#but she’s so sweet and cute and i really l*ke her
wallsalbum · 4 years
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goldnkuro · 2 years
´ ´ learn the alphabet with noir ` `
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a/n: anything that is in italics is in korean. i’ve been wanting to do this one for a while and it took me quite some days to think while making sure she’s in character poaskposkpksapos ALSO, let me know if any of you want to know the backstory of any of the quotes!
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“ayyyyyyy my man.” (greeting her male friends)
"annyeonghaseyo bishes.”
“at this point, i don’t even care anymore.”
“by the way, if i ever see anyone saying bad things to eun-chae just because she’s bi, expect to hear from my lawyer.”
“bruh moment.”
“commence the yoinkage.”
“covid, PUH LEASE, get the hell out, you’ve overstayed your welcome, no one wants you here.”
“caffeine addict is what they call me, now pass me that cup so i can one-shot it.”
“dude, I know what I’m doing, trust me. I got phd on youtube.”
“do you ever stare at people to see what their reaction will be? because i do.”
“eh, i’m gay.”
“everyone, i got an important question, is buttcheeks one word or should i spread them apart?”
“ehehehehe, i’ll clown all my members, ehehehehehe.”
“first of all, i’m a claw machine master, okay? have some faith on me."
“fu-, sh-, dam-, AH you know what, i give up.”
“fancy uUUuuuuuu.” (voice crack)
“guys shut the heck up, i’m listening to ateez”
“gosh, how can i be so talented?”
“how about no?”
“hi horsie.” (feeding the horse with carrots while patting its neck)
"hamlet once said and i quote: 'o fuck'."
“i’ve come to announce, i adopted a child.” (turns the camera to show mingi with yoo on his lap) “by the way, mingi’s the child.”
“i hate my brother, i want a new one.”
“i demand a refund on this friendship.”
“jinnie could slap me with her vocal and i would still thank her.”
“je t'aime, mes gems.”
“just, what the heck is wrong with you?”
“ke ke ke… yes this is my weird laugh.”
“lol, sucks to be you.”
“logistically, soo-jin can’t live without me.”
“laura and jinnie are the demonic duo i would never dare to mess with.”
“math should be permanently banned from existence.”
“mingi-ah, why are you and yunho such a hoe?”
“mayday mayday, haru’s being way too sweet.”
“not my problem.”
“nan michin deushi awooo.”
“no, i won’t be growing taller any sooner, i already accepted it.”
“oh god, why me?”
“OH MY- boi.”
“peniel, i love you, brother, i really do, but could you kindly rid ourselves of your presence?”
“protecc haru and hua at all costs.”
“please stop asking for my brother, he’s stinky and i’m better company.”
“quoting the legendary hamlet, ‘no’.”
“q t? wait, are you flirting with me? wot.”
“really? right in front of my salad?”
“soo-young isn’t responding to normies at the moment, try again later.”
“santa claus doesn’t exist, sorry.”
“sup? how you doin’ babe?”
“today’s tmi is that i’ll always be the prettiest.”
“there’s no filter when it comes to me, and we all know that.”
“... the more you know, i guess.”
“um, am i interrupting something?” (seeing the maknaes cuddling up together)
“usually some of the members would accompany me on things like this, but it seems that i was ditched.”
“uh-huh… and what made you believe that i would actually do aegyo for free?”
“vroom vroom.”
“venus might the quietest between us, but honestly? she’s the real demon.”
“verrry naiseu.”
“whenever someone tells me ‘i love you noir’, i either throw up or say that i love me too.”
“watch me covering all the title songs from my favorite groups.”
“wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae wae?” (annoying eun-chae)
“xoxo is always the way when you’re lazy to write properly but still want to make it cute.”
“XIAN HUA!”, “yes?”, “... i love you.”
“you just got gnome’d.” (gnome noise)
“zombie movies are good… for background noise, i mean.”
“zoos are fun, i can pet some animals for free.”
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howlingday · 3 years
Blake: Oh, this doesn't look good.
Weiss: It's hopeless! Truly, utterly hopeless!
Yang: You're telling me! (Throws her controller down) I'm losing to a dog!
Zwei: (Barks happily)
Weiss: That blonde buffoon is out there playing hero during a Grimm raid, and we're stuck here waiting for survivors.
Blake: True, but we better not upset Ruby. She's worried enough already.
Yang: Ah, she'll be fine! Rubes is a tough kid!
Blake: Sh! Here she comes! Remember, keep calm.
Weiss: Of course.
Yang: Easy-peasy!
Blake: Like a statue.
Ruby: (Walks in) Any news? Has Jaune come back yet?
Blake: (Shakes, then cracks) Ruby! He's a lost cause! You know how his heroic nature always gets the better of him! He could be getting torn apart by Nevermores, or skewered by a Deathstalker! (Sobs into Ruby's shoulder)
Weiss: ...Like a statue, huh?
Ruby: She's right, though. Jaune's out there risking his life with his team, and we can't even provide backup.
Yang: (Picks up her controller) Relax! He'll be fine! (Picks a knight character, Selects Giant Shield item) If I know Jaune, he'll be able save that town and get them back here without losing even half his aura.
