#asbestos e
the-punforgiven · 3 months
Would you guys be mad at me if I made a post asking for money? Be honest
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neometalmadness · 1 year
“ Listen Neo.. I'd love to take you out on a date..I have feelings which I'm sure sound silly to admit but I want to tell you. I was thinking I could take you to a night themed Chao garden and figured we could talk. It's not something romantic like dinner but I figured this was just as nice and we could maybe adopt a Chao to take care of ” ~Nathan
... A... A date?
Of course, it comes as a surprise, a little telling by how their optics quickly readjust after that bomb is practically dropped onto them. There’s a long pause for thought, clearly a little uncertain about the proposal- perhaps because their go-to ‘no’ response doesn’t feel like the correct one right now. Although they are wondering, ‘why me?’.
Of course, Nathan has been given their politeness, and they don’t dislike him, that’s for certain. It’s something they’re clearly struggling to come to terms with right now. But they bite their tongue & swallow their pride; Nathan will answer any questions they have, surely.
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“... I accept.” It’s spoken a little quieter than their normal, authorative tone. The Chao is certainly a bonus, granted it doesn’t pan over well (Neo can’t help their pessimism), as they were considering retrieving one to study. “We will discuss this further, then.”
Is it possible that Nathan has actually gotten them a little... Flustered...?
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jack-owo-valentine · 7 months
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emmettkayden · 11 months
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Create a Clear Workspace
Consult with our professionals who specialize in black mastic removal to ensure the proper handling and disposal of the materials.
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shitpostroundhouse · 1 year
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puppygirldick · 12 days
Craigslist housing is like: room is an attic we're pretty sure has asbestos and the pipes are lead probably 900 a month 500 deposit
Were 3 unimaginably boring politically ignorant cis ppl mostly in our 30s quiet clean house, we drink and watch Netflix we're so wild we all have overweight cats and have airfryers :DD
Good vibes
No pets
No smoking
No drugs
No couples
No overnight guests
No guests more than twice a week
Must be out of the house during daytime hours
Did I mention no couples
No couples NO COUPLES
Good vibes only
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h0wlcastle · 2 days
just checked my credit report again and $3929 is practically the only thing in the way of being able to rent my own apartment while i go to school. the debt is for rent and electricity bills i could not pay in the last half of 2020.
getting my own apartment would be monumental for me. not getting into too much detail, but id be able to get away from my ex & move out of this health hazard of a house. (yeah definitely lots of mold and asbestos in these walls and floors. which are crumbling and breaking btw. i think i hauve mold poisoning.) and id be allowed to pursue decisions that actually improve my life vs. forced to adjust everything to fit around someone else's, etc
frankly, my ex has his own life to worry about, which seems to be taking him in directions that are actively hostile to my existence. (i mean states that have governments hell-bent on taking away trans/queer rights.) but aside from that, i am tired of making all these plans to become independent, only for the rug to be pulled out from under me at the last minute.
if i had my own place, id have control of my own life again.
if anyone is able to help me get out of this hellish living situation, my venmo is julesam.
i know we're all broke and stressed so no judgment if you scroll past this. but reblogs are also very much appreciated
(sorry for e-begging on tumblr dot com. im v embarrassed and humiliated to be posting this but i am genuinely out of options here.)
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stellanslashgeode · 3 months
If you want to show that you are truly MAGA you'd better start huffing that asbestos to show you don't appreciate Brandon's tyranny.
