#c: doc holiday
ferrarer17 · 4 months
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Hunting for Clues-with-a-capital-C, a meta of Good Omens metas, and GO fun!
*I'm adding to this list as I find new and interesting Clues and theories!
*This post version is dated 21 Apr 2024; the current version is pinned to my profile.
* I maxed out Tumblr's link limit! Here's the Google doc (which is due to be updated SOON with lots of posts I've reshared in the last few months...) with all the Clues, links, and metas I've collected from all over the fandom.
Below, you'll find a list of my original posts, most of which are filled with fact-finding, Clue-hunting screenshots that will probably leave you with more questions than answers! Several of these posts are also presented in partnership with the Ineffable Detective Agency:
From the GOMM holiday exchange: Cocoa and Fairy Lights, How to Fight Your Chemistry and Lose
GOMM 2024: Orbiting a Memory featuring a gorgeous illustration by @altonthebard
Fan Fiction Friday: The Universe Might Answer: Broken Moonlight
From the GO Song & Poetry Exchange: The Ineffable Dance
Good Omens Day of ✨Dance✨:
Learn all about my GO "Day of Dance" and get a link to all the fandom art I shared, here!
Gabriel's Memory Returns:
Plus, hidden audio in the memory tunnels?
The Appearing Sign:
Edinburgh and the Briefcase, presented by the Ineffable Detective Agency
The Bentley:
Crowley, Aziraphale, and the Statue:
Crowley's sideburns:
Crowley's sideburns aren't even consistent in the promo photos.
Extras Behaving Strangely:
Hawaiian Shirt/Pub Table Guy
Marking the Columns
The Demon in an Orange Hoodie
More Assorted Discontinuities:
When does Mr Arnold's shop arrive? After season 1, except Neil says it was in the 1970s
The disappearing textiles storefront
Season 1: First Wombat in Space (also, Bentley bullet hole decals)
The Clock and Other Furnishings:
The circular bookshop rug CHANGES?!
The Good Omens bookshop furniture changes between s1 and s2 (but NOT after Adam reboots reality!)
The Bookshop/Hospital Sink
The Opening Title Sequence:
The S2 Opening Title Sequence: analysis
Other Speculation and Questions:
On Neil's Tumblr asks, Staying Skeptical, and Gravity Falls
Finding hope for s3 and perspective for s2 in Neil's s1 podcast with David Tennant
The BTS parking ticket translation
Parallels with Nightmare in Silver (Doctor Who written by Neil) - multiple Crowleys?
Has Aziraphale been meeting with Floating Head Metatron throughout s2?
Would even vulnerable, heartbroken Crowley try to protect Aziraphale at all costs? A possible hidden transfer in the kiss.
I have questions about Nina and ESPECIALLY about Maggie...
Don't pay the guy with the blue glasses, he doesn't work here!
If you enjoyed my research, stay tuned for future posts, and take a look at my Google doc for even more Clues and metas from all over the fandom!
Some closing bits of encouragement:
A: "You just said it was the only way to prevent something terrible happening!" G: "Really? What?!" A: "I don't know!" G: "Well then, I expect it will be fine. Most things are fine in the end."
Neil: "Tell him that it will all be all right in the end, and that we are not yet at the end."
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scarfacemarston · 1 year
Tuberculosis and the Wild West
Spoilers for RDR2 , but it’s been since 2018, y’all.  Trigger warnings for serious talk of severe terminal illness and severe stigma. As of 12/20 or 20/12, I have fixed some of the wording and added a few new things so please seriously head the warnings. Ok, first, some background: I've been studying TB since 2018; my father had a form of TB twice. I'm a historian, and one of my specialties is the history of medicine. Of course, you don't need to be a historian to write something like this. Also,  please "like" and reblog, this sort of content takes time. Tons of pics of buildings, and info below of the “lore” and IRL people.
Background info about TB that y’all need to know: TB is still horrifically deadly and still a leading cause of death. To give you all an idea about how recent genuine scientifically proven treatments were-  antibiotics targeting TB were not  discovered until the late 40s. However, sanatoriums (TB hospitals) and similar TB-related places didn't all close until 1970. My sister was born in 1977.  To give you all an idea of how treeified people were of this disease, think of the stigma with the AIDS/HIV crisis in the 1980s or the early fears surrounding Covid.
TB is one of the three oldest diseases dating back to Ancient Egypt with early evidence appearing through ancient mummies. Starting around the 18th century, western people believed TB was a disease of the elite granting someone ethereal beauty, writing prowess, and artistic talents. It was known as a "romantic disease" and a "beautiful death" - both of which we know aren’t true.  Some western beauty standards are influenced by TB including rouged lips, blush, pale skin and a thin figure accentuated with corsets. However, the appearance was due to the patient wasting away. Patients actually had bloodied lips, feverish cheeks, a pale complexion from the illness and losing a large amount of body weight. That's why TB was initially called consumption.(There have been many other names for TB including the White Plague and Captain of All These Men of Death and phthisis which is Greek in origin.) However, people eventually woke up and realized, "Oh wait, this isn't so sexy” The disease spread like wildfire, especially in the cities affecting whole families as was seen with Doc Holliday. Soon, society blamed anyone who wasn’t a white upperclass person AND those who were "immoral . They believed it was someone’s own fault if they had the disease. People held a very e*gen*c view of the disease believing their activities or who their families were caused this.  Immoral in this instance includes thieves, sex workers, bar workers, drunkards, violent people, women who had children out of wedlock, said child born out of wedlock, and homeless people. Obviously, this isn't true. It was overcrowded spaces, poor hygienic practices, but also animals, especially cows and deer. Ironically, the deer/stag plays a huge role in RDR 2. A few aspects from RDR 2 were inspired by Doc Holiday, one of the greatest gunslingers and outlaws in American history. His talents with the gun were considered by some as otherworldly. He and Wyatt Earp are most famous for the shoot-out at the OK Corral. Doc was dying of TB and headed west in order to potentially receive some medical attention, but found out that being an outlaw was great fun. Watch Tombstone for a fictionalized version of him. He had a very colorful life, but died of TB in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, at the age of 36. The same age as you know who.
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This leads us to RDR 2 itself. The short answer about  survival is potentially yes, but with some major stipulations. I have traveled across the country studying TB and visiting TB sites and have seen these locations firsthand. Read further to read how survival was possible and for pictures of key locations.
IF Arthur had rested, maintained a proper fat rich diet, rested in especially clean air and partook in light exercise, he MIGHT have had a chance. I would estimate a 60-70 percent chance based on my readings of TB survivors. The chance of survival  could be more if he he headed West immediately after diagnosis. The wealthy traveled to newly built luxury resorts, but most people lived in tent colonies, so Arthur would be very familiar with the site. Hell, if the gang moved West, and followed the conditions I mentioned above, he MIGHT have been able to recover without heading to a TB colony. The the gang wasn't stable, and they were being hunted down, etc. However, people were pissed about the TB patients heading west to settle on "their land" (which is, of course, Native American land that was stolen). This pushed people to the outskirts of town and eventually, the establishment of sanatoriums which were tuberculosis treatment centers. 
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Both the picture above and below would be an example of the tents used by TB patients to camp out. The top picture was probably taken around the 1890s which is Arthur’s lifetime while the picture blow is probably from a later era like the 20′s based on the clothing. City people in big cities sometimes camped out on the roofs of their flats and apartments hence the setting of the second picture. 
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Due to the extreme fear, people were literally dropped off by families/friends or even government officials far outside of town. You did not want society to know that you had loved one with TB or else the stigma would affect you as well.  Later, TB patients were forcibly institutionalized. Many of these patients were ashamed of their affliction, but also felt further shame that their loved ones could be ostracized by society. I cannot stress enough how horrific this disease was and how tb psychologically affected the sufferer and its loved ones. Many tb sufferers never saw their loved ones again due to their families shunning them. I interviewed the elderly who remembered family members suffering from the disease and it still haunts their lives today. We see some of the shunning and stigma in the game, not just from the townspeople but from the gang. It's actually one of the reasons why I truly dislike a few unexpected gang members, for example.
At least Abigail, Charles, Tilly, John, and Sadie still treated him as a  human. Hell, Even Molly was kinder to him and she was really suffering in chapter 6.
I will tell you right now, realistically speaking, in no way could Arthur have done anything at all in chapter six. I’m not only talking missions, but any sort of work.  I won't go into graphic details, but one of the less graphic ones is that his hands would struggle to grasp objects, especially a gun. His joints would be too swollen. I know because I've seen it firsthand with my father and read plenty of accounts about it. Other than that, the game does a pretty great job of representing TB - however, Arthur could have been arrested or fined for spitting blood on the street which he did quite often in the game. Link goes to an academic article, but here is a more accessible link.
