#because all of this feels like a lot of missed opportunities
afterglowkatie · 20 hours
lost | k.c.c.
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kyra cooney-cross x reader | 2.7k | after a few days of feeling lost, confused and being distracted at training, kyra decides to confide in lia about her feelings for you
ˏˋ°•*⁀ this is part of the pair of pests universe. thank you for being so patient with me on this part! i know it's taken a while but i'm still thankful for all the support :)
‘Kyra, the goals over there. Maybe we need to put some big arrows pointing towards it for you,’ Alessia laughed, watching Kyra miss the goals yet again. None of her shots today at training made it anywhere near the goal, which ignited the harmless comments from some of her teammates.
‘Maybe if you weren’t daydreaming about a certain Catley then you’d get one,’ 
‘You’d think you’d be hitting the back of the net constantly if you wanted to impress her,’ 
Kyra’s head shot around after the comments from her teammates, making sure neither you or Steph were anywhere within earshot. She really didn’t want you or Steph to hear the teasing comments. The comments weren’t unusual. There had always been the odd comment every now and then. But since realising and accepting her feelings for you, the teasing comments felt like they had intensified. Bordering on overwhelming, since Kyra’s head was everywhere but at training.
It had only been a few days since the other night when Kyra had the realisation, but it had been messing with her head a little bit. The days at training Kyra was noticeably different. Nothing was going right for her. Her mind, a million miles away. You were the only thing on her mind. She was confused and distracted. 
One part of her didn’t want to ever risk changing your friendship by confessing her feelings for you. She didn’t ever want to lose you, you helped Kyra more than you would ever know. Kyra was scared that you would distance yourself from her if she ever said anything.
But another part of her knew that eventually she wouldn’t be able to keep pretending that she didn’t have feelings for you. Kyra knew that one day she would have to confess her feelings for you and face a possible rejection or leave your life without ever knowing if there was a possibility that you could like her back. 
Though Kyra felt foolish everytime she thought you might feel the same. Thinking that she was getting ahead of herself and trying to see something that wasn’t there just because it’s what she wanted. It would be the ideal situation, but she knows to keep her hopes low. Besides, things like that only ever seem to happen in the movies, and this wasn’t a movie.
It was a lot for Kyra. Lia could see that. She had always kept an eye on Kyra, ever since she joined arsenal. Making sure to try to create an environment where the younger girl might feel safe and supported no matter what was going on, ‘Hey are you alright?’ Lia took the opportunity while they were resting on the side watching another group of girls take over the drill they were running through.
Kyra was sitting on a ball sipping on water when she felt Lia’s hand on her shoulder and the question directed at her, ‘Yeah, I’m fine,’ Lia saw the way Kyra looked around before answering. Like she was seeing who was around before she replied. She could feel how tense Kyra was just by the touch on her shoulder.
‘Come on, partner with me,’ Kyra smiled softly and followed Lia. The further the two went from the main group the more Kyra visibly relaxed. Lia and Kyra continued doing partner drills, joking around and chatting amongst themselves. The distraction was welcome by Kyra, since Lia came over she’d only been focused on training and hadn’t let her mind wander back to you or anything that was overwhelming her mind earlier. It wasn’t a complete fix but the temporary distraction was nice for a bit. Even though it had only been a few days Kyra was slowly starting to feel like she was losing her mind.
‘Did you want to come over?’ Kyra hesitated a little. She wasn’t sure if any of the other girls would be around, not knowing if she could handle being around a lot of people right now, ‘It can just be the two of us. No pressure, you just seem like you need some time away from everyone where it’s more quiet,’ Lia quickly added when she noticed Kyra’s hesitation.
Kyra thought it over for a minute. She was also supposed to hang out with you again, but honestly Kyra could use this to help her, maybe help to settle her thoughts. She felt that maybe she could trust Lia with her thoughts and feelings, and maybe Lia might have some advice for the younger one, ‘Yeah I’d like that. I just need to sort something out and then I’ll be over, thank you Lia,’
Lia pulled Kyra into a hug, ‘You don’t need to thank me. It’s what friends are for, I’ll always be there for you,’
You were in the locker room getting changed after training, headphones on trying to decompress after the session today, when you felt a familiar pair of hands rest on your waist and head lay on your shoulder. 
You smiled and reached up to take off your headphones, ‘Hi Ky,’ Your voice was just above a whisper. Though your smile fell a bit when you turned your head to look at her. Kyra had a small smile on her lips but you could tell something wasn’t right. Kyra’s smile seemed slightly forced, like something wasn’t quite right but you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. She didn’t seem upset or anything, Kyra just seemed off in a way you couldn’t describe. 
‘Hey,’ Kyra whispered back, she somehow always made rooms full of people feel like it was just the two of you, ‘Somethings come up, can we rain check?’ Kyra pouted slightly, feeling bad for cancelling on the plans the two of you had. 
Your eyes glanced down towards Kyra’s lips where you noticed the little pout she was giving you. You thought it was cute. Looking away biting your lip slightly before glancing back at Kyra, trying not to let your eyes drift again and giving her a small reassuring smile, ‘Yeah of course Ky. Is everything okay? You can always tell me anything, you know that?’
You felt Kyra cuddle into you more, her arms fully wrapping around your waist, ‘Thank you, but it’s nothing for you to worry about,’ You felt Kyra’s breath against your neck with each word she spoke. Your heart was racing a bit more than usual, your hand soothingly rubbing along her lower arm that was around you, ‘You’re too sweet to me,’ You heard Kyra sigh, barely above a whisper. You felt your cheeks heat up but chose to not comment on the last bit she said. 
‘I’ll see you tomorrow the girls are all going out, you’re still coming?’ You were hopeful that whatever was going on with Kyra wasn’t impacting her enough to miss out on a night out with you and the girls. Specifically, you didn’t want to miss out on spending a night with Kyra. 
‘Yeah, I wouldn’t miss out on that,’ Kyra knew she had to let go of you at some point, but being around you made her feel better. You help make all her problems feel so far away. You just make Kyra feel better, like nothing else matters in the moment, ‘Wouldn’t miss out on a night with you. I’ll see you tomorrow,’ Kyra mumbled out quickly. Without hesitation, without thinking, Kyra’s lips were on your cheek, giving you a small kiss before pulling away. 
For the both of you it felt like a natural reaction, like something Kyra had done a million times before. It wasn’t something completely unusual for your friendship but it felt different. You stayed in place even while Kyra had left grabbing her things on her way out. 
