#but even if it doesnt its ok! its about feeling comfortable in places where you spend a lot of time
gattmammon · 11 months
Weird little tidbit of advice maybe but here are some tips for talking to people if you are like incredibly shy. Of course im not talking iron forged friendships but being normally social in the workplace, with roommates etc. List of things that work to start a conversation:
- give people compliments (you have to mean it of course. I never give a compliment I don't mean).
- ask people to explain you stuff.
- things that you are both experiencing (that's why talking about the weather is such a staple).
- asking about things you've noticed but the other person hasn't brought up themselves (example: if the person has lost/gained a lot of weight)
- asking about personal stuff (partners, children - again, unless the person brings up it up themselves)
- religion and politics (it can be genuinely dangerous to like, naively mention you're a leftist just because the person you're talking to "seems" fine - you never know who is a kissup who's ready to sell you to the boss)
- sex and sexuality (same as above - be careful whom you come out to and NEVER out a third person/try to get somebody else to come out to you. Never. Ever ever. especially if it's just a suspicion. I know this is obvious to most but i can't count the amount of times I had to tell a coworker to stop speculating on other people's sexuality in front of others).
Don't worry about keeping the conversation going eternally, especially if the other person drops it after a couple lines. Don't worry about being liked/disliked either. Dont worry too much about trying to uphold your ideals - walk out of the situation if it makes you too angry/sad, if you can remain calm talk if you feel confident what you say wont have dire consequences. im talking being kicked out of the house, not "now my roommate doesnt like me because i told them to stop using the n-word". The second thing will happen all the time.
Which brings me to: you don't have to be charming, you can be the weirdo coworker, the important bit is that you learn that talking to other people isn't an impossible task, so when you actually need to communicate you don't find yourself terrified and unable to speak and have a general idea of who would be willing to listen. Learn to live with the knowledge that people WILL dislike you and thats ok.
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Ok. I have a request took me a lot of courage to finally request and shat myself a couple times but anyway! A one shot where choso lives in y/ns dorm with them and he was like doing his hair and kept messing up and gave up and started crying (I FEEL LIKE THATS SOMETHING HED DO THE POOR BOY:() thennnn y/n walks in their dorm and sees him crying and then comforts him and does his hair for him!!
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synopsis// choso is having an off day.
➚ pairing// choso x gn!reader ➚ word count// 1.4k
contents// frustrated/sad choso? idk just some hurt/comfort in a way! fluff?? could be read as either platonic or romantic doesnt really matter i supposeeee? i think it kinda reads more romantic tho
notes// anon ur actual fucking MIND. i was moved. literally right after reading ur request i opened up my notes and went to fucking WORKKK!!!! anyway sorry its so kinda all over the place but i hope u like it and it lived up to ur expectations!! n also sorry to everyone else for posting a oneshot mid smau its short n cute okay (AND ITS FUCKING CHOSO SO LIKE CMON???) i couldnt help myself !! also the title is lyrics from cupid's chokehold by gym class heroes... okay bye!
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Sharing a dorm with Choso was heavenly.
Because of your conflicting schedules, half the time, you rarely actually saw each other. But even when you did, he was the type of roommate to keep to himself; he has his side of the room, and you have yours. Of course, you two talked here and there; he was actually pretty nice company whenever you two were actually in the room at the same time. But more often than not, the only time you would see him was late at night when you were just getting in to go to sleep.
Either way, the point is, you never really saw him around much. Choso was always quick and effective, so by the time you would head back to your dorm after a few of your classes, he would just be heading out or have already left.
Usually, his alarm would go off an hour before his classes, which is ample time for him. He’s done his routine hundreds of times before—doing his hair and eyeliner is practically muscle memory, and at this point he's sure he could do it in his sleep. but not today, apparently. Today his alarm goes off late—half an hour late. Which Choso isn’t panicked by, only slightly frustrated, but it's fine. That still leaves him another half an hour to get ready, so there's still plenty of time given that it only takes him 10–15 minutes to get ready, so it's fine. Everything is fine; he repeats it in his head like a mantra, like if he thinks it and says it enough, he’ll actually believe it.
Choso quickly dresses, then sits at his desk, where a little mirror sits. He sighs as he flips on a lamp and grabs his eyeliner. He doesn’t even have to think about it, instinctively taking the cap off and bringing it to his eye, only for it to crumble as it meets his waterline. Choso cusses under his breath as he blinks, attempting to get whatever fell into his eye out. When that doesn't work, he rubs his eye, only for it to spread eyeliner all across his eye and cheek. He groans, grabbing a cloth to wipe it off with, and once his face is clean, he doesn't even bother trying with his eyeliner again—looking at the time, he’s already wasted more than he wanted doing that. He’ll just do his hair and leave, or else he’ll be late.
Choso stills for a moment, forcing himself to take a deep breath to try and calm the nerves and frustration simmering beneath his skin—it's fine. He nods. Now somewhat calmer, he grabs his hair ties and gets to work… only for one of them to break as he’s trying to put his hair through it. Choso stares at himself in the mirror, eyes narrowed and swallowing harshly, as he desperately tries to ignore the rising heat going to his cheeks.
It's fine.
He’ll just do the other side of his hair...only for the same thing to happen. Choso can actively feel his heart racing—it's pounding against his chest and ringing in his ears—and he’s already too far gone to notice or even stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. He doesn’t really know why he’s actually crying, if he’s being honest. It’s not like this is the end of the world; he knows that, yet he can't stop himself. Too many things have gone wrong, and he’s barely woken up. First, his alarm goes off late, which isn't the most horrible thing within itself, but then his eyeliner crumbles and gets in his eye, and when he tries to wipe it away, it instead smears on his face. Then he rubs his face raw, trying to get it off, and now he can't do his fucking hair because his hair ties suddenly decided to disintegrate and snap in half.
He messily wipes at his tears and tries inhaling deeply for air in a feeble attempt to calm himself the tiniest bit down. It doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes things worse. His tears fall harder, and he’s choking in shallow breaths of air. If anyone walked in right this moment, they’d think something horrible happened, like one of his brothers died. and it's just his luck, or a very obvious lack thereof, when you walk in. Choso immediately starts scrambling to wipe his tears away and hide his face from you as you drop your things in shock—you hadn’t expected him to still be in the dorm, let alone be here crying.
“Holy shit, Choso, are you okay? What's wrong? Did something happen?” You panic, immediately running to his side.
He doesn’t say anything; he just takes in and lets out shaky breaths as he shakes his head, one arm outstretched to keep you at arm's length.
You frown and look around. For what? You’re not sure. Part of you thinks if you look hard enough, you'll find why he’s crying, but all you see are snapped hair ties, a crumbled, unsharpened eyeliner pencil, and a cloth full of eyeliner. That’s when it all starts to make sense. You smile softly at him, who's still hiding his red tear-stained face from you, before you grab his comb and a new pair of hair ties from his desk.
Choso doesn’t know what you're doing when he hears you shuffling around, and he refuses to meet your gaze, filled to the brim with embarrassment at having been caught crying, but his head involuntarily snaps up, looking at you through the mirror, when he feels you start to brush his hair. You're already staring back at him and flashing him a warm smile, not saying a word as you continue to detangle his hair.
