#cinder hyenas
fanfictionsrookie · 8 months
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I went camping a few weekends back and I really like hyenas XD I figured @wuyi1551 would enjoy the Cinder hyenas as well since they've been so kind to draw multiple of my past drawing requests.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Canid Faunus Relationships
One: The "Domestic" Faunus
Penny: I love you! I missed you! You're just the best! Is there anything I can do to make your day better?
Most dogs were bred for hunting, be it game or vermin, but even the most naturally aggressive dogs needs proper companionship and socialization.
Two: The "Wolf" Faunus
Ruby: Hey. Let's go out and do something! My whole family wants to meet you, so we should probably do that soon, to! They'll love you!
Ruby: My Mom will probably talk about grandpuppies or something ... Not that we should worry ... Or that I'd complain about having any ...
Contrary to popular belief, there isn't an 'alpha' in wild Wolf Packs, as they are primarily made of a family of wolves where the Parents are the leaders, simply due to age and experience.
Three: The "Fox" faunus
Pyrrha: Oh no~ It looks like you lost your belts~ Now what Will you do~
Foxes are strictly Monogamous creatures, but do prefer a solitary lifestyle outside of their Den with their family.
Bonus: The "Hyena" Faunus
Cinder: *Heavy Breathing* You ... And Me .... Now ...
Hyenas are neither Canine or Feline, but rather are their own thing. The Females lead the packs.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 year
maybe draw cinders as a yeen?
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absolute banger idea tbh
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viisiond · 1 year
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“This is a callout post for the harbinger pantalone- that shit ain’t broken, you look like a bootlegged scrooge mcduck but worse, ready to be blown over in a second.”
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“Besiiiides what’re ya gonna do? NOT pay me, it already happens so that’ll be pointless, you crusty ass bitch.”
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lesbianneopolitan · 3 months
Cat Neo hissing at a growling Hyena Cinder and Ruby in between, trying to keep the peace.
(I might be a frw sangrias in)
I immediately thought of that meme with the velociraptors for SOME REASON, but I can totally see this...
...at the very least Neo can finally express her anger a bit better with all those hisses-
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dummybirdnero · 9 months
Have you ever done goofy Cinder before?
If not am I the only one who sees her as a pissed hedgehog?
Cinder is actually one where I kinda had difficulty with but now I think exactly what she would be, at first I thought maybe a yeen (hyena) or even a bird of prey like Salem, but then i thought of a cross fox and I mean cmon
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Just look at em
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scham-wcan · 7 months
Winter: You know you still laugh like a hyena right
Cinder, pinching Winter’s cheek: Yes but my darling you laugh with a snort
Winter: I do not
Cinder: I may sound like a villain when amused but you sound like the most adorable old squeeky toy
Winter: I loathe you
Cinder: I doubt that
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sketch-shepherd-art · 3 months
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so aside from Sytke Ardus, I have created MANY RWBY OC's over the years that I don't talk about much often outside of Discord. Figured I'd just do a masterpost of them and talk about them all here. And yeah ALL of them are Faunus... don't judge
Also disclaimer, EVERYTHING here except for the last pic is not my art, they are drawings/edits I commissioned my friend @laytonesqueautistic to do
Anyway, all character bios under the cut. From left to right, top to bottom
Faolan Ossory and Aetos Dios: a wolf Faunus and an eagle Faunus respectively, and Sytke's two other friends. The two of them, Sytke, and Ilia form team SAIF (pronounced "safe", as it's named after the star Saiph on the constellaion Orion). Two Faunus orphans that have supported each other's backs all their lives living as partners in Menagerie. Faolan is the more socially awkward and airheaded of the duo, while Aetos is cautious, paranoid, and not much of a risk taker. Faolan is based on the Irish werewolves of Ossory (his semblance called “Wolfwalker” is the ability to take on the ghostly form of a wolf whenever he's knocked unconscious), and Aetos is named after + based on Zeus' eagle in Greek mythology
Magenta Rogue and Caliber Pantera- actually RWBY versions of my Hazbin/Helluva OC's Raiya and Colt. A romantic spotted hyena and jaguar couple, and former White Fang members. However they worked for Adam moreso out of necessity and survival than a desire for revenge (though that WAS still part of their main goal at the time). Ever since they abandoned the Fang they've struggled to get by until they found a decent home with new friends in Menagerie (yeah I guess this type of RWBY OC is kind of cliche but whatever, was the best thing I could think of for them)
Bruce Thlayli- inspired by Bigwig/Thlayli from the book Watership Down, a rabbit Faunus (his animal trait is his front teeth) who also once worked for Adam as one of his high-ranking second in commands. Unlike Magenta and Caliber, Bruce voluntarily and actively supported Adam until he gradually became more and more disgusted of his leader’s homicidal actions. His rough falling out with Adam led him to have an often harsh and aggressive, but often well-meaning demeanor. He currently still works with the White Fang, but the reformed version under Ghira's new leadership. He now serves as a drill sergeant for a new and improved White Fang military division for both Huntsmen and non-Huntsmen alike.