‘Y’know might want to be a bit more careful,’ Katie’s voice next to you brought you back to reality, leaving behind any thoughts you were having about your interaction with Kyra. Confused by Katie’s comment, you turned your head towards her furrowing your eyebrows, ‘You and Kyra, unless you’re gonna tell Steph,’ 
‘Tell Steph what?’ Your voice was low and if any one else was listening they would be able to hear a slight panic in your tone, ‘We’re best friends, Steph knows that. That’s all,’ You raised your eyebrow at Katie before continuing to pack away your things.
‘Okay, sure,’ You rolled your eyes, you didn’t even need to see her face to know she was smirking, ‘Just saying, no one would care. We just want the best for everyone here, even the pests,’ Katie patted your back, a slight rub while you smiled at her comment, a slight laugh slipping past your lips.
‘I’m happy Kyra’s my best friend,’ Katie gave you a nod, you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more so than anyone else. But there was nothing anyone could do to push along the progress, you had to realise and accept your feelings in your own time. Soon enough you were on your own again but not for long, only until Steph called out for you to see if you were also ready to leave.
‘Everything all good with Kyra?’ Steph asked you once you had both settled into the car. She noticed Kyra seemed a little bit different throughout training. She wasn’t completely her normal self. Barely anyone could get a smile out of Kyra and Steph kind of missed Kyra’s mischief during training. 
‘Yeah, you know she gets more clingy when she’s tired’ You shrugged. The lie easily comes out of your mouth. It wasn’t a complete lie, the truth being you really had no idea what was wrong with Kyra. But you didn’t want to think about that. That your best friend who always tells you what’s wrong or just anything like that, didn’t tell you. You know she doesn’t have to tell you everything, but you couldn’t help the pit that formed in your stomach wondering why she didn’t confide in you like normal and if you had done anything wrong, ‘Drive faster I want to see Calvy,’
‘I’m not going to push you to talk about it. If you need just the company without talking about what’s bothering you then we’ll do just that,’ Lia was the first to speak since Kyra entered Lia’s apartment. Kyra settled on one of the stools at the kitchen counter, watching Lia finish off the last bits to the dinner she was making for them, ‘Just know I am here for you. All the girls are, they just have a different way of showing it. Whenever you’re ready if you want,’
Kyra looked at Lia with a small smile. She was incredibly grateful for the friendships she’s made within the team in a small amount of time. Especially the friend she’s found in Lia. Unlike the others Kyra would potentially consider talking to about her feelings, she knows that Lia isn’t one to outright tease or make fun of her. The others mean well but they can be a bit much. Sometimes all Kyra wants and needs is someone who will listen or just be around without the teasing comments. 
‘I know they mean well but the teasing can be a bit much,’ Kyra’s voice was small. She always tries to brush off every comment, it was easier before she realised she had feelings for her best friend. Kyra could reduce any teasing comment down to it not being true. But now it was true, everything felt different. 
Kyra helped Lia carry everything down to the table, ‘There’s no pressure. I want that to be clear,’
‘I think I like,’ Kyra started but cut herself off shaking her head, picking at the food in front of her, ‘No, I know I like Tiny,’ Kyra couldn’t keep it inside and Lia always made her feel calm and safe. Enough that Kyra blurted out the main thing that had been bugging her the last few days, ‘But I don’t know. I’m scared. I don’t know if I should tell her, I don’t want to lose her or risk ruining anything. She might not even like me back and then I’d feel stupid for telling her. What if she hates me for this? Why does it all have to be so hard and confusing?’ 
Lia continued to just listen while Kyra poured out everything that was on her mind. Once Kyra started she kept going until the weight had lifted off her shoulders and she felt like she could breathe again. Kyra kept looking down at her food, slight tears coating her eyes but not enough for any to fall. Part of her is glad to finally get everything off her chest but also she wishes the ground would swallow her whole so she doesn’t have to face what Lia might say.
‘Kyra, one thing I know is that Tiny could never hate you. Anyone can tell how much she loves you. Even if it’s just as friends she wouldn’t leave you. I know you know that,’ Lia’s voice was soft but also firm, wanting her words to sink into Kyra’s head. Regardless of if you liked Kyra the same way, Lia was right in how much love you have for Kyra even just as a friend, ‘No one but her could tell you whether that love is more. But it’s understandable to be scared. You know in your heart when you are ready to tell her, don’t force yourself but listen to yourself. I’ll be right here the whole time no matter what happens,’
Kyra nodded along, offering Lia a small smile in appreciation to her words. Being able to talk through this with someone was a better decision than bottling it up until Kyra eventually exploded, ‘Thank you Lia. It’s hard to listen to myself but I guess that is the only thing I can do. At the end of the day I’ll still have everyone regardless and I have to remind myself of that,’ 
Lia smiled back at Kyra, ‘Now…tell me, what is Tiny like?’ Lia smirked trying to lighten the mood and take Kyra’s mind away from the bigger more serious thoughts that were no doubt racing through her mind.
‘Where do I start?’ Kyra joked, a wide smile taking over her face just at the thought of you, ‘I kind of wish I was with her tonight, I miss her smile and laugh. She just gets me and knows me in a way that no one else ever could. I’ve never wanted more with someone as much as I want this with her,’ The rest of the night Kyra spent gushing over you, while Lia just listened and occasionally made a teasing comment amongst the endless support she made sure to keep reassuring Kyra with.
You were laying on the couch. Calvin laying on top of you, more like squashing you but dog cuddles were your favourite part of the day, they made up for not getting any Kyra cuddles, ‘Stephy, you expecting someone?’ You heard the knock at the door, Calvin pushing hard on your stomach making you wince when he got up to stand at the door tail wagging.
‘Oh yeah, Leah’s coming over for dinner,’ Steph poked her head out from the kitchen to tell you before disappearing to finish off the food she was cooking.
‘Hey Le, when are you gonna learn to cook?’ You smiled, laughing a little while greeting Leah with a hug before letting her into the apartment, ‘Figured you just kept Wally as your personal chef,’
‘You’re a little shit you know that,’ Leah rolled her eyes, shaking her head at you, ‘Kyra’s at Wally’s and I wasn’t allowed to intrude so here I am,’ Your smile dropped slightly after hearing that Kyra was with Lia. Kyra cancelled on your plans to be with Lia instead. It was weird Kyra didn’t tell you. You were sure that if Kyra liked Lia then she would’ve told you about it.
