#can't get a proper shot of all of it or else I would translate it
symeraid-s · 1 year
Either I’m dumb or Set Me Free Pt.2 sounds nothing like Jimin.
And not in the sense that it’s not his style, it’s his voice. Something is very... off about it and I don’t know what. Like, is it a featuring that goes uncredited? Is it edited? Is this Jimin’s natural range an I’m an idiot? I don’t think so. I think it’s edited to hell and back.
I just hope that this pre-release is not forshadowing for the title track.
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So first and foremost, tw for Talk of sexual assult and what happened w/ Maddie and Mammon
Talking about Maddie and the (seemingly pottential) sexual assult she did to Mammon
So, in the Devilgram, to me it came off to me as she either sexually assulted or raped Mammon, like, he came back home traumatized and moaned in his sleep, multiple days in a row
But like, apparently whatever happened between Mammon and Maddie wasn't sexual assult?? My English is bad so to be clear I don't mean that in the "well men can't get raped" way, I mean it as in "something entirely different, non-sexual happened" I read an ask that said she triggered a ptsd attack somehow
I'm so so confused about it all. Because to me it read as sexual assult, no way around it, why else would he be moaning?
Idk maybe it just a translation error or something but honestly I'm just confused about what happened between the two now
It definitely reads as sexual assualt to me, because it's heavily implied something sexual did happen?
The devs said it wasn't sexual assault but I think that was more so that they didn't cause an uproar given how upset a lot of people were when they got that card
From what is mentioned during whatever they do together you could assume:
[1.] Maddie was in charge/calling the shots
[2.] The scene was intense, even for a demon
From there you could conclude that, it also may have been bad BDSM etiquette:
1. She failed to listen to the safeword (which again can be considered sexual assualt)
2. He failed to use the safeword even when things went beyond his limits
• this could be very likely considering:
a. Mammon's tough "nothing can hurt me" attitude
b. His need to please his partners and do what they want
c. He's internalised the stuff his brothers say about him (shown by how surprised he is when MC praises him) so he could convince himself that this is what someone "scummy" deserves as a way of self punishment
3. No aftercare
4. Subdrop
• Without proper aftercare subdrop is much more possible and could explain a lot of what he was going through after he came home. It could also occur if the safeword is ignored/not used when needed
For more context:
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Given what is said in the card I think it's highly likely she went past his limitations which led to 2., with 3. following and causing 4.
Screenshots of the conversation + addressing the ptsd HC nonnie mentioned
^rereading the devilgram I needta tell you it's HEAVILY implied that what happened between them was sexual
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silver-wield · 2 years
If YOU were part of the SE-staff and let's pretend that you have "endless rights", what desicions would you make? What changes you would make with the game? Like how many parts would the game have? And what scenes you would absolutely make unforgettably phenomenal? The first desicion I'd personally make is fire all the bullshit SENA-translators.
Proper supervision over translations so we don't end up with bullshit sneakily inserted instead of the actual dialogue.
Tifa's level reintroduced into the main game. Red made playable in chapter 17. Maybe a few Easter egg shots during the collapse of the s7 plate with Denzel's parents, as well as Evan wherever he was just to hint at that compilation link. Remove the scrapped asset and inserted "mine" from ch11 since they shouldn't be there anyway.
Everything else is pretty solid in part one. It's not the game that caused the problems it's the dumbass translating it who caused the problems. Honestly, as much as I cringe at some lines, I get the purpose of them and it's dumdums who don't who treat it like something it's not.
I'd love to have a huge number of discs to really pack the game out and let the devs include all their lost ideas from OG, but we'd be here forever and nobody wants to spend 20yrs waiting for the end of this, so I think two more discs is probably what we'd get, but hopefully they'll have a few additional teams putting together dlcs for what we didn't get.
I'd put a chunk of the budget on the lifestream scene since it's the emotional climax of the game, so two chapters for that with some trippy af scenes, and then the highwind scene gets some attention to push that rating. Obviously the GS will have a lot happening, so that'll be very glitzy like the honeybee Inn sequence.
Co-op attacks and abilities have to be the main focus because without those and the battles it's not an action RPG and what's the point in playing if you can't kick ass?
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sasquapossum · 2 years
I just got back from a self-imposed two-week social-media vacation. It was pretty enlightening to realize how many times per day I'd want to share a link or a joke or a thought with someone and reach for Twitfaceblr, only now I had to stop myself. Instead, I started collecting stuff in a "random notes" file, which I'm now going to inflict on all of you, my followers here who can deal with unfiltered rubbish (and don't know me IRL). Kinda long, though, so below the fold.
Random Notes
Ideas released into a group of gullible extroverts will spread more (and be embraced more tightly) than one released into a group of skeptical introverts. This asymmetry strengthens social-media ills.
-- inspired by Atlantic "make FB more like G+" story
Proper FB analogy is not tobacco (common) or tylenol (Wired). It's leaded gasoline. Like automobiles, early FB created - and still creates - great benefits for many. Like leaded gas, the opaque algorithmic feed is an optimization to an existing value-creation system. Like lead, online disinfo affects people's brains and decision making, and makes life worse even for non-users. Final analogy: the solution is to *undo the optimization* and return largely to status quo ante. Breaking up car companies was not necessary or even helpful wrt leaded gas.