By 1899, people had been heading west for TB treatment for decades. People of all races headed west to Colorado, California, New Mexico, and Arizona being the prime locations. Dry air and or mountainous air were your best bets. Colorado was quite literally known as THE place for TB tourism as it was called. It was one of the first major waves of health tourism in the history of the USA. 
Another famous person and case study is Dr. Edward Livingston Trudeau. He himself suffered from tuberculosis who sent up tuberculosis huts in Saranac Lake, NY. For further study, other key locations include Asheville, North Carolina and in the mountainous regions of Pennsylvania. They huts looked like this:
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These were also in Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs was full of them and they are still occasionally found in people’s yards today. 
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I visited one in the Pioneer museum in Colorado Springs. I can post my pictures later, but this is one found in an outdoor museum.
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The TB patients had a very strict regimen of never leaving the bed and used bed pans. Healthier patients had access to their own private toilet. Stronger patients could work on doctor approved exercises, while even healthier TB patients who weren't ready to leave facilities yet could spend the rest of their time working around the camp or sanatorium.  Below is how Arthur would have looked getting treatment if he wasn’t in a hut or tent:
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Above: Women receiving treatment. Below: An 1899 TB facility. Most tuberculosis sanitoriums were built from 1905 onwards so John’s era was FULL of them. The peak of the sanitarium era though was 1920-1940ish.
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The problem is TB patients had a very chance of suffering from pneumonia once TB went into remission. It's happened in tons of my case studies. If Arthur could have survived both TB AND pneumonia, then he would have been considered "Ok". Not good, but “Ok”. However, I can't predict how long he would have lived afterwards. Some TB patients had tuberculosis come in a second wave. This is, unfortunately, very common. Some people lived a few months, a few years and some lived decades after surviving the second wave.
 Fortunately, survival after two waves include people who lived hard, like Arthur. Trudeau lived till 68, and that is after 2 bouts of TB and pneumonia, with the third wave of TB being his cause of death.
This is very likely a reason why Arthur would have been in New Austin if they had kept him in the epilogue and continued the TB storyline. I personally do NOT think John was ever going to kill him. MISC NOTES: Related to RDR:  Important side note: Sex workers were especially blamed for spreading TB which makes sense because of the contact with multiple people, but it's not that different than someone who works at a factory every day, runs a shop or works at the docks, or in similar situations. Anyone could spread it. This is why it is actually technically very offensive to ask someone like Abigail if she had TB because it would be a way to imply she is unclean as a person. (Which people in the game already believe with some of the fandom similarly treating her poorly.) The history of sex work is my other specialty, so I am very familiar with their history. I will say, from what I gathered, sex workers did NOT seem to be that much more affected than others, but at the same time, we don't have a lot of records of people who weren't white upper-class Christian men. So we have these records if these people were arrested, but remember that all of the examples of people I mentioned were viewed as second-class citizens. Therefore, we have hardly any records of sex workers as actual people and historians have to be creative to find other ways to research them properly.  Modern day: TB is also becoming antibiotic-resistant at a frightening pace. This will become a massive problem. Treatment  requires at least two antibiotics - streptomycin being the main choice for the primary antibiotic. This treatment lasts months, and these antibiotics are insanely strong. They can really mess with the body's system. I've seen it. My father was one of the lucky ones only having to take the pills for 8 months. Many others take it from a year to even 18 months. Other people take the pills and undergo radiation therapy to treat TB. Modern science can't produce enough new antibiotics to outpace it, but alternative treatments do appear to be promising.  If you want me to write more about TB or for any other history questions, feel free to send me an anon/message.  Additional pics: Below: Sanitarium built around 1905.
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Below: An example of a finished Sanatorium in 1911ish:
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geluckgk · 3 months
Okay it is time for me to talk about rpz characters !
Small explanation on what is rpZ : a gta rp server that was created by Zeraror made to last 2 weeks exactly. It was the first introduction to rp for a lot of French streamers. It was full rp and almost everything was impro. The only big event really organized was elections for the mayor (won by a dog who gives free cocaine btw)
All of our french qsmp stremears (expect Kameto) participated.
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Baghera character
He is 16 years old, youngest of the server, often misgender because of his high-pitched voice. He spent the full two weeks with his cousin Daniel Croute (play on words with Antoine Daniel), so we can't speak about one without speaking about the other two they are basically soulmate. At first we think they both have parents and we don't see them because they are on holidays, but towards the end given the fact that they confess that there parents don't give news and the fact that they live on the street we understand they have been abandoned.
Antoine often says he is the muscle and Daniel the brain but they both aren't that smart and very naive and get themself into a lot of troubles. They are looking for an internship but always inevitably get fired because of their numerous mistacke. They will finaly found a job at Montazac(Antoine characters)'s vineyard even after a few incident in the end Donatien de Montazac permently hire them, makes them heir then adopt them.
Links with q!Baghera :
The obvious one is their need for a family and habit to get attached quickly to anyone who start to respond to their need. Baghera did it with philza and Antoine with Donatien and Doc Maison(a mentor of his). The fact that they don't have a "real" familly hurt their selfestem
Then more funny(?) is their relationship with death. Or if we want to be precise the temporary kind of death (because of the coma dynamic in gta and respawn in Minecraft ). If you are familiar with q!Baghera she as a tendency to die a lot but also to encourage other to do so, saying they should die more, have more fun with death in general. She steps on mine, drown herself, jump of clif, for fun and giggle a lot. In the spawn of two weeks Antoine had 48 coma, the record of the server (compilation of all his coma). Antoine keeps on dying dumb way and never learn his lesson as doctors will anyway always come to help him
Their compassion and the way they always go out of their way to help. q!Baghera in a way that she always tries to find the best solution to help their friends and resolve situations and Antoine just throws himself into dangerous situation to help his loved one.
In the first week of the qsmp, Baghera told the adventures of the Croute cousins to Pomme as a bed time story. The moral was that even when adversity kept making their life difficult they kept hoping for their happy ending with they got.
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Antoine's character. He is a winery owner, very rich, and has for motivation getting even richer. We understand quite fast that he doesn't care for no one except him and his money(but his characters evolve during the weeks). He is taken ostage at least 4 times and somwhat always manage to escape the situation harmless and with more money than before. He isn't violent but is in an relashionship with the Vagos (local mafia) to protect his domain. He presented himself to the election and had a lot of votes, he was quite pised to lost against a dog.
For multiple reason (he snitched on him to the cops) he is hated by doctor Cox, a dangerous ex psychologist with a love for revenge. Cox will try to manipulate antoine into betraying Donatien without sucees. The last day he will kidnapepd both Croute cousins and will force Donatien to choose one to kill, he will refuse to but will instead forced to beat them up. They will be ultimatly be saved by the fact that Cox henchman don't want kids to be hurt in the conflict and called the police. After the incident he will confess that for them he would have been capable of paying any ransom (wich is a lot coming from him)
Links with q!Antoine :
I think q!antoine is really different from Donatien but one thing they do have in common is their selfishness. Not in a particularly mean way but they both put their own interests as an all top priority and won't go out of their way to help other if it doesn't benefices them.
But also both character soften their way for they kids, Donatien for Antoine and Daniel and Antoine for Pomme. In both case it is a slow warming to them and then love with a powerful want to protect(less shown with Donatien because Antoine is already almost an adult and can take care of himself)
He reference his character out of rp : During qsmp 2024 anytime he was winning a lot of money he would jokingly said he was in a "Donatien arc". During the elections arc, he said that he gave enough before and don't want to try to lose to the dumb mascot again (Gegg in qsmp, the dog in rpz)
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Aypierre's character.
(Okay, so I didn't watch his pov. This is more what I know from wiki fandom/clips/seeing him in other pov)
He is the owner of the Pagnoless brother with his brother Jackyyy (played by JimmyBoyyy which you might have seen during purgatory 2). It is the richest enterprise as well as the one with more depts. He is from the south of France and left to escape the Corse mafia.
Link to q!Aypierre :
Obviously his love for capitalism and troling (wich is more a Cc!Aypieree thing)
RAYOU WHITE (he/him)
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Etoiles's character.
Not much to say since because of scheduling conflict and difficulties with rp Etoiles didn't play much. He was basically a bald doctor with depression. He is really passive aggressive and hates his job.
ANYWAY, that was not short at all but I cut a lot of things and tried to make it still understandable.I maybe forgotten things, rpz were a pretty eventful 2 weeks.
If you have questions drop them in my askbox ! Also if you don't agree or want to add someting to my analysis please feel free I'm very interested !
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chaysreality222 · 8 months
A Guide On How to Script Your DR!