The thought of Kyra liking someone didn’t sit well with you. Your stomach churning at the thought, ‘We weren’t even your first choice,’ You clutched your heart, faking being offended at Leah’s words. Joking around to cover up how you were really feeling, ‘No more Calvy cuddles for you,’ 
You grabbed the dog up into your lap away from Leah. Holding onto Calvin a little closer and a little tighter. Hoping the dog in your lap would help ease the thoughts swirling around in your mind. 
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thestoryofusstan · 3 days
clarisse x reader where y/n had been noticing clarisse like getting distant( like not holding her hand for more then 4 seconds just small stuff that only y/n notices😭) and then the day percy breaks her spear she's mad and y/n trys calming her down but clarisse just yells at her about how clingy she is and to leave her alone and basically she regrets it and apologizes multiple times and after like a week y/n forgives her and it's cute (I NEEDDDD THE PLAYING HARD TO GET PLS I HATE WHEN SHE FORGIVES HER EASILY)
I Miss You, I'm Sorry
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pairing: clarisse x apollo!reader
summary: clarisse is distant and cold, and y/n is officially done.
warnings: none?? i don't think?
you'd been with clarisse for around three years now. at first, a lot of people were confused. clarisse was, essentially, one big ball of anger, and you were a ball of sunshine. after a while, though, it made sense. you balanced each other out. plus, clarisse was a lot softer with you.
but recently, clarisse had been acting different. ever since percy jackson came to camp, actually. she was a lot more angry. and perhaps it was because you'd welcomed him to camp and generally tried to be nice to him. you couldn't help it, he reminded you of your brother, who had a mortal dad and stayed at home with your mom.
when you'd sneak to the ares table during meals, she'd hardly acknowledge you. when you tried to hold her hand, she'd let you, for all of six seconds. you weren't sure why. you hadn't done anything to personally anger her, had you?
you must have. because even as the two of you got ready for capture the flag, she ignored you.
"hey, claire?" you said, turning to her. you were just about the only one she let give her a nickname, and you'd settled on claire. "can you help me with my armor? i think it's crooked."
"you can do it yourself, i'm sure."
you frowned. she'd usually jump at the opportunity to help you- to touch you, to breathe the same air as you.
what did you do wrong?
you had one of your siblings fix it for you.
luke had outrun you with the flag when you heard a scream from the beach. you recognized it.
"clarisse!" you shouted, bolting towards the sound.
when you got there, you saw clarisse sitting before percy, her broken spear between them.
you ran to her side and helped her up as the other team began celebrating their win.
"claire, i am so sorry about your spear. we-- i can fix it! or i can have one of the athena kids do it! someone should know how, right? probably. yeah, we'll have them fix it, and it'll be-"
"can you just leave me alone?" clarisse snapped.
you froze. pulled your hands away, and retreated into yourself.
"oh," you said, clearing your throat.
"gods, you're just so clingy! i just need five minutes of peace."
that's when she seemed to realize she hurt your feelings. she sighed, her face softening, "y/n-"
"i'm gonna go."
"i didn't mean it like that-"
"yeah. i'm sure you didn't."
you crossed your arms as you walked away, resisting the urge to cry.
during dinner that night, clarisse came up to the apollo table.
"y/n?" she asked.
you kept pushing the food around your plate, ignoring her.
"y/n." she repeated.
she sighed.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean it-"
without saying anything, you stood up and walked off.
clarisse didn't follow.
you were sitting by the lake, your feet in the water. you heard someone come from behind, and you knew who it was.
you sighed.
“y/n..” she started.
“i’m not talking to you,” you stated. you crossed your arms and kicked your feet in the water.
“please, i’m sorry—“
“i don’t care. you really hurt my feelings, clarisse. you could’ve just told me you want space instead of acting like you hate me.”
“i don’t—“
“just go, clarisse.”
she sighed and didn’t fight you anymore.
clarisse had done what you asked for the past few days. she didn’t come up to you or try to apologize.
you were getting ready for bed, braiding your younger sister’s hair, when someone knocked on the cabin door.
assuming it was some late night check, you sighed.
“i’ll get it.”
you walked over to the door and opened it, and clarisse was standing there.
you didn’t even let her speak before you shut the door.
“who was that?” lee asked.
“no one,” you shrugged, sitting back on the bed and resuming the braids.
“why don’t you just talk to her?” percy asked you. you offered to help him train with the water as best as you could.
“because. i usually do, but she’s been rude to me for a few weeks now. i just wanna makes sure she knows i won’t put up with it.”
percy shrugged, “makes sense, i guess.”
even though you had a poker face around clarisse, it did make you sad every time you shut her down or pushed her away.
you just wanted your girlfriend back.
after dinner, you really just wanted to go to your cabin and sleep. however, when you opened the door, a bunch of candles were lit.
“what the—“
clarisse was standing next to your bed with a bouquet of flowers. they were your favorites— hibiscus. they didn’t grow anywhere near long island, so she must have gotten a demeter kid to get her some.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i shouldn’t have snapped at you. i just.. i’ve worked my whole life at camp to be recognized by my dad, and percy gets all this fame and glory in a few weeks. it’s not an excuse, but i just.. wanted to explain myself,” she said, extending the flowers toward you.
you kept your arms crossed.
“i want to be around you all the time. i didn’t mean to act like i don’t wanna be with you, because i do. i mean.. besides, who else is able to calm me down?”
and that made you laugh, “nobody,” you took the flowers. “thank you for the flowers. no one’s ever gotten me these.”
she shrugged, “i figured it was about time you got your favorite flowers.”
you smiled and quickly turned to her.
“so.. we’re good?”
“we’re good,” you nod and plant your lips on hers.
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happy74827 · 1 day
And… Action?
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[Colt Seavers x Actress!Reader]
Synopsis: In which a minor… stunt caused the meeting of the stuntman himself who always seemed too busy, too focused, and too far away {GIF Creds: fleursial}
WC: 1121
Category: Mega Fluff, Suggestive Ending?
Why is there still so little of Colt?? I don’t understand it 😭
It wasn’t unusual for you to find yourself staring at Colt Seavers from across the set. You liked him, liked the mysterious presence he displayed. Sure, half of it was because you never had the courage to approach him, despite how friendly he was with the rest of the cast and crew, but he always seemed so busy. Plus, your character never needed to interact with the stunt crew so you didn’t have a reason to walk across the lot. And even if you had, your scenes wouldn’t have lasted more than a few minutes anyway.
