#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it
puppyeared · 26 days
who up seeing their disorder in a fictional character but feel like its not their place to put a name on it
#id have to be waterboarded before i can talk abt how i see a lot of my adhd and personality in mitsumi iwakura let alone post it#idk how to talk abt this without feeling like im talking over or invalidating ppls experiences relating with a character#someone was talking abt how ppl tie laios' autism to special interest and social difficulties but not much else which kinda flattens it#and then went into a respectful in depth analysis of other autistic behaviour that laios exhibits and it wasnt phrased meanly#its fascinating and important to me to hear someone explain a little bit abt traits that they recognized and often go overlooked#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately#like i have adhd and some of my adhd symptoms overlap with autism (time blindness and pattern seeking behaviour) but that only means#it feels familiar to me even without having autism. on top of that traits arent always cleanly determined as being /caused/ by#a disorder. to understand my environment i compare it to something unrelated but similar to make it more familiar and for the longest time#i thought that was a personality thing and not an information processing thing since i loved playing pretend in my head as a kid#so if you make a character who experiences that hoping to reach people that also experience that and tell them its not weird or#smth youre making up like. thats the goal. ppl who dont get it arent expected to it just means it doesnt cater to them but it helps them#become familiar to it yk? since i dont have autism myself i dont feel confident i can depict it properly or explain it in my own words#but that doesnt mean im trying to dismiss it or try and cut it out completely.. ill just leave the floor open to someone who /can/#a lot of issues around fanon depictions are when smth is baselessly popularized or a characters personality and behavior is flattened#especially to fit them into a trending meme. its harmless and its supposed to be for fun but it gets tricky when you drag things that#need to be carefully explained beforehand or else it gets lost in translation. like that tweet abt 'hyperfixating' on cooking pasta#once it becomes popular language usually the original meaning is left out for the sake of simplifying it for everyone that when it#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it#actually thats probably why i felt wrongfooted during diagnosis bc it felt like i was misusing the words i heard to describe what i felt#i /know/ i see a lot of myself in mitsumi because our minds are always somewhere else and we tend to put good faith first and for me#that personal connection is enough. but idk it feels like its always gonna have to be 'palatable' first before i can talk abt it openly#mad respect to writers and creators who stick to their story even if theres the looming fear of ppl misinterpreting it and letting them#have it.. its been almost 2 weeks and i am so close to deleting that m3 dunmeshi drawing bc ppl keep saying chilchuck wouldnt have 200 HP#IT LITERALLY SAYS I MADE IT WHILE WATCHING EP 1. I USED EARTHBOUND LOGIC AND I WASNT EVEN TAKING IT SERIOUSLY CHILL#yapping
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
Can you write something where you and spencer try viagra for the first time together, your sex life is fine you just wanna see the difference 🙏
TW: sex, semi sub!spencer
“Do you think...” Spencer begins with a pensive tone, wringing his slender hands together, “We could try Viagra?”
“We?” You chortle, looking up at your boyfriend while seated on the couch.
“By we, I mean me.”
You raise a brow, “Why? Are you having... issues?” You point a finger in the general direction of his crotch. You’re unsure of how to phrase what you want to say without making Spencer uncomfortable. A blush settles over his neck anyway.
“N-No. Trust me. I don’t have any difficulties regarding my... sexual arousal.” He giggles nervously. “I just want to try it— just once— you know, to see if it makes any life-changing difference.”
You stand up to sling your arms around his neck, “Well, I am more than satisfied with our sex life. But, I’m down to be the beneficiary of this little experiment.” You give him a short peck on the lips, and he smiles.
“Okay. This could be r-really fun, right? We can record data and time things and—“
You interrupt him with another kiss, “You are quite the mad scientist, Spencer Reid.”
“Always have been.”
A few days pass, neither of you bringing up Spencer’s sexual experiment. The idea seemed to excite him at first, but the more he pondered over the logistics of having to obtain said Viagra, the more hesitant he became.
“I just don’t wanna have to go down to the store and shuffle around as a cashier rings up my purchase of one unit of Viagra.” He groans. “Going to the store is already awkward enough, and I know those cashiers love to judge me—“
“Spencer,” You sigh, “We live in the 21st century. The internet exists. I’ll order some off of Amazon.”
“Ohhh.” Spencer smiles. “Thank you.”
“No problem, babe.”
Your package arrives perfectly timed. It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon free from the BAU. Neither you nor Spencer have any chores to do or errands to run. So the ding at your front door makes the both of you jump up in excitement. You’re excited because he’s excited.
“Okay,” Spencer announces as he unveils the pack of Viagra, “We need to eliminate as many outside factors or variables that could prompt any sort of erection or sexually aroused response from me. This means I can’t see you, and I can’t envision having sex with you— which will be even harder— so I essentially have to forgo any sexual anticipation to see the full effects of this drug. I also want to test the reduction in my refractory period. So we need to measure the time between the first and second round of sex.”
“Spoken like a true doctor.” You laugh. “Also, I’m flattered that I arouse you.” You wiggle your brows to which he shakes his head with a chuckle.
“So, I’m going to take this, wait 30 minutes, and then we can begin.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Spencer announces from the bedroom that you can enter. Despite the many, many times you’ve had sex, he still fidgets nervously on the bed.
“When should we start the timer?” You ask, stripping off your shirt.
“I-I guess as soon as we begin.”
You reach over the nightstand to press the green button on Spencer’s phone.
He grins before connecting his lips with yours. You waste no time seated yourself in his lap— he’s already rock hard (as expected from the Viagra), but it's not unusual since he tends to get excited very easily.
He lets out a huff as you slam him back onto the bed, your hand wrapping around his defined jaw. Spencer’s hands find their way to your ass, tugging and squeezing as you grind down on him.
Your clothes are torn off in a wind of flurry, time passing by at the speed of light.
Despite how eager he is, Spencer makes sure to take care of you. He’s not satisfied until you’re cumming twice. Your thighs clamp tightly around his head as his tongue laps and flicks at your clit, letting out a scream as he brings you to your second orgasm.
“This is the moment of truth.” You tease as Spencer lines himself up with your entrance.
“Actually, I’m more testing the effects of Viagra after orgasm.” He states calmly, breath hitching as he sheathes himself into you.
“Fuck.” You moan. “I really don’t care what your testing as long as it means you’re inside of me.”
“Uh-huh.” He sighs, beginning to shift his hips back and forth.
You settle on a steady pace, one where Spencer can focus himself on driving his hips in fluidly. You shake underneath him, breasts bouncing with each thrust. He tosses your leg over his right shoulder, pulling you impossibly closer to him. He always loves to be close to you.
“Such a good boy.” You stammer despite being out of breath. “Make me cum?”
“Y-Yes. Of course.” He nods, bottoming out inside of you. His left-hand moves to your clit, circling it lightly either two digits.
“There we fucking go.” You sigh, the knot in your stomach cooking tighter, ready to snap at any moment. “Fuck. I’m gonna come, Spence.”
He continues the stimulation on your clit as he reaches his high. You know how easily he can cum with you, and it takes a lot of strength for him to hold off. Once he feels your thighs quiver and your back arch of the bed, he allows himself to let go, knowing you’ll follow right behind him.
“(Y/N)...” He gasps, jaw slack as his body shakes, releasing himself inside of you. You’re spawning shortly after, screaming out a high-pitched version of what’s supposed to be his name.