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table of contents ⬎
1⌇opening message
2⌇what is a script ⋄ what can you script⋄where to scrip
3⌇how to script
hey, it's c! i know this was a long awaited post but, it's here now. in this post, i'll be giving you a guide on how to script your dr. this process can either be enjoyable or stressful because of not knowing where to start, but that's why i'm here! feel free to script your dr as you're reading this! let's dive in!
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what is a script?
A script is a written version of all the details of you within your desired reality, scenarios you want to happen, the relationships you want to have, and the things that you own etc. I will say it once again, you don't need a script! but it is extremely helpful to organize all your thoughts about what you want for your desired reality.
what can you script?
You can script anything to your hearts desires! Don't take too much advantage of that information. I know it isn't any of my business about what you choose to script but don't be scripting anything inhumane. Come on now. Anyway, you can script things like unlimited money, (if you have a harry potter dr) a charm to make your period stop, or one of your pets into your dr. Stuff like that!
where to script?
You can use anything to script your desired reality! You can use a physical journal, the notes app in your phone, a google doc, google slides, canva, notion, etc. Basically, anywhere you can write or type. For those who want to keep your script a secret, I'd recommend a digital script rather than a physical one. You can get a journal app that requires a code to it so that no one gets in.
Then lastly, you can get the lifa app on the app store! It's like a pre-made script and all you have to do is add what you want. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone who has a hard time scripting on their own or just wants to get done with the process of scripting. I think there is a code on the app as well!
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how to script
Finally, the part you guys have been waiting for. Everyone start taking notes. I'm gonna start off with the basics of what you'll need for your script. I took some screenshots from my script that can help you guys out!
Reality or Shifting Information! this will include: your time ratio (1 hr in my CR = 1 week in my DR), the timeline ("I'm shifting to 4th year, 1994), safety (safeword, safe action), scenarios (something as simple as going to get ice cream with your comfort character), and or arrival (describe what happens when you wake up in your dr/your first day in your dr).
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Personal Information! this will include: about me tab (name, age, birthdate, hobbies, hygiene etc.), appearance (how you want to look/claims), wardrobe (what you'll have in your closet), backstory/plot (write about your backstory and how you're apart of the plot/change the plot if you want).
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Relationships! this will include: s/o, family, friends, and pet. You can basically just list how old they are, who they are to you, where and how you met them, etc.
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Belongings or Assets! this will include: finances, your house and or dorm, vehicles, and miscellaneous items. Basically whatever you want to own, how it looks like, what it can do.
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[OPTIONAL] Places! this will include: any main spots that you'll know you'll be at and you can script that you own the place, eventually WILL own the place, or live there etc.
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Extra! this will include: if you want to separately talk about how you become a vampire, get powers etc, (if you go to school/work in that dr) a schedule tab, calendar (come up with events or holidays you want to celebrate), immunities (whatever you're immune to).
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I truly hoped this helped those who don't know much about scripting! I personally really love this part about shifting and I hope you will too. As always, Happy Shifting!
xoxo, c!
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docholligay · 1 month
Choose Your own Adventure April 2024
Thank you to everyone who has continued to support this silly project! Your comments mean so much to me and keep me going as i power through some real struggles with writing, thank you!
Fareeha Amari often asked for counsel, she would tell you. There were people with much greater knowledge and skill, and it would be arrogant of her to assume that only she understood every situation as it arose. Fareeha believed that iron sharpened iron, and if one wanted to be sharp, one had to accept that a bit of you was going to get shaved off, now and again. She was perfectly content to accept a bit of humbling, in order to be made keener. 
What had not occurred to her, in taking Doc’s counsel, was that it required her to take Haruka’s, whatever that had been. Even less had it occurred to her that Haruka would not have taken into account the rain and damp, and that they were on a road where someone was sure to come by, whereas Lena was wandering somewhere on the moors like a misplaced Romantic. The van had assured shelter. If Lena had managed to get to the house, there was no guarantee it was occupied. Morning would come soon enough. 
All of these things Fareeha’s mind had assured her Haruka would notice also. 
“I think we should go to the house,” Haruka stated with the broad confidence of the ignorant, “It’ll be smarter to be where there’s maybe, a phone, and something to eat.” 
“I do have MREs in the van, of course.” 
Fareeha stopped herself, took a breath. She, Fareeha, had decided upon this question. In doing that, it was only Fareeha who had decided the answer was acceptable, no matter which it was. Fareeha had decided to allow Haruka to help, and Fareeha had handed her the choices. There was no one to blame but herself, for the error. 
“Yes,” she continued, “I do see the...thought, behind going to the house.” 
Haruka’s thought was the same as Lena’s, that she was tired of sitting still, and wanted to be making some sort of progress. That while sitting was wise, it was not entertaining. The difference being that, whatever Lena’s flaws were, and Fareeha was happy to enumerate them, she was a skilled field officer in excellent physical condition, with above average reflexes and occasionally aggravatingly good instincts. If she found herself in a dangerous situation, the past had shown she could generally find her way back out of it. 
Fareeha did not have the same confidence about a line of inexperienced laymen following her like a herd of baby ducks through the wet and dark. 
But there was no going back on the decision she had made, not without making things much worse and all but guaranteeing that the Kaiohs would in no way fund their work. This was not, as Fareeha saw it, an acceptable cost. The security of the world mattered more than her annoyance and personal pride. 
So she nodded to Haruka and Mina. “We should pack as lightly as we can, but we should pack. The owners could take us to a hotel or inn.” 
Mina looked around into the damp and dark. “Yeah, this place is just teeming with Holiday Inns.” 
Fareeha focused in on her, as an eagle might a rabbit, but Mina only returned her look with a smile. She shook her head, nodded, and turned back to the van, opening the door and sticking her head inside toward Doc and Angela, who were sitting beside each other, chatting awkwardly. 
“Haruka has said we should go to the house. After Lena.” 
Angela gave a small nod and a smile, picking up her puffy coat with one hand. Fareeha put a large black military backpack over one shoulder, and a slightly tattered backpack with a garish flag in the round over the other. She looked to Doc. 
“It would be better to stay here.” 
“Well,” Doc hurriedly shoved things into her own backpack, “I mean…ya didn’t ask me. Is all.” 
Fareeha huffed, and then looked to Angela, her voice softening at the edges. “Do you have everything you need?” 
“Yes,” she put on her coat, and touched Fareeha’s shoulder, “Let me be having that. I can carry it myself.” Fareeha opened her mouth to protest. “Carry for the guests.” 
Doc twisted herself out of the van, keeping a narrow but necessary margin from Fareeha, and shuffled herself over toward where Mina and Haruka were standing. Mina continued to simply look in her direction, occasionally looking out toward the house, as she shuffled the extra bags onto her back. Haruka, it seemed, had a sudden recognition of the masculinity points at play, and hurried over to Fareeha, taking the bags off her and dropping her own duffel bag into the mud in the process. She frowned, but made no eye contact with Fareeha, only flung her and Mina’s bags over her shoulder and walked away. 
Fareeha would say that she often asked for counsel, when it was warranted. As she marched toward the group, ready to lead them to their next location, a hopeful encampment where the evening would somehow turn around, she had a distasteful memory of counsel she had not asked for. 
“It’s just not as I’m sure touring a few posh prats around is an excellent use of resources.” 
“I was unaware you were so concerned over bookkeeping.” 
“Right,” she put the pint glass down with a firm thump, “I should know better than to tell you anything when you’ve decided on it. Lovely! Let’s ‘ave the whole Kaioh family along! I’ll make egg and cress sandwiches and we’ll,” she wriggled her shoulders and stuck her nose in the air, “luncheon in the park, like little bohemians. Oh we WILL be charming, eh?” 
“You are wrong.” Fareeha felt her jaw set. “And I will remember it, when we get the money.” 
“Brilliant! See that you do. See that you remember me when it’s going pear-shaped, as well.” 
Fareeha stopped, closed her eyes, turned around, and opened the van, picking up a blue RAF backpack with a rainbow keychain hanging off one of the zipper pulls.  
Stepping through the window, Lena’s foot squeaked against the dark wood of the floor, the shout of a parvenue barrelling into the darkness. It should have echoed, given the wood and plaster, but itsead that squeak from the audacious canvas shoe was swallowed whole, gulped, and never heard from again. 
Lena drew her other foot through the window, and dripped onto that centuries old floor, paused by the confrontation of that deep grey. It might have been easier if it were the absolute dark of a cave, a place people were never meant to live, but this was a house. Wasn’t it? People had lived here for ages, and parties and weddings and dinners must have been had here. Crowds must have gathered under the portico she had climbed. 
That slight light, the one that might have been the moon reflected off the gilt mirrors hung on the wall, was like the mist in a graveyard. 
