#but he conviniently wasnt there...
flawedfemalecharacter · 11 months
yellowjackets be like we did terrible things we r bad ppl and im just like... girl every single thing u did waa either for survival or out of madness like i think the rules of comon decency do not apply when u r lost in the woods for 19 months ure good
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esosage · 1 month
So, is it just me, or is how robotnik got to work for the government a bit fishy, concidering his whole family situation.
(Spoilers for sa2)
So im going to lay everything out chronologically so people get what im putting down here. Hopefully.
Bassically, the government (robotniks employers,) massacre some of his family: gerald, and maria. Then pottentially hide robotniks technical uncle/cousin (shadow) down in a blacksight. And then, after all of that, they hire robotnik (the guy whos relatives they murdered), and put him in possibly the exact same role his grandfather had.. is it just me or is that a bit fishy?
Like, they hired the grandson of the high ranking scientist they killed, who also happens to be an orphan, and then put him in the same position as his grandfagher. Withought him knowing that they killed some of his family? And they did all that withought any alterior motives? None what-so-ever?
Like, i wouldnt be suspitiouse if gerald wasnt well known, but he made the ULTIMATE LIFEFORM. obviously hes a well renouned scientist and valuable to the government. So obviously the government would know robotniks his grandson. I mean they called him "dr. Robotnik," theres no chance they didnt know, when he litterally uses his grandfathers last name.
Plus, as if it couldnt get any worse: robotniks an ORPHAN. meaning they could have possibly killed the last family members he had left. And thats the guy they hire? Like hey, we know we murded some of the last remaining family members you had, you know the ones that couldve stopped you from going into foster care, but you wanna work for us? We'll conviniently give you the same position your grandfather had.
Maybe its just me, but thats an absolutely bat-shit insane thing to do. Ontop of how dubiouse the morals are there.
If im being honest, this all feels like some kind of scheme. I mean theres no way the government did that with good intentions. Maybe i can understand not telling him that you murdered some of his last remaining family members and froze the other. but to also hire him, and put him in the same job his grandfather had is far too fishy. Somethings definetly going on here, and I hope they expand on this in the third movie (even if i know hey likely wont.)
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so. hetch. hes a pretty weird guy. pretty evil, right? and yet he's described as the saviour. that seems pretty strange. but what if... it wasnt very strange at all, and actually made total sense?
bear with me on this one, i need to explain some context before i get to the theory.
so, the masks. every character we see wearing a mask (ranboo, the rats, the ghouls, and the drones/employees) is directly under showfall's control. we know that the masks are what cause the control, thanks to sneeg's episode 2 escape and ranboo's whole thing. characters can still be controlled without masks, but it seems like that control is easier to break and requires a mask to reinstate. so hetch, who wears a full-face mask, is under showfall's direct control.
next point, the previews! specifically, the special keynote. we have a hacker breaking in, talking about how showfall (presumably) got everyone but them. likely, this means the streamers. this is before the show itself, and before any of the announcements on the genloss twitter. the glitch effects, red colorscheme, and style of speech all match hetch's later on. so hetch was hacking in before the show even started.
and my final bit of context, the game. in the glitched world, the three characters - a green one, a blue one, and a red one - speak in binary. translated, they read the villian, the taken, and the saviour respectively. we know for a fact sneeg is the taken, and a little extrapolation makes it clear that the villian is charlie. and the red character, the saviour, really looks a lot like hetch. it isn't ranboo, since thats who we're playing as. so hetch is the saviour.
my thinking is this:
showfall kidnapped this group. hetch, as a computer expert and potentially tech guy for all of these streamers, wasn't captured (either due to fighting them off or just not being in the area). he started investigating, almost getting to the bottom of the mystery, when showfall found him again and put him under their control.
they implanted the story in his head of being the founder's right-hand man, and let him mislead, lie to, and kill his friends, both as a punishment and a convinient explanation for the earlier unexplained hacks.
which is why hetch wears that mask. hes no more free than the rest of them. he wanted to save them all, but he wasn't more powerful than the corporation.
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jaybutnotthebird · 1 year
Idea for a cool story starring death the wolf!