You both panting heavily as Spencer pulls himself out of you, falling onto his back next to you.
“That was amazing.” You smile, placing a kiss on his neck. “But nothing out of the ordinary.”
“I know.” He grins back, cocky as ever, soaking up your praise.
“That’s why we’ll have to try again.”
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Hajime, Nagito and Rantaro and their SHSL Psychologist older sibling like friend
Hajime Hinata:
·       “… Hey, Brat.” “Huh? Oh… It’s you.” “Geez. No need to look like you just ate a lemon. Oh, wait, you just always look like that.” “Y/N, just go.” Crossing his arms Hajime looked out the window beside him. “What!? That’s rude!? And after I trudged across this whole stupid large campus to get you. At least you can hear me out before you shut me down.” “…” Sighing Hajime looked back to you, well more so the other reserve course students who stared at you. “What is it-Eh!? Y-Y/N!?” Grabbing him by the collar of his uniform you dragged him out of the room, racing down the hall. “Hey! I can’t just skip class like this!” “Who said we were skipping class!?”
·       “Ah. Much better.” You stretched, looking up to that cloudless sky. “It’s just too nice of a day to stick inside.” “Yeah, I guess it is.” “I’ll be back with lunch in a moment.” Hajime was admittedly a little disappointed to see you trotting over to the nearby vending machine against the school building, your handmade lunches were always the best. But… he completely understood. When you weren’t in classes you were always busy with work, but having work even before classes even started, surely that was too much.
·       His thoughts were interrupted, a bag of pretzels being tossed into his lap, and you promptly sitting beside him, gently tapping a water bottle against his head. “Thanks.” He took it, immediately taking a sip. “You always know just what to do, don’t you?” “… Good, you’re starting to catch on. Though… now that you’ve called me out on my normalcy, would continuing just feel forced?” “Yeah. Just… with the murder and now a disappearance, the whole mood of the campus is just… strained? I don’t know.”
·       Immediately you just flopped over, using Hajime as our arm rest of sorts, but for your whole body. “Finally.” “Hey! Don’t lean on me!” “But you’re so commmmfy.” You just leaned more into him. “Stop it! You’re heavy!” “I’m not heavy! Gravity is!” “Y/N!” Chuckling you wrapped an arm around Hajime and ruffled his hair. “Oh poor, sweet, Hajime. Okay, fine. I’ll do it. I’ll protect you from this big scary world.” “I don’t need protection.” “Oh, so you’re a tough guy now! Exciting. So can mister tough guy stop by my office at about… uh, nineteen-thirty?” “Sure.” “Great!” Then before he knew it, you were skipping away. “I better go before I’m late for class. See ya Brat!”
·       … Perhaps therapy would do Hajime some good. Though, it was hard to imagine you being serious for a moment with your laid back and carefree attitude. Sometimes, Hajime wondered if it was an act, like before when you pretended like nothing was wrong. Then again, did it even matter? In the end, Hajime knew one thing for sure. You cared about him and just wanted to help him, even if it was in a strange round-abut way of teasing him and treating him like a little sibling.
 Nagito Komaeda:
·       “Ah, and THERES my little boy!” Immediately Nagito looked up from his work recognizing your voice, you running up to him with open arms, wrapping him in a tight hug. “How have you been~” “I’m fine.” “But what’s all this?” Letting go of him you skipped around the cans of paint, brushes and wooden beams. “The backdrop for the play we’re making.” “So THAT’S what you’re doing for the school festival! I’m sure whatever you and our friends have planned will be great! Though will you be too busy to come to therapy with my old professor?” “No, I’ll still come!” “Good! Now I’ll get out of your hair and leave you too your work. Though, call me when you’re done! I found a book I think you’ll like!” “I will.” “Love you, Nagito!” “Love you too.” And thus you happily trotted away, going to reunite with your friends who you kinda just abandoned upon seeing Nagito. They didn’t mind, they were rather used to it, and you had been getting better at getting back to them and not completely forgetting them.
·       Then that crash sound resounded. “Nagito!?” “I-I’m fine.” “EXCUSE ME!? You are NOT fine! You’re head is bleeding!” The man was crushed under piles and piles of wood with various bright colors splattered across it. “Uh, Mikan! Is Mikan around?” You flinched, another set piece falling on the pile. “That’s it! I’m patching you up myself!” “You don’t-” “Shush! No!”
·       And there Nagito sat on a stool, you trying your best to stop the blood that just kept pouring out. “Come on. At this rate even if I took you straight to the nurse you would have bled out.” “I’m sorry that you’re stuck helping trash like me.” “Don’t be. I want to help you. Now stay still. I don’t need you running off and more people spotting you and trying to patch you up. Too many cooks spoil the stew as they say and with the whole world in love with you, that could easily happen!” “I don’t know about that.” “Of course not! People often find imperfections in themselves that others can’t see, so you may find yourself as unworthy of love, but to others, that’s not the case, what you may see as a flaw is just another piece of perfection to us!”
·       Nagito wondered how you could be so loving and doting with a person like him, but admittedly, he didn’t not like it. He just… wasn’t that used to it.
 Rantaro Amami:
·       Grumbling under your breath, you took out the spare key you had, being unable to balance all the grocery bags in our arms but suddenly the door opened. “Rantaro? What are you doing up.” “Grocery shopping.” You simply gestured to the bags beside you. “It’s my turn, remember?” “Ah, you’re already done with work?” “Yeah, there was a big fire in my building so work ended early. So…” Crossing your arms and tapping your foot on the ground you eyed Rantaro up and down. “Why were you going to go shopping with a broken ankle?” “Ah… forgot about that.” “You’re an awful liar.” Rantaro’s shoulders just slumped. “Yeah. Sorry.” Gently you pushed him back in the apartment. “On the couch with you, I’ll get a new ice pack.” “Wait, hold on. You must have had a stressful day with the fire. You rest and let me-” “Oh no. I’m not one of your little sisters. You don’t need to look after me. It’s my turn to play big sibling. So, back to the couch with you. Now.” Rantaro hesitating for a moment was enough for you to just pick him up, and carry him over to the couch yourself.
·       You scurried about as quickly as you could to place everything away before Rantaro could escape unbeknownst to you to go searching for his sisters again.
·       Quickly you trotted out with a bag of ice in hand, sighing in relief that Rantaro had not moved from his seat, though he was antsy. After placing the bag of his ankle you sat beside him. “It’s okay to take a break y’know. You can’t find your sisters if you’re too hurt to do so. So for now just relax.” “…”
·       Seemingly he was mindlessly watching the tv, but you caught on to the dark circles under his eyes. You hugged him closely, feeling his racing heart. “but… how can i?” Quietly weeping into your collar, he clung to you, as if we here to loosen his grip even a little you’d instantly disappear. “why am I such a useless big brother? Why can’t I find them?” You didn’t say a thing, simply letting him feel all his emotions, all the grief and regret. “why can’t I be like you? a good sibling?... please don’t disappear too.” “I won’t. I promise.”
