#bev is mulan
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someone in the IT discord server im in started talking about eddie and richie going to disney land together . we were like omg eddie probs has never gone before as a kid cuz sonia!!
so obviously, richie will get eddie mickey ears. But which ones is the question?
We decided richie is jasmine, eddie is ariel heheh
Bonus doodle from earlier when richie dadzier was also in the conversation:
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0nemorestranger · 5 months
really emotional over el's hair journey
i'm already a sucker for the "girl chops her own hair off = freedom" trope. imo it was best used in IT and mulan ofc. but i love how the duffers flipped it so that el's freedom was in growing her hair. the prior examples were done when stakes and emotions were high and these girls were scared. scared and ALONE. sure they got their validation at the end of their stories but before that there was a lot of fear and the "need" to prove themselves to an extent
el never had to deal with that as far as her friends were concerned. yeah they saw her as weird and off-putting at the beginning, but what 12 year old boy wouldn't? but then they became friends and el started letting her hair grow -- AFTER the friendship and AFTER hopper took her in. she still had a lot of shit to go through, but her feeling comfortable in her skin was done on HER terms. and she had friends and family to back her up along the way
and the gender politics?? al marsh to bev: "why'd you do this to your hair? it makes you look like a boy. / are you still my little girl? / are you doing womanly things in the woods with those boys?" and the fact that mulan had to bury her womanhood in an attempt to save her father (only to end up saving china in the process). And what did el do once max took her shopping? well, she didn't run to the makeup and dresses like how mike tried to make her look in s1. but she also didn't go straight to the frumpy flannels and baggy jeans hopper had her in in s2-3. yeah maybe her taste leans more toward fem, but at the end of the day i think it's safe to say she's comfortable with androgyny -- even with longer hair. and i think that's really neat and a take we don't see enough of
not to mention: el in s4, back with papa and hawkins lab. head shaved against her will, flashbacks showing us that even among other kids with similar abilities, she was the freak. and once again, she was scared. scared and ALONE
anyway long story short if the duffers kill her off like I think they might i'll be heartbroken. el was the reason i first fell in love with the show. BUT if they kill her without giving her her hair back, i'll be DEVASTATED
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we-stan-stan-uris · 4 years
The Losers As The Incredibly Underrated Straight To DVD Disney Sequels
Stan: The Lion King II: Simba's Pride
Richie: Kronk's New Groove
Mike: Peter Pan II: Return to Neverland
Bev: Mulan II
Ben: Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
Bill: Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
Eddie: The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
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playlists-in-fall · 4 years
playlist masterlist (2019 edition)
—2020 edition here
links are to the playlist’s tumblr post which contains the spotify link and song list
the planet collection
mercury - chill, electronic songs
venus - alt/indie pop songs for heartache
earth - relatively upbeat folk
mars - rock for those who don’t care
jupiter - songs with some brass
saturn - emotional songs
uranus - guitar driven chill songs
neptune - songs of love and loss
the disney princess collection
ariel - feel good songs
aurora - pop with dark synths by female artists
belle - acoustic songs
cinderella - softer(er) indie and alt
jasmine - summerish indie/alt
merida - “intense” alt pop
moana - upbeat alt
mulan - rock with an attitude
pocahontas - songs with orchestral strings
rapunzel - upbeat folk
snow white - softer songs based in piano
tiana - songs inspired by r&b
the greek goddess collection
hera - moody rock
athena - upbeat rap
aphrodite - chill alt pop
artemis - upbeat alt rock
demeter - semi chill songs on the acoustic side
stephen king’s it collection
beverly - vibes and lyrics to fit bev marsh
ben - vibes and lyrics to fit ben hanscom
mike -  vibes and lyrics to fit milke hanlon
eddie -  vibes and lyrics to fit eddie kaspbrak
richie -  vibes and lyrics to fit richie tozier
stanley -  vibes and lyrics to fit stanley uris
bill -  vibes and lyrics to fit bill denbrough
post-apocalyptic silence - slightly haunting songs to fill the void where people should be
around the milky way - songs for your raod trip through the galaxy
windows down - songs for spontaneous road trips with friends