So I just watched this video on youtube:
Wonderful editing, anyways it gave me an idea for a fanfiction! warning! If I do get down to writing this, there will be spoilers ahead for the fanfic in question. In the meantime, if anyone wants to write it before I can get to it I’d love to read that! just be sure to tag me
So, imagine a horror movie (or a fanfiction) with the protagonist say, investigating a series of mysterious, unexplicable deaths, and the more they investigate the more creepy and unsetling it gets, it almost feels like it is a curse that’s killing all these people, not a person, but there’s still clues conviniently placed, as if someone wanted the protagonist to find them
When they get closer to the source it starts geting dangerous, until they finally corner the bad guy, someone big and powerful, and the protagosit says something like “the only thing I need to figure out is how exactly you did it. It’s gonna end better for you if you just confess” and the bad guy is like “ok, I confess: I used dark magic to trap death himself and force him to do my bidding”
Cue epic chase scene with death appearing out of nowhere, being ordered to kill them and them only managing to somehow stall him as they run and try to find a way to break the contract or whatever it is that is holding them back At some point they realice that death could kill them at any moment and is simply making time to let them scape, the realization hits them and they’re like “...you are the one leaving us clues!”
It makes sense: death wants to be free of the asshole, and has been seeking loopholes around his bindings to try and find someone to set him free
In the end the protagonist manages to break him free and in that second death just turns against the bad guy and takes him in the most horrifyig way
(yes, I realice it is very similar to the plot of Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow. No, it wasnt on purpose, count it as a crossover if you will)
Now, imagine this story with team friendship as the protagonists, Jack Horner as the abd guy (maybe he found something amongst his colectiont that can trap death) and diferent faritale cameos as victims
Now I just have to think of the reasons Jack has to kill the victims, take some notes for horror storyteling and... find the motivation to write this whole thing! ...any help is wellcome
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
For the Jojo ask:
2. Fave art style?
4. Best JoBro or side protagonist?
5. Best minor characters?
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
8. Stand you would like to have (or DON'T want to have)?
10. Least favourite character?
12. How were you introduced to JoJo?
15. Best soundtrack?
16. Favourite ship(s)?
18. Funniest moment or fave meme?
20. Fave out-of-context or weird moment? (Especially to show non-fans)
21. Best music or art you've discovered through JoJo?
24. Random fun fact you know about JoJo
oh yay!!! howdy there!! thanks for sending in an ask i love these so much omgggg
this one ran long so im gonna leave a cut here lol
2. Fave art style?
100% part 7. like that is GORGOUS JOJO. and araki at that time said that the fashion of the time was long torso and long legs so he made gyro long, which i love and appreciate because he is my babygirl
4. Best JoBro or side protagonist?
polnareff. gyro. yasaho. they will forever be my top three because they are all amazing and 10/10 characters. also i dont know if these two count, but emporio and hayato as well. 8000000/10 little guys
5. Best minor characters?
i really loved squalo and tiziano from part 5 because they were pretty and cute. uhhh let's see... i would say lisa lisa, but she's pretty major.... uh i think im gonna go with that. araki is really good at making all of his characters pretty intentional lmaoo.
7. Favourite Stand design? Least favourite Stand design?
favorite goes to:
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i wish it was mine. i want it now. i want... no need my stand to look like this PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
least favorite goes to:
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like come on.... we couldve given joseph something rad (i just went with a safe answer because i love all of the stands tbh)
8. Stand you would like to have (or DON'T want to have)?
oh this is fun! let's do both! i would love to have Killer Queen tbh because you could just make trash disappear. like come on, the CONVINIENCE! one i dont want is Fugo's Purple Stand. That would SUCK
10. Least favourite character?
can i say alessi??? this is obvious, so i feel like i'm just doing a cop out lmaooooo let me actually pick someone... okay im gonna get hate, but Doppio/Diavolo. Just not a great villain in my opinion I'm sorry
12. How were you introduced to JoJo?
omg this is a super funny story. i had a friend who wanted me to watch it, but i wasnt sure. i mean i wanted to watch it, but i really didnt know how dark/mature it would be and i thought i was too young at the time lol. then i was on discord one day with some friends and they were watching jojo's and it was the episode where wamuu and joseph were fighting and i was SO INTO IT LMAOOOOO. i loved it, but never watched jojo's until a friend BEGGED ME. i started with the manga funny enough and then just finally watched it. fell in love <3
16. Favourite ship(s)?
joseph and caesar. johnny and gyro. uhhhh Trish and Mista??? I think it's kinda cute. Jolyne and Anasui for sure or her and Hermes too. And definitely Jonathan and Erina. OH AND MY FAVORITE ONE IS BRUNO AND ABBACCHIO! Literally they are gay lovers thank you.