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Ok so Camille’s an asshole on that we can all agree, but I’m really tired of people in the fandom acting like she’s just your typical annoying ex and she makes poor uwu Alec feel insecure cause fuck that. Camille was 100% abusive and manipulative but I also think she was sexually abusive too I mean seeing what she did to Simon and kissing Magnus without his consent even though he was clearly uncomfortable, consent doesn’t really seem to be an issue for her-
I feel like she definitely manipulated his fear of loneliness and not being good enough, to suit her needs. Like Magnus isn’t in the mood for sex or it’s especially triggering on a certain day, either way he’s not up for it but Camille makes him do it anyway. She threatens to leave or go find someone else who can fulfill her needs or take care of her when Magnus won’t, ‘I mean does he even love her when he won’t do this one simple thing for her?’ 
So he just lets her do what she wants, even if he’s having a full blown panic attack Camille doesn’t care or she’ll just leave insulting him saying she can’t deal with this right now and leaving Magnus with no idea when or if she’ll be back. So the next time she asks he hesitates less or initiates it more even when he’s not in the mood so she won’t leave and yeah I have a lot of emotions relating to this. and now I’m thinking about how it’ll affect his future relationships, not even talking about Alec but other people - I have this headcanon where when he got away from Camille and is healing, him ragnor and Catarina live together in ragnors cottage or somewhere away from people for awhile so Magnus can slowly heal and focus on himself and unlearn Camille’s abuse with the help of his family 
But despite what this fandom says Magnus has always been a helper and a selfless person to the point of self destruction. He’s unable to prioritise his own health and he wouldn’t be able to slow down and feel the full force of the abuse he experienced cause he feels like he’ll fall apart if he does and ‘no one wants a pathetic crybaby who breaks down when someone moves their hand too fast in his direction it wasn’t even that bad he’s just exaggerating like he always does this is why Camille doesn’t love him back’ (the ‘’ parts were meant to be strikethrough to signify Magnus’ inner thoughts but that doesn’t work on asks)
And he’s scared to get in another relationship cause he doesn’t think he’d be able to speak up for himself if they turned violent or controlling, he’s scared that if they did he’d just let them so he closes himself off from people puts these walls around him and a bright smile on his face that doesn’t let anyone think there’s anything wrong. And theres so much pain going on in the world ‘they have it much worse than him anyway’ and Magnus tries to help the best he can as he always does and he’s always there for people to lean on without any reciprocation and he’s so emotionally and physically tired and he’s not sure how much longer he can take it, almost considers going back to blackfairs bridge ‘really he’d be doing the world a favour’ but theres too many bad memories and he promised his family he would try so he holds on and then he finds Raphael and that obviously doesn’t fix everything but- I was going to continue this but it’s two am in my country and honesty it’s too long already😅 sorry for the rant it’s just a lot of emotions. Im so tired of the ‘Camille’s an annoying ex who keeps getting in the way of my favourite gay ship😠’ metas and needed to let out some feelings before I explode from my hate for Camille
UGH ANON HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE NOT ONLY A GENIUS BUT ALSO MY NEW BEST FRIEND, AN INTELLECTUAL, AND COMPLETELY RIGHT. YOU ARE SO CORRECT!!! idk if uve read my other post that i posted while i was waiting for you but we no longer have the same hat we are SHARING the hat!! i can't believe i got this ask right after i had just made that long ass rant and was in so much need to talk about this like ugh are you my guardian angel. i love you more than anyone else ive ever met
ok ok ok coherent thoughts ok i can do this. first of all THE SALT how does it feel to have vision and coherency. ppl writing camille as just an annoying ex or a bad ex or even as like "oh they both made mistakes and it ended up terrible" drives me UP THE WALL. camille was explicitly abusive, so much so that magnus CANONICALLY WAS UNABLE TO ALLOW PEOPLE TO GET CLOSE TO HIM FOR ALMOST A CENTURY. and she was shown to be abusive, both in the physical sense as you have reminded us so brilliantly and in the sense that her whole "choose me" speech? like she doesn't have to literally say the words "no one but me would ever love you" for that to be exactly what she's saying. she's obviously playing with his insecurities and putting him down while presenting her as his savior, it's CLASSIC ABUSE. she was written as such a perfect to-the-book abuser that it honestly shocks me like they did that really all they ticked all the boxes. the way she immediately launched to talk about alec's mortality too, the way she was obviously trying to make them fight and draw them apart - it wasn't a jealousy thing, it is just that she's abusive and she wants him isolated so she can toy with him and manipulate him 
EVEN SALTIER WHEN THEY MAKE IT ABOUT ALEC BEING INSECURE LIKE. especially because canonically he literally watched camille kiss magnus and didn't care, which was sexy of him because i was dreading some jealousy drama or something but instead he was just like. obviously she did it to hurt you. i only care in the sense that she's a fucking bitch. we stan! 
as for how she treated him! oof i think the same thing with the same words dioajdsaoij it always circled back to "why can't you do this for me?" in and outside of sex - i mentioned that in a conversation in the comments of my other post but i think that with camille the sexual abuse was really just an extension of the regular abuse, so they bleed together and are not really separable in that sense. at every turn, he had to prove his worth, and she used his fear of loneliness both in the sense that she amplified it and made it seem like the only way to not be lonely was to be with her, and that she gave him just enough for him not to feel desperately lonely so she could string him along. not to mention, they both always go back to how magnus supposedly "owes" her, and yes, it's because of the bridge, of course, but there's also that underlying tone of "because she put up with him and gave him affection when no one else would". even when what she did was nowhere close to real affection. so it's both the bridge and the after. she could have saved him and left, but she stayed. that's why he feels he owes her, and she will absolutely use it
AND UR SO RIGHT ABOUT MAGNUS BEING UNABLE TO PRIORITIZE HIS OWN HEALTH UGH UGH UGH UGH like he has no choice for a while because she left him fucking broken and seeing the way she treats him and the amount of shit he puts up with i can only imagine how far she had to go for him to reach a breaking point and leave her for real. but as soon as he could pretend to have himself together he just threw himself out there. and i believe that he felt guilty for having catarina and ragnor take care of him when he abandoned them because of camille - obviously that's not what happened, she manipulated him into staying away from them, made his life hell whenever he wanted to hang out with them until he no longer had the energy to put up a fight to keep in contact with the people he loves, but it's what he feels that happened, and most likely what camille herself eventually started to tell him happened once they had been pulled away enough. ("you're gonna leave me? and go back to who? your little friends who tried to pit you against me from day one? they're just gonna say 'i told you so', magnus. and why would they take you back when you left them before? when was the last time you even saw them? you chose this, you chose me, and now you're gonna come back to them and expect them to welcome you with open arms? you selfish little prick")
AND RAPHAEL!!! raphael was so important, honestly, we say that magnus didn't let anyone into his heart but obviously raphael was the exception and EXTREMELY important for his healing. it's a complicated relationship because he's sort of a father figure for rapha, and as such, he doesn't allow himself to be completely vulnerable around him, because that's not "his role". but! he was the first person whom magnus let in. and they obviously know each other deeply ("i hate to see you like this" even though magnus looked completely put together to the outside eye) and are plenty affectionate ("sweet boy", the hugs, the way rapha talked about magnus with so much love and awe in his eyes and voice) and trusting (the way raphael went to magnus' loft, not his own damn clan, when he was tortured...). i know this fandom likes to pretend that they pretend to hate each other but NO THEY DON'T they are openly caring and loving with each other fucking fight me on this
anyway, my point is that raphael was the first person he allowed himself to trust, and of course, part of that is simply because raphael was vulnerable and in need and like you said he can't just stay still when he sees someone struggling. but to care for raphael eventually had to mean to open up to him and when he welcomed raphael in, he gained a new member to his family. raphael is his kid. that's no small thing. their bond goes deep and it's extremely important because again, after camille magnus wouldn't allow people to get close to his heart, because he was scared of how they could use that against him. raphael was his first, and the only reason magnus was able to open himself up for romantic love again (which was an extra step, not because romantic love is more important or deeper, but because it's specifically the kind of love that camille used against him, and thus it makes him even more scared) was because he had already been relearning trust and platonic love with rapha
rapha did him good!!! there's a reason he calls him "sweet boy" okay. and rapha cares about him and he NOTICES WHEN HE'S IN A BAD SHAPE EVEN THROUGH ALL OF MAGNUS' WALLS and he specifically didn't want magnus involved with the camille drama even when it had obviously gotten out of hand because he wanted to keep him safe and away from her!!! i want to be shot in the face!!! they love each other so much! fuck!