and the stars listened - songs to listen to at 3am on sleepless nights
rose-colored boy - mellow indie pop for sleepless nights
morning ride - a mix of chill and upbeat songs to help you start your day while in the car
eta? - songs for driving at night
polysomnography - songs to help you sleep
bildungsroman - songs for the mixed feelings of becoming an adult
gato del sol - foggy day songs
bedroom karaoke - throwbacks to scream along to while standing on your bed
mr fahrenheit - well known and just good classic rock songs (70s-90s)
grab your walkman - 80s hits and jams
can you dig it? - groovy 70s music
hail, hail, rock n roll - early rock n roll
summer’s day - summer songs that slap
catching fireflies - songs for calm summer nights
ain’t that just the way - fall vibes
spooky season - songs for halloween that aren’t explicitly made for the season
spoopy season - songs for halloween that were made for the season and joke songs that fit the season
spooks x2 - a combination of “spooky season” and “spoopy season”
haunted lullaby - orchestral/classical music for spooky season
hello, sunshine - happy indie/alt rock and pop to brighten your day
optimist prime - songs that scream optimism
sounds good, feels good - songs that make me happy
for crying out loud - sad songs for sad times
as you watched me drown - songs that get to me/make me emotional
stressed & depressed - for when i feel stressed and/or depressed
hand me downs - angsty sounding alt rock
so in love with you - happy, upbeat love songs
overdramatic? probably. - songs for the lovesick soul
ily - sappy love songs for my dumb lil heart
sunset of a cigarette - relatively chill and feel good hip hop and r&b
you make me feel - mostly feel good electronic based alt pop
i’d like to see you try - songs to strut around in your high heels to
earl grey - soft songs for drinks and sweater paws
in the pocket - upbeat jazz (mostly swing)
macchiato blues - blues with a coffee shop vibe
top of my lungs - fun, upbeat alt rock
gettin chilly in here - a chill songs dump
rhythmic excellence - multilingual rap/hip hop
eight - songs from that angsty phase in eighth grade
y’all - some good folk and bluegrass related songs
all the girls you passed by - songs whose titles revolve around a girl
oh, the places you’ll go - songs with places as the title
hellenistic intentions - songs with titles relating to greek history, mythology, geography, etc
color me purple - songs that sound like dark purple
i promise i’m fine - songs that sound happy but have dark lyrics
we are number one - meme songs
hey u - songs i think are cute
hand in hand - a coming out/gay playlist
inner theater kid - my favorite songs from musicals i like
104 days of summer vacation - music peaked with phineas and ferb and you can’t change my mind
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skittering · 3 years
2020 Recap
Although in many many many ways this year was absolute garbage, some good things happened, too. Time is fake but I’ll do my best to remember.
I visited Bellingham twice (I think?) and went to SAM for the first time with Audra.
I saw a movie in theaters by myself for the first time ever. It was my only movie I saw in theaters for the year, I think.
I continued & completed my monthly mix CD project. Every month for a year starting in 10/2019 I designed a mix CD diary and mailed physical disks to a small group of friends. It was really meaningful and helped me keep track of time in the Great Timelessness.
Pandemic. Yep. I went 5 months without touching another human being, and let me tell you that is 4.9 months too many.
Adapting was hard, but I adapted. I learned to work from home without losing my mind. I created routines. I learned to cook and got used to doing dishes nonstop. I listened to my body and was compassionate.
I started weekly video chats with my CA friends and with my college friends.
And started a weekly virtual writing group that is still going strong.
I wrote more poetry.
And switched to virtual therapy.
I’m part of a group text with my extended family now, so that’s neat.
I became a plant person. I have a bunch of plants now.
Work-wise, I worked on E3 (canceled), GDC (canceled), Mariners (canceled), Mission Accomplice, Drive Thru Picnic, Virtual SMAC, CoS, Winterfest, and we added Lindsay F to the team.
I read a LOT. Probably like 40 books this year? Which maybe isn’t a lot for everyone but is for me. They were mostly rereads but whatever, I needed comfort.
I got much better at the ukulele.
And did three virtual 5ks from my home treadmill.
I played hundreds of hours of Animal Crossing.
I turned 30 and managed to have an amazing birthday.
I made a 65-slide PPT presentation about Undertale. (Hyperfixations really hit hard when you’re trapped at home alone.)
I started writing my first fanfic. (It’s about owls!)
Grandma Bev died. Attended first Zoom memorial service.
