#but why is it not included in the listed price on goods and services
takamoris · 6 months
Sales tax not being included in the listed price of something is dumb as fuck
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How monopoly enshittified Amazon
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In Bezos’s original plan, the company called “Amazon” was called “Relentless,” due to its ambition to be “Earth’s most customer-centric company.” Today, Amazon is an enshittified endless scroll of paid results, where winning depends on ad budgets, not quality.
Writing in Jeff Bezos’s newspaper The Washington Post, veteran tech reporter Geoffrey Fowler reports on the state of his boss’s “relentless” commitment to customer service. The state is grim.
Search Amazon for “cat beds” and the entire first screen is ads. One of them is an ad for a dog carrier, which Amazon itself manufactures and sells, competing with the other sellers who bought that placement.
Scroll down one screen and you get some “organic” results — that is, results that represent Amazon’s best guess at the best products for your query. Scroll once more and yup, another entire screen of ads, these ones labeled “Highly rated.” One more scroll, and another screenful of ads, one for a dog product.
Keep scrolling, you’ll keep seeing ads, including ads you’ve already scrolled past. “On these first five screens, more than 50 percent of the space was dedicated to ads and Amazon touting its own products.” Amazon is a cesspit of ads: twice as many as Target, four times as many as Walmart.
How did we get here? We always knew that Amazon didn’t care about its suppliers, but being an Amazon customer has historically been a great deal — lots of selection, low prices, and a generous returns policy. How could “Earth’s most customer-centric” company become such a bad place to shop?
The answer is in Amazon’s $31b “ad” business. Amazon touts this widely, and analysts repeat it without any critical interrogation, proclaiming that Amazon is catching up with the Googbook ad-tech duopoly. But nearly all of that “ad” business isn’t ads at all — it’s payola.
Amazon charges its sellers billions of dollars a year through a gladiatorial combat where they compete to outspend each other to see who’ll get to the top of the search results. May the most margin-immolating, deep-pocketed spender win!
Why would sellers be willing to light billions of dollars on fire to get to the top of the Amazon search results?
Most of us have Amazon Prime. Seriously — 82% of American households! Prime users only shop on Amazon. Seriously. More than 90% of Prime members start their search on Amazon, and if they find what they’re looking for, they stop there, too.
If you are a seller, you have to be on Amazon, otherwise no one will find your stuff and that means they won’t buy it. This is called a monopsony, the obscure inverse of monopoly, where a buyer has power over sellers.
But monopoly and monopsony are closely related phenomena. Monopsonies use control over buyers — the fact that we all have Prime — to exert control over sellers. This lets them force unfavorable terms onto sellers, like deeper discounts. In theory, this is good for use consumers, because prices go down. In practice, though…
Back in June 2021, DC Attorney General Karl Racine filed an antitrust suit against Amazon, because the company had used its monopoly over customers to force such unfavorable terms on sellers that prices were being driven up everywhere, not just on Amazon:
Here’s how that works: one of the unfavorable terms Amazon forces on sellers is “most favored nation” status (MFN), which means that Amazon sellers have to offer their lowest price on Amazon — they can’t sell more cheaply anywhere else.
Then Amazon hits sellers with fees. Lots of fees:
Fees to be listed on Prime (without which, your search result is buried at the bottom of an endless scroll):
Fees for Amazon warehouse fulfillment (without which, your search result is buried at the bottom of an endless scroll)
And finally, there’s payola — the “ads” you have to buy to outcompete the other people who are buying ads to outcompete you.
All told, these fees add up to 45% of the price you pay Amazon — sometimes more. Companies just don’t have 45% margins, because they exist in competitive markets. If I’m selling a bottle of detergent at a 45% markup, my rival will sell it at 40%, and then I have to drop to 35%, and so on.
But everyone has to sell on Amazon, and Amazon takes their 45% cut, which means that all these sellers have to raise prices. And, thanks to MFN, the sellers then have to charge the same price at Walmart, Target, and your local mom-and-pop shop.
Amazon’s monopoly (control over buyers) gives it a monopsony (control over sellers), which lets it raise prices everywhere, at Amazon and at every other retailer, even as it drives the companies that supply it into bankruptcy.
Amazon is no longer a place where a scrappy independent seller can find an audience for its products. In order to navigate the minefield Amazon lays for its sellers (who have no choice but to sell there), these indie companies are forced to sell out to gators (aggregators), which are now multi-billion-dollar businesses in their own right:
This brings me back to the enshittification of Amazon search, AKA late-stage (platform) capitalism. Amazon’s dominance means that many products are now solely available on the platform. With the collapse of both physical and online retail, Prime isn’t so much a choice as a necessity.
Amazon has produced a planned economy run as capriciously as a Soviet smelting plant, but Party Secretary Bezos doesn’t even pretend to be a servant of the people. From his lordly seat aboard his penis-rocket, Bezos decides which products live and which ones die.
Remember that one of those search-results for a cat-bed was a product for dogs? Remember that Amazon made that dog product? How did that end up there? Well, if you’re a seller trying to make a living from cat-beds, your ad-spending is limited by your profit margin. Guess how much it costs Amazon to advertise on Amazon? Amazon is playing with its own chips, and it can always outbid the other players at the table.
Those Amazon own-brand products? They didn’t come out of a vacuum. Amazon monitors its own sellers’ performance, and creams off the best of them, cloning them and then putting its knockoffs above of the original product in search results (Bezos lied to Congress about this, then admitted it was true):
If you’ve read Chokepoint Capitalism, Rebecca Giblin’s and my new book about market concentration in the entertainment industry, this story will be a familiar one. You’ll recall that Amazon actually boasts about this process, calling it “the flywheel”:
Everything that Amazon is doing to platform sellers, other platforms are doing to creators. You know how Amazon knocks off its sellers’ best products and then replaces them with its clones? That’s exactly what Spotify does to the ambient artists in its most popular playlists, replacing them with work-for-hire soundalikes who aren’t entitled to royalties.
You can learn more about how Spotify rips off its performers in the Chokepoint Capitalism chapter on Spotify; we made the audiobook version of that chapter a Spotify exclusive (it’s the only part of the book you can get on Spotify):
Entertainment and tech companies all want to be the only game in town for their creative labor force, because that lets them turn the screws to those workers, moving value from labor to shareholders.
Amazon is also the poster-child for this dynamic. For example, its Audible audiobook monopoly means that audiobook creators must sell on Audible, even though the #AudibleGate scandal revealed that the company has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from these creators. (Our chapter on Audiblegate is the only part of our audiobook on Audible!)
Then there’s its Twitch division, where the company just admitted that it had been secretly paying its A-listers 70% of the total take for their streams. The company declared this to be unfair when the plebs were having half their wages clawed back by Amazon, so they fixed it by cutting the A-listers’ pay.
Twitch blamed the cut on the high cost of bandwidth for streaming. If that sounds reasonable to you, remember: Twitch buys its bandwidth from Amazon. As Sam Biddle wrote, “Amazon is charging Amazon so much money to run the business via Amazon that it has no choice but to take more money from streamers.”
As Bezos suns himself aboard his yacht-so-big-it-has-a-smaller-yacht, we ask him to referee a game where he also owns one of the teams. Over and over again, he proves that he is not up to the task. Either his “relentless” customer focus was a sham, or the benefits of cheating are too tempting to ignore.
Historically, we understood that businesses couldn’t be trusted to be on both sides of a transaction. The “structural separation” doctrine is one of the vital pieces of policy we’ve lost over 40 years of antitrust neglect. It says that important platforms can’t compete with their users.
For example, banks couldn’t own businesses that competed with their commercial borrowers. If you own Joe’s Pizza and your competitor is Citibank Pizza and you both have a hard month and can’t make your payment, will you trust that Citi called in your loan but not Citibank Pizza’s because they had a more promising business?
Today, all kinds of businesses have been credibly accused of self-preferencing: Google and Apple via their App Stores, Spotify via its playlists, consoles via their game stores, etc. Legislators have decided that the best way to fix this isn’t structural separation, but rather, rules against self-preferencing.
Under these rules, companies will have to put “the best” results at the top of their listings. This is doomed. When Apple says it put its own ebook store ahead of Bookshop.org’s app because it sincerely believes Apple Books is “better,” how will we argue with this? Maybe Apple really does believe that. Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe it does, but only because of motivated reasoning (“It is difficult to get a product manager to understand something, when their bonus depends on them not understanding it”).
The irony here is that these companies’ own lawyers know that a sincere promise of fairness is no assurance that your counterparty will act honorably. If the judge in Apple v. Epic was a major shareholder in Epic, or the brother-in-law of Epic’s CEO, Apple’s lawyers would bring down the roof demanding a new judge — even if the judge promised really sincerely to be neutral.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if Amazon’s enshittification is because Bezos was a cynic or because he sold out. Once Amazon could make more money by screwing its customers, that screw-job became a fait accompli. That’s why it’s so important that the FTC win its bid to block the Activision-Microsoft merger:
The best time to prevent monopoly formation was 40 years ago. The second best time is now.
Anti-monopoly measures are slow and ponderous tools, but when it comes to tech companies, we have faster, more nimble ones. If we want to make it easy to compete with Amazon, we could — for example — use Adversarial Interoperability to turn it into a dumb pipe:
That is, we could let local merchants use Amazon’s ASIN system to tag their own inventory and produce a realtime database. Customers could browse Amazon to find the things they wanted, with a browser plugin that turned “Buy It Now” into “Buy It Now at Joe’s Hardware”:
But this only works to the extent that Amazon’s search isn’t totally enshittified. To that end, Fowler has a few modest proposals of his own, like requiring that at least 50% of the first six screens be given over to real results, not ads.
“Perhaps 50 percent sounds like a lot to you? But even that rule would force Amazon to show us at least some of the most-relevant results on the first screen of our device…Amazon wouldn’t comment on this suggestion.”
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Why do people still go to Mostro Lounge if Azul enslaved 225 students? Like how is he not out of bussines
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I DON’T KNOW 😭 I’ve never understood that part???? And how easily everything is resolved????
