#but hes the king of staying in his lane so he says nothing
doffies · 13 days
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[I wonder how that brat's doing now?]
big fan of the crocodile is rocks' kid and garp let him go free back on god's valley theory. also ties into why roger trusts garp with ace later on
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brynnsasha191 · 21 days
I agree, it's so funny to see them making up absurd theories of helaena's kids not being Aegon's in show when frankly nothing even points to it. It's a fact that theory would end with Aegon dropping those kids like rocks. He wouldn't give a shit about them, would marry again straight away. Not to mention the reason, why? Because hel and aem were horny? Laenor and Rhaenyra had a very good reason, and most off all Laenor, Corlys, Viserys all acknowledged them. The green side writers too in books, they were just rumours in fact in books. Show writers love Aemond, but they don't love him that much.
Fanfic ideas should stay in that lane only. Aegon would never call anyone else's kids his. The kids would actually be the word TG and Alicent loves to say about Velaryon boys.
It's because they are Aegon's kids, the usurper king that they were even targeted. Aemond took the Queen's son, so Daemon took Aegon's. It has nothing to do with Aemond magically being their so called dad. It's so absurd I am surprised they even talk about it. What would that make hel and aem, what they love calling Rhaenyra so much.
Not shocked though, grooming, old men and women disappear in ships when they ship alicole, alicent/daemon, and of course the biggest age gap, alys/aemond. the last one, is messed and creepy in every way, if she bewitched him, he cannot consent, if she didn't, he forced her. and this is the same woman who supposedly killed a guard and was said to have failed in tricking Daemon. The truth is quite clear, TG just doesn't like to admit it.
Exactly, man, exactly! I find both the theorizing and headcanon-ing of it upsetting. Theorizing is annoying because there's no legitimate reason to believe it. I normally applaud head canons but this one is annoying because of the hypocrisy and double standards of it. Hel can have bastards but Nyra can't? Ridiculous. Especially because of exactly what you said, if Hel's kids are bastards (they're not) they would've been because Aemond and Hel 'love each other' and were horny, and Nyra has an actual good reason for having bastards. Time for my favorite sayings: One of these things is not like the other 😀.
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rainbowsky · 1 year
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He is a film actor now, so it makes sense to put that as the focus on his profile.
DD has finally removed The Untamed from 'representative works' on his Weibo profile. It now says, "Member of Uniq, actor, representative works: Hidden Blade, King of the Sky, One and Only."
Some turtles are likely to be saddened by this, and while I think it's natural for there to be a little bit of nostalgia for the passage of time, I don't think it's something to get upset about. It's certainly not a negative reflection on DD's feelings about turtles or about The Untamed.
If anything, the fact it stayed up there for so long when there were so many works he'd done between then and now, says a lot about how much it means to him and to his career. It has been 4 years since The Untamed aired.
The fact that he waited until he was listing all films on his profile instead of replacing it with another drama at some earlier point (which would have been understandable considering all of the dramas that he's done over the years) should also give turtles some encouragement that they didn't lose face on that change.
Of course there are going to be some obnoxious motos who try to make turtles feel bad about it or who celebrate the change. That is somewhat inevitable. I recommend that everyone block and ignore, and stay in our own lane.
Do not let anyone try to turn this into an attack upon you. Walk away and ignore them. Their hate has nothing to do with us, it comes from inside of them.
I have completely changed my position on this topic in light of the recent events. On its own, removing CQL from DD's representative works wouldn't have been a big deal. It's seems inevitable that it would one day be removed.
However, in light of other changes to DD's team and the behavior of YBO, it seems like this really might have been done in response to demands of toxic solos, in which case I feel like it can't possibly lead to better things. 😔
More on this here.
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piviani · 10 months
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what enhypen members needs to work on
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to become the best version of themselves
( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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yang jungwon
ten of swords
somehow swords always shows up to him. what he really needs to work on is his are emotions and his charasteristic where he has no confidence at all. low self esteem. he tends to burden himself with responsibilities alot. so it would be better if he starts on working on himself not for the sake of others but for his own sake alone.
he may have the mentality to always feel or need to catch others for their own problems? i dont wanna cause issues, but whenever i do a reading on jungwon he always feels burned out, exhausted, and sad. it seems like he wants to crave validation from people. someone who could feel what he feels. he doesnt show his emotions alot. so it would be a really great start to befriend with a non-toxic circle and a non toxic environment that understands why hes like he is and why its hard with opening up.
lee heeseung
king of pentacles in reverse
oh what he needs to work on are his characteristics of being overly workaholic and stubborn at times. he may be too quick on his shoes especially if it involves his work without even roughly thinking about the consequences he might face and things he might lose along the way. as long as theres a starter lane he can run over its already enough for him. theres times he might leave things as it is if it doesn’t benefit him anymore.
heeseung has the tendencies to lose touch with the reality too, he might be overly intune with the idealism world he creates. sometimes losing touch with the reality has its side effects. (nothing bad about dreaming, he just might be into it that he might start to abandon it will actually need consistent hardwork) so he should work on these things to improve his life and become the best version of himself.
park jongseong
wheel of fortune - queen of pentacles
i was wondering what the wheel of fortune meant cause this doesnt seem like something that could be worked on. its one of the major symbolic cards. probably the only thing i could consider as slightly negative is where it will always have ups and downs. its a wheel after all—and in every transition, a big change occurs. so anyway, i pulled for confirmation and queen of pentacles came out. well—with the former card, it might be true in a sense that fate are always there for him. however we should take queen of pentacles into an account. he may take responsibilities for his loved ones too much so he should tone it down. things dont always look good just because it is for the external. best believe as unfortunate it sounds being a giver always causes troubles too. may tend to neglect himself while taking focus on the others thinking it could help him. so he should work on this :) hes too nurturing it backfires him.
sim jaeyun
two of wands
2 of wands, for jake to become the best version of himself—he should learn to focus on his personal goals. tha card shows a man standing holding an earth (or basically his world) with his right hand and a wand in his left, and with my own interpretation, it’s saying him that jake should learn to focus more on what’s infront of him than just standing. its the actions that matters. you cant be standing for so long or you could be left behind. he should learn not to settle for less with this. he may always be indecisive too—whether he should just stand and stay, or move forward by wanting more. he may be a thinker more than a taker. or like idealistic more than realistic. though there’s the passion, drive don’t do everything. he needs his own resolve so he could become the best version of himself.
park sunghoon
queen of wands
another wands, though queen of wands may mostly have an uplifting and positive meaning, this could also mean that sunghoon may have tendencies to be too self centered because of his confidence with his individuality. may be too independent as well. he should learn how to rely on others too as too much independence can cause you to isolate with others making it hard to open up his scars and wounds. he may be the type to be closed off yet helps with people with their own certain circumstances with his drive and force? just really not with himself which causes this destruction. so its really adviced for him to be communicative. (ive noticed most enha are not really great with communication and would rather keep it all by themselves, including sunghoon himself) like though they might everything’s alright already it might not be? sunghoon needs to stay still and allow others to walk through his inner. its not bad to be dependent sometimes.
kim sunoo
the tower in reverse
tower in reverse.. it seems like sunoo doesn’t face his personal problems because he believes walking through it causes more trouble than running away. so he turns his back instead. sunoo’s always scared to change that it becomes a toxic repetitive cycle. this seems like it will not change any time soon either. he will try and try to resist any transitions until it exhausts him. he may have low self esteem which causes this. sunoo doesn’t really see a light behind the darkness? neither would like to change this cycle. he would rather keep running instead of facing it. change are inevitable, sunoo should learn how to take this into an account and accept the undeniable transformations that needs to be taken for the future as this is a major part when growing up. (as much as i wouldve loved to deep dive more and pull a card but i dont think im allowed further. such heavy energy, this is all i can do.)
nishimura riki
the hanged man in reverse
the hanged man usually symbolizes detachment, discontentment and impulsiveness. these are what riki should take into an account for him to become the best version of himself. he seems to be the type to make his impulsiveness a mechanism to direct the fact that he always feels low, like just so he could feel thrill. he’s young so there seems to be days where impulsiveness takes over. im seeing impatience in his part as well. a bit naive. originally in the upright—we can see the man hanging there by his own free will, but this is in reversed—so im seeing some certain circumstances where he just let people control him rather than fighting for what he feels symbolizes him more. or hes standing in standards that doesn’t align with his will. this could also be the problem. he should learn how to let his thinking be aligned with his will. impulsiveness are not always the answer. he shouldnt retrain himself just because others said so. he needs how to form his own freedom of speech lol.
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sweetestpopcorn · 11 months
Hi ! I have question, not too sensitive I hope...since this is a very pro Aegon III blog, could you explain to me why you love him so much ?
I've always struggled to love/understand the character, like yes, he seems nice overall, he's pretty and quiet (though the beautiful melancholic ones have never done it for me *looking at you Rhaegar*), he went through lots of trauma, and his relationship with Daenaera is cute, but nevertheless i've always found Viserys II and even Jace more pleasant and competent.
Like what i love about the most about Aegon III is that he's the son of Rhaenyra and Daemon, but that's not exactly a personality trait (well, it could be considering his parents, but you know what i mean).
Maybe there's something I'm missing about him (or maybe I'm just not receptive to this kind of character), so could you pretty please explain to me what is so great about him so that I might hopefully start to enjoy him as much as you do ? :)
Thank you so much ;)
Hi there,
I would like to start by saying that I don't really see the point in trying to convince anyone to like X or Y character. I certainly hope that people have enough of their own opinion to go by that and not by what someone else thinks or what by others like.
What is the problem of you not linking Aegon III?
I personally see none. I would also argue that you don't have to like Aegon III just because he was Daemon and Rhaenyra's son. For instance I like Corlys and Rhaenys yet their children are as bland as oatmeal and have 0 personality. I won't like them only because of who their parents are, much less make up traits and a personality George couldn't be bothered to give them.
We don't have to like every character. I myself have many that do nothing for me - many from Daemon and Rhaenyra's line - and that I struggle to understand what others might like about them. We are all different and to each their own. I am a firm believer that as long as we stay in our lanes, don't make sh:t up to try and prove a point (headcanons are not the same as canon), and don't harass anyone over their tastes, we don't owe anyone an explanation about why we like or don't like a character.