Ruby: You really think so?
Yang: Of course! (Pulls out a piece of gum and chews it) Jaune'll get everyone to run this way, and when all those Grimm have moved on, he'll be right at your front door with flowers and a cheesy pick-up line.
Ruby: What makes you so sure?
Weiss: (Rolls her eyes) Because he likes you, you dolt. I mean, out of the four of us, you are the cute one.
Yang: (Six pieces of gum in her mouth) I thought you were the cute one?
Weiss: No, I'm the elegant one, Blake is the beautiful one, and you're the stupid, disgusting slob with the big mouth!
Yang: (Blows a huge bubble, Pops it) What exactly are you trying to say?
Weiss: (Places a hand on Ruby's shoulder) Trust me, Ruby. He'll be back to you in no time.
Yang: You got that socially awkward charm you both share!
Blake: And tall girls aren't exactly his type.
Yang: And girls like us are everywhere in Remnant. But you? (Tousles her hair, Wraps her arm around her shoulder) You're a one of a kind! Look...
Vale, the Continent of Lovers is glowing this evening.
(Shrugs) True, that's because it's on fire, but still, there's l'amour!
(Waves her arm outward) Somewhere out there, in the fight, his heart is also alight,
(Pokes Ruby's chest) And I know the gal he just might be burning for!
(Spins Ruby around) A girl like you, he's never known, kid!
(Holds up her scroll, Shows photos of girls from Beacon) A girl like you, a guy does not meet every day!
(Takes a picture with her scroll) You've got a look that's all your own, kid!
(Looks at her picture) Couldn't there be two?
(Cocks an eyebrow) Like you?
(WBY wave their arms) No way!
(Leans against a support beam) Those other girls that he could lean on,
(Hides behind the beam, Alternates poking her head from behind on both sides) All act the same, no matter how tall they get!
(Ruby investigates) You're a surprise on every level!
(Lifts Ruby) Sweet Oum, above,
(Spins with Ruby in her arms) He's gotta love a girl like you!
(Hands Ruby a Lien card) A girl like you gets extra credit!
Because it's true, you have a (Struggles to find the words) certain social rank!
(Fist pumps) You're flawless, kid!
(Shows photo from their restaurant date) You talk a few, and he won't forget it!
(Pops up) It's something new!
(Nods) That's true!
For sure!
(Summons her knight) We all have seen, those ill and fraudulent!
(Ties a bow around the knight's pommel) But we all know that the real beauty comes from inside!
(Sitting on the knight's shoulder) And because you're caped and so good-hearted!
No question of!
He's gotta love a girl like you!
(Carries a feather boa) Call me a hopeless romantic, (Caresses Ruby's cheek) but Ruby, I feel it!
(Ballroom dances with Ruby) He loves you so, at any moment, (Spins Ruby towards a door) he'll come through that door!
(Kicks through the door, Hair in a ponytail and holding a tray like a shield) FOR!
A girl so swell!
A girl like you!
With all the joy you bring to him!
Ooh, I can tell!
It's like he fell!
You're not just a Belle!
You're a Belle-ringer!
And he wants ooh-la-la!
And he wants you-la-la!
He will discover why, you're just right for the guy!
Who wouldn't love a girl like you?
You've got a lot to-
He better not do-
But we know he loves a girl like you!
???: Miss Huntress! Come quickly! There're more survivors, and they brought an injured Huntsman!
Ruby: Oh no!
Jaune is brought in bleeding and barely conscious. Ruby tells everyone to make room and help Jaune to a bed to be treated. Yang asks Nora and Ren about what happened, and learns they rescued the last of the survivors, but Jaune almost died killing an Alpha Beowolf. Weiss and Blake help Ruby treat his wounds. A few hours after he's rested.
Jaune: Where-?
Ruby: Shshshsh! It's okay. You got into a tough fight.
Jaune: Did I win?
Ruby: (Chuckles) You're alive.
Jaune: And the others?
Ruby: (Pours water into a bowl) Also alive, and safe, thanks to you.
Jaune: ...So I did win.
Ruby: Yes, you won. You won the prize for saving innocent people by either being the bravest Huntsman, or the craziest.
Jaune: Last I checked, we're ex-Huntsmen and -Huntresses.
Ruby: (Rolls her eyes) Whatever. Can you sit up?
Jaune: A little.
Ruby: Here, let me help you. (Helps lift Jaune's torso, holds a bowl of water) Here, drink this.
Jaune: (Sloppily drinks entire bowl, Sighs heavily) How'd I do?
Ruby: (Smiles) Terrible; you got more on you than in you.
Jaune: (Chuckles) Nuh-uh, I drank it all!
Ruby: No, you didn't. (Points to his stomach) You got some here, (Points to his chest) here, (Points to his neck) under here, (Notices she's close to his face, closes in) and... (Kisses Jaune for a few seconds, Breaks away) here.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] 100 Days - Kiro (Day 51 - 100)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for e-mails which have not been released in English servers! 🍒
What’s the 100 Days Companionship Event?