Addiction to contempt
Jumping to conclusions correlated with other cognitive errors
Evangelical church reflects Trump, not Jesus
https://archive.md/dkAhK (Atlantic)
Latest FB revelations are good in that they show how employees are often better than the company itself (which I've been saying for years). It's the leadership, stupid.
Things I Won't Work With: FOOF
Many people love unit tests because they're so easy to fool - creating an *appearance* of coverage and correctness without the hard work of replicating real-world failure scenarios. Unit tests that rely on heavy-weight mocks are a cheaters' tool and should be discouraged in favor of other testing approaches.
Extra irony: unit tests proving only abstract/theoretical correctness seem most popular among people who otherwise look down their noses at the abstract and theoretical. "You're wasting time worrying about an edge case we've never seen" ... except that we eventually did, e.g. copyset-strength violations, and sometimes it was very costly. Motivated reasoning at its worst.
Sex toy standards "might not go deep enough"
Centaurs for Disease Control
I love watching the shells fly overhead as the two most entitled generations in history take shots at each other.
Microsoft Amazon Meta Alphabet = MAMA (just killed a man)
Apple and Netflix might have market cap but not scale
MAMANA? NAMAMA? MANGA would have been more fun.
Whenever someone on the right says "freedom" or "liberty" just replace it with "privilege" to get the true meaning. Ditto with translating "patriot" to "terrorist" etc.
Discussion sites should have an "evidence required" reaction, to request substantiation without crowding up the comments. If a comment reaches N with no response, it automatically gets buried. Also, reactions can't be downvoted, and sites like HN have a significant problem with partisans downvoting reasonable requests for proof. When wild claims aren't risky but asking for proof is, the incentives are wrong.
The idea of hands-free driving in a GMC Denali should terrify everyone else on the road. Ad even showed it while towing. Double eek!
Don't be live-ist. Ghosts and zombies were people too.
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So i found i miciti disney of phantom blot!
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And i wanted to share the translated version of the interview ! ( and i like he has some kinda story behind the interview. The extras will be on a reblog post.)
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"If I didn't have a heart of gold..."
Meeting within the walls of the prison with the one who likes to call himself a villain unique in style, intelligence and personality. A true emperor of crime, if it were not for the too much sensitivity that makes him hate violence and has prevented him on various occasions to get rid of the enemy Mickey, for now.
When it was decided to dedicate a volume - and a coin - to The Phantom blot, it was prudently placed towards the end of the series, in the belief that sooner or later the person concerned would be available for the ritual interview.
The reasoning did not make a wrinkle: more than six months would have been enough for him to try to pull off one of his famous shots, which would have been followed by the probable (not to say inevitable) arrest, and so it would have been easy to meet him in the cooler.
And instead, time has passed and no news of the lantitante Phantom blot has been heard.
That he had decided to take a long vacation or, even worse, to retire permanently from...business?
The only hope of not being forced to write with blank pages was placed in the major expert of the black character and his nemesis for sixty years, and that is Mickey. Who immediately reassured us. "No, Phantom Blot doesn't know what the holidays are," he said convinced.
"And as for the idea of retiring, I don't think it ever even crossed his twisted mind. He's not the type to sit on his hands, and even if he was, he'd never retire before he took me off the streets. He swore it to me... and he's not the type to break his word."
But then how did you explain him not talking about himself for so long? 
"He's on a break," sentenced Mickey. "he's preparing a big score... and I know which one too!"
At the Mousetown Research Center, very advanced studies were underway on a device to make people invisible. Very secret studies, of course, but not for Phantom Blot, as revealed by an ingenious electronic bug system discovered by chance at the Center.
There was no doubt that he was the one who planted them.
"Invisibility has always been his dream," Mickey said.
"And with that device, he'd have one that's perfectly good, not the handcrafted one that gives him his black cloak in the night."
the bug hadn't been removed, so as not to put the Phantom blot on the forewarning so that we could catch him red-handed at the appropriate time. Which, unfortunately, wouldn't be for a few months at the earliest. And to hasten the time was not even talked about it: even if it had been possible, an interview would hardly have been a sufficient reason to speed up the work.
I was already resigned to having to give up the interview when I had a dazzling idea. What if he just pretended to finish the job? A nice, exclusive benefit performance by Blot and his bugs and...
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"And he'll bite for sure, because he doesn't know that we know that he knows!" exclaimed Mickey.
"Besides, if he has to act sooner than expected, he won't have the time to get his plans right, and it'll be easier to neutralize him. And there is another advantage: even if he gets away with it, he will have nothing to steal. But he won't get away with it..."
Mickey was a good man (not that it took long: all the precedents were in his favor) and so here I am, in Mousetown prison, visiting the blackest black character in the Disney world.
Who receives me in his usual cell. I'd like to describe him, but how do you tell something you can't see? The room, in fact, is in total darkness...
Interviewing an invisible subject is not the best, but taking notes in the dark is impossible...can't you turn on a light?
PB: Yes, but then you'll miss the right dark atmosphere.
Patience, I'll work on my imagination.
PB: I hope you've had enough. Anyway, I'm keeping the cloak and hood. Without them, I wouldn't be me anymore. Even the warden lets me wear them when I'm in jail. He has respect for my personality...
Me too, I assure you. You've always been my favorite negative character. The best villain. And don't get me wrong, when I say "bad"...
PB: There's no need to add anything else. I get it. On the other hand, how could you define me differently? Well, maybe instead of "bad," you could use the term "evil." I think it suits me better and is more exclusive. I'm the only one who's evil, and the comic book pages are full of villains.
