#cause scream 6
divinemelpomene · 1 year
So despite being behind on my novella editings
and not having finished the 3 other fan fics I've started
nor the weird podcast haunting fanfic I've got in my head
Nor started on the Ripper fanfic (but let's be real that'll take some time)
But now my brain is 100% focused on a fanfic of a sequel to Alice in Borderland but setting it in NYC -- because I know NYC I don't know Tokyo.
So like right now I'm coming up with 52 games
But maybe if I start posting it I'll get it sorted better in my head
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hello! I’m a new follower and I think you’re an awesome writer, and I love your stories! Could you possibly do a Sam carpenter x fem reader that takes place in scream 6 where during the attack in the apartment the reader gets badly injured (doesn’t die) or something like that and then Sam like is really protective after that? If not that’s perfectly fine!! ❤️❤️
ty lovely you’re very sweet! I hope you enjoy :)
Still Alive — Sam Carpenter ★
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PAIRING: Sam Carpenter x fem!reader
A/N: a new Sam fic is due babes 😌 i also loveee the middle pic sm it gives me such her vibes like hello? 🤭 ALSO I KIND OF WENT OFF TRACK IM SORRYYY
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You can’t focus, your surroundings are far too overwhelming. Sam and Mindy just made it across the ladder and they’re yelling trying to rush you across, Anika is on the bed with her organs practically spilling out, and you’re trying to crawl across a ladder from extremely high up with an injured arm and an injured leg.
Tara and Chad had managed to run out of the apartment, Mindy got her arm slashed, and Anika got a brutal attack to her abdomen. You got attacked trying to protect your lovely girlfriend, Sam. It was worth it though since she didn’t get hurt at all. It would all be worth it, all you have to do is successfully make it to the other side.
“Y/n, come on!”
“You can do it, baby!”
You grunted and crawled faster, Anika’s cries from the bedroom and the encouraging yells from your friends motivated you. “Just look at me, y/n. Focus on me,” Sam said while reaching out to you. You shakily grabbed her hand and she pulled you across. Danny, the neighbor, picked you up and helped you through the window. Once your feet landed on the ground you broke into a sob and crashed into Sam’s arms.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you. Everything’s okay,” she told you while rubbing your back soothingly. She’d never tell you but she was terrified you wouldn’t make it. She couldn’t lose the love of her life, she wouldn’t be able to make it. She’s not sure what’d she do if she lost you, but she does know she wouldn’t sleep until the Ghostface that killed you was in the ground. There was no need to worry about that though cause you weren’t dead, you were alive and breathing and she’d go out of her way to make sure you stayed that way.
Sam was brought out of her thoughts by Danny, Mindy, and yourself shouting at a struggling Anika on the ladder. She was shaking, the poor girl was bleeding everywhere and Sam’s anxiety suddenly spiked. “Anika, you have to move right now!” Mindy yelled, “Cmon Anika! You can do it!” You followed. Sam watched with wide fearful eyes as Ghostface slammed his knife in the windowsill and gripped the ladder Anika was slowly crawling across. She muttered a curse and rushed to the window.
“Anika! You have to hurry!”
Anika looked behind to see Ghostface with the ladder in hand and started screaming, “No! No! Guys I can’t do it!”
“You can, Anika!”
Ghostface started moving the ladder quickly. Anika started violently shaking and rattling on it, she was going to fall. “Anika move, I’ll grab your hand!” Sam yelled at the girl. Anika’s sobs restricted her from responding but she sluggishly moved towards the other side. Ghostface started moving the ladder from side to side causing Anika to shake rapidly. Mindys heart dropped at the realization that her girlfriend was making this out alive.
“Baby I don’t want to die!” Anika yelled at her girlfriend. “You wont!” Mindy sobbed. “Grab my hand Anika!” Sam shouted since the girl was in reach. Anika reached out, one hand no longer on the ladder and Ghostface takes this opportunity to roughly lift and then tilt the ladder to the side. Anika fell to the ground with a blood curdling scream.
The world went quiet for a moment, you looked between Anika’s dead body and the Ghostface on the other side. He took his knife and left the scene. Mindy dropped to the ground sobbing and you kneeled down to comfort her. Sams eyes flashed with anger just thinking about the killer and their stupid plans. She was going to finish this, she was going to end the endless suffering Ghostface caused.
She needed to protect the ones she loved. She would do anything. “Come on the police are here,” Danny said quietly. You nod and helped Mindy stand up. You interlock arms with her and Sam grabs your free hand, you give her a small smile before you start walking.
It was the next morning and you guys were sitting in an ambulance while the police searched the apartment. Mindy was wrapped in a blanket with Taras head on her shoulder, Chad had his arms crossed while he stood protectively in front on the vehicle’s doors, and you were standing with Sam near the alley. She had her arms wrapped around you and her head on yours. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Ethan ducking under the caution tape, just as you were about to go up to him Chad beat you to it.
Chad slammed him against a news van and asked him a few questions before Ethan saw you. Chad let him go and Ethan quickly went up to you. “Y/n, I’m so sorry-”
“Stay the fuck away from her,” Sam told him while getting in between the two of you. You put a comforting hand on Sam’s shoulder, “It’s okay, Sam,” you turned to Ethan, “Where the fuck were you though? What happened to studying, Ethan?” You asked sternly. He was suspicious. “I-I’m sorry I got caught up at econ. I tried calling, but you didn’t answer..” he stammered. You eyed him up and down then looked at Sam’s cold expression. Looking back at the boy you nodded in understanding, “It’s fine.”