and also that implies that raphael knows about camille which means he might be the first person who met magnus post-camille and heard the story, which means that he might be (and probably is) the first person who was never involved that magnus opened up about this to. if that ain't some powerful and important shit i don't know what is. because part of abuse is that you can't talk about it - there's this sense of shame and guilt both from staying and from not staying more, especially because magnus canonically still feels like he owes her... aaaaa
this answer is all over the place im sorry but my point is you are correct, camille is a textbook abuser not just a shitty ex, she fucked up his head and made him unable to open up for a long time, and the first person that helped him break those walls was raphael and they LOVE EACH OTHER VERY MUCH AND DEEPLY thank you for your attention
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no-context-writer · 3 years
“So we're really doing this?”
“We have no choice, it’s the only way we can keep the territory safe for the offspring.”
“You’re right. I just hope we aren’t the only fools to show, otherwise this will turn to a quick tragedy.”
“Others’ll show, just learn to have a little faith for once.”
-Tall Oak: 9:32 am-
Corvus was right. He was always right. Even as they circled overhead Rook could see half a dozen feathered forms fluttering amongst the west branches of the tall oak.
“Let’s hurry, we're already late,” said Corvus diving for the canopy, beak steadfast, wings decisively folded. Even under these circumstances, the grandiose fool showed no reservations, no hesitation. Rook shook his head and dipped his beak as he banked into his brother's slipstream and followed him down.
“Ah good Corvus you made it,” Cawed the Warchief turning his good eye towards the two of them as they landed.
“Yes, of course, sorry we were late. I brought Rook too,” announced Corvus as if Rook needed validation to be there.
Rook scanned the other crows on the branches, not including him and Corvus there were two others, three if you included their single-eyed commander. Other than them there were three jays and two magpies, they were pristine and unmighty and their speckless feathers shimmered even in the shade of the Tall Oak’s branches.
“Raah! Thank the winds more black wings showed!” cawed one of the crows, he was the smallest of their kind, with white eyes and a grey body that contrasted well with his black beak and wings. He fluttered over to them landing precisely between the space of Rook and Corvus as if the spot had been reserved for him. Corvus moved over an inch to give their new branch-mate some space. Rook did not.
“Name’s Jackdaw, You two seem pretty unrattled, been to many mobbings have you?” asked the little grey crow.
“This’ll be our first,” replied Corvus witlessly exposing their weaknesses before the other tribes.
“HAHA! You hear that Hood? Their first mobbing and they aren’t the least bit shaken, theres some true black beaks for yah!” Screeched the obnoxious little bird.
Rook didn’t need to turn his eye to his fellow passerine to know what they were likely thinking right now. Don’t worry, thought Rook, Corvus would do the right thing, he always did the right thing.
Corvus gave his fellow crow a courtesy titter, “While I appreciate the vote of confidence, many birds have black beaks, not just crows, and so too do they have the courage to set aside their fears and differences to band together for the sake of the greater good.”
Rook could practically see the shift in the other bird’s perceptions, as Corvus suddenly went from a strange, nobody-blackbird to a blackbird deserving of their admiration and respect.
Even the chuckle of disagreement that came from the crow sitting between Rook and his brother was done in a respectful unobtrusive sort of way, “Hehe yeah well, we’ll see if you’ll be singing the same tune when the spectrum brigade loses their nerve and fly off before the job is done,” said the small crow.
Rook had to hold back a laugh of his own, not necessarily because he agreed with the little crow, but because Jackdaw himself wasn’t any bigger than the birds he was insulting. He wished he could share the ironic amusement with Corvus but when he looked over to his brother his facial expression was less of amusement and more similar to the one they often received when they weren’t living up to mother’s expectations. But Rook knew Corvus’s look wasn’t meant for him. In Corvus’s mind Rook carried the same principles and virtues as him, so the thought that Rook might be amused at one bird taunting another would never cross his mind.
“Stellar, don’t,” peeped one of the jays to another.
The jay called Stellar fluttered forth, his body was a rippled blue, while his head was a stark black with a crest that pointed to the higher heavens. “Excuse me sir, but I’ll have you know, amongst The Flock Of The River Wind, I am renown as the swiftest and most courageous and I rebuke your words.”
“Is that so?” Replied Jackdaw, with condescending amusement.
“Indeed it is, I would argue none who have shown their beaks here today is any less courageous than the bird sitting beside them,” Chirped the little jay with the pride of a peacock.
Rook always use to wonder why Corvus dragged him everywhere instead of seeking out virtuous like-minded companions like Steller back home. It was only now in this exchange between Jackdaw and the jay that he realized there weren’t any birds like Steller back home, in fact, most crows were more like him or Jackdaw, or even Hood who Rook was slowly starting to suspect was actually a small raven based on his size and still had yet to utter a peep. Corvus was one of a kind, even though his feathers dripped with darkness like the rest of them, his heart was full of light and humility. Perhaps that was why their mother treasured him so, and why everywhere he went he earned the respect of those around him.      
“Beaks up birdbrains!” Two Swallows came swooping down from higher branches, “We got eyes on the target, gliding south carried by southward winds,” said the first swallow.
“We move now we can ride the currents; reach him before he hits the High Nests in Red Garden,” suggested the second.
There was an understandably sudden sobering shift in the air around them as the time for action was finally upon them.
“Then let’s do what we came here to do!” cawed Corvus wearing his valor on the tip of his beak, as his wings fluttered with anticipation.
The Warchief flew up to a branch right above them, expressing his authority over the mob, “Alright pheasants listen up. Make every strike as impactful as possible, but remember the goal is to make this area an disagreeable hunting zone for the beast, we aren’t aiming to kill it, so don’t take any unnecessary risk.”
The Warcheif flew into the upper branches prompting the other birds to follow, he stopped at the top of the Tall Oak where the sun lit up the warm green canopy. “And most importantly, if anyone does lose their nerve out there, I ask that you maintain formation instead of fleeing. If you choose not to attempt a strike that’s fine, but the moment our numbers dwindled we lose or advantage and or efforts will be fruitless. I believe we all came here because deep down we all possess a courage and wisdom that exceeds the expectation of our individual tribes and genus. We know preservation of our future is far more paramount than the preservation of our present, that together we are mightier than the wind, and that birds of a feather flock together!”        