“You don't have to do this,” he sniffles, finally calming down enough to say something.
"I know I don't," you shrug. "But I also know it sucks when it seems like nothing is working or going to plan, so..."
"I can do it myself-“
"Choso, just let me do this for you, please.”
He stares at you for a moment, studying your face as if trying to find something, and when he finds nothing but your soft eyes and willingness—your desire—to do this for him, he sighs and nods. You beam and gleefully get back to work on his hair, and Choso finds that he’s no longer embarrassed by being seen crying but rather by the fact he feels like a doll—but the worst part? It's kind of nice.
He likes having someone do this for him with no hesitation; he likes the way your fingers carefully rake through his hair to ensure there's no tangles even though you just combed it; he likes the way you don't tie the ponytails too tight like he usually does, which only results in a pounding headache he can't get rid of; he likes all of it.
He likes all of it so much so that he finds himself closing his eyes in complete bliss, drowning in your gentle touches. You poof up one of his ponytails a bit, ready to tell him you're done, when you look into the mirror and notice his eyes closed, looking like he’s in a whole other world. You can't fight your smile off as you play with his ponytail for a bit longer before slowly wrapping your arms around him and resting your head on his shoulder.
“What do you think?” You whisper, your breath softly fanning against his ear.
Choso opens his eyes, surprised to see you pretty much hugging him from behind, yet he doesn't hate it, not one bit. Too caught up about how much he does not hate this; he doesn't respond, and it makes you nervous.
“Sorry… I know they don't look exactly like how you usually do them, but-“
"No, no,” he cuts you off quickly. “They look amazing... Thank you, y/n...”
You smile, happy with his answer, as you untangle yourself from him and stand up. “You should head out now, Choso; you're late.”
He blinks, totally forgetting about class, and hurriedly stands up. "Right, thank you again,” is all he’s saying before rushing out the door.
You giggle slightly before yawning and making your way to your bed, ready for your usual nap, when Choso comes rushing back into the dorm again. You stare at him wide-eyed, and he simply stares back.
You furrow your eyebrows, confused, and are about to ask if he's okay when suddenly he blurts out:
"I wouldn’t mind if you did my hair again.”
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witchykittyy · 4 months
Agreement 💖
@marcyyywukinnie asked: Hi could you make a fanfic Yandare Blitzo x reader x Yandare Stolas where they just fight about reader, before coming to terms that theyll share them??
I am soooooooo sorry about how late this is!!! I really am. Life's been really hectic and I went through a very depressive episode but I promise to be on top of stuff more often! I really hope you like it! ❤ Sorry if its not really enough fighting per say. 😅
TW: Demons, Hell, Blood, Arguing, Cursing (lots of it), Mentions of kidnapping, Stalking, and other yandere themes.
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"Damn that was a fuck ton of clients!!!" Millie jumped up into Moxxie's arms pumped and covered in blood. "Yea it was and it was so fucking awesome! But I think imma head in for the night." You're the newest member of I.M.P. A few days ago you saw their help wanted poster and decided you needed the extra money so you decided to join. You got along really well with Moxxie, Millie and surprisingly Loona. The only person who doesn't seem to like you is Blitzo. He was always staring at you. Watching your every move like he's waiting for you to do something wrong. So you always tend to keep your distance.
"Yea I think me and Millie have had enough excitement for today as well. Goodbye sir! Goodbye Y/N!" "Bye Blizto! Bye N/N!" Moxxie and Millie wave goodbye as they leave. "Whatever, bye." Loona continues on reading her magazine. "Bye guys!" You wave goodbye to them sweetly. "Bye lovebirds! Don't get too kinky while I'm away!" You can almost hear Moxxie rolling his eyes at those words and you chuckle. Now its just you, Loona and... Blitzo. Though your back is turned you can feel his eyes burning into info our skin, its very unsettling so with out turning around you decided to say your goodbyes and leave. "Bye Blitzo! Bye Loona!" "Bye dork." Blitzo doesnt say anything and you start to walk off sill feeling his gaze on you. Suddenly he says "See you soon Y/N"
You got home and were extremely exhausted as you flopped down onto your semi comfortable bed. Due to only recently having a job you dont have that much money to buy yourself a nice place so for right now you're stuck in this crummy apartment. Even though you didnt mind your situation someone else did.
Stolas has been watching you from the day he saw you in the I.M.P headquarters while he was visiting Blitzo. He's been obssessed with you ever since he saw you and has stalked you finding out your likes, habits, dislikes and everything else about you. He truly believes that you deserve so much better than what you have. He loves you and believes you deserve to be treated like a queen. A problem with that is that Blizto is also in love with you. Stolas notices the stares he give you and the longing look in his eyes. He's sure Blitzo has noticed his interest as well and thats probably why Blitzo hasnt spoken to him. But nevermind that.
You change into your PJ', get into bed and start scrolling through Helltok. "Ah shit its getting dark and I have to work tomorrow" you sigh. "I guess I should go to bed as Moxxie would say thats the responsible thing to do." You turn off your phone and go to bed. Stolas stares at you from the window wishing that he were next to you.
After a while he sees someone climbing onto your balcony. He's about to go stop him but then the two lock eyes. "Stolas?! The fuck are you doing here?!" He almost tumbles off the balcony from the surprise. "I should be asking you the same question Blitzo." "Look dipshit im doing the same thing you are but going inside." Blizto starts opening the window. "Wait! We shouldnt do that it invading her privacy." He goes to stop him but then Blitzo slaps his hand away. "Oh and stalking her isnt invading her privacy?! Look just leave ok if you dont wanna do this. Not like I want you stealing my girl anyways." He grumbles the last part but Stolas is able to hear him. "Well I sure as hell am not leaving her alone with you." "Then come in with me." He grabs Stolas's hand and stealthly brings him into the room. Stolas blushes at the sudden contact. 'Wait why'd he blush? What the hell is happening to him?'
You're dead asleep on the bed. "So smart ass what do we do now?" He tries to cover up the fact that grabbing Blitzo's hand made him blush. "We look around bird brain." They start looking around the crummy place, dodging the clothes thrown on the floor. Eventually after looking around for a while Blitzo decides to look your computer as Stolas watches you sleep peacefully. Out of the corner of his eye Stolas sees him breaking into your computer. "Hey!" He yells silently. "What do you think you're doing?" "I'm looking through her computer dipshit." Blitzo rolls his eyes as though its obvious. "Well yes I know that but why?" "To make sure she ain't seeing some other loser."
Blitzo searches and suddenly stops dead in his tracks. "You need to see this birdie." They stare at the computer reading you're messages with some guy named Dennis. "Oh hell no" they growl out in unison. You whine and shift in your sleep as they go dead silent. Once they're sure you're not awake they continue. "We can't let this shit happen." Blitzo growls with malice. "I completely agree. This dirt bag isn't good enough for our Y/N." Stolas nods. "Wait, our?" "Well yes I suppose we'll need to team up to stop this guy and ensure that she stays with us. Is that an ok arrangement?" Stolas questions. "Yea.. Thatd be great." Blitzo looks down blushing madly.
