#che guevarra
Das Land des Che
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Das Kapitol
Quer durch Kuba
Eine Reise über die Insel ist immer noch Abenteuer pur. Das beginnt in der Hauptstadt Havanna und seinen unüberschaubar verwirrenden Gassenlabyrinth, den Plätzen, Boulevards und Avenues. Karibisches Inseltreiben, großstädtischer Straßenverkehr und dörflicher Charakter, all das macht das (Über-) Leben hier  unvergesslich. Kolonialpaläste und baufällige Häuser, Prachtvillen, Kasinos und triste Hinterhöfe, farbenfrohe Umzüge, Bars – und immer und überall Musik. Havanna ist eine tanzende Stadt, eine ewig feiernde Geliebte, eine pralle Schönheit der Superlative.
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In den Gassen Havannas
Auch wenn die Machthaber Kubas immer Kubaner waren, standen sie doch stets unter fremdem Protektorat. Ob Estrada Palma (erster Staatspräsident) oder Fulgencio Battista, die Karibikinsel hing am Gängelband der Yankees. Auch die zu Beginn des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts importierten Gangster Meyer Lansky, Al Capone oder Francis Albert „Frank“ Sinatra, genannt „Franky Boy“ machten sich im Selbstbedienungsladen Havannas breit – machten krumme Dinge und klauten, was nicht niet- und nagelfest war. Nachhaltig veränderte sich das Leben in Kuba erst 1959 mit Fidel Castro und Ernesto „Che“ Guevarra und ihren wagemutigen Freunden.
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Gefangen in der Vergangenheit
Die neuen politischen Führer legten dem Land einen jahrzehntelangen Konfrontationskurs zur benachbarten Supermacht USA auf und gingen auf Kuschelkurs mit dem andern Ende der Welt, der Sowjetunion. Das Wettrüsten und der damit einhergehende Machtpoker zwischen Ost und West brachten im Oktober 1962 die Welt an den Rand des Abgrundes. Die Kuba-Krise wurde zum Sinnbild des Kalten Krieges. Nach dem Zerfall der UdSSR blieb Kuba zunächst sozialistisch, entschloss sich zum Überleben und schwenkte um zu einer sehr gemäßigten Privatwirtschaft. Raoul Castro, der Bruder des ehemaligen Revolutionsführers legte schlussendlich mit Präsident Obama den historischen Konflikt der Länder bei. 
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Das Überleben in Kuba ist seither mäßig fortschrittlich und ist den Auswirkungen des überlangen Wirtschaftsembargos, der Vertrauenskrise des Volkes zu seinen politischen Führern und den vielfach enttäuschten Erwartungen geschuldet. Dem Inselstaat geht es gut und – auch nicht. Man sollte das Land bereisen und Devisen im Land lassen, die letztlich der Bevölkerung zugutekommen: Privatunterkünfte, Familienrestaurants, landeseigene Autovermietungen, Einkaufen am Markt, kurz, lokale Gewerbetreibende unterstützen. Kuba hat alles, was ein Land reich macht. Aber es wurde ausgeblutet, von Kriminellen und falsch verstandenen „Ismen“. Letztlich war der Kommunismus dem Land wirtschaftlich ebenso abträglich wie es früher der Klassenfeind, der Kapitalismus war.
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Unterwegs in Havanna
El Capitolio – Offizielles Wahrzeichen Havannas, das an das Original in Washington erinnert. Diktator Machado weihte es unter amerikanischer Protektion ein. Es steht unter keinem guten Stern: Auf dem ehemaligen Sumpfgebiet wurden in alten Tagen Sklaven untergebracht!
La Habana vieja – Die Altstadt: Pittoreske Häuser, Plätze, Gassen. Südsee-Flair und Salsa Musik. Zigarren und Rum. Und: Jede Menge Bars… Man kann sich nicht satt sehen, trinken, tanzen!
El Malecon – An der überirdisch schönen Strandpromenade schlendern und die Welt eine gute sein lassen. Menschen, Trubel, Straßenmusikanten, und der wahrscheinlich spektakulärste Ausblick auf das berühmteste Abendrot der Karibik – das gibt’s hier mmer noch, und wohl lange noch. Hoffentlich!
