#but if you have a mentor or friend or family member in the legal field that you want to move for your admission it can be a nice thing
hellenhighwater · 4 months
My parents and I were talking about our Bar admissions, for some reason, and they'd both forgotten that my motion for admission, put forward by my brother (also a lawyer) began, "My sister has many issues, but the one before the Court today is that of her admission to the State Bar."
Start as you mean to go on, I guess.
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nevernmoncher · 4 months
The Absence of a Male Protector and Increased Domestic Violence Abuse among Women: A Personal Journey
In today's society, the absence of a male protector can have profound effects on women, particularly in the context of domestic violence. This blog post aims to shed light on the correlation between the absence of a male protector and the increased prevalence of domestic violence abuse among women. Drawing from personal experiences, statistics, and self-help advice, we will explore the impact of this absence and provide guidance for those facing such situations.
According to the World Health Organization, approximately 35% of women worldwide have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner or non-partner at some point in their lives. Additionally, studies have shown that women without a male protector are more likely to experience domestic violence, as they may lack the perceived protection and support that a male partner can provide.
Understanding the Absence of a Male Protector:
The concept of a male protector has its roots in traditional gender roles, where men were expected to provide physical and emotional security for their families. While these roles have evolved over time, the absence of a male protector can leave women feeling vulnerable and exposed to potential abuse. Psychological security plays a crucial role in a woman's sense of safety, and the absence of a male protector can contribute to feelings of insecurity and fear.
It is important to acknowledge that not all men contribute to or condone domestic violence. However, some men who engage in abusive behavior may be influenced by societal norms and expectations of masculinity. This can create a cycle of abuse where men who abuse women may feel a sense of power and control over their victims, perpetuating harmful behaviors.
The presence of positive male role models and mentors can play a significant role in breaking this cycle. Men who model healthy relationships, respect, and empathy can have a profound impact on other men's attitudes and behaviors. By promoting healthy masculinity and challenging harmful stereotypes, men can contribute to a culture that rejects violence and promotes equality.
Breaking the Cycle: Self-Help Advice:
Recognize the Signs: It is crucial to identify the signs of domestic violence, such as physical abuse, emotional manipulation, and controlling behavior. Understanding these signs can help you take necessary steps to protect yourself.
Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or support organizations that specialize in domestic violence. They can provide guidance, resources, and a safe space to share your experiences.
Develop a Safety Plan: Create a safety plan that includes strategies for leaving an abusive situation, such as identifying safe places to go, keeping important documents handy, and having emergency contacts readily available.
Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with a network of supportive individuals who can offer emotional support and practical assistance during difficult times. This can include friends, family, therapists, or support groups.
Educate Yourself: Learn about your legal rights and available resources in your community. Knowledge is power, and understanding the options available to you can empower you to make informed decisions.
Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, two influential figures in the field of psychology, had differing views on the absence of male protectors and its relationship to domestic violence. While both psychologists explored the impact of gender roles and societal expectations on individuals, their perspectives on this specific topic varied.
Freud's theories often focused on the role of unconscious desires and instincts in shaping human behavior. He believed that individuals are driven by innate sexual and aggressive instincts, which can manifest in various ways, including violence. Freud also emphasized the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping an individual's personality and behavior.
In terms of the absence of male protectors and domestic violence, Freud might have viewed it through the lens of unresolved psychosexual development. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, children go through stages of development, and disruptions or conflicts during these stages can lead to psychological issues later in life. If a child grows up without a male protector, it could potentially impact their development and contribute to unresolved conflicts or feelings of insecurity, which may manifest as violence in adulthood.
Jung, on the other hand, focused on the collective unconscious and the archetypes that shape human behavior. He believed that individuals are influenced by universal symbols and patterns that are shared across cultures and generations. Jung also emphasized the importance of individuation, the process of integrating and balancing different aspects of the self.
Regarding the absence of male protectors and domestic violence, Jung might have viewed it in terms of the imbalance of archetypal energies within an individual. In Jungian psychology, the anima and animus archetypes represent the feminine and masculine aspects of the psyche, respectively. If an individual lacks a male protector, it could potentially disrupt the balance of these archetypes, leading to psychological imbalances and potentially aggressive or violent behavior.
It is important to note that Freud and Jung's theories have been subject to criticism and have evolved over time. Their views on the absence of male protectors and domestic violence are not universally accepted or definitive. Modern understandings of domestic violence take into account a range of factors, including power dynamics, socialization, and cultural influences.
In conclusion, Freud and Jung had different perspectives on the relationship between the absence of male protectors and domestic violence. Freud might have focused on unresolved conflicts and psychosexual development, while Jung might have emphasized the imbalance of archetypal energies. However, it is important to approach this topic with a comprehensive understanding that incorporates contemporary research and perspectives on domestic violence.
Friedrich Nietzsche, a renowned philosopher, had a unique perspective on various aspects of human existence, including gender roles and power dynamics. While Nietzsche did not specifically address the absence of male protectors in the context of domestic violence, his philosophy can provide insights into related concepts such as power, morality, and the role of individuals in society.
Nietzsche's philosophy challenged traditional moral values and questioned the idea of objective truth. He believed that morality is a human construct that is shaped by societal norms and values. Nietzsche critiqued the prevailing moral systems of his time, arguing that they were based on the suppression of individual instincts and the promotion of herd mentality.
In the context of the absence of male protectors and domestic violence, Nietzsche's philosophy can be interpreted in several ways:
Power Dynamics: Nietzsche emphasized the concept of power and its role in shaping human interactions. In a situation where there is an absence of male protectors, power dynamics within relationships may become more pronounced. Nietzsche would likely argue that individuals who feel powerless may resort to violence as a means of asserting control and exerting their will.
Individual Agency: Nietzsche emphasized the importance of individual agency and the pursuit of personal excellence. He believed that individuals should strive to overcome societal constraints and embrace their own unique potential. In the context of domestic violence, Nietzsche might argue that individuals should take responsibility for their actions and strive to break free from cycles of violence, regardless of the presence or absence of a male protector.
Beyond Traditional Gender Roles: Nietzsche challenged traditional gender roles and the idea that men should be protectors or providers. He believed in the importance of individual self-actualization, regardless of gender. Nietzsche might argue that individuals should not rely solely on external sources of protection but should cultivate their own strength and resilience.
It is important to note that Nietzsche's philosophy is complex and open to interpretation. His ideas on power, morality, and individual agency can be applied to various aspects of human existence, including the absence of male protectors in the context of domestic violence. However, it is crucial to approach these interpretations with a critical lens and consider other philosophical perspectives and contemporary research on domestic violence.
The absence of a male protector can contribute to an increased risk of domestic violence abuse among women. However, it is essential to recognize that domestic violence is not limited to any specific gender or relationship dynamic. By sharing personal experiences, statistics, and self-help advice, we hope to raise awareness about this issue and provide support for those facing such challenges. Positive male role models and mentors can play a crucial role in breaking the cycle of abuse and promoting healthy relationships. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you break free from the cycle of abuse.
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aarlin · 10 months
Ignite Your Journey with T. John College: Announcing Success at Banglore’s Finest B.Com College!
The Major concern parents and students have is, “What is the best place My child/I can study?” after 12th grade? What course I’m going to take up? How am I going to build my career? And where can I find a guide to understand the process of it? And a lot more! Don’t worry, here I will present you with all the guild line and the best college to proceed with whatever course you select.
               The Best B.com college in Bangalore is T.John College, After a lot of research and hours spent on finding out the best college for the brilliant and growing students out there, we have settled down with one of the best B.com colleges in Bangalore, T.John College which is located in Bannerghatta Main Rd, Gottigere, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
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This college provides education with highly qualified and industry-experienced faculty members who will take extra care of students’ growth and progress in their education. The college offers them multiple opportunities that can open up their way to success. The main reason the college is considered to be one of the best BCom colleges in Bangalore is that they play a vital role in disciplining the students and uplifting them with excellent career opportunities once the students complete their education. The college has partnered with multiple multinational and top companies to provide the best in the campus interview process.
Why B.Com courses are the best?
               This can be a common question to pop in our minds, why b.com courses out of all the other courses? Well, the answer is, cause it is flexible and very educational at the same time. Any BCom course you take up will never fail at teaching you the whole concept of the course you have taken and it doesn’t stop just there, but also it helps you to choose your masters in the most proper way, that it will step your life up!
Like I said above,B.Com provides a broad foundation in various aspects such as:
Versatility - This versatility allows graduates to explore diverse career options in both the private and public sectors.
Industry relevance - B.Com courses are designed to align with the requirements of the business world. They aim to provide practical knowledge and skills that can be directly applied in real-life scenarios.
A strong foundation for further studies -  B.Com serves as a solid foundation for further education in fields like finance, accounting, business administration, and commerce-related specializations.
Entrepreneurial opportunities - B.Com equips students with fundamental business knowledge, which can be advantageous for aspiring entrepreneurs. It provides insights into business operations, financial management, marketing strategies, and legal aspects, enabling graduates to start their own ventures or join family businesses.
Job prospects - B.Com graduates often have a wide range of employment opportunities. They can find jobs in banking, financial services, accounting firms, consulting firms, e-commerce companies, government agencies, and more.
Transferable skills - B.Com programs emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical skills, communication skills, and teamwork, which are valuable in any profession.
Networking opportunities - B.Com courses often provide opportunities for networking with professionals, guest lectures, internships, and industry visits.
Let’s me be very honest, Colleges and Universities will teach you more about life than anyone could in our life and choosing the right college is extremely important, because the people you associate with and the people you look up to whenever you need any help educational-wise or on any life situation ,should be openminded and be at a place where they can guide you properly. And I think that can only come with the open minded people and knowledgeable mentors and really good friend.
The famous quote “Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are” is 1000% true. And as a parent that will be one of our concerns too, T. John College makes sure they provide the student with the best they have got and that is one of the reasons they are considered to be the best BCom college in Bangalore. Competition among students is only a limit of education and group activities to enhance their friendships and grow in knowledge, they cover it all.
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The Ultimate Guideline to apply for a college:
Now, the guideline goes for every college.
Research colleges,
considering academic programs,
location, and financial aspects.
Create a timeline, noting application and test dates.
Prepare for standardized tests and gather required documents, including transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a compelling personal statement.
Complete application forms with accuracy and attention to detail.
Research financial aid and scholarships, submitting applications by deadlines.
Follow up to ensure materials are received.
Prepare for interviews if required.
Evaluate admission decisions, considering factors like financial aid and program offerings. Seek guidance from counselors and mentors throughout the process. Make an informed decision and submit acceptance by the deadline.
As the best BCom college in Bangalore, T. John College has a similar layout to the application process, do check out their enquire page to enquire further. Enquire to Enroll.
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               So, students and dear parents, I have provided you with all the base knowledge required for a student to be placed in one of the best colleges. Now the decision is in your hands and Students Achieve their dreams no matter what Do Not Give up on them cause there are always good people out there looking out for you, in this case, The best BCom college of Bangalore, T. John College. All the Best.
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summonerscenarios · 3 years
So, mc adopting at least one of each of the Child mobs, how would that go?
Sadly I was only able to work on two of the mob kiddos as I didn't want this to get too long but I still hope its okay~!
Also just a heads up a lot of this is a pure waffle of information based on my own interpretations of the mobs so here's hoping I did a good job with them lmao.
It wouldn’t have been the first time you’d ended up inadvertently adopting someone, nor will it be the last knowing your luck. It’s not like you intentionally do anything to draw people to you, it just so happened that the things that you did and situations you got wrapped up in led to you getting to know all kinds of people in the process. And those people saw you in all kinds of ways - most saw you as friends, others saw someone else in you, more than a few made no attempts to hide their blatant flirting - and, rarely, a few would even see you as a role model,a mentor or parental figure to look up to.
You honestly have no idea why, after all, it’s not as though you go out of your way to make particularly responsible decisions (if anything, you get yourself in enough trouble that you’d imagine you’re anything but a role model) but a lot of the younger transients and students seem to flock towards your presence, looking for comfort, advice, or just someone who respects them. At first it was just the younger members of your guild that you technically took under your wing - as the Guildmaster you assumed it was only natural to look out for them, and you’d long gotten used to protecting Agyo and Kijimuna, wanting to make sure that the only thing they had to worry about was having the chance to be kids rather than getting dragged into the Guild’s app-based affairs. It’s not like responsible parental figures are easy to come by in this world of app-battles and fighting, so that’s perhaps why when you start taking a more protective, nurturing role with the younger ones that more of them begin popping up.
Surprisingly, the ghosts are some of the first mob children that you noticed began flocking towards you. Roaming spirits are unusual but certainly not rare, and it honestly breaks your heart a little to see so many young ghosts lingering around in the unexplored corners of the city, searching for one thing or another. Things feel...off, for a while before you can pin down the issue - you start feeling as though you’re being watched when you’re in the guildhouse by someone other than your teammates, and when your attempts to shake off the uneasy feeling doesn’t work, you decide to bring it up to your fellow Guild members in case it’s someone trying to spy. You want to make sure it’s not someone who can bring danger to the guild, but you don’t have much of a chance to set up a search of the building when the D-evils come tottering into your field of view, screeching up a storm and motioning towards an otherwise unassuming corner of the window.
Turns out you weren’t the only one noticing the other presence, as Shiro’s D-evils seem to have picked up on it to - and when your attention snaps over to the window to see what they’re pointing to you barely catch a glimpse of the flickering figure of a ghost child as they disappear from view. From that point on you start spotting the child more often - he’s shy or wary, always lingering someone just out of the corner of your eye but never getting any closer almost like he’s afraid. He seems to have taken an interest in you though, especially whenever the younger guild members come around to spend time at the guild, and it isn’t long before you notice that he’s intently watching the way you watch over and care for the kids of the guild - he looks almost sad in these instances, but never dares to get any closer and disappears as soon as you turn to look at him. Over time it becomes almost normal to have a resident ghost at the guild (though Agyo still shudders at the mention of ghosts despite having seen the kid plenty of times since arriving). He seems to be more at ease after a while of watching you, and things finally come to a head one day when you’re playing videogames with Hanuman and the other kids, noticing that the little ghost has wandered far closer than he’d ever done in the past, watching the small screen setup on the floor with an avid interest that seems far happier than the forlorn looks he’d had before. Taking a chance you tilt your head to look over at the ghost child, motioning him to come over and join; he disappears for a moment, startled, but right as you start to worry you may have scared the kid off he rematerializes, inching hesitantly closer and closer till he’s hovering beside the rest of your group, eyes fixed to the characters on screen with a child-like wonder.
