#casey cott imagine
stattic-writes · 4 years
Night Over
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avenging-fandoms · 6 years
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not requested!
— in which yn and casey cott celebrate his birthday in Hawaii!
(happy birthday Casey!)
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secrets ~ riverdale cast
word count: 2216
request?: yes!
“riverdale cast x fem! reader
the cast finds out readers secret boyfriend so after all the non-stop bugging she finally lets them meet him and he turns out to be Dansby Swanson
(Can Jordan & drew also be included, I feel like they don’t get enough love)”
description: in which she tries to keep her relationship a secret, but her co-stars find out
pairing: riverdale cast x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“What are you giggling about over there?”
I quickly clutched the screen of my phone against my chest as KJ’s head appeared over my shoulder. I glared at him through the mirror and saw that he had brought the attention of our other co-stars towards me.
“I saw a funny meme,” I told him. “Go away, your hair dye is killing my brain cells.”
He stuck his tongue out at me and I shoved him away before he got any ideas about licking my face or something. It’s happened before.
“I don’t know,” he said. “That didn’t sound like a meme giggle. That sounded like a text from a boy giggle.”
“How would you know what a boy giggle sounds like?” I countered.
“It’s how he sounds with Cole texts him,” Cami teased.
“Yeah, he sends me all sorts of flirty messages. I think we’re gonna be Riverdale’s next power couple, sorry Cam and Charles,” KJ called over his shoulder. Cami laughed while Charles flipped KJ off without looking up from his phone.
“Well this was a meme giggle,” I insisted. “Now go away, you smell.”
I could tell by the look on KJ’s face that he wasn’t going to drop this so easily, but for now he did as I asked.
Truthfully, my co-stars/friends were right. I was giggling because of a text sent to me by a boy, a boy I had been dating for nearly six months in fact. A boy that nobody in the cast knew about, and I wanted to keep it that way.
It wasn’t that I didn’t trust the cast. They had basically become my family since I was hired onto Riverdale, especially Lili, Cami, and Madelaine. I had been brought onto the show midway through season two, but they all welcomed me with open arms and treated me as if I had been there since day one. I loved my castmates, but sometimes they were a little too much like family. And by that I mean they love to pry and embarrass me.
I wanted to tell them eventually that I had been seeing someone, but I wanted to make sure the relationship was going to last a while before I did. When I first met the cast, I had been dating someone for a short period of time and the resulting break up was not pretty. The cast immediately came to my side, comforting me and defending me against my ex, which I was grateful for, but when it came to showing interest in other guys, they went the complete opposite direction and would crowd me about it until they met the guy, then would be completely embarrassing. One time, while they were still dating, Lili and Cole ran into me on a date with someone and Cole decided to sit down and talk with us for nearly an hour straight, despite Lili having the sense to try and pull him away.
It’s safe to say the date did not last too long after that.
But this relationship felt different. This one felt real. I could see myself having a future with this guy even though we hadn’t been together all that long. I wasn’t sure if that’s how he felt or not, but I knew that’s how I felt. And I wanted to make sure the feeling was mutual before I brought him in to meet my second family.
One of the producers came to the room and knocked. He poked his head in and said, “We need the ladies on set in about five minutes.”
The four of us stood and followed the producer to set. Cami and Lili stood on either side of me and linked their arms through mine, while Madelaine, who was on Lili’s other side, linked her arms through Lili’s. It was a small hallway, so we had to squish together in our stance, but it was the way we always walked together. We were a unit, connected always.
“You know, (Y/N),” Madelaine said, “KJ wasn’t wrong. That giggle didn’t really sound like a meme giggle.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Not you guys, too. I saw a meme and I giggled. Let it go!”
“Okay, sure, you saw a meme,” Lili said with a shrug. “Or maybe a guy was texting you? A guy you have romantic interest in?”
“A guy who sent you a meme?” Cami suggested, wiggling her eyebrow in a goofy way.
I sighed and shook my head. I wasn’t gonna get away from this, I knew that. I may as well suck it up and get it out there. “Okay, yeah, fine. I was...I was texting a guy.”
The girls squealed with excitement and crowded closer to me. I stopped walking long enough to push them away for my space before continuing to follow the producer onto set.
“See, this is why I didn’t wanna tell you guys,” I said. “I don’t want anyone making a big deal about it right now.”
“Making a big deal out of what?” Jordan asked. He, Drew, and Cole were already on set for part of the scene we were filming.
“(Y/N) has a boyfriend!” Madelaine proclaimed excitedly. All three guys looked at me with wide eyes and opened their mouths to start talking. I put a hand up to stop them, which worked, luckily.
“Another reason I didn’t want to tell you,” I muttered. “That’s sort of my thing to tell people, Mads.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just excited for you!” she said.
I softened a bit and smiled at her. “I appreciate that. I appreciate all of you guys, really. I just don’t want this to be a big deal. It’s just a relationship.”
“But are you happy in this relationship?” Lili asked. “Does he make you happy?”
I could feel my heart racing at just the thought of this guy. I tried to contain the smile on my face, but it stretched so wide that it hurt my cheeks. The girls were around me again, pulling me into a group hug of excitement.
“He’s so sweet,” I told them. “He’s kind, and he’s caring, and he’s damn fine to look at.”
“All fantastic qualities,” Cami said with a wink.
“I just don’t want to rush things to introduce him to you guys too soon into the relationship. I want to make sure he’s in it for the long haul, you know.”
All three of them smiled at me. “We get it,” Lili said. “We promise we won’t make a big deal about it until you want us to.”
I smiled gratefully at them. “Thank you guys.”
I thought over everyone knowing about my boyfriend for some time. I found myself debating on bringing him to set, or just introducing him to the girls and waiting a bit more before bringing him in to meet everyone.
Finally, on one of our last days shooting the season, I decided to bring him in to meet everyone.