Day 1 - 3: here
Day 4 - 30: here
Day 31 - 50: here
Day 51
The game we played together has released new DLC. Want to come online tonight and play it?
Day 52
Each time I see delicacies in comics, I always find them especially enticing. Next time, let’s try making them together, okay?
Day 53
If I sleep one hour less and wake up one hour earlier, I would have two more hours to chat with you. The ancient people are right - sleeping and waking up early improves one’s quality of life.
Day 54
I heard that a new braised goose cafe opened recently. I’m using my gaze to hint to Miss Chips to hand over her resting time this evening.
[Note] I’m not sure if there’s a typo but I don’t think “撸鹅” (“lu e”) means anything? I’m guessing it’s supposed to be be 卤鹅 (which shares the same pronunciation), which means braised goose. Do correct me if I’m wrong!
Day 55
Today is an exercise “cheat day” - let’s have a sumptuous meal together? How about that hotpot stall from last time?
Day 56
Today, Apple Box and Cello each took one of my socks into their mouths and ran…. Only after scrambling for a while did I manage to leave the house…
Day 57
There’s a new movie to film, and I don’t know which role I’m getting this time. I hope I wouldn’t have to cut down on fat again…
Day 58
The days of eating salads are about to begin again… Next time, I’ll definitely ask Savin to pick a fatter role!
Day 59
The fruit flavoured milk I loved when I was young… as expected, it’s still just as delicious now!
Day 60
I helped Mango Ice’s owner design a perfect walk procedure. In the end, it didn’t follow the route and frolicked around! Technology doesn’t understand Corgis!
[Trivia] The last sentence probably doesn’t make sense in English, but it’s a play on words in Chinese because technology 科技 (’ke ji”) has the same pronunciation as corgis 柯基 (“ke ji”)!
Day 61
I swear - the reason why I snatched the last ice-cream from you is solely because I was afraid you’d catch a cold. It’s definitely not because I wanted to eat it myself!
Day 62
Guess where I’m sending you this e-mail from? The highest mountaintop of Loveland High!
Day 63
Why is your teddy bear plush wearing the same sweatshirt as I am! Could it be…
Day 64
The most amazing part of autumn is how it combines everyone’s happiness into eating hotpot and lying under quilts.
Day 65
Let’s watch a movie. I heard that the new superhero is modelled based on a stag. I wonder if he’d be awesome!
Day 66
I discovered that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Savin will never find the snacks I’ve hidden in his office, hahaha!
Day 67
Are you thinking of me? I can’t be the only one secretly thinking about you, right?
Day 68 (Halloween)
Title: Exclusive sweets
Ding dong ding dong, Miss Chips, open the door quickly! If you don’t receive the exclusive sweets, Troublemaker Kiro will definitely not leave!
Day 69
When one is hungry, everything looks like food. I even saw a sandwich walking over to say hello…
Day 70
I woke up early to play a game, but it was undergoing server maintenance. I’m so angry!
Day 71
The newly released sake flavoured soda is really strong. I’ve decided to use it to deceive Savin so he’d give me a day of rest to see you.
Day 72
Today, I reached out to touch a stray cat’s head and it didn’t dodge. I’m happy, and feel as though I’m the chosen one!
Day 73
I played baseball after such a long time. It’s a pity you didn’t see how incredibly dashing I looked.
Day 74
Perhaps it’s because of the season, but I’ve been feeling blue recently. The symptom is that I want to see you at every moment.
Day 75
One of my earpieces is broken. I suddenly feel so helpless without surround sound QAQ
Day 76
Miss Chips is truly my medicine. The moment I see you, I feel my entire world becoming sunny and cloudless!
Day 77
Your new hairstyle today is really cute. Looks like you flop around in your sleep too. I actually like that tuft of curled up hair!
Day 78
When will there be a legally recognised Eating Hotpot Day - the kind which lasts seven days a week?
Day 79 (Single’s Day)
Received a gift from a five-year old little fan. He used autumn plants to make a portrait of me, so today’s Kiro has a maple and blueberry scent!
Day 80
Today’s achievement: Anonymously posted a karaoke recording, and the comments reflected that “the singing seems to sound like Kiro!”
Day 81
I played a new game recently, and the main character is a hacker. In the end, he was fighting and killing all the way - we hackers are not like that!
Day 82
Do you still remember that pop-up donut shop from last year? This year, they announced that there will be a new theme. Looking forward to it!
Day 83
The script for the new movie is quite similar to the very first role I took up. Even though it’s a similar role, I’ll play it with a different feeling.
Day 84
Saw an old grandfather clipping an old grandmother’s nails. I also want to clip your nails once. Is that okay? I’ll definitely be very careful!
Day 85
Today, a stray cat was sleeping underneath the van. In order not to disturb its sweet dream, I decided to be fully equipped and ride a bicycle to meet you.
Day 86
Why can’t I remove the bitterness of black coffee even after adding so many sugar cubes, yet just one you can make my life so sweet?