And no one remotely has my class. Not to mention style, intelligence and personality.
Modesty, on the other hand, is quite common among you criminals...
PB: If you think you're funny, you're very wrong. I'm not immodest, I'm just telling it like it is. I'm not the kind of guy who's special, I'm not the kind of guy you're looking for.
That's what Floyd Gottfredson thought, too... 
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PB: He's designed me. You ever wonder why I made myself look so much like Walt Disney?
As a joke, if I'm not mistaken.
PB: Pff! That's the official version. The truth is, he wanted to pay tribute to a great man by making him play a great character. And who could you find better than me? Walt and I have a lot in common.
Certainly not a criminal record.
PB: Obviously not. But we're both geniuses.
With very different results, though. His career has been a little bit better than yours. Speaking of which, can you explain the long hole between your first compo, in 1939, and your return to action, in 1955? Sixteen years is a long time: what have you been doing in all that time?
PB: If you had that imagination you boasted about earlier, you wouldn't ask me such a question. It's obvious I've been in prison. Serving my long sentence and figuring out how to get revenge on the man who put me away. You should have known better. And if you're really a fan of mine, you should know that I almost succeeded. I had a diabolical plan, a revenge so subtle that only I could have imagined it. Nothing crude, no direct violence. Mickey sabotaged himself with his own hands! I hope you publish the story of my return to the scene, so that readers will also appreciate my genius.
It's the first of this volume, a real classic. You really missed nothing because you're getting rid of your enemy. In this regard, can you explain me why, even though you had several times - and since your first encounter - the possibility to eliminate Mickey directly, you never did it?
PB: Because I'm too sensitive. I hate violence and I could never get my hands dirty. I wish I could. It would be so easy to just get the rat out of the way! But instead I'm forced to make deadly contraptions or studying very complicated subjects. Imagine that once, in order to get rid of my hated enemy, I managed to erase it from the mind of every inhabitant of Mousetown. Of course, as you can gather from my presence here, it didn't help. Do you know what that crude Pete once said to me, who I often share a cell with? That without my good heart, I'd be the emperor of crime! I hate to do this, but I have to agree with him.
Yeah, if it hadn't been Mickey in his way... He's blacked you out plenty of times!
PB: Yeah ! That's some low-rent humor. Why don't you also say that it's...stained my career? I don't mind anyway, because I'm tenacious, me. I'll never give up. I know what I'm worth, and I know the day will come when I can get rid of Mickey once and for all. That is, if luck doesn't keep on helping him, of course. That nosy little chap's always got a dose to envy even Gladstone.
You're not saying that to console yourself? The way you're putting it, it sounds like Mickey doesn't deserve any credit for putting you in jail. I'll grant you that sometimes he got away with it because your sensitivity prevented you from giving him the coup de grâce, but to say that he beats you regularly just because he's lucky, seems too much.
PB: Is that what you think? Then let us examine this latest supposed success of the brilliant detective, the genius of investigators, the terror of criminals. Tsk! I was preparing a perfect score, according to a schedule studied in detail... and what happens? That those scientists realize much earlier than expected the invention that I was so interested in, thus forcing me into a hasty action that led to my arrest. Mickey was there waiting for me, but if I'd had time to make a proper plan, I'd have done it under his nose, always snooping around. Grrr! And you're telling me he's not lucky?
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Well, yeah, maybe a little. I'll grant you that it's not his fault, but the case, if the microplashes you had installed at the Research Center were discovered. But he was the one who figured out you planted them and had the idea to leave them where they were so you wouldn't get suspicious. And the fact that the invention was ready before its time is not a stroke of luck, but simply... false news.
PB: What?! You made that up. I don't believe it!
And it hurts, because I know what I'm talking about. I'm the one who gave him the idea. I went to consult him to find a way to interview you... Hey! Why did you get up? You don't want to...
PB: ...hurt you? No! I hate violence, you know that. I just want to hug you to show my appreciation! You are living proof that Mickey beats me just because he is lucky. But do you realize? I ended up in jail because of an interview!
That we can continue...
PB: Ah no! Even if I'm not angry with you, I don't talk to my worst enemy's allies. It's a matter of principle... that brings us to the end. So I'd be grateful if you'd leave. And on your way out, turn off the light!
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Prompt: Hat Kid's species can easily change hair colours with magic. Both the movie directors like this as Hat Kid can easily do any hair colour if she has the right magic paintbrush. The downside: Hat Kid can't really change her hairstyle much as her ponytail is an actual tail thing (canonical! it has bones) and the long 'hair' that goes in front of her ears is actually two furred appendages, sorta like floppy ears on a long-haired dog.
Thank you for the request!
Horror Movie
“Wait, you guys are making a horror movie together?” Hat Kid would never have expected that in million years. She was more surprised by that than them saying they were making a movie together.
“Yep, it was the Conductor’s idea,” DJ Grooves replied, gesturing to him. “It was also his idea that we come up here to invite you to be a part of it.”
“But… but why a horror movie?” Instead of a western style movie on the moon or a movie about a disco-train or something similar?
“Because,” the Conductor said. “We need to avoid our usual genres if we want this collab to work. I hate not being able to film on me train but eh, what can you do? So you want to be part of it or no?”