I was incredibly nervous the entire ride to set. I had him drive because I knew my focus would not be on the road, which was extremely dangerous. I was sat in the passenger seat, my legs bobbing with anxiety. He reached over and put a hand on my knee, effectively stopping my jumping legs.
“It’ll be okay, babe,” he told me. “Whatever they think of me, I’ll take it.”
“It’s not what they think about you,” I told him. “It’s what you think of me after they’ve annoyed the living hell out of you.”
He chuckled, a beautiful tune that I grew accustomed to hearing as of late. “Nothing they could say or do is going to make me not want to be with you anymore. They’re like your family, and families are supposed to embarrass family.”
I smiled and put my hand on top of his, giving it a slight squeeze. “You’re too good to be true. I’m waiting for your fatal flaw to show up.”
He chuckled. “I snore, I think that’s it.”
We arrived to set and a new set of nerves grew in my stomach. I passed through security and we parked in the CW lot. As we made our way into the studio, I took his hand in mine. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and I took a deep breath. It was now or never.
We walked to the green room where everyone was usually hanging out until their call times. I could already hear the commotion of my castmates through the closed door. I was starting to regret this decision, but there was no turning back now.
I turned to look at him. “Wait here just a second.”
He nodded. I reluctantly let go of his hand and turned to the door. I put my hand out to the knob, hesitated a moment, then pulled the door open.
The attention immediately turned to me the moment I opened the door. Numerous greetings rang out from everyone in a cacophony of noise. I awkwardly chuckled and waved at everyone.
“Hey guys,” I started. “Listen, I brought someone to set for you guys to meet. He’s kind of important to me, so please be on your best behavior.”
“He?” Casey repeated. “Is this the mysterious boyfriend you’ve mentioned?”
I shot him a look. “Yes, it is him. Again, best behavior. You guys gotta promise or else I won’t bring him in.”
A chorus of “we promise” followed. I knew it was a hollow promise, but at least they were going to try. Maybe.
“Okay. Well, everyone, I want you to meet my boyfriend.” I pushed the door open more to reveal the man standing behind it. “Dansby.”
The room was silent for a moment. Everyone looked at Dansby in astonishment, as if they were trying to figure out if he was real or not. Charles was the first out of his seat and approaching the two of us, his excitement bursting out of him.
“No fucking way!” he exclaimed. “Dansby Swanson? As in shortstop for the Atlanta Braves of Major Dansby Swanson?!”
Dansby chuckled. “Yeah, that’s me.”
“No way!” Drew repeated, the next one up to greet Dansby. “Dude, I’ve seen you play like a dozen times. I’ve been to so many of your games. You’re amazing!”
“Thanks,” Dansby said. “It’s a lot of training, and a lot of errors along the way.”
The rest of the cast was getting up to meet Dansby. They all seemed to be in a state of shock, even some of the members I knew had no idea why Dansby was so important to the sport lovers. They crowded around us, trying to shake hands with the big baseball star I had brought along with me.
I felt someone grab my arm and pull me through the crowd. We were a safe distance away from everyone when I realized it was Lili.
“How the hell did you start dating Dansby Swanson?” she asked me.
“I didn’t think you knew who he was,” I said with a slight laugh.
“I don’t really. I’ve just watched games with Cole, Dylan, and their dad. It’s like men retain knowledge about every sport and every player known to man. That doesn’t answer my question, though.”
“I was waiting for this guy I matched up with on Tinder. We were supposed to meet up at a restaurant for a date, and I told him I’d sit at the bar and wait for him in this red dress so that he would know who I was. I was there for nearly an hour before realizing he had stood me up, so I did what anyone does when they’re stood up and ordered a drink. Dansby happened to be sat across the way from me and told the bartender he wanted to pay my tab. He didn’t come talk to me until I was about to leave, and that was mainly because I was a little tipsy and was trying to yell across the bar to thank him. He basically saved me from embarrassing myself.”
Lili smiled. “That really does sound like you.”
“Yeah. I figured if he still liked me after that, he was going to like me no matter what.”
“Oh, he definitely likes you. He’s been looking at you basically since you guys walked in. I don’t think he’s taken his eyes off of you, even to talk to the others.”
“Really?” I looked over to see that she was right. Despite having Drew and Charles trying to talk his ear off, Dansby was looking at me through the crowd of my co-stars. When my eyes met his, he smiled a little at me. I felt butterflies filling my stomach as I smiled back at him.
“That’s the Disney look, my friend,” Lili said. “The look that Flynn Rider gives Rapunzel when she’s not looking.”
“Oh my God,” I breathed. “I’ve never been looked at like that before. Not that I know of anyways.”
“I think he’s a keeper, (Y/N).”
I looked over at Dansby again. Yet again, he was looking at me. He finally turned away when someone, I figure it was Charles still, asked if he could get a picture with Dansby.
“I think he is, too.”
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freezing82 · 3 years
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REGARDLESS of your/our favorite ships/characters, this IS, without a doubt, one of the best Riverdale cast pictures of all time!
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Request: riverdale cast x fem! Reader. reader HATES getting compliments, not that she doesn’t appreciates them but she just gets uncomfortable and doesn’t know what to sayn e ways the cast is chillin in the cast tents talking posting on the insta story playing games etc. Jordan being the annoying but loving cast mate that he is start gives her a compliment and she visibly gets so uncomfortable and everyone sees that so they keep spitting compliments at her until she gets up to walk out of the tent but drew stops her saying they’ll stop so she sits back down, then cole spits out another compliment and she through a her water bottle at him
hey! i had so much fun writing this! i just really like writing for the cast as a whole group and when they’re annoying each other it’s even better! enjoy! 
Even hearing the word makes you uncomfortable. 
The very thought of people saying anything remotely nice to you makes your skin crawl. I mean what do you even say to them? Thank you that means a lot? Thank you but you’re wrong? Whatever you say, you sound like an ass. 
And so whenever you hear somebody say anything that has anything nice in it apart from the usual everyday conversation, you change the subject and hope that they don’t push it. 
