#btw the ''this is sibling'' is legitimately what he says
inkskinned · 2 years
oh, i love the way relationships develop their own personal language of love. when all that joy shows the way they love you. i love when it is a little icon to who they are, to how you get along with them.
my sister takes a picture of a dead bug and sends it to me - this is you. my friend asks me how the move is going; she put a reminder in her phone to check up on me. i put a piece of ice down my friend's back, he returns the favor by holding my phone over my head and making me jump to catch it. jason and i scream-sing green day while going all of 15 miles an hour down country roads. molly is who i go to for a quiet night in with 5 dollar wine.
i go out for dinner with them and have to step outside to take a phone call; when i come back they've ordered my favorite appetizer without needing to be asked. andrew and i have a long-standing tradition of him picking me up to spike me directly into the first soft-looking surface around. i don't even need to speak to my best friend - she and i will just look at each other and have an entire conversation. burst out laughing at 3 PM, high and cackling like we're evil witches. i just moved by myself into a new city - my brother keeps introducing me to his friends that now live close to me. he always says - oh yeah, this is sibling and then pretends to ignore me. for days now, my family has been in and out of my apartment, just tinkering with things; making sure i am settling in nicely.
i usually have watermelon instead of cake for my birthday; kim forces a full yankee candle into the rind so i can have something to blow out and wish on. for 20 minutes on a saturday, all us grown adults crawl into one bed to have a cuddle puddle like we're in high school again. every 20 seconds someone starts giggling, and then we're laughing again. nick calls me from california; we both groan about the price of tickets, agonizing. miranda and i meet up in the city for the first time in years - without discussing it beforehand, the minute we lay eyes on each other, we both strike gruesome little gremlin poses instead of waving. dean always goes for the hug. joe always does a single firm handshake. sometimes i think about my friends and get so happy i just start crying.
oh, how wonderful to live in a world where affection is biologically ingrained in us. how wonderful that affection helps us build our single greatest strength - community. how wonderful that affection is our body's way of saying - thing is good, let's keep. how wonderful, this language, this skein we weave! to show the other person - i might not always say it. but i love that you live in me.
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fandom-geek · 3 months
btw, the violinist in tmp 4? he's probably james smithson, of "founder of the smithsonian institute" fame
so what do we know about our violinist? he grew up in alnwick abbey, he was illegitimate and had legitimate full siblings, a father "certain of his celestial significance", and he has a nephew to whom he leaves his violin
and smithson? well, his father restored alnwick abbey in the 1750s, which was in ruins up until then. smithson was the only illegitimate child of any of the dukes there in the 1700s, which is when the statement is set
smithson also left his estate to his nephew after his death, with the condition that his fortune would establish the smithsonian institute if his nephew died without any children.
here's a point of divergence, however. in our timeline, smithson was a chemist and mineralogist. in tmagp's timeline, he was a violinist. however, as u/New_Helicopter836 pointed out to me on reddit, when smithson's body was disinterred by andrew graham bell, his right little finger was such that it suggests he played "the harpsichord, the piano, or a stringed instrument such as a violin"
looking at smithson's life, he left for university in 1782, so it's likely that tmagp 4 is set around the same time. it might be a bit earlier since the royal court orchestra moved from mannheim to munich in 1778 (putting smithson at about 13), it might be another point of divergence, or smithson is describing it this way to call back to its earlier significance. i'm not sure, but it's weird either way.
all that said, i'm not terribly sure why smithson describes his father (sir hugh smithson/percy, duke of northumberland) as "certain of his celestial significance", especially when the only other time he says celestial is to describe the violin's music. the user i mentioned before found that sir hugh, a major patron of architectural projects, had an observatory built, but i find smithson's language too specific. is his father an avatar too? mannheim is only a bit north of schwartzwald, after all, and this is about thirty years before tmag 23 where albrecht writes to jonah magnus.
let's look a little at smithson's bequest to found the smithsonian institute in the first place. smithson asked for it to be "an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men". the magnus institute, notably, is described in the arg as a place of education, and it was founded in 1818. although smithson died in 1829 and his nephew in 1835, the original smithsonian (the columbian institute) was granted a charter by the us government in 1818.
the letter is strangely absent of any names for the violinist or his family, and i can't help but wonder if this is why. and if it is because this is smithson - is this related to why the magnus institute exists instead of the magnus archives? the smithsonian, before it was renamed, was originally granted a charter by the us govt in 1818 - the same year that the magnus institute was founded in tmagp.
this is set 30 years before we know anything of jonah magnus, at least in tmag, so is it possible that he persuaded smithson to fund his educational institute focusing on the supernatural? the changed course of smithson's life from scientist to supernatural violinist would certainly be conducive for that, not least to mention the strange absence of his fortune from his letter to his nephew.
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Different ask, this time about courtesan!Hob and his patron Destiny of the Endless, who's the epitome of silver fox. Hes pushing 50 with steel grey hair and neat beards and sleek suits, heir of the family's business empire, with just the classiest, prettiest arm candy around. Hes HOT. Like Hob legitimately gets the hots for him. But also thinking about Hob meeting and falling in lust with every single member of the Endless family. The youngest, Delirium, is his own age, even. Hes technically Destiny's, but the family passes him around like a beloved pet slash stress ball, each of them so sexually appealing in their own way. From Desire's love for fun, hard, rough sex; Dream's LIFE CHANGING pussy, the absolute sweet, romantic INDULGENCE involved with Despair; and the fun, laughter studded sex plays with Delirium. Destiny, Death and Destruction are all absolute MAGNIFICENT doms in different ways btw. Hob is absolutely destroyed for every other future client. How fortunate that the Endless can keep him in furs and sweets for as long as he can conceivably imagine, and he wont need to worry his pretty little head for the rest of his delightful, hedonistic life
YES. HOBSBAND/ENDLESS BICYCLE HOB. Very very happy about this.
Hob lives his delightful life in the Endless mansion with Destiny, but there's a special calendar to which all the siblings have access to. They can "book" a day, or an evening, or a weekend with Hob, and of course there are times where Hob is just invited to hang out with them as a family. You can bet that there a squabbles and arguments over him, but Destiny's word is final. He was the one who found the perfect pet for the family, after all.
Hob is just so happy. Desire takes him to exclusive parties and fashion events, and gives him the most exquisite gifts (usually lingerie). Hob often comes home from outings with Desire with his head spinning, and its always so lovely to spend the day with Despair afterwards. She is so good to him. They have amazing sex in the bath and he spends hours worshipping between her legs. He's almost sad when Destiny comes knocking on the door to take him for dinner, but the sadness doesn't last. He gets to sit on Destiny's lap and be fed the tastiest morsels of food, and afterwards he knows that he'll kneel on the carpet and warm his patron's gorgeous cock with his mouth.
Death works so hard, but when she comes to take a turn with Hob she always makes it last as long as she can... literally. Hob gets edged all day long while he serves his beloved mistress. Sometimes he's even allowed to cum for her! If not, Death makes sure to pass him off to Delirium so she can help him let off steam. She likes to bring him presents, too. Fun sex toys, or whimsical art pieces. She spoils him really, but that's what she likes to do. He loves making her happy.
Destruction isn't around as much as he'd like - he has art shows all over the world. But when he can, he takes Hob out to bars and clubs to let him dance. Usually with a vibrator stuffed inside him. He likes to watch Hob move, says that it inspires his art. And he also likes to fuck him in dark corners, crowded into the wall where no one will see.
Then there's Dream. He more or less lives at the mansion too, and everyone jokes that he's Hob’s favourite. It's only because everytime someone goes looking for Hob during his free time, he's inevitably found with his mouth on Dream’s pussy. He's like an addict, bless him. And Dream only encourages him by walking around in skirts that barely cover his arse. He's a good boy and always stops when he has other duties to perform, but Hob certainly has a preference for Dream’s pretty little cunt.
He's a spoiled pet, really. And there are all sorts of whispers about the Endless family and their habit of sharing. But who could blame them? He's perfect for everyone. And he does such a good job of uniting the family. He really is a little blessing!
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edgyandoverzealous · 2 years
Bacause Cringe culture is dead and I am back in my FNAF SB phase. Explaining your Kins as the therapist friend but I'm feeling salty so it's all just calling you out. Except I felt bad after a little bit so they each have a funny/lighthearted one calling me out.
Glamrock Freddy
How's those daddy issues doing?
Was he emotionally absent, physically absent, or was he just distant and unaffectionate?
I'm willing to bet he called you superstar once and you immediately started kinning.
Additionally how're those abandonment issues treating ya?
On a scale from 1/10 how displeased were you when Freddy got dragged away by moon 'cause he powered down before he got to the charging station?
You know he originally was gonna turn on you right? That would worsen your abandonment issues, you should thank Scott for that one.
You are the parent friend btw, Ily please bring bandaids and painkillers I'm accident prone and ignore pain until it's unbearable. We may be going to the ER</3
Glamrock Chica
Are you a Lesbian? Or are you the oldest child who uses gentle techniques of sibling-parenting?
How do you feel knowing you probably aren't listened to?
How's your mommy issues doing?
Do you mayhaps think that people won't want you unless you give them something?
Do you feel like no one takes care of you but you always have to take care of everyone else?
How's your relationship with food going? Yeah, me too. Note that chica physically can't eat by the end as well.
Do you even speak/Do you ever shut up?
Scared of overcoddling but also terrified of taking a step back and away because you feel like if you stop they'll all leave you much?
Choir/Band/Theatre kid or grandparent friend with hard candies in their purse that I would eat wrapper and all because intrusive thought said to and shiny.
Roxxane Wolf
So are you a Lesbian, furry, or e-girl simp? Or are you the oldest child who uses more forceful/low-key mean techniques of sibling-parenting?
How's the crippling self doubt and God complex treating you?
How's crying in your room because you yelled at them and said something mean but don't know how to say sorry going?
What about that inferiority complex?
Pushing everyone away because they'll only leave you? Ding ding ding we have a winner.
Burnt out perfectionist?
You're the type of friend whose love language is bullying and play fighting. Be careful you don't make your friend cry, I am the friend that'd cry.
Monty Gator
Self-destructive behavior, pent up aggression and always looking for a reason to fight?
Anger issues much? Or do you just simp for Bonnie's replacement because you saw one too many human Monty edits?
You're probably short too, huh? Just like the fuse you have when given a chance. Or your big and burly which also is terrifying.
How's your constant existential crisis going?
Do you feel like there's a looming expectation that's too big for you to fill over your head?
Do you feel like you're never first choice?
That you're simply a replacement for everyone else?
How about respect? Do you ever give or receive it? No?
Are you always restless? Yeah? Thought so.
You're the protective friend who is willing to throw hands with anyone who disturbs their friends. Me too honestly, I've been held back on multiple occasions because I'm a short queer man and it's in my veins.
Glamrock Bonnie
So are you still sobbing over that one line, you know the one, or are you living on fan theories? Like how are you still kicking?