The end of book 3 tries to hand-wave it off as, “well, Azul implemented a point card system/promotion that was just so good that it compensated for all the negative rumors about the bad things he actually did” but like 💀 even then, I never bought it…
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Consider the prices plus how the point card system and its perks work:
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Assuming that you need 50 points to get that consultation with Azul + the items listed here are the only ones that qualify toward the point system, that means you'd be spending at LEAST 250 thaumarks (which I'm going to consider the equivalent to 250 USD for the sake of simplicity), if not 300 thaumarks. That's not including any potential tax or tip they may charge on top of the cost of the actual menu items. If you're going for the three-point card perks, you're easily spending 750 to 900 bucks on the Mostro Lounge. Maybe that seems like chump change to some of the rich, privileged kids that attend NRC but that's still a considerable amount of money to spend at one establishment... I'll concede that the argument can be made that this investment is "worth it" because of Azul's consultation being such a useful thing. It seems like you could ask him for anything, so long as its within his means. So yeah, it’s true, his services can be an extremely powerful boon to have on your side (assuming, of course, that he's capable of granting your wish and you agree to the terms set). The issue then becomes a matter of trust between client and Azul.
I don't know about you, but I cannot believe that after Azul tricked and enslaved 220+ students (over a QUARTER of the total student body) with his promises that everyone would so easily forgive what he did and suddenly trust that he wouldn't try pulling similar shit again. And since I doubt any mob would drop 250-300 thaumarks in one day just to get the consultation ASAP (but a bunch of food he can't eat), the points system would be a long term commitment... meaning mobs go into this establishment regularly, knowing that it's run by a guy that would double cross them if it benefitted him, weirdly trusting that he wouldn't???????? Trusting that he had a sudden change of heart and wouldn’t revert back to his old ways???????? Not holding grudges??????? Nah, I don't buy that one bit. AZUL'S REP WOULD BE IN THE TOILET, AND I DON'T THINK A GOOD DEAL ON EATERY LOYALTY WOULD REVERSE THAT... At that point, the mobs are practically begging to be scammed… Also???? The only thing that Crowley technically told Azul he can't do is to take anyone's powers 💀 so literally nothing is stopping Azul from trying to one-up or cheat his clients out of other things... Agreements like the one where he tried to claim Ramshackle Dorm for himself would still be totally valid under Crowley's new but poorly defined restrictions. Why doesn't the headmaster just forbid Azul from running his shady side business altogether 😭 or at least revoke the manager position from Azul?????? The school gets 10% of the lounge’s profits, so maybe Crowley doesn’t want to lose that income—but if that’s the case, why not just put new management in charge and still reap the monetary benefits??? Even just upping the percentage the school takes from their earnings would be more of a punishment…
I'm about to cancel this man on Magicam for his crimes/j I guess this is easily explained by the mob students all being dumb/arrogant, but that’s such a cop-out 😭 My only hope is that volume 3 of the light novel adaptation will go more in-depth about the post-OB backlash Azul experiences (similar to how it did for volume 1) 💦 because the way the game presents it, it feels like he and the Mostro Lounge made an almost immediate comeback 😭 which isn’t realistic at all…
I guess all I have left to say is…
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I stopped buying from Newcl0ver last year after I saw first hand how greedy they have become. (I use plural pronouns because I refuse to believe Chr1stina is one person.) I had an order in on this bust stand that was per my recollection 3-4 months production time on the product page when I first purchased it. They delete the product pages after preorders so I don't remember. Anyhow, it took way longer than that, I asked them about the order multiple times since I saw people on IG get theirs, and they just kept saying "soon, soon". At 8 months I said I want to cancel. They said that it's ok, but they can only refund me 75% of the price because they will make a loss since they cannot cancel the order to the store and have to resell my order at loss. I agreed if only to be out of it, because I thought it's fair that we share the loss.
Well, a few months later I saw *my* bust stand listed in their "in stock -30% off" category, with my exact order options, and they were asking MORE than I paid during my initial order. I was still able to access my order notes through my profile and check. So I guess that's why they remove the original listings before people get their goods, huh? -30% off? Compared to what? Not the price I paid. I felt like they just scammed me out of 25% of my payment using the pity card and then cashed in some extra on someone else, too.
Their Taobao fees have skyrocketed. A couple years ago, it used to be the price in CNY x 0,19, but now it's already price in CNY x 0,22. One CNY is 0,14 USD so for every dollar you spend in their store, 36 cents go directly into their pocket for just receiving your box and sending it forward. And it's true that the fee includes free standard international shipping to most countries, but still, it's quite a big fee to pay for sending them a ready list of Taobao links and having your stuff drop-shipped to you. The difference in past and current service fees is even more gross considering they used to send monthly 10-15 usd off or 5% off coupons with their newsletters, but no longer do. When I asked them last year why the fees have risen and discounts stopped, they said it's due to the bad exchange rate of CNY to USD. I googled it and while it's true that the rate momentarily fluctuated in 2021-2022, for the past 6 months the exchange rate of CNY-USD has been at the same level as in 2020, so their excuse seems lacking.
I have had several missing items from each of my six large Taobao orders, but I was patient with reminding them about the items because I thought my orders are painfully big (100+ items). But, if you get paid the price you named for your service, is it really on the customer to feel like a burden when you eff up? It was often the expensive items that I had to chase after, too. Like, once when I ordered 30 bags of beads ranging from 1 to 20 dollars, it was the freshwater pearls that cost 20 dollars that were missing. She did always refund me or send the missing items, but it took me a lot of time to check and report, and I had to pay extra customs fees for the after-deliveries.
I used to be a loyal fan of Newcl0ver but I've removed all the messages in my socials where I nudged people towards ordering from them to avoid M00nlightbjdh0use's scammy high agent fees. Now I place Newcl0ver at the same low level as M00n. I'm gonna have to find myself a new doll dealer, since the two big USA dealers don't match my criteria, either. I have heard good things of Magus' agent services, but have yet to try them. Christina is not an official agent of most the artists they claim to represent, anyway, so it's the same to straight out go to someone who is open about not being an official dealer and prices accordingly.
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dindjarindiaries · 8 months
The Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser officially closes in just under two weeks, and as someone who experienced it in many different ways, I wanted to answer some FAQs that reveal exactly how unique, ambitious, and rewarding this experience has been, and why its closure shouldn't be a celebration.
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Q: Is it a hotel?
A: No. It is not just a hotel. This is a 3-day, 2-night immersive experience, and the best thing I can compare it to is an actual cruise. You probably spend the least amount of time inside your cabin, aside from getting a quick wink of sleep between each jam-packed day of constant activities.
Q: Why is it so expensive?
A: This has probably been the biggest comment I've seen even before it opened, and well before I played a part in its story. Again, no one's just paying for a room to sleep in. The price of this experience is all-inclusive. Here's what you would actually be paying for:
all your food, meals, and drinks (aside from alcoholic drinks)
a park ticket to Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park
2 Lightning Lanes, one for Rise of the Resistance and one for Smuggler's Run
16 total hours of constant immersive entertainment, with characters you get to know personally
top-tier concierge service, including luggage brought straight to your room
your room for 2 nights
additional perks and services
There's definitely more I could have added to this list as well. When it's broken down, it's similar to paying for a Deluxe Resort room along with park tickets and food. Yes, it's very expensive, but you're paying for much more than a bed to sleep in.
Q: How does it work?
A: Everything is facilitated through the datapad, a program that can be accessed through the Play Disney app with a valid reservation. This app allows passengers to view their scheduled events (including lightsaber and bridge training), share comms with key characters, access a map of the ship, and more. The datapad also works alongside unique MagicBands that can tap into ship consoles to complete missions and more.
Q: What's the story, and how do you fit into it?
A: It's the Halcyon's 275th anniversary voyage, and many special events are planned - including an excursion day to the ship's very first port of call, Batuu. Everything goes haywire when the First Order boards on suspicion of Resistance activity. The Halcyon Crew Members, the First Order, and more will call on you for help, and you're the only one who can determine your path. The story is set between the events of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.
Q: If it's so great, why is it closing?
A: Your guess is as good as mine. I've witnessed this experience change people firsthand, bringing shy children out of their shells and creating communities of adults who get to truly play for the first time since they were kids. It's been a 3-day escape for people to forget the stress of their every day lives and just have fun in a galaxy they love. It's one of Disney's most ambitious projects yet, and to see them give up on it so fast is very disheartening.
Hopefully one day, it'll return in some capacity, and many of you will get the chance to see it for yourselves. Until then, as they say on the Halcyon: May adventure forever find you.
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bridenore · 1 year
HD prostitution fic recs
Here are a few drarry fic recs featuring Harry or Draco as a prostitute. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Ai by talkplaylove [18k]
Harry Potter wanders into a bar.
Another Mask Behind You by @letteredlettered [116k]
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity.  Harry unknowingly hires him.  And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.  (And then more porn.  Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this.  And please read the warnings.)
Coins by Inell [5k]
Coins make a certain jingling sound whenever they are tossed onto the top of a wooden bureau.
Exposure by GallaPlacidia [26k]
When Seamus uncovers Draco Malfoy’s camboy profile, he, Harry and Ron decide to anonymously book a private show so as to humiliate him later. Fascinated by Draco’s confidence, Harry keeps booking private shows under the disguise…
Self prompt: Draco is a camboy. Harry betrays him.
The First Time He Held Me by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed [11k]
Draco works for a Muggle escort service, and uses a Polyjuice potion to disguise himself when meeting clients. He’s highly desired, but not often requested because of his high prices, so it’s more of his side-hobby to bring in a little extra cash now that his parents are in jail— plus, he enjoys it. One night, he’s called to the room of the one man who he has always wanted, but could never have. Now, he needs to decide whether or not to reveal his true identity, or to remain in this polyjuiced body so that he can keep the attention of the Boy Who Lived.
“You remind me of someone,” he murmurs, tilting his head as his fingers sweep under my chin. I look up automatically and my stomach flips because I hope he’s talking about me— the real me, I mean, not this Muggle body.
“Who?” I ask, and I’m frustrated at how breathy my voice has become.
His eyebrows pull together fractionally and then they smooth out as a smile pulls at the corner of his mouth.
“Someone even more stubborn than the pair of us combined,” he says calmly, and I arch a brow.
