well set in a sign that gives it dignity. However, responsibility they need to take seems to be too distant for them to reach its understanding. Once they do, they will finally have a chance to create a solid foundation for their future endeavors.
With the ninth house in Aquarius, one’s striving and desires are never ordinary. Learning through symbols will be as easy as it gets, which makes these people turned to astrology, mathematics and programming. The problem will arise when a person with this ninth house doesn’t feel the need to accept responsibility for their own life. A truly disappointing thing here hides in the fact that their routine is shattered enough to make them too tired to learn everything that interests them. This great mind will be truly disturbed by the lack of substance, seriousness to their approach, and a sort of superficial Air-like nature that won’t allow them to sink deep enough to create a strong foundation for their ideas to land. If they take matters in their own hands and make a plan they will stick to at all times, they will feel their energy rise. Finally, this will result in their creativity leading them to incredible innovative moments they have been wishing for since they were born.
If someone’s ninth house is set in the sign of Pisces, there is definitely a mission they should follow in this lifetime. In case they haven’t found their right calling, these people will be dreamers, prone to stressful experiences that could have been avoided if they gave everyone in their life enough freedom. They cannot be tied down and shouldn’t ever try to bond too strongly to other people. When they give freedom they will get freedom to grow and find their right direction in life before they start feeling like its whole meaning is lost. The sign of Pisces creates magic, but also rules all poisonous and unexplored areas of life. This will lead to education in chemistry, pharmacy, psychology or sailing. For as long as these individuals are not asleep but wide awake and pursuing their passion, they will have a chance to truly leave a mark in this world.
Source; astrology-zodiac-signs dot com
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neworoldnews · 3 years
If your attention was ever caught by a fascinating theme, you know the feeling of being sucked into a mental dialogue.
Your inner voice, usually wandering on its aimless distractions, suddenly clicks! Dropping through a vortex of questions that curiosity begs to scratch.
This synchronised state of mind is rarely triggered during our daily tasks. So when it kicks, you are pumped with a focus strong enough to keep you wondering for hours. The Perception-high.
You mostly navigate in a pre-digested world, seeing what you would expect to see. Conditioned by predispositions, past experiences or hurried backup-conclusions.
Imagine perception as a color. The full rainbow representing the Object and each color a possible Perspective:
This is the perfect metaphor. Just like color is a brain’s hack to help you navigate, and not a property of the object itself, so your conditionings keep you moving in an otherwise overwhelming environment.
This eases decision making and enables action in an otherwise infinity of ponderation.
The mind reinforces the lessons you’ve gathered and the natural tendencies you have. It then paints the world according to your position at the rainbow.
When you look at something, you are actually throwing your colours at it and gazing back at the reflection. Imprisoned by a bubble of your own echo, moulded by imperfect barriers that guide your way into practicality.
Often, not aware of this colourful spectrum, we keep confusing our simplistic representations with the things in itself. The world stretches through our eyes so widely that is hard to notice our frontiers within it.
Just like someone before Newton wouldn’t see gravity in a fallen apple, who has never fallen in love will be blind to the colours of Romeo & Juliet:
The book is open, the apple cracks against the ground. Yet the observer will place the respective color in front of the object, collecting no more than a monochromatic representation. “God wanted the apple to fall”, colorises the priest; “what a teenage angst thing to do, Romeo”, scribbles the unlovable.
Think about the most practical and material-oriented person you know. Now picture her/him starting to drive. Imagine them becoming aware of the noises in the engine. Is it possible that this thought crossed their mind?
“The little noises it makes, it’s telling me what to do. For my whole life those were just random noises, but turned out to be instructions all along!”
Observation highs vary hugely in degree. They can be subtle, adding a little nuance to an existing colour. Or drastic, adding a whole new pigment to the palette.
You’ve been excited about becoming aware of something you were previously blind to before. Now compare that feeling with a man getting his mind blown by seeing colors for the first time [here’s a video].
Now compare that with the moment Einstein saw Time as another dimension, changing the colour spectrum for humanity.
Sure, most of us will never dream of such an intense revelation. But no matter the gradient of these perceptions, pleasure and admiration will always be aroused.
It’s about freedom. Novelty! To escape the circle of seeing what you would expect to see is to stand above a new landscape. To contemplate old sights with a renewed eye. It’s being a tourists to everything.
If you want to better master observation, and fix a dose of that sweet Perception High, you must realize how much your conditionings affect the impressions you gather.
Understand your mind-mold
The framework in which your mind operates is a complex interplay of psychological representations and social conditionings. These are the things that compose your colour.
To become aware of your mindset its helpful to play with some questions first. Let’s start small, with an experiment:
Think about riding a bicycle to work tomorrow. Allow yourself to reflect on the way you reason while answering these questions:
Check my emotional pulse. Have I intuitively made up my mind before pondering?
How did I tackled it, “why not” or “why would I”? How can that be a byproduct of my education?
Can I attach a fear to my decision-making? What fear would that be?
Is my analysis based on hopes or dislikes? Can those hopes be achieved or those dislikes avoided by my present self?
Is there any stereotype or belief on my thought process? What is it?
This is important because it put you in a original position. Like stretching for your eyes, preparing you to see.
Henrique Pousão was a naturalistic painter who deeply understood the power of learning how to see. To patiently allow the eye to catch up with every side, to delay judgment and isolate the different impulses that suggest a conclusion.
For him observation was in itself an act of Creation.
This young boy, joyfully staring at us with mellow eyes, resting from the stillness of posing, may be one of the most iconic, yet ignored, symbols regarding Observation-Creation.
It’s amazing how natural the pictured moment is.
The scene couldn’t be less pretentious, the studio is perfectly ordinary, the kid sits in a relaxed and childish way, even the working environment is somewhat mild.
It looks like you just walked in the middle of the action. Your presence caused an Interruption, so you are caught by a delightful smile and two proud eyes staring for approval.
In fact, this painting is all about Interruptions.
The boy stops posing to show you his own version of himself, drawn on a little piece of paper. Behind him, on the canvas, is the painter’s sketch for the child’s picture.
So, how many painting are here, and what can they teach us about Observation?
1 — The Child’s Sketch
The boy shows no respect for the ritual of painting.
Turning his back on the canvas while breaking his pose, the child interrupts the painter to show a rippled piece of paper. He doesn’t do it out of malice nor ignorance, but out of a light-hearted disregard for convention.
Why show reverence to something just because it’s drawn in a proper canvas? Why not be proud of a piece of paper if it’s saturated with the same matter as the masterpieces: Pure Creativity.
The Child doesn’t aspire to rebel against anything, there is no duty in his creation. But the force he is driven by shows no mercy to authority, it is empowered by the value of curiosity and excitement in itself.
All principles are new and noble, all approaches worth considering. “Truth” is but a toy to be played with, open to amusing construction, while ideas are molded, tossed, mixed and joint like pieces of LEGO.
Nothing is too absurd, nothing is too serious, nothing is too evident!
It there was not a child in our way to Perception High, then Galileo Galilei would never have dropped balls from the Leaning Tower of Pisa, disclaming the solemn Aristotelian theory of gravity.
Never would Hennig Brand boild his own piss to discover phosphorus, or would anyone conceive the idea of a cat being both alive and dead at the same time.
It’s all about the freedom, the innocence, to level all that was thought and seen to a common ground where new values and concepts can flourish.
Interrupting authority, fuelled by Pure Creativity.
2 — The Canvas Draft
The draft presents a perfected version of the boy, nobler and more beautiful.
His wide potato nose is portrayed as small and delicate. The hat on top of his ragged clothes even seem aristocratic. His meditative head rests upon a steady hand. There is an overall feeling of idealisation
Somewhere, right now, there’s some small group of people working in a garage, dreaming about, if every single thing goes smoothly, changing the world.
Some eventually will. If Apple, Google or Microsoft had never dreamed of the most positive possible scenario, then how could they have aspired to be what they’ve become?
While playing with an idea, feel free to extend it into it’s most extreme scenario. Elaborate a whole mental experiment, or invent completely new laws and models.
The painter interrupts the boundaries of reality to go beyond the limits of his physical theme.
This is when you don’t think about how things are, but question about how things could be.
That thought functions as an arrow, pointing to a distant bright destiny that you ought to follow. At the dawn of agriculture, a man envisioning a golden field of wheat. A revolting slave dreaming of equality. A deaf scientist wishing to hear…
Though the complete opposite is also relevant.To warning us about just how bad something can become.
These are the so-called Utopias and Dystopias, and they are both a great compass and magnifying glass, when operated by Idealization.
3 — Henrique Pousão’s Painting
There was a moment when Pousão understood he would not be satisfied with what he was portraying.
That he would be missing something if he kept on painting the initial, sketched, version of the child’s portrait. So he Interrupted it.
Seeking the noble beauty he had first envisioned would cost him authenticity. By pursuing the classic canon, the stylised portrait that is set to elevate Art from the mundane (with its picturesque backgrounds and romanticised beauty) Pousão would then be blind to the real boy.
Blind to a shy smile concealed by proud eyes. He would never notice the elegance with which the child’s ragged, old, shoes touch the ground like a ballerina. And the chance to capture a manner so subtle, so enriched with truth, would be lost.
Roar back at the loud command of expectations. Both your own and all others. Understand that you also take part in shaping the concepts that are so often taken as truth.
Doing so widens possibility. Look beyond present conventions and morals. Shape this structure, because it will eventually also change your own views in a loop. Society is an ever mutable cycle of transformation. Check any history book.
The ability to sacrifice one’s present vision and opinion is the great virtue of adaptability. To be always permeable, taking pride in once being wrong and honouring not being sure of anything.
Embracing reality in its full scope, even when contradictory or hurtful, is to be synchronised with its complexity.
Facing ugliness with a wholesome disposition is what got us using Viruses, infectious agents responsible for taking countless lives, to Cure such diseases as cancer.
4 — Your Observation as a Painter
Though the paint didn’t move, the painting has changed. It’s no longer the one you’ve first seen. It has been painted over.
For every new observation a pigment has been added. colours been deepened and shapes widen.
In any sport, game or activity, enjoyment consists in taking part, is being committed to imprint your individuality, feeling and being engaged.
You stood, facing the canvas, in the position of a Painter. Ready to pick up the brush Pousão so thoughtfully left within your reach at the left of the canvas. Reminding that it up to you to give colour to any observation.
Facing the fact that we are painters of our impressions is as empowering as liberating. It offers the world as a palette to explore, strengthening our ties with everything and setting observation as an act of creation.
In a strange way the freedom granted for painters, to enthusiastically and with imagination depict their views, don’t set them apart from reality.
Quite the contrary, it allows them a stronger connection and sensibility with it, as it promotes inquiry and critical sense. The absolute contrary of Apathy, the great responsible for neglecting one’s relation to knowledge.
If you weren’t a painter, then Pousão’s masterpiece would have a painting less: Yours, an ever-changing piece.
There is no such thing as empty things or people. Just elements filled with something you haven’t yet learned to see.
By keeping in check Pousão’s lessons things appear less solid and more like an interplay of invisible fabrics. A tissue of colours filled with nuance, waiting to be experienced from every angle.
If everyone is looked at as a painter, then discussions are more fluid, people more tolerant, observation more engaging, and things just a lot more interesting to look at.
Do you remember becoming aware of something you were blind to? What?