18. Funniest moment or fave meme?
pizza mozzarella is so stupid that i cant help but love it. fav meme is the one where rohan and josuke are laughing and then rohan just stabs his pinky LMFAOOOO
20. Fave out-of-context or weird moment? (Especially to show non-fans)
the one where Bruno is talking about Narancia's hand being a floppy condom. i'll leave it right there thanks
24. Random fun fact you know about JoJo
Araki wanted to make Fugo turn against Bruno and the rest of the gang and end up dying, but Araki was really depressed at the time and didn't have the heart to kill of Fugo, so he left him be. Also he wanted Squalo and Tiziano to be married, but his editing team said no because of ruled back then
thanks i had a lot of fun <333333
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currently-evil · 2 months
hello assigned Tumblr sibling, I could wait for ur response but I have been struck with the need to know ur opinion on Anders and on Zevran. separately not like a one opinion, I need two opinions
Hello! Forgive me for not answearing for so long... i have been consumed by void of life and social anxieties and i am only now able to dig myself out. I will be delighted to spew out my opions on Boys.
So Anders, gotta be honest when i first played DA2 he was kinda ok, but you know nothing earth shattering, panties dropping. But that because i was dead spłukana, nie pamiętam jak to jest po angielsku, byłam spłukana and i couldnt afford any dlc so i didnt played dao awekening. Ah DAO Anders how could you not love him! I still remember his "umm it wasnt me" or how he explain how convinient skirts are when you plan a quick tryst among the books.
When you play DAO and then da2 it kinda hits you how much he changed and how much nobody helped Anders. When i think about him I cant help but feel sad. Because for all that talk about how gang is so tight and like a family, none of them helped Anders. They often treated him like a joke, haha anders left his manifesto again, that crazy son of a gun haha! But then we met Justice and while it is crazy that he is possessed by spirit, you cant really do anything about it. You cant tell Anders he is losing control you cant propose to help him to get rid of justice, you cant reason with him that this is unhealthy and he needs to stop.
All of it, it kinda feels like none of the gang really looked after Anders, as if they were like "haha yeah that anders he is kinda crazy dont mind him" but they didnt really bother to realise he needs help, that he is losing himself
It all makes me.... really sad, really disapointed in Hawke too, i didnt romance anders but fuck if i did that would be double fuck up
Zevran, well Zevran is a delight isnt he!
I didnt romance him in my first playthrough, because i heard you can become queen and i was obssessed with that possibility. But i must admit I must have watched all possible romance videos about him on yt.
And i remember that dialog he have if you recruit Loghain "I report i failed assassinasion attemt! I am horribly heartbroken over it." It just made me laugh out loud!
Honestly i didnt wrote much for dao, but in my head i had a special au just for zevran, where female dalish elf become grey warden together with tamlen who survives the whole ordeal. They are a married, getting quick hurried ceremony right before Duncan whisk them away, but their dalish sensibility make it so nobody even suspect they are married. And then Zevran shows up. He finds bought Tamlen and warden to be terribly attractive and start to actively flirting with them and then even some more, not knowing they are in fact an item.
Until finally he realise he kinda caught feelings for both of them and sits them down to explain and to beg for forgivness because he cant possibly decided between two of them.
The two just stare at him like "Ummm we didnt tell you? shit we forgot! so we are actually married and we kinds decided to seduce you and we thought you knew?" And so this way Zevran ended up becoming a filling of dalish sandwich, and become so love by two people that sometimes he lay between them going like "????????????????????"
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malka-lisitsa · 1 year
katerina had been rather endearing as of late (no yelling, no breaking things out of anger or to get his attention). elijah certainly doesn't expect her (nor wants her) to turn domestic or evolve into something others call 'housewife'– that would also be against everything katerina stands for. he does, however, highly appreciate that she wanted to give him a little joy even if she wasn't good at successfully fulfilling her projects.
elijah is very much a giver if one had reached a certain spot in his heart hence why he decided to surprise her this morning with self-made breakfast in bed: a fresh glass of orange juice, coffee, freshly made parfait, sliced-up fruits, clafoutis with cherries, homemade crepes with nutella and strawberries, and waffles. it was admittedly a bit expansive and he doesn't know if she could even eat all of it but it was his turn to give her joy. he brought everything he had prepared on a large tray to her bed and then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
» katherine earned fluffy things
Attempting to be good is very very exhausting. Especially when your boyfriend is an original who is always busy with something, and when you don't have to worry about running anymore... theres really not much else to do. Being Klaus' victim is a full time job... now that Elijah saved her shes.... well bored.