You aren’t quite sure how this ended up with you adopting the ghost child yourself. It’s just one day you were talking about how you were pretty much adopted by the teachers at school and how you’d like to pay it forward some day, and the next you were talking about ‘son’ this, and ‘might as well take the kid under your wing’ that - you were practically acting like an impromptu parent for like a fifth of the people you knew anyway, so what was actually adopting a child? Toji had just about choked to death when you’d made the unfortunate decision to announce that fact mid-drink, and Shiro spent more than his fair share of time probing you with the legal questions surrounding a student adopting a child, ghost transient or not. Ryota seems incredibly excited by the idea however, gushing about being an uncle and wondering if your new son can eat and if so what his favorite food is - plenty of questions for a later time.
Ghost is certainly the most clingy of the children you end up adopting, and it’s clear from the get go in the sense that the poor little one is essentially glued to your side from the moment you take the venture to actually adopting him. With few things remaining in the physical world to cling onto, the familial bond is something that the little one cherishes and he absolutely refuses to budge on letting it, and by proxy, you, go. For a while he actually fears you’re going to leave him and take back what you said about protecting him and being a good parent. He of course had parents once, and their lack of presence at his side now paints a tragic picture no matter what way you look at it, so the kids got more than a few attachment issues you need to work through. Ghost doesn’t really talk too much, instead relying on gestures and interacting with things around him to talk to you and others - it takes a little bit to get used to if you’re unfamiliar with some of the gestures but it’s easy to pick up as time goes on.
Definitely one of the more well behaved children of the bunch, given that once you’ve convinced him that you’re not abandoning him he’s dead set on making you proud. He gets antsy when you’re not around, spending most of his time at the guild when you're at classes, but he takes to following Agyo around instead during these times. Agyo’s more than a little startled at first, and is a bit awkward about the whole situation as he processes it, but before long Agyo’s not only getting along with your ghostly son, but he’s also teaching him the ‘lion dog duties’ that he’s been teaching you - you’ll never quite forget walking in to Agyo giving the poor kid a detailed rundown on the upkeep of the guildhouse and all that it pertains.
It was supposed to only be the one child, you swear, but damn if you haven’t got a bleeding heart and a knack for attracting trouble. Word travels around fast about your adoption, and as more people learn about your impromptu push to parenthood people start coming to you for help - namely, kids with nowhere else to go. Maybe it’s your bleeding heart or savior complex, but before long one kid becomes two, and then two becomes three, and soon enough you’ve got four kids on your hands.
There’s no denying that things get a little bit rocky when you start taking in other children. Despite the other kids in the guild, Ghost has technically been the only child up to this point, and with your attention shifting from both him and the other children at once it’s a sudden change - one that you thankfully discussed with him first to make sure he was okay. Even with the okay though, Ghost is more than a little anxious when you bring the second child, a nether sprite, ‘home’, especially because of how loud she is by comparison. Nether sprite is an absolute ball of energy and mischievous to boot, so she more than makes for an interesting parallel to the otherwise quiet Ghost you’ve been taking care of the past few months.
She’s a handful, especially during the first few weeks that she’s settling in - it takes her a while to really start seeing the place as home, and even longer for her to even consider you a parental figure (she’s seen you as more of a babysitter till you proved you were willing to stick around and put the effort in to be a good parent). Once she does settle in however she takes to the place quickly, and, to your surprise, your two kids become thick as thieves. The Nether sprite catches on quickly to how Ghost communicates, and given his penchant to linger around those he’s close to and follow them around she’s more than happy to drag him all over the shop from one activity to another - it’s a surprising development but one you actively encourage. Unfortunately as I mentioned she’s still mischievous, though tones it down from anything too troublesome if it’ll cause you too much grief.
However that hasn’t stopped the amount of times you’ve gotten calls from someone about the kind of trouble you two little ones have wound up getting themselves into - looks like they both picked up your knack for getting intentionally and unintentionally dragged into the weirdest events (sure, it’s fun when you do it, but having your kids doing it only serves to give you grey hairs from the stress.) And things only get crazier once the other kids end up coming along, for both better and worse - but that’s a story for another time.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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tw: death, murder
Raised to have a strict worldview due to the fanatic attitudes of his parents, Rodolphus Lestrange has never had reason to question the nature of his reality. Rodolphus and his family resided in the beauty of Lestrange Manor in Nottinghamshire, Rodolphus’ childhood family home stood secluded on the outskirts of Nottingham. A gothic chateaux that took inspiration from their family home of the same name near Paris, it was surrounded by fields and trees, far away from muggles and cloaked in magic in the event any came for a walk in the forest. Brought up away from the Muggle world they detested, with only his mother and father for company until his younger RABASTAN was born, Rodolphus was absorbed in the thinking of his parents with very little reason to doubt anything outside of their word. MARIE LESTRANGE loved her children more than she loved herself and showered both Rodolphus and his younger brother in affection. Whilst most Pure-Blood families they associated with had nannies and school masters to aid in the raising of their children, Marie disagreed with handing her children over to someone else and insisted on doing everything herself with only the aid of a single house-elf Posy for help. She taught her children to read and write and ensured they were fluent in French by the time they went off to school and well versed in many authors that had been pre-approved by Marie for them to read. 
Rodolphus and his younger brother were raised given almost everything they could ever ask for with a childhood spent taking afternoon tea in the garden and discussing the future she wanted her boys to have. His mother upheld tradition and longed for her children to make respectable Pure-Blood marriages to people who loved them. The relationship his mother and father shared captured the attention of a young Rodolphus, who longed to have a relationship like the one his parents shared and provide for them and the rest of his family. Though the Lestrange family were wealthy, their ancestors had wasted a lot of the Lestrange family fortune throwing balls and having custom couture outfits made to line the walls of their wardrobes. The building of the British Lestrange Manor cost their family a great deal and began the long tradition of the Lestrange family working in government and slowly rebuilt the fortune the rest of the wizarding world had no idea they had slowly lost, beginning with Radolphus Lestrange of who he was named. His father THIEBUAT LESTRANGE worked directly for The Minister as her Senior Undersecretary, a job which he believed was beneath him especially in a traitorous administration and had aspirations of climbing higher. His plan would be to groom Rodolphus to work in government and have him infiltrate The Department of Magical Law Enforcement to keep an eye on the goings on there and report back to him. 
Before Rodolphus was sent off to Hogwarts he was given one particular request from his parents and that was to grow close to influential families within the wizarding world, particularly the Pure-Blood families who his father remarked he might need in the future. BELLATRIX BLACK was of particular interest to his parents, with a father who worked in Wizgamot and wealth and beauty that would make a good wife. Rodolphus went to school in the knowledge she’d be someone he’d need to at the very least befriend but was disappointed with the person he found. Bellatrix was incredibly loud and opinionated with a fondness for torturing other children and an inability to follow even the most simplest set of rules as did her friends CASTOR WILKES and EVAN ROSIER. An intelligent young man, Rodolphus had a high opinion of himself which was solidified by the praising of teachers and almost flawless grades which made hanging around Bellatrix and her posse even more difficult for him. He tried to keep them sweet by sitting with them at parties and occasionally handing in a page of homework for them but mostly preferred to seek the company of his roommates LUCIUS MALFOY, ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS who he found far less tiresome despite Lucius’ over inflated ego and Eirik’s constant mood swings. Though he narrowly missed out on being a Prefect due to PROFESSOR SLUGHORN’s clear favoritism of Lucius, Rodolphus did graduate a celebrated member of the Slytherin Quidditch team and Slug Club which greatly pleased both his parents. 
Upon graduating from Hogwarts, Rodolphus was quickly swept up into a job at the Ministry and began training under Bellatrix’s father CYGNUS BLACK. Rodolphus wasn’t quite sure if it was his legal knowledge, spotless record from Hogwarts or a polite word from Bellatrix or his father that had made Cygnus agree to be his mentor, but either way he was glad to have such a respected name in the wizarding world teaching him how to practise law. Training to become a barrister was certainly grueling and required Rodolphus to sacrifice the majority of his personal life in order to be taken seriously by Cygnus. When he wasn’t at the office, he spent the majority of his time at the Black family home helping Cygnus prep for his cases and eating dinner with his family who had come to slowly replace Rodolphus’ own due to the amount of time he spent with them. Bellatrix thankfully was hardly ever home, supposedly travelling or working on personal projects her father hoped would be beneficial to their family Rodolphus had chalked up to meaning a polite term for finding some direction beyond sneering at mudbloods and barking at her sisters. The Black family seriously lacked direction from Rodolphus’ point of view, NARCISSA seemed harmless but if you looked at her often enough you’d see the way she looked at men with eyes like a snake, burrowing into the souls of helpless men. 
Rodolphus had been suspicious for some time that Narcissa's trained gaze had been on his younger brother, considering he’d notice him acting strangely lately and spending a lot of time at the Black home, which he disliked. Bellatrix was Bellatrix. Then there was ANDROMEDA, the middle daughter who was quiet and studious. She cared not for parties and rolled her eyes at the idea of finding a husband often along with a rude quip that made Rodolphus chuckle to himself. The two exchanged the odd piece of polite conversation, though Rodolphus only fully began speaking to her when he took over her father’s job when he became a judge. Andromeda had graduated from an accomplished witch with a longing to learn and better the world she’d been raised in which he found both admirable and misguided considering she came from wealth and privilege as he did. Nevertheless he agreed to train her using the same methods her father had used on him. The life they had chosen was a lonely one and whilst Andromeda did have friends and a personal life he noticed she spent the majority of her evenings in his apartment in High Gate attempting to find something useful which would help them win their cases and slowly became more than just his mentee. He began to learn things about her that he found interesting, her relationship with her sisters and her theories on blood purity he hadn’t really considered before. 
Rodolphus still thought being a Pure-Blood made you better than others, but he did consider those he knew of the same blood as them who were not fit to wipe their shoes. As Andromeda nears the end of her training, Rodolphus has come to regard her as a close friend of his and a much needed warmth in his life he’d been missing in the pursuit of greatness. Though their caseload is often petty crimes such as underage wizards using magic, there have been a few more interesting cases recently that have kept both him and Andromeda busy as Aurors attempt to find the culprit of those kidnapping and killing multiple people across London. Most recently the pair have been defending SILAS CRUMP, an unregistered werewolf frightened he’d be framed for the killing of his daughter. Supposedly found by a witch and wizard he can’t recall the names of, Silas was put under the Imperius Curse and given a false memory both he and Andromeda can’t seem to break through. Curious, the pair have been trying to find other cases of other magical creatures with similar stories, until the case took a turn. The Minister’s son BOOKER BAGNOLD was found dead in the Ministry’s fountain on Halloween with one named attached to the killing. Silas Crump. Confident there is more lurking underneath the case, Rodolphus won’t rest until he has won his case but with his client missing, people closest to him keeping secrets and dark forces at play has no idea what else he may be uncovering in the process. 
Blood Status → Pure-Blood
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male 
Sexuality  → Up To Player
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin) 
Societies → N/A
Family → Thiebaut Lestrange (father), Marie Lestrange (mother), Rabastan Lestrange (brother), Ilar Travers (uncle), Vivienne Travers (aunt), Isolde Travers (cousin), Evora Travers (cousin)
Connections  → Aristaeus Greengrass (best friend), Andromeda Black (close friend/mentee/potential love interest), Lucius Malfoy (close friend), Decius Flint (friend), Bellatrix Black (friend), Castor Wilkes (friend), Isolde Travers (friend), Cygnus Black (ex-mentor), Silas Crump (client), Regulus Black (assistant) 
Future Information → Eventual Member of The Death Eaters, Husband of Bellatrix Black
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Blind Characters and Superpowers
As I (a blind writer) continue to write guides on how to write a blind character accurately and with respect, I get a lot of questions from you guys. I love them, but I’ve noticed that the majority of questions I get about writing blind characters involve some form of super power or supernatural ability to “get around” the blindness. And it’s leading me to wonder why anyone is writing a blind character at all. If the story cannot work without them having some form of super power to make them useful and capable, then why is the character blind at all.
And who says fighting is the only way a character could ever be useful or helpful. Why does a person have to useful anyway?
Truth be told, I don’t need to see myself in the superhero. I’m not sure how many blind people need to see themselves as the superhero. I don’t see myself as the person at the front lines, I see myself as the person helping the survivors put themselves back together. I see myself as the person on the sidelines who is both emotionally supporting the heroes, and doing everything in my reasonable power to help them. But that is just my perspective, and my perspective is not universal. 
Maybe some people do wanna see themselves as a superhero, and maybe some people want to see themselves as the unsung hero. Both roles are just as valuable and needed.
This post is to address: Why your blind character doesn’t need to be the fighting hero at the center of the story, and why having a blind character on the sidelines is just as good. This post is also going to discuss why you actually want to give a character a superpower and whether or not you should reconsider.
Disclaimer: I am one blind person, and my opinions and my advice are based on my experience. I am considered visually impaired from the narrowly defined legal definition, but due to my condition (which is far more complex than visual acuity) and the way I function with my disability, really, I’m just blind. And that’s been my life for a few years now. I’m not the universal authority on blindness, I can’t tell you everything nor can I absolve you of any mistakes or problematic plotlines. 
I’m just one person, and right now I’m the only person with experience as both a writer and a blind person who is willing to give and offer advice.
(as far as I know)
So? On to the conversation.