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shreddedgalaxy · 4 years
just finished watching well-intended love on Netflix and I have so many mixed opinions...
non-spoiler version? the first half is perfect, the second half is.... problematic to say the least.
spoiler version?
the first half was amazing. seriously, I could not stop watching it. I spent seven and a half hours just sitting there and hanging on to each and every word. the chemistry between the two leads is undeniable, the supporting characters actually have plots of their own and are interesting and well-developed, and I’m a sucker for the marriage of convenience trope.... and then the second half happened.
now, immediately upon watching the episode that reveals that Ling Yizhou faked Xia Lin’s medical records, I was confused and concerned to say the least. I couldn’t figure out what they were doing with this plot for the life of me. and then she tells him she needs space, and he... does exactly the opposite??! it was creepy, possessive, manipulative, and problematic as fuck. but it was also 3am, I had spent all day watching this cdrama, and I needed to know how the fuck the writers thought they could fix this (because it’s a cdrama and it’s not gonna end without the leads getting together).
before delving more into the main relationship in the second half, a few things to mention before I forget- because this show has a lot of other aspects and facets besides the two leads. first, Chu Yan’s “death” made me lose my shit, because he’s an EXCELLENT character and I love him. thank god he came back so quickly, he brought so much to the show and i think without him I might’ve given up on this drama sooner. Jia Fei and Wen Li were incredibly cute together, and their relationship had the build up and tension that oftentimes are overlooked when creating a romance for the side characters. Nan Jin Tian was a decently intricate villain, although I’m not 100% sure if I ever fully understood his motive. Ling Yizhou’s mother was an incredibly complex character though, and I appreciated all the twists and turns she put the characters through, and how in the end, her actions are more morally grey than pure evil.
back into the main relationship- Ling Yizhou handles Xia Lin’s anger in an objectively horrible way. bodyguards to prevent her from leaving? that’s some fucked up shit. honestly, during that episode, I was about 0.5 seconds away from exiting out, leaving a bad rating, and going back to watching random YouTube videos in order to forget the whole ordeal. seriously, I felt duped by the whole show- the premise didn’t even hint at the idea of this happening. and then Yizhou gets the call about Chu Yan’s death.
the “death” of Chu Yan hit both leads very hard due to the friendship he had cultivated with both of them, and the leads ended up seeking comfort in each other, Xia Lin reluctantly so. now, this is still problematic as shit, BUT I think it was one of the more realistic aspects of this show. for any musical theater fans out there, it reminded me of Eliza and Alexander seeking comfort in each other after Philip’s death. however, that alone didn’t make the show much better, until we begin to see the change in Ling Yizhou.
his past is uncovered even more, and his family history brings to light an explanation for his possessive, wild behavior. it DOES NOT justify it in any sense, but it does provide some context. furthermore, the change seen in Ling Yizhou seen throughout the rest of the show is very good- he understands what he did wrong, he realizes the pain and suffering he has caused her, and he tries to do right by her in whatever way he can. he does not force her into reconciling with him, which is probably the most important development of his- before, when she was upset, he would do whatever it took to get Xia Lin to forgive him and forget his mistakes. at this point, he understands he has no right to forgiveness, and she doesn’t have to take him back or even speak to him again. he does take steps to make amends and fix the pain he caused, but for the sole reason of righting his wrongs, not trying to force her into forgiving him.
the most important aspect to the relationship between Xia Lin and Ling Yizhou in the second half of the show is Xia Lin’s actions and attitudes. I felt that she forgave but did not forget Ling Yizhou’s wrongdoings, which is incredibly important. she didn’t just forgive him and move on- she called him out on his bullshit, stepped away from the situation to come to her own conclusions about what to do next, and didn’t just let his amends influence her decision. in the end, she went back to him because she loved him, she needed comfort, and with the knowledge that if he ever tried any of that shit again, the relationship would be terminated for good and she wouldn’t look back. she gave him a second chance because she wanted to, not because he did, and she made sure to set up boundaries and make him understand that his bullshit would not be tolerated any longer. it is key to mention though- if she had not gone back to him, she would’ve been completely justified in doing so- his apologies and redeeming actions and characteristics do not at all negate the fact that he was incredibly toxic and even downright abusive towards her up until this point in their relationship, and she had every right to leave him and never look back.
throughout the rest of the show, Ling Yizhou is respectful towards her boundaries, is honest with her about everything he does and his intentions, and works to make her as happy, safe, and loved as she should be. he no longer takes their relationship for granted, and though he occasionally makes small mistakes (he is still human, and a total adjustment to his character would be unrealistic without a show of progress), he takes full responsibility for his actions and takes steps to ensure he doesn’t wrong her again. i think Xia Lin’s character also took a turn for the better, because she is more strong-willed in her beliefs, takes much less shit from not only him but everyone else, and is much wiser due to the whole ordeal. there were a few minor details that didn’t get touched on the way I thought they should (like how Wen Li probably knew everything that was happening the entire time Ling Yizhou was fucking up but faced virtually no consequences or reprimand for his actions) and there were a few other small choices the writers made throughout that I didn’t agree with, but overall, the story ended decently well.
i think the title of the drama itself, well intended love, speaks volumes to the core ideas of the show. Ling Yizhou’s love for Xia Lin, while “well intended”, was possessive, manipulative, and toxic in so many ways for a good portion of the show. no matter how well intended his love was, he still hurt her in unimaginable ways, and hurt the life of the woman he wanted to cherish and love. i feel the theme of the show overall, that good intentions don’t always justify the actions, was shown after having seen all twenty episodes. i feel for a lot of people who saw it and quit after the first half, this looks like a show justifying abuse, and i can completely understand why it looks that way. looking at the entirety of the show though, i believe the writers did not justify the abuse, but rather showed a combination of how the way Ling Yizhou was raised contributed to his character, the undeniable truth that love without respect and honesty is gross and harmful, and that a person’s character can change with proper consequences to their actions to help them understand the immorality of what they have done, regardless of whether it was done with good intentions.
was the show problematic? yes. do i think the writers could’ve shown their overall message in a much better way, preferably with less shock value and gross misrepresentation of what the plot of the show is? definitely. do I think this show glorifies abusive relationships? honestly, i would say no, but i of course am always open to reconsidering my points. but overall, i feel the show overall brought an important message to light about the justifiability of our actions, has well-developed characters, and the relationship between the two leads was much better developed by the end of the show than I anticipated. will i be watching season two, if/when it comes out? most likely, if only to see how the writers could continue the story.
i also think it’s important to acknowledge cultural differences- i am american, and might have missed some points through my ignorance and lack of understanding of chinese culture and the differences in social norms and customs. for all those who have been thoroughly hating on the show without watching it all the way through, that is your prerogative and i 100% respect that, especially with some of the jarring and upsetting behaviors shown throughout the revelation of Ling Yizhou’s actions. but i also do hope you acknowledge that you haven’t seen the show in its entirety, and don’t necessarily have the whole story of how the writers handled Ling Yizhou’s character and his relationship to Xia Lin.
i could’ve written a lot more on the topic, but i think i’ll end it here. if you’ve seen the show, feel free to drop into my messages and chat about it, whether you agree with my interpretation or not!
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nightfayre · 5 years
hi im the anon ! i dont remember what i said >
and I’m alarmed by the fandom mentality. Maybe HT means good - but how would we know? we don’t have access to his thoughts - but we must judge his actions, and his actions are for the least very troubling. It’s always abt coercing Mo and not respecting his boundaries. I see the trope “when she says no, she means yes” here and once again, the fact the fandom swallows it uncritically (bc HT is a poor, hot tortured boy) is alarming. Forcing Mo to wear his gift stinks of “this is my possession, don’t mess wt him” 2/5
Maybe im pessimistic n its actually to protect him by distance, but once again he totally disregards Mo’s will. What if he doesnt want to be protected ? what if he doesnt want to be an object to be pass around between self-entitled psychos ? The first step to protect and help someone is by listening to them. I hope Mo will react strongly and will tell HT that by saying this, he’s no different from She Li. And i hope that would provoke HT to self-reflect a lot - smth he lacks tremendously. 3/5
That being said i love HT and tianshan! And what i love is how realistic and flawed they are. Theyre both hyper violent, distrustful, and severly lacking in communication skills. Im thrilled to see how theyre going to evolve -for the better or the worse, both is good for me. But i’m very disappointed by the fandom reaction like “ooh how cute hes possessive it means love!” or “actually its not bad doing HT doing that bc his intentions are good”. 4/5
And I will be vry, vry disappointed if OX decides to follow this trend and to not show how this kind of actions is detrimental to their reliationship and use the tired and dangerous trope of “being violent means that you care”. I trust them to be more nuanced than that bc until now they are great at drawing grey relationship. So yea i hope next chapter, tianshan plunges (before being better). Anw sry for the rant, and plz continue the good work !! 5/5
phew. there’s a lot to unpack here – but I agree wholeheartedly with you. since this post is already kinda long, I will put my answer/explanation under the cut!
the parts that I bolded in your asks are what I intend to focus on in this answer. strap in, because this is going to be a long one. 
before anything, let me put a disclaimer: I love He Tian. I love Guan Shan. I love Old Xian. I love tianshan, and I love where they are headed in the manhua. does that mean I also love where tianshan are right now? no, it doesn’t. and I’m here to explain why I look forward to their potential rather than their current relationship’s dynamics.  
one of the hardest parts about being in a fandom is being able to separate fiction, reality, and morality. this is especially hard when a fandom is as old and endearing as 19 Days, and when you fall in love with & are rooting for all the characters. furthermore, 19 Days is not a tragedy. of course, when Jian Yi disappears, it will be tragic. but otherwise the majority of the manhua is a comical, romantic slice-of-life plot. as such, it’s easier for what would usually be seen as blaring issues/problems in tragedies to be disregarded for comedy or, in some cases, romance in a comedic, romantic slice-of-life. 
this is exactly the case with tianshan. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: He Tian’s current relationship with Guan Shan is not healthy. he doesn’t listen to Guan Shan. he doesn’t respect his personal space. he doesn’t know where to draw the line. he doesn’t know how to properly communicate with him, and thus resorts to violence or threats. tianshan just have a problem with communication. and, sure, maybe it can be chalked up to the fact that they’re young and stressed and don’t know any better. but that excuse is almost as bad as the “boys will be boys” excuse, and that doesn’t make it any better nor does it justify their actions. 
He Tian’s idea of relationships is so twisted, and as I talked about in a previous answer, it can probably be stemmed back to his trauma with the puppy Cheng took away from him. I won’t get too deep into that since I explained it in detail in that answer, but keep this in mind nonetheless: He Tian grew up in a family of violence, distance, miscommunication, and lies. it’s all he’s ever known, and that’s what he’s applying to his relationship with Guan Shan. does that make it right? no, absolutely not. but he’s learning. 
when Guan Shan had a panic attack at the restaurant, He Tian learned that people aren’t robots/pawns to use at his disposal and rather have their own strong emotions/backgrounds that shape them. thus, he brought Guan Shan home without a word. when he had his night terror and woke up to Guan Shan holding his hands, He Tian realized that there are parts of Guan Shan he still doesn’t know and, potentially, an aspect of their relationship that they’ve only started to uncover. thus, he thanked him without preamble and with a bowed head. 
what I’m trying to say is that He Tian does have good intentions at times, but not always. he’s learning as he goes, because god knows he didn’t have a family to teach him how healthy relationships should be. there probably is a part of He Tian that only wants to protect Guan Shan against She Li, but he certainly doesn’t show it in the right way. he acts possessive because he knows that if he doesn’t, he’ll lose what he loves (*insert flashback to the puppy*). again, does that make it right? hell no. jealousy and possessiveness are not cute and are entirely unhealthy in a relationship. the fandom should view them as such, but should also keep an open mind when considering He Tian’s background. 
and honestly, the reason why I’m focusing so much on He Tian right now rather than Guan Shan is because if it were up to Guan Shan, he would’ve dropped He Tian within the first few days (maybe even hours) of meeting him. but because of He Tian’s persistence, Guan Shan has no choice but to be involved with him and retaliate when He Tian verbally/physically/emotionally attacks him. nonetheless, Guan Shan has tried to walk away from He Tian on multiple occasions when He Tian’s teasing became too much, and on those occasions, He Tian has given in. (ex. I can’t find the exact chapter, but there is a chapter in which Guan Shan refuses to use He Tian’s fork to eat He Tian’s leftovers, and he gets up and says, “I’m going home,” to which He Tian replies, “Fine, fine, I’ll buy you new food.”)
so yes – tianshan certainly have flaws. He Tian holds too much power, and Guan Shan can’t catch a break. the fandom romanticizes their interactions, but if you take a moment to think realistically and recognize that character flaws are essentially bad but also critical for character development, then there is an even balance in the readers’ relationship with the manhua. don’t support He Tian’s violent interactions with Guan Shan and claim “omg He Tian loves Guan Shan sooooo much when he forces Guan Shan to do XYZ,” but rather support the fact that he hasn’t physically manhandled/harmed Guan Shan in many chapters. support and celebrate He Tian’s development, not his flaws. 
and as for what you said about Guan Shan telling He Tian that he’s “no better than She Li”? while I don’t think He Tian is truly as bad as She Li, I actually think that would be a painful, great, and pivotal moment in their relationship. after all, the most consequential scene in tianshan’s relationship thus far has been the kiss. at that moment, Guan Shan had told He Tian outright that he disgusted him and to leave him alone. since then, I don’t think He Tian has ever looked so… taken aback. unsettled. 
and guess what? their relationship has only gotten better since then, and He Tian hasn’t touched him like that again. 