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singularityy2 · 3 years
┌────── ⋆⋅♤⋅⋆ ──────┐
chapter ten
└────── ⋆⋅♤⋅⋆ ──────┘
HER HEART POUNDED AGAINST her chest at the sight of more and more villains appearing through what seemed to be a warp gate.
Yuno turned to look at Bakugo with wide and worried eyes, his crimson eyes studied her face, feeling his hand being interlocked with hers. When they were kids, they would always interlock hands to show the other that they would be there for each other, no mater the situation. That they would protect each other no matter what, that's what they promised each other almost a decade ago. Even though he tried being mean to her, he couldn't bring himself to do so, he cared for her too much.
"I don't get why you're so scared. Nothing's going to happen, I promise." Bakugo whispers over to her, as she slowly nods her head, quickly turning her gaze over to the villains.
The villains slowly began to walk towards the stairs. Her mind had wandered else where, trying to figure out situations on how to escape, on what to do, if they would allow them to fight.
"Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?" Yaoyorozu questions, bringing Yuno out of her thoughts.
"We have them, of course, but.."
"Did they only appear here or around the whole school?" Todoroki's familiar voice questions. "Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind."
"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering." Mr Aizawa says as all the students looked at the villains that were slowly making their way towards the stairs. "Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too."
"Yes, sir."
"What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?" Deku questions Yuno quickly adds in.
"With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks there's still too many! Your Quirk is meant for capturing after erasing their Quirk, a close combat on the other hand." Yuno began to say as she slowly trails off when Mr. Aizawa tilts his head slightly.
"You can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen." Mr. Aizawa says as Thirteen sends him a nod.
"We have to help him." Yuno whispered to herself as she let go of Bakugo's and Uraraka's hands, slowly placing a gloved hand through her hair. The rest of the class slowly began to jog towards the exit as Deku and Yuno looked at the battle that was happening.
"Mr. Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?" She heard Deku says when Yuno suddenly feels her wrist being grabbed, quickly looking towards Bakugo who was forcing her to run with the others. They managed to catch up and be at front when suddenly the purple warp from before started to appear from the ground.
"I won't let you." The villain says as Yuno takes a small step back as Bakugo gritted his teeth together, tightening his grip on her wrist a little too tightly. "Nice to meet you."
"We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take is last breath." The villain says as their eyes widened at the sound of the Pro- Hero's name come from the villain. "I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change? Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play."
"I'll be right back." Bakugo whispers over to her as she felt the warmth of her hand slowly disappear as he lightly pushed her towards the rest of the class.
"Katsuki." Yuno shakes her head softly as Bakugo avoids her eyes as he lightly pushes her once more, she shuts her eyes, quickly moving towards Suzuki who mirrored the same worried expression as her. Suddenly Bakugo and Kirishima launch themselves forward and try to land an attack towards the villain, the place around them quickly fogging up because of Bakugo's explosion.
"Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you did it?" Kirishima questions as the smirk that had plastered on their faces quickly faded at the sound of the villains voice.
"Oh dear, that's dangerous. That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs."
"No! Move away, you two!" Thirteen exclaims as the pair turn their heads to look at him.
"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" The villain exclaims as it's Quirk captured everyone it could. Harsh air pushed them that were on the inside. Her eyes widened trying to look for Kirishima and Bakugo who had been ahead, getting lost in the fog.
"Tsuki! Kiri!" The pairs' eyes widened as they tried to look for Yuno who called out for them. She made two crystals and shoved them into the ground to keep her steady.
"Yuzuriha!" Yuno yelps as Yuzuriha who was being protected with Himura and Suzuki quickly looks towards the sound of the yell. Her bright yellow eyes staring into her blue ones.
"Yuno!" Himura exclaims as Yuno wraps her hair around The trio, as he grabbed onto her wrist. The warp gate made itself underneath her as she quickly looked up at Suzuki, Himura, and Yuzuriha who worriedly looked up at her. She unwrapped her hair from around them as their eyes widened, as Yuno didn't want to bring them with herself.
"Yuno! No!" Himura yells as he tried to grab the girl, but failed as she fell through. The air pushed harshly against her as she opened her eyes to see the ground below her getting closer and closer. Before Yuno could completely fall, she sprung out her wings as she landed safely. The roots of her hair tingled, feeling the sensation of someone approaching her.
"10? no, theres two in the trees. 12 people." Yuno whispered to herself as her hair grew to its normal length, trying to play it cool. Yuno patted her chest lightly, trying to calm her beating heart from the shock of almost falling to her death.
"Found her!" A voice says as she quickly turns her head to see as she guessed, a dozen villains approaching her.
"It's only one little girl. This'll be easy." They laugh amongst themselves as they slowly approach the lavender haired girl who discreetly created a crystal dagger in the palms of her hands behind her back, her gloved hands tightly holding onto the translucent shards.
"Don't act so cocky, you bastards." Yuno smiles as the villains stop in their tracks. The only thing she could think of was to act like Bakugo, without caring about what happened to their enemies, you have to show them you held no fear. The moment his name went through her mind she immediately began to worry about the ash blond boy.
"Why should I be worried about him." Yuno scoffs to herself, her head hanging low. "I should feel more bad for the bastards that got him."
"What did you just say?" A man questions as Yuno lifts her head, staring at all of them once more.
"Don't waste my time. I could beat you in a matter of seconds if I want to. I have to help protect my friends." Yuno calmly says as they begin to glare and make their way towards her. Past her smile was a girl who was very much hoping she wouldn't have to hurt anyone.
"I wouldn't get too close if I were you idiots." Yuno says as they ignored her comments when suddenly the floor below them began to turn into crystals, growing until it reached their knees, trapping them. Their eyes widened as she swung her arm back and threw the crystal dagger at the pair that were in the trees, the crystal dagger grew and formed around their wrists like cuffs.
"Hey!" They began to yell as she wrapped her hair around all of them, forcing them to go into a circle. She outstretched her hand as a translucent crystal sword forms. She grabs it tightly, examining it before slowly approaching them, the sword dragging behind her, breaking away at the floor the moment it touched it.
"S-stop it! What're you going to do! Are you crazy?!" They began to shout, thrashing in the girl's strong hold. Yuno raises the sword, cutting her hair as the excess wrapped around the villains as if it had a mind of its own.
"No one can hear you. Who knows, maybe you're already dead." Yuno says seriously which caused the villains to panic even more at the thought of a child beating them in what she had said a matter of seconds.
"I win."
"You idiots are lucky, but if I figure out that you harmed one of my friends. I'll hurt you with my bare hands." Yuno says as they nod rapidly, obeying to the girl within seconds. She practically thought that she looked ridiculous since her personality didn't match what she usually acted like.
"If you don't mind me. I'll be leaving." Yuno says as she slowly begins to walk away when suddenly she stops, turning around to look at them once more. She bends down as a crystal wall grows around them, trapping them even more.
"I have a Quirk that allows me to make bombs out of anything I touch." Yuno says as she makes a crystal shard and throws it over their head, but right before it could fall on them she clenches her fist and presses her thumb against the side of her index finger, making the crystal explode.
They watch as she sets her hand on the floor and then on the walls, their eyes watching her every movement.
"I will be alerted the moment one of you tries to escape. The moment I do I will set off the bomb and I won't hesitate to put you in the hospital." Her hand moves away from the crystal and drops to her side. "Got it?"