Why are you giving your blind characters superpowers?
I love Toph. I love Daredevil. But they are not the only amazing blind people I look up to. I see myself a little in Toph, but I don’t see myself in Daredevil. Heroes aren’t usually where I see myself.
Actually, I did see myself the Twelfth Doctor on Doctor Who for the two episodes he was blind. But the show took that away from me when they cured him. And it wasn’t even his choice!
(See why I might get so miffed about someone curing their character?)
But there’s a difference between Toph and Daredevil, and with 12. Toph and Daredevil had abilities that allowed them to get around and fight despite their blindness. 12 had a pair of sunglasses he enhanced with technology, and he was still kind of bad at the whole being blind thing. [Which I loved!]
I can’t have Toph or Daredevil’s superpowers, but I can have technology and learned skills that allow me (a blind person) to do some pretty freaking cool things.
Although, I also don’t have the Doctor’s brains or life experiences or technology. But 12′s way of dealing with his blindness has more in common with my real life experience than Toph or Daredevil did.
But speaking of Doctor Who, don’t you remember the blind girl from season 11 with the Thirteenth Doctor? Hanne, played by Ellie Wallwork. I adored her, and in a way I found myself in her. She didn’t need to be the hero, the person doing all the fighting. She didn’t need to be the person with the solution. She just needed to be a person with her own problems, and to make her own decisions about those problems. She ran away from Ryan and went into the upside down universe to find her father, and even though it was terrifying and she was putting herself at risk, it was still her own decision. She made it for herself. I would love to see myself in the hacker who helps the superhero find all the dirty secrets on someone. Think Felicity Smoke from Arrow, or Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds. Blind tech genuis! Give me that. I would love to see myself in the nurse who patches up the hero. I would love to see myself in a forensic scientist. Those are two careers I was seriously considering as my vision loss symptoms began to add up. I would love to see myself in the classmate who overheard all the great details of gossip, all the secrets, and could tell you anything about anyone. I would love to see myself as the best friend, and the romantic interest, and in the worried family member. In any of those roles, I would be helping my hero without doing the fighting. I’m not a fighter, but I will help those I love with everything I’ve got. 
And maybe the hero sees the blind character as their own personal hero, the person whose moral convictions they look up to, or the person who always knows the right thing to say, or the person who is just too damn smart for their own good. Maybe the hero sees a hero in the blind person, even if they never threw a punch. Why does the blind character need a superpower? Why is every hero story told from the perspective of the hero? I would like to see the story of the person who watches the heroes going to the fight, and does everything in their power to help from where they are. I want to see a blind character take full command of their position and the role without needing something to negate their blindness.
Your character doesn’t need to be the superhero to bring value to the story. Your character doesn’t need a superpower to do amazing things.
They’re the journalist, the social activist, the hacker, the scientist, the engineer, the psychologist, the teacher/mentor, the student, the chef, the expert in a niche field of interest, the writer, the artist. They’re someone important, and they don’t need a superpower to do those things.
(Part 2)
I think to address this we need to understand why you want to use a super power to allow your character to see.
Are you under the idea that a character has to be completely blind? That is most certainly not the case. Less than 10% of all blind people see nothing. Most blind people see something. It might be light and shadow. It might be color. They might see shapes that move but not shapes that are still. Maybe the world shakes, and it makes things 10x harder to see.That is a real problem people with nystagmus (a condition which makes someone’s eyes shake uncontrollably) live with. Maybe you should be more thoroughly researching different eye diseases and conditions to learn the real limits of your character.
Maybe you need to craft your blind character a bit better (link to a guide on that)
Is it because you don’t know how to write from the narrative of someone who can’t see the scene around them? Is the description just not working with your character? Maybe I should point you in the direction of one of my guides, which gives advice on narrative and writing style with blind protagonists.
Are you giving them superpowers because you can’t imagine them doing the things you wanted them to do while being blind? Is it really too unrealistic for your blind character to do this task without vision? Maybe they shouldn’t be blind then. Or maybe you should consider doing more research. Surely, there is a way to complete a task without vision. Maybe you just don’t understand enough about orientation mobility or about technology to understand how we can do the things we do. Or maybe what you’re writing is just unrealistic.
Not to say that any story must be realistic, but perhaps at least reasonable. At least, realistic enough to maintain the suspension of disbelief while something impossible happens right before eyes. Maybe, you’re not writing a blind character because you actually want to write a blind character. Maybe you don’t want to write this. Maybe this character was only a token. Maybe this character was only an experiment. An exercise to see what your writing abilities could do. Maybe writing a character with a disability was fun in theory, and now you’ve gotten this far and you don’t understand how you could possibly keep going without cheating somehow and adding a super power. I won’t lie, and some of my earliest writing I was in the same place. Wanting to write from the perspective of something I didn’t understand because it sounded fun, or because I felt guilty for not being diverse enough. But if you lose consistency, or you need to cheat somehow to get around this problem, if this minority character or this unique experience has become a problem for your writing... Maybe you shouldn’t be writing this. Maybe the character just shouldn’t be blind. Why write it if it’s going to become a problem?
It’s not diversity if it takes away the thing that makes us diverse.
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Or, yeah, in which I snapped and went on a rant because I don’t understand why a character needs a superpower to cancel out their disability, or why we’re bothering to write a character with a disability if all we’re going to do is give them a superpower to make it less of a burden.
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The second purpose is to promote my writing for when I eventually self publish my novel, A Witch’s Memory. Which includes a blind main character who is very dear to my heart.
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goldraendrop · 5 years
LFRP in Mateus/Crystal - Kaelan
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Name: Kaelan Lourde
Age: 19
Birthday: 15th Sun, 3rd Astral Moon
Race: Hyur (Midlander)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: Strawberry Pink-Blonde
Eyes: Sea Green and Blue
Height: 5 ft. 1 in.
Build: Average, faint feminine curves and muscle
Distinguishing Marks: Her hair can slightly change color from a more blond than pink in the sun. Both eyes are a different color each.
Profession: Bodyguard and assistant. Occasional delivery girl
Skills: Master of axe-wielding while learning more hand-to-hand combat. A wonderful cook as well.
Languages: Eorzean
Residence: (Previous) Thanalan; (Recently) The Shroud/La Noscea
Birthplace: Somewhere in Othard
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Hana (Mother;Deceased) Oru Waru (Stepfather)
Siblings:??? (Brother;Deceased)
Other Relatives: Buldwulf Lourde - Grandfather
(Highlander) // Amaris Lourde - Grandmother (Highlander) //  Maetihaerz - (1st Uncle)(Roegadyn) // Elisa - (1st Aunt)(Highlander) // Feomaux - (2nd Uncle)(Elezen) // V'yhoti + V'taumsi - (2nd+3rd Aunt)(Miqo'te) // Elsone - (4th Aunt)(Elezen)
TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
MISC. INFO ––– –
Sickness - While Kaelan won’t share this unless she trusts them,she does carry a rare disease that has cursed her family for generations now. Unknown of the cure, she tends to just live life as best as she can until it finally claims her too.
Battle Surge - After ruthlessly training every day from the age ten until now, Kaelan has learned to thrive on the adrenaline and power of fighting. Nearly to the point of addiction. She also hates to lose any true battle and will not stop until her rival is knocked down, admits defeat, or she is unconscious herself. When it comes to battles, that sweet smile of hers will turn manic and wild.
RP HOOKS ––– –
★ Saving up for a home, Kae has been on the look out for any odd jobs to help get through one night at a time. Delivery, guarding, exploration of caves, catering, and apprehending criminals. Whatever the task, so long as it is moral and legal.
★ Kaelan has grown up in a battle-heavy family, but that never deterred her from fascination in the calmer things in life. She sometimes dreams of traveling around the world to experience various cultures and perhaps make new friends!
★ Although highly skilled with an axe, Kaelan wishes to learn other weapon/classes. She lacks in agility/grace, so Dragoons and Samurai truly amaze her. Perhaps she could find a mentor of some sort to train her?
★ Kaelan knows little of her actual father. Only small stories from Oru who claims him to be a criminal. A man who only brought danger to her mother and children. She has a small curiosity to find him or learn more...
★During her travels, the young lady is hoping to find a doctor or someone in the medical field to help with her situation. Although most of her has accepted her fate, there’s still a bit of hope that things can change as she believes she may be the last member of her blood family.
Available to RP on: Here, discord, or in-game works for me! I have more spare time on offline messaging, though. In-game may require some planning to meet up. (Please, be 18 or older though!)
Tumblr: @goldraendrop
Discord: Starbitcake#1898
Server: Mateus
Timezone: GMT -4 (EST)
Hours: These vary for me, but normally after 5 pm for each day. There are times where I’m free more!
OC Note  ––– –
Pleasure to meet you! I’m in college at the moment with extra free time and hoping to make some friends. Most of mine left for their own journey, so finding some fun chill players with neat characters would be lovely! I’m willing to also play the game OOC as well.
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Remade to add the tagging this time! @ffxiv-crystal-rp   @crystalxivrp   @mooglemeet 
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atinyidea · 5 years
Glitch | Ateez Gang! AU | THREE
⟶ gang!au, hacker!au, love triangle? poly? female!original character
How curious it is, the fact that the police just gave a media conference, confirming ATZ’s involvement in Kyungri’s families newly-appointed murder, just as she sat down for her best friend, Jaehyeon, to be tattooed by one of the gang members?
⟶ glitch ml! main ml!
⟶ prologue | previous | next
⟶  note! @atinyluna @iis4d @untainted-memories !! if anyone wants to be on a tag list for this fic just let me know!
⟶ 4000 words
⟶ edited 08.03.2020
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THREE: The Loft, 15:03,
Saturday 25 October 2025,
“Ah! There she is! Our princess has arrived! Finally!” The voice of her boss, Noh Gongmyung, filtered through the hidden speakers and to her ears as soon as she stuck her key into its lock. With a roll of her eyes, she looked up to where she knew a camera was and sharply turned the key, opening the sliding door.
“I’m not a princess, Gongmyung. How many times do I have to tell you?”
“At least once more!” The speakers hummed as she slammed the door shut, it’s automatic locks clicking into place. Kyungri could just hear the grin on his face from his words.
She walked up the metal floating stairs that led to the loft, her workspace and also home to her boss. She hadn’t cared that she worked in someone’s house, she knew well enough how well she worked when she was in the comfort of her own space. When they started working together Gongmyung hadn’t lived in the loft – it was a home away from home for both of them. However, while Kyungri chose to stay at home with her aunt and younger cousin, Gongmyung realised that he spent all of his time in the loft and that the gas money was not worth the thirty-minute trip from his house to the loft every day.
So he moved in.
He had offered Kyungri a room of her own and, while she did take it, she told him it was mainly for when they had to work long jobs. She didn’t like taking their not-so-legal jobs back to her aunt’s house.
The loft was quite large, having three separate rooms, one bathroom and an open-plan kitchen-living room that they turned into what Gongmyung called The Hacker’s Cave.
After a few years of making modulations to the loft, the two of them decided to buy the whole building, converting the downstairs area into space for their unsanctioned work. More specifically it was essentially a giant closet, locked under a padlock and a fingerprint scanner. Gongmyung had wanted to add a retina scanner but Kyungri thought that would be pushing it a little too much. They had only just been able to hide the fingerprint scanner in the wall, having a camera outside the door would just be suspicious.
She typed in the code specific to her entry and opened the door to the loft. Closing it behind her and listening for the tell-tale click which signified the door was locked again. 
Once, a while ago now, Chaeyoung had called everything over the top and that the two hackers were overly paranoid. Now she just called them “hacker spies.” Chaeyoung was the only one of her friends – and family – that had been to the loft, that had seen inside the loft. Kyungri didn’t exactly know why Chaeyoung had been let onto their little secret but she couldn’t say she was complaining. Gongmyung liked Chaeyoung too, which was always a plus, he referred to her as his second employee even though Chaeyoung couldn’t hack anything to save her life. She was a good informant and strategist though, which is why she fits in so well in their unofficial jobs. Kyungri wondered if Jaehyeon even knew they partook in felonious jobs too.
“Good afternoon, princess.” Gongmyung grinned at her, twisting his spinning chair around to face her as she entered the room.
“I brought you a coffee.” Kyungri smiled at him softly, holding the paper cup out to him, her own still half full in her other hand. She had stopped at another café, one closer to the loft, on the way – having forgotten to buy it when she was at The Café – so it was still piping hot. Just how he liked it.
“You’re buttering me up,” Gongmyung stated, taking the coffee anyway, leaning back in his chair and letting out a satisfied sigh as he took a sip. “What do you need?”
“A favour,”
“Of what kind, pray tell?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward in his chair.
Kyungri took a second to reply, speaking slowly like the words hurt to say, “I need your help.”
“You? Need my help?” Gongmyung emphasised, placing his free hand to his chest as if he was clutching his heart. Kyungri’s eyes closed as regret washed over her. “Our Great Hacker, the Pyo Kyungri…” he placed his coffee down on a nearby table, “wants her poor, old mentors help? The honour!” He shouted dramatically. Kyungri was tempted to just walk back out, but before she could, Gongmyung had shot up from his chair to place a hand against her forehead. “Are you feeling ill?”
She swatted his hand away, a small scowl taking over her features. “You’re thirty-four.” She rolled her eyes. Poor and old my ass, she thought. “Can you not be a dramatic dick right now? I ask you for help all the time.” She grumbled, finally taking her jacket off, hanging it on the back of the couch.
Gongmyung grinned at her. He didn’t have to verbalise his acceptance to help, he would help Kyungri even if she hadn’t asked. With the flourish of a hand, he turned to kneel on his chair with one knee and kicking off from the floor with the other, using his chair to glide across the room towards his set up area. Kyungri shook her head slightly, walking after him. Sometimes she wondered how he was the older one.