She shook her head. It wasn’t even that dark. The room was even a nice shade of mint green, with pink soft furnishings accenting the rich tans and golds of the furniture. Yes, now that her eyes had adjusted, she could see that this had been a woman’s room, and since when had she felt uncomfortable in a woman’s room? 
Assured of her own silliness, Lena stepped from the wood to the carpet, half-wishing she had removed her shoes. Maybe less than half, since she hadn’t done it. The plush of it sank beneath her, and her eyes drifted up to the figure of a woman with a pair of little dogs, woven into the faded tapestry behind the bed. 
“Sorry about all this,” She tipped her sopping hat with a grin, “‘ate to be a bother.” 
A ripple went through the room, and Lena held her breath. When she was a child, Lena spent endless nights over with her cousins, the lot of them all piled in the same room across a few beds. Some nights, when she had come back from a trip to the bathroom, she had known at least one of them was feigning sleep, lying with their eyes closed but waiting for Lena to walk by so they could grab her ankle, or pinch her, shouting, and then erupt into a pile of giggles. She knew the feeling, before the jump. She knew it like she knew the scar on Oliver’s ankle, or the way Parvati shook her head when she was annoyed. She would bet her life on it. 
Something in this room was pretending to be asleep. 
It was a longer walk to the house, barely visible in the storm, than Fareeha had thought it would be. The road, or what could be called a road, was muddy and 
Doc was the most questionable factor. It wasn’t that Fareeha suspected she had sabotaged the van, exactly--for a start, she had not had the opportunity--but there was something about the way she watched the group. On the one hand, she was a researcher, and, apparently specialized in knowing something about Haruka. Probably a tabloid journalist, or something. Hadn’t she told Angela she was writing a book on the Kaioh family? On the other, they had only her word this was true. She knew something about Haruka, of course, but if she were an enemy agent she would have the same sort of information. 
It was not the way she watched Haruka and Minako that gave her pause. It was the way she watched her, and Angela, and Lena. It was the sense of familiarity she seemed to have with them contrasted with the intense discomfort she seemed to be feeling. Of course, if she were an enemy agent, she could be hoped to be better at it, but Fareeha knew less of Talon training pipeline than she would like. 
There was the difficulty that Haruka had asked her along, and so, if Doc was involved with Talon, Haruka was likely compromised as well. Fareeha would take that into consideration at a later time. Now, there was the primary concern. 
As Doc walked a few paces behind her, quiet, looking at the stars and listening oh so carefully to the conversations 
“Why are you acting so nervous?” 
Doc practically jumped back, shaking her head and rubbing a thumb across the strap of her backpack. “What’d’ya mean, nervous? I just don’t know you people from Adam.” 
“Except Haruka, of course.” Fareeha stopped. “As you are an expert in her history.” 
“I guess, in an ancillary sort of way.” Doc shrugged, squaring her shoulders and continuing to walk, not meeting Fareeha’s eye.  “But you get me. It’s like hanging out with a research project. You I don’t know at all. You’re what, some kinda soldier with a god complex? Why wouldn’t I be jumpy?” 
“A God complex?” Fareeha strode alongside her. 
“Yeah I shouldna said that last part out loud.” Doc continued her march, but turned to Fareeha now and then, like a terrier ready to nip. “Judge, jury, executioner, right? Doesnt’ take long to see that. I mean, when someone puts it all out there. Your mom was like that too, yeah? Must run in the family something fierce.” 
Fareeha ground her molars together. “I am nothing like my mother.” 
“If you say so!” Doc gave a wave of her hand and hurried on down the path toward the house. 
Mina looked back to her. “Heh. That was pretty good, actually.” 
Doc scowled into the night, trudging past, biting out the words of many a lesbian before her. 
“Shut up, Minako.” 
Lena called down a long hallway where deep curtains shaded the windows. There was no one here, she knew it. Not a single light had been on in the house, and it was the chilly damp of a house shut up for the winter, and yet the feeling of someone in the place, not watching her, necessarily but listening to her, waiting for her footbal, breathing quietly in the darkness, pushed her onward. 
She went to grab one of the curtains, pull it back to see into the night, but drew her hand back. It felt intimate somehow, like grabbing a skirt and flipping it up, exposing the indecency to the world. Lena couldn’t shame it that way. She was a gentlewoman, in manner if not in birth, wasn’t she? She couldn’t mistreat the place, when it had let her in. 
“But I need to see.” 
Why had she said that out loud? Lena talked to herself all the time, of course. She was just a chatty sort, even when no one else was there. How many times had Emily come upstairs with a smile, saying she didn’t want to interrupt the animated conversation? That was all. 
She took a step forward, and her hand rested on a candleholder with a thick taper. Well. Wouldn’t do her much good, but the thought was nice. She nearly said thank you. 
The drawer. What about the drawer? She wasn’t sure, it had simply entered her head that there was a drawer in the marble-topped desk, and sure enough, there was, and sure enough, there were matches there. Of course there had been. It had been waiting for her. 
“Stop that.” This time, she meant to speak. There was no one here to assume she’d gone looney, so why not? 
The candle was old, and the high flame glowered with the brightness of the tallow types, throwing light into the red velvet curtains, plush red rugs on the floor, edged with small benches, their carved claws digging into the dark floor, backs covered in the same deep, hot red. 
Beautiful. Respectable. Storied and old. Worth looking at. Worth looking after. This was what England was made of, is these resolute buildings of stone, and these resolute families, and these resolute histories, and to be next to that was to be a part of England itself.
Lena jumped back, the flame jumping alongside her. 
“Naw mate, not me.” She flung the curtain open, letting the moon cast her false silver against the false gold. “Place is empty. Nothing ‘ere. Lena, there’s nothing ‘ere. You’re tired, is all. Tired and told yourself too many stories. Fareeha’s going to think you’ve lost it once and for all. Just some ‘ouse for a bunch of poncey--” 
She looked back into the dark behind her. 
“Bunch of poncey little parasites. Outlasted you, didn’t we? Can’t keep me out now, Lady and Lord of whatever!” 
She laughed as she went down the hallway, but could not convince herself it was a joke. ___
Everything would be different once they reached the house. This much was certain. Fareeha would retake control of the situation, and they would quickly find a way to contact someone, and everyone would get a room in some motel. That would give everyone a chance to regroup. That would give everyone a chance to relax. They would see how ridiculous they had all been when their stomachs were full and they were rested. 
Even Fareeha was looking forward to the prospect of resting next to Angela in the quiet. Some tours of duty seemed longer than others. 
As the house came into view, Fareeha could not help but notice that there were no lights inside, nor any other sign of Lena having arrived. Fareeha put up with a fair amount of silliness from Lena, because her talents were invaluable, she would readily admit, and she considered her a good friend, she would admit less readily. But this was irresponsible. Short of lying injured in a ditch, Lena had no excuse for this. 
She marched to the front of the house, along the wide approach, taking the long way along the drive rather than crossing the lawn. Fareeha did not notice the carvings on the door, the depth and detail in them or their flaws of age, and the moon did not blind her as it glinted off the silver knocker, and the house did not whisper to her through those shabby shrubs as she strode toward the door. Fareeha did not hear the opening lines of negotiation as she readied to strike. 
Before Fareeha’s unstoppable fist could meet the immovable wood, the door opened wide with a deep, dark, creak.
Who should we follow next?
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welcometololaland · 4 months
Hello Lola! This your nice ask week ask! I want to know the origin story of you as a fic writer! What was it that drove you into this life? And I'd also love to know: A someone who collaborates with other writers, what is it like to develop a story and work on it with someone else? How is that organised and scheduled? Not to get too col and corporate about it, but I was to know the strategy lol
hey cig, you know there's nothing i like more than corporate catch phrases, so i couldn't help but circle back to this ask 💜
i started writing fic when i was about 14, although none of those stories exist on the internet anymore (thankfully). truthfully, i've dabbled in creative writing my entire life - i remember sitting out the front of my parents' campervan on holiday and scribbling stories as a six or seven year old - so fic writing was a natural extension of that.
as for co-writing fic - i'd encourage everyone to give it a go if you haven't already. imo it's an incredibly rewarding experience (way better than group projects at school or team building games on corporate retreats). i think the number one thing to remember is that co-writing requires more flexibility - you have to give up any timing expectations and some creative control. but if it works, if the vibe is good, you'll end up with something even better than you could have written yourself.