Which is quite ironic that out of all of the careers you could go into, you chose acting, because it’s of course known for it’s lack of compliments. I mean, it’s not like they have full on award shows that’s only purpose is to give out literal prizes to the best of the best. 
“Come on Drew, it’s really not that hard.” Vanessa groans and leans over his shoulder, trying to swipe the screen while Drew attempts to tilt it away from her. 
You pull your eyes away from your own phone and an amused smile pulls at your lips as you watch the interaction happening across from you. Vanessa’s eyebrows furrow as she tries and falls to teach Drew how to play some game that is far too loud for 8 in the morning. 
“Really Drew?” She deadpans and Drew lets out an exasperated sigh. 
“That was your fault! You and your swiping!” He argues, flailing his arms around and the two of them fall into a small row. You and Madelaine share a tired look before she decides to pull her camera out and film the two of them. 
“And here we see, Vanessa and Drew arguing over Cute Kittens Two, a game that literally no one over the age of 12 ever plays.” Cole says with a terrible british accent making the two of you giggle. Madelaine turns the camera on to him and he suddenly gets shy, a small blush spreading over his cheeks as he chuckles nervously and starts a conversation with KJ and Lili.
“Y/n, can you please entertain the people?” Mads asks and you send her a look, it screams ‘why are you making me do this?’ and in return she just sticks her tongue out at you. 
“I dunno what you want me to do?” You groan and hide your face behind your hands. 
“Literally anything is more interesting than those idiots.” Jordan interrupts while shuffling through the opening in the tent. He rubs his eyes and sips his coffee before taking the empty seat beside you and slumping in it.
“Aww, is someone tired?” Charles teases and leans over Cami to pinch his cheek. Cami elbows him, grumbling angrily about trying to cheat at the game of uno they have going. 
“Fuck off.” He mumbles and pushes his hand away. 
Mad’s sighs dramatically and turns the camera off before shoving it back into her bag.
“You know I have YouTube guidelines to stick to...I can’t have you dropping f-bombs at the beginning of my videos.” She huffs and throws an empty candy wrapper at him. 
“Hey, if you’re gonna through food wrappers and me at least make sure they have the food in them.” He sulks and Madelaine smiles before throwing a full sized snickers at his head. 
You roll your eyes at the two of them before quickly snapping a picture of you frowning and posting it to your Insta story, the caption ‘help me’, in the corner. 
“Rude.” Casey calls from across the room making you giggle and grin. 
Silence falls over all of you for a little while, each of you happily doing your own thing while you wait to be called to set. But then Jordan has to open his stupid mouth and it makes your blood run cold. 
“Oh hey Y/n.” He says nonchalantly, barely looking up from his phone as he types away. You hum in acknowledgement, glancing at him quickly while attempting to win the game of Mario Kart you’re playing on your switch. 
“I saw the trailer for that new movie your in, Wrong About The Ocean.” He starts and you freeze, Yoshi and his cute little car with ridiculously oversized wheels crashing into one of the barriers. You whine and look up, fear flashing through your eyes as you look at the dark haired man sat beside you. 
“Yeah?” You ask, your voice wavering as you try your hardest to remain calm. 
“Yeah!” He grins, dropping his phone in his lap, and meeting your gaze. “You were so good!” He says and your stomach churns at his words. Despite the kind smile on his face, you feel more like he’s just punched you and you have to force a smile onto your face as you slowly slide further down in your seat. “And Harry Styles. I mean talk about a beefcake.” He adds, stopping the group in their actions as they all stare at him, eyebrows raised and lips parted in confusion. “What? This is the 21st Century now, guys can find other guys attractive.” 
“That’s not what we have a problem with.” Charles rolls his eyes and Jordan looks at him even more confused. 
“Beefcake?” Lili repeats his words, causing the people around you to giggle and you let out a relived sigh now that the attention has moved off of you.
“Did you seriously call Harry Styles a beefcake?” Cami asks, trying and failing to hide her laughter and Jordan sends a glare her way, crossing his arms and holding his head high in offence.  
“Yes.” He nods. “And I stand by it.” He adds before turning his attention back to you and you gulp. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. You were really good. I can’t wait to see the whole thing.” He says, a warm smile lighting up his entire face and you laugh nervously while staring at the failed game of Mario. 
“Thanks.” You reply, heat spreading across your entire body as you play with the sleeves of your sweater. 
“Seriously Y/n, you should be proud of yourself.” He continues and you groan internally as he grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze. 
“Thanks.” You shift uncomfortably and he raises an eyebrow at your off behaviour. 
“Are you okay Y/n?” Cami asks, concern filling her tone as her question draws the attention of the rest of your friends.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You nod. “I’m just not really good with compliments.” You shrug casually in an attempt to play the whole thing down. However nobody seems convinced and they all eye you suspiciously. 
“Hey Y/n?” Cole asks, a mischievous smile pulling at his lips and a feeling of dread settles deep in your bones. Your stomach turns and you shift uncomfortably again while looking at each of your friends. “Do you not like compliments.” He hums, leaning forward in his seat and glancing at Casey and Skeet. Casey winks at him while Skeet just rolls his eyes and goes back to scrolling through his phone. 
“No, no. Compliments are great. The best. I just love getting compliments they fake me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” You ramble and sit up straight, shaking your head as you speak. “...they’re the best.” You whisper and raise your fist unenthusiastically. 
There’s a few seconds of silence as you nervously glance at your friends, each of them smirking to themselves as they try not to show just how much they are loving this, and a loud groan leaves your lips as you slump even further in your seat, preparing yourself for the onslaught of torture that’s about to be inflicited on you. 
“Hey Mads.” Cami asks, one eyebrow raised and her head cocked to the side as she pretends to be nonchalant. “Who do you think is the best actor in the entirety of Riverdale?” She adds and Madelaine hums, tapping her chin in fake thought before her eyes brighten as she looks at the dark haired girl across the room. 