Gongmyung’s set up was… over the top, to say the least. He had lined a wall with monitors, twenty-four in total, with four servers ranging in sizes and psychedelic colours underneath them. Kyungri had always wondered why he kept a few servers upstairs, especially when they had a whole room dedicated to server’s downstairs, but she couldn’t fault him for wanting to keep the ones he built from scratch separate. When the monitors weren’t being used – by the surveillance cameras or from completing several long-range hacks at once (or downloading the latest version of his favourite video game, unreleased to the public) – they linked with each other to create one big screen. Usually when the loft had visitors – sometimes the police liked to pop in uninvited – the monitors served as a functioning TV. Gongmyung’s over the top personality and a rather large bank account had saved them from suspicion numerous times.
Kyungri had often told him that it wasn’t necessary, that everything could be done on a singular screen. He had always answered her with a simple “I know, this is just more fun!” to which she would roll her eyes, silently agreeing with the eccentric man. Their set-ups were like them: total opposites. While Gongmyung’s took up half a room, Kyungri preferred to stay mobile. She was simplistic, having three of each kind of electronic (two for her and one as a backup). Three phones – two iPhones and a Huawei – three tablets – two Samsung and a Huawei – two iPod and three laptops – her treasured Microsoft laptop and her two new ones: a MacBook and a Huawei laptop. (They had done a job for the company Huawei and were gifted with their electronics, which they kept after completely wiping them and making sure they were secure.)
In a way, the two hackers were described by how they worked. Gongmyung was over the top, in your face with a dramatic flair that everyone had to appreciate no matter how hard they tried not to. Kyungri was mobile, working incognito, on the move, classic. It was why they worked so well together: he was the guy in the chair, and she was the girl on the move.
(Chaeyoung loved to refer to their little team as spies. “We could totally be Charlie’s Angels.” She had said once. “We just need the third angel.” At her words, Gongmyung drew in a theatrical gasp, hand to his chest, offended. “How dare you say that I’m not an angel.” That day was fun.)
“What’s got you in a rough patch?” He asked, grabbing a neon pink keyboard – the one that was connected to the hot pink server, the one he kept separate because it was the only one connected to the dark web.
Kyungri pulled her own laptop out. Her trusty laptop lovingly named Microsoft (All her laptops were names as such: Mack the MacBook, Huawei the laptop.) and began typing away, still standing up next to him. “Two people apparently don’t exist anywhere other than a singular police file.”
“Now, this is interesting.”
“That’s the weird thing! It’s like these men only exist for the purpose of one measly police file and nothing else.”
“You only used your laptop to search, right? Microsoft?”
Kyungri nodded.
“Perhaps your server isn’t strong enough. Run the searches again with Huawei connected to the server room downstairs. Maybe you’ll get wider search field parameters.” Gongmyung grinned. While he wasn’t exactly a patron of the black net, he did have access to it and its connections – anything was findable for the right price. “Also, just send me all you’ve got, and I’ll get in touch with connections.”
Kyungri nodded again.
“This is quite unusual, isn’t it?” Gongmyung said after a few minutes of silence as he read over the information she had gathered. “Jo Jowon. Choi Jongho. Pictures.” He mumbled, narrating as he typed out an invisible email – an incognito way of communicating with his contacts without a trace. “I don’t think my contact is online at the moment. It might take a while to get a response.”
Kyungri nodded a third time. She wasn’t in a rush. She just got easily frustrated when things didn’t go right, quickly.
“So the police are re-investigating their deaths.”
“And Soonchul is the lead.”
Kyungri hummed in agreement.
“You have to know that ATZ aren’t even five years old yet. The crash was –’’
“Seven years ago. I know.” Kyungri cut him off, fingers stopping their tapping as she looked over at him. “I figured that out the same hour I heard the police were suspecting them.”
“So why are you still looking for them.” He asked, also stopping, having finished for now.
“I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right, it’s bugging me.”
“Ah, and then these two boys don’t seem to exist.” He realised, teasing her slightly, “you can’t resist.”
“Soonchul is trying to pin my family’s death on a gang who hadn’t even formed yet. It’s sloppy, and I don’t appreciate it.” She shrugged, turning her attention to a monitor on the wall, where a figure had walked to the front door. She looked away after realising she knew who it was, continuing her little speech. “I don’t understand the connection. I’ve been waiting for six years for them to re-open the case and when it is, I can’t help but feel angry.”
“My father wants to find ATZ, everyone wants the Pyo Crash case solved once and for all. He’s killing two birds with one stone, trying to twist everything together by his own will.” Chaeyoung called loudly, having heard the last part of Kyungri’s sentence as she entered the door. She leant back against it, waiting for the click before she wandered into the room. While she wasn’t a hacker, Chaeyoung worked with Kyungri on their out-of-hours jobs. She had her own keys and her own password for the loft, she was part of the team. She shrugged her black trench coat off, throwing it haphazardly in the direction of the couch, not bothering to see if it fell on the floor or not. “I went to lunch with him last week, he wouldn’t stop muttering about how he was going to get the station to look for ATZ and get off his back about the Pyo case.” Chaeyoung rested on Kyungri, her arms over the now seated Kyungri’s shoulders and her head resting on her shoulder. Kyungri leant back into the orange-haired girl, trying to give her stronger stability to lean against – she knew she was tired.  “We are talking about my dad, right?”
“Bit of a poor solution. It’s not even thought out well.” Gongmyung tsked.
Chaeyoung yawned a little, “I don’t think the station cares if I’m being honest. They’re just happy he’s finally doing it.”
“Anyway, now that both of you are here, I can brief you of tonight’s job.”
“Sure thing GM but, can I go get pizza first? I came straight here from the café, and I’m starving.” Chaeyoung’s tired expression had cleared into a livelier one at the thought of food through her words still slurred a little. Gongmyung mirrored her grin and pulled a silver card out of thin air, holing it out in front of her.
“It’s on me or rather, on you. That’s your card for the night, there’s five million won on it.” He told Chaeyoung, emphasising the amount on the card. “It’s for the job, to keep up appearances. You have to be expensive to look like a regular at an expensive club.” Chaeyoung nodded, plucking the card from his fingers. She pressed a gentle kiss on Kyungri’s cheek before standing, walking to the door and scooping her coat up from the floor on the way.
“Got it! You want the usual?” She called over her shoulder as she opened the door.
Kyungri and Gongmyung hadn’t left it a second before they chorused a ‘yes’. After the orange-haired woman had left Gongmyung turned to Kyungri, another card in his hand.
“Thank you.” Kyungri smiled at him softly. He reached out the same hand to pat her hair gently. “While she’s gone I’ll go shower, the world knows I'm quicker. She’ll need at least an hour just for her shower.” Kyungri let out a laugh as she slapped her hands against her thighs as she stood.
“I’ll keep you updated.”
“Ah yes, we can play Is Gongmyung’s Voice Louder Than The Shower again.”
The bathroom was standard compared to the rest of the building. Kyungri only really used it for its essentials – to shower and to use the toilet – while Gongmyung couldn’t care less what a bathroom looked like. Chaeyoung kept bringing in little decorations around every now and then, but they always seemed to go missing after a week or two. The walls were tiled in white, a toilet sink and shower the only appliances inside. On one wall hung five towels, two were black, two were hot pink and the last of was a white hair towel, stained with diluted hair dye. Also hung on the wall, above the sin, was a large square mirror.
Kyungri stared at her reflection, letting the shower warm-up before she got in it. She had bags under her eyes that would need to be covered properly before they left for the job, no one going to the club would flaunt their designer eyebags. She’d have to get Chaeyoung to fix her up with the strong stuff later. Kyungri took her hair in her hands, looping it through her fingers. It was getting quite long, the black hair dye starting to leave her roots. They weren’t that bad, her natural hair a dark brown anyway, but she knew they would bother her is she didn’t get them done again soon.
The water was hot against her skin; it almost burnt. But that’s how she liked it. She liked being warm and would often cuddle herself up under at least three blankets when she could. She closed her eyes and leant her head back, letting her hair fall down her back, under the steady stream of water. She liked showers, they were relaxing. However, she could never spend more than fifteen minutes in there. She washed out the shampoo in her dark locks and applied the conditioner, twisting her hair into a makeshift top-knot to sit for a little while as she bent over slightly to shave her legs. Kyungri liked having smooth legs but, in reality, she hated having to shave them. Just as she finished up with the razor and went to wash the conditioner from her hair, the bathroom door bounced open startling her a little but not enough for her to make a sound.
“I’m back, and your pizza will get cold if you take forever!” Chaeyoung shouted over the flow of water. Kyungri shook her head in amusement, continuing to wash out her hair.
“Thanks, Chae.” She shouted back. She could feel Chaeyoung’s cheeky grin as she heard her laugh.
“OH! Before I forget! After you left the café earlier, I overheard Mr Tattooist and his friend. Whose name is Yoosang by the way and, he’s completely one-hundred-per cent cute. Apparently San did something, and you didn’t notice? I assumed it was that he tried asking for your number by the way Yoosang laughed at him, but I had already given him your number, so it got me thinking.”
Kyungri switched off the water, stepping out of the shower. She didn’t rush to cover herself in front of Chaeyoung, but she wrapped a pink towel around her body because the window was open, and the breeze was cold.
“Just be careful around him okay, he’s like super pretty to look at but, now I have a funny feeling about that tattooist. Like there’s something hidden about him.” Chaeyoung spoke seriously as she sat on top of the toilet as if it were a chair.
“You gave him my number?”
“Before he was being shady!”
Kyungri couldn’t help but laugh, and after a few seconds, Chaeyoung had joined in.
“I also went outfit digging so finish up in here and then just come through to the room, yeah?” Chaeyoung smiled up at her tall best friend. Kyungri returned the smile and kissed her cheek as Chaeyoung departed from the bathroom.
She left the bathroom, hair and body wrapped up in pink towels and headed towards the living room. She didn’t care that she was in just a towel around Gongmyung, he was essentially her brother for all intents and purposes. 
“I did tell Chae you were in the shower, sorry she interrupted you.” He told Kyungri as she stopped next to him at the table. From where she was sat on the floor on the opposite side of the table, Chaeyoung grinned up at Kyungri with a wink.
“It’s not like she doesn’t do it every time anyway but, thanks,” Kyungri replied to Gongmyung with a small amused smile. She propped a hand on her waist, her other hand holding its wrist as she focused back to Chaeyoung. “So what are my options, Chae?”
“Under very tight time restrictions, not fair by the way,” She glared at the man in the room for a second, “I’ve given you a dress and a crop-top-shorts combo.” Chaeyoung gave her a dazzling smile, hands shaking back and forth like she was in a jazz number. Kyungri nodded a little, looking over both options. “I get to wear the other one so, please choose the one I don’t want,” Chaeyoung added with a rushed mumble and a little squeal, her hands shooting into the air to show off her crossed fingers. Kyungri rolled her eyes a little, the smile growing on her face. She should have known.
The dress was a lively red colour, the woven cotton was laced with glittered fabric to give off a shine under every angle. It was lined with cream-coloured silk, smooth to the touch. It was also quite small, and Kyungri knew it would fit Chaeyoung better. The orange-haired girl had even paired it with a pair of black criss-cross stiletto heels in her size.
The other outfit was quite racy, but Kyungri really didn’t care. While she preferred to live her life in leggings and jumpers three sized too big for her, she knew her body was fit. She looked after herself; going to the gym every other day and running two miles every morning. Her core was strong, ready for anything that was thrown at her. She knew she had abs, not rock hard, but there was some definition there. She knew she would feel comfortable in the crop top (which was actually just a fancy lace bralette) and matching shorts. It was placed with a peached coloured jacket - a thin material studded in large sequins - and a pair of black sneakers that were jazzed up with the same peach colour, but the sequins were extra small. She loved it, she knew that Chaeyoung had expected her to choose that outfit and so, just to mess with her she picked up the dress and turned on her heel towards her bedroom.
“Kyungri!” Chaeyoung called after her. Kyungri couldn’t help the giddy laugh that left her lips as Chaeyoung started chasing her.
“You’re too easy to wind up, Chaeyoung.” She told her once they had stopped running around. Kyungri handed the dress and heels over to the shorter girl with a teasing smile over her lips. Chaeyoung grumbled a little under her breath, making her look slightly younger than she was than how she acted. Kyungri was reminded that Chaeyoung had only just turned twenty the other month.
Kyungri returned to the living room to scoop up her outfit, and the two girls left Gongmyung to eat his pizza alone. Which wasn’t particularly unusual.
An hour and a half later, Chaeyoung was out of the shower and drying her hair out with a hairdryer as Kyungri nibbled on the last slice of her own pizza, still in her towel as she worked on Sam, her Samsung tablet. (Truthfully, she had been distracted by Twitter.) The two girls got dressed together, helping one another with small adjustments and styling choices. Chaeyoung helped Kyungri twist her long hair up into two twisted space buns, doing her makeup for her since Kyungri was kind of helpless. Kyungri had pulled a detailed braid through one side of Chaeyoung’s hair, decorating it with small metal loops and hair gems. By eight P.M they emerged from Kyungri’s bedroom, dressed to the nines and glowing. Gongmyung, who had seen them dressed up for club jobs before, let out a little wolf whistle as they came into view.
“Stunning, as always.” He complimented them. Kyungri gave him a small, yet confident, smile as Chaeyoung dipped down into a curtsey.
“Thank you, I know. I know.” She spoke in a fake posh accent, dramatically waving her hands around as if she were royalty. They all made their way to Gongmyung’s set up, waiting to get briefed.
“The club is called X-Clusive.” He began, sitting down in his chair. The two girls sat down together of one of Kyungri’s huge beanbag chairs, sharing a tablet to see what Gongmyung would be talking about. “The official job Kyungri’s on tonight is to figure out how one gets through all their security. There's a singular back door entrance under a set of seven different electronic locks. The bouncers are given a printed version of the guest list, which is very specific, so as a fall back you will both be on it as yourselves.