Busa Simba, Alma Catori, Silver Fujiwara, and Cincy Sandleford- an all-Faunus team from Vacuo that form Team BASC. They're all really just an excuse for me to have RWBY OC's based on my favorite animal xenofiction, full info about them can be found on my Google Doc here
Faye Ruzizi-Gustafson, Wilkins Savo, Kuro Kuma, Champa Corbett, and Val Savo- ok last group of OC's that have some relevance to the White Fang I swear. A lot of their story is centered around my canon-divergent AU involving Sytke which I've talked about before in different posts, but basically they're a cult of Adam-worshipping Faunus called the Red Fang (edgy as that sounds) that want to honor Adam's legacy and bring back his old homicidal ways, and serve as a main source of conflict for Team SAIF in my AU. They are all themed after irl animal serial killers known for attacking humans. Faye is based on Gustave the crocodile, Wilkins and Val are brothers based on the man-eating lions of Tsavo, Kuro Kuma (the leader) is based on Kesagake the Sankebetsu brown bear, and Champa is based on the Champawat Tigress.
Florence Cuta- basically a secondary RWBYsona for myself (first one being my goat Faunus girl Lara Ziege). She's a vicious spotted hyena Faunus who works at a shady bar in Mistral that's actually a hideout spot for underground criminal operations. And she thinks Cinder and Tyrian are very attractive, definitely not a self projection in any way shhh
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boofboofdogdog · 1 year
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I'm Cerulean! This is my therian/kin-centered side-blog! Here you'll find memes, stories, aesthetic photos, and tips for fellow therians!
My pronouns are (she/her/hers), and my theriotypes are Vancouver coastal wolf, cave hyena, black shuck/grim, and mustang horse, plus werewolf kin!! Questioning coyote and tamaskan dog as well.
Nowadays, I definitely think my wolf is the strongest. It's just fun to grr and run around with my dog!
I'm an adult btw!! (20+)
I follow from my main ( @cinder-sprks )
I hope you like it here!
Welcome to the Den!!
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blinkpen · 2 years
more “flashback fun” and rough idea of an example of how zoe was Technically more well-intentioned as a kid, but also much more openly and impulsively unhinged, and only really got away with it bc he was cute, talented, and troubled, and his outbursts were typically aimed at people everyone already disliked and probably had it coming, and teens are often disproportionate edgelords in what is ultimately the pursuit of their own catharsis by proxy
(cw for written descriptions of bullying/violence ig?)
unrefined scenario ore: zoe is still a bit ambiguous on how keen he is on the idea of 'adopting' jaren into the group at collin's urging. however, when he sees another classmate using psychic powers to torment jaren, he decides to intervene and fucks with the bully's own head to get them to stop. the weaker psychic gets pissed off, despite having been laughing at jaren when tormenting him moments before, and zoe remarks "what, i thought you thought it was funny, go on, keep laughing."
this altercation could have ended there, but when the bully grabs zoe, ready to beat his tiny ass into paste, and mocks him for having nothing to use but his powers and being small/physically weak, zoe is unfazed by this attempt at criticism, and quips "bitch, i said keep laughing"; the bully starts laughing hysterically, but it is very clear that this is uncontrollable laughter that he is not enjoying. while his expression is locked into an uncanny hyena grin, you can see in his eyes this is an involuntary fit of some kind zoe has telepathically compelled/is forcing him to do. he quickly drops zoe, before crumpling to the ground, and eventually starts to foam at the mouth and clearly isn't getting enough oxygen due to the laughter just not stopping.
the bully finally begins to wheeze out pleas for it to stop, but zoe just keeps placidly observing him on the ground. this goes on just long enough it's beginning to get uncomfortable to watch; charlie suggests that that's enough, albeit with an air of boredom in his voice more than trepidation. surprisingly, zoe seems to completely ignore him. when jaren, however, awkwardly pipes up and tells zoe to stop it, zoe has a subtly pleased shift in his otherwise deadpan expression, as if that is what he was waiting for; he kneels down by the bully, and taunts him about how humiliating this must be for him, that it took no time at all to be reduced to such a pathetic sight that he needed his target from mere minutes ago to speak up for him. tears are streaming down the bullies increasingly hypoxic face. zoe expresses what is either very sincere or acutely condescending remorse for "this mess", and a hope that the bully will at least remember it "for future reference" before standing back up.
