#but thats life ig 🥲
jckeperalta · 8 months
"they say don't open old wounds but this is still brand new" SO TRUE LYNDSEY GUNNULFSEN
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abyssalreds · 5 months
gege needs to retire his character death note and hand it off to asagiri i swear 😭
#my sister (misinformed) told me yuta died in the latest jjk ch and i was so nervous looking at leaks#bc its smthn gege /would/ do and i really like yuta#thankfully he’s fine he just made an appearance in the latest ch thats all#tell me why my first thought after was ‘man that was a thrill i wish new bsd chapters made me feel like this’ 😭#my biggest gripe w. bsd will forever be how all the characters always come out of battles completely unscathed#nevermind the 500 injuries th​ey sustained#nobody ever dies or gets new battle scars or life changing wounds etc etc it kinda makes the stakes boring when you know the character will#be fine when alls said and done#and honestly this wouldn’t be problem for me if ! asagiri didnt deathbait so damn much !#he’s allergic to actually killing off a character and thats how i Know fyodor prob isnt dead#and neither is sigma bc fyodors ability is still a big mystery and we need them to reveal it for us#bc asagiri never killed anyone major off in the main manga before its hard to believe that he killed these two off 🤷‍♀️#and ig fukuchi but all those theories of him being the masked man at the s5 cliffhanger has me squinting suspiciously#tbh idc if its my fav character who dies if it’ll make the plot more interesting then send them to the gallows !!#(okay maybe not lucy but she barely gets any panel time shhh)#like i like fukuzawa but i also think itd be interesting to see what would’ve happened if he died in the battle vs fukuchi#bc the aftermath would be a change in status quo and it would’ve been interesting to see the change in dynamics in the ada and#how they deal w. his loss !!#on the other hand gege killing off his characters too frequently . . . doesnt rlly need an explanation#(jjk spoilers?) now w. yuta going up against sukuna . . . please keep him safe gege i beg 🥲#anyways. enough rambling now to go back to shoving bsd to the back of my mind lol#ayra croaks
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poohwhin · 1 year
me: “yayyyy i’m gonna plan out all the drawings i need/want to do for 2023 so i don’t have to rush everything last minute and make myself sickkkkkk”
me the last week of december: loses access to laptop
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literalfuckingfreak · 3 months
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just-a-floofy-catt · 5 months
So uh
I am literally obsessed w this game rn
Particularly Starlo
Hes now in my silly man collection :3
Ive been practicing drawing him and making loads of appearance headcanons to figure out how im gonna draw him lmao
Heres some lil doodles i did on the side whilst doing that XD
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This ones my favourite lmao
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Drew him without his hat first to get his headshape down
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First doodle i did w his hat
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Leetol farmor :)
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I made him to a cat boy and also gave him fake nails lmao
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I thought itd be cool if he had a forked tounge so i drafted some ideas :3
(Also before anyone tries to call me out on how 'he used to have braces so the tooth gap wouldnt make sense' I AM FULLY AWARE HE HAD BRACES 😭 but i saw other people drawing him like this and i liked it so thats how im drawing him now and idc. And ig its kinda funny cus its ironic and theres probably a way to headcanon it into making sense too XD)
The pacifist ending made me cry the most ive ever cried in my life at a piece of media
I didnt know it was possible to cry so hard and smile so wide at the same time cus like, i was happy for everyone getting some semblance of a happy ending in the credits BUT IT WAS ALSO REALLY FUCKING BITTERSWEET 🥲
I love this game so much lmao
Im now in love with a goshdarn cowboy sheriff and like a ship called fucking corn yaoi
What is my life rn 💀
(Sidenote, anyone who sees my dca content alot, dw I STILL LOVE THEM im just a lil obsessed w Star at the moment XD)
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Hiiii I do like to request slashers with a really calm reader that as a kind and calm aura and talks their way out of situations and for some reason just makes however is trying to fight or attack them vent, cry on their shoulder without even noticing that and when they point that out the reader is just like Isn't that how it goes with everyone? "🤔🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️" (male or G/n reader would be cool🥲)
YAaas😈 Will go will he/him pronouns
Request open as always have fun reading
Micheal Myers
S/o was vibing making tea in kitchen when micheal just spawned in hallway
So he either had to runaway or try to talk him out of this situation
"Eee you want some tea? I heard that the guy that thats chasing(DrLoomis)you isnt very kind isnt he?"(yes yes s/o trying to make micheal wanna kill somone else but not him yess)
Micheal enjoys smell of tea (bruh I love white tea with hint of rose/strawberry) and he for sure would enjoy taste of it but hes shy and nono dont see his face pls.
S/o wont make him vent mostly due him being mute and non comunicative at all but He definitly will vibe and think about how much he would rather be stabing Loomis rn
But ig he wont stab him? S/o makes nice tea, keep up,king, he might come again and again just to lisen him ramble about daily life and steal food from fridge
Brahms Heelshie
This one is opposite of Micheal. Brahms will probably instantly vent and cry. He wil talk about how lonley it was and how alone he felt and how everything was unfair
He will hug him, he wont stop for a while
He accualy never intended to kill him, never but He thought that he has No choice. But now He loves that he didnt kill him!