“However, for your second job tonight, you will be known as Park Hyeri and Lee Chanmi, two old college friends who reconnect after seeing each other at a fancy club. There is talk of a gun pass happening in the high levels of X-Clusive tonight. The gangs are unknown, but connections think NCT will be there. You are to observe and relay information. Do that by any means necessary, we don’t know who else we’ll be dealing with.” He finished. 
Both girls nodded once in unison. 
“Great. After that, you’re free to stay as long as you want and spend as much as you want. Stay alert, I want to be able to get to you if anything happens, got it?”
Again, the girl’s nodded, grinning at one another. Time to go clubbing.
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capan-devereaux · 5 years
Hotch x reader
(Criminal Minds and Leverage crossover) part 1?
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This is for @stiffinme . They requested a Hotch x reader that was also a leverage crossover. So the idea is you are Hardison’s little foster sister who he loves dearly (read: very over protective of) Reason being you are a very quiet and reserved person but very loving you don't show affection or care in traditional ways. Similar to Parker and as good as Garcia but almost the opposite way Garcia showers the team with affection Reader is more quiet and doesn't volunteer info about themselves freely. He also taught you everything there is to know about computers and hacking.  You take the fall for the team when Hardison's hacks get tracked back to your old computer. You get the same deal that Garcia does and end up working with her but also go into the field with the team more often than not. As such you keep your computer area clean compared to Penelope at least. just a picture of you and Hardison as kids at the park and the Polaroid camera you took it with and some mementos that from each member of your old family Ticket stubs from one of Sophie's plays,two stuffies made to look like a chocolate bar and an orange soda bottle from hardison and parker together,Some old glasses Nate wore for a con, and an old cigar box from elliot to hold most of it. Because the picture is from when you are kids and you refused to give up any information on your old team noone on your new team knew anything about them.  Hotch and you are already together but because you are held to the same rules as Garcia (no more contact with other hackers) you haven't been able to tell your brother. Hotch ends up taking you to John McRory’s Place. The bar your old boss and brother just so happen to live over.
  And now a few quick things 
I may turn this into a small series because i could not decide how I wanted to end it so expect a sequel soon !!  
and because of the tumblr ban on nsfw among other things I went back to the citrus scale I would add a link to the wiki but if I do this story wont show up if you search for it. This story is a citrus/orange 
Story under the cut 
It was a quick case in Boston dealing with someone who was tied to Damien Moreau (quick because someone had tied the unsub up and left him at a police station to be found with a confession).You had come along because of your knowledge and experience with the people involved. It was after said find that the confession was done legally. After all that the team decided to go to a bar not far from the hotel. You don't remember whose idea it was but everyone agreed because there was enough time. You sat near the edge of the table with you back facing the back wall, so you could see who entered the bar and who left an old habit from your days with the Leverage team. Hotch sat next to you with a hand close to you which of course brought an onslaught of friendly teasing from the rest of your new team and family. Everyone was finally relaxed and talking about the case and how weird it was to find the suspect like that. You kept your thoughts on the subject to yourself. After a while David and Emily went back to the hotel to sleep for one more night before packing to leave the following night. This left just you Aaron, Spencer, Derek, and Jennifer. Eventually you saw someone come in and sit at the bar, at second glance you realized it was Sophie and couldn't help a small smile. And of course she notices you and comes over to the table. You stand up to greet her and give her a hug.
“Y/N, I haven't seen you in forever!” She says and pulls you aside, “ I hope you guys don't mind if I borrow her for a moment”
You get a few questioning looks but assure them you are fine and allow yourself to be lead away from the profilers.
“Hardison's been worried sick about you!”
“I know, I feel so bad I haven't been able to contact him, but It was either this or prison”
While this was going on your team were speculating on who the lady could be and who she was to you.
“Well she’s older she so maybe an old mentor or teacher” Reid suggested.
“They are standing too close for that, closer relationship maybe mother figure” J.J. responded. As they kept speculating you kept talking with Sophie unaware of what your team was talking about.
After a few minutes Hardison came downstairs to see what was taking Sophie to come up stairs and saw you, He immediately made his way to you and hugged you and you started to catch up. Morgan saw this and nudged your partner.
“Hotch” he said and gestured towards you.
Oblivious to the added speculation you told your brother all about Aaron and how much you loved him.  Then you gestured to the table and suggested that you introduce him to your dear Aaron.
You made your way to the table and sat knowing that Alec and Sophie would take a second to decide where or not to come over. Before they did you were hit with a barrage of questions.
‘Whos the lady?’
‘Whos the guy?’
Why were you acting so close with them?’
You couldn't really blame them for being curious, you never told them anything about your life before working with them and then some people come along and you act like long lost friends. It would raise some questions from you too. But what concerned you was that Aaron was quiet he didnt ask a single question. When you got them to slow down you started answering the questions as vaguely as you could.
‘An old friend’
‘Family’ (That one got a quick awkward glance to where you were previously standing)
‘Both are family to me’
When you were done everyone was satisfied as they knew that was as specific and detailed you were going to get and left for the hotel.  After another minute you felt a presence glancing over you see Parker and she looks at you not saying anything and hugs you.
“We missed you” she whispers in your ear.
Before she could get a weird look from Aaron she pulled Hardison over and made him sit next to her. There was a few awkward seconds before Hardison spoke.
“ So I heard your dating my sister” He directed at Aaron with a smile, “Well it's nice to meet you I’m Hardison” he held his hand out for Aaron to shake.
“Y/N never mentioned a brother” Aaron paused.
While you had told Hardison that you had told noone anything about your life prior to joining the BAU for your families protection it still hurt to hear he was never mentioned to your significant other.
“But you must be the boy in the picture on her desk.” He added.
Before Hardison could question you said, “ The picture of us at the park, I kept one from my old apartment”
Aaron asked who they were and I answered for them
“Hardison my brother, Parker, Sophie, Elliot, and Nate” you pointed to them as you spoke.
“This was my family before you guys caught me.” you mumbled. Aaron heard you but didn't say anything but kept what you said in mind to ask about later. So while you caught up and introduced Aaron to your surrogate family.  After you exchanged numbers with your family you and Aaron left. 
Back in Virginia and back in your apartment and in comfy pants you start cooking some dinner. While waiting for the rice to finish you were chilling on the couch and munching waiting for Aaron. Your apartment was sparse but everything held meaning. So did the things you had given Aaron, like the tie you had got when shopping with Alec for a suit he needed for a con.
When Aaron got there you let him in and you kissed him.
There was a moment before he asked “Why didn't you tell me you had a brother”
There was another moment, “You know I’m a reserved person, I don't really talk with people. And no one really bothers to ask or talk.”
“But why didn't you tell me you had a brother , or tell me anything about those people?!” He momentarily got louder as he spoke but he didn't yell.
You were getting stressed and didn't wanted to fight, and you could feel you eyes watering. Aaron didn't notice as he was looking around your sparse living room at the few sentimental things you did have. Like the painting Hardison had done of you it was smaller than Nates but it was there. Or the the large miniature rose plant you had on the table, the scrapbook next to couch the blanket you had made with Sophie. You didn't keep much and nothing that had pictures of your old team to avoid them getting caught.
Again there were pictures of you and Hardison as kids. Noticing all of it thoroughly for the first time, how old it was , how worn out and loved the scrapbook was, all the handmade decor.
He turned back to you still not noticing the tears forming , “ You said they were your family before we caught you. Why didn't you tell Me about them?” He sounded confused and hurt.
You responded quietly with “You never asked so I thought you knew, Hardison and my foster family are both in my file and there's pictures of us in the hall.”
“And the rest…” he asked a little quieter.
“We helped people who had no one else to turn to they are family to me”
“Why didn't you tell me”
“I was scared”
“I'm not supposed to contact old ... associates and that included my brother”
“And I didn't want to get them in trouble”
You were silently crying when he finally noticed and pulled you into his chest and held you.  He berated himself in his head for making you cry. You both agreed to just put the subject aside and eat before the food got any colder. After dinner he stayed the night like he usually did, but couldn't sleep. You were somewhat peacefully sleeping curled into him head on his chest. He couldn't help but silently berate himself again as he started to piece things together. He recognized the soft melancholic look you got when looking at the picture on your desk and the ones in the hall that he never noticed before. The diligent way you cared for your plants. God he felt like a dick. He felt you stirring and let his head lay back.
    You got up to use the restroom. When you got back to bed Aaron rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around you and mumbled into your hair. Aaron held you to him kissing your temple.
“I’m sorry for earlier, I just realized that I knew nothing about you and it hurt. I don't handle it well”
“No you didn't” You agreed with him.
“I … I couldn't , I knew nothing about you”
“But you do now”
“You helped people?” he asked
“Yeah we helped people that companies screwed over, found evidence of what the companies did and helped them pursue things” you take care to leave out any illegal steps you might have taken to do so.
You start going into detail about your family. You tell him about the day where you got snowed in with Sophie and ended up making the quilt draped over your old couch. You told him about how Nate was like a father to you. But you spent the most time telling him about growing up with your big brother Hardison
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two-baes · 5 years
Just gonna, leave this here for myself.
Main Batfam (ie; the ‘core’ fam) :
Athanasia - Sparrowhark - 14
Barbara - Batgirl - 29
Bruce - Batman - 42
Cassandra - Black Bat - 19
Claire - Gotham Girl - 18
Colin - (work in progress) - 14
Cullen - No superhero identity - 17
Damian - Robin - 14
Dick - Nightwing - 27
Duke - Signal - 16
Harper - Bluebird - 20
Helena W.- Huntress - 21
Jason - Red Hood - 22
Matt - (Flame) Robin - 13
Maya - Nobody - 15
Maxine - Oracle - 20
Stephanie - Spoiler - 19
Nissa - Batgirl - 16
Terry - Batman - 21
Tim - Red Robin - 18
Extended Batfam (ie; cousins / like family) :
Basil - Clayface - 37
Beth - Brightbat - 40
Bette - Flamebird - 24
Carrie K - ‘Robin’ - 13
Charlie - Misfit - 17
Helena B. - Huntress - 26
Jean-Paul - Azrael - 27
Kate - Batwoman - 40
Kitrina - Catgirl - 16
Luke - Batwing - 30
Maps (aka Mia) - No superhero identity (as of yet) - 14
Mary - Strix - 19 (physically)
Selina - Catwoman - 35
Tiffany - Sugar Glider - 12
Outer (ie; not quite Batfam but Batfam adjacent / Batfam friends) :
Calvin - Falcon/Falco (I’m undecided) - 31
Lonnie - Anarky - 20
M - Midnighter - 36
Tatsu - Katana - 33
Violet - Mother Panic - 21
Zatanna - 39
Other (ie; people I haven’t decided what to do with yet but they exist) ;
Lincoln (aka Thomas Jr) - Owlman - 39
Thomas - (currently undecided) - 62
Breaking things down a bit - The inner fam ;
Dick, Jason, Tim, Cassandra, Harper & Cullen, and Maya have all been officially adopted by Bruce in this universe
More or less in that exact order.
They’ve all kept their respective last names, but will occasionally hyphenate and tack on ‘Wayne’ to the ends of them.
Maya was brought home one day by Damian, who insisted Bruce take her on as a ward. Bruce was more than happy to oblige, tho noting how close of a bond the two children already had (and how they were already referring to one another as ‘brother’ & ‘sister’), he decided to just adopted her.
Barbara and Stephanie are not adopted
Steph is however a ward.
Bruce did ask to adopt her but she feels that it would be too weird for her to be legally adopted, since her and Tim are dating. ---She is however, considered by most of the family (in particular Harper, Cullen, & Cassandra), to be an ‘honorary sibling’.
Barbara’s father is still very much alive, altho Gordon and Bruce often joke about shared custody. (Also Babs agrees with Steph in that it would make dating Dick awkward)
Bruce still thinks of them like his own, and they’re considered as a core part of the family by everyone else.
Both also have their own respective rooms at the manor. Steph because she lives there, and Babs because she visits so often.
Claire is more or less an unofficial ward of Bruce’s.
In this verse he took her in after the death of her brother, and has been helping her to get the help she needs to recover; she’s been healing slowly but surely.
She’s formed a close bond with Duke.
She’s been getting training so that she feels less inclined to use her powers and won’t shave any more years off her lifespan.
Duke and Colin, while not officially adopted by Bruce, are his wards
Duke’s parents are still alive (though Jokerized), in light of this Bruce has offered to adopt him, but Duke politely declined. The offer remains open should he ever change his mind, however.
Colin similarly has been made an offer to be adopted, but turned it down for unspecified reasons. (ie; I haven’t decided yet if I want to go the ‘Tiny Boyfriends’ route w/ Dami&Colin in this AU, so I’m holding off on making them adopted siblings)
Helena, Damian, and Athanasia are all biologically Bruce’s children
Helena is from the future (or at least a possible future) in which Bruce and Selina have a child together. She refuses to tell them what year she’s actually from, or reveal much about her timeline.
Damian is Bruce’s son by Talia. He came to live with Bruce when he was 10.
Athanasia is Bruce’s daughter by Talia, although she was more ‘created’ than ‘conceived’ (ie, very much like those spare clone babies Talia had floating that she showed to Damian in the comics).
For clarification, she isn’t a female-clone of Damian. Talia used a sample of her own DNA and a sample of Bruce’s to create a new embryo.
When Damian was sent off to join his father, Talia had Athanasia born; aged up to ten years old to match her brother. She kept her a secret, hidden from Bruce and Damian, training her in the ways of the league for the next three years, before having a change of heart and sending her daughter to meet her brother and father.
Terry, Matt, Nissa, and Max are all from a future timeline that was wiped from existence somehow, they managed to time travel back to the past to survive.
Terry and Matt are (because of genetic tampering done by Waller) biologically Bruce’s sons. Terry is aware of this information. Matt is not.
Since they didn’t arrive with them, Terry and Matt believed Nissa & Max had died. However it turned out that their device had been damaged somehow, causing the timing of their arrival to be off by a year.
Breaking things down further - The extended fam ;
Kate and Beth are identical twin sisters, and are Bruce’s cousins.