Heart Like Neon by @lqtraintracks [41k]
Bored of being The Chosen One, Harry discovers he rather likes sex and becomes a professional. He’s good at it, and part of why is that he can read people. Not minds, not Legilimens, but their whole self, and he can give them what they don’t even know they want. Enter Draco fucking Malfoy, enigma to everyone, including himself. Harry can’t help but want to break into him, to figure him out. And Draco, thinking he’ll fuck Potter on a lark, has no idea what he’s in for.
If Sex Is the Drug, Then What Is the Cost by @eva-eleanore [3k]
For quite some time, Harry has been seeing Malfoy. Well… Actually, he’s hired Malfoy, to keep him company, in his bedroom. It’s only sex — honestly — and since Malfoy is the best, he’s the only person Harry wants. That’s all it is, right?
In The Red by @bixgirl1 [45k]
When Harry goes looking for a vampire at a Creature club, the second-to-last thing Harry expects is to find Malfoy working there.
The last thing he expects is to fall in love with him.
In Which Harry Potter Discovers a River In Egypt by Kestrel_Sparhawk [23k]
A missing roommate, a mysteriously familiar male prostitute, murdered Muggles, and an angry boss are all making life difficult for Auror Harry Potter. And that’s before he discovers that the reason he’s avoided having girlfriends for three years is not just because he doesn’t like publicity.
Kiss A Boy In London Town (And Other Intimate Misadventures of A Society Whore) by @femmequixotic [36k]
There’s only one cardinal sin for a whore.
Little Star by @ladderofyears [39k]
Ever since the end of the war Draco Malfoy has been scratching a living as a sex worker. He lives on the margins of society in squalid rooms and doesn’t imagine that his life will ever change. Then, after a couple of years, Draco becomes pregnant by an unknown client. Despite the Healers at St Mungo’s treating him with prejudice and contempt, Draco is determined to keep his baby. In his desperation, Draco approaches the wrong person and the result is disastrous. Draco is beaten up and left for dead in an alleyway. As Draco hovers between life and death, Harry Potter discovers his bruised and battered body.
The Saviour doesn’t only save Draco’s life. He takes Draco back to Grimmauld Place and helps him to recover.
Morning Mr Devil, Come Say Farewell to Your Dreams by @thisbloodycat [32k]
Nothing stays the same after a war. Except for lack of luck, that much Draco has noticed.
Paradigm by @dysonrules [57k]
Harry Potter is an Auror and Draco Malfoy is a rentboy, but this is not a typical rentboy story.
Party Poppets or ‘How Not to Fall in Love (and why you should do it anyway)’  by anon_drarry [18k]
Head Auror Potter has no idea what he’s about to get himself into when he decides to investigate the Ministry’s newly created POPPET program, and meets its star poppet - one Draco Malfoy.
Put a Price on My Soul by lamerezouille [11k]
Harry has become used to being a whore in the crapsack Wizarding World that’s now governed by Voldemort. Everything changes when Malfoy becomes his new pimp.
Railway lands by Maelipstick [65k]
Draco finds his own way to cope with being a failed Death Eater at Voldemort’s headquarters. Voldemort finds a way to destroy the wizarding world even after his death. Harry is trying to hold the world together while his mind quietly comes apart.
Warnings for graphic drug use, depression and suicidal ideation, Draco being an arsehole, sex work, criminality, non-con sexual situations, shifting POVs, ofc werewolves, self neglect and self harm, general unprettiness, unplanned parenthood and references to other works of fiction.
Soldier's Eyes by Eruditewitch [31k]
Almost six years after Voldemort falls, Harry Potter goes missing. No    one can find him, until chance would have Draco Malfoy thrust right in    his path, picking up shattered pieces while trying to keep himself together.
That Which Remains by @sitaz [2k]
Being a Junior Auror is not what Harry expected it to be. And the unregistered Veela in cell 4 does look familiar…
Things Worth Paying For by MalenkayaCherepakha [11k]
After leaving post-war Britain for Paris, Draco is finally happy, with friends and a job he loves. But then his newest client turns out to be Harry Potter, and everything changes.
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks [23k]
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
You open always (petal by petal) by birdsofshore [65k]
Harry’s not the kind of person who pays for sex. He really isn’t. Until he is.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
CuratedKawaii Lolita Fashion Mystery Bundle Review
So a while back, I was made aware of this etsy listing:
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I love mystery packs and lucky bags. It doesn't matter to me if it's good or terrible. I love me a lucky mystery bag. This listing had just little enough information about it to be unable to tell if it's bad or good, so I went for it. The thing about having this blog is that if something's bad, it's still good blog content.
Ordering process was pretty simple. I believe I had to pick a substyle from a drop-down list and then had a fill-in box where I could list colors and motifs that I want. I picked brown and cream classic. I paid $75, shipping non-inclusive.
Finally got the order in the mail a couple months later, and I had a whole lot of fun with this.
The idea is that the items included would be a full coordinate (minus shoes and petticoat).
Quick little economics comment: buying this is buying a service and a product. I knew going into this that I'd be paying for the curation service as part of the cost, so I was expecting to get less than $50 worth of items. The etsy seller has to make money on this, and you have to know going in that the seller has to make money on this. Expecting every item in the bag to total up to $75 is kind of stupid. This isn't like a AP lucky pack where everything is being sold at cost.
Actually, the price was one of the things that made me so interested. A full lolita coordinate for like $50 of stuff? Color me interested.
So, what did we get in the bag?
Main piece: Love Nadia JSKOP by Bodyline, in brown.
So on baby me's second ever Bodyline order, which I received Dec 31, 2012, I bought Love Nadia in purple, and was immediately disappointed in it. I then cut it up to plan to make a skirt out of it, put it in a box that's now labeled "abandoned projects", and it's still here to this day.
In that time, I've really regretted cutting it up, because I figured it probably wasn't as bad as I remember it being, and I just had a lot of confusion about how I wanted my own body to look.
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So the first thing that I checked was to see if the weird printing part was still there. It is. I'd like to let everyone know that, in the past ten years, Bodyline did not fix the weird printing part. However, they DID add a side seam pocket!
Anyway, this wasn't a review of Love Nadia. This is a mystery bag review. I was very excited that there was an actual identifiable brand in the mystery bag. It wasn't super clear from the listing exactly how much experience with lolita the curator had, so I was bracing myself for some quality sweat lolita.
Second item was a cute bolero from Liz Lisa. I did immediately have to put this in the wash because, speaking of sweat lolita, it was a used item and it had a little bit of smell adhesion. But it's a nice cream lace cardigan thingy with a front tie. Love Nadia is not sure if it's an OP or a JSK and so having a shoulder wrap helps me not have to decide if its' a JSK or an OP. I like the term JSKOP, pronounced j-s-ko-p.
All the rest of the accessories are offbrand.
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The socks are cream net socks with a little loop opening in the back. I find these so cool because they would probably look like they were trying to be really sexy on me if they were black, but they look just lovely in cream. I could go on a rant about color contrast here, but that's not why we're here. I loved getting some nice and detailed socks that I didn't have to worry about not fitting my kitten-holders.
There were two hair accessories included. Since this was supposed to be a full coord, I decided to try to wear both of them at once. One is a cute little beret with rickrack and a bow. It's got wig clips to help it stay on. I wore this yesterday in my comfy casual coord.
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The other hair accessory was a bow barrette with a little lace drape. I think this one was handmade. I don't know who made it, but I really love that there was a handmade accessory included.
Fitting both the beret and the barrette (and keeping track of how many r's are in each word) on my head was a challenge, but I did it.
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There was also a tie-on headbow. Since I already had two hair accessories going on, I opted to wear this one as a belt in the context of this coord. I do love me a good head-eating bow, so the fact that I can use this for that is very fun to me.
And then there were some little stretchy pearl bracelets. I wear stretchy bracelets all the time, and so it's good to have some new ones!
Total coord:
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I was going to take a better picture without the cat poop box and where I was looking vaguely interested in being there, but Carhartt was in this picture (having just thrown litter everywhere) so we used it instead.
As far as substyle goes, it's very sweet. It's definitely the sweet end of the classic spectrum, and I could even just say it's brown sweet. There are a lot of little details that want to push it over to the classic edge. It's definitely brown and cream.
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Functionally, there's a little bit of an issue where too many things want to take up the same space. IDK if the coord was intended to wear the headbow on your waist (but I couldn't find a better way to include it), but that bow sits right where the tie-front of the bolero wants to tie. The beret and the barrette are competing for the same real estate on the head, so I can't wear the beret like a beret without covering up the barrette. I promise that I DO know how to actually wear a beret normally.
In terms of including all the necessary parts of the coord, yeah, we checked all those boxes. Color balance is pretty good. All the colors are incorporated into the coord without leaving any weird blocks of just cream or just brown. I feel like whoever curated this box knows how to wear lolita fashion.
We knew this going in to the idea of getting a coord for <$50 of items, but there is a concern about the overall quality of these pieces. One of the fun things about lolita fashion is that you can balance things into your look. You can use a less expensive or lower-detailed accessory if you put it in a coord with more detailed items. A lot of these items are going to be really useful for me in future coords. However, I've previously addressed the idea of the "faking it" card, where you can only use so many not-quite-right items before it starts overtaking the coord. The accessories are lovely on their own, but when they're all put together, you kind of start to feel it. But this is a solid case of getting what I paid for, and I'm very happy.
Who do I recommend this for? I'm not sure I can recommend this package for a beginner that has no other items. You can build a wardrobe that's more accurate to how you want to coord things with the same money, and get pieces you know you'll use. But I do think that, if you have established pieces to later work the accessories in, it's a really fun sort of surprise gift. If you already wear lolita fashion and you want to try a new color or a new substyle, this can be really good inspiration, and fill in some gaps that you're likely to have as you branch into another direction.
