#because that means that's how much potential tsukasa has
dumping-ideas · 5 months
what do you think about how tsukasa acting ? is his procedure some kind of method acting ?
(spoiler for protagonist story event)
during his acting, rui is commenting with concerned face about him "becoming" his character and tsukasa got "too involved" today (rui also think about the practice before, that tsukasa is doing fine with balance of his charatcer's shining but yeah he got too involved on chapter). i just think that if the story it has anything to do with this ? not just balance and ability to read the flow of the show but with tsukasa's procedure. method acting is such a risky procedure btw.
tbh i doubt that pjsk will touch this issue but still wonder what will be tsukasa's conflict during this act (plus the world link that gonna come around like march 2024, maybe SEKAI related conflicts ?)
Oooooh boy I was like clapping my hands when I saw that. Especially when Tsukasa was monologuing in his mind, the name in the text box is not Tsukasa but Nakayama. Like, holy he managed to be him. Good for you, Tsukasa! Nakayama is really alive! This feels like Rio all over again woohoo!!
But then Rui is like "oh this is bad" because Tsukasa's acting is too good he destroyed the balance of the stage. In other words, a supporting role needs to be in the background, but Tsukasa is too eye-catching so he just unnaturally stood out. Whoops. (Kato director also said that Tsukasa is a man who had light in him but an actor needs to learn how to tone it down and we know Tsukasa is anything but that, especially because he usually plays as the main character).
I think the reason why Tsukasa was able to balance Nakayama the supporting role and Nakayama the person in practice is because there is no audience. We know that Tsukasa always strives to be the best for all his audiences, so he just... got into too deep with Nakayama because he wants his audience to feel that Nakayama is alive. Bakuno also plays the supporting role because he wants them to be in the spotlight, but Bakuno himself naturally doesn't stand out that much and he thought of the supporting roles as companions. On the other hand, Tsukasa naturally stands out, so when he plays the supporting role as the main character and he got too deep into his role the supporting role also stands out.
I also think that his approach to acting is shifting now ever since Phoenix? I've read about method acting before (and I agree Tsukasa employs that tactic too), and I think you're right while Tsukasa is making leaps and bounds of progress he's also slowly going down a slippery slope. He's literally endangering his own health in his own quest to understand Rio after all and it's not... a really good thing imo. Somehow it feels like... Tsukasa is being swallowed by the characters? Like, he doesn't make those roles as his but he's the one that becomes them. I'm glad that Tsukasa has a strong sense of identity so he could go back to being himself after he stepped off the stage but what if one day he took it a bit too far? Like, in his own quest to perfect a role he hurt himself or others, or he internalized a character too much there's a shift in his personality or habit. Imagine if he plays as a horrible person and he's too deep in character? God, that would've sucked.
I don't know if proseka would discuss it but I hope they would at least discuss how to balance yourself and your characters with Tsukasa's plotline.
I discussed what I think WxS world link event would be in another ask, so maybe you can read that one too, anon!
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demodraws0606 · 3 months
What Cyberpunk DeadBoy Means and What it's Potentially Foreshadowing (aka very complicated analysis that makes a lot of sense and could happen depending on how colorpalet is feeling while writing the story)
Now I'm seeing so many people like running around wondering what this event could mean for the future for multiple reasons and like I've made like one post throwing my hat into the ring.
I've been frustrated with people's unwillingness to realise that this comm is prob foreshadowing because this is not the first time Colorpalet has hidden foreshadowing into comms weither subtely or not
Exemple's being :
-Akito's second comm foreshadowing his third event
-Lower's cover art literally foreshadowing what would happen to Mafuyu's phone in her event
-88 vocals being emurui and nenekasa foreshadowing the kind of dynamic the disbandement arc had with nenekasa wanting to move forward with emurui being scared of isolation
-Probably way better exemples that I forgot
I've seen people make Some assumptions which I don't agree with but there is one thing I think is true
There is 100 pourcent gonna be struggle between corporation/reality and WxS.
Purely because that's been WxS's entire theme since the beginning. They constantly bash you over the head with the theme of compromising with reality and the importance of dreams. In fact the pick of Maiki-P is not at all surprising as he basically has the same message WxS has just... well harsher.
The Big thing people have ignored however is by focusing on the lyrics, they've ignored something that's personally to me even more telling and that's the line distribution
We know for a fact colorpalet loves to mess around with line distribution, weither it's to make characters say lines that fit them or to kind of foreshadow their headspace.
Now something Big happens with the line distribution of Cyberpunk Deadboy that i've seen NO ONE notice and that's in the last chorus (that and also Tsukasa's lines which people have pointed out but it works less on it's own which is why I'm gonna analyse his lines afterwards).
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This is the only time the chorus is like that, the others have a much more even distribution.
In fact the distribution choice makes it look like the rest of WxS is Talking to Rui.
It's even more evident considering the lines they chose to make WxS sing compared to only just Rui
Emu/Tsukasa/Nene saying kimi (you)
Rui saying boku (i)
Which honestly makes me think this is colorpalet foreshadowing some kind of issue reguarding specifically Rui. Remember Emu's second event ? The story of Rilley whose imagination was crippled by the industry to the point where he didn't really have any artistic vision until Emu's grandpa helped him.
In fact remember how the flashback that showcases that has Rilley working on a film
Now we get to Tsukasa's line which have been pointed out to be kind of sus but it's not just his lines.
Tsukasa refuses to sing with Rui (unless it's a line they all sing together but i consider those exceptions). In fact pretty much everyone has a duo line with each other except those two.
In fact in the section where Rui has duo lines with everybody, Tsukasa is the only one he doesnt sing with and the visuals make it clear that it's something that we're supposed to find strange
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And then we of course have Tsukasa's solo lines
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Tsukasa is the only one that say "fuzakeruna" outside of Rui (of course ignoring entire group WxS lines) and i've seen some people pointed out how it sounds like he's saying it in response to Rui's lines. Which I agree with.
Then we got his big boy solo lines
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These lines will make more sense with my theory/analysis but right now if we go with the idea that WxS in the last chorus were speaking to Rui and Tsukasa in this comm refuses to sing with Rui then this implies those lines are Tsukasa speaking to Rui.
And this is where the insanity begins because people have pointed out a concerning trend with Ruikasa that I know some people use for shipping fuel but for me kinda feels more so like foreshadowing.
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IGNORING all the ARG ass weirdness of the Fixer 2dmv, this choice to switch Ruikasa's colors have to mean something in my opinion outside of just wholesome shipping influence especially considering the two songs they do this are less than jovial.
What this kind of color switching signifies to me is that, Ruikasa somehow are/or will switch places.
And with that let me bring back Tsukasa's lines
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These lines stand out because Tsukasa before remembering his dreams was extremely shallow only doing things for fame and probably the money that would come with it.
Now if you think about everything I've layed out I think you can gain a pretty clear picture.
Of Rui falling into the trap Rilley did, becoming jaded and losing the true motivation of his dream (or at least starting to have doubts). Becoming stuck with the struggle of managing dreams and reality.
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Rui's costume even has a mask which can be a metaphor for his artistic voice and individuality being silenced .
Which now you get into the line distribution where WxS is implied to be talking to Rui.
And you get to Tsukasa, who is refusing to sing with Rui and in fact seems to be arguing with Rui if we really want to overthink it. In fact almost switching their roles from the main story.
Because Tsukasa has grown now and how else to show that growth than to switch Rui and Tsukasa's perspectives/roles.
Now how this would happen really depends since there are multiple ways they can go about it with the time they have.
There is obviously mystery dude dude (who i know now is sakaki) who still gives me bad vibes. However there is actually two way they can make mystery dude trigger this sort of plot :
-Mystery dude is malicious and actively manipulates/confronts Rui to make him rethink his worldview
-Mystery dude isn't malicious but instead is just jaded/has been through a lot of industry bullshit which ends up rubbing off on Rui accidentally
But you can even just not have mystery dude involved with this at all (which i doubt but still) because you know what loose plotpoint is still lingering over WxS, fucking Asahi
Rui still has not talked about Asahi to WxS, in fact Curtain Call ends on an explicit cliffhanger which is never really emotionally concluded (at least in Rui's own events, technically the arc ender did but there are still a lot of loose threads from that arc). Why would Colorpalet make Asahi come back after Rui graduates, they could've just had him disappear into the sunset but instead they hint at his potential comeback.
Unless Rui will be forced to again confront similar feelings he did during Curtain Call this time with possibly an added layer of whatever happens during WxS's freelance arc.
Anyways yeah this is overly complicated but then again colorpalet is not being easy with us so...yeah.
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nanabansama · 6 months
Hi hi! why do you think Tsukasa kisses Nene ? do you think he likes her ? Do you think Nene will start to like Tsukasa after this ?
Hi! You're in luck actually, because I have been thinking very heavily about Tsukasa and Nene's relationship recently and have some #thoughts. (Err, but who hasn't been thinking about them, honestly...?)
Okay, so you're wondering if Tsukasa likes Nene, why he kissed her, and if Nene will start to like him... let's see...
First, do I think he likes her...? Well, I wouldn't say that's completely off the table yet. Look at how happy he gets after kissing her:
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Cute, right?! I think saying something like... "he's in LOVE with her"... might be a bit too grandiose, but it's definitely giving off the vibes of a kiddy crush, at least. And like with any kiddy crush, he has a precocious way of showing it.