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lunatic-pudge · 6 months
Pyro SWF Alphabet
(They/Them pronouns and AMAB) (Also putting a TW for this)
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Pyro is an affection fiend. They enjoy some good old lovings. But they can only handle affection when they're in a good headspace. I'm not gonna go in depths about what they're suffering from mentally, I'm just gonna say it's some sort of psychosis disorder and I'm gonna throw some trauma in there. So when they're having an episode it's best to be gentle and ask to show affection
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
They're the best friend who's always up to no good. Always seems to be awake and doing god knows what. If you hear police seirens in the distance, this is the first one you're looking at as to what the hell happened. But they do be a very fun person to be around. Don't ask how the friendship started cause it just happened. One minute, you two are meeting for the first time, the next you're both sitting around the oven making homemade blue Jollyranchers
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Loves cuddles. You two will be cuddling everywhere and anywhere. Homie is a big fan of PDA and loves to wrap themselves around you. Cuddling can be a little akward when their asbestos lined suit is rubbing up all over you, but when they have the onesie on, it's nap time bitches! They're so warm and soft, it can lull anyone to sleep
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
I feel settling down would be a little hard for Pyro. They're so used to always being up to do something, driven by impulse. But I'm sure they'll warm up to it after a while, when they're able to find a routine and such. They're decent with cooking, only really able to make the basics (macking cheebse), but they excel in the baking department. Demanding that THEY be the ones to make desserts for everyone. And for cleaning, it's 50/50. When it comes to their weapons, they clean it down to the littlest of details, sometimes recleaning the weapons cause they think they missed a spot. But when it comes to cleaning up the base, they put the bare minimum up, they'd rather be doing something else and it shows
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
You're gonna have to be the one to break up with them. They do not handle break ups well. When they're with someone, they OBSESS over that person, and it's hard to break from that obsession. So the poor thing would be locked in their room with a lighter, trying to figure out what to do. I feel they have a self harming problem so that would be something that'd happen more after a break up
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Is open to the idea of getting married. They'd probably wanna get married quick, poor bug can get impatient. Absolutely the type to wear a suit dress combo. Fire will somehow, SOMEHOW be incorporated into the wedding. No if, and, or buts about it.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Is gentle when in a good headspace. When they're having an episode, they tend to isolate themselves and refuses to talk to be. If you ask if they wanna hug during an episode expect to receive a bone crushing hug. They appreciate when you're there for them during these episodes and would do everything they can for you when you're down in the dumps. They're a good ear to have when you need to vent
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs 24/7. If they can't cuddle you, then you're getting a big ol' hug. They're hugs are warm and comfy (when not wearing his fire suit). Loves giving hugs to everyone. They're the person to go to if you just need a hug from someone
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Definitely said it first. Homie will say it platonically and romantically, they don't care. Once you prove to be a good person to them, then it's game over. This fire gremlin loves you dearly no matter what
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
They can get jealous very quickly. They can't help it. They want to be your one and only and worries others are trying to steal you from them. They act like a sad puppy when jealous, and will threaten the person that's taking your attention away from them, though it's hard to tell what they're saying cause of the gas mask muffling their speech
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Loves a good ol' smooch. Will press the end of their mask against your cheek all time. When they take the mask off or lift it enough for a kiss, it can take your breath away. They're magical moments between the two of you. All kisses end you in a big cuddle puddle
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Like Scout, they would make a great older sibling. Would accidentally create an army of little arsonists cause they'd be burning everything as a form of entertainment for the kiddies.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Is a lazy cuddle bug in the mornings. Refuses to get out of bed to eat breakfast and start the day. When they do finally decide that they want breakfast, they'll go get a plate of food and will retreat back to their room to eat it since they don't like when people see them with their mask off. Sometimes they tend to skip breakfast since they don't see it as a necessary thing. But please do eat breakfast with them. They love having you around, it melts their heart everytime
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Likes to build a blanket fort and cuddle together while reading stories together. Has an ungoldy amount of blankets and stuffed animals to cuddle with and keep warm. Tends to be a nightowl so you're the one clonking out first
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
The one that takes the longest to open up. We're talking YEARS of trust that needs to established before they can say anything about themselves. They have a lot of past trauma they don't like to talk about so it takes a lot of confidence for them to talk about it. Just please be patient and give them a hug. Let them know it's gonna be okay
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Has a surprising amount of patience. You never see them angry, it's like they can't get angry. But they can, they just never show it. They tend to stay quiet when angry, but has gotten violent before in the past. Those are on VERY rare occasions though so you never have to worry about it