The Partagas Cigar Factory – Die riesige Zigarrenfabrik liegt im Herzen Havannas und ist einen Besuch wert – auch für Nichtraucher!
Mit der Pferdekutsche durch das Gassengewirr entlang der Bahia de la Habana, im Chevie über die Boulevards. Die alte, karibische Dame hat mehr Leidenschaft und Sinnlichkeit zu bieten als so manch andere Weltstadt!
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Und dann geht’s hinaus, durch Außenbezirke, über breite Ausfallstraßen, quer durch tropische Urwälder, malerische Flüsse, über abenteuerliche „Autopistas“, auf denen einem so ziemlich alles entgegenkommt, was Gott je erschaffen hat: Straßenkreuzer, Radfahrer, Pferdefuhrwerke, altersschwache LKW’s, Schulbusse, und, als wäre es nicht schon genug, jede Menge Fußgänger. In Kuba ist man wahrlich nicht alleine unterwegs. Der Verkehr gleicht hier einer Lotterie – man weiß nie, was kommt. Über die Insel zu fahren ist Abenteuer pur. Das beginnt schon bei der Orientierung. Am besten, man prägt sich die Topografie des Landes und die vier Himmelsrichtungen ein. Wer will’s schon alles wissen? „Keine Details, das Stück!“, lautet ein alter Theaterspruch. Die Bühnenkünstler müssen es wissen. Eine gute Straßenkarte würde bereits an der Straßenbeschriftung scheitern – denn die gibt es nicht. Man landet in jedem Fall in der Pampa. Was soll’s, die ist hier so schön, wie nirgendwo. Die effektivste Methode ans Ziel zu kommen, heißt hierzulande „Autostopp“. Das funktioniert. Und todsicherer als man denkt. 
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Die Revolution
Am Rand jeder Überlandstraße stehen Heerscharen von Reisenden. Man hat die Qual der Wahl - meist habe ich Mütter mit Kindern als Co-Passagiere gewählt. Man hält an, fragt wohin die Reise gehen soll, und schon ist man genau dorthin unterwegs. Es spielt es schon für eine Rolle, ob man zuerst ins Valle de Viñales, dem sagenhaft schönen Tal an der Westküste Kubas reist, oder doch in Richtung Trinidad, in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Hauptsache man landet irgendwann, irgendwo. Und Quartier zu finden ist ein Kinderspiel, ob in „Casas Particulares“ (Privatquartiere) oder in altersschwachen Provinzhotels – beides probiert, beides zu empfehlen. 
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Das Haus der Väter
Unterwegs in Kuba
Pinar del Rio – Verschlafenes Nest in der Nähe des traumhaft schönen Vinales-Tales, der Tabak-Hochburg Kubas!
Cienfuegos – Koloniales Nest am karibischen Meer. Pferdekutschen, Meeresfrüchte, verträumte Märkte und… jede Menge tropischer Regengüsse!
Trinidad – Katzenkopfpflaster, Musik, zwei Museen und der wunderschöne Dorfplatz „Plaza Mayor“. Hier träumt man sich hin und weg!
Santa Clara – Die Stadt des Che Guevarra. Hier siegte die Revolution, der Weg der Guerillas nach Havanna öffnete sich. Kuba errichtete seinem großen Helden hier ein Mausoleum. Seither steht hier eine der größten Fremdenverkehrsattraktionen des Inselstaates: Das Grab des großen Che!
Santiago de Cuba – Die Seestadt ist eine der ältesten des Landes. Hier begann in den Fünfzigern die Revolution von Che, Fidel und den Anderen!
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Im Oldtimer-Paradis
Manchmal lohnt es sich auch, männliche Passagiere einsteigen zu lassen. Weshalb? Ich bin gewiss schon unter so manch widriger Bedingungen durch ein fremdes Land gereist, nirgendwo aber hatte ich so viele Autopannen wie in Kuba. In einer Woche waren es gezählte vier (!) Platte, hervorgerufen durch eingefahrene Nägel. Warum ausgerechnet die Straßen, auf denen ich unterwegs war, gespickt mit rostigen Hindernissen waren, weiß ich nicht. Vielleicht handelte es sich um eine Art späte Rache am Weißen Mann? Meine autostoppenden Mitfahrer jedenfalls erwiesen sich allesamt als Kavaliere – bei nicht einem einzigen Reifenwechsel musste ich selbst Hand anlegen. Und da sage noch einer, Kuba sei kein sicheres Reiseland. Es wirft einem zwar jede Menge Hindernisse in den Weg, die Kubaner räumen sie aber auch eigenhändig wieder weg.