Day 87
Everyone will experience a few meteor showers, a few solar eclipses, and a few red moons in their lifetime. I hope you’ll be by my side during these special moments.
Day 88
The sweatshirt you’re wearing today is really cute. I couldn’t help but place a toffee in your hood. You haven’t realised it, have you?
Day 89
I felt as though I sang incredibly well in the bathroom, so I recorded a section and sent it to you. Listen to it quickly!
Day 90
I really want to watch movies with you, the both of us shutting the curtains and burrowing in a small room together. Let’s make it a reality tonight!
Day 91
I’ve thought of an ultimate way to eat mangoes without dirtying our hands. Want to know what it is?
Day 92
You looked really cute when I caught you secretly listening to my song! Actually, there’s no need to do it secretively. You can express your favouritism to me unabashedly!
Day 93
Suddenly recalled those rocking cars which could sing in front of the supermarket entrance. Did you ride them when you were younger?
Day 94
Every time I cover your eyes, you’d call my name at the first try. Is it really that easy to guess?
Day 95
How does Savin always manage to find my hidden snacks? I suspect that he has installed a surveillance monitor on my body!
Day 96
Let’s go to the KTV. I want to hold a concert with you as my only audience.
Day 97
Out of curiosity last night, I bought a large pack of strange flavoured chips.  I tried one bag today, and now I feel as though I can see little green men from Mars flying in the sky.
Day 98
In the future, let’s frequently flip through these sign-in records. Even though it’s a little shameful, I really want to recollect this period of time often!
Day 99
There’s a kind of liberating feeling when it’s after work and I’m in the car on the way to you!
Day 100
I wish to tell Miss Chips, who’s persevered in signing in over this period of time, that she has worked hard! Looking forward to the next game with you!
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
Heureux Me 'oe
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Request: Yes or No
The tilte is Happy (french) with you (Hawaiian)
(Y/N) closed the car door behind him, staring up at the school. His mother gave him a smile, checking that he looked decent.
"E nānā i kaʻu keiki." She cooed. (Y/N) smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips.
"ʻAʻole wau he kanaka hou hou, mama." (Y/N) adjusted his backpack strap. His mother nodded.
"Allez, ne sois pas en retard." His mother ushered him towards the school. (Y/N) sighed, walking towards the school. He already missed the breeze and smell of the ocean. (Y/N) entered the school, already getting stares. He wasn't sure whether they were bad or not. (Y/N) entered the office, greeting the woman.
"(Y/N) (L/N)? Here's your schedule, dear." She said, handing him the paper.
"Merci, he lā maikaʻi iā 'oe." He mumbled, earning looks of awe from nearby students.
"Excuse me?" A girl tapped him on the shoulder. (Y/N) turned around, looking at her and her friend. They both sported a cheerleader uniform.
"Where are you from?" One asked.
"But you have a french accent." (Y/N) let out a soft chuckle, unaware of the blushes that grew on the girls face.
"My mother is from France." He explained, not sure if he said that correctly. The girls hummed, nodding.
"That's so cool-"
"Ginger, Tina! What the hell do you think you're doing? Get your asses in the gym, now!" A redhead instructed. The girls scrambled off. (Y/N) blinked, watching them go before looking at the redhead.
"And who are you?" She questioned, flashing a smile.
"(Y/N)..?" She was intimidating.
"Well, (Y/N), I'm Cheryl Blossom, the head bitch in charge here at Riverdale High." She introduced herself.
"I have to get to rehearsals, ciao!" She spun around, almost smacking (Y/N) with her hair. He missed Hawaii even more. He sighed, understanding half of what she said. (Y/N) walked out of the office, entering the hallway again. Everything was so.. Bunched together. His old high school was more open, more windows, more outdoorsy.
"You seem lost. How'd you end up in this dump?" A boy in a beanie asked. (Y/N) looked at him. So much clothing. Oh right. It snowed in Riverdale.
"New here.." He mumbled, making a mental note to beg his parents to move back.
"Nice tat. It's Hawaiian yet you have a french accent, what's the deal?"
"Parents." (Y/N) replied, subconsciously touching his tattoo.
"You poor poor soul.. Let me see your schedule." The beanie guy said, grabbing his schedule.
"I'm Jughead, by the way." Hawaii was crying out his name. What type of name was Jughead?
"I'm so sorry... You have first period with Reggie." Jughead patted his arm.
"Luckily, we have lunch at the same time. See you then." Jughead walked away.
"Mahalo no ke kōkua.." (Y/N) huffed, looking over room numbers until he found his first period. He entered, glancing at the teacher.
"Vous êtes le nouvel étudiant, correct?" (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, someone he could talk to. The teacher laughed at his reaction.
"Ne pas avoir une bonne journée?" She asked.
"D'abord, une fille rousse me gifle presque avec ses cheveux puis je rencontre un type bizarre." He told her, shaking his head afterward.
"Cheryl Blossom et Jughead Jones, oui?" She laughed softly as (Y/N) nodded.
"Tu t'y habitueras." She assured, looking over her seating chart as the bell rang and students shuffled in.
"Does anyone sit beside you?" Miss Louise asked. Reginald shook his head.