“Of course.” After the whole ‘not getting paid’ thing had been sorted out – the owl responsible had been very much fired and thoroughly yelled at, so much so she didn’t even feel the need to yell at him herself – she’d decided she loved acting again. The fact that it’d be for a collab project between Grooves and the Conductor only made her more excited for it even if she did find their choice of genre strange.
“Good, here’s the script.” The Conductor pulled a manuscript out of his suit pocket and handed it to her. “You’re playing the ghost girl. Come to the studio in three days to pick up your costume. Filming starts three days after that, don’t be late.”
This time, as soon as Hat Kid got on set, an owl greeted her with all the proper documents required for her to get properly credited and paid. Just like Snatcher had taught here, she went over the whole thing, fine print and all to make sure she wouldn’t get screwed over for signing it. It wasn’t written in her native language so she could easily be missing something but she trusted the directors not to screw her over, especially after how mad they’d been when they’d learned she’d been screwed over last time she’d worked with them.
After signing it, she had to sit and wait for when they were ready for her. It was fine though; she’d brought a chew toy to play with – not a penguin this time – and keep herself entertained. Being careful not to destroy it meant it was less fun but she’d live. It thankfully wasn’t long before she was called onto set anyway.
“Good to see you darling, I can see you’re wearing your costume, it looks great,” Grooves said as she approached the directors’ chairs – seeing him and the Conductor sitting next to each and working together was nice. “Now if you could just do your hair magic and make it black, that’d be great.”
Having anticipated such a request, Hat Kid had stuffed all her magic paintbrushes into the costume’s pockets. She pulled out the one that would make her hair black and tapped it to her forehead before slipping it away once more.
“Great,” the Conductor said, even giving her a thumbs up – he seemed to be in a good mood. “Now just let your hair down and mess it up a bunch, make it cover your face if you can. Then we can get the makeup people out here and get you looking real scary.”
Welp, Hat Kid should’ve perhaps expected such a request to come eventually with how much they’d taken advantage of her being able to change her hair colour basically at will. Why wouldn’t they want her to change her hair style too? How did she tell them though?
“Is… something wrong darling?” Grooves asked, apparently picking up on her hesitation.
“Well uh… I can’t do that. Like I physically cannot do that.”
“Why the peck not?” Being in a good mood apparently didn’t mean the Conductor wasn’t going to swear. Even with Grooves sitting right next to him, frowning his disapproval at the use of the word.
“Uh… it’s like….” Hat Kid reached up to grab one of her flaps with both hands and pull on either side of it, demonstrating how she couldn’t do anything else with it. “My uh… ponytail,” she was pretty sure that’s what they were called in this language, she’d long since stopped having to use the translator and thus couldn’t know for sure, “is pretty similar. It’s uh… actually more like a tail. I can even move it a little bit.” She demonstrated that too, making it wave back and forth for a few seconds.
The directors and everyone else around who’d been paying attention stared at her like she’d just grown a second head. It was really embarrassing. The fact that she looked so much like a human would’ve been unbelievable if she hadn’t encountered it herself. But in a way that just made the things that made her distinctly alien weirder because they weren’t obvious.
“Is… is that problem?” she asked, breaking the silence before it could go on any longer and get more awkward. “Can I not play the role well if I can’t do my hair the right way?” She’d been so excited too. It was no fair.
DJ Grooves fidgeted in his chair, “Well uh… we can maybe work around it?”
“Nah, your hair style’s too cute to work around,” the Conductor said, recovering faster than anyone else.
“Oh.” Hat Kid almost felt like she wanted to cry. It made sense though, a ghost in a movie meant to be scary couldn’t have a cute hairstyle. “Well can I…”
“Hush lass, let me finish before you go getting all upset,” the Conductor interrupted. “If you can tie your hair thingies back behind your ears, we can just put a wig on you can call it good. We’ll have to be careful with any shots that show the back of your head but that’s fine. Anything that don’t look right can be fixed in editing.”
Oh! Hat Kid hadn’t even considered that. A wig would be uncomfortable over her ponytail. And tying the flaps back so they wouldn’t hang over her ears would doubtless be even more so. But she could put up with a little discomfort if she had to. Before she could say so though, Grooves spoke.
“Oh, Conductor darling, that’s genius. You’ve been full of some really good ideas lately, I’m impressed.”
The Conductor seemed almost embarrassed with the way he looked away and lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck. “Yeah, yeah… whatever, I guess. … You all right with that though lass?” He turned his attention back on Hat Kid. “You okay with wearing a wig and tying your hair things back?”
“Yes!” She nodded, smiling up at him. “Thank you!”
He grunted in response and then lifted a hand to snap, shifting to addressing the whole room. “All right make-up penguins, get the lass a spooky wig and then get her real scary looking. I swear this is going to be our best movie ever if I have any pecking say in the matter.”
For the drabble event.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
ThunderCats Roar - “Warrior Maiden Invasion“
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Co-Executive Producer: Victor Courtright
Supervising Producer: Nate Cash
Producer: Marly Halpern-Graser
Story by: Joan Ford
Teleplay by: Molly Knox Ostertag
Directed by: Angelo Hatgistavrou
Where the ThunderCats get roared.
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The episode begins with a game of hide and seek. No, this isn’t a metaphor for the ThunderCats having to hide from some sort of monster, I mean an actual game of hide and seek. Specifically, it's a variation where the hiders can go to a safe zone to be immune to tagging, so there's more stakes involved. Wilykit and Wilykat are the seekers, but their sibling differences are getting in the way. I really do mean differences, too; this is one episode where they are very much distinct. There won't be a lot of "Thunderkittens" here, that's for sure.