Consider: him offering her food...
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...Leaning in really close to her face while her eyes are closed...
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...I mean, it's not totally impossible, right? He even invites her on a PLAY DATE.
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Haha, but to be real with you, I am having a bit of trouble believing he has an actual crush on her myself. It's certainly a lower priority to him than getting the Yorishiro destroyed and accomplishing his goals, anyway.
I'm also going to discount any instances of Tsukasa getting annoyed with the reverted child form of Nene as proof that he doesn't like her, because I think it's kind of ridiculous to expect any hypothetical crush he has to stay intact when she starts acting like this:
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All this to say, don't let anyone tell you that Tsunene is fake or anything. I personally am undecided on it, leaning more towards Tsukasa not having a crush, but I could just as easily believe he has a small crush on her, too.
So, if Tsukasa doesn't have a crush on Nene, then why would we kiss her? Well...
Honestly, sometimes? I don't think Tsukasa really thinks much before doing things. Not always, of course...! But remember, this is the guy who just randomly decided that he was going to swim to Los Angeles:
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I hope this isn't too lackluster of an answer, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Tsukasa only did it... just because! Maybe he saw Amane kissing her and wanted to copy him. Maybe he thought it'd be a funny prank, kissing her when he knows she likes Amane and Amane likes her. Remember, Tsukasa has never been above pulling pranks on his brother or his assistant.
Need I remind you that he tried to eat her?
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He's just a bit... mysterious. The comparisons people make of him to an animal or toddler are not completely unwarranted. Still, he is a scheming 13-year-old ghost that has proven levels of intellect and cruelty on par with other members of the cast. It's best not to underestimate him too much... I just really can't see any benefit to kissing Nene other than getting a laugh out of it. Or, potentially, a little treasure for himself! ❤️
Finally, you asked if Nene would fall in love with him... this is actually my favorite part of the ask, because I considered how likely this was to happen and surprised myself with where my mind went, lmao.
The first thing we need to remember about Nene is that she is described as, and demonstrably is, a girl in love with love. She LIVES for romance. (Just keep this in mind always. It might even be the most important part of her character, idk.)
Now, not only is Tsukasa an identical clone to the boy she loves--the boy she's planning on asking to be her BOYFRIEND soon, mind you--but she sees the potential!!! She literally had an entire daydream about him showing up to be Hanako's "rival" for her love.
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While she's very clearly still loyal to Hanako, take note of the fact that she made both of the twins look taller and more handsome in the daydream. This could be proof she finds him physically attractive. ...That being said, she seems more into the fact that Tsukasa is into her than anything else... but can you really blame her? She's always dreamed of being popular with boys. To have TWO boys be madly in love with her is something straight out of her wildest fantasies.
Okay, but you know what's kinda funny? This whole... "Taller Twins" fantasy... is um... kind of happening right now?!
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While the height difference is obviously greater than the one between her and the Fantasy Tsukasa, it's still hilarious that this is even happening. And, while Tsukasa hasn't exactly been the best babysitter for Nene so far...
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...she is having a ton of fun with him!!!
Also, I haven't brought this up yet, but during The Misaki Stairs Arc, Nene brings up having had a crush on her Kindergarten teacher. Is it so unrealistic that Nene might end up getting a crush on Tsukasa, too? Especially for a girl who falls in love so easily?
Well, if not, I'm still expecting her to be totally enchanted by Hanako if she happens to meet him when she's still a child, lol. Could you imagine how cool he would look to 5-year-old Nene, coming to save her?! She already thinks he looks cool when they're at their typical height difference!
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Anyway. To summarize: I think Tsukasa could have a crush on Nene, I think Tsukasa either kissed her just because or because he has a kiddy crush on her, and I think Baby Nene could develop a crush on Tsukasa. Thanks for the ask!
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kawaiichibiart · 3 months
....PRSK April Fool's Events I'd like to see happen:
Y'all had to have know this was coming: we play with the NPCs.
Everything is literally the same (visually), the VAs just switch who they play.
This is another obvious one: Sekai Swap
Again everything is (roughly) the same (visually), but the siblings have switched roles. So: Tsukasa is the one who ended up in the hospital and Saki is the one who forgot why she decided to pursue her dreams (in this case it was becoming a pianist). Shiho is the one who was part of a group before joining her current one (Leo/need), who was assigned a role and got bullied for things she couldn't control, and Shizuku's the one who wants to go pro (as an idol of course), so she finds jobs that could help with that (honestly the Hinomoris are giving me the hardest time to figure out a good swap for). Ena is the one who pushes herself too much and compares herself to her friends, while Akito is the one who seeks validation for his singing and gets disappointed when people prefer his selfies and OOTD posts over his singing ones.
The School Sekai, Stage Sekai, and Street Sekai are all created by one person (personal vote goes towards: Saki, Minori, and An, I will also accept Toya because I honestly think that'd be fucking hilarious), the Wonderland Sekai and the Empty Sekai are both created by a group.
Personality swap but the characters keep their....quirks (? I don't know what else to call it). Like, Tsukasa could have Kanade's personality but he'd still be loud as fuck. Ena could have Saki's but still be a bitch (I say that affectionately). Etc., etc.
...we need more kid designs and thus kid 2d models, but SEKAIs were created when they were kids. Saki would visit the School Sekai whenever she was out of the hospital but still unable to see her friends. Minori got to meet Haruka, Airi and Shizuku earlier and they all decided to become idols together. An and Akito are guiding these two, scared, lost, kids around the Street Sekai and introducing them to street music earlier. Tsukasa and Mafuyu are both the only ones who start off alone. Tsukasa goes into the Wonderland Sekai whenever Saki is at the hospital and their parents stay with her. He doesn't like being alone, so the Sekai brings him comfort and it was hard for him to accept that someone else could enter his Sekai. Mafuyu would go to the Empty Sekai to find comfort in Miku. She's a lot more like Len, hiding behind Miku, shy, absolute baby. She also has a hard time accepting others can enter her Sekai. For those two, Sekai was a safe haven, a place to ease themselves and find comfort. So when other people start showing up (not the VS), they're upset.
...this is a sign I've read too many groupchat fanfics: they're all part of a Nightcord (because I'm pretty sure we've all agreed Nightcord = Discord) group chat and all the area conversations are about shit that has been brought up in the chat. Bonus points if all of the convos are mixed units. Extra bonus points if they have no idea who started it in the first place.
I'd love a subtle fuckery where, again, everything is pretty much the same, but certain characters have had their colors swapped. Tsukasa and Saki, Shiho and Nene, Minori and Honami, Shizuku and Kanade...
Unit Shuffle 2: Electric Boogaloo
There's a world where rather than Tsukasa saving Toya, Toya saves Tsukasa. Where Kohane is the one who chooses An as her partner. Where Airi, Haruka and Shizuku are the ones who put on a show for Minori and pull her up on stage in their Sekai because they want her to see as the lights become a pale peachy/orange color for her. Where Mafuyu is the one doing the saving and not being saved.
Different childhood friends. That's it. Potentially could go along with number 10.
Once again, visually, everything is the same, but the last names are all over the place. Meet the Kamishiros: Ichika and Ena. Oh, the Aoyagis? You mean Aoyagi Shiho, Aoyagi Emu and Aoyagi Rui? It's strange how Saki Hinomori and Tsukasa Yoisaki look so alike.
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period-of-nocturne · 7 months
You know there's a logic behind each team leader in pjsk and it's funny to me how nobody noticed it seems
The first reason is obvious in main story, they're all the reason the group currently exist, they're the ones who brings everyone together even if it wasn't on purpose
Minori is a good example because she's the reason the three others hasn't quit being an Idol, she brought them back to the Idol industry and without her MMJ wouldn't even exist. As the first April Fools proves by the way since it's a huge "And what if X and Y hasn't met, or this went differently"
Kanade is obvious too since without her Niigo had no reason to be. Mafuyu Ena and Mizuki all ended up here after seeing Kanade's work and without that they would never met
Tsukasa is less obvious, but he's the one who agree to help Emu first to save WonderStage, then he dragged Rui around, then he made Nene face her fears except he made it in a pathetic way, then he dragged Rui around again. Like he was the cause for the three of them to change in the first place
Kohane is a curious one but I don't believe An third wheeling the guys would have work... actually she might have refuse to team up with them if she was alone, so Kohane was the last piece they needed to form VBS. Also the formation of the team and the relation between the 4 revolved around her apparition in main story
And Ichika... It's hard to explain, because Saki coming back did a lot for them going back together too, but I think Ichika was the one who act on what they both wanted the most at the time. She was already trying her best to keep contact with the two others before, but Saki's support and energy what just what she needed to finally affirm herself again and speak openly to the two others. Actually, it's her personality as a whole and how she steps in and act on her feelings when she thinks is needed that makes her the one tying everyone together. Also at the times Hona and Shiho distanced herself from Ichi partially because of what the random NPC said about her so it was kind of all revolving around her since the very start.
... I could point out a lot of things like that but I'll just tell you the check L/N main story again with that in mind or it won't end
The second trait they share is that they're all the one... leading... wow...
