#autistic burton Guster
pineapple-psychic · 3 months
imagine some guy calls in a bunch of tips and it seems really suspicious so you take him in for questioning and then after literally telling you how he figures out all your cases before you he just straight up tells you hes a psychic. but actually he and his friend are neurodivergent as hell and have really weird special interests. thats psych. what do you mean of course we watched the same show.
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thespiritssaidso · 4 months
Shawn and Gus have a client (who has high-functioning autism) walk in and ask if they can help get rid of the spirits haunting their house, and the whole time they stand around the two friends the more they see signs of Shawn and Gus having ADHD and autism. So of course they put the investigation on a very short hold to grab the guys' hands and gently tell them "yes, you are neurodivergent"
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starfish-spencer · 3 months
Jules and Lassie's friendship has me feeling soft y'all. Shawn and Gus have their own traditions and inside jokes and I bet that Jules and Lassie start to develop the same things. They go out to eat together and have movie nights at each other's places every week. Jules lets Lassie infodump about US history and guns as long as he wants and Lassie (begrudgingly) lets Jules paint his nails. They chat about all the latest gossip in the SBPD and gush over their crushes together. They tell each other (almost) all their secrets. Lassie stays with Jules 24/7 after the clock tower and comforts her when she and Shawn temporarily break up. Jules is one of the only people to see Lassie truly break down and cry and she holds him for as long as he needs and tells him that they're going to be okay. They have their own jokes that nobody else gets that they whisper to each other and giggle at. They laugh until neither of them can breathe. They hug each other every morning when they arrive at the station and when they leave, and casually hold hands. They started out as just coworkers but by the last few seasons they are basically platonic soulmates, parallel to Shawn and Gus. And I love that. I love them.
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pray4saint · 9 months
SAINT i need show recs, and you seem like you have amazing taste, so... any ideas?
down the rabbit hole we go, im big on crime shows soooooo most of them are
psych (2006-2014, 8 seasons) ; i've watched it from start to finish 3 times and even know i go back and watch my favourite episodes (prime video)
summary ; the mc (shawn spencer) is very observant and gets called in bc the police think he's in on all these crimes bc he keeps calling in tips, but he lies and says that he's a psychic.. and keeps it up for YEARS, subplot slowburn romance is SO YUMMY familiar faces ; shawn spencer (james roday rodriguez) in a million little things, burton guster (dule hill) in holes, other familiar faces + there are also 3 psych movies & the the creators are planning out the 4th, they're just waiting for a producing company to pick it up with funds, (peacock)
bones (2005-2017, 12 seasons) ; i'm currently watching this & i'm obsessed but try not to get too attached to any characters, i like how a lot of the characters are in some way autistic (like me) and they don't ever have to point it out bc that's just how the characters are, be aware, the remains are kinda gross but i'm goos w it (prime video/freevee)
summary ; a forensic anthropologist (temperance brennan) working with an fbi agent (seeley booth) to solve crimes using just the bones, lots of main & side character betrayal and deaths + the finder (2012, 1 season) ; this is a spinoff of bones, i'd wait until the episode in bones where they go to the finder before watching this (disney+)
leverage (2008-2012, 5 seasons) ; this show brings me an inexplicable amount of dopamine when i watch it & the subplot slowburn romances are SO GOOD AND SILLY EHEHEHEH (prime video/freevee)
summary ; nathan ford (an ex-insurance claim investigator) and several criminals are tricked into stealing something, but end up becoming a team familiar faces ; eliot spencer (christian kane) in not since you, the librarians, & just married, other familiar faces + leverage: redemption (2021-present, 2 seasons) ; the sequel show, v similar but without nathan ford bc the actor got into trouble right before the show and with a couple new faces, still a 10/10, lgbtq+ rep too (prime video/freevee)
alex rider (2020-2021, 2 seasons, possible s3) ; i watched this with my mom during the pandemic, keep in mind i've never read the books, and MY GOD it was so good, it's british and there's episonage and they're teenagers and mystery (prime video/freevee)
summary ; a teenager (alex rider) is recruited by a division of mi6; the department of special operations and he's sent into a 'corrective academy' where wayward teens of rich people are sent bc they all come back PERFECT
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losergendered · 7 months
All characters are from the show Psych :D Shawn Spencer is a bisexual man who uses any pronouns but mainly he/him, hes also autistic and has adhd! Shawn is in a relationship with Carlton Lassiter, an arospec questioning man who uses he/him pronouns, hes also autistic :D! Lassiter has a queerplatonic dynamic with Juliet O'hara, an acespec demigirl who uses she/they pronouns Juliet is dating Gus (full name Burton Guster), a cishet man who uses he/him pronouns and is autistic :D! Buzz Mcnab is a straight trans man who uses he/him and has adhd and dyslexia :D Karen Vick is a bisexual woman who uses she/her 💃 Woody Strode is a pansexual nonbinary duderino who uses he/they and they have adhd! he also has worms probably <3 Henry Spencer is just....a bald dilf idk 🤷‍♂️
« hey dawg i was wondering if you could add demiboy to shawn spencer on my psych ask? super sorry and thank you in advance 👉👈 vuhefbhvehfvu »
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thecoolertails · 10 months
the fact that psyche is from the same era as superwholock but tumblerinas didn't care about it like they did those other shows is ridiculous. spending all their time shoving the blandest most boring-est no-chemistry losers' faces together when my babygirl burton "gus" guster and his insane autistic failwife shawn spencer were literally right there... supernatural WISHES it could queerbait like psyche
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mj-irl · 4 years
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Shawn and Gus from Psych are both Autistic Characters
Gus is the better of the two of them at masking. Passing as NT and being good at learning about pharmaceuticals has helped him keep his really good job.