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lemongogo · 8 months
have u evr thoight abt livio and vash together (not romantically like in a found family way) post trimax bc i think about it a Lot
evvery day of my goddamn life . i think about them.every second of eveyr minute. LIKE ALL THE TIMEEE !! THEY ARE SOOO SPECIAL TO MEE
anyone whos been following me for a while knows i LOVEEEE imperfect , tense relationships . be them familial, romantic , platonic , etc . i love when two people have to work around each other and come to a common understanding . i like when their experiences are so wholly different that it bleeds into who they are and how they navigate the world . i like when the communication is faulty at best , messy . unpracticed . post-trimax and even post wolfwood death livio + vash consumes me @ my core . its been a while since ive read the manga so im probably very incorrect at reading their dynamics and have instead substituted it for my own fanon, but i like viewing their relationship to one another as something (initially) strained and (initially) distanced. you have these two people , effectively strangers to one another, bound by a common person who is no longer there. who ultimately understand the direction theyre headed in and whats required of them, but feeling so out of place by either their own internal struggles or by the pressure of the world around them . livio deals with the turmoil of what his and razlo’s involvement in nicholas’ death means . vash is left to bury his friend alone and spend the coming days alongside the man who’d killed him. and yet, vash, due to the nature of his cause and love for humanity, forgives him. cooks for him. and livio and razlo learn to let themselves be forgiven. to grow from past traumas and feel deserving of good things. its not an easy path for either of them, but they do it. for themselves, for each other, for meryl, millie, for chronica and her sisters, for humans ^__^! for nicholas!!! and its soo .. GOOD.. ITS SOO HEARTY TO MEE .. the way that vash and livio so openly struggle in the chapters following ch.65, but ultimately learn to come to terms with the idea of loss, of responsibility, love, community, etc. I KNOW U R TALKING ABT POST TRIMAX HELP MEE but i like how trigun so succinctly sets up this foundation for them to beee .. close in the way i’d like to imagine. i just lovee .. the bond they wld share in having both loved / cared for nicholas . and how that gave them resolvee !! how that gave them cause for action . motivation or determination if u will. they r so bound by loss and so inextricably changed by it that when i think of them post-trimax, i think of them like two wilted weeds that have grown thru the sidewalk crack , together . they are damaged , incomplete . unsure of so many tjings , but they r ……. MY GODDDDDDD !!!sry its like . man . MANN… kiryu gif of him punching the table . MAKE ME CRAZYYYYY . in a post trimax world , they are so emotionally linked . TO MEE .. IN MY LITTLE WORLD .. they mean more to each other than words can describe . and pains me in a sense to know that .. there will be a time where livio, razlo, and vash know each other more than they ever had the chance of knowing nicholas. and i think that so bittersweet . and special. I LOVEE IT . they give me very like .. silent affirmation , comfort through physical presence kind of warmth . like they dont have to say anything to know what they mean to each other and thats ok ^__^!
my favorite & i mean FAVORITEEEE PAGE!!! is the one in which they talk atop the building before their final battle and share their sorrows indirectly. LIKE THTS SOMETHIG AB THEM THAT DRIVES ME CRAZYYY!! the fact that both of them cannot refer to nicholas by name . its He. Him. That event , you know the One . they recognize parts of themselves in each other
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“when you are linked by something so strong in your hearts, it doesnt need to be said anymore” U R FUCKIG KIDDDING MEEEEEEEE . i lvoe thm godd . T___T
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verysium · 6 months
i so so agree w the sae takes!! additionally to what u said i feel like that mf can also be an emotional hypocrite to himself sometimes. especially about the reliability and independence thing. if the relationship is at a stage where thing are not fully figured out i feel like he'd struggle a lot. sae always told himself that he could only be w someone who is as independent as he is and doesn't want anyone slouching on him and you seemed perfect. you are chill and easy to get along with. you dont really expect him to go out of his comfort zone to please you. but sometimes that made him feel frustrated yk. he wants you to rely on him sometimes because he's you're boyfriend after all. he gets mad when u don't want to accept the expensive gift he got you because why wouldn't you he's your boyfriend after all. he gets angry when you dont get mad at him and ignore him for a while like girlfriends usually do for cancelling a plan last minute because of some match ot training. he gets pissed when you dont insist on going to a place you offered to go and he told you he was busy. why won't your anger go beyond an "oh ok" ? he's your boyfriend after all. right? with time all of this makes him feel insecure (he doesnt know he feels insecure, he just has a weird feeling thats all he knows) and all that irritation that he feels, he feels inside and maybe you can tell or maybe you cant but in the end of the day he doesn't communicate his feelings. and that's why he feels like that. also i think sae is not that emotionally mature as the fandom mostly paints him out to be. he's just not visbly reactive and doesn't understand half the shit he's feeling. but when you guys confront each other and he finally communicates -even if its just a little- you guys find a way to balance it. you understand each other. wich of course takes a while w a mf who has the emotional intelligence of a door but it's ok I still love him. btw sorry for rambling my god this is so long 😭🙏
🫡 yup. u hit every single point. tbh your nonchalant attitude is the wake-up call for sae. he finally realizes that he's actually in love with u cus why else would he be so worked up over your reactions? he tries so hard to act like he doesn't care, but then when you do the same, he's like: wait come back i actually do care. his personality is very contradictory largely because he doesn't know what he wants when it comes to love. romantic feelings have always been secondary to him, and it's rather unfamiliar territory compared to football. and we all know how sae tends to stick to what he's innately good at.
i also agree with you on the emotional maturity part. rin can sometimes work out what he's feeling and find ways to address it. with sae, it flies completely over his head. he has no idea what his emotions are. he just knows that he's feeling them, and somehow that pisses him off lol.
honestly, his internal struggle is somewhat endearing to me. he'd complain about how romantic couples do this and that for each other (as if he's not one of them), but then when he's alone, he's the biggest sentimental sap out there. like did u see the soft look in his eyes when he reunited with rin again during the u-20 arc? we get it sae. u missed ur brother and ur not very subtle about it. *sigh* he's so stupid. i love him so much.
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ccalhoun · 10 months
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shane ( stardew valley ) x m!reader
wc: 1k
request: Can you do one of Shane? Already dating but where Shane is drunk and confides in the reader that he doesnt feel enough for them or smth like that ^^ - _X3333 on wattpad
warnings: male reader, reader can be cis or trans, drinking / alcoholism, reverse comfort, established relationship
cut for length!
shane stood in his usual corner, drinking like always. he would usually people watch on nights like these but he couldnt bare to look at anyone around him, all he could feel was guilt growing in his chest with every drink he took. he said he was going to get better, he promised he was going to get better, for you.
shane felt like crying the longer he stood there. tears almost falling from his eyes before he finished his beer and rushed out of the saloon, and before he knew it he was walking the familiar path to one of the only places in the town that comforted him, your farm.
it was an ungodly hour of night and he knew you were asleep, but he was drunker than usual and there was no way in hell he could think long enough to realize that. he stumbled over his feet the entire walk there and even fell once times, getting dirt on his face and hoodie.
after what felt like hours for him, he saw the sight of your house. he felt a wave of relief wash over him as he struggled to your front door and managed a few sloppy knocks before waiting for you nervously.
you were groggy, you just woke up, why wouldnt you be? you checked the time, who was knocking on your door at 2 am?
you got up slowly, rubbing your eyes and trying to wake up more before cautiously opening your door, being met with the sight of a dirty, drunk, shane standing at your door. you woke up more from the scene and immediately took note of the dirt on his clothes and the smell of alcohol all around shane.