A couple of things that I'd potentially like to see changed about this listing in the future: I'd really appreciate if there were photos of mystery bundles that had already been sent. I get not wanting to spoil the mystery, but taking some good flatlays of the bundles and then adding those flatlay pictures after the buyer reviews the bundle would be a really good addition. There's nothing wrong with the collages as listed, but seeing real items people have been given would help buyers a lot. I think it'd also be nice to drop something like, "This mystery bundle may contain new and lightly used items from Japanese and Chinese lolita brands, nonbranded accessories, and handmade accessories." I bought this partly because if it was terrible, that'd be funny for the blog, but I don't think that the primary audience of this was "people who want to take a gamble on losing their money." These kind of notes would be really helpful for people who were making the decision of if they want to buy.
Another potential option that I would love: CuratedKawaii definitely has good resources for getting fun offbrand and nonbranded accessories. I love my little beret and I love the socks and I love the tie-on bow. I love how well everything worked together. I feel like the budget here is the major limiting factor. While I don't think I'd want to spend $300 on a mystery bundle, I do think there's an untapped market that's at about the same price point as the mystery bundle. Everyone who is reading this and who has a problem where they keep buying dresses and not buying acessories, please raise your hand. Since that's most of us, let me pitch my idea: A mystery accessory bundle, where instead of saying what color and substyle we want, we just tell CuratedKawaii what main piece we want accessories for. I can write, "Hi, I just impulse bought this OP, and have no accessories for it. Please help!" This would give our curator friend a bigger budget to work with, since they don't have to budget for a main piece. I would absolutely LOVE to trust buying accessories over to another person and seeing what they come up with.
So yeah, I had a TON of fun unboxing this. I picked brown and cream because I knew that I needed more of both of those colors, and I love the flexibility of the things that I got. I got a bunch of stuff that I normally wouldn't buy for myself, and I like that I now have a bunch of cool creative items to work with in my wardrobe. I DIY a ton of things, and so I'm already planning how I can change and use the pieces I got to be a little more like I'm used to working with. I asked CuratedKawaii if they planned on putting up a listing for this again in the future, and they said they were. If anyone else out there reads my experience and thinks that it's the kind of mystery surprise that they'd want, I definitely recommend checking them out.
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phaerlax · 4 months
ooh ok for specific wolfboy thoughts- what do you think karu's relationship with the members + garu/aster/morvay are? and interestingly, how come karu doesn't try to "conquer" dante & edmond, who are both humans, the same way as eiden? and how do you think he'll react to rin & vice versa?
also, what was your reaction to garu & karu getting separated (and reuniting) in frozen echoes? (and the implications)
bonus: would you try more garu x karu smut fics, whether AU or canon?
sorry if this is a lot! i enjoy hearing brainworms!
I can be so easily lured into "what is each character's [...]" prompts... listing out my Karu/other thoughts below. I'm going to mix stuff that has a lot of basis in canon with my personal interpretations, because I'm doing this to procrastinate my academic writing and can't be bothered to add proper references.
🐺🦇 Behind some layers of tsun, Karu is grateful for the luxury that Aster provides for them, but he's content to let Garu express that directly for both of them. He likes trying to prove himself as useful by hunting fresh game for the kitchens, helping take care of the pets, and 'patrolling' the areas around the mansion like an unnecessary guard dog. I imagine he causes a few problems by being a dumbass while going about those things, but Aster only cares about that when he's in a punishing mood. It's no secret that in my dark depraved mind Aster has inflicted all sorts of punishments on Karu for bad dog behavior, especially early on; currently, Karu will be less prone to fucking up like that because he's developed a healthy (and mostly comic relief) fear of Aster. He's still generally disrespectful and 'resentful' of past punishments, but he changes his tune very fast if Aster shifts into the shadowed anime glare.
🐺😈 Karu toxically 'looks down' on Morvay for so outwardly enjoying submission and degradation. But Karu is the one person that Morvay won't allow to truly subjugate and degrade him (standards are low but exist). My ideal morvaru scenarios are ones in which Karu starts out all cocky that he's getting serviced or whatever and ends up looking like a hurricane victim and begging for his cock to never be touched again. I like to think that Aster inflicts Morvay on Karu if he wants to punish Karu and reward Morvay. But also, I think Morvay would cut Karu some slack and avoid ratting him out when he witnesses forbidden behavior... for a price of course. I'm sure they've been #PunishmentBuddies a few times too as a result of this. Bonding!
🐺🐍 Karu enjoys how Yakumo's great power and stature (including literal stature) don't influence his submissive and agreeable personality, and that Yakumo doesn't complain about being treated with basic condescension due to low self-esteem. He delusionally considers Yakumo his yokai 'apprentice', and Yakumo is willing to indulge him. 'Willing to indulge him' is the key to Karu 'friendship' IMO. Also, he truly appreciates Yakumo's cooking skills, which makes Yakumo happy, even though Karu probably approaches that aspect of their relationship in a very 'the master and his cook' way. I think that sometimes Yakumo might express that something Karu said about Eiden was a bit hurtful, and that Karu would get all flustered trying to walk it back but not walk it back at the same time.
🐺🥞 Behind some layers of tsun, Karu respects Edmond's great skill at swordplay and his normal 'cool' demeanor, and he's jealous of how much respect and authority Edmond seems to command as one of the most important knights. He wants to be like that as well. I think this is why Karu was so into Blade and Edmond's stage performances, actually, he admires and craves 'celebrity' as a form of power (which makes sense with the model thing they're doing as of Binary Starlight too!). Karu doesn't like it when Edmond goes all Lawful Good on his ass, though. And they probably have some mild spats over desserts. I think their tsuns clash too much for Karu to be interested in 'conquering' Edmond, he goes for easier prey.
🐺⛪ Olivine treats Garu and Karu with a lot of loving, nurturing care and concern; unlike Garu, Karu can easily feel condescended to in that dynamic, especially with Olivine being a human. But with Olivine being Willing To Indulge Him, Karu probably grew to understand and accept the genuine affection. He most definitely sees it as Olivine being submissive and slavelike, though, but I do think Olivine could tut-tut his way out of being called slave. I also think Olivine would bottom for him, to provide positive reinforcement, even if the sex is a bit mediocre, because I don't see Olivine being willing to 'teach' him in that regard, just 'take it' and consider that what matters is that Karu is happy. Anyway, Karu should chew on his tits because he's puppy.
🐺🪵 Quincy confuses Karu because he is a human but also kind of not. If Quincy was just a yokai, Karu would probably idolize him and try to get his attention like the tanuki with Kuya. But since he isn't, Karu feels a bit threatened by Quincy's strength; sometimes Quincy will do something innocuous and Karu will seethe as if it was a flex and try to respond (Quincy: "..."). He's also salty that Eiden is Like That with Quincy and not him. He wants to learn Quincy's secrets, and will demand that Quincy share them. Also, he's very vulnerable to Kuya making shit up/narrativizing about Quincy.
🐺🦊 Do I really need to talk about kuyaru here... Karu wishes he was a Great Yokai like Kuya, but he isn't yet, and it's only natural for a yokai like him to show deference to a Great Yokai like Kuya. It's much less embarrassing than being submissive to a human. He'll do anything to maintain Kuya's interest in having him around, and he drinks up anything that Kuya 'teaches' him while they're at it, since that will help him become what he thinks he wants one day. Kuya hasn't gotten bored of Karu because Karu isn't completely submissive/masochistic: he does what Kuya wants, but he's still embarrassed, ashamed, fearful etc. even as he craves Kuya's attention. Kuya doesn't like attention whores who have no shame (see tanuki).
🐺🤖 Karu likes that Blade will often do what he asks, and toxically 'looks down' on him for that (similarly to Morvay and Blade). I think Karu doesn't admire Blade's skills in the same way he does Edmond's, because of Blade's demeanor (and that changes when he's in idol mode or assassin mode or what have you). This relationship is fun because I enjoy Blade ignoring boundaries and common sense; sometimes, he'll trample all over Karu's delusional narrative with the bare truth of a situation and leave Karu reeling. I like to think that Eiden has explained to Blade a little bit about what a tsundere is, and that Blade applies that knowledge comically at times. I also enjoy thinking that Blade finds GaruKaru super cute and that Karu is a squished cat about it. But he'll contrive situations to get Blade to serve him the vibrating hand pats.
🐺☀️ These two can be a mirror match, tsun on tsun violence, they'll start arguing about some petty bullshit and need a chill character's intervention to stop them from taking it outside. Karu would ultimately not want to 'conquer' Dante because his personality is so disagreeable and non-indulgent towards him, but he'd want to show Dante that he's not to be underestimated. Even though Dante is probably superior to him in most of the things they'd argue about. But Dante is different from Karu in that he doesn't live in a world of fantasy inside his head; he'll argue over stuff he feels righty (or somewhat rightly) confident in, but he'll grudgingly accept Karu's practical expertise in gutting fish or what have you. These occasions make Karu happy. Anyway I want Dante to nonconsensually spank the brat out of him
🐺🦉 Waiting on canon for this one. I used to think that Rei would be very interested in poking and analyzing the wolves' gem situation, in a way that made them uncomfortable perhaps, and that Karu would be the one to bark at him. I didn't expect the curveball of Rei being already related to them. I dig the protective niisan thing they're going for, but I wanna know the specifics of how Rei kept in touch with Karu over the years. And I wanna gauge the feasibility of Rei letting Karu fuck him. It could be an interesting dynamic since Rei usually doesn't care about his partner but he'd care in this case.
🐺☠️ Really no clue about Karu and Rin, since we don't know anything about Rin. It's very difficult for my canon-compliant mind to truly think about him. Obviously I'm super into him doing terrible things to the pups but I'd need reasons, motivations, anything. I don't even know wtf Rin would think about their broken gem. Is it good that it's broken because clan members should suffer? Is it bad that it's broken because it's a disrespect to the Grand Sorcerer? What does Rin think about yokai? What is Rin? Idk and I'm not much of a theorist. Wake me up when we know more about him.
Re: your Frozen Echoes question, I haven't watched part 3 of the story yet lol I have a weird procrastination dynamic with content... but I doubt it will be anything particularly 'waow' since I haven't seen much discussion of it, and I'm not as interested in the metaphysics/psychology of GaruKaru's Situation as you are.
