#ch 1016
kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 months
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so, japanese has a tense that's used to mean an action has been completed, and it's often used specifically for suggesting something has happened like, prematurely or unexpectedly? i like to call it the 'oh fuck' tense.
it's ~te shimau in polite form and the more abbreviated ~chau in colloquial language, and it cracks me up every time. for example, in this panel, bao fan is being told she is broadcasting when she really should not have been, using 放送しちゃった/housou shichatta.
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larkreadsop · 1 year
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I can see why people were somewhat angry after this arc when this turned out not to be true because Yamato’s so adamant about it here...
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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Eustass Captain Kidd ~ Ch. 1016~ Wano Kuni Arc
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matcha-writer · 2 years
Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper
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Trigger Warning: sexual harassment, allusion to sex, 18+ only [MDNI]
Theme: Mature
Word Count: 1016
A/N: This is my first time writing in a loong while. I am experimenting with many things as I write this story. Throughout the story, it'll contain a few allusions to smut, graphic gore, and violence. I plan to make this a slow burn soooo yeah (or try to at least) :)
Act I Ch.1: Sleeping on the Wrong Side of the Couch ______________________________________________________________
Whitechapel District
September 23, 1890
It's been two years since Jack the Ripper stopped his serial killings. The police have not found him. No clues. No witnesses. No leads. Nothing. Everything returned to normal in the cloaked streets of Whitechapel. From time to time, I often wonder who was the killer who committed these heinous acts. Not much has changed for me ever since the killings have stopped. I still work at the Royal Rose Pub on Union Street. It's as rowdy as ever. Disgusting old men trying to "loosen" me up and telling me that I "deserve a good time." Feral hooligans destroying the place. You know, the usual.
Levi, Furlan, and Isabel still come from time to time. That's another thing that hasn't changed much. They really make my day whenever they enter the establishment, or when I have a bad day.
It's 12:44 AM and I really need to sleep. These paper-thin walls in my apartment don't muffle the groans and moans next door. One of these days I swear I'll shove a wet sock down their mouths. I am probably not going to write as much as I used to since Carla and I are the only ones working and more customers arrive every night. Well, I better go to sleep. I have a busy week ahead of me.
Until next time
I closed my worn-out journal and stored it away in the nightstand drawer. Soft, warm candlelight illuminates my tiny bedroom as I get ready for bed. I gently take off my dress, corset, and worn-out shoes, placing them in the corner of my room in the dirty pile of clothes. Now in my nightgown, I go over to the bathroom for my nightly routine. As I brush my teeth, I hear a loud bang across the room and freeze.
I don’t move for a couple of seconds and slowly walk toward the wall. I lean closer and strain my ears to listen to what occurred. Without warning the banging continued and the moans increased. I leaned away from the wall and looked at it incredulously. 
“What the hell?!” I muffled against the toothbrush. Wiping the toothpaste off of my chin, I quickly go to the bathroom and rinse my mouth. Disbelief slowly turns to anger as I make my way out of the bedroom and into the small living room.
“Just when I am getting ready to sleep too.” Angrily mumbling to myself, I get my brown cardigan off of the coat rack stand and unlock the front door. The chilly autumn wind hits my face. Walking next door, I knocked loudly on my neighbor’s door and mumbled a few curses. The noises inside stop and footsteps shuffle closer to the door. Gross appears behind the door. There is an immediate smell of alcohol and cigar in the air. 
“Gross, can you please keep the noise down? Some of us are preparing to go to sleep,” I confronted him. He leans against the door frame and grins at me. “I’ll try, but I have a better idea. Why don’t you come inside and join us? We’ll have tons of fun! You know, you, me, and whatever her name is. The more the merrier!” 
I crossed my arms. “No thank you. Unlike you, I have standards of what I want and having a threesome isn’t one of them. Especially with you involved.” 
Gross came closer to me. “C’mon sweetcheeks. No one's gonna know. I know you came here for some action,” he lowly whispered. “I bet you never got laid and that is why you came. I can be your first. You’ll have a good time with me.”