I don’t know, anon. it’s a tough call. I think tianshan have a lot more chapters ahead of them, and I don’t think Old Xian will allow them to end on bad terms. actually, I don’t think Old Xian will allow them to end on the terms that they’re on right now. they can only improve from here on out, but how Old Xian will go about showing that improvement is unknown to us. there are many paths this story can take, but rather than worrying about what might happen, let’s focus on the here and now. let’s focus on the problems at hand, and let’s focus on the development the characters are undergoing. 
don’t ignore the wrongness/cruelty of characters’ actions, but don’t romanticize them either. if you do, you’re only doing a disservice to the character’s personality, existence, and the author’s intentions.
(and as for this newest chapter specifically: I see why people can get excited about He Tian telling Guan Shan to wear the earrings. He Tian wants to verify to both himself and She Li that Guan Shan is with him now. that Guan Shan is no longer under She Li’s control. who doesn’t love a little verification of their OTP’s relationship, especially when it involves an enemy?
but at the same time, it’s unhealthy. Guan Shan doesn’t have a say. he’s being handed around like an object. I don’t think this is pessimistic thinking; I think it’s the truth that no one wants to acknowledge/hear. but I’m not saying that tianshan is wrong in this chapter; I’m saying that He Tian has good intentions, but he’s not showing them correctly. and there will be a chapter in which he does show them correctly, but we must travel this rocky road before we get to that point. patience is key, and I cannot wait until He Tian and Guan Shan reach that moment of clarity. you can’t have light without the dark.)
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While some continue to complain about the profound effects of indoctrination into the totalistic worldview of the Moon ideology,  it is puzzling that they seem  unconcerned about the  mind control and ideological indoctrination inflicted from all directions outside the Moon movement on society at large. After all, it is difficult to not notice that a massive world-wide combination of educational institutions, media, the entertainment industry, government agencies, computer companies,  the United Nations and its accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are all involved in the indoctrination of the masses into a totalitarian, one world government ideology. Are the effects of indoctrination in the Moon ideology dangerous in comparison to the effects of indoctrination into the totalitarian one world government ideology?    When considering this, take into account that the totalitarian, one world government ideology promotes and facilitates various lifestyles and practices considered to be sinful according traditional Christian standards, whereas the Moon ideology, whether it be true or not, upholds traditional Christian morality and takes a hard line against sin.
The one world government indoctrination program begins in elementary school with a planned, step-by-step process of replacing the traditional family-taught beliefs, morality, Biblical values and world view with a new way of thinking designed to support the totalitarian world government agenda [see 'Brainwashing in America']   The techniques of brainwashing developed in totalitarian countries are routinely used in psychological conditioning programs imposed on American school children to bring about these results. These include emotional shock and desensitization*, psychological isolation from sources of support, stripping away defenses, manipulative cross-examination of the individual's underlying moral values, and inducing acceptance of alternative values by psychological rather than rational means.
The goal of education is no longer to teach the kind of literacy, wisdom and knowledge we once considered essentials of responsible citizenship.  It is to train world citizens--a compliant international workforce, willing to flow with change and uncertainty. These citizens must be ready to believe and do whatever will serve a  government determined 'common good' or 'greater whole'.  Educators may promise to teach students to think for themselves, but if these state educators continue what they have started, then tomorrow's students will have neither the facts nor the freedom needed for independent thinking.  Like Nazi youth, they will be taught to react, not to think, when told to do the unthinkable.
Are the effects of indoctrination into the Moon ideology really so dangerous in comparison to the effects of the ongoing state run indoctrination into the totalitarian one world government ideology?  
*A common method used in training students to reject truth is emotional shock therapy which is described in the following example:  Ashley, a California tenth-grader, heard her teacher announce the following writing assignment: 'You're going to consult an oracle. It will tell you that you're going to kill your best friend. This is destined to happen, and there is absolutely no way out. You will commit this murder. What will you do before this event occurs? Describe how you felt leading up to it. How did you actually kill your best friend?'  Ashley became very upset. Why would her English teacher tell her to imagine something so horrible. 'I don't want to do this.', she told herself and long after she had told this to her parents, the awful feelings continued.
This method of emotional shock therapy has become standard fare in public schools from coast to coast. It produces cognitive dissonance -- mental and moral confusion -- especially in students trained to follow God's guidelines. While classroom topics may range from homosexual or occult practices to euthanasia and suicide, they all challenge and stretch a student's moral boundaries. But why?
'[Our objective] will require a change in the prevailing culture--the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things,' says Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind the school-to-work and 'workforce development' program implemented in every state. Working with Hillary Clinton and other globalist leaders, he called for a paradigm shift--a total transformation in the way people think, believe, and perceive reality. This new paradigm rules out traditional values and biblical truth, which are now considered hateful and intolerant. (See "Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values") All religions must be pressed into the mold of the new global spirituality.  Since globalist leaders tout this world religion as a means of building public awareness of our supposed planetary oneness, Biblical Christianity doesn't fit. It is simply too 'exclusive' and 'judgmental.'
Immersing students in imaginary situations that clash with home-taught values confuses and distorts a student's conscience. Each shocking story and group dialogue tends to weaken resistance to change. Biblical absolutes simply don't fit the hypothetical stories that prompt children to question and replace home-taught values. Before long, God's standard for right and wrong is turned upside-down, and unthinkable behavior begins to seem more normal than the Christian tradition that formed the basis of western civilization.
But it takes more than a twisted conscience to produce compliant world citizens. New values must replace God's timeless truths, as described in the following example:
 Matt Piecora, a fifth grader from the Seattle area, was told to complete the sentence, 'If I could wish for three things, I would wish for…'  Matt wrote 'infinitely more wishes, to meet God, and for all my friends to be Christians.'  Matt's wish didn't pass. The teacher told him that his last wish could hurt people who didn't share his beliefs. Matt didn't want to hurt anyone, so he agreed to add 'if they want to be.'  Another sentence to be completed began, 'If I could meet anyone, I would like to meet…'.
Matt wrote: 'God because he is the one who made us!' The teacher told him to add 'in my opinion.' When Matt's parents saw his work, they noticed the phrases that had been added to Matt's sentences and asked,  'Why did you add this?'. 'The teacher didn't want me to hurt other people's feelings,' he answered. 'But these are just your wishes…'  'I thought so, Mom.'  Matt looked confused. Later, the teacher explained to Matt's parents that she wanted diversity' in her class and was looking out for her other students. But the excuse didn't make sense. If the papers were supposed to 'express the students' diverse views,' why couldn't Matt share his views? Didn't his wishes fit? Or was Christianity the real problem?  'I try to instill God's truths in my son,' said Matt's father, 'but it seems like the school wants to remove them.'
 He is right. The old Judeo-Christian beliefs don't fit the new beliefs and values designed for global unity. The planned oneness demands 'new thinking, new strategies, new behavior, and new beliefs'  that turn God's Word and values upside-down and no strategy works better than the old dialectic (consensus) process explained by Georg Hegel, embraced by Marx and Lenin, and incorporated into American education during the nineteen eighties.  Directed group discussion based on the dialectic (consensus) process is key to the transformation. Professor Benjamin Bloom, called 'Father of Outcome-based Education', summarized it as follows:
'The purpose of education and the schools is to change the thoughts, feelings and actions of students.  ....a large part of what we call good teaching is the teacher's ability to attain effective objectives through challenging the students' fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues.'  Matt's last comment was especially threatening to the teacher. His statement, 'God made us' is an absolute truth. It can't be modified to please the group. Therefore it doesn't fit the consensus process -- the main psycho-social strategy of the new national-international education system designed to mold world citizens.  It demands that all children participate in group discussions and agree to: · be open to new ideas · share personal feelings · set aside home-taught values that might offend the group · compromise in order to seek common ground and please the group. · respect all opinions, no matter how contrary to God's guidelines · never argue or violate someone's comfort zone
First tested in Soviet schools, this mind-changing process required students in the USSR, China and other Communist nations to 'confess' their thoughts and feelings in their respective groups. Day after day, trained facilitator-teachers would guide these groups toward a pre-planned consensus. Opposite opinions or ideas -- 'thesis' and 'antithesis' -- were blended into ever-evolving higher 'truths'. Each new truth or 'synthesis' would ideally reflect a blend of each participant's feelings and opinions. In reality, the students were manipulated into compromising their values and accepting the politically correct Soviet understanding of the issue discussed. Worse yet, the children learned to trade individual thinking for a collective mindset. Since the concluding consensus would probably change with the next dialogue, the process immunized them against faith in any unchanging truth or fact. This revolutionary training program was officially brought into our education system in 1985, when President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev signed the U.S. - U.S.S.R. Education Exchange Agreement. It put American technology into the hands of Communist strategists and, in return, gave us all the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives. Today, American children from coast to coast learn reading, health, and science through group work and dialogue. Most subjects are 'integrated' or blended together and discussed in a multicultural context. Thus, fourth graders in Iowa 'learn' ecology, economy, and science by 'real-life' immersion into Native American cultures. They role-play tribal life and idealize the religion modeled by imaginary shamans. Seeking common ground with the guidance of a trained facilitator-teacher, they share their beliefs, feelings, and 'experiences' with each other. They might agree that 'there are many gods' or 'many names for the same god' and compare the exaggerated spiritual thrills of shamanism with their own church experiences. Which religion would sound most exciting to the group? The consensus would merely be a temporary answer in a world of 'continual change' -- one of many steps in the ongoing evolution toward better understanding of truth -- as defined by leaders who envision a uniform global workforce and management system operating through compliant groups everywhere.     http://www.inplainsite.org/html/mind_control_in_schools.html
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ramrodd · 4 years
Is the Christian Bible correct?
Quora Moderation has censored this commentary for offending their IT sensibilities and questioning their collective omniscence
Additional Dialogue with Ross Whittle
Nope. There is nothing about the bible that is correct. It is a collection of ancient myths. Some people, such as yourself, are desperate to cling to faith, and thus take outrageous leaps to overlook this and find some truth- in your case “perceptive doctrine’. from this, It seems you take something you believe is good- capitalisms- and then interpret something ELSE you like- the bible- to reflect that. The fact the Jesus teachings are far more socialist than capitolist is irrelevant to you. You will see things as you wish them to be.
When confronted with this, you will retreat to another typical Theist trope- you will ignore answers that contradict you, and simply re-ask the question as if it has not been asked.
I’ve outlined a few of the multitude of instances where the bible reflects huge immorality. You simply display a total LACK of morality, so I understand you cannot comprehend this. Perhaps if it had been YOUR family killed in a religiously inspired massacre, you might feel differently.
I don’t agree there IS a “perspective doctrine” as you outlined- it seems a complete distortion of what little in the bible might be redeemable- it, for instance, in no way reflects “do unto others.
You are example of someone who can be completely without morals while claiming morality, so you are a living embodiment of my claim.
Tom Wilson: Well, unlike you and Dick Harfield, I’m not making any moral claims for myself: I’m not in a position to judge. Nor do I claim to be a person of faith: I know The One and have had a working relationship with the Holy Spirit since 1954.
Knowledge and faith are not the same same thing.
You haven’t confronted me with anything novel nor enlightening. As I have said from the get-go, I get the gist of your complaint, which you have just recapitulated on the basis that you expect to be able to beat me into submission with your puny dialectic, and I’m bored with it.
The Bible is divine literature. It’s complexity is infinite and, like the Lotus, blossoms eternallly to the humble pilgrim, but is manifestly unavailable to those who refuse to submit to its pulse.
As far as holocaust, I know what that is. I’m an Army brat. I lived in Europe as a child at a time in Germany just past the moment when a loaf of bread could get you a blowjob in Berlin. I’ve been to Hitler’s bunker in East Berlin when the godless commie cocksuckers were in charge and I’ve been to their magnicent cemetary for the Soviet cucumbers who died taking Berlin. It’s a vast park, like something out of the English estates of Downton Abbey, only emphasizing the the horizon with a huge sculture of Yaweh, Queen of Battle rising from a small hill that rises above the tree line. The Soviets call her “Rodino” or “Mother Russia” but she is the feminine aspect of The One described in Revelation 4.2. It’s one of the secrets of the Torah, the actual ontology of God abiding in the narrative.