Uncle Ernesto got sick. I need to call Ana Elisa.
I started dating Ester, which has been really just extremely awesome. She is a thoughtful and respectful and stable and funny and wonderful person who loves me. I’m just chuffed.
Wildfires were super super bad.
The mcFreakin elections happened and now I can breathe again.
Genevieve moved away.
Cassandra was born. Welcome cousin!
I wrote 25k words of a fantasy novel in November (25k was my goal and I am proud).
I spent a really dope weekend at an Airbnb on Vashon. Aside from my delightful Bellingham visits early in the year, this was my only vacation.
I spent a year away from home. I feel like I’ve done that before but I’m not sure. Either way it sucks and I’m homesick.
I had virtual Xmas with my family & Ester and it was nice.
I discovered a LOT of new music (see CD project).
Some of the new media I consumed, in no order, as I remember it: Return of the Thief, Bridgerton, Animal Crossing, Mandalorian s2, His Dark Materials s2, GBBO, Repair Shop, Scorpio Races, Birds of Prey, Onward, Soul, Hilda, Amphibia, Owl House, Mulan, Wonder Woman 1984, Adventure Time BMO & Obsidian, Happiest Season, FFVII remake, Detroit Become Human, Inside, Umbrella Academy, Russian Doll, The Untamed, The Croaking, Lore Olympus, True Beauty, Red White & Royal Blue, Emma, Palm Springs, The Old Guard, Goldenhand, AC Odyssey, Hyrule Warriors AOC... definitely not all good but also not all bad.
New Music: Vagabon, Alvvays, Car Seat Headrest, Kishi Bashi, The Weather Station, Connie Converse, STRFKR, Big Thief, and new content by old favorites like Sufjan, Bon Iver, Animal Collective, Santigold, Bibio, and Mum plus hundreds more one-off songs by bands I don’t know yet.
Things I miss: restaurants, chatting with waiters, movie theaters, bars, beer from a tap, hanging out with my friends without wondering if we’re going to accidentally kill each other, concerts, plays, shopping, farmers markets, airports, my mom, visits from out-of-town friends, vacation planning, working in an office, karaoke, my sister, conventions, my dad, business trips, dressing up, staircases, pub trivia, getting a cold and not worrying that you are dying/killed your girlfriend, road trips, weekend trips, any kind of trip, people. I miss my people and I miss all people and I am so done with this.
My only resolution for 2021 is to get vaccinated and see my friends & family ASAP. Anything else is just icing.
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I also got a bird feeder. 💕
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dananelora · 4 years
i was tagged by @sallyreeds ty ♡
1. NAME: maureen
3. ZODIAC SIGN: taurus
4. HEIGHT: 4′11 and 3/4″
5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: english, and keep claiming i’m learning french, spanish and norwegian
6. NATIONALITY: uhhh i am a legal citizen of peru and argentina :)
8. FAVORITE FLOWER: baby’s breath
9. FAVORITE SCENT: citrus scents go off, but i also do enjoy the smell of the beach
10. FAVORITE COLOR: i would die for anything burnt orange
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: i have a soft spot for turtles
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): mulan, cher horowitz, ben hanscom, michael from tgp, nadine from the edge of seventeen, and amy march
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: hot chocolate but make it peppermint
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: right now I'm getting like a good 9 hours i would say, i  sleep late but i’m starting to sleep in
17. DREAM TRIP: anywhere other than new rochelle, new york please
19. FOLLOWERS: 156
20. RANDOM FACT:  i am thinking about dipping into my savings to get a switch and new horizons
i’m tagging @binicorns and anyone else that wants to do this lmao
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januarysembers · 5 years
21 Things About Me
i was tagged by @eddiefuckingkaspbrak​
Nicknames: bev by some close friends, and mulan/mulancita/mau by my mom kdhsf
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff
Last Thing I Googled: “how much did it take to make endgame”
Favorite Music: "bedroom pop” idk thats the playlist on spotify i usually go to if i want to find new music
Song Stuck in My Head: the entire hamilton soundtrack
What I Follow: strictly IT blogs on this blog but im much more lenient on my main
Followers: 3,154 except theyre probably all ghost followers so in reality ive got like 10 active followers
Do I get asks?: sometimes ive got a couple of requests and whenever i ask for headcanons i get some which is nice !! but if i dont ask my inbox is pretty dry
Amount of Sleep: a solid 8-9 hours and yet im still tired at work :)
Lucky Number(s): 4 bc its the day my birthday lands on kjdhs its never really gotten me any luck anywhere so maybe its not lucky at all lmao
What I’m Wearing: dark gray shorts and a maroon shirt
Dream Job: dude i honestly dont even know wtf is a dream at this point maybe to have a job in this country legally would be the dream kjshdkf
Dream Trip: to go to south america to visit friends and my family in peru for the first time that would be real nice
Favorite Food: i know this technically isnt considered food but takis
Instruments: i pick up the piano every once in a while but not professionally i just memorize what notes my fingers should play for some songs thats the most i know
Favorite Song(s): still feel. by half alive, fill me up anthem by gus dapperton, these days by wallows, and hazel by roy blair
Favorite Sound(s): minecraft sounds im not kidding i fall asleep to minecraft asmr sometimes
Random Fact: my birthday is this saturday !!