No I mean they're the person in the front most of time, like Ichika is the singer and MC, Tsukasa is most of time the leading role of the play, Kanade isn't exactly leading in any way but she's still Niigo's core
I believe Minorin will become the front Idol in the team in time (I only know the details of the stories in EN server so I can't talk much about the JP one but from the little I know I wouldn't be surprised if I'm proven right soon)
It's less obvious with Kohane, no maybe it became a bit obvious since Kick it up a Notch!, but she's the front in her own way. How to explain it...
It's her voice that makes it obvious, as higher pitch voices are often put in front while the low tones are used for background. Toya sings in low-tone because he's kind of "The backbone of the team" "The supporting voice" as he was called, and Kohane is the opposite here, her high-pitched voice being easily heard. + Her compared to Nagi and everything around her that insinuate that she's the one with the most potential (I refuse to agree because the 4 are amazing but it's what the story says) and everything else.
It gives her that 'leading place', though VBS doesn't have an official leader story-wise. Actually aside WxS and their self proclaimed leader, there is no team leader story-wise anyway.
So yeah it isn't revelant story-wise for the team in itself but the leaders are the leaders for a good reason. So the next time someone says An should has lead VBS or Shiho lead Leo/Need I will- get hit by a truck
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auromelt · 7 months
thoughts on if suzaki somehow got adopted by oya????
i see him more as a suzuran guy i don’t actually think he’d fit into oya well unless he was having a Real Serious mental breakdown and they were the ones to help him out of it lol. i can see him being friends with at least fujio though and he knows that if anything happens to him at senomon he’ll have a safe place at oya
i have headcanons though 😭
first he and amagai are Done in this scenario. they’ve split, it’s over. suzaki hates the way they went out, but what can he really do? where will he ever be wanted and needed again?
oya heard about it from their silly little intel guy and it’s just not right. no matter how they individually feel about senomon’s guard dog, he doesn’t deserve to be thrown out with the trash, not after everything he did for amagai. it’s this that drives fujio to extending a hand out for him.
did i mention suzaki would look hot as fuck in black? anyways.
a lot of the oya guys are probably pretty mistrustful of him. i mean, as expected, he did play an active role in abducting and almost killing their #2. i like to imagine fujio would trust him and prompt the others to treat him nicely which nobody really takes kindly to. it’s because of this that fujio might be the only person he’s willing to speak to properly. things do improve with time of course
strangely, of all people, tsukasa is quite fond of him. he’ll make conversation with suzaki too but suzaki is soooo awkward with him because of the aforementioned kidnapping thing
we saw in the movie that suzaki is Strong, like a one-man army, 3-on-1 kinda strong. having him definitely elevates oya’s fighting prowess. he’s a lot like the hope hill guys in the sense that from a very young age he’s had to learn to fight for himself and win a place away from the bottom to survive. without having to protect a useless crybaby, his full potential is unlocked and he essentially displaces fujio at the top. i mean did we watch the same movie? he took on todoroki and odajima at the same time and still had the ability to go against fujio and probably would’ve won if the power of friendship was on his side… or if amagai’s irritating ass didn’t wake the dead
he doesn’t replace fujio as the leader. his experiences with senomon and amagai have built immense loyalty within himself and this loyalty has projected onto fujio now. at his core, suzaki is built to serve and protect. he’ll protect fujio with all he has because fujio was kind to him when no one else was. he helps in defending fujio’s place, never steps beyond that
he doesn’t officially join any factions, he has a hard time with people and everyone’s still kinda scared of him. he mostly works alone and corresponds with fujio. still, despite not having anything to defend but himself, he’s always at the beck and call of tsukasa faction
speaking of todoroki he and suzaki do Not get along. their personalities just clash horribly but rather than conflict, the two just ignore each other unless they need to work together. i think they’d probably have some level of respect for each other and honestly they’re probably more alike than they believe themselves.
suzaki would look so good in black
hm… he’s also strangely nice to jamuo. jamuo is terrified of him but i think suzaki would find him quite interesting. he was never much of an intel guy, that was saboten’s job in senomon and he sucked at it, only ever really able to force information out through beating people up. he’ll absolutely defend jamuo from the people who like picking on him
when amagai actually does find out what suzaki’s been up to, he’s furious of course. but he doesn’t have his guard dog anymore and he’s just stuck with the absolutely useless senomon high students. amagai would absolutely feel like oya stole what’s his, even if he was the one to throw suzaki out in the first place. against what is probably smart, amagai goes directly to oya to find suzaki and confront him and take him back because suzaki was supposed to be a stray dog he wasn’t supposed to move on. amagai can’t stand that.
when he reaches oya, i think yasukiyo would be the ones to greet him 🤔 with a punch to the face. tsukasa handles amagai’s intrusion, telling him to get out before they show him what they do to intruders on their home turf. amagai demands to see suzaki but suzaki won't see him, hiding away within earshot. amagai calls him a coward and tells him it’s not over and that he’ll get back at suzaki somehow. i think oya would probably have their big realisation of what suzaki’s been through at that moment, listening to the way amagai speaks to him and threatens him, seeing the genuine sickness and fear on suzaki’s expression. suddenly, the guard dog looks more like an abandoned puppy.
he does come out as amagai leaves, telling him to leave oya alone. the people standing close to him can see the unbreakable suzaki ryo shake, can see how scared he is, but he defends fujio against the person who scarred him anyways
after that he gets along better with oya, they realise that despite their past, despite everything, suzaki’s loyalty rests with them
you know what? i said i didn’t see the vision so idk how i wrote this much and now i’ve low key kinda convinced myself? 😭 anyways i hope this is satisfactory!
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legend-of-cupcake · 1 year
Hanako’s missing memories
Hanako not remembering why he had to get the clock moving is a very interesting detail, one I have been thinking about for hours at this point.
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Hanako willingly divulging any information without prompt is an extremely rare occurrence, usually he likes to keep things close to his chest, using the information he has as a way to manipulate others without them knowing. And if not for that, then he’s keeping things to himself because he’s afraid to let others know more about him. It’s only when he’s pushed into a corner that he will start letting the secrets spill.
But here he’s being uncharacteristically honest, and while part of it may be because Nene is the only one present and he’s comfortable around her, I also think that for once Hanako isn’t in control of the information and he’s feeling lost.
When I first read that panel last night, my initial thought was that parts of Hanako’s memory was sealed away. At the time it made sense, I mean he hardly ever mentions being alive (although he’s shown to have some memories, but he’s never been explicit) and how else would a “evil” spirit like Hanako-san be placid by a simple seal?
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Whatever made Hanako evil as a ghost could’ve had something to do with what he remembered while alive (or dying, even). Perhaps he was vengeful for what happened to him and Tsukasa, and having those memories sealed away would pacify him. Then, with his memories gone, Hanako could be manipulated into thinking he needs the seal and that’s why he never asks Nene to take it off, despite her having the power to do so as a kannagi. 
But after reading the chapter again, I realised that flashback takes place during Amane’s first year in middle school. And with the big emphasis on the giant clock, of course my next thoughts were the clock-keepers.
Does Hanako have more in common with Akane than we all thought? Akane, on his very first day of middle school, was tricked by the clock-keepers into forming a contract with them.
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His love and devotion for Aoi was used against him, and Akane was forced into a whole new world he didn’t want anything to do with. His contract with them lasts for 6 years, which pretty much means he’s stuck as a school mystery until he graduates at the end of his final year of high school. 
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With how efficient their methods were to “recruit” Akane, I very much doubt that he was the first human that the clock-keepers did this too. In fact, I’m going as far as to say perhaps Amane had been tricked into becoming a clock-keeper himself.
Do I have a lot of evidence to back this up? Well, no. But Amane would’ve been at the right age, and it also explains how he could’ve gained the tools to change his fate.
And it potentially explains the gaps in his memory.
The normal humans who are tricked by the clock-keepers are only contracted with them until graduation. What’s stopping them from going round and telling everyone about their experiences and even warning future students? Well what if, once the contract is fulfilled, the student loses their memory as their time as a clock-keeper? The clock-keepers are able to continue tricking future students, while the graduated human is able to lead a normal life after being a supernatural for 6 years. Everyone wins in this scenario. 
But what if the clock-keeper dies before graduating? 
They probably lose their memories anyway, since the contract is likely nullified since the student didn’t make it to graduation. 
Right now, that’s what I think is going on with Hanako. Whatever he was doing with the clock, I wonder if it was related to the clock-keepers, and that’s why he can’t remember. 
But this theory is mostly speculation honestly, I don’t have a lot of evidence to back myself up this time. A part of me still thinks maybe the seal on his cheek is related to the missing memories, but we currently don’t have enough information either way. 
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thebeautyoffanfics · 1 year
can I have Hanako, Shijima, and Sakura with a s/o who feels like they have no purpose in life?? Let me explain more- s/o was supposed to die when they were young but survived and now they feel like death is going to get them eventually (s/o is a half supernatural so they can already see ghosts) so they almost give up?? Like they don’t do their homework, don’t try in school, doesn’t talk to friends, and will even skip days because they think it will be worthless in the end? (I can explain more if you want me too as well-)
hanako x gn!reader , shijima mei x gn!reader , sakura nanamine x gn!reader
a/n : of course !! ahh i’m not sure how to add to this a/n , but !! uhm !! i love you dearly , i hope you’re alright , and i hope you enjoy this !!! i hope i handle the topic appropriately , and if you (anyone reading , or cherry specifically !!) feel like i didn’t handle it properly , please let me know <3 /gen
((also !! uhm !! i haven’t written for shijima or sakura in a loooong while , and haven’t read the chapters w shijima in them in a while , so i apologize if these are OOC ^^; 
ALSO i’m sooooo sorry for how long this took ahh ,,, it also may be a bit short , i apologize for that as well <//3)) warnings : uhh ?? read the ask , and decide from there <3 (not meant in a mean way , just unsure how to specify that !!)
word count : 893
Hanako <3
Understands, possibly more than any of the others do. After all, he had been in a similar boat.