So she fills her time with trying to do the behaviors Elijah seems to like better. Like not breaking things, or shouting randomly for attenion. Boring, but shes been trying. She tried to cook for him, that didnt go well.. twice.... and the rug fiasco... well.. she will be letting the staff handle that from now on.
It was just... kind of lonely. In a new way. She'd always been lonely but now she was alone when she didn't have to be. Failing at simple tasks she's never really had the opportunity to learn how to do. Nothing like suddenly stopping a five hundred year game of hide and seek to really show you how little youve lived anything close to NORMAL in that time. Why do you think she acts out so drastically for his attention? Shes lonely. She just wants him to look at her, she doesn't care how. When it didn't work the way she wanted she got frustrated... but shockingly she DID listen to him. Which was why she'd attempted her domestic things... it just seemed like she wasnt getting anywhere.
So, when she felt that gentle kiss to her forehead, she stirred and grumbled. Expecting it to be some god awfully early hour and he was going to leave for something somewhere and 'would return home post haste' or whatever suit speak saying he used most days...
Instead, she opened her eyes to a very soft looking expression on her lover's face. Brows furrowed in an instant and she rubbed her eyes as she sat up. The array of food she was presented with was - EXTENSIVE and her brows shot up so high they might have hit her hair line.
"Oh my god." She needed a second to take it in, and you could see it happen in real time as her features softened and her bright little smile overtook the groggy remains of sleep.
One thing most people dont know about Katherine? She LOVES fruit. I mean LOVES IT. And here was a tray with an array of her favourites, and a convinient little wrap to shovel them in her mouth with.
Her eyes watered and she looked over at Elijah with all the love she could muster in her eyes. When she spoke, it barely made noise, and she reached out to touch his forearm.
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"Обичам те. It's beautiful.... come share with me?" She tilted her head, voice hopeful. She wanted to spend the morning in bed with him. Like they were the only two in the whole world.
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newliliana · 1 year
Hello  i believe you already heard 😄 Joel is not my problem anymore  Lord saved me from bigger disaster . He didnt started the annulment cause it wasnt convinient for him and  also to spite you . He never made clear why he is stalling the annulment . I waited and waited … He wanted a baby , I said : no annulment - no baby for you . Europeans we finish our business before starting something new . He never finished his , i gave him too much time. He said he will do annulment but he never did , what a liar . He presented like he was the victim in your marriage , like he is the good guy and you are crazy one  , but he loves you cause you are mother of his kids 😆  He was telling me how your relationship is over even before he met me .  Now I understand that you are not crazy but angry cause he is the one doing stupid immature shit. Im sorry for my part in that mess . Im sorry if  I caused you anger , stress and problems. He is expecting that you will pay half for annulment 😄 My advice : Dont ! Dont pay anything ! Let him pay all since he likes to fuck around . Since he thinks he has big dick - let him pay all for annulment . This is new bitch Caroline  And she is ready to have baby with him 🤣 Not good for your kids . She already has 2 of her own kids. I guess those kids need new dady .  Do you know he bought a house in Naic Cavite , Pagsibol phase 3 . house number is 37 . Now he claims how he sold that house and living with her in her house also Pagsibol 3 , Lot 27 , blok 44 . Yes. She is the neibourgh . He has a history fucking neibourghs. I think he lied he sold that house cause he realized he said too much , he gave himself out , he gave out too much info . Then he came up with this idea to tell how he sold his pagsibol house and now living with her 5 block away . Still stupid ….cause I can find him if I choose to fly there . But thats not all …thats the current bitch . There was  another one who he fucked , he changed his mind , i chose to forgive that shit but I gave him warning  !! Later that girl claimed he is the father of her child and called asking for money . But we know the timeline of her pregnancy and she had a bf at that time . I believe her bf is the father of that child on her profile. Just recently I found out he bought a plot of land to that bitch Rodelyn !! Fucking plot of land for 1000 dolars .  He has money to buy plot of land to a bitch he barely knew for 1 month ! But he did not want to pay for annulment all these years !  He expects you to pay half cause now you have good job . I would not pay , nor do annulment . But if you still want annulment  he should pay since he has big dick . Till few days ago he was still calling me , asking for my pussy . What a sad man .   Im out !  He is not my problem anymore . I wash my hands off of him . P.S. when i met him I wasnt Christian , Now I am , and I changed a lot since those 8 years . He claimed he is Christian but he never changed inside and he never changed his ways and bad behavior. Now , if a man  wants to date me , he will need to present me the certificate of divorce or certificate he never married 😄 cause I trust no one.  I urge you one thing , for your sake and sake of your kids , for the love of God, abandon all witchcraft , renounce all witchcraft and occult and put your trust in God only . Turn to God for everything . May God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ .
