#bolinhos de bacalhau
vadapega · 11 months
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It's Portugal Day
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martafelipe · 22 days
Bolinho de bacalhau
A receita de hoje não é minha e os bolinhos vieram prontos para degustação. Recebi o carinho, Continue reading Bolinho de bacalhau
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 10 months
MOMENTOS BIZARROS DA VIDA DA ANITA - Os Cilindros Gigantes de Bacalhau
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Era comum todas as manhãs acordar ouvindo as lamentações, as reclamações o choramingo raivoso de D. Aparecida.
Seu mau humor matinal era crônico. Quase sempre apanhei dela nesse horário.
Porém nesse dia, ao menos havia uma razão. Algo inédito.
Minha mãe seguia o script. Misturar grito com choro em um mesmo tom e reclamar muito.
O acontecimento que desencadeou isso tudo é muito estranho.
A empregada acordou antes de todo mundo. Para isso, era teria que acorda cinco da manhã ou até mais cedo, pois meus pais era madrugadores.
Foi até a cozinha e pegou todo o bacalhau para o natal, o desfiou todo, amassou em dois grandes cilindros grossos, e fritou ambos. Assim...
Estávamos na semana do natal, bacalhau sempre foi coisa cara, nos anos 80 era muito mais.
Minha mãe em um surto, andando pra lá e pra cá, como ela sempre fazia, se não estivesse ocupada com algo, e a empregada calada, inerte.
A empregada foi demitida? Até onde sei não. Pegou seus dias de feriado, e não voltou mais, mandou o meu irmão pegar as coisas dela. Como roupas e um LP do RPM.
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O que levou a jovem a estragar intencionalmente todo o bacalhau do natal?
Uma demissão. Com certeza, acima de tudo, uma vingança.
De quê?
Poderia chutar vários. Todos genéricos, nenhum em particular, com certeza a causa é uma delas ou ambas: Minha mãe era uma patroa chata, e meu pai um assediador de empregadas.
Até acredito que muitas se comportavam como essa daí, porque o velho, como todo infiel, falava mal da esposa para elas, as mesmas convencidas do "amor" do coroa, conhecendo a pressão alta e o frágil coração de D. Aparecida, faziam de tudo pra iniciar um infarto ou AVC na coroa.
Talvez minha mãe não demitiu a garota, para não se mostra derrotada, depois do maquiavélico plano de estragar o bacalhau do natal.
Pouco anos depois a vi na rua, estava esquelética, com ossos despontando para fora, como juntas e clavícula. Como magreza doentia era status, ela me chamou de gorda. Pra esculachar mesmo.
Estava claro que ela guardou um ódio de toda família, e deve ter amaldiçoado ( mais 1!)os meses que trabalhou com a gente.
Ela pode ter suas razões, mas antes de trabalhar, ela avaliou a proposta, conheceu a casa, havia empregadas que quando conhecia a casa, nunca mais aparecia. Mesmo sendo um experiência da qual ela com certeza odiou, lhe garanto que os filhos de D. Cida e seu Miro nada tinham a ver com isso. E foi um dos meus irmãos que a indicou para trabalhar lá em casa.
BIZARRE MOMENTS IN ANITA'S LIFE - The Giant Codfish Cylinders
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It was common every morning to wake up hearing the lamentations, complaints and angry whimpering of D. Aparecida.
His morning moodiness was chronic. I almost always got beat up by her at that time.
But on this day, at least there was a reason. Something unheard of.
My mother followed the script. Mix screaming with crying in the same tone and complain a lot.
The event that triggered all this is very strange.
The maid woke up before everyone else. For that, I would have to wake up at five in the morning or even earlier, as my parents were early risers.
She went into the kitchen and got all the cod for Christmas, shredded it all, flattened it into two big thick cylinders, and fried both. Like this…
It was Christmas week, cod was always expensive, in the 80s it was much more.
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My mother in a fit, pacing back and forth as she always did if she wasn't busy with something, and the maid silent, inert.
Was the maid fired? As far as I know not. She took her holiday days, and didn't come back, she sent my brother to get her things. Like clothes and an RPM LP.
What led the young woman to intentionally spoil all the Christmas cod?
A dismissal. Certainly, above all, revenge.
From what?
Could kick several. All generic, none in particular, surely the cause is one or both of them: My mother was a boring boss, and my father was a harasser of maids.
I even believe that many behaved like that one, because the old man, like all infidels, spoke ill of his wife to them, the same ones convinced of the "love" of the crown, knowing the high blood pressure and the fragile heart of D. Aparecida, made of everything to start a heart attack or stroke in the crown.
Maybe my mother didn't fire the girl, for she doesn't seem defeated, after the Machiavellian plan to spoil the cod for Christmas.
A few years later I saw her on the street, she was skeletal, with bones sticking out, like knuckles and collarbone. Since unhealthy thinness was status, she called me fat. To carve it out.
It was clear that she harbored a hatred for the entire family, and she must have cursed (1 more!) the months she worked with us.