The cemetary had a long, broad Paris-style side walk up to the sculpture and on the right were 10 or 12 mass graves that held 10,000 soviet soldiers as I remember. I’ve been to Verdun where one of the memorials is a marble shelter 25 - 30 metres long that keeps the elements from a row of rifles with bayonets sticking out of the ground, waiting for the signal to go over the top and unto the attack when the trench collapsed on the soldiers who were issued those rifles. “To Keep and To Bear” means something to me so outside your prissy little League of Nations existence that it may as well be a Sanskrit quotation at the beginning of a T. S. Eliot play about cats.
“Pearls before swine” comes to mind with every sentence of every one of your responses. If I wasn’t satisfied with writing for my own amusement, I wouldn’t waste my time in your useless attempts at resembling critical thinking and dialectical competence.
The fact that you are appalled at the slaughter in the bible means that you accept the historicity of the Bible and, consequently, the existence of The One. I was raised to matriculate at the US Army Command and General Staff College in the fullness of time, beginning in 1952. Since then, I’ve been to Verdun and Vietnam. If I had stayed in the Army and retired as a general, I would have caused 100,000 casualties learning my trade. Killing is an essential element of the Clauswitz Paradox.
Jesus. of the Gospel of Mark, provides the Christian model for the sworn servant leader of the American republic and Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts X, provides the Roman model for the sworn servant leader of the American republic.
The centurion is not a myth. S/he represents a profound military innovation that became an essential element of the trajectory of the Roman empire for 500 years. The difference between Real Warfare and True Warfare is the difference between the Samurai and the Centurion. The Samurai is. literally, a creature of the mythos while the Centurion is a creature of the rule of law.
I was raised by centurions to be a centurion. It was a conscious aspiration of mine as a vision quest from 1962 until I got to Vietnam in 1970.
I was confirmed as a Christian in the Chapel of the Centurion at about the same time, 1962 or so, but I already had a working relationship with the Holy Spirit before that moment. I literally saw myself preparing to go forth as a knight in the white armor of the Crusade marching as to war. As I say, I have knowledge of the one, and, at the same time, I developed a deep faith in the training I was getting as a soldier from ROTC until Jungle Training in Panama before.
In Vietnam, I was confronted by an existential dilemma that required me to make a choice between continuing to believe in myself or in the US Army. It was a no brainer. I lost faith in myself. I still knew Jesus and the Holy Spirit, but not in my own moral compass. So, I left the Army.
So, all your representations of moral superiority are totally wasted on me, no matter how secure you may feel in Bart Ehrman’s apostasy. My opinion is that his whole “Born Again” conceit was phony from the get-go: he just did it high school because all the popular girls were doing it and he wants to be popular. And he built a career as an Evangelical pastor flogging the Pro-Life heresy until he went to Princeton and met Dale Martin, a gay Christian professor who flirts with apostasy because it makes his New Testament History and Literature course at Yale popular and Bart realized he could be even more popular at Chapel Hill by going full apostate and it’s working as well as Jared Kushner’s crypto-Nazi business plan he acquired from Robert Murdoch.
And you’re just another mongrel baying in that ant-theist evangelical imperative. I’m not writing for you. I am witnessing for combat veterans totally mystified by what they have discovered about the American civilian culture since they left the spiritually cloistered cacoon of the infantry squad. They are coming from an ecology where the violence of the Bible was part of their job description to an environment dominated by people like you and the IT folks in Quora Moderation whose entire concept of the violence in the Bible is circumscribed by the boundaries of video games defined by the League of Justice and Gal Gadot.
The Book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, establishes the reality that you cannot unknow God once you have encounted God. That’s why my opinion is that Bart Ehrman is a phony: he either never has encountered God in his “Born Again” mode or did and has found it profitable to deny God.
Free Will isn’t just a theological construct: it is structural to the human psyche. God cannot violate individual sovereignty, morally (that is, intellectually): the individual must voluntarily expand his or her boundaries beyond the personal wisdom, which is to say, beyond the finite horizon of trust into the mind of God.
The whole purpose of the Bible is enlarge the population of humanity which has exercised their personal Free Will to come to know The One. The only unforgivable sin is to deny the Holy Spirit because it is a sin against the self, a form of suicide, to not embrace the personal responsiblility for their own Free Will and project their intellectual boundaries beyond the box of needless ignorance and frightened atheism.
I first read Marx in 1962, when I was 15, on the basis that it is essential to understand your enemy. As a prospective career Army officer like Alexander Vindman, the Soviets were my enemy and I read Marx to learn how to strike to kill the enemy, like the mongoose studies the cobra. So, when someone like you is determined to display his ignorance of the economics of the Bible as a dialectical gambit, it’s usually not worth the effort to help you lift the burden of your ignorance. I mean, the only difference between a Bernie Sanders groupie and a MAGA hat forever Trumper is the object of their affections.
Marxism is based on the same fallacy as the 18th Amendment. Our entire strategy in Vietnam was based on this fatal flaw in the Soviet system. Because of Vietnam, the Soviet Union no longer exists.
However, it is important to understand that Vietnam came down to a contest between Marxism and the Harvard Business Model and Marxism won precisely because people like Robert MacNamara agreed with your economic model.
Currently, Donald John Trump* is running America the way Robert MacNamara ran Vietnam. Strictly speaking, there is no one in the Old Testament like Donald John Trump*. King David comes close, but all those oriental despots were the law: Donald John Trump* just operates above the law, the basis of his lie, cheat and steal “Art of the Deal” crime family business model. He is trying hard to become the law, like an oriental despot, or Stalin. with the help of Moscow Mitch and Bill Barr, but he, Donald John Trump*, isn’t an oriental despot of the Old Testament.
He is more like Nero in the context of the New Testament. Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts X, was part of the Xth Legion stationed in Caesarea that participated in the investment and reduction of Jerusalem anticipated by Revelation. Our annual calendar is based on this existentially certain moment which anchors events around 70 because the number is numerologically significant figure of speech in the literature of the BIble. According to Richard Carrier. the dates on all your checks are based on mytholog, because the year 70 wouldn’t exist if the Cross hadn’t happened in 33 and the Cross in 33 wouldn’t have become a pivotal moment in history if the Romans had not been witness to the moment of Resurrection. The Gospel According to Mark is a military report from the front in Palestine to the Emperor in Rome, via Theophilus in the Preaetorian Guard, based on contemporary intelligence records and the debriefing of Peter from inside the Jesus insurgency, aka “the Christians”, Roman soldier slang for the Jewish cult that emerged from the Resurrection.
It isn’t so much that your dialectic produces a puny argument: it’s that your anti-theism requires a willing suspension of disbelief Job was totally incapable of attaining and, if Job, who was Righteousness, itself, couldn’t do it, who am I to attempt the same self-delusion.
I make no claims of morality. The purpose of the Bible is epistemological and the purpose of epistemology is moral clarity.
I’ll settle for that.
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zibizuba · 4 years
12 Beloved Anime Characters Who Are Actually Terrible People
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Anime followers don’t completely love characters who’re good individuals. In truth, there are a ton of beloved anime characters who’re dangerous individuals. This doesn’t imply that they’re dangerous characters – a few of them are among the many finest anime characters ever created. What it does imply is that they’ve finished some significantly tousled issues.
Generally, it may be irritating when different followers love a personality whose dangerous conduct makes you cringe. That is most typical when individuals let the character’s dangerous traits slide, and have fun the character as in the event that they’re some form of saint – if you happen to have been grossed out by Miroku’s wandering palms, you in all probability aren’t tremendous thrilled concerning the Inuyasha fandom’s fondness for him. At different occasions, it’s the character’s motivation that makes them fascinating – Revy from Black Lagoon could also be a vicious mercenary, however the causes for her dangerous conduct really make numerous sense. Viewers may additionally delight within the badness itself – watching Hisoka do his factor is among the most enjoyable elements of H X H. 
Jiraiya Is An Irresponsible Pervert In ‘Naruto’
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Jiraiya is among the most beloved characters within the Naruto franchise. Whereas he has his good qualities – he’s a talented ninja who has efficiently accomplished necessary missions for his metropolis, and he’s a mentor who did numerous good for his protege, Naruto. However Jiraiya is far more flawed than many followers are prepared to acknowledge.
The issues with Jiraiya could be divided into two classes: perversion and irresponsibility. He spies on random ladies whereas they’re altering, drools over a 12-year-old Naruto reworking right into a half-naked boy, tells a younger woman he’s been elevating for years to hook up with him when she turns 18, and makes Naruto edit and ghostwrite his pornographic literature. There’s nothing unsuitable with a wholesome curiosity in intercourse, however Jiraiya violates different individuals’s boundaries frequently.
By way of being irresponsible, Jiraiya is Naruto’s godfather, however permits him to stay as an orphan for his whole childhood. When he lastly will get round to interacting with him, he’s extraordinarily reluctant to coach him and complains about it nonstop.
C.C. Drove Mao Insane And Then Deserted Him In ‘Code Geass’
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When followers take into consideration characters in Code Geass who’ve finished horrible issues, they often consider Lelouch – the anti-hero protagonist – or villains like Charles zi Brittainia, Lelouch’s father. They don’t often take into consideration C.C., the green-haired immortal who delights audiences together with her snarky perspective and pizza habit.
C.C. is an pleasant character to look at as a result of she’s charming. She’s additionally sympathetic – it’s arduous to not really feel dangerous for her when she’s been shunned and tormented as a result of her immortality led individuals to imagine she was a witch. However C.C. additionally did one thing egregiously horrible that she’s by no means actually taken to job for.
Years earlier than she met Lelouch, C.C. gave the Geass powers to Mao, an orphan youngster she discovered on the road. She developed a parent-child relationship with him whereas additionally apparently turning into his lover. When Mao loses management of his Geass’ powers and begins listening to different individuals’s ideas continuously, he’s pushed fully mad. As a result of C.C. has been some of the necessary figures in his life since early childhood, and since her ideas are the one ideas he can’t hear, Mao will get far too clingy, and C.C. leaves. Finally, Mao comes again much more deranged than earlier than, able to remove anyone who will get close to C.C. in order that he can have her again in his life.
Mao comes off as creepy and stalkerish – however that’s solely earlier than you recognize his historical past with C.C. In truth, C.C. took on duty for a kid, gave him powers he couldn’t management, after which deserted him when the conduct she instigated bought to be an excessive amount of – it’s arduous to fault him for wanting to seek out her once more. In the long run, C.C. kills Mao, after which the problem by no means comes up once more, and C.C. goes again to being a fan favourite.
Vegeta Has Blown Up Planets In ‘Dragon Ball Z’
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In the event you ask your common DBZ fan who their favourite character is, likelihood is excessive that they’re going to say Vegeta. Vegeta is an thrilling, dynamic character who goes from villain to hero over the course of the sequence. When followers deal with how devoted he’s change into to the Z Fighters, or how good of a dad he’s, they’re conveniently forgetting all of the terrible issues he did whereas he was nonetheless a villain.
Has Vegeta modified? If anybody on Planet Arlia survived his blasting it to bits, they might in all probability not care very a lot about that query. Neither would his former comrade Nappa who he eradicated for mainly no motive – if he have been nonetheless alive to have an opinion. Vegeta modified, however he hasn’t precisely made up for his multitude of sins.
Watari Runs A Messed Up Orphanage In ‘Loss of life Notice’
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When most individuals make ethical judgments concerning the forged of Loss of life Notice, they’re speaking concerning the protagonist, Gentle Yagami. Generally, they’re even speaking about his rival, the nice detective L. What individuals often aren’t speaking about is Watari – a personality who appears to get pleasure from near-universal respect from the fandom. He doesn’t deserve it.
Why? That’s as a result of Watari is in command of Wammy’s Home, an orphanage that rounds up good youngsters and trains them for the lofty place of L, the best detective on this planet. The children get so ravenous and harassed about it that within the early days of the orphanage one among them takes his personal life and one other begins taking different individuals’s. Watari has L working across the clock beginning at age eight – it’s apparent that L has by no means had something resembling a standard childhood and has change into an emotionally maladjusted grownup who survives on cake and never sleeping.  Additionally, whereas it’s not confirmed that the unorthodox strategies of getting data that L makes use of are Watari’s thought, he has no objection in any respect to serving to him.