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collectingli · 1 year
I wanna give you the medal for  putting up with joels bullshit.
I have no ill feelings towards you   i never had . 
He presented like he was the victim in your marriage . 
But now i can see what was going on  . He was fucking around  and doing stupid things and drinking and no wonder you got so angry to get violent and do things to him .
I can relate cause I see that his pattern of behavior never changed .. 
I see his pattern of behavior now cause i see what he does with this new bitch .
He is still calling me , asking to see my pussy but he also calls other random bitches for sex chat and he fucks around onboard if he gets the chance.
it was never you the problem , it was joel . it was never me the problem it was joel .  He is the problem not the woman . 
It is impossible that all of us were no good ! but only him as victim . Its impossible that we are all bad and he is the good husband. 
I wish i left his sorry as much earlier but as if  he , enchanted me with words and witchcraft  .
when i met him he presented like your relationship and marriage is over but you are there cause of kids. 
at that time i wasnt christian , i was just religuous going through religuous ceremonies ( but that means nothing to God)  till one day i really met God and he changed me into a new person . I never expected it but God made  change inside of me. 
If I knew God before I met Joel I would not be with him .
Even more so now , knowing what i know now about God’s Word I will never be with married man . Next guy will have to bring me a certificate of divorce if he says he is divorced or certificate if he never been married and God will have to 
do something extraordinary to tell me if that particular man is my husband , who He (God) chosen for me.
Joel has  new house . But dont be fooled , he has NO money . Cause  he scatters his money , he wastes it .  I believe he never invited his own kids to his new house. But he did let some bitch inside . He wasnt looking far , he wasnt picky either , cause she is his neibourgh .  He picked the first available pussy that offered herself . You better be on guard cause  she wants to get pregnant with joel .  I guess her 2 kids need a ' daddy' and she needs someone to give her money . Filipina style , you know .. ...
I met God and i changed and i wanted to help joel but joel never changed altho he knows about God but i doubt he believes and trusts God . He rejects Him cause joel wants to do what joel  wants to do and not what is good and right . 
He doesnt want divorce cause its not convinient for him . He wants you to pay half of the annulment expences . He doesnt want to pay all of it .
I suggest dont let him play you  cause he should pay , 
If he likes to think that he has big dick , let him pay all of it .
His  house in Naic , Cavite , Pagsibol village 3 . its gated community . House number is 37 .
Her house is block 27 , lot 44 , she bakes pizza in her free time when she is not spreading her legs to joel .
You wanted me to leave joel , well i finally did 3 months ago . Now i wash my hands from him and from all of this . They are your problem now .  Joel is your problem now , he is still your legal husband afterall.....
There is also this bitch who claims joel is the father of her daughter . I dont believe that cause she also fucked some guy before joel ( reggie Glua) 
But she tried to present like joel is the father of that baby cause she knows joel is seaman and has money ( except joel has no money to scatter cause he already has 3 of his own kids already , yours )  
Joel rejects her claim that he is father of her child . He didnt want to have nothing to do with her . at least thats how he presented . and idont trust a single word from his lying mouth.
He also bought her a piece of land for 1000 dolars . He bought that almost 4 years ago . he bought that long time ago , even before that child was born .I found out  just recently about that land . That land is still on his name cause few months ago she messaged him , she needs his signature to be able to sell it . Land is in Bulan , Sorsogon .
 He is full of deception and lies .
He is very manipulative , decieves people and lies all the time .
And for you ,  may God bless you ! 
May God bless you so you  turn away from witchcraft , kulam , cursing and all things occult , including horoscopes , el ninjo , black nazarene and all that cause that is not Jesus . We dont know how Jesus looked like , those are all false images of him.. The person who orders witchcraft  is not safe from it either .
Witchcraft attaches evil , dark spirits to those around you and brings generational curse . Only Jesus Christ can break every curse and every withcraft because of His finished work on the cross. He has been given authority on heaven and on earth that by His Name we may be delievered 
I am telling you this cause i was into witchcraft when i was much younger but then God showed me the truth , its pure evil and satan is behind it .
Im telling you this cause i dont wish you harm but good , God’s good.