How's your mental health? Bad? Yeah I thought so.
Anxiety and depression kin you honey? <3
Disasciotiating royalty, you.
You long for something in your past that cannot be changed.
You fall for what you know you can't have and never will be obtained, don't you?
You felt robbed by the game and that's okay. I miss him too.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. Y'alls fandom is legitimately impressive especially for insert types. You have one of every flavor and are insanely good at drawing the skrunglies less skrungly. Good for you.
Additionally how's healing your inner child going?
And those mommy and daddy issues?
I'm sorry you weren't held as a child?
Too busy parenting everyone else to have been cared for the same?
Forced to grow up too fast?
You were definitely a traumatized child. Adults let you down and now you seek comfort in a robot of two extremes as unstable as your adolescence.
You're the "childish" friend. Silly, sweet, and full of fun but you are by no means innocent. That was stolen from you a long time ago.
Also you either can't sleep or you oversleep or both.
You scare me, legitimately you scare me. The scariest bots in the game??? Really??? Those buddies??? Okay???? Honestly the healthiest option tbh.
You are either a troll or a disaster bisexual or an enby.
You cling to people because you don't want them to leave you, but that pushes them away more often than not.
How does it feel to be so underated and the "side character" in your own life?
You blend in wherever you go even when you want to be seen or when you want someone to help you.
By the way how's the constant desperation going? Aren't you tired of being sane? Don't you want to go absolutely feral?
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chaoticyumelikes · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could please write some head cannons for the Devil (Cuphead) with an s/o who acts like an older sibling to Cuphead and Mugman? Thank you! I really like your writings btw.
Why thank you so much!
Hope you like this one.
The Devil x Gn!Reader who is like an older sibling to Cuphead and Mugman
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* Truth be told you probably met the Devil while trying to protect the boys from his wrath.
* As soon as you shield the boys from him, the Old Scratch gives you a once over in an annoyed manner:
" Step. Aside! My business is with those brats." he says to which you retort "Leave the kids alone! What are you? Who ever goes around chasing children for their souls??"
Devil: " Excuse me! I WON that cup's-"
Henchman: "-Head"
Devil through gritted teeth: "thank you Henchman... Anyways I won that boy's soul! It belongs to ME! Do you have ANY idea of who I am?"
You: "An old creep chasing two innocent kids-"
Devil: "Now hold on now-! "
* After some bickering, some explaining and detailed bureaucratic nonsense from Stickler you still did not give way to the boys. The Old Scratch was getting frustrated with you and left before he'd blast all isles to cinders.
* Cuphead was impressed and told you so while hugging your legs: "THAT was so cool! Did you see that Mugman!? Fearless in the face of the most dangerous creature of the Ink Isles!!"
* Mugman however, was far more perceptive than his sibling and your body's violent shaking did not go unnoticed: "A-are you ok?"
You: "Y-yes...."
Mugman: "Really ain't afraid you just pissed off the most powerful, dangerous, unstable and possibly violent individual?"
You:"T-thank you for reminding me Mugman.... But still, there's no way I'd give you guys to him. You're family!
Cuphead:" Yeah!! OH! Let's have ice cream! Eldest sibling paaayyyyysss~~"
* As Cuphead steers his brother onwards towards the ice cream vendor, Mugman offers you a worried look to which you give him a somewhat reassuring smile as you tread along. You could only hope this wouldn't bite you in the--
* But as luck would have it, you would have to face the Devil, as later that day he poofed himself at your front door (he has some manners) to try and argue how he could legitimately steal Cuphead's soul. Again you would argue his logic and before you felt like you could throw hands with the personification of petty evil you invite him for tea. Shocked from your sudden change of topic and tone he regained his composure somewhat by huffing a "finally some manners" as he saunters into your home.
* While you prepare tea, the absolute menace of a creature begins to inspect his surroundings while criticizing your... Well everything really. You cannot be too picky when trying to irritate someone and he was beginning to love getting a rise out of you.
* As you desperately wait for water to reach the perfect temperature you try to ignore every single critique headed your way. Until suddenly he grows quiet. Fearing more his silence than his incessant provocation you go check. He stopped to look at your photos his expression serious and yet unreadable as his tail slowly moves around. Just when you are about to ask he beats you to it: "How can you stand them?"
* You slowly move to his side so you can see the picture he was looking at and there you were smiling with the two cup brothers. You smiled fondly as you answered: "They're like family to me. We always get into all sorts of weird adventures. Now more dangerous thanks to you! So I try to protect them as much as I can."
Devil:" Family huh?" he says as if he was trying a foreign concept "Protect them even from me?"
You: "Well sure! You are terrifying but wouldn't you protect your family from harm?“
The Devil looks at you funny, as if he was trying to measure your words or consider your level of sanity, but before any of you can put another word in your kettle whistles to which you go to tend to the tea.
* After that you and the Devil actually have a civilized non-Cuphead related conversation.
Devil: "Well now! That wasn't totally terrible." you rolled your eyes at him earning a wide smile from him "we should do this more often!"
You: "Yeaaaaaah... Just call first. After all, with you being ever sooo busy" now was his turn to roll his eyes at your sarcasm but quickly he smiled waved his fingers goodbye at you while giving you a final "Toodles~~~~" while poofing out of your house.
* You again thought this was it. And again you were wrong. Your phone wouldn't stop ringing and most of the time while picking it up you were greeted with:
"Hello to you too, Devil.... I keep wondering how did you get this number?"
To which he would reply: "I have my ways! But that's not important right now-- what is it? Can't you see I'm on the ph-- Fine! Henchman says hi! Now as I was say-"
You: "Oh say hi to Henchman for me"
After a silence on the other side you hear a resigned: "They said hi back to you Henchman-- Now ON TO BUSINESS!!"
* So yes, you would get called a lot. Sometimes you even have to go directly to fetch the boys should the Devil really lose it only to find the man surprisingly calmer with your presence.
* Sometimes you'd get a call from him just to ask you how your day has been to which you would ask if he was that bored. He would give you the most pained dramatic “yeeeees” you ever heard so you two talked way into the day or night about your days. One time the Devil went into detail about his day and after what you will need some therapy to forget, he now knows not to go deep into details about Hell's ways.
* If you aren't home, the Devil tries to locate you and normally poofs out of nowhere by your side laughing at how scared you were.
* Cuphead and the Devil often get possessive over you:
Cuphead: "Hey! They are my sibling! Get away!
Devil:" Well, they are the only mortal I happen to tolerate and we had arranged for a movie night so scram! "
Mugman and you just look on their bickering with exasperated looks and slightly shaking your heads at how childish those two can be..
Eventually Mugman expresses his concern for your safety when you are with the Devil. You try to reassure the sweet boy but he cannot shake his worries... Until Cuphead plots with him the Old Scratch's demise should he ever hurt you in any way, shape or form.
* Unironically what started out with you protecting two boys against the meanest boss around, now you have a trio of protectors at your disposal.
* Once, you were in danger and the boys warned the Devil about it. He quickly sprang into action with the boys in tow to protect you (which is also the only time they agree on something) . After the danger has been dealt with, your group happily hugs the Devil as thanks. The Devil orders you all to stop but secretly loves it. Well as “secretly” as purring and wagging his tail can be.
* He won't give up on Cuphead's soul tho but he will behave in your presence. Fortunately, Henchman warns you whenever his boss is on the prowl for souls so you can intervene if he goes after the brothers. You never tell the Devil how you are always one step ahead of him. Even if you did, the Old Scratch would usually return to Hell with a great mood so Henchman would always be safe.
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tamaruaart · 3 months
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Grant us your oc’s delicious lore, anything that comes to mind first-
Ah tysm for asking
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(btw I apologize for this being long af 😔)
So I feel like I should prep this by saying before I figured out about LMK I was super into OPS's jttw series. So I made Zhao with the context of the book, and the book doesn't sugar coat things so Zhao's backstory is a bit uhhh, mature? There's no nsfw stuff but there is a lot, lot, loottt of angst (even though the backstory is kinda "simple"), so forgive me :'(
I did change up her backstory a bit for the LMK version because it is a kids show and I don't feel like the creators would stick with the dark tone of the original. Whenever I write OCs for sertant shows I try to write it with the context of "How would the creator tackle this if my oc was a Canon character?" Yk? You don't write a depressed, emo, Greek hero for a light hearted magical girl show.
So ye, this first segment will be her JTTW backstory sum-up and I'll note what is changed in the LMK version at the end👍
JTTW/original backstory(this is long, read at your own risk)-
-Zhao wasn't raised in the best household.. Not only was her father a total womanizer with 3 wives (at the time of her birth, by now he has 7) and who knows how many mistresses, but her elder family member were pretty verbally abusive. I mentioned before but Xiaotian and Biao-Qi (Zhao's father and grandfather) wanted Zhao to be born as a male because in their clan its essential for the first born of every generation to be a boy, so when they found out about Zhao being a girl they were really salty and thought of her as "The disgrace" of the family. (hence why Zhaoyan is a name generally given to Chinese boys, which yea Xiaotian is the type of douche-bag to chose the name of the child at the start of his marriage without the mothers approval)
-Zhao was the one basically raising her younger siblings because her parents couldn't be bothered to, Pangfua (Zhao's mom) couldn't even bare to look at Xiaotian's face so the last thing she cared for was some random children of him and his mistresses, and Xiaotian's other wifes didn't really care for the children either. However, Zhao ADORED her siblings because she was always good with little kids. But as time went on and on, with so many children coming in to the household she started getting tired, but what could she do? At the time she was barely a teenage girl, if she complained to her father she could legitimately be at risk to lose her head. Like I said, Xiaotian couldn't care less about Zhao, he doesn't give a damn if she likes taking care of her siblings or not.
-Eventually Zhao grew too tired of her family, and decided to leave. This might seem selfish but holy frick, the girlie felt like a maid, and it's not like she doesn't care for her family, it's that they couldn't care less about her. All of her siblings were old enough to take care of each other and the other family members treated them well, why shouldn't she be able to "go live her own life"?
- The first place she went was to a temple dedicated to the Chinese tiger spirit- Hu Ye. The reason she went to him specifically was because he was sort of the protector/symbol of Zhao's family (for context think about how Apollo was the protector of the Trojans in the Iliad), she prayed to him all night, she asked humbly to become a Jade Maiden that serves Guan Yin (because that was probably the best option. Also just so you have context- Hu Ye blessed the girls in Zhao's family with a healing gift. So basically they could heal any illness, wound, missing limb etc...). But to her surprise Hu Ye saw what she did as "unforgiving". You shouldn't leave your family who loves you so much, not cool >:( (cut him some slack tho, whenever to family would worship him they would make them self's seem like the most perfect people ever). And so in short he gave her flaming orange hair so she never forgets that she is a Tiger Maiden (bcz orange=tigers and he just be petty like that bro).
