#cara reads babel
agardenandlibrary · 1 year
R.F. Kuang writing Babel: you know what's cool? Linguistics. You know what's not cool? Colonization.
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soracities · 2 years
The uttering of the word reveals how each of us relentlessly creates. Everyone is an artist. Each person brings sound out of silence and coaxes the invisible to become visible.
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World
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mack-anthology-mp3 · 5 months
:D hi cara!
8 - did you meet any of your reading goals? which ones?
well, at the start of the year i aimed to read 97 books - i've read almost 60, which is still a ways off lol. BUT, i did read a bunch of things i'd been planning on reading for a while - piranesi, babel, the sandman comics, the ocean at the end of the lane, agatha christie books - so even though i didn't read *as many* as i have before, i read a lot i really liked! <3
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belitonginfo · 10 months
Marak WNI Jadi Korban Perdagangan Orang, Imigrasi Tanjungpandan Berikan Sosialisasi
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BELITUNG, belitonginfo.com - Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Tanjungpandan Kanwil Kemenkumham Babel, Suyatno menyebutkan di Indonesia sering terjadi tindak pidana perdagangan orang kepada Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI), Kamis (22/6/2023). Pada 2023 hingga Bulan Maret, Suyatno menyebutkan setidaknya pihak Imigrasi sudah menggagalkan 10 ribu lebih WNI yang diduga menjadi korban perdagangan orang. Karena itu, pihak Imigrasi Tanjungpandan memberikan sosialisasi fungsi perlindungan WNI. Kegiatan tersebut berlangsung di Hotel BW Suite. "Imigrasi mengambil peran dengan cara lebih waspada dalam memberikan layanan keimigrasian kepada WNI. Sehingga nantinya bisa terhindar dari korban tindak perdagangan orang," ujar Suyatno. Para korban perdagangan itu kata Suyatno sering kali tidak sadar jika mereka menjadi target/korban. Dengan iming-iming gaji besar bekerja di negera lain, mereka bahkan sering kali membohongi pihak Imigrasi terkait dokumennya. "Mangkanya, pentingnya sosialisasi saat ini. Dengan para perangkat daerah, perangkat desa yaitu supaya sama-sama kita menjaga terkait persyaratan kebenaran dari dokumen perjalanan," tandanya.
Belitung Masih Aman Tidak Pidana Perdagangan Orang
Indonesia saat ini menjadi salah satu negara terbesar yang memiliki tenaga kerja yang bekerja ke luar negeri (pekerja migran). Bahkan angkanya mencapai 9 juta orang. Dan angka ini belum termasuk tenaga kerja ilegal. "Saat ini Alhamdulillah, di wilayah kerja kita, di Belitung dan Belitung Timur, itu belum kita temukan indikasi adanya tidak pidana perdagangan orang," tukas Suyatno. Akan tetapi walaupun begitu, pihak Imigrasi Tanjungpandan tidak menurunkan kewaspadaan. Dan salah satu kewaspadaan mereka adalah dengan memberikan sosialisasi fungsi perlindungan WNI. "Saya selaku Kepala Kantor Imigrasi Kelas II TPI Tanjungpandan menghimbau kepada masyarakat Belitung dan Belitung Timur, apabila hendak melakukan perjalanan keluar negeri dalama ranka bekerja, untuk dilengkapi dokumennya. Artinya ketika berangkat itu jelas tujuannya," imbuhnya. Baca Juga : Beltim Jadi Target Mendanau Kantor Imigrasi Tanjungpandan Jangan. Lupa. Kunjungi. Facebook (Dengan Kamu. Mengklick. Link. ini. Kamu. Akan. Masuk. ke Facebooknya. Belitong Info). Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin , Tumblr , Medium Kami. atau. bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat Berita kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami Read the full article
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sxfik · 3 years
Hey hey, I'm here with a chayenzo ask! Could you possibly write vincenzo kissing cha young to stop her from teasing him about the mafia (like she did in the ep when she found out)? Thanks in advance!!
her lips are like the galaxy's edge (her kiss, the color of a constellation)
read on ao3 • masterlist
summary: “If I don’t what, Mr. Mafia?” she cut him off, smirking up at him, challenging him to push back. But he did something unexpected.
a/n: thank you so much for requesting this anon! i combined this with another idea i had so i really hope this turned out well! my head was really full with this idea so i literally speed ran my essay so i could write this. as always, i hope you enjoy :D
“Vincenzo Quasano: Mafia Lawyer!” Cha-young exclaims as she skips down the pavement, the sunny and infectious weather fueling her weightless laughter. She tilted her head towards Vincenzo, her charming and ever-cool partner, and paused, waiting for him to catch up. Fighting Babel was a constant weight on their shoulders, but Cha-young knew her incessant remarks and teasing would spur the handsome lawyer into pushing off his plotting and spar with her. Cha-young didn’t know about him, but the less she thought about Babel, the less the guilt hung over her shoulders. Not to mention, the more she sparred with him, the more her body thrummed with an energy to keep testing how far she could push.
Vincenzo’s carefully constructed expression stayed neutral as ever, but the crease between his eyebrows and the slight pursing of his lips told everything she needed to know. He also dealt her his classic glare, but she paid it no attention. Pushing people’s buttons is always fun, but Vincenzo ignited a fuel in her to press every single one at once, like a kid in an elevator.