Their eyes were wide as they quickly nodded. She was bluffing about being alerted, and she wouldn't want to kill anyone, maybe injure them, but putting them close to death was way too much for her.
"But before I leave. I wanna know why you all are so cocky to think that you guys can kill All Might."
Yuno's heart pounded against her chest as she stumbled away from the villains. The information that they had told her managed to make the girl overthink.
She tried to find her way out and look for the rest of her class. Sharp crystals formed from below her feet as she used them for a boost, her wings sprung out from her back as she flew into the air. Her eyes widened, the scene of a large body on top of Mr. Aizawa made her shiver. Her eyes went from his broken arms towards towards his bloodied face that was being pushed into the floor. She no longer could think, the thought of having to protect others invaded her system, her mind went foggy.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Yuno's voice cracked, within seconds she was already making her way down. Her hair wrapped around the villain's neck, trying to force it away from her teacher. Her body fumed in anger. The girl that everyone usually saw as calm and kind turned into something else, like a switch had been flipped.
"Yuno.." Mr. Aizawa's eyes widen as he watches her attempt to beat the strong man. "Stop it."
Crystals formed below her and towards the Nomu, as the crystals formed their way over its legs. Before the crystals could completely take him over he breaks his leg, its legs regenerating within a matter of seconds. Yuno's eyes widened. Her hair grew as it wrapped around the Nomu. Her hair reacted the same as Mr. Aizawa's scarf. It was meant for capturing, or like Tsu's tongue. She could manipulate her hair as if it weren't connected to her. Her hair was like a lizards tail. A lizard disconnects from its tail when it feels targeted or in danger and it can grow back, in Yuno's case her hair can grow to enormous lengths and with her crystals she can cut it away like butter, it was almost impossible to rip her hair without her crystals. Although if she cut where her normal sized hair length is then she would have to get her hair fixed due to the fact that she chopped it off.
Shigaraki stared in pure interest at the girl, from her unbelievable Quirk to her determination.
Although, the moment she wrapped her hair around the Nomu, it ripped it with some difficulty but it still tore her hair. Her eyes widened. Yuno's hand outstretched as many crystals hovered over her gloved hand, turning them into bombs. She got behind the Nomu quickly, sending the shards into its back. Yuno quickly ran to Mr. Aizawa, setting her hands over his arm, hoping to repair him as soon as possible.
Shigaraki's eyes widen at the stubbornness from the girl. The feeling of wanting to know more about her began to bug him more and more, he needed to know more about her, if he were to be able to make her a villain, they'd be much more powerful with the amazing powers that the girl managed to have not just with her Quirk but being a Queen, they've never seen anyone like her. The Nomu begins to approach Yuno who had her back to him. Before he could grab her she made a crystal wall behind herself, making her hand into a fist as she pressed her thumb on the side of her index finger, all of the bombs that she had placed on the Nomu's back began to explode. The Nomu stumbled back slightly but once all the bombs had exploded his missing skin had regenerated.
Mr. Aizawa's eyes widen, staring at the Nomu that was about to punch through the crystal wall.
"Run. Yuno. Run." He whispers as he felt his arm slowly begin to go back to place.
"I won't! I can't." Yuno frantically says as she tries to hurry the process, her teacher's blood soaking into her gloves in the process.
"Please.." Mr. Aizawa practically begged as Yuno shook her head, biting down her bottom lip in worry.
"Mr. Aizawa. My parents once told me... We protect those who cannot protect themselves." Yuno whispered, placing her hand on his head, hoping to keep him conscious.
The Nomu punches through the crystal and grabs her by the neck and throws her to the ground. He approaches to where he had thrown her his foot stepping down on her shin, a loud crunch coming from it. He grabs her arms in his hands, it's hands cracking the bones in both her arms. She groans in pain as the Nomu heads back to Aizawa, staring at Yuno who was trying to get back up. Another loud crunch from Aizawa was heard, along with painful grunt. Her bones were broken, but that didn't stop her from trying to protect her teacher. Her classmates stared in worry, their bodies frozen in place. Their minds were telling them to go down and help her before she got more hurt, or before the Nomu planned on killing her if she kept on trying to save her teacher.
"You bastard!" Yuno shouts as her hand lays flatly on the ground. The ground begins to shake but before she could continue the Nomu had approached her. The Nomu's foot met with Yuno's stomach, sending her flying. Everyone's eyes held terror as Yuno's back met a large rock that had her crystals on it. A sharp crystal had impaled her.
Her eyes widened, coughing up a large amount of blood. Her classmates stared at her, as she was in clear sight of everyone, she felt like a display for everyone to see. Blood oozed from her head and slid from her forehead down, she tried to move but the slightest movements sent blood oozing down her torso. She tilted her head down, the thick blood slipping past her lips and down her chin. The top of her head had now turned red from her blood, the top of her hair slowly going from lavender to red in a mater of seconds. Her body ached, the high adrenaline she had never fading.
The previous Queens watched as the new queen was going to be impaled, and with quick thinking they tried to move her organs to the side, as well as try to make the crystal thinner to be able to take out without her being seriously injured from the inside. Yuno reaches behind her, breaking the base of the crystal. She placed her hand on her waist as crystals wrapped around her, trying to hold in her blood and the crystal that was impaled through her in place. They all fall quiet, watching as the bruised and bloody girl stood up, leaning against the rock as support. With every move she took, the more blood would ooze from her wounds, even when she covered them with crystals. They watch in silence as a laugh emits from her throat.
(Y'all I'm p sure that's almost impossible but for the sake of the chapter let's just pretend she's a badass that can't die so easily😌)
"You think after all I've been through, something like that would hurt?!" Yuno laughs, wiping the blood away from her mouth with her sleeve. Her broken arm stretches out in front of her. As the ground below the Nomu shakes, her hair wrapped around its ankles, before the Nomu could have hurt her she had basically injected her hair into the ground until it was ready for action. Yuno clenched her fist, pressing her thumb on the side of her index finger, the crystals that were below his feet began to explode, the ground slowly began to cave in, but before the ground could take the Nomu, the villains Quirk saved it.
"You're one dirty bastard." Yuno coughs, the pain in her body becoming unbearable for her petite self. Her hand lifts once more.
"I'm not going down just yet." She whispers as her palm shoots crystal shards and towards the Nomu. In her broken hand, she created a shining dust, quickly dumping it over herself. Her eyes flashed a deep purple. Her other hand lifted as she began to shoot crystal arrows that lodged themselves barely through the Nomu's legs. It was no use, but she had to stall until help came. 
"Damn it!" Yuno yells as the pain in her body began to make her tremble. Her body begged for her to stop. Her eyes were glowing a deep purple, meaning she was at her fullest. Whenever her eyes would change into those bright purple eyes it would either mean she was at her fullest strength or her emotions were being messed with, or when she desired to show them. Her deadly gaze still glaring at the Nomu.
"Just a little bit more!" They crystals were now coming out more desperately as the Nomu either dodged or received them. The palms of her hands were now being cut and scratched due to her sharp crystals, her own blood began to ooze into the glove even if it was meant to keep her hands protected from her own Quirk, the crystals were coming out too desperately.
She watched as the Nomu, and Shigaraki had approached the trio that were watching from afar. Her eyes widened as she shot more arrows in hope to help them.