S/o is a great lisyner and great person to talk to! He is so matture and smart!
Easiest way to calm him down is giving him glass of water or cup of tea AND hugs of course dont forget about hugs
Brahms is a big babi he is emotional he will cry a lot
Asa Emory
"???Qhat you talking about??" Look nothing personal but He came here to like??? Kindap you?? Im mean yeah he would love to tell him how much kindaping people and putting them into huge jars is tiring but like??? Sir?? You gonna be in jar next??
I mean its more intresting than average screaming and begging for help🥰
He will start with "lmao this loozer thinks hes gonna talk me away from killing lol" to "yeah sometimes its so hard you know? Once one of them stabed me and I still have scar :( " and "oh you wanna see🤨😳 i mean yeah?😳" and takes his shirt off
He will kinda forgor he suppose to kill him and just vibes ESPECALLY if s/o likes bugs HE WILL BE LIKE: :D omg u like moths🥺😊? Wanna hold hands😳😈
He will eat his dinner and then ask for recipie
Billy Loomis
This guy already talks more than he should have. One question and he will do a monologue about his traumatic past and everything
Ofcourse not litteraly, he speaks in weird sentences (yall seen the movie) Nothing is said streight forward
He will hug them looking for support and probably falls asleep due to crying and huge amount of emotions
Then he will woke up and think "😳 did? Did I Just got laid? Noo its impossible wtf happened here??? Is he dead or???" " hi billy did you sleep well? Are you better now?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAA"
He is shocked, first of all he just vented, second of all he slept on somone with their consent, and third of all ??? He feels better now?? Yep s/o is definitly a wizard, yep no way it could possibly help, he just did some magic
Thomas Hewitt
I- Im not sure He ever expirienced somone just being nice, just being nice, without some plan to gain anything from it, without hint of manipulation or plan to use him
He wanted to kill him but He Thomas acually felt guilt, he didnt seem to deserve it. He helped his friends even when he himself was in danger.
Thomas broke when s/o started talking. Again Thomas is mute he wont magicly start speaking like eminem RapGod song
But he will akwardly hold his hands together and be shy (Thomas is shy guys)
S/o just seems to understand him so well
He wont kill him and he probably will be like "Luda🥺 theres this little goblin creature in our basement can we keep him💖" "No way in hell imma-" "he knows how to cook and do chores!" "Yeah sure we can keep him"
Cool his alive now!
Now just preapre for being thomas therapist for rest of life
Hopefully u like it, didnt really have idea what to write
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milkovichrules · 8 months
sorry to come into your ask box but i just rewatched mickey’s coming out scene and i just… i get choked up every time. i love ian but i also feel like he pressured mickey into coming out. of course he had to set his own boundaries but he KNEW how badly mickey was treated when it came to his sexuality, it’s almost seemed cruel to give him that ultimatum in some way. but then mickey comes out and all he could do was look at ian and ask if he was happy!!!! like i cant even explain all the emotions noel was able to put into his voice in that moment, it literally break me just thinking about it! he knew what was coming and he still only wanted ian to be happy.. thats really just something. i dont even have words for it but i wanna let out the loudest scream about it
hello sweet thing!! you're always welcome here💕
tbh the coming out scene always reminds me of noel's fucking beautiful ig post about Ian's character but especially 'the truly remarkable thing about Ian's inner courage is that it's infectious. to put it simply, he's brave and an undeniable reminder to those around him; they can be brave too.'
I used to absolutely not be at all but I am definitely an Ian defender about this to a certain extent.
like do we enjoy ultimatums? fuck no. it's a shitty way to go about it. BUT I have to think about what's probably going through Ian's head, right? keeping in mind he's in/just coming down from what we can only assume is his first ever manic episode.
mickey came to find him, literally carried him home and protected him from creeps. gave him a place to stay and didn't just plonk him on the Gallagher's doorstep, actively chose him over his marriage. went to the Gallagher's when Svetlana kicked him out and asked him to come back, agreed to do whatever he wanted to get him to stay with him. slept next to his tiny bed on the floor.
mickey kissed him, full on made out with him in public!! that's so huge!! he accepted an invitation to a little gay party with ian's new friends. he slept in the same bed with him without fear in a house full of strangers!! he doesn't even know that mickey told that guy that they were together 😭
we all know mickey is an acts of service girlie but Ian is the kind of person that needs to hear it too. and when Ian DOES ask it's 'of course we are'. like it's a given. mickey doesn't need to have the conversation, but Ian does. and as far as mickey's concerned 'it's working out so far so good' to be a couple that hides.
there's a million reasons mickey might want to still keep them a bit of a secret (though its a pretty open secret at that point). sure I think some of it is to protect his reputation, to not have any sort of weakness, and to some extent I think he feels a lot of pressure in protecting the reputation of the Milkovich name, no matter how infamous it is. maybe because of how infamous it is.
but I also think it's because what he has with Ian is theirs. and its something in both of their lives that's genuinely really beautiful.
like not to bring up 3x666 but that's obviously the moment that the bubble really burst. he had built up this little secret life with Ian behind closed doors and he was opening up! he was falling in love! and once people (Terry) found out it was just ripped open completely. ruined. I think there's some element of mickey wanting them to be back at that place before it all went to shit. which of course, they never can be.
