#but anyway needed to brag ✌️
officialhouseguest · 7 months
just stopping in the tag to let everyone know that despite having basically negative basketball knowledge (or knowledge about sports in general basically) i managed to guess metta world peace correctly on the masked singer because of celebrity big brother… never say BB isn’t educational
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broke-on-books · 6 months
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have you ever had to cut ties with friends, especially bi female friends, over homophobia? i lost my entire friend group and community recently because of this. it was just online, but i don't have friends in person right now. i don't feel depressed about it anymore, i just wonder if other lesbians have had the same experience. you're right that us gold stars need to speak up and be visible. i'm working on making lesbian centric art and stories while i have time to myself now.
Hi anon!
Yes I have and I think a lot of lesbians can relate. We first become friends with bi women because we think they are like us because we are all attracted to women, but a lot of bi women are lesbophobic and treat ssa as some crazy phase that you're supposed to grow out of. Obviously that's going to destroy some friendships. In my case, I've been friends/acquaintances with over a dozen bi women and I stopped talking to almost all of them. A few examples:
High-school friend who had a crush on me and said her love for me gave her an eating disorder (as a way to guilt-trip me into dating her), started dating a guy one month after I rejected her and bragged to me about watching lesbian porn with him
Two other high-school friends turned extremely lesbophobic and bullied me
Another hs friend married a man very young, became some sort of catholic fundamentalist and ranted against same-sex marriage on social media
College friend who harassed me for months to get me to have sex with her to "experiment", only for her to stop talking to me and publicly call me a dyke when I told her I could be ok with kissing her (it would have been my first real kiss and she knew it...)
Long-time internet friend I met IRL, she flirted with me while she had a boyfriend (I wasn't interested in her) and wrote a story about a self-proclaimed "dyke" having a lot of orgasms with a random dude on a one-night-stand (while she has a girlfriend who's fine with it) but still claiming to hate it because she finds men annoying and clingy
(Also special mention to a het friend who used me as her "I can't be homophobic I have a gay friend" excuse while she ranted against same-sex marriage online, my last message to her on social media was to publicly tell her she was homophobic and I was embarrassed to be her friend ✌️)
All of that to say that I can definitely relate haha That's cool that you're starting to reach out to gold stars here though, that way you can make new online friends and forget about those idiots :D
Anyway, I can't wait to see and read what you'll make! Some time ago I created a discord server for gold stars who want to share their art/writing/etc and possibly create things together, it's dormant right now so I hope to find some active members 💪
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krakenbait · 1 year
bragging rights bracket update #1
good day bracketeers! commissioner lara here with the first update of the 2023 brag-cket because someone finally got eliminated! sorry not sorry jets fans, how high were your hopes anyway? with that said let the roasting commentary begin! we’ve got a record number of participants this year (19!), so this will be fun. also, if you’re participating but i don’t know which bracket is yours, let me know! 
13 points
Jack i will pay you to get a mullet (@puck--off) - i question your decision-making skills if you think jack hughes would look good with a mullet
Chaos mode - a bruins-vgk stanley cup final would be so boring from a jersey standpoint. too much black and white and grey and gold
Djoker’s actual bracket - but i think bruins avs would actually look cool! the black & gold would probably play well off the burgundy & blue.
more hairy men - meanwhile avs vs. canes would be the natural disaster cup 
ready 2b dissapointed but not surprised (@morganfrost) - you spelled “disappointed” wrong
10 points
the bringer of chaos (brett) - you call yourself that, yet you picked the bruins like half the pool...
you know ;) (@nastybastian) - leafs all the way to the conference finals? you’re clearly trying to appease your partner 
GOOD vibrations - ✌️☮️✌️
Hughes line is it anyway? ( @natashastarkk ) - oh my god, that’s enormous!
battle of the matty b’s ( @shea-theodore ) - matty battle? batty mattle?
last season 69 points ( @arsonandhockey ) - you weren’t even the one who got 69 last year
the commissioner is not supposed to win (me) - i give myself a mirror thumbs-up.
hold me like a grudge - “we could cry a little, cry a lot” and i anticipate the latter, since you’ve got the leafs going all the way 
hopelessly optimistic bruins fan ( @patron-saint-of-boston-hockey ) - the pride didn’t win their championship this year, so maybe the pendulum of boston sports will give the bruins a chance
0 points
raise hell or whatever ( @dawson-mercer ) - dawson’s shorty last night was so good 😌
big advocate for naps (guessing this is @turbolainen?) - you need that midday nap to make it through the late game if you’re an east coastie
come on and raise up ( @andreisvechnikov ) - i should call you and jayc the “raise-ins”
if the bruins don’t win don’t talk to m - you’re missing an E
the head, the heart, and the himbos ( @circle--of--confusion ) - all a good hockey team needs! but perhaps not the best qualities for a bracket
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i-love--you · 7 months
Bpd win !