In this verse Beth recovers from her ‘Alice’ persona and adopts the mantle of ‘Brightbat’, working alongside Kate as a vigilante.
Bette is the youngest cousin of Kate, Beth, and Bruce.
Jean-Paul isn’t related to anyone, nor is he adopted by, or a ward of Bruce.
He does however work closely with the family, and is considered an extended part of it. He’s like an honorary cousin more or less.
Luke also isn’t related to anyone, but works closely with the batfamily, earning him a spot as an honorary member, even if he's not a part of the core family.
Tiffany is Luke's youngest sister.
She's taken to training with and helping him out on the field. Don't call her his sidekick though, she hates that.
Helena B. has close ties to the batfamily, although she isn’t part of the core family, she is always welcomed by them, and in turn will always aid them when they need it.
She’s particularly close w/ both Barbara & Dick, as well as Cass. She also gets along well with Jason.
Mary isn’t officially integrated as a part of the core family, but she does live with them, having been brought to the manor to live by Babs, who she has grown close to.
She appears to be around 19 years old, in actuality she is much older. Because of the process she underwent when being made into a Talon, she doesn’t age physically.
She was taught sign language from Cassandra, although she still prefers writing as a means of communication.
While Babs fills the role as an older sister type figure for her, Mary seems to have latched on to Secret Six team-member Thomas Blake as something of a (reluctant) paternal figure.
Charlie isn’t exactly a full fledged part of the Batfam, so much as Babs has taken her under her wing and started to mentor her.
She lives with Barbara, and is generally introduced as her cousin.
Carrie is Barbara’s second cousin on her mother’s side, who randomly showed up on her door one way after finding out she had a relative in Gotham.
Eventually she discovered Babs was Batgirl and pleaded for her to mentor her.
Basil has gone from a former Gotham rogue, to a redeemed and trusted member of the batfamily.
He's particularly close to Cassandra, and has become somewhat of a second father figure to her.
Selina really is on the family friend/extended family cusp, with Helena’s arrival edging her a bit closer to the latter. --She’s not quite a part of the core family, but with a daughter from a potential future timeline showing up her dynamic definitely changes.
Her and Bruce have, as you can expect, had a thing. They have in fact, had several things. They’re very on-and-off.
When they’re 'on’ their relationship is sometimes left open (bc y’all kno I’m all about that poly)
Selina being the alleged long-lost daughter of Carmine Falcone is canon in this verse.
Kitrina isn’t quite a part of the batfamily on her own, however as Selina’s protege she’ll make appearances here and there during times of need at her mentors side.
Kitrina is Selina’s niece (unbeknownst to her, tho Selina knows.)
Maps is one of Damian’s very best friends, and has taken full advantage of that to worm her way into the (at least somewhat) inner bat circle.
She’s is --as Damian keeps reminding her -- a vigilante in training and is always asking him to mentor her so she can join in when he goes on patrols. She's even volunteered to be the Robin's sidekick.
Breaking things down even more - The outer fam;
M is for lack of better explanation, like that close family friend you have who is sort of like the cool/fun Uncle. He helps out here and there, gets along w/ most of the fam, and pops into the manor uninvited every now & then to get a rise out of Bruce.
Gets along well with Dick and Jason. (Tends to team up with the latter to tease the former)
Cullen seems to have taken a real shine to him, and has asked if M would mentor him since starting to consider becoming a vigilante. (M however is unsure he's the right fit as a mentor for the kid, since his crime fighting methods tend to be a bit brutal)
He’s not married to Apollo in this verse, though they do have an on-again-off-again type relationship (so I can occasionally hook him up with other people w/o leading to drama).
Zatanna also falls into the category of close family friend.
Her and Bruce have been friends since childhood, making her one of his oldest and closest friends.
Also her and Bruce have had a thing once upon a time. (There might still be some feelings on both sides, I’m keeping options open here...)
Violet isn’t part of the core batfamily, and she doesn’t work quite closely enough with them to be considered part of the extended fam either, but in this verse she’s close friends with (and maybe dating) Harper. which has lead to her working a bit more frequently with the bats than she usually would otherwise.
Calvin is an ally of the Batfam & comes to help them when called upon.
He gets along really well w/ Dick. Circus boys gotta stick together! ...No really, they've got like a whole act worked out together.
Tatsu is another close friend and trusted ally of the bats. Though she doesn't work often with them under normal circumstances as she usually has her own things going on, when they're in a real pinch they can call on her, knowing she'll answer.
Lonnie's position within the batfamily is...complicated, as he doesn't always see eye to eye with some of them.
Despite not always getting along (with Bruce in particular), he does help out the family from time to time when they have need for him, and has admitted that he prefers being friend over foe.
Gets along best with Stephanie and Harper.
Had somewhat of a rivalry with Tim when they were kids. They're both (mostly) over it now.
Sort of awkward around Jason since it's highly possible Lonnie's biological father is the Joker... in this verse it totally is canon
Whatever is left to break down ;
Lincoln - aka Thomas Wayne Jr - Bruce’s younger brother that he was unaware most of his life that he even had.
(I’ve not really decided what to do with him yet, he’s only been fleshed out in this verse far enough for me to have decided that he definitely exists here, his backstory will mostly follow comic canon but after that I don’t know yet)
Thomas is Bruce (and Lincoln)’s father from an alternate timeline where he didn’t die (so, again, also not a huge divergence from comic canon, except this one isn’t an asshole who tries to ruin his son’s life and break his spirit whilst claiming it’s to help him...)
(I haven’t decided yet what to do with him. Do I want him to also be Batman?? Do I want him to have retired??? We’ll see... He, much like Lincoln in this verse, hasn’t been fleshed out beyond ‘he exists’, yet.)
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
today was a hard day. harder than they’ve been in a while. I got to bed at like 3 am last night so I was pretty tired and slept in till like 12 something. I went on my phone while lying in my bed and checked my email, where I had an reply from the public guardian’s office (where I interned in law school) informing me that I hadn’t been selected for an interview after initially telling me they would contact me to schedule one shortly. This was....totally gutting. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I had the experience, they were doing interviews, this was supposed to be a shoo-in. This was the job that I had been holding out for all this time and then it was just gone. I started crying and couldn’t stop for a solid half hour. the first thing I did was send an email to my mentor/former supervisor from there who is retired now but was a very prominent member of the office for like 25 years, so I just told him and that I was pretty destroyed about this. He got back to me fairly quickly, trying to assure me that things would be okay and that he was going to call the deputy PG tomorrow and find out what’s going on (he’s actually on vacation in Arizona till the 28th but he’s still taking time to call tomorrow while on vacation because he’s awesome). I’m trying not to get my hopes up that he’ll be able to do something, because I really don’t know if he will or not and I don’t know what the factors were that influenced this decision. It just doesn’t make any sense to me, I was supposed to be the perfect candidate....I guess unless they didn’t want to hire attorneys right out of law school? I know a hella lot more about the child welfare system than some hack who’s worked in personal injury for five years though...it just doesn’t add up. But I guess at some point I’m going to have to deal with the fact that this happened and this isn’t the road I’m going to go down. It’s just difficult because pretty much all the other prospects I’ve been getting have been firms that want me to work late every night and come in on the weekends and like....it’d already be an area of law I didn’t actually want to work in, but to be taking up all my time and not letting me see my friends? that sounds like actual hell, not to mention my health is always shit and would not respond well to working 60 hours a week. The whole thing was with the government I’d be limited to 40 hours, anywhere else is kind of all bets are off....so I feel really anxious about that. But I went to the job boards and started looking, at least got like 5 or so applications in today, some firms but also an appellate state’s attorney position which could be interesting (and I mean, it’d be government, so that could work) and the legal counsel position for a children’s hospital here in Chicago that’s a big deal, and I mean I don’t have experience in health law but I can argue I have experience working with kids in and outside of the legal field and have a lot of experience working with law that directly impacts kids, so I guess we’ll have to see where that goes. Not long after I finished the applications (while watching The Americans after listening to a podcast episode) I got an email back from a firm asking if I could come in for an interview this week, so that’s going to happen on Thursday hopefully. It was funny because I almost didn't apply to that position because I felt like I didn't have any experience in their field of law, but it could be good, I guess we’ll have to see (they do copyright defense and aviation law regarding drones which sounds interesting?? and part of the job post said a lot of it would be communicating with clients via phone about copyrights and such which sounds like it could be cool), but that was encouraging at least. I kept watching The Americans while I got a few other things done until The Gifted came on at 8. It was a good episode, I’m glad Andy came back to his family at the end and that Lorna is finally away from the inner circle and with Marcos, and that Jace was finally having to deal with facing the emotional consequences about what he's done. I went back to The Americans afterwards, I’m in season 4 now and it’s getting really good (but Nina! sad). The show is very serious obviously but it’s definitely become enjoyable to watch. and yeah, I did that until I showered and started to get ready for bed and now I’m here. I guess I’m still dealing with the emotional fallout of it all, it was something I had set my hopes on for a long time now, I thought it was definitely my easiest route into working in the system and eventually working for a nonprofit and now I’m just like now what? Nothing is going according to plan. This is the whole damn reason I wanted to go to law school, and now I can’t use my legal degree for it? And I mean, if I don’t have what it takes to get hired by them out of law school who the hell is good enough to get hired by them right out of law school?? because I know they do hire people right out of law school and you can’t possibly more experienced than I am in this area, I’m literally the gold standard here, I did everything right....and still nothing. It just doesn’t make any sense. I’m reminded though that shortly before the new year someone had posted on one of my fb groups about having a “theme” word for the year and I thought it was a nice idea, and decided mine was going to be “trust” as in trust God that his plan and his timing will do what’s needed, and I know this is just another area I need to trust that He’s bringing me to the right place in. It’s so hard when I can’t see what He’s doing at all, but I know my perspective is so limited compared to His. So I’m trying to trust and pray, and be open to whatever comes down the path, that’s really the best thing I can do at this point. I’m trying not to get my hopes up that anything will result from my mentor talking to them, but I can’t help but hold out some hope in the back of my mind that he’ll be able to fix it, but I keep telling myself it’s a shot in the dark and I have no way of knowing what’s gonna happen with it. So we go forward and see what happens with the job interview on Thursday. Forward, always, that’s what I said when I got my tattoo fixed with an arrow over the scar from my wrist surgery. So we’re moving forward, one way or another, trusting that I’ll make it to the right place. Sigh. It’s past 1 am now so I should probably be getting to bed. Goodnight babes. Hope you had a better day than me.
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calacavera-blog · 5 years
Subversion Pt. 1 Info
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Mercutio Murolo was born into poverty beneath Fibonacci under a different name; his parents’ love and care turned what would have been a tragic upbringing into one he could look back on fondly, though he feels he’s failed them. At 22, he is a Private Investigator, Bounty Hunter, and Generally Whatever You Pay Him to Use His Skills For.
A polyglot, self-taught in various fields from chemistry to criminal justice to literary canon, capable of picking up new things quick, all of which goes into him...just beating bad guys up, mostly.
Supporter for the rights of nonhumans and the betterment and development of the lower classes of Spirale.
Technically the de facto leader of Leviathan SC, but he’s left that in the care of his right hand to pursue a solo venture, even though he still keeps an eye on everything it does and actively looks for contracts for his company.
Flirtatious, carefree, open, and honest in his interactions with others. 
Hates overworking himself and doing things he finds annoying. He tends to skirt around responsibilities that he doesn’t find fun or of immediate importance, though in actuality it’s because of a deep fear of failure.
Drinks, except this time because he’s a party animal.
He not only goes to the gym, he’s Boss of this Gym.
Lives in his office in Golden Ward out of convenience, though he technically has his own place with his roommate. 
His left eye is legally blind thanks to a sucker-punch. He wears an eyepatch while working to “focus better”.
The only hobbies he’s kept up is reading and playing video games. 
He loves cooking, but prefers eating out.
Considering he’s technically the owner of two business, he’s moderately wealthy, but he rarely uses that wealth outside of buying booze and junk food.
His current plotted relationships with characters are:
He teamed up with Winter ( @vereisten ) while barely starting out as a bounty hunter on a case, she mentored him in becoming a private investigator. He now helps her on cases when she needs it and goes to her for advice.
He met Miriam ( @antheiin ) during a drunken binge and ended up marrying drunk like a weekend at Vegas. Since then, they’ve become best friends and roommates.
He was found bleeding by Justine ( @havvwah ), who patched him up while enduring his idiocy. Now she’s his personal doctor.
Below the readmore is a more detailed background of his past.
He was Benvolio Murolo, the son of Maurizio Murolo and Amelia Elias, born in the lower floors of Level 2 in Fibonacci Ward. Maurizio owned a small deli in a corner and Amelia sold tortas in a cart, both of them doing their best to give Benvolio the best life they could.
He’s no stranger to the violence and crime that comes with the lower leves; despite his parents’ attempts to keep him safe, he wound up in a few fights in his childhood.
He was seen as ‘gifted’ in school, ‘easily’ skipping a few years and taking classes at a college level by the time he was a freshman. 
In reality, he was acutely aware of the struggle his parents went through to raise him and took to heart their hopes for him to succeed and overworked himself studying and practicing sport (giving him a second chance at a scholarship should studying fail). 
Eventually, the stress he placed on himself would backfire and he’d end up expelled from a prestigious preparatory school he had entered because of a fight. One of the students had mocked his parents, telling him he was ‘born from shit’ and he finally snapped, beating his classmate and some of his friends.
His parents were devastated, and the guilt of the expulsion caused him to run away from home. He hasn’t seen his parents in years, but he still sends them money through a ‘mysterious benefactor’.
He started going by Mercutio to avoid dragging his family’s name further into the mud. He found his way into a boxing gym when he became a runaway, where the owner and trainer allowed him to live in exchange for him working janitorial duty. He took boxing lessons and learned he was pretty good at martial arts.
A member of Leviathan SC, who was a friend of the boxing gym owner, recruited him into a job working their security detail. His tenacity, adaptability, and work ethic helped him rise through positions until he was second in command to the then-current leader, Manolo, at age 18.
