#best psychiatrist ever
grim-faux · 9 months
Ive only listened to Ethan grumble a few messy sounds, but I have decided I will die for this sleepwalking disaster
Hopefully nothing terrible will happen to stumbly child
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I wanted to draw the crazy chicken so I did!!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Oswald: You betrayed me!!! So as your final words I want to know why??? What was that Bruce Wayne had to offer that I didn't?
Jonathan: *sound unimpressed* You need to learn some calming tecniques, Mr. Coobleppt. The mind has a strong power over the body and stress can kill someone, specially someone with your age and occupation.
Jonathan: Between you and Bruce Wayne I should have noticed sooner Dent's inclination to join man who have an unhealthy obcession with him. It adds another layer for how easy it was to turn him into an obedient puppy. But I'll answer your inquiry, Mr. Cooblebot, Wayne had The Second Skin.
Oswald: He had a what now?
Jonathan: The Second Skin? *Oswald looks puzzled* Basil Karlo legendary last movie?
Oswald: *even agrier* YOU SOLD ME FOR A MOVIE??? With what I was paying you could've made your own movie!!!
Jonathan: I understand you don't have the finese to recognize the artistical importance of The Second Skin. There's only a single copy avaliable all the others were destroyed and the movie was never fully saw. It's said that on it's first and only exibihition all the executives watching put their own eyes out. It's a horror masterpiece.
Oswald: All I'm hearing is that you though a movie was worth more than the benefits of being loyal to The Penguin and for that you'll pay, Crane. Unfortunally my partnership with our friends from Santa Prisca won't help here as they are too occupied with bringing me both Joker's and Batman's heads right now but I found just the right monster to destroy you. He is new on the industry but weird creepy monster is an ever growing market here. CLAYFACE!
Oswlad: We already talked about your antics.
Basil: But the artistic presentation is fundamental preparation for a good murder. Don't the victims deserve to feel the drama and horror before the final touch?
Oswald: *rolls his eyes* This type of non-sense talk reminds me of that Scarecrow fella who is still to respond to my generous offer about being only a manufaturer and paying me to act as distribuctor of his drugs.
Jonathan: Maybe he didn't respond because that's a shitty deal that ignores completly why he is on the trafic bussisness to begin with.
Oswald: Oh what do you know? Anyway I have things to do, Karlo, kill him.
Jonathan: *re hinding his secret fear toxin spray, pupils dilated in pleasant shock* You said Karlo? As in Basil Karlo? I did though this creature sounded a lot like him and the speech was from Dread Casttle... Are you also a fan?
Basil: A fan? I AM Basil Karlo. I merely evolved to being the perfect monster outside the screem as well.
Jonathan: Oh that's wonderfull! *genuinally confused for once in his life* But may I ask: why work for Penguin? You must have a fan cult to rivalize Joker's!
Basil: *sadly* That's not the case yet. But I'm new. For sure with time Gotham will recognize my superior talent.
Jonathan: As they should. Your movies changed my life! To observe the impact they had on people, the fear they inspired, it made me realize who I wanted to be!
Penguin: I should not be letting this go, I did pay for a long brutal murder and that's not it. But still I need to ask: you became a psychiatrist because of horror movies?
Jonathan: ... Sure. Let's go with that. Anyhow, can I have a final wish, Mr. Cooblebot?
Penguin: You can ask, but don't expect me to accept it wak wak.
Jonathan: Would you not take from Karlos pay if he first gave me an autograph? Nothing would make me happier.
Basil: *before Penguin could open his mind* Absolutly. Anything for such a dedicated fan.
Jonathan: *who may be planning to fear toxin everyone but also DOES have the biggest celebrity crush ever on Karlo and truly is his biggest fan* *squeaks happily* *does a tiny hroo hraa*
Basil: *who really likes still having fans and is less and less wanting to violently kill the first person who apreaciated him in ages* *also who keeps a pen on him waiting for this particular moment and was starting to doubt it would happen* Where do you want it?
Jonathan: *frantically looking into his pockets for some piece of papper* Shit, shit, I let my notepad with Wayne so he could read Dent's entreances.
Basil: Don't worry *takes a papper from a blank piece on Oswald's accounts book that's on the tabble, at this point Oswald is regreesting everything* For my biggest fan?
Jonathan: *almost jumping with excitmenet* Doctor Jonathan Crane!
Basil: I hope the fear I inspired stays with you forever. Here it goes.