Re: Garu/Karu smut, yes I'm going to write more of it. There's even one close to the top of the queue right now! It's canon compliant, but they'll interact face to face in some kind of dream sequence or something, and Karu is going to bottom because that's my truth. Also, I requested that RiyeRose write a sequel to Twice the Pleasure, that yummy twincest modern AU, so you can look forward to that too... Sungel XD
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lemonkeiku · 8 months
Sergeant Bambi
Summary : a brief introduce to Sergeant Athea "Bambi" Diggory, my Original Character in Call of Duty universe by Captain Price to Kate Laswell.
Pairing: None
Warnings: possibly bad English especially the grammar (sorry, English is not my first language), inaccurate military term (I tried my best to do research) and I haven't written for a long time and this is the first time I write in English.
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JUNE, 2020 1430 Washington D.C, United State of America
“It’s rare for you to ask to meet me so soon after last time.” A woman commented as a man with beard approached her, sitting in the corner of a coffee shop in the middle of the day. The man gave her a quick chuckle before taking another seat in front of the woman.
“What can I say, Kate, I had something you might find interesting,” the man finally replied. He put a brown file on the table, knocking it with his finger a few times to get Kate Laswell’s attention.
It proved successful as Laswell’s eyes almost locked to the file. Judged by the thickness of it, seems like it contained someone’s profile in there and pretty average—not so thin, not so thick. “Another addition to the Task Force, John?” she guessed.
“Straight to point... I thought American loves small talk,” he joked.
“You make it clear you want something. Why bother wasting our time?”
He nodded his head as he agreed. He pushed the file toward her confidently. “Yeah, I’d like to add another one,” he requested.
“Huh? Seems like you forgot one,” she teased him.
He let a small chuckle out, “No, not really. I just came across her and though she probably could be a good additional to the team.”
“And for you get her file by yourself, she must be very good,” she assumed while she took the file and Price just gave her a suspicious grin.
“You know me, Kate. I won't recruit just anyone,” he replied, sipping his just-arrived tea.
“What’s so special about her, anyway? You should understand that I can’t just add another personnel to the team just because you asked for it,” she argued. Her eyebrows furrowed, being skeptical even Price might have a good reason to make such request.
“Just read the file first, I’ll explain after,” he suggested, crossed both his hand and leaned his back against the chair. “I wouldn't waste both of our time if it wasn't worth it.”
She took the file and started with the name on the cover.
“Sergeant Athea “Bambi” Diggory,” she read it out loud.
There was also a photo of a young woman with long wavy black hair and ocean blue eyes. Quite unfamiliar, she thought.
“She looks young,” she commented. “And she does look like a fawn,” she added another commented, pointing to her face feature and her callsign.
Then, she proceed to read the first page. Mainly because Price didn’t give any comment as he kept silence and let her continue with the file on her hands. As she read the first 2 pages, nothing really stands out except she was a capable soldier.
Full name, Athea Veronica Diggory aka Bambi. Born in 1998 and living in London. Height of 170 cm and weight of about 58 kg. Speaks three languages including English, Spanish and French.
She joined the British Army at the age of 18 before joining the Special Air Service two years later. Promoted to Sergeant last year for her outstanding performance in hunting terrorists and insurgents across Europe and the Middle East. Experienced in primary target elimination, tracking and reconnaissance, covert surveillance, close quarter combat, sniper techniques and demolitions.
Impressive but all seems normal to Laswell. At least, until she got to the interested part.
On the third page, there was a long list of Bambi’s deployment and all the missions she has carried out. But almost half of it was blacked out. So on the next pages, which contained reports of her missions, almost all of them were covered in black marker.
The other thing was the time when these secret missions were carried out. It could be seen that secret missions were carried out after several or between 2 official missions. And the time between the date of the previous mission and the mission after is relatively short. So it just means that these secret missions were carried out quickly.
Laswell thought it was weird because nothing out of ordinary from Bambi’s profile. She understood that she was a well-performed soldier, but to have a lot of confidential reports like this was unusual.
“What is it, John?” she finally asked.
Price sniffed. “That’s what make her special. Kate. Twenty-one years old, only four years of serving both in the Army and SAS but already got long list of missions and half of it was secret missions. Long list? Fine. Young blood got a lot of energy. But secret missions?”
“If it was Ghost’s, I probably could understand…” she almost lost of words at this point. Either she was amazed or worried about Bambi. “And you want her to be in your team?”
He nodded his head. “I had no problem with those secret missions. For me, those are nothing more than proves that she’s more than capable to be in the team.”
“What are these secret missions? Do you have any idea?” she asked.
This time, Price shook his head. “Nope. Not a single one. This is the most detail I could get. All I know, those missions weren’t on official record.”
“And what about others’ opinion about it?”
“They won’t know. The file they’ll get is the edited version. It will exclude all the confidential information. Just the official records,” he grinned, followed with his old man chuckles that makes Kate raised one of her eyebrows.
“How you got this then?” she confused.
“I got my sources. Don’t worry about it,” he reassured.
“Have you ever worked with her?” she once again questioned him, flipping pages of the files with her fingers.
“Only once but even then it wasn't under my command.” He took another sip of his tea.
“And you think she can work well with you?” she doubted him.
“Worth the shot,” he smiled confidently. Laswell wasn’t sure, of course.
“That’s not enough, John. You need a better reason,” she objected. Of course it wasn't enough.
No matter how much Laswell wanted to fulfill Price's request, she still needed a compelling reason to add additional personnel at this time, when they were about to start a new mission soon. But on the other side, Price was so eager to add this particular person with unknown reason for Laswell.
“I know. But you’d love her,” he tried.
With that, Laswell wasn’t convinced yet. She still had some things to consider even after reading some of the reports—that she could read—a few times. Too many secret will never be a good thing. But she couldn’t denied that she was intrigue.
“Fine. But we've already had a plan and you know that. We'll all be leaving for Verdansk in a few days. So I can't possibly include anyone new in the plan. For now, she could only be sent as assistance if the situation turned out of control. That's the best thing I can do,” she finally decided that made Price breathe with ease. He also smiled and Laswell found it annoying.
“I appreciate it, Kate. I’ll introduce her to you in person if it necessary.” Price stood up from his chair, ready to leave as the purpose of his coming here has been conveyed.
“No need. Since this was a last minute request, I’ll meet her after it's all done. I’ll give you an update if there’s any. Just make sure everyone is ready.”
“See you in few days, Kate.”
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orcadigitals · 5 months
The Best Amazon FBA Courses for Beginners and Advanced Sellers in 2024
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Are you looking for a way to start or grow your online business? Do you want to take advantage of the world's largest e-commerce platform, but you don't want to deal with the hassle of order fulfillment, shipping, and customer service? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to learn about Amazon FBA.
Amazon FBA, which stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, is a service that allows you to outsource these tasks to Amazon. You simply send your products to Amazon's warehouses, and they take care of the rest. They store, pick, pack, ship, and deliver your products to your customers. They also handle returns and customer inquiries. This way, you can focus on finding and marketing your products, while Amazon does the heavy lifting for you.
Sounds great, right? Well, it is, but there's a catch. Amazon FBA is not easy. It requires a lot of research, planning, and strategy to succeed. You need to know how to find profitable products, source them from reliable suppliers, optimize your listings, rank on Amazon's search engine, manage your inventory, and more. And you need to do all this while complying with Amazon's rules and regulations, which can change at any time.
That's why you need to invest in a good Amazon FBA course. A good course can teach you everything you need to know to start and grow your Amazon FBA business. It can save you time, money, and frustration by avoiding common mistakes and pitfalls. It can also give you access to expert guidance, support, and resources that can help you scale your business faster and easier.
But how do you find a good Amazon FBA course? There are so many courses out there, and they all claim to be the best. How do you know which one is right for you, and which one is worth your money? That's where I come in. I'm a successful Amazon FBA seller, and I've been in your shoes. I've tried many courses, and I know what works and what doesn't. I've also helped thousands of people like you to start and grow their Amazon FBA businesses.
That's why I've created this comprehensive review and comparison of the best Amazon FBA courses for beginners and advanced sellers. In this post, I'll show you the pros and cons, the features and benefits, the prices and guarantees, and the ratings and verdicts of each course. I'll also give you my honest and unbiased opinion on which course is the best for you, based on your goals, budget, and skill level.
So, if you're ready to learn how to start and grow your Amazon FBA business, read on. This post will help you make an informed and smart decision that can change your life.
FBA Courses Reviews
In this section, I will review and compare three of the best Amazon FBA courses that I have found online. These courses are: ○ Freedom Ticket by Kevin King and Helium 10 ○ Amazing Selling Machine by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback ○ Marketplace Superheroes by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey I will evaluate each course based on the following criteria: ○ Course content and quality ○ Course price and value ○ Course support and community ○ Course bonuses and guarantees I will also give each course a rating out of 5 stars, and a verdict on whether I recommend it or not. Let's get started.
Freedom Ticket by Kevin King and Helium 10
Freedom Ticket is a comprehensive Amazon FBA course created by expert Kevin King, which includes an 8-week video training focused on launching a private label product. Freedom Ticket is now free with Helium 10 Platinum, Diamond, or Elite accounts. Helium 10 is a complete suite of over 20 Amazon seller tools which help you launch and manage your FBA business. Pros ○ The course covers everything you need to know to start and grow your Amazon FBA business, from product research, sourcing, listing optimization, ranking, PPC, branding, and more. ○ The course is updated regularly to reflect the latest changes and trends on Amazon. ○ The course is taught by Kevin King, a successful Amazon seller with over 20 years of experience in e-commerce. ○ The course is free with Helium 10, which is one of the best tools for Amazon sellers, with features like product research, keyword research, listing optimization, review management, and more. ○ The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, and access to a private Facebook group, weekly Q&A sessions, and live events. Cons ○ The course is only available with Helium 10, which means you have to pay a monthly or annual fee for the tool, which can be expensive for some beginners. ○ The course is very detailed and comprehensive, which can be overwhelming for some learners who prefer a more concise and simplified approach.
Rating and verdict
I give Freedom Ticket a 5-star rating, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn Amazon FBA from a proven expert, and get access to a powerful tool that can help them succeed. Freedom Ticket is the best value Amazon FBA course on the market.