while other students who'd circled around to watch the 'fight' are taking in the spectacle, zoe just calmly saunters over to a cinder block, slowly drags it over to where the bully is still seized up (charlie makes a motion as if indicating he's willing to do this part for zoe, but zoe wordlessly shoos his hand, wanting to do it himself), zoe then struggles to lift it over his head and drop it on the bully's skull. only a few students even notice or fully register what he's reeling up to do right in front of them, and right as the crowd collectively realizes his intent, the reaction is still more hype than horror, with anyone who would be concerned not having any time to react... sort of
because zoe is physically weak, it was more like he slowly and clumsily lurched the cinder block down, so it just kind of semi-squashes the bully's head and while it has audibly (and perhaps mildly visually) cracked/partially dislocated portions of their skull, it has not fully killed them - zoe proceeds to sarcastically lament his physical weakness, if only he was stronger, he could have dropped the block down more forcefully and performed the proper mercy kill it was meant to be, oh well! zoe then finally has his calm face darken as he stomps repeatedly on the cinderblock to drive it down and finish the job, grunt-yelling "guess! this! is what! we have! to do! now!"
some are dead silent (jaren among them), others are cheering as he does this. when the point has been made, zoe announces that jaren is with them (meaning himself, charlie, zebra, and collin) and fucking with jaren means fucking with the rest of them. jaren feels simultaneously touched and terrified of what just happened.
jaren's conflicted feelings about the incident only get more confused when, after the crowd disbands and the group head on along,  and they are all out of sight from any other classmates, zoe promptly collapses, and has to be carried by charlie, revealing how much strain using his psychic powers that intensely put on his body. his demeanor also shifts to something much more meek and passive. zoe tells jaren that while he meant what he said, the way he went about the whole thing was basically a performance for their classmates, including the bully, and he 'performs' a great deal, depending on what kind of company he finds himself in. zoe begins to monologue in a way that is a bit pretentious and implies some uncomfortably comprehensive nihilism for someone as young as he is, but does offer some insight into how he thinks, and it does make at least some sense; however, after about a paragraph of sounding coherent, he devolves into borderline nonsense rambling that only confuses jaren more, before passing out entirely. the others reassure jaren that this is just how zoe gets sometimes, especially after "overclocking".
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Dark Souls
Dark Souls 1
Characters Chosen Undead | Anastacia of Astora | Knight Lautrec of Carim | Solaire of Astora | Blacksmith Andre | Oscar of Astora | Giant Blacksmith | Quelaan/Daughter of Chaos | Quelana of Izalith | Gwynevere Princess of Sunlight | Siegmeyer of Catarina | Sieglinde of Catarina | Kingseeker Frampt | Darkstalker Kaathe | Patches the Hyena | Lord's Blade Ciaran | Dusk of Oolacile | Darkmoon Knightess | Elizabeth | Furtive Pygmy | Witch of Izalith | Hawkeye Gough | Giant Crow | Shiva of the East | Black Iron Tarkus | Alvina of the Darkroot Wood | Big Hat Logan | Ingward the Guardian of the Seal | Female Undead Merchant
Bosses Asylum Demon | Taurus Demon | Capra Demon | Gaping Dragon | Bell Gargoyle | Chaos Witch Quelaag | Iron Golem | Moonlight Butterfly | Dragon Slayer Ornstein | Executioner Smough | Centipede Demon | Gravelord Nito | Seath the Scaleless | Four Kings | Great Grey Wolf Sif | Dark Sun Gwyndolin | Crossbreed Priscilla | Sanctuary Guardian | Artorias the Abysswalker | Manus Father of the Abyss | Black Dragon Kalameet | Gwyn Lord of Cinder
Enemies Silver Knight | Mushroom People | Havel the Rock | Black Knight | Wheel Skeleton | The Channeler | Black Hydra | Stone Guardian | Sunlight Maggot | Batwing Demon | Crow Demon | Ghost | Undead Attack Dog | Maneater Mildred | Crystal Golem | Skeleton Beast | Kirk Knight of Thorns
Dark Souls 2