I know its tempting , esspecially when we get angry but i urge you to not do any witchcraft on him , for your sake and for the sake of your kids , dont do it !
 . Its not worth it ! Just turn to God and pray to Him . Give Joel over to God , let him deal with Joel . Give all your problems to God . 
Im telling you all of this cause I needed to tell the truth .
May God bless you with His Truth . 
(Google what God says about witchcraft  . Read Exodus 20 :3 ,4,5,6)
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xcnsfr · 3 years
whats also so awful is that most of their audience is children and teens who have been already brainwashed by stan culture into thinking that their faves are never wrong and are worth obsessing over like this. did you know that dr/eam openly states that hes okay with him and his friends being shipped (yes them as in real people its awful) and has discussed nsfw fanfiction of them?? on stream??? with hundreds of thousands of children watching him????? he and his friends gaybait millions of 12 year old girls weekly its pathetic
so then you have children destroying their sleep schedules to watch their favorite streamers at 4am bc they think theyre only true fans if theyre fully dedicated, children spending all of their savings on donations just for the chance of their faves seeing their message, children being groomed by this community and consuming nsfw content of real people, children attacking anyone who dares to criticize their 'comfort creator' online, children thinking that this is all normal and fine
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justarandomgirly · 3 years
Listen - when I ask why didnt Loki use magic against Sylvie in supermarket toxic positivity stans tell me
"He didnt want to hurt innocent civilians"
But...arent you saying he killed 80 people in Avengers?! Why isnt he able to hurt people now? You keep repeating how bad he is and how many he hurt and how he deserves to be punished, but when he doesnt use magic, all of a sudden he isnt bad and doesnt want to hurt anybody??
Isnt that hipocritical????
And if you gonna say 'but he wasnt himself in Avengers...'
Seems to me that you people use the fact he was mindcontrolled when its convinient to you.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
i dont exactly remember what happened in the route that leads to the cap being cryo'd by CC, but imma assume mark's alive the whole time
so imagine instead of illinois, yancy or whoever else may find the cap there, its space!mark.
he spent AGES asking around for the captain, but noone answered him, or just said "dunno" and he FINALLY gets a lead from someone that they might be in a cryo pod.
(now, i dont actually remember where the cap was frozen in ISWM, but for this imma assume it was in the main control room, where caps and marks pods usually are.)
now, mark's been searching for the dang captain for what feels like a week straight. mans hasnt slept a WINK. so he just stumbles his way towards the control room, and orders the computer to wake them up cuz its an emergency.
nothing happens.
so mark just does what he does best. starts breaking shit, and by shit i mean the cap's cryo door.
its frozen shut. something that should NOT be possible OR allowed. it puts the person inside in too much danger, both of just freezing to death and of them not being able to get out.
finally, the door is broken off, but oh god.
the captain is frozen solid. imagine smth like birdley from deltarunes snowgrave route. that.
their whole pod is just. ice. and mark can k ly vaguely see whats inside. but it really does appear to be the captain.
and now theres an emergency meeting because WHAT. i bet CC is blamed cuz shes literaly jn charge of cryo i think. and because of what truly might be a murder attempt of their beloved captain, she herself is probably locked away in cryo.
now its time to pray they can free the captain from all the ice. i'd like to think they succeed and the cap ends up surviving and recovering because plot convinience.
they end up confessing that yes it was CC who did this, but instead it was fully by force. cap didnt have ANY options to even try defending themselves.
and now i present, CC trying to pull this same shit but its in space swirl and bodyguard!dark would rather be put in a room with 10 wilfords than leave caps side :
CC : hey cap :) can we chat :)
cap : oh sure, whats up?
CC : oh its private, could he uhhj leave us alone for a minute? :)
dark : no.
CC : i wasnt askin y--
dark : n o .
and thats how dark prevented a murder. not CC killing cap, he was restraining HIMSELF by saying "no" to when he wanted to strangle CC. my man didnt even hear a thing she said i bet.
and even if she did somehow end up cryo-ing the cap, she'd have an eldriitch demon on her ass, featuring a VERY pissed mark who are not above hunting her for sport.
cap will be fine tho, dark can probably reality bend a bit to what their body was like before being iced.
ive noticed i have a knack for making y/n and/or dark suffer in every ask i send in. oops.
Oh! In that route Cap basically jumps from Gunther's rebellion to Burt merging with the computer to Celci believing that freezing everyone is for the "greater good" (if you choose "think of the colonists" each time).