Sean gave up on masking years ago. He finds it exhausting to try and pass and just decided he wasn’t going to bother. That means he doesn’t meltdown as much as he used too but it also means people make unfair judgements about him when he’s does something they don’t understand.
For many years they felt like the only person they could be themself around was the other.
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They have different sensory needs
Gus is sensitive to smells, if he finds a smell he likes he will keep going back to it wanting to experience it again. A bad smell can cause him to meltdown.
He likes clothes and has his own idea (uniform) about how he should be dressed. He is particular about the way this clothes fit. He even goes so far as to purchase custom tailored shirts.
Shawn sometimes just wears the same thing for a month, if he finds a shirt or jeans that are comfortable he just keeps wearing them.
Shawn is constantly taking in information and he can be overwhelmed by it. He seeks sensory things for distraction. Sometimes this means sitting close to the TV and letting the lights and sound take over all his senses. Sometimes it means finding a new special interest and letting it become all incompassing, sometime it means focusing on whatever snack the next food cart guy has and letting himself be overwhelmed by the taste, smell, and texture.
When Shawn and Gus get excited they jump and flap together. They love to dance and sing in their own ways, they share snacks, quote movies and talk about their special interests together.
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Burton Guster from Psych is autistic!
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pineapple-psychic · 2 months
some gus headcanons
we all know gus is an english nerd, with the spellingg bee episode and how much he corrects shawn with grammer. however i propose: he obsesses over literary analysis because of the Autism™️. he wants to be able to tell what people are thinking in real life that they dont directly say. does this work? who knows. not me
he DEFINITELY owns a train model of some sort. its probably in the psych office
he has a stupidly complicated fake-drawer thing in his desk, in which is a lock-picking set to hone his skillz. shawn has stolen it multiple times to break into places and gus has no idea
instead of harry potter (i shudder even typing the name) he obsesses over wings of fire. bc fuck you thats why (dragons r cool) (hp is not)
he carries around those icebreaker mint things literally everywhere. maybe its in his sample case or smth
okay so his special interests are: trains, wof, safe- and lock-picking, english, autism, and dinosaurs. he is fully aware that most of these are 'stereotypical' autism interests, and sometimes he feels bad about it. and then he remembers that No One Else Matters and everythings good again
his relationship with shawn is the kind where he just feels more and more happy being with him and never realizes that hes in love with shawn. this is the only reason canon shawngus didnt happen/j
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captainsjack · 3 years
who’s gonna draw me shawn and gus at pride?🥺
gus has a little gay flag painted on his cheek; shawn has a little bi one.
gus is wearing a grey t-shirt that’s a bit too tight and short, pink short-shorts (khaki material), white sneakers, and silver anklets. he’s wearing a bit of foundation, mascara, and tinted pink lip balm.
shawn’s wearing a muscle tank top with some cheesy gay slogan, jean cut off booty shorts, sneakers, and funky socks. he’s wearing a few necklaces, pink eyeliner, mascara, and highlighter. he has a bit of glitter in his hair.
they’re in love and have wedding rings, and kiss under a pride themed balloon arch.
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uh..........  new muses bc zanza’s been enjoying a lot of tv and is a Disaster??  all of ‘em are request bc *shrug emoji*,  and????  every last one of them is autistic bc i say so.
gina linetti. jake peralta. raymond holt. rosa diaz.
abed nadir. troy barnes.
abigail lytar. burton guster. marlowe viccellio.
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quiet-in-the-wild · 3 years
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Autistic Headcanon: Gus - Burton Guster from Psych 
I love psych so much, it’s one of my favorite shows and I never get tired of re-watching it. Both Gus and Shawn are definitely autistic. Which is one reason why they are such great friends they both understand each other.  (I’ll make a separate post for Shawn so it doesn’t get too long.) 
*The reason why I have so detail is because I re-watch Psych every couple months. 
 Here are a few examples of why I believe Gus is autistic: 
Gus is good at masking, and doesn’t have as many executive function difficulties as some neurodiverse people have because he overcompensates and is very organized, and has a routine that he sticks to. In the episode, “Cog Blocked” we get to see his whole morning routine. 
