#asra is tired af
tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Which characters do you tend to have fun on writing the most from each series?
AHHH OMG YAY I GET TO GEEK OUT!! Thank you for the question anon, I am more than happy to answer this!!! <333 Also, I'm going to do every fandom if you don't mind! Just because every fandom and every character is different!
-> So, JJBA is such a fun series to write for and it just has SO MUCH. Picking a favorite is super difficult, but I have found myself having a lot of fun writing for characters for part 6 and 7 as they are my favorite parts. Particularly, I love writing for Pucci since I love religious villains and it gives me a fun excuse to do some delving into learning about religion. And I love writing for Gyro since he is one of my favorite characters and I have always found him fun to write for!! That and villains like Kira, because he is such a weird one that I get to play with his character honestly
-> Now, I don't write for this fandom often because I don't have a ton of followers for it, but I LOVE writing for the chocobros. FFXV is actually one of the things that got me into fanfic writing, so I love writing for them because it's nostalgic for me &lt;3
-> Any of org 13. It is so fun to write for these characters that are supposed to be emotionless and add that level of raw emotion. It just makes it way more fun to play around with some stuff that has been revealed in game and then add my own twist to some of it!
-> I love writing for Tendou!!! He is such a goofy character who I really loved and every time I have wrote for him, I just have a huge smile on my face lol. I can't get over that one fic where they just go to the convenient store at like 3am, it's still one of my favs
-> Illumi. I don't write for him often, but this heartless killer of a character with no emotion is just something else to write for. Plus, I love a bit of scary stuff in a fic sometimes and I have this headcanon that he has a closet just full of dolls, so yeah, I love writing for him in the spooky way. And I'm sorry to say it, but Hisoka too. He loves pissing off y/n and is fun to write for. OMFG AND I ALMOST FORGOT CHROLLO!! Again, another religious type villain who's really interesting and fun to play with. Especially since he hides who he is in front of others, it's a lot of fun. Just the entire adult trio lol
-> Asra and Julian. I am a huge plague doctor fan and know a lot about the plague, so I get to add that in my Julian writing and he is a highly romantic man so I get to add that aspect too. As for Asra, MC and him have this friends to lovers thing that is always fun for me to write. And he has such a distinct personality that I can't help but have fun!
-> Is it illegal to say everyone? JK I actually do have an answer for this one. The only thing is, there are SO MANY CHARACTERS in One Piece who are all different in some way, so they are all fun in their own way to write for! But as for my choice, Zoro. One of my first fics that I was super proud of was a Zoro one. I like watching that idiot get lost and fall into y/n's arms somehow LMFAO. Plus, when he gets lost in the show he usually finds something interesting, so it is easy to get inspired to write for him (also a weird one that I love to write is Brook because I go really in depth with his backstory and make y/n sick af it's awesome) AND CROC OMFG I ALMOST FORGOT. I am the papa croc woman!!
-> Gojo and Nanami. They are the ones I simp over so yeah. For Gojo, it's nice to just write this stupid character and goof around with him, so he's mostly easy to write for. As for Nanami, I write a lot of characters like him (tired, overworked, etc.) in stuff like books/non fics that I write, so he is easy to nail for me
-> Saitama! He is such an interesting character in general and gives off these fluffy vibes that I love writing. Also, he's just my fav character lol
-> DABI. Honestly, I don't like MHA that much anymore for fandom reasons and how the anime is. I think it's a great series and all, just not that great if that makes sense. But that's for another day, the point is, Dabi is the only character that makes me still wanna pick up the manga. He is so complex and has always been great. Plus, I LOVE writing the douchey bad boy side of him and making y/n sick of his shit
-> I have kind of been known as the Ramattra girl on here LMFAO. I was one of the first people to write a full ass Ramattra fic when he came out, so people came to me with tons of ideas! Because of this, he is probably my favorite to write for. Plus, I love the fluff and angst that he has with him so I LOVE writing for him!!
-> I have enjoyed writing for Jack the Ripper a lot because he is a very interesting character, but Hermes is my fav. I love him in the show and his design is chefs kiss. I haven't wrote for ROR much though, so I can't say much yet tbh
-> I wrote an amazing Leon fic that I will say didn't get enough love. That being said, I love writing for Leon. He is such a great character in RE2 and RE4 that I get to build off of him so much as the reoccurring character that he is and it's really fun for me (same can kind of be said for Jotaro in JJBA)
-> VIKTOR AND SILCO. This was one of the BEST shows to get writing inspo for because it is very similar to the book I am writing so I love the characters. Silco is such a great villain with this bit of love in him that I find easy to slide in another character like y/n. As for Viktor, I love a crusty scientist, so it's easy for me LMFAO
sorry this turned out to be a little long, anon, but I got really excited when I got asked this question, so thank you for that! I hope you have a super day and liked my answer lol!! <3
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lancelitttle · 2 years
Today's ep. Pls
Hanji just... Hanji <3
The soup!?,
Jean, baby, it's okay.. You'll be okay
Seeing Marco </3
Reiner cannot catch a break
Levi waking up and calling them noisy shits
Mikasa <3 Armin and Connie
Yelena... Ma'am what???
Pieck in not cart titan form!
Gabi and Falco ahsjdh
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agent-darkbootie · 5 years
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Sorry I’ve had a lack of art lately. Been super sick and trying to keep my available time to work on commissions.
Have a sketchy Asra as my offering.
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bellandpebbles · 7 years
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so i’ve been privately obsessing over the arcana game for about 80 years now and?? why is there no asra love. give me more of my boy
so here have some asra doodles from the last few days bc i love him (+ a zoomed version of the pixel bc i don’t trust tumblr to not fuck up the quality)
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portias-husband · 3 years
Main 6 reacting to MC doing fortnite dances randomly
Asra :
- Doesn't get it at first but when he does, they just laugh whenever you do it.
- If you do it in public, they will sigh but just watch as everyone else looks at you weirdly.
- If you do it in private, he will either join in or just watch while laughing fondly.
Julian :
- This chaotic boi already knows what the dances are and so will join in anywhere.
- If he's too tired, he will laugh and cheer you on.
- You are his darling so he doesn't give af about anyone watching but will threaten to release his leaches if anyone looks at you in a judging way.
Portia :
- She's such a playful girl and so will just start giggling whenever you do it.
- Will sometimes join in but loves to watch you and will clap along while laughing.
- You guys do them together in private and when you finish, you are silent catching your breath but as soon as you make eye contact you both burst out laughing.
Nadia :
- She might have a vague idea of what they are but won't think they are anything important.
- When you start doing them, she is confused but will clap afterwards as she is supportive of everything you do.
- She does ask you to not do them as often when she is visiting important people but doesn't mind you doing them around people she is more familiar with like her family.
Muriel :
- One word ; confused
- I mean seriously he has no idea what they are or why you start laughing afterwards and asks Asra why you do them but still doesn't get it even when it is explained to him.
- If you wanna teach him how to do them, he will try his best as he loves you but will blush the whole time but won't be able to remember them.
Lucio :
- Will join in not matter what and make it a double show especially when in public coz we know this man loves attention.
- If anyone laughs at you or gives you a weird look he will get angry very quick and draw his sword and threaten them.
- If he doesn't want to join if or he is too tired, he will sing a song for you to dance to and clap along or force a band to make music for you.
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naturedust · 3 years
The Arcana characters during the Covid-19 pandemic: Part 1 (Asra, Julian, Valerius)
hi everyone! i felt really happy whilst writing this. in each set of headcanons, the apprentice lives with that character! i don’t specify if there’s anything romantic or sexual going on between them though. this is VERY detailed, i’m still writing out muriel, nadia, portia, and lucio’s headcanons so they’ll come in part 2 <3 i hope you enjoy!! AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27529276/chapters/67324228
asra hosts weekly magic workshops (covering very very basic magic) with the apprentice over microsoft teams 💻 each workshop has a small fee, with all proceeds going to local vesuvian charities like mask suppliers, and food banks (who he tries to donate extra food to every week) supporting the poorest amongst their population. it was the apprentice who first suggested he do this, on a day he was feeling really afraid in the face of the pandemic.
i think he has days when he feels really helpless and trapped – and it runs a little deeper than cabin fever and restlessness. other than the pain he’d experience if he lost the apprentice again, being unable to do things freely is the worst situation he can think of... as much as asra prioritises the apprentice’s mental health, he doesn’t practice emotional expression a lot. he truly strives to be there for the apprentice and even when he remembers how they suffered after coming back...asra only cries silently at night when they are asleep – when he knows they can’t hear him. 