Aesthetic: burnt orange color scheme, glowy skin with acne scars, and empty takis bags along the edge of my bed because im a slob and dont take care of myself
Summer or Winter: idk because i hate the heat in the summer but i miss the sun in the winter so :/
I’m tagging: @denbroughbill​ @burninart​ @gaybullies​ @billhaders​ @honkhonkrichard​ @hanziers​
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losersincollege · 6 years
Bev! Who is your favorite Disney woman and why?
That’s the toughest question ever, you do realize? There’s just so many good ones to pick! Uhh, I guess if I could only pick one I would say Mulan, she’s like the human embodiment of what I aspire to be. She balances her tough side and gentle side so gracefully and let’s not forget how resilient she is! The girl got stabbed and deserted in the snowy mountains, and she STILL managed to pick herself up and save China. We stan one woman and her name is Mulan.
((ask the College Losers anything!))
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I’m rewatching It, the mini-series from the 90s and man, I love this movie. Don’t get me wrong, the last one from 2017 was good too. After all, the production was better, the actors too I guess, oh and the music was great too...
But I cannot get over some little things that I prefer in the 90s version.
Well first, you have Mike Hanlon. Mike Hanlon was great in the mini-serie and was completely robbed of his storyline in the 2017 version. Mike only got to join the band after half of the movie, because he was “homeschooled” and we don’t feel like he’s part of the band because we didn’t get to see him have any fun with them at all. Of course it’s the same in the mini-serie, but we don’t have this feeling. Why ? Because of the alternate narration between past and present.  The mini-serie literally starts with Mike. And since the very beginning, we know he is the pillar, the one who stayed in town, the historian, the one who knows, who remembers. In the 2017 version, the historian was Ben and... I don’t know why ? Like everyone said on reddit or here, Ben was already the “fat boy”, the “new one”, the “boy in love” and the “poet”... wasn’t that enough ? Mike was essential even though he wasn’t completely included because the viewers followed him, trying to reunite all of them. So yeah, I’m going to stay bitter about his role largely reduced in the new movie. And even more if what I heard about his adult version is true in the next one.
I missed the past/present storylines. I just missed it.
I also missed something they showed in the mini-serie : It used its clown appearance to lure kids after him. They liked it. Or dare I say, “they liked It” at first. It reminded me clearly of a spider, waiting for its prey to come closer and closer before the catch. I always thought it explained a lot about It.
Oh and of course I missed the little scenes/dialogues that made us understand that the whole town were ignoring the problem because the adults were... how to say, kinda bewitched ?
And I didn’t like this version of Eddie’s mother. I just... can’t see her like that.
I also don’t like this Bev. I like the actress, she’s amazing (a little bit too old though), and I got attached to her character because of her. But it’s like they really want for us to get that this is a GIRRRRL (remember this scene in the shop?) in a group of BOYYYYYYS and you know GIRLS ARE WEAAAAAAAK but NOT THIS ONE! Because she can FIIIIIIIGHT... except that she’s still the one getting kidnapped. (why seriously ?) Ah and she was robbed of her moment of being the only one who can shoot. Oh and I’m starting to hate the trope “girl is cutting her hair so now she’s stronger”. They use it all the time, everywhere (Naruto, Power Ranger, the Legend of Korra even though we didn’t see it) and I really think we should only accept one Mulan rip off by decade. Also, doesn’t it deconstruct everything to make her understand that Ben was her poet ? And she still prefer Bill ? I mean, when they’re adult in the mini-serie, Bev goes with Ben because she makes this discovery and he has more confidence and looks better, but mostly because of his sweet sensibility. In the adult version from the next movie, she already knows he’s like that, so what? She’ll get with him bc he will be hotter ?