just like when Ian starts heading for the door in the alibi. he doesn't think mickey's going to do it. Ian's going to walk out and not see Mickey for a while and then in a few weeks it'll be 'just cuz I've got a wife and kid doesn't mean we can't still bang' like it was back then.
but now mickey knows what it's like to lose him and he doesn't ever want to do it again (which 🥲 but anyway)
the fact that when Ian tells mickey he's sick of living a lie mickey's immediate response is 'I'm not lying to you' somebody fucking sedate me
and of course Ian wants mickey to come out so that they can be together but 'you're not free' absolutely kills me because he just wants mickey to be okay with being himself openly. and 'what you and I have makes me free' and ian's FAAAACE but then Terry shows up and he has to watch mickey tear himself away and go straight back in the cage and it hurts. of course it hurts.
so Ian drinks a little and lets himself stew and shoves mickey toward the edge of the cliff.
mickey's voice when Ian tells him not to bother coming back and he says 'what the fuck are you talking about?' breaks my heart every time because they're fine, aren't they? they just have to get through this bad thing and then they can go back to their little bubble.
mickey's always in survival mode, just varying degrees of severity. you can see him, literally see it on his face, weighing the options.
what's gonna happen if he does nothing? he's going to watch Ian leave. again. he's going to get blackout drunk and go home with his wife and his son and his fucking dad and wake up like that every morning for however long he can stand it. he's going to be walking on the eggshells of his own broken heart.
what's gonna happen if he says something? he's going to be physically hurt. he's going to bleed. he's going to have to bite and scratch his way out of that bar unless he's arrested or knocked out first. there's hopefully enough people around to keep Terry from straight up killing him. and what else? Ian stays. Ian stays and they get to go home together. take care of each other. sickness, health, all that shit.
so he does it. he shouts and he bangs on that table and he says it and hes fucking brave!! because he might think he's fucked for life but he has one beautiful thing that's worth fighting for!!
oh my god and him asking 'you happy now?' I fucking knooowwwwww honestly it makes me a little bit? insane? there is SO much going on there.
fucking getting everyone's attention to announce he's fucking gay and 'I just thought everyone should know that' and then looking at the only other openly gay person in the room and going 'you happy now?' jEEEEEsus like?????????
the eyebrow raise as well like 'you know exactly what's gonna happen now' and of course it does.
but Ian absolutely no hesitation gets stuck right into the fight!! and he says 'I've wanted to do this forever' which, same babe. I too would take a chair to the back wrestlemania style to defend mickey milkovich.
all my blorbos shitty dads I would be in your walls but you're all dead so✌️
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kyskaisen · 1 year
gaslighting myself with large amounts of copium into thinking yuki is still alive ✌✌✌🕊 she did NOT deserve to die for that crusty ass man 😢😢 ANYWAYS if u want to u should do a yuki x reader no curse au 😍😍😊 (gege told me yuki actually got rid of all cursed energy and now she's just chilling and travelling the world and wearing designer clothes its great 😊😊)
(real) LIKE OMG NOOOO I THOUGHT SHE WOULD ACTUALLY BECOME SOMETHING IN JJK BUT IG NOT😭 but yeah yuki x reader no curse au sounds great😍
Pairing: Yuki Tsukumo x Reader (hope u dont mind it being F reader lol im convinced yuki is wlw)
Warnings: idk, flirty yuki ig? thats how she normally is anyways :v, (i was working on another yuki x reader cuz i was also gaslighting myself into thinking she isnt dead🥲 so ima mix that one up with this)
"Why did I have such a bright idea to bring you with me?"
You murmured to yourself as Yuki sat next to you with a smirk on her face and her elbow resting on the desk in front of her and her hand resting on her chin. Her finger tapped the edge of her jawline and kept her teasing smirk. "Because you love me."
"No I don't." You quickly responded before rolling your eyes and kept scanning your eyes over the words on the paper in front of you. Yuki lifted a brow and crossed her legs a second later.
"What about me don't you love?"
You let out a long huff before setting your pen down and turned to her. "Things I don't love about you...alright, are you sure you wanna hear it?" You asked. She lifted her brow again and chuckled. "Is there some sort of list?"
"A very long one. Longer than the time you can keep a girlfriend."
"Ouch. Hit me."
You perked up your eyebrows and smiled a little before leaning back in your seat...
"The way you talk, the way you walk, the way you always wink at one of the waitresses after saying 'just your heart, darling.' whenever they ask you what you want-"
"You pay attention to all that?" She cut you off, swaying side to side slightly in the rollie chair. You frowned slightly and gave her a death stare. The smirk never left her face while you huffed and continued on with the list.
".......Wow, for someone who claims to hate me so much, you sure do pay attention to a lot of stuff I do." Yuki commented once you stated you were finished. The entire list took up about 5 minutes and Yuki just stared with heart eyes.
You frowned again with parted lips this time. "Because it annoys me." You retorted before going back to the other paper in front of you.
"Oh, and also I hate your voice. I think you should try shutting up." You added while clicking your pen. She lifted her brow once again.