"Pourriez-vous vous asseoir à côté de lui?" (Y/N) nodded, walking over to the male and sitting down. Miss Louise stood up.
"We have a new student joining us for the rest of the semester, everyone please welcome (Y/N) with open arms, he came here from Hawaii so let's help him get adjusted. As for today's lesson.." The guy beside him leaned over.
"Hey, I'm Reggie." He whispered. (Y/N) looked at him, flashing a smile.
"Are you-"
"French and Hawaiian." (Y/N) confirmed, looking back at the board. Reggie hummed, nodding.
"You do any sports?"
"Surf in Hawaii, here not really." He replied in slightly broken english. Reggie found it cute though. His eyes trailed down to his tattoo. It started at his shoulder and got to his wrist. At the top, his tattoo seemed to be tentacles that reach to his elbows, following that were various other sea creatures and shells. Reggie gently reached over, tracing the turtle. (Y/N) didn't seem to mind, plenty of people liked his tattoo. (Y/N) heard the bell ring, preparing himself for the long day ahead.
"Hey." (Y/N) looked up, raising a brow. Jughead and his friends sat down at the table. (Y/N) took a bite of his apple, glancing at the others. Jughead quickly introduced them.
"How was your first day?" Betty, Jughead's girlfriend, asked.
"Maikaʻi a hiki i kēia manawa." (Y/N) replied, smiling afterward. Betty nodded slowly.
"That's... Good?"
"He probably insulted you, I know I would've." (Y/N) shifted his gaze onto the two boys sitting across from him.
"We know, babe." Fangs said, smiling at his boyfriend. (Y/N) thought they were a cute couple.
"Have any girls caught your eye, yet?" Toni asked.
"No interest."
"You're gay?" (Y/N) nodded.
"Well, have any boys caught your eye?"
"Not yet." (Y/N) gave a smile. He liked her. She seemed cool. The fact that (Y/N) liked guys perked Sweet Pea and Fangs up. Betty seemed to catch on.
"Pea and Fangs could probably tell you who's interested and who's not since they're poly." (Y/N) blinked, cocking his head.
"They'll be with more than one person." Betty summed up.
"Ah, c'est bien." (Y/N) said, taking a large bite out of his apple. Some of the juice dripped down his chin. He wiped it away, calmly chewing. Sweets and Fangs stared intently at him.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Reggie greeted, hands moving onto his shoulders and starting to massage.
"Salut, Reggie." (Y/N) greeted back, looking up. Sweet Pea and Reggie glared holes into each other, only breaking eye contact to watch (Y/N) throw his food away.
"You should come to practice after school, (N/N)."
"Or maybe he'd rather hang with us instead of with a mutt." Sweet Pea said. Reggie moved around the table and Sweet Pea stood up. Archie quickly got between them.
"I'm not scared of you, Southside trash." Reggie snarled.
"And you think I'm scared of a fleabag?" Sweet Pea shot back. (Y/N) blinked, wondering what the hell they were agruing about.
"He doesn't wanna be around druggies-" Sweet Pea shoved Archie aside, lunging at Sweet Pea. Archie huffed, trying to pull the males apart, only to get pushed back again. (Y/N) picked up a strawberry milk carton, opening it and drinking it. Their fight was none of his business. Fangs, Jughead, and Chuck pulled the two apart after a minute. (Y/N) looked at the two bruised up males, unimpressed.
"What is going on?" A school staff member asked before pulling the two away.
"That's either detention or suspension." Fangs mumbled.
"It's not gonna do anything, they'll just fight after school." Veronica pointed out. (Y/N) finished his milk, checking his phone.
"I love how unbothered you are." Toni laughed softly. (Y/N) shrugged, throwing the empty carton to the side.
"Ce ne sont pas mes affaires."
E nānā i kaʻu keiki - Look at my son (Hawaiian)
ʻAʻole wau he kanaka hou hou, mama - I'm not a freshmen, mom (Hawaiian)
Allez, ne sois pas en retard - Come on, don't be late (French)
Merci - Thanks (French)
he lā maikaʻi iā 'oe - Have a good day (Hawaiian)
Mahalo no ke kōkua - Thanks for the help (Hawaiian)
Vous êtes le nouvel étudiant, correct? - You're the new student, correct? (French)
Ne pas avoir une bonne journée? - Not having a good day? (French)
d'abord, une fille rousse me gifle presque avec ses cheveux puis je rencontre un type bizarre - First, a redhaired girl almost slaps me with her hair and then I meet a weird guy. (French)
Cheryl Blossom et Jughead Jones, oui? - Cheryl Blossom and Jughead Jones, yes? (French)
Tu t'y habitueras - You'll get used to it (French)
Pourriez-vous vous asseoir à côté de lui? - Could you sit beside him? (French)
Maikaʻi a hiki i kēia manawa - Well until now (Hawaiian)
C'est bien - That's nice (French)
Salut - Hi/Hey (French)
Ce ne sont pas mes affaires - It's none of my business (French)
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ofstarsandvibranium · 6 years
The Produce Market
Fandom: Star Wars (Modern AU)
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader
Summary: You go to your local farmer’s market every Saturday morning for 1) fresh pick of produce and 2) the cute guy who works there.