"shane?" you stuttered out, "come inside, its late, are you okay?" you rushed out, leading shane to sit at your dining room table before you go back to close and lock your front door.
"i just wanted to see you, sorry," shane slurred as he looked around your house as if he hasn't spent hundreds of nights there. you got a rag and wet it gently under the sink, rushing back over to shane.
"it's okay, what happened? why is there dirt on your face?" you asked gently, taking the rag in one hand and using your other hand to hold shanes face still. you carefully cleaned the dirt off of his cheek as he told you about how he may have tripped on his way over, and you try to stifle a laugh that he doesnt notice.
you finished cleaning his face put the now dirty rag in the sink before standing in front of shane with a soft smile.
"i think you should sleep here tonight, is that okay with you?" you asked, shane quickly moving all of his attention on you as he thought for a few brief moments.
"yeah, yes. please," the last word was almost a whisper, barely audible to the either of you. you nodded and held onto one of shanes hands as you signaled for him to stand up so you could help walk him to your bed.
"i dont need your help to walk," shane grumbled as he stood up with a few shakes, almost tripping over his ankles as he turned to walk to your bed.
"shane, my beds not over there-" you rushed over to the taller man, taking his hand again and softly leading him to where your bed really was. "it's time to sleep honey," you helped him lay down and get the blanket over him, starting to leave so you could get water for him when he firmly grabbed your wrist.
"please don't leave, not yet," shane spoke suddenly, his voice sounded shakey like he was about to cry which was a shock to you as he seemed to be fine just minutes before. "can you cuddle with me, just for a couple minutes," he finished speaking and he looked at you with big eyes, tears filling his waterline quicker than you thought possible.
"hey it's ok, i won't leave you," you comforted, turning back to him and quickly getting in the bed next to him. he held you close, just laying in silence as he held you for a few soft minutes.
"i love you, so much," shane said, his words slurring slightly less. "i wish i could be better for you,"
"shane- honey, what?" your tone was filled with worry, shane was perfect in your eyes. you knew he was trying his best, why would he need to be better?
"i promised i'd stop and i can't even do that-" shane clearly had more to say but he cut himself off as he started to hardcore sob. you didn't know he felt this way, you never knew he felt so insecure about his actions.
"you haven't done anything wrong, you're trying, aren't you? i'm so proud of you for just knowing you have a problem, i'll always be proud of you," you tried your best to comfort the crying man in your bed.
you rolled over so you could face eachother and shane quickly hid his face using his hand so you wouldn't see him in such a vulnerable state. he knew you were just trying to help but your words only made him feel worse, you're so sweet and caring and he can't do anything for you.
"baby please, talk to me, im worried," you spoke softly to him as you began playing with his hair and holding him close to your chest, "you're doing everything perfectly as my boyfriend, i love you so much. please, don't beat yourself up over this,"
shane removed his hand from his face and looked you in the eyes, speaking in a low but audible voice.
"i promise, im going to get better for you," his words were still slurred and he was crying, but you knew he meant it, you knew how much he loved you and it maybe he needed to hold you to realize that he could be better for you, that he could finally feel like he was good enough for you.
"i love you so much," he kissed you for a second, knowing that he was still basically shit faced and would probably get drool all over you if he kissed you for longer.
"i love you more," you kissed back before pulling away and pulling his head into your chest, laying down and pulling the blankets up over the two of you, ready to sleep for the rest of the night.
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cybersoldier82 · 5 months
Im sad so have some transvoremers pred headcanons of how Nautica, Megatron, Knockout and Flamewar cheering up their prey.(bare in mind im still new to transformers so if these are inaccurate im very sorry you can speak to my agent about financial compensation/j)
Nautica: She has cheering her prey up down to a science, she knows exactly what is needed and just how to get your spirits up before and after noms. She’ll make sure youre ok with physical touch at the moment and hug you for as long as you need, rubbing your back all the while telling you exactly what you need to hear, until she finally, and carefully, places you in her maw, letting you go down at your own pace. Once youre in her stomach shes gonna caress, knead and rub at you as long as needed, even letting you sleep in there if that’ll help, all in all when youre sad yourw her main priority until youre not anymore.
Megatron: He’s a tad bit more to thr point about it, but not in a rude way. Taking it rather seriously, the person he cares about is upset and he makes it his job to get to the root of the problem, regardless of what the problem is. Hes not used to being this soft but he still tries to comfort yah in his own way, he cares deep down yah know(dont tell starscream)? He also gently places you in his mouth and sends you down at your own pace, but once you are down he doesn’t have much time to comfort you while youre in there, hes a busy guy lol, so he lets you chill out in there while he goes off to tend to whatever needs tending to, once he finds time though he makes it all for you so dont worry too much.
Knockout: knockout is a different case to be frank with you, he still understands that this is a serious situation but come on, its knockout, hes gonna be a teasing bastard about it in some way or another. I feel like him having a more care free attitude might actually be helpful here, he still recognizes that youre upset but that doesnt mean hes not gonna fluster you into feeling better. Oh and once he gets to tucking you away its over for you, youre gonna be redder then the surface of mars when he’s through with you. Hes gonna knead and and rub and caress the hell out of you, to the point that you’ll be so caught up in being flustered that you’ve forgotten what you were sad about, all according to hus plan of course ;3.
Flamewar: Flamewar is in a similar boat to Knockout in being a very different animal about comfort, unlike him however she doesn’t really know what she’s doing, shes used to dicking with people and being the lovable dink she is. That’s not to say she wont try though, she’s determined to try literally anything to get you feeling better, even if she accidentally makes it worse here and there. She’s probably stressed out thinking that what she’s doing isn’t helping even though it probably is, once she does start to notice a change she moves to what she knows works; eating you, this is also the part where she can have some fun. Like Knockout she’s gonna tease and fluster the hell out of yah on the way in, on the way down, and for the whole time youre in there, once you’re finally better she lets out a huge sigh of relief, her winging it worked, thank primus, now she can enjoy her favorite person in her belly knowing she helped yah feel better, everyone wins.