Wilykat is focused on going by the rules, doing a proper countdown before seeking the hiders. Wilykit gets bored and goes out prematurely, quickly ending the countdown before anyone could find a good hiding spot. Wilykat wants to sneak around, not alerting the hiders to their existence. Wilykit smashes stuff, because, hey, they might be in there! Gallant shares his apple with his friends. Goofus eats the apple and says "forget you, I got mine". I think one might get the point here.
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Of course, all of this smashing is not helping Wilykit with his seeking, as he gets distracted long enough for everyone else to run away. When Panthro decides to hide in the ThunderTank, something he would be around even if he wasn’t playing hide and seek, he manages to slip away because Wilykit broke something. Even Tygra, whose best idea was to hide in a pan with Lion-O because he couldn’t find a good hiding spot, manages to slip away because Wilykit broke something. Essentially, the same scene repeats three times in a row; they couldn't even be bothered to have her be distracting in a different way.
It is sort of noteworthy that it's the girl that's doing everything to sabotage the game and the boy being the sensible one; cartoons, and fiction in general, usually have it the other way around. I can't say this show is sticking to the cliches. Of course, there's a reason why it's the girl; the title should be a slight hint to that.
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They end up losing the game of hide and seek, as the rest of the ThunderCats make it into the safe zone without the Thunderkittens ever tagging them. Tygra leans in and tells WilyKit that she should learn things from her brother. They do justify why this game was such a big deal: because hide and seek is a valuable training exercise. Even WilyKat doesn't buy it, though he would have preferred if they were able to tag one guy without WilyKit's sudden obsession with smashing things.
WilyKit: I am not obsessed with smashing! Hyah! (smashes chair)
See, the joke is that she seems to be obsessed with smashing, despite saying she isn't obsessed with smashing. Aren’t our expectations subverted? I don't remember WilyKit ever being this destructive. There was the time she was destroying things in Driller, but that was an episode where everyone was doing that sans Panthro and Tygra so Panthro can be slightly peeved. Here, it's just so she can be the kind-of sort-of bad guy of the episode. There's not enough time to think about this, because an alarm sounds just as soon as she breaks the chair, and she immediately says that she didn't do it. Eh, I'll give them that.
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But no, it's not because of some meaningless chair abuse, it's a by some definitely bad guys. I mean, why wouldn't they be bad guys? They set fire to the Troll Village, they're using locusts to attack the Berbils, they're throwing boulders at a peaceful looking cottage, and they're bullying the Mole Master. They specifically point out the Mole Master as someone Lion-O knows nothing about, but they don't explain the Troll Village. We never even get to see one.
Tygra assumes that the mutants must be behind this, but Cheetara then sees them take off their hoods. Apparently, they needed to wear them just so Tygra can assume they're mutants.
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Turns out, it's not the mutants, but the Warrior Maidens. They are so not the mutants that they even have giant text saying that they are Not Mutants. It's even made out of cracked rock to show how brute they are. Right from the get go, WilyKit gets excited to see muscular women, rapidly pushing one of the buttons and giggling with a three-frame animation that I decided to spare anyone reading this with. There are some episodes that really show off that even with these designs, they can have some impressive looking animation. This isn't one of them. They can't all be winners, but can they at least have decent characters in their place?
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That is far from the end of the text, as they end up smashing through one of the walls and beating the tar out of the ThunderCats just for being near them, showing off their ultra crushing grasp, super prism refracted laser cage, and their you ain't goin' nowhere grip! It almost feels like a toy commercial, though ThunderCats Roar designs don't look like they would translate well into action figures. I feel like that would be kind of a problem for a ThunderCats revival, but that's another story.
None of this stops the fangirling from looking at these warrior women with awe. As we all know from this episode and seemingly only this episode, WilyKit likes to smash things, and they like to smash things! Who cares if those things are her teammates, they must be the coolest people ever! Even when Willa picks her up and roars at her, she's still motioning to her brother to check them out.
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Willa looks like this in Roar, by the way. She even has the added character trait of only speaking in roars, having the other Warrior Maidens doing the talking for her. No bow and arrow or any semblance of a personality besides "HULK SMASH" here, that's for sure. Admittedly, I've never actually seen an original episode with one of the original Maidens, so I can't judge based on comparisons, but what I can say is that there's not much here other than that.
They tell Willa to throw these flea-bitten felines into some sort of jail for their crime of attempting to stop them from breaking and entering into their home. They need them in "jail" so they can check out all of that alien technology that's in the lair, and by check I mostly mean "smash". Smash smash smash, that's all they do. They happen to find a location, and it's very convenient for them and the plot.
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They end up in their very own Thunder Brig, which is specifically designed to disable their powers and their gadgets! Lion-O tries to do the "ThunderCats Ho", and the Eye of Thundara turns into a frowny face. I would argue what a ThunderCats Roar would even do when they're all here. Cheetara tries to run out of the room with her super speed, but the Brig sapped her speed. Even Snarf has been deactivated by the magical Brig! Dun dun dun duuun! I should have brought that up ages ago: ThunderCats Roar uses that one musical cue so much that it may as well be its equivalent to Johnny Test's infamous whip crack. (EDIT: From what I've heard, the overuse of this one cue is intentional, parodying how much the original ThunderCats used this same cue. If one doesn't know, the musical cues are taken straight from the original. My ignorance should not be used as a criticism against this show, though I could see people who aren't familiar with that could get annoyed.)