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You woke up at 9 o’clock in the morning on Saturday. You took a shower to wake yourself and dressed in a white t-shirt, red flannel, jeans, and boots. With your phone in hand, your backpack on your back, and your keys dangling from your lanyard on your neck; you walked out of your apartment heading towards your local farmer’s market.
Dameron Markets has been in your town since you were a kid. You’ve been going there for as long as you could remember. You remember, often seeing a little boy, Poe, the son of the market owner, Kes. With his tanned skin and black curls, you found yourself playing with him often as your parents went around picking their desired produce. 
After moving away because your mom had gotten a better job opportunity, you hadn’t gone to the town since. Years later, you were back. And thus, your trips began to occur once more. 
When you first went back after so long, you were surprised that the place was just as you left it. However, Kes Dameron wasn’t at the cashiers like he used to. No, it was a young man, probably around the same age as you. His skin was tanned, his black curly hair was tied back. He had a guitar in hand and was strumming light notes, soft melodic sounds coming from his mouth.
You found him alluring and attractive. Throughout your time picking out different crops, your eyes kept glancing back to the handsome man strumming his guitar. 
An hour and a half later, you walked up to the cashier. The young man had noticed immediately noticed you, his set his guitar to the side and smiled, “Good morning.” Wow. His smile was stunning.
“Morning,” you gave him a smile back, resulting in a bigger smile to form. 
“You look familiar,” he said as he counted up your groceries.
“I used to live here when I was younger. Would come here every Saturday with my parents. I remember seeing Kes Dameron here every day, I used to play with his son a lot to.”
A light bulb suddenly went off in his head, “Y/N? It’s me, Poe!”
After that, you definitely made the effort of coming here every morning. Poe greeted you every time with a smile and wink. You hated how charming he was. 
It was inevitable that you fell for him. He was so charming, sweet, funny, and understanding. How could you not fall for him?
When Poe saw you walk into the market, he straightened his posture, “Morning, Y/N!” 
You gave him that smile he fell so deeply for, “Good morning, Poe!”
“Need any help this morning?”
You shook your head, “No, just here for a little bit of stuff. I got it handled.”
“Well, you know where to find me if you need me.” he waved and watched as you made your way further into the market. His shoulder sagged and he sighed, “Get it together, Poe.”
“Why aren’t you over there?” Poe heard a voice and looked over his shoulder to see his dad staring at him expectantly.
“She said she didn’t need help.”
“Okay, don’t help her. But talk to her.”
“Poe, you’ve been pining over Y/N for months now. Get to it! I’m not getting any younger and I’d like to have some grandchildren before I die.”
“Okay! I’ll-I’ll talk to her. You okay here?”
Kes snorted, “What do I look like, an amateur?” Poe chuckled and raced over to where you were looking at the tomatoes. 
You jumped at his sudden appearance, “Holy crap, Poe! You scared me!”
“Sorry! Sorry! Didn’t mean to!”
“It’s fine. What’s up?”
Poe thought quick on his feet, “Well, it’s not very busy right now. Was wondering if you’d want some company while you shopped?”
“What if someone-”
“My dad’s at the counter. It’s fine!” 
You nodded, “Okay. As long as you won’t get in trouble. I know your dad can be a bit firey.”
“Ooohh yeah.”
Poe followed you around the market to every crate of crops. He helped you pick out the best ones, letting you in on tips and secrets about how to choose your produce correctly. You were grateful for it and would definitely keep them in mind for the future.
As you filled your basket with a few items, you were ready to check out. Time seemed to pass so quickly with Poe by your side chatting with you and making you laugh. 
Kes rung you up as you continued to speak with Poe, “I haven’t really explored the town much since I moved back. Been so busy with moving in and working. Is Solo’s diner still here?”
Poe nodded, “Yeah. Han and Leia still own it, but their son, Ben, runs it most of the time. Still great. Still have amazing pecan pie and ice cream.”
You moaned, “Man that sounds good right now.”
Kes cleared his throat, causing Poe to look at him. The older Dameron looked at him expectantly then Poe looked back at you, “Do you wanna go after this? With me, I mean?”
You were caught off guard a bit, “Oh! Um, Mr. Dameron, is it-”
“Yes! You kids go on. I got this place under control.”
You chuckled, “Well alright then!” you went to grab your bags, but poe grabbed them first. You smiled at him, “Thanks!” you led the way to your car, Poe following you. After setting your items in the trunk, you both hopped into your car and made your way downtown to Solo’s Diner.
As soon as you entered, Poe’s name was called out. A tall man with black hair rushed up to him and hugged him, “Hey! What’s up?”
“Hey, Ben. Just here to re-introduce a friend to this place. Ben, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Ben.”
“Y/N L/N?” Ben asked looking down at you.
You nodded, “Yeah?”
“We were in the same second and third grade class together!”
You thought for a moment, trying to remember a-”Wait! Ben Solo! The kids who liked to steal my forty-eight count crayons!”