Watari looks like one of many extra harmless members of the anime’s forged, however he actually shouldn’t be.
Alucard Is A Sadistic Vampire In ‘Hellsing’
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Alucard is a vampire who turned in opposition to his personal type for a singular objective: extra alternatives to legally bust some heads. Being an Alucard fan isn’t about loving a personality who does the appropriate factor or cares about different individuals. It’s about watching a complete robust man take out others who’re much more morally repulsive than he’s. In the event you’re in search of a protagonist who cares about serving to others and preserving the peace, discover one other anime – Hellsing will solely frustrate you.
Umaru Doma Is Lazy And Egocentric In ‘Himoto! Umaru-chan’
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Umaru Doma is a spoiled brat. That’s completely the purpose of Himouto! Umaru-chan, and it’s a part of what makes her so endearing… however that doesn’t make it any much less true. Positive, she’s not wiping out complete civilizations like some individuals on this listing, however she’s positively missing within the reasonableness division. Throughout the first few episodes, viewers see Umaru throwing a tantrum as a result of her brother received’t purchase her a online game, getting offended at him for having to cease playing video games together with her lengthy sufficient to purchase groceries, and extra. There are moments within the sequence the place she exhibits indicators of caring about one thing aside from her private needs, however they’re few and much between.
Hisoka Has No Morals In ‘Hunter X Hunter’
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It’s fairly apparent that Hisoka is a horrible particular person – he particularly doesn’t care about being good. In truth, Hisoka’s primary priorities lay in combating and destroying anybody who presents an entertaining problem to him. Which means that he’ll typically assist out the great guys, however will fortunately activate them each time it’s handy. Ethical issues are totally overseas to him. Regardless of this, loads of followers adore Hisoka. His utter incapacity to care about anybody moreover himself is oddly form of refreshing, and his clown aesthetic is by turns terrifying and pleasant.
Accelerator Has A Physique Rely Of 20,000 In ‘A Sure Magical Index’ 
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Accelerator is among the most beloved characters in A Sure Magical Index, but it surely’s not due to his good deeds. He’s a merciless and sadistic psychic who needs to be stronger than anybody else, and isn’t afraid to harm others to earn that distinction. In truth, he takes out 20,000 individuals in an try and show his energy. His backstory is a tragic one – due to his excessive energy, he’s endured painful experimentation that led him to the conclusion that being the strongest is the one approach to hold himself secure, and the one approach to intimidate others into leaving him alone in order that he doesn’t hurt them.
On the similar time, he genuinely does need to show himself superior for the sake of it, and demonstrates glee when he defeats highly effective enemies. He’s an advanced character who’s arduous to not root for – but it surely’s equally tough to disregard his physique depend.
Hotohori Is Majorly Entitled In ‘Fushigi Yugi’
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Hotohori is the emperor of Konan, an historic Chinese language metropolis that gives the setting for a lot of Fushigi Yugi, a present that was well-loved when it got here out within the mid-1990s, and which nonetheless lives on within the minds of nostalgic millennials. Because the emperor, Hotohori is of course a bit of entitled. A few of that is excusable, however he takes issues too far in a method that makes him look like a significantly terrible dude.
When Miaka’s boyfriend Tamahome is brainwashed into attacking her, Miaka is past devastated. Reasonably than giving the younger woman house to kind out her emotions and even providing actual consolation pertaining to her loss, Hotohori swoops in to ask her to be with him as an alternative. His crush on her is seemingly a method greater deal than the truth that somebody she loves simply attacked her. Hotohori is mostly kind-hearted and well liked by what’s left of the fandom, however this second betrays how egocentric he actually is.
Miroku Is The Dangerous Variety Of Pervert In ‘Inuyasha’
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There are two sorts of perverted anime characters. One type is completely wonderful and might even be entertaining – they’re excited by intercourse and romance, and so they get pleasure from speaking about it with like-minded individuals. The opposite type gropes individuals with out asking, harasses individuals who have made it clear that they aren’t , and simply usually foist their perversion on others. Miroku is the latter sort.
He has a particularly good motive for eager to have youngsters, because it’s the one approach to do away with a curse that would take his life, however there are many methods to have children that don’t contain continuously grabbing each lady he encounters irrespective of how a lot they could protest. Any optimistic traits Miroku has are overshadowed by aggressively disrespectful conduct towards ladies.
Revy Is A Ruthless Mercenary In ‘Black Lagoon’
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Revy is usually cited as among the finest female characters in anime – and that label isn’t unsuitable. Nevertheless, the explanation that folks like Revy isn’t as a result of she’s a kind-hearted soul. Reasonably, she’s a sadistic mercenary who will fortunately remove actually anybody who will get in her method. Why is Revy like this? As a result of she doesn’t belief anybody however herself, and appears like the one approach to keep secure is to be completely ruthless. She’s skilled excessive mistreatment by the hands of everybody from her father to the NYPD. Whereas her hard-hearted methods are comprehensible – even sympathetic – they don’t make the individuals she’s gone after any extra alive.
Hozuki Is Effortlessly Violent In ‘Hozuki No Reitetsu’
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As a minion of Hell, Hozuki is 100% inside his rights to be a horrible particular person. He completely is – and that’s precisely why viewers love him. Hozuki assists King Enma in figuring out the destiny of the souls of the damned, and oversees their punishments. A grotesque job by any requirements, however Hozuki’s violent predilections lengthen past the skilled. He’s additionally completely content material wailing on, poisoning, and in any other case inflicting ache on his boss – and relating to his rival and worst enemy Hakutaku, he’s totally savage. Regardless of all this, he does have moments of kindness – so whereas hes’s positively not a terrific particular person, he’s an attention-grabbing and balanced character who makes for a superb protagonist.
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Concerning the writer: Viral Luck
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Artykuł 12 Beloved Anime Characters Who Are Actually Terrible People pochodzi z serwisu PENSE LOL.
source https://pense.lol/12-beloved-anime-characters-who-are-actually-terrible-people/
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shenanigumi · 7 years
Hello! My question follows one of your recent responses. You mentioned that your favorite 'husband' is Okita (yes! I share it completely), your favorite pairing is HeiChi (for solid reasons) and your favorite character is Kazama due to his complexity. If you want, could you expand this statement? Why is Kazama so complex in your opinion, what are the possible reasons of his complexity (his inner conflict, his motives etc)?
Ohhhh man… ‘If I want’? I’m always down to talk about my faves. You’d best be prepared for a goddamn characterization essay, because I love Kazama to death. Also, it’ll be good practice for getting started on an actual essay, so I thank you for this wonderful way to wake up the brain!!
I’m throwing this under a read-more for those of you who can see it, because wow I talk a lot:
First off, let me get one thing straight: I hate Kazama. I don’t hate him in the same way or as much as I hate Kaoru; my ‘hatred’ for Kazama is rooted more in awe (e.g. “Wow, that was badass, but what an asshole”) than in genuine dislike (e.g. “I AM GOING TO SKIP ALL YOUR TEXT AND THEN KILL YOU”). By no means is Kazama a good person, but one doesn’t have to be a good person to be a good character.
Admittedly, I think the games could have handled Kazama’s characterization a lot better, and hopefully some of it has been resolved in Shinkai. Though I’ve made the connections that fit all the different sides of his personality together, and will hopefully be able to prove it below, I feel like it should have been more obvious in canon. He’s so different between routes that unless you spend a lot of time thinking about him and his character, like I apparently do, it can be pretty jarring.
Since I’ve already practically written an essay on the wiki I made, I’m going to be lazy and use my four fucking paragraphs I wrote on Kazama’s personality as a basis for analysis. The wiki-entries are as objective as I could make them, but I’m gonna give a warning for possible speculation/headcanons re: how I interpret them. Basically, I’m gonna try to explain my perception of Kazama’s characterization, which is pretty self-explanatory as far as why I like him is concerned, but I can’t guarantee that there’s any solid evidence. These are just the conclusions at which I arrived after considering what I have seen in canon:
Kazama is proud, selfish, domineering, and often cruel. He is severely prejudiced against humans, and even more so against furies. He refers to them almost exclusively as “fakes” or “abominations”, and sees it as his duty to dispose of them. Having little respect for those incapable of adapting to changing times, Kazama asserts his superiority of race and cause whenever possible. He is fatalistic and detached from his own violent actions, regarding them as proof of humanity’s frailty without ascribing any agency to himself. However, though Kazama maintains a clear dislike of and disdain for all humans throughout all routes, he strives to keep his emotional distance and remain aloof.
Whenever Kazama must do something he considers unpleasant, he tries to find a way to further his own enjoyment in the meantime, up to and including using Chizuru as an excuse to toy with the Shinsengumi. However, though he initially considers this a game in which he holds no real investment, he eventually becomes genuinely intrigued by the humans and their ideals. In Hijikata’s route, Kazama is unable to reconcile his existing values with his newfound attachment, and—once Amagiri confronts him about his errant ways—finally abandons his title and status in favor of engaging them. Thus, though Kazama has an extreme sense of responsibility and loyalty to his clan and people as a whole, he “[sees] no charm in command”, and is willing to step down from his position and pursue his own agenda if he finds a purpose he perceives as more worthwhile.
First and foremost, I love Kazama because he is not the person he is trying to be. Even though his development is never directly focused on, and in fact I’d actually argue that he develops the least on his own route, that little tidbit is an enormous driving force in his side of the story. Kazama’s Thing™ is that he’s an Honorable Demon, and tries to live Honorably, but he just doesn’t have the temperament to keep his distance. He’s too naturally curious, too easily driven to anger, too arrogant and drunk on power over humankind, and he knows it. He simply doesn’t care until these tendencies cause him to become completely entangled in the Shinsengumi’s affairs. Although this doesn’t happen on every route, the foundation for that frustration is there in all of them.
Essentially, Kazama is in pursuit of an ideal he cannot obtain for as long as he continues acting the way he does… and eventually, his behavior gets him to the point where he must either change that ideal or change himself. Each time he hits that crisis point, Kazama has opted to change his ideal, and that speaks volumes about his strength of will and character. Rather than ‘improve’ his flaws and conform to demonic expectations, Kazama would rather change what he is fighting for. Sometimes, his new goals do change him in turn—but his shifting priorities always precede his development in any direction. (More on that later.)
Kazama is persistent to the point of obsession when he wants something, demonstrated most prominently in Saito’s route, in which he turns his back on his previous concepts of good and evil, joining forces with Kodo for the sake of marrying Chizuru. Similarly, once his pride has been wounded, Kazama will stop at nothing to get revenge, and does not consider tipping the odds in his favor to be morally dubious. This is most evident when (in Hijikata’s route) he procures his family’s legendary sword, the Demonslayer, to vanquish Hijikata. However, despite his willingness to ensure his victory by any means necessary, Kazama has his own brand of honor in that he views lying as beneath him and will always tell the truth as he sees it. Though he may twist situations to his advantage or omit certain information if his own interests demand it, the few direct lies he tells are obviously identifiable. This applies to even the smallest matters, such as insisting that he rested during the night when in fact he was tending the fire.
Kazama is the voice of the conscience, and of radical reason (which I use in opposition to emotion in this case). I love Kazama because he’s never wrong. There are a lot of things you can say about Kazama, but you can’t exactly say he’s wrong. Humans are weak in comparison to demons? Absolutely right. They don’t know what they’re doing? No, they don’t. Furies aren’t supposed to exist? Indeed they aren’t. His methods may not always be sound, and I certainly don’t always agree with them—but his statements are generally true, if harsh.
Despite his aforementioned inability to live up to expectations of aloofness, Kazama is still duty-driven and follows a very strict, largely self-imposed code of honor. This also says a lot about his character, since it does not allow for direct lies, but it is extremely flexible since it is wholly unconnected to his sense of responsibility to his clan. Rather, it centers around whatever he has chosen as his goal—and, once he gives up on the idea of staying out of human matters, his code relaxes. Once Kazama no longer tries to maintain his distance from humans, he becomes more comfortable with acting based on his emotions. Through his fixation on humans, Kazama seems to become more human himself (and his choice to use the Demonslayer is incredibly ironic for exactly that reason).