The first question anyone's going to think isn't how they're going to get out of there, but why would they even have something that seemingly only affects them in their own lair? They even bring it up only to have Tygra say that he thought it was a good idea at the time. No hint on why he would remotely think that; it may as well be no reason whatsoever. "How to learn to fight without weapons or superpowers" would have at least been a decent excuse to have it.
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Here’s the real reason: it’s so the...adults? Are they really adults? Maybe Tygra, but even that is pushing it in this episode. It’s so the not-so-kids can be taken out of the plot and essentially become damsels in distress, as Kit and Kat are the only people who can fit through the ventilator. Before they leave, Tygra tells Wilykat that he’s in charge. I mean, he might have won that all important game of hide and seek if it wasn't for that meddling sister and her sudden urge to break things!
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Wilykit and Wilykit make it out of the Damsel Room, under orders to find the button that unlocks the door to the Thunder Brig. They have to use their best stealth to get past these Warrior Maidens, as even Panthro's super strength was nothing to them. And by they, I mean WilyKat, as most of her plans boil down to things like this:
WilyKit: (flexes her not-nearly-as-big-as-the-Maiden’s muscles) Okay, I'll challenge them to an arm wrestling match, and when I beat them...
That is one of the few lines that made me smirk in this episode. There's at least some variety in the ways Wilykat deals with the maidens. We get an admittedly far too long scene of him trying to decide what smoke bomb to use, only leading to a joke where he just yells "chamomile tea" with a title card with him in a monocle appearing, and Wilykit admits that it's cool seemingly as a way to justify it. Kind of like a fistbump joke, though without the fistbump.
He also uses rope to swing a table where two of the maidens were arm wrestling, making them fall and bump their heads, knocking them out. The rest of the scenes are essentially him sneaking around and saying "sneak sneak sneak" while doing it, which is kind of going against the whole stealth angle.
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After Wilykat gets through with his masterful sneak sneak sneaking, with a few "dun dun dun duuns" in the way, they make it to the room where the button is, which is also the room with all of the monitors showing all of the calamities we saw earlier. This leads to the big plot twist of the episode: they're actually using all of that alien technology to stop those calamities from earlier. It makes...kind of a bit of sense?
It turns out, they were actually fighting the locusts, and the Mole Master turned out to be a villainous king, just as he was in the original. Driller was a villain in the original and became more of a misunderstood neutral guy in Roar, so it wasn't like knowing that would spoil this episode. As for the cottage...just guess. One might even guess who was in that cottage, too. Was he doing anything in that cottage? That is just as explained as what started the Troll Village fire. I didn't forget about that one, but if I didn't mention it, would anyone really notice?
With this proving that they were good guys after all, Wilykit's way of referring to them, not mine, Wilykat decides that maybe they would be convinced if he just politely tells them that they're heroes like they are.
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Needless to say, that doesn’t work, as Willa decides to grab him and roar at him some more. Her translator tells him he's going to go into a different cage; one a slippery mutant wouldn't get out of. Can you believe being compared to the mutants was the straw that broke the camel's back?
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Well, you kind of shouldn't, but it does look like she gets angry at this, which makes the Warrior Maidens very pleased! Turns out, they just needed to be talked to in the language they can understand: property damage!
WilyKit started the episode recklessly destroying everything she touches, including things that probably wouldn't be her property, idolizes people who destroy things that are definitely not her property, never changes her mind throughout the entire episode despite people seemingly smarter than her suggesting otherwise, and she ends up saving the day in the end. She had to learn absolutely nothing!
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To make a long story short, she ends up pushing the button. Maybe it's because she uses a chair to do it, despite WilyKat suggesting to use her fingers, so she can keep her smashing mood. Hey, if these guys have this amazing little girl that destroys property, they must be good guys!
We do get a little more backstory, including the factoid that the translator happens to be Roar's version of Nayda, but it all boils down to; we existed, we were cool, Mumm-Ra happened, we had to disappear until Mumm-Ra was defeated. Lion-O proclaims that they were the ones that defeated Mumm-Ra in an attempt to get them to be impressed, and that attempt actually works...though they assume WilyKit did it. Because she breaks stuff!
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Super Best Friends Forever Fist-Bump!
That is a fist bump, though not really a fist bump joke. Lion-O pretends he doesn't care that they decided to give Wilykit all the credit, but he clearly does and he's jealous about it.
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And yeah, that's pretty much it. If there's any other positive I can say, it's that this episode does continue something I miss from today's cartoon. Why can't we have The End cards anymore? Why has it become passe to not have cartoons end abruptly?
Granted, I really don't know why "it's over" with a childish doodle of Lion-O has any relation to this episode. It could represent Lion-O's expression when he realizes these Warrior Maidens aren't going to appear again for a while.
How does it stack up?
Yeah, I didn't like this one at all. It doesn't even have a good animation part to distract from any of this. This is the first time I have to give out this rating.
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Next, Lion-O loses the Sword of Omens! Oh no!