Once Manolo retired, he handed the reins to Mercutio, who was honored to take the position, but soon found he wasn’t cut out to be a proper leader, so he gave up the position to his second in command, but was denied from quitting so soon after becoming the new leader.
While his responsibilities slowly shifted to his second in command, he started pursuing solo jobs and found he preferred working alone, which led to him venturing outside LSC into opening his own office at age 22, leading to the present at age 24.
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blackkudos · 6 years
El Debarge
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Eldra Patrick (El) DeBarge (born June 4, 1961) is an American singer-songwriter, producer and musician. DeBarge was the focal point and primary lead singer of the family group DeBarge throughout the early to mid-1980s. Popular songs led by El include "Time Will Reveal", "Stay with Me", "All This Love", and "Rhythm of the Night". As a solo artist, he is best known for his unique high tenor register, strong falsetto and the hits "Who's Johnny" and "Love Always", and for his collaborations with Tone Loc, George Clinton, Faith Evans, Quincy Jones, Fourplay, and DJ Quik. DeBarge is a three-time Grammy nominee.
Life and career
Early life
A native of Detroit, Michigan, El was the sixth of ten children born to Robert Louis DeBarge, Sr. (1932-2009) and Etterlene (née Abney) DeBarge. DeBarge sang in his local church choir and played piano as a child. Later, after his family moved to Grand Rapids, he and the rest of his family began performing at their uncle's Pentecostal church. When El was 13, his parents divorced after a difficult and stormy marriage. El is of African American, English, French, and Native American descent. Growing up, he was closest to his eldest brother Bobby and began imitating his brother's vocal styling.
For several years, El spent time in private study with music educator Ricky Callier. By 1975, El had begun to express a desire to become a performer. He became a father for the first time at 16 and eventually fathered 11 more children. In 1977, he dropped out of high school and began performing with his elder brothers in clubs and venues in Michigan. By 1979, Bernd Lichters was able to secure a deal with Source Records/MCA to release the Pall Mall Groove – Hot Ice album as SMASH for the USA/Canada market and moved El from Michigan to Los Angeles, to have him, his brothers Mark and Randy DeBarge, in addition to their cousin Andre Abney, Elliot Townsend, and Stanley Hood, to back up the release as the SMASH band. His eldest sister Bunny joined her brothers in California as well. In 1980, because of the success of their brothers Bobby and Tommy DeBarge with the hit group Switch, El was able to perform live at the piano and sing in front of Motown CEO Berry Gordy, who immediately signed the group, then known as The DeBarges, to the label.
Motown mentored them, and members later worked with and contributed songwriting, arrangements, and production to the recordings of Switch, including the 1980 albums This Is My Dream and Reaching for Tomorrow. El's first professional recording was as background vocalist to Switch's 1979 hit "I Call Your Name". He later helped to arrange music for several Switch songs including "Love Over and Over Again" and "My Friend in the Sky," which he, Bunny, and Bobby wrote. This song would later be sampled by the likes of Queen Pen and Raheem DeVaughn.
Music career
In 1981, The DeBarges was released after the family had worked in the studio for a year recording it. The album was noted for most of its songs produced and written by all four family members including Bobby DeBarge, who helped end the album track "Queen of My Heart" after El had led the song for most of its tenure. The following album, 1982's All This Love featured younger brother James and saw much success with the compositions "I Like It" and the title track. El would remain the producer and arranger for all of the group's Motown albums. In 1983, DeBarge released In a Special Way, which spawned the hits "Time Will Reveal (song)" and "Love Me in a Special Way", and in 1984, the band became a sensation while touring for Luther Vandross on the singer's Busy Body tour. Though the group enjoyed much success and appeared to be a family unit, there were growing tensions between El and his brothers, mainly because of Motown's push to have El become the only noted star of the group, repeating a pattern that began with Smokey Robinson and The Miracles. By the end of the tour, El DeBarge was mainly called to handle the production of DeBarge's next album, Rhythm of the Night, without much help from his siblings.
Rhythm of the Night became the group's best-selling album ever, though some contended that El DeBarge was the only member present on the album with the exception of the title track, which became a top five hit in several countries including the US and UK becoming the group's and El's signature song. In late 1985, he appeared on The Facts of Life in the Season 7 episode "Doo-Wah" as himself and performed his single "You Wear it Well" with Lisa Whelchel, Kim Fields, Mindy Cohn, and Nancy McKeon singing backup. In 1986, El DeBarge left the group and began his solo career with the release of his self-titled debut album, which spawned the hits "Who's Johnny" and "Love Always". Three years passed, however, until DeBarge released his second album, Gemini in 1989. The album was a failure. DeBarge's contract with Motown was terminated in 1990, and he signed with Warner Bros.. In the meantime, DeBarge was featured on the Quincy Jones single "The Secret Garden", alongside Al B. Sure!, James Ingram, and Barry White, released in 1990.
In 1992, DeBarge released his third album, the Maurice White-produced In The Storm, which featured the Chante Moore duet "You Know What I Like", which was Moore's first professional recording. Critics noted the album for its Marvin Gaye-styled productions. El DeBarge later admitted that Gaye was a huge influence on his musical style and once commented that he had initially written "All This Love" as a song he imagined Gaye doing; he even imitated Gaye's ad-libs during his I Want You era near the end. That same year, El had chart success on the R&B charts with a collaboration with Fourplay on their version of Gaye's "After the Dance". DeBarge's next album, 1994's Heart, Mind and Soul, co-produced with Babyface, yielded modest charted singles such as "Slide" and "Where is My Love" (which featured Babyface on duet vocals).
While DeBarge continued to collaborate on other artists' projects, including those of his brother Chico and rapper DJ Quik (with whom El collaborated on Quik's hit "Hand in Hand"), he didn't release any more albums between 1994 and 2009. In 2010, he finally emerged from a 16-year delay with the appropriately titled Second Chance, released after a series of comeback performances and appearances, including a well received performance at the 2010 BET Awards. The album yielded two singles, "Second Chance" and the Faith Evans duet "Lay With You", and later resulted in three Grammy Award nominations: Best Male R&B Vocal Performance, Best R&B Song, and Best R&B Album. El remains the only member of the DeBarges to have Grammy nominations both outside of the group and in the family.
Personal life
DeBarge was raised in Detroit and Grand Rapids as a child. His parents had a tumultuous marriage that involved domestic abuse and child abuse on the part of DeBarge's father Robert. DeBarge has remained mum on his relationship with his father and many other elements of his family life, later documented in books written by his mother Etterlene, sister Bunny, and brother Tommy. In 1978, DeBarge became a father to his first child, a daughter named Adris. He eventually went on to father 12 children altogether. DeBarge was close to his siblings, particularly his brothers Bobby and Chico. Bobby's death in 1995 had a profound effect on DeBarge; family members later said he has never fully recovered from it. Since Bobby's death, he has performed several of Bobby's songs with Switch onstage, sometimes with Chico singing along. DeBarge and several DeBarge brothers reunited in 1998 performing several DeBarge classics.
Legal problems and drug addiction
In 2001, DeBarge was arrested for cocaine possession and was given probation. In 2006, he was arrested again for possession of a controlled substance and was once again given probation. In 2007, he was arrested in a domestic dispute and was held without bail; the charges were later dropped. Later that year he was arrested yet again, charged with cocaine possession, and given probation. However, he was once again arrested in 2008 for possession of crack and drug paraphernalia, breaking the terms of his probation. For this violation he was immediately sentenced to two years in state prison in California.
DeBarge has had a history of drug abuse. He stated that his addiction started after he began receiving prescription medication for toothache pain after having a tooth pulled by a dentist. Up until then, DeBarge had not used drugs, unlike his siblings who began to abuse drugs during the tenure of the group. By the mid-1990s, DeBarge had become addicted, and his addiction resulted in his career faltering after its peaks in the 1980s. Following a prison sentence for which he served 13 months, DeBarge announced that he had found sobriety after an addiction that he said had lasted nearly 25 years, stating he had also acknowledged his problems with the law in the past. In February 2011, while promoting his 2010 album Second Chance, DeBarge's label announced that the singer was canceling all public dates and appearances as he went back to rehab following a relapse. DeBarge later returned to work and made an appearance at the 54th Grammy Awards in February 2012.
with DeBarges
The DeBarges (1981)
All This Love (1982)
In a Special Way (1983)
Rhythm of the Night (1985)
El DeBarge (1986)
Gemini (1989)
In the Storm (1992)
Heart, Mind and Soul (1994)
Second Chance (2010)
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alright, let’s get this post written because I have an 8:30 am PT appointment. Today was pretty good all around. Woke up to my alarm at 11:20 and got ready, then headed to school. Bus orgs was boring, of course, so I didn’t pay all that much attention. Then I headed to the PAD office and was alone for a while, so I texted my mock trial-eboard friend since I knew she was around at this time and she came to hang out, she was avoiding the office because one of the other former mock trial team members that tends to frequent the office and isn’t anyone’s favorite person was there earlier, but he was gone now. I wasn’t feeling whatever food I packed, so I went down the street to try the new Mediterranean place, same chipotle style ordering like most of them have now. Pretty good all around, I stuck with simple stuff as usual because I can generally have it without issue haha but it was enjoyable, they just didn’t give me nearly enough pita bread for all the hummus they gave me (but I can forgive that). Back at the PAD office I began filling out a fellowship application, it’s with an immigration non profit, which isn’t exactly what I want to do, but they’re based really close to where my family is and it’s public interest, so it could be a good foot in the door at least? But they wanted two 500 word answers to questions like “why do you want the fellowship?” and “what do you think is the most pressing need for access to counsel in immigration law today?” (The latter of which I talked about deportation hearings and how those who don’t have counsel are almost unilaterally deported) which took some work, but I managed. Then uploaded resume and transcript, now I just need two letters of recommendation, so I emailed my old LARC prof and one of my OPG supervisors for those. I get the feeling my LARC prof is gonna email me back like “why are you applying for this? This isn’t what you want to do” and I’m gonna be like yeah, but I want a job....can’t hurt to apply, right? Guess we’ll see what she says. Went to the DV practicum, which was missing a lot of people tonight, and wasn’t all that interesting, but our courthouse did get a shoutout in the textbook as the first dedicated domestic violence courthouse in the country, so that was cool. When class ended at 7, I hightailed it down the street to the pub/restaurant the CFLA speednetworking Event was taking place at and met my fellow eboard peeps and some other friends there, and mostly just watched as the speednetworking event went on (if you’re wondering what speednetworking is, think speeddating, except with Networking). Things worked out pretty good, we had a LOT of students and a fair amount of attorneys so the ratios worked out thankfully. I got to greet my juvenile justice prof, who introduced me as his favorite student, which made me smile. OPG sent a lawyer I was friendly with, so I said hi to him as well. Our adoption law Professor was able to make it, so that was good as far as variety goes. And then one of my old assigned mentors I hadn’t seen in a while was there so I got to talk to her for a while, and we talked about job prospects because she works for a judge and she was saying they always hire their interns so if I wanted to intern there in the spring that could be a good possible job option. It’s a possibility. It’s divorce court, so not exactly what I want to do, but it’s in the general family court area and dealing with kids, and she was saying you get to research a lot of really novel legal issues which does sound like fun, so I’ll consider it. Talked with eboard peeps about future events for a bit then headed out. Since it was Thursday I stopped and got ice cream on my way home since I’ve made that my little getting through the week award. I tried their seasonal “snap-o-lantern” flavor, which was pumpkin ice cream with crushed ginger snaps, and it was quite good. Got home and turned on Arrow, all around pretty solid premiere I’d say, and I’d mainly attribute that to the story being based around black Siren and Katie Cassidy’s stellar performance in the role. Just had to switch from my phone to my computer because my tumblr app was straight up refusing to publish my posts (thankfully I had the text of it copied so I didn’t lose it). Anyway. I knew Thea wasn’t gonna die, but I hope they don’t keep her in a coma long, cuz that will suck. the stuff with William was interesting, I totally don’t blame the kid for freezing Oliver out, his life has clearly been uprooted and while it obviously wasn’t intentional it is really Oliver’s fault, so I understand why he would feel the way he does. Hopefully their relationship will develop more and reach a better level throughout the season. The stuff between Dig and Dinah was interesting, as was the stuff between Dinah and Quentin. my friend pointed out how inconsistent it was for Quentin to be like “she’s my baby girl” with e2 Laurel when he was totally the opposite when it was soulless Sara who was very much still his baby girl. but anyway. the Black Canary/Black Siren fights were AWESOME, and I hope we get to see more of those. It’s very interesting that they both have the canary cry metahuman status so it kind of puts them on an equal playing field somewhat. Obviously Black Siren is gonna have a ways to go with any redemption arc. Finally, WHERE IS NYSSA?????? I was very annoyed that we did not get any confirmation on whether she made it off Lian You alive, and they better be covering that soon. but yeah, that was my feelings. then I stayed up to watch the Cubs game (they won!) and here we are and now I’m tired and gonna go to sleep. Goodnight darlings. Happy Friday.
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meditationadvise · 5 years
67 Ways To Change The World
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About a month back on July 18th, it was Nelson Mandela Day. We enjoy the guy as a result of exactly what he's done as well as just what he stands for. And also that's change.
So we thought we 'd share this motivating checklist of 67 things you could do to transform the globe drawn from NelsonMandela.org.