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Their memory can be finicky at times so it can be hard for them to remember the more detailed info about you. They try their best though. Just be patient and remind them. They feel bad when they can't remember things about you
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
It was the first time they taught you how to make hard candy. They stood back and allowed you to take control of it all, while Pyro helped out when needed. The first batch of hard candy burnt. The burning candy was the only thing that could be smelt all around the base, which upset some of the other mercs. But Pyro was still super proud of you, taking the blame for the burnt candy, ready to throw hands if anyone was mean to you. They still took a small charred piece and kept it preserved in some resin so they could keep it forever
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective, very obsessive, and very adorable. Homie's got flamethrowers, axes, and could probably pull a butcher knife out of no where and chase someone with it if they try to hurt you. They would feel so special if you protect them. Poor baby might cry a bit and give you one of the biggest hugs they can give you. They love when you both got each other's backs
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
They try. They tend to usually stick to more casual dates like baking together or a movie night. Is amazing at giving gifts. If there's something you want and it's hard to find, you best bet that it'll be in your hands withing three days. How did they accomplish this? Probably black magic. No one ever questions it. They're also the type that would wanna do everything for you while you sit back in relax. They'll body slam you into a cuddle if you try to help out
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Their constant need to start fires. Fire is their comfort item. It's helped them through so much. They just can't help but start these fires, wanting to help bring joy to others like it's done for them. Though not all fires they start are intentional, there have been several accidents that have happened. Py's weapons are banned from being brought inside and are to stay in their own designated room until it's time to fight
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Pyro would be the one with the most self-esteem issues. They have no mirrors in their room and will usually cover the mirrors up in the bathroom being showering and such. You and Medic are the only ones who've seen what Pyro looks like, Py's not happy that Medic knows but they understand why he has. Their body is littered with varying scars from fires, being a merc, and their self harming. I could even see them having a prosthetic leg cause of some sort of injury that happened
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. You are their world, their obsession. So to not have you around 24/7 is heartbreaking. When you have to go out for a few days, they're giving you puppy dog eyes, begging you not to go or to at least take them with you. They'll mope around and write little letter to you expressing how much they love you and miss you. When you come back, they're so estatic. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, and telling you how much you mean to them. They'll cook you a dinner and spoil you for the next five days or more to make up for lost time
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
As I've stated earlier, I believe Pyro has issues with self harming. They try to stop doing it but it's really hard to at times. I also see them having a missing limb. I just feel it. And for something more positive, they aren't some dumb baby. Pyro is very much an intelligent bean. He was the CEO of an engeneering company! They could easily be a back up Engie if they needed. And you can't convine me that they aren't some ancient eldrich horror being, probably WAY more powerful than Cuthulu
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Hates people who are assholes. They're good at being petty with those types of people. So obviously they wouldn't want to be with someone who's mean and inconsiderate.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Horrible sleep schedule. Sometimes they don't ever sleep at night. Nights are spent doing whatever they can to kill time. Has a bad habit of watching you sleep. They're very good at being still and quiet, a little too good...
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grox · 16 days
Frinking from k e of the straws that came eith my straw holderi from tge factory this shits definyitly got asbestos it it
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exoticalmonde · 3 months
LUNDInium Outskirts /but it's her insane doodles/ PART I
First of all, thank you @cilundi for always indulging in our silly ideas about the doodles that DO involve all of us Doctors. Second of all, I'm sorry /I am not/ but you are getting blasted on Tumblr for being a horse lover. Anyways, the doodle dump ladies and gentlemen with some context.
Valentines Day doodles of all of us spending the day with our favourites
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Naturally, Dr. Kryo is going to take care for his wife the two ways he can without being set on fire.
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Meanwhile Swire is taking care of Dr. Pinkie the one way they can equally enjoy - babygirlifying and being pampered with chucken nuggets.
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I wrote a tiny fic about how Mlynar made Pierogi for Dr. Lundi a couple days earlier and it was accompannied with this, which I am ecstatic about. They are SO happy.
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Lundi @ Mlynar every time. Dropping the McLateronalds, fries are ALL over the floor.
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Actually probably posted about this 10 times already, but I love being the accomplice to what would have basically been theft of the Mlynar live cardboard prop or whatever it was that was spotted during some Con/Official Arknights event. Initially the idea was for us to be on a bike but it is more our style to walk until one of the Dr.s gets a liscence.