“Ah, how lucky I am to have a cutthroat mafia lawyer in my life!” Cha-young sang, as she shimmied and sashayed her way forward, Vincenzo right by her side. Right at that moment, some kid shot her a dirty look as he walked the opposite way, popsicle in hand. The audacity of this kid. On an impulse, she stuck her tongue out at him as he passed by. That ought to show him. She smirked as the kid skewed his path to stay as far away as possible. Victory! As she turned her head towards Vincenzo, she noticed the incredulous look on his face.
“Kids these days. So disrespectful.” she tutted, grinning at him like she did nothing wrong. He, in classic cool guy fashion huffed at her antics, but she saw the smile on his face. That can’t do at all.
“Ah is Mr. Mafia afraid of being embarrassed by me? Aren’t mafia men brave? Surely, they aren’t swayed so easily, are they?” she quipped, increasing her volume with each passing word.
“Ms. Hong, please-” he gritted out, his face hardening into annoyance. There it is.
“Please?” she taunted back pushing her face closer, finally getting the reaction she really wanted.
“Ms. Hong if you don’t-”
“If I don’t what, Mr. Mafia?” she cut him off, smirking up at him, challenging him to push back. But he did something unexpected. He paused in his path, his hand closing into a fist and his eyes squeezing shut. Cha-young pivoted to face him, but before she could ask why, his hand shot out and pulled her wrist towards him as he walked into the alleyway.
She stumbled behind him into the alleyway, and Vincenzo started muttering something under his breath. How could he insult me when I can’t even hear what he’s saying! As his incessant muttering became louder, he started pacing back and forth, his hand gestures getting more exaggerated. That was certainly not Korean. It was Italian. Admittedly, Vincenzo speaking to her in Italian got her blood racing but it also irked her to no end.
Cha-young crossed her arms as she stood, her back facing the grimey walls of the small corridor he stuffed them into. She could barely breathe without smelling his intoxicating cologne, the smell that engulfed her whenever she embraced him. The scent that followed her into her dreams.
“Hong Cha-Young, you-” he spun to face her, pausing his pacing and shaking his finger at her before he delved into incoherent italian.
Cha-young sighed, schooling her face into a bored expression that she hoped would goad him into coming closer and closer. “What did I do Mr. Cassano? Aw, is the mafia lawyer agitated?” she taunted further, tilting her head mockingly.
He spun towards her. And then froze.
“Come puoi essere la donna più intrigante e al tempo stesso più esasperante che abbia mai incontrato? Hong Cha-Young, mia cara, hai idea di quanto mi fai impazzire?” he asked, as he stepped closer to her, slow like a predator stalking his prey.
“È tutta colpa tua. Il tipo di sogni con cui sono stato tormentato da quando ti ho incontrato,” his voice dropped lower, “Essere impigliato con te è qualcosa che non posso permettermi. Eppure, le tue labbra. Le tue dannate labbra rosse perseguitano ogni mio pensiero al risveglio.” By the end of his cursings, his face neared hers. All she fixated on was his burning anger and proximity and how deliciously intoxicating it was. Her body itched to step back, to calm her racing heart, but she wouldn’t let him win so easily.
She stepped closer, tilting her face up until she looked directly into his molton brown eyes. But as she opens her mouth to push him further, Vincenzo crashes into her as he tangles his hand into her hair and pulls her into a kiss. His lips are soft when they meet hers, just as she had dreamt, but his mouth demands more, more, more. He backs her against the wall, one hand threaded through her hair cushioning her head as the other settles on her waist.
Cha-young tugs against his tie, pulling him closer until his body is fully pressed and she can feel the heat of his body against hers. Her other hand roams his torso and his back, attempting to memorize the feel of his body.
They continue, their mouths moving in tandem with one another, each other’s fire threatening to engulf the other. As she breaks away for a breath, he pulls her back into an even more bruising kiss. Cha-young felt her whole body burn for him as his tongue brushed across her bottom lip, teasing her into kissing harder, giving more.
His hand tugs on her hair as he breaks away from her lips, tilting her head to expose her neck, and moving his attention towards her jaw and the soft skin of her neck. Cha-young gasps as he nibbles and kisses down her throat, each one more bruising than the next. Her every sense, every thought was flooded with how his body felt, how his warmth spread against hers, how intoxicating he smelled and how each groan he let out drove her insane with need.
“If I knew this was all it took to shut you up, I would have done it a long time ago.” he taunted her, his voice just a whisper. He pulled away from her, leaving her breathless against the wall and looking at his smirking face. His eyes were still dark, the fire still burning within them, but as her gaze dropped down to his lips and back up, there was something new in his eyes. Something soft. Something... more terrifying.
But as quickly as it appeared, she watched it vanish off his eyes, and his face hardened back into the mask. He steps away from her as if it hurt to look at her, his hands smoothening his shirt and fixing his tie.  Without sparing her another glance, Cha-young watches as Vincenzo walks away from her, and back into the pavement. Is it so easy for him to walk away from me, even after what we’ve done?