Though he didn’t like to admit it, not even to himself, his life had been full of thoughts like those. Willingly letting himself get hurt or bullied, simply because… well, call it “survivor's guilt” in a way. 
Tsukasa had never been the same, yet Amane survived as normally as he could… he felt bad. He felt guilty, and he felt like things were pointless.
Seeing that in you made his heart ache in a way he couldn’t quite explain. 
He isn’t quite sure how to bring it up, or if he should. He also worries that saying “I understand personally” would feel like he’s making the issue about himself. Therefore, he tries to avoid it, until he feels comfortable admitting it.
When you miss days, he sort of assumes that’s what’s happening. So, he’ll offer you hugs, letting you know that you were missed while you were out. Whether it’s helpful or not, he isn’t sure, and he doesn’t mind feedback.
If you decide to talk more about it, Hanako feels honored. It isn’t easy to open up about topics like that, so he listens with his full attention, and offers any support he can provide.
If he manages to find out that you’re not doing homework, or that your grades are being affected, he offers to help you with it! Doesn’t try and force anything, but lets you know that it doesn’t bother him at all!
(Maybe his help with homework isn’t super effective, but… it’s the thought that counts-)
He also tries to encourage you to… live fully, I suppose? He doesn’t want to seem overbearing, but he also doesn’t want you to let that feeling weigh you down. He knows how much potential you have, and he knows that there’s a beautiful world for you to live in-- even if it doesn’t seem like that all the time.
Shijima Mei <3
Once again, Shijima does understand, all too well.
Maybe not personally, technically? But she saw it in the living Shijima, and has that sort-of connection to that. While the living Shijima never grew hopeless… Number 4 hates to admit that, at times, she felt hopeless for her. 
Since she understands how that hopelessness feels, she does her best to dispel it in you. While keeping up her empathy, she tries to encourage you to not give up.
It’s mostly gentle reminders, and occasionally the more “serious” talk (only if you’re up for it, and don’t seem uncomfortable). Things like “You had homework, right? Here, let’s do it together.” Or “Say, have you heard from (Friend’s Name) recently? I think I’d like to know how they are, so maybe you should check up on them.”
Will listen to you as often as you want to talk about it. It’s not uncommon for her to let you lay your head in her lap, as she draws, listening to you express any feelings that you need to get off your chest. During those times she’ll frequently give her input (if you’re willing to have it), and run her hands through your hair. 
Unlike Hanako, she’s more open to sharing her personal experiences in relation to that. She isn’t sure if it’s helpful, but she does figure that knowing you aren’t alone can be reassuring. 
Sakura Nanamine <3
Sakura struggles with very similar things-- the urge to give up on things, and the pointlessness that you grapple with is something she personally understands.
Out of the three, I’d say Sakura battles with Hanako on the “understanding the most personally” list.
However… unlike Hanako and Shijima, Sakura does struggle a bit to comfort you or show her care. She does it in her own little ways, but there are times where she wonders if it’s enough.
Sakura is always willing to listen to you. While she doesn’t give much input, she often nods, showing that she’s paying you her full attention, and occasionally hums a sincere “mhm.”
If she sees that you’re putting off homework, she’ll try and subtly encourage you to not give up. 
“...I heard there was history homework. Shall I make tea, and we can look at it together?”
When she sees the times where you DO finish homework and interact with friends, she’ll offer you a small smile, and often offers you tea and sweets. She tends to struggle with words, but she does try and offer an “I saw you talking with your friends today… I’m proud of you.”
When you’re having more difficult times, Sakura feels a bit bad for her simple actions and struggles with words. Still, she does what she can-- for example, when you’re sitting next to her, she may use her hand to move your head until it’s laying on her shoulder, or play with your hair. 
She rarely opens up about the fact that she relates, but it may be somewhat obvious to you. However, Sakura hates pity, and would much rather focus her time and attention on helping you.
(A part of her wonders a bit, if destroying the boundary will benefit you… she almost feels hypocritical, wanting you to live, yet working to destroy said boundary. Still, ultimately, she figures maybe it can’t be helped. She wants you to live fully, up until the day that goal is achieved.)
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hey i was wondering if you were open to writing fics about coming out as a trans girl? I can never find any fanfics for trans girls + I really need support right now because of irl stuff TT. If you are okay with making some then could you preferably use kanata, tsumugi, arashi, or tsukasa? Thank you for your time!
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Coming Out
w/ Kanata Shinkai, Tsumugi Aoba, Arashi Narukami, & Tsukasa Suou x TransFem!Reader
im not transfem myself, so i really hope i did this justice 🫰 i made the reader not have any form of surgery yet, so i hope that's fine
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Warnings: Some slight mentions of body dysmorphia. I tried my best to keep it wholesome and fluffy and strayed away from anything potentially triggering. There's still some tiny instances of anxiety before the coming out moments, so tread with caution.
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Kanata Shinkai
✩ Kanata doesn't really know much about the "surface" much less about the customs of the humans that reside in it.
✩ So you're probably gonna have to explain it to him as directly and honestly as you can. Thankfully, Kanata has always been open-minded and he sort of just understands what you mean once you elaborate.
✩ It'll probably be easier once he realizes that there are lots of fishes in the ocean that can change their sex. Of course it's not that simple for humans, but a point of reference helps him alot!
✩ Once he realizes that, Kanata notices that he knows that feeling quite well, spending a good majority of his life living as something he was not. Now, striving to change and become something he wanted to be rather than what he was assigned.
✩ I feel like when you finally decide to tell Kanata, you wouldn't even be that nervous? His general carefree nature kind of just makes it easy to approach him with these kinds of things.
✩ It probably wouldn't even be a planned event, just the two of you hanging out near a body of water, of course with Kanata doing his usual puka puka-ing.
"it is nice that we get to spend time together again, (y/n). it has been quite a while since we last 'conversed'. hehe." Kanata would say in his usual light, airy, voice. "still, it seems that... you've been having some 'trouble' recently. would you like to come and puka puka with me?"
Whether you choose to join him or not, he'd probably just give you the same cute dopey smile that makes you feel like he'll always have your back no matter what. You've been friends for long enough, and he seems like the type to not judge you for it, right?
"Kanata. Can I tell you something?" The man in question tilts his head slightly, but nods and encourages you to continue. "I'm..." It was harder to say than you expected. Sure Kanata has always been accepting and kind, but it's still a bit scary. "I'm actually, uh, how do I say this?"
Kanata kept quiet, somehow just knowing that interrupting you was not the right course of action. When your eyes met his, it somehow felt like you were filled with courage. Kanata was a hero, after all, he would never abandon someone in need.
Maybe posing it as a question would be easier, you thought. "Kanata, what do you think I am?" His face scrunches up a bit in thought and you worry that the question might have been too complicated for him.
"i think that... you are a 'good friend'... why do you ask?" Yep, definitely should have phrased that better.
"Kanata, have you ever felt like I was hiding something from you?" A few more moments of silence as he dwells on your question.
"we all have things that we do not 'share' with others. so even if you did, i would not mind. blue flames are the mark of 'mystery' after all~"
Hm, fair enough, you think. "Then, Kanata, would I still be a good friend if I revealed one of my secrets to you?" He nods again, the water rippling at his actions. "I'm a girl."
His eyes would probably go wide at that, seeing as this was a pretty big revelation. Still though, something wasn't adding up in Kanata's mind; as far as he knew, you seemed to have the same parts as him, not that he ever checked.
He'd refrain from saying that, somehow feeling that it was most definitely not the right thing to say. "i am sorry. i do not think i understand." He'd pout, feeling bad that he couldn't even understand something important you chose to confide with him.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, that reaction was certainly better than a myriad of worse options. "Hmm... It's kind of like how anemone fishes can go from male to female."
Kanata would like to say it was like a lightbulb lit up in his head, but it still wasn't that clear to him. "why... would you do that? unlike the 'fishes' you don't need to become a girl because all the girl fishes disappeared...?"
"That's exactly it. I'm not a girl because I have to be, but because I want to be. I want to be... No, I am a girl because it's what makes me happy."
It'd click for Kanata at that moment, just like how he desires to be a normal human living on the surface, you too just want to live life as a girl. He kind of felt stupid for not understanding such a simple concept in hindsight.
Though Kanata still doesn't really understand the how or why you became a girl, he's content with this for now. Getting up from his spot before giving you a hug, and you couldn't even find it in yourself to complain that you were getting wet.
"i still do not fully understand. but thank you for telling me. nothing will change between us... you are still you, after all." Kanata knew just how it felt being ostracized for who you were, and he doesn't want you or anyone else to ever have to bear that cross. This is why he swore to be a hero, after all.
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Tsumugi Aoba
✩ Tsumugi is a smart guy, he'd probably know you were trans before you did.
✩ He'd always listen to your complaints about how much you didn't like your body and the stuff about it you'd love to change. He was just a tad bit faster at connecting those dots for you.