Now, to circle back around to priorities… In his own mind, Kazama is always fighting for demonkind. If he cannot keep his distance as is expected of him, then he chooses to discard that notion and instead dispose of furies (in Hijikata’s route) or even dispose of humans (in Saito’s). No matter what his goal is, Kazama never abandons his self-identity as a demon or his wish to live an honorable life. He may change his definition of what exactly that means route to route, but no matter what he perceives as the right way to go about fulfilling it, he still centers himself around that idea.
In both Hijikata’s and Saito’s routes, Kazama concludes that it is impossible for him to operate within his current boundaries and chooses to pursue a new ideal, each one still rooted in what he believes to be a cause worthy of the demon he is… even if his people openly disapprove. However, even though anger plays no small part in Kazama’s decision to seek revenge in Hijikata’s route, he thinks of that decision as built more on moral righteousness: a fake spilled demon blood, so of course he should die for it. There is still a rationale for his actions, and while Kazama demonstrates and acts on his anger more freely, he maintains his morals (however gray). His mission is specific and personal, so all his wrath—as uncontrollable as it may be in the moment—is deliberately directed at Hijikata.
However, on Saito’s route, Kazama demonstrates what happens when he stops fighting his emotions altogether, and instead allows them to rule him. Because his goal is now to resurrect the Yukimura clan by marrying Chizuru and to eliminate all humans, his mission becomes less focused, and so too do his feelings. He no longer has a singular cause to fight for; he’s simply thrown in his lot with Kodo. He loses his conventional moral compass somewhere amid his natural arrogance, exacerbated by these loftier ambitions. Since Kazama still believes that the end justifies the means, and this end requires more power and the exercise thereof, it’s little wonder he abandoned his usual reluctant restraint. The only thing that changed was the ideal he chose to pursue, and that in turn altered his behavior almost beyond recognition. The potential was always there; his new goal just turned him inside out.
(Again, I think the game should really have made this connection clearer, because the consistency in Kazama’s motives between Saito’s route and all others is a tad indistinct.)
…And lastly:
Though Kazama’s attitude is cold, direct, and serious by default, he does have a sense of humor, which is dry and sarcastic and usually manifests at others’ expense. He also readily displays scorn, anger, and conceit, all of which appear impossible for him to fully conceal. However, Kazama finds it difficult and/or unpleasant to openly admit more sentimental emotions such as affection, sadness, gratitude, or even agreement.
Yeah, so let’s not forget about the sense of humor, since it’s a more prominent (if somewhat shallow) reason why I love him. On Heisuke’s route, their sass battles are legendary, okay. Plus, on Kazama’s route, some of his one-liners are pure gold. And speaking of humor, as a postscript, I’d also like to point to my previous essay about Kazama and Shiranui’s similarities, which everyone has probably seen by now, but which further my point that he’s really an interesting character. Anyone who can be so similar to another character yet so strikingly different is A+ by me.
Okay, I think I’ve talked enough, considering I just spent two hours putting this mess together. Hope that actually answered your question!!  
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edgeofisolation · 6 years
“Fake News!” and the Re-establishment of Right-Wing Hegemony in the U.S.
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In 2016 ‘post-truth’ became Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year. Loosely relating to the concept of personal beliefs being more important in shaping opinion than objective truths (whatever that may be), the word has become intrinsically linked with the idea of fake news. Though hardly an entirely new concept, fake news quickly became the buzz word of 2016, particularly in the wake of the 2016 U.S. elections. During this monumentally disastrous election period there seemed to be an influx of less than true articles floating across the internet that seemed to carry their own distinctly political or economic agenda. This was not seen clearer than in the case of then soon-to-be president elect Donald Trump who seemed to yell “Fake News!” at mainstream media outlets every other day, predominantly through his highly publicized Twitter account. This post attempts to map out the concepts centred around fake news within the political arena and the reason(s) for the perpetuation of fake news in the digital age using the 2016 U.S. elections as example of one of the more malevolent reasons for this, namely as a means of re-establishing hegemony.
Broadly speaking, fake news pertains to the idea of news which is made up and is manipulated to resemble that of credible journalistic articles for the sole intention of deceiving its readers (Brennen, B., 2017: 180). As noted, fake news has always existed, but with the advent of social media (and the resulting ‘sponsorship’ of social networking sites and Google gained through popularity) fake news has become increasingly easier to distribute across a wide audience that are willing not only to share, but to distribute this false news (harkening to the idea of post-truth) (Brennen, B., 2017: 180). Though it’s important to distinguish between misinformation (whose intentions aren't inherently meant to deceive you), fake news is characterized by its distinctly deceptive nature whose intention is to deceive its viewers through means such as withholding certain information, distorting information, or deflecting information (Brennen, B., 2017: 180).
This poses a serious threat to democracy as deception affects the distribution of power in society where power is given to those who deceive and take away the power of the people being deceived through altering their choices (Brennen, B., 2017: 180). Furthermore, deception may then lead the loss in the confidence of the best alternative option through the manipulation of opinion, gaining an unjust power over those who are being deceived (Brennen, B., 2017: 180). This disinformation and deceptive tactics perpetuated by fake news is used to manipulate the online publics sphere through the capitalization of the growing mistrust in communities about the reliability mainstream media outlets (Morgan, S., 2018: 39). Thus, when the credibility of established mainstream news outlets come into question, this leads the public to become more likely to fall for fake news as they struggle to identify between factual news and fabricated news, resulting in the potential for the factors in contributing to the “potentially fertile ground for those wishing to manipulate opinion in a particular direction” (Morgan, S., 2018: 39; emphasis added).
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Naturally, this has resulted in a moral panic in society. Moral panics can be defined as public anxiety to a perceived social threat that may result in declining societal standards (Carlson, M., 2018: 2). In the case of fake news, this anxiety is not necessarily directed at a particular group of people, but rather towards the increasing transformation of informational spaces made possible through the advent of new media which seem to echo “broader concerns surrounding the eroding boundaries of traditional journalistic channels, the extension of mediated voices, and the growing role of social media in news distribution” (Carlson, M., 2018: 2). This sort of informational moral panic also leads to anxieties felt by professional journalists surrounding their usurpation by new media and more importantly, their growing concerns of the constant need to draw attention in their articles in order to generate a larger profit revenue in an increasingly ad-based digital environment (Carlson, M., 2018: 2).
This sort of profitability of digital advertisements is one of the most salient reasons for the prevalence of fake news. As the generation of actual profit requires there to be a relatively large volume of people to view the article, fake news has become almost reliant on the popularity of click-baiting which are purposely designed to attract a large volume of ‘clicks’ to an article (Carlson, M., 2018: 11). And, as mentioned, because media in capitalist societies rely on popularity to generate profit through advertisements, fake news in turn emulates the worst characteristics of this model (Carlson, M., 2018: 11). The more viral an article is, the more likely it is to be shared which in turn increases traffic towards the site and consequently generates a higher profit revenue for both the creator, and online platforms such as Google and Facebook which ultimately takes attention away from traditional media and increases the likelihood of this fake news to be mistaken as being credible, factual news (Carlson, M., 2018: 11).
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However, though important, this is not the object of my argument as my argument centres around the (re)establishment of hegemony through fake news. According to Farkas and Schous (2018: 306), Donald Trump had not been in office for one day when he began to accuse fake news with trying to delegitimise his presidency. Largely through his Twitter account, Trump used the social media platform to discredit and delegitimise those whom he saw as his direct opponents and the proponents of this “fake news,” mainly mainstream media. Throwing the term around like it was going out of fashion, Trump began lashing out at mainstream media outlets who reported against the actual fake news purported by right-wing media sites and by Trump himself, and in turn, this resulted in Trump actively re-establishing “and re-hegemonize the term by situating it in a fundamentally opposing discourse, linking fake news to intimately to mainstream media platforms” (Farkas, J., Schou, J., 2018: 306). Within this discourse, fake news is situated as distinctly democratic problem perpetuated by mainstream media with the sole intent of promoting biased “liberal agendas” as opposed to representing “the people” reinforcing right-wing hegemonic ideologies that mainstream media is “corrupt, liberally biased, systematic liars, and in need of replacement” (Farkas, J., Schou, J., 2018: 307). Fake news then became a key signifier in an existing discourse where right-wing media and Trump explicitly equates the term to mainstream media whose deceptive propaganda is in direct violation for everything America is “supposed” to stand for (which I personally find quite ironic) (Farkas, J., Schou, J., 2018: 307). What is then witnessed here is the systematic re-hegomizing discourses around fake news by the right wing to delegitimize and dismantle critical journalism: “[fake news] becomes the focal point of a major political battleground in which the American right-wing struggles with mainstream media, liberals and anti-capitalists to fixate meaning, obtain hegemony and impose their worldview onto the social” (Farkas, J., Schou, J., 2018: 307).
Thus, it can be seen that much beyond the contemporary understandings of fake news as simply being motivated by the capitalistic need for profit, fake news can be much more malevolent in its political motivations. By misconstruing and resituating fake news as being a tool used by mainstream media as a tool of delegitimising a political party and a whole presidency, the right-wing threatens the very democracy of a country that its lauded for its purported liberal ideals. In turn America becomes stripped from its title as the land of the free, and instead becomes a term more akin to the land of right-wing manipulation in re-establishing a hegemony that goes directly against its very constitution.
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Bonnie Brennen (2017) Making Sense of Lies, Deceptive Propaganda, and Fake News, Journal of Media Ethics, 32:3
 Carlson, M .2018. Fake news as an informational moral panic: the symbolic deviancy of social media during the 2016 US presidential election, Information, Communication & Society
 Farkas, J. & Schou, J. 2018. Fake News as a Floating Signifier: Hegemony, Antagonism and the Politics of Falsehood, Javnost - The Public, 25:3
 Morgan, S. 2018. Fake news, disinformation, manipulation and online tactics to undermine democracy, Journal of Cyber Policy, 3:1
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/former-student-remembers-life-of-education-donor-eugene-lang/
Former Student Remembers Life Of Education Donor Eugene Lang
NPR’s Audie Cornish talks with Juan Martinez, one of the many lots of college students the philanthropist Eugene Lang helped ship to university. Lang died over the weekend.
Now a remembrance of a person who gave more than $a hundred million over his lifetime to education, a person whose philanthropy started seemingly on a whim.
Eugene Lang grew up in The big apple Town at some point of the Despair, the son of working-elegance immigrants. By means of 1981, he had turned out to be a rich entrepreneur. He turned into invited lower back to his simple faculty, P.S. 121 in Harlem, to deal with the graduating 6th-grade elegance.
SHAPIRO: He deliberate to tell the youngsters that in the event that they worked difficulty they, too, might be successful. After which, as he informed “60 Mins” in 1986, he had an alternate of heart.
EUGENE LANG: I all of sudden found out that whatever I had to mention that become ordinary, traditional could be absolutely out of the region, might be completely meaningless.
CORNISH: So alternatively Eugene Lang ended up telling the sixth graders and their households that he might aid their desires of going to college. That brought about Lang’s I have a Dream Foundation, which has due to the fact helped a few 18,000 college students get to and thru university.
SHAPIRO: Eugene Lang died last weekend. A memorial turned into held today in Big apple Town. In attendance had been some of the so-known as dreamers who Lang supported through the years, which includes this guy.
JUAN MARTINEZ: Juan Martinez, foreign provider officer with the U.S. Kingdom Branch.
CORNISH: Juan Martinez stopped By using our studios to speak about his first encounter with Eugene Lang.
MARTINEZ: That changed on June 26, 1981, my 6th-grade commencement from primary school.
CORNISH: You consider it quite…
MARTINEZ: Vividly. Oh, certain. I am in all likelihood by no means going to forget.
CORNISH: Martinez becomes the standard college’s magnificence valedictorian. He changed into 12 years vintage at the time and had no idea who Lang changed into. He recalls that he and his classmates had been extra focused on summer holiday than they have been on their commencement speaker. But he does don’t forget the speech that would exchange his existence.
Why Should I Become an Outstanding Student
Similar to each person desires to be rich, almost every scholar wants to grow to be a terrific scholar. In reality, being an extremely good scholar is a noble objective, and there may be not anything incorrect with this goal. However, the problem does lie in the reality that now not many college students have taken enough exceptional time to invite themselves WHY they want to come to be exceptional college students, which can be a motive that there are just a few high-quality college students in each school. Almost no scholar has requested “WHY ought to I end up a super pupil?”