Her thoughts are scrambled, replying the moment before as she pushes the hurt away. He’s just a momentary distraction. People have walked away from her before, and he’s no different. She shuts her eyes, in a futile attempt to center herself, before she walks away from the haven the alleyway offered.
a/n: here are the italian translations:
“How can you be the most intriguing yet the most infuriating woman i've ever met? Hong Cha-Young, my dear, do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?”
“It's all your fault. The kinds of dreams i've been plagued with since i've met you.”
“Being tangled up with you is something I can't afford. And yet, your lips. Your damned red lips haunt my every waking thought.”
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fatehbaz · 4 years
On soil degradation and the use of non-native plants as weapons to change landscapes and sever cultural relationships to land; and on the dramatically under-reported but massive scale of anthropogenic environmental change wrought by early empires and “civilizations” in the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and ancient world (including the Fertile Crescent, Rome, and early China): I didn’t want to add to an already long post.
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This is a Roman mosaic, from when Rome controlled Syria, depicting an elephant (presumably the Asian species, Elephas maximus) interacting with a tiger (the Caspian tiger, a distinct subspecies of tiger, lived in Mesopotamia, the shores of the Black Sea, and Anatolia up until the mid-1900s). This mosaic is striking to me, because I guess you could say that this is clear evidence of the higher biodiversity and more-dynamic ecology of the Fertile Crescent in the recent past, until expanding militarism and empire led to extensive devegetation. After all, does the popular consciousness really associate elephants and tigers with the modern-day eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia? Not really. But for the majority of human existence, lions, tigers, elephants, and cheetah were all living alongside each other in Mesopotamia. Pretty cool.
Anyway, I wanted to respond to this:
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Which was in response to a thing I posted:
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Pina: Thanks for the addition! I don’t know much about the technicality Rome’s devegetation of the Mediterranean periphery, but - like you - I’ve read some cool articles about it, and then forgotten to bookmark them. (I know that I have at least one good article in print form, about Roman devegetation; I’m going to try to find it.) I’m glad you mentioned it!
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The first image is in the public domain and depicts a rhino-shaped ritual wine vessel made of bronze, from about 1100 to 1050 BC, during the Shang era. (The piece is housed at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.) The second image is another bronze wine vessel from a site in Shaanxi Province, this time inlaid with gold and hailing from later in history during the Western Han period, about 205 BC to 10 AD. (Photo by Wikimedia user Babel/Stone.) The rhinos in both of these pieces are depicted with two horns, meaning that they likely depict the Sumatran rhinoceros; this is corroborated by the existence of fossil remains of Sumatran rhinos from across China prior to 1000 AD.
On devegetation in the ancient world:
Yes, it feels like the ecological effects of empires prior to the Middle Ages are not just “under-discussed,” but dramatically overlooked. Some “quintessential and iconic African fauna” like lions and cheetahs lived throughout the Fertile Crescent, until devegetation during the late Bronze Age and, a few centuries later, the ascent of Rome. Caspian tigers (a distinct subspecies of tiger) also lived nearby, in Anatolia, the Caucasus, the shores of the Black Sea, and Persia - right up until the 20th century, in fact! (Other iconic species present on the periphery of ancient Mesopotamia were Asian elephants; leopards are still present.) Aside from the devegetation of the Fertile Crescent and the later landscape modifications of Rome, I also don’t see a lot of popular discussion (there is academic discussion, though, obviously) of ecological change in Zhou-era and early imperial China, either. While early Mesopotamia is famous for the amount of social prestige ascribed to irrigators and engineers, who were evidently essential to maintaining the domesticated crops so important to “hydraulic civilization,” early China (apparently) also revered irrigators and engineers. At least according to folklore and written histories, before the Han period, seasonal floods, especially in the Yangtze watershed, would regularly destroy human settlements. Also, there far more tigers, leopards, rhinos, and elephants present; rhinos and elephants lived as far north as the Yellow River until empire really expanded, and the animals lived as far north as the Yangtze River into the European Renaissance era. So, those people with the technical expertise to “tame the wilderness” by damming rivers or calming floodwaters were given prestige and sometimes treated as folk heroes. [Chinese history is not a subject that I really know a lot about. I’m just relaying the observations made in one of the better books on environmental history in East Asia, which is Mark Elvin’s The Retreat of the Elephants - 2006.]
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On empires’ use of soil degradation to “sever connections to land” and “indirectly” destroy alternative or resisting cultures:
Seems that empire uses ecological degradation to enact a “severing of relations” (in Zoe Todd’s words). Basically: If you destroy somebody’s gardens, then they have to come to you to buy food. Furthermore, destroying someone’s connection to land will also harm their cultural traditions rooted in that land, eliminating a threat to the imperial cultural hegemony and erasing “alternative possibilities and futures” from the collective imaginary. (And destroying the imagination doesn’t just harm the invaded cultures, it also prevents the relatively privileged people living in the metropole or imperial core from “achieving consciousness” or whatever, wherein someone living in 150 AD Rome or 1890s New York City might imagine an alternative system and potentially dismantle the empire from within.)