that’s part of the reason why he’s always seemed so mysterious in the game — growing up without his parents meant that he learnt to push down his fear and put on a brave face... and one of the reasons why he goes on trips without much explanation is to escape reality for a bit. he lets his vulnerability show only on the worst of days (like the day the apprentice died). on days where asra feels really afraid of the world and defeated, the apprentice takes over his shop duties and brews much more lapsang souchong than usual to comfort him. so much that even passerbys outside the shop are caught in the smokiness of it! unlike the red plague, every community in the world is affected, and there is nowhere for asra to escape to. this includes nopal. after vesuvia’s Covid-19 situation gets better though, he and the apprentice stay there sometimes as a mini vacation of sorts and it brings him peace 🏜
asra’s leading an effort to make high quality masks more accessible to vesuvians. in fact, that local mask provider i mentioned earlier is his initiative. he set it up after seeing people buy all the beaked plague doctor masks (the PPE of vesuvia) that actual working doctors need access to. he would never admit it but, when asra thinks about the doctors, julian is the first who comes to mind. anyways, the masks asra designs are stunning. he spends tireless nights testing their 3-ply efficacy, and they aren’t just plain blue or white – there are intricate details imprinted on them through his magic 🔮 
i think asra would also be really into coming up with new herbal concoctions for customers, after he notices how tired people look from being indoors all day – for example, he’s developed an immune system-boosting drink that’s a gorgeous swirly purple colour 🍶 it’s similar to traditional chinese medicine. also he only uses ethically sourced, 100% local herbs (by local, i mean from nopal and the tarske forest, where muriel helps him collect wildflowers and herbs!!)  🌿 he uses spells to counter the toxicity of his favourite belladonna flower and it becomes a superfood staple of his concoctions
he goes out every couple of days just to gather herbs and ingredients for aforementioned concoctions, always prioritising the ones he makes for the apprentice and always making those sweeter, taking more time to create colourful depths in them that resemble galaxies. asra also makes particular effort to bring back a wide range of fruits from his local trips as it always cheers the apprentice up 🍈
asra invents the most effective, affordable, environmentally-friendly, non-toxic and skin-friendly hand sanitiser and because this magician is the sweetest person ever and cares much more about people’s lives than making a profit during the pandemic, he shares the recipe online for free & magicians all around the world recreate the hand sanitiser for their local neighbourhoods. he’s since been featured in a couple of “Top 10 People You Should Follow” lists in business magazines and there’s an online petition with over 200k signatures calling for his nobel prize nomination lol. asra insists he doesn’t care about fame but when the apprentice laughs about these recognitions, they always notice asra’s eyes crinkling
asra would also become a lot more active on his youtube channel. that’s right, he’s always had a youtube channel, he’s just had a million hiatuses because of all his adventures. he has around 20,000 subscribers (and a similar amount on instagram...his feed is colourful and full of pictures depicting his travels, the shop, and above all, the apprentice). since he’s decided to stay at the shop with the apprentice – who is actually a little more vulnerable than others to viruses, because of their “reborn” form – he has the time to post weekly videos again. i think asra wouldn’t want to show his face in any of the videos, and not on his instagram either... and it’s got nothing to do with his self-esteem – he just wants the focus to be on what he’s doing rather than how he looks. the videos vary from very domestic vlogs with titles like “what two magicians do in a day” to packed af guides like “🐍 SPELLS TO REFINE AT HOME 🐍” & “crystals that can calm you during these times” and his wildly popular “carving crystals i mined: in real time” ⏳ the apprentice is a permanent fixture in all of them <3 viewers always assume they’re together and whether they are or not...that’s for you to think about ;)
asra is big on healing crystals and gemstones. like really, really big on them. he always makes sure to inform his customers and audiences that they are alternatives and not substitutes, and that sicknesses need real medicine & they can’t just wear a crystal in place of a mask (bc that’s happened before and he felt so guilty for carving and selling the crystal in question) what’s strange is, even though he usually sources his crystals from other countries during his travels, there seem to more than ever all around the shop and the apartment upstairs..
when the apprentice asks about it, it turns out that asra goes mining alone in nopal! he doesn’t really like to mine the actual desert as he’s only ever dug up gold and silver there. one time, he accidentally stumbled upon a cave at the edge of nopal and – ever the curious wandering magician – he ventured deep within it and found amazing crystals and gemstones everywhere 💎 he never mentioned it to the apprentice because he always thought it was too dangerous for them to go, until they remind him it’s dangerous for him too. from that day onwards they go looking for crystals every weekend together :’)
if asra was living alone, he would be fine with just wearing a mask to go outside. but since he lives with the apprentice – and especially after what happened during the red plague – he’s not risking ANYTHING. he wears aviator goggles and eco-vinyl gloves when he’s in the market, just to be extra safe, though when he’s out foraging he takes off his mask because there’s usually no one else there & it’s way too humid. the apprentice likes to make fun of how steampunk he looks & the way the big goggles make his hair extra poofy  🤍 
julian is on the frontlines of the vesuvian pandemic response. with his experience as a doctor – specifically, a frontline doctor during the red plague who discovered the cure (!!!) – he is revered by new doctors and nurses, most of whom are volunteers. when the pandemic first begins, there aren’t formal hospitals or medical schools set up in vesuvia, so he has to make do by reopening his clinic in the centre city, as an alternative to valdemar’s one in the palace – which, quite frankly is the stuff of nightmares for most of the population
as you know, julian is universally loved by the vesuvian people... so the waiting list of the hospital branch he works at is ALWAYS full. patients always report how gentle and attentive he is and how comforted they feel in his presence. even though he has to wear a hazmat suit and the plague doctor beak mask, he is known for visiting the most severely affect Covid-19 patients and holding their hands in their last moments.
the apprentice brings different flowers to put inside his beak mask every day (this is a headcanon that i’m pretty sure originated from the writer telanaris on AO3!!) to give julian some small comfort amongst all the death and suffering he’s witness to every day. they go out to the tarske forest or even to nopal with asra, or sometimes alone. because julian mentioned wolfsbane was his favourite flower once, the apprentice picked some without knowing that they’re poisonous. long story short, they blacked out and woke up in his clinic with an extremely worried julian nearly in tears launching into a self-blame monologue, about to black out himself from staying by their side the whole night
i also think julian would be featured in the news a lot and sometimes pretty randomly. he gives official weekly Covid-19 updates on the main vesuvian tv news channel – though the apprentice stands in for him after the first two weeks (he tries very hard to refuse their help because he doesn’t want to burden them, even though they assure him they actually want to relieve him of at least one of his burdens since he’s a full-time pandemic doctor – and because he almost fainted from exhaustion the second time. the apprentice kindly, but sternly asks him to take care of himself too, as he does everyone else)
he would just be on the news in general too...his random acts of kindness would go viral on social media – “Vesuvian Doctor Helps Elderly In Race for Toilet Paper.” ❤️ “Local Doctor Delivers Groceries for Struggling Families.” and his “grandmothers” in nevivon always get excited when they see him on the news and send letters to congratulate him (much to his embarrassment). julian would also go viral on twitter. one photo of him has 100k retweets: “oh my fcking god i just rounded the corner and there��s this really fucking t a l l man handing out free bottles of sanitiser. i don’t need to see him under his plague beak to know he’s hot af HELP” and the apprentice would retweet it saying “so proud of my bf” and the internet would go wild over this comment. it’s up to you to decide if they’re actually together or not hehe bc who knows the apprentice might’ve meant best friend 🤷🏻‍♀️
he sets up a youtube channel with no profile picture or description to upload a single video... “How to PROPERLY use hand sanitiser!” and all the comments are just about his looks and voice 😚 it reaches cities outside of vesuvia and because the hand sanitiser in the video is locally made (by asra!) it quickly becomes sold out by either those who don’t know how to do magic or people without access to the products being replicated by other magicians... because a lot of them actually marked up the price :(  + even communities that are afraid of magic buy it because asra’s detailed method and julian’s instructive marketing combined are that effective. a power couple... in another life, perhaps 💫
julian would then be invited to do a city-sponsored video guide on how to wash your hands (the idea is helmed by nadia, of course, who recognises the usefulness of his newfound fame). not only would he be extremely exhausted from full-day shifts, he’d also be overthinking to the point of hyperventilation before filming starts – but he surprises the apprentice with how professional and clear he is in the videos. a true thespian at heart, instead of happy birthday, he improvises on set and sings an old tune from nevivon instead as he washes his hands for 20 seconds 🌊 lemme just say...his hands also go viral lol. also, julian could be a tik tok star if he wanted to. he’s certainly got the moves for it, and can easily achieve the e-boy vibe – plus, he’s gone viral on there several times already!
even though julian doesn’t seem to care when he’s in danger, he’s very meticulous when it comes to the apprentice’s safety. living through his second pandemic and working with patients first hand means that he is very aware of how severe the situation is. every morning he prepares a 99:1 water:bleach ratio spray to spray his shoes when he comes home. he refuses to even touch the apprentice (for fear of passing on anything from the clinic) before he’s taken off his mask, thrown it away safely – then showering and washing his hair thoroughly.
having grown up in nevivon, i like to think that julian is really environmentally conscious, especially with regards to the sea. he used to go diving in the sea to retrieve trash, and as a young man he made a habit of going to the docks every weekend to remove plastic containers and wires from around the necks of salt seals 🌫. so, no matter how tired he is, when he comes home to the apprentice, julian never forgets to snip the ear loops of his surgical masks in half, as he knows sea creatures can get caught up in them. i’m sure he makes a second youtube video at some point to talk about this issue. tldr julian is an environmental activist <3
so it’s been a long while since valerius was freed from you-know-who. his personality has definitely changed a lot since then... he’s back to his old and real self (which we never really saw in the game) 🌄 he works side by side with nadia now, not only as colleagues but also genuine friends, and he oversees the health department. he sets up dozens of hospitals and more general clinics in and out of vesuvia, consulting experienced doctors in vesuvia like julian as well as officials from neighbouring countries and states. as a side note, valerius is actually a very humble person and the most attentive listener you will ever meet. people from neighbouring governments & royal households admire him immensely as a result <3
out of everyone, i think valerius would be the most careful during the pandemic. during the red plague he witnessed lucio’s illness up close and it’s had a profound impact on him. he worries about the apprentice, a lot. more than anyone who knows him expects him to. he’s always the first to notice and remind them if their mask is falling down their nose, or if they’re about to rub their eyes with unwashed hands. you will never catch him forgetting to wear a mask or touching his face at all when he’s outside. he takes the time to use disinfectant wipes to clean everything he brings back home one by one, and though valerius is adamant it’s not the apprentice’s responsibility (because most of the things are usually files from the palace he has to go through before the next morning or things he brings back from the market) the apprentice always insists they want to help out :’) so it becomes a nice daily evening ritual, sitting together on the floor after returning from the palace, cleaning their things in silence together 💜
speaking of things he buys, valerius loves the marketplace. he discovers it one day by accident when looking for a bouquet of 🌹 red roses 🌹 to bring back for the apprentice, who was particularly upset that day after helping valerius out at the new hospitals and not being able to help any of the patients as much as they would have liked with their magic. when valerius stumbles across the marketplace, he is absolutely amazed by the colours and smells that surround him. he spends a lot of his free time and lunch hours looking through jewellery stalls – especially hairpins and hair sticks. 