-Eventually she went to the woods but she was found by Lánhūa- a forest spirit. Lánhūa took pity on her and decided to take her in as one of her nymphs. Because Zhao had the healing gift she was a great addition to the palace Lánhūa lived in, Zhao was always the one making sure everyone was healthy and the worst someone suffered was a common cold, and even those wouldn't last long.
-However one day while she was collecting fruits for the palace she stumbled upon a strange noise near a mountain, she went to check what it was and wouldn't you have guessed its good ol' Sun Wukong. The pair fairly quickly became friends, Zhao would often tell him stories and keep him company and Sun (who was under that damn mountain for 346 years by the time he and Zhao met) would listen and tell her his life stories.
-At the early stages of the jttw Monkey actually did try and convince Zhao to come with him and the other pilgrims, she would be the one taking care of Tripitaka and making sure he stays healthy. Zhao refused at first but after some time she agreed. Her and Tripitaka were very close because they were both kinda the "sane ones" of the group and Zhao took her position very seriously. Sanzang eventually noticed that this was a bit weird considering how layed back the other pilgrims were, so he confronted her and Zhao opened up to him. And that's how I'd show her backstory in the book.
So in short: Girl leaves abusive family and prays to god, god makes her a ginger and she gets adopted by a hot forest spirit. A monkey befriends her and convinces her to give free health care to his friend **emotional**
Holy crap that took so long to write/ Notes on how her backstory would probably be changed in the lmk version:
In the lmk version I think they'd tone down how bad her family was just a bit, again it is a kids show. I think the start would generally be the same but that Hu Ye would grant her wish. But instead of a disciple for Guan Yin I think they'd change it into a Peach Maiden, so that she could meet the brotherhood and befriend Wukong like she did in the original backstory. They'd probably remove Lánhūa as well (because she is a very minor character in Zhao's backstory). So yea in short of what I think the creators of LMK would do with her character: -Hu Ye grants her wish of becoming a Peach Maiden. -Orange would be her natural hair color(bcz tigers woo). -I honestly think they'd give her a sort-of survivor's guilt because of the whole "leaving your family" thing instead of "Ama give u tiger hair so you never forget how you left your family >:(" -She meets the brotherhood through their lil' rebellion -Healing powers would probably be toned down a bit so there's still some risk
So ya-
Again thank you SO much for the question and thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time 3-4
Jay: (wearing the snake samurai helmet)
Nya: It doesnt do anything?
Jay: Other than make me look cool ;)
Jay: What! Ik how to accessorize 😒
Wus so old 😭
Yes kai. Go ask Dr Saunder for help. Youll totally not find exactly what your looking for…..
Okay… so Krux BRED snakes and made a new species of serpentine????
Thats… something.
The funniest thing is Wu just randomly falling asleep when hes halfway giving wisdom/advice
Wus doing this on purpose istg 💀
I remember it being this exact season where I started to legitimately like Kai as a character
Im never getting over this
I love little kid Kai so much I NEED to hold him.
Im never shutting up about this
Lmaoooo the time brothers put Kai at undeserving high standards 😭
Like no. He didnt figure out your plan. Hes just here for advice.
Cole: Acronix! But I thought- I thought he got finished off!
No. He didnt.
You guys didnt think for one MINUTE that he mightve escaped and were very willing to believe he just died then and there.
Nya, Jay, and Cole (after watching Zanes memory footage and seeing Dr Saunders and Acronix): DR SAUNDERS?!?!?!?
Jay: Oooooh I always knew there was something snakey about that guy!
Nya: No there wasnt! Dr Saunders was such a kind old man. Remember all those school field trips to the museum?
I forgot they were teachers once.
Jay: EXACTLY! And how boring were those!
Cole (quietly and shyly): I kinda liked them…
Im being fed so much mudshock content rn that its honestly shocking (no pun intended)
Kais so oblivious😭
At least the mudshock team is gonna save him
☹️ she wasnt able to
Kai (refusing to leave because he might find some interesting info but completely unaware of everything around him) But you never know what will open a door to secret information…
Kai: (sits on a chair and opens a secret passageway and doesnt notice AT ALL)
Kai (suddenly becomes intelligent and cracks a piece of the puzzle): The helmet is just like the time brothers! That means Krux must still be around somewhere!
Krux/Dr Saunders: Thats ridiculous! I told you- (mustache rips and falls off)
Okay but Kai can actually be legitimately smart when he wants to be.
Jay: Wish we had the others to help us fight these snake samurais.
Cole: Well, say hello to our newest members! (Uses lava punch hands)
Cole (looking at his fists): Lefty! And righty!
Cole (does the punch thing wrong and has both him and Jay fall back from the force): Woah! My bad!
Jay (addressing Coles fists): Lefty, Righty. Nice to meet you!
Jay: Also, DO BETTER.
Theyre so goofy I love them
Okay but how does Coles magic hands actually work.
Im a huge fan of their Hands of Time ninja suits. I genuinely love how detailed every ninjas suit design is.
I dont like this ☹️
Hes sounds so distressed
I promise you Kai your parents helped the time brothers against their will
This is actually reminding me of The Tournament of Elements.
Why is Kai so easily manipulated.
That doesnt mean hes not smart tho.
Props to the writers tho, theyre very consistent with his character.
Kai: (about to get time punched)
Nya: (water surges Acronix)
Nya: awww gee, what a mess! And to think we just cleaned up the museum.
I love her so much
Im used to Kai calling Nya ‘sis’ but I physically recoiled when she said “back at ya BRO.”
Kinda sucks to be in love with your brothers wife :/
This is directed at Wu btw
I kinda liked that scene, it showed that Wu doesnt know everything. That hes just as scared as the ninja sometimes.
Aaand hes talking gibberish
Pixals so pissed at Nya that she can’t figure out whats wrong with Zane 😭
Nya: Maybe what you need issss…
Pixal: Please dont say a new binary cord….
Nya: A new binary cord!!!!
Pixal: NO.
Misako: Tell them, they might be able to help.
Jay and Cole: (trying to figure out why the time brothers are taking citizens)
Kai: (trying to figure out how to kill his dad)
Cole: Did acronix do something to you?
Kai: More like what he said…
Kai: Dont worry about it, im fine.
Cole: Good! Cause its time to start-
That was the most least convincing ‘im fine’ ever and Cole just straight up shrugged and took it
Cole: Its time to start fighting!
Kai (seriously): So your saying we should kidnap one of those snake warriors for Wu to interrogate?
Cole:… well, I just wanna fight something- but sure!
Imagine if your little sibling was given legit authority and power over you as a ‘master’
This is about Lloyd being given temporary power over the ninja
Theyre acting so weird about it too 😭 which is hilarious bc i would act the same way
The ninja are like: are you being fr right now 🤨
Cole: Okay! temporary master lloyd in training, we mere ninja await your answers 😌
Okay but WHY are the time brothers vermillion warriors stealing all the metal?????
Ronin: wait.
Ronin: Why would anyone steal your fake trophies?
Dareth: I know!!! They were irreplaceable. Thats why im here to buy replacements :)
Ronin: …
Ronin: You want world championships this time or just intercontinental?
They’re genuinely so cute 😭
My new fav ship dynamic might be incompetent x too competent
Jay looks so punchable right now. Hes always punchable but like, his punchable meter is flying off the charts right now.
Jay: (slurping extremely loudly)
Cole: What are you doing!?!?
Jay: Im bored so im messing with Lloyd 😌
Kai: Yeah, well, now hes gonna start his plan all over-
Ronin: Sorry to interrupt what looks to be the most boring party game ever but the cities being attacked!
The ninja: YES!!!!
Lloyds actually making sense. They should listen to him…
Lloyd: Im ordering you to stay!
Kai: And we’re ignoring that order.
Be nicer to him :((((
My favorite reoccurring battle move is probably Pixal rerouting all of Zanes eletrical surges to his chest so he can electrocute his opponents
The time brothers getting lost in the tunnels leading to their own lair is so funny to me 😭
Ronin knowing EXACTLY what to say to get Dareth to fight is great
Hot strong vermillion warrior woman my beloved 😍
Lloyd: You heard Master Wu, he wished I was there for him when he fought Acronix. I wont disappoint him again.
Wu: You did not disappoint me Lloyd…
Wu: When I said I wished you were there, I was speaking you- the team. If I had brought you all, maybe things would have been different.
See, this is what they need to do. They need to reassure Lloyd bc just LOOK at everything he’s shouldering.
Misako: Can I tell you a secret? Wu makes mistakes, a lot of them.
Yeah. No shit.
Wu, I get that you want Lloyd to learn to make his own decisions but my guy, NOWS NOT THE TIME. Maybe, idk casually have him ease into independency. BUT RIGHT NOW THEY NEED SOME SORT OF ADVICE OR HELP. LITERALLY, ANYTHING.
Zane (still speaking gibberish): The treadmill was invented in 1818!
…. Im googling that.
Is Zane gonna be either offline, rebooting, or speaking gibberish most of this season-
Give my boy his character back. Show him cooking, being intelligent or just enjoying his life. Anything.
Zane: HOG KNOCK!!!
… did they really just…
I CANNOT believe they used up Zanes electricity, making him unconscious again. WHEN JAY IS RIGHT THERE.
Not to mention. After Zane passed out, they asked Jay for help. WHY DIDNT YOU DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Oh thank god Zanes FINALLY back fr now.
Zane: What have I missed?
Jay: Oh nothing much! Just missing people and snakes trying to steal your metal skin :D
Everyones going to save the people at the amusement park and Jays gonna be there all alone
Damn. Why cant villains leave Jays parents alone FOR ONE MINUTE.
Its as if other scrapyards don’t exist
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llycaons · 9 months
ep24 (pt3): sibling time <3
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this line makes me go insane...she doesn't even know what she said with this
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jyl doesn't come up in fics enough for me to gauge how she's written during this time period, but let it be known that she openly speaks about jc's bad temper
the fact that I mostly read postcanon stuff or AUs is the reason for that, btw. I don't like, avoid reading about her. I just don't read much fic in this time period, at all. I just think it's all far too well-done to bother with fic. the closest I got was a few where wwx and lwj get together earlier and none of them are better than canon. also nobody seems interested in exploring her canon character during this arc, it's all 'badass clan leader jyl with zidian' and such
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this is the second time he says this 😭
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HE'S HUNGRY! this is maybe the first time THIS shorthand comes up, and jyl knows it! she doesn't immediately run off and get food, she stays with him and plays around and offers him comfort and affection in ways that are easy for him to accept. vulnerability and asking for affection is really hard for wwx given his personality, his interpersonal dynamics with others, and his status in the sect. but he knows he can tell his sister he's hungry and she'll play along with him and shower him in love. ough
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I kind of wish they had left her response out...it looked like she know what was going on with lwj but this makes it look like she has no idea
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REGARDLESS. regardless. wwx's reluctance to pursue his feelings or even acknowledge them is very in-line with his characterization, especially right now. this isn't a crush who's fun to tease anymore, it's about real, serious feelings that he's attempting to distance himself from because he knows he can't act on them. or looking at it another way, he's scared of getting further in because he values his freedom and connections with others brings with them obligations. so. final scene wwx leaving extremely important thematically and character-wise and shows tremendous growth on lwj's part, and wwx's excited reunion with lwj at the end shows that even after taking his freedom, he's still eager to start his life with lwj because he came to terms with loving him and is no longer afraid...