Ben groaned, “Well damn. That’s not how I wanted to be remembered. I’m sorry for that. Anyway, go ahead and sit down! I’ll have Kaydel be right with you!”
You and Poe grabbed a booth and seconds later, menus were put into your hands by who you assumed was Kaydel.
Poe grabbed your menu and set it aside, “We’ll have two orders of the Grand Slam, two Oreo milkshakes, and two pecan pies with ice cream for dessert.”
Kaydel scribbled all of it down onto her notebook then grabbed the menus back, “Great!” she then left without another word.
“How’d you know I wanted a Grand Slam burger?”
Poe scoffed, “How could you not? It’s the best selling thing at this place besides the pie.”
“And the milkshake?”
“It’s good with the burger.”
“Do you dip your fries in the milkshake?”
“Of course, I do. I’m not some uncultured swine.” he said nonchalantly, causing you to burst out laughing. A big smile made its way to Poe’s face. He absolutely adored your laugh.
After your laughter died down, you sighed which caused Poe to ask, “What?”
You shrugged, “I’m kinda hoping this is a date...”
Poe leaned closer to the table, “Really?”
Avoiding his gaze, you nodded, “Yeah. I..I really like you, Poe.”
He reached across to set his hand on yours, “I really like you too and I don’t mind if this is a date. Maybe, a first date out of many?”
You giggled, “Let’s see how this date goes first before we get ahead of ourselves.”
Poe intertwined his fingers with yours, “I think it’s going well so far.”
You shyly smiled, “I think so too.”
“Sorry if this seems too forward, but I’m really glad you came back to the farmer’s market, Y/N.”
You chuckled, “I am too, Poe.”
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maatikikhushboo · 6 years
Rozaana Rikara #5 Flop Trials to do the DEED
Presenting you all the hogwash rozaana !  👌 👌 👌
The episode starts with Om waking Rudra -- 
“Kitna besharam insaan hai, sher bulaake ghode bech kar so raha hai”
This Rudra man sleeps in reverse always ? LOL
“Hidden hi rehne de uss talent ko ! Teri tarah teri plan bhi flop hai.”
Ikr ! I am watching Flopbaaz ! 
Enter Chirraiyya and Bhavya - “Hum karenge”
What is with the writers? A DVD seriously ! A classic C grade film named Prem ki Devi -- I need to bang my head now ! Really ? We need to see such content for getting into mood ? It seems like flower khan is promoting this bhojpuri stuff. Yuck ! Ab aur kya ?
Gauri, Bhavya, Ru and Om busy
“Ab kaam aayenge humaare nuske.”
Presenting another so called aphrodisiac ??? OmRuRiVya, Please go buy a life for yourselves. Inspite of your failed attempt#1 of so called royal bengal tiger shit instead of royal romance kit, it’s high time you stop this. ShivIka don’t need your help to DO THE DEED ! Sigh !  😤 😤 😤 
“Babajiki prem booti. ( Rudra just starts seeing Om’s booty but Om just lifts his face up, looool. Ru man, it’s not beat pe booty it’s jadi booti ! 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 ) Woh bohut hi asar kaari booti hai. Woo khaate hi na, Bade bhaiyya aur Bhaujaai, ek dum harharaike kareeb aajayenge.”
Gauri is just cute. Her expressions are just  😍 😘
“Ek min, Meri pyaari biwi, tumhe iske baare mein kaise pata”
Then she explains about advertisements in her village. And that every newly wed couple takes the babaji ki booti with them for honeymoon. On the other side, Annika is so excited about the plucking DVD. I am like this is now a new level of shit -- booti and DVD just BALDERDASH.
Gauri plans to mix that herb in juice. Meanwhile Daadi comes and takes that DVD. Sadkay jaava. She is all happy. 
Oh shit man !  😂
Gauri is all ready with the juice. Om comes. 
What ! Seems like RiKara are going to talk *rubbing my eyes* 
“Woh kal jab hum Shivaay aur bhaabhi ke baare mein baat kar rahe the na, aur past ki, matlab mere ex ki baat nikli thi, aur kuch awkward ho gaya tha, kyunki mujhe actually pata nahi tha ke, tumhe kya pata hai, aur kitna pata hai. Lekin main nahi chaahta hoon ke hamaare beech koi secrets rahe toh main tumhe sab kuch clearly bataana chaahta hoon...”
“Omkaaraji, uski koi jaroorat nahi hai. Beete kal ke baare mein baat karke ka phaayada...... (I just can’t write the whole thingy...coz I can’t bear the extra sweetness, now don’t judge me for that !)
“Thank You. Pata hai Gauri, Main bohut lucky hoon. ( I know man ! Thank your stars for that. ) Kyunki tum bohut acchi ho.”
And he pulls her into a hug. 
Please man ! Stop playing that same female saathiya all the time. I mean, it should be either male or duet acc to the scene. It’s just waste of time blabbering about the editing. These mismatches were always part and parcel of IB. Kabhi toh sudharjaao  👺
(I am totally fine with the bang on writing inconsistency for these two uber adorable eye candy people. Uggh !  😈)
There comes Pinky --
“Oh my Maata ! Tum dono kitchens mein kya kar rahe ho?”