It’s violence; destroying soil, cutting forests, it’s violence. But when empires destroy soil, they get to maintain a little bit of plausible deniability: “Ohhh, it’s not like we outright killed anybody, we just accidentally degraded the soil and now you can’t grow your own food. Damn, guess you have to rely on our market now, which also means you have to assimilate/integrate into our culture.”
Europe, the US, and the World Bank did this in West Africa after “independence.” They said “oh, yea, sure, we’ll formally liberate you from colonial rule.” But since the palm and sugar plantations were already installed, and many of the ungulate herds of the savanna had already been killed, what were new West African nations supposed to do? Miraculously resurrect the complex web of microorganism lifeforms in the soil? So what the US and its proxies are essentially doing is saying: “If you want loans, you have to keep the plantations and also install supermarkets to sell Coca-Cola.”
Todd: “The Anthropocene as the extension and enactment of colonial logic systematically erases difference, by way of genocide and forced integration and through projects of climate change that imply the radical transformation of the biosphere. Colonialism, especially settler colonialism – which in the Americas simultaneously employed the twinned processes of dispossession and chattel slavery – was always about changing the land, transforming the earth itself, including the creatures, the plants, the soil composition and the atmosphere.” [Heather Davis and Zoe Todd. “On the Importance of a Date, or Decolonizing the Anthropocene.” ACME An International Journal for Critical Geographies. December 2017.]
On the use of non-native plants as a sort of “biological weapon”:
The use of non-native plants and agriculture to enforce colonization and empire is the whole focus of this influential book from Alfred Crosby. (I have some issues/criticisms of some of his work/theories, but his work is generally interesting.) Crosby popularized the term “neo-Europes,” and he proposes that European empires attempted to subjugate the native ecology of landscapes in Turtle Island, Latin America, Australia, etc., while attempting to introduce European species, cattle ranches, pastures, dairy farms, gardens, etc. in an effort to “recreate” a European landscape.
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Speaking of Rome’s devegetation of the Mediterranean: One of the famous cases of Roman devegetation that made the rounds recently was that of silphium. A couple of excerpts:
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[From: The Original Seed Pod That May Have Inspired the Heart Shape This historical botanical theory has its roots in ancient contraceptive practices.” Cara Giaimo for Atlas Obscure, 13 February 2017.]
Silphium, which once grew rampant in the ancient Greek city of Cyrene, in North Africa, was likely a type of giant fennel, with crunchy stalks and small clumps of yellow flowers. From its stem and roots, it emitted a pungent sap that Pliny the Elder called “among the most precious gifts presented to us by Nature.”
According to the numismatist T.V. Buttrey, exports of the plant and its resins made Cyrene the richest city on the continent at the time. It was so valuable, in fact, that Cyrenians began printing it on their money. Silver coins from the 6th century B.C. are imprinted with images of the plant’s stalk -- a thick column with flowers on top and leaves sticking out -- and its seed pods, which look pretty familiar: 
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[End of excerpt.]
Silphium is extinct now. There is a lot of conjecture about what, specifically, caused the extinction. But it looks like the expansion of Rome across the North African coast of the Mediterranean, and Rome’s development leading to soil degradation, is a likely cause.
Thanks @pinabutterjam​  :3
The scale of ecological imperialism’s effects ... planetary, no escape. It’s exhausting.
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masterdemolitioninc · 3 years
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pencopanko · 6 years
Any book/tv show/movie/song recommendations? Aside from Coco, I mean, since we all already know it’s really good :D
Oooooohh I sure do!
Books: The Wild Magic Trilogy by Celine Kiernan, the first four Nancy Drew books, The Magician’s Elephant and The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo, The Game by Diana Wynne Jones, I Am Malala by Malala Yousafza, and The Encyclopedia of Colored Pencil Techniques by Judy Martin.
TV/Internet Shows: 
- Miss Sherlock: a Japanese adaptation of Sherlock Holmes set in modern times 
- The Full-Time Wife Escapist: another J-drama, this time about a woman who enters a contract marriage with her employer
- Running Man: a hilarious South Korean reality TV show, now with an animated series based on the original show
- The Try Guys: originally a Buzzfeed show, it’s about four guys who try things together and now they have their own channel/company (Zach Kornfeld is my fave)
- Ladylike: another Buzzfeed show, this time about five ladies hanging out, trying stuff, and having fun along the way
- Unsolved: and yet another Buzzfeed show this time featuring two guys reading true crime and supernatural stories. None of the stories are solved to this day, hence the name of the show. The duo also goes to places that are said to be filled with otherworldly beings like spirits and demons
- Sweetness and Lightning: an anime series about a single father and his five-year-old daughter as they bond with each other and a student from the father’s high school through cooking
- Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: a super cute K-drama about a girl with super strength
- Animated shows such as Craig of The Creek, Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, Gravity Falls, The Misadventures of Flapjack, Chowder, Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends, and the original Powerpuff Girls
Movies: The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl by Yuasa Masaaki, (the same man behind Devilman Crybaby and Ping Pong The Animation), The Great Mouse Detective, Modern Times starring Charlie Chaplin, Singin’ In The Rain, Day of The Crows, A Cat in Paris, Fantastic Mr. Fox by Wes Anderson based on Roald Dahl’s book by the same name, and A Hard Day’s Night (a movie by The Beatles).