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oh this was just so silly. jyl you goof. this is such big sister baby sibling joking around
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this is also really funny. their banter here is SO good, god I truly get why ppl are obsessed with them. when they're not on the outs, they have a great dynamic and are on the same page about almost everything
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literally one of the funniest scenes in the show, help
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so so funny, jc adjusting his collar to look more dignified and he and his siblings laughing. one of the pure scenes where nobody's being attacked or hurt, and they really are just having a good time with each other
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and this was very nice of wwx
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and this is decent communication too! hey, I have obligations here to the clan, can you behave yourself?
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jc's casual acceptance of jgy's social status isn't really a surprise for anyone in his postion, but it is still kind of sad. even after being legitimized, jgy will only ever be lower than his half brother? this is something I wished was more present from the book. jc clearly judges people by their birth, but in the novel it'd explicitly clear that lwj doesn't. I don't think it came through very well tho
wwx himself was the son of a servant. how would jc have reacted if he wanted to marry a family member of the great sects? well, he does, but I mean. if you ignore everything else that makes that situation complicated...probably would never have accepted wwx leaving, and maybe would have been excited about the political benefits. MAYBE happy for wwx too, but doubtful. it takes him fully 20 years to get to a place where he can honestly wish him well
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so classic of flashback wwx. tho postres he is remarkably forgiving
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so true, jc. #feminism
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OHHHH HIS FIRST TRANSGRESSION. breaking into the library at night for read secret books hehehe
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ahh this scene <3
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wwx back in a boat on LP with his sister and sect siblings, having the time of his life, realizing that maybe he can be happy after all? maybe things will be okay? maybe he can put the horrors of the past behind him and actually live? this scene is so important in his journey but it's so shortlived. it's only next episode that he meets wen qing and everything changes
personal highlights
this episode was so fucking rich. I ate well
jfm teaching young wwx how to fire an arrow
LXC AND WWX BROTHERS IN LAW CONVO!!!! there are people who care about you!! I know my brother's heart!!! wwx drinking as fast as he can trying to get out of that conversation!!!
lwj starting his long journey to totally just doing what he feels is right regardless of the rules
very sweet jyl and wwx convo
very funny yunmeng sibling convo about throwing up soup and acting like a clan leader
happy ending...🥺
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emp-blast · 2 years
"Send me a Character" for *(drum roll)* Revenant! (And Cypher if you feel up to it.)
Also, I'll take this moment to tell you that your art is fantastic. It's nice to see another enjoyer of Revenant (and Cypher!). I was absolutely floored by how your style just works with anything you draw and is both unique and so utterly memorizing. Thank you for all your contributions to the community. :)
Okay, first off: THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG!!!!
You're words are very encouraging and I am super glad that the art I create has an impact on people! I legitimately will never get over people complimenting my art and I honestly can't believe that you think that I contribute to the Apex community (especially with how little I draw- trust me, I try! it's just that making lines on paper is hard 2 do sjdsjdsjd)
anyways, on to the ask game :]
First impression: okay SO- i didn't really know he existed when i first started getting interested in apex??? i guess i just overlooked him or something? idk what happened but when i did learn about him i was like "hmmm, not sure i like him" . i literally had no interest in him whatsoever.
Impression now: oh. My. GOD.... i am obsessed with him in a mentally ill way and i am not ashamed to admit that. i think about him on a daily basis. i thank the people over at hammond robotics everyday for building the perfect sexy killing machine. he is extremely elegant and i LUV the way he's built: broad shoulders, tiny waist for me 2 grab, thick thighs, slim dainty hands, deep voice, TALL, and a piercing gaze. he is my baby girl and he is SO pathetic... i want him. so. bad....
Favorite moment: literally whenever he dies or fails. absolutely loved when he didn't convince bang to go to gridiron with him and now loba is making fun of him. i luv when people make fun of him <3
also, this is NOT canon art or anything, but i REALLY luv this fanart of rev getting absolutely destroyed by loba. :
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art belongs to @/ryuuna btw!!!
Idea for a story: uhmmm, how about rev literally just leaving the games and minding his own business for once??? he's a big fan of starting drama and i think he needs to Not do that. he probably has a bunch of money saved up (he probably doesn't need to use it for anything) so he could buy a nice big ship and float around the universe literally doing anything else but causing drama. he's a big fan of killing people so he can spend his time assassinating trillionaires or corrupt government officials. yeah i don't think he's nice enough to do that tbh djsjdsjd
Unpopular opinion: ngl kaleb cross kinda ugly,,,
OKAY fr tho- he ain't ugly but his design is a little bland, ya know???
Favorite relationship: jsdjshdjahdsa i go insane over revfinder. their dynamic is just SO- look idk how 2 put it into words but it's good. trust me.
uhmmm, i also think he'd be good friends with Ash. i almost see them as siblings tbh. they get each other through the tough times. also ash is the only one he'll willing listen to and he actually respects her.
Favorite headcanon: uhm! don't have any hc about him tbh sjdsjdj
ig a sort of hc is that he switches from saying that he's a Murder Machine to asserting the fact that he's human often. Like, he legit cannot decide what he considers himself as and that messes with him. we've heard him describe himself as being a killer robot, but there are instances where he still considers himself to still be human in a weird way?? like, in pathfinder's quest, he genuinely got upset that path told him that he was just a mere copy of kaleb cross's mind, and not kaleb himself. rev got so mad omg
and then he has this voiceline where, if you get caught in ash's tactical, he'll say something like "That simulacrum snared me!"
which is kind of weird tbh. Like, he says it in a way that he doesn't consider himself to be a sim also. You don't go around saying "That human shot me!" because that implies that you yourself are not a human; usually you're more specific, often saying the name of the person. LOOK, idk maybe i'm just looking too much into it/have a general misunderstanding of grammar. but yeah,,, those r my thoughts
ALSO- he likes piranhas, piranha plants, snakes, and literally anything else with sharp teeth.
OH- this is a popular hc (i think??), but every time he comes back to life in a new body, he gets paint and covers up the hammond logos on his hands.
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lolexjpg · 2 months
dts s5 e3-5
e3: -"i am perfect 🥰" fuck u know what sometimes the charles leclerc charm does get to me ngl -"breaking america is very important" OH IS IT. let andretti join then -i'll say it. miami isn't that bad. you can critisize the consumerism of it all without being so anti-america yall -fuck caitlyn jenner but her gushing to christian horner abt how great it is that ferrari is winning is iconic -i did watch this season but i did after the fact /knowing/ max was gonna win in the end. its sorta hitting me how it did really look like, oh my god, charles could really win here. just lookin at his lil face thinking how much did he get his hopes up. how much did i hurt, watching it slip away. how do u even handle that emotionally -i know i've talked abt this before but when i was binging the 2022 season i got super drunk before/while watching miami and when i woke up in the morning i remembered basically nothing other than carlos taking his shirt off (priorities). i watched the race highlights sober and was surprised by the lando crash. lol -if anything this rewatch is putting me back in my max girlie era. chomp chomp chomp. and/or i'm ovulating. combination of both -cannot wait for padel game 2023 edition on dts. it will be superior i know it -i do think its wierd that theyre framing (trying to) prioritize charles as a mean thing to do when its exactly what merc did in 2021 for lewis and it was 100% necessary both times. the guy who said 'ferrari won with the wrong car' wasnt wrong thats just how this shit works!!! -idk why dts couldn't just explain that max has non terminal but non fixable damage and thats why he was so damn slow. i feel like it wouldve been so easy to just mention. give context to why he couldnt get back up there -i dont think having multiple episodes focus on the same race from different perspectives is the worst thing ever, but i do think they fucked it up here by having the silverstone episodes back 2 back 2 back...... at least mix it up a lil. put another episode inbetween so we've forgotten by the time its being rehashed is it rly that hard
e4: -"i would've fucked the whole paddock" you know what maybe gunther IS iconic. maybe i will miss him a lil -i'm not a mick girlie but he is such a sweet boy. gunther count ur days :) -being reminded that michael and jos were teammates is such a jumpscare. how did that happen -"its not about proving them wrong, its about proving yourself right." HES SUCH A SMART N WISE LIL BOY. MWAH MWAH MWAH -that was a legitimately terrifying high speed crash. like a crash is a crash but the way that car got torn up is insane -STAY AWAY FROM OLLIE BEARMAN BTW -kevin supporting mick is So Important like an older sibling trying to break the cycle w/ a shitty parent. kevin i love u -ALSO underrated ship. btw -respectfully. as someone who knows nothing abt cars. if the haas keeps having problems splitting in half during crashes mayb. its a car issue. just a thought -faldskjfalksjf but this monaco crash: thinkin abt during the race, kevin had a mechanical dnf nearly the same time, so when the camera cut from mick's smashed car to kevin standing on the side of the track, looking disappointed, there was legitimate confusion on who fucking crashed. anyway that goes to show MAYBE THE CAR IS JUST SHIT -sebmick. is indeed. important -i love the way mick thinks his name is only a blessing. i just love seeing other people be brutally positive in the face of adversity bc its what i aspire to try to do too. its a good mindset to have i hope he is doin well now <3 -small children humbling tf out of christian horner is so important actually -i'm so glad daniel knew what he was worth with haas. i'm so glad they couldn't damn afford him. as he should 💅 -mick & max ALSO underrated ship. this man is so shippable -i am glad max n mick got to have this lil battle tho. they got to have what their dads predicted finally :)
e5: -ok so this is actually the most recent dts episode ive seen since before i started the rewatch, right after otmar got fired i watched it as a fun lil victory lap. this'll be fun lets goooooooo -otmar as a man is such a walking ick. even if i dislike other TPs at least they dont give me the ick. thats the second most unforgivable crime otmar has committed -i'm sorry the way otmar left AM bc he didnt like lawrence as a boss only to sign up to work for LAURENT ROSSI????? u have to laugh -i've said it before and i'll say it again nando n estie were fucking raw 100% -even if mclaren continued to be shit and alpine didn't implode oscar still made the right choice bc CLEARLY otmar was keen on keeping the nandoestie lineup for as long as fucking possible. and then he gets mad when oscar realizes that and bails??? i hate this man sm -'je m'appelle yuki. merci' iconic dts quote. yall if dts didnt exist we wouldnt have this be grateful -ok. so i know when this season came out this whole dando in the parking garage bit got some heat bc apparently that was not at paul ricard like the episode implies. but honestly. listen. netflix got a fun lil moment with daniel and lando. they didnt have anywhere else to put it. was there really any harm with having it squeezed in there. its not like ppl thinking theres a parking garage at paul ricard is super damaging misinformation. pls find real solid criticisms of dts instead of this kinda bitchin and moanin THANK U -HI SEBCHAL CRUMBS -ok um. not 2 tinhat here but i know dts got some heat for not having enough women in this season. did they go back and add these bits with jennie gow after she recovered from her stroke i dont remember her being here. its fine i just dont particularly like how netflix can go back n change shit -i hate birthdays i get so much second hand cringe from this. if i never get sung happy birthday again ever in my life that would be ideal -how many times has nando left and gone back to renault/alpine? god its like a girl who wont stop getting back together with a cheating bf and then being surprised when he cheats again oh fernando left ur team WATER IS WET BABES -ok what i'm getting is otmar is bad at getting contracts finalized in a timely manner and maybe this is his damn fault :) -'lets show him he made the wrong choice' you have to laugh ladjfaklsjdfaljd
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miazeklos · 2 years
I’m kind of like Jaime and Cersei but tbh she cheats on him and calls on him when she needs him to do something for her. Calls him stupid, slaps him around, body Shames him I feel like she doesn’t really love him. She just needs someone to do things for her. What’s ur opinion on this ?