anyone looking at him would be able to see how much care valerius puts into maintaining his hair. because he washes his hair every day (to avoid bringing any Covid-19 related germs into bed), and because being free from you-know-who has made him a lot more open to magic... not to mention because he actually lives with the apprentice now 💜 i think valerius would also consult asra about magical hair masks and conditioners, to keep his very long and thick hair healthy and soft, despite washing it every day.
he knows from accidentally overhearing asra a long time ago that the apprentice loves pumpkin bread, so he asks around for hours until he finally finds the baker’s stall 🍞 it takes hours because valerius is really bad with directions and gets lost a few times... it doesn’t help that he’s distracted by all the different foods and jewellery that he’s never seen before (he picks up a nice ring for the apprentice, and yes he’s so attentive and familiar with jewellery that he guesses their ring band size correctly). from that day onwards, once or twice a week, he wakes up a little earlier than usual to sneak out of his estate and buy the bread, so that the apprentice can enjoy it – freshly made, warm, and their favourite – for breakfast 🥣
yes, he has an estate (this mr. darcy-like headcanon is from jane_ways on AO3!!) and he treats his household employees very well, offering paid leave for all of them so that they can stay with their own families. in their absence, he proves to be an incredible cook, albeit a little rusty because he hasn’t cooked anything substantial since being under you-know-who’s influence and because he’s been too busy at the palace to eat anything that isn’t catered. 
due to social distancing, the apprentice and him eat in a lot more – valerius is very ambitious and soon moves past making homemade dishes... he cooks blown out, elaborate dinners and prepares creative and (visually) beautiful packed lunches to bring to work 🍴 whenever the apprentice has to work late he brings them dinners inspired by the colours of the shop that day – he is hesitant to admit it, at first, but he’s always admired the crystals there, and he is often inspired by them in his food presentations. asra is ever perceptive and gifts him a few (polished amethyst because he used to be an insomniac, black tourmaline and selenite to keep you-know-who at bay 💎) soon after the apprentice frees him from the curse
i really see valerius as someone who against all expectations is really into hands-on work like welding and carving – things that can get messy. he’s slowly trying to get rid of it, but since he first started working at the palace he’s maintained a very prim and posh appearance. he really loves to weld jewellery like rings and earrings. before the pandemic began, he took a few classes in the marketplace – classes which are on hiatus now, of course. he's set up a little studio in his estate and wears a blacksmith’s apron and goggles and everything. it’s honestly quite the sight. whenever the apprentice is working longer hours at the shop making potions with asra, he goes into the studio to continue his projects. some of the ones he’s proudest of are: the pure-silver wine rack, the gold headbands and rings he makes for himself – and then for the apprentice too when they keep “borrowing” his – and his favourite of all is his first ever project: the cast iron skillet that took him over a week to weld. he hand engraved the apprentice and his initials onto its handle <3  you don't need to read any of this as a romantic gesture, because friends can definitely do the same!
i like to think that prakra managed the pandemic especially well, and that valerius sits down to have zoom calls with queen nasrin to discuss ways the two places can collaborate and help each other 👑 she becomes his mentor of sorts, as he’s still relatively young and inexperienced when it comes to governing a city-state like vesuvia. when nasrin visited nadia before at the palace, she was not a fan of valerius at all and was just as wary of him as nadia was. however she becomes very fond of him as a result of their collaboration, and even starts to see him as a son ❕ other than the apprentice, nasrin would be the second person valerius talks the most freely with. initially he is very reluctant to share anything about his life, let alone his past before landing the consul job – but he eventually opens up and nasrin plays a role in helping him move past his failures (his eyes are opened after the apprentice frees him, and he feels immense shame from how he didn’t lead vesuvia very successfully in nadia’s absence)
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arcanaheadcanons · 4 years
the arcana's memory loss issues, rated (spoilers)
the apprentice: forgot everything before three years ago on account of their original body was destroyed and the new one apparently didn't have any preset neurological connections. 8/10 seems plausible enough
nadia: hated her spouse so much she went into a magical coma and forgot about every year she ever knew him. major power move 7/10 points subtracted bc idk if that's how magic is supposed to work
julian: has such powerful laser-guided repression skills that he forgot about an important day as well as a whole-ass person whom he was close to for years. not magic yet impossible and unexplainable 4/10
asra: only forgets a single night, which was a raucous party hosted by a dude he was tired af of listening to... and this brief amnesia wasn't magical... did he get blackout drunk at the last masquerade? 10/10 for sheer audacity
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yesvaldemarharder · 4 years
NSFWs W/ The Arcana
I’ve decided it’s been a while since I’ve posted on this account so uh...yeah my bad. However, to repay that I’m making this! (You guys should send in requests because what am I supposed to write if y’all don’t send shit in? I wanna know y’all kinks dammit!)
Anyway here you guys go, I’ll be doing the mains and the courtiers.
I’m doing: D for Asra, R for Julian, G for Portia, X for Muriel, Y for Nadia, W for Vulgora, V for Volta, C for Valdemar, O for Vlastomil, S for Lucio, and M for Valerius.
P.s if any of y’all see a clean nsfw alphabet palette send it to me so I can reblog it
Asra has a lot of dirty secrets but when he wrapped his hand around your throat one time he actually scared himself. You both had been all over each other.
His hands squeezing at you’re hips, you on your hands and knees shaking, sweating, and panting as you could feel his cock stretching the hole of your womanhood.
How it was tight his naked chest on you sweaty back as he leaned down kissing your neck moving his hands down to fist the sheets as you moved against him, gasping each time his cock would graze your g-spot. Legs shaking for release.
He pace was slow at first but giving you firm sharp thrust, his cock heavy with sperm as he panted lightly against your back.
It was becoming to much, his hot body against your own fucking you like the good girl you was. You surprised him a little when you started to wiggle and moved your hand back to grab his thigh underneath his ass which he shivered at as you pushed your hips firmer against him swooning when the meaty head of his dick slipped into your cervix.
“O-oh Asra I don’t think I can hold it!~” you would whimper before out of nowhere he’d wrap his strong hand around your throat pulling you back until he sat on his legs and you in his lap. His thrust turning brutal as his other cups your breast twisting and teasing the nipple.
You’ll cry out ‘yes!’ As drool slips down your chin and your belly visibly bulges at every hard thrust.
Your sounds are choked up, restricted and yet so inviting. You’re about to cum letting out broken cries as tears soak your cheeks falling down, his hand tightens as he’s giving that one last thrust holding you tightly before he’s cumming filling your womb expecting have you pregnant by tomorrow it seems lol! (I’m wet af thinking to this I hope you guys are happy..)
He lets out a mix of a gasp and growl before loosening his hold, you both falling forward in a sweaty heap. His arms wrapping around you hugging you as you give a breathless giggle.
“I didn’t know you liked choking~”
You’ll coo and he’ll blush a deep red hiding his face in your shoulder before huffing letting out a tired chuckle.
“I didn’t either~”
When you yank him away from the bar, mind buzzing with alcohol and horniness he yelps.
At first he thinks your angry, or maybe even ready to go home in general but after seeing the lustful look in your eyes he’s blushing. Are you really about to fuck right now? Where though?! The only place that’s hidden at the bathrooms which aren’t that trustworthy since it’s a bar.. people are always in the bathroom.
You pull him into the girls bathroom and he practically squeals, you didn’t even bother to lock the door before your own him jumping on him as you both tumble down to the floor. He’s flustered, one part of him doesn’t want to do this, him being a little protective of anyone seeing your body except him even if it’s another girl. Another part is him before rock hard in his pants.
He moans, arching off the floor as you kiss his neck sucking on the flesh until there’s a big bright hickie that the whole world can see.
He’s hard, cock twitching in his pants pressing against your belly. Fuck it, he didn’t care if someone saw. All he cared about was you choking him out as you rode his dick.
He’ll risk anything for you.
Is hella goofy after sex. You’ll be tired, her sitting up, hair drifting down her shoulders, body naked and gleaming with a light layer of sweat. This girl will literally like her lips after eating you out like some beast and say
“Oh dear, no wonder I like kitties huh?”
Sure maybe not the best joke but you aren’t sure if your surprised but the words or embarrassed so quickly you hide your blushing face from you lover as she hugs you tight letting out a loud cackle.
P.s I don’t really like Portia in that way so sorry it’s super short. I’m just writing this one time.
His cock is a fucking monster. How could it not be?
You gagged, a heavy blush on your cheeks as you sat on your knees, eyes in his flustered face as he watching you. It hurt your mouth and it was heavy on your tongue. Your tongue licking over the large trembling veins. He was bigger than average maybe 10 inches and he was wide.
You could smell it, a nice musky or burnt wood scent filling your nostrils as you slowly lowered your head, your hand shakily gripping your hair as he lets out a low moan leaning his head back sitting on the bed as you held his hips open with your much smaller hands.
You bobbed your head, anything that obviously couldn’t fit you wrapped your hand around it squeezing and jerking.
His hips might nick by accident, your eyes widening and tears rolling down your rosy cheeks. You move your other hand down, sliding it into your panties feeling the slickness, rubbing your digits over your clit making you moan around the head making him whimper.
Your fingers are in you now thrusting making a sloppy sound as your eyes drift shut. You yelp when he’s cumming, thick long spurts shooting down your throat and it rough, like someone hitting your throat but oh you love the taste. You’ll squirt on you fingers gagging a little as cum floods your mouth dripping down your chin but you find a way to swallow it which leaves him shocked.
He wanted you to spit it out but he could say he didn’t like the view..
Nadia may not show it but she yearns for you a lot. It’s just something she can’t help especially when you both are working around others.
It’s been weeks since you and Nadia has done anything even remotely sexual, either always tired or you were too nervous to ask. It’s only when one day you both are taking a bath and your back is to her.
Maybe your speaking about how you might have saw a mermaid at the docks or maybe it’s about how foolish Julian can be even though he of course was still your friend. You rant and the water stirs, you don’t really mind it, maybe Nadia was rinsing her hair and at the thought you turn excited to ask her if she needs help.