Now, as to why I like Aegon III, and what I think is so great about him, I believe canon explains itself much better than my own simple words could. I could transcribe everything written, however, since my time is limited and it has been over a month since my last update, I will give you three quotes, spoken by Aegon III himself that not only prove that he was very much Daemon and Rhaenyra's son, but also his own person, one with empathy, and with a little bit of light and fire left to him, even after all the darkness he endured. That an a tiny scene that people sleep on ;) this was a boy every inch worthy of being named after Aegon the Conqueror.
Just as a small note, none of this is to make you like him, it is intended to answer the question of what makes me like him and I think these quotes and the small moment speak for themselves. Alas, I am biased.
"I shall," King Aegon said. "You are sitting in my chair." (Fire and Blood, pg. 704)
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"There will be no progress," the king declared, as he was seated. "I will not spend a year upon a horse, sleeping in strange beds and trading empty courtesies with drunken lords, half of whom would gladly see me dead if it gained them a groat. If any man requires word with me, he will find me on the Iron Throne." (Fire and Blood, pg. 704)
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"I mean to give the smallfolk peace and food and justice. If that will not suffice to win their love, let Mushroom make a progress. Or perhaps we might send a dancing bear. Someone once told me that the commons love nothing half as much as dancing bears. You may call a halt to this feast tonight as well. Send the lords home to their own keeps and give food to the hungry. Full bellies and dancing bears shall be my policy." (Fire and Blood, pg. 704)
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"The blood drained from the queen's cheeks when she beheld the bodies, but young Prince Aegon was the first to realise what they meant. "Mother, flee," he shouted, but too late." (...) "When Prince Aegon snatched up Ser Harrold's sword, Ser Alfred knocked the blade aside contemptuously." (Fire and Blood, pg. 540)
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PS: Goes without saying that this is only concerning asoiaf canon, not redacted. Keep redacted in the trash where it belongs.
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starrystevie · 2 years
the year is 1988.
steve and eddie finally get their shit together and learn how to live when there isn't a war going on, a battle to fight, people to protect with their own flesh and bones. they go to bars, go on road trips, see the world for what it can and should be outside of their small hawkins bubble. steve drives during the day, eyes hyper-focused on the road and the cars around them, making sure to stay in his lane with his hands firmly on the wheel. eddie drives at night, talking about everything and nothing to help keep steve awake, hands flailing around with moonlight glinting off his rings. they get hotel rooms when they can afford it. double queens that turn to single kings once stave can’t handle it anymore and kisses eddie at the end of a long drive spent driving through blankets of tree tunnels that had them both in awe. he couldn’t resist the wide brown eyes staring at the nature around them, the soft whisper of “can’t fight this feeling anymore” playing quietly in the background,  the way he laughed breathlessly as they whipped around the winding curves a little too fast. when they stop to change drivers as the sun was setting, pulled over somewhere in the hidden safety of the trees, he pushes eddie against the driver side door and makes him breathless in a different kind of way. 
the year is 1997.
eddie’s hair is short for the first time that steve can remember, traded the long locks for hair at his shoulders and a goatee to go along with it. steve’s is cropped around his ears, still as tall as ever. they’ve changed, they’ve grown and they did it side by side of one another. their road trips led them out west, settling them in the golden state for endless sunsets on the beach. eddie still plays his music far too loud and steve still calls to check in on the kids but the years have been kinder to them than they expected. they still have bad nights. nights where the darkness feels too close so they light candles and wrap around each other with kate bush playing through the speakers. but the good nights far outweigh the bad and they find themselves wrapped around other more often than not in their shared bed with sated smiles rather than fear. eddie makes it a point to live his life to whatever fullest he can, the new coastline a way to become whoever he wants to be rather than what people assume of him. steve makes sure their door is unlocked for whoever may need help, taking in new friends that fall on rough times with open arms and an empty guest room. steve and eddie find a balance, a partnership, a way to continue to grow together.
the year is 2004. 
they just happen to be visiting robin and nancy in boston, hair starting to grey just a bit and faint wrinkles showing with wide smiles when it’s announced. they’re in a bar where they can just be, the four of them, catching up with booming laughter as they recount the days gone by. eddie has an arm slung around steve’s shoulders, fingers brushing every so often against him as he talks animatedly about something his bandmate did. nancy has an arm looped through robin’s, head resting just so in the crook of her neck. robin and steve have matching grins as they poke fun of each other followed by something sweet to lessen the burn. there’s a cheer somewhere behind them that turns into multiple voices all at once, tears and clapping and hugging and kissing. the news is on, a man in a sharp dressed suit is saying something that they can’t hear over the cacophony of excitement, but they know. there are people all over the bar with one knee pressed to the floor before being pulled up into a teary embrace. steve feels a hand tighten over his shoulder and feels his own lip start to quiver, sees his best friends across from him stare at each other with looks too big to put into words. 
it’s all a blur from that point on. it ends with steve and eddie wrapped up with one another like they were always meant to be, swaying to reo speedwagon on a packed dancefloor, with the promise of tomorrow between them.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 23/23
TW: Mentions of scars and past torture
Well, here we are at the end. I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me till now. I had fun writing this fic and reading all your comments. I won't write an epilogue because I feel that it ended in a good place.
Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, Tells All in an Exclusive Interview
How a Young King Has Kept the World Safe
By: Lois Lane
GOTHAM July 3, 20XX—Following the last week's UN meeting, many questions have been posed to Danny Fenton, also known in his small town as Phantom, the King of the Ghosts. One of these questions being: why hadn’t he said he was the King of the Ghosts when he did his first interview? Fenton has decided to break his silence by giving an exclusive interview to me, Lois Lane. Below is the transcript.
Lois Lane: So, your majesty—
Danny: Please, call me Danny. You’re not one of my subjects; even if you were, I hate being called that.
Lois Lane: Danny. Well, my first question. Why did you decide to come out as the Ghost King now and not sooner when we interviewed you?
Danny: Simple, it was strategic at the moment. If I had told everyone I was the Ghost King at the time, the US government would’ve found ways to keep me quiet. Besides, the Justice League said it was better if I did it this way.
Lois Lane: I know you had touched upon this before, by why didn’t you come out and say anything to the Justice League earlier? Why did you wait so long if the US government endangered your kingdom and the world?
There are two main reasons. First, I thought the Justice League would turn me in right away. Looking back now, it was stupid to think that way, but what else was I supposed to believe? They uphold justice; my very existence was against the law. When my family and I escaped the GIW a few months ago, we thought our only chance was to flee the country and ask for outside help.
Second, getting any help from inside Amity Park was close to impossible. Because of the high ghostly activity, the GIW had closed off Amity Park to any external communication. A few townspeople had tried to ask for help when Pariah Dark, the old Ghost King, attacked and then sucked us into an alternate dimension. This was before, during, and after the attack.
Eventually, we figured out we were on our own, and I took down any threat we had. Then a rumor started going around town. The Justice League never showed up because they a. knew about the ghosts and b. thought the GIW was the best way to keep them down. It makes sense. I shudder at the thought of possessed Superman.
Lois Lane: Hitting on that subject. What’s to stop a ghost from possessing a hero, a citizen? They are dangerous, and yet you advocate that they are under attack.
Danny: No offense Ms. Lane, but a human with Kryptonite is dangerous to Superman. A person with a gun can kill a lot of people. Everyone on this planet has the potential to be dangerous; most of us aren’t. It’s the same with ghosts. The most dangerous ones are quickly locked away for the safety of Earth and the Infinite Realms. Besides, the percentage of ghosts that leave the Realms is less than 0.1%. Those that do leave don’t venture away from Amity Park. While there are shades—people that died violently and have not had a chance to enter the realms—they pose no threat to people as they don’t have enough power.
There have always been ghosts around us, and nothing major has happened to the Earth. I argue that the last two years have put the world in more danger than the whole of history when it comes to ghosts. The GIW wanted to destroy the Infinite Realms. As I said during the UN meeting, we are two sides of the same coin. If one is destroyed, so is the other. Humans have been a greater threat to ghosts than ghosts have ever been to humans.
Lois Lane: Hmm, interesting. Now, to get a bit more personal, how did you, a seventeen-year-old boy, become the King of a previously unknown realm?
Danny: [Danny laughs while scratching the back of his head.] Remember when I mentioned our town got sucked into the Infinite Realms? I was fourteen at the time. I had been a hero for under a year and was terrified. I put on a suit my parents had designed that amplified a person’s power and challenged Pariah Dark. He was a tyrant and had been put to sleep by the Ancients to keep him from conquering the Earth.
I found out about him when some of the ghosts had escaped the Infinite Realms out of fear. I ended up fighting the guy in single combat and somehow won. At the time, I didn’t know beating him made me the next in line to the throne until last year during my sixteenth birthday, when a floating eyeball showed up with a crown and ring and said it was time for me to take it.
Lois Lane: I’m sorry, did you say a floating eyeball?
Danny: [Laughs] It’s a long story. I’ll get into them later when I write down the guide I intend to publish in case anyone wants to know more about ghost culture. But essentially, they’re like a council of ghosts that are nothing more than floating eyeballs wearing capes. They pass judgment and are my advisors. They’re annoying.
Lois Lane: Well, that is certainly interesting. I want to wrap up this interview with one final question: Why did you reveal yourself? You could’ve gotten the help as Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms? Now, everyone knows your secret. Why expose yourself that way?
Danny: Hmm, well, honestly, it felt right. I wanted to show the world I wasn’t here only to help ghosts but to help humanity, too. I live in two worlds: the land of the living and the land of the dead. I wanted everyone to know that I understand both words and have them in my heart. What better way to stop any naysayer from saying I have no interest in humanity than by showing them I am part human?
Danny opened his eyes. It was still dark out. He didn’t know what woke him up until he heard soft footsteps on the other side of the door.
“Dami, I know you’re there. You and Jason might as well come in.”
Dami opened the door and entered, followed by a tired-looking Jason.
“Sorry, akhi, we didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No problem; what’s up,” Danny asked as he sat up.
Danny was staying at Wayne Manor for the time being but didn’t go out through the main entrance. They didn’t want the news to find out (at least not yet.) that he was staying with the Waynes and that his biological father was Bruce Wayne. That was a problem for future him when he resolved all the GIW issues.
Things were going better than they had hoped. They had most of the public’s support thanks to the Justice League and their PR team. The US government had banned the GIW and the experimentation of ectoentities. The UN has started drafting laws that protect all persons, ghosts, or beings with an ectosignature.
Danny was now more worried about what was happening closer to home.
Jason had problems controlling his abilities, and his younger brother had become more awkward around Danny, unsure of how to interact with him.