“I think, it could be Y/n.” She says, staring directly at you. You gulp and look downwards as you try and fight the off the heat that’s threatening to creep over your face. 
“Y/n?” KJ says while sending a quick text. “You are the best friend I could have ever asked for.” 
“And you’re an inspiration.” Vanessa says and Drew nods along quickly. 
“I heard you’re the reason Meryl Streep got into acting. She saw you in Stranger Things and thought ‘yes, I want to be just like her’ and then she did.” Jordan shrugs and you send him a look. 
“Okay, okay.” You hold your hands up. “One, that doesn’t make any sense, so if you’re gonna annoy me at least make is cohesive, and two, you’re all a bunch of jerks.” You huff at the last part and cross your arms. “And I hate you.” 
“Well we love you.” Lili smiles, her compliment making you slightly less uncomfortable than the rest of them. 
“Do you know who I think of when I think of the best person in the world?” Casey hums and everyone pauses, trying to think of the answer. 
“Y/n?” Charles asks and Casey’s eyes widen. 
“It is! How did you guess that?” He asks and Charles just shrugs, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. 
“Right.” You stand. “You guys are the worst. I’m gonna go hang out somewhere else before you make me throw up and tear my own skin off.” You say, anger evident in your tone as you grab your switch and bottle of water off the floor. 
“Okay, okay, okay.” Drew says, running after you. You make it to the entrance of the tent, trying your hardest to ignore him, but when he grabs your wrist you have no choice but to stop and turn around. “We’re sorry.” He continues, guilt lacing his tone as he looks at you with sad eyes. “We won’t do it anymore, we promise.” He finishes, giving you a firm nod and you roll your eyes at him. “Won’t we?” 
The rest of your friends shake their head, and promise that they’ll drop it as long as you sit down again. And so, reluctantly you agree, it’s far too early to be annoyed with your friends, and even though you still feel like you want to tear your skin off, you also want to hang out with everyone. 
“Y/n?” Cole says, making you tear your attention away from Madelaine and settle on him. “We’re all so lucky to have you in our live-OW!” He shrieks gaining the attention of the rest of your friends. 
They all stare at him confused, until they notice him rubbing his forehead and the full water bottle lying on the floor beside him
“Oops.” You shrug and send him a wink. 
“Nice shot!” Jordan compliments making you grin. 
“That one I didn’t mind.” 
“Oh come on!” Cole shouts. “That’s not fair.” 
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ravenempress101 · 4 years
So the tickle porn just turned into the beauty community of mobsters for tickling 🤭🤭🤭 I know something was gonna happen
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poge-life · 4 years
Can I get a Riverdale ship? I'm a 5'1 trans guy who's likes guys. I have blond hair, blue eyes, and am extremely pale skinned. My style is generally kinda grunge/emo, and I want my lip pierced. I have pretty bad anxiety, but calm down relatively quickly if I'm around someone that can get me away from the trigger and keep my hands occupied and the sound down. I really like cats and work at a vet clinic for right now until college. I'm 17, almost 18.
I ship you with: Kevin Keller
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I guess it’s safe to say that Kevin has a type, I mean Fangs and Joaquin were both serpents and you hung out with the Serpent. Kevin was a little skeptical about asking you out due to his track record with the Serpents. Joaquin helped Fp cover up Jason Blossom’s death and then Fangs had a thing with Midge and then went off and joined a cult.
So flash forward to now and you both were awkwardly sitting across from each other at Pop’s. Kevin had approached you in the hallway asking if you wanted to go out some time and you, surprisingly to him, said yes.
“Ya know, I wasn’t sure at first about asking you out.” Kevin said, breaking the silence. You looked up at him with a grin on your face, placing your arms on the table, “I know. Fangs had already told me what happened between the two of you and everything that happened last year.”
Kevin let out a sigh in relief, letting a smile make its way across his face, “Tell me about yourself. I don’t really know much. Except that you hang out with Fangs and them and that you have really pretty eyes.”
“Well, I grew up on the Southside. My parents are always out of town for work so I’m by myself a lot. I’ll be 18 in a few months and I’m  working at a vet clinic until college. And uh...I’m also...trans.” You spoke in a quiet voice, hesitating to look up at him. But a warm hand have yours a squeeze, causing you to look up the boy.
“It’s okay. It’ll take me a little bit to understand everything but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. Your still this gorgeous, out of my league, hunk.” Kevin smiled and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You gave Kevin’s hand a squeeze, grinning at the boy.
“Thank you. For being really understanding. Even though I’m open about it, people still think it’s this big thing that I’m doing for attention. But they don’t get what it’s like. To be born and then grow up, knowing you don’t belong in this body and when you finally learn to be who you really are and start the process of everything, people always either stare or whisper about everything. And being a trans who likes guys?” You explained and Kevin gave you a sympathetic smile.
“I don’t get what you went through but when I came out, publicly, it was nerve wrecking. This is Riverdale. You sneeze the wrong way and your shamed for it. But I am so proud of you for embracing this and for not letting anyone drag you for it.” Kevin smiled and you swore to god you could have dropped to your knees right then and there.
“I got use to everything a while ago. That and I feel like people think if they say the wrong thing or make a wrong move against me, they probably think Sweet Pea would go after them.” You laughed, as did Kevin.
“I’m really glad I asked you out.” Kevin smiled, interlacing your fingers and you gave his hand a squeeze, “I am too.”
Please, please, please feel free to message me if you feel like I did anything wrong with this. I wrote part of this based on my experience with my friends who are Trans and how they felt during their transition so if I offended you in any way or got anything wrong, please message me and I’ll fix it right away.
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a-fandom-reimagined · 5 years
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Kevin looked you over and then himself, nodding his head in approval. “We are so winning the costume contest tonight.” 