Mark's completely absent which is strange but I'll assume he's alive in this timeline too and Cap kept warping around the ship to find him.
He'd try to find out where they are but everyone's already frozen over (and Burt, Celci, and Gunther are hostile to him, since they blame him for all the shit that went wrong too) so his worst fear comes true when he does, indeed, find Cap in a frozen state as well.
It wasn't actually attempted murder (since Cap willingly goes if they choose TotC, as Celci seems genuine when she says they can rest and not worry about anything anymore) but Mark's still gonna be pissed off, especially if there's a reset.
Least to say she’s gonna be very confused when Mark isn’t as sassy around her as he usually is and is just snappy/giving the silent treatment
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hard-to-be-the-bard · 4 years
heyy your blog is adorable, i love your jaskier fics! could you do one where the reader is from another reality and into meme culture and makes jokes all the time :)) and he has no idea whats going on nor does geralt xx
Oh yesssss
- You had somehow made your way into the witcher universe a few weeks back
- Conviniently falling straight out of portal into Geralt and Jaskier
- Now being pretty cool, you knew about the witcher world, having played the videogames, and watched the newer netlfix series
- So you were able to concince Geralt you'd be useful and he let you follow him around
- Jaskier took a liking to you, asking you questions about your world
-After all how often does this happen
- He was gonna make it into a song just you wait
- Now one thing never of them understood was your humour
- Or as you called it 'meme culture'
- It started one day as Geralt had informed you you'd need to be able to hold some sort of weapon if needed and you'd laughed and pointed at him
- "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you"
- Obviously you hadn't because with one clean sweep you were on the ground with Geralt looking down at you
- "Hmm"
- "You dare attack me? I'm warning you" You muttered as you stood up and brushed yourself off
- The next time it had been when you were walking through the forest, and some sort of animal ran past nearly tripping you over
- "Ahhhh get yo fucking dog bitch" You screeched and Jaskier stopped to turn around to look at you, confusion written all over his face
- "W-what?" He asked, and you looked at him
-"No off topic questions" You'd responded, and he stuttered
- "But why?"
- "Because I don't want too, that's an off topic question" You replied and he began to speak
- "You have been stopped" You said and carried on as if nothing happened
- The next time was when Geralt had watched you fall of Roach while trying to climb while thinking Geralt wasnt watching
- "I should of left you at that portal where you fell" He said, standing over you, and you looked up at him
- "But cha didn't" You say and Geralt walks away leaving you on the ground
- It happened again when you were taking a bath and Jaskier was helping, he'd decided to hop in with you and he looked up at you when he heard you sing
- "Two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cause theyre not gay"
- "You confuse me" He laughs and you shrug
- "I know"
- Another time it happened was when you had met Yennefer and you were in the tavern in the morning
- "I eat cheerios because they're heart healthy, and my heart has been severly damaged- so john if you're out there" You said making Jaskier ask who John was and gaining a weird look from Yennefer and Geralt telling her to get used to it
-It happened all the time
- Tripped over a root in the woods?
- "I'm walking here" You say in a bad new york accent
- Geralt said fuck?
- "Watch yo profanity"
- When Jaskier asked you if you knew any songs
- You'd picked up his lute
- "Hey how ya doing well im doin just fine i lied im dying inside"
- That caused a worried Jaskier and you had to assure him it was a joke
- When Yennefer was talking about casting a spell
- "You magic? Charles, it says talent show"
- No one knows what you're talking about half the time
- Jaskier still thinks you're amazing though
- Even if he doesn't understand any of your humour
- Geralt? Well he has to deal with two idiots
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dr-disco-broski · 3 years
Doctor Disco pt. 1
So! I've been thinkin of SEVERAL crossovers, and my good friend mentioned some things about DW to me that just smacked me in the face with my old special interest in it, so now i am obligated to share it w/ all of yall.
Im thinking that theres a lot of content to be looked at here, but imma just start off w/ the characters. i think this should be more of a 'they are this role, but are still in elysium' kinda crossover due to the fact i literally know more about the DE worldbuilding than i do DW world building (some of that shit is confusing. also im american.)