✩ Though he'd still wait before you yourself approach him, knowing that if he meddled beforehand it could only make things worse for you.
✩ So, he'd probably spend a good time researching on how to properly help you out, so that he'd know what to say and do if the moment ever comes.
✩ Tsumugi was just relaxing in the library one day, when he suddenly saw you burst through the door and run up towards him, your eyes sparkling.
"Tsumugi! I've made a great discovery!" You shout out in excitement, before Tsumugi shushes you and you're reminded of where you were. "Oops, sorry. Anyway, I've recently figured it out!" You whisper-shouted, still finding it hard to contain your excitement. "I'm gonna be a girl!"
Only after saying it did you realize what exactly it was you were doing. Sure, Tsumugi was nice and all, and he always listened to your complaints; but maybe he wouldn't accept you like this?
Your worries were quickly dispelled however when Tsumugi closed the book he was reading before lightly clapping, loud enough for only the two of you to hear. "Congratulations~ I'm really happy you trusted me enough to tell me this."
His words didn't seem to betray his expectations, Tsumugi genuinely seemed happy that you were able to come to this conclusion and tell him about it. "So, what's on the agenda?"
You realize that he was probably talking about all the things you used to hate about yourself. Back then, you could never understand why you wanted to change so bad, and that lack of understanding made you afraid of trying to change. Now though? You can finally put an end to all those things and then some!
"I guess my name comes first? I've always thought (Y/N) was pretty good, what do you think?" Compared to other things, changing the name you were called seemed relatively easy, not to mention costing nothing in money and effort.
"Oh, that's a great name, (Y/N)~ It really suits you~" Tsumugi picks up the new name pretty easily, partly because he didn't want to disappoint you and partly because he was just a smart and flexible person like that. "I'm not sure what kind of style you want to wear, but I'd love to join you shop if we're both free~"
✩ After that is just some insane amount of spoiling from Tsumugi. He'd follow you around to whatever shops you wanted to look at, and would just shower you with compliments.
✩ He looked up some good salons and such beforehand, so he took this time to inform you of them. Even if you're the type to not actually want to change much about how you look, he wouldn't consider his research to be a waste at all, since your happiness is what matters to him right now.
✩ Tsumugi would also answer any questions you had when it comes to legal documents, operations, and such. Even helping you out wherever he can. He studied all of this stuff for your sake after all, so he's glad that one of his skills is being put into good use.
✩ He really is, just that chill of a guy. He wouldn't ask you for your reasons or anything like that at all. He understands that that sort of information is on a need-to-know basis, and he's fine if you don't deem that knowledge as necessary to share.
✩ Either way, whether you accept all his help and tell him everything, or you just mention it in passing and go about your day. Tsumugi will be happy, how could he not be? You're an important person to him, and your happiness is his happiness.
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Arashi Narukami
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✩ Arashi! Queens support their fellow queens! Just like Tsumugi, she'd simply know regardless if you tell her or not, and she'd never force this information out of you.
✩ She knows exactly what you're going through and would love nothing more than to give her aid if you ask for it. Arashi's relationship with her own gender and sexuality is complicated, so she completely understands if you're confused and lost.
✩ Hell, even if she's confident the way she is now, she knows there are still some parts of herself she's yet to discover. Due to her naturally maternal and guiding nature, she'd love to ease the mental burden that this kind of thing has on you.
✩ She knows what it feels like when you want to beat yourself up so badly because you find it so hard to conform and be 'normal'. She knows what it feels like looking in the mirror and seeing a person that isn't you.
✩ Still though, she values your independence and is waiting for your actions. She'd be elated if you were a stronger and wiser person than her, a person that could take all the stuff life throws at them and shrug it off.
✩ Likewise, she'd love nothing more than to support you in these moments. She was only able to become the woman she is today because of all the love and help she received from her wonderful friends, so she'd love to pay back that favor by helping you this time.
✩ She'd always try to hang out with you whenever you two would engage in 'girly' hobbies, because she knows full well how awful it feels to be alone.
It was during one of your regularly scheduled tea parties when Arashi noticed you were acting a bit off. Like you were really nervous but also somewhat excited. Arashi realized that this was probably the moment.
"Arashi, can I say something?" She could feel her excitement bubble up at that, you looked so cute! Girls are at their prettiest when they're being honest after all.
"Of course you can, dear! Big Sis will always listen to you!" She smothered you in a hug, ignoring your joking pleas as she squeezed you tighter. "Big Sis Arashi is always on your side, okay? Don't forget that."
When Arashi let go, she could practically see the nerves dissolve from your face, and she's just so glad that she was able to create such a safe environment for you.
"Arashi! I wanna be just like you! A strong, yet beautiful and kind woman!" Her heart grew three sizes just hearing that, being a role model for you makes it feel like everything she suffered through was worth it just to see your smile.
"Oho? Being a Big Sis is a pretty hard job, you know?" She ruffled your hair, smiling to herself when she realized that she was able to help you find yourself. "Though if it's you, I'm sure you're more than qualified!"
✩ After that, it's like nothing really changed between you two. She already treated you like her own sister before, but now that she has confirmation, she's definitely just a tad bit more aggressive with her love.
✩ She'd hand you a bunch of her old clothes, and her unused makeup. She'd draft outfits for you and even offer to style your hair some time. Overall, she's just happy. Full of hope that you can be a stronger and more beatiful queen than her one day.
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Tsukasa Suou
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✩ Tsukasa the silly little gentleman. He was raised in a pretty archaic household and some of his values definitely seem a bit dated, so coming out to him would seem pretty difficult.
✩ Thankfully, his experiences with Arashi have made him a much more open minded person. He still doesn't quite get it, but he does realize that it's his job as a knight to protect the princess, regardless of their circumstances.
✩ So yeah, coming out to him would be easier than you expected. He'd have a bit of trouble adjusting to your new name and pronouns if you decided to change them, but he's doing his best, okay?
✩ You and Tsukasa are good friends though, and you know he'd never treat you badly regardless, so you decided to just come out to him. You trusted him enough, and this would just be another step forward in your friendship, you thought.
"Say, Tsukasa. What do you consider essential to being a proper knight and gentleman?" It was just some idle chatter that you decided to start while the two of you were eating lunch, but Tsukasa, ever the serious man; put down his chopsticks in order to think of a proper reply.
"Well, of course they would have to carry themselves with a certain ELEGANCE. After that is following some basic CHIVALRY. It's a man's honor to protect a PRINCESS, after all."
"So, would Tsukasa protect me~~?" The aforementioned man seemed to be taken aback by the statement, coughing as if his words literally got stuck in his throat.
"Well, I would protect you regardless, seeing as the two of us are very close friends." Geez, he really knows how to play it cool, doesn't he? You didn't dislike that part about him, though.
"Then what if I was a princess?" He coughed again, seemingly caught off guard for a second time.
"As I said before, PRINCESS or not, I would protect you. What kind of KNIGHT would I be otherwise?" Wow, smooth talker. You wonder who taught him that, he could definitely make anyone's heart skip a beat with lines like those.
"Hey, Tsukasa. I've decided I want to be a princess." You made your tone more serious, wanting Tsukasa to know that this part was no jest.
There were a few moments of silence before Tsukasa turned to you, grabbing your hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Is that so? Then I'm glad to be of service to you, dear PRINCESS."
You couldn't help but smile, you knew that Tsukasa was trying really hard right now. The normally combative and headstrong Tsukasa just accepting your words for what they were was just a sign of his growth.
"Thank you, Tsukasa." You could see his eyes soften at your words, a smile showing on his face as well. You really were lucky to have a friend like him.
"Of course, my PRINCESS. This KNIGHT shall serve you well until I draw my last breath."
im done!! i really hope i was able to capture the emotions you wanted me to! i do apologize if tsukasa and smoogi seem a bit ooc? i didnt really know what to do in their parts 😔
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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wonderhoy-dump · 1 year
The Emu Peter Pan / WxS Darling Children parallels have been thoroughly and devastatingly explored at this point, but then someone on Twitter said Emu’s first Darling children were her own siblings and OMFG I AM NOT OK
Specifically her side story 2 on her mermaid event card (The Smiles I Want to Protect), Emu reflects on her last family trip to the beach. Keisuke was a nerd about sea creatures, Hinata found sea creatures, and Emu terrorized Shosuke with those sea creatures. Classic family vacation. And as opposed to Tsukasa, Emu seems to have amazing retention of her childhood memories because even if her brothers were about to graduate college, she would've been eight years old at most when this trip happened. Sadly for Emu, this was her last family vacation.
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We all know how the sibling relationship went downhill after that. Not only did her significantly older brothers quickly grow up and cast aside their childlike wonder, they started outright disrespecting hers. Basically only Hinata retained a close relationship with their baby sister and even then, the five-year age gap means she couldn't really be part of Emu's dreams.
The side story continues though, with Emu's current seaside trip with WxS. The other members of her troupe never really went to the beach, so their first major beach memory is now, with Emu, because of Emu. Even before this whole potential disbanding arc, it was obvious the parallel this side story showed between Emu and her biological family vs. the memories she is forming with her new found family.
And now--and now--her found family may be departing her neverland the same way her last set of loved ones outgrew her?? Who is cutting onions in here?!