In case you had already examined many articles on this internet site,
You will have picked up a few data about me that I was just a regular student till I got here to the Institute of Overseas Languages (IFL), Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. By the time I had finished excessive school (and before I was given into IFL), I have been a complete-time gang who had accomplished such a lot of socially-hated things. I had gotten myself addicted to alcohol and trapped in many extreme fights. (If you want to recognize approximately my background, click on: approximately)
Earlier than I got here to IFL, I had never ever dreamt of turning into someone I am today. I had long gone through many traps, boundaries, and hardships before I could reap extraordinary academic successes (at IFL), which quite a few human beings thought to be impossible. Therefore, I knew precisely how it felt want to be at the top of the game, benefited big time, and had a lot of first-class things to talk about being an exquisite scholar. If you need to grow to be a terrific pupil, however, are nonetheless not sure why you ought to be a wonderful student, I notably advocate you examine the subsequent reasons:
I. Emotional advantages
If I’m not unsuitable, no person within the world desires to sense unhappy or mad; every person desires to experience properly even though they choose exceptional ways to make themselves experience properly. As for college kids, I will say that there may be no better feeling than that of their becoming incredible students.
Cultural Education of The Youth: The Vehicle For Sustainable National Development
  The expertise on cultural practices that are useful for society and country constructing has been the lasting treasures of the antique ages in diverse communities. They were lucky to have been enlightened and tutored by using their fathers and different old circle of relatives contributors. The approach of cultural education changed into thru casual way and settings. This protected night gatherings, society conferences, and at some point of communal works and interactions with the aged members of the community. The regular tutoring that turned into acquired with the aid of the modern vintage technology through these informal avenues abreast them with the time-tested cultural practices that make sure exact relationships, right paintings ethics and the exhibition of exact ethical conduct.
It’s far sad that the current technology of youths isn’t always privileged as their elderly era.
Most of the people of these kids are negative inside the knowledge of these relevant cultural practices. It’s far as through the informal channels of tutoring were blocked. If care isn’t always taken to arrest this anomaly, contemporary societies could soon revel in the wiping out of the elderly technology who are the holders of the understanding of the cultural practices. This will continuously bring about the lack of all the understanding regarding the cultural practices. Consequently, pragmatic measures should be taken by using cultural establishments, academic institutions, and governments to roll out numerous means thru which the cultural training of the wealthy cultural background of the forebears might be related to the teenagers in diverse communities.
Cultural practices like proverbs, the narration of folklores,
Memories and myths had been models of cultural practice that provided effective behavioral classes for the young ones in societies. After the narration of the morally charged proverb or story, the elders who served as the instructors requested the youths various questions that helped them to reason and glean the import of the narrative. This groomed their experience of judgment, reasoning, and hassle-solving capabilities. Additionally, the instructions found out from the cultural practices deepened the remedy of the youth in that age to demonstrate excellent developments including honesty, diligence, appreciate for the elderly, use of properly speech at the same time as abhorring terrible developments like stealing, use of awful speech crowded with profane expressions, disrespect, and laziness. As a cultural anthropologist, I am of the view that this might have accounted for the high development in economics, environment and different spheres of existence within the early years of humanity. It would have Also been the name of the game behind the lengthy earthly lifestyles attained by way of the morally upright predecessors.
Your Mind, Your Life, Your Existence
Once I consider my mind, existence, and life, I think I am blessed, and I’m closed-minded to anything aside from that truth. Envy is the bane of life anyways whilst definitely notion approximately deeply. whilst the grass appears greener on the alternative facet, something is rotten on each facet in case you know what I imply.
For the remaining value of a thoughts, a existence and lifestyles may be described by way of how clearly contained inside themselves human beings simply are with out green with envy thoughts, with out worried oppression of moral sense and with out current jealous of other human beings or situations.
While I was younger, I used to marvel why other human beings were more a hit than others
. I’ve my answer in reality and that answer is: Tend the grass in your own aspect without regarding the grass of others as competition and you’ll be nice, as long as you hold your grass “kept up well.”
For the closing fee of an existence is knowing a way to be, do and have for yourself with out comparing your self to the opposite man or woman in an envious way.
So, view your circumstances as excellent, but they may seem to be and anywhere you’re with them,
Proceed with brave thinking and know that your work stands nicely on its own. The great best lives are judged on their own standards by using the character residing it. When you have to examine to others in a true way, take a look at your premises to use the words of Ayn Rand in a fully cognitive and rational manner.
Actual growth comes all the way down to esteeming yourself properly anyways. without that, you surely pass nowhere besides into envy and “preserving up”. In any case, why do you believe you studied “dwelling like a fact display” is so famous for so many? “keeping up appearances” is the weakest aspect you could do. Being inside yourself and absolutely expertise is the strongest factor you can do. This isn’t always my opinion, but that is truth. Is there a self in the arrival without substance? There is not. but if you could have substance with out the “appearance”, that is higher from a sensible point of view because you (or all people) are what they may be “trying to be” in reality.
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auroradawns2015 · 7 years
New Blog post Words of Motivation April 7, 2017 Written by Courtney Seiter Feb 22, 2016Last updated: Feb 22, 20168 minutes to read Have you ever been in a meeting where you felt the electricity in the room change based on a single sentence? Words are incredibly powerful: even a solitary one can win you over, put you out, set your boundaries, and change how others perceive you. With this kind of power, it’s in our best interest to try to understand the science and psychology of words. I went hunting for some of the top words and phrases that motivate people to be creative, work together and build relationships. These are the 10 words and phrases that motivate us (and 7 that have the opposite effect!) 10 words and phrases that motivate us 1. If: Describing a positive hypothetical improves performance Here’s a universal truth: No one likes to be wrong, especially in front of other people. When you’re facing a lot of “I don’t knows” during a brainstorm or tough challenge, there’s a word that can alleviate the pressure of being wrong and open up a pathway of critical thinking: If. Tim David, author of Magic Words: The Science and Secrets Behind Seven Words That Motivate, Engage, and Influence, employs this magic word in a very specific sentence I plan to borrow a lot: ‘What would you say if you did know?’ As he explains, deploying the magic “if” allows those you’re addressing to think hypothetically, taking away all the pressure that might prevent them from volunteering an answer. The book also shares research that when people describe a hypothetical outcome in a positive light, it not only increases their expectations for success, it improves their actual performance. The hypothetical element is the key, triggered by the “if.” 2. Could: Use instead of ‘should’ for more creativity A similar form of magic happens with the word “could,” especially when you substitute it for its sibling “should.” Here’s a cool example from The Science of Us: In a 1987 study, researchers gave participants an assortment of random objects, including a rubber band. Some of them were asked to think about what the objects were, while others were told to think about what the objects could be. Then, they asked participants to erase a mark without using an eraser. The people who’d been primed to think could “were more likely to recognize that a rubber band could be used in lieu of an eraser, compared to those who considered what these objects were. Though they seem and sound so similar, research shows that “should” tends to narrow one’s field of vision and limits potential answers, while “could” opens up your mind to new possibilities. Another study, of ethical and moral challenges, found that: “When encountering ethical dilemmas, shifting one’s mindset from “What should I do?” to “What could I do?” generates moral insight, defined as the realization that ostensibly competing values are not entirely incompatible.” A whole new train of thought, achieved just by changing one little word. 3. Yes: 3 ‘little yeses’ can help close a deal Another “magic word” from Tim David: Yes. It’s particularly interesting how one yes can lead to another, as he describes in a sales study: “The study looked at whether or not getting someone to say yes during a conversation would affect the outcome of that conversation. First, the salespeople went about their business as usual. They were able to close 18 percent of the sales— not bad. However, when they were instructed to get a minimum of three “little yeses” early on in the conversation, suddenly they were able to close 32 percent of the sales.” “Little yeses” can be any sort of affirmative, even if it comes in response to a question like “You’re here for the 3 p.m. appointment, right?” 4. Together: Makes teams work harder and smarter (up to 48%!) The word “together” is all about relatedness, belonging and interconnectivity. Powerful stuff for the brain, seeing as belonging is so elemental in our hierarchy of needs. So it’s not too surprising that using this word can help teams become more efficient. A Stanford study had participants work on difficult puzzles on their own, although one group was told that they would be working on their task “together” and could receive a tip from a team member. The results for the participants who heard “together” were astounding. They: Worked 48% longer Solved more problems correctly Had better recall for what they had seen. Said that they felt less tired and depleted by the task Reported finding the puzzle more interesting “Together” motivates because you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself. Relatedly, words like “let’s” and “we” can also help build connection and sense of togetherness, according to Tim David. 5. Thank you: Makes acquaintances more likely to seek a relationship Gratitude can not only make your life happier—it could also help you further your professional relationships and career. As research shows, thanking a new acquaintance for their help makes them more likely to seek an ongoing social relationship with you. In a study of 70 students who provided advice to a younger student, only some were thanked for their advice. Those who were thanked were more likely to provide their contact details when asked, such as their phone number or email address, for the mentee. The mentees who gave out thank-yous were also rated as having significantly warmer personalities. “Saying thank you provides a valuable signal that you are someone with whom a high quality relationship could be formed,” says UNSW psychologist Dr Lisa Williams, who conducted the research. According to gratitude researcher Jeffrey Froh, these are the five key elements of an effective thank-you: Be timely. Compliment the attributes of the benefactor. . Recognize the intent of the benefactor. Recognize the costs to the benefactor. Articulate the benefits. 6. Choose to: Reframe from “have to” Speaking of gratitude, Marshall Rosenberg, the father of Non-Violent Communication, suggests a simple exercise called “Have to” to “Choose to” that can reframe your life in a big way. Step 1 What do you do in your life that you don’t experience as playful? List on a piece of paper all those things that you tell yourself you have to do. List any activity you dread but do anyway because you perceive yourself to have no choice. Step 2 After completing your list, clearly acknowledge to yourself that you are doing these things because you choose to do them, not because you have to. Insert the words “I choose to … “ in front of each item you listed. Step 3 After having acknowledged that you choose to do a particular activity, get in touch with the intention behind your choice by completing the statement, I choose to … because I want …. 7. And: The best way to state a contrary opinion Liane Davey, author of You First: Inspire Your Team to Grow Up, Get Along, and Get Stuff Done, has some great tips at HBR on making yourself heard during a difficult conversation. One I picked out in particular is when to use “and.” “When you need to disagree with someone, express your contrary opinion as ‘and.’ It’s not necessary for someone else to be wrong for you to be right,” she says. When you’re surprised to hear something your counterpart has said, don’t interject with a “But that’s not right!” Just add your perspective. Davey suggests something like this: “You think we need to leave room in the budget for a customer event, and I’m concerned that we need that money for employee training. What are our options?” Dorie Clark, author of Reinventing You, suggests some additional phrases to make sure you’re heard: “Here’s what I’m thinking.” “My perspective is based on the following assumptions . . .” “I came to this conclusion because . . .” “I’d love to hear your reaction to what I just said.” “Do you see any flaws in my reasoning? “Do you see the situation differently?” 8. Because: Makes whatever you ask feel objective and rational One of the two most important words in blogging is also one of the top words for motivating anyone: Because. Social psychologist Ellen Langer tested the power of this word by asking to cut in line at a copy machine. She tried three different ways of asking: “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?” “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I’m in a rush?” “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine because I have to make some copies?” – 60% of those she asked let her cut in line using the first request technique. But when she added the “because?” 94% and 93%, respectively, said OK. The takeaway: When you want people to take action, always give a reason. Darlene Price, author of Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results, says cause-and-effect reasoning works because it “makes your claims sound objective and rational rather than biased and subjective.” Over at Forbes, Price offers a big list of additional cause-and-effect phrases: Accordingly As a result Caused by Consequently Due to For this reason Since Therefore Thus And Tim David of Magic Words takes this one step further with what he calls the ABT (Advanced Because Technique). “The idea behind ABT is to get the person to say ‘because’ to themselves. Instead of giving someone a thousand reasons to do something, try asking them, ‘Why?’ When you do that, they will fill in their own ‘because.’ Now it’s their reasons, not yours.” 9. Others’ names: We have a preference for things connected to ourselves The state of Virginia has 30 percent more residents named Virginia than average, Louisiana’s got 47 percent more people named Louis, and there are 88 percent more Georgias in Georgia than you’d expect. This is the Name-Letter Effect, a weird phenomenon that has been proven to show that “because most people possess positive associations about themselves, most people prefer things that are connected to the self (e.g., the letters in one’s name).” So Dale Carnegie was right on in Buffer favorite How to Win Friends and Influence People: “Remember that a person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” In fact, there’s evidence that unique brain patterns happen when we hear our own names, as compared to hearing the names of others. 10. Willing: Can turn a “no” into a “yes” Professor of social interaction Elizabeth Stokoe works often with mediation services that help people deal with disputes. Analyzing hundreds of calls between mediators and potential clients, she discovered a secret word that changes minds: “Willing.” She explains in a TED post that many callers are apt to reject mediation on the grounds that the other party is the “kind of person who won’t mediate.” But when mediators ask people if they would be “willing” to mediate, even resistant callers agreed to try the service. “Willing” was significantly more effective than other phrasing such as “might you be interested in mediation?” — and it was the only word that achieved a total turnaround from “no” to “yes.” My theory: it works because if the other party is the kind of person who won’t mediate, then the caller must be the kind of person who will! Plus: 7 words that have the opposite effect On the flip side are words that might not seem too detrimental at first glance, but can hurt your trust with your team and even demotivate others. Jason Fried warns us to beware of the 4-letter words, including: Need Must Can’t Easy Just Only Fast “When collaborating with others — especially when designers and programmers are part of the mix — watch out for these,” he writes. “Be careful when you use them, be careful when you hear them. They can really get you into trouble.”