Songs: Move Your Body (Single Mix) by Sia (or the entirety of This Is Acting), Genius and Audio by LSD (Labrinth-Sia-Diplo), every song by ABBA (listen to the Gold album for an introduction to their songs), Mumford and Sons’ albums particularly Sigh No More and Babel (they also covered Simon & Garfunkle’s The Boxer and it sounds beautiful), Don’t Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas) and Oh, Marcello by Regina Spektor (or the entirety of What We Saw From The Cheap Seats), Change by Monkey Majik feat. The Yoshida Brothers, Las Caras Lindas by Mariachi Flor de Toloache, and the entirety of Prospekt’s March by Coldplay, particularly Life In Technicolor II. And if you have yet to listen to them, please check out both the Broadway adaptation of Frozen and the South African live recording of The Lion King!
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rmolid · 4 years
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
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rumahseo · 5 years
Jasa Pembuatan Website Belitung Timur
Jasa Pembuatan Website Belitung Timur, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
Jasa Pembuatan Website Belitung Timur, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung mempunyai Team Freelance yang telah mempunyai pengalaman pekerjaan pada bidangnya masing-masing.
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Jasawebsite.ooo Merupakan Jasa Pembuatan Website yang terletak  di Makassar dan Jakarta, kemudian memulai memperluas layanan ke Belitung Timur, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung (Babel). Kami membuat website menggunakan CMS WordPress, Framework CodeIgniter dan Laravel, Disamping kami menyediakan jasa pembuatan Aplikasi Mobile (Android dan iOS). Selengkapnya
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Situs web atau situs web adalah kumpulan sumber daya web jaringan terkait, seperti halaman web, konten multimedia, yang biasanya diidentifikasi dengan nama domain umum, dan diterbitkan pada setidaknya satu server web. Contoh penting adalah wikipedia.org, google.com, dan amazon.com. Wikipedia Apa itu Search Engine Optimazion (SEO) Optimisasi mesin pencari adalah proses meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas lalu lintas situs web dengan meningkatkan visibilitas situs web atau halaman web ke pengguna mesin pencari web. SEO mengacu pada peningkatan hasil yang tidak dibayar, dan tidak termasuk lalu lintas langsung / pengunjung dan pembelian penempatan berbayar. Wikipedia Mengapa Research Keyword sangat penting? 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revistazunai · 7 years
Torre de Babel 2 - Emily Dickinson por Adalberto Müller
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A seleção de poemas de Emily Dickinson que apresento aqui faz parte do primeiro volume da Poesia Completa (1-600), que estou traduzindo, seguindo as edições críticas de R.W. Franklin (1996) e Cristanne Miller (2016), além do necessário confronto com os seus manuscritos (disponíveis em emilydickinson.org). No Brasil, as edições de suas obras, além de se basearem na questionável organização de Thomas H. Johnson (1956), raramente obedeceram a critérios histórico-filológicos, quando não embaralharam os poemas segundo gostos e escolhas pessoais, que acabam descaracterizando a sequência histórica dos poemas, e sua relação com a biografia da poeta, cada vez mais importante para a compreensão de sua obra (como atesta recente exposição no Morgan Museum &Library de Nova York).
No primeiro poema que apresentamos aqui, já se nota um dos problemas para o tradutor: como Emily Dickinson nunca publicou seus poemas em vida (a não ser 10, dos 1879 poemas, e involuntariamente), e, como existem variantes dos poemas, cada editor escolhe mostrar o que quer. Daí a necessidade de edições críticas como as de Franklin e Miller. A tarefa do tradutor é, então, procurar estabelecer critérios para uma nova edição. Em outros termos, o tradutor deve também transformar-se em editor.
Os poemas, escritos entre 1859 e 1861, refletem fortemente a relação de Emily com sua amiga de adolescência e cunhada Susan “Sue” Gilbert Dickinson, por quem ela nutria uma paixão arrebatadora. Não se sabe até que ponto a paixão de Emily e Sue chegou às vias de fato, mas não resta dúvida nenhuma de que Sue foi a pessoa com quem Emily mais intimamente e longamente se relacionou, e de cuja opinião sempre dependeu, no processo de elaboração dos poemas. O “caso” Sue foi estudado, entre outras, por Ellen L. Hart e Martha Nell Smith (Open me Carefully, 1998) e por Judith Farr (The Passions of Emily Dickinson, 1992), e não deixa de ser menos importante do que o tão propalado, e não menos comprovável, caso com o anônimo “Mestre”.  