one of my favourite parts of the experience is bouncing ideas back and forth and getting increasingly ridiculous. seeing the original aquarium rock disaster idea come to life in the rainbow fish was one in a long line of incredibly fun moments writing with jen (@strandnreyes). similarly, the owen strand fire safety agenda in (un)professional services was something that rae (@rmd-writes) and i laughed over for DAYS and kept bringing back in as we wrote successive parts. i also count all my rosie (@dustratcentral) fics as co-writes even though she will fight me (cursed is a state of mind, the ring-in, phonography, the morning (part 2), carlos and the baby c- omg sorry, spoiler) because writing someone else's brilliant idea is a task in itself and i'm so lucky that she lets me do that from time to time 💜
i think the easiest way to do it is to each pick a pov and go from there. a structure/outline will definitely help you, which is most commonly established by dumping all of the ridiculous messages from a chat into a google doc. then it's a matter of writing, reading what the other person has written and constantly checking in to make sure that you understand where the fic is going.
to be honest, every finished co-write i've done (and some are fleeting and don't quite get off the ground and you have to be okay with that) has been very, very easy. i actually think that they're easier to write than solo fics (but that might just be me). something about the shared experience really gets me going!
if anyone else has any experience, please feel free to jump in!
thanks for the ask, cig 💜
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noodleblade · 6 months
holiday idea~ kobd seeing snow for the first time
I wrote the majority of this within an hour of you sending this and then I forgot to edit it for a week dncfkjsfksnfksf ;---; BUT I hope you like some cute, dumbie fluff:3
Ao3 Link X
Knock Out stared out into the white abyss with piecing skepticism. 
“I think it's just water, K.O.,” Breakdown muttered beside him. 
“But we don’t know that,” Knock Out hissed. 
Beneath the metal awning, he was safe. Cold- over the course of this flesh planet’s night cycle dark clouds dropped the temperatures to a frigid chill and unleashed this white… something -but safe. They had just wanted some shelter from the night, but now they were trapped, stuck beneath the thin metal roof for who knows how long. What if it collapsed? The white flecks looked weightless but Knock Out could see how they had piled around them, their exact weight unknowable. What if the roof fell in and they were crushed? What if the white dustings were infectious? Sickly? What if-
“Only one way to find out,” Breakdown hummed with a mild rev of his engine. 
“Wait-” Knock Out protested, but it was too late. Breakdown released his brakes, rolling forward. His protective, pleasant warmth went with him and Knock Out shivered as he could only watch in fearful agony. 
Breakdown’s wheels hit the white piles with a squish , flecks landing on his roof.
Breakdown froze and Knock Out felt his spark drop as his partner sat immobile, windows fogging as the cold crept up his frame.
“Breakdown?” Knock Out whispered before trying again louder, more insistent, “ Breakdown.”
A loud, rumbling laugh rolled out of his partner before Knock Out saw him shift, pulling out of his alt to stand. Breakdown spun on his pedes, arms wide as he flashed Knock Out a grin. 
“It’s safe!”
Knock Out remained still beneath the safety of his tin shelter, eyeing the flecks land and melt? on Breakdown’s chassis.
“Then what is it?”
“I don’t know,” Breakdown admitted. He held his palm out watching as the little specks landed and disappeared into tiny puddles. “I think it's frozen water.”
Knock Out wasn’t too sure about that. It wouldn’t be a complete surprise. After all, they had already witnessed on multiple occasions as water dropped from the sky above, dumping across the land. The inhabitants of this planet seemed unworried about it, crafting little plastic shields to cover their helms. The shelter he was in now served as a protective measure for their automobiles, though it didn’t solve the issue of the water pooling at his tires. Nevertheless, the frozen water did not reassure Knock Out in the slightest.
“Think of all the water stains,” Knock Out winced. His finish was already in desperate need of a detailing. He didn’t need to ruin it further. 
Breakdown hummed an acknowledgement but his attention was focused on a particularly large clump of the white frozen water. He reached for it, servo hissing as the heat of his frame met the icy cluster. Once his frame matched the temperature, Breakdown was able to pick up a palm sized clump. With a minimal amount of patting, he was about to mold it into a spherical ball.
“You can hold it?” Breakdown said in awe.
“Put that down!” Knock Out yelped, panic edging his words. “You don’t know if it is safe! It could seep to the protoform! You don’t know what that is-“
“I’m fine, Doc,” Breakdown’s smile was gentle as he crushed the clump in his palm and dropped what little remained solid. “It’s just water. The organics wouldn’t leave their stuff out if it was bad.”
Knock Out could see several cars blanketed in the supposed icy water. Logically, he could see Breakdown’s point, but he still couldn’t bear the idea of what it would do to his precious paint job.
“Come on, K.O.,” Breakdown tried again, coming closer to Knock Out’s feeble little shelter. “Just touch it. And-” Breakdown continued over the warning rev of Knock Out’s engine “-I’ll personally detail you when we get back to the Nemesis. The whole package: wash, buff, wax . I can even touch up your flames.”
Knock Out couldn’t say he wasn’t tempted. Just the possibility of the warmth of the Nemesis and Breakdown’s hands on him almost was enough to make him disengage his brakes. However…
“You already promised me that when we took this little road trip,” Knock Out reminded him, not without a slight, teasing purr in his voice. If he played his cards right… “You’re going to have to do better than that, Darling.”
“Spoiled brat,” Breakdown grinned back, his laughter bubbling up. “You know I’ll do whatever you want.”
The words had barely left Breakdown’s mouth before Knock Out fired off his request. If he had to suffer in this icy, wet mess for Breakdown then, “I get to detail you. For as long as I want.”
Breakdown blinked, his helm cocking to the side in contemplation. “Really?”
“Mmm,” Knock Out hummed, his engine purring along. “We can do each other. ‘Make a whole night of it. What do you say?”
It was rare Breakdown would let him, far too concerned with looking out for Knock Out. Which was a cover. Breakdown had admitted once that he felt he didn’t deserve it . Knock Out had been waiting for a chance to prove him wrong.
“If that’s what you want,” Breakdown murmured, his voice almost shy about the concept.
“You act like you don’t want my hands all over you.”
“I didn’t say that.” Breakdown turned his gaze back to Knock Out’s windshield. “Not that you’ll get to if you remain cooped up under there.”
“So we have a deal?” Knock Out asked, making sure his brake unlocked with a loud click.
“We always have a deal, Doc.”
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reptileofdoom · 11 months
Public PSA and Callout Of Hawkshadow/Luna: A Continued Pattern of Hurt and Manipulation PART 2 of 2
If you haven't read part 1, it is linked HERE:
If you have, then where we last left off, I had been guilted into continuing a friendship that was actively detrimental to my mental health; eventually causing a very bad anxiety attack over a small issue, over which I was gaslit to hell and back with Luna's insistence to berate me, causing in me accepting all fault and blaming myself for the incident.
After this, there weren't any large fights until January. This was for 2 reasons:
a) I had received anxiety pills from my psychiatrist, which I started using anytime a conversation with Luna would make me very anxious again
b) During the period of late November - end of December, she became busy on working on her large holiday fic. Our conversations became more sparse as she was, apparently, completely consumed by it.
But we were brought back together as Luna, out of nowhere, suggested working on a fic together.
This was... weird to me. For context: Luna and I had attempted to work on fics before. We'd have an idea in DMs, talk about it, create a shared doc, and then... NOTHING from her. I am not joking when I say I would write up to 4 thousand words in a document without a single contribution from her. This was back at the beginning of our friendship. As a result, I had given up on ever writing anything with her. So for her to just suggest working on a fic together out of the blue was... really weird.
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(Side note: Luna and I had a lot of fic ideas in our pinned messages. At the time it completely slipped my mind that the only reason I brought up a/b/o had been because I'd just read a fic and wanted to talk about something similar. So our discussion of the idea happened months ago - it was only after the whole fiasco was over that I remembered, oh shit, it had originally been inspired by something else. So I apologize for the unintended idea stealing.)
I am including the following screenshot as 1 - proof we really did talk a lot about so many ideas; and 2 - as the most likely theory for why she was suddenly up for writing a fic with me.
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She wanted to write something, but didn't think she would have time to do it by herself. So she hit me up. This becomes ironic later on because she ended up completely destroying my ability to work on the fic.
Bonus: her changing things I myself had written in the fic and only asking me if it was okay afterward. I... didn't really feel like I could disagree and argue with her.
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In the middle of everything, an event occurred which I can only refer to as The Like Drama. This event is going to have its own post because it spans 10 screenshots and is, even more than anything in this whole series of events, incredibly inane, hard to follow, and it's insane it was ever made a big deal in the first place. It is, however, a very fantastic example of Luna's casual manipulation and general obsessiveness with public image.
The Like Drama post HERE:
Back to the fic saga:
A short time after this, after editing my words and only asking permission afterwards, I was scrolling Twitter and an announcement Tweet from Luna popped up on my timeline. (I don't have the capacity to go make an alt and try to search through her account for it, but it was public and many people can certainly remember it.)