Basically, I prefer Bill, Bev and Ben, and everything about them in the mini-serie. Because for me their physical appearances made more sense. Especially Bill who was... I was in love with him when I was a kid okay? The Bill from the 90s was a leader, Bev was more like a common girl which was perfect, and you could see, you could really see that Ben was going to grow up and gain more confidence. Also, he was robbed of his past and family in the new movie (which explained a lot about him).
But I have to say I prefer this Eddie and this Stanley. I love both Richie and both Mike. I hope their adult versions will be great, especially Mike and Eddie who were my favorites in the mini-serie.
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jaskaliina · 6 years
It’s sometimes really weird to think about the times before I realized I was gay, because:
I thought that because my friends were talking about guys, I would have to have a crush on a guy too. And so I told everyone in school that I wanted to date one of my best friends at the time. It was awkward.
I never understood the hype about famous guys that were supposed to be hot. Give me more Emma Watson, please.
I secretly thought Vidia from Tinkerbell was really hot. Also Merida from Brave. Also Mulan. I never said that, of course, because everyone else was freaking out about Mufasa.
I love reading, but I always felt kinda confused reading books from a straight girl’s perspective. I just didn’t get it.
Now that I’m out, I realize how many friendships actually were intense crushes, and that that is why I admired my female friends so much in, like, fourth grade.
I have intense crushes on, for example, Sophia Lillis and Milly Bobby Brown (I’m a teenager, I promise I’m not a pervert). Seriously, when I saw IT for the first time I spent almost the entire movie talking ‘bout Bev’s hair and adorable freckles.
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I though bev would go as ping, you know when mulan get's in the army
oh pLEASE THIS IS GEORGOUS (mulan is my favorite so im So Here for this crossover)
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booksncoffee · 7 years
What would all your characters be for Halloween? Harry and tenley? Harry and bev? Niall and Brooklyn? Harry and Suki?
oooh i reaaaally like this question! 
harry and tenley would dress up as Rapunzel and Flynn Rider because tee’s finally gotten the chance to watch rapunzel and she loooove that movie and thus, the costumes!! 
harry and bev would definitely go for Danny and Sandy from Grease (harry’s idea, but he refuses to admit it)! 
niall and brooklyn, well, seeing that they’re not a couple *cough* yet *cough* niall is dressed as fred from scooby doo and brooklyn would dress as audrey hepburn in that iconic black dress.
harry from ums would go for shaggy in scooby doo because niall’s fred so he wants them to match. suki would dress as mulan!! 
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itkeeper · 7 years
why sleep when u can make edits of the losers with disney character comparisons / aesthetics instead amiright
bill: simba
richie: aladdin 
stan: elsa
eddie: rapunzel
ben: belle
bev: mulan or esmeralda i’m still torn
mike: hercules
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mulanxiaojie · 7 years
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Mulan/Ping by Bev-Nap
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Super Bowl 53 is on February 3, 2019. Whether you’re going out or staying in on Super Bowl Sunday, here’s your guide to the big game’s food, drink, and festivities in Memphis. Photo by Michael Butler Keep reading for a list of places to watch the Super Bowl in Memphis, Memphis Super Bowl parties, places that deliver in Memphis, and places for Memphis hot wings. Game info: Super Bowl 53 New England Patriots v. Los Angeles Rams 5:30 p.m. CST on CBS 1. Where To Watch The Super Bowl In Memphis: places doing specials and parties. – Celtic Crossing will host a Superb Owl Party starting at 3 p.m. with drink specials including $10 beer buckets and $5 Jameson, plus $2 off appetizers and hot wings and homemade chili. – Cozy Corner is doing pre-orders for catering while supplies last and will be open 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Pre-orders only! Call 901-527-9158 for details and orders. – Privé hosts a Super Bowl Viewing Party on Sunday with food and drink specials