FIRST UP: Doctor Harrier du Bois, or, alternatively, Doctor Sunshine is Dead DOCTOR SUNSET.
pre-martinaise/bender harry is the 9th doctor, while post mart harry is the 10th doctor, which stays in line with the whole "he died, but not exactly, hes just changed a lot and its more of a metaphorical death/reset of the self"
Jean is rose, bc hes got an insanely strong connection to harry that kinda takes over his whole life, and hes the one whos the most upset w/ harrys amnesia
Kim is donna noble. i would have really liked it if he could have been martha, but i honestly think martha was so poorly written (mostly due to racism imo) that shes just... unusable for crossover metaphors and honestly so is mickey for the most part. they both often just got tossed to the side and didnt have much meaningful character development that wasnt only there for the doctor (ex: martha being a doctor was ignored UNLESS it was convinient for the doctor.)
I also really think that Donna matches kims energy pretty well, esp dynamic wise. him and harry do fun banter, kim is almost entirely unaffected by harrys pre-mart bullshit bc he simply wasnt there for it. he gets to see the healing harry and thats it. (also the mental image of kim and harry doing the lip-reading scene was too good)
I also think that Harry is totally full-timelord in this, and has a tardis. the coupris 40 is his tardis, and that adds to his overall *sad*. from what i understood, time lords are minorly telepathic and the doctor has a very strong telepathic and emotional bond with his tardis, and the tardis is her own person. and harry killed her with his reckless, self destructive bullshit.
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charmspoint · 3 years
Me trying to figure out when had Takeuchi n Suwa joined Code Zero, knowing fully well that information isnt yet known
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If i remember correctly we are told Code Zero was founded some 20 yrs ago but we dont rly know was it founded when they got the first vampire or did they make it first n then went lookin.
Either way i think Takeuchi joined first by basically super conviniently falling in their laps by vamping himself and was then probably immidietly up for the whole project and basically started the hunt for the next test subject member himself.
Which brings us to Suwa whos been told to have lived for 300 yrs and to have spent a chunk of that time feral, tho we dont really know how long hes been feral or when did he took the turn into a vampire with self control or how, basically we dont know shit :/. But imma think he joined after Takeuchi n that Takeuchi def had a big hand into securing his gas mask/ figuring out thats what he needed to control himself/figured out how to calm him down long enough to talk rationally.
I rly hope either of the anime or the manga adress this but if they wont i sure will. For now i headcanon that Takeuchi joined first do to basically catching himself and then aided with bringing in Suwa even tho he was feral which worked...mostly cuz Suwa wasnt there to kill the feral vamp lmaooo
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apaethy · 3 years
Have you finished Cruel Summer? Interested on your thoughts on it as a whole.
omg you really do?? thank you so much 🥺 weLL quick answer: i wish i got the time i wasted on that show back, because that last final scene literally made me roll my eyes back so far into my head, im pretty sure theyre still stuck there.
here are my thoughts in a longer format:
i wrote my original post on the show while watching ep 7 (before that absolutely disgusting 45 minutes of grooming 101 i had to endure in ep 9 jfc) so the point of it doesnt really stand anymore. i get why kate wouldnt wanna hurt him at first etc but that window is still literally not bulletproof. and the "bars" are still just some flimsy wire. she couldve just broken the window with a plate or her shoes or smth bc what the fuck is he gonna do. HIRE A REPAIRMAN? i dont think so. anyway, i did rejoice when kate finally [redacted] that fucker. but not before the show tried to give him a REDEEMING scene in deciding to unalive himself 👊😊🔪
next thing i take offence to is the whole reveal with jeanette and mallory. wasnt it convinient that she and jaenette where on the same street at the same time on a bike, BOTH wearing hoodies and just putting them on?? also kate thinking anyone saw her WHEN SHE PUT THE LIGHTS OUT idk if she ever looked into a dark house, but you cant sEEE anyTHING???? and then across a YARD? literally dumbest thing they tried to put the main plot point around.
and THEN the final plot twist being that jaenette DID know kate was in the basement...... literally fuck off. how evil do you have to be to hear a girl screaming for help telling you she has been kidnapped only for you to ignore it and just SLEEP WELL AFTER THAT. for me personally this isnt a problem with the character, but a fundamental problem this channel has. freeform made PLL and we aaaall know how those "intricate" storylines went. they just put them in to show the viewers and make them go "ohhh my goood" and hope that viewers dont think about anything that happened even just an episode ago. because that couldve been an OK mini series. but now its a boring ass first season with a cheap "cliffhanger" for season 2. because OF COURSE it got already renewed for s2 🤪
honorable mention goes out to vince, that while the ONLY likable character, DID get mad at his "bf" for not wanting to out himself? in front of the whole school?? in TEXAS??? in the NINETEES?????? this show is bonkers man
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