Jason woke up from nightmares in his ghost form (chest bare with a Y-incision weeping ectoplasm. His nails missing, and ectoplasm coming out of his mouth and eyes. Hair white with black stripes. Burn scars ran up Jason’s arms. Jason’s death screams echoed through the manor, haunting everyone.)
Thankfully, x-rays showed that everything was where it was supposed to be, and physically, Jason was fine—one less thing to worry about.
Jason went up to Danny and showed that his right arm was going in and out of invisibility.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a problem.”
Jason scoffed, “I dreamt that—well, I dreamt something, and now my arm won’t stop doing this.”
Danny nodded in understanding. He remembered learning how to control his powers and how terrifying it was when he lost access to or control of them. He couldn’t imagine how much worse it was for Jason.
(At least Danny’s death and revival had been quick.)
Danny sat on the edge of the bed and got hold of where Jason’s arms should’ve been. It wasn’t intangible.
“Okay, concentrate on the feel of your arm. The weight, the way it moves, and then imagine it’s there.”
Danny wished he could explain this better. He felt he wasn’t good enough to teach Jason to control his powers.
Eventually, Jason’s arm appeared again, clean of any blemishes. Jason sighed in relief and moved his fingers.
“Thanks, kid,” Jason whispered.
“I didn’t do anything.”
 “Trust me, having someone who knows what’s going on and has dealt with this is plenty.”
Danny hummed in understanding.
Jason sat on a loveseat and closed his eyes.
“Have you heard from Talia,” Jason asked.
“Yes, she’s been sending me text messages when she destroys a GIW base. I wish she wouldn’t. I don’t want people thinking it’s me.”
“Tt, it’s not just mother destroying those bases. You’ll be fine; no one will ever think it was on your orders. It’s clearly humans destroying the bases.”
That was true. Since the discovery of the GIW, mobs, heroes, and vigilantes have gone after GIW bases in the United States to destroy them. Thankfully, the government hadn’t accused Danny of ordering it. There have been no ghost attacks since Danny destroyed the portal in Amity.
Danny heard a snore. Jason had fallen asleep; good, he needed it. Danny sent feelings of calmness toward Jason, hoping to stave off any nightmares.
“When do you think you’ll go back to Amity,” Damian asked in a monotone voice.
“Not anytime soon. We’re closer to the UN building here. I want to be able to sort everything out before going back to my haunt.”
Damian stayed silent. He wanted to say that Gotham could be Danny’s haunt if they stayed long enough. He stayed quiet. Damian didn’t want to alienate his older brother.
“I’ll visit every weekend. It’s not as if I can’t fly here. Besides, it would be hard for Bruce to find an excuse for why I’m staying here.”
“Tt, don’t worry about father; he’s used to scandals.”
“Dami,” Danny started.
“I know, akhi, I won’t begrudge you going back home but don’t leave because you think it would inconvenience father. He’s dealt with worse.”
Danny smiled.
“I know. Don’t worry, we’ll come up with something, but I miss my haunt. It calls to me. I can’t help it.”
Damian nodded. He’s been reading up on ghost culture. A ghost couldn’t be far from their haunt for long without feeling like a part of them was missing. And, while theoretically, a new place could become their haunt, it was painful for them. Damian wouldn’t ask his brother to give up something for him. He had already sacrificed too much.
“I’ll visit, too,” Damian said, “That is if it’s okay with you.”
“I would love that. I’ll show you my Keep in the Ghost Zone when we fix the portal. It’ll be fun.”
They went quiet, with Jason’s soft snores filling the room.
“You think Bruce will be okay with Jason going to Amity for a while when we leave?”
Jason had decided to follow Danny to Amity Park until he got used to his powers. Father hadn’t taken the news too well. He still feared losing Jason.
“The rest of my siblings will be here to help. Besides, it’s like you said; you’ll visit every weekend. Todd can come with you.”
Danny yawned, and Damian knew he had stayed too long.
“I’ll go back to my room. You need to rest.”
Danny took hold of Damian’s hand, “You might as well stay, you know if you want.”
Damian smiled, knowing an olive branch when he heard one.
“I would love to, akhi, thank you.”
For the first time in years, both brothers slept in the same bed. Both brothers had smiles decorating their faces.
Nobody in the room had nightmares for the remainder of the night.
Thank you for reading until the end!
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crownedinmarigolds · 11 months
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The Stakebait Coterie! Khloe and her boys are out there saving the Atlanta Waterbloods or get Final Death'd trying! (I'll type it all beneath the cut because I know.. my handwriting)
The main characters of the Poisoned Peach - ATL by Night chronicle my beloved is running for me! Khloe is my character, and the boys are my unbeatably dope team.
Name: Khloe Mariah Osbourne
Born: 05/04/1993, Embraced: 2022 by a Ventrue, came out Thinblood, Physical Age: 29
Height: 5'5", Hair: Dark Brown, Eyes: Hazel, Gender: Miss (She/Her), Nationality: American
Likes: Coffee, True Crime, Tabletop RPGs, Being a Minx, Staying Busy
Dislikes: Disappointing Others, Being Unprepared, Not knowing what's up, Her body, Tiktok-Style Ads
A little history: Khloe grew up the only child of very normal people who nastily divorced when she graduated high school. An avid reader and over-thinker, Khloe has immersed herself in many fantasy worlds and strategy games to the point where she seems to think of everything. A people pleaser who has a lot of good acquaintances yet no friends, the lack of companionship was hard-felt when COVID rolled around and kept everyone inside. Had a few partners, though none lasted. One night after visiting her mother, she found herself on a backroad all alone, save for the oncoming headlights that may be straying in her lane. (Where the Poisoned Peach begins!)
Name: Kyle Johnson
Born: 2/3/1994, Embraced: 2020, Sire unknown, but came out Thinblood, Physical Age: 26
Height: 5’10", Hair: N/A, Eyes: Sexy-Boy Brown, Gender: More man than your man (He/Him), Nationality: American
Likes: Feeling needed and helping others, Parties, Drinking cocktails with stupid names, Reasonable reactions.
Dislikes: Being late, people that CAN help and just don't, the MINIONS, Improperly labelled content warnings.
History: His mom was a nurse, her mom was a nurse, and so on. His sisters didn’t want to carry on the tradition, so he decided to go into the medical field himself as an EMT. The stress of the job brought on early balding, but he thrived both on the clock and in the club. One night, he drank a few too many and he woke up in a dumpster the next night, completely clueless. The sunlight began to hurt, nothing sat right in his stomach. Everything was the same yet all so different, better and worse. He spiraled, confused and depressed, until the Dusk Angel found him and helped him come to terms with his new existence. Now Kyle proudly helps the Thinblood Revolution as a kind face to help ease the new blood in, just as he had been.
Name: Randolph "Ralph" Gaylord King III
Born: 10/09/1996, Embraced: 2021 by a Nosferatu, came out Thinblood, Physical Age: 25
Height: 6'5" (Even pre-Embrace, him just big), Hair: Brown (Has to shave the remnants every evening, used to be long and thick and in a man-bun), Eyes: Yellow-Orange (Brown pre-Embrace), Gender: BOI (He/Him), Nationality: American
Likes: Guns, Bad Jokes, Strategy Games, Annoying Christian, Being a right menace
Dislikes: Himself :(, Whiny people, Beer, Signs with sayings meant to be taken serious.
Some Background: Born in St. Louis Missouri, Ralph had a pretty standard lower middle class upbringing. He followed his father and older brother and joined the army when he turned 18 right out of high school. Years of prep and hard work paid off as he went through candidate courses, eventually making it into Special Forces. His career was short-lived however after losing his right foot on his first deployment. Depression and dead-end jobs seemed to be his future until as a joke he started posting thirst-traps on social media, but it got real when his follower count spiked and sponsors started making offers. He was thrown into the life of an Insta-Thot - specifically Fitness Inspo - ultimately landing him in a party in Atlanta, Georgia, where his soon to be sire, Bill - a jealous and spiteful Nosferatu - lurked. Ralph was alone as he stumbled to his hotel room, and Bill could contain his hate no longer. To him, Ralph deserved to be as ugly on the outside as Bill thought he had to be on the inside. Little did Bill know, he messed with the wrong guy.
(Not written due to lack of room, we clearly don't play favorites here...) Eventually found in the sewers by the Dusk Angel, Ralph now serves in the Thinblood revolution, using every skill he's acquired in order to get revenge against the Fullbloods.
Name: Christian Ottavio
Born: 01/16/1989, Embraced: 2017, Gangrel sire but came out Thinblood, Physical Age: A rough 28
Height: 6'1", Hair: Dark Brown, Eyes: Brown, Gender: The MAN (He/Him), Nationality: American
Likes: Beer, Relaxing nights spent inside, Napping, His truck
Dislikes: His family, Wearing tight jeans, Bro-Country music, Fullbloods
A bit of background: Born and bred in Georgia into a rich family with ideals he couldn't wrap his head around. Went into the workforce at a young age in an effort to escape them and be on his own. He's had to sleep in his truck many a night, but eventually got everything together enough to get a roof over his head. That was until some uppity lick decided to draft him into the army of the damned during the Atlanta Sabbat civil war. He was one of many forced to fight during the schism, and one of the few to come out "alive." Before his sire could take him behind the proverbial tool shed, Christian was saved by the Dusk Angel, and now is a proud Thinblood freedom fighter.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
what is your brutally honest opinion on rory and logan?
i'm telling myself i don't want to be a hater but i am even though there are parts of their relationship i grew to love he's the worst. he's the king of manipulation, making it all about him, doesn't respect her space and always thinks he knows better & he has the worst fucking life. everything is a game to him, an ultimatum, the way he calls rory 'ace' is just the worst turn off ever. she is barely herself when she's around him, she barely reads books, 'their' apartment is basically his even though they living together so it feels like she's just having the longest sleepover in his place. every time he makes plans just for the two of them (or at least that's what rory is assuming) it ends up being an event with other people in it. he never stood up to what is father said to her and basically let her drooped out of yale, never did anything to help her go back to school, never did anything to make her go talk to lorelai again. he is love bombing her with gifts and coffee carts and all those stuff. he buys her a birking bag and honestly rory doesn't care about any of it. the bridesmaids 'accident' was the biggest red flag that he has over stayed his welcome. being a jerk to rory's friends, never show up when it's important to her but rather he's gonna spend millions of dollars in vegas instead of showing up to lane's baby shower party.... he doesn't even try to know rory and her friends and her world all he ever does is try to change her to fit into his. he humiliated her in front of her entire class along side finn & colin so honestly i don't get what was so fucking funny in it. he has no respect for rory, no respect for lorelai, he is just.... he steals from emily and richard when he has this dinner thing at their house and then make sure the maid who desperately needs the job (i am assuming) gets the blame on it. he steal a fucking yacht with rory & doesn't even care she needs to do a community services while he does nothing and never held any consequences for his action. treat people that don't have lots of money as they below him (as with marty) and doesn't understand what's wrong with that. says he would factor rory in & she should do whatever she wanna do and then breaks up with her because it's marrige or nothing. having an affair while being engaged and just - god, i don't love them. maybe rory was good for him for helping him change a bit in s7 but he was never good for rory! she deserves better & i'm so glad she said no to him.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my brutally honest opinion on it
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mod-kyoko · 10 months
school au headcanons!! pt. 1
fandom: danganronpa: trigger happy havoc
type: school au, no-ultimates
a/n: just how the characters would act in an au where ultimates don't exist!