You miss touching her but work always got in the way and you were scared of her turning you down which would never happen but it was an everlasting thought you had.
Before you can turn you’ll feel her breast on your back, hips pressed against your own. One of her arms slithers around and cups your chin making you tilt your head to look at her while the other is own your lower belly gently rubbing circles.
You feel a sudden burst of heat thanks to her touches and as you look into her eyes you see pain, love, and yearning. So much yearning. You blush deeply letting out a cute little whimper which she leans down kissing your lips.
“Shh shh, I know darling. Quickly now.”
She order letting you go and quickly you swim over to the edge and slip out of the water sitting on the edge. The droplets running down your body has her following you like a predator on a prey, her long hair swaying in the water as droplets rum down her as well.
You’re not sure what she’ll do but you’ve wanted this for a while now and now that no one was watching she was going to give it to you.
Her hands are spreading your thighs cooing as she looks at your pussy. You want to say it’s just water running down the folds but both and you and her know that’s a fucking lie.
She be down there, tongue licking a slow line before her mouth engulfed you, flicking her tongue over your clit and submerging it in you hot wet cavern as if she wants to eat you...and baby, it seems like she hasn’t eaten in weeks!
If ya know what I’m saying.
Of course you do... perv.
You don’t last long, not with all the talent that she holds. It it’s too long later when your hands are in her hair pulling as you cry out her name, your cream falling out onto her tongue as she watches your every twitchy move, like a beast in the night.
When she’s stressed you better be ready to handle her when your both alone.
Your pushing on his chest, tears soaking the pillow your head was currently, nipples rock hard, pussy spasming around his meaty cock.
His eyes are focused in on you watching you break down under him, grabbing at him crying out for him like your life depended on it, like you couldn’t live without him. A thought he liked a lot.
He had held another masquerade, people flocking all over to dance and eat his food. He grew bored however answering questions an dealing with annoying guest and so he decided to search you, his lover, out. When he had found you you had been converting without someone who absolutely didn’t mean shit to him. In a flurry he whisked you away somewhere more hidden and quiet pinning you up against the wall immediately sucking your neck and pressing between your thighs.
You had been surprised at first but give in giving a little pout. How could you resist such a snack? And then you both were in the bedroom.
Your first orgasm was lovely, each one was until you hit your fifth...now
This...This is your sixth orgasm! He’s still bucking, a savage smirk on his lips as his hips slam down once more, his cock breeding you, digging deep into your guts as you drool, cheeks a deep red.
You’ll cry at his animalistic thrust to which he’ll lean down and capture one of you nipples in his heated mouth. You swoon, his tongue rolling and flicking the bud until his teeth liftly nips if.
It hurts and yet it feels so good, his gauntlet has a firm grip on the sheets next to you and his hand hand is rubbing circles on you rock hard clit, your hips shaking violently on their own. You nails dig into his chest and he loves it, red lines running all the way down his strong, white chest.
He’s sweaty, skin layered in the salty goodness, his hair swinging in his face - some strands sticking to his head. He’s letting out rabid breaths, abs curling with each hard thrust his gives.
You cry out, back arching as you cum again coloring his cock in your cream pie, squeezing him like a vice as you lay breathless, boneless, and wrecked. You can’t anymore... he hasn’t even cummed once!
And then he does and the sperm is so heavy you swear you sink into the bed a little. His hands are roughly gripping your thighs as he brings a harsh kiss down kissing your lips as he slams in deep wanting to make sure not a single drop fell out. He’s on you slowly pulling out, you can feel his tired cock leaving your wrecked pussy, he pulls your hips up over his thighs making sure the cum didn’t slip out and stain the sheets.
He’ll start to chuckle and you’ll send a look with is in between a pout and a glare. Gently he’ll kiss you purring against your body as he hugs you close.
“Sorry darling, I was excited.”
Courtiers UwU
You love hearing her sweet moans, she’ll grab your hair with her smaller hands, careful not to dig his nails into your scalp as you sitting between her trembling legs.
Her dress pulled up over her hips and panties pulled aside as you start at her clit, tongue laying flat on the heated sex before you take the clit in your mouth.
You blush hearing her loud cry, you had barely did anything and she’s already arching as though you had your fingers in her. She’s cute though and you can’t help but chuckle feeling her legs tighten around your head, hips rolling as she cry’s out again
Yeah it’s gonna be a long night
He’s fucking good, at giving. He loves receiving as well but he’s a soft boy, he wants to taste your every chance he gets.
Your at his manor, in his lap, your hands cupping his cheeks as you kissing him humming each time his hands gripped your hips or pinched the skin.
You’re wet and he’s hard, your eyes closed as you run your hand through his hair, rolling your hips slowly and firmly over the bulge in his pants. His robes already off, discarded onto the floors leaving his chest naked which is surprisingly very firm, it’s lean but you can feel the muscles as he pulls you closer.
He’s blushing a deep red as your tongue licks his bottom lip, you bite the flesh pulling it playfully in your teeth. Him pushing you back onto the bed in sudden.
Your only in panties and one of his shirts that hung on you no matter your height or weight. He grips your thighs and for a second you’re a bit surprised but you can quickly see where this is going and you can’t help but smirk as he puts your legs over his shoulders.
He has two tongues and god damn does he know how to use them! When your panties are practically ripped off his kissing your thighs. It doesn’t matter if you has stretch marks or not, he’s all over you.
You watch this with lustful eyes as you takes an area close to your heat into his mouth, teasing you as he sucks and nips the flesh until there’s a dark bruise and now your biting your bottom lip reaching down to pet him. Running your hands through his hair.
The process is agonizingly slow, your core hot with need but his actions to cover you with hickies is greater than actually eating you out. Before you can whine about it he’s sinking not only one, but both his tongues into you.
Your eyes roll, lungs losing their air for a second as your hand tightened in his hair. He moans loudly causing vibrations and uncontrollably your legs twitch, jumping up at the feeling. They’re long and thick and their quick as well, pumping you with hard thrust.
Soon your sent into a frenzy, he loves your so much. You taste lovely on his tongues and he’s watching you fall apart happy he could oblige. He of course wanted you to suck his dick after which of course you would do since he’s your lover but he really did love watching you like this which explained why he did it so much.
Drunk teasing.
Do not touch him. It’s one thing that he’s probably drunk, it’s another for you to be teasing him at the same time.
Your hands at tied behind your back, shivers running up and down you as you can hear him getting stripped, fabrics falling to the floor. You’re forced to stay in a mounting position, hips up face down. Your embarrassed, you can feel slick running down the inner of your thighs. You nipple hard and skin tingling with anticipation.
You had been messing with him to whole day, grabbing his hair, rubbing his chest, sitting in his lap, kissing his neck and what made it worse was when he warned you not to do as such and you did. It left him flustered and angry at the same time, you teasing him as if his words were just a game.
He eventually dragged you off throwing toy on your shared bed, which led to you being tied and practically having your clothes ripped off.
He’s behind you now, you can feel his body weight adding to yours making the bed sink. Your anxious and without much thought you wiggle your butt which recieves a hard slap that makes you gasp loudly sending you forward a little. There’s a sting now and he gripped the reddened flesh leaning over your back to growl into your ear.
“Slut, shaking your ass for me. Be patient.”
You whimper feeling his heat, his cock back there throbbing. You want it, you want it bad and honestly you don’t want to have a punishment! You’re so fucking wet that you need him now. So what’s the only thing you know will make him lose his cool? His daddy and breeding kink.
You whimper and his hand immediately stops, his gaze lifting to look at your eyes from over your shoulders. Your pleading for him to fuck your guts and with the ragged breath he let out it seemed like he was going to do it.
You let out a loud moan when his thumbs spread your pussy open, his body leaning back so he can stare at your cervix, his cock shooting out a load of precum. You nuzzle you pillows, blushing deeply as you reflexed. Your hole tightening a little before staying open. You hear him let out a groan and before you know it he’s pushing his thick head in making you bite down on the pillow you have been nuzzling.
He’s slowly at first but then he slams in, filling your cunt with his size. You jerk letting out a high pitched cry as he slams in and out watching you struggle to control your noises and movements. His hands are on you hips now watching your back with an annoyed but loving gaze nonetheless.
“H-Hard!~ Ah, cum in me d-daddy! Give me your babies!”
He’s a little surprised at first but damn does it get him riled up. His thrust sharp and firm.
He’s in you for nearly 30 minutes but you toss your head back, hips rolling as drool fell from your lips. Orgasm crashing over you like a tsunami. It leaves you shaken and whimpered before he gives a few more hard thrust before filling you to the brim with his cum.
Uh oh. They’re jealous of you and that twink you talk to. I reality you both are just friends but in Vulgora’s head that mother fucker wants to breed you like some sort of slut. Which is obviously THEIR job and no one else’s!
They have you pinned, your hanging off the bed a bit, your top half on the bed however your bottom half isn’t. You legs wrapped around their waist as they growl.
You already knew where this was going and you loved it. Today you had been hanging with your friend again, the smallest action had the Pontifex angry with murderous rage. Your friend had kissed your hand, simply wishing you farewell as you stood in front of Vulgora’s manor where they watched the whole scene.
There goes another body for their hit list they supposed.
They’ll walk over to you and without toss you their shoulder before running into the manor. You yelp surprised blushing a bit when they pin you. It hits you hard and you give a wide smirk as they glare.
“What, what’s so funny pet?!”
They’ll snarl and you’ll coo leaning up kissing their neck to which they shuddered. Eyes slanted and cat like.
“You’re jealous~”
They’ll bite down on your shoulder making it bleed but you love it. An arch coming from as your legs tighten around their waist. You’ll moan and they grunt before licking the wound marking you.
“Of course I am!” They yell in your face and now your panting under them like the bitch you are. You roll your hips and they pause before growling against your skin. Something in their pants wiggles and then gets hard, you feel it prodding at you between the legs.