"...You wanna kiss me so bad, it makes you look stupid." She commented. You narrowed your eyes before turning to her. Her face remained unfazed while you scoffed in realization.
"Did you seriously set that up just so you could get me to admit that I do pay attention to you?" You questioned before she smirked.
Oh shit.
"What the fuck, Yuki?!" You exclaimed as you got up from your chair. All she did was sit back and cross her arms over the arms of the chair and intertwine her fingers together with that same smirk on her face.
"What's the problem?" She asked so calmly, as if you didn't look like you were a ticking cuss bomb waiting to blow the whole workspace up. "The problem, Yuki, is that you tricked me into admitting something I really didn't want to! Now you'll never leave me alone!" You whined before leaning back in your chair. Still, her smirk never wiped itself off her face.
"..My bad." She simply said. You turned to her with the biggest frown Yuki has ever seen in her life, and she chuckled. " 'My bad?' That's all you have to say?!" You grumble out, making her laugh even more.
Her laughter stopped once she dropped her head and looked at you.
"All seriousness," She started, leaning forward. You lifted a brow and crossed your arms.
"I really like you, Y/n. And I'm not just talking about it in a friendly kinda way." She admitted. Your face slightly fell along with your jaw.
"You..like me?"
You shook your head slightly, "So you're telling me, that this whole time you've been annoying me, is because you like me?" You questioned, slightly raising your voice. Yuki nodded confidently before you sighed.
"What am I going to do with you, Yuki Tsukumo?"
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Hii first of all i hope youre doing great! Make sure to drink water‼️
So i saw that your requests r open but idk if u can do matchups so feel free to ignore this if u dont
But if u do, i was wondering if u could do a jjba matchup from parts 2-7 (any gender idm)
Some info ab me:
Im agender but i use any pronouns, im aroace (! Aroace ppl can still feel romantic feelings js limited, just letting u know bc ppl get confused🥲!)
Id like the matchup to be romantic and some characters i wouldnt rlly like u to include r stroheim, kira, pucci and funny valentine
Okay lets get to the main stuff
My personality is pretty confusing even for me tbh
I can be very serious at times but i can also be very js energetic and yk goofy ig? My energy gets drained quickly after that tho so yeaah
I get told pretty frequently that im harsh but im just honest🤷‍♀️
I prefer saying whats objective and truthful rather than sugarcoating stuff
I can be very supportive tho dont tske this the wrong way
Im an ambivert and idk if yk mbti but since it might help im an Intj e3
Also im a night owl so yeah i love staying up and stargazing from my window💁🏻‍♀️
As for how i act in daily life well, i always try my best to get everything that im assigned done and most of the time i do. I strive for perfection and success in whatever i do and i am very ambitious🏃🏻
At times tho i feel like i need breaks so once in a while i like to just stop and relax, to do absolutely nothing
I like to read books every now and then but i dont have a good attention span and i zone out A LOOOTT
Not just while reading, if im doing anything at all ill just zone out eventually
I really enjoy being in my head with my own thoughts its like my safe space even if its not safe ykwim
Im just a very brain-ish person yk i like thinking i spend hours in my head its like my comfort place
I also like being productive it makes me feel alive
Like doing stuff
Im also a result/success oriented person so yeah
Also other than reading im also into make up and i like to listen to music if u consider that a hobby
I have a very mixed music taste but my friends say its good
I really like lana del rey and indie music but I also love rock and grunge like ac/dc, nirvana, pearl jam etc.
I also listen to stray kids sometimes their music is cool (kpop) but i also listen to j-pop and classical music (ascends me to heaven fr)
I also listen to 90s hiphop. Yeah.
Thats a lot of stuff I KNOW but i told u its a mix
As in fashion i dress either very y2k-ish or like my friends always tell me i look like those 2 girls from mean girls (my clothes)
I like to dress coquette-like though too!