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zibizuba · 4 years
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Anime followers don’t completely love characters who’re good individuals. In truth, there are a ton of beloved anime characters who’re dangerous individuals. This doesn’t imply that they’re dangerous characters – a few of them are among the many finest anime characters ever created. What it does imply is that they’ve finished some significantly tousled issues.
Generally, it may be irritating when different followers love a personality whose dangerous conduct makes you cringe. That is most typical when individuals let the character’s dangerous traits slide, and have fun the character as in the event that they’re some form of saint – if you happen to have been grossed out by Miroku’s wandering palms, you in all probability aren’t tremendous thrilled concerning the Inuyasha fandom’s fondness for him. At different occasions, it’s the character’s motivation that makes them fascinating – Revy from Black Lagoon could also be a vicious mercenary, however the causes for her dangerous conduct really make numerous sense. Viewers may additionally delight within the badness itself – watching Hisoka do his factor is among the most enjoyable elements of H X H. 
Jiraiya Is An Irresponsible Pervert In ‘Naruto’
Jiraiya is among the most beloved characters within the Naruto franchise. Whereas he has his good qualities – he’s a talented ninja who has efficiently accomplished necessary missions for his metropolis, and he’s a mentor who did numerous good for his protege, Naruto. However Jiraiya is far more flawed than many followers are prepared to acknowledge.
The issues with Jiraiya could be divided into two classes: perversion and irresponsibility. He spies on random ladies whereas they’re altering, drools over a 12-year-old Naruto reworking right into a half-naked boy, tells a younger woman he’s been elevating for years to hook up with him when she turns 18, and makes Naruto edit and ghostwrite his pornographic literature. There’s nothing unsuitable with a wholesome curiosity in intercourse, however Jiraiya violates different individuals’s boundaries frequently.
By way of being irresponsible, Jiraiya is Naruto’s godfather, however permits him to stay as an orphan for his whole childhood. When he lastly will get round to interacting with him, he’s extraordinarily reluctant to coach him and complains about it nonstop.
C.C. Drove Mao Insane And Then Deserted Him In ‘Code Geass’
When followers take into consideration characters in Code Geass who’ve finished horrible issues, they often consider Lelouch – the anti-hero protagonist – or villains like Charles zi Brittainia, Lelouch’s father. They don’t often take into consideration C.C., the green-haired immortal who delights audiences together with her snarky perspective and pizza habit.
C.C. is an pleasant character to look at as a result of she’s charming. She’s additionally sympathetic – it’s arduous to not really feel dangerous for her when she’s been shunned and tormented as a result of her immortality led individuals to imagine she was a witch. However C.C. additionally did one thing egregiously horrible that she’s by no means actually taken to job for.
Years earlier than she met Lelouch, C.C. gave the Geass powers to Mao, an orphan youngster she discovered on the road. She developed a parent-child relationship with him whereas additionally apparently turning into his lover. When Mao loses management of his Geass’ powers and begins listening to different individuals’s ideas continuously, he’s pushed fully mad. As a result of C.C. has been some of the necessary figures in his life since early childhood, and since her ideas are the one ideas he can’t hear, Mao will get far too clingy, and C.C. leaves. Finally, Mao comes again much more deranged than earlier than, able to remove anyone who will get close to C.C. in order that he can have her again in his life.
Mao comes off as creepy and stalkerish – however that’s solely earlier than you recognize his historical past with C.C. In truth, C.C. took on duty for a kid, gave him powers he couldn’t management, after which deserted him when the conduct she instigated bought to be an excessive amount of – it’s arduous to fault him for wanting to seek out her once more. In the long run, C.C. kills Mao, after which the problem by no means comes up once more, and C.C. goes again to being a fan favourite.
Vegeta Has Blown Up Planets In ‘Dragon Ball Z’
In the event you ask your common DBZ fan who their favourite character is, likelihood is excessive that they’re going to say Vegeta. Vegeta is an thrilling, dynamic character who goes from villain to hero over the course of the sequence. When followers deal with how devoted he’s change into to the Z Fighters, or how good of a dad he’s, they’re conveniently forgetting all of the terrible issues he did whereas he was nonetheless a villain.
Has Vegeta modified? If anybody on Planet Arlia survived his blasting it to bits, they might in all probability not care very a lot about that query. Neither would his former comrade Nappa who he eradicated for mainly no motive – if he have been nonetheless alive to have an opinion. Vegeta modified, however he hasn’t precisely made up for his multitude of sins.
Watari Runs A Messed Up Orphanage In ‘Loss of life Notice’
When most individuals make ethical judgments concerning the forged of Loss of life Notice, they’re speaking concerning the protagonist, Gentle Yagami. Generally, they’re even speaking about his rival, the nice detective L. What individuals often aren’t speaking about is Watari – a personality who appears to get pleasure from near-universal respect from the fandom. He doesn’t deserve it.
Why? That’s as a result of Watari is in command of Wammy’s Home, an orphanage that rounds up good youngsters and trains them for the lofty place of L, the best detective on this planet. The children get so ravenous and harassed about it that within the early days of the orphanage one among them takes his personal life and one other begins taking different individuals’s. Watari has L working across the clock beginning at age eight – it’s apparent that L has by no means had something resembling a standard childhood and has change into an emotionally maladjusted grownup who survives on cake and never sleeping.  Additionally, whereas it’s not confirmed that the unorthodox strategies of getting data that L makes use of are Watari’s thought, he has no objection in any respect to serving to him.
Watari looks like one of many extra harmless members of the anime’s forged, however he actually shouldn’t be.
Alucard Is A Sadistic Vampire In ‘Hellsing’
Alucard is a vampire who turned in opposition to his personal type for a singular objective: extra alternatives to legally bust some heads. Being an Alucard fan isn’t about loving a personality who does the appropriate factor or cares about different individuals. It’s about watching a complete robust man take out others who’re much more morally repulsive than he’s. In the event you’re in search of a protagonist who cares about serving to others and preserving the peace, discover one other anime – Hellsing will solely frustrate you.
Umaru Doma Is Lazy And Egocentric In ‘Himoto! Umaru-chan’
Umaru Doma is a spoiled brat. That’s completely the purpose of Himouto! Umaru-chan, and it’s a part of what makes her so endearing… however that doesn’t make it any much less true. Positive, she’s not wiping out complete civilizations like some individuals on this listing, however she’s positively missing within the reasonableness division. Throughout the first few episodes, viewers see Umaru throwing a tantrum as a result of her brother received’t purchase her a online game, getting offended at him for having to cease playing video games together with her lengthy sufficient to purchase groceries, and extra. There are moments within the sequence the place she exhibits indicators of caring about one thing aside from her private needs, however they’re few and much between.
Hisoka Has No Morals In ‘Hunter X Hunter’
It’s fairly apparent that Hisoka is a horrible particular person – he particularly doesn’t care about being good. In truth, Hisoka’s primary priorities lay in combating and destroying anybody who presents an entertaining problem to him. Which means that he’ll typically assist out the great guys, however will fortunately activate them each time it’s handy. Ethical issues are totally overseas to him. Regardless of this, loads of followers adore Hisoka. His utter incapacity to care about anybody moreover himself is oddly form of refreshing, and his clown aesthetic is by turns terrifying and pleasant.
Accelerator Has A Physique Rely Of 20,000 In ‘A Sure Magical Index’ 
Accelerator is among the most beloved characters in A Sure Magical Index, but it surely’s not due to his good deeds. He’s a merciless and sadistic psychic who needs to be stronger than anybody else, and isn’t afraid to harm others to earn that distinction. In truth, he takes out 20,000 individuals in an try and show his energy. His backstory is a tragic one – due to his excessive energy, he’s endured painful experimentation that led him to the conclusion that being the strongest is the one approach to hold himself secure, and the one approach to intimidate others into leaving him alone in order that he doesn’t hurt them.
On the similar time, he genuinely does need to show himself superior for the sake of it, and demonstrates glee when he defeats highly effective enemies. He’s an advanced character who’s arduous to not root for – but it surely’s equally tough to disregard his physique depend.
Hotohori Is Majorly Entitled In ‘Fushigi Yugi’
Hotohori is the emperor of Konan, an historic Chinese language metropolis that gives the setting for a lot of Fushigi Yugi, a present that was well-loved when it got here out within the mid-1990s, and which nonetheless lives on within the minds of nostalgic millennials. Because the emperor, Hotohori is of course a bit of entitled. A few of that is excusable, however he takes issues too far in a method that makes him look like a significantly terrible dude.
When Miaka’s boyfriend Tamahome is brainwashed into attacking her, Miaka is past devastated. Reasonably than giving the younger woman house to kind out her emotions and even providing actual consolation pertaining to her loss, Hotohori swoops in to ask her to be with him as an alternative. His crush on her is seemingly a method greater deal than the truth that somebody she loves simply attacked her. Hotohori is mostly kind-hearted and well liked by what’s left of the fandom, however this second betrays how egocentric he actually is.
Miroku Is The Dangerous Variety Of Pervert In ‘Inuyasha’
There are two sorts of perverted anime characters. One type is completely wonderful and might even be entertaining – they’re excited by intercourse and romance, and so they get pleasure from speaking about it with like-minded individuals. The opposite type gropes individuals with out asking, harasses individuals who have made it clear that they aren’t , and simply usually foist their perversion on others. Miroku is the latter sort.
He has a particularly good motive for eager to have youngsters, because it’s the one approach to do away with a curse that would take his life, however there are many methods to have children that don’t contain continuously grabbing each lady he encounters irrespective of how a lot they could protest. Any optimistic traits Miroku has are overshadowed by aggressively disrespectful conduct towards ladies.
Revy Is A Ruthless Mercenary In ‘Black Lagoon’
Revy is usually cited as among the finest female characters in anime – and that label isn’t unsuitable. Nevertheless, the explanation that folks like Revy isn’t as a result of she’s a kind-hearted soul. Reasonably, she’s a sadistic mercenary who will fortunately remove actually anybody who will get in her method. Why is Revy like this? As a result of she doesn’t belief anybody however herself, and appears like the one approach to keep secure is to be completely ruthless. She’s skilled excessive mistreatment by the hands of everybody from her father to the NYPD. Whereas her hard-hearted methods are comprehensible – even sympathetic – they don’t make the individuals she’s gone after any extra alive.
Hozuki Is Effortlessly Violent In ‘Hozuki No Reitetsu’
As a minion of Hell, Hozuki is 100% inside his rights to be a horrible particular person. He completely is – and that’s precisely why viewers love him. Hozuki assists King Enma in figuring out the destiny of the souls of the damned, and oversees their punishments. A grotesque job by any requirements, however Hozuki’s violent predilections lengthen past the skilled. He’s additionally completely content material wailing on, poisoning, and in any other case inflicting ache on his boss – and relating to his rival and worst enemy Hakutaku, he’s totally savage. Regardless of all this, he does have moments of kindness – so whereas hes’s positively not a terrific particular person, he’s an attention-grabbing and balanced character who makes for a superb protagonist.
Concerning the writer: Viral Luck
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