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fanfics4all · 5 years
Found You
Request: Yes / No  I know you’re busy, and since I probably didn’t send this request I hope you don’t find it hard. Can I have a KJ x reader where the reader is kidnapped at a party and KJ does everything to find her and he does after a month. Lots of angst and fluff pls!! @river-fics
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
KJ Apa x Fem!Reader
Word count:  2682
Warnings: Kidnapping, Rape/sex slave, starvation, dehydration 
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: I’m not tagging anyone else in this because I don’t want to trigger anyone
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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We had just recently finished filming the first half of Riverdale season three. We all were going to celebrate since we had a few week break. My boyfriend KJ was so excited for a party, he really loved them. Roberto had set up the party and it was gonna be huge. The girls and I decided to have a get ready get-together before the party. We all went to get our hair done, nails did, then we went back to Mads’ place and finish getting ready. I put on a black and white crop top, black skirt, my favorite pair of chunky heels, some bracelets, and I had my Michael Kors purse. For my makeup, I did a black and white eyeshadow look with a wing, and I decided to go with a soft neutral pink lip, instead of a bold red one.
Once the girls and I were finished we finished getting ready we headed to the party to meet everyone. I couldn’t wait to get to this party and just relax. Filming could be stressful and since we didn’t get too many long breaks, a party was just what we needed. We got there and it looked awesome! We were in the Playhouse Nightclub in Vancouver, it was so amazing. The music was loud, people were dancing, the bar was fully stocked, and best of all… it was all free! The boys noticed us almost immediately and came over to us.
“Hey babe, you look amazing.” KJ said and I smiled.
“You don’t look too bad yourself.” I said with a wink. He smirked and pulled me to him.
“How about we get you a drink?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yes please!” I said and he chuckled. The two of us walked over to the bar and got some drinks.
The night ws going amazingly and everyone was having a great time. Us girls were dancing while the boy were catching up with each other. I walked to the bar to get another drink when someone I wasn’t super familiar with came up next to me.
“Hey Y/N.” He said and I gave him that smile you give someone that you don’t remember.
“Hey, um…” I said trying to think of his name.
“Steve, I’m one of the writers.” He said and I acted like I knew him.
“Right! Sorry, I must have already had one too many drinks.” I said with a laugh.
“Don’t worry about it, how are you?” He asked as the bartender made my drink.
“Good, glad to finally have a nice long break. How about you?” I asked with a smile.
“Good, also glad to have a break.” He smiled back.
“So what’s with that guy over there?” He asked and pointed to a random guy. I turned to look at who he was talking about.
“I don’t know, but there are a few people here I don’t know.” I said turning back to him. I grabbed my drink and took a sip.
“So do you guys get the same break as us or do you guy have a shorter break?” I asked and took another sip.
“We get a few weeks off, gotta get those episodes written.” He said with a smile.
“Haha, true.” I said. The two of us talked for a little while longer and I felt myself start to feel weird. I put my glass down on the bar and grabbed my head.
“Whoa, you okay?” He asked grabbing me.
“Uh, yeah. I think the drinks are just hitting me now.” I said.
“Maybe you should get some air.” He said and I nodded. I went to go walk but it was hard.
“Here, let me help you.” He said and I gave him a small smile.
“Thanks.” I said and we walked outside. The night air hit me and it felt nice. However, before I knew it my legs collapsed from under me. Steve caught me and I felt like I couldn’t move.
“Finally, I thought we’d be here all night.” Some guy said and I saw two guy walk out from the club.
“The damn drug takes fucking twentyish minutes to work.” Steve said lifting me up.
“Damn she looks so scared.” One of the two guys said with a smirk.
“Come on, let’s get her in the van before someone notices.” The other guy said. They took me into a truck and I felt us drive off.
“Don’t worry hun, you’ll be well taken care of.” Steve smirked. I’m pretty sure he gave me a fake name. I shouldn’t have trusted him… but he was so kind…
A day later
I woke up naked and sore, what the hell happened last night? I must have drank too much, KJ and I must have had some fun. I tried to roll over so I could wake him up, but when I tried I couldn’t move. I looked up at my arms and saw I was cuffed to the bed.
“What the hell?” I said out loud.
“Look who’s finally awake.” I heard a familiar voice.I look at the door and saw the guy I was talking to last night.
“Steve?” I asked confused.
“You really think I would give you my real name? You dumb bitch.” He said and I was even more confused.
“What? What the hell happened and why the fuck am I cuffed to the bed?” I asked annoyed.
“Shut the fuck up, God all you actresses think you’re so much better than everyone else.” He said taking off his shirt.
“Good thing your family won’t give a shit where you are, not that it would matter. They wouldn’t find you anyway.” He said taking his belt off. My eyes widen.
“This is your life now. You’re nothing but a stupid slut for men to play with.” He said and finished getting undressed. He climbed on top of me and used me as he wanted.
I walked over to the girls that Y/N was hanging with and saw she wasn’t there. I looked around the club confuses.  I didn’t see her anywhere. Where could she possibly be?
“Hey, where’s Y/N, ay?” I asked the girls.
“I don’t know, she went to get a drink and never came back.” Lili said with a shrug.
“We thought you two ran off somewhere.” Ashleigh said with a wink.
“I haven’t seen her since you guys took her to dance.” I said and their faces fell.
“What? It’s been like three hours.” Vanessa said.
“I’ll call her.” Madelaine said pulling out her phone.
“It’s too loud in here, let’s go outside.Cammie said. They all got up and I followed them outside. She called my girlfriend and we heard her phone go off in the alley next to us. I walked over and saw her bag on the ground. I picked it up and saw her phone was in there along with the rest of her stuff, minus her money.
“Something’s wrong!” I said rushing back to everyone in a panic.
“Her money’s gone, but the rest of her stuff is in here.” I said and everyone looked at me worried.
“Someone must have taken her.” I said freaking out.
“Okay, let’s call the police.” Tiera said called the cops. They were here within twenty minutes and we told them the situation. They checked the camera and saw she was talking to someone, we saw that he put something in her drink. He made sure not to show his face to the cameras and he took her outside. He took her down the alley I found her stuff and that was the last we saw of them…
“Well he definitely took her.” One cop said walking up to us. The party was over and we were all freaking out.