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Sunset am Malecon
Noch ein paar Fotos aus Kuba
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Che Guevarra Poster Framed Che Guevarra Measurements: 15x15 in (framed) Molding: Professional studio flat top black maple wood mold Matting Around Print :Professional Brick Red & Black 100% Acid Free Board Glazing: Glass (included) Mounting Method: Hot Vacuum Press(will never fold or fade) This is a professionally custom framed and vaccum dry-mounted fine art poster edition of an original Zdzislaw Beksinski painting. Glass is included.This is a high quality custom framed & matted Print. The double mat adds depth giving the display a unique "looking through a window'' appearance. The print is bonded to foam core on a hot vacuum press. This bonding gives the print a perfect flat and smooth texture. This process also insures the print will never fold or fade with age or moisture. This wonderful display makes a thoughtful and original gift containing a classic vintage touch yet modern design, allowing it to fit alongside both modern and classic decor. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. ALL OF MY DELICATE ITEMS ARE SHIPPED WITH A SPECIAL 3 LAYER PROTECTION SYSTEM.
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2t2r · 10 years
Mashup de stars via leur nom par Kalle Mattsson
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/mashup-de-stars-via-leur-nom-par-kalle-mattsson/
Mashup de stars via leur nom par Kalle Mattsson
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deadpresidents · 6 months
I bet you wrote that post about the socialist while wearing your filthy Che Guevarra tee shirt.
I don't have a Che t-shirt (I don't even think I had one when I was a 19-year-old political activism nerd and I'm pretty sure you're legally required to have one at that time of your life), so unfortunately your hopes might be dashed about my clichéd, leftist, socialist blogger credentials.
However...I do have a very well-worn and faded Salvador Allende t-shirt, so maybe that can help establish my bona fides:
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I wasn't wearing it at the time I wrote the earlier post, but thanks for the perfect set-up for another Allende mention, though.
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catgirlcommunism · 1 year
Just had a buddhist tell me i knew che guevarra in a past life and was one of his guerillas
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thueenz · 6 months
Top 10 Extraordinary Assumed Gay Allies to Root for This Oncoming Hollidays: Freddy Krueger, Michael Jackson, Joe Biden, 3, Sasha Fierce, John McCain, Cher, Fidel Castro, and many more listed! Che Guevarra roots for shauree! #Fighting~!
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sassenashsworld · 7 months
Le Québec est en Berne, nous pleurons tous notre Karl Tremblay, le Che Guevarra québécois
Quebec is in Bern, we all mourn our Karl Tremblay, the Che Guevarra québécois
Plus rien - with (bad) english caution
Only a few minutes left in my life At most a few hours I feel I’m fading My brother died yesterday in the middle of the desert I am now the last human on earth
I was once described as a child What the world looked like a long, long time ago When my great-grandfather’s parents lived And it was still snowing in winter In these times we lived to the rhythm of the seasons And the end of the summers brought the harvest Pure and clear water flowed through the streams Where came to drink deer and moose
But I only saw a desolate planet Lunar landscapes and suffocating heat And all my friends die of thirst or hunger Like flies fall, until there’s nothing left
Nothing more Nothing more
Only a few minutes left in my life At most a few hours, I feel I’m fading My brother died yesterday in the middle of the desert I am now the last human on earth
It all started years ago While my ancestors were obsessed By pieces of paper called money That made some men really rich and powerful
And these new gods stop at nothing nothing Were willing to do anything to achieve their ends To enrich themselves again they shaved the earth Polluted the ambient air and dried up the rivers
But after a hundred years people stood up And warned them to stop everything But they didn’t understand this wise prophecy
These men spoke only in terms of profits Years later they saw the nonsense In panic declared a state of emergency When all the oceans have swallowed the islands And the floods hit the big cities And then for a whole decade It was hurricanes and then fires Earthquakes and the Great Drought Everywhere on the faces the distress was read People had to fight pandemics Decimated by millions by atrocious diseases Then the others died of thirst or hunger Like flies fall, until there’s nothing left
Nothing more Nothing more
My brother died yesterday in the middle of the desert I am now the last human on earth Deep down the intelligence we were given Will have been only a beautiful poisoned gift 'Cause there’s only a few minutes left in life At most a few hours, I feel I’m fading I can’t walk, I can’t breathe Farewell humanity, farewell humanity
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emptywindprisoner · 7 months
25 june 2023
Le principes est de combiner les bonnes et saines chose ensemble
[7:12 PM]Combine all good things and sain things , combine all holy things together to make yourself better
[11:37 PM]La guerrila de Che guevarra et Fidel Castro, allez dans une guerre avec John f kennedy est tres important
[11:38 PM]parce que cela a mis un test pour montrer que le communism veut a tout pris contrarier le monde
[11:41 PM]Donc pour que Che guevera est rentrer a Cuba il a due se mixer dans le communism pour porter sont message au mondes
[11:42 PM]je crois qu'il a senti contrarié par le communism donc il est parti pour bolivie à la fin
[11:42 PM]Voila
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shammah8 · 8 months
"Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me."