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genderstealer2000 · 6 months
How do you start gender hoarding? I know that it might sound like a stupid question, but you see, I live in a place where trans people and nbs are looked down upon but lesbians and gays are ok. (rural Australia)
I felt weird coming out to my bf as a demigirl( I am AFAB) and he knows I’m a furry, but doesn’t know about my alter humanity (questioning therian)
So my view of gender is very “traditional” and where I live there’s only really female, male, trans and (very rare) nonbinary. I also have highly suspected autism/ self diagnosed yet I don’t see gender in a way I hear people with autism do, probably due to my upbringing
I want to know from a person like you who knows the “newer” ways of gender how I should gender hoard and not stick myself to just the traditional genders
its not a stupid question at all!! ill do my best to answer! so i identify as agender transmasc. agender goes under the trans umbrella and nonbinary, but i dont see myself as gender neutral i just have no gender. now going more into the transmasc, just means i feel more masculine. doesnt really effect the way i present my gender any differently, hmm i guess i dont really know how to explain it. i dont understand the concept of gender, i dont understand a lot of social constructs, i honestly think its sort of unneeded. my gender is complex in the most noncomplex way, its vast and its tiny. ive made my own genders based off of feelings and intrests, i think thats the best way to get started with genderhoarding. making your own ideas, analyzing yourself. (personally its helped me become more aware of who i am!) imaginationnnnn!! creativity!! make something up, no ones stopping you! the way i view gender is its what makes you, you. it doesnt have to make sense to anyone but you. it doesnt have to make sense! some of the things i tie in with my gender are the rustling of leaves in a forest, fog in the early morning, large fields, chaotic music, soft stuffed animals, the smell of pavement after it rains, soft piano music, acoustic guitar, the moon some of those things are real different!! and those are some of the things that i view my gender as! i think its a lot easier too with the internet, theres a ton of people who have similar ideas and interests so they also make genders, sexualities, and flags to go along with them.
i have a board on pinterest that i frequently add stuff to, i could link it here if you would like! i also save just anynthing that pops up if it remindes me of my friends or it seems cool. it doesnt mean i identify with it, but its cool to read about them! i keep track of them in a notebook as well!! my genders relate to my hyperfixations, mostly. Hyperfixations and anything that i can relate too! ex. horrormasc: a masculine aligned horrorgender. fits both definitions (1: a horrifying/all over the place gender, and 2: a gender related to different horror genres) raingender: a xenogender connected to the rain scenekid/scene neutral, oldwebemoic, onlineboyic, endspacic etc, etc. dont feel rushed at all to tell your boyfriend! when i started feeling more comfortable telling people, i made sure to have articals pulled up to read, notes etc. so it would be easier to sort me thoughts? get it out more smoothly. i also wanted to talk about self-diagnosing!! i hear so much negative about it, but honestly, its good to research and try and find out things about yourself. that my opinion. and not for longterm, just for a bit until you can get evaluated. gahhhhh self diagnosing is valid and it makes me so mad to see people who think its not. granted, some people to just see a couple things and "oh yup got that" but when you really spend time looking at signs, symptoms, traits it can be very beneficial in the long run, and also just to check before you go get evaluated also i apologize if this is insanely long, or if it makes no sense. im sleep deprived, im trying to fall asleep gahh i hope this helped even a little bit!! if you want me to expand on anything or explain anything further feel free to dm me!
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HI ITS ME AGAIN good morrow tis i #1murielstan99 im coming out of my anon cage ihtdjvd aaaand uhh for my debut *ushers you into the living room to sit u down on a chair facing a makeshift stage consisting of more chairs a blanket and cardboard boxes. a banner of glued A4 printer paper reads "UR ALL REALLY COOL & I LIKE U THAnk you for tolᵉʳᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍᵐᵉ" in increasingly squished lettering. everything is covered in glitter* ive decided to ✨steal your gig✨ hkhfgdvjgd NO IM SORRY i just wrote you something yippiee!! its tiny i just felt inspired and i got so excited to try it its uh. kinda specific but it came to my head and the ideas just came so fast after i spent like 5 hours on this and didnt even notice them slip by lmao OK ROLL THE CLIP
MC and M6 are walking along a footpath/sidewalk together and along the way they happen upon a whole parade of snails/tiny frogs!!/earthworms/crabs?... (choose your own adventure i guess i cant make up my mind khgxhfx), that came out for a lil sip of the early morning dew, covering up a considerable distance of our duos way. theyre perfectly content to be living their best wet life and blissfully unaware they could get stepped on at any moment when people start to roll out of their houses to carry out their own busy schedules! MC shall categorically not allow that!!! they at first discreetly then with increasing urgency start picking up the little creatures and tossing them to the closest safest space in reach.
Julian: oh worm? yeah hes battled enough leeches in his day to have a good grip on this task. these dont even bite! this is gonna be *grabs snail too hard and hears a crack* OH fu-
some quick healing magic later he decides to observe you for a while at first to figure out the best approach, squatting next to you and fawning over how gentle you are and how many you can fit in your hand. he offers his gloves to you but they dont fit and only make it harder. tries again when he feels more confident and makes his way through the crowded path close behind you
Asra: sits himself down on the grass near you, teases you lovingly about how seriously youre taking your Hero of the Realm job, not letting a single endangered soul go unnoticed under your watch. helps a little, takes a break when his back starts to ache from bending down, gets some more again, feeds some to faust while youre not looking, and one when youre looking for good measure, uses a spell to move them dozens at once to make it faster when the sun starts to get too hot to stay for much longer
Nadia: applauds your devotion to protecting the environment but are you sure this doesnt qualify for an infestation and perhaps we should let natural selection run its course? in the end you spend enough time there for her to get invested too. Doesnt grab any by force, places her hand out and waits for something to catch a ride (in the snail scenario you just stare at her stoically holding the same position while the speciman inches towards her but when it boops into her finger it starts equally slowly turning around (to her hidden but great disappointment))
Muriel: you just give each other a look of determination and nod. commence operation Back in the Wild immediately. youre trained proffesionals, with countless hours of experience on the job gained on your forest patrols while dealing with more worn out mainstream dirtpaths used by a bigger population of people regularly and on early morning trips into town where you have encountered this scenario often enough. you got this covered.
you get your Tools of the Trade (never leave home withoutem) out of your pockets: glass jars magically perma-moistened with water to provide Ultimate💯Slippagge💯Comfort while simultaneously discouraging escape and little thin but blunt sticks (designed & made by the mountain himself) for lifting the snails heads up to get them to peel off the ground so as not to tear their shells off when picking them up/scooping up earthworms to grab them easier and gentler than with your fingers/stopping a tiny frog midjump and blocking it from escaping, try to get it to hop on the stick (thats the hardest one to get right. many attempts and abundant patience needed)/giving a crab the stick to pinch on to neutralize it, pop it in the jar baby
you work with sharp efficiency, well versed in all the techniques and get nearly all the little buddies out of harms way before the sun gets beaming too high & hot and they fry to a crisp. you exchange a fistbump put on your cool sunglasses awesomely and walk off with your back to a bunch of explosions, sick guitar licks and a disembodied "YYYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" audible in the distance. 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥⭐🤙🤙🤙🤘🤘life is good
Pasha: well we were kind of in a rush to get to a business meeting, and shes not exactly fond of the pests that she has been locked in eternal combat with in continued efforts to protect her garden, but. aww, they are pretty adorably tiny and helpless! alright lets do this quick! she holds out her skirt/jacket/apron as a container for you to place them into for safekeeping, when you collect them all she promptly YEETS them over onto the nearest green patch as is her signature move when getting intruders off of her prized parsleys & peppers. well. theyre small enough not to take fall damage anyway. you hope
Lucio: he keeps walking, after a minute notices MC lagging back, jogs back to you shouting to ask whats the holdup, proceeds to accidentally step on a snail. after a thorough scolding keeps his distance for a bit, refusing to pick up a single slimy little bastard no thank you hes had enough bad experience with that sort of thing he'll sit this one out. after 20 minutes of grumbling and pacing and watching you pitterpatter to n fro he gets to ground level to observe the critters. why do you even care cmon theyre so teeny weeny. pokes the snails on their lil eyestalks to his great amusement when they squash their faces into themselves. from there we work up to gentle picking up. he retches a lil when he sees you with a whole handful of wormies. hopes to god you didnt see that. you pretend you didnt💕
ok this is slightly less tiny than what i first had in mind and a lot more snail centered than advertised dgkhdtyfg wow you totally cant who i wrote this in mind with no favoritism here no siree anywAy this week was the most fun ive ever had i think. also after writing this i think i can safely say ive decided on a snail familiar for me xDD i can only hope youll enjoy this in some way lmao god i hope theres so weird incomprehensible mistakes i checked it like 27 times i swear ok im clicking send nnnnnnnnnnnnnnoW 321GOAAAHH
@tetsuooooooooooo hi!! I'm so excited to make a new friend!!