I mean, I do very much believe she loves him given that I ship them, haha. I also think that the way they both express their love isn't necessarily conventional, healthy or even good in the sense you'd apply to, like... literally any other circumstances but theirs.
Are we talking show or books? I feel like you mean books more than anything, and I think that 90% of the 'Jaime is only HeR rEfLeCtIoN' takes miss the mark completely, to sum it up, so let's tacklе em both in detail. Sorry, this got kinda long.
- cheats on him
Yeah, this one is a hаrd no from me, books or show. It's stated/shown plainly enough that it was literally the only way to get loyalty out of men, and she very much resents that fact. The only one I can kind of see is Taena in the books, but even that is more a form of therapy than anything else. It had never been good with anyone but Jaime. How this one is even debatable still is beyond me.
- calls him stupid
While I don't think that her saying that helps any, it's along the same vein that he calls her mad on - it's a shorthand for, 'are you fr right now' on things that he should really know better, even if she hasn't explicitly lectured him on. Her calling him impulsive for freeing Tyrion, resulting in Tywin's death, is not unjustified, for example. It is also kinda weird to assume that she wants to send all their forces North to help people who want them both dеad when she told him half an episode ago that they need to be clever about fighting Daenerys, i.e. trick her in some way. It was pretty stupid to be mad about that, and he kept underestimating her thorough the season on things she clearly could handle, having been queen for like 20 years, so I can't really blame her for gloating about it a little.
(He very much does this in the books, too - she's talking about things she'd like to do and has to remind him that she's aware that she can't when he starts lecturing her on it. Again, that's not particularly quick of him, even if it's in favour of getting her to see reason that she's already seeing, lol.)
- slaps him around
In the books she does this when he insults her in front of a bunch of people in court with the full realisation that they're being listened to. In the show, she does it after he responds to her legitimate concern of how they'd handle the Bran situation if it got up to Robert with a quip about how he'd fight him for her, as if that wouldn't cause a massive war (which she was right about, btw).
Again, violencе is not the answer. I don't think slapping people solves anything. But, given who the characters are, this is really nothing really out there, like... in the show, Jaime pretty much takes it as fоreplау.
- bodуshames him
This doesn't happen in the show at any point, I think, so, in the books: it is the sort of аbleism that seems rather Westeros-typical, and she often ties it to his intelligence - it's mostly sentiment like, 'he lost his wits with his sword hand', which she says as a double offence - 'you're stupid and also one-handed'. Is it childish? Yes. Is it kind of uncalled for 90% of the time? Also yes. Is it in tune with the way he also treats her? Sure does, given that she mainly does it in retaliation when he obviously doesn't take her concerns seriously or ridicules her for them.
As with the violencе, it's obviously not something that's good or helpful or commendable. It's, to be perfectly honest, petty sibling back-and-forth with no real end in sight, and very typical for them. She calls him stupid and insults his missing hand, he also calls her stupid and insults her ruling skills because they're both mad and bitter at each other for various things. Rinse and repeat.
- she doesn’t really love him
I'm not even gonna argue that one for the show, because she very obviously does love him there, and even though she's a harsher character in the books even in her inner monologue, when this debate pops up, this is always the scene I think of:
"Where is my brother?" "Down the tunnel. There's a shaft, with iron rungs set in the stone. Ser Jaime went to see how deep it goes." He has only one hand, she wanted to shout at them. One of you should have gone. He has no business climbing ladders. The men who murdered Father might be down there, waiting for him. Her twin had always been too rash, and it would seem that even losing a hand had not taught him caution. She was about to command the guards to go down after him and bring him back...
Which I guess is weird, because she has far more romance-oriented moments regarding him, like thinking of how much she wants to kiss him or dreaming 'sweet dreams' where they're married and their son is on the throne, but it just strikes me as so careful and almost endearing when compared to her usual internal narrative. She criticises him for being too rash, but is terrified for his safety, and especially so because of his lost hand, and it makes her indignant that no one else thought to keep him safe as if the entirety of the Red Keep is supposed to be as invested in his wellbeing as she is. He has no business climbing ladders!
As for her making him do things for her, this is a good moment to remind everyone that he has done maybe 3 things she actually asked of him and the rest was just stuff he thought she'd like him to do, so, like.... that's on him, tbh.
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random stuff on songs in Sansa I ~ AFFC
All her nights were full of song, and by day she prayed for silence.
Sansa loves songs, but in truth they are just a sanitised version of history. Sansa's role in history will be big, from her stay at King's Landing to her return to Winterfell, on and on. She's already part of a song, she's just not aware of it.
And the songs he chose . . . He sang of the Dance of the Dragons, of fair Jonquil and her fool, of Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies. He sang of betrayals, and murders most foul, of hanged men and bloody vengeance. He sang of grief and sadness.
No matter where she went in the castle, Sansa could not escape the music.
This is the history she has not lived yet. We know this is true because the very first, the Dance of the Dragons, has a second equivalent that has just only started and hasn't affected her as of yet (not even in her first chapter of TWOW).
Anyway, three songs: Dance of the Dragons, Florian and Jonquil, and Duncan and Jenny.
It floated up the winding tower steps, found her naked in her bath, supped with her at dusk, and stole into her bedchamber even when she latched the shutters tight. It came in on the cold thin air, and like the air, it chilled her.
There are four moments these songs catch her in. It's the second that gives it away as to how it should be interpreted because they match 1:1. But starting from the start...
"He sang of the Dance of the Dragons" VERSUS "It floated up the winding tower steps."
The Dance of the Dragons redux has started when Young Griff outed himself as Aegon VI and invaded Westeros. He opened the "hostilities" when he refused to grovel for Daniella's favour and went to get his birthright himself. Daniella will also participate because she sees the throne as her birthright and has no problems usurping the rightful heirs (Viserys). It's likely Jon will be dragged into this, as he's Targaryen as well.
"It floated up the winding tower steps" projects the idea of an upwards movement. The dragon song is coming up North. There are two options here, Sansa will flee North because the dragon war reaches the Vale (in whatever form, even if by rumour) straight to the arms of another dragon (Girl in Grey) and / or the dragon war will eventually come North. It's my conviction that the Targaryen brothers will fight each other for a time (Aegon's Conquest meets Northern Independence) before reaching a truce, which would qualify as part of the Dance of Dragons.
"Jonquil and her fool" VERSUS "found her naked in her bath"
This is the most obvious sign that they should be paired as said, since Florian and Jonquill's story is literally that, Florian finding Jonquill naked in a pool and falling in love with her. There is more to this story (it also involves dragons), but in specific the bath part is mentioned here. BTW this is a stupid story. Nobody falls in love with another because they see them naked, at most they fall in lust. Regardless, if Sansa is up North (either way from the previous song she's already there and as of TWOW she's heading there soon), then there's one candidate, the Winterfell Hot Springs.
We can guess a male finds Sansa naked at the Hot Springs, and something that can be passed of as romance happens. Much like before, there are several ways this can come to be but there are only two characters that are associated with frisky times in the Godswood of Winterfell, Theon Greyjoy and Jon Snow. The former is too traumatised by sexual torture while the latter has fantasies of bathing naked with his woman and then have exibitionist sex in front of the Heart Tree, so the latter is the likelier candidate.
I know it's not a popular theory because it's somewhat disgusting, but it all adds up. The Stark kids bathed naked at the Hot Springs (Bran confirms this in ACOK, but this also happens at the Water Gardens until they're 12-14,). A 12-14 male teen is at that age when they start getting "interested" in the opposite sex (only worse if thy parade around naked), so imagine a teen getting "interested" in someone they shouldn't at the weekly Stark kids bathing routine and this horrifies them so much because tHeY'Re NoT tArGaRyEnS to the point of wanting to join a celibate order, sacrificing their biggest wish (family). And that's remembered by this teen, now a man, in a "take two" of this event. Truly a fool though, as he knows nothing about "tArGaRyEnS" or that they're actually not siblings.
"Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies" VERSUS "supped with her at dusk, and stole into her bedchamber even when she latched the shutters tight"
"supped with her at dusk" projects the idea of just before the night starts, which in ASOIAF also projects the idea of the Long Night and before winter. Such this all gives us the time frame, just before the dead come. You know, around the time the northern campaign happens. It's my conviction, from a number of feasts Sansa attends where she supped "trouts", that this suggests the norther campaign will likely extend to the Riverlands and may meet with Aegon's Conquest campaign (Dance of Dragons V2, congruent with song 1).
"stole into her bedchamber even when she latched the shutters" projects the idea of a thief getting inside an intimate place (where she sleeps, where her bed is) despite her best efforts not to. The simpler conclusion is rape. The most likely conclusion though, is something much more benign.
"stole into her bedchamber" in ASOIAF is associated with wildling custom of marriage. Most (if not all) accounts of this ritual involve the man getting the woman while she's asleep. I can recall three stories where it happened as such. Bael stole a Stark maiden from her bed. Yggrite accuses Jon of stealing her the night the Night's Watch raided their camp, she's the one that was asleep. Longspear stole Munda from her bed while she was asleep. Interestingly, the first is a Stark, the others are redheads. These fit Sansa perfectly.
So Sansa stolen by a wilding or someone that qualifies as one. Any will do, but in specific there's a character that has already been mentioned twice in regards with these songs and also fits into this one. Jon Snow has been accused of having become a wildling / half-wildling due to spending time with them and making peace with them. He was accused of stealing Ygritte but refused that he did it, considered stealing another to make a family but also refused to usurp Sansa's claim (we'll get to that below), so there's a third coming up for him.
"even when she latched the shutters" suggests resistance and that's also according to wildling custom, as the woman is supposed to fight against stealing. While a wildling woman fights physically, Sansa fights psychologically. As for sex, Sansa fought against Sandor with kindness and fought against Tyrion with courtesy, so neither succeeded in stealing her. However, Sansa "latching the shutters" suggests a different kind of resistance than those used before (both Sandor and Tyrion entered her bedchamber without stealing into it), as if she put barriers in place.