Gauri and Om excuse themselves from Pinky.
“Oh My Maata, shaadishuda hoke bhi itna sharmaate hain, how sweets !”
( how the hell did she change into smiles sweets Pinky ...is it because of some other babaji ki booti ?  😂 😂 😂 )
Waise, Om doesn’t like KEBAB MEIN HADDIS. His closing his eyes expression was just evident, now and when Ru banged his room’s door. 
Gauri asks Sankarji for aashirvaad for her plan’s success. Well  😂
Annika plan’s to surprise and all go wrong because after drinking the juice, Shivaay feels pukeworthy and unwell. Then the DVD plays (exchanged one) and bhajan starts ! I feel so bad for them. No wonder that for these things planning never works 🤣 🤣 🤣
After listening to the bhajan sound from ShivIka’s room, Gauri is like -
“Iss baat mein bhi, pehle bhagvaan ji ka naam lena hai?”  🤣 🤣 🤣
Nosy chirrayya, contemplating whether she should check ShivIka or not. And what a timing Om ! I think he is in *ahem ahem*
Wait a minute ! Is it a Jal jal ke dhuaan version 2 ? *facepalm*
Now I know that Gauri’s babaji was no one other than our own Buaa Maa in the disguise of Baba. She wants Ratan asap ! Pluck you babaji !
Om is eating cake and winks at her. Gauri is like *what is with you now*.  Her expressions are just bang on  🤣 🤣 🤣
“Omkaaraji, aap yahan pe kaa kar rahein hain?”
“Ssh ! Omkaara ji nahi, Om tumhaara Om, Om” (Om throughout was sounding like a sexy seductress  🤣 🤣 🤣 . He is all touchy touchy. He kisses her hand. He mumbles some damn sher which I didn’t understand and is eating cake continuously. Damn man ! If this is intoxication, how would the reality be ? )
“Kya hogaya aapko? Achanak ?! Ee cake ...”
“Cake. Beautiful Cake, Delicious Cake. Tumhe pata hai, jabse maine yeh cake khaaya hai na, ek alag sa suroor sa aa gaya hai badan mein.”  (God! can’t hear his alluring tone anymore!  What the duck man ! It’s just becoming difficult for me to handle now. )
(Pluck you again writers for making Om says all these things under intoxication. I should calm my shipper heart now.)
When Om tries to make her eat the cake, Gauri recognises the herb’s smell. 
FB --
I knew it that it was Pinky man 🤣 🤣 🤣 . She by mistake spilled the juice on cake and made juice with the rotten oranges. Becharay ShivKara  🤣 🤣 🤣
Dadi is just gobsmacked watching the video. That stupid bg of the video.  🤣 She just closes her eyes unable to bear. Poor soul ! You writers didn’t even spare her. Loosers !  🤣 🤣 🤣
“Ye laaya Billu mere liye, Arre band karo isse. Keede pade tor pitte muh!” 
Gauri tries explaining Om about the herb in his cake and he starts singing.
“Kuch Na kaho, kuch bhi na kaho ”
He stuffs the cake in his mouth and picks her up. She closes her mouth and he swirls along with her in his hands. He tries to feed that cake *ahem ahem* from m to m. She places a hand on his mouth. He kicks the door open and they enter their room. 
“Ab hum kamre mein aagayein hai, ab humein utaar deejiye. Humein darr lag raha hai aapse, aap kya karne waale hain?”
“Muuah” (sounds)
“Chii ! Dekhiye Omkaaraji, koi aajayega, aap humaari baat sun lee jiye.”
(Na, woh ab koi baat nahi sun ne waala hai. Usse toh aapke babaji ki booti chad gayi hai. Btw, if this all happens under intoxication then what would happen under reality? My brain is again full of headcanons)   😱 
He places her on the bed and bends to kiss her but instead rolls and dozes off to sleep.🤣 🤣 🤣 Gauri’s expressions are on the point again.
ShivIka are just cursing their fate and talking about the KARMON KA PHAL. Seriously ? Not being able to do the deed as planned is because of karma? Sigh ! And Shivaay’s screams just remind me of something altogether rather than upset stomach. After they extinguish the fire, the room is just in debris. And again the song plays “Dil ke armaan aanso mein beh gaye”   🤣 🤣 🤣
Catlady and Flower Khan are just rab ne banadi jodi. I am just speechless ! Almighty please save me from this claptrap ! And pluck me for watching this shitbaaz !  🤢
Cheers, L !  😷
P.S : Why the hell did we need a reboot of Jal jal ke dhuaan kinda dry run before the DEED for Rikara ? RiKara fans have always kept expectations low. Why the hell did you have to spoil our headcanons ?  Now with this dry run, my heart is again gathering hopes.  🙄 🙄 🙄
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fleur · 7 years
🐝 my fav hp character is mcgonagall UGH I LOVE HER SO MUCH
yeeees, she’s so badass
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