And oh. my. WORD, these kinds of scenarios are what makes headcanons some of my favorite fandom things to read! Thank you for sending this, friend, these are priceless and I love them!!! ^.^
The different reaction to the slimy little things, too, it's all too cute for me, and the sunglasses were such a perfect mental image for Muriel's B)
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oh-gh0st · 8 months
ok i need to write out the isolation after choro confession i am spitballing thoughts and they need to be out NOW!!!
so to start: choromatsu confesses to ghost after theyve finished their shift at the library and are walking nearby the riverbank
he goes on about how much he's appreciated them since theyve met and that he wants to pursue something more with them, blah blah "i-i love you!" yes. OKKK
imagine ghost feeling like glass and getting hit with a massive sledge hammer at that moment. they were always the one to say i love you, and rarely ever got confessed to about it when they were a little bit younger. and everything just stops in them like you could almost swear their heart stopped
they get physically sick and nauseous after hearing that. and almost had to lean over the bank just in case if they did get sick. ghost is silent for a LOOONNGGG while and choro gets stupid fucking anxious cause this is technically his first confession. they hate it, he tells himself, they really hate it!
imagine his disappointment when ghost tells him to wait a while before they give him an answer...
sooo atp methinks ghost wouldve gotten choro a phone... and ever since that day ghost has been Holed up at their condo and has refused to come out unless absolutely necessary (eg work or groceries) and it only spirals from there. even if choro tried looking into their condo from afar all the blinds are shut and windows closed... he cant see a thing, and he's starting to get worried.
like he is constantly trying to reach them everyday on his phone to no avail. the only thing that keeps him going is the "read" caption that he sees on texts at times. at least theyre alive...?
he doesnt know why ghost is doing this, but they do. theyve noticed him getting closer to them, and all the little things that he's been doing is making their heart hurt. they can't go through heartbreak again, they cant !
they absolutely refuse to believe choro is in love with them. or someone like them. sure, theyve teased him or flirted with him, but that was all in good fun, right?! right...? come 2 weeks after that day and ghost wakes up in their bed, tired and absolutely understimulated and weak. they dont want to get up again, but they have to. the birds need to be fed. dishes still have to be done. laundry... shower... have they changed clothes recently? they cant even remember that.
it isnt until they get a singular text from choro that they snap out of their daze, looking over to their phone on the nightstand. they can see his icon, and the special nickname they gave him as his contact name. god...
its the 23rd of the month. they last talked to him over 2 weeks prior... has it been that long? not even ghost has a clue anymore
this is where the relationship picks back up again with ghost finally taking the step and texting him back. a singular "I'm sorry" is all he could ever ask for as a reply, even if it hurt him so much.
they meet up at ghost's place and go on to talk about what happened and choro learns the full extent of why ghost has been skittish around love and distances themselves from it a lot. he reassures them he wouldnt do anything like that, and if he were to they have all rights to beat the shit out of him for it (his words not mine) and choro finally gets to see the more vulnerable side of ghost. its hard for them at first, but once they feel comfortable enough with him its opening floodgates from there
choro does help ghost get out of their isolative and depressive state dw ^-^ he cares way too much but its endearing to them that he would take time out of his day and worry himself over them. like wow....
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saikiscleansink · 2 years
Okay so i love sagau fics n have always had some of my own headcanons so i wanna share but idk if i would ever be able to write it bc i suck n have no idea where n how to start. Will come back and edit things every once in a while. More like my own notes for sagau fics. This is all my own opinion!!Pls dont come after me for this.
Sagau basic headcanons:
Blood red slowly turns gold (like really really slowly) glitter? Looks normal but slightly different? = can justify acolytes attempt to kill cos seems fake?
Lore: why kill someone for looking like their creator? Impossible for anyone to mimic creator’s look due to creator being god. Only if have gold blood then is creator. ie blames abyssal magic for creator looking person but no gold blood (refer to above point for lack of gold blood)
Can hear through screen? If game is on then they can hear you clearly. Places they can see you?: luhua pool, mona’s thing, holy places (church of favonius, narukami shrine, asase shrine etc) (my fave place ok its so pretty) If game is off then its muffled? Maybe blurry image?
Acolytes feelings warmth around the creator? Yes but also no? Godly aura wont load in so fast. Maybe can feel a little bit similar to when around the traveller.
Godliness doesnt really load in so fast. Reader’s body has to undergo cjanges to adapt to being in a place filled with magic unlike homeland?
Imposter au headcanons:
If creator dies and is sent back to homeworld. Only they can see their blood is gold? Go doctor or smt and they only see normal red blood? Scars also only reader can see.
Abyss can tell imposter is actually creator due to ancient connection with creator from Khaenri’ah / curse???
Kids cant tell but dont want to hunt? Cautiously looks after reader bc of morals? Too young to be clouded by their obsession with creator.
Khaenri’ans in general ie kaeya, albedo, dainsleif can tell bc abyss n curse?
Albedo n kaeya have me a little on edge tho. Cause they were raised in a human land? Maybe albedo would be better at sensing their grace? Albedo isnt exactly as human as kaeya and doesnt get influenced by others as easily as a normal human? But kaeya is khaenrhi’an so he can just tell?
Razor probably doesnt really understand all that much about their grace? He understands that theres an imposter and imposter=bad but he finds reader and only understands that reader feels warm and safe. Even if reader is an imposter, razor is safe and comfortable. Reader smells like home.
Heizouuuuu!!!! Hes literally the best detective. While the dumbass “acolytes” r so focused on hunting reader, he just notices small details about reader. He notices that the blood you leave behind has a faint golden shimmer that gets more and more gold as time passes (?). He notices the way that not only the “bad” creatures of teyvat flock toward you but also the innocent animals (squirrels boars even pigeons). While the rest of teyvat is saying that reader is the imposter because of the way hilichurls and slimes crowd around reader, heizou notices the way timmy’s pigeons dont fly away until someone else comes by. He notices how the birds seem to guide reader in their escapes. He sees the squirrels giving reader wolfberries (to help heal wounds) and mints and sweet flowers and berries. He can put 2 n 2 together to realise that an imposter wouldnt be able to earn the favour of innocent animals the way his grace can.