You purr before they literally rip off you pants and fuck the shit out of you.
Oh boy this is my favorite! I love em so much smh.
Valdemar is sadistic and that comes into everything they do even sex with you. They can form anything much like the Pontifex but they summon multiple as well.
They’re holding your leg up with one hand, their claw digging into the flesh of your meaty thigh, their other hand holding you down by your neck as they use their leg to keep your other leg open, stopping your thighs from snapping closed while their between them.
Your letting out loud moans as they rolled their hips, nails digging into your throat choking you out. They smile a wide smile, a dark blush coloring their cheeks as the watch you with complete fascination.
You’re gripping the head board with your free hand. The tentacle in you is long, fat, and feral. The thrust are hard, teasing. You squirted a couple of times, each one leaving you shaking and teary eyed. You wanted them to stop but Valdemar wasn’t stopping not after what you said earlier.
You grinned and they lifted a brow as you came up wrapping your arms around their waist hugging their chest. Curiously your fingers ran down their chest feeling, tweaking, and caressing them. They turned away shuddering when you purred. They were too tall for you to lick their ear but standing on your tiptoes you kiss their neck where they were wrapped up.
“Sensitive today aren’t we?~”
You teased and they huffed turning in your arms cupping your cheeks with their hands. You purr and they lifted a brow.
“Are you trying to start something my little human?”
They spoke back leaning down. You pulled their mask down kissing their lips. It surprised them, their eyes wide but soon they kissed back, your hand moving up to grab one of their horns. They shudder again and maybe they tried to hold back but as you whispered against them they accepted their challenge.
Leaving you in the situation you were currently in.
Their hips snapped forward again and you cried, choking once more. Every now and then their hand would loosen letting you take in much needed air before they tighten it again. They lean down in your face giving you a hard kiss as you try to return it, you lips clashing with theirs before you sink your tongue into their mouth in a sloppy kiss. They’ll growl pulling back a little.
“What more my dear?~”
They’ll hum and before you can answer a second tentacle prods at your ass before sliding in. They watch as you toss your head back gasping, your hand that had been on the headboard moves pushing on their naked sweaty chest weakly. It’s too much and it’s so hot and you feel another orgasm coming.
“V-Valdemar!~ Val!~”
You wheeze and oh shit.. you’re cumming. You tremble, your shaking all over, cream flowing out of you. Valdemar takes mercy before giving one last sharp thrust sending a burst of sticky cum. It fills you, your belly bulging and they groan loosening their hand.
I imagine their cum is inky black and sticky or maybe slimy. If you guys want cum headcanons just ask!
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writing-with-melon · 5 years
Muriel’s Reverse End Theory
Ok peoples! It’s 4am I’m tired af but my brain can’t stop overthinking. So here’s the tea.
I’ve reread Muriel’s chapters and kept thinking about Morga. Why is she here? Why is she here and not in Lucio’s route where it would make more sense for her to appear (cough Nadia’s family in her’s cough)? And then it dawned on me.
At first I thought the reverse end for Muriel was going to be one where apprentice would forget him and he would just leave everything to burn while he secluded himself in the woods like true hermit would do. But, oh no, I was wrong.
Going back on the other finished routes, we can see the characters’ endings correlate with the meanings of tarot cards of their “patrons” (Duh). Both upright and reversed. (again, duh) For Asra, the reversed ending is that their “happy ending” is just an illusion, just as the Magician obscured reality with illusion. For Nadia’s she looses her identity when she stops believing in herself and becomes the Devil, when the upright High Priestess is about opening up other possibilities through self introspection. And Julian, oh Julian, tries take it into his own hands to save everyone himself and half animorphs in to a crow, while the Hanged Man upright is about giving up control. By this pattern my first theory would be correct. Muriel would just seclude himself, since the Hermit reversed is about turning your back to the world... but then why bring in Morga to teach him to fight properly? Why is Morga here? And it’s because:
Morga is teaching him to fight.
Morga is encouraging him to be ruthless.
Morga is teaching him that being kind is a weakness.
Morga is teaching him to be violent.
Muriel know’s that violence isn’t the answer. His sad past has taught him that over and over again. From the way his parents died, from his getting bullied as an orphan in the streets of Vesuvia, from his time as a fucking gladiator at the fucking colliseum! Violence has followed him every where and it has only brought him pain.
And yet he has such a tender heart, that’s what he has learned. The world has taught him that he can still be kind.
The Hermit reversed is about turning your back on what the world has to teach you. The Hermit reversed is about enclosing yourself into one mindset.
Therefore his reverse ending will be one where he lets Morga’s teachings rule him. Reverse end Muriel is going to be a very scary, very merciless villain.
To get his Reverse End, the Apprentice would have to have encouraged Muriel to chose the path of violence.
Which means that to get Muriel’s Upright End, the Apprentice will have to A) teach him that he has to fight back to defend himself and what he cares about and B) not lose kind heart in the process.
I’m not saying that he shouldn’t fight, we all know that the boi needs to learn to stand up for himself and get rid of all the self-hating baggage he’s been carrying for years. I’m saying that he shouldn’t embrace Morga’s teachings about fighting and killing as the only way to solve problems. K.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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spicysarahcha · 5 years
I got this idea while I was listening to my Mom snore like a fucking freight train last night so
Sleeping Headcanons for the main 6 Arcana characters
- He’s a pretty light sleeper, very easily woken. 
- Has a soft snore from time. It’s barely audible, but if you have your head tucked into his neck, you could probably hear soft snoring. It’s quite cute.
- Likes to sleep with only one blanket, or just a sheet if it’s hot outside. He doesn’t strike me as a blanket hoarder
- Cuddles a lot in his sleep. He unconsciously brings you closer to him, presses himself into your back, or moves so that his head is using your chest as a pillow if you are on your back. 
- Gets some epic bedhead when he wakes up. Curls everywhere, looking like he just stood in a windstorm or watched a tornado roll in like one of those Midwestern dads. It’s positively adorable.
- Faust curls up on the pillow beside you two and sleeps very comfortably there, closest to her two favorite people.
- Also on the lighter side of wake-ability when you can get him to sleep; I mean, he was on the run for a few years in the very city where he was wanted. He had to be able to wake up and run should he need to, and the habit kind of just stuck
- He snores from time to time. It’s not too terribly loud or quiet like Asra’s, but it’s there. He only snores when he’s really tired for some reason
- Active in his sleep. Boy will go to sleep cuddling you on his side and wake up sideways, half hanging off the bed. I’m so sorry, good luck trying to sleep in the same bed as him.
-  Also, get your own blanket(s), because he will definitely steal them. Cuddle under the same blanket, but whip out your own come time to sleep, otherwise you will wake up cold.
- Just as she is elegant during the day, she sleeps very elegantly. 
- Has a set routine she does every night before bed, and hates it when it gets disrupted. 
- Always wears a nightgown to bed. Always.
- She’s kind of in the middle when it comes to heaviness of sleep. Not very light but not very heavy. I guess she’s a normal sleeper?
- No snoring for Nadia. Very peaceful and very quiet when she sleeps.
- She likes to hold you close when the two of you sleep. It comforts her to know you are safe within her arms, and she sleeps easiest with you near.
- Only has one or two blankets, like Asra, but likes to sleep with the windows open whenever possible to let the night breeze in. 
- When you first started seeing him, he was a very light sleeper. Any noise could wake him up. But as you began sleeping with him more and more, his sleep got a bit heavier. Not much, but you can wake up and get ready for the day without worry anymore.
- After being alone for all those years, once he opened up to you and became comfortable with affection, he just wants to be near you when he sleeps. He loves holding you to his chest, or having you lay on top of his chest with his arms around you, either way he loves holding you while you fall asleep.
- He has a very light snore, like Asra, but it comes and goes. It’s more breathy and almost relaxing to hear instead of grating and loud. 
- He sleeps with a few of his furs draped over himself, but also has the fire crackling too, so a lot of times he ends up kicking off the furs. Inanna then claims them and sleeps on them.
- Very soft and groggy when he first wakes up, also pretty cuddly. He just wants to lay with you for a bit longer :(
- Definitely not one of the most elegant sleepers on this list. At all.
- She sleeps so heavily. Good luck waking her up.
- Sleeps with tons of blankets, but kicks them off in the night until she is left with one or two. 
- Likes to sleep in the bare minimum clothing with the windows open (hence all the blankets), she just stays cooler and more comfortable that way.
- Always sleeps with Pepi on the bed. Pepi curls around the two of your heads and purrs away.
- Snores so fucking loud. Also probably drools a little in her sleep, but it’s all just part of her charm.
- Gets major bed head. Just imagine Anna from Frozen when she wakes up the morning of the Coronation. Yeah. But she makes it work, and she’s absolutely adorable, even looking like a bird nested in her hair.
- Cuddly af in the mornings. She will cling to you with all her might and beg you to stay in bed for just a few more minutes. And usually that five minutes turns into you both being late or nearly late for whatever you gotta do. Oops?
- He thinks he looks beautiful when he sleeps, like all prince charming like, but no. Not really.
- He snores. Not as bad as Portia, but it’s there. 
- Sleeps like the fucking dead, this man. Not even pushing him off the bed would wake him up. Or maybe he would wake up for a moment then fall back asleep.
- Always wears something nice to bed, no ratty sweats and t-shirt for this bougie  ass man
- Loves to hold on to you, or be held as he sleeps. He won’t admit it, though. He likes to think you hold him because you want to (and you do).
- Surprisingly doesn’t get bad bed head. He doesn’t move a lot in his sleep, so his hair doesn’t get too messy. 
- Sticks to sleeping either on his back or side, it depends on how the two of you are cuddling, really. 
- Steals the blankets like Julian does, so maybe consider using your own blanket.
- Mercedes and Melchior sleep by or on the bed, serving as guards. They are sure to protect your sleep and announce if anyone approaches. 