Id also like to be a gothic lolita but i cant so thats sad
I also have brown hair and brown eyes and im average heigthed
My friends say i have the best style so yeah
I dont really have a type but i do have a preference for either people who are like me bcz yk they get me
But i also like funny people like very energetic funny people
We can be like sun moon dynamic idk😭
I like every love language ngl
I have a slight preference for gift giving though
I mean thats the one i use so
The fic is up to u idm what it is
Tysm for ur time, ik that was a lot, feel free to ignore if u dont feel like it have a nice day/night <3
notes: omg hi!! I am finally doing your matchup <3 I feel like it has been in here forever omg. but i am so glad im getting to it today!! i literally have the PERFECT character for you tee hee so let's jump in <3
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him have a very similar personality. you can both have a serious front, but goof off with each other, which is the most fun
it makes you a super successful couple too because you both know when it's joking time or not
though you will find him making stupid jokes more often than not
he likes that your harsh/honest
it just really shows that you know who you are and you cant take certain stuff
it just means your strong-willed and that's what he loves about you
there is nothing wrong with being harsh and he tells you that all the time
you and him are very supportive to each other and it really helps the relationship grow
i feel like gyro is honestly a morning person, so you wont find him staying up with you late that often
so while he sleeps next to you pet his hair
but he will 100% stargaze with you while you talk about life and cuddle
you get shit done and that's what he loves about you
and when you two are together, you're literally unstoppable tbh
as ambitious as this man is, he is also lazy, so he will ask you to just sit and cuddle him so you can take a break
and who are you to deny gyro??? i would cuddle in those arms any day
doing absolutely nothing sounds amazing to him, so please stay wrapped in his arms
just know he will fall asleep
since you love reading, but zone out a bit, this man will read to you
he loves to read to you
even if you zone out, he will catch you up
he overall just enjoys reading out loud a lot, so you're going to hear a lot of it
while you're just thinking, he'll be right beside you
you are your own comfort space, but you begin to feel that he is becoming your new one
he is also a mixed music dude, so yall listen to whatever
literally force him to dress up to and you will be walking ICONS
do his makeup
he loves when you make him all pretty
he'll braid you hair if you braid his
he is super energetic and funny, so you have the literal perfect man for you
and he will provide every love language, just expect a lot of words of affirmation from him and way too many cuddles
and if you give him gifts, he gets all flustered and blushy
and then he'll get you gifts too :)
and now for your fic :)
You stayed up on the edge of your shared bed with Gyro and watched the stars from your window. You lived in a nice enough area to see all the stars and you were very thankful for that. You couldn't go to sleep, so you decided to open the window and get a breath of fresh air along with your view. Your boyfriend slept quietly next to you, his arms hugged around his own lanky body. You watched his breaths for a moment. In. Out. In. Out. You smiled and ran your fingers through his long sandy blonde hair before looking right back to the window. "Darlin?" You heard from Gyro, making you jump. "What's up?" You asked, seeing his long arms stretch in front of him as he sat up. "Can't sleep?" He asked, avoiding your question. "No, not really. Just wanted to do some stargazing." "Come here," he said, patting his chest. You gladly laid your head on your chest, having an even better view of the stars as he petted the top of your head until he fell back asleep.
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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liquidstar · 2 months
(quotes i like from your WIP 4/4) i'm really surprised polaris has no experience hunting w/ that spear she carries around O_O since she carries it around, you know, i'd guessed she knows how to use it 😭 
which is partially related to my next point: i loved how many times i was reading and had thought, "*points* Inuk-coded" :D everything from how she quietly complained when her compass broke, rather than screaming (even though she was already hungry, + cold and uncomfortable in wet clothes T~T), to how she took a deep breath to compose herself, to how she comforts herself gently... so good... Polaris Inuk(-coded) moments... 🥲 you thought out her actions so well!!! and you also thought out how, even though she has clearly been influenced by Inuit(-coded) culture, she still has distance from the traditional Inuit(-coded culture's) way of life (i.e. she doesn't know how to fish) bc she was raised by someone non-Inuk(-coded) :0 !!! DETAILS!!!! 🤩
YEAH SHE HAS NO EXPERIENCE i wanted to make it pretty clear shes really not used to it at all and is kinda fumbling around, because its not actually hers! well, it is now, but it wasnt always. so shes tryinggg shes very green still. i do intend for there to be multiple scenes of her training w her teammates and other guild members to get better at stuff like this too
BUT IM GLAD YOU THINK SO BC I THINK ABT THE ARTICLE AND STUFF YOU SEND ME WHILE WRITING HER. i wanna do my best obviously, so i try to keep it in mind esp when shes dealing w stressful circumstances or things that may make someone angry. she shant yell. BUT thats also part of why the hunger is being emphasized bc (spoilers in case i post this bit later ig?) after a particularly stressful encounter with two idiots (guess who) which saiph intercepts, she actually does Kind Of yell at him. its nothing crazy, pretty tame by others standards, but in the next scene she feels reaaaallly embarrassed and guilty for acting that childish and pretty much immediately apologizes. and then also reveals that it wasnt just a skipped breastfed, she hadnt eaten for like 4 days to which hes like "dude i get cranky after a few hours PLEASE dont feel bad. also please order seconds wtf" she was in that forest for a minute.
AND (end spoilers sorry!) about the fishing too- shes also lived a pretty isolated life from a lot of things, partly due to herself being so... self-isolating. theres a reason she kept being called "the lone girl" through the little excerpt! like yes because shes alone, of course, but shes Literally the lone girl. thats her. but not for long!
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lilylamps · 6 months
mayumi angst/angst ideas but it’s not rlly coherent cuz a lot of it is outta order(tbh when is it even coherent):
tw ig for mentions of suicide and death??? (but i don’t write it as emotional or anything im just yapping)
also this isn’t proofread and i was delirious while writing it sooo sorry not sorry if it’s written stupid
-OKAY SO IN MY OPINION OF HER TRAUMAA shes very mitski coded as in like parental issues and age regression (IK THATS NOT THE CORRECT TERM (at least im pretty sure its not??? idk) BUT SINCE SHE WAS A KID SHES HAD TO ACT AND BE LIKE AN ADULT/MOM FOR HER SIBLINGS BECAUSE HER PARENTS WERE ALWAYS BUSY AND SHE HAD LIKE THE MAJORITY OF HER CHILDHOOD TAKEN FROM HER ESPECIALLY SINCE MAJORITY OF HER CARETAKERS ARE DECEASED SO SHE HAD TO TAKE CARE IF HER SIBLINGS ALONE) point is that she was forced to be an adult at her tween years and emotionally she’s still a child (im bad w words guys idk how to explain it)
- anywaysss to try and explain what i’m fucking on abt here r the lyrics:
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(im crying????)