“My sexual life is none of your business Gross,” I narrowed my eyes. “Get it through your thick skull when I tell you that I am not interested. I will tell you again. Keep the noise down. And do not call me sweetcheeks.”
As I walked back to my apartment, I feel a presence behind me and I look over my shoulder. Gross stumbles out of his apartment and his glazed eyes lock onto mine. His grin turned feral. My eyes widen. My body moved towards my apartment door. 
“C’meer sweetcheeks! You know you want it! I know I want it!” He drunkenly ran in my direction. “Just imagine how I would feel inside you! You’ll feel so good!”
Hearing the doorknob click, I got inside and closed it just as he appear within my vision. The latchstring locked the door and I plodded away into the living room. Despite his efforts, Gross was unable to open the door.
“Playing hard to get huh,” he murmured. “Sweetcheeks open up! You women are made to be bred and serve men! Nothing else!” I don’t reply back. I sat down on my sofa and try to calm myself. Closing my eyes, I hear Gross pounding the door. I grab my blanket near me as I propped a pillow.
The pounding stopped. “One of these days I’ll have you,” he slurred. “And the only name you’ll be screamin’ is mine.” His footsteps fade away. I slowly open my eyes and look towards my dim bedroom. I internally debate whether I should sleep here or go to my bedroom. I sighed. Getting up from the couch, I light a candle. When I reach my bedroom, I blow out the candle on the nightstand. As I exit my room, I hear the groans of Gross and the mysterious woman continue where they left off.
“Stupid drunkard,” I grumbled while laying down on the sofa again. My cardigan embraced me as I hid from the outside world under the blanket. Poking my head out, I turn to my side and look at the clock next to the lit candle.
“1:06 AM,” I thought to myself. “Looks like I’m getting 5 hours of sleep.” I pull the candle closer snuffing out the light. Darkness envelops the room once more this time claiming my body.
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azurefishnets · 2 years
AO3 Profile Fandom: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Words: 1016
Summary: Cabanela waits for the paramedics. Cabanela waits for Jowd. Cabanela waits for death.
Cabanela really, really hates waiting.
Also, people need to stop making him laugh.
"Throw a battered Cabanela--physically or emotionally or both--at Jowd. He's the immovable rock; he can take it." W-well. It's ch.15 bait, you see. Happy? Ghost Swap??? to youuu, dear @siverwrites!
It hurt to laugh.
But there Jowd was, the immovable man, doing just that in lieu of his best friend. It was the greatest gift Jowd had ever given him; Jowd had come here first. He’d taken the choice to live first back into his hands. He’d taken the last gifts the unstoppable Cabanela could bestow in this life. What more could a man who followed the spotless path ask? He’d saved him and he’d likely destroyed him again.
The besplotched hero could stride out into the last night of the world because someone had left him a clean and tidy way to do so. It was something to be proud of.
It wasn’t. It couldn’t be. There was so much more that had to be done, so much more that Cabanela needed to say. Well, wanted to say. So he should just say it, surely, while his heart still beat and the sound of the name could hang lovely in the air.
His vision was getting dimmer, but he could imagine the look he was getting from the room’s only other human occupant. All right, fine, it wasn’t a lovely name. It was a heavy name, a name that thudded into the still air of the room like a boulder. But it was still lovely, because it was his.
“Jowd’s gone.”
The voice was flat, no-nonsense. The fingers binding his wounds and stripping away the ruins of his coat were gentle, but the sounds hung too loud in the air. He sounded a little choked, as if he were struggling to get the words out
“I know, man,” Cabanela said, his eyes squeezed shut. “Indulge me, baby. Could I get some tea?”
“Probably not a good idea. You have some internal damage and they may want to get you straight into surgery.”
It hurt to laugh. 
“Sure,” Cabanela said instead, twisting his mouth in an ironic smirk. “They’re gonna stitch me right on up, nothin’ like a few scars. Just let me bike riiight on over to the hospital.”
A sigh. “Lovey, if you would.”