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vesuviannights · 4 years
BONCH ok ok imagine tho,,, Lucio’s arm is magical and was forged by Asra’s parents. So imagine when lucio is having sex with mc...Asra possesses his arm with his magical so like when Lucio is fingering mc it’s actually asra and lucio is confused mc is moanin like idk is it TOO weird im tired af this may be pure crackheadery
...*files MORE things away for No Reader Nut November*
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The poison came in liquid... It was all between the lines And I don't seem to trust anyone no more
Probably the last Nopal story. Cut because it’s wordy AF. 
Celeste was up first. Muriel had disentangled himself from her at some point during their nap and was cradling Asra against his side with one arm, his other arm cast across his eyes. Their snores running counter to one another, one right after the other. She sat at the table, smiling over the top of her journal at them. They looked so peaceful, snuggled up together.
It was still morning. She knew Asra had to have been traveling most of the night to get there that early, and she wasn’t surprised he was tired. She made some tea and enchanted it to stay warm until he stirred, and had made a few sandwiches.
She thumbed absently through her journals. She didn't expect to get much out of them. They were more confusing than anything. Notes that repeated themselves. So little personal information. She didn't know what she'd get out of them at this point. She'd been over and over the pages.
She heard a change in Asra's breathing. He made a sleepy, contented noise, but he was waking up.
He slowly extracted himself from Muriel, who didn't stir. He stretched and located some trousers. Celeste divided her interest between her studies and him, eyes wandering back and forth. He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her neck and pressing his lips to the top of her head. "Missed you." He muttered, still half awake.
She closed her eyes and laid down the book, bringing her hand to his forearm, stroking back and forth. "Love you," she replied, pressing her head against his chest. He didn't have to come, but she was so pleased he had. "Tea and sandwiches on the counter, love."
Asra smiled and squeezed her. "You are some kind of angel, you know that?"
"Says the person who came running because we started whining like children."
He chuckled, releasing her and walking to the counter, collecting his tea. He took a long, slow sip, eyes closed. He breathed a happy sigh. His favorite.
She smiled, glad that he was pleased. She had never been quite as good with tea as he had been, for all her culinary prowess. She had only just started understanding that not every variety had to be steeped in boiling water until it was dark. But, she had appreciated the fact that Asra never complained about it when she served him awful tasting, bitter drinks for years.
He came to sit with her, grabbing the plate with sandwiches. He offered one to her silently, but she declined. She had already eaten while they slept. A habit that came with the parenting territory. Eat while you cook or you won't get to eat at all.
"How are my babies?" She asked, leaning on the table, chin on her hand, watching him eat.
"Having the time of their life," Asra said between bites. "Imagine being the center of attention from dawn until dusk. Julian had them in the ballroom when I left, all dressed up, taking turns spinning them and dancing. You would have loved it."
She smiled, visualizing it in her mind. She knew Julian would come. He loved those girls like crazy. If there was a chance to play and dote on them, of course, he'd take it.
He gave her a brief rundown. Tea parties in the garden. They had their run of the whole palace. Nadia and Portia had let them stay in Celeste's old room, from when she was working for Nadia. She had new dresses run up for them. Anything they wanted, someone was there, ready to oblige.
Celeste shook her head. "Oh, they are going to be terrors." She laughed.  
A week of sleeping on the floor next to the bed and playing in the gardens in the desert didn't hold a candle to being the Countesses' personal dress-up dolls. Something she had seen first hand when Nadia and Portia had wed, and they had asked the girls to act as flower girls. Celeste had been more stressed for that than their own ceremony. As things happened, Muriel ended up having to hold their hands and walk them down the aisle because they simply would not go without him. Helia had dumped all her petals at the end of the aisle when they got to the altar, and Vira never dropped a single one, clinging to her little basket all night.
"And your parents are okay with them staying?"
Asra cocked an eyebrow, incredulous. "Of course."
Salim and Aisha had taken to being grandparents like ducks to water. They couldn't get enough of the girls. They were such good allies and so loving. Asra had struggled a bit with that, initially. Torn. Having missed out on so much time with them, seeing them with his daughters had been difficult. He went through periods where he would be less receptive to their advice or assistance. Asra loved his parents but had spent most of his life fending for himself or working with Muriel. He simply didn't like to be told what to do with his family. Finding a balance between these two lives was not always easy, but they made it work, and it got better as time went on.
Celeste leaned back in her chair, under the table, sitting her feet in Asra's lap. They sat for a while in the quiet, listening to Muriel snore. She picked up the journal again and just stared at the cover.
"Nothing new?" Asra asked, his voice somewhat weary. He knew it was a sore point for her. But, she seemed so determined to make the pieces fit. They had all read the journals. They were just as much a mystery now as they had been initially.
"If there is I'm missing it entirely," she said with a sigh. "I don't expect to remember...I just...I thought I would have written it down. That's something I would do. At least, something I would do now. I always wrote things down. But...the details here are so few and far between. I can't believe I'd have been this clinical about everything."
Asra nodded. "Well...back then, you were being watched pretty closely. It's possible that you didn't want your notebooks to be read."
"Then why would I have bothered to write to them? I love writing."
Asra shrugged. That was true enough. She had always left notes and love letters for him and Muriel. She would usually get her thoughts down at some point during the day for her record. Milestones for the girls. Sketches. She had volumes upon volumes of little life snippets hidden in the house, in the shop, in the clinic.
He thought on it for a while, then extended his hand. She gave the book to him, and he ran his hand over the cover, studying it.
"A long time ago, you came to me after a long day and you said that Valdemar had the guards go through your things because you had been sneaking out at night. You were so upset and frightened. I suggested you hid anything that might be sensitive."
"What do you mean, hide?" she said, an eyebrow raised. She looked at the book in his hand. "Do you think I would have written in code?"
"No, not your style." He replied, then ran a finger down the spine of the book. It was faint, but there was a vibration. Magic. It clicked into place. "Cela, this is glamoured. That's why it doesn't make sense. You hid what you were writing so nobody could read it. You put in things...like what happened with Julian...to throw off prying eyes."
Her eyes went wide. Of course. He gave the book back to her, and she opened to the first page, closing her eyes and running her finger over the words. She opened them again, and she watched the letters shift. She dropped the book like it was burning, giving an excited screech.
Muriel jerked awake, sitting bolt upright. "What? Wha--"
Asra laughed, equally excited. "We figured it out, Muriel!"
"The fuck?" he said, rubbing a hand over his face. His heart was racing.
"The notebooks, Love! I glamoured them. That's why they didn't make sense."
Muriel was still bewildered, but he stood up and grabbed his clothes from the neat pile Celeste had folded them into on the bedside table, dressing.
Celeste was across the room in a flash, grabbing her bag and digging out the other notebooks. Asra right behind her, taking them from her hands and breaking the spells. Six books. One for each year she served in the palace before the plague.
They huddled up at the table together, passing the books back and forth, comparing notes. Even now, they were a bit of a mystery. She had a life before these notebooks, so not everything made sense. Names were still a blur without proper context.
Muriel's brow was knotted. Celeste looked over him. He was tracing the words with his finger, then going back, starting over again. "What is it?" she asked.
"The names change back and forth here. You said you were talking to Aric, but you call him Aedan. And you say he called you Lin, then Celeste."
Asra's face and hers were equally perplexed. Asra spoke first. "That would have been an odd nickname. Lin, for Celeste?"
As they moved through the books, certain things started clicking into place. But, the passages still seemed cryptic. Like she was still afraid to be discovered.
Celeste closed one book, and then went straight to the half-filled one. The last journal. She flipped through. This one was more frantic. Longer passages. Desperate. Each day more horrific than the last.
The last entry laid it all out in black and white. It was an introduction. It was a goodbye letter. The handwriting was different. Weak scratches. Stained with flecks of brown. Blood. Old blood.
Her village. Her parents. Her twin brother. The woman who came and sent them away, her father's cousin. To monitor her son. Morga. Lucio. She went pale, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. Her body tingled, numb. Shock shielding her from the pain. She couldn't quite breathe.
Asra felt it. Muriel saw it and moved to kneel at her side. He pulled the book from her hands, ignoring her protest. He handed the book to Asra. He didn't know what she'd read, but her reaction spoke volumes. He moved to touch her, to brush her hair away from her face, but she flinched, broken from her reverie, moving away from him.
"No, no... don't touch me. Don't."
Muriel held his hands up in concession, trying to fight his panic for her sake. "Okay. Whatever it is, it's okay."
"I feel...sick," she said. And she did. Her stomach was knotted. Her heart still fluttering madly.
"Sweetheart?" Asra asked, standing. Muriel also stood, slowly. They both moved cautiously.
She held her arm out, wanting them to stay back. She started retching, dry heaving. Her eyes watered from the strain, her face hot with a rush of blood.
Muriel shook his head and crossed the room to gather her against him. She struggled against him for a moment, but he shushed her, holding her tightly. She didn't weep or cry out. She simply let him hold her. It felt like her body was asleep. All pins and needles. Every inch of her stung. It was freezing cold and burning hot.
Asra opened the notebook himself, flipping to where she had been reading. His eyes darted across the pages. "Oh, no..." he said. It was addressed to him.
"They will take me to the Lazaret soon. I want you to know that I love you and that you were right. I am so sorry..."
His eyes stung, but he kept reading, wiping his hands across his eyes when the tears blurred his vision.
Muriel was still in the dark, but by their reactions, he knew it couldn't be good. He held Celeste's head against his chest, stroking his thumb over her cheek, whispering for her to breathe, taking deep breaths of his own to guide her.
When Asra finished, he dropped the book and made quick strides across the room. He reached up to grab her face, looking in her eyes. "Celeste...Oh, My Heart." He didn't know what to say. His mind was racing.
"He...was my family. He killed...everyone. And it's my fault. Because I was supposed to be making sure..."
"No. No, no. No. Sweetheart. No." Asra whispered, shaking his head.