“That was fucking obvious!” I shouted and Cole put his hand on my shoulder.
“They’re here to help dude.” He said.
“Whoever this guy is, this isn’t his first time doing this.” Another cop said.
“So what do we do?” Mark asked for me.
“Wait and see if there’s a ransom. She’s an actress you said? They’ll likely want money.” He said. I sighed and grabbed my head.
“I shouldn’t have let her out of my sight.” I said with a sigh.
“Hey, don’t blame yourself.” Luke said.
Y/N’s POV/ A month later
I’ve lost track of time. I wasn’t allowed to leave this room alone. I was almost constantly locked to the bed, in whatever position the three monsters wanted me in. They didn’t use protection so I was worried that I was already pregnant. They just barely fed me, and just gave me enough water to stay alive. I was in hell. I kept praying someone would find me and save me. It never happened… It would always wake up tied to the bed and wait for however many times they wanted to use me today. Please KJ, I need you more than ever right now…
It’s been a fucking month and I’ve only gotten pictures of her naked and tied to a fucking bed! That asshole was raping my girl and there was nothing I could do about it! The cops were working as hard as they can to find her. I was a fucking wreck without her. We had to put off filming Riverdale until she was found, none of us could work knowing she was being tortured by some shitty person. Charles and Cole had been staying with me for the past few days, everyone was kind of taking turns to keep an eye on me. I was a depressed mess without her, she was my world. She was in hell and I could do nothing but sit here and wait for something we could use to find her… Cole walked in with the mail and I noticed the familiar envelope that has become a routine at this point.
“Another envelope?” I asked with a sigh.
“Yeah…” He said and sat next to me. He handed it to me and I opened it to see another picture of her naked, this time she wasn’t on a bed. She was outside a house in the middle of nowhere… I shot off the couch.
“Where are you going?” Cole asked shocked.
“I know where she is.” I said and ran out to my truck. Cole and Charles followed me outside. I go in my truck and went to leave, but they stopped me.
“KJ, wait. We should bring it to the cops.” Charles said.
“You two can, I’m going to get my girl.” I said.
“Then we’re coming with you. I’ll call them on the way.” Cole said and they got in. I drove off and as promised he called the cops telling them where we were going. We obviously got there before them and I pounded on the door.
“KJ, hey what’s up mate?” Zach, a guy that use to be my best friend said like nothing’s happened. He tried to ruin my life when I started dating an actress, that he asked out but she turned him down and asked me out. I  asked him if he was cool with it and he said he was, turns out he wasn’t and tried everything to fuck with me. This was all before I met Y/N, before I even moved to America.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I growled at him and he just smirked.
“I live here as you know, what are you doing here?” He asked crossing his arms.
“Give me my girlfriend back!” I shouted at him and he looked at me confused.
“You have a girlfriend?” He asked like he didn’t know. I pulled out the picture I got today and he raised his eyebrow.
“Why are you showing me your porn?” He asked and I glared at him.
“That’s my fucking girlfriend and this is your house. Where the fuck is she?” I asked and he rolled his eyes.
“I don’t have her.” He said and I shoved him aside. I stormed into his house and Cole and Charles followed me.
“KJ, we should wait for the cops!” Cole said.
“Y/N!” I called out to her.
“I told you she’s not here!” Zach shouted and tried to get us out of his house.
“Y/N! Where are you baby?” I called out.
“KJ!” I heard a muffled scream and rushed towards it. I busted open a door and saw a guy on top of her naked and smacking her in the face.
“You stupid bitch!” He growled at her.
“Get the fuck off her!” I shouted and slammed the guy on the ground. I punched him repeatedly and Y/N was crying.
“KJ stop!” Charles said and pulled me off him. I got him off me and ran up to Y/N. I unlocked the cuffs holding her and pulled her to me. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. She grabbed my shirt and cried into my chest.
“Shhh, it’s okay babe. You’re safe.” I whispered kissing her head. We heard the cops outside and I held her closer. The cops stormed in and grabbed the three guys that were in the house.
“Sir, we need to take her to the hospital.” One of the cops said to me.
“I’m not leaving her.” I said and picked her up.
“KJ, let them take her. We’ll be right behind them.” Cole said and I sighed.
“It’s okay..” Y/N said looking up at me. I sighed and nodded. They took her and we followed them. Charles and Cole called everyone and told them she was found and safe. They all came to the hospital and we waited till we could see her.
“Y/N Y/L/N?” A doctor said walking to the room.
“Is she okay?” I asked walking up to her.
“She’ll be okay. She wasn’t fed like a normal person, and she’s dehydrated. She’ll be okay though.” She answered and everyone sighed in relief.
“Can I see her?” I asked and she nodded.
“Room 203.” She said and I nodded.
“You guys mind if I see her alone first, ay?” I asked everyone.
“Go see her. I’m sure she wants to see you more than us.” Casey said with a smile.
“Thanks guys.” I said and walked to her room. I walked in and saw her laying on the small hospital bed with a small smile.
“Hey…” I said sitting next to her.
“Hey.” She said and her smile grew.
“How can you be smiling right now?” I asked her.
“Because, you saved me.” She said and grabbed my hand.
“This should have never happened.” I said with a sigh.
“KJ, I’m alive and with you again. That’s all I care about right now. I thought I was gonna die in that hell, but you saved me.” She said.
“I love you and, fuck, without you it was hell, I hated that I couldn’t do anything to find you…” I said and tears fell down my face.
“I love you too KJ.” She said and pulled me in for a kiss. I put all the love I could into it and she did the same. We pulled apart and I rested my forehead on hers.
“I’m never letting you out of my sighed again…” I whispered to her.
“And I’m not talking to random guys that act like they work for Riverdale again.” She said joking.
“You’re the only person I know that could joke after what you went through.” I said with a small smile.
“What can I say, I’m a tough girl.” She said and I nodded.
“I know, but you went through something traumatic…” I said and she sighed.