- but yeah the jist is she had her childhood stripped from her BOOOO 👎👎👎👎👎
- she’s also class of 2013 coded im just saying yall she just wants her mama even tho she was neglected
- but yes she’s also very class of 2013 coded:
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- like even tho her mom like unalived herself, she still visits her grave out of respect and because she misses and loves her even tho she was neglected 2x (she values her family above anything else tbh)
- she constantly pines (???) for her childhood, wishing her parents would’ve stayed yk ALIVE DUH and would constantly wonder what it would be like if her parents actually parented 🧍🏽‍♀️
- also she had to give up everything she wanted to be so she could take care of her siblings full time and also be sea spider and also go to college (not sure if im actually gonna keep her in college tho so i might change that part of her lore, because idk how you can do all of that full time tbh IM NOT JN COLLEGE SO I WOULDNT KNOW)
- i think if i were to take her out of college, i’d think she do it to take care of her siblings, AND THATS WHY THE LINE “i’ll leave what im chasing for the other girls to pursue” (other girls meaning as in her family in general) BECAUSE SHES LEAVING ALL HER DREAMS BEHIND SO SHE CAN TAKE CARE OF HER FAMILYYYY and all she wants is for her siblings to be happy and successful so they don’t end up like her 🥲🥲 ITS GIVING IMMIGRANT MOTHERRR🔥🔥🔥
- also im thinking abt making her 16 yr old self walking in in her mom post unaliving herself cuz THATD be traumaaa
- my girl is STRESSED 24/7 365 but holy shit somehow she manages to stay positive all the time (it’s her siblings she loves them) and she’s constantly pretending that she’s all good and can handle it, being positive for her friends and siblings
- but her siblings like KNOW her and how she is even though she always tries to hide it, so they always try to make her life easier
- especially manny cuz dawg is very megumi coded (for my jjk fans out there), even though he doesn’t speak majority of the time he’s always trying to take care of her urgrhyrgr he’s cares abt her a lot
- also ime but she’s more silly than anything 😭😭 love herr sm 👹👹
- but Mayumi always tries to protect her siblings from the trauma she’s experienced, like w family deaths and stuff cuz she never wants them to go through what she’s going through
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do you guys even care
do you guys even care abt my shitty hcs
anyways good god thanks for listening to my rambles that never make sense
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cupcraft · 8 months
ermm i dont fully disagree with you on mspec lesbians or anything as a lesbian but it does feel kind of weird that youre the one arguing on the meaning of being a lesbianwhen youre not a lesbian as well 🥲🥲 tumblr is def a lot less wierd abt it though twitter will literally have transphobia (because their justification is that the man being referred to in bi/pan lesbians is???? trans women???) and trying to claim that we can be attracted to men (like MEN men) when it doesnt work the other way around. it sucks that this kind of thing only happens to sapphics but thats life ig
Thank you for informing me that it was an overstep for me to speak on this issue. My intent was anger towards exclusionists but I don't want to speak for lesbians/over lesbians so I apologize for that. Thanks for sending me this ask and offering your perspective. And it definitely was not my intent to say what it means to be a lesbian, as I cannot speak to that at all.
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asahicore · 11 months
I just had to reply, because I'm so excited, I have no one to talk about kdramas...
I've seen hye-sun in a few kdramas before, but her acting in this one is getting to me in a whole another level; the way you can see and feel her yearning from her expression to her body language, ugh, it's just to good. I also love ji-eum x cho-won interactions, I'm so looking forward for the moment she calls her unnie again.
OMG!! I need to talk about the scene with "her mom" (iykwim). I was so excited, like, the moment was so precious and so heartbreaking, but it just worked that way. Ig love hurting myself. 🥲 I just, Idk, I want to see ji-eum happy with those of her 18th life, 'cause I get the deep affection she developed for them.
please, I'm begging for the writers to let me have a happy ending in this one.
you're right, tho. kdramad do tend to be like that, like, I had the same conflict with itaewon class; saeroyi knowing exactly when things would happen for him was tripping me out.
btw, you don't have to feel sorry for not watching the recs. kdramas can be a lot of time consuming, especially when you don't know korean and can't watch it at the same time you're doing something else. I know the struggle. 😪
— ☕️! anon
omg u can talk to me about kdramas anytime i love talking about them !!!