It read, in summary: that she was working on an omegaverse fic and to stay tuned. A couple of things to highlight, specifically:
a) there was no mention of me, or any co-author in the tweet
b) this tweet was made without any sort of discussion with me
c) I have an Actual Massive Trigger around pressure; something I would talk about extensively in her server. Both Raelle and Cass (vegaspetesupremacy / sketchyshit) are willing to back me up on this. It used to be so bad that I could not tell anyone what I was working on, otherwise I would be unable to finish it.
(if anyone is wondering about the legitimacy of such a trigger - I used to attend a massively abusive private school for almost 8 years. It fucking sucked.)
Luna knew about this trigger. And not only did she post a tweet like that, in what follows after, she proceeds to stomp all over my boundary.
On January 19th I woke up to the message that a friend had committed suicide.
At the same time, the fic had gone up during the night - but it wasn't what I focused on because I was emotionally broken up. I made a Twitter post about taking some time off to grieve.
After crying, I was left alone with my thoughts. And my email notifications were pinging with people commenting on the fic. So I thought: why not reply? Luna had previously mentioned finding comment replies draining; I felt like I could do something useful.
And this is where things went wrong. As mentioned, I was not in a good headspace. So when some comments featured the typical begging for more ie "please please write a chapter 2!!" I was very blunt with reinforcing my own boundary; telling them quite frankly that it's uncomfortable and if they keep going, I will block them.
Were my replies graceful? No. But I was grieving and did not have the capacity to care.
Here is my final conversation with Luna, after which we never spoke again.
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That's it. That's the end of our conversation.
Luna did not reply to me for 2 entire days. During this time, she wrote and published a drabble for one of the commenters.
Formerly, this conversation also had a message or two from me along the lines of "Luna? Please respond, please." I deleted these after seeing that. (That entire conversation, I was waiting on a single "I'm sorry for your loss" from her; at one point I specifically tried to allude to my situation to see if she knew, but she did not acknowledge it.)
After 48 hours, I unfollowed Luna on Twitter and left her server; mostly to see if it would make her react.
In response, she hard-blocked me. She chose her followers and fame over our friendship for good.
During this 48-hour period, I had also thought to message Raelle regarding my general frustration, almost as a last call for help. Because to be clear: this interaction left me sobbing and wailing on the ground. In essence, I had lost two friends on a single day. I could not fathom why she was treating me this way, what horrible thing I may have done to deserve this.
Not to be sappy, but: I really, really want to be clear how much I owe to Rae. She allowed me to vent and show her what happened: I asked her multiple times if I was out of line, because I thought it must be something I had done. She was my first outside perspective on my interactions with Luna; she was the one to tell me "you don't deserve to be treated like this." Without her, I would have probably ended up crawling back and begging Luna to forgive me, possibly trapping myself in months more of miserable friendship.
And here is something incredibly scary: If Luna had just.. given a single reply. Just a single "Wait for me a few days, we'll talk later." I wouldn't be here right now.
Even months after everything happened, I was still wracked by guilt and felt like I would sacrifice anything just to have that friendship back. My friends had to talk me down, sometimes, from messaging her begging her to take me back. After the first few days, I unblocked her on Twitter and kept her unblocked for close to a month - just in case that maybe, possibly, she ever wanted to talk to me again.
I'm not under any illusion as to what this treatment is comparable to. Some people, when shown everything, have told me the word "abuse" could apply - but I hesitate to use it, and am actively choosing not to include it as an accusation; because it is heavy and loaded and I do not want anyone to misunderstand.
Unfortunately, the story doesn't end here.
After leaving the work, something happened: despite me leaving, Luna had not edited the Author's Note to include mentioning me. In fact, it almost seemed like she wanted to avoid mentioning me; since the fic has been deleted, I am including proof through old DMs with Raelle (me reacting to this situation). (I become quite angry in these screenshots. I apologize for the name-calling.)
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Quick context for what I mention here: After I became unable to work on the fic, Luna would reassure me "it's fine, you already did so much" when I expressed guilt. So... yeah, seeing this comment was a betrayal. PLUS the fact she froze it.
So, in my anger and frustration I decided to make a Twitter post; SOLELY because of the no-credit issue. At that point, I didn't want to expose Luna's treatment of me because I still had trouble accepting that it wasn't mostly my fault.
Here is the post I made, which turned into a thread as she made her own thread and misrepresented what I said: https://twitter.com/reptileofdoom/status/1616908647048613888?s=20
As a response to this, Luna created her own thread which she started sending to everyone. And not just everyone she knew, but asking those people to share it with everyone they know. (The thread has since been deleted, presumably after people pointed out inaccuracies and/or she realized she was just giving the issue more publicity.) The main piece of misinformation in the thread was her claiming I was credited in the Author's Note: this only became true after my post went public and she did it, presumably, as a way of covering her ass.
Proof, provided by kiwibin (thank you so much):
(shown through discord search because the chat was extremely active at the time and there are a million unrelated messages)
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Additional proof of the thread being sent to Rae, her defending me to Luna, and Luna's response (screenshots provided by Raelle, thank you so much):
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Bonus points: Misgendering lol. You only have my word on this, but her thread also featured a screenshot of a conversation with one of the "upset commenters" who misgendered me and Luna did not correct them, instead reassuring them she still loved them or whatever. She posted it as proof of how much I upset her followers.
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These next images are of Rae crafting her response at the time, but it is what she ended up sending:
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(As mentioned before, Rae is an angel.) (Cut off because stupid image limit, so I had to prioritize more important conversation.)
Finally, last of all:
There is a reason I have called all this a "continued pattern." In the time afterward, as I was dealing with my own emotional fallout and had trouble processing everything, I reached out to someone Luna had mentioned to me as a "former best friend (who abandoned her)." The conversation was... illuminating, and gives information about Luna's time in her previous fandom, MDZS.
Thank you so much, lunarwriter, for allowing me to add your voice to this.
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As mentioned in these screenshots, there is a pattern:
Luna approaches someone, usually someone with some sort of "value" - either with many followers, or because of their writing/art. (in some ways, I was the exception: she messaged me because we wrote an impromptu threadfic in replies) (this would later be turned into her fanfiction Mortifying Ordeal, once again without credit to me, which I didn't think to question at the time. )
She pulls them into her circle. When we were friends, it was "invite them to the server" - which may be dead now because I was the one usually working very hard to keep it from going dead. But this part features a lot of compliments, asking to sprint together, gushing about how she loves their work, messaging a lot, etc.
Then comes the part where she gets value out of someone. Last I heard, she was doing it through collabs.
Here is where it gets... fuzzy because this part is usually in DMs. But people I have spoken to have mentioned experiencing some form of manipulation or another, usually to satisfy Luna's ego - constantly comparing followers, statistics, etc. Or in my case, becoming a sort of sounding board, someone to be a cheerleader for her and constantly comfort whenever she needs it - but heaven forbid I ask for some comfort back.
Just to be clear: the amount of manipulation used varies person to person.
Since I was vulnerable and easily taken advantage of, she used a heavy hand with me: which is why she was able to completely destroy me in such a relatively short amount of time.
If you are someone who is older, or has more "star power", maybe you haven't noticed these things! Or she hasn't felt the need to use it on you! Or you are special, or I am somehow mistaken about everything.
There is a very good reason why, in our final conversation, I pointed out she would not be acting the same way toward me if I was older and had "popularity."
At the end of the day, Luna is someone who, when allowed power over someone else, uses it to hurt people over and over again.
I expect her response to be something like this: Pick a point or two to focus on, ones where it was harder to find proof, or ones where I did not think to include some related conversation beforehand. Make her entire point around that. Claim I am trying to hurt her; paint herself as the victim. Vent to everyone around it, make very sad posts, share her inevitable "defense" with everyone. (If I'm wrong, I'm gonna donate $20 to charity. Not joking.)
As mentioned before, this isn't a call for "cancelling" or whatever. First and foremost, it is a PSA, a way to show these techniques and to help people guard against them more effectively. Second of all, it is a way for me to heal: the nature of everything made it hard to talk about these things openly without having proof lined up. By making this post, I am allowing myself to open up, to be clear about my boundaries, to be able to be honest with people and say "sorry, I can't follow you because you reblog her stuff sometimes and that makes me have panic attacks." Yes, there is some small amount of petty satisfaction to be made making this post; but that is only its very last purpose.
I want to end the post on some positive information:
I am doing alright now. I was able to move out in March and adopted a kitty in April. I am in therapy and have been able to discuss this whole issue extensively. I have a close friend group within the fandom now, who I have been able to rely on, again and again. Thank you so much, everyone - you know who you are <3
And I was going to end with an image of the kitty but :c hit image limit. So, have a good day, everyone.