TRAVELLER JUST KNOWS!!! They spend the most time around you!!! Even if they are not in the party i hc that they are still there. They are you in a sense. 11/10 most loyal and huggable acolyte
headcanons: graceful. Flexible. can treat minor injuries (dance= injuries) sprained ankle, muscle cramp. Used to injuries ie hit in the head. Big stamina. Can work through stitches (exercise stitches)
imposter au: 9/10 avoiding and protecting? Very graceful. Can fix slight injuries due to past dance injuries i.e. sprainend ankle muscle cramp? Taekwondo dance= better hand-to-hand combat. Better at hiding due to flexibility?
darling au: teaching teyvat dances and music from homeland. Obv vv graceful & elegant. Scares acolytes due to dangerous dance moves / literally folding in half. Dancer!reader is very flexible. No safety in mind, only cool dance move.
headcanons: ALBEDO/ RUBEDO. Teyvat equivalent of homeland materials/scientific reactions? Electricity?? ALICE!!! she would work w albedo n reader (like the dodocommunication device). Reader probably can figure out a portal to homeland but doesnt want to go back because SO MANY NEW THINGS TO EXPLORE AND LEARN!!
imposter au: surviving and thrIVING. Doesnt care about being hunted (but also doesnt really want to die) albedo finds reader n is ?cautious? but reader shows albedo science from homeworld. Albedo protect? Albedo n reader learns. After finding out that reader is indeed the creator, everyoen tries to apologise but albedo probably says that reader has gone back to their world because they dont want to keep being hunted (reader can probably “off themself” due to stress from being hunted) but reader is actually still in teyvat vibing n trying to research? Albedo keeps portal a secret?
darling au: acolytes LOVE to help reader find stuff to mess around with. Probably turns albedo’s lab into kindom of science 2.0. Instead of food n hymns people gift stuff like rocks and crystals and weird stuff to reader bc everyone knows n accepts that to be reader’s thing. IMPROVE DODOCOMMUNICATION DEVICE. People cant reallt go see reader much bc dragonspine is hecking dangerous so ppl r sad. But even better for reader bc can focus on research?
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pekodayz · 11 months
offic- *gunshot* all of these will be that thx u.....
🌟: Who’s the tease in the relationship?
neither. theres something about them that makes it hard to make sexual remarks. oso calls aini flat in front of 5 ppl, aini makes fun of his boner at work in front of them too. they both start awkwardly laughing. scratching their arm. whole office laughs at them. oaky.. aini takes her break, oso follows. they start blaming each other on who fucked up the hardest, that was so embarrassing for them. ig when theyre drunk, oso would prob feel aini, just a bit. they agree on 5 secs, he touches her thigh, she touches his thigh. they get red and stop, busting out laugh and screaming. they walk home in shame.
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
aini likes that oso is taller than her (4-5 inches), so she can stand behind him when they get caught skipping work, so he can get the blame. ough. ok she likes it when he puts his chin on her shoulder while she's staring at her computer. dead eyes. shes not gonna make it obv. nagging her to work faster, bugging her to help him with smth, can u print this out for me, im tired. yeah yeah. aini also likes it when oso uh persuades her to skip work, she enjoys being out with him for a day (even if that means not going to work, she doesnt care...she likes the company. secretly) aini likes that oso's color is red, bc she likes red too. they were like omg coincidence, pointing at each other uwahhh omggeee. then they argue on who owns it. whomp whomp.
💋: Where are your favorite places to kiss your f/o/where are their favorite places to kiss you?
they haven't kissed on the lips oughh. oso only kissed aini's forehead when she was sobbing for some reason and they were hugging. uh. even that almost killed them both. aini kissed oso's cheek once, as a joke. tsundere mode activated ew. i think aini had a fav spot, it would be her neck. oso would love aini kissing him just anywhere. thats not happening tho for either of them....unless theyre like drunk. super duper duper duper rare moment maybe. then they freak out. cooties. ewwww. then theyll prob be like...okay one more...looking stupid. shaking and sweating (fear), then they pass out.
💐: How did you two meet?
answered here :3
💕: Who’s the clingier one in the relationship?
both of them. cuddle when theyre on the train. (none of their coworkers can see them)uh aini lays her head on oso's lap sometimes....he strokes her hair or smth ugh. (they think this is what close friends do. to cope) aini has oso come over, they cuddle there, privately. ew......theyre arguing tho, so its okay. balances it out.
☕: How do you comfort each other on a bad day?
when aini is like super sad, oso can tell. since shes putting up a fake smug front. shes sulking all day at work aw. then when theyre walking out together, she cant rly look at him in the eye. trying to not cry like a baby to him. shes choking up sobs.. then she does. slams her face into his chest and muffle cries. he just holds her as she sobs and he says somethings to her.. big brother instincts isuppose. aini gets all weak mode and holds his hand, sniffling and stuff.
aini sees oso is dif. she knows he doesnt really like to talk abt his feelings, so she just has some mutual understanding with him. he knows. he doesnt snap around her, they go out for drinks. she doesnt insult him at all, he feels better eventually. he'll tell her some other time...
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autumnfangirler · 9 months
Can I ask 3 and 22 from the Sidestep ask game for your Steps? 👀
sure thing!
3. What is their villain name? Why did they choose it?
Caine- their name is Lycan! in all honesty he wouldnt bother picking his own name, BUT i need to continue his dog motif so theyre getting a unique one as a treat
Cyrus- hhhhh ok. see i can see cyrus taking up two different names– either puppeteer or heartbreak. im sticking with puppeteer for now but ill explain for both. on one hand, puppeteer really is the best way to describe his viewpoint at this point in time. hes the one pulling the strings here, and everybody else will play along. theyre nothing more than tools, puppets, putting on a show for his own amusement, and the fact hes known as a telepath really helps. on the other hand, i can see him using heartbreak as a way to kill sidestep all over again: the more the name heartbreak is used, the more the memory of sidestep dies. plus he sees himself as heartbreak 2.0– he uses the lessons he learned and channels it to the new an improved version, one who will finish what they started
Cecilia- Lupin! one, because the name was pretty, and two, because arsene lupin was the greatest fictional thief of all time, and she's confident she can live up to the name. shes just cocky like that LMFAO
Cynthia- at first i was certain that shed leave her name up to the press, but i think shed be a bit more hands on with how she comes across to the press, if only to further her goals. that said, she ended up deciding on the name Echo. she sees herself as a shadow of her former self, but with just enough intact to deliver a message, one that the people need to hear before its too late (love me my justice steps)
22. How do they feel about their telepathy? Is it a gift? A curse?
Caine- listen to me ok. listen to me. caine cannot introspect to save their fucking life. the only way hes learned how to place his own emotions is by using his telepathy to compare others emotions with his own. it helps them get through conversations with their head afloat, quickens decision making during fights, and most importantly, keeps them under the radar. he doesnt know what hed do without it. and even though hes the most prone to sensory overload, he wouldnt want to live without telepathy. hark is always there whenever they need some peace and quiet anyway.