Mark 8:34
They stood out like lighthouse beacons. We spotted them while walking through the tables of artisan wares in old Havana. Two oil painting portraits side-by-side propped in front of the table. Portraits of two famous revolutionaries: Che Guevarra and Jesus Christ.
The Cuban people are well acquainted with Che. The Argentina-born socialist revolutionary joined Fidel Castro in the Cuban revolution of 1959. Fidel made him Minister of the Interior for the first five years. Then Che disappeared only to surface in Bolivia where he was captured and executed. Cuba has made him out to be a martyr for the revolution. His face and sayings are even more widespread in the country than Fidel’s.
Jesus is also becoming well-known in Cuba due to revival that has swept the island since the late 1980’s.
These two portraits depict the major choices for most people today. One revolutionary says, “Follow me and I will make you a liberator of men—teach them how to fight!” The other says, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men—teach them how to really live!”
One revolutionary says, “Follow me and USE your life for the sake of the revolution!” The other says, “Follow me and LOSE your life for my sake and the gospel’s (and you will find it)!”
The one says “Follow me and we will build a utopia on earth!” Jesus says, “Follow me and we will build the kingdom of God on earth (and the world will be a better place)!”
Those who have chosen to follow Jesus in Cuba are making a significant impact for the Lord. I met a twenty-three-year-old Cuban young lady who is a committed follower of Jesus. She ministers to four churches in the mountains where no male graduate from the seminary is willing to serve. The one mountain-top church we visited with her required forty-seven crossings of the winding mountain river in climbing the eight kilometres distance. In rainy season the mud is up to her knees.
I asked her what the last message was she had shared with believers. She replied, “Take up your cross and follow me!”
We also saw a young male evangelist en route to a meeting point which would take him seven hours to walk. That’s commitment!
Today Jesus is also calling you and me to truly follow Him. It may mean leaving behind our favourite time-waster and our comfort zones. But Jesus promises his personal presence and his abundant blessing. It’s an adventure like no other. If you listen carefully, you can hear his voice right where you are this moment. He’s saying, “Follow me!”
Today I choose to follow Jesus, regardless of the cost.
Lord, may Your call on my life ever draw me closer to You and Your kingdom.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission.
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independentartistbuzz · 9 months
The Underbites Come Alive on New EP "Four Songs About Girls"
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If the pop-punk onslaught of the ‘90s and early 2000s left you with the impression that punk music loses its edge with the introduction of melodies and hooks, New York City quartet The Underbites are here to remind us all that accessibility and grit don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Founded by veteran guitarists and veteran listeners Jon Fox and Kurt Feldhun, The Underbites may have formed in 2020, but their origins date back to when Fox and Feldhun witnessed the halcyon days of punk first-hand. 
Their new EP, Four Songs About Girls, makes its debut today.
Listen and share here:
When Fox and Feldhun actually met at NYU at the dawn of the ‘80s, punk was branching out into thrilling permutations like post-punk and hardcore. “Kurt and I,” Fox explains, “really bonded over Bad Brains and GBH, but we didn’t actually play in that style when we started playing together.” The Underbites sound so energized in part because Fox and Feldhun spent their entire careers up to this point—in groups like Baby Tapeworm, The Cogs, The Behoovers, and Upchuck—playing other styles. 