She may have her reasons, but before working, she evaluated the proposal, got to know the house, there were maids that when she got to know the house, she never appeared again. Even though it was an experience that she certainly hated, I assure you that the children of Dona Cida and Miro had nothing to do with it. And it was one of my brothers who recommended her to work at home.
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sheikh-n-bake · 1 year
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undemodable · 2 years
Bolinho de Bacalhau a moda do Porto, um rolezinho chique com Edu Roly
Bolinho de Bacalhau a moda do Porto, um rolezinho chique com Edu Roly
Bolinho de Bacalhau a moda do Porto, um rolezinho chique com Edu Roly
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 month
Kinda random tought BUT
If David, Buck and Minnie went on a vacation to Brazil, what would be their favorite Brazilian snack?
I actually don't know a lot about Brazilian food! Buck's kind of a foodie, so I think he'd really have a blast trying a little bit of everything - he'd probably spend most of the trip getting lost in markets and such trying to eat as much as possible, maybe awkwardly bumble his way through trying to ask cooking questions. Davey and Minnie I think would both generally like salgadinhos - Davey I feel like would be partial to bolinhos de bacalhau, whereas Minnie I think's a simple kid and would like pão de queijo best
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eepuniverse · 10 months
Hexel's World Tour Week 5 - Brazil
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This week it's off to Brazil! The first stop was Sao Paolo! This city is amazing! I am already exhausted from all the exploring, but there's still so much more I want to do! Maybe I can convince Georgia and the others to come back with me. There's something for all of them here! The colorful street art scene is right up Georgia's alley, and the nightlife is something Dustin will totally appreciate (not to mention all of the food!). The street markets are something I know Mac and Krista would both appreciate. I found one street artist painting a portrait of a mom and her daughter‍. I don't know why, but it made me really sad yet I couldn't look away... It made me think of my mom and wondering if she's still out there. If she's looking for me at all...what Sena said about my mom is still echoing in my head.
Dustin “the Food Dood” would be so proud of me. So far, I've tried Picanha, Feijoada, Brigadeiros, Bolinho de Bacalhau. And OMG, have you all tried Moqueca (they told me it's pronounced "mo-KEH-kah")? It's a seafood stew and it somehow tastes earthy, and bright, and of the sea all at once!🥘 Mine had shrimp and fish in it, even though some versions only have one or the other.
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Iguacu Falls was so gorgeous! They told me that it's actually shared between Brazil and Argentina. And it's considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Though the locals told me it's THE most beautiful waterfall, and honestly, after seeing it, I have to agree.
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Vermelha beach in Rio De Janeiro and these really famous Mountains called Sugarloaf are, like, RIGHT THERE! ⛰️It was so epic. It actually kind of reminded me of somewhere, I'm not sure where exactly, but I know it's a place with a lot of beaches and a lot of mountains. Maybe it's home?
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docholligay · 1 year
Eurovision Party Menu
So what we do for my (small, but well loved) Eurovision party iseveryone picks their favorite and brings a dish from that country, and then I ask people to also wear the flag colors! It’s fun. This year we have:
Mike: Australia --Lamingtons (yes, he’s apparently making them himself!)
Mom: Israel-- Israeli Salad (She does like the song, but I actually think my mom just loves Israeli salad)
Her boyfriend: Finland-- Karjalanpiirakka ( a sort of rice porridge pastry--my mom is actually making it. He doesn’t even know the song, he just ALWAYS picks a nordic)
Jetty: Austria-- Topfennockerl (cheese curd dumpling things)
Me: Basically picking all my top five to round out the table.
Spain-- Cava and Sangria
Portugal --- Bolinhos de Bacalhau (cod and potato cakes) and maybe Gambas au alho (garlic shrimp) 
France -- Pan au chocolat (I am NOT making them. We have a guy.)
Croatia -- Mazalice (basically grilled ground meat on toast but this feels like underselling it. )
Italy -- biscotti (to dip in the wine! Yes, I'm making it)
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waterdeepthroat · 6 months
Do you have any plans for new characters for future playthroughs?
Are there any canon/canon pairings you feel work well but aren't getting attention?
What is Coluber's least and most favourite foods?
thanks for the ask, anon!
1. there are a few characters i have rotating in the brain-oven right now: one is a githyanki rogue who has long since rejected vlaakith, and ofc he will romance lae’zel. i have another tav (called octavia) who’s a high elf bard, a bit of a goth milf, who will romance gale. i also want to do a truly evil durge run at some point with either a barbarian, monk, or rogue.
2. one of my absolute (pun intended) pairings basically has no content for it lol, and that’s lae’zel/gale! i really love their interactions and if i ever do an origin run as lae’zel i’ll def romance gale. (another one is omeluum/blurg- i went through their entire ao3 tag at like 4 am this morning)
3. coluber definitely likes fish, growing up in the swamps of the sword coast as a bronze dragonborn. his fav would be something like bolinhos de bacalhau, so some sort of fried cod. his least favourite would be boiled vegetables. he’s not a boiled vegetables kind of guy
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sorvete-de-pacoca · 1 year
Do you mind another one?