Everyone's attention averted towards the double doors that were now off it's hinges. The sight of All Might standing at the top of the stairs almost made her cry in relief. Her body finally felt the need to shut down. She dropped to her knees, placing her bloodied and cut hands flat on the ground.
"It's fine now! I am here!
All Might and placed his jacket over the shoulders of the trembling girl. Her breathing was ragged, the teen girl was a bloodied mess.
"I got it from here, kiddo." All might smiles as he takes notice of her horrible state. She looks up quickly. His eyebrows narrow as he watches the girl's eyes change from purple to their normal blue.
"All Might.." She sighed in relief, her body still trembling due to her injuries.
"Good job." He says as Yuno was ready to break down into tears, her body ached in pain. She stood up, slipping her arms into his large jacket. She turned to look at him. There was only one thing that went through her mind.
Her friends are safe.
He was about to pick her up when she resisted.
"It hurts too much.. Leave me here." Yuno whispers as All Might sighed, shaking his head, that was basically like leaving the girl for dead, and that was something he didn't want to do. All Might has promised Yuno's parents that if they weren't there in time to protect their own daughter that they hoped that their hero friend could protect her until further notice, that's what he promised her now dead father and grieving mother just months before the death of Yugi.
"I can't leave you here.." All Might trails off as she weakly smiles at him, the smile almost looking identical to her fathers, from her piercing blue eyes to her contagious smile. Even though it hurt her to do any sudden movement, she still smiled and lifted her hand into a thumbs up.
"Thank you, but it's okay. The more I move the more it hurts, please All Might, just leave me here." Yuno whispers as All Might sighs once more, knowing that guilt would have a trip to his door, and with much hesitation he decides to leave the wounded girl, her eye sight got blurry as she saw him grab the three teens and her teacher in a swift motion.
Yuno tries to lean against the rock and with much difficulty, she couldn't. Her body dropped to her side, as a pool of blood slowly began to form beneath her.
After a moment of silence, a loud sound met her ears, which must've been All Might fighting against the Nomu.
Yuno opened her eyes and looked at the encounter between All Might and the Nomu. Although her eye sight was blurry, she could still clearly see the Nomu digging its fingers into All Might's side,  blood quickly oozing from his new injures.
Her eyes widened as she sees Deku begin to run towards All Might.
"Deku!" Yuno tried to shout but the dryness in her throat stopped her from going above a whisper. Her eyes teared up as she saw the warp gate open in front of Deku. Before Deku could be pulled in, a figure had raced towards him, sending an explosion towards the villain.
"Tsuki..." Yuno whispered as her eyes averted towards the other person, Todoroki. The Nomu's grip loosened from All Might as he was able to escape its grasp. Then her eyes averted towards the other person, Kirishima who tries to reach towards Shigaraki who dodged his hit. The anxiety that began to grow more and more calmed down at the sight of a non injured Bakugo.
"Is Yuno alright?!" Bakugo questions Deku who's lip began to quiver, remembering the horrible sight of the girl being impaled by one of her own crystals. His silence only made them worry even more, her eyes tried to force themselves shut but she was too afraid to close her eyes.
"Deku! Where's Yuno?!" Bakugo glared his way as Deku looked down to his feet, slightly flinching as his deep and intimidating voice raised.
"She got really hurt. Yuno's over there.." They looked to where Deku was pouting to see a stripped jacket on top of what seemed to be an unconscious girl.
"No.." Bakugo whispered as the four stared in horror at the girl as they slowly saw All Might's jacket slowly turn crimson red in some parts, the blood beneath her only growing.
"What happened to her?" Kirishima questioned, worry settling into his eyes.
"She tried fighting the villain, but then he hit her across. She got impaled by one of her own crystals." Deku explains as Bakugo pushes the warp villain further. His anger was almost at its peek.
Her mind began to get foggy, she didn't have much strength left. She created the shining dust in her hand, quickly pouring it over herself.
"Slow time.. and speed." Yuno whispered as the prior Queens obeyed to her order. She saw as the Nomu began to run towards Bakugo who was holding the villain down. The time slowed down as Yuno got on her knees and slipped All Might's jacket slightly down her shoulders just enough to let her wings spring free. Her wings fluttered as they were ready to take off.
Her actions went unnoticed by everyone, as she zoomed towards Bakugo who was about to get hit by the Nomu. All Might's eyes widened as he looked at the girl who was reaching for Bakugo. Last minute before the Nomu could get to Bakugo, All Might stood in front of them, as Yuno wrapped her injured arms around Bakugo, quickly restoring time back to normal. Everyone at the scene was flown back as All Might took the Nomu's hit straight on.
Bakugo had landed with the trio while Yuno had crashed slightly farther than them, the harsh movements causing her to cough up more and more blood.
"K-Kacchan!" Deku exclaims as they turn to see Bakugo right beside him. "Kacchan?"
"You dodged? That's amazing!" Deku exclaims as they all stare at him.
"No, shut up, scum!" Bakugo says.
"Then how..?" Kirishima began to question when they turn their attention towards All Might that had taken the hit.
"You're strong, kiddo." All Might's says as he was directing his words towards Yuno. "Who knew you could move so fast, Young Kamishiro."
Shigaraki turns his attention from All Might towards the girl that tried getting up. She grabbed at her chest, the air had been knocked out of her the moment she crashed.
"Do you not know how to hold back?" All Might questions as Shigaraki takes a step forward. Yuno got on one knee, the pain already unbearable for her, she knew she could pass out at any moment. She rested her hand on her arms to create a crystal cast, in hopes to that if she needs to use her arms it won't hurt as much when they're uncovered. She quickly did the same to her broken leg. Even though the pain was unbearable she still managed to get up and lean against the wall.
"It was to rescue my companions. I had no choice. I mean, earlier, that.. that plain- looking one. He was about to punch me with everything he had, you know. Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable. Isn't that right, hero?" Shigaraki says as he was met with silence. "You know what, All Might? I'm angry. I'm angry at this world that categorizes the same violent acts as heroic or villainous, deciding what's good and what's bad. 'Symbol of Peace'? Ha. You're just a device to repress violence. Violence only breeds violence. The world will know this once we kill you!"
"That's preposterous. The eyes of white-collar criminals like you burn silently. You just want to enjoy this yourself, don't you, you liar?" All Might says as the anger began to grow more in Shigaraki's eyes.
"It's three against five."
"Kacchan already exposed the fog's weakness!"
"These guys are crazy, but if we backup All Might, we can push them back!"
"No!" All Might exclaims as the four turn to look at him. "Run away."
"You would've been in trouble if I hadn't done anything earlier, right?"
"That was a different story, Young Todoroki. Thanks."
"But it's fine! Just watch as a pro gives it everything he's got." All Might's says as Deku turns to look at him worriedly.
0 notes
primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
RYAN: *it's time to face the music... she said she'd talk to russet later, so here she is, later, dropping in at russet's place unannounced. maybe because she hopes she'll miss her to avoid doing this just a LITTLE bit longer... but ultimately she does want to, she's just scared. taking in a deep breath, she knocks on her sister's door.*
RUSSET: *No such luck Ryan, she happened to be home in her small little town house on her day off. She had been sipping tea and looking over her outline plan suggestions for the next Odimist fund raiser when she heard the knocking at her door. Mmm, it could be a few people really, but Russet had a bit of a hunch as she gets up from her table and goes to open the door.*
RUSSET: Oh hey =8I *She looks Ryan up and down.*
RYAN: hellooo... *says a little meekly and sheepishly* you busy?