“I know… I’m just trying to push it out of my mind. I just want an okay day, or an okay couple of hours.” She said and I nodded again.
“Whatever you want babe.” I said and kissed her again.
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writing-imagines · 6 years
“Please” A Madelaine Petsch imagine
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“The gang opens the laptop. They sit back in shock as they see Jason tied to a chair. A gunshot rings out and we see-“ Madelaine stopped reading, much to your disliking.
“Who? Who do we see?” You asked sitting on the edge of your seat.
“Baby, you know I can’t tell you.”
“Please, Mads? I want to know who killed Jason.”
“I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to wait like everyone else.”
“But I’m your boyfriend. Don’t I get any special treatment?” Madelaine sighed and placed the script down on the coffee table that separated you. She sat down beside you, barely leaving any space between the two of you.
“Babe, I can’t tell you. It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that…I really love this job and if I tell you and the network finds out…it won’t end well.” It was your turn to sigh. You wrapped an arm around your girlfriend’s shoulders and pulled her even closer.
“I guess it’s okay.” You said while pulling the best puppy dog eyes you could. Madelaine just grinned at your expression.
“That’s not going to work.”
“What if I buy you Veggie Grill for the rest of your life?”
“What if I go vegan? I’ll never eat anything that I love ever again.”
“What if I give you the greatest kiss of your life every single day?”
“You already do that but still no.”
“Ughh I can’t win with you.” You threw your arms in the air and groaned. The redhead playfully rolled her eyes before kissing your cheek.
“You can wait like everyone else. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go. My call time is in a few minutes.” Madelaine stood up,grabbed the script, and walked towards the door, you followed right behind her.
“Cast and crew only today.” She reminded you.
“No buts. Stay here, babe.” Madelaine gave you another kiss on the cheek before exiting the trailor. You sighed again and fell on the couch, you really didn’t want to wait to see who killed Jason Blossom.
A few hours later you saw the cast and crew walk off the set through one of the windows. You grinned when you noticed Madelaine was busy talking to the director. You quickly put on a jacket and ran towards Cami, surely she would tell you the big secret.
“Hey Cami.”
“Hey y/n, I was wondering when I would see you.”
“Same here. That scene took a while to shoot.”
“Oh yeah. It was pretty important, we finally got to see who shot Jason.”
“Really? That’s exciting, who did kill Jason?” Cami smirked and shook her head.
“Mads told me not to tell you. Sorry, y/n.” Cami gently slapped your shoulder before walking away, leaving you in defeat. You were about to give up when you saw KJ and Casey walking your way.
“Hey guys! How was-“
“Sorry, Madelaine and the producers said not to tell you.” KJ said.
“Better luck next mystery.” Casey said with a sympathetic smile.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Cole and Lili talking. You figured one more try wouldn’t hurt. You quickly walked over in hopes your girlfriend wouldn’t catch you.
“Cole, Lili, how was filiming?” You asked. They both smiled at you.
“Hey y/n, it was pretty good. Some exciting stuff is going to happen.” Lili said.
“Yeah, stuff you and the fans will have to wait for.” Cole said with the same smirk as everyone else.
“Let me guess, she told you?”
“Mhm. Our lips are sealed. Sorry, y/n.” Lili gave you one last smile before walking away and taking Cole with her. You let out a soft groan, you just wanted to know what the hell happened to Jason Blossom.
You walked back to your girlfriend’s trailer, your head hung in defeat. As soon as you were inside you collapsed dramatically on the couch.
“This is seriously killing you, isn’t it?” Madelaine said. You looked up and she was standing above you.
“It’s driving me insane. I might not be able to live normally again until I find out who killed Jason.”
Madelaine knelt down beside you and gently toyed with your loose strands of hair.
“If it’s messing with you that much, I’ll give you a little hint. Sound good?”
“Let’s just say…there are no limits to what the Blossoms will do to keep their business alive and their image intact.”
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For Anon Request: Imagine getting the role of Jellybean and being really close with Cole and Madelaine as well as the rest of the cast.
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stattic-writes · 5 years
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ourhappylies · 6 years
Being Best Friends with Kevin Keller Would Include - Riverdale
Author: Cherry🍒 Requested: Anonymous
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- So many gossip session. Kevin is fluent in the language of gossip.
- Supporting him when he’s going through a hard time especially after finding out about his fathers.
- Having lots of sleepovers at the Keller household.
- Movie marathons! And TV show binges!
- Kevin is a pro at make the most delicious sundaes.
- Shopping together.
- Kevin making you study with him, especially before big tests.
- Helping him find the right guy for him and convincing him to stop going cruising in the forest.
- Him being the most loyal friend you could ask for.
- Lots of small day trips.
- Kevin being the best wingman ever. 
- He’s always there to help you with relationships, giving you dating advice, and teaching you how to flirt amazingly.
- Kevin giving you fashion advice almost 24/7.
- Always feeling accepted when you’re around Kevin.
- Having the time of your life when you’re hanging out with him.
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Imagine Kevin telling both of his best friends you and Betty about that him and Moose finally getting together. Both you and Betty are happy for him due to his past relationships
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hey lovelies !! this is so random, but it’s the summer again so you know what that means!! i’m excited to write again and yes,, my requests are open ... again. i have been super busy with school but now i’m not so ya. hope to see y’all requesting soon !¡
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Riverdale//a pitcher?
Request: Riverdale meets readers boyfriend (dansby Swanson )which she’s been hiding from them for months but she finally gave in when they kept begging her
hey! i hope you like this!! and i hope you’re having a great day! 