Sobre o método de tradução dos poemas, tenho ressaltado que é necessário manter a trama dickinsoniana de ritmo, imagem e pensamento. De outro modo, as traduções serão meros índices, no sentido peirceano: sempre apontando para o original, como a fumaça aponta para o fogo. Nesse sentido, a antologia de Augusto de Campos, ainda me serve de referência. Mas é sobretudo a tradução da poesia completa ao alemão por Gunhilde Kübler (Hanser Verlag, 2015) que deve ser vista como modelar, para o futuro. Prefiro também acreditar, com Foucault, que a tradução deve “sangrar a língua” de chegada, o que obviamente afasta o poema da literalidade e da naturalidade. No caso de Dickinson, como mostrou Cristanne Miller, as elipses e as supressões sintáticas, além de arcaísmos e citações, são características essenciais, que procurei manter, a despeito do efeito de estranheza que causam à nossa língua (nesse sentido me afasto radicalmente das traduções de que “normalizam” a sintaxe elíptica de Dickinson). Por outro lado, também procuro manter, onde há, um certo encantamento rítmico-melódico, característico da influência musical mais importante para Emily Dickinson: os hinos de igreja protestante americanos, que deram origem, aliás, ao soul. Vale lembrar que, além de leitora de Shakespeare e da Bíblia King James, Emily tocava (ao piano) e cantava negro spirituals.
Adalberto Müller (março 2017)
[F80 A (1859) e C (1864); J903]
Escondo-me em minha flor
Em teu seio me arranjo –
Tu – nem sabes, que me levas –
O resto o sabe um anjo!
I hide myself within my flower,
That wearing on your breast,
You –  unsuspecting, wear me too—
And angels know the rest!
Escondo-me – em minha flor,
A que fenece, em teu Vaso,
Tu, nem sabes, que por mim
Sentes quase – tristeza –
I hide myself within my flower,
That fading from your Vase—
You—unsuspecting—feel for me—
Almost—a loneliness—
[F140A (1860); J128]
Traga-me o ocaso em uma taça
Conte os cântaros da aurora
Diga o que é de Orvalho, agora –
Diga-me aonde brinca a manhã –
E quando dorme a tecelã
Que urdiu o azul desta hora!
Anote quantas notas há
No êxtase do Tordo
Cantando no galhos do bordo!
Quantas viagens a Tartaruga faz –
Quantas taças a Abelha traz –
Rainha do Sábado-Gordo –
Quem construiu as pontes do Arco-íris?
Quem conduz as esferas incríveis
Com cordas de azul flexível?
Que dedos fiaram a estalactite –
Quem conta
Com rigor indefectível?
Quem fez esta Casinha d’Alba
E fechou tão bem a janela
Que a mente não alcança vê-la?
Quem me deixará, em noite de gala,
Viajar, em máquinas de voar,
Passando além da Pompa?
Bring me the sunset in a cup –
Reckon the morning's flagons up
And say how many Dew,
Tell me how far the morning leaps—
Tell me what time the weaver sleeps
Who spun the breadth of blue!
Write me how many notes there be
In the new Robin's ecstasy
Among astonished boughs—
How many trips the Tortoise makes—
How many cups the Bee partakes,
The Debauchee of Dews!
Also, who laid the Rainbow's piers,
Also, who leads the docile spheres
By withes of supple blue?
Whose fingers string the stalactite—
Who counts the wampum of the night
To see that none is due?
Who built this little Alban House
And shut the windows down so close
My spirit cannot see?
Who'll let me out some gala day
With implements to fly away,
Passing Pomposity?
GREAT CAESAR! CONDESCEND                             
[F149A (1860) ; J102]
Grande César! Condescendei
Em receber a Margarida,
Pela filha de Catão,
Com Vossa permissão, colhida.
Great Caesar! Condescend
The Daisy, to receive,
Gathered by Cato's Daughter,
With your majestic leave!
PAPA ABOVE!                                    
[F151A (1860); J61]
Papai do Céu!
Olha lá o Camundongo
Dominado pelo Gato!
Reserva em teu Reino
Um “Palácio” para o Rato!
Com Seráficos Armários
Pra ficar dia e noite roendo
Enquanto a Roda dos Ciclos
Pomposamente vai girando
Papa above!
Regard a Mouse
O'erpowered by the Cat!
Reserve within thy kingdom
A "Mansion" for the Rat!
Snug in seraphic Cupboards
To nibble all the day,
While unsuspecting Cycles
Wheel pompously away!                        
SURGEONS MUST BE VERY CAREFUL                     
[F156A (1860);J108]
Cuidado, Cirurgião,
Antes de meter a faca!
Esperando a incisão
Se agita a Vida – na maca!
Surgeons must be very careful
When they take the knife!
Underneath their fine incisions
Stirs the Culprit—Life!
AH, NECROMANCY SWEET !                       
[F168A (1860); J177]
Ah, Doce Necromancia!
Ah, Doutora em Magia!
Quero a mistura,
A que instila a dor antiga
Que médico não mitiga,
Para a qual não há mandinga
Nem cura!
Ah, Necromancy Sweet!
Ah, Wizard erudite!
Teach me the skill,
That I instill the pain
Surgeons assuage in vain,
Nor Herb of all the plain
Can heal!
TITLE DIVINE, IS MINE.                   
[F194B (1865); J1072]
A Título divino, me designo.
A Esposa menos o Signo -
Meu Registro Nobiliário -
A Princesa do Calvário -
Real, exceto a Coroa -
Noiva, sem o Desmaio
Que Deus deu à Mulher -
Tudo somado - no Balaio -
Ouro - por Ouro - que o valha -
Berço - Anel - Mortalha -
Num só Dia -
Tri Vitória -
"Meu Marido" - a Mulher diz
Tocando a Melodia -
De ser feliz -
Title divine, is mine.