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Just uncle having his reading time
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I think this is actually one of the first doodles? Or maybe the 10001st but it perfectly features their relationship and I am so proud to be an enabler with the rest of the Doctors.
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E-mail! :<
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He is the first, the second and the third.
Uncle Mlynar is life.
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Delusional skin wanter
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Is he waiting for somebody?
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Less of a doodle, more of a wip that is details of the life that Mr. Wanderer leads now that he's on Rhodes Island N.13
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She got the Mlynar plush if you had ever wondered. Not that there was any place to doubt the circumstance.
Me: Asbestos and W put bombs under each other's desks and then proceeded to hotwire them together by accident which triggered the bomb Executor put in the Dr.'s office
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Lundi: Explaining to Mlynar why my office is once again a mess
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The Welcoming Party didn't go too well.
Or did it go according to plan actually???
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Typical day in Laterano
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Furthermore, Illegal Laterano activities happening on Rhodes Island and everybody is on it except for Mlynar.
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'Finally some quiet...'
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The perfect banners!!!!!
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Actually an unfortunate day to be playing a level in Arknights.
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Here is a list of the inedibles that will be in this bracket
Orange Joe (fictional "beverage" that's a combination of orange juice and coffee)
Doll shoes
Pen caps
Watermelon tourmaline
Comet/scouring powder
Paper towels
Kinetic Sand
Fiberglass insulation
3DS Stylus
Plastic Bottle Cap
Babybell Cheese Wax
Bouncy ball
Human meat
Venus (planet)
Cascade dishwasher pods
Acrylic Paint
Molten glass
Sea glass
Silica gel packet
Cocoa butter lotion
Pencil Toppers, the lil eraser things
Tumbled amethyst
Rubber Ducks
The rubber balls from the game Cranium Cariboo
Polly pocket clothes
Poison Dart Frog
0.1 uF Film Capacitor
The sun
Tide pods
Phone charger wire
Those free wooden pencils you get at ikea (just the wood shell not the lead)
Liquid nitrogen
Aquarium gravel
the weird science juice in the beakers in those stock images
Origami star
Styrofoam cup
Sticky note
Collar of shirt
This submission form
Plastic straws
Glow sticks
Oil paintings
Candle wax
Nickel sulfate solution/Nickel plating solution
Silicone wristbands
The wax paper under your Poutine
Forearm (doesn't have to be one's own)
Candy wrapper
“Okay so technically this is edible but I’ve had urges to just take a huge bite out of certain sea creatures before. Like just a chunk from an orca or dolphin or great white or seal, etc.”
“Those stupid wooden spoons”
Scotch tape
Artificial grapes (the wax/plastic ones for display)
The goo inside  Stretch Armstrong
Headphone wire
Raw steak
Small colorful rubber bands 
Pencil lead
Cattails (the plant)
Foamy soap
Liquid soap
Bar soap
Shiny rocks
A hunk of random fish swimming by
A live goldfish
Price Tag Fasteners
The moon
Pool noodles
Smol frog
Destroying angel mushroom
the smoke coming out of the grain refineries two Mike's out of Gary, Indiana, Usa
Popsicle sticks
My hat
The tiny rocks in school playgrounds
Blue laundry detergent
Spray foam insulation
Battery corrosion
Fiber optic cables
Packing peanuts
Your mother
Pond water
Dry ice
Alkali metals
Chocolate shampoo
Ping pong ball
Bricks, like the stuff you'd build with. Minecraft bricks even, if you want
Hoodie drawstrings
Horse treats
Copper (II) Sulphate Water / Blue Science Rock + Blue Science Juice
Fabric Paint
Oil paint
that one art piece of the banana taped to the wall
the hotdog somebody encased in resin
“the thin lego plates not the base plates but like the lego piece thats like 2x8 and they kinda look like hershey chocolate bar pieces”
One of those little hamsters
Model magic
Battery Acid (the drink)
manchineel apple
Rubber band ball
The lava lamp liquid
Wax apples
That cake decoration that came with your slice and you're like 90% sure it's not edible... but what if ?