Cabanela felt the familiar, careful weight settle on his chest. Well, he certainly wouldn’t dare to unsettle the lady. 
“The ambulance is on its way. Just be still.” The fierceness he heard surprised Cabanela. Surely that wasn’t concern for him. It was Jowd, always Jowd, that needed the concern. The caring. Cabanela could, as always, keep his own nose clean.
“Yeah, yeah, baby, you know me. Not movin’, nothin’ like it.”
“When you’re injured to the point that you are, you’ve got that right.” Footsteps, as the other man moved away. Lovey cooed, gently. It sounded like a name.
Lovey stayed. A little time passed. A junkyard required attention and so its supervisor attended it. And Cabanela…ached. There was a Jowd in his head, a ghost that was Cabanela’s alone, and Cabanela passed the time talking to him. He wasn’t sure any longer whether it was aloud or not, but still he could move his mouth if nothing else.
“Solved the case at last, old friend,” he began, a little tentatively. “Is it enough?”
“Enough for what?” Jowd’s familiar warm rumble. Cabanela’s chest rose and fell in a sigh. 
“For you, man. To move on.”
“Ha ha ha! You ask a lot of me to move on without you.” Cabanela’s fingers twitched and he raised them in a shaking caress to the air, to his Jowd’s chest, beyond caring what anyone in the room might think.
“Cruel to tease me, baby, even if you’re imaginary. I know you won’t have any problems.”
A torpor spread along his limbs, weighing him down even more than the living one on his chest. It felt as though he was being gathered in. Unheard, a pigeon squawked in alarm. The red lights flashed along white stripes in the road as the ambulance rushed to him. And his Jowd picked Cabanela up and held him close.
“I’ll have all the problems if you don’t make it,” his Jowd said, the words shivering through Cabanela’s limp body. His head dropped to Cabanela’s, his beard warm and scratchy along Cabanela’s jawline. “Stay here. For once in your life, wait for me.” 
It hurt to laugh.
“Heh. Been doing that along… old friend…” In the world, his hands drooped to his sides and he sagged. Paramedics swarmed. And yet, someone had his back. There was warm breath against his temple. A soft kiss, a cold breeze, a caress full of warning. Not Jowd. Who… ?
“Then, please, wait a little longer,” she whispered in his ear. “Please save him one more time by saving yourself. For your sake and mine…”
“Alma… I’ll… I’ll tryyy….” His heart was thudding heavily in his chest, like footfalls. Like a name.
Jowd. Jowd.  Jowd.   Jo–----
“Fools, you’re losing him!” Sharp voice and cold hands and bright lights and pain. Pain.
He could have gone right then, to where it didn’t hurt and the Jowd and Alma in his head stood tall and beautiful and full of light, inviting him into their embrace. But somehow, Cabanela fought back to the pain anyway. Not yet. The real Jowd still needed him and he could and would keep moving to the end of the world. Time to rest? Ha!  
It hurt to laugh. 
But he was alive to do and that helped him struggle back to consciousness as the paramedics strapped him onto a stretcher and rolled him into the waiting ambulance. He twitched a hand at Lovey and her human in a parody of the jaunty wave he’d given Jowd on the way out the door.
It could hurt all it wanted to. The pain could keep coming and he’d welcome it, for the sake of the important lives in his charge. Cabanela kept on anyway. What choice was there?
Somewhere, he thought Jowd might be laughing. And so, he’d stay. He’d stay until the world ended, for the sake of laughter that fell into the world like boulders, and then, together, they’d move on.
It hurt to laugh. But Cabanela smiled with Jowd anyway, and waited.
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thetldrplace · 15 days
Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History Ch. 4- The Normans
With the Normans, Sicily would come into her golden age. Unfortunately for Sicily, that golden age ended 800 years ago. 