For Fox and Feldhun, The Underbites is a return to some of their earliest musical loves. But you’re just as likely to hear a passing flash of, say, Attractions-era Elvis Costello in Feldhun’s playing as you are a chugga-chugga riff. In fact, for a band that describe themselves as “unrepentant traditionalists,” The Underbites give themselves lots of headroom to draw from whatever they feel like dialing-up. 
Listening to the band’s full-length debut Sort It Out alongside the new EP Four Songs About Girls, one is reminded that the music from the classic CBGB, SoCal, NYHC and Warped Tour scenes were all highly distinct from one another. But The Underbites possess such fluency with the punk canon that all the music flows as if from the same source. The Four Girls track "Sincerely Jemma Jane," for example, started out as a Rancid-influenced anthem, but it ended up landing closer to Social Distortion. 
Further afield, Michael Hoffman's snare figure at the start of the Sort It Out cut "Che Guevarra," nods to John Bonham's iconic "Rock and Roll" intro, but he executes it with sufficient finesse to recall Los Lobos’ Louie Perez channeling lendgary Meters drummer Zigaboo Modeliste.
Lyrically, Fox draws as much from The Beach Boys, Squeeze and Robyn Hitchcock as he does from the Sex Pistols. With Sort It Out, The Underbites proved that provocative music can provoke thought in the best sense of the word. Whether tackling activist posturing, consumer culture, economic decline, racial division, the sleazy machinations of politics, or polarizing figures like Donald Trump and Michael Moore, Fox is masterful at jolting listeners with an initial shock that, on closer inspection, reveals layers of thought. 
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February 6th, Sierra Maestra to Camaguey
Up at 6:00 to breakfast at 7:00 a.m. so the group can hike through the Sierra Maestra mountains to visit the site where Fidel Castro and Che Guevarra hid out between 1957- 1958, fleeing Batista’s army.
The group took a van from the Santo Domingo Lodge for 6 km up the mountain and then hiked 4 km up and 4 km back. I opted to stay behind as I think I would have held the group back. One lady said she at time thought I wished I had stayed with Helen. They were gone for 3 1/2 hrs. While they were gone we had a power failure of about an hour. Once they were back, everyone showered and then to lunch. It was the very same thing we had for supper the night before. This is a state owned facility, options are limited. On the coach again for  4 1/2hrs. As we travel through the countryside I am surprised at how many oxen we see, many with the wooden yokes on them. Ride down the mountain to meet our coach is 19 km of very, very rough road.
Finally, arrive in Camaguey and we are dropped off as the streets are too narrow to get to the hotel, we walk a few blocks and arrive at the Gran Hotel a lovely old hotel that puts you in mind of the old Humphrey Bogart movies on the 40’s. All marble, mahogany, crystal and brass. Beautiful. Check in and it is the 1st free wifi in Cuba. Walked with the group to a very nice restaurant in one of the UNESCO square. Unfortunately everything Larry and I chose they did not have. That is very common here. I settle on tomato and cheese spaghetti. Took 75 minutes to arrive. Ate part of it but was full by then as it is 9:00 p.m. Asked the waitress for a take away container, and she delivered us a bottom half only. Amie and I scooped our spaghetti into it and I tracked down the lady who had been begging at our table and gave it to her. The restaurant actually allowed her to sit at an outdoor table and eat it. She was very grateful. We all walked back to the hotel and Amie knocked on the door with a few biscuits (cookies) for me. Sweetheart.
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heyjudebefree · 2 years
"Se você é capaz de tremer de indignação a cada vez que se comete uma injustiça no mundo, então somos companheiros" - Che Guevarra
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sidonidoneeey · 3 years
not another role played by both omar sharif and ramin karimloo
do they really have such a similar vibe
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circumpolaria · 4 years
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che guevarra and a mouse.
belgrade, oct. 2020.
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speakvulcantome · 5 years
El’es Puksu t’Beidzhor. ‘Kira Nerys
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humphreybubbles · 5 years
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pelu ché guevarra
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