← Panthro Plagarized! 🐈 Lost Sword →
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machimachilegends · 5 years
Disclaimer: Duelists within the anime severely lack in Spell-based Monster Removal, Spell/Trap Destruction, Effect Negation and Continuous Spell/Trap cards that prevent the opponent from performing certain actions since cards are notably more difficult to obtain and faith/morale play a bigger role than luck/deck-building with an abnormal Battle Phase fetish.
Therefore, this list ranking the strongest antagonists in Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime so far will sparsely discuss the flaws of each character's Deck. If you have any questions about my list or want my personal thoughts on anything Yu-Gi-Oh!, feel free to ask. I have nothing but time!
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Has Level 10 Fairy-Type monsters he can normal summon regularly that are impervious to destruction by battle and card effects by normal means with minimal chances of being damaged.
The effects his Timelords possess range from shuffling your opponent's entire GY back to the Deck, dealing 2000+ effect damage instant Life Point recovery should he take damage. The only issue with Deck is the reliance on attacking and average use of one Timelord at a time. While his Continuous Traps over time will eventually disable the opponent from targeting his Timelords and allow him to exceed 20,000 ATK in a flash, his best play is his biggest weakness.
I could go all day explaining the other effects he has after a successful battle, but just know it's essentially a lot of shuffling cards back, returning cards back and burn. He only has one monster that can deal battle damage and that's about it.
And since he still needs to attack, akin to everybody else lower on the list, this is nothing each protagonist and most rivals can't get over, especially in their respective series, despite popular belief saying otherwise -- when Judai can equip Neos with Rainbow Veil or Light Laser to wall you, you know you messed up somewhere.
Zarc / Z-ARC
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Fusion, Synchro, Xyz- and to a lesser extent Pendulum barely mean nothing to this guy and his stupendously powerful dragons. Having access to arguably the best Monster Type in the game both in anime and real life, with the added benefit of being Pendulum-based, many fans have very good reasons to hype him up as unbeatable prior to Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V's end.
His ultimate monster Z-ARC boasts and grants immunity to the monster effects of the aforementioned Extra Deck Monsters, in addition to the inability to leave the field by normal means similarly to Z-ONE with a whopping 4000 ATK minus the Battle damage immunity.
It may seem underwhelming at first, but this is only the tip of the iceberg. While Zarc cannot mend the course of a Duel through the Battle Phase, he does possess various ways of demoralizing his foes:
His opponents cannot add cards to their hand outside of the Draw Phase or else their effects will be negated and destroyed.
He can negate the effects of Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Monsters and drain them of their attack by performing the same summon on their Turn, with some of them capable of inflicting effect damage, and each dragon that resides in his Extra Deck has other effects ranging between dramatically exceeding their original ATK or mass removal.
His Supreme King Gates translate battle damage and effect damage into Life Points, while the servants in his Main Deck can protect Z-ARC from attacks and act as an unnecessary extra piece of armor amongst other cards.
And did I forget to mention through Astrograph Sorcerer Z-ARC's summon cannot be negated, which almost guarantees the defeat of his opponents with massage effect damage?
I know it all sounds amazing, but truth be told other than the initial summon of Z-ARC, his Deck is very very fragile in the grand scheme due to how susceptible his Deck is to common Monsters, Spells and Traps' targeting and non-targeting effects that have debut throughout the series.
Recall, since most of his cards only work so long as he controls Z-ARC, while someone like Z-ONE may get trolled by Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon or The Regulation of Tribe once in a blue moon, just call-in Dark Necrofear or Destiny HERO Plasma and it all goes downhill from here.
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As the practical incarnate of the Orichalcos, Dartz features a Deck revolving around its use. Monsters, Spells, Traps: The whole damn Deck.
While most people would like to focus on the Great Leviathan's lack of built in resistances, despite being an INFINITE ATK point monster that essentially prevents you from losing to any form of damage, this slithery-fuck that required countless souls for its revival planned to be summoned with all three layers/forms of the Orichalcos to be in effect. How else did you expect to acquire 10,000+ Life Points to get the dark thing out? Soul Absorption?
To put sum things up, layer one cannot be destroyed (possibly can't be negated, activation-wise), grants all monsters you control 500 extra ATK, practically enables you to treat your Spell/Trap Zones as extra Main Monster Zones and any monsters summoned there cannot be attacked so long as you have a Monster Zone filled, and if-need-be you can move monsters from the Main Monster Zone to the back, although those last two effects go underused.
Layer two takes all the effects of layer one and stacks it with a 500 Life Points gain for every monster you control once per turn and the ability to Tribute a monster you control to destroy an opposing monster.
Still not convinced these layers do much, well how about layer three? Once again it all stacks with the bonus on straight up telling your opponent "No" when they try to affect any of your monsters with a Spell/Trap Effect instantly negating and destroying them on a whim.
Now, we know the glaring hole in all this is the fact Monster Effects can still put in work, but if it's destruction based, you'll be putting all your time into the monsters leading up to the Great Leviathan.
A little sucker (Kyutora) that absorbs that would be inflicted at any time to fuel a stronger golem-like figure (not Gigas but Shunoros) in the Deck should it ever die with a base ATK of whatever was absorbed and two arms that will always be 300+ in ATK or DEF against an opponent's monster (Aristeros & Dexia), a jerk flame gargoyle that will force one of your opponent's monster back in Attack Position and motherfucking Timeater.