Soap bubble
Lush cosmetics' products
Strawberry Shortcake's dolls with scented hair
Salt lamp
People who think children are not worth their consideration
Poisonous berries
Chunky soft yarn
“whatever the Chuck E Cheese Ticket Muncher Machine is eating (it's not the tickets) (or the sound itself but that's neither a solid nor a liquid so this is just kind of holding hands with the hypothetical ticket muncher food)”
Snow globe liquid
Chisel tip whiteboard marker
Raw dough
Raw fuckin cactus. alive
Grape agate
Car seat
Lock pick
Scrub daddy
Molten sugar 
Lightning bolts
“Bark dust. Like the dirt/bark dust that's under the bark chips on a playground. Not the chips themselves. The dust.”
Clear deodorant
Apple earbud wires
Hello kitty sweatshirt zipper
Preshredded mozzarella cheese
Scrap metal
All of the rocks at a crystal shop
Origami polyhedron model
Bubbles mixture
Cupcake liners
Hair gel
Curtain rods
Incense sticks
Incense cones
Metal thing that attaches eraser to pencil
Windshield wiper fluid
Plastic pencil grips
Wooden ice cream spoon
The liquid in levels
Vanilla extract
Aroace flag
Coil incense
California state testing “next question” button
Forbidden coal iron french fries
Garage doors that look like chocolate bars
Plastic takeout box
Weird anime girl hair
Freezable gel ice pack
Necklace chains
Nail polish
Pencil Shavings
Pool floats
Bao Dumpling
Spray deodorant
0.1 uF Ceramic Capacitor
Vanillish (Pokémon)
Really fancy pillars
Favorite song
“THE LITTLE ORBS IN THE MOUSE (aka trackballs)”
“Any cutesy anime character like Chopper or Pikachu”
Wooden fan blades
Balsa wood sticks
Those blankets that look like tortillas
Milk and golden honey softsoap
1x2 lego pieces
Light bulbs
Slightly melted lounge chair
Cork (the material)
Pineapple coke
Sparkly lipgloss
Race Car Tire Marble
Gold trophies
Konjac sponge
Mandy the Slayer / Orange Spyderco Dragonfly Knife
Glasses Temples
Typewriter keys
EVA foam
Crumbs in the couch
My wife's arm/shoulder
Yellow ACE bandages
Neon Signs
Scented candles
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emmettkayden · 1 year
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Professional Flooring Disposal Service
Our asbestos mastic removal services are specifically designed to compress the strongest curing process ceramic floor adhesives on abatement projects.
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kjack89 · 2 years
The Spark That Will Light the Fire
For @themiserablesmonth Day 5: Spark.
E/R, modern AU, developing relationship.
Read on AO3.
Enjolras tipped back in his chair in the back room of the Musain, staring up at the ceiling as if the almost certainly asbestos-ridden ceiling tiles might provide some kind of inspiration. He heard a familiar snigger and sat upright, flushing slightly, as Grantaire asked, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Enjolras said, a little too quickly.
“Uh-huh,” Grantaire said with amused skepticism, dropping his bag on the table. “Well if you see anything good on the ceiling, let me know so I can tell Musichetta the owner needs to check for carbon monoxide again.”
Enjolras scowled at him. “What are you doing here so early?” he asked.
“Disturbing your thinking time, apparently.”
Enjolras’s eyes narrowed. “Be serious.”
“I am—”
“I swear to God if you say wild I will lose it.”
Grantaire grinned. “Don’t tempt me like that,” he said, perching on the edge of the table by Enjolras, a little too closely to be entirely casual. Not that Enjolras noticed, or anything. “But since you insist on seriousness, I got off work early and lacking any better plans, figured I’d start drinking early.”
Enjolras arched an eyebrow. “And yet I don’t see a drink in your hand.”
“Apparently I got distracted,” Grantaire said easily. “Not my fault you make quite a stunning visual when you’re lost in thought.” He didn’t wait for Enjolras to reply, instead crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Speaking of, what has you so engrossed in your thoughts?”