Amazing Selling Machine by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback
Amazing Selling Machine, or ASM, is one of the most popular and expensive Amazon FBA courses on the market. It is a 9-week online training program that teaches you how to build a profitable brand on Amazon, using the private label model. ASM also includes access to a private community, mentorship, software, and live events. Pros ○ The course is based on a proven system that has helped thousands of students create successful Amazon businesses, with some of them making millions of dollars in sales. ○ The course is constantly updated to reflect the latest strategies and best practices on Amazon. ○ The course is taught by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback, two of the most successful and respected Amazon sellers and educators in the industry. ○ The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, and a 6-month buyback guarantee, which means they will buy back your inventory and refund your course fee if you are not satisfied with your results. ○ The course includes access to a private community of over 30,000 members, where you can get support, feedback, and networking opportunities. ○ The course also includes access to mentorship from experienced Amazon sellers, software tools to help you run your business, and live events to learn from experts and network with peers. Cons ○ The course is very expensive, costing $4,997 for a one-time payment, or $997 for 6 monthly payments, which can be a huge barrier for some beginners who don't have enough capital to invest. ○ The course is very competitive, as many students are selling similar products and using similar strategies, which can make it harder to stand out and rank on Amazon. ○ The course is very intensive and demanding, requiring a lot of time, effort, and commitment to follow the steps and complete the assignments. Rating and verdict I give Amazing Selling Machine a 4.8-star rating, and I recommend it to anyone who has the budget and the motivation to learn Amazon FBA from a reputable and successful course. ASM is one of the most comprehensive and advanced Amazon FBA courses on the market, but it is not for everyone.
Marketplace Superheroes by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey
Marketplace Superheroes is a 12-module online course that teaches you how to build a global brand on Amazon, using the private label model. The course focuses on finding low-competition, high-demand products that you can sell across multiple Amazon marketplaces, using their unique 4S product criteria. Marketplace Superheroes also includes access to a suite of software tools, a private community, and a freight service. Pros ○ The course teaches you how to diversify your income and reduce your risk by selling your products in different countries and currencies, using their global expansion strategy. ○ The course is based on a simple and effective system that has helped over 8,000 students create profitable Amazon businesses, with some of them making 6 or 7 figures in sales. ○ The course is taught by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey, two successful Amazon sellers and mentors who have over 10 years of experience in e-commerce. ○ The course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, and access to a private Facebook group, weekly Q&A sessions, and live workshops. ○ The course also includes access to a suite of software tools that can help you find, validate, source, and launch your products, as well as a freight service that can handle your shipping and logistics. Cons ○ The course is not very cheap, costing $997 for a one-time payment, or $97 for 12 monthly payments, which can be a significant investment for some beginners. ○ The course is not very updated, as some of the modules and videos are from 2018 or 2019, which can make some of the information and strategies outdated or irrelevant. ○ The course is not very detailed or comprehensive, as some of the topics and steps are covered briefly or superficially, which can leave some learners confused or wanting more. Rating and verdict I give Marketplace Superheroes a 4-star rating, and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn Amazon FBA from a different and unique perspective, and get access to a suite of software tools and a freight service. Marketplace Superheroes is a simple and effective Amazon FBA course, but it is not very updated or comprehensive.
Comparison Table
In this section, I will provide a summary and comparison of the key features and ratings of the three Amazon FBA courses that I reviewed in the previous section. These courses are: ○ Freedom Ticket by Kevin King and Helium 10 ○ Amazing Selling Machine by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback ○ Marketplace Superheroes by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey I will compare each course based on the following criteria: ○ Course content and quality ○ Course price and value ○ Course support and community ○ Course bonuses and guarantees ○ Course rating and verdict I will also use color coding, icons, or symbols to highlight the differences and similarities between the courses. The table below shows the comparison of the courses at a glance.
Course Content Price Support Bonuses Rating Verdict
Freedom Ticket 🔥 Comprehensive and updated 💸 Free with Helium 10 👥 Private group, Q&A, events 🎁 30-day guarantee 🏆 5 stars 👍 Best value Amazing Selling Machine 🔥 Proven and advanced 💸 $4,997 or $997 x 6 👥 Private community, mentorship, events 🎁 30-day and 6-month guarantees 🏆 4 stars 👍 Best comprehensive Marketplace Superheroes 🔥 Simple and effective 💸 $997 or $97 x 12 👥 Private group, Q&A, workshops 🎁 30-day guarantee 🏆 4 stars 👍 Best unique
The table shows that Freedom Ticket is the best value Amazon FBA course, as it offers a comprehensive and updated content, free with Helium 10, which is one of the best tools for Amazon sellers. Amazing Selling Machine is the best comprehensive Amazon FBA course, as it offers a proven and advanced content, with a lot of support, community, and guarantees. Marketplace Superheroes is the best unique Amazon FBA course, as it offers a simple and effective content, with a global expansion strategy and a suite of software tools and a freight service.
You've reached the end of this post, and I hope you've learned a lot about the best Amazon FBA courses for beginners and advanced sellers. In this post, I've reviewed and compared three of the top courses on the market: ○ Freedom Ticket by Kevin King and Helium 10 ○ Amazing Selling Machine by Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback ○ Marketplace Superheroes by Stephen Somers and Robert Rickey
I've also shown you the pros and cons, the features and benefits, the prices and guarantees, and the ratings and verdicts of each course. I've also given you my honest and unbiased opinion on which course is the best for you, based on your goals, budget, and skill level.
Now, it's time for you to take action and enroll in the course that suits your needs and goals. Whether you choose Freedom Ticket, Amazing Selling Machine, or Marketplace Superheroes, you'll be getting access to a high-quality and comprehensive Amazon FBA course that can teach you everything you need to know to start and grow your online business.
But don't wait too long, because these courses are in high demand and may not be available for long. Plus, some of them offer limited-time bonuses and discounts that you don't want to miss. So, click on the link below and get started with your Amazon FBA journey today!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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○ What is Amazon FBA and how does it work? ○ How much money can you make with Amazon FBA? ○ How much does it cost to start an Amazon FBA business? ○ What are the best products to sell on Amazon FBA? ○ How do you find reliable suppliers for Amazon FBA? ○ How do you deal with taxes, fees, and regulations for Amazon FBA? ○ How do you optimize your listings and rank higher on Amazon FBA? ○ How do you handle customer service and reviews for Amazon FBA?
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emmadaniels1 · 1 year
Disadvantages and Advantages of e-shopping for Consumers
Disadvantages and Advantages of e-shopping for Consumers
In today's world online shopping has become one of the savviest ways to make purchases. This goes without saying but, online shopping or e-shopping has its pros and cons. That's what I'm here for! We are looking at the top 3 reasons why you should LOVE e-shopping and the top 3 reasons why you should HATE it!
Starting off strong
The top three reasons why you should love e-shopping -
Time Saving
E-shopping is one of the fastest ways to purchase things on the market without having the hassle of going to the store. Most consumers find themselves taking this easy route as an e-shopper. Now more than ever consumers are buying items and having them expedited to their homes! For example, Amazon offers same day delivery for many items on their website! This allows shoppers to utilize their time doing other things rather than grocery shop, grab quick essentials, etc.…
Better Prices
When I shopping there is a better chance that you come across coupons. Oftentimes when shopping in store coupons aren't presented to you per the items you are looking to purchase. This way with e-shopping new technology and data collection tools know to generate certain coupons based on items you are adding to your cart, that you're viewing, and at random. This means you get more bang for your buck as an e-shopper!
This technology allows you to also view items that you might miss in store. Online data collection uses the same technologies to run diagnostics on items similar to what you are currently looking at. This program then generates a list of items you “might like” or that are “similar” to your previous purchases. E-shopping gives you a chance to find items you might not even know you liked / wanted / or needed!
Unfortunately, in the modern world we live in today safety can be a big concern to many consumers as they leave the comfort of their own home. With e-shopping you no longer have to. One of the best ways to ensure your safety if you have concerns is to stay home! Fortunately, with the advancements of e-shopping leaving the house no longer has to be factor.
A great example of this would be the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time and still after some are afraid to leave their homes. With e-shopping these consumers can have peace of mind while still scrolling through their favorite catalogs and making purchases.
E-shopping comes with many other benefits as well, I am just here to highlight some of the most important or most relatable! E-shopping has continued to keep our every growing world connected to goods, products, and services. Something we should all be grateful for. Covering the reasons why you should love e-shopping are easy, but that doesn't mean e-shopping doesn't come with its downfalls.
With that being said, e-shopping comes with just as many risks and cons. Not that these risks can’t be avoided with proper precautions, they still must be highlighted. That being said…
The top three reasons why you should hate e-shopping -
Fraud risk
When shopping online and entering your credit card information there's a larger risk of fraud: credit card scams, phishing, hacking, identity theft, counterfeit products, bogus websites, and other scams that are common. The issues with this is you never know when credit fraud is going to occur.
To maximize your safety as a consumer it is best to go into any online shopping / e-shopping experience with knowledge of the company, an understanding of what a bogus website looks like, and the basic idea of what to avoid when entering personal information. Online shopping can be dangerous if as a consumer you are not careful with what you readily offer websites.
Shipping issues and delays
Another downfall to online shopping is that there can be issues with shipping, including delays, receiving the wrong items, and paying for shipping and returns. As a consumer online shopping can be frustrating for these various reasons. One of the hardest things as an E shopper to understand is that after making a purchase, online items can take quite a while to be received. Not often but sometimes after items are received the consumer realizes they were sent the wrong item, or wrong size, maybe wrong color, and the list could go on. This can be a frustrating process since many companies require consumers to pay for shipping and then pay for returns regardless of return reason. So after receiving items that were incorrect or items that you decided you don't want, having to pay to ship them back you are already spending 2x the money you had originally planned.
Spending too much time online
Lastly, already as a society we spend far too much time online. Now with e-shopping the screen time continues to rise. This online time can cause disconnected in many areas of individuals lives as well as actual branding disconnects with consumers. The tricky part about now having everything online is the brick-and-mortar business take a hit. Since consumers now don’t HAVE to go into stores human connections dim and phone screen brighten.