Sansa putting up barriers happens in ASOS / AFFC. She doesn't believe anyone will marry her for love ("It is not me she wants her son to marry, it is my claim. No one will ever marry me for love.") and she doesn't really want to marry again. ("A marriage . . ." Her throat tightened. She did not want to wed again, not now, perhaps not ever."). Such, "stole into her bedchamber even when she latched the shutters" suggests that Jon convinces her otherwise. The question is... how.
"Jenny of Oldstones and the Prince of Dragonflies" Now, for the song that goes with it, is also kind of telling. The story of Jenny and Duncan is about Duncan falling in love with Jenny and abdicating so he can marry her. So someone throws away their claim, breaking through Sansa's belief that nobody will marry for love but for her claim, and will ease her into wanting to marry again.
Jon actually has two claims. The first is Robb's will, which names Jon as his heir over Sansa. Jon wanting to void the will not only follows the Jenny and Duncan song (the man throws away his claim for the woman) it also destroys half of Sansa's barrier (he protects her claim, we already know he did this once per Stannis' insistence, incidently stealing a woman was mentioned, as said before it appears it's all thematically linked).
The second is by birth, as he's Rhaegar Targarye's son. If somehow Jon is legitimate, then he's King Aegon VI's heir until he has children, and he's also a prince. If I recall, most of Sansa's allusions around a Targ union are with a Targaryen prince, not a Targaryen king). If Jon is a bastard, then he'll be considered a threat to a Aegon VI, just like every bastard is (the Targaryens are well known for bloody wars between legitimates and bastards). I would assume this will be a doozy for brothers to deal with.
Somehow, either or both claims should have a hand in convincing Sansa that Jon would want to marry her for love instead of her claim as well as convincing Sansa to marry again. Robb's will clearly covers the former but not the latter (she can't marry her brother, tHeY'Re NoT LaNnIsTeR oR TaRgArYeNs, even though they are). However, Jon's second claim is what allows that marriage. For example, if Aegon accepts peace between the South belonging to him and the North belonging to Sansa as long as Jon throws away hs claim, yeah that's it. But any that fits the Duncan and Jenny story as well as Sansa being stolen despite her misgivings, will do.
It's worth noting Robb's will and it's implications (Sansa being usurped and Jon's kids being a threat to the legitimate line) are discussed at lenght between Cat and Robb at Oldstones, precisely where legend says Jenny and Duncan met (or where she came from, I cannot remember now the specifics), next to a sepulcher that represents Jon's true birthright as a Targaryen (the sepulcher is of a king with a warhammer upon his chest, which is how his father Rhaegar died, and covered with wild roses, which are a symbol of his mother Lyanna), and solves Robb's will implications (they can marry each other, so his children are hers, so they're no threat to the Stark legitimate line). As said, all tightly thematically linked and I cannot blieve this us a coincidence.
It came in on the cold thin air, and like the air, it chilled her. Though it had not snowed upon the Eyrie since the day that Lady Lysa fell, the nights had all been bitter cold.
So Dance of Dragons starts (Aegon's Conquest), some shenanigans at Winterfell's Hot Springs, then some claim throwing to the trash and a marriage. And after that comes winter. So it kind of suggests this all happens BEFORE the War of the Dawn, not after.
After the songs bit, we have the "meat" of the chapter, which is what the whole thing revolves around. Petyr and Sansa must lie about Lysa's fate to both Robyn and the Vale Lords. I would just like to point the following.
“Some lies are love, ” Petyr had assured her. She reminded him of that.
“When we lied to Lord Robert, that was just to spare him, ” she said.
“And this lie may spare us. Else you and I must leave the Eyrie by the same door Lysa used.” Petyr picked up his quill again. “We shall serve him lies and Arbor gold, and he’ll drink them down and ask for more, I promise you.”
He is serving me lies as well, Sansa realized. They were comforting lies, though, and she thought them kindly meant. A lie is not so bad if it is kindly meant.
Petyr, who's pretending to be Sansa's father, lied to her cousin Robyn about his mother, to spare him from the pain of the truth. Likewise Ned, who's Sansa's father, most likely lied to her cousin Jon about his mother, to spare him from the pain of the truth. Some lies are love, they are kindly meant.
Petyr, who's sort of Warden of the East for the time being, must lie to the Vale's lords & company about Lysa's fate, as he believes if he told the truth, he and his fake child (Sansa) would die. Likewise Ned, who's Warden of the North, must also lie to the rest of the realm about Lyanna's fate (death by childbirth), as he believes if he told the truth, he and his fake child (Jon) would die. Some lies spare innocents (Sansa / Jon), they are also kindly meant.
There's more stuff, but I don't feel like writing it now.
I always lol at Sansa's cousin being upset about his mother's death so he soughts her bed to nuzzle at her breasts and wet the bed (*shifts eyes*). This is important because Sansa bars the door to keep him out ("she latched the shutters"), yet at the end of the chapter, her cousin gets inside anyway ("stole into her chambers") because she forgot to bar the door. No idea what's that supposed to suggest, right?
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meduseld · 3 years
Oh my god, I loved your response to your last secret baby Berman anon! 🖤 And for them to then decide, what the hell let's have another one? How do you even explain that Ziggy? Like you said, she would have to interact with society bc of her kids. There's bound to be gossip, especially if the first born is a little clone of Nick lol Do you have any headcanon for this new set of Berman siblings btw? I wonder, would Ziggy still live in her childhood home? Where would they go to school? I feel like even though they live in Shadyside, Nick might want them to have a better education but they would have a tough time in Sunnyvale. I also feel like the first one was definitely an oopsie baby, but the second one would be planned and they might not say it out loud but both are excited for this new addition and will probably enjoy the whole process this time around. Plus, their kids are going to be a bunch of book and movie snobs at a very young age. But, most importantly what does Satan think of this happy little family? I'm sorry for rambling in your asks lol
Omgggggggggg love this, been thinking about it since last night!
So, in rough order: Ziggy dgaf at that point. There's already rumors, and she's like well so? Not to mention she does have Nick's behind the scenes comfort and protection. And this is one point in which Shadyside has a point in favor: lots of single parents and non-married people having babies and all that jazz. So socially while there's talk there's not huge amounts of censure. It would be *quite* the scandal in Sunnyvale but not such a big deal in Shadyside. That's not to say it wouldn't be tough and people wouldn't be shitty, but it would not be as bad as the country club "what will people say" crowd. And no one dares connect Nick to it so there's that.
About the kids themselves: they can't be boys, in this universe. Partly because I have the idea of a son (Isaac, but he'd be born post film, and free of the curse), but also bc then the Pact would be back on in full force and fucking them up bc what does Satan care about weddings? (sidebar: could be interesting if one of the Past Goode Sons was originally a bastard and then legitimized). Not to mention, there's the interesting parallel of Cindy&Ziggy, but also really allows Nick to connect with them differently. And it would inform their character and also that tie with their mom, which I think would be cool. Ofc it's also interesting that Satan couldn't *make* them boys as it seems to be that the Goodes only have sons. Let's say in this universe Satan is amused and intrigued by them, and trying to get Nick married and have a son that way, as the curse hinges on the town divide sort of, but also because it would cause way more pain and angst and he feeds on that. So yeah, I think of them as sisters.
So about them. The eldest was in fact an oops baby, born 1980 which is uh, *eyes-emoji* timing due to the near trauma, and they are essentially teen parents (about 18 for Ziggy and just turned 20 for Nick), and such but it's the 80s so Ziggy keeps her. And names her Ripley, after the badass Ellen Ripley from Alien bc yeah those kids are gonna be super pop cultured. There's a shift from her parents, rather than the eldest being the dutiful, mild mannered one, Rip is a bit of a terror. Bold and brave and standing up to bullies, Deena will remind Ziggy of her. She's tighter with her mom, it was them against the world for a while. Played in my head by Sarah Pidgeon, bc of The Wilds, but the badass punk girl that everyone is half in love, half terrified of. Gets in trouble and convinces Nick to teach her to shoot at some point.
Their second was more planned, not fully planned, but yes, more welcome, they were ready for her, not scared now that they have a kid and yes there's that unspoken anticipation and joy. They're older, Nick is more settled, there's more money and they know their groove. Ziggy gets snide looks, sure, but Rip and Nana Lane are stoked (they stayed in Shadyside and her fam home until around the birth of the second baby, that Nick got for them. He did insist on them going/bussing to Sunnyvale for High School and oh boy was that tough on everyone. Sunnyvalers def bullied them more and Rip had to build her rep from scratch. But it is better, education wise) and it's the happiest Nick has ever been, waiting for the second girl, to the point that the Deputies nudge each other that maybe the boss has been getting laid bc he's been more chill lately.
Their second daughter, played by Hayley McFarland on the basis of me rewatching Conjuring 1 recently, is the sweeter, softer one, with her big sister blazing the trail ahead of her. Named Connor, after Sarah Connor because Terminator came out the year she was born (actually, she was born October 31, yes Halloween, and Terminator came out like a week before. A sign, Ziggy thinks. Another, also not quite auspicious one was that Rip was born Friday, the 13th of June 1980, about a month after the first Friday 13th film came out).
And yeah Ziggy named her daughters non-traditionally-feminine names after female pop culture badasses bc she was a teen mom, she and Nick have arrested development, and she wants them to have role models of some sort. Connor gets taken to shoot with her sister and Nick, and turns out to be a *spectacular* natural talent. She's the better shot and has more survival skills. She seems meek and mild but she's got that old school prairie farmer's wife strength.
So yeah I've thought a lot about these two girls. Very different on the surface, but very tight and looking out for each other. And yeah, they both have their father's wavy brown hair and Ripley has his eyes. They know who their father is, too, even if it can't be said and people tease them. Rip did a lot of beating up when she was younger. And again when they got sent to Sunnyvale. But they love and have each other. I love them already
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I deleted last night's personal post, but I have had time to think and I'm ready to talk about it, again. If anyone has experience with narcissists, please chime in, because I'm convinced my brother legitimately has NPD.
These are the signs:
Centers himself at the expense of others.
No empathy. None. Like, my Dad sobbed "He wants me dead" and "*brother's name* hates me" and he doesn't care and is unmoved. Even walking around happily like he got what he wanted. Mind you, my dad JUST got out of the hospital on Christmas Eve and has pneumonia. (He said "If he dies, it won't be my fault. Dad made poor food choices his entire life." ... Pneumonia isn't caused by fatness, my Dad isn't fat, and my brother is a former fat kid, so it's sick that he'd even say something so callous.)
Plays the victim even while actively causing harm, and frames himself as righteous for the pain he is inflicting.
Uses eternal victimhood to get what he wants from my mother, who desperately loves him and would do anything for him, then flips on the entire family when he doesn't get his way (Dad asked him to return their second car back in October.)