"Lucio was my responsibility. Morga stole us from our family so we could make sure he didn't cause any more pain. He's my blood, Asra. He's...Oh, Gods." Her eyes were wide, frantic. Putting the pieces together.
Muriel stared at Asra. He wasn't sure what to do. Trying to connect the dots and failing. Asra was crying. Cela wasn't. She was, however, shaking.  He decided to stay quiet, trying to comfort her.
Celeste turned, pulling away from Asra's hands, her face turned up towards Muriel. "She...she never said. All that time. She...Morga. She knew and never said."
Muriel looked down at her, then at Asra, imploring.
Asra looked up at him and took a shaky breath. "Lucio is her cousin. Morga sent her to apprentice at the palace with her brother...Aedan. Aric. The guard. Her twin brother. They're family. Lucio didn't know."
Muriel closed his eyes. The information did not strike him as particularly shocking. Instead, he was angry. That woman had put them both through such pain.
He had lost his family to Morga's tribe. Been orphaned by them. And she had done the same to his wife. Morga's own blood. His Celeste, another type of slave to Lucio. Just as he had been. And she dared to drag both of them to the place where they had watched Lucio wrench her heart from her chest. And then stole her body...His teeth clenched, infuriated. And he was still out there. Saved by Nadia's benevolence. Still wreaking havoc on them after all this time.
Celeste had always assumed that her family had died from the plague. She knew that there was a reason why nobody ever came for her. She thought of her daughters. Twins. Inseparable. She had that once, too. The fact that she couldn't remember him pained her in a way she didn't know possible.
She had thought that once she knew the truth, it would all flood back. That she would remember. But, it wasn't the case. All she had were the facts. None of the memories.
They all stood, reeling for a long while. There was nothing to be done. There was no going back and changing the past. There was no way to make it not be true. The burden of knowledge heavy on all of them.
"I need a drink," Celeste said. Muriel and Asra tended to agree. Thankfully, they were well provisioned on that front. Bottles on bottles of wine in storage.
They disengaged from one another. Celeste went to sit at the front of the bed, and Asra made open a bottle of wine, searching the cupboards for a glass. "No, just...give me the bottle."  She said, exasperated. Asra knew better than to argue.
It had been a long time since she really drank. A drink every once in a while with dinner, or on a special occasion. But, this was an occasion where clarity seemed too much to endure. Asra and Celeste generally shared white wine, but Muriel preferred deep, heavy reds. Asra could tolerate them, but Celeste turned her nose up, saying that she couldn't chew her wine.
Asra and Celeste passed the bottle back and forth, sitting side by side. Muriel had his own bottle. Muriel's legs were practically hollow when it came to alcohol, so it would take some doing to get him truly inebriated. Celeste, on the other hand, felt her cheeks flush and her vision blur rather quickly. Out of practice. It felt like a blessing now.
Somewhat more relaxed, Asra slid his arm around Celeste's waist, drawing her into his side. "I'm sorry," he whispered. It seemed like the only thing to say. He didn't know how to talk about it. It was so big. None of them could wrap their minds around it.
Celeste gave a breathy sigh. "I'm okay," she said, quiet, taking the bottle and drinking deeply.
Muriel's eyes narrowed. "You're not.  How could you be okay?" his voice was low, pushing his annoyance down.
She avoided Muriel's gaze, lifting her shoulders slightly. She felt truly defeated. "It's just easier to say I'm okay, I suppose. I don't know what I am...I don't know who I am, right now."
"You're the same woman you were this morning," Muriel replied. "You're my wife. You're the mother of our children. You're a woman who loves her work. Who loves her family."
"Yeah, my family. Who, apparently, includes Montag Morgasson. My children, twins. I found out I am also a twin, so that's a gut punch I wasn't quite prepared for. My work, which apparently kept me from my twin brother on his death bed because I was failing to find a cure for my fucking cousin. I'm not even using my actual name. I didn't know I had another name. I could go on." She shot back.
Muriel didn't flinch. There was nothing to say. It would not be resolved, not tonight. He took a drink, not engaging. They fell quiet again.
Celeste stared blankly. "What do I do, now?"
Asra blinked and shook his head. "What do you mean? What do you want to do?"
"Do I...go find him?" She asked, more to herself than either of her companions.
"Find who?" Muriel asked, already knowing the answer, but bracing himself against it.
"Nadia has him monitored, to make sure he doesn't come back to Vesuvia. She'll tell me where he is."
Asra's eyes went wide and he grabbed the bottle from her hands, putting it on the floor. "And, we're done drinking."
Muriel shook his head. "Speak for yourself." He quipped, going to take another long drink and finding the bottle empty. He stared at the bottle, irritated, before standing to retrieve another.
"I'm serious," she said, gesturing vaguely. Her head was swimming a bit. But, she was resolute. "I'm going to go...talk to Lucio. That's what I need to do. I need to tell him..."
Asra had disengaged from her, and had his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes, talking into the palms of his hands. "That is the worst idea you have possibly ever had. I love you, but...no. No."
"It's fine. I'm fine," she said, clearly not fine. "He deserves..."
Muriel aggressively removed the cork from his bottle and then brandished the corkscrew at her, cork still attached. "He doesn't deserve a goddamn thing. And he wouldn't care if you told him. You don't owe him a fucking thing." he spat.
Asra ran interference, knowing how easily they could go for each other's throats. "We are not discussing this tonight. There is a lot to unpack here, and this seems like a good way to end up burning the suitcase."
Muriel pressed his lips into a line, but nodded, conceding the point.
Celeste crossed her arms across her chest. She knew he was correct, but she wasn't happy about it. Then, she couldn't think of much she was happy about.
"Love, do you...remember anything? Asra asked, gentle. He had spent so long sheltering her from the potential pain that this could bring. But, she hadn't expressed any pain, like she used to have. No headaches. No fainting spells.
"No. I don't remember anything," she said, somewhat sad. "I feel like I should go back and read them again..but I'm afraid to pick them up."
"You don't have to do anything today, My Heart. You have all the time in the world. We will help you through it." Asra said, reaching out to put his hand over hers, reassuring.
Muriel came to join them, sitting on Celeste's other side, taking the other hand, bringing it to his mouth, kissing her knuckles softly. "You were there for us. You are always there for us. You still have us. We are going to take care of you."
For hours they sat, talking. Hashing and rehashing various points. Celeste finally broke down the weight of all that she had lost washing over her. It was true that she didn't remember much, but, clearer than anything else, she saw that sketch in her mind. Filling in. Becoming more and more real. She had a brother. She had a brother.
They lay together, tangled in each other's arms, Asra and Muriel trying to comfort her, but knowing there was no comfort to be found. She would have to grieve. Just as they had grieved the loss of their own families.
Muriel and Asra both had a perspective on the subject. Muriel's parents were also gone. He had also had to learn to reconcile the feeling of abandonment with the knowledge that it had been done out of love. Asra had been abandoned, but his family was recovered. As hated as Lucio was by all three of them, he understood her compulsion to seek him out.
And they both knew, that when and if she was ready, they would have to follow her to his door, despite their protests.
Hours ticked by. Muriel got up and made a simple dinner, then was right back at their side.
When the sun was low in the sky, Celeste decided she couldn't stay inside. They dressed. Asra brushed her long hair out for her and plaited it down her back.
They walked through the gardens, trying to take their minds off of what they had learned, to catch their breath. It had been such an onslaught of emotions, none of them could truly process it. Muriel and Asra tried to change the subject, talking about anything else as they meandered back and forth. Unsure of what to do with themselves.
When the sun was down, Muriel lit a fire in the pit, and they sat around it, watching the flames dance.
It had been so many years. She shuddered.
"I feel like I did the night he took my body at the masquerade. I feel like I did when I saw him coming down those stairs," she said, quiet. "I feel like I could get thrown into the tower and fall forever. Like I'm drowning. Like nobody can get to me."
"You aren't going anywhere," Muriel said, reassuring. "I won't lose you again. We won't lose you."
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im-a-slut-for-asra · 5 years
Sleepy main 6
Because I wanted to try doing this and I'm tired
Baby boy uwu
Will get all loopy and tired
Wants to cuddle a lot but insist on getting his work done
Eyes are in a perpetual state of half lidded-ness
Is just kinda dreamy
"mc iwanna hug pls"
Faust will thump her tail on his shoulder and judge him for not sleeping
Keeps up not letting u know pretty well
She'll yawn every now and then but she's active
Kinda has that unfocused look in her eyes but still does well in actual human interaction
Will still do her nightly routine you just try and stop her
Nadia will stretch more often and rub her head a lot bc when she's extra tired she'll get a headache
Bitch he walks into stuff don't even try to convince me otherwise
Imagine him sitting at his desk, finishing a paper or something with his head on his hand and he slowly drifts off but then slips and bangs his head on the table
Drunk sleepy?
He'll stumble around wherever he's going then forget what he was going to do
Tbh he's always tired af look at those eyebags
Y'know that one face he makes when he looks like he's sick of someone's shit? That's the one he makes when he's tired
If no one talks to him for a while and you suddenly say something to him it'll jar him awake from the dosing off he was doing
Inanna knows when he's tired and tries to get him to sleep
Will run his hand through his hair a lot
This girl omg
She's a mess like her brother, but she can get shit done better
Imagine her holding a basket of laundry at home and she slumps onto the wall and sighs then begrudgingly gets up only to hit her face on the doorway with a "thwack"
Falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow
Nadia is genuinely concerned about how long and hard she's working on 2 hours of sleep
((((this bitch a fruit so he's pink))))
Yawns a lot like Nadia
His boasting and bantering is filled down a lot
Will try to not fuck up his makeup
(still does anyway)
Rubs his eyes often too
"Mc, come 'ere and give me a hug"
^ slurs his words a bit and get cuddly. He wants mc to let his hair and snuggle with him.
Gets a rlly short temper
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remi-demi94 · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hey Everybody! How are you??!!
So you know how in all routes these beautiful people worked their asses off to solve the case of who tf killed Count Lucio the mother fucking GOATMAN??!!!
