#narcissistic personality traits
Me: hoo boy i sure do relate to some NPD symptoms :) i wonder what resources are available about the topic!!
"How to SPOT an EVIL, BABY EATING NARCISSIST so you can BEAT THEM WITH A STICK because they WILL hurt you"
Me: oh ok
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chaos-in-one · 1 year
People with npd: Hey can we not be treated like abusers just for our disorder and be treated like actual human beings instead of monsters?
'Narc abuse' mfs: Is this an excuse to trauma dump on a complete stranger who is most likely a trauma survivor already?
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nicxxx5 · 1 year
this might be a hot take idk but like...why do people treat neurodivergent disorders like a death sentence? like just in relation to they respond with sympathy like they're sad for you?
like i'm saying this because i just feel like there's this common trend of responses from neurotypical people and it's so fucking weird
like someone tells you their diabetic and you're like "oh okay"
but then someone tells you they're bipolar or autistic and people respond with "oh wow. oh my god. i'm so sorry"
like it's just so weird??? like yeah my neurodivergence makes my life difficult and ostracizes me from society but if i don't keep my diabetes in check i could straight up fucking die.
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Idk why but I hate the stereotype that pwNPD can't love or will always abuse their partners the most.
Maybe because I'm too defensive of my boyfriend lol. Say what you want about me but leave him out of it.
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lifewithnpd · 2 years
Narcissistic Personality Disorder; a summary
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a cluster b personality disorder characterised by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and attention, hypersensitivity to criticism and a dimished ability to empathise with others.
The DSM-5 describes people with NPD as having at least five of the following nine criteria:
A grandiose sense of self-importance
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Believing that they are "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Requiring excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations)
Being interpersonally exploitative (taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends)
Lacking empathy (unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)
Often being envious of others or believing that others are envious of them
Showing arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder)
NPD develops either in youth or early adulthood, and the symptoms are pervasive and rigidly persistent over time. While some people may show signs of narcissistic behaviour, this does not guarantee that they qualify for a diagnosis of NPD. It is only if these qualities cause "significant impairment" and are "inflexible, maladaptive and persisting" that a diagnosis of NPD could be considered.
Associated Features: People with NPD tend to exaggerate their accomplishments and skills for admiration or praise. They have a sense of personal superiority, and this may cause them to look down on others.
Furthermore, people with NPD are more likely than others to respond with anger when presented with rejection or perceived criticism. People with NPD are vulnerable to feelings of shame and worthlessness over minor incidents in daily life, and imagined insults.
Causes of NPD While there is no proven specific causes for NPD, there are a combination of risk factors from biological, socio-environmental and psychological factors, including genetics, neurobiology, trauma, abuse and parenting styles.
Some key terms Narcissistic Supply- a type of admiration, interpersonal support or sustenance drawn by an individual with NPD from people around them. Sometimes referred to as an attention supply.
Idealisation and Devaluation- people with cluster b personality disorders often see the world in terms of everything being either strictly good or strictly bad. Idealisation is seeing someone as perfect and wonderful, whereas devaluation is seeing someone as evil and inferior. This is not controllable by the narcissist or person with the cluster b pd, and often comes from 'splitting', which is when someone does something to trigger the person with the pd's fears of either criticism, abandonment or rejection.
Some words on the term 'narc abuse' and why perpetrating this idea is harmful The term 'narc abuse', or 'narcissistic abuse' is harmful and ableist. You wouldn't call abuse by someone who happened to be autistic, 'autistic abuse'. People with NPD cannot help their diagnosis. While there are people with NPD who can be abusive, this is true of anyone in the population. Lack of empathy does not make someone a bad person. A sense of self-importance and hypersensitivity does not make someone a bad person. Stop demonising people for something they ultimately cannot control.
Thanks so much for reading! If you liked this post give a person with npd some supply by leaving a comment, liking or reblogging!
Have a great day everyone! xoxo halo
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sin-esthezia · 8 months
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just in case you need to hear it!
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thebloomingsoulss · 11 months
Narcissists have no sense of boundaries
Boundaries establish what is acceptable and not acceptable in your life. For many people, boundaries are second nature. For instance, most people will not take insults while lying down. It is simply not acceptable for them to be disrespected this way. Normal people are able to acknowledge boundaries in their everyday life. Narcissists, on the other hand, have no time for such frivolities. A narcissist will have no problem intruding in your personal space because they believe they have a right to be there. They get a high from flouting social norms and rules because they believe these rules do not apply to them, and nobody can do anything about it since they are superior to everyone else anyway.