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Now I'm not saying WxS would ever "Shosuke" her but that's the thing. Her brothers left her behind mentally but have at least stayed with PXL physically (though nearly tearing it down) allowing them to partially recover their wonderment; whereas Tsukasa/Nene and maybe Rui are currently projected on paths that will take them away from her physically, even if they stay with her mentally, and it's hard to say how she's going to cope with that.
Between her own siblings "growing out of her" and her grandfather simultaneously passing during middle school, Emu’s experience with loss likely cuts the deepest and most complex in WxS. I'm not going to go into her grief related to her grandfather (which I really need an event focus or fes card on like yesterday because she still has way too much going on there that the writers have not fully delivered on), but Emu is simply no stranger to people she loves leaving her behind.
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chkn-kit · 9 months
11 songs I want in proseka + groups that would fit them
I see people make lists like this on YT all the time and I want in on this too LOL. It's gonna be in no particular order and also not per unit because some songs fit in with multiple groups. I tried adding in some more known songs and some more niche ones.
The assigned singers/units are all up for debate and some of them were done purely based off vibes and how much I like them. You might interpret them differently!
Balsam - Kurosawa Madoka
Unit: Leo/Need Singers: Saki & Rin
I think the song fits with some of L/N's more calm songs like from Y to Y. The song's themes are all about loneliness, which I think fits Saki. The issue is that Saki largely dislikes the feeling of being lonely and being left behind meaning that the song could be interpreted that she's singing this to herself whilst being in denial. Also, another issue is probably the instrumentation, since all of L/N's songs feature like... real instruments. So
Unit: Nightcord at 25:00 Singers: Mizuki & Mafuyu (+ Miku)
Mizuki tends to want to distance themselves from other people so the song fits in with their theme quite nicely. Though, I doubt they want to be alone either, the words in the song seem to align a lot more with what they tell themselves in private. The vibe of the song also works with N25's sound. Hello how are you? and Cutlery have a comparable sound so I think it works.
Also, Mafuyu going with slightly softer vocals and Mizuki with slightly stronger vocals could be nice. Most covers of this song are all on the softer side so I kind of wanna hear what it would sound like with a bit of contrast between two singers in a duet. Add in Miku if you want some more oooeeoo
Kuu ni naru - MIMI
Unit: MORE MORE JUMP! Singers: MMJ + Luka
Just a super cute feel good song that fits their vibe a lot! The song is all about getting over your anxieties and worries and being able to smile together and if that isn't an idol type song then I don't know anymore. I think Luka with some 'sweeter' sounding tuning would be really nice with this too!
Femme fatale - Kedarui
VBS has been getting some really hard hitting songs lately and I'm here to present you with another one I think can work well. The theme probably works with this unit as well since it's all about being lured into something that is wrong but feels so right-
I also really want to hear the chorus being sung by them. Kohane with her lower registry would sound phenomenal in this song and with me being a major Toya fan I just reallyneedtohearwhatthatwouldsoundlike
High-spec NEET - 40mP
Unit: Nightcord at 25:00 Singers: N25 + Len
The song might be a little bit too pop/rock-y for N25, but other than the instrumentation, I think the song works for them, especially in theme. Ena and especially Kanade would basically be NEETs if it weren't for the fact that they're high schoolers that still occasionally touch grass. I was originally gonna give it to only them, but the whole 'high-spec' part of the song where the MC is talking about being born perfect but being sick of everything despite that fits with Mafuyu, so I decided to give it to the entire unit.
Also the chorus has the potential to sound great with Len :D
Seraphim on the ring - Mitchie M
I love Mitchie M songs for MMJ and I feel like it would be (for a lack of better words) very girlboss of them to sing a song about being prowrestling idols. It's super upbeat and fun, but the song might be a little too wacky for them so
Unit Wonderlands x Showtime Singers: WxS + Rin
If they add it in they have GOT to keep the adlibs in. I would do anything to hear Tsukasa shouting: 'BRAIN BUSTER BRAIN BUSTER BRAIN BUSTER-' in the song. The only reason why I didn't just give it to WxS is because the vibe of the song fits MMJ better if you get what I mean.
We are friends, aren't we? - Miyazawa Moyoyo
Unit: Leo/Need Singers: Ichika, Honami, Miku
The song is very pretty and the theme is giving major pre-main story L/N vibes. The instrumentation is a bit of an issue here as well though which I think is such a shame cause the song works perfectly with their story.
Unit: Nightcord at 25:00 Singers: Kanade, Mizuki/Mafuyu, Luka
The theme fits N25 as well and I think Kanade's soft vocals would sound really nice on this song as well. N25 has such a diverse sound that you can probably stick a lot of songs on their roster and it would be fine LOL
Henshoku - Kashii Moimi
Unit: VIVID BAD SQUAD Singers: Kohane, Toya, Luka (Vivids works as well but I'll explain below)
Is this song in here for any other reason than the fact that I like it a lot? I mean...
I gave the song to VBS cause the vibe of the song + the theme works with them the best. They've had songs that are musically similar (Garando) and thematically similar (PaⅢ.SENSATION and Ifuudoudou).
I gave the song to Kohane and Toya because I think this song could really highlight the tones of their voices. Also because most VBS or WxS covers only pair up the girls with each other and the boys with each other. From what I hear, people want to see more diversity in the cover pairings so why not have these two together?
A cover with the Vivids would also be nice. I'm not sure what a BAD DOGS cover would sound like, but y'know go crazy go wild-
Setsuna plus - mikitoP
Unit: MORE MORE JUMP! Singers: Haruka, Shizuku, MEIKO
Haruka and Shizuku sounded amazing on Shoujorei and I think they would sound great on this one too. MMJ can use more melancholic songs and this one would be a good pick in my opinion. It's honestly such a pretty song.
This could also work for N25 in terms of theme but I guess I just wanted ... more more more jump?
Super hero - Nem
Unit: Wonderlands x Showtime Singers: Tsukasa, Rui, Len or Tsukasa, Emu, Rin
They gotta have Tsukasa in this song at least. An eccentric and probably delusional MC singing about being a superhero? Yes please. I originally only would've put the Tsukasa, Rui, Len grouping but we have a lot of songs featuring those three already and I think Emu would work just as well in the song.
ERROR - niki
Unit: Leo/Need Singers: L/N + Len
It is a CRIME that this song isn't in the game yet. I think the song completely fits their vibe and they would probably kill it. Also, I know Shiho would sound amazing covering this song. I can feel it in my bones.
Nisemono Ningen 40-gou - ¿?
Unit: VIVID BAD SQUAD Singers: VBS + Miku
I'm such a sucker for all the grungy and almost angry songs VBS has been getting in the game. I feel like An would sound good in this and I'd love to actually see songs from this producer in the game cause they sound so goooddd.
I put the V-Flower version on this post but the self-cover is actually my favorite so you can also check that out if you haven't heard it before :)
I've hit the limit for videos on a post so I'm calling it here. I have so many more songs I'd like to see in the game so I'll probably make a part two in the future. Literally nobody asked for this but I love talking about vocaloid music and you can't stop me LMAO
Also I originally made this list last year with short notes and all. They've added some of the songs I had on there like
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I still think Rui should have been on there LOL
Also considering they just added a MARETU song in the game, I would like to add
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and I think everyone agreed on:
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but I understand that they don't do cross-unit stuff unless it's for an event.
Anyway, that's it for me. You can agree or disagree on some of the unit choices I made but at the very least I hope you found a new song to listen to <3
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dumping-ideas · 5 months
hi ! i really like your analysis ! thanks for great analysis on tsukasa and WxS. tbh, i'm really exited about how WxS World Link Event could be ?! like, it will effect the SEKAI somehow. i would like to hear if you have any opinion on WxS World link ! it's always fun to read your opinion and analysis.
Ooooh! WxS World Link Event!!
One thing I have been curious about Wonderland SEKAI and the plot for WxS is how much WxS is all about the future (goals, dreams) and yet their (or Tsukasa's SEKAI) is about the feelings that he have held since he was young, which is "wanting to make others smile". But now that Tsukasa is striving higher (world-level star) and it's not only a dream but something he could realistically aim for, where in the SEKAI is his ambition reflected in?? I mean, in one of the area convos Nene and Rui said that Wonderland SEKAI is so big they thought there are areas they haven't known yet. So, maybe rather than a new location appearing, the VS just decided to show them said area because now they're working towards the same goal as an independent troupe and not just a bunch of friends working together, and they also think that it'll help Tsukasa in the long run if he knows about it too...?
Soooo I think World Link Event will open up an area that will reflect his ambition one way or another. My evidence for that is:
The above about how Wonderland SEKAI reflects Tsukasa's wish to make everyone happy but not his current goal which is to become world-class star--something that has been his main plot point ever since Pop in My Heart. Also, we need to clear it up that WxS is created from Tsukasa's feelings alone because unlike how intertwined Mafuyu's plotline with Empty SEKAI is, people who didn't read WxS main story thought that Wonderland SEKAI is WxS' collective SEKAI or even Emu's because of how whimsical it is and how it doesn't reflect the current Tsukasa.
The many contents for WxS!MEIKO recently (cards and com songs). I have a running theory that she represents(?) Tsukasa's ambition and boldness because most her appearance are always in events about the future (she first appeared in the Christmas event where WxS got their first 'rival'; Island Panic, Pop in My Heart, Phoenix Sky, and Our Happy Ending events are also related to the future of WxS).