if it seems like i'm being mean to any of the characters i'm literally not (except for hifumi i can't defend him but other than that i have nothing but love in my heart for them all)
makoto naegi
friends with a bunch of theatre kids but not actively involved, sees every show
doesn't really have any after school activities
spends his free time reading comics and playing video games
very extroverted but not popular, but despite that no one has beef with him
usually active in pep rallies and social events like school dances, but not any clubs or sports
sayaka maizono
choir kid - soprano
everyone in the choir loves her
she always gets the solos
on top of that she has the highest grades in every subject and is on the student council
literally everyone loves her
takes a lot of fine arts classes
always the female lead in the musicals and theatre kids are tired of it but no one says anything
byakuya togami
rich kid
so god damn intolerable
straight A's across all classes, primarily chooses social studies related electives
president of his class and student government
everyone kisses his ass hoping to get invited to his mansion or receive gifts of some sort
captain of model UN
parents definitely donate a fuck ton of money to the school
kyoko kirigiri
top 10% of her class, straight A's
not the most popular, but well-liked enough, no one has beef because she stays in her lane
in the archery club
favorite subject is english
gets so many guys but doesnt look their way
girlie is focused on her studies so she can get into a top university and go into law
celestia ludenberg
another born rich popular kid
everyone kisses her ass and she takes advantage of it
extremely smart without even needing to study
mommy and daddy donate money to the school
probably the single most popular girl
her favorite subject is social studies, specifically history
on the student council, national honors society, and part of the chess club
chihiro fujisaki
responsible for reviving the programming club
super well liked with the less popular students, but not paid attention to by the populars
volunteers for a program that teaches kids to code!
part of the school's GSA
super smart! often tutors people for free in all subjects
all of her time is spent in the computer lab
hifumi yamada
started the anime club
widely hated
does well academically but not socially
does have quite a few members of his club though
also on the creative writing team but gets the lowest scores because his style is more suited for comics/manga/fanfiction
mondo owada
popular with the guys and the girls
on the baseball team
former bully but mellowed out in high school
cannot go a month without getting a detention because he speaks his mind
bro's grades are kind of suffering
that guy who gets dropped off at school on a motorcycle every day
his teachers don't have a lot of faith in him
kiyotaka ishimaru
tight ass student council member who never breaks a single rule
not a super-narc anymore but occasionally reverts to his snitch ways
he isn't even popular with other student council members
but he is very popular with the teachers
straight A's
king of extracurriculars, part of model UN, the GSA, honors society, student council, government, and volunteers for many different organizations and charities
is well aware people don't like him because of the stick up his ass, but he is passionate and respects every single one of his classmates and teachers. truly doesn't dislike a single person
junko enoshima
equally as popular as sayaka
takes cosmetology
doesn't even need to study to maintain her good grades
she is a model and influencer, and often gets followed/recognized at school
she never gets tired of the attention though
she does equestrian!!! loves horseback riding and competes with other schools
mukuro ikusaba
poor girl lives in her sister's shadow, no one even knows her name
everyone knows her as "junko's sister"
she tries to join independent activities
she runs cross country
her grades are good because she spends a lot of time studying
her favorite subject is math, she is naturally gifted with it
doesn't really talk to many people besides her sister, but she has a very small circle
toko fukawa
carries the creative writing team to states every single year
everyone kind of just overlooks her, but with her modest style she is prone to teasing sometimes
is also a writer/editor for the school newspaper
all her time is spent in the library devoting herself to one of her extracurriculars
is one of the few people who actually enjoy studying
struggles in math
tutors english because her teacher begged her to
yasuhiro hagakure
floats around between social cliques because he's so extroverted and liked by most people
doesn't do too well in academics but studies and goes to tutors because he actually cares
does improv
in the culture club
in student government due to how popular and easygoing he is
leon kuwata
captain of the baseball team
has a garage band with his buddies
super popular with everyone
does alright in most classes, but not math
tenor in the choir
somehow has a new girlfriend every week
sakura ogami
first female student at her school to join the wrestling team, and be captain
super popular with the boys
also part of the culture club, and takes spanish
favorite subject is math
works on the school newspaper
aoi asahina
played so many sports before she settled on swim (soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, softball, track and field)
she is the captain of the swim team in the winter and on the basketball team in the spring
part of the honors society because her grades are great
super popular with the other girls
the kind of person who's nice to everyone, especially the kids who seem lonely or sad
she won't let a single person feel left out
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getlostsquidward · 2 years
i'm also missing your galadriel x reader fics, so here's a prompt:
Galadriel x Elf!Reader (married)
Thranduil and Reader are childhood friends and decided to visit Reader and Galadriel's home and starts reminiscing the times they were both still young, and Galadriel gets a bit jealous....or something, feel free to change things, if ever youre gonna write it!!!
I'm so sorry im such a sucker for your Jealous!Galadriel fics ahhh, also sorry if its a bit long.
Gold Rush
Galadriel x Elf!Reader; Platonic!Thranduil x Reader
A/N: Don't worry, detailed requests are chef's kiss. This isn't my best work though, I'm sorry 🥲
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“Well if it isn’t the Elvenking himself,” you beamed as you saw the King of the Wood Elves, your dear childhood friend, Thranduil waiting for you at the entrance to the Halls.
“Ah, Y/N. Surely it hasn’t been long since I last saw you? You look younger than ever, my dear,” he remarked. He put a hand on your shoulder as you give him a curtsy. “You know you need not do that, do you?”
You both laughed as you stood straight again. “I could say the same way to you. By the way, I’m sure you know of my wife, Galadriel.”
You looked behind you, seeing that she and a handful of Lorien elves that went along with you had finally caught up. Due to your excitement of being back to Mirkwood, your home, after centuries of living in Lothlorien with Galadriel, your pace may have been quicker than the rest of your company.
Your hand found its way to your wife’s back as she stood beside you, the great leaders of the two Elven kingdoms giving each other their greetings.
Thranduil offered his hand as you made your way to the Elvenking’s Halls which you graciously accepted. You didn’t see Galadriel raise a brow as you, once again, went ahead.
Galadriel couldn’t help but feel as if she was an outsider as your and Thranduil’s voice echoes in the room with both of you reminiscing the past. She knows the long history between the two of you, how close you are and how one means to the other. She couldn’t help the twinge in her chest as she feels as though you’d forgotten about her.
But your hand comes to rest on her knees, turning to her as you give her a smile before going back to your conversation with him. Somehow, it soothed her.
As the King's little feast concluded, he personally showed you to the room where you’ll be staying.
“I bid my good night to the both of you. Lady Galadriel,” Thranduil nodded to her. He turns to you. “Y/N, I am beyond happy to have you back here, even for a short time. Welcome home.”
With that, he left the two of you to your own devices.
“So much has happened since I’ve last been here,” you sighed dreamily, not quite done with all the trip down memory lane, that is sure to continue the next day.
“It’s interesting to hear King Thranduil’s side of the story. I find it amusing how the two of you have completely different versions of what transpired,” Galadriel commented, faux enthusiasm laced in her voice. Though the sentiment was sincere, she feels tired, and frankly, the sparkle in your eyes as you talk about your time together with the Elvenking isn’t helping what the Lady of Lorien feels at the moment.
The two of you get between the sheets. The long day came to catch up on you as you yawned. “Oh, I feel like our visit here isn’t enough to keep up on all the things I’ve missed.”
You turned to face your wife; her eyes trained on the ceiling. “Thank you for coming with me, meleth nîn. I appreciate you coming all the way here with me.”
“It’s nothing, my love. We should sleep; we still have a long day tomorrow.”
You dismissed Galadriel’s languid reply, thinking she must be exhausted from the trip. You pressed a chaste kiss on her lips before you closed your eyes.
The cold and empty side of your bed woke Galadriel up.
“I remember you braiding my hair in this very spot,” Thranduil nudged you as you sat on the stairs located in the throne room.
You smiled as the memories replayed in your mind. “Yes, and you would always accuse me of pulling your hair… which was true.”
“Yet despite that, I never let anyone touch my hair but you.”
“So, can I have the honor of touching the King’s precious hair? For old time’s sake.”
Thranduil chuckled heartily. “I would love that, Y/N.”
That’s how Galadriel found you, Thranduil’s back on you as your fingers delicately glide through his hair. She decided not to ruin the moment and turned away, so she didn’t see the two of you looking at her before she disappeared from your sights.
“I envy you, Y/N.”
Stunned by your friend’s remark, you halted your movements. “What do you mean?”
“You get to spend your time with the love of your life, and maybe one day return to Valinor. Together.”
You could hear the melancholy and grief in his voice as he remembers his wife. You feel for him, as he decided to suffer alone ­– he never talked about her as if she never existed. But you understood why.
“She wouldn’t want you to wallow in sorrow, Thranduil,” you continued to finish the braid on his hair. “There we go.”
As you stood up, he surprised you with a firm embrace. You knew he was not one to show his vulnerability, and you feel truly honored to see this part of the King.
“How are you, my love? I haven’t seen you all day,” you found Galadriel wandering in the kingdom’s halls.
“Forgive me, I wanted to visit the Mirkwood on my own.”
You stared at your wife, squinting your eyes at her as you feel she was not completely telling the truth.
“Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
Galadriel’s head turned to you; her eyes slightly widened. Sometimes she forgets how you could tell that something is not right with one look.
She tilts her head down. “I feel… something when I saw how happy you are when you reminisce your memories together with the King. It’s not necessarily bad. Like a sudden and sharp pain in my chest. And your eyes are already bright but now they doubled their spark, it’s enough to blind anyone.”