I have a (now ex) friend with BPD and she was constantly romanticizing BPD. I love rebzyyx's songs but she takes them to another level, constantly obsessing and basically getting such bad euphoria from her new boyfriend. I don't want the same to happen with me and my girlfriend, and she was just...idk. She would regularly brag about her ED and SH and even posted on her IG story that she wanted her GW to be (tw) 45 kg which is MY weight, and she knows that.
She's also been super fucking unhelpful when I try and vent to her, but when she vents to me i'm expected to just yk understand everything. She literally said that she was going to commit unalive if her gf broke up with her, then she sent me a text at fucking 11 pm saying they broke up and did not reply till the next day ✌️anxietyyyy
Anyway I was just so sick of it, she pressured me into showing her my SH and showed me hers UNWARRANTED in broad daylight. She bragged about SHing in class and letting other people see. She bragged about not eating anything & made it intentionally incredibly obvious. I get that she wants validation but that is honestly not my problem and I am not going to stick around someone who is bad for me just because they are dealing with shit (bc i am dealing with shit too)
So yeah, after our latest argument I just snapped and blocked her. And I'm so glad I did ngl, she was just a terrible fucking person to be around and just so soul draining. The way she melted into whoever she was dating was terrible. I know that the whole FP relationship thing and obsession but goddammit I am exhausted of this shit and I am so fucking tired of obsessing over people it is about FUCKING time that I obsess over myself and make MYSELF my new FP
This post was really fucking rambly and stuff but I just needed a place to vent and dump, also I'm just honestly really happy (not euphoric, ik how euphoria feels but this feels like more of a stableish normal joy ?) that she's gone, seriously. No more constant "your partner my partner," no more "look at my SH look at my ED" no more "whos trauma is worse" bullshit
This is also a post to cut off the person who is bad for you, the test is: if they were gone from your life, would you be good or worse? Worse = cut them out that's bullshit
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technobladestanblog · 2 years
No, it did trend and at least one large blog had someone insist he was an abuser. What about Sneeg and others making jokes about Dream being a Trump supporter? Prezoh saying that Dream called him the f slur? All the MCYTers trash talking his music? Jschlatt doing the same to his merch? Eret is Dream's friend. Yes it was in poor taste but fandom comes off as hypocrites when they don't care about their faves shitting on Dream.
lmao I don't really like dream I think you know that if you follow me and if you don't then I guess you saw my "defending eret on the internet isn't enough, I need a gun" post and then found me. Like i said, I dont remember this event so im gonna take ur word for it.
I don't like his music either so I think the jokes about that are funny. I think he definitely had a reddit account he admits to having and, with him being only a lil younger than me, I would say that him having those beliefs in the past is really funny considering his fandom rn. I think people can change, so I won't say that he has these beliefs rn because guess what? I'm not dream, I don't know him personally. But as a teacher, I do have to believe people can change. And that people can learn. But anyway, I also think his merch isn't very cool looking, but then I also don't think technoblades merch is anything to brag about either, or philza (except his stickers) it's all very much ok. Also, as I pointed out in the last ask, in my last post, I did say that I felt myself becoming too parasocial about all this, compared it to the kpop stans who defend their idols when they think they are getting bullied by an agency or group members. So I've already basically support your last point about Eret being their friend, about how we, as fans don't know the whole story, ect ect ect. But I do know I don't really like dream alot. Especially his handling of his fame and fandom. And this even just got added to my mental list of "reasons dream needs a pr team".
also yeah people are hypocrites? I'm sure I could call you one if I wanted to put anymore brain power into all this but I just got home from work, I just took a shower, and I'm gonna go play minecraft now. ✌️ yall stay safe
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