Either way e-shopping can be seen as the ally or the enemy. As the economy continues to grow, consumers do what consumers do best, CONSUME! Making e-shopping one of the latest and greatest developments regardless of your personal take.
Understanding boundaries and using online shopping but not abusing online shopping is key to societal success!
After exploring these pros and cons, how do you feel as a consumer? What ways do you think e-shopping has shaped the world we live in now?
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Trademarks and Alternative Names
Part 4 of 7 in a guide for buying crystals. Read the rest here!
People can trademark anything, including crystals. Crystals may also be sold under different names than what you're used to. Is this a bad thing?
A trademark in the US is defined as a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of the prior that identifies a good or service. It identifies the source of the good or service, provides brand protection, and helps against counterfeiting and fraud. ¹ Don't confuse trademarks with copyrights or patents. Copyright is primarily for creative works, while patents are for technical inventions. Trademarks are for protecting an individual or company's brand.⁵
Alternative names are, well, other names for the same crystal. This isn't a legal term, and thus, isn't legally binding. Unlike a trademark, where a specific entity (such as a company) owns the rights to use it, anyone can use alternative names. Many alternative names are valid names which other crystals are sold under. These may be also called trade names.
Common names are the names we all know for a particular crystal. This is also not a legal term; no trademark lawyer would allow someone to trademark ordinary clear quartz.
Let's use agate as an example. Agate is the common name for a type of banded quartz. Achate is an alternate name, used in older texts that is uncommon to find today. Activation Agate™ (not an actual trademark) is obviously trademarked. They may all be the same agate, the same kind of banding and colours and location, but they are called different things depending on who sells them.
Wait, You Can Trademark Crystals?
If this sounds ridiculous to you, you're right! This is ridiculous, but it is legally allowed in the US. USPTO says that "almost anything" can be trademarked so long as it indicates the source of your goods and services.² Here's a list of some other trademarks:⁴
Barbie Pink (Mattel)
The word "face" (Facebook)
The Zippo click (Zippo)
Guy Fieri's name (Guy Fieri)
The term "superhero" (DC and Marvel)
Darth Vader's breathing (Lucasfilm)
Law & Order's dunDUN (NBCUniversal Media)
It is not within the scope of this guide to discuss trademark law, but yes, you can trademark crystals. You can trademark damn near anything else as long as you can provide a reason why it should be.
And I want to note that you do not need to register for a trademark in the US.⁶ This is important because it means that even if the product name has a trademark symbol, you may be unable to find a registered trademark and thus, the company that owns it. However, most entities with trademarks love plastering them on everything, and I've found success with Googling trademarked names to find them.
Why Should I Care?
Because you flat out shouldn't buy trademarked crystals and you should be wary of alternate names. Why? Simple: trademarks cost more for a product you can get elsewhere cheaper, and alternate names can be used the same way. Let's make a comparison.
Let's compare prices between this listing for "Amazez™ Altar Stone" and a listing on Etsy for the common name of "chevron amethyst." I am not endorsing this seller or product. This is for the sake of comparison.
Using the 6-9oz (approx. 170-255g) option, the "chevron amethyst" works out to about 0.05-0.08$/g. "Amazez Altar Stone" works out to be about 2.00$/g. That is twenty-five times as much for a similar product. A little deviation over or under is to be expected, but twenty-five times deviation? Hell, you can get more product cheaper.
Similarly, there's the issue of alternate names. Turquenite for example. If you google the term, you'll see beautiful turquoise-blue stones. Here's the issue: this is dyed howlite or magnesite and NOT something similar to genuine turquoise.⁷ "Turquenite" is not a natural crystal; the name is used to trick people into selling crystals that aren't what they are and an excuse to charge more fo them.
Lists of Trademarks and Alternate Names
So, what names should you be avoiding? I cannot provide an exhaustive list, nor would it be wieldy for me to post them here, but I have made a massive list of crystal names from compiling a few different listings. Click here for it.
Turquenite was a bit of foreshadowing for the next part, where I cover wholly fake crystals. See you in a week!
"What is a trademark?", United States Patent and Trademark Office.
"Trademark examples", United States Patent and Trademark Office.
"You Can Get Sued For Using These 7 Colors In Your Designs", Digital Synopsis.
"30 Things You Won't Believe Are Trademarked", BestLife.
"Trademark, patent, or copyright", United States Patent and Trademark Office.
"Protecting your Trademark: Enhancing Your Rights Through Federal Registration", United States Patent and Trademark Office.
"Turquenite", Mindat.
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appsontechnologies · 7 months
Learn how to choose the right mobile app development company and promote your mobile app to maximize its success.
Choosing the right mobile app development company is essential to the success of your mobile app project. There are many factors to consider when making your decision, including the company’s experience, expertise, and cost.
Once you have developed your mobile app, it is important to promote it so that people can find and download it. There are many ways to promote your mobile app, including:
How to choose the right mobile app development company:
Do your research. Before you start contacting mobile app development companies, take some time to research your options. Read online reviews, compare portfolios, and talk to other businesses that have developed mobile apps. Ask the right questions. When you are contacting mobile app development companies, be sure to ask the right questions. This includes questions about their experience, expertise, cost, and development process. Get multiple estimates: Once you have found a few mobile app development companies that you are interested in, be sure to get multiple estimates. This will help you compare prices and ensure that you are getting the best deal. Make sure the company is a good fit for your business. Not all mobile app development companies are created equal. Some companies specialize in certain types of apps, while others have experience working with a variety of clients. It is important to choose a company that is a good fit for your business and your specific needs. How to promote your mobile app:
App store optimization (ASO): ASO is the process of optimizing your mobile app’s listing in the app stores so that it is more likely to be found by potential users. This includes optimizing your app’s title, description, keywords, and screenshots. Social media marketing: Social media is a great way to reach potential users and promote your mobile app. You can create social media posts about your app, run social media ads, and engage with potential users on social media platforms. Content marketing: Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable content to attract and engage potential customers. You can create blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos about your mobile app to promote it and educate potential users. Paid advertising: You can also use paid advertising platforms such as Google AdWords and Facebook Ads to promote your mobile app. This can be a great way to reach a large audience of potential users and drive downloads of your app. Public relations: Public relations is the process of building and maintaining a positive public image for your business and your mobile app. You can reach out to journalists and bloggers to get them to write about your mobile app. Why Appson Technologies is the best partner in this journey:
Appson Technologies is a leading mobile app development company with over 10 years of experience. We have a team of experienced and skilled mobile app developers who can create high-quality mobile apps for any platform. We also have a proven track record of success in helping our clients promote their mobile apps and achieve their business goals.
Here are just a few of the reasons why Appson Technologies is the best partner for your mobile app development and promotion needs:
We have a deep understanding of the mobile app development industry and the latest trends. We have a team of experienced and skilled mobile app developers who can create high-quality mobile apps for any platform. We have a proven track record of success in helping our clients promote their mobile apps and achieve their business goals. We offer a wide range of mobile app development and promotion services to meet the needs of any business. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service and support. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company, Appson Technologies is the best choice for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create and promote a successful mobile app.
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big-boah · 2 years
General tips for disabled and/or neurodivergent people getting tattoos (of all support need levels):
Under the cut:
Do your research: There are some shops nowadays that are run by neurodivergent or disabled folks and/or cater to neurodivergent/disabled folks, and those would be my first choice to scope out for a tattoo consultation. Otherwise I would go to a place/artist who was recommended by a friend or member of the local community. Check out online reviews too and social media comments to find the person you feel most comfortable reaching out to. You will be communicating with this person a lot because they're giving you something that will last a lifetime.
*Note: "friend" here means friend, significant other, partner, parent, sibling, or attendant/assistant/caregiver. You have to be 18 in most of the United States to get a tattoo.
*Also I can only speak for myself and my own experiences!
Be prepared for an in-person consult, and be ready to ask about any accommodations you would need during the appointment, including your preferred communication style. Tattoo artists usually don't do online consults which can be scary, I've called off a few on bad days. (They understand, your job is to be communicative!) Don't let that stop you or a friend from making an appointment for you.
Be prepared to answer questions from the artist on your comfort levels and communication needs and do not be shy, you're trying to see whether you'll be paying them for an important service. During the consultation, they will ask you questions about your design, colors, size, and the location of the tattoo.
You don't have to come with a totally clear idea in mind, they can help you get creative. Reference photos and printouts do help for ideas. But make sure you or a friend also have a list of questions beforehand if you think of any. And don't be afraid to reach out to the artist before the consult or appointment if you have questions. If they're cool they'll want to help you feel comfortable. During the session, tattoo artists will take breaks based on your comfort level (I've seen neurotypical people take breaks every 15 minutes) so don't feel bad about bringing that up if you anticipate that, no matter the body part.
Make sure to bring a friend, a phone/typing/AAC device or a pen/paper to the consult to ensure clear communication. I usually communicate over email and typing on my phone and I've only had issues with one artist who was inexperienced and we didn't go through with the tattoo. Also be sure to get a ride there and back! Getting a tattoo is tiring, you will not want to drive after if usually drive. Taking public transportation is difficult with executive function issues which will usually feel intense after a tattoo session, it can be very tiring.
Start small with your first design or session. Not that you shouldn't go all out, I say heck yeah to that! But that way, you'll know how it feels in that area of your body and you can plan it better. You don't want to plan a 4 hour session that feels unbearable after half the tattoo 2 hours in. That feeling sucks.
A good artist will also tell you "no" if they think something won't look good or be too difficult to take care of for your body, tattoo location, or skin type, or if they think that a certain body part is a bad idea. They're there to work with you and give you something you'll be happy with forever. This is another reason for the consult before the appointment, you can get to know the artist a little bit. If you feel uncomfortable with them or if you feel like they are judging you, consults are usually free or low cost, or the money goes toward the tattoo, you don't have to go through with the actual first session. It'll be like you're discussing and interviewing each other. You'll also want to start small to gauge pricing so you don't get surprised!
For the appointment, get ready for a weird type of pain that feels different in every part of the body. Everyone is different when it comes to this, and everyone has different tolerance levels. This is why you should start small in one area to make sure you're comfortable with doing more. It feels like someone is scratching you in the same spot over and over until you bleed, because that's pretty much what's happening.
