#bnha analisys
In case anyone’s confused
Overhaul made the deleter rounds using Eri’s blood
The League stole them and eventually gave them to Ujiko hoping he’ll be able to make more, and that’s what he’s been trying to do when the war started
But apparently he didn’t only make more deleters, he also extracted Eri’s DNA from the blood and used it to clone her quirk
It must've survived the destruction of the lab or he kept it somewhere else
AFO found and collected it after the war
AFO has Rewind
Rewind heavily drains your stamina, so he didn’t want to use it in the middle of a fight and waste energy, and instead saved it as a last resort heal
From what we’ve seen with Eri using it, he should still be able to use Rewind once or twice after this.
The damage is unforeseeable.
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pisochenta · 1 year
no se si fue a propósito pero me fascina que el quirk de Ochako y el de Shigaraki se activen de la misma forma; tocar algo con 5 dedos. Es una forma sutil de conectarlos pese a ser personajes totalmente opuestos en personalidad y objetivos.
Shigaraki es el símbolo del terror, quiere acabar con la sociedad. Ochako es el héroe que salva a los héroes, ella quiere mejorar su sociedad (ojito acá, porque algo muy importante en su personaje es darse cuenta de los fallos que hay, pero que no pierde la esperanza de avanzar). Es interesante pensar que estos objetivos nacen de sus respectivas infancias (en el caso de Tenko no tanto pq fue manipulado) pero que TAMBIÉN se diferencian, Ochako desarrollo interés en el bienestar de los demás (héroes y civiles) al ver la alegría y aceptación mientras Shigaraki termino despreciando a estos mismos (héroes y civiles) por rechazarlo y ser la causante de su desgracia.
Pero no es solo esto, sino que incluso desde la perspectiva del protagonista sucede la gran diferencia. Shigaraki es el villano de Izuku, Ochako es el héroe que siempre lo salva... 
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marunalu · 2 years
Acabo de entrar a la etiqueta general de izuku y bakugo y me e llevado una enorme sorpresa (decepcion)
Resulta que me meti en las etiquetas generales de bakugo y izuku para poder encontrar algun analisis del cap 360 o fanarts del cumpleaños de izuku. Cuando entre me llovieron un monton de publicaciones de bkdk, no digo que no esten en la libertad de gustarles bkdk mientras no molesten ni dañen a nadie, pero lo que si se me hizo rarisimo es que hay montones de bakugo x lector!!! Realmente no me gusta bkdk, y me di cuenta de que el ship final es izoucha pero no deja de sorprenderme como los bkdks tienen invandido las etiquetas generales, creo que alguien que ignora por completo que clase de tipo es bakugo y se pone a leer los post de la etiqueta general de su pesonaje tendra una muy erronea idea de bkdk y bakugo.
Yeah your right! Thats why I blocked the bakugou and bakudeku tags, because otherwise it would be torture to visit the main bnha or mha tag. And even after I blocked certain tags I still have to see a lot of bullshit, because people cant tag properly their posts! But if I as a anti bakugou dont tag my stuff properly, its literally a war declaration to bkdk or bakugou fans!
The last part of your ask is so true. For example, when I was very new to bnha, I startet to read a few fanfictions to get more into the worldbuilding and in hope to understand certain things better. Almost all of these fanfictions had a completly ooc bakugou in it and at first I was so confused, because that wasnt like the bakugou I was used to see in the manga and so I thought that maybe he will develope into the fanfiction bakugou later (I wasnt far in the story at that point).
So the same happens if people dont tag their stuff properly here and if someone who doesnt know bakugous character reads their post, they get a false image of him.
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ana-list · 6 years
Top 10: Mejores diseños de Boku no hero Academia
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9. All Might: El símbolo de los héroes
El personaje central de BNHA tenía que tener un diseño especial. Para mí no es el mejor ni el más original pero es un gran diseño por todo lo que representa: ensalza la figura del típico héroe americano del cómic, cumpliendo todos los estereotipos: enorme, excesivamente musculoso, buena presencia y uniforme típico que parodia el patriotismo estadounidense. 
Además de eso, resaltan las sombras y esos ojos negros que esconden un secreto de igual manera que su sonrisa esconde el miedo. Pero All Might no es nada sin Toshinori. ¿Fui la única en reír cuando mostró su verdadero aspecto? Su forma real representa la decadencia, pero también que cualquier héroe, por muy poderoso que sea, sigue teniendo una debilidad, y eso le hace humano.
Jeanist point: Sus dos mechones rubios hacia arriba son icónicos.
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l4-r4t4 · 4 years
Ver "el PEOR personaje ¿Por qué odio a Uraraka?-Analisis y speedpaint BNHA oc" en YouTube
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bgsdraws · 3 years
HELLO I am here to deliver kin analysis. Sorry, I got real distracted lol. Remember I know NOTHING about you and I’m only going off the characters I know (the ones from DR, FMA, and BNHA) (but they’re all characters I love, actually!!!). First, you care very deeply for your friends. Do they know that? Maybe, if you’re willing to drop your facade for a second to show them. You probably try to help them without being too obvious, but you’re fiercely protective at times. You pretend to be confident and put-together when on the inside, you’re terrified. All you want is to be accepted by your peers and for them to notice how much you do for them. But maybe you’re not doing enough? That thought haunts you. You want so badly to be useful, but you need to realize that you don’t have to be USEFUL in order to be worthy! Worthy of love, of friendship, or of life in general. Your friends can probably tell how much you care, even if you don’t say it outright. You should believe them when they tell you they love you! I know you often don’t. And you don’t have to pretend to be somebody else for people to like you! If you be yourself, you’ll attract all the right people. Have a good day!
uh...Thats really accurate, even tho I kinda hate to admit it
‘‘  You pretend to be confident and put-together when on the inside, you’re terrified. All you want is to be accepted by your peers and for them to notice how much you do for them. But maybe you’re not doing enough? That thought haunts you. You want so badly to be useful, but you need to realize that you don’t have to be USEFUL in order to be worthy! ‘‘
Im in this picture and I dont like it/j
I’ve actually recently talked with friends where they said essentially the same thing ahah (Am i that easy to read?/hj)
Thank you so much for the analisys (‐^▽^‐), its really spot on tbh
(and weirdly, it makes me happy that my kins reflect correctly the type of person I am?)
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toi-monogatari · 4 years
So, hero analisis for the future
Soon there will be a quiz at my school, during which the most creative costume (group) wins.
Me and my friends (and our teacher) will be cos playing bnha.
I chose Izuku because I love the precious brocoly boy.
Because I am a bit perfectionistisch and low on butget because of all the clothes I bought for it, I'll be making the accessories and makeup myself.
One of the things I'll be making will be his notebook.
I already started with it, so soon, the pages will be uploaded to my Tumblr and instagram.
It will be English because I don't know Japanese.
I hope you will enjoy.
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In case anyone’s confused about the prosthetic wings
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toi-monogatari · 4 years
So I was writing something and lost connection.
For short I'll make bnha hero analisis for the future for my cosplay.
And post some of it here. Ca
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