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gasstationmutation · 11 months
Hello and Welcome to Gas Station Mutation. Come on in and grab some snacks, fuel up your tanks and take a look around at our new products in stock. Don't mind the strange shadow making rattling noises around the corner or the ooze coming from the gas pumps. It's totally normal!
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Please join us in introducing the creative minds behind G.S.M. Our Night Crew!
Preferred Name & Pronouns: Taylor (she/her)
Social Media Handle: @_taylorantone
3 Fun Facts About You: 
I love starting a drawing and never finishing it. 
My heart beats for SHINee and my pup.
I could eat red chili stew for days.
Favorite Piece of Media You Can’t Live Without: just books..all the books
3 Artworks:
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Preferred Name & Pronouns: SJ or Bemused2Dust (she/her)
Social Media Handle: www.tumblr.com/bemused2dust
3 Fun Facts About You:
I absolutely adore Star Trek (Simply a Logical First Choice)🪬
Cryptids, my beloved 🛸
Budding Archeaologist who likes MURDER MYSTERIES. 📜
Favorite Piece of Media You Can’t Live Without:
Animation (in most forms): Specifically ♥️Scooby Doo♥️
3 Artworks:
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Preferred Name & Pronouns: Liz/Any Pronouns
Social Media Handle: @lizardfootman on all platforms except Instagram (@lizard.footman)
3 Fun Facts About You: 
I hate pants.
My favorite drink in the world is Torrential Tropical Punch Hi-C.
I love breakfast foods so so so much. 
Favorite Piece of Media You Can’t Live Without: Cinderella (2015)
3 Artworks:
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Preferred Name: Gloria, Peanut
Social Media Handle: Armless_bucky (insta)
3 fun facts:
I’m doing everything, but studying for my MCAT
I love to collect really tiny toys and knick knacks
I can’t stand looking at really tall man-made objects. I get the chills.
Favorite piece of Media: any thing Spiderman related
Preferred Name & Pronouns: Gecko, Franco (she/her)
Social Media Handle: @arctic_panda_20
3 Fun Facts About You:
 1. My favorite holiday is Halloween 🎃
 2. I named my daughter after a animal crossing character 🦉
 3. I have a pet turtle I has since I was two 🐢
Favorite Piece of Media You Can’t Live Without: The Exorcist 👹
3 Artworks:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Preferred Name & Pronouns: Doc/Colors, She/her
Social Media Handle: I don't like being perceived, so none
3 Fun Facts About You: I will throw up if i eat broccoli it's the trees, knows 3 languages, wasn’t born in America
Favorite Piece of Media You Can’t Live Without: half-life
3 Artworks:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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cosmicdreamt · 5 months
[[ Happy New Year everyone uwu
I spent some time with my friends yesterday before coming home and keeping the vibes low key~ Apparently this holiday season was the year of Kuromi for me and I love it LMAO
Today I rest, tomorrow I'm going to the movies and mall with mom, then another rest day, then getting my nails done some point this week before I return to work on the 6th. I work Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday ( my birthday ) but I don't mind since it's only 4 hours and I get the rest of the week off. Hours are going down now that the holidays are over but I'm hoping they offer me a full time position so I can get some coin 😤
I'm still gonna try to find time to finish editing my first draft of Neff's story and send it out to anyone who's interested in reading. it is the length of a full book ( well over 100 google docs pages ) so just keep that in mind. I also still for sure want to finish touching up this older Neff art for our birthday and finish doing other art for my story as well so we'll see when I have the most time for that. I may just be doing a private lil art jam with a friend or I may stream on picarto. Maybe I'll do both! Whichever way the wind blows me is just what's gonna happen c:
I blow you all a smooch! ]]
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izacore · 1 year
oops… this is a lot longer than it was supposed to be, so sorrry!!
just prefacing this by saying that everything surrounding the asia leg cancellation is so fucked up for all the fans, but i did just want to say how sorry i feel for louis because he just has the worst fucking luck. it’s quite frustrating to see niall and harry do so well and not have these kind of set backs, and i’m not trying to compare or put anyone down, they deserve all the success they have, but it just sucks because louis deserve at least a 10th of that. his music is amazing, i think so many people outside of the current fanbase would love his personality, and he’s inspired and helped so many people. but he just keeps on getting thrown these curve balls. he writes an amazing album, but the numbers don’t represent that. he goes on tour, that gets cancelled. he releases a doc, but there’s barely any media coverage on it. like i get that he’s probably catering this stuff to the fans, but he’s at a point where fandom support is not enough (this is an assumption, but i do think the cancellation is b/c he didn’t meet some sort of ticket/sale quota, otherwise he would’ve given an explanation as to why this happened). anyways, imo he (and harry too) should take some time to figure stuff out. take a step back, maybe write a little music, but mainly just reflect on how far they’ve come (because they’ve achieved so much!!!) and see where they want to go from here. they’re just going going going because they want to keep up the momentum, but i think they’re leaving the fans behind in the process. i get that covid changed so many things and everyone is trying to catch up from the past two years of lockdown, but when you keep on touring and releasing stuff people become overwhelmed, mentally, emotionally, financially. i think that’s kinda where people are at. fans are becoming frustrated with hl. niall on the other hand, everyone is asking when he’s going on tour because people haven’t seen him in over 4/5 years. it’s good to step back, give people a chance to miss you, especially in this kind of industry. i know everyone keeps on saying the same thing over and over again, but yeah… it just sucks. i hope things start getting better for louis, he deserves it.
Hi nonnie, don’t worry I don’t mind long messages.
I agree with you that it's true that Louis cannot catch a break and that in the past he unfortunately had the worst luck, but in this case with the examples you named I just can't absolve Louis completely of the responsibility. The (potential) low ticket sales, fitf's numbers, aotv not making any noise outisde of the fanbase are things that Louis should have some control over and what's lacking is any effort from lthq to... work. You cannot just drop a project, expect fans to carry it and do your job for you and then get disappointed when the outcomes don't meet your expectations. Louis released fitf and then disappeared/went on holidays/went to party in LA/promoted a doc full of lies. How is that going to be sustainable?
Hard agree on Niall and his promo, though. His team is just so smart with reintroducing him to the gp and booking him for festivals before they send him on tour. And in all of his interviews you can see how... mature the approach he has to his art and career has. My friend @louisshomesharry hit the nail on the head yesterday when we were talking, and said that compared to HL, Niall accepts his age and adjusts his career accordingly, meanwhile the boys are still trying to live their early 20s catering to teens cause they don't want to accept they wasted those years on some bullshit. I wish they could both take a step back, slow down, reconnect with each other and then come back when they're rested and matured (and with a duet album ready haha).
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pulseintlradio · 5 months
Happy Holidays, Frohe Feiertage, and Hezké Svátky family, friends, and music lovers. ThreeStyle Jazz around the world with Robert Fertl & Magdalena Chovancova.
Please tune in for the ThreeStyle Jazz Radio Christmas 2023 Show with Special Guest German-Andrew Neu, Christian De Mesones, DS Wilson, Damon Dae, Darryl F. Walker, Carol Albert, Adam Hawley, Lisa Adeo, Phillip Doc Martin, Justin T. Young, Wade C Long, and Shaun LaBelle. Enjoy an amazing hour of musical bliss with ThreeStyle Jazz and friends. It's all happening today on WPUR-DB PULSE INTERNATIONAL RADIO, "The Listening Experience," from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. EST, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. CET.
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A master post of my projects (w/ links to the ones that have been started c:)
On going:
The I Love You Series. It’s also on going and is a comic I’m writing about Mike coming to terms with his very obvious feelings for Will. It’s accompanied by a fic but it’s all pretty slow to update since it’s not my main priority. Still it’s fully outlined so I’m planning on finishing it. (Also sorry in advance for inconsistent drawings, I’m in practice of drawing consistent faces so-) I post this on my main for the most part
I Don’t Think I’m Faking Anymore (fake dating au) This is a fic im writing and what I’ll be updating the most. It won’t be a super long fic (I think) so I want to finish it before I throw myself into my other projects. It’s been on a bit of a break after some family stuff (and eventually the holidays) but I’ll be back to it now that everything’s over.
Yet to be started/in progress/not posted:
Like Sun and Moon (byler dnd au and my biggest project.) this is a WIP and the only real proof of it existing other than my many pages on google docs are the posts on here c: they’re a bit outdated now since I’ve done a lot of revising but you’re still welcome to go search my main account (@existingonanotherplane)for it
Fake dating au pt 2??