However, when the very last scene of the day was called, everything changed for the better. You were moments away from leaving the set, having already said goodbye to almost everyone else, with the feeling you weren't going to see Seaver ever again.
Until he bumped into you, quite literally.
You let out a surprised gasp, almost dropping your script as you stumbled backward, but a pair of strong hands were quick to steady you by your arms.
"I am so sorry, miss… woah," he said as he looked down at you, taking in your face for the first time, his hands still resting on your upper arms. You felt yourself go red, suddenly unable to look him in the eye and instead opting for looking anywhere but.
"No, no, it was my fault; I should have watched where I was going," you said.
He shook his head and released his hold on you. "You’re… man, you are really beautiful," he said.
"What?" you asked, surprised.
"I mean—uh, you were really beautiful… out there! On set, you know," he corrected himself, and you swore you saw a faint blush form across his cheeks.
You bit your lip and finally found the courage to meet his gaze. "I appreciate the compliment."
"Yeah, no problem. How come I’ve never seen you around here before?" he asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head in curiosity.
That right there… it took everything in you not to melt right then and there. You could see the indentations of his biceps from under his tight-fitted jacket, the arm cross just amplifying them. It didn't help that you also just barely came up to his chest, which, while intimidating, also made him all the more attractive.
You swallowed thickly and averted your eyes. "Well, I never needed a stunt double, so…" you trailed off.
"Yeah, that’s fair. Totally get it, yeah." He clicked his tongue and nodded, looking away momentarily. Before you could turn to see what he was looking at, he squinted, looking back down at you. His hand peeled away from his arm to hover in front of you.
"Colt," he said, extending his hand. "Name's Colt Seavers… I’m kind of a big deal around here. You know, doing car crashing, rope climbing, cliff-diving stuff," he explained with a smirk.
You let out a small, quiet giggle as you reached for his hand, giving it a shake as you stated your own name. His hand was big, rough, and calloused, no doubt from years of hard work and training, but it was warm. A strong grip, but ever so gentle.
"I, uh, do the acting stuff." You repeated his words, and his smirk broke into a smile, one that nearly took your breath away.
It was then, looking at his smile, that you realized the opportunity before you.
You had to say something, had to tell him, and you weren't about to let this opportunity pass.
"I think you're pretty beautiful, too," you said, and that caught his attention, his eyebrows raising.
"You do?"
"Yes," you confirmed with a nod. "Out there… on set, I mean."
He let out a short laugh, his hands moving back to his pockets. He was sort of swaying, almost as if he wasn’t sure what to do, what to say. It was adorable.
Alright, you needed to do something. The fear of letting another moment like this go to waste was far too much. So many guys had slipped through your fingers because of your hesitance—a real shame, too, considering how most of them weren’t even remotely attractive.
But Colt, though…
"Listen, um… maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but would you like to—"
"Yes," his answer was nothing short of immediate. “Absolutely, yes… yeah hundred percent, yeah- yes… yes."
It took him a second, took him a long second, to realize you hadn’t even finished your question. His eyes went wide as fear evidently started to creep in.
"Shit, uh- sorry. Yeah, uh… yeah, I'm listening. You can keep going." He motioned with his hand for you to continue, and you had to suppress a smile.
Well, this is definitely promising.
"Maybe we could hang out sometime? Have dinner or something?" you suggested.
"Dinner, yeah- dinner is good. Dinner is… great. I love dinner. Dinner is, uh… dinner is great," he stammered, and you couldn't help but give him a small laugh, one that was cut off when his eyes went wide yet again.
"Sorry, I'm just… yeah, sorry, I'm just- I'm gonna… hey, can I get your number?" His question was followed by him digging into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone, which was cracked beyond belief. “Not so I can bother you or anything, not that I would- I mean unless you wanted me to bother you, I guess, which- no, sorry. Just, like, text you, I guess, yeah.”
Your eyes went wide at the state of his phone. "How does that even work?"
"I'm a pro. Just a quick swipe to the left and a few presses, and it works fine, see?" He tapped the screen a few times before opening his contacts, and he handed the phone to you. "Here."
"You know what? I'll just put it in my phone if that's okay," you said.
"Oh, yeah, yeah- absolutely," he said, nodding. "Whatever makes you feel comfortable, yeah."
You quickly punched in his numbers and sent a text, a small, simple message. One that escalated to where you were now, weeks after that dinner, his hands roaming your body as he pressed you against the door of your new and current trailer.
You should’ve known you weren’t going to run lines that day.
A stuntman running lines?
Yeah, right. He runs through scenes instead, and… this was definitely a scene.
God, how ready you were for that first take to start.
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[@kcisahoe + @adeesthetic] Since you guys asked so nicely, here’s another Colt fic!! There needs to be way more out there because he’s just so… 🤭🤭
For all you Tom lovers out there, don’t worry!! I didn’t forget about you. He’s in the works so I’m praying my work/study schedule aligns with me finishing it 😅
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honeybcj · 1 day
hi han! how are you?
popped on to tell you how much i miss your bottom barty and was wondering if you would like to share your thoughts about him some more pretty please?<3
hi loonie! i’m doing pretty well today, thank you for asking <3 how are you doing? i hope the day is treating you well! i would loooooove to talk more about bottom barty!!!!
— when it comes to barty bottoming, it’s like, a process kind of. in past relationships or hookups he just lets himself take control. and when it comes to bottom barty, i think a lot about this with rosekiller because evan is the one person barty trusts with everything inside him, and letting himself lose control like that, just give it up and let evan make him feel good, i think that is so beautiful.
— based on my convos with @panchashire and his art of barty in a collar, i cannot envision having it any other way. i know sub and bottom are too completely different things, but this is a moment where barty is completely submissive while bottoming. ev keeps him on a leash, the pretty black leather of his collar resting around his neck.
— bottom barty is the only behaved barty!! literally in any other situation barty is just like my world, my rules, you must do right by me, yada yada, but then you’ve got barty on his knees or spread out, flushed, on the bed, and he just listens so prettily. every single time.
— this dynamic also goes really well with ev’s lower sex drive. again, big shout out to pan and his big brain. it allows for the opportunity for ev to make barty feel good, which is something that he does really enjoy, while not letting him be uncomfy in the situation because he isn’t in the mood to be touched like that.
— barty is a big whiner and loves receiving praise. he knows he’s always been really good at things, but the praise never really came. and the first time ev told barty he was being a good boy for listening and playing with himself so well, barty folds like a cheap plastic lawn chair. they definitely keep up the praise often.