Luciano sneaks into Afonso's computer to check his search history, expecting to find embarrassing secrets. However, he finds stuff like "how can I be more likable", "my son hates me", "how to reconnect with adult children", "Does my husband still love me", "how to reconnect with your brother without punching him in the face", "bolinhos de bacalhau with tomato rice recipe", "how do you cook tapioca".
Dang, Luci was going for the embarrassing stuff but came out with a heavy heart. Afonso will be confused while he's being extra nice to him during the day (and teaching him out of nowhere how to cook tapioca)
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dougrobyngoold · 9 months
Museu Arqueologico do Carmo & Museu da Cerveja - Lisbon, Portugal
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We started today off with a visit to Carmo Convent, which is now an amazing archaeological museum. Construction on the convent began in 1389 and by 1551 it had been expanded to house 70 clergy and 10 servants. It was significantly damaged in the 1755 earthquake and had to be abandoned. In 1800, minor repairs were made and the military took over the space. In 1864, the space was donated to the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists and turned into a museum.
It is definitely a work-in-progress, however, the artifacts that are on display are impressive. We were amazed at what was displayed in the convent, as well as the actual ruins of the convent. Well worth the time and the $4/person admission fee.
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Inside the convent - no roof, beautiful arches, and lots of displays of pediments and columns in this area.
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Inside there are multiple rooms filled to the brim with historical artifacts from around the world.
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Top to bottom: porcelain tile panels depicting scenes from the Passion of Christ, tomb of a king, an elaborately decorated chest, and a mummy.
We visited the museum for over and hour, so many artifacts to take in - we were glad that we decided to go inside and explore. We wandered to the back side of the convent, where there were some nice views.
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St. George's Castle was visible on the treed hillside.
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Lisbon Cathedral was our next destination - we opted to not go inside.
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We continued our tour, finding a vista with lovely views of the Tagus River, as we made our way toward the National Pantheon.
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The National Pantheon - which houses the tombs of Portugal's major historic figures. We opted to not go inside, small admission charge or free with Lisbon Card.
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A few of the beautifully tiled facades we came across as we made our way around Lisbon today.
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Igreja de Sao Vicente de Fora - a Catholic monastery. We walked the perimeter and enjoyed a little shade on a bench in the courtyard.
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Courtyard at the monastery.
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Our next stop - the Beer Museum! Doug, waiting for our tour in the regal "Beer Tour Chair".
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Our tour guide, Daniel, was amazing and we learned a bit about the history of beer during the tour. We shared the tour with 4 young people from England, they were delightful. Part of the tour is a tasting, everyone chose a beer from a huge refrigerator and we were given the option of sharing the beers or just tasting our own selection. Luckily, everyone was willing to share and we had a great time visiting and tasting the beers.
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We enjoyed a couple beers and lunch at the restaurant at the Beer Museum - inside is very fancy dining, outside is way more casual. On my plate is bolinho de bacalhau (salt cod croquette, a local favorite). Doug was complaining because he had to wait to drink his beer while I took the picture!
The Beer Museum is located on Praca do Comercio - a beautiful plaza along the river. Below are scenes from around the plaza, including the Cais das Colunas (an historic pier with stone pillars). There was a lot happening on and around the plaza.
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We were ready to head back to our place, we had covered a lot of territory and needed to put our feet up for a bit. On our way back, we passed by Pink Street - an Instagram hot-spot - EVERYONE was taking a selfie along this street. Pretty crazy!
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misterrobobote · 1 year
In a previous post you said that R.Fredbear was good at cooking. What does R.Fredbear cook best and how does he cook.
Yes R.Fredbear is a good cook in general (ps: prepare yourself for a long list of cuisine) and knows a variety of recipes like risotto, lentil soup and feijoada. But also Moqueca, Pão de queijo, Beef Stroganov, Caipirinha, Chimichurri, Empadão, Acarajé, Empada, Escondidinho, Requeijão, Salpicão, Bacalhau com natas, Brigadeiro and Pave (yes, the best dishes are the ones that have the most unpronounceable name) And there are many dishes that he knows (if I make the list, it will take an hour). If there is a dish that he is good at, it is the bolinhos de chuva (a fried doughnut covered with sugar). It is a dish that is preferably eaten on rainy days. When the young Fredbear was sad on a rainy day he would cook some doughnuts to comfort himself. It was the dessert that did the best (and the one that Lena found the best). He learned from Henry and William who taught him how to cook (yes, Henry wanted to know if the bear could learn by himself and what better way than by cooking), but also by himself via cookbooks. The bear likes to read.
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ashtonsunshine · 1 year
I burnt my mouth eating bolinhos de bacalhau at lunch so now my gums are on fire.
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asmeninas · 2 years
what is ur favorite.. holiday food :) AND dessert
My favorite holiday food is bolinho de bacalhau, that we always have at Christmas. I don't really have a favorite holiday dessert, even though I love sweets there aren't many desserts we only have at holidays, except for rabanadas, which we don't have as dessert but are sweet so!
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