In 911, Rollo, a Viking, first rowed up the Seine river in France. By a hundred years later, his followers had most of the eastern half of Normandy (a section of northern France) under their control. The descendants of these men were quick-witted, adaptable, and seemingly blessed with an inexhaustible energy. The early Norman adventurers were also enormously, um.... prolific. They were ready adventurers for the Crusades, and generations made the treks to the Holy Land through the Mediterranean. One of the pilgrimage stops on the way to the Holy Land was at Monte Sant'Angelo on the Italian side of the Adriatic. There, in 1016, a Lombard told the visiting Normans of a considerable territory that was now under Greek Byzantine occupation. Perhaps, e suggested, a joint Norman/Lombard army venture could dislodge the Greeks, such help being the kind of thing the Lombards would not forget. The opportunity proved irresistible to the adventurous Normans. They returned to Normandy to restock and get some more guys, then they came back and made themselves a force in southern Italy. An obscure Norman baron there, Tancred de Hauteville, bore something like 3 daughters and 12 sons. One of those sons, Robert Guiscard, proved himself to be one of the great military adventurers of all time.  
For the first generation of Normans, Sicily was of little interest. But in 1035, a civil war between the Arab clans that had been bubbling, finally came to a boil, and the Emir al-Akhal of Palermo found himself desperate for help. He appealed to Emperor Michael of Constantinople, and Michael, who had considered the Greek speaking population of Sicily a birthright of the Byzantine empire, saw an opportunity to insert himself back on to the island. The Greek force stopped in Salerno to pick up more soldiers, and while there, they attracted the attention of the Normans, who were just milling around looking for something worthwhile to do. 
Around 1038, the Byzantine forces arrived on Sicily, including the Hautevilles. The Greeks succeeded in dislodging the Arabs, but divisions among the Greeks caused problems and, realizing they were in no shape to continue on, they beat a hasty retreat. There was a dispute among the Normans and the Greeks over the fairness of the spoils, the Normans considering they weren't quite getting what they were owed.  
The Normans returned to the mainland disgruntled and even the Pope was concerned by the group of discontented soldiers in his proximity. Pope Leo IX decided the best defense was a good offense and  led an army against the Normans, but the Pope was defeated. The Normans, however, treated them with respect and, for a reward, the Pope awarded Robert dukedoms in Apulia, Calabria, and Sicily.  
Though Sicily had never been under Papal control, that didn't stop the Normans from looking to the island they had now seen and fought over. Roger Hauteville was only 26 at the time, but he was a fighter to match any,  and in 1060 he had forced the surrender of the Greeks across from Messina. By 1072 the brothers had fought their way to Palermo. Robert claimed suzerainty over the island, but his brother Roger would be the one effectively in control. 
Sicily had been in Muslim hands, but would now be transformed. 
The first order of business was establish Norman rule, but with only a few hundred knights, he knew he couldn't just bully his way to sovereignty. He would need to persuade the Muslims to voluntarily accept the new rule. This would require tolerance and understanding. So, Arabic was declared an official language, on equal footing with Latin, Greek, and Norman French. Roger won over the confidence of the people, and many who had fled the island beforehand came back. 
The new Christian subjects, on the other hand presented a more difficult problem. The Greeks welcomed the Normans at first, but found the new guys more uncivilized than the Muslims. That plus they brought in a bunch of Latin priests and monks who were schismatics through and through. Though the Greeks had been promised their language and traditions would be respected, Roger would have to do more to gain their trust. So he rebuilt Greek churches and personally endowed Greek speaking foundations.  
From these earliest days, Roger laid the foundation of a multiracial and polyglot society in which Norman, Greek, and Arab would, under a firm central government, follow their own traditions in freedom and concord. 
By the end of the 1000s, Roger had the most enlightened kingdom in all Europe. We know little about his personal and private life, other than he lived up to the famed Norman fertility, producing between 13-17 offspring. He died in 1102. Sicily had exploded economically and merchants from all over the Mediterranean came to the island. 
His son Roger II took control in 1108. He wanted to increase the size of his rule and make his power and presence felt in mainland Europe, Africa, and Asia too.  
On Christmas 1130, the Pope granted Roger II the royal crown of Sicily, Calabria, and Apulia. 