and music by DJ Houston. Free admission and doors open at 4:30 p.m. – The Hi-Tone is raffling off a Crock Pot full of meatballs at halftime. The “event” is from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m. I hope this is real. – Craft Republic Sanderlin (aka Fox & Hound) will host a Puppy Bowl Watch Party from noon to 4 p.m. hosted by Melody the dog. Entry is a $5 donation for the Humane Society. Family-friendly. I have a sneaky feeling they’ll probably show the human game afterwards. – High Point Pub hosts their 27th annual Super Bowl Sunday Funday from 4 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. – Tug’s on Mud Island will offer Big Game Sunday Specials from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., including $2 bottled domestics, happy hour drinks, $5 apps, plus food specials like chili cheese dogs, nachos, buffalo chicken, and jalapeño poppers. – High Cotton Taproom will show the game on their new six-foot-tall TV in the back room, and Edge Alley next door will have a special menu with buffalo-style wings, ranch burgers, steak chili, and jalapeño poppers. – Local Gastropub will host a Super Bowl party with a buffet and drink specials. Best I can tell, it’s happening at both locations. – Loflin Yard will host a Saints Super Bowl Boycott party starting at 1 p.m. with $2 Bud Light draft and “NFL Ref Olympics” where participants will be blindfolded to play cornhold and darts. – Railgarten will host a Watch Party starting at 5:30 p.m. with happy hour pricing on Jell-O shots, pitchers, and drafts. – Horseshoe Tunica hosts the “Ultimate Super Bowl Experience” inside the Bluesville bar with a giant screen, food and bev specials, and giveaways. Free admission. Doors at 3:30 p.m. – Robusto by Havana Mix Cigar Bar hosts a watch party from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. at 250 Peabody Place. – Perignons hosts a Watch Party with $2 pints, $9 pitchers, $8 punch, big screens, and no cover. Doors at 3:30 p.m. – Wild Bill’s hosts a Super Bowl Watch Party with blues by the Juke Joint AllStars. Doors at 5 p.m. The Whitehaven Library will host a super bowl party with “pizza, chicken wings, activities for children, half-time entertainment”. – Muddy’s will host a football cookie decorating gathering the day before, Saturday at 10 a.m. Limited seating! Here are some other places to watch, in no particular order. Let me know your favorite spots and I’ll add them to the list. Downtown: Kooky Canuck Max’s Sports Bar Green Beetle Aldo’s Pizza Pies Local Gastropub Central BBQ Bardog Tavern Huey’s Flying Saucer Silly Goose Midtown: The Bayou Huey’s Local on the Square Young Avenue Deli Slider Inn The Second Line East + ‘burbs: R.P. Tracks Huey’s Ubee’s The Bluff Newby’s Kooky Canuck Cordova Flying Saucer Cordova Brookhaven Pub Dan McGuinness Mr. P’s Buffalo Wings 2. What To Eat: where to get hot wings or order delivery Super Bowl = Food = Hot Wings for many people. Here are some (but not all) of the best places in Memphis to get them, in no particular order. Below that is a short list of great places that deliver. Places To Get Hot Wings Ching’s Wing Guru Central BBQ Crumpy’s Alex’s D’Bo’s Bosses Mr. P’s Growlers Places That Deliver: plan ahead and call early. Individual restaurants may have geographic delivery restrictions. It might be worth calling places days ahead of time to find out individual establishments’ ordering and delivery policies due to high demand. – Aldo’s Pizza (downtown and midtown locations deliver to their neighborhoods, respectively) – Bardog (downtown only) – Camy’s – Garibaldi’s – Little Italy – Jet’s Pizza – Mulan – Trolley Stop – Ubee’s – Wang’s – Young Ave. Deli (Cooper Young area only) – Westy’s Downtown + Westy’s Express Midtown (downtown + midtown only) Of course, we have UberEats and BiteSquad, too. I’ve had good experiences with both. I’ve had less great experiences with DoorDash and they seem to have mostly chains and fast food, but nothing to make me not want to try them again. 3. Other Places/Things That Might Be Helpful For Your Super Bowl Sunday Consumption Needs – Cash Saver is helpful for their cheap beer selection and growler filling station. – Don’t forget Fresh Market, Whole Foods, and Kroger for prepared foods. Anything else? Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout http://bit.ly/1B5z3Pc
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