Enjolras sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m trying to figure out some kind of ending for my speech for Saturday.”
“The GOTV rally?” Grantaire asked, unnecessarily, since it wasn’t like Enjolras gave multiple speeches every week.
Still, Enjolras nodded. “Yeah. Trying to work out some kind of rallying cry to tie everything together. Some call to action that doesn’t oversell what we’re doing, since we’re probably going to lose.”
Grantaire nodded slowly. “We are the spark that will light the fire, etcetera,” he said offhandedly.
Enjolras frowned slightly. “What was that?”
For a moment, Grantaire looked startled, then he shrugged. “Oh, nothing, I was just—”
“No, I liked that,” Enjolras said, grabbing his pad of paper and pen. “Tell me it again. The whole thing.”
Grantaire looked strangely embarrassed, and he scratched the back of his neck before muttering reluctantly, “Uh, we are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the, uh, current order to the ground.”
Enjolras scribbled down the words, nodding thoughtfully as he read them over. “That’s really good,” he said, glancing back up at Grantaire. “Is that from something?”
“Uh, not that I…remember,” Grantaire hedged.
Enjolras nodded, glancing back down at the words. “Well, maybe I’ll use it,” he said decisively.
Grantaire stared at him. “Really?” he said, sounding incredulous.
“Is that really such a surprise?” Enjolras asked.
Grantaire shrugged. “Kind of, yeah,” he said, before giving Enjolras a small, hesitant smile. “Well, if you do decide to use it, just make sure to google it first so that you find the, uh, source.” He winked. “You wouldn’t want the crowd to think that you’re plagiarizing material.”
Enjolras rolled his eyes. “Hilarious,” he said.
“I like to think I am,” Grantaire said with an easy grin. He stood. “I’m gonna get a beer, you want anything?”
Enjolras shook his head and Grantaire headed toward the bar. Enjolras watching him leave with something like newfound appreciation before turning again to his speech with renewed enthusiasm.
— — — — —
Enjolras pounded on Grantaire’s door with his fist. “Grantaire!” he shouted, not caring that he was probably disturbing all of Grantaire’s neighbors. “I know you’re home! Do not make me break this door down.”
After a long moment, Grantaire opened the door, looking bemused. “Can I help you?”
“Star Wars?” Enjolras ground out through gritted teeth.
Emotions flashed in rapid succession across Grantaire’s expression, so much so that all Enjolras could pick out was glee, and guilt, though his expression quickly evened out. “Pardon?” he said innocently.
Too innocently.
“Star Wars?” Enjolras repeated, a dangerous edge to his voice. “Really?”
A smile twitched at the corners of Grantaire’s mouth. “In my defense—” he started, but Enjolras didn’t let him finish.
“I used that today!” he snapped, even angrier now that he could see that Grantaire had exactly zero remorse. “In my speech! In front of everyone!”
“Well, not everyone,” Grantaire said, as if that was remotely helpful. “I wasn’t there.”
Enjolras counted to ten in his head before growling, “I swear to fucking God—”
Grantaire held his hands up placatingly. “In my defense, I did tell you to google it.”
Enjolras stared at him. “You seriously find this funny, don’t you.”
Grantaire just raised an eyebrow. “Um, kind of, yeah,” he said, shifting slightly uncomfortably. “I mean, you accidentally quoted Star Wars. It’s not like I fed you a line from Mein Kampf.”
“With the rumors about Walt Disney, you may as well have!”
Grantaire looked flatly at him. “It’s Star Wars, Enjolras,” he said patiently, which just made Enjolras’s blood pressure spike more. “And I will bet there were people in the crowd who enjoyed the reference.”
Enjolras threw his hands up in frustration. “That’s not the point!”
Grantaire crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Then what is the point?”
“I just thought—”
Enjolras broke off, a muscle working in his jaw, and Grantaire frowned slightly. “What?”
“Nothing,” Enjolras muttered, not meeting Grantaire’s eyes. “It was stupid.”