The Wife without the Sign –
Acute Degree conferred on me –
Empress of Calvary –
Royal, all but the Crown –
Betrothed, without the Swoon
God gives us Women –
When You hold Garnet to Garnet –
Gold – to Gold –
Born – Bridalled –  Shrouded –
In a Day -
Tri Victory –
"My Husband" –  Women say -
Stroking the Melody –
Is this – the way –
I TASTE A LIQUOR NEVER BREWED –                       
[F207B (1862); J214]
Bebo um licor nunca feito –
Nem a Uva de Frankfurt –
Em tonel talhado em Pérola –
Daria um Vinho tão forte!
Estou bêbada – de ar –
Que Farra de Orvalho – no alto
Verão, ando cambaleando
Em tabernas de Azul cobalto –
Se os “Donos” enxotam a Abelha
Bêbada – da Dedaleira –
Se as Borboletas ficam “sóbrias”–
Maior ainda a bebedeira –
Serafins sacodindo a neve
Dos chapéus – E à janela
Os Santos me verão de Porre
Chegando de Manzanilla!*
I taste a liquor never brewed –
From tankards scooped in pearl –
Not all the Frankfort Berries
Yield such an Alcohol!
Inebriate of air – am I –
And Debauchee of Dew –
Reeling – through endless summer days –
From inns of molten Blue.
When “Landlords” turn the drunken Bee
Out of the Foxglove's door,
When Butterflies – renounce their “drams” –
I shall but drink the more.
Till Seraphs swing their snowy Hats –
And Saints – to windows run –
To see the little Tippler.
Leaning against the – Sun!
* Poema publicado em 4 de Maio de 1861, no Springfield Republican.
* Cidade da Espanha onde se fabrica o sherry homônimo.
(F231A (1861); J196)
Não choramos – Tim e Eu –
Nem tememos perigo –
Mas trancamos bem a porta
Para evitar um amigo –
Escondemos bem a cara
Bem dentro da mão –
Somos grandes – Tim e Eu –
Chorar – a gente – não!
E o sonho – inaceitável –
Para ele e para mim –
Fechamos os olhos castanhos
Para ver o Fim –
Tim – vê a casinha de campo –
Mas ó – que alta!
Nós trememos – Tim e Eu –
Meu pranto – desata –
Tim – lê um Hino curtinho –
E fazemos um pedido –
Em prece – Senhor – Eu e Tim –
Nosso caminho – perdido.
E morreremos – cedo ou tarde –
Isso diz o padre –
O Tim – vai – se Eu – for –
Eu – também – se ele –
De nada vale o alarde –
Tão tímido – o Tim –
Levai-nos juntos – Senhor –
Eu – o “Tim” – e – o Mim!
We don't cry – Tim and I,
We are far too grand –
But we bolt the door tight
To prevent a friend –
Then we hide our brave face
Deep in our hand –
Not to cry – Tim and I –
We are far too grand –
 Nor to dream – he and me –
Do we condescend –
We just shut our brown eye
To see to the end – 
Tim – see Cottages –
But, Oh, so high!
Then – we shake – Tim and I –
And lest I – cry –
Tim – reads a little Hymn –
And we both pray –
Please, Sir, I and Tim –
Always lost the way!
We must die – by and by –
Clergymen say –
Tim – shall – if I – do –
I – too – if he –
 How shall we arrange it –
Tim – was – so – shy?
Take us simultaneous – Lord –
I – "Tim" – and Me!
WE PLAY AT PASTE –                                 
[F282B (1860-1865);J320]
Fazemos de conta –
Que Contas são Pérolas –
No fim das contas –
Admitimos – que loucas –
Quase iguais – as Formas–
Agora, as Mãos cheias,
Com Táticas de Gema
Praticando  Areias –
We play at Paste –
Till qualified, for Pearl –
Then, drop the Paste –
And deem Ourself a fool –
The Shapes, tho’, were similar,
And our new Hands
Learned Gem Tactics
Practicing Sands –
ONE AND ONE – ARE ONE –                      
[F497A (1862); J769]
Um mais Um – é Um –
Fica abolido – o Dois –
Só serve para Escolas –
Ou pequenas Escolhas –
Vida – apenas – ou Morte –
Ou o Enquanto-Dure –
Mais, seria vasto demais
Não há Alma que o apure –
One and One – are One –
Two – be finished using –
Well enough for schools –
But for minor Choosing –
Life – just – Or Death –
Or the Everlasting –
More – would be too vast
For the Soul's Comprising –
Tradução: Adalberto Müller
F= Edição R.W. Franklin (1996)
J= Edição Thomas H. Johnson (1956)
Manuscritos originais:
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Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), poeta norte-americana. De origem social abastada, recebeu formação escolar no Hadley Female Seminary. Após completar os estudos, voltou a viver na casa dos pais, de quem cuidou. Assim como sua irmã, Lavínia, nunca se casou. Realizou poucas viagens: para Massachusetts, Boston e Washington. Numa dessas viagens, conheceu os poetas Charles Wadsworth e Thomas Wentworth Higginson, que exerceram sobre ela profunda influência. Tudo o que sabemos sobre a vida da poeta tem como fonte as cartas que escreveu a amigos, familiares e intelectuais como , T. W. Higginson e Helen Hunt Jackson. Nestas cartas, ela enviava, por vezes, pequenos poemas. Sua produção foi mais intensa entre 1860 e 1870, quando escreveu centenas de composições. A obra de Emily Dickinson, que reúne cerca de 1.800 poemas e 1.000 cartas, só foi publicada após a morte da autora, que não publicou nenhum livro em vida.zuaa