You slowly closed the distance, your fingers coming to gently tip Galadriel’s chin up. You couldn’t help but smile at the downcast look on her face. No one is as adorable as her.
“I think jealous is the word for that, meleth nîn,” you answered. Your hands cupped her cheeks as you made sure she won’t look at anything but you.
“I apologize if my actions made you feel bad. You have no reason to be jealous, my love. I promised you all of eternity. Trust me when I say that.”
tags: @ilovehotactresses @madamevirgo @setsuna1415 @thenastoaster @r4nd0mgir1 @just-another-ant1 @nocteangelus15 @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @thenazwife
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gallivantingheart · 2 years
who?: wonwoo x (f)reader
word count: 863
genre/s: mafia au, light humor, light fluff
warnings: references to violence
synopsis: you got a little lost on a girls night out - wonwoo has to come rescue you.
a/n: damn i’m really wilin. it’s either no fic for 6mths or all the fics in one week.
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You tremble on the sidewalk, cold and alone. Not even the chips tucked in your free hand did much to ease you. You press your phone to your ear, glad something was still working for once.
He picks up, first ring. "Hey, what is it?"
A bit more curt than usual - your heart sunk. Of course he was busy. Most of his...important work happened at night.
"I - it's noth- I'm so sorry, but I think I'm lost." You murmur. "It's okay though, I'll call later."
"That sounds ridiculous. What do you mean you think you're lost?" Wonwoo says, movement going on in the background.
"Well, me and the girls went out to that mini golf and bar place. Then we drank and it got a bit late so we finished up. Dani went left to her uber, I went right because that was the way we got here. I mean I would have gotten an uber too but, I need to go grocery shopping and pay the water bill this week so I was just gonna take the train back. And then...well I got lost. And my gps is being super confusing - like little lanes and alleys and I -  I'm really sorry for disrupting you." You squeak. "Are you okay to pick me up?"
He sighs. "It's okay, no need to be sorry. I'm glad you called me. Find a street sign if you can and tell me where it is. I'll stay on the line."
Carefully tucking the paper container under your arm, you pluck a few chips out to nibble on, sighing at the warmth.
"Okay. Uhm...oh!" You jog in your heels, skidding to a stop. "I'm by a William Street. So I must have walked down...King Street. Does that help?" You ask.
"Perfect. I know exactly where you are. Is there a flower shop a little bit down, just across the street?" He says.
You peer around the darkened shop fronts to find a quaint little floral shop, with mock white picket fencing and elaborately carved awning. You smile. "Yeah, white fence and super cute."
"Great. Well done." What Wonwoo praises you for, you're not sure, but it's a nice thing to hear anyway. "Do you remember when I gave you that little bunch of flowers?"
"The one with the daffodils?" You say.
You can’t help but smile a little at the memory. It was the first familiar gesture he had given you since he told you about the other side of his life. The bashful expression and dusting of pink over his cheeks. He stammered a little on the introduction too. A little bouquet that almost looked like it had been plucked from a random garden it was so small - a mix of daffodils and little white flowers - until you saw the plastic and ribbon that held it together. 
He hums. "That's where I brought them from. Seungkwan's aunt owns the place."
You coo. "That's actually so cute. Wonu, how far away are you?"
"I'm five minutes, I swear. Just coming off the freeway now."
“Okay, thank you.”
“It’s okay. As long as you’re safe.”
A black car with white lights nips around the corner. As much as there are still a few cars about, this one feels different. So much so, it indicates and begins to slow down.
“Oh, I see you.” Wonwoo says with a sigh.
You hang up as his car stops across from you, the door kicking open. You scramble for the comfort of a seat and company. He even has the radio turned on low, playing some top 40 stuff. You balance your phone and chips in your lap as you strap yourself in. He’s got a smile on his face, wry as he waits.
“What?” You say.
“Did we get hungry on our little adventure?” He quips.
You follow his sight down to your chips and laugh shyly. He sets off, far more relaxed than the way he first turned the corner. Your breathing is easy now, but you’re rather drowsy, with the fact you’ve kicked your heels off and the lingering alcohol in your system. Slumped in your seat, you loll your head to stare at him, baring a loud yawn.
“I’m kind of surprised that you didn’t make more of a fuss or that you haven’t told me off for being drunk and s-silly.” You mumble.
“Well, it wasn’t super late and you weren’t in a rival area. And you decided to call me anyway. I don’t see any reason to make you sad over nothing. I just wish that maybe you would let me know if you’re drinking so I can check on you.” Wonwoo shrugs.
You blink blearily in shock at the rationale before nodding and yawning again. You could feel the twinge in your wrist from playing all that mini-golf - and killing it, by the way. He lets go of the gearstick at the traffic lights to put your chips on the middle console, patting your thigh.
“Have a rest. I’ll wake you when we get back to mine.” He hums soothingly.
You agree, shutting your eyes and resting your head against the seatbelt.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
hey! i’d like to preface this by saying that i genuinely only want to have a good-faith discussion about this, but when you made that post about claude’s “who steals your freedoms, gives you duties, forces you to marry etc etc” dialogue, i don’t think he means that the church is personally doing those things but rather that those are the indirect effects of the church’s teachings and influence on society. like, obviously rhea isn’t personally forcing dimitri to be king, but the blaiddyd family’s right to kingship (and respective duties as king) are derived from both the church’s involvement in the establishment of the kingdom and the belief that crests are blessings from the goddess, a belief that also plays a lesser but still prevalent role in the justification of noble houses’ ruling rights and the importance of their lineage. i agree with you that rhea does not spread these teachings with ill intent, and as you pointed out, the fault lies mostly in the nobles themselves for abusing crest status despite rhea’s mitigations, but that doesn’t change the fact that those beliefs form the foundation of current power structures and that those structures will be difficult to properly reform without uprooting that system of beliefs altogether. (pretty sure this is also the reason why the game takes time to clarify that edelgard’s ultimate goal isn’t to kill rhea, it’s to end the central church, which unfortunately also results in rhea’s death as the head of church because she doesn’t surrender). in the end, i don’t believe that edelgard’s war is the best solution either, but i wanted to at least share my interpretation of what edelgard and claude’s points regarding the church are and how it’s possible to have dissonance between personal actions and intent vs widespread ingrained influence
Ehhh, I would agree with that perspective, but ultimately the game still has Edelgard and Claude both posit that killing Rhea is the first foundational step towards change. As you say, Rhea herself isn't enforcing the kinds of practices that the noble houses are doing, but since that is the case it creates a dissonant objective: if Edelgard's goal is to uproot the power structure, then why does she still war against the church and Rhea after reforming her own territory with no impediment? The answer is that her goal is self righteous conquest for a world she personally wants, without regards for what anyone else says. If Claude's goal is to open borders and create harmony amongst people with differences, why does he ignite conflict between Sreng and Faerghus again, and why does he kill the head of the church branch that accepted foreigners? The answer is that he's ignorant and immature (and that the writers didn't care to have him question Edelgard) and never grows out of it.
However the biggest hole in the idea that the church is too involved with the foundational power structure is that the people who have the biggest problems with it in Three Hopes-Edelgard and Claude-have had little to do with the church itself. Adrestia has not had religious influence in politics for over a century, and Leceister is explicitly stated to not have had religion as the crux of its foundation. Edelgard and Claude are looking at the Kingdom and jumping to conclusions regarding problems that they have absolutely zero jurisdiction in. Them disagreeing is valid, but inciting a war and enabling bloodshed against a power that has done nothing to them personally? Those are the actions of bad people who have no self awareness and can't stay in their lane because of self fulfilling ambitions for the world.
It's why Claude in particular is so frustrating because we as players know that he can grow out of that mentality-and that his writing in Hopes was scuffed in the first place cuz fuck his curiosity and thirst for answers, amirite?-but since he's played as an opportunist jackass who in fact achieves the opposite of what he says he intended to do in the first place, it comes across really terribly.
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dezz111 · 1 year
Do Or Do Not, There is No Fighting Disney
((For context, I wrote this for class and decided to share it here.)
Ron DeSantis, take your L and do it well.
The LGBTQ+ community has been parked pretty with our bucket of caramel popcorn and Mickey Mouse pretzels. Because one does not simply go against Disney lawyers and expect to win. It is as simple as do not or do not. There is no try. And by the Magic Kingdom, did DeSantis try?
Pardon my glee, but this is up there with Trump being indicted and Stacy Plasket throwing back papers on national television. (Count your blessings, Elon. You were supposed to be on my chopping block this week.) Now I can understand if I’ve lost you like DeSantis did. But give me a second to give you all the details of the royal smackdown presented by the House of Mouse.
Now, as some of you may know, Florida has become something a…. What’s the word? Joke. And a terrible one at that. With a “man” like DeSantis in charge, the state has become the subject of more memes and episodes of The Daily Show than any other. The increasing bans on anything that will hurt a Karen’s feelings or call out a Ken on his bullshit are slowly lowering the state’s IQ. No one wants little Timmy to feel bad about history or come home asking his parents the hard questions, so it's easier to make sure he won't ask them in the first place. Because guilty consciences usually fight the hardest. And heaven forbid the people in charge of serving the people follow the proclamations of the good book that they so claim to follow and wield as a weapon of self-righteousness. For why would they love their neighbor who has no bearing or effect on their personal lives when they could just as easily let their blind hate lead them by the nose? Because heaven forbid that a rainbow, a symbol of peace, love, and acceptance be used for just that. Let’s simply ban it altogether.
Let’s make sure no one can say, Gay!
Heh. No. While I normally don't support multi-billion dollar corporations, I will gladly give Disney my vote when they inevitably run for President. Because Disney most definitely said, Gay.  Especially with the main character of their hit show, The Owl House, being openly bisexual with a lesbian girlfriend. Let’s not forget the married gay couple and the non-binary representation in the show. The company simply told Florida that they will stay in their self-governed lane and say, Gay. 
DeSantis took offense to this and decided to make Disney his new campaign promise. Because nothing screams competency and a desire to serve your eg- I mean the people like squaring up with the House of Mouse. Especially when you're pulling books like Maus off the shelves because you don't want to acknowledge your own hypocrisy. Now, I would like to point out that this was the moment when most of TikTok knew that he fucked up. Because everyone and their blind cat know that Disney lawyers are paid too much to lose. Ronny Boy thought he had one when he was able to take away Disney’s self-governing status and turned Reedy Creek over to his specially selected board (Swisher). The plan was to basically gain all the money and royalties they felt entitled to and make bank off of Disney. That is not what happened. 