oh my god i hadnt even thought about chowon calling jieum unnie again.. gonna make me cry for sure.. i cant wait 5 hours anymore i need the episode now i have a feeling this weekend's eps will be when chowon figures it out 😭 and i def need to look into hye-sun's dramas!!! shes so good at subtle expressions ugh
that scene with her mom... dont even. i was ugly crying as it was happening and when it turned out to be not real i was DEVASTATED. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO US??? same, i just want to see her reunited with her 18th life family is that so much to ask... and im also so happy we get to see snippets of her other previous lives, theyre so interesting, icb they made her the inventor of soju thats so insane 😭
i have a feeling it will be a happy ending though!!! like theres so many soft vibes and you can already tell seo-ha is warming up to her so i'm sure things will go their way, otherwise i will riot <3 and oh my god, i did not like itaewon class and that was one of the reasons!! saeroyi was this perfect guy that always either had things going his way or knew how to get out of them every single time lol
thank u<33 and yes omg i wanna be able to understand korean better so i can multitask while watching them 😭 for dramas that are a bit slow ive just started watching them in 1,25x or 1,5x speed bahahhah
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jinkicake · 2 years
So now that we have scaramouche new designs confirmed I think his outfit could have been a lot slutier like take off that mesh shirt and have stockings instead🙄 welcome to the anemo men under 5”6 group ig but back to albedo😒 imma try to pull for him one last time and if he doesn’t come home imma have to write something about him being tied up idk he needs to be punished. But the way he always slips back into my head is crazy I’ll be like okay I’ve been healed and go look at Xiao art,,,,, and then one of my fav artists will post the most beautiful albedo I’ve ever seen and it’s back at it🥲 and I came across a short fic(wishing it was longer) about albedo catching the clone fucking his s/o and liking it and being like??? Why was that hot?? Like the idea of rubedo trying to steal his life and being like “ your partner is mine too” is greatly appealing but like I’m for the streets so it could just be me. Like not noticing that it’s susbedo when he comes home at night after you expected him to be in dragonspine and absolutely railing the hell out of you. Like he definitely is a masochist bc he’s never had genuine affection so he gets off on pain( he’s one hug and I’m proud of you away from absolutely breaking down💀) like ik he’s not shy about it he’s putting your knees over his shoulders and looking you in the eye to tell you how deep he’s gunna me in you. Like god imagine not knowing it’s not albedo and he has you gabbing everything in hands reach as to not float off the earth when your soul ascends. Like he grabs your hair to make you look up and albedo who just stumbled into the KOF lab and he sees his imposter fucking the daylights out of you. “ look, your precious alchemist is watching. Such a shame he can’t see how well your taking me.” I’m built differently tho I’ll let him keep going🥰 or even albedo watching from the shadows and seeing you beg his imposter to go deeper. On the flip side albedo is so pretty like when I stop and look at him he does look like a prince very pretty and short but can definitely pick up kaeya if he wanted to. Like I wouldn’t know how to act lmao they would never know peace around me bc I’m biting him. Like looking at him would have hazardous, bc if I stare at him too long rip. Like his pretty face, how IK his neck is sensitive, his pretty hands, yeah definitely would help him take a break by burying my face in between his legs. He probably would get really whiney if you edge him while giving head bc he’s a gentleman he doesn’t just want to shove your head down😔 honestly poor Jean bc she can’t walk into any room in the HQ without knocking and waiting 3 mins and it’s entirely my fault. Like damn my bad I wasn’t intending to ride kaeya in his office chair when I brought him lunch but these things happen. Diluc absolutely railing your in her office. Praying for them both bc they have such strong sexually repressed vibes so it his my job to deflower them😔 like idk I’m in my whore era so I’ll just feel up Jean in her office while I know she has a meeting w diluc in like 7 mins, like I’ll just hide under the desk and see how long this façade can be held up bc diluc would be like “Jean are you okay🥺🥺” until she ends up cumming and is super embarrassed whike she’s trying to catch her breath I’m like 🥰🥰 would you like a turn too? Bc they definitely seem like the type to be pinning over the same person and have no idea what to do. I’m not gunna let her calling him sir go like no Jean please share with the class what you meant by that🤨🤨
NO LITERALLYYYYYYY abt scaras outfit... but i dunno the little peaks of skin under his outer layer is kinda..... slutty in itself hehehe i like the skin tight shirt layer tho and his little shit smile thats my psycho!!!!- have you seen his leaked idle animations and his burst.... i dont know how i feel-----
DID YOU GET ALBEDO?! NOOOO I HOPE YOU DID T T between you and me, he deserves a punishment smut either way!
.... you know to send me good smut whenever you find it.... PLEASE LINK ME THAT ALBEDO CLONE SMUT IM BEGGINGGG no yeah as long as albedo doesnt mind ill fuck him and the clone all day long??? like???? o.m.g i desperately need a smut of the clone fucking the reader but the reader thinks it is albedo fucking them.... OMG THAT WOULd be too good! esp if you drabble in some yandere.... i might have to jot that one down for a word vomit!!
yeah,,,, albedo is too pretty.... so breathtaking!!!! heheh but i know he's a tough bitch!