Roger, at this time, ruled the third largest kingdom in Europe. He was born in the south of an Italian mother, educated by Greek and Arab tutors, and grown up in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect created by his father. He instinctively understood the complex system of checks and balances on which the internal stability of the country depended.  
While the feudal barons on the mainland would cause problems, things were much easier in Sicily. Feudalism had not existed there. Things depended on mutual respect and religious and ethnic tolerance.  The Arabs were entrusted with the state finances since their math was more advanced than anyone else's. The navy was run by the Greeks since they produced the best sailors. The art and architecture of the time is truly a wonder to behold: Latin, Byzantine, and Islamic traditions blended. 
We can keep in mind that this time period was 100 years after the great schism which saw blood drawn between the Byzantine and Latin church. The Crusades were also in full swing, with both Christian and Muslim blood flowing in the Holy Land. Yet here in Sicily, the three civilizations came together and harmonized. 
The court at Palermo was the most brilliant in Europe. By the 1140's, Roger had given a permanent home to the foremost scholars, scientists, doctors and philosophers, geographers and mathematicians in Europe and the Arab world. Roger himself was famous for his insatiable intellectual curiosity, and could converse in French, Latin, Greek, or Arabic.  
Roger II died in 1154. 
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idealdieselmarine · 1 year
Busch SD 1016 C Vacuum pump Busch SD1016 C 000 Ateliers Busch S.A. SD 1016 Compressor Pump SD 1016 C 000 2PCS E-mail: [email protected] (Primary Email) [email protected] (2nd email)
We have 2pieces pump available in working condition
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Details as below:
maker :Busch ( BUSCH ZONE industrielle CH-2906 Chevenez Switzerland ) Compressor Pump
type: SD1016 C 000
S/N = C1522000293
P abs = 0,6 bar
V max = 19 m/h kg
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m = 25kg
CONDITION: Working system removal from Evac vacuum system & all parts in very good condition,
QTY: 2 pieces
Year 2015
motor spec: multipurpose 346-380v, 50/60hz ,1430/1720rpm, 0.55-0.74hp
worldwide delivery.
we sale all types of sewage plant parts and other machinery parts.
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casavarona · 1 year
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kehovilehici · 2 years
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temeneqakim · 2 years
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one-piecee · 3 years
❗❗ one piece spoilers ch.1016 ❗❗
being on vacation clearly would not stop me from reading one piece, and I'm so glad i did oh my god I guessed yamato would potentially want to join but oh my gooooooood
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we haven't seen how yet but it really does seem like we'll defeat kaido here,,,
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larkreadsop · 1 year
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Once you know who he is these words take on a bit of different meaning because I’m sure he’s referring to Oden as well, but at least Toko has someone looking after her
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ninhaoma-ya · 3 years
Chapter 1016 — This is Otama!
Building up, up, up!
Let’s just start with the fact that I enjoy Bao Huang so much. She’s just great.
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I also really like the cooperation between Nami and Usopp! Weakling duo is best duo.
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On the other hand; really not enjoying sentient-Climatact-Zeus. There’s something deeply unsettling about him.
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Interesting that he can’t leave without Big Mom. Is his life tied to hers as well?
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I guess we’ll have to wait for the official translation to get his new name, since this exchange is really confusing.
But now they’ve got the power!
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Kill, Zeus, kill.
Or maim. Incapacitate in general.
Also: nice perspective shift between Ulti and Nami there, highlighting how much more (physically) powerful Ulti is.
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As previously stated; I really enjoy Bao Huang. She’s great.
The rest of the Flying Six are also looking a bit worse for wear — hopefully we’ll get an update on them soon!
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A wild Bepo appears!
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And I do wonder what’s so special about Wano? Knowledge about the Void history? Info about Laugh Tale? The best sake around?
Hopefully we’ll get there soon!
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goingsunnies-moved · 3 years
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mindmakesmemes · 3 years
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Can’t overlook the fact that Zeus straight up looks like a vintage hot dog cartoon here 🤣
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mangamob · 6 years
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