Instead, Disney pulled out the biggest UNO reverse and slammed several draw four cards with an additional wild draw four card.
The board, and by extension Florida, has inherited Disney’s billion-dollar debt. Not only that, but the board has zero control over any of the entertainment mogul's intellectual property and has no right to make any changes to its parks until “21 years after the death of the last survivor of the descendants of King Charles III, King of England living as of the date of this Declaration.” (Cho). This means until the last of the British monarchy dies out, Florida cannot touch any of the characters of influence that DeSantis oh so desperately tried to put his fingers on without the most cutthroat lawyers known to mankind coming for his neck. Disney tied its fate to actual royalty in a power move that will be taught in law schools for decades to come. 
In the end, DeSantis fucked around and found out. And Disney said, “You’re welcome”.
Works Cited
Cho, W. (2023, March 30). Florida gov. Ron DeSantis' board outmaneuvered in wrangling 
over Disney Special District Control. The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/disney-desantis-
Gay, R. (2023, April 2). The Audacious Roundup. The Audacious Roundup - by Roxane 
Gay. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://audacity.substack.com/p/the-audacious-roundup
Gregg, A., Rozsa, L., & Pietsch, B. (2023, March 31). Disney quietly dodged DeSantis's 
Oversight Board, appointees realize. The Washington Post. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/03/30/desantis-disney-world-board-loophole/
Swisher, S. (2023, March 31). DeSantis' Reedy Creek Board says Disney stripped its 
power. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from https://www.orlandosentinel.com/
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lovebillyhargrove · 10 months
Wake me up when July is around
Chapter 6
Chapter 7/?
Remember the yellow camaro, a glimpse of which we got in the Halloween party episode? I do.
And, imo, Steven extremely frustrated, sexually.
Also, Max hasn't met El yet.
On Monday Billy puts the tray on the table where Andy's having lunch with his girlfriend, takes a seat and asks:
"Your car runs okay now?"
"Yeah, man. You did a great job. No more funny noises or anything."
Billy knows that, but he's just checking.
"When's the race then?"
"Uhm .. Thursday? .. Friday?"
On Thursday Billy's working at the garage, on Friday some Susan's relatives from a nearby town are coming for dinner, so Neil has made it very clear - no plans for Friday evening. Gotta stay home and pretend to be a perfect family.
"Busy. Saturday?"
Andy's looking at Tina for confirmation and she nods.
"Yeah, alright. Evening time?"
"Anything after 4."
They decide to make it at six thirty, perfect time in terms of light. The sun is not gonna be getting in the eyes, but the visibility is still gonna be great. They talk some more about the track. Tommy who's been sitting with Harrington the whole time changes tables and is joining in because of course he has to, how can preparation for a car race between Hawkins High students can happen without him taking active part in it. Billy notices King Steve does not like it when his jester wanders off.
He gets distracted for a split second because
The King's pout is an entertaining sight.
But he quickly regains his focus.
The three boys choose an approximately seven-mile-long stretch of the road, starting from the abandoned Brimborn steelworks factory till the bridge over the Fall Creek. The track is almost a straight line with four or five curves, which aren't too tricky. Boys wanna rev the engines, but it's not Formula 1, there is no need to make it too dangerous. They will need people at the start, and at the finish. The road is on the outskirts of Hawkins, and rarely used, so the chance of running into cops is very little. As well as the chance of risking having a car coming towards you. Also, the guys who are gonna be waiting at the bridge can stop any vehicle coming from the other side of it, apologize for the inconvenience and politely ask to wait till the race is finished. No-one wants to come face to face with two wild teenagers' cars speeding on both lanes in your direction.
The Fall Creek bridge is old and has only one lane. Two cars can't possibly fit in there. Whoever's on it first, wins.
They are racing for the win, but also, to make it more interesting, for a six-pack. Tommy says he'll let everyone who might be interested in watching a race know, and people are gonna bring beer, so that everyone can celebrate, and at that all major details have been settled.
Nothing really happens this week, Billy doesn't even bug Harrington during basketball practice that much. Can't explain it, just doesn't feel like it. Maybe making each other's noses bleed has helped him let some steam out. Or maybe thinking about Harrington when Vicky's mouth was literally on his dick means that Billy should ease off for a while, let himself cool down. Besides, he's got other stuff to worry about. Like the upcoming race, he has to make sure his baby is ready. He's working Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and at the weekend, so when Vicky asks him if he wants to go out sometime this week, he has to blow her off. Billy tries to make a sad face like he's really disappointed they can't spend time together and asks for a rain check, but in his defense his plate is full these days.
Max, surprisingly, has been on her best behaviour so far this week. Always on time. He's seen her talking to the same boys from the week before, so she is hanging out with them. It's fine. Until Neil sees the whole gang. Billy just hopes she's gonna be smart about it and not bring anyone home. He should also probably warn her against mentioning "guy friends" at this family dinner on Friday. Cause the question about school and new friends will definitely be asked. If Max says, yeah my best friends here are actually four boys, they are the coolest, and she doesn't even have to mention that one of them is black, Neil .. he is not gonna be happy. Billy's not sure what's going to happen, cause he's never seen dad go after Max, everything is always Billy's fault anyways, so things might just get more chaotic in the Hargrove-Mayfield household. Or Neil's going to make Billy Max's watch dog 24/7, which is gonna be nauseating. So far he's been her chauffeur. However, Max is growing and soon, Billy's afraid, Neil will find the way to make it his problem.
It's only a year. Less than a year. Eight or nine months to hold out.
So yeah, it kinda happens that Billy robs Harrington of his attention this week, but Harrington seems to be the one asking for it? The slicked-and-styled-hair preppy boy is getting under Billy's feet, and on his nerves, the whole time during the game. As if his bloody nose wasn't enough. As if he wants more. Harrington throws subtle glances at Hargrove in the showers and during classes. The fuck he's doing that for, can anyone explain it to Billy? He probably wants to say sorry for being such a bitch about the room at the party last Saturday. When he fucking walked in on Billy getting a blowjob from Vicky in his majesty's quarters.
This is my room, get out of my room! Mommy, mommy, they are in my room, tell them to go away!
What a whiny ass.
No-one needs your apologies, you dick. Go figure your shit out with your girl better. It’s becoming more and more depressing to look at those two. They are gonna break up soon, that's for sure. There's something in them being together that just doesn't sit right.
The family dinner is boring and ceremonious, as expected. Why are adults always so fucking pretentious, like do they really enjoy it, do they feel comfortable like that? Or, it's not about feeling comfortable, it's about painting a pretty picture, rubbing it in the faces of others, look what a nice family we have, how well behaved the children are, how hardworking and serious the husband is and how good the housewife is. Who fucking needs it?
It's suffocating.
Billy wants to get out for a smoke, to take a breath of evening air
But he can't do even that now. Would be disrespectful, and they have zero disrespect tolerance in this house.
Susan's cousin, Aunt Shirley and her husband Uncle Dean are the hickiest hicks possible. Thank god they didn't bring their kids, if they have any.
Billy behaves himself very well in his light blue button up, which he ironed yesterday. He always takes care if his clothes himself, Susan never touches his stuff. Helps Susan set the table while Neil entertains the guests in the living room. He can see that Max is suffering too.
When they were driving home from school earlier today Billy asked Max if she had made any friends who are girls. She looked at him as if he was thoroughly stupid and exclaimed a defiant "Yeaah!??"
"What is her name? Or names?"
"Why do you care??"
"Just trying to be a good brother, Maxine."
Max scoffs
"It's not your business."
"Just tell me your friend's name."
"Just leave me alone."
"Tell me the name, and I'll leave you alone."
"It's uh .. Jenny. Jenny is her name."
"Yeah! Jenny!" Max is hissing like a cat. "The hell is your problem today?"
Billy doesn't answer this pointless question.
When the table is set and Susan takes meatloaf from the oven, there's usual dinner chichat
"Here you go, Dean. Shirley ..?"
Aunt Shirley is tasting the food
"Mmm, Susan, the meatloaf is amazing! Where did you get the recipe?"
"It's actually Grandma Judy's recipe, do you remember how she used to cook it?"
"I do! It's perfect!"
When the food pleasantries have been expressed, Neil and Susan talk about life in San Diego a bit and how they decided to move to Indiana to be closer to Susan's family and also because Neil wanted a quieter life.
"How did the kids handle the move?"
"Well, they seem .. fine, right, honey?"
"Do you like your new school, Billy?"
Uncle Dean is mostly busy eating, but his wife seems to be very talkative
"Yes, ma'am."
"Have you already decided what to do after it?"
Get the fuck away from here, that's for sure
"Are you planning to study or start working?"
Aunt Shirley does like asking questions, huh
"I don't think he has any chance of getting into a university. With the lifestyle he's leading? Partying and what not. Right, son?" Neil is cutting in
"Dad, it's not only .."
"When I was your age I already had two part-time jobs, and although colleges were not an option for me, I pretty much supported myself and have decided on the future occupation."
A piece of meatloaf gets stuck in Billy's throat and he coughs lightly
"I actually have a job, dad."
"Oh? A job?" Shirley's asking
"Yes, I fix cars in the .."
"I really don't know who would hire you. Just look at the haircut. And the pierced ear? Kids are given too much freedom these days, I swear."
Billy holds back an eye roll
Dean stops chewing for a second
"That's true, I don't remember having a haircut like this when I was your age, kid."
"If I were the one to hire I'd tell you to go to the hairdresser first, son."
Dad, stop.
Billy's biting his lower lip.
Fucking stop.
Susan is sing-songing an obliging
"Dean, would you like more meatloaf?"
"Oh I sure would love to, cousin."
She's looking at Neil.
"Please. It's delicious."
Well damn, Billy hasn't even said anything, but he already feels like he's been covered in shit from head to toe.
Can we please just fucking get to dessert, or better skip it, and then wave you a heartfelt goodbye?
Aunt Shirley decides to switch to Max.
"What about you, sweetie? Do you like your new school?"
"Yes, I really like it. I've joined AV club, it's really interesting."
"What's AV?"
"AV stands for audiovisual .. it's working with audio or video materials, recording something, editing it .. It's fun."
"Oh. Sounds more like a thing boys would be interested in?"
"Uhm ..there are boys and girls, it doesn't really matter.."
"Have you made friends at school already?"
Auntie sure is a nosy one.