Enjoy and also let us recognize which ones you have actually currently started doing:-)
67 Ways To Change Our World
1. Make a brand-new good friend. Learn more about somebody from a different cultural history. Only through good understanding can we clear our communities of intolerance as well as xenophobia. 2. Read to someone who can't. Check out a local home for the blind and open up a new globe for someone else. 3. Fix the splits in your street or neighbourhood. 4. Aid out at the regional animal sanctuary. Dogs without houses still need a walk as well as a little bit of love. 5. Locate out from your regional library if it has a tale hr and offer to review during it. 6. Offer to take a senior neighbour who can not own to do their shopping/chores. 7. Arrange a clutter cleanup day in your area. 8. Get a team of people to each weaved a square and make a blanket for someone in need. 9. Volunteer at your cops terminal or neighborhood faith-based organisation. 10. Donate your skills! 11. If you're a building contractor, help build or boost somebody's home. 12. Assist someone to obtain his/her company off the ground. 13. Build a website for a person who requires one, or for a cause you assume requires the support. 14. Aid a person get a job. Placed together as well as print a CV for them, or help them with their meeting skills. 15. If you're a legal representative, do some pro bono benefit a worthwhile cause or person. 16. Compose to your area councillor regarding an issue in the area that calls for interest, which you, in your personal ability, are incapable to attend to. 17. Fund a team of learners to go to the theatre/zoo.
Help out for good health
18. Obtain in touch with your local HIV organisations and discover how you could help. 19. Assist at your neighborhood hospice, as personnel usually need as much assistance as the patients. 20. Several terminally unwell people have no one to talk with. Take a little time to have a chat and bring some sunlight right into their lives. 21. Talk with your buddies and also family members about HIV. 22. Get tested for HIV as well as motivate your partner to do so too. 23. Take a bag filled with toys to a local health center that has a children's ward. 24. Take more youthful participants of your family for a stroll in the park. 25. Give away some clinical materials to a neighborhood community clinic. 26. Take someone you know, who can not manage it, to get their eyes examined or their teeth checked. 27. Bake something for a support system of your choice. 28. Start an area garden to motivate healthy consuming in your community. 29. Give away a wheelchair or overview pet dog, to somebody in need. 30. Produce a food parcel as well as offer it to somebody in need.
Become an educator
31. Offer in order to help out at your neighborhood school. 32. Advisor a college leaver or student in your field of expertise. 33. Train one of the extramural activities the school supplies. You could additionally offer to instructor an extramural activity the school does not offer. 34. Deal to give tutoring in a college subject you ready at. 35. Donate your old computer. 36. Assist maintain the sporting activities fields. 37. Spruce up a classroom by changing damaged home windows, doors and also light bulbs. 38. Contribute a bag of art supplies. 39. Teach a grown-up literacy class. 40. Paint classrooms and also school buildings. 41. Contribute your old books, or any kind of various other good books, to an institution library. Help those living in poverty
42. Buy a few coverings, or order the ones you no more requirement from home as well as provide to a person in need. 43. Tidy out your cabinet as well as contribute the garments you no more put on to a person that requires them. 44. Created food parcels for a needy family. 45. Organise a bake sale, car clean or yard sales for charity as well as give away the proceeds. 46. To the poorest of the bad, shoes could be a deluxe. Don't hoard them if you don't use them. Pass them on! 47. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen.
Care for the youth
48. Aid at a regional kids's house or orphanage. 49. Aid the children with their studies. 50. Organise a friendly video game of soccer, or sponsor the youngsters to see a video game at the neighborhood stadium. 51. Train a sports group and also make brand-new friends. 52. Give away sporting tools to a children's shelter. 53. Contribute academic toys and also publications to a children's home. 54. Paint, or repair service, facilities at an orphanage or young people centre. 55. Mentor someone. Make time to pay attention to exactly what the youngsters have to state and also provide them excellent advice.
Treasure the elderly
56. If you play an instrument, visit your neighborhood old-age home and spend an hour playing for the homeowners and also staff. 57. Discover the story of a person older than you. Frequently individuals neglect that the elderly have a wide range of experience and knowledge and, generally, a fascinating story to tell. 58. Take a senior grocery store purchasing, they will certainly appreciate your company and also assistance. 59. Take someone's dog for a walk if they are too frail to do so themselves. 60. Cut somebody's lawn as well as aid them to deal with points around their house.
Look after your environment
61. If there are no reusing centres in your area, request your location councillor to supply one. 62. Contribute native trees to beautify neighbourhoods in poorer areas. 63. Gather old newspapers from a school/community centre/hospital and also take them to a recycling centre. 64. Identify open manhole covers or drains pipes in your location and also report them to the neighborhood authorities. 65. Organise the company/school/organisation that you function with to switch over off all unnecessary lights and power materials during the night as well as on weekends. 66. Engage with people who trash and also see if you can convince them of the value of tidy surroundings. 67. Organise to clean up your regional park, river, coastline, street, community square or sports premises with a few good friends. Our youngsters are worthy of to mature in a clean and also healthy environment.
For a lot more regarding Nelson Mandela go to NelsonMandela.org
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meydi21 · 7 years
Proceed with Caution: Disclosing Autism On The Job
Proceed with Caution: Disclosing Autism On The Job In the article, Microsoft Wants Autistic Coders. Can It Find Them And Keep Them?” Vauhini Vara reported: “ . . . millions of adults with autism often find themselves in a difficult bind. They struggle to get and keep jobs because of the disability, but if they disclose it so they can seek accommodations while applying or working—just as someone in a wheelchair, for instance, might request a ramp—they risk facing discrimination from managers or colleagues who mistakenly believe autism, because it affects the brain, must make them less able workers.” The Virginia Commonwealth University website states: disclosing “may be a major cause of anxiety or concern for people with disabilities as well as those who assist them when looking for a job.” It’s important to understand the sensitive subject matter of disclosure. In a recent phone conversation I had with Adam Glass, the Career Path Coordinator at The Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst(AIM), Glass noted that some students state something along these lines: I don’t want to be treated differently. I don’t want to be associated with autism . . . I don’t want to be seen for my weakness. Despite the college students’ justifiable trepidation, as part of the AIM program at Mercyhurst University, Glass encourages the students to disclose their disability. He explains they don’t have to necessarily disclose autism upfront but can choose to disclose a symptomology disclosure. In other words, to disclose a coexisting condition such as sensory integration challenges or a subset of a condition such as over sensitivity to specific uniform fabrics. Glass takes time throughout the year to explain what disclosing a diagnosis of autism can and cannot do, and poses all options, including what happens if you do and what happens if you don’t. He asks each pupil to choose what feels right for you and advices to follow your dreams not stay in a bubble. He informs students of their legal rights and advices if you don’t disclose, you won’t know what options and accommodations you might have access to. He helps students to interpret the law and to understand their employment rights. When Glass and his colleagues travel to meet with employers, who have autism hiring initiatives, they bring some of their students along. And quite often, meeting face-to-face, the potential employees ask the autistic students, “What do you need from us?” What Glass is doing is inspiring, and something that ought to be implemented on high school campuses and college campuses nationwide. His primary goal is to empower and encourage. And part of this goal is achieved through teaching the basics of disclosing. He teaches autism is an integrate part of you, but it’s never you. He emphasizes the divide between individuals who push onward and those that don’t. What I would call resilience. And what autistics can offer that others cannot. When an individual is considering whether or not to disclose a diagnosis of autism several factors come into play: ·     How self-confident and knowledgeable about autism is the individual? ·     Does the individual have a mentor or support person? ·     Is the individual aware of disability rights? ·     Is the individual able to ask for reasonable accommodations, if needed? ·     Is the individual resilient and able to face probable stereotyping, assumptions, and misinterpretations? ·     Is the individual self-empowered? Before setting any person, whether young or old, on the path of disclosing in the workplace, we must be realistic. Most autistics, after disclosing on the job, face some form of discrimination, myself included. Take for example what an audiologist from the UK wrote: “If I choose to disclose my AS (Aspergers) at work, management is initially understanding but then put me in difficult environments due to my experience and end up refusing to make any environmental or procedural adaptations for me. This leads to increased absence, anxiety, rigid thinking, inflexibility and ultimately meltdown (which occurs outside of the workplace, negatively affecting friends, family and romantic relationships). I usually resign before I meltdown at work. I am concerned that I will become unemployable, if I develop a reputation for unreliability in such a small industry . . . We don’t ask for ‘special’ treatment. We ask for certain conditions to allow us to function at the same level as the rest of the workforce. Once these conditions are met, you will find you have the hardest working, most loyal employees around.” A day treader with Asperger’s Syndrome had this to say, “I don’t know what’s worse, being judged because no one knows you have autism or knowing that if you tell people you have autism that action alone is going to come off as extremely strange. In theory, I won’t only be judged for my autism, but for the mere action of disclosing.” A 30-year old autistic man, who wished to remain anonymous, wrote: “I deeply regret sharing my diagnosis. My coworker thought Aspergers was an extremely awful disability that makes people uncomfortable. He had no reference point. And nothing was ever the same again. It resulted in the end of our working relationship. If I was ever to go into another job, the last thing I would ever do is tell them I was autistic . . . because they are just going to misinterpret it. I mean it’s a deal breaker for all NTs (neurotypical/non-autistic); they are never going to look at you the same. It’s not that I am afraid of what they think. I just know that once I tell them that it can never be undone. That’s not just in the workplace. It’s with doctors, family members, even my own parents . . .” That’s the thing about an invisible condition: sometimes we have a choice of whether or not we want others to know. And for good reason, some of us choose not to disclose at all. There is still a lot of misinformation out there surrounding the autism spectrum condition, still a high likelihood of facing the wallop of discrimination, once an autism diagnosis is mentioned. Ironically, today’s business and university leaders often denote autism with an aura of less than, using the words ‘they’ and ‘help them,’ and implying, and even stating, workers on the autism spectrum are incapable of leadership and management—even as large numbers of autistics are the very ones entrusted to educate our children as teaching assistances, general education and special education teachers, and college professors. Furthermore, some of us ‘with autism’ are in highly influential positions, serving as civil servants, defense lawyers, oncology doctors, and pediatric nurses. Whether we publicly admit our autism/Aspergers or not, we are out there in much larger numbers than currently reported. And it’s common knowledge that Silicon Valley and Bellevue, WA hubs, and other technology city centers, are overtaken by professionals with autistic attributes and traits—but maybe by another name—gifted, geek, nerd, genius. To this day, five years after my diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome, I ponder the pros and cons of being out of the “autistic closet.” In considering whether someone should disclose they are on the autism spectrum, a marching band of pros and cons arise. Anyone who is autistic can easily venture into the feasible benefits and risks of disclosing on the job. We all know, and some have lived at some level, the risk of backlash from supervisors and co-workers. And some of us are fortunate enough to know the benefits of an inclusive and accepting work environment. There isn’t a right or wrong answer to disclosing autism or Aspergers on the job. Still there is a potential threat—it’s always there. And there are ramifications, regardless of any precautionary measures taken. In reality, autism is a baby in the realm of marginalized minorities. Swarming is false, outdated, and unsubstantiated information about autism spectrum disorders. Beginning to fly, queries of whether or not autism is even a disorder. And false information certainly abounds. When paid professionals in the field of psychology are mistaking sustained eye contact, empathy, imagination, and ability to make friends as markers against feasibly having autism, how can we expect that the average non-autistic will get it? When “sensitivity” trainings and conventions about autism are saturated by educators and presenters who are non-autistics, how are we heard? And how many immediately box us into constricting conclusions of less than, needs special treatment, fragile, or a charity case? How many think us to be like the one autistic they already know or have heard about? How many of us lose who we are and become something we are not, in the eyes of another, with the mention of autism? “Disclosure provides opportunities to educate and inform other people about autism, and to advocate on behalf of those within our community who may not be in as good a position to do so for themselves,” stated Maura Campbell, a senior manager in the Northern Ireland Civil Service, and former board member of Specialisterne. “It allows you to challenge head-on the myths and misconceptions that abound about autism, partly due to its stereotypical portrayal in the media and popular culture. When people express surprise that I have Asperger’s (which is generally the case), I have an opening to correct some of the inaccurate impressions they may have about autism . . . ” But she is also a realist. “When I ‘came out’, I was asked a couple of times what treatment I was receiving. No matter how hard I tried to tell people that the diagnosis was a positive event, a confirmation of who I already was, they behaved as though I was conveying bad news. What I learned from this was that people do not always receive information in the same way as you present it to them. They often apply their own filters, overlaying what you have said with their own preconceptions and assumptions.”  It is true disclosure during the hiring process or on the job can unintentionally lead to unfavorable consequences. Particularly, if a place of employment is not neurodiverse friendly or is not well educated in autistic culture, history, traits, and attributes. Whether or not to disclose is very much a personal choice. Alternatives to not disclosing autism at a place of work:      State subtle needs    Work to blend in     Establish a support network outside of work     Find a trusted coworker to help interpret unspoken rules and workplace culture    Reevaluate disclosing at a later point    Establish own accommodations  Practice self-care on the job As a general rule, when weighing the pros and cons of job place disclosing, for either yourself or someone you know, keep in mind that the act of disclosing has the potential to lead to direct opportunities for employment success. When an employee discloses on the job: Employers have opportunity to consider workplace adjustments and supports (reasonable accommodations, peer mentors, the establishment of a disability resource group).Job candidate can ask for reasonable accommodation during the job screening process (list of topics that will be asked during interview, an interview over the phone, an overview of the hiring practice, an alternative to resume, a portfolio or video that showcases skills)Springboard for other possible work opportunities within the company (customized job description, creating a new job role, being a neurodiversity trainer or peer-support person)Opportunity to present past workplace supports and how the employee previously excelledWorking with a vocational counselor or other employment specialist to establish support measuresProtected under ADAPlatform to state needs and educate about disability or conditionTransparencyLead to policy change and open new doors for othersAvoid the possibility of an employer feeling mislead or misinformed Yes, there are multiple ways that the act of disclosing a diagnosis of autism or Asperger’s Syndrome can assist a job seeker or an employee. I would definitely recommend disclosing at work (on my good days). Even so, as previously mentioned, the idea is very subjective and dependent upon multiple variables, including the workplace culture, one’s ability to state workplace needs and to stick up for one’s self, the individual’s own understanding of autism, and whether or not there is a support person available. When in doubt about workplace disclosure, I suggest that those on the autism spectrum ask other autistics that have been in the same situation, research into the pros and cons, and make a personal decision that best fits the individual.
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