Jonathan: *taking the papper in pure joy* Thank you!
Basil: Look, Cooblepot, I can't kill him.
Oswald: What because the FAMOUS PSYCHIATRIST is using the most basic manipulation tecnique? I bet he doesn't even know your movies.
Jonathan: Seriusly? We are literally here because I sold you out for one of his movies. Also I wouldn't go so low as to pretend to be a fan, is too easy, too boring. It tells me nothing about my target... patient... I didn't knew yet.
Basil: He does seems honest.
Oswald: No he doesn't. He isn't really your fan. But I? I'm proving it. I'm helping you recover your fame ain't I?
Jonathan: I'm sure Scarecrow would do the same except he would actually care about the art and not see it as a way to trick someone he only sees as a weapon and not an artist.
Oswald and Basil look confused at him.
Jonathan: What? He does little references to Karlo movies all the time, I bet he would adore a new movie to torment his subjects with.
Oswald: *raises and eyebrown*
Jonathan: In my professional opinion of course. : )
Oswald: Do you do this psychiatric party tricks with all of us, Mr. Crane?
Jonathan: I wound't call my doctorate on psychiatry wich by itself needs an M.D and my minor in psychology party tricks, but yes. Gotham criminals just as it's crime fighters are fascinating. It would be a waste not to try to understand their minds at least a little bit. You for once is completly obcessed with control likely from extreme bullying paired with high expectations that created an extreme fear of failure and a low notion of self that materialize in a quasi compulsive need to have the control you never before had so you can force the connections, love and adoration you long for Is sad if not pathetically clichê. Also your real laugh is normal you just thinks "wak wak" fits nicely with your presentation *Oswald opens his mouth* and now you will insist I'm wrong because you refuse to admit that as much as you loathe your nickname you do identify with it... Penguin. Again boringly clichê. Now if you excuse me, I have better things to do. *gets out as if Oswald doesn't have a gun and a Claymonster and a lot of determination to kill him* It was an absolute honor Mr. Karlo and I'll treasure your autograph with my life and while I'm not in any position of giving you life changing advice right now, I'm certain that Scarecrow would be extemely happy working with you and treat you waaay better than Penguin. *waves to a short circuting fumming Oswald cause he is extra*
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Hello Wifi, I hope you’re well !
It’s rainy here. In send you fresh mediterranean air, along with the delicate smell of petrichor and song of the waves on the sand and rocks, and hope it will lift your spirits whenever you feel overwhelmed 💚
It’s my first time asking anything here, perhaps I was just too shy to do so before despite all the ideas that come to mind about our favorite mothman. But I felt like I needed to indulge myself a little bit today. Writing has become increasingly difficult as my mental health declines even more, and so is drawing, especially after my first ever commission turned out to be a huge scam that cost me three days of hard work and brainstorming and two hundred dollars. I have to take so many meds that I want to stop taking but my psychiatrist forgot about our last appointment and I can’t reach him for some reason.
It’s a bit hard not to give up nowadays, but your writings about Childe and Foul Legacy help me to stay afloat a lot ; so and wanted to thank you for sharing your beautiful mind with us 💚
May I ask your opinion about how Foul Legacy would react with a reader who is in a situation similar to mine ? I would love to see what comes to your mind.
Also, could I be the 🫧 anon, if the title is not taken already ?