Well, you're not gonna tell me that they weren't all tired af after working so hard. You can bet that my apprentice Remy was exhausted and wanted nothing else than to cuddle and sleep with her LI's. Honestly she really cherishes little moments like this.
So I present to you my apprentice Remy snuggling and fast asleep in the arms of Asra (whose knocked tf out with her), Nadia (who wanted to make sure Remy fell asleep first after working so hard for her), and Julian, who originally fell asleep with her, but woke up and totally swooned over her smiling and sprawled out on him (she's very overprotective of him now).
Asra, Nadia, and Julian are from @thearcanagame and I love them everything I got.
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I keep stalking this blog but it’s funny cause I don’t even stan Julian- I’m a die hard Asra main- but I see so much of myself in Julian that it’s uncanny. A disheveled, tired, string-bean-ish boy with a flair for drama and slightly dark/edgy fashion sense who likes to drink/get rowdy, down to fight, constantly in deep shit, an idiot at times, many doubts/insecurities, tries to be classy/smooth; will combust when flirted with. Sub af, pansexual, has odd...fascination...with, uh, pain...AHEM.
Hey, Nonnie………… you single?
- Mod Knight
bitch me too the fuck 
with our powers combined we could be unstoppable 
- mod handy 
ask us anything; Fridays at the Rowdy Raven
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dorianpavus · 7 years
WELL FOLKS sorry i haven’t been around i’ve been super busy with work!!! here’s some updates!!!!
work updates!! d&d updates (the irl campaign, not the internet one)!!!
work life has been.... really rough the past few days!!!!!! like. damn. i’ve made some great friends at work (one of my friends was saying how he thinks i was like Meant To Be In His Life and he says he’s never met anyone as Good as me or as Unique as me and while i don’t agree i’m so honored and happy he thinks so u know he’s wonderful!!!! gosh!!!)
buuuuuuuuut.... like ok. i was scheduled for a clopen shift last night and today. so like, 4pm-12ish and then 8:00am-4ish, which i was already pretty bummed about. and then i found out that the person who was supposed to do the Operator shift (which involves a lot of work) the day before me color coded the hangers instead of.......... doing her job............. on a saturday............................. so i had to do an entire weekend’s worth of work this morning. and i knew that was coming, and i was already like GOD. WHY. a clopen and this?
but then saturday night, last night... there’s a new closing manager. he just got promoted. i didn’t know anything about him really, but i’d heard my team say how much they all hated him just from working with him in the past, and i guess he was brand new at the management position and Really Fucking Intense because he wanted everything to be perfect. but like i was focused in my areas and making them look super good (even on a saturday night which isn’t easy lol), except for like the diaper aisle which is always a little messy bc it gets ransacked. but i had put everything away and it looked like... fine lol. and the infants food aisle has been messy for like months bc it would take hours alone to fix so like.... no one ever has hours just to clean it. so it stays that way and has been that way 5ever. we keep it as clean as we can but like... it’s not Perfect looking. not bad, but not Perfect, and that’s the way it literally ALWAYS IS.
WELL. the new manager is from a different department and he has NEVER been over in my department. until now. and at the end of the night after the store closed he came running over and was like absolutely frantic and angry and was like WHO HAD INFANTS????????????? and i was like, um... me? very confused? and he was like, in front of everyone as we’re about to clock out, DID YOU NOT FINISH WTF HAPPENED?????? WHY IS IT SUCH A MESS?????
and i was really confused cause my area was like. pristine. and i even finished early and helped out in another area of the store. like. what???? so i thought maybe a customer had spilled something as they were leaving the store and i had somehow missed it? so as everyone else leaves he forces me to go back to infants with him and he’s like pointing at some of the diapers that are like. slightly askew or not Perfectly Straight and he’s like yelling at me like “WTF!!!!! DOES THIS LOOK DONE TO YOU?????????”
and i’m just looking at him in utter confusion cause like.... he has CLEARLY never ever worked softlines, lmao. but i was like in my head, honestly? yes, it does? like it could be zoned a little more, definitely!! but it’s not like... bad looking at all? at all? like my main boss from my department walked my areas all night and she said they looked good, so idk wtf he was on, but he was FREAKING OUT. because he was just promoted, and so he needed everything to be like factory-perfect because he wanted to look good in front of the store manager, who he’s super intimidated by.
well. lol. i was being super nice to him, and letting him yell at me, and like, “yeah, of course! this should be neater, i’m sorry, it was really busy tonight and i didn’t get to spend as much time back here as i would have liked.” which is true. like 98% of my areas were pristine, and 2% were average. lmao, so i still did a great job, but i was trying to be sympathetic to the fact that he was new and nervous and wanted to make a good impression, even if he was kind of treating me like crap. so i let him keep me at work after everyone else left and helped tidy up those two aisles that he was sooooo upset about, and then he had me leave and go do some of his work for him up at the front. and i was standing up there really upset that he had yelled at me over nothing and then made me stay at work alone and do his work for him when one of the other managers saw me up there as she was leaving and she was like ?????? katie???????// what are you doing here?????????????
and i was like “soandso is having me do this for him...” and she was like WTF!!! get outta here!!!!! go home clock out u don’t have to do that. like leave!!!!!
so i did, and i got home and was kind of upset still (i cried like the second i left the store lol) and was like pretty glum about it all (and dreading my opening shift that was now less than 8 hours away with a whole weekend’s worth of work waiting for me, yay!!!).... and then i couldn’t sleep. like i couldn’t sleep that night so i just DIDN’T SLEEP AT ALL. AT. ALL. not for a minute. before i had to go back to the store.
so i get there in the morning, and i’m trying really hard to be positive and put that behind me. like, that was last night, you’re tired af but you can do this katie!!!!!! it’s ok!!!! you got this!!! and i actually started to cheer up because i was BLAZING through all my piles of work and like........... got all of it done and it was making me super happy that i had singlehandedly caught my department back up to speed and everything.... and i was just like i’m good!!!!!!! i got this!!!!!!!! 
......... and then at 2:30pm my sorta-boss came in. a lower ranking boss, the one who had been there with me the night before and had confirmed that there hadn’t been anything wrong with my areas, CERTAINLY nothing warranting the new manager’s hysterics. and she was like omg katie..... he is TELLING EVERYONE, like ALL THE HIGHER UPS, that my area was a DISASTER last night and saying how he had to stay late and clean it all up (not mentioning that i stayed and helped him tilt diaper boxes so they were perfectly aligned in my area since that was sooooo~~~ terrible~~~~, or how i did his job stuff for him, lmao), and saying how i had apparently told him i “don’t zone HBA” as in i literally supposedly told my boss that i never do my job???????????? because that is completely believable????????
but the worse part is is that a bunch of the store managers believed him. lol. even though he’s literally fabricating things i said and exaggerating and twisting this situation just to make himself look good. over something super fucking insignificant... and when my boss came up to bat for me and was like WHAT?????????? her areas were fine i checked them myself!!!!!!!!! and he had her stay and tidy it up anyway with him too, it’s not like she left and he had to clean up some imaginary mess of hers!!!! and she helped him do his stuff!!!!! and she would neeeeeeever have said that, and i asked her, and she swears she didn’t anyway!!!!!!!
and i was like... <333333 thank u!!!!!!!! but the other store manger she was defending me to was like... in one ear and out the other. and all, like, “well, soandso said that she said that. so she must have.” despite everything that my boss was saying to defend me. and pointing out that he was LITERALLY LYING. like 2 ppls words against his, but he’s the higher ranking manager, so clearly he’s telling the truth. ughhhhhh.
well when i found out that he was telling my whole place of employment that i was apparently terrible at my job and a terrible person who doesn’t give a fuck about my job here i got pretty upset!!! especially after no sleep!!! and i hadn’t had anything to eat all day!!! like actually nothing!! so like it’s towards the end of my shift and i start like tearing up hiding in the room adjacent to the fitting room and trying to get myself to calm down...
and then my friend (the one who said those nice things 2 me, the security guard i love so much!!!) came by and he was like WHY ARE YOU CRYING??????? and like super upset that i was upset, and he was trying to calm me down/figure out what was wrong/help but it was so so embarrassing to be crying in front of him godddddd, like AT WORK crying. jesus.
and then another coworker of mine saw me crying too. and now another coworker of mine just messaged me on FB saying he heard about everything and he’s furious on my behalf (which i’m really happy there’s ppl on my side here and some people believe me...) and stuff but i’m like 100% positive the fact that i was crying has probably made its way around work which i’m just... so humiliated by
god. i have tomorrow off work so i’m looking forward to not being there because it’s kind of making me miserable right now. like who does that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the area looked fucking fine, why are you trying to make this huge thing and throw me under the bus just for.. what? to make yourself look like... a self-sacrificing person? a leader who will do anything for the store? idk. it’s so shitty!!!!
but whatever. :(
i was also SUPER SUPER tired cause after work i had to run home and go straight into my first d&d session, like our actual playing!!!
and omg!!!! omg friends it’s sooooo fuuuun!!!!! just.... i forgot all my exhaustion and bad work things and was just elated while i was playing. it’s the BEST. and i rolled like a million natural 20s and played super smart!!!!!!!!! asra is killin it!!!!!!!!!!! :3
anyway it’s now 2:47 am and despite like an accidental 10 minute nap i had on the couch when i got home from d&d  i’m still awake. it’s been so long since i slept lol???. and my brother bought me like an entire pizza to cheer me up???????? lmao. also cause i went like 24 hours without food which was..... bad. god. what a horrible no good dirty rotten day this was. except for d&d. d&d was amazing.
anyway. i’m gonna go put away my leftovers and pet my kitty and then watch critical role as i drift off. :) 
sorry i haven’t been around much!!! or posting much!! my dash has been pretty MIA lately too which doesn’t help. i’ll try and get a queue up and running. i love u all and i hope things are goin well in ur lives too!!! <333333333
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