"Well, yes .. they are from the club mostly."
"Who is your best friend, sweetie?"
"Uhm .."
Max is quickly glancing at Billy, but his eyes are cast down.
"Jenny. Jenny is my new friend here. She's nice."
Susan remarks politely
"You should absolutely invite Jenny for a visit sometime, sweetie. Right, Neil?"
Neil's nodding and chewing.
Susan adds
"We'd love to meet her."
"Of course, mom."
At least, the shitbird had enough brains not so say something wrong. Susan's gonna be asking her about this imaginary Jenny now, but it's a problem for another day.
The adults finally leave the kids alone, and Billy can eat some food although it all tastes bland now for some reason.
Billy's used to being belittled in front of others by his own father, but it stings every time like a knee skinned afresh.
After dinner when Neil, Susan and the guests have talked some more in the living room, it is finally time to say goodbye. Auntie and uncle want to get back to their Hicksville before the darkness falls.
Max helps clean up the table and is allowed to go to her room. Billy's in the kitchen washing up. Neil comes to the kitchen from the bathroom.
"I'm disappointed in you, son."
You're always disappointed in me. The fuck did I do this time?
Billy's circling the sponge on the same plate, over and over, until he stops.
"Were you not able to answer the questions and maintain a semblance of a decent conversation? Sitting there with a long face and mumbling? What will they think of you now? That I have an imbecile with a pierced ear for a son?"
Are you kidding me right now? You interrupted me every time I was actually saying something!
Billy doesn't know what answer is expected from him. He squeezes out a robotic
"I'm sorry, sir."
Is the safest bet in most cases. Not in one hundred percent of them though.
Susan who is drying and putting the dishes away decides to ease the tension a bit. Once every half a year she does that.
"Neil, honey, please.. it was such a nice evening."
"And it would've been even nicer if my son here had put more effort into making an impression like he really cares about your family's visit!"
Fuck, dad, whatever I do, you're never happy. What the fuck do you want from me? You know what? I don't even care what it is. Just leave me the fuck alone.
Billy just goes on washing the damn dishes. What else is there to do, huh. Like he can start smashing plates on the wall.
Susan is actually trying her best
"Shirley and Dean are waiting for our call next week to let them know if we're going to come for Thanksgiving."
Oh fucking shit no
"I would really love to go. A whole lot of my relatives are going to be there, would you like to go, honey?"
Neil is considering the idea
"I believe it would be nice, to get to know everyone. We'll talk about that when we're alone though. Can you get me a beer from the fridge? Gotta catch up on the evening news."
Susan is handing him a can of beer and dad's off to the living room to watch TV.
It seems that Billy's off the hook for now.
"I can finish here by myself, Susan. If you have something else to do."
"Oh, would you really? I'll go sort out the laundry then. Thank you, Billy."
Not the fucking trip to another bumfuck town for Thanksgiving. Fucking hell, please no.
The evening sucked, but all in all, honestly, it could've been worse.
When Billy's lying in bed he remembers how his mom used to praise him when he was little. Doesn't remember much, cause memories have faded with time, but he can still hear her soft voice
You're doing such a good job, baby.
Billy's trying to hold on to these crumbs of memories. They keep on fading away, time is doing its job of erasing them slowly, and sometimes Billy wonders if he even had a mother. The notion seems like from another lifetime.
Maybe he can still do something right one day. Maybe he's not a total screw up.
Or maybe his dad's right.
When Saturday comes Billy goes to work first thing in the morning. He again checks his car, everything runs smoothly. Billy's kinda excited for the evening. What are the chances of having two camaros, identical models, in the same little town? While the other camaro is the original Z28, Billy's car is a bit different cause back in San Diego after hauling it away from the scrapyard he had to come up with inventive decisions to bring it back to life. Guys from the garage helped him get the hood for his car from a sports coupe camaro. It's also missing a badge, and it's been repainted.
Billy loves his baby to pieces.
He kinda doesn't care if he wins or loses, there's no shame in losing to this yellow black striped beast. When Andy brought his car to Old Joe's garage, complaining about the noises, Hargrove personally went through every tiny part, fixed the problem and now the engine worked like a well-tuned clock. Both cars are basically the same on the inside, they are equals. It'll probably be a draw. Billy can live with that.
They meet at a quarter past six near the Brimborn steelworks plant. Roy, Danny, Mike and Tina, as well a couple of girls whose names Billy doesn't remember are there. As soon as the race starts they are gonna jump in their cars and catch up with everyone at the bridge. They are gonna miss the finale, but Tina insisted on waving the checked flag - god knows where they got it from - and she demanded company.
At six thirty sharp the flag is waved and two cars take off from the start line. A Camaro Z28 can reach its maximum speed of 120 mph in under twenty seconds, so it's gonna be fucking fast.
It's a sight, these two, blue and yellow with black stripes.
The cars are going hood to hood, light to light, engines roaring, rubber squealing.
A couple of turns are behind, there are two more ahead, and although sometimes one car seems to get ahead of the other, they are moving in sync.
It's gonna be a draw. They'll be getting to the finish line in no time.
"There they are!" Vicky is shouting in a shrill voice
Harrington is watching.
At first he didn't want to come cause
Asshole Hargrove and the fight
But Tommy roped him in anyways
"Oh come on man, it's not like we're having a goddamn race here every day!"
All the people who are waiting at the bridge are watching, holding their breath. They've parked their cars at a safe distance from the bridge in the field and some kids are leaning on them, some are just standing near, but all of their eyes are glued to the road.
Both camaros are like two flashes of lightning, coming towards the bridge at a breakneck speed.
Billy releases the gas pedal just a little, then floors it with all his force, and the blue Camaro pulls forward, but just a couple of inches, at most
They are flying towards the final goal, and the bridge is right there, right in front of them, they won't fit on it together, with two lanes merging into one.
Why is neither of them slowing down?
Good thing Tina stayed behind because she would have a heart attack
It's not even a matter of minutes now, it's a matter of seconds
It's either one of them lets the other overtake him, and not by an inch or two, or they are gonna crash. At this speed? They are going to fucking die.
Hit the brakes, dammit! Someone has to give in
Andy needs to understand that Hargrove is not gonna slow down. It's not about whose car is faster anymore because they are both fast. It's about who's crazier.
Holy fucking hell, they're gonna crash.
One of them has to brake.
He has to.
Steve's heart is jumping out of his chest. This is too intense. This is also hella beautiful, watching these two beauties speed down the road
But one of them fucking has to slow down and let the other one win!
In the blink of an eye the yellow camaro drops the speed abruptly and swerves to the side, and Billy has a fraction of a second to turn the steering wheel and not crash into the bridge railing.
The blue car flies on the bridge and over it, and the yellow one is left behind on the side of the road.
Andy is getting out of his car and Tommy and other guys run up to him
"Dude, that was insane!"
Andy's shaking his head, not quite processing that they were this close to crashing
"No that .. that guy is insane. He's got nerves of .. of fucking steel. I swear I was ready to brake any second cause it was .. clear it's a draw but .. he had no intention of slowing down at all."
He exhales loudly
"I need a cigarette. Where's Tina?"
"She's coming, man, they're coming."
Billy's camaro is standing on the road for a minute, engine running
The hell he's standing there?
In a minute it's turning around and driving back over the bridge to the gathering of teens.
Roy, Tina and all the starting point crew arrive at the finish.
Tina is getting out of a red ford escort and running to Andy
"Baby, did you win?"
He's shaking his head again, still not being able to believe what just happened
"Nah. I thought it would be a draw till the very last second. Hargrove won."
At last Billy arrives at the spot where everyone's standing and gets out of his car.
He comes up to Andy, stretches his hand out for a shake
"Great race, Goldman."
Andy shakes his hand and Tommy gives Hargrove an already lit cigarette
Billy accepts, his fingers are shaking, just a little
Andy looks at Hargrove
"You're crazy, man."
Billy's chuckling nervously
"Yeah. My fucking bad."
Tina opens the trunk of the ford and hands Andy a six-pack which he gives to Billy
"For the winner."
Billy puts it on the camaro's hood. He takes out another six-pack from his own car.
"I really thought it would be a draw, Goldman. Your car is a beast."
It is, and Billy truly did. He just changed his mind last second.
Two six-packs, and Roy whispers something to Tommy and they go to Harrington's BMW and come back with even more beer, and Billy takes a can and after shouting
"To all fast and beautiful things in the world!"
He's shotgunning it,
Tommy yells
"Fucking preach!"
And the guys are whooping and more cans are being opened, and the girls are laughing and the beer flows, and the evening is relatively warm, and the sun almost reaches the horizon painting the sky and the clouds a beautiful palette
Heartbeats get back to normal, more or less
Andy turns on some music in his car and opens the doors
They are young, and still carefree, and no-one crashed during the race which is a good enough reason to celebrate
When Tommy comes up to Billy a couple of minutes later, Hargrove already has Vicky on one arm and Jennifer on the other, and Vicky looks like she's ready for a cat fight
"Dude that's the craziest car race I've seen. I mean .. at the fucking end of it .. dude."
Tommy is looking at Hargrove in awe. He looks at him like he wants to kiss him on the mouth but is never gonna
He turns and kisses Carol instead who's hugging him from behind
Some couples are dancing, Andy and Tina are making out
Harrington is moping cause he's without his princess
Someone says it's gonna rain because the clouds are building up, but no-one gives a fuck
And when the rain does pour down, and they dance and drink some more under it, everyone finally gets in the cars, soaking wet, laughing, drunk and happy
And so so young.
When Steve gets home that night it's close to 10 pm already. His dad is up in the bedroom and mom's watching tv downstairs.
"Steve, is everything alright?"
"Of course, mom."
"Where have you been?"
"Just hanging out with guys."
"But it's pouring outside?"
"Yeah, just uh .. it's not a big deal."
"Oh .. Dad and I wanted to talk to you about.."
"I know, I know .. colleges and stuff. Not tonight though, right? It's late."
"No, of course not. Also, not just colleges, you need to keep in mind other options as well in case .."
"Mooom. It's late, 'm tired. And I really need to change, okay? Love you. Good night."
"Good night, honey."
Steve takes off his wet clothes, jumps in for a quick shower, brushes his teeth. He's still feeling excited, from watching the race, from sensing the danger. He's known Andy for years, and despite the fact that the dude's capable of doing something crazy, like climbing on the roof of the house drunk to proclaim his love for his girlfriend, or, case in point, racing, he is generally in his right mind.