Silent treatment for months so he can make someone confront him and then proudly announce that he is doing it because he's "setting a boundary" against the family, even though he lives in my parents' house. (Took this so far that my dad was in the hospital and he would go sit in the hospital room with my dad when no one else was there and purposefully not speak to him for hours. My dad was cognitive and able to speak the whole time, and me and my other siblings would go and keep him company. He stole time we could have had just to show my dad that he still wouldn't talk to him. Like an asshole.)
Accusing people of being abusive and irrational for having emotional responses to his mistreatment of them.
Accusing our oldest brother of being abusive for begging him to speak to him on Christmas day. (Our oldest brother has 2 kids who are teen and young adult, he's never even spanked them, doesn't really yell at them, nothing. They're both well adjusted, and his son, who is a few years younger than me, has a salaried job at a mortgage company and he's only 23.)
Very all or nothing. Very "you're either good or a monster". He pretends not to remember heartfelt conversations my Dad, my Mom and I have had with him. Only pretended our second oldest brother was good because he was trying to be on his side (he doesn't live in the same state and barely has contact with narc brother, so hasn't experienced any of this.) Refuses to see my Dad as good, because he's framed Dad as the monster, and me and my Mom are now bad because we don't hate my Dad with him.
Frames himself as more enlightened than everyone else and refuses to take responsibility for the pain he causes, or even care about us.
Embellishes how awful we have always treated him and even slanders us to his friends (which I've always suspected... and didn't have proof of until he started telling me that I treated him poorly, when I've spent most of my life desperately trying to make him happy, all while feeling his disdain towards me.) Also uses this to make you feel like you have to do things for him because he's so traumatized and hurt. He's also gay (I'm bisexual, btw) and uses it as a weapon, which is so gross. My parents accepted him like 15 years ago. My siblings and I are Gen-X and Millennials, and so are already super pro-LGBTQ+. Even though my other siblings are heterosexual. Like, our second oldest brother makes pro-LGBTQ TikToks (as well as other social justice stuff.) Our oldest sister is the first person he came out to and has been in his corner from the beginning. But he still uses this as some kind of leverage "You guys never accepted me! I'm always treated differently!" ??? Literally no? And I've called him out before for treating me like a homophobe when I've been out since I was like 19, but he still uses that shit to manipulate sympathy. My parents LET HIS BOYFRIEND SPEND THE NIGHT. IN HIS ROOM. They wouldn't even let my straight siblings do that with their opposite sex partners, because they didn't want him to think they didn't approve of him having a boyfriend. But I digress.
I spent last night begging him to let me have a relationship with him, but afterwards, I realized that that's how manipulative, abusive boyfriends act. They want you to plead with them to love you. And I started to realize he was showing what seem like signs of narcissism.
Does ANYBODY have any advice, or has anyone experienced this? Most people talk about narcissistic parents or partners. But what about siblings? I don't want him around my parents. I don't want to speak with him ever again. He's still in their house, but swears he's leaving. I don't want to know someone who says "If he dies he dies" about my father, and who invents a false abuse story (he told us that my Dad would come home from work in a rage and beat everyone. Y'all. My Dad literally never did that. Never. And he NEVER hit my Mom. We had a relatively fun childhood. I don't know how to make it clear that this is made up so that he can play the victim. It's like he saw this in a movie or on TV and was like "yeah, my Dad did that." I'm almost sure he believes it, too.)
I also feel like he's trying to blame his lack of success on my parents. He tried to say all of my Dad's 5 kids are failures. It's literally not true. We're all doing pretty well, and even when we've struggled, we've been pretty resilient. Between us we have 3 BAs, 1 MFA, 1 JD, 1 cosmetology license. He's literally the only one that hasn't settled on a path or even completed undergrad (my oldest sister did cosmetology instead of college, but she also finished!!!)
I mean... is this narcissism? Is it just lashing out? Either way, I'm not going to talk to him again.
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child-of-hurin · 3 years
Dark Narn AU
Recently I mentioned I had some ideas for a Dark Narn AU and @outofangband  expressed curiosity, so I decided to copypaste my notes here :)
The reason this AU was conceived was that I wanted Túrin and Nienor to get buddy buddy with Gothmog and Glaurung…. Literally my motivation for this lmao.
1. This is almost 3 pages long on Gdocs 😭 2. This is actually dark, so mind yourself. CW for mentions of nonconsent, manipulation, murder, slavery, the whole nine yards and, of course, incest.
And btw, this relies on my headcanon/understanding that there were mortal slaves in Angband as well as elves.
When teenage Húrin and Huor are cornered by orcs in Brethil, they are in a dense spot. Húrin stays behind to hold the orcs while Huor runs up the hill. Huor would never have left his brother behind, but it’s a mess and he doesn’t realize what happened until he’s being carried away by other soldiers/rescuers and screaming his lungs out for Húrin, who’s pulled back by the orcs and then taken captive to Angband.
There he undergoes some brainwashing by Melkor, who, true to the essence of their Narn interactions, sees he can profit more from corruption than from killing this agent. By this point Húrin is a teen and hasn’t met Turgon yet. He breaks eventually and becomes Melkor’s champion. 
We have Húrin, and now we need Morwen. To keep the chronology, I prefer having her be captured during a raid on Emeldir’s group of refugees, when they’re migrating west to escape the Battle of the Sudden Flame; that can also have Rian either being captured as well, or escaping and following canon and marrying Huor and mothering Tuor, which I prefer for this AU (also casts a shadow on them as… replacements for the true heirs, sort of! Both having dear family members, who are also the eldest and the legitimate heirs, captured by Morgoth). Either after his brainwashing is complete, or during it, she is given to Húrin to marry as a token of Melkor’s regard: Morwen the beauty, the heir of the House of Bëor, the only fitting consort for the heir to the house of Hador, etc. Túrin is born in 464.
Lalaith is born two years later, which is a weird year because that’s when Beren and Lúthien steal one of Melkor’s silms! Angband has never been more somber, but there is talk of hope among the slaves, of which Morwen hears some, as well as the name of Beren her kinsmen who she knows and loves. She’s fiercely proud of him. But then Húrin, who is head over hells smitten with her, but who’s still wary of her loyalties, casually mentions in bed at some point that Beren was killed by Carcharoth (a lie meant to shake her/destroy any hopes of rescue), and that despite the loss of the Silmaril, Melkor is somewhat satisfied that the whole ordeal ended up dividing the elven kingdoms further apart, and confides in her about some of the plans for the following war (Unnumbered Tears).
The very next day, Morwen kills Urwen. She knows how other female thralls fare, and she knows that as soon as Húrin is dead Melkor would have no more use for them. Like canon, better dead than a thrall. To her, killing Urwen is not only a mercy, but an act of love. I think Morwen was about to end her own life too, or maybe end Túrin’s, but they caught her before she did any more. Maybe she locked herself with her children in a bedroom, ready to off all of them, and someone intervened before she could.
This sends Húrin into a rage out of despair because he really dotes on Urwen no matter the AU, and Túrin takes it all pretty hard, as he adored his sister and feels betrayed and confused. Melkor ofc enjoys the opportunity to turn Húrin even more towards him, and encourages him to get another child from Morwen to make up for the one he lost, whether she wants it or not. 
In this AU Niënor is conceived (at least) nine months before the Unnumbered and not nine months later. During all the pregnancy Morwen is watched, to make sure she won’t do anything drastic. Túrin is one of the people keeping tabs on her. Morwen names her Niënor, lamentation, and instead of being offended, Húrin laughs and says it’s an appropriate name for a warrior that shall bring woe to her foes, who will lament upon seeing her. Morwen is forbidden to be alone with Niënor and they are closely watched; as a result, they aren’t very close in this hc, as opposed to canon.  Niënor grows up being reminded that her mother wants to kill her, never wanted to conceive her in the first place.
Both Túrin and Nienor have strong mommy issues. Túrin is always keeping Morwen company and they have a very similar temper, but he tries to keep his visits a secret from Nienor. Nienor loves Túrin enormously but confronts him when she learns he still visits Morwen; also I think she sees Morwen in Túrin a little, too, because they’re so similar. It drives her mad. There’s a lot going on here with sibling competition / possessiveness / jealousy; Nienor doesn’t want Túrin to get along with Morwen, against whom she has a big grudge; she also doesn’t like that Morwen gives to Túrin the love she has always denied Niënor (according to how Niënor perceives the situation). She wants Túrin to choose her but Túrin just evades the question or gets angry and they fight. 
I like the idea of Húrin heading the fight against mortals in the Unnumbered, and him and Huor meeting on the battlefield, and killing each other. 
Túrin is crazy about Nienor, though you wouldn’t guess it by looking. Not only they’re the only mortals around who are equals and thus relatable on any level, he projects a lot of his Urwen grief on her and is very protective and possessive. There’s a lot of unresolved tension that they don’t even acknowledge. When they’re together onlookers get a feeling like there isn’t space for anyone else - though Morwen is an always-felt presence and the only crack in their bond. Túrin is stoic and reserved and his canon obsession with fighting Melkor is changed into a type of family pride. Right now I think he’s really mad that Dor-Lómin was given to the Easterlings and his mistrust of Melkor grows. He’s also concerned with the hidden elf cities, especially Nargothrond and Doriath because of their ties to the Silmaril heist. 
In this AU Túrin (and Húrin before he dies) is buddies with Gothmog who is sort of a mentor to him, and Nienor has a great friendship with Glaurung, whom she rides on sometimes, maybe into battle. 
I had considered the idea of either Túrin or Nienor meeting Gwindor by accident on the woods and goading him and fooling him, following him until they got the path to Nargothrond, while the other sibling followed them from afar. One sibling goes into the town and the other comes with the army down on them, no need for bridges I guess. Or the bridge can be deliberate sabotage. Since I like Nienor riding Glaurung, it can be Túrin who goes in, as in canon - OTOH idk how good Túrin can be with deception no matter the AU, so maybe it is Nienor... though, really, is she any better? Also, would she have a voice in council? How sexist are they? Maybe if she got Gwindor’s ear somehow… idk, thoughts!
Anyway, Finduilas is captured and not killed, though I’m not sure how much better this is. Maybe both Túrin and Nienor take her for consort in a smoking hot, nonconsensual, incesty edain sandwich. 
I haven’t thought ahead of this yet, that’s all I have! They need to have a cool and tragic ending, though I’m still unsure how. I feel like they need to fall with Brethil, but then I’m unsure what happens. Also I really don’t want Túrin and Nienor to have a permanent falling out and dying hating each other, it’s not my thing. I feel like they need to die together, like in canon. 
Things to consider:
>> Tuor and Aerin as kin who are held captive. Do Túrin and Nienor know they exist and are there? If they do, how do they react?
>> Morwen + other mortal thralls, or maybe Morwen + having ELVISH thralls to serve her, which Melkor does to show Húrin how much he honors him bla bla. I love this concept.