Characters Bearer of the Curse | Emerald Herald/Shanalotte | Lucatiel of Mirrah | Aslatiel of Mirrah | Lonesome Gavlan | Royal Sorcerer Navlaan | Vengarl of Forossa | Faraam, God of War | Alsanna the Silent Oracle | Nadalia Bride of Ash | Jester Thomas | Sweet Shalquoir | Benhart of Jugo | Weaponsmith Ornifex | Creighton the Wanderer
Bosses Ruin Sentinel | The Rotten | Executioner's Chariot | Mytha the Baneful Queen | Old Iron King | Throne Watcher | Throne Defender | Looking Glass Knight | Demon of Song | Velstadt the Royal Aegis | King Vendrick | Smelter Demon | Royal Rat Authority | Fume Knight | Sir Alonne | Elana the Squalid Queen | Sinh the Slumbering Dragon | Aava the King's Pet | Lud the King's Pet | Zallen the King's Pet | Burnt Ivory King | Darklurker | Nashandra
Enemies Aurous Knight | Heide Knight | Amana Priestess | Pursuer | Flame Salamander
Dark Souls 3
Characters Ashen One | Fire Keeper | Anri of Astora | Horace the Hushed | Yuria of Londor | Eygon of Carim | Irina of Carim | Orbeck of Vinheim | Sirris of the Sunless Realms | Unbreakable Patches | Greirat of the Undead Settlement | Siegward of Catarina | Princess Filianore | Company Captain Yorshka | Sir Vilhelm | Baby Ocelotte | Queen of Lothric | Painting Woman | Liliane of the Sable Church | Lord of Hollows | Karla | Cornyx of the Great Swamp | Ringfinger Leonhard | Rosaria Mother of Rebirth | Pygmy Lords | Yellowfinger Heysel | Old Wolf of Farron | Archdeacon Klimt | Archdeacon Mcdonnell | Archdeacon Royce | Shira Knight of Filianore | Pilgrim from Londor
Bosses Iudex Gundyr | Vordt of the Boreal Valley | Curse Rotted Greatwood | Crystal Sage | Deacons of the Deep | High Lord Wolnir | Old Demon King | Champion Gundyr | Pontiff Sulyvahn | Abyss Watchers | Yhorm the Giant | Aldrich Devourer of Gods | Dancer of the Boreal Valley | Dragonslayer Armour | Lothric Younger Prince | Lorian Elder Prince | Ancient Wyvern | Nameless King | Storm Drake | Oceiros the Consumed King | Champion's Gravetender | Gravetender Greatwolf | Sister Friede | Father Ariandel | Demon Prince | Darkeater Midir | Halflight Spear of the Church | Slave Knight Gael | Soul of Cinder
Enemies Pontiff Knight | Fire Witch | Sulyvahn's Beast | Grand Archives Scholar | Lothric Knight | Darkwraith | Carthus Swordsman Skeleton | Tree Woman | Ravenous Crystal Lizard | Corvian Settler | Corvian Knight | Ringed Knight | Desert Pyromancer Zoey | Londor Pale Shade | Holy Knight Hodrick | Angel | Outrider Knight | Jailer | Grand Archives Scholar | Monstrosity of Sin | Wolf | Grave Warden
Groups/Ships/All Games Twin Princes | Nkstein | Ciartorias | Eygon x Irina | Four Knights of Gwyn | Crystal Lizard | Patches | Basilisk | Mimic | Skeleton | Velka Goddess of Sin
Others Dubious Grandma | Maiden of the Moon
DS Trivia
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 4 months
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
HONESTLY the only thing abt Cinders that makes me 🤨 is that she didn’t rlly name any of her kits,,, that’s really weird but that’s literally just me besides that you’ve made me realize how girlboss Cinders is thank you Hyena of the Lock and Key.
thank you!!! honestly her more questionable decisions just make me like her more. shes not the perfect model victim of circumstance and that makes her actions incredibly interesting to examine.
sol mentions how he thinks she never really wanted kits and i personally subscribe to the idea she didn’t really have the energy or emotion to sit down and think about her kits as like. individuals. she was putting all her energy into just keeping them all alive and behaving that she just never got around to it. i also think that subconsciously she probably didn’t think her kits were going to survive due to malnutrition and exposure and so she didn’t really want to get attached.
just. the way she views her kits is suuuper interesting to me
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smoldoddles · 9 months
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Doodles from IG story✨🌸was fun doing these :3
1st: Roxanne & Cinder(Spiderverse)
2nd: Hyena & König(CoD MW2)
3rd: Lil me
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hmmm... hyena cinder...
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ask-waiter-bellamy · 3 years
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~Bellamy and Bean all dressed up for a party, very big Cinderella vibes~
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