Cyrus- he sees his telepathy as a weapon. one that gives him an upper hand in situations where fists wont help, so he can turn it more to his favour. but its a double edged sword, and sometimes it can be a hindrance more than a help. it made it harder to remain emotionally detached, especially from a certain someone whose thoughts never shut up. still, telepathy is a useful tool in his arsenal, one that he intends to use to the fullest
Cecilia- her telepathy is as much a part of her as a limb. yeah, she uses it a lot less than other steps, but its still something uniquely hers, and she cant imagine living without. or she can, but oh boy does she not like the image. she doesnt experience sensory overload much, so she tends to take comfort in crowds and noisy places, where she can pick apart the thoughts and emotions of the people around her, a bit like people watching, if you dont watch the people lmfao
Cynthia- ive said it before, but she has mixed feelings on her telepathy. shes grateful for it when used to feel other peoples emotions, because it grounds her in a way most other things cant. she also cant help but use it to make sure shes doing things right. but it still makes her feel guilty in a way she cant shake, like shes invading others privacy even when she cant help it. its part of the reason shes drawn to ortega– she doesnt have to worry about her telepathy causing unnecessary snooping into their thoughts
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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timeloop-liz · 2 years
Found out @spaceistheplacearts Director can be hurt if ya get the core so i uhhh went off the rocks sorry. Im an angst machine. I saw you said you made this au for something “sweet” and im sorry ill try for “sweet” next time… whatever that is
Narry getting upset at the Directir for something and starts wrecking another room. Because he knows it upsets him. Maybe he was pushed over the edge but once he enters the room to stop Narry again he gets hit with something. Like maybe he wasnt really paying attention to where he showed up and Narry wasnt aiming for him it was just by chance.
Theres a crash and a splat distinct sound. Narry freezes in place as he sees what hes just done. Panic fills him as he rushes to the Directors side. Apologies spilling out of him as he kneels down next to his more than usual blob forum. He doesnt know what to do. What can he do. The Director has a shard of glass sticking out of him for goodness sake. Maybe he knows where to start. But the Director is trying to pull back. Move away. Hes clesrly having trouble keeping his form in check. He limbs arent as solid as he would have so they cant even lift him up more like noodles than anything.
Slowly Narry approaches again. Softly whispering reassuring words to the Director. Hoping to calm him down. The more he moves the worse his core is getting. They need to get that glass out. Finally determined on what to do he gently holds the Directors form. He can feel it trembling in what he assumes fear and pain. Grasping the glass he shifted it slightly resulting in the Directors form tensing up and a small strangled sound escaping. Tears prick his eyes but he knows he has to do it. He counts to three then swiftly removes the fragment from the Director.
A bit of slime is sticking to the end of the shard and it probably cut the inside of Narrys hand but thats not what hes worried about. The Director is trembling horribly. In what Narry can only assume is the closes he can get to crying. He pulls him close, holding him as gently as he can whole tears fall down his face. He didnt want to hurt the Director. Well he did but not like this. Never like this.
All of a sudden theres a SLAM!! As a door opens up and in storms another being. It startles Narry so bad he drops the Director who lands with another sickening splat. She quickly moves to gently scoop the Director up. Narry goes to interject when hes forcefully pushed back. “Dont you DARE touch him! I knew he was being to soft on you. I warned him and looks whats happened!” Shocked from her words hes unable to form any of his own. She quickly turns and leaves Narry alone in the room he made a mess of. Just before she exits she turns “and dont your dare think of going anywhere!” Them shes gone.
What did she mean? She warned him? Its not like he wanted this. But she was right. He did hurt the Director. This was all his fault. He was being a stupid child and now the Director is hurt. The Director was always saying how everything he did was for Narry. All of this was to help him in the end. That he just wanted Narry to be happy. And look what he does. He goes out of his way to hurt the Director by smashing a room. A room made for him. To help him. God hes spiralling. This time theres no one to stop it. No Director to step in and comfort him. Because he hurt him. The thoughts wont stop. He just slumped down against the wall and cried.
Oooooo what fun aye. What good angst liz have brought. I warned yall i was gonna do angst here. Its your fault for not listening. Will i finish this!!! Probably not lmao.
Heres what was planned, like a little guide on what i was thinking:
But the Director is gonna be ok i swear!! His core just needs to recover. Hes gonna go back to work too soon and its gonna show. He text is clearly slower. Typing is harder with noodles. He probably wouldnt trust Narry to be in the same room as him when hes so injured. But maybe he does. And Narry can see how hard it is for the Director to move around. How hard it is for him to communicate. Narry feels horrible. He suggests that maybe he should leave. He doesn’t deserve to be here. Hes so sorry and what not. But the Director doesnt really want him to leave. He knows it wasnt on purpose after all. But hes still scared around him because he has seen what he CAN do. Basically their relationship takes a big boi hit but its gonna survive.
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xplrvibes · 4 months
ok colby feeling like he might actually be sick. “It might be good content if i do” you know what else would be good content? tapping into your psychic side more.
Im just going to keep this ask open and continue my thoughts and then send as one message. if this is stupidly long i will not he offended if you don’t respond 😂
colby tryna get some ghost p*ssy lmao i jk i jk also him genuinely feeling sick like he might be coming down with something ever since he got into the hotel… 👀
maybe the mizpah would be a good place for him to go back to and tap into his empathic side bc he says he feels super calm there and obviously the ghosts like him sooo win win
sam being on a caffeine high and being extra jumpy bc of it is sending me 😂😂 and colby laughing every time the torches go off is also sending me
also something about the way sam groups colby with mackie and amanda feels so soft to me. like warm and cozy. like he’s talking about how the girls feel sick and he says “and now colby…. like you know when you’re an empath and you feel like you’re throwing up” torch goes off. idk how to explain it but it makes my heart warm.
omg was not expecting colby to look so drained when they pulled him out of the room. maybe bc it was so dark, he was lying down, doesn’t feel well, it’s late. his body was ready to call it a night ok the girls just asked if he was crying. he looks like he just rolled our of bed and doesnt know what day it is lol
oh frick yeah colby estes. jfc this is so intense, and its so so so on point. everything is being answered and when someone else came thru it was an immediate syntax change as well. a clear distinction between two people. even the way colby says the words is different depending on who’s talking. this is so wild.
ok done. also sidebar i love their outro, i feel like did they stop doing it? the peace sign to blowing a kiss? or am i stupid? i love it, its so cute.
- aussie anon
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I knew you would like that episode! Just the whole thing of Colby just happily macking with a ghost the whole time while everyone else is having a terrible, terrible time...high comedy lol. Not to mention, this is Colby's charisma and "rizz" as the kids call it on full display.
To me, it's almost like he got a contact high from the ghost; like he came out of that room looking like he just had the Pink Floyd cranked and was feeling no pain lol. But it was interesting how it started out with him not feeling well, but once he got in a room alone with this ghost and he felt comfortable and safe, the vibes changed.
Also, I don't remember if this was in the video or not, but I know he had mentioned somewhere that he wound up spending the night in that room afterwards and slept very well, so there's also that.
Sam exercising his numerology-given right to be Colby's guide and looking out for him, worrying about him, etc is always a feel good moment even when it happens in the weirdest environments. I like how he was willing to cut the camera for Colby and Colby was just like "Nah, I'm willing to puke on-screen." Like, my dudes, I enjoy your content...but I won't enjoy that lol.
Also, I am not a person who takes any umbrage to sexual humor (obviously) but Sam with the miner/minor jokes...I'm like my friend, please stop before you get yourself in trouble lmao.
But yea, that estes was one of the more intense ones, and one of those ones where it almost felt like he was channeling something at times. I did laugh at the "15 minutes can save you..." like obviously that was a Geico commercial coming through, but its funny how those things work sometimes.
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