Hargrove, on the other hand? He's a total nutcase. Risking his life like that? What for? Why? Is winning so important for him? Or is it not just about winning?
Harrington was among those who were at the finish line, sitting on the hood of his BMW, and he saw the finale.
It's like Hargrove almost doesn't care if he lives or dies.
A race is a race, but risking your life for that?
Maybe Steve should be careful playing that game that he wants to pursue. He might be playing with fire. He probably should call it off before anything even started. A smart thing to do would be to stay away from Hargrove.
Harrington's not so sure anymore what he's doing.
That motherfucker is batshit crazy
Does Steve find it attractive?
Hargrove has been so distant this week, minding his own business, it was strange. Wasn't that what Steve wanted? For Billy to leave him alone?
Yes. But also ..
Also what?
Steve shakes the towel wrapped around his waist down, throws it on a chair, finds a clean t-shirt to put on for the night. He gets under the blanket without any underwear and turns on the belly, shutting his eyes.
He hasn't come for five days already. Last time he jerked off in the shower on .. what was it, Sunday?
Steve starts humping the bed slowly, his cock painfully hard.
He's grinding against the mattress, lazily moving his hips and thinking about today.
The sounds of engines roaring, impatient, hotheaded.
Music booming in the open air and rain coming down from the sky
He's thinking about the party when Steve walked in on that couple about to fuck right here, in his room.
He's seen Hargrove's dick in the showers. Not that he looked. How would it feel to .. to touch it? To feel its weight? How would it feel to be standing on the knees in front of Billy, looking up at his face?
He was here, in Steve's room. With his dick out.
Does he have sex like this too, unhinged and hot to the point of burning down to ashes?
Harrington's pressing into the mattress and then releasing the pressure, and he can feel his orgasm building, building to the point of..
Suddenly Steve opens his eyes
Ugh, fucking stop. You have a girlfriend. Just .. stop, jesus fucking christ, enough. Think about her boobs for christ's sake.
Steve hasn't seen or felt Nancy's boobs in a while now. Is this what a serious relationship is, is this what marriage generally is like??
Boobs. Boobs. He has to think about boobs. He grabs a playboy from under the bed in frustration, opens it at a random page
There they are. Nice and full and so soft to the touch.
Steve is back at humping the bed. He really needs to cum, his balls have been feeling literally huge for the last couple of days
The moment Harrington closes his eyes again
A sensation of Hargrove's body grinding on his own during basketball comes to Steve's mind and he moans in frustration.
Boobs. Think about boobs, come on now.
Steve's touching Billy's sweaty pecs with his elbow trying to push him away
But the asshole's persistent
What happened this week? Why didn't Hargrove bother him? What's wrong?
His mind comes up with another image that flashes through Steve's fogged up brain, it's Hargrove's nipple's grazing on Steve's elbow,
He's increasing the tempo
He really needs to come. To hell with it.
Steve stops running away from all these images.
He stops and lets them take over.
He doesn't need much, he's already on the verge.
The nipple .. small and hard, sliding on Steve's skin
Another flash is Hargrove's broad shoulder blades, Steve pictures him swimming in his pool, blue lights all around and he looks like a magic creature, only he's not magic
He's real
Very real
Steve loses all the rhythm, humping the bed erratically
How would it feel to .. fucking .. touch ..
Steve cums panting in his pillow.
He almost falls asleep like that.
When he cracks one eye open, he thinks that
He should probably jerk off before taking a shower next time
He wipes himself with the sheet, throws it on the floor, finds some boxers lying near the bed, they smell clean
Tomorrow he'll definitely tidy up his room, all this stuff lying around
And sleeps without a sheet cause looking for a new one and putting it on the bed seems like too much work now.
The last coherent thought that Steve's having tonight is
Okay, listen man, that's enough. That's the last time you let yourself think about Hargrove. Stop doing that when you're pleasuring yourself.
Steve's very disappointed with himself.
However, the orgasm felt great.
Chapter 8
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coophunts · 1 year
@serpentblccd / CONT.
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    𝓳𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭  𝓶𝓪𝓭𝓮  𝓱𝓮𝓻  𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵  𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮  𝓼𝓱𝓮  𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭  𝓭𝓸  𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰,   he  had  opened  her  eyes  to  so  much  and  showed  her  different  sides  of  the  world  that  she  never  would've  seen  if  she  had  stayed  sat  in  her  perfect  pink  room  of  her  boring  northsider  life.   she  could've  just  stayed  in  the  lane  that  everyone  had  expected  her  to  stay  in,  to  do    𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰   that  everyone  had  expected  of  her.   but  she  knew  she  was  capable  of  so  much  more.   he  made  her  see  that  and  she  was   𝓲𝓷  𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮   with  that  feeling,  she  was  so  in  love  with  him  that  she  knew  she  would  do  anything  she  had  to  to  keep  him  safe.   even  if  he  didn't  need  her  help,  she  knew  what  she  was  getting  involved  with  when  her  and  jughead  started  seeing  one  another.   but  betty  knew  she  couldn't  just  sit  around  anymore.   she  couldn't  just  stay  sitting  and  waiting  for  him  to  come  back,  to  just  be  there  to  patch  him  up  and  kiss  him  better.   not  anymore.   she  wasn't  just  betty  cooper  from  the  northside  of  riverdale,  she  was  girlfriend  of  the  serpent  king  and  she  refused  to  just  sit  around  anymore.
    𝓼𝓱𝓮  𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓼  𝓼𝓸𝓯𝓽𝓵𝔂  𝓪𝓽  𝓽𝓱𝓮  𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼,   a  little  taken  back  and  allows  him  to  pull  her  in,  arms  wrapping  around  his  waist  as  she  leans  into  him.   she  really  hoped  this  wasn't  him  attempting  to  change  the  subject,  kisses  to  distract  her  from  what  could  possibly  be  a  vulnerable  moment.   she  never  asked  him  for  anything.   she  never  asked  for  more  emotional  vulernability  from  him,  she  never  asked  him  to  be  out  of  his  own  comfort  zone,  she  took  the  small  moments  because  she  knew  it  was    𝓷𝓸𝓽  𝓮𝓪𝓼𝔂   for  him.   but  that  didn't  mean  she  needed  to  be  constantly  distracted  by  endless  kisses  and  touches  that  made  her  skin  feel  like  it  was  on  fire.
    𝓫𝓾𝓽  𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓷  𝓱𝓮  𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓼  𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰  𝓪𝓷𝓭  𝓼𝓱𝓮'𝓼  𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽  𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽  𝓾𝓹  𝓲𝓷  𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂  𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭,   at  first  she  thought  he  was  just  being  cocky,  despite  his  claims  of  not  being  so,  and  she  almost  wanted  to  pull  away.   he  called  himself  the    𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓹𝓮𝓻  𝓸𝓯  𝓻𝓲𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓭𝓪𝓵𝓮   and  yet  she  didn't  see  that.   oh,  she  was  aware  of  how  dangerous  he  was,  she  knew  what  he  was  capable  of  and  yet  she  saw  sides  of  him  that  she  doubted  he  had  ever  let    𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮   see  before.   yet  when  he  said  that  he  was  living  for  her,  she  couldn't  help  but  look  up  at  him  with  shining  green  eyes,  flicking  over  his  face  as  she  tries  to  make  sense  of  it.   this  was  him  being    𝓿𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮   ,  opening  up  in  a  way  that  he  never  had  before  and  it  made  her  heart  race  a  little.   teeth  pull  at  her  bottom  lip  as  she  listens  and  she  can't  help  but  smile  softly  because  whilst  she  heard  everything,  she  couldn't  help  but  focus  on  three  words,   "   hang  on,  did  you  just  say  that  you  love  me?    "
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    𝓼𝓱𝓮  𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭𝓷'𝓽  𝓭𝓮𝓷𝔂  𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽  𝓼𝓱𝓮  𝓶𝓪𝔂  𝓫𝓮  𝓯𝓸𝓬𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰  𝓸𝓷  𝓽𝓱𝓮  𝔀𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓰  𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰,   that  his  words  made  her  heart  race  and  she  wanted  nothing  more  than  to  just  lean  into  him,  to  tell  him  that  she  loves  him  too,  to  really  show  him  that  she  loves  him  and  help  him  forget  all  about  what  was  going  on  outside  of  her  bedroom.   betty  smiles,  leaning  up  on  her  toes  to  press  a  kiss  to  his  lips,  leaning  her  forehead  against  his,   "   i  love  you   .   .   .   so  much,  jughead.   you  have  no  idea,    "   she  admits,  nose  brushing  against  his  before  sighing  softly  at  the  sound  of  his  phone  ringing  again.   for  a  brief  moment  she  contemplated  grabbing  it  and  throwing  it  out  the  window.   she  wanted  him  to  herself,  was  that  too  much  to  ask?   the  serpents  got  him  most  of  the  time,  she  just  wanted  him  for  tonight.   except  the  moment  she  saw  sweet  pea's  name  on  his  phone,  she  knew  that  he  was  going  to  have  to  leave.
    𝓫𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂  𝓼𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓮𝓭  𝓼𝓸𝓯𝓽𝓵𝔂,   she  knew  that  even  if  he  wanted  to  stay,  he  was  going  to  leave.   there  was  a  war  going  on,  the  serpents  and  the  ghoulies  just  couldn't  stop,  despite  how  hard  jughead  fought  to  make  it  happen.   however,  she  wasn't  about  to  just  accept  this  and  stay  here  to  wait  anymore.   pulling  away  from  him,  she  moved  to  grab  a  hairtie,  pulling  her  hair  back  into  a  ponytail,   "   you've  gotta  go,  i  get  it,    "   she  says  softly,  making  sure  her  hair  is  up  before  looking  at  him.   she  knew  he  was  going  to  fight  her  on  this,  but  she  wasn't  backing  down  and  she  wasn't  going  to  just  stay  here,   "   give  me  a  moment  to  get  changed  and  i'm  coming  with  you,    "   oh  he  wasn't  going  to  like  this,  but  she w as  going  wherever  he  was  going.   she  wanted  to  be  with  him,  she  had  to  be  with  all  of  them,  the  sweet  boy  she  got  to  see  and  the  serpent  king.   moving  to  change  quickly,  not  caring  that  he  was  in  the  room  as  she  pulled  on  a  sweartshirt  and  jeans,  slipping  her  feet  into  some  trainers,  she  looked  back  at  him,   "   and  don't  argue  with  me.   if  you  leave  me  here,  i'll  just  follow  you  anyway,    "
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