📚 Richard Campbell - Dark Psychology
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anthroxlove · 2 years
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The irony. The essence of love bombing is that the victim or target is so overwhelmed that they can’t even think straight. This is not a coincidence. The narcissist doesn’t want you to think straight. When you are in a state of overwhelm, you are oblivious to the red flags. The narcissist becomes everything you want them to be because they have done a full scan of you from the second they met you and they’ve absorbed your every want, desire, pain, and wound. They will use it all to their advantage. Once you’ve caught onto them, or you’ve seen behind the mask, you become a huge threat to their image. They suddenly change the narrative. They are the victim, you are a gold digger. It’s convenient and, it’s the playbook.
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
I wish all narcissistic abuse blogs a very shut the fuck up and stop being ableist pieces of shit
Narcissistic abuse is not real and never will be
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Narcissistic* pro gamer tip, get yourself a partner/best friend who prefers listening to talking in a conversation and let's you ramble about yourself while occasionally asking questions ♡♡♡
*with a splash of ADHD for flavor
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mrfactitious · 2 years
im tired of thinking about myself as the absolute flawless no matter what i do.
i am tired of always having to be the best, i’m tired of setting unrealistic standards for myself. i am tired of being stuck in this dreamworld and constantly daydreaming, fantasizing.
i am tired of using my loved ones as some kind of narc supply. i am tired of judging them with every single flaw just to fuel my vulnerable ego, my vulnerable grandiosity. i am tired of looking down at them.
i am tired of my only purpose and focus in life being everything narcissistic. i am tired of not being able to experience any kind of pleasure without narcissism.
i am tired of just being this arrogant asshole. i’m just tired of being a psychotic, grandiose asshole. i’m tired of this fucking personality disorder. i am tired of everything.
the more i realize this just makes me a stupid, arrogant asshole; the more i want to just get rid of this entirely and attempt my best to fit the standards of a neurotypical.
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joy-haver · 2 years
Evil doesn’t exist.
There is no such thing as a person who cannot grow and improve. I’ve spent a lot of time with criminals. I used to work with a lot of work release guys at my coffee shop job. They were interesting and often good people who’ve done things that were harmful. I spent about six months doing voter restoration work with folks who had committed “unredeemable” crimes, and they were all folks who also did a lot of good. The guy who taught me to play soccer (football outside the US) murdered a six year old, he genuinely had some good ideas about life and just fell down a bad path and didn’t have much support. My parents abused me, but both of them were doing there absolute best and were trying to mitigate harm.
There is no such things as evil people. There are just bad ideas and bad information. No one’s psychological circumstances makes them evil or irredeemable. Even the crazies, like me and many of the people who hurt me, are capable of so much good.
Being bipolar doesn’t mean you are destined to harm the people you love. Being a narcissist doesn’t mean you are destined to harm the people you love. Being borderline doesn’t mean you are destined to harm the people you love.
There is no such thing as evil people.
And as long as you believe in evil you are creating harm. Your belief in evil makes those who harm you believe that they can never get better, and a belief that you can’t get better makes you continue on a path to harm.
If you really want to make the world better, you have to be willing to let the most harmful people recover from that harm, and grow into something better.
Their is no such thing as evil people.
You do not have to help everyone. You do not have to be the person that fixes every wrong that has ever happened. But you do have to be willing to help people grow. You do have to be willing to let yourself grow. You have to truly believe that people can grow and change, otherwise you are creating more harm. You are forcing people to cause more harm.
Give people the grace required. Give people the love required. Be aware of when you aren’t able to help someone, but don’t let that lead you to a belief that they can’t be helped.
There is no such thing as evil.
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It's good that we're talking about narcissism and recognizing traits of NPD...but I'm noticing a lot of people throwing that label on anyone they don't like and that is just going to cause further confusion on the subject.
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jellyfishfem · 11 months
oh you must feel so special that the girl with bpd is now attached to you and dependent on you. feeling powerful huh? you can manipulate her to your liking. let me tell you this, you are not special, you are just an man using a vulnerable person. i hope there’ll be people to support her when you finally discard her. hope she recovers. boker tov:)
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