— when barty feels like bottoming, he often does like to ride ev. he literally feels on top of the world. literally because evan is his world (i’m feeling soppy what can i say). ev loves watching barty take what he needs, stroking his flank and thighs, tracing the little tattoos all over his torso and legs.
— i want disciplined barty on his knees, staring up at evan with wide eyes and pleading to suck the strap, so fuckin bad. ev knows just how bad barty wants his mouth full. he’ll sub out completely and let ev fuck his mouth until barty is crying and drooling everywhere, frustrated as he humps against the air until evan finally fingers him open and fucks him into next sunday.
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anxious-witch · 3 days
Dead boy detectives characters as their big three in Astrology-Charles
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Text in the pictures and more explanation under the cut
So, this, unlike Edwin's, aren't canon, just my hcs, although Charles is imo implied to be a Taurus in a scene where Edwin says Taurus and Aries are highly incompatible. Because I refuse to believe this boy is Aries and even less so that Crystal is a Taurus so.
~ Strong will & aesthetic sense, very tactile
~ Loyal & great at taking care of what they love
~ Patient & present, drinks in life with no rush
~ Wide-eyed truth seeker, lives life as a quest
- Spontaneous, adventurous, philosophical soul
~ Inclusive & generous, magnet for opportunity
~ Soulful & deep, needs emotional security
~ Sympathetic, extra sensitive & very protective
~ Sentimental, strong ties to the past & family
So, he'd be a perfect balance of earth, fire and water in his big three. Taurus Sun, aka he is grounded enough to have a stable base people he cares about can lean on. Fiercely loyal, once you have his affection, he'd anything for you(cough like fight a demon or go to Hell cough). As a Venus sign, he cares about his apperance, but still keeps it comfortable. Hence why he looks so effortless cool throughout the series. Also Tauruses often love to indulde in little pleasures, such as food, so it's no wonder Charles complains about missing spaghetti. He is a creature of comforts.
His down to earth attitude balances well with Edwin's Capricorn qualities. Both are grounded, but when Edwin focused solely on the goal, Charles is there ti be present in the moment and notice what happens around them and react accordingly. Like with the Night Nurse, where Edwin froze, because he had no idea how to face this kind of threat. Charles was present and his protective instincts kicked in immediately. 
Then we have Sagittarius Rising. I knew he had to be some sort of fire sign, because that boy has so much inner fire to keep him going. And Sagittarius is exactly that. Rising signs are all about how one is perceived, and Sagittariuses are positive and friendly, with boundless energy. One could say that Charles' statement of being "aces with people" fits perfectly here. They are always here for the new adventure and experiences, especially when they are surrounded by people they love to be around.
Last but not least is Cancer Moon. Cancers are known for having many emotions, even having a reputation for crying often, although that's not necessarily true. Having it as his Moon, that represets emotions, especially hidden ones, does mean Charles has lots of feelings. He is sensitive to feelings of others, and in normal circumstances, should be of his own. However, he, similarly to Edwin, isn't a fully realized Cancer Moon at the beginning of the series. He bottles up his feelings, hiding behind his more "desirable" Rising. But eventually, the dam breaks, and he cries and/or lashes out.
Also, interestingly, Cancer Moons are known to be very possessive, which we see when Edwin is spending time with Monty or the Cat King. 
With his full potential realized(which I think, he has more work to do than Edwin does as things stand rn) he'll be a wonderful friend, attentive partner and somehow who freely expresses his emotions, both good and bad.
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rivertalesien · 6 months
"The one with the skinny suit. Then I wore a bow tie, then I was a Scotsman, then a woman."
"And now you've got your face back."
And now. You've got. Your face back.
Well, if that doesn't sum it all up.
Yeah, I had a look. Can't talk without knowing, right? Spoilers ahead for The Star Beast.
The episode starts with a really truly I-can't-believe-they-thought-this-was-necessary Disney-friendly opening that explains The Doctor and Donna's connection, as if the show didn't exist before it aired on their service. That's what it's saying now: this is the only important information you need. Whatever came before is irrelevant. You won't be seeing it on this streaming service anyway.
Bringing up Donna Noble, right after leaving Yaz behind with the regeneration, calling her "My best friend in the whole wide world" is...ouch. That hurts. As if nothing that went on before or anyone they knew or cared about (as 13) was even a thing. It won't be for the Disney audience and all the kids tuning in for the first time and they know it.
13 is already an aberration, like Missy. A reboot experiment that will be easy to ignore. Now, we're back on track!
The Doctor has got HIS face back! And everybody's funny! We can laugh again!
Alright, no need to rub it in, Space Man. It really is a shame how 13's era was so dry (lesson-heavy, even) but so much more expansive with story ideas, while 10's period was full of humor and pure silliness that doesn't stick around in the memory very long. Some irony there I think.
Now the rough bit. Going to do it like a bandage and just tear it off because it's starting to itch:
For an episode that lays on the trans-positivity, it hits a sticky spot (and this is more meta than the meta crisis, so take with a pinch of something salty): can we talk about 13, or would that be a kind of dead-naming? The answer should be obvious, right, but there's an awkward and unspoken (and probably not deliberate) juxtaposition of 13 with Rose: we're reminded she deserves love and respect and how her bullies dead-naming her is shit, so the show completely erasing any references to 13 (the one time the Doctor visibly transitioned into a woman) in the same episode, is...um, well, I said awkward already. Are we supposed to just leave 13 in the past as something that wasn't true to who the Doctor really is? The Doctor regenerating into an old self, in their old clothes, even with a completely different sonic, no glimpse of 13's Tardis? Same performance? No sense of who they were before? Not even an acknowledgement of the clothes regenerating? We can call it convenience for Disney's sake, but it feels like what the Master called it: erasure.
I believe Davies, living in the midst of Terf Country, wants to do right by the queer community and stick it to anyone who believes we are less or should not exist and that is awesome. But he also led this...what, misogynistic? erasure of 13 (something deeply misogynistic fans of the show who never wanted a woman in the role in the first place are happy about, and fuck them) and if his walk doesn't follow his talk? Sorry, but we've been here before.
And it's not like the Doctor is particularly bothered with having the old face back (Rose would probably be horrified if such a thing happened to her), and Donna later bringing up "if you were still a woman" at the end is...more messiness. I mean, we know the Doctor regenerates, but this is different: we've gone backward, male-presenting-only. The first (and second) female Doctor is followed by two more men. Because there hasn't been enough of that particular image. No negative message intended, right, but there's one all the same and it's...messy. It's awkward. I hope they know it and I hope there is some proper acknowledgment before we get to the next regeneration. Just not counting on it.