>> Húrin and Gothmog banter, Gothmog warming up to the mortal once he sees him being an absolute savage in battle, Húrin and Gothmog competing to see who causes more havoc
>> Glaurung is super mean to Morwen once and that tickles Nienor so much she just gets attached to him. Nienor joking with Túrin that she rides a dragon (Glaurung) and he is ridden by one (the dragon helm of Dor-lómin)
>> Gurthang???? I think Túrin needs a black sword. I’m SUPER attached to the visuals of Nienor using an axe though.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 301 Spoiler Thoughts: Pain, More Pain, Extra Pain, EVERYTHING HURTS
I had to wait until the summary for this chapter came out to get my thoughts across and holy shit, my dudes...  This chapter is so, so deep and adds a lot more to the Todoroki family than I thought possible.  I’m still thinking about all of it as I’m typing this.  But, writing is how I process things sometimes, so I hope this helps all of us:
The chapter starts off with a flashback to when Enji (I’m calling Endeavor by his real name here so long as we’re dealing with his family) proposing to marry Rei to Rei and her family.  Rei is aware of the whole “Quirk Marriage” thing, but she accepts the proposal much to her family’s delight.  What’s surprising here is that it’s implied that Enji expected Rei to say “No”.  I’m honestly kind of shocked here too.  
One, I thought because of the whole eugenics thing that Rei and her family would be taken aback by this.  Back in the Sports Fest. Arc, I believe Shoto implied the that Endeavor bought Rei’s hand in marriage with money (it’s been a LONG time, so please correct me on this if I’m wrong).  But they were actually ok with the idea of having Rei be married to a top hero like Endeavor.  Rei seemed more reluctant though the fact that she said “Yes” maybe implies that she had legitimate feelings of love for Enji before shit hit the fan.
Edit: Ok, the fan translations are out.  It’s said that Rei did this for the sake of her family.  I still think she at least started to have legit feelings of love for Enji at some point.
Two, Enji didn’t expect Rei to accept his proposal.  We all know that Enji’s intention was to have a kid that had a Quirk that possessed both fire and ice so that the kid could surpass All Might.  Maybe Enji was looking for other women with ice Quirks before Rei and all of them before her turned him down.  So when Rei accepted, Enji was shocked that someone agreed to what was basically his plan for the future.
The next page shows Enji and Rei on a walk in the park Rei looks at her favorite flowers and Enji asks if she likes them to which Rei says “yes”.  Enji comments on how strong yet fragile Rei is.  It’s such a small scene, but it tells the story so well visually.  I can’t explain it well here, but I think this is where Enji started to see Rei as more of a person to love than something that can help achieve his goal.  
Back to the present real quick, we go back to Rei confronting Enji.  She came to see him because things are not okay and they need to face their family’s tragedy head on.  At the same time, Dabi is reflecting on his life and doing his iconic monologuing about how he loved seeing Enji suffer.  He wants the rest of his family to see how he suffered too.  This further establishes how much Dabi wants to see his father be destroyed mentally.  He wants him to reap everything he sewed.  I’ll be damned if Dabi’s plan didn’t work.  Also, Dabi is shown crying blood again as the panel transitions to the Todoroki household with the blood tear seeping into the next panel.  God, I love Horikoshi’s panel structuring A+ stuff.
Back to the past, Enji stopped training little Touya.  His fire Quirk was getting stronger, but so was the ice part of his body.  Touya’s body was meant for the cold, but his fire Quirk counteracts that.  So, Touya’s ultimately harming himself.  This reveals to us that Enji didn’t really stop training Touya because he wasn’t the “perfect specimen” for his plan.  It was mainly because Enji cared about Touya enough that he didn’t want his son to harm himself anymore than he already has.  Enji abused his kids and wife, sure, but he wasn’t always a bad man.  He did love his family before something snapped.
Also, real quick, but there’s a panel that shows Touya’s hair getting progressively whiter.  Specifically the left side of his head.  He looks like the opposite of Shoto actually and I bet you money that that was done on purpose.  Symbolism, my friends.
The next panels shows little Touya and Fuyumi (AWWW 🤍) talking a bit.  Touya’s upset that their dad won’t train him anymore while Fuyumi just doesn’t want her brother to get hurt.  Touya says that girls wouldn’t understand (he’s a kid here, so I’ll let this slide).  It hurts to see how Touya misunderstand the situation here.  I think he ultimately wanted to have love and acceptance from his father via training to make Enji proud.  But training only caused Touya pain.  Pushing Touya away for his own safety ended up making things worse.
I actually can’t describe what happens next (I've seen the panel, but it hasn’t been translated fully yet), but it has something to do with Rei trying to convince Enji not to do something in particular because it would be too cruel.  Touya continued to train alone and he kept getting scars on his skin every day because his ambitions are just as strong as Enji’s.  He didn’t know when to give up.  In the end, Enji knew that Touya couldn’t surpass All Might and he tried to get Touya to give up his ambitions so that he would stop hurting himself.  I think this is where Enji’s drive to have a kid to surpass All Might started to take over his love for his family.  I want to comment more on this part, but I think I’ll have to wait until the full chapter comes out.  I’ll add an edit when I read it.  It’s a painful, sad page regardless and I want to cry 😢.
Edit: Ok, I’ve read the translations for this page and it’s still not entirely clear what “cruel idea” Rei and Enji are talking about here.  The best I can take I can think from this is that Enji did think that having more kids would solve the problem; it would help Touya give up the idea of surpassing All Might.  The panels get darker and darker too, which shows how dark all this has become.  
Next, Natsuo is born and he was so ADORABLE!!! 💙  Fuyumi looked so happy to have a little brother ❤️  But, Touya looks devastated; like he’s been replaced again.  My heart hurts so bad for this kid.  All he wanted was his father’s attention, but Enji seemed to have moved on from him and had more kids instead.  Almost like having more kids would solve the problem... ugh...
As time goes on, Enji gets angrier at All Might’s success (btw, seeing All Might drawn in his buff form again makes me nostalgic) and Rei becomes more fearful.  The summary states that Rei stopped “looking” at Enji at some point.  I think this is the point where Enji drive to create a perfect child completely took over his life and his family’s lives.  Even so, I think we need an explanation of when exactly Enji snapped and changed into the abusive man we all knew and how that exactly came to be.  We got hints in this chapter, but I think we need a full explanation.
AND SHOTO WAS BORN HE WAS BABY 💙🥺😭 Crying into the world he came into like most newborns do.  I want to love him and take care of him 💙💙💙 Look, Shoto’s my favorite character in the series and we need some good vibes in this depressing chapter, so please let me have this.
But, my god.  The faces on Enji, Rei, and Touya are haunting.  I honestly can’t really describe it.  It’s just so unsettling.  Enji looks like he’s glad he’s finally “created” the perfect child, Rei looks exhausted, and Touya is even more devastated than before.  The panel lines are all distorted too which drives the mood home.
Touya continues to train on his own to prove himself to his father.  He’s burning himself more and he looks like he’s loosing his mind.  I’m not exaggerating; Touya actually looks like he’s going crazy.  Enji is tying to convince Touya that they’re more to the world than being a hero like playing with his siblings and making friends at school.  But, Touya can’t because, as he says, “I’m your son”.  Despite Enji probably focusing primarily on getting ready to train Shoto at this point, he still cared enough about Touya to where he wanted him to have a life outside of heroism.  Though that could also be because, again, he’s turned his focus on Shoto instead (this family is a mess).  And Touya being so driven to have his father pay attention to him is heartbreaking.  No kid should have to go through this.
And then he activates his Quirk to attack baby Shoto.  Lil’ Fuyumi’s protecting Lil’ Natsuo and Rei is holding onto Lil’ Shoto 😭.  Rei wants to help cool him down with her Quirk, but Touya “fire” Enji lit can’t be put out.  Touya’s too far gone.  He even stops calling Enji “father”; he says “look at me, Endeavor” instead.  Everything about this makes me sad, man.  Touya’s love for his father turned into what he thought was abandonment, which turned into mad jealousy for his baby brother.  Though Enji did light Touya’s fire, it was Touya himself who ultimately drove himself insane.  Touya helped create Dabi, it wasn’t all Enji Todoroki’s doing.
And finally, the flashback ends with Rei stating that Enji isn’t the only who’s suffered, but he’s also not the only one who didn’t look at Touya.  This implies that Rei shares the blame for letting Touya turn into Dabi.  I do wonder what Rei didn’t do that helped Touya’s transformation.  I doubt she neglected him entirely, but maybe she wasn’t paying attention to him as much because of her other kids and her declining mental state. I can’t comment on this very much with the lack of details, but i do hope things get answered soon.
Edit: I’ve thought about this a bit more.  Rei was/is a good mother and she’s a badass in her own right.  She never meant to harm her kids.  But, based on that dark panel before about Enji thinking of a way to get Touya to give up the idea of being  a hero, Rei did agree to Enji’s plan in the end.  She decided to have more kids with him until they got the perfect child in Shoto.  Why did she agree, we don’t know.  That detail isn’t there just yet.  I bet we’ll get it in Pt. 2.  Again, Rei isn’t a bad person, but she did play a part in Touya’s downfall.  Which, of course, makes things all the more sad. 
Lastly, it’s stated that Rei came from a prestigious and noble family called Himura.  It’s a small detail, but it’s shows that Shoto and his siblings basically came from royalty.  Ha, Shoto really is a prince 👑!  It would explain those damn good Todoroki genes 😳😍.  Oh, and the kanji for “Hi” in Himura means icicle, ice, hail, freeze, etc. so Horikoshi’s playing with names again.  
Quick Edit: Turns out this part with Rei’s maiden name is actually at the VERY BEGINNING of the chapter LOL.  Either the image leaks got scrambled or the summary found this panel last.  Whoops...
Hoo boy, I think that’s it.  Really heavy chapter full of more layers and details about the Todoroki family that we didn’t get before.  This is honestly one of the best storylines in the series and I’m so glad to see it come back to the forefront again.  Horikoshi has handled this particular story so, so damn well I can’t help but be impressed.  I think, ultimately, the Todoroki family fell apart and became more and more tragic over time.  Amazingly, it wasn’t entirely Enji’s fault like we originally thought.  Yes, he was a big reason as to why everything happened the way it did.  His redemption does not excuse his years of abuse and neglect towards Shoto, Rei, and Touya especially.  But, Touya and maybe even Rei had a part in this.  I hope whatever Rei did or didn’t do isn’t so bad that we immediately put her into a bad light.  I hope it boils down to “she’s human”.  Though, Touya did ultimately drive himself to insanity.  He didn’t accept his father’s suggestion to stop training.  He only pushed himself further to the point of jealousy.  God, he tried to kill baby Shoto at one point.  We can dissect this family’s story for months and still find something new.  This chapter was called “Mischief of Fire - Part 1″ which means we’re definitely getting more.  I’m going to sit here and process all this in the meantime.  Anyone got any ice cream to go with my tears and pain from BNHA angst?
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