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ecoamerica · 23 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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belitonginfo · 10 months
Tanam 4000 Bibit, Polres Belitung Reboisasi Bekas Tambang
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BELITUNG, belitonginfo.com - Polres Belitung melakukan reboisasi lahan bekas tambang timah di Kawasan hutan Lindung Aik Geladak Dusun Teluk Dalam Desa Juru Seberang Kecamatan Tanjungpandan Kabupaten Belitung, Selasa (20/7/2023). Reboisasi lahan bekas tambang timah itu merupkan program dari Polda Babel (Bangka Belitung) untuk seluruh jajarannya yang mereka lakukan secara serentak. Cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan menanam pohon. Di mana kegiatan reboisasi ini juga merupakan rangkaian kegiatan untuk menyambut Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) Bhayangkara yang ke 77. Berita Lainnya : Kurir Sabu Dari Bangka Ditangkap Polres Belitung Dalam pelaksanaannya, Polre Belitung bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Belitung dan juga Pemerintah Desa Juru Seberang. Adapun bibit tanaman yang mereka tanam adalah sebanyak 4000 (Empat Ribu) bibit. Dengan perincian Pohon Kayu Putih sebanyak 2000 bibit dan 2000 Bibit Jambu mente. Baca Juga : Wow! Ternyata Ada Dua Pemuda Asal Belitung Hacker Kelas Dunia Satu Pelaku Vandalisme Tanjung Tinggi Akui Perbuatannya, Dapat Hukuman Bersihkan Tulisan Jangan. Lupa. Kunjungi. Facebook (Dengan Kamu. Mengklick. Link. ini. Kamu. Akan. Masuk. ke Facebooknya. Belitong Info). Ayo Klik Sekarang Juga. Atau Kamu Juga Dapat Melihat Instagram , Twitter , Linkedin , Tumblr , Medium Kami. atau. bisa mengunjungi Google News Kami. Kami Juga Ada Channel Youtube Untuk Melihat Berita kami Secara Visual Ayo Sekarang Juga Bergabung Bersama Kami Read the full article
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locuradelibros-blog · 7 years
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¡Nueva lectura para el fin de semana! EL BÚNKER DE BABEL #LuchoGonzalezAller #AdalizEdiciones 📚 La II Guerra Mundial provocó millones de muertos. Cinco hombres sobrevivieron al Holocausto y no estaban dispuestos a olvidar. Algunos de sus verdugos lograron escapar impunes y se escondieron, pero ellos sabían cosas que nadie más conocía: nombres, caras y oscuros secretos nunca revelados. Viajaron alrededor del mundo e hicieron de la venganza su modo de vida, la sed de justicia era su motor. El periodista Lucho González-Aller recoge y novela la venganza que un grupo de supervivientes perpetraron a lo largo de una vida dedicada a la persecución de sus captores. Aventura, espionaje y el combate de unos guerreros dispuestos a que ningún crimen quede sin castigo. Un grupo despiadado que juzga y ejecuta, un grupo que se formó en un búnker: El búnker de Babel. Lucho González-Aller, nacido en Madrid, es Doctor en Ciencias de la Infromación. Ha sido redactor-jefe y productor ejecutivo, desarrollando una gran parte de su carrera profesional en RTVE. Ha estudiado también Derecho, Relaciones Internacionales, Cinematografía y Teatro. En su juventud participó en diferentes películas como actor, siendo la más destacada de todas ellas Tristana, de Luis Buñuel. Como periodista y productor ha trabajado en una gran parte de los acontecimientos importantes del último cuarto del siglo XX y en el ámbito deportivo ha participado profesionalmente en la organización de más de 13 Juegos Olímpicos de invierno y verano, 4 Campeonatos del Mundo de Fútbol, etc. Le han otorgado prestigiosos premios nacionales e internacionales a su labor profesional. 📚 #RECOMIENDO #ElBunkerdeBabel #books #book #instafit #instadaily #megustaleer #instagood #instagram #instagramers #blogger #blog #read #Leoycomparto #readingtime #readingbook #readbook #LeeBuenosLibros #RecomendacionesQLL #LocuradeLibros #ClubdeLectura #librosrecomendados #ClubdeLecturaQLL #FelicesLecturas 🌹📚❤️ (en Alcorcón, Madrid)
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agardenandlibrary · 1 year
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'Not at all,' said Professor Playfair. 'You're in the place where magic is made. It's got all the trappings of a modern university, but at its heart, Babel isn't so different from the alchemists' lairs of old. But unlike the alchemists, we've actually figured out the key to the transformation of a thing. It's not in the material substance. It's in the name.'
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Something about how the first thing Lovell does is make Robin choose a different, English name to use instead of his own
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