Speaking of Donna and messy, she can go from adoring her daughter, willing to defend her to the death, to calling the Meep a "ferret from Mars" and insinuating they could sell it...and that was before she knew the Meep wasn't exactly a cuddly furry. Just underlines her previous conversation with her mom about failures in language (and tolerance) as being, well, really something straight white folks really need to work on.
Among other things.
The episode is filled with "lessons" on pronouns and disability (who is the lesson for? Disney audiences?): "don't make me the problem" is a great point, but then begs the question: why didn't they just put up a ramp to the ship? Answer: no opportunity to teach...and that kind of gets thrown out when everyone has to climb a ladder...and later, when there's an elevator in the building...missed that. Oh well. "Confused but got the spirit" is there and maybe a little OTT, but there's also the part where RTD is setting up what to expect as we move into Gatwa's era and Disney had better be on board. They're not known for hanging on to overtly queer shows (DW has got to be a big investment for them, though, so here's hoping they just keep making it queerer and weirder and let Disney stew in their discomfort).
And it's got all of RTD's signature silliness and an emotional 10 showboat moment (how is this "14?" Again, there's no difference in the performance at all) and I bet everyone who started watching in 2006 is just trembling all over that the Good Old Days are back (let's face it: people just like Tennant and Tate as a duo. They're great. Some are also ageist and chauvinist dicks about 12 and 13, so, again, fuck them).
And destiny is a thing. And reversing catastrophic geological damage with a few switches is a thing. No stakes, just the old fun, for old time's sake.
No pun intended.
Only with more explosions and shoot-outs (and a sonic doing decidedly non-sonic stuff): Marvel fans will love this. Blue Beetle fans? Probably not so much.
This show has always fed off of its own nostalgia, even if each regeneration means moving on to something different. But the same. Kind of. Now they've got Disney money and while I don't feel this is a full reset, kicking off from where 10 and Donna left off (again, as if nothing happened between now and then and no one else was around who mattered), is...well, if destiny is a thing and this show was always heading in Disney's direction, I guess no other Doctors needed to have happened after Tennant.
It doesn't exactly setup Gatwa for success, is what I'm saying.
"Why did this face come back? To say goodbye."
The Doctor does that. A LOT.
"Binary...non-binary" is a choice here and it adds to that earlier stickiness: Rose *choosing* her name, her very existence even, isn't about her being trans, it's about her being a result of the meta-crisis. Interesting.
The "The Doctor is male and female and neither" is also kind of hilarious given the earlier point that there is now no evidence of 13: not her clothes, not her sonic, not her Tardis. In prior regenerations, the Tardis changes due to damage from the regeneration energy. That didn't happen with 13. The previous sonic always shows up, too, until it breaks. So...well, it's beating a dead horse now, isn't it? Good for the goose, but the gander is something else. It's kind of a "do as I say not as I do" kind of thing.
Not even Donna bringing up how The Doctor was a woman for a hot second, not even the "male-presenting" Doctor suddenly "not understanding" (because the Doctor, in their male body, no matter the circumstances, cannot understand any of this and wait...did the show imply The Doctor is *not* non-binary? What?), makes this any less messy.
Yeah, this is important right now. How are you going to be this earnest with the Lesson about Representation (which would be kind of glorious otherwise, especially on Disney), and just gloss over the visual erasure of 13 and all the baggage that comes with that?
"Do something completely new and have some friends."
I hope Yaz is somewhere, with her support group of former companions, rolling her eyes and working on her affirmations.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 16 days
I see a lot of discussion in the DR fandom on some characters that die early having "missed potential", and while I agree that definitely a few of them could have been written better or differently, part of me wonders if that missed potential is kind of the point? A character is shaping up to be something, so you get invested in their story, which then makes their early death all the more tragic. I mean, of course it's still a tough needle to thread to get it to land as tragic versus falling flat, and I'm not sure how closely some of these characters hit the mark. But I Do think some characters aren't actually "missed opportunities" and instead played their role in the plot how they were meant to, if maybe a little suboptimally.
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oddly-casual · 9 months
Fiona and Cake spoilers seriously
(Something I noticed abt Betty and Simons relationship)
I love Betty and Simon’s relationship, I think their back story is so cute and romantic and all that lovely stuff don’t get me wrong.
But there’s this under tone of Betty constantly giving things up for Simon and we don’t really talk about it a lot???
Like, Betty let Simon have his moment with the artifact and the pubic, she also doesn’t go to her trip in favor of going on an expedition with Simon. Then when she goes to leave again she stays for Simon.
Even Fiona is like “you went with her on the bus?” And Simon just looks all confused like “what? No, why would I do that?” Like- hello???
Then after that she gave up her entire life and mind to get Simon back to the point where she literally says “I don’t know who I am without him anymore.” And that just sucks! Since the beginning Betty has been the one giving up the most, her mind, her own possible career, and it’s a story of love of course and it’s very sweet but it’s also a story of sacrifice.
Their love wasn’t a perfect solution, it was already sort of imbalanced when it started and I lowkey love how we see those cracks even before they’re together.
Again, I love their relationship and I think it’s sweet. I just think we should talk about Betty’s side more, especially when she tells a story of what most women do in relationships, sacrifice.
#fiona and cake spoilers#fiona and cake#simon petrikov#betty grof#It made itself really apparent in these newest episodes and I couldn’t stop thinking abt it#like Betty idolized Simon before they formally met so of course she was gonna drop everything to go on that expedition with him#but it was more after that too like she was going to leave to study in Australia but Simon stopped her#and Betty’s a grown woman she can make her own decisions#but even Betty’s friend was like ‘don’t make her miss the bus!’ because Betty had a real opportunity to do something else#and maybe It’s that true love trumps all or what ever but the way they frame it in the show feels weird to me#like Why have Fiona ask if Simon got on the bus with Betty if it wasn’t important???#the way Simon responds feels weird too he responds like Fiona doesn’t make sense when asking that question#BUT ITS VALID Like why wouldn’t you encourage Betty to go off and maybe start her own career??#or just go with her?? like she gave up stuff to go on your exhibition why wouldn’t you return the favor???#and obviously Simon doesn’t do this on purpose I’m not saying he did#he didn’t guilt trip or force Betty or even ask her to give up these things to be with him Betty did all that on her own#i think it’s just interesting the way the show frames their relationship#like Betty gives up a lot to be with Simon in Fiona and Cake and in adventure time too#but she idolizes Simon and after Simon becomes IK she’s chasing after the man he used to be#meanwhile everyone learns to live with who IK is now it was just Betty who was clinging to Simon the whole way through#obviously they love each other and respect each other but I think Betty idolizing Simon didn’t just stay when they were kids#or college students or what ever it keto’s going even when the world ended and Simon became Ice King#this is was so much more than I planned on writing-
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commsroom · 2 years
okay, so. eiffel likes music. i like to make lists about eiffel. i wanted to make a list of (at least most of) the songs/bands he references, particularly the ones he directly says he likes. there aren't really a whole lot of surprising revelations here, but if you would also like an overview of eiffel's music taste, well. here it is.