Bring snacks and water to the appointment and eat plenty beforehand. This is important so you don't get dizzy. Drink plenty of water and never be afraid to ask for hydration or snack breaks. Usually the shop will be able to provide water if you forget some. Getting a tattoo sometimes isn't very painful, but it still takes a toll on your body, which is constantly trying to produce numbing chemicals for your wound.
Be prepared to spend several hours trying to stay still. I recommend bringing stim toys or a friend who can help keep you relaxed. Even tiny tattoos take an hour with final discussion and price discussion, placement, and then they clean the room/chair, and prepare the ink and fresh needles for you. Your body in general will need to be as still as possible for your tattoo's benefit and the artist's. The artist also needs to feel safe doing the tattoo too, it's their job to give you something that'll last forever and they want to make sure they do a good job so you need to stay as relaxed as possible. If you need a brace that doesn't interfere with the tattoo area, do it. Also, you can usually listen to headphones if you want or you can request music. Or you can have a friend bring a tablet so you can watch Netflix (I may have done that for a Star Wars vibe.)
Watch what meds or supplements you take before the appointment. Some medicines and natural substances can make your blood thinner, give you high blood pressure, or make you feel pain differently. You have to sign a waiver before you get it done that says you're not under the influence, but make sure to research your meds effects and side effects to make sure it won't make you unalert, dizzy, or otherwise uncomfortable. You want this to be as painless as possible, it's a cool experience and a necessary evil for the cool forever art, you want it to be a good time. 😉
Be prepared for bleeding, clear fluid, and scabbing. Proper after care is crucial for it . I was surprised by how much aftercare was involved in a tattoo, even though the artist had gone over this with me. Usually you'll need to follow a strict bandage and lotion (sometimes) regimen that your tattoo artist will prescribe. You and your friend's job is to take good care of it. They can take a month or two to heal completely, and you have to keep it dry. You also can't put it in direct sunlight so watch out during summer, and you cannot let it rub up against tight clothing, a chair/cushion, or a brace. If your immune system is a bit slower at healing, prepare for up to 4-6 months until the whole thing is healed over. Be mindful of this when planning and be open about it with your tattoo artist for the best results.
Don't be afraid to reach back out after your appointment. You or a friend can send an email to the shop or call the shop if you have a question for the artist. The tattoo artist or a receptionist or manager will provide aftercare help or direct you to their safety tips on their website. Sometimes people have reactions to the ink in the form of heavy scabbing, scarring, or hives. Don't be afraid to ask. If there are any signs of infection at all, you and/or your friend need to call the shop and the doctor as soon as possible. The shop can tell you what's normal, the doctor can tell you if your infection needs treatment. (It is normal for all this to happen even if you do everything right.) And they artists are there to help you, that's what you're paying them for.
Make sure that you and your friends tip well if you can. Especially if the artist is patient and understanding and open and communicative. It's important! It's even more of a compliment to be a repeat customer. If you find someone you like working with, cherish them forever. Give them nice reviews online too, it lets us in the community doing our research know it's a neurodivergent/disability friendly place.
Thank you for coming to my disabled person TED™️ talk. Anyone should be able to get a tattoo or body modification regardless of disability or support need level. You deserve to be heard and respected and to feel comfortable, and the artist you feel comfortable with deserves your communication.
(By the way I'm medium-high support needs semi-speaking autistic white guy with dyspraxia. I once kicked a man in the face on accident during one of my first tattoos and messed it up lol. I have a few tattoo artist friends and have done a lot of sitting/laying for these so feel free to send me asks!)
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nestaway1 · 7 months
Nestaway Good: The Benefits of Choosing Nestaway for Rentals
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Nestaway, a le­ading company in the Indian rental housing market, has built a strong reputation as a reliable and trustworthy platform for both tenants and landlords. In this blog post, we will explore why rente­rs highly prefer Nestaway. We will examine factors such as positive Nestaway re­views and ratings, as well as its wide­ presence in major citie­s across India.
A Reliable Platform
Nestaway, a Bangalore­-based company, has become known as a re­liable and innovative platform in the re­ntal home industry. The platform has gained popularity by effectively addressing the­ common challenges associated with re­nting homes. With its commitment to providing hassle-fre­e rental experiences, Nestaway has established itself as a trusted and de­pendable option for rente­rs.
Nestaway Reviews and Ratings
The positive Nestaway ratings the company has received from both tenants and landlords are one of the key features of its success. The platform frequently receives Nestaway good reviews from users for its user-friendly interface, open business practices, and professional customer service. These positive reviews and stellar ratings demonstrate the company’s commitment to client satisfaction.
Expansion Across India
The success of Nestaway is not limited to a single city but spread across major Indian cities, including Bangalore, Gurgaon, Delhi, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. Due to its extensive reach and ability to serve a huge section of India's urban population, more people are now opting for its service.
Role in Solving Rental Challenges:
In India, renting a property can be a difficult undertaking filled with complications and uncertainties. These issues have been solved by the Nestaway reliable platform with innovative solutions that are beneficial to both tenants and landlords.
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Furnished Homes: The company offers furnished homes, saving tenants the expense of purchasing furniture and appliances. Students and young professionals in particular find this convenience to be interesting.
Verified Listings: The company guarantees that all properties listed adhere to a set of high standards. This verification process provides assurance to the tenants that they are making a reliable selection.
Defined Pricing: The company uses a defined pricing approach, so tenants can compare rental prices for various residences with ease. Tenants benefit from this transparency by making informed decisions.
Technology-led Platform: The company uses technology to speed up the renting procedure. Through the app, tenants can book a rental online, pay their rent digitally, and request maintenance assistance.
Reliability for Landlords
Nestaway also offers several advantages to landlords:
Guaranteed Rent: Nestaway ensures landlords a certain rental revenue, even if the property is vacant for a period. The stability of their finances acts as a strong stimulus for property owners.
Expert Property Management: The Nestaway good platform relieves landlords of their responsibilities by taking care of maintenance and tenant-related issues and other property management tasks.
Wide Tenant Base: Due to the company’s wide user base, landlords have access to a greater pool of potential tenants, which shortens the time it takes to discover tenants who are a good fit for their homes.
Nestaway's Success Story
The amount of experience the company has in the Indian rental house sector is incredible. Another indication of the platform's effectiveness is that more potent real estate businesses have acquired it. This Nestaway's acquisition, also referred to as Nestaway sold indicates its market acceptability and confidence.
In conclusion, the Nestaway platform distinguishes itself as a trustworthy and reliable marketplace for individuals looking for rental properties in India. Due to its consistently excellent quality checks, high ratings, and widespread availability throughout major cities, it is a well-liked option for both tenants and landlords. The company has effectively handled the challenges associated with renting a house in India by providing innovative solutions and making sure that everyone involved has a hassle-free experience. Whether you're a renter searching for a furnished home or a landlord looking for a hassle-free rental income, the Nestaway platform is worth considering for all your rental housing needs. 
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CW: State of the world, finances, economy, capitalism discussion (and recasts)
I think we as pro-artist people need to honestly re-evaluate the reality of our situation.
Fairyland and other major brands sell their dolls at a very high cost—a fullset from FL can cost over a thousand dollars. You can buy an identical fullset doll from Oueneifs, outfit and accessories included, for $300.
And yes, unfortunately, this doll WILL be identical: exquisite makeup; clear, heavy resin; fine stringing; good engineering; powerful magnets; correct measurements; sensitive and detailed facial modeling, including teeth. I have handled recast dolls from them during my time in the hobby (not purchased by myself, obviously), and frankly, they are excellent—and virtually indistinguishable from legit. You are only going to be sacrificing tailor quality on the garments.
**I know we don’t want this to be true, but it absolutely is. Denial is impeding our messaging.**
But what should our messaging be? Sometimes I don’t even know.
Ethical arguments about “the artist,” when that artist isn’t even visible or named, don’t seem to be convincing: all that is visible, in most cases, is the dollmaking company. (And in the case of FL specifically, it’s questionable if “the artist” even exists in a meaningful way.)
We can insist that people don’t need dolls, but the “If you can’t afford this, you shouldn’t have it” argument simply does not work in a world where less than a hundred people now own half of all human wealth. We are all being squeezed to our marrow and cheated out of our wealth and property. Poor and middle-class people ARE GOING to buy and HAVE BEEN buying those joyful things that they want and can afford, those things that make their overworked lives more entertaining; sniffing at them for doing so is not effective and comes off—rightly or wrongly—as classism.
Now, there is always a person who chimes in saying we should not assume poor people are thieves. But people entering the hobby from the outside world are frankly astonished to discover that owning a recast is such a loaded issue. They don’t see themselves as thieves, and neither, really, do I. Every single one of us has accessed arts and entertainment for free, every single one of us had toy knockoffs as a kid, every single one of us buys imitation brands. People REALLY do not respond to being told they’re too poor to enjoy something when it is, in fact, available and affordable to them from a different source! Do you see what I’m saying? They can’t understand your argument, especially when you don’t have an actual person—the invisible artist—whose face and story you can present them with.
I, myself, am economically disadvantaged, and my doll hobby is a challenge to responsibly maintain. It is an absurdly expensive pursuit. Is that the kind of community we really want? One where only the richest can participate? How can we broaden it, when prices are so stubbornly and inaccessibly high?
I have to wonder, too: Resins0ul, B0bobie, Mir0doll, Impld0ll, Ang3ll Studio—they all offer affordable dolls. So what is the REASON that Fairyland, V0lks, Ipleh0use, etc., are priced so high? They are being outcompeted and defeated by the realities of market, class, accessibility, and so on.
Now, I have heard people argue that Resins0ul is a Chinese company (hence its low prices), but is that true of every company on the list of affordable dollmakers? It is not. I sometimes think that if the juggernauts refuse to lower their prices or adjust their services, then they are asking for and will deserve extinction.
It’s all painful to watch unfold. I find myself increasingly ambivalent on this issue. “It’s stealing from the artist” just doesn’t move most people, and that’s why Oueneifs has an enormous factory. But there is a reason they don’t do casts of affordable dolls. Perhaps it’s time the industry alters its price point to beat this hydra and expand and democratize its buyer base.
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