There's a JP twt post about how the new stamps for 25 are related to their World Link Event story (Mafuyu thinking about how she wanted to be with everyone still, Mizuki about how they also needed to think about what they'd do after running away, Ena decided to face her struggles head on now that she knew she could help, and I haven't read Kanade's yet but probably about how she wishes for Mafuyu to be happy), so I believe all groups' (including WxS) are also related to their world link story as well
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With that in mind, I want to guess that the chapters will go Tsukasa -> Emu -> Nene -> Rui. Maybe it'd be obvious that the feelings that create whatever-the-new-location-is is not from the feeling of wanting to make everyone smile. So when confronted with such a location in SEKAI, Tsukasa is confused about what it means for him (and finally accepts that it's his feelings ALONE that created Wonderland SEKAI) because he doesn't understand why whatever-it-will-be is in his SEKAI in the first place. And then Emu comes to the rescue, telling Tsukasa not to think about his own feelings alone and that they'll figure it out together as WxS. They talk and then come to the conclusion that the new location is a reflection of Tsukasa's ambition to aim for a world-level stage. So Nene renews her resolve again, because she thinks of Tsukasa as a fellow rival and she doesn't want to lose to him in terms of feelings. And lastly, Rui promises Tsukasa that he will draws out Tsukasa's potential as the best director Tsukasa can ask for, now that he knows how big Tsukasa's ambition is.
So... I guess the short version of the what I think WxS World Link event would be is: Tsukasa reflects on his present feelings, Emu and Rui resolve to support Tsukasa (and Nene), and Nene resolves not to lose against Tsukasa.
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2n2n · 9 months
Hi 👋
can you do an analysis of hanako's reactions 👇👇
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i know a lot has happened but for whatever reason he was crying??
what did tsukasa mean to Nene his new assistant , what would he do ??
Have a good day
I can only give you my best guesses! Who knows what Amane is thinking? I could be wrong... but let's think about AMANE!!!
For one thing, I think he had a hubris with simply assuming Tsukasa would have 0 interest in Nene-chan ... maybe he thought Tsukasa was so childish/innocent/immature, that a girl would just not intrigue him in that manner? I doubt Tsukasa ever showed interest in anything but him growing up... So initial shock might just be at ... MY OTOUTO???????????????? MY LITTLE OTOUTO?????????????? MY OTOUTO DID WHAT ? TSUKASA MY LITTLE OTOUTO????????
Amane, who KNOWS Tsukasa, has more room for devastating shock here than Nene-chan, who has no sense of Tsukasa's nature! She doesn't know this is out of character... or what it even means! Can Amane even interpret Tsukasa's intent here? Just how out of the loop is he? He can admit he doesn't quite get Tsukasa anymore, but he looked rather excited and fond of that reality (like he was getting to know new sides of him, maybe) ... but I think it got real here lol. TOO unknowable!!!
Hearing the sound at first, but not seeing it, must make Amane feel crazy, like he's imagining things!!
On top of this ....
If we think about Amane... he does not like to feel left out...
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This is a boy who will mope if you go to a party without him... he will get jealous if you have a nightmare about someone other than him.... he is veeeerryyy sensitive.... Amane is very, very clingy!!! Needy!!! Insecure!!!
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I cannot think of anything more easy to take as "choosing to leave me behind" than Tsukasa taking Nene-chan, not him, and leaving... ah the helplessness.
I kind of also think that... Amane has had it a bit "easy" with Nene-chan, in that she's not popular, there isn't really... much to worry about...? Kou does not count lol. But I do think his TWIN BROTHER suddenly going after her is JUST panic inducing haha. Light a fire under him! A lot of emotions to be forced to have all at once-- about both Nene-chan, and Tsukasa.
Amane is nervous enough about TSUCHIGOMORI being alone with Nene-chan, what he might tell her, given all he knows about Amane's past. I cannot think of a more nightmare terrifying situation for Amane than Tsukasa being alone with Nene-chan... and Tsukasa suddenly confirming romantic interest in her, on top of it all. While having made a plan that utterly immobilizes Amane ...
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There is nothing that spells doom for Amane more than Tsukasa and Nene-chan corroborating about him ahahahahahahaa, and enjoying each other's company potentially ...
oh the gossip!
And why not invite him... why??? why??? not invited to the clubhouse? Left here helplessly????? BY TSUKASA???? TSUKASA???
I also think Amane is so weird about what "assistant" means. I think for him it does mean something like girlfriend ... he uses it so damn weirdly... it entails so much.... no sane person uses the word like he does to justify the possessive nonsense.... if he's scared what could happen to Nene-chan, it's not "because I love her", it is, "because she is my assistant, so..."
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ugh Iro-sensei ... writes this thing ... where guys ... have deranged ideas of platonic titles like assistant .... secretary .... servant ... and skew them like they come with romantic implications or are a form of commitment, as if you-- make a girl you like your-- employee,,,
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In Snow White, Estelio, the servant of his Princess, Neige, goes on such a wild ramble to Neige to try to reassure her he loves her, indirectly, by assuring her he will "always be her servant" .... she just wants to hear 'I love you' ... but he can't, he won't, he has to convey his devotion in the form of his FORMAL POSITION--!! Estelio has more reasons to rely on this platonic formal position due to literally being barred from marrying the Princess due to his bloodline, but it's still something Iro-sensei chooses to write... like, having an employed position, in place of a romantic one.
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I think that word has a very mysterious meaning and implication to Amane, so Tsukasa ..... saying ....
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Hearing this makes him feel crazy I'm sure ... as a result ... he's put so much unknowable emphasis upon what 'assistant' means ... Tsukasa may as well be saying, "we're married now, okay?" ....
He's overwhelmed. Amane's own bizarre definition of 'assistant' is biting him in the ass, finally. As it should!!! A girl wants to be your damn... girlfriend!!! Not your employee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*straightens hat* hope that all is interesting to think about .... Amane's little psyche....
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yandere-daze · 2 years
Hello!! You might recognize me but I was wondering on your thoughts on my little fun idea about the yandere self-aware au for ensemble stars, so since I am a huge simp for Anzu (I'm on my knees for her /hj), I'm just imagining all of their reactions towards our favoritism towards Anzu and Anzu just taking it <3 Idk I just like making them jelly~
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Heya! I absolutely do recognize you, I remember reading some of your twst works and really enjoying them! I´ve also seen you reblog my posts before, which I really gotta thank you for!☺️💕
I´m honestly really happy to see so many people simping for Anzu when that´s usually a really rare thing for the MCS of these kinds of games. There´s honestly so much potential for her so I´m more than happy to provide more simping material😏
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, self-deprecation, mention of kidnapping, mention of blood
The characters being jealous because you show clear favoritism toward Anzu
So very obviously, Anzu is going to be very happy that you favor her. You two share a special connection that no one else can compete with, so from her side you always were the most important person to her, but now she has the confirmation that you feel the same for her! It looks like all of her hard work of impressing you with her diligence has paid off! You can bet that she´s more motivated than ever when she does her work as a producer, knowing that her darling likes her more than anyone else. Hah, she can´t stop smiling and there´s a blush on her face whenever she thinks about it ( which is always, tbh).
Everyone knows Anzu as very modest but she´s actually very smug about being your favorite and she will mention it every chance she gets, finding it funny how jealous the idols get every time.
The others of course are in shambles. Trickstar is the most understanding one because they´ve been with Anzu longer than any other unit and they´re also the most normal ones in this AU. They understand why you may feel that way and they´re happy for her but deep down they´re still disappointed.
(Not going to mention every character´s reaction to this because that would be a huge amount of work, just a few that randomly came to mind)
Tsukasa is moping 100% of the time. Like yes, he understands why you may like Anzu ( I mean have you seen how much of a simp he is in-game), but since the day he learned that the person that was with him the entire time was actually you and not Anzu, he´s been so in love with you. And he´s tried so hard to try and court you even through the screen, he´s been nothing but a perfect gentleman, and yet he was beaten. Probably cries about it ngl, he´s so frustrated and kind of throws a tantrum when you aren´t there to see it
Speaking of tantrums! Tori is soooo not happy about this development. You´re supposed to like him the most! He´s the cutest idol in the world and he´s tried to make you feel extra special by giving you cute nicknames but that didn´t seem to work somehow? He´s very upset and he´s not going to hide it, even from you. You can expect him to make some snide comments about the producer when on the home screen. If you´re already in their world then he will still try to invite you over whenever you can and have tea parties with you, of course without Anzu, so he can try to monopolize your time. He´s going to make you see that he´s the best option here!
Izumi is very very pissy and moody, even more so than usual once he finds out about this. You like Anzu the most, the one person you didn´t even get to really talk to when you were playing the game? When he, a literal model, was right there and ready to give you some attention? Are you stupid or something? He definitely won´t just sit by and accept this, you know. He´s picky when it comes to choosing his partner and he´s already made the choice that you are the one for him. Who do you think you are, trying to deny him like that? He´s going to make sure that you come to your senses soon enough. If not, there´s always the option of kidnapping you in case you´re close <3
Mika is honestly just crying. He knows that he´s not good enough, he knows that he´s just a useless doll and could never hope to be on the same level as you, but against all odds, he still held onto a small sliver of hope that you may once consider him worthy of your love. He´s spent the last few months or even years, worshipping your very being and loving you from afar and now he finds out that you prefer Anzu over him or even Shu. He tries to accept it because it´s your will and he could never dare to defy you when you´re always right, but he´s so upset. If only he had done more, if only he had served you a bit better, maybe then you might have shown him mercy and chosen him. But that didn´t happen. How could he be so foolish to think that he deserves your love? He´s nothing without you, of no use at all! Mika might grow back to showing distaste for Anzu but this time it´s not because of Shu. No, he hates her for taking you away when he hadn´t even had enough time to improve himself so you could accept him. She´s not worthy of being with you either, you know?