Lots of love 💚
hello my dear!! it's wonderful to meet you! i'm very sorry to hear that you're not doing well, but let me tell you a little something:
no matter what you're going through, Foul legacy will always love you. he'll be here when everything crumbles, when you're exhausted and just want to sleep, and when your world moves too fast and too slow at the same time- he'll be here, holding you close, asking what you need and what you want, because he wants to give you both. it's important to balance between needs and wants, because together they'll both help you live and smile again. but Foul Legacy never forces you to smile, there's no shame in crying or being sad, and he'll be your shoulder to cry on if you do happen to shed some tears
he desperately wants you to know that it's alright to not be okay, since he's heard of people's obsession to always be happy and bright, but sometimes that's just difficult and that's completely okay. Legacy urges you to take care of yourself- even small things can make a difference- and to not be so hard on yourself. sometimes your hobbies are going to be difficult, and that's normal! if getting out of bed is impossible that day, he'll snuggle with you, so you at least have some company. it's all about little steps, he thinks, and he's so proud of each one you take forward
so please, don't give up. there's always something worthwhile around here, even if it's something small and arbitrary, and Foul Legacy is entirely willing to show you that
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ujuro · 3 months
I can listen to the most deranged free improvisation albums that most people in their right mind wouldn’t consider to be music and be like “man I love this” (topography of the lung baby) but something as universally well-liked as Godspeed! you black emperor comes about and I’m like “this shit just doesn’t hit idk” 😭
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If u tell a trans disabled person to call the cops or tell someone else to call the cops abt them u do not care abt that person’s safety
#or any marginalized group but this is in reference to me#thinking abt when a customer pulled a gun on me and i told my bf at the time abt it and rather than ‘omg are u ok’#his immediate response was to get upset w me for not calling the cops after the guy had already left#as if i could do so while he was there either like obviously he had a fucking GUN what was i supposed to do#cops would have done nothing IF I WAS LUCKY + i could have gotten in trouble at work#told my best friend at the time abt it and how my bf had gotten mad and my ‘friend’ was like actually he’s right and ur a horrible person#like it was part of what ended our friendship#neither of them acknowledged or cared that I’d just been thru smth scary. just immediate rage w no apology afterwards#not even a ‘I get that that was probably scary’ like hello?? instead of being relieved I’m safe ur gonna use it for ur cop agenda??#and then say acab online for clout??#also thinking abt when another ex for some fucking reason told her ex that i was having a depressive episode and that she was like stressed#and her ex (who has never met me) was like ‘your bf is abusive and if u don’t call the cops on him I will’#literally bc i had told her that like i was having a hard time and was going to seek help#anyways if ur like ready to jump at an opportunity to Insist on sending cops after a multiply marginalized person#then u cannot use our rights movements or anti cop sentiments to like try to get pussy#and u don’t get to claim it’s for our safety if we’re telling u explicitly cops make us feel unsafe. if the individual wants to then whatev#but if it’s a situation that affects me and not you then my consent matters and it’s a hard no#fucking anyone with education in these areas understands this! i told my psychiatrist abt these instances n why i feel unsafe w cops#and she was like ‘thank u for telling me this so that if there were ever an emergency situation involving you i would know to not do that’#WHAT A CONCEPT#now im scared to tell ppl in my life abt serious things bc i think they’ll say call the cops n then scream at me if I say no#and if I tell them these stories and they’re like ‘omg that’s awful’ LIKE A NORMAL PERSON then im like omg this person is safe <3 LOW BAR#mine#txt#gun tw#personal
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pollenallergie · 9 months
#tw disordered eating#personal#i have a consultation appt coming up soon with a bariatric weight loss program and i’m v nervy#i’ve always been fat and fairly unhealthy bc i didn’t have access to good food growing up (bc poor)#but i also struggle with self-control/impulse control because… obviously#so i binge a lot and then feel really bad afterwards (physically and mentally) but i struggle to tell myself no#so i go through periods where like one day i’ll eat absolutely nothing at all to punish myself & the next i’ll binge until i’m sick#but no psychiatrist has ever wanted to diagnose me with an eating disorder because… well… the psychiatrists in my area aren’t great…#and i’m fat…. so i don’t fit their idea of what someone with an eating disorder should look like#so i’ve never been able to get treatment for my disordered eating#so i’m excited about my consultation…#but i’m also nervous that i won’t be able to actually lose the weight#because most of my family has the same type of disordered eating#and they grew up poor so they don’t have the best idea of nutrition nor do they currently have the means to afford good food (still poor)#so regardless of what information i’m given#my family is likely going to continue to buy the same tempting unhealthy foods#and i just don’t trust myself :/#also i’m not sure if my insurance will cover my appointment if the clinic chooses to take me on as a patient#so i could literally just be told that yeah i’m overweight and i clearly need help but i can’t get help because insurance#which wouldn’t do anything for me except for make me feel 1000x worse about my current situation#but also i’m so tired of feeling/being this way#not necessarily being fat but being unhealthy and feeling like i don’t have control over my own impulses and actions…#like i don’t have the power to stop myself from binging#it’s just very frustrating and really taking a toll on me#sorry for the rant#but life is a lot for me right now#and i can’t talk to anyone in my family about this because they’ll think i’m a danger to myself#(aka going to off myself) & they’ll take me to the hospital & then i’ll have to go in inpatient again (i haven’t been inpatient since 14/15)#& i really just don’t want to deal with that because like… that’s not what’s happening here#tw mental instability
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suncaptor · 9 months
no there really was something about riding back from the volta region to accra in africa and like having hundreds of white-winged flying bugs flocking to the headlights of the van and shedding wings across the ground in the flickering dark and reflective rain. by the time we got back to accra the rain had lifted and there's a part up the hill where you can see the city sitting on rocks in front of you and how it stretches. it was beautiful.