“Stupider than unknowingly quoting Star Wars and then getting really irrationally mad about it to the point of showing up at my door to yell at me?” Grantaire asked dryly.
Enjolras ground his teeth together before managing, “I just thought that maybe this might be, y’know, our spark.”
He flushed scarlet and Grantaire stared blankly at him. “I’m sorry?”
“I mean…I don’t know.” Enjolras shrugged helplessly. “I thought maybe this meant something, the fact that you were offering me a serious suggestion.” He stared determinedly at a point over Grantaire’s shoulder. “That maybe it meant we were finally ready to see if there was anything actually here.”
Grantaire was silent for so long that Enjolras half-wondered if he had short-circuited. Then he huffed what may have been a sigh, or a laugh, and drew a hand across his face. “Enjolras.”
Enjolras felt his flush deepen. “I told you it was stupid,” he muttered.
“Well, yeah,” Grantaire said, exasperated, and Enjolras’s eyes snapped to his, “but not for the reason you seem to think.”
“Then for what reason?” Enjolras asked.
“It’s stupid because you and I don’t need a spark,” Grantaire said patiently. “There is a five alarm fire between us if you’d just look out the window once in a fucking while.”
It was Enjolras’s turn to feel like his brain was short-circuiting, and he gaped at Grantaire. “I—what?”
Grantaire gave him a look. “You cannot tell me with a straight face that you didn’t notice.”
Of course Enjolras had noticed. He was, apparently, based on the way this conversation was going, dumb, but he wasn’t blind. But he hadn’t realized… he hadn’t thought… “Enjolras,” Grantaire sighed plaintively.
“Well, why the fuck didn’t you say anything?” Enjolras asked, feeling unnecessarily defensive.
He probably deserved the look Grantaire gave him. “Because I have always been 100% obvious, and besides, I’m not the one who tells anyone who will listen that I don’t have time to date. If anyone was going to make this happen, it had to be you.”
Enjolras felt like he’d been hit by a ton of bricks. “Oh,” he said, his voice small.
Grantaire jerked a nod, suddenly not quite meeting Enjolras’s eyes. “Yeah. So if you’re waiting for a spark, you’re gonna be waiting—”
Enjolras cut him off by kissing him, stepping forward to fill the space between them, balling a fist in Grantaire’s shirt and tugging him close as their lips met. Grantaire’s eyes widened for just a moment before he reciprocated, cradling Enjolras’s face between both hands as he returned the kiss hungrily.
As much as Enjolras was tempted to deepen the kiss, to push Grantaire into his apartment and kick the door closed after them, the urge to get the last word in was too strong. “How’s that for a spark?” he asked, a little breathlessly, his nose brushing against Grantaire’s.
Grantaire rolled his eyes so hard it looked painful. “You are so—”
For the second time in as many minutes, Enjolras silenced him by kissing him, and when they broke apart, Grantaire was grinning. “I should be mad that you keep doing that, but I just can’t bring myself to,” he said.
Enjolras gave him a look, leaning in to press a fleeting kiss to the upturned corner of the mouth before saying seriously, “Just promise me one thing.”
“Anything,” Grantaire said instantly.
Enjolras planted a hand on his chest. “No more Star Wars quotes.”
Grantaire rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re censoring me,” he huffed.
“I’m hardly—”
“With the first link, the chain is forged,” Grantaire said, clearly quoting someone. “The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.”
It was actually a sentiment Enjolras agreed with, and he almost said so, but then paused, his eyes narrowing. “If that is from Star Wars, I swear to God—”
Grantaire barked a laugh. “It’s not, I promise.”
“Good,” Enjolras said, kissing him once more. “What is it from, then?”
“Star Trek.”
He sounded unbearably smug and Enjolras glared at him. “You—”
Grantaire cut him off by kissing him, which Enjolras might have objected to if he hadn’t done the same thing twice over already.
Besides, as Grantaire tugged him inside his apartment, Enjolras found he had far better ways to occupy his time.
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This day in history
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On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. That night, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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directdogman · 2 years
Like some kind of fungus or perhaps a parasite, DT has one again given me brainrot. Thanks for the free ($7.99) serotonin
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