- ep 2: "... while humming 'mercedes benz' by the immortal janis joplin!"
- ep 4: "everything's gimme shelter out here." ↳ song by the rolling stones
- ep 6: "unless you leave out 'anarchy in the UK', that would be mathematically unsound." ↳ song by the sex pistols
- ep 9: "riders on the storm, man. riders on the storm." ↳ song by the doors
- ep 11: "ground control to major tom, is your circuit dead, there's something wrong. here i am, floating in a tin can..." ↳ space oddity, song by david bowie
- ep 20: MINKOWSKI: “because you are you and he is he and i am me and we are all together. / EIFFEL: “goo goo g'joob?” ↳ i am the walrus, song by the beatles
-  ep 27: “yo, copernicus! look out the window and smell the joni mitchell” ↳ referencing her album, blue
- ep 27: “yeah, yeah, we’re tangled up in blue. we get the picture.” ↳ song by bob dylan
- ep 30: “i’ve got my entire mental john williams discography to get through.” ↳ well, if there was going to be a composer eiffel really liked, i guess that would be the one. does suggest he has a good ear/memory for music, though.
- ep 37, 42, 61: “and let us analyze the real slim shady without a dozen french horns in the way.” / “which slim shady is the living, breathing, human version of your friend!” / “in the immortal words of slim shady: guess who’s back!” ↳ what can i even say about this. three times. i guess these songs are enough of a recognizable pop culture thing to be arguably distinct from the rest of eminem’s music, but like. three times.
- ep 47: “FOR YOU TO GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALL RIGHT.” ↳ one love, song by bob marley. referenced by the dear listeners, but they got it from eiffel.
- ep 49: “because it’s like radiohead says: you do it to yourself, and that’s what really hurts.” ↳ lyrics from ‘just’
- ep 54: “all along the watchtower, princes kept the view, while wild women came and went, barefoot servants too” ↳ originally written by bob dylan, but the jimi hendrix version is the one most people will think of first
- ep 54: “in the immortal words of marvin gaye: let’s get it on!”
- ep 54: “you gotta check out some of the latest advancements. otis redding. zeppelin. taylor. sir mix-a-lot. i think he’s been doing some of the best scientific work of the last fifty years.” ↳ i would like to be able to give you an alternative explanation. i would like to be able to be like, well, clearly he means singer-songwriter james taylor. he means guitarist mick taylor. he doesn’t. he means taylor swift. you can feel free to suggest another artist who it would make sense to only call ‘taylor’ in this context, but first keep in mind he’s a millennial in a show written by millennials and the writers do, in fact, listen to taylor swift. i’m resigned to it.
- ep 61: pryce mentions “the first two queen albums” as an item in eiffel’s memory
he also agrees with hera that “yeah, this is nice” about the transmission in bach to the future, but doesn’t recognize the piece. further confirmed by a little night music that eiffel’s familiarity with classical music is ‘yeah, i’ve heard this somewhere’ at best. he can’t name any of it.
of the songs and artists listed here, the ones that he is directly saying he likes and/or doesn’t have some clear contextual reason to reference are: ‘mercedes benz’ (and janis joplin in general), ‘anarchy in the uk’, john williams, ‘all along the watchtower’, otis redding, led zeppelin, taylor (swift? i guess?), sir mix-a-lot.
that said, i think you can safely assume he likes pretty much all of these things. they occupy some space in his mind, anyway. so what conclusions can you draw from that? uhh. well. he mostly likes classic rock? he’s a guy who still listens to the radio? he has, all things considered, incredibly normal taste?
none of that is really news, but there you go.
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border-collie · 1 year
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sysig · 1 year
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Pet names (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Solitaire#12 Names: Side B#The other half <3 Though ♥ is now no longer included because his were all handled last time lol#That's the thing with being first! Everyone else has the opportunity to show you up after the fact haha#Nakamura continuing the trend of at least Attempting to be professional calling Stellat ''Spear'' - pointed ✨#Stellat actually has a specific nickname for Nakamura that all three have adopted into their own languages which Slightly changes the tone#Its translation is ''Strike of the Vein'' but the implication is basically calling him Adel's lapdog which - he is but still lol#Nakamura is indifferent to it (from Stellat) so he doesn't particularly mind but he does consider it slightly unprofessional#Which is better than Completely Unprofessional lol - ♦ will try to pick up nicknames in their own languages to cut right to the quick#So he learned how to call him ''Neko'' and knows that it's also a double-entendre lol - better than what he calls him in Italian haha#Stellat is basically the only one who can get under Nakamura's skin lol#He's still well-liked! (Kind of lol) Enough that others take influence from him - if nothing else he's usually forgiven the easiest#Everyone knows he's a flirt#Nakamura is returning with his cutesy nickname for Stellat which is ''Sparkle'' haha ♪#Nakamura's and Noirceur's is probably the most chill-tense - like ♥ and ♠ are bombastic and loud so their tension is right to the surface#But there's a lot of quieter feelings between ♣ and ♠ - somewhat affectionate somewhat betrayed just a lot of little pieces#Noirceur is calling him a traitor haha and Nakamura returns with ''Beloved/I miss you'' which ♠ picks up on eventually but is still confused#Thus him trying to better understand him in his own language - he asked once and got back ''Puzzle'' - they're both puzzled by each other!#Nakamura's final name with the * is for ''Spade'' but is also pronounced ''Suki'' - again with its implicit double-meaning#He's a very private person so he's less inclined to explain that one haha#And lastly the most openly flirtatious lol ♪ Stellat is a flirt and Noirceur is surprisingly receptive! As much as he is also flustered lol#It wouldn't be nearly as fun if he wasn't! ♠ is the only one that ♦ refers to with English nicknames#So things like ''My pet'' ''My dearest'' ''My darling'' are commonly employed in whisper just to get him to blow up about it haha ♪#Noirceur is actually calling him by a nickname in return! Stellat without the t - Stella is star ✨ Just as sparkly haha#Their last is again in their own languages - ♠ calls him a ''Scary Incubus'' in French lol and ♦ returns with Italian ''You're such a tease'#Noirceur was also the first to pick up Stellat's nickname for Nakamura and Adel picked it up from there hehe#Also I didn't do it on purpose (obviously in some cases) but most of these have the symbol on the side they're standing :0#I didn't plan that! I just doodled as I wanted lol
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camptw1nk · 1 year
I dont think i have ever mentioned nick on this blog bc hes an oc that has. Nothing to do with kurt or in common w him but looking at him next to kurt actually is so interesting to me because they're both around the same age coming from abusive homes and trying to just do what they have to to survive and theres so many interesting parallels between them