#incoherents#i dont think i could feel a thing then or now i am always so scared. i spent that night. it was easter. at the hospital.#i landed badly paragliding and was hypothermic in high high heat. i was my wound cleaned i was scared I'd die#for no reason. i was having ocd issues. kept imagine getting infected. it was kind of nonsense#but i couldn't get any creams and i had to shower#(had to shower so methodically. in sevens. make sure no part of me could have covid covid covid)#i must have seemed insane. i didnt eat anything but a tiny bit of jollof and my friend helped me get some plantain chips but the night#market was nearly closed#its funny. how me now me then me at 19 how everything is a different lense#I'm through so much glass#i can't imagine being who i was a year ago I'm all hollowed out I'm dead I'm not real#there's a perspective shift. there's things if only i could not drown and be real that i could make so much out of#i want to exist in this world so badly. i want to feel it. i want to be real. but there's too much horror and grief and it consumes me#the beat of their wings was so empty whit#the best psychiatrist i ever had was the boss of the guy i saw that week cause i was scaring myself. but who referred me to him got me so#scared bc he thought i was manic and i freaked out and started crying and asked everyone including half a dozen professionals#if they thought i was because i was scared I'd end up paralysed (again. ocd.)#they took me to the hospital because they were afraid#god i was so much better then yet#and the surgeon guy was not appropriate enough but he liked me. he knew i wasn't a risk. it was all so useless. but you know.#another person to say I'm not manic. god i was so neurotic. well.#okay I'm rambling. it's just. nothing feels real nothing ever feels real#i want to exist have i really not existed this whole time?#i feel like there's so much i missed i grieve everything but not as much as i.#i got better on this med but maybe it wasnt the med. i was . talking to her more again wrapped up#and#hhhhh#nothing is real. i love her
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godblooded · 1 year
the first thing people always notice about alana is her eyes.
#headcanon. dr. bloom.#headcanon. dr. bloom. a good forensic psychiatrist; maybe the best.#[they’re the frost of water turning to ice before its full freeze in the earliest winter morning.#they’re the color it turns as it thaws slow slow slow and then freezes again. they’re so cold.#but they’re purely near white blue. wolffish and beautiful at once. they can be so cruel. and she can have the kindest eyes you’ve ever#seen. she can make you feel incredibly loved or she can absolutely crumble you with a glance. she KNOWS it too.#all her emotions show through her eyes is also the problem. she lies so well because she forces herself to feel it. so potent.#she can replicate an emotion painfully well for herself. she fucking hates it. it’s so hard and so much to deal with. but without it—#she wouldn’t be her. she’s explained the way her empathy works to a few people and I distinctly remember it was trish who was like#‘Jesus Christ I wouldn’t want that shit’ without even meaning to before going ‘it sounds so overwhelming to deal with’ before Alana broke#down in tears seconds later because she’s not hard and if you think she is you’re buying what she’s selling and you’re being grifted.#Alana bloom is my most dangerous muse and I write kitty ‘nexus of nothingness embodied’ valentine.#but I tend to think: would kitty be tricked into… anything by Alana? oh yeah. like. immeasurable yeah. a yeah the size of Texas.#Alana finds your weakest point because every single diamond has a flaw and she just g e n t l y begins to chip.#she’s good!hannibal. she’s the actual good doctor like. I think Tara Jess and I have unironically convinced the fandom that’s her title.#(lmfao it isn’t it’s lecter’s but book!lecter deserves it. show!lecter was a shit therapist. at least book!lecter was amazing at his job.)#and you know who his protege is? Alana!!!! she’s so deadly I’m in love with her and I’ve loved her for years now.#me: this is the side character I’ve written for more than a decade who causes a chain reblog reaction every time I post that gif set#if you know you know.]
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songpasserine · 2 years
today I took adhd medication for the first time ever and it didn’t affect my mood? I was just able to concentrate? and then after scrolling through the fifteenhundredth goncharov post it suddenly occurred to me:
I don’t think the meme is that funny.
I’m an english major. normally I would’ve already texted every single person I know about how tumblr is collaboratively reverse engineering scorsese cinema analysis. it’s trending! absolutely nothing.