He looked at you apologetically and went over to Chad and the others. They treated him the same way you did, like a number one suspect. You turned to Sam and hugged her, “Thank you.” She stumbled back a bit, stunned at the impact, “For what?” she asked you. “For always having my back.”
She smiled and hugged you back carefully so she didn’t injure you further, “You’re welcome.”
You were too good for this world, too good for her, too good to be hunted down by a serial killer. You didn’t deserve any of this shit. Sam gritted her teeth at the thought of you getting hurt again. That asshole was going to be put 6 feet under and she’d make sure of it. She’d do it herself.
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alfazoings · 2 months
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josephine on thhe brain. I love this creature so much
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jascurka · 8 months
At some point in your life you'll realize that pulling all-nighters isn't worth it most of the time and that you can as well just go to sleep and have a good rest instead of feeling miserable in front of that word document while you aren't even physically able to write that another paragraph because your eyes sway to the side, your hands are shaking, your eyelids are heavy and you feel like you might have an out of body experience very soon. Sometimes you need to stay up all night, when your life depends on it (more or less), there are situations for which these type of measures are appropriate and necessary but you gotta ask yourself - is this really worth feeling drained and tired? Is it worth having the days blur and stretch like some sort of never ending purgatory? Nay it is not, hear my words and remember them when the eepyness comes to gather it's daily crops.
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fukutomichi · 2 years
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power / S1 / 2 Sep. 2022 - 14 Oct. 2022 Joseph Mawle as Adar
template by @thereigning-lorelai ♡
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
People with NPD: Hey actually the known cause of our disorder forming is trauma, most typically abuse. So can you please stop conflating having this disorder with being abusive? It’s really shitty to us as a group of trauma survivors, especially when there’s a pretty good sized portion of us that are not and never have been abusive. And those that are abusive, it isn’t the disorders fault they are, it’s their actions. Even if their disorder influences how they behave and react, they are still in control of what they do, and in control of whether or not they choose to work on their issues if they are acting in a harmful way to others, it is their choice to be abusive, not their disorders and quite frankly as trauma survivors it’s really harmful to put the blame for an abusers actions onto anything but the person themselves. Our disorder is already stigmatized as is, at least let us feel safe in spaces for trauma survivors please?
Ableists, for some reason: Oh wow so you’re excusing abuse??? You think it’s okay to abuse people????
People with NPD: No we just want to be allowed to exist in spaces meant for trauma survivors without being treated like shit
Ableists: Of course a NARCISSIST would be so selfish!!! Stop trying to deflect the blame and accept responsibility for your actions!!!!!
People with NPD: What actions? We aren’t a monolith, just because some people with a disorder have done something wrong doesn’t mean all of us have.
Ableists: Shut up you NARCISSISTIC ABUSER
People with NPD: deep sigh
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supercalime · 1 year
If you’re an Ethan Landry fan I hate you with a passion
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enden-k · 1 year
im so tired of being a sleepy boy
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vanlegion · 1 month
Working on some of my first ever RVB artwork, which is like, HELLA overdue. Like, 19 years overdue. Why is it that it took my brain this long to start obsessing over this show *now* and not like, ya know, BEFORE when it was first starting and I was into it then as well. Ugh, anywho, so while drawing resident Cyborg Nerd, I find myself of two minds simultaneously screaming: "MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE JENSEN!" and "Broken Ass Robo Scrap Junkyard Reject" . . . . But what I can Abso-Lutly tell you is that, I made the slightest, the tiniest chuckle about how he reminds me of Wheatly and Uhm, yeah. He's Young Steven Merchant to me now. That's my facecanon for him now. Can not undo. That's it. I'm done. Lol. But like Thin Rimmed Round Glasses not square. Heh.
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lunadove · 1 year
I love how all the heroes in the new Scream series love Sydney Prescott. She’s not even in the new movie and Gale and the Carpenter sisters take a break from screaming at each other to basically say “I’M GLAD SYDNEY IS STAYING SAFE! SHE’S AN ANGEL AND DESERVES NOTHING BUT GOOD THINGS”.
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makeyouminemp3 · 1 year
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melissa barrera as samantha carpenter in scream vi // dick grayson in titans season one episode five, 'together'
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reddiamondyeet · 10 months
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Brings victory?
Always wins??? 🤔
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Whoops, my hand slipped and I accidentally made Manfred-Victini.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
today I woke up thinking about how underrated danny brackett is like this man met sam carpenter fell in love with her agreed to remain a secret, was patient with her through her extreme ptsd & never judged her for her psychosis or trust issues or any of her other probably tough to deal with mental illness & trauma symptoms & even completely understood & accepted it when she couldn’t trust him because he knew what she’d been though. also the “I got you babe, I got you!” moment when he’s holding the ladder for her is sooo good ❤️ I randomly just remembered how happy I am that my fave unhinged girlboss found a himbo who treats her right & then I got sad ‘cause he’s definitely gonna die in the next movie 🫡
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ezraphobicsoup · 7 months
composing and it sounds like music!!!!!!!!!
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frequentlyflash · 1 year
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he had multiple lines are you insane have you even seen the movie
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litchi-tea · 16 days
getting Ezra twice because I wanted Desert Flannel feels like punishment for being unfaithful and using my pulls for Getian on the mushroom boy's banner at all.
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