#i think they both have this. put side to side its like. they have this spectrum of how grown up a person can be in their early 20s#kurt has a very young feeling to his age and you'd believe hes younger than he is. hes immature#hes incapable of a lot of things and depends heavily on his parents and as a single child hasn't had much opportunity to learn from others#and just generally tends to feel a lot younger especially since his trauma makes him shrink down and age regress a little#whereas nick. hes spent so many years being the older brother and while he did have joe being older he still felt this huge responsibility#and he put it on himself to be the protector of his brothers esp when joe went to college so he had to grow up young#and his history of abusing substances has in many ways aged him#and he has this thing this. he got out of that house and he got free but the moment his brothers need him he moves back in#he faces down the abuse again and almost dies for it because his brothers needed him#and its something kurt never experiences because he never has the protective drive for a sibling#when he ends up back at that house it is because kurt feels too weak to stand on his own feet#when nick does it its because he knows he can be strong enough to endure long enough to protect his brothers#and theres a Lot about nick that makes him more grown up than kurt emotionally#and i do think being a single dad to a baby is very very heavily involved in that but thats a whole other thing#if/when kurt has a baby he shifts to be more grown up tok but thats not the point of this#i started this saying they have nothing in common but they r v similar actually and maybe they should kiss#i ship a lot of my muses w kurt simply bc he deserves all the love#god i love nick i miss him catch me yelling on my multi ab him
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thelastharbinger · 2 years
What a strange feeling to have. Your ship finally comes together but just not in the way you wanted. Or rather, the timing you wanted--even though you've been waiting 3 years.
#everything about that finale was forced because there was just no time!#what even was the point of ricky's confession getting caught on camera??#the this is me solo felt forced given how little time we spent with that character#ej's storyline didn't really get a resolution and also fuck his dad#big red coming out as bi was a pleasant surprise but his scene with ashlyn was a lot and also too little#nini leaving without personally explaining to her best friend that she'd be moving was a choice#the whole trailer reaction scene was befuddling bc all of a sudden ppl were getting upset abt drama they knew was edited in#and yeah...i wish rina got to have their slowburn into season 4 and for ricky to be the one to initiate that conversation#also what in that 1 month time skip made gina realize that she was still willing to bank on ricky?#when a month ago she was head over heels for ej#the whole rina ending was so forced in there i kept thinking maybe it was a dream scenario fake out#also gina is finally lead in a show and we saw her perform nothing!#we barely saw any of the show!#i just wish everything was given more time#like if rina had to happen this season it needed five more episodes#two of them being post camp still during summer break#like as someone who has been patiently waiting for rina the writing has minimized all impact for me#but im still excited to see them be all cute and coupley next season#its just that we followed ricky this season pining over gina so not having him getting to air out his feelings is a missed opportunity#but whatever its fine ig#portwells have it way worse rn so imma shut up#cause this ending made portwell seem like a distraction in the way of rina. it waa giving it was you all along#which it wasn't and that's fine! but at least wrap things up neatly#damn#but ig we won so hey!#hsmtmts#rina#portwell#rina endgame#ricky x gina
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goldenkid · 2 years
i’m so scared of going on placement this semester btw
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skenpiel · 2 years
ok so! uh! normally this is the moment where id go "i have a normal amount of feelings about this movie [through tears]" but that actually isnt the case this time. guess i just didnt like it as much as all the other movies in the franchise
#there were a lot of things i didnt like#for example there were a handful of plot holes to me most notably the fact that scotty was on the enterprise b when kirk 'died'#because. if that was 73 years before the movie takes place‚ and THAT was roughly 2-3 years after the tng episode relics took place#then after being freed from the transporter pattern buffer after being in there for 80 YEARS#he would have KNOWN kirk was dead#but in the episode he says 'i bet jim kirk himself hauled the old gal out of mothballs to come looking for me'#thats usually not how you talk about someone who has (to you) been dead for 7 years.#now of course that kind of timeline fluke isnt the end of the world but. well........ i guess i kinda expected better?#i sound sooooo fuckin mean and nitpicky here but trust me thats not the only reason i was disappointed#i was also upset that they essentially made data a comic relief character throughout the majority of the movie?#he had like 3 actual emotional moments and the rest was just silly goofs. he doesnt deserve to be treated like that#(although his life form song was sick. i will admit)#and soran as a character was just kinda...... disappointing. he was a cheesy villain with a pretty iffy motive#not to mention they COMPLETELY missed the chance to give us the opportunity to explore guinan more. she DEFINITELY deserved more screentime#all she was in this movie was. well? just a support character who offered a little advice and explanation and then left#that upset me a bit too bc i love guinan soooo much#i guess overall it didnt. have like. a distinct feel to it. it kinda just felt like a long tng episode with a higher budget#(but evidently not that much to show for it)#the other star trek movies were so very obviously their own THING‚ separated from the original series#though i think that may have had a little to do with the movies taking place a while AFTER tos ended#whereas this movie took place like. really pretty shortly after the end of tng#that said i wanna make it clear i liked the movie. it just doesnt really hold much of a candle to the first 6#also what kinda gayass last words are 'oh‚ my' like htrghoieruhgoug ok gayboy#ANYWAY!!!!! thats my thoughts on star trek generations i guess. it wasnt as good as id hoped but still good for the most part#i only cried like. once. and that wasnt even actual crying it was just tearing up a little bit -_-#and i didnt have to take that many hyperfixation stim breaks either....#well either way im glad to have finished it! now i can go back to rewatching tos ^___^#also reading first best destiny YAYYY#can u believe its only 4am. i finished this movie like. super quickly compared to the other ones LAWL
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