I can concentrate on my homework now! I wrote emails and picked a bridesmaid dress and took the trash out! I wasn’t reduced to tears over a simple task! but I don’t think the meme is that funny. dear god what have I done
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masquenoire · 2 years
Do many people know Roman is trans? Is it common knowledge or is it something only a few people are aware of?
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(Slipped under the cut due to length and sensitive information!)
To sum it up in a single word, no. It’s not common knowledge that Roman is a trans man and very, very few people are aware as to the truth. He was isolated as a child, only mingling with the children of a few rich families during important social events - something he never enjoyed going to as he considered the upper echelons to be just as fake and duplicitous as his parents. Some of those people remember that the Sionis’s had a child... but the family name soon died out and became irrelevant as Roman did not care to maintain those same connections his parents painstakingly cultivated upon succeeding his father as CEO of Janus Cosmetics, sticking purely to business only. Mr. Sionis never made it apparent to the company he had children since he never intended to leave the company to Roman, thinking he wouldn’t suffice as an heir due to not being the son he wanted. As soon as the man died, Roman automatically became next in line and by then had already asserted himself as male, looking every bit the part now he was free of his parent’s influence. Circe knew the truth and helped him present himself the way he desired, cutting his hair and styling his appearance to better suit his gender. Even after they fell out, she never outed him and Roman never killed her, though he did disfigure her after her “betrayal”. Tiffany found out while they were dating and did not care as she loved Roman for who he was, making her death very painful when the Joker killed her and stole his identity. Horsehead is one of the only members of his group who know Roman is transgender, along with another member of the original False Face Society, Jaws. Since his defeat at the hands of Batman, the GCPD became aware as to Black Mask’s true identity and sent him to Arkham Asylum to be dealt with as Blackgate lacked the facilities to safely house a transgender inmate amongst the male population, deeming it safer for both Roman (and others around him) if he were housed in more ‘secure’ confinement.
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potato-elf · 1 year
#we won't offer you anymore therapy unless we test you for autism/personality disorders#personal#vent post#I think I've fucked up#I don't think I'll be able to finish writing my thesis this year (again)#I've been having such A Time(TM) mental health-wise this year#relationship of 5 years ended#finally admitted to myself I was pretty fucking depressed#tried to get back into therapy for it#but got hit with the#fell for one of my best friends and have a complicated (non-exclusive) relationship with him even when he told me he's not in love with me#which I don't want to stop but also recognize probably isn't healthy for me in the long run#my psychiatrist accidentally ghosted me for a while while I ran out of both antidepressants and adhd meds#I've been picking up my social life again while also trying and often failing at keeping my living space clean and tidy#because my ex used to have that under control way better than I ever did and took much of that on him#but now I've fallen so far behind on my thesis that I just get too overwhelmed whenever I even think about it#I'm over a month behind by now#and I have less than a month left before I need to hand in my first version#my adhd has not been managed in the slightest lately either#I'm just stuck in a perpetual state of either paralysis or avoidance#and I'm not sure how to cope with this stuff#I've been studying for 6 years by now#this is the second time I've tried to write my thesis#this time around with no other courses to follow beside it#and I still can't do it#I'm starting to feel so fucking miserable about this stuff#I wish I had a fucking functional brain for once in my life#not even the adhd meds help me most days and I feel like my antidepressants might not work as well as they should anymore#but I'm so done with changing up my meds all the time as well. they've often been disastrous for me and I'm afraid of changing them again#I don't know what I want in life either
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Ya boi got a new medicine and a therapist.
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seraphfighter · 1 year
I think this is the first time in all of my work/school life that I've been on break and have been semi-productive and not feeling like a complete waste of space.
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list of my current psychiatrist's red flags:
- italian
- old (looks like he's 60 something)
- lives in a big, old house in a very rich, upperclass neighborhood
- his practice is in the basement of said big old house
- his basement has no signal
- his basement has many doors
- the practice/office itself has two doors for sound isolation
- he is very well dressed (always wearing 3-pieces suits)
- he is very cultured and has big bookshelves in his cabinet (many books about art, philosophy, music,...)
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detectivekonan · 4 months
i have therapy tomorrow morning, i havent seen my therapist since like, january. shes been extra booked because they keep giving her new clients (she started being a therapist last july and i got in with her in september) and the "you have to see a therapst once a month or we're taking away your medications and psych" is bs but i live with it
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