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- So, you’ve been part of Riverdale since the very beginning
- And through all of that time, everybody...including yourself have just assumed that you’re gonna forever be single 
- Either that, or you just don’t tell them anything
- But then the time rolls around to start filming season five 
- And after being away for so long 
- You’re all excited to see each other 
- Meaning both Charles and Drew forget what knocking is 
- And come bounding through the door of your trailer 
- Just as you’re saying bye to Dansby
- They both freeze
- And watch you quickly slam the lid of your laptop closed
- Before you turn and send them a glare 
- Followed by a groan when you notice the mischievous smiles that have suddenly graced their lips 
- ‘who was that?’ drew is the first to break the awkward silence 
- And honestly you would have preferred the silence 
- Because his teasing tone makes you roll your eyes so hard it hurts your head
- And the two of them slowly approach you 
- ‘was that your boyfriend?’ charles joins in and your shoulders slump as you prepare for the tirade of questions you’re about to get. ‘i thought what we had was real’ 
- ‘you trying your cheesy pickup lines on me is not real, it’s just annoying’ 
- ‘...ouch’ 
- And then there’s a long pause 
- And you can feel your heartbeat quickening as you wait to hear whatever stupid thing they’re going to say next 
- You can just feel it 
- You can see the cogs turning in their head as they try to figure out what to say next 
- It’s probably going to be annoying, offensive or both 
- And as soon as they open their mouths 
- You’re sure that the time they spent in lockdown together has made them develop some sort of weird telepathic link
- ‘sooooooo’ 
- ‘when were you gonna tell us you had a boyfriend?’ 
- ‘yeah, i thought we were friends!’ 
- ‘but are we really just work colleagues to you?’ 
- ‘people that you play pretend with and then forget about as soon as you leave’ 
- ‘jesus christ’ 
- ‘i don’t think i’ve ever been more hurt in my whole, entire life. have you charles?’ 
- ‘no drew, i haven’t’
- ‘okay! enough!’ you finally snap
- and they are grinning for ear to ear 
- giving each other not so subtle high-fives before trying to compose themselves 
- ‘yes, that was my boyfriend, we have been together for five months and the reason nobody knows is because we like privacy...or at least we used to.’ 
- ‘5 months and no introduction...okay?’ 
- Charles is promptly cut off by a pillow being thrown at his head
- Drew takes that as his cue to leave before he’s also assaulted 
- And then he runs 
- Shouting at anybody that will listen 
- ‘y/n has a boyfriend!’ 
- ‘and she’s kept it from us for 5 months!’ 
- Charles adds and another pillow is thrown at a now closed door
- Stupidly enough 
- You think that’s gonna be the end of it 
- There’ll be a few days of teasing 
- And then they’ll forget 
- But then you remember who your friends are 
- And how little they care for boundaries 
- So, for four, long, never-ending months 
- The first things you hear when you come into work 
- And the last things you hear before you leave is
- ‘can we meet him yet?’ 
- Every. Single. Day
- ‘come on, you’ve met all of ours’ 
- ‘how can i forget? do you know how many times i’ve been a third wheel to every single of you’ 
- ‘well...now you don’t have to!’ 
- ‘come on, just tell us his name’
- ‘hmmm, nope’ 
- ‘why?’
- ‘is he famous?’ 
- ‘a prince?’ 
- ‘a spy?’ 
- ‘jordan, where the fuck would I have met a spy?’ 
- ‘i dunno’
- ‘so why won’t you tell us who it is?’ 
- ‘because it annoys you’ 
- But eventually you agree 
- And soon you find yourself hand in hand with Dansby as you walk through the door of Club 404
- Dansby whispers something in your ear 
- His soft curls tickling your cheek and a giggle escapes your lips causing a large grin to grace his features 
- You press a reassuring kiss to his lips 
- And whisper a small 
- ‘we can leave if you want, just say the word and we’ll go’ 
- Which is met by an eye roll 
- Before your eyes reluctantly scan the dark, crowded room for your friends 
- And luckily, it doesn’t take you very long to find them
- Especially Vanessa 
- Who’s dancing and stumbling along to the music with Mads and Lili while Cami films them 
- Jordan, Drew and Casey are involved in some sort of drinking competition 
- Drew is surprisingly in the lead 
- Casey has spilt more of his drink that he has actually drank 
- And Jordan looks like he’s going to through up
- The rest of the group try their hardest to have a conversation, despite the fact that they can barely hear themselves think let alone speak 
- Upon seeing you 
- The few that aren’t dancing/trying not to throw up
- Shout and cheer you over 
- The girls stop dancing and stumble towards you
- And you’ve already been pulled into a weird half hug before you can even make it to the table 
- KJ’s halfway to the bar to get another round 
- And nobody seems to have noticed that you aren’t alone 
- Well, that isn’t until Casey opens his big mouth 
- ‘holy shit! guys, guys. Dansby Swanson has just walked in!’ 
- ‘who?’
- ‘dansby swanson!’ 
- ‘what?!’
- ‘the baseball player!’ 
- ‘he’s stood right behind y/n...y/n...y/n, move out of the way!’ 
- ‘jesus christ’ you mutter lowly and send an exasperated look to your highly amused boyfriend
- ‘this is dansby, he’s my boyfriend’ 
- ‘holy shit!’
- ‘no way!’
- ‘really?’
- ‘i’m trying really hard not be offended’ 
- Yeah
- Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to do this when they’re drunk 
- ‘sooo, how’d you meet?’ 
- ‘at a game’ 
- ‘one of my friends usually goes with her boyfriend, but he couldn’t make it so i went instead’ 
- Cue the chorus of awe’s 
- ‘yeah he almost hit me in the head with a ball’ 
- ‘oh’ 
- You’re nominated to get the next round 
- And you reluctantly leave your boyfriend in the not so capable hands of your friends 
- Bad idea 
- Because when you come back 
- He’s been roped into a drinking competition 
- Which he wins 
- While also being dragged out towards the dance floor 
- ‘so do you guys approve?’ 
- ‘of course we do!’ 
- ‘he’s a keeper! he’s already got me tickets to the next game. 
- ‘casey, are you seriously using my boyfriend for your own personal gain?’ 
- ‘absolutely…not’
- ‘hey y/n, you could say he’s a pitcher’ 
- ‘no, you couldn’t’ 
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