He is extremely literal, a good example during, “Lights, Camera... Homicidio” Shawn asks him to watch for anything suspicious, and he watches the tv instead of the prop table, because the directions weren’t specific. 
He struggles in social situations like dating, and often sticks to a script (have you heard about pluto?) Additionally he is unaware of some unwritten social rules and the other characters notice that. 
He’s not good at small talk and his masking is most apparent during, “The Breakup” when he is talking to his new boss about looking for a house. 
He has special interests including; coin collecting, safe cracking, Harry Potter, trains, the spelling bee, and space to name a few. 
As a child he acted too old for his peers and as an adult his interests could be seen as childish. 
He often has meltdowns, and during the episode, “Cirque du Soul” he is seen having a meltdown in public over shawn’s careless actions. Other examples of meltdowns include, “Last Night Gus” when his car is wrecked, and “100 Clues” when he finds the toupee room. 
He wears a personal uniform in every episode. (button down shirts) 
He gets injured a lot usually due to clumsiness. In the episode, “We’d Like to Thank the Academy” Shawn jokes that Gus broke his finger flipping the injury free countdown calendar. 
He has non-verbal episodes shown in “There’s Something About Mira” 
He has repetitive behavior including echolalia (repeating words or phrases), and stimming like bouncing, dancing, hand flapping occasionally. 
He has a very strong personal moral code, and has been known to cut people out of his life if they don’t follow that code as seen in, “High Top Fade Out.” 
He is vey resistant to change.
He is highly empathetic and is a sympathetic crier. 
He has sensory issues and is known for his super sniffer, and can identify spices and seasoning by taste. 
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prince-of-places · 3 years
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2021
April 10th: How important is representation to you? Is the representation that is out there generally good or bad? What is your favorite piece of representation? What you like to see more of in autism representation? What would you like to see less of?
I think it depends. As has been said, a lot of people are “aware” of Autism at this point, or have a vague idea of what it is and how it affects NTs. What most Auties are looking for, at this point is acceptance and I’m not sure how helpful representation is in this regard. 
I actually study media representation in college, and one thing we always talk about is how representation is merely “re-presentation”, i.e. an imperfect recreation of reality, meaning that no representation is 100% correct. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s merely an admission of the limitations of media, and highlights the value of real-world experience, interaction, and understanding of different people and groups relevant in society. This is just to say that representation is more of an integral aspect to awareness of a group and their problems, rather than leading to acceptance. I’m just not really sure how a repackaged reality does much to help accept autistic people. Regardless, I do think that there is a lack of representation outside of most NT’s base reaction and understanding of Autistic people. 
I don’t think that the current cultural consensus of autistic representation is “bad”, per se, I just think a lot of it is weak, lazy writing. I don’t think most of these writers are intentionally trying to harm autistic representation, in fact I think the opposite, I think a lot of people think they’re doing a good thing by trying to include autistic people in their work. And that’s a good thing. The problem is when certain writers (looking at you S*a) double down on the faults in their writing, instead of working with and listening to autistic people and our often-genuine criticisms of our representation. I don’t think autistic people (or any group) should accept subpar representation. I also think a lot of representation subscribes to the white, hetero, cis white amab version of autism, and often involves infantilisation in some way (think Sheldon from BBT). While I think Sheldon is a problematic portrayal, there are also people like my autistic neighbour who feel seen by Sheldon and I think that’s important in its own way. There is no “right” way to portray what is a diverse group of people, and so I think it’s important to accept what individual people believe to be good representation. I also think there’s a lot of good, unintentional representation out there (think any of the Star Trek characters that are autism coded like Spock, Data or 7 of 9, or Burton Guster in Psych). None are perfect, but as Brent Spiner said, he felt it was important no one told him that he was representing a lot of people, because he felt like he would have invertedly played into stereotypes instead of developing Data as his own character. In my opinion, this helps him transcend the representation. 
Speaking of Data, he is my favourite representation of autism in media. I just feel “understood” by him. I relate to him in every episode pretty much (episodes where the writers try to shoe horn him into having a girlfriend aside). But that’s also just my opinion. I know a trans youtuber I watched related more to 7 of 9, and at a different time in my life I related more to Christopher Boone from “Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time”. And that’s ok. 
This also leads me into my next point. I feel like there should be, and I would like to see more, female representation. There’s already some in the movie about the Star Trek fan who tries going to Hollywood (I can’t remember the name XP). It’s already well known among us auties that “girls” are diagnosed at a rate four times lower than “boys”. I would also like to see more representation of trans autistic characters, since at least from what I can tell, a lot of autistic people struggle with gender identity and issues too. I also think more representations of black autistic people would be good too (apparently the black ranger from the new power ranger's movie is autistic but I haven’t seen it so I can’t speak of my own experiences with that). 
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brinnanza · 4 years
hey hello hi yes I have an announcement: burton “gus” guster is autistic thank you for coming to my ted talk
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