Shu huffs and utters a snide remark when Anzu brags to him about being your favorite, but as soon as she leaves the room he just kind of breaks down. Not even Mika could console him right now, not that his unit mate is in an appropriate mental state himself. Shu just shuts himself in his room for days on end, no one even seeing his face once the entire time. He tries to throw himself into his work, sewing clothes until his fingers bleed but it´s not enough to fill the hole that has made its way into his heart. The creations that he made exactly to your liking, they weren´t enough. He still hasn´t grown enough as an artist to impress you and so his work is useless. In his desperation, he would rip apart the outfits he had designed previously. What did it matter if you didn´t like them anyway? He had to be better, he had to work hard to win back your favor from that devious woman. Shu is not coming out of that room until he´s satisfied with the new outfits he is making until they are utterly flawless. Deep down, he´s scared that he will never be enough but the only one he voices these thoughts to is Mademoiselle
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toi-monogatari · 1 year
Having left behind the fanfic on MHA i was writing (along with many other docs that I just though... Eh done with it tho the story ain't finished), I present to you now, my current project
Science Vs romance
A story of a young girl, who fell in love with a scientist boy but isn't sure yet what the feelings really mean and if they'll be returned.
Here for you, a part from one of the chapters. Story can be found both on my wattpad and Ao3
This is not chapter 1
As soon as you had an opening, all of you took your stuff and left. Senku guided all of you slowly up the mountains to the coper statue. It might come of use later.
You walked beside him, so Yuziriha and Tajiu could explain to eachother what happened. You looked at Senku, who tried his best to hide his troubles as he struggled for air as he walked up the hill.
You took his hand. "Your stamina is very low, I'll help you up. This way you won't strain as much."
He looked at you confused. "You ain't much stronger than me. It will just strain you more." He tried to take his hand away.
"It won't." You smiled. He kept holding onto your hand as you walked together. It indeed was straining, but you couldn't watch as Senku struggled. You felt how his hand was a bit rough, maybe even slightly scarred. The primitive life must have made him adjust to it. You watched as Yuziriha and Tajiu seemed happy together. How they were the perfect pair. Slowly you pet Senkus hand with your thumb. You smiled softly as you felt a warm feeling spread through you. He was your friend. Your lab partner. You chuckled softly at a joke you remembered.
He looked at you and asked. "What is it?"
You looked at the plants nearby as you walked. "I remembered one of our jokes."
"A joke?" You remembered how he loved to make jokes and pranks. Eventhough he was so serious most of the time, nothing stopped him from having some normal teenage fun like others, even if he didn't do it often and hated parties.
"Yeah. One of the older ones. From when we used to work at the lab."
"Hm... Shoot."
You smiled more as you told the joke. It wasn't the one you initially thought of, because you found that one too awkward to say. "Do you hate Natrium, Broom and Oxide relationship? Na, BrO, it never bothered me."
He thought a second. "It's one of those jokes you printed and put in our science club. Hm..." He looked around. "Why can't you trust an atom?"
You looked at the pink trees nearby, thinking of an answer. You shook your head.
"Because they make everything up." Immediately after hearing the answer you laughed. Maybe a little bit too hard. Soon he shushed you. "Not this loud. Tsukasa might be on his way."
You calmed a bit and kept telling him jokes back and forth.
You truly had fun as you smiled between them.
Before you knew the two of you got up the mountain and started to collect sulfur. You broke the black and yellow tinted rocks that had small holes in them. You looked at the earth around you.
"I once went to a volcano. It might not be the same as a glasier but the rock construction was very similar. Those rocks were black, white, yellow and red. Truly beautiful." You told your friend. Senku was the only one listening. Tajiu and Yuziriha were too consumed with the work.
"So sulfur and iron composition. It's very common. To which one have you been?"
"We went to Mount Etna. We used to travel with my and Tai's parents but..."
Senku interfered as i fell silent. "One on the most active volcanoes left. Must been cool to whiteness it without blowing up."
You chuckled as you wiped a tear. "Yeah, it was."
The four of you messed around with the gunpowder. Tajiu accidentally made it explode when he hit it with a rock but you did find it cool.
"Tsukasa will probably figure out our location now."
Senku immediately looked in thought. He seemed to be dozed off into the distance. "We need to do it again. There has been a sygnal from s distance. It's either a potential ally or a foe. I think we should take the chance."
All three of you knew that Senku was terrible at making moral plans, but you trusted his decision. It was the best idea you had so you did as you were told. He sent you and Tajiu out to gather some firewood, and you left off.
Together with your cousin you went to grab small twigs but something didn't feel right.
"Tai?" You looked at him.
He continued grabbing bigger sticks as you walked."Y/n, I know it might seem unreasonable, I didn't want to leave Yuziriha and Senku alone either, but if anything, they should be safe."
"But what if Tsukasa noticed where they are. I don't want them to get hurt."
Tajiu tried to calm you down, but you kept rambling, without noticing how your speech changed.
"I mean they're both not fighters, I'm neither, but I know how to fight. I know some grips to save them. Why would he tell me to leave. He is too important for me to loose. There isn't much I can do without him. On my own I would have died already in our highschool." You started to talk faster, barely taking a break to breathe. "But he is so amazing and he wants to save the civilization on his own. His motives are so amazing." Before you even noticed you started to tell about how his smile filled you with joy as his eyes were filled with passion.
Tajiu smiled and pet your back. "Don't worry y/n. Senku surely can manage few minutes on his own. And you will see his smile again." He chuckled. "I too find it scary to leave Yuziriha alone with Tsukasa walking around, but it was the best we could do at the moment. They need people who are fast to gather stuff now. So let's finish it up and join them."
You nodded approving, but not really sure if he just didn't compare your relationship with Senku to his crush on Yuziriha. His words managed to calm you down, yet not even a minute passed and he rushed off, whispering "Something is wrong."
You got affraid and ran after him immediately, but once you were there, you could see you both were too late. Senku was dead.
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mari-lair · 2 years
My clock isn't ticking just brings a lot of potential! Like the exploration of his abilities as the governor of the present because he isn't a contractor in this au (which means unhinged and dangerous akane who can go further than stopping time for 15 mins *cheers*), his relationships with the cast now that he isn't human (like how does aoi acts now she doesn't have a childhood friend who loves her despite her flaws or with hanako now that akane might've been with him starting from his death (or perhaps when he was amane yugi?) to being the little shit toilet we know), him still being soooo human than Teru and having a real understanding of what being human means while living in the present forever and still a lovesick fool (ugh i just love him), and Akane just being an unhinged and passionate bitch is amazing! All of it is just amazing to me!
But for Teru as well! He falls down, fucking hard, for someone who belonged to a race that he swore to exorcised. But still, he realized that he can become just Teru, not the eldest son who carried the Minamoto name like it was a boulder of burden and responsibilities just so that his siblings won't risk their lives and their little town isn't overun by the other side – but Teru, who is can be a little shit without concern that Akane will leave him and excited for arcade games, and perhaps liiiikeeees to spend time with said redhead!
Gah I'm rambling again but all in all, my vote went to my clock isn't ticking!
Your ramblings are always such a delight to read Anon!! Since this was the idea that won and will eventually be turned into a fic,I can’t leave many headcanons here, but I love your hype!!
Tsukasa once said ‘the strongest your wish, the strongest the supernatural’ so even tho Akane was never human, he will still be very strong, arguably the strongest of the clock keepers. He can stop time for up to 6 hours a day, and while he rarely uses so much time, he doesn’t hold back. He uses it whenever he feels like it: Pausing a human/supernatural he finds pretty, helping out his crushes that can’t even see him, or just leaving a conversation he got tired of.
The biggest difference however is that Akane has an awful memory, he rarely remembers things that happened 5 years ago. From 10 years? No chance, unless it was a core moment in his life (someone dear died/ a particularly strong crush of his loved him back) he will not remember it, and even then, the details get very muddled. He is his own person, but he truly stays in the present.
Aoi will be far shyer without Akane. In the midnight convenience store spin-off she had long skirts and a cap, clearly trying to not call attention, I can see her trying to be ‘bland’ in school too, terrified of being alone and hating with all her heart to be touched. She’ll be very paranoid and stay with Nene a lot. She’ll even stick near Lemon, since his eyes scare people, eventually noticing he has no interest in her and becoming friends. 
Teru will meet Akane when he is still 14 so Akane feels ‘older’ at first, even though the clock keeper does not know his own age. Teru is very wary of Akane, able to tell when his time was stopped, and not trusting the supernatural in the slightest, but he is reluctantly intrigued too, Akane is the first anything that doesn’t mind his ruthless side, paying full attention to what he says and keeping conversation even when Teru insults him. For a cockroach, its values are surprisingly human too.
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