HOLD ONNNNN I WAS ABOUT TO SAY LIKEEE YOU WOULD BE TAKING ALL THREE OF THEMMMM,,,, not just kaeya and diluc but jean too ((the holy trinity of childhood mondstadt friends is no match for you!!! >:-)))! I know how much you like her LOL she needs a good stress relief so she would def try to fight you on staying under her desk but like...... her fight dies the moment you get your lips on her skin through the slit of her pants heheheheiuhwfih if you ever find yourself stuck between diluc and jean, just fuck them both!!! that's my advice
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kthyg · 2 years
Hey 😊 first of all i am glad i found you here i have been waiting for a long time on wattpad for your updates but you disappeared suddenly and i was worried if you were doing fine ..so went through a lot of digging and found your tumbler acc 🥲 i was so happy when i saw your latest fic ghoul but it seems like you disappeared again 😁 well as you mentioned that you are a student life must be hard i guess and i know the struggle aside that there might be some other reasons too which are keeping you busy ..i went through wattpad acc again and saw some comments pushing you to update and maybe my comment will annoy you too but i am just asking you out of curiousity if you are gonna update your past fics anytime soon especially deception jk and if you are not gonna then thats ok for me too i have always been a patient reader cuz we all have our hard days and aside from social life we have our personal life too so i dont see any reason to blame you or taunt you for giving slow updates ..so please come back soon if it is possiblei am waiting for you right here and i am curious about what is going to happen in deception and your latest fic Ghoul 💕💗 you are so talented i swear please dont stop writing 💓
hii <3
sorry wattpad is not rlly my main platform for writing and for the inactiveness there was also bcs i haven't rlly been writing actively for the past few months.
and ig ppl doubt my love for deception... </3 which is heartbreaking but let me tell you; deception is the start of this blog. Ik i posted the deuce to pay first but deception is where the real journey begins where my blog got so much recognition <3 so for that, i will not be stopping or dropping this precious fic of mine. the worst is that i would put it on hiatus which is what I'm doing rn :))
deception is on indefinite hiatus. <3
and lastly, thank u sm for your unconditional support for both me and my journey as a writer <3
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waspstar · 6 days
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nobody literally ever sends me asks so im going to answer all of these, original post here
🖖 First Trek media you encountered? a compilation of kirk being gay on tumblr. its what convinced me to watch the show 🥹 Favourite behind the scenes picture. this is hard, but probably this one.
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i do however like another one of levar and brent together. 🌀 If the holodeck was real, what would be the first thing you'd use it for? meeting xtc ❤️ Your ST comfort character/s. the emh first and foremost. but also mccoy. 👕 Character whose fashion you like. LWAXANA DUHHHH 🎼 Song/music you associate with an aspect of ST. garden of earthy delights and across this antheap both by xtc remind me so so much of chekov. oh, and one of the millions by xtc as well! supersonic by jamiroquai reminds me a lot of the emh 😒 Character who annoys you. if there are no kai winn haters im dead 🍻 Hangout at Quark's or Ten Forward? see, at ten forward i have a chance of running into barclay and he wont try to scam me. but i think id go to quark's just cuz i like the ds9 cast more. 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏿 Do you ship any characters? Who? yesss my number one favorite will always be qcard, but i also love jiles and tom and harry. ❌ One storyline/plot point that you hate from your favourite ST show/movie. this is so hard, i hate so many. i think my favorite st show is ds9 (though voyager is like, really becoming close to my heart) however i will have to sayyy umm. fascination is a pretty bad plot. i did not like that. that was really weird. i love lwaxana but that was a really bad plot. i guarantee you theres worse i just cant think of any >_< 🫂 Character you'd like to be friends with. i wanna say barclay, but i feel like being his friend would be so emotionally taxing. so perhaps bashir or miles. or tom :) ✨ Has Star Trek had a personal impact on you? extremely so. star trek is a very important part of my life and i think about it every single day. i consider it a special interest. 🖊️ Do you have a favourite quote from ST? its actually not technically a star trek quote, as they took it from a book. however, the line the emh reads at the end of latent image. 🪐 Favourite alien planet. ive always been fond of risa i wanna go there 🥲 ST moment that makes you cry. lal's death. also spock dying duh 📚 Favourite ST fic you've read. theres definitely a really good qcard one ive liked but i dont remember the name and dont feel like finding it. theres a really cute quodo one i remember too. thats hard. ive read a lot over the years ☄️ Your headcanon/s about a favourite character. the way that i have all kinds of headcanons and think of some often but now theyre all gone upon being asked this. umm. oh i headcanon that barclay had a cat early on in his starfleet career that passed away. i even came up with a name for it...i cant remember what it was but it was a space themed name. i also headcanoned that he had no father and only a mom and that he was raised on mars! and that his mom died early into his childhood. thats all i got tho 🎨 Favourite piece of ST fanart. i straight up do not have it, but its this beautiful art of q holding an orb with picard suspended within it. i have it saved somewhere. 🍽️ What alien food/drink would you want to try? UGGHHH HASPERATTTT every time i see anyone eat hasperat in ds9 i get so hungry i want to try it so baddd i imagine it has a very plant based spice, a fresh kinda spiciness...and kinda like a cilantro type taste going on. it looks so goodddd. ive also personally wanted to try klingon food. unpopular opinion ig but it looks yummy 👋 An actor, writer or creator on the show you'd love to meet. id sacrifice everything to meet robert picardo. hes done everything for me simply by playing the doctor and i just want to hug him and thank him and give him a kiss on the cheek if possible. also the same goes for john de lancie, esp bcs john not only played q but also discord from mlp, another character i love.
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