Generally speaking, he comes off very mediocre until you realize all he really needs is Mirror Knight Calling to dominate. With those Mirror Knights in conjunction with the Orichalcos he instantly assembles an army of tokens that can battle any monster and come out victorious, since their strength will always match the opposition and survive destruction by removing a single mirror counter that is generated by Mirror Knight Calling at the end of every Turn.
Simply put, he's someone that only gets better with time, unless he has Geh (The Great Leviathan) out. Then he has a solid chance to lose instantly, then again, if he didn't win on the Turn he summoned it, he deserves to lose seeing how he is milling 10 cards per attack from his Infinite ATK monster.
In many ways Zarc is just a better Dartz. For a guy like this, one Gemini Summoned Magical Reflect Slime + protection is all you need.
Don Thousand
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Similarly to Z-ONE he comes off very unfair, except he's an offensive behemoth with control over the Overlay Network, opposed to defensive paragon with relative one-shot capabilities like the others. His Deck can be summed up without much need to go into effects, especially with how little we actually see.
Bluntly put, he will start his Turn spitting out 1 through 4 Number Monsters with the same gimmick of doubling their ATK after each attack, easily allowing him to exceed 8000 points of potential battle damage with a built-in Rank-Up play that deals even more lethal damage, essentially making him the true FTK antagonist looming in the back.
Should both attempts fail, he will fall on Number C1000, but that monster really means nothing to any character that possesses no "C" monsters. Rather Number iC1000 is what you really wanted to see. A walking win condition that basically tells your opponent, if you don't attack me, a 100,000 ATK monster you instantly lose the Duel. The only problem here is it can't negate two attacks, and the effect only applies so long as it stands.
Unlike some of the powerhouses higher on the ladder, he at least has Counter Traps, so there's at least some merit why you rarely see YouTubers try to script any Duels with him. Linear af.
I would say the true problem with his Deck/power as a Duelist is the fact he uses a Field Spell to kickstart his FTK's which means any bro like Bastion Misawa could play Curse of the Forbidden Spell and he's a goner. Like, here me out, at least Dartz can still play the game without the Orichalcos.
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Now, at first I thought Bohman was going to end up stronger than Z-ONE with the blanket Monster Effect negation he had on his Hydradrives when Dueling Blue Maiden, but that turned out to become more nothing more than a dream.
Bohman lacks proper negation for LIGHT & DARK Attributes essentially made Bohman's Deck a very unfocused beatdown strategy like many of the Duelists of the week characters in Link Swarming form, basically trading Majesty's Fiend for Five-Headed Dragon + Wind-Up Rabbit on crack playing dice.
Ignoring his use of Master Storm Access, it's not so much his Hydradrives suck or OTK/FTK potential isn't there- because it is, it's more so everything he does against Playmaker outside of switching dragon heads or rolling some dice (which only sucks irl) can be done better by everyone on the list:
Over 5000 ATK just cause? Check.
Can dominate Battle Phase procedures more than normal? Check.
Inherently prevents adversaries from dealing with monsters via built-in effects? Check.
Can summon more than one powerful monster per turn/Duel if need be? Check.
Safe from most damaging effects? Check.
Counters most of his generation? Check.
Benefits from his opponents' plays somehow? Check.
He's a jack of all trades and master of none but making attributes change with a die. Why he doesn't run DNA Transplant but Half Shut will forever be a mystery in the same world Revolver acquires Imperial Order for the sole purpose of stopping Judgment Arrows.
It sure is a good thing most protagonists/rivals use LIGHT & DARK Attributes over EARTH, WIND, WATER & FIRE or this man would be at the mercy of so many characters. Poor Yusei though.
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Nightshroud's strategies are the utmost straightforward with how it plans to win. Activate Darkness, Set Darkness 1 through 3 + Zero & Infinity, use various Darkness monsters to peep at your Set cards and/or organize them however you like before activating everything between Zero & Infinity.
Darkness 1 destroys up to 3 card your opponent controls based on face-up Darkness traps.
Darkness 2 increase the ATK of one monster you control 1000 to 3000 based on face-up Darkness traps.
Darkness 3 deal 1000 to 3000 per activation based on face-up Darkness traps.
Each of these are Set and randomized in the zones via Darkness (Field Spell) after activation between Zero & Infinity, which means in 2 Turns if the correct Darkness monster is on the field, that's a clean ceiling of 6000 effect damage if Darkness Neosphere is present.
Through these various Darkness Traps controlling the cards present on the field at a time makes it easy to disrupt characters from summoning their strongest monsters via Contact Fusion, Synchro, Xyz and Link Summoning, making the monsters he pumps up through Darkness 2 like Darkness Destroyer game enders via Battle Damage, which would make many come to the conclusion he should rank higher on the list. The main problem with Darkness is he doesn't showcase any further Spells/Traps and anything like Denko Sekka can shut him down in an instant.
Nightshroud's combo is highly susceptible to card destruction, despite boasting some of the finest at his best and other than that poor RNG styled Field Spell.
To cut things short, anything that can't be destroyed by Traps or benefits from destruction will only have to worry about effect damage or higher ATK. And considering how badly Nightshroud needs to go first, he's not only the slowest boss character but has the worst matchup potential, especially against other bosses.
Please don't tell him about Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En or Naturia Rosewhip OR Mister Alister's hmm... I don't know... Oh yeah! ROYAL DECREE!!!
I would say he has it the worse, but it's understandable since he- outside of helping others mend the darkness in their hearts never created/announced anything notably new mid Duel. Very respectable for a skeleton man.
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