Karen Wheeler is a lot of things but a loser isn’t one of them. So when an extended family member calls her bragging about her kids many achievements and how they’re bringing them along to a big family event, can you really blame her for trying to one up them? Aka, Karen tells the wheeler family a bunch of lies including one that so happens to be about her “super successful son dating his roommate and equally as successful best friend”
Byler Band Au (not the usual kind though) Mike is a sax player, Will plays trombone. They attempt to find each other through music. (It makes more since if I were to actually explain it lmbo but I’m trying not to ramble)
WillEl daycare au (more like youth center but they run it out of their house so-) it’s pretty self explanatory but The wonder-twins take care of kids after school and one of those kids happen to be one Holly Wheeler. Maybe Will is closer to getting a boyfriend than he thought.
Will Byers the interior designer attempts to design the Wheeler household. Also straightforward. Will is a popular interior designer and Karen is in need of something fresh in their home. They head out on a vacation and leave Mike to watch over the progress. He wasn’t expecting the guy to end up being his type. (This one honestly has a low chance of being written but I think the concept is silly so if anyone wants to give it a shot then go for it)
Literally send me asks on any of these or just anything in general. I want to talk about them so bad
Oh my gosh! A linktree?? Who could’ve guessed :0
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harry-sussex · 1 year
There’s nothing confirmed but last year all the cousins were there minus peter (plus Sophie and even all Kate’s family) so this year being in honor of QE I can see al the cousins attending (not Eugenie because she is in Portugal). When they announce that C&C were going they said “and other members of the rf” but 🤷🏾. And with everything that’s happening with Harry and Meghan I can see all them going to show support. It’s sad that we have reached this point :(
Oh shoot, okay, I didn’t remember! Bring ‘em all then! George, Charlotte, Louis, Mia, Lena, Lucas, Savannah, Isla. Hell, bring August (if Eugenie is around). Wolfie and Sienna! James and Louise! Aunts and uncles! Cousins, spouses, Middletons and their spouses/kids. Cute little Christmas outfits for the kids, sweaters and plaid dresses, Wales color coordination, the whole nine yards. Make sure the senior ladies wear some of QEII’s jewelry! Go full out, show the world that this family is both above and unaffected by the bullshit happening in “Hollywood.” The whole squad is so much bigger than the stupid doc! Give me everyone - you want the media in your favor, you overshadow it all without even breaking a sweat. Hell, the media is already in the BRF’s favor - busting out the whole family in a united front for the holidays is just the icing on the cake. The headlines would be huge! Front page, massive photos! They’re so much bigger than what’s going on on the other side of the pond - this is a hell of a way to show it. You know that the other two drop things on specific dates to compete with/overshadow what the royals are doing (it’s too frequent at this point to be a coincidence) - time to give them a taste of their own medicine. Fight fire with fire. Charles is ruthless when it comes to PR; time for Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses to come out swinging in the classiest way possible. That being said, I also hate that his is how it had to be, love, and I can’t even believe I’m writing this out. It’s so sad that it literally hurts (I’m sure you saw my ‘depression shitposting’ from last night). But… they made their beds. The family can only do so much to defend themselves. This is something they can control. Make it classy, make it royal, but make it clear - the family and monarchy are unaffected by the bullshit.
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katb357 · 2 years
Sicktember 16: Care Package
J. Gage/R.DeSoto/Emergency!
Roy never should have been in that fire. He’d mostly recovered from his bout with bronchitis and had the go ahead from Doc Brackett to get back to work but he still had a lingering cough. And when they were sent into a burning house to rescue a family of four, well… the smoke he inhaled after putting his breathing apparatus on the five-year-old girl he was carrying out made that little cough a whole lot worse. Now he was in the hospital and would be here for the next few days. He would miss Christmas with his family. He glanced over at Johnny, in the bed next to his. At least he didn’t have it as bad as his partner. Roy was just dealing with a nasty case of pneumonia. No injuries. “Hey, Junior,” he croaked. “How ya feelin’?”
John turned his head towards Roy. “Aaah, ‘m okay, considering. Coulda been a lot worse.” He lifted his casted left wrist. “Coulda been the wall that came down insteada just the beam that hit me. An’ at least it wasn’t on fire. The thought of burnin’ under that beam is pretty scary. An’ at least we got the family out okay…”
Eyes narrowing, Roy glowered at him. “You’re awful chee--” The need to cough cut him off mid-sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to share Johnny’s “It could have been worse” optimism. He was supposed to be home playin’ Santa for the kids tonight, not stuck in a bed at Rampart under observation because some idiot left his Christmas tree lights going on a dry tree.
Johnny was not stupid. Quietly he said, “I’m sorry, Roy. I was just gonna pull an extra shift tonight. You were supposed to be off. For your kids. This just sucks.”
“Yeah.” Roy’s anger had faded, at least his anger at Johnny. He wished he could go back and start the day over… call in sick for one more shift. But no… Chris was begging for the latest Atari system and Jo wanted to get Jenny a Mrs. Beasley talking doll. And of course, there was the fancy necklace and matching earrings he’d gotten for Jo. Roy had missed three shifts while he was sick and he felt like he had to get back to work so they could make up some of what they’d spent on Christmas gifts. “I just… wanted to be home.”
The nurse came in just then to change John’s dressing over his stitches on his arm and re-wrapped his knee. He was so quiet, she realized he was actually hurting, and gave him a dose of pain medication in his IV. She came over to Roy and checked on him, and gave him his evening medication and checked his IV… and asked him if he was in any pain.
“Chest hurts,” Roy admitted. Really, he pretty much felt like crap all the way round, but the pain in his chest and sides was the worst of it.
The nurse nodded and adjusted his oxygen level. “I’m giving you a little more. It will make it a little easier to sleep.” It was still early in the evening, but she knew patients in his situation would likely tire quickly.
One side of Roy’s mouth lifted in a wry grin. “Well Merry Christmas to me,” he growled. He regretted it right away--it wasn’t the nurse’s fault he was in this mess, and he knew it--but her chirpy, cheery tone grated on him. She smiled gently. She took no offense at his tone. Her brother was a firefighter. She really did understand. He’d landed in the hospital over a holiday once himself.
The additional oxygen was helping. Roy could tell breathing was coming a bit easier. “Sorry,” he said to the nurse. “You didn’t put me here.”
“Apology accepted. And my name is Sandra, by the way.” She looked at the two men. “Now, do the two of you feel up to accepting a gift that came in for you tonight?”
Probably somethin’ from Jo, Roy thought. His wife had her hands full with the kids and their Christmas Eve program at church, so she hadn’t been able to visit yet, but she would’ve sent something to cheer them up. “Sure,” he rasped out.
Johnny nodded enthusiastically. He was always up for a present.
She stepped outside and came back inside carrying a fairly large package that was wrapped in red and green sparkly paper and adorned with real candy canes as well as ribbon bows.
Johnny stared at the package in disbelief. “Where did that come from?”
“Ain’t from Jo,” Roy added, his curiosity piqued. Jo always said when she wrapped a present, it looked like a three-year-old had done it, but this looked professional.
Sandra asked them which of them was going to open the gift.
Johnny knew Roy had been miserable, so he volunteered Roy to do it.
Roy was already sitting up in bed--easier on his lungs that way--so he pulled the package into his lap and carefully removed the wrapping paper. Jo, ever frugal, always pestered him not to tear it so it could be reused, and she had him well-trained. He tossed one of the candy canes over to Johnny.
Inside was a large square box containing boxes of Christmas treats like cookies, candy and fudge, as well as a couple of MAD magazines, a couple of car magazines, some puzzle books, pens, pencils, and a variety of plastic and wooden puzzles as well as a pack of cards.
Roy found an envelope amid the treats. He pulled it out and opened it. The card had a picture of Santa Claus and some reindeer atop a brightly lit house. Inside was a note. “Dear Firemen, thank you for saving our family yesterday. Thanks to you, we are able to celebrate this holiday. We’re sorry you were hurt getting us out. Our church ladies group came together to make these treats for you. Get well soon! With love, Marjorie and Peter Mason.” In childish print under the cursive signatures were the names Mark and Kristy.
Speechless, Roy handed the box and card to Sandra with a nod towards Johnny. Johnny had stuffed a piece of the fudge in his mouth and grinned. “You should try this.” He read the card, his eyes shining. He handed the fudge over to Roy, but kept the rest of the treats. Sandra could tell there was going to be a war over the box.
Suddenly Roy felt a whole lot better about things. A whole family was alive today because of them. He might not be able to play Santa for Chris and Jenny tonight, but Mark and Kristy and their parents would have their Christmas and it wouldn’t be tinged by tragedy. Surely that was worth a few nights in Rampart. “You were right, Junior,” he admitted as he plopped a piece of fudge in his mouth. “It coulda been a whole lot worse.”
The End
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