RUSSET: Not really *She hesitates a moment before stepping aside.*
RUSSET: You wanna come in?
RYAN: yeah. *nods before she slowly starts to amble inside, looking around at the interior with interest and awe. russet must be doing well for herself...*
RYAN: i just wanted to... you know.
RYAN: follow up on what i said id do.
RYAN: and talk about... everything?
RUSSET: *Her etsy shop does do well to help fill out her bank account after her usual paychecks. Who knew so many people would want fridge cozies? The main room is rather minimalistic in design style, but just so you know her bathroom is space/galaxy themed.* Mm. Thats cool.
RUSSET: *Shuts the door behind the both of them.* I can reheat tea if you want any.
RYAN: yeah okay i could go for some tea i guess. *despite feeling antsy, she plops herself down on a couch or chair just so she's not standing around.*
RYAN: ... i like your place.
RUSSET: Thanks. *The couch is covered with pink and gray colored thick cableknit blankets, very soft and comfy. Russet briefly vanishes into the next room and a few minutes later she returns with two mugs, one being hers reheated, and another fresh cup for Ryan.*
RUSSET: *She wordlessly sets the mug in front of Ryan and then takes her on seat on the soft swivil chair to the right.*
RYAN: *by the time russet comes back, ryan is completely consumed by this fluffy cozy couch. but she can still reach out to grab her drink.* thaaanks...
RYAN: ...
RYAN: im not... super sure where to... start...
RUSSET: *She sighs over the top of her mug.* I guess I can start. Probably should say sorry for how I was being at the party. Wasn't really the place to hash this out anyways.
RYAN: *shrugs* i mean... its not unwarranted.
RYAN: i know it had to suck seeing me there before anything else.
RYAN: like not to throw a pity party for myself or nothing but i was just really stressed out about coming back.
RYAN: i thought if i just showed up at shindig itd be easier somehow? i guess i didnt expect to see you and finn AND jack all at the same time. the only thing that woulda made it more overwhelming was if dorian was there too. *wilts thinking about dorian... she really made an ass out of herself around him ages ago, and now he's nowhere to be found.*
RUSSET: *She too droops her shoulders at the mentions of Dorian. Why is their whole family troubled with disapearences?* Yeah well. You probably could have thought that through better yeah.
RUSSET: *Sips tea.* ...You said you're staying with dad?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i dont really know where else to go.
RUSSET: Im sure hes happy to have you around.
RYAN: ... i think hes still pissed at me. *sips also and keeps her mug close to her chest*
RUSSET: Well duh. A lot of people are gonna' be pissed. But even if he's mad hes got to be happy you're back home and safe and not gone with the wind.
RUSSET: Unless you plan to run away again. Not sure how well that might go over. *Sips at her.*
RYAN: *stares down at her mug* no...
RYAN: theres no point in me trying to leave again.
RYAN: there was no point to begin with.
RYAN: it was stupid...
RUSSET: Yeah. It was.
RUSSET: But you still did it.
RYAN: ... im sorry.
RUSSET: *She looks down into her cup, pulling her legs up into the chair with her so she can sit cross legged, and goes silent for several moments.* .............
RUSSET: Why did you do it?
RUSSET: Why did you run away again?
RYAN: i dont know i-- *draws in a sharp breath*
RYAN: it was so long ago now i barely even remember what was going through my head.
RYAN: of course i might remember it better if i hadnt completely fucking fried my brain lmao.
RYAN: *huffs another sigh* i just know i was like... overwhelmed...
RYAN: between jack and me... and with all my bullshit.
RYAN: i just know i wanted to hide from it.
RUSSET: *She listens, and tries to find ways to sympathize with Ryan. Her little sister did have a few problems, and Russet could wrap her mind around feeling overwhelmed by stuff, but running away for years? That was too much.*
RUSSET: You know there are other ways you could have handled it. Without ditching all of us.
RYAN: *eyes start watering. no... she's wearing mascara, she can't have this.* i know that... i know that /now./
RUSSET: *heavens not the mascara. See this is why Russet likes her circle shades, they do well to hide too much emotion.*
RUSSET: I guess at least you learned that much. *Produces a napkin and holds it out to Ryan.*
RYAN: *takes it* ... yeah. *she learned plenty more than that, but she doesn't want to make it seem like she's fishing for sympathy. she doesn't deserve that. she just tries to think of ways to update russet without it coming off that way.*
RYAN: i got into a lot of shit.
RYAN: i made a lot of mistakes.
RYAN: i had to go to rehab. *shrugs*
RYAN: thats why i came back.
RUSSET: Wait... What?? *Sits up more in her chair, frowning pretty harshly.*
RUSSET: Rehab?
RYAN: ... yeah. *dabs at her eyes with the napkin* i got really fucked up and this girl i was seeing made me go.
RYAN: and then she you know broke up with me.
RYAN: but again i dont blame her.
RUSSET: Thats...
RUSSET: Mm. Wow. Sorry I'm trying to like.
RUSSET: Form the right words to respond to that.
RUSSET: ......Thats rough, Ryan.
RUSSET: *Nailed it.*
RYAN: *shrugs* you dont have to say anything its fine. it is what it is.
RUSSET: Yeaaahhh but its still shitty. I mean, I'm mad at you but still thats difficult to go through.
RUSSET: Does your mom know?
RYAN: *nods slowly* yeah... i told her and dad first.
RUSSET: Thats good. I'm glad you told them.
RYAN: kinda have to tell people. you know... to reconcile and all that?? its all part of the program.
RYAN: but i want to anyway.
RUSSET: Oh. Well thats better then just coming back to complete the program.
RUSSET: .......I'm glad youre back. Even if it doesn't seem like it.
RYAN: *hearing that makes her eyes water more and her voice squeaks a little when she speaks* cool. yeah...
RYAN: im glad im back too.
RYAN: and i really...
RYAN: i really am... really sorry.
RUSSET: *Ryan you better not start crying, gdi. Russet is too much of a bleeding heart for this.* Thanks. I believe it.
RUSSET: I um... I dont know how long I'm going to be mad at you about this. I forgive you but also dont at the same time its really confusing. And its hard not to still feel hurt because until now I didn't have any idea why you ran away, and I didn't get to think about it too much because I felt like I had to pick up the pieces of everyone else, so I'm kind of bitter? *Says it like a question, shes figuring it out as she goes and just holds her mug closer to herself to feed off the warmth.*
RUSSET: I want us to be okay again, eventually. Because I thought we were getting to some sort of level of okay with each other until you ran off.
RYAN: yeah... i know i fucked it all up. *she's crying, she can't stop it now. she's bottled it up too long, and if there's one person she really feels guilty about, it's russet, for all the reasons she just mentioned.*
RYAN: i wanted things to get better... i was just--
RYAN: fuck...
RYAN: im just so sorry. i dont wanna be dumb or petty or awkward anymore.
RYAN: i missed you... i missed you nagging at me and i missed your cute little craft things and all your motherly lil habits.
RYAN: i didnt realize how much i needed people like that in my life to keep me grounded.
RUSSET: *Well heck. Shes turning a little orange now, a combination about Ryan saying all these nice things about her meddling, and then there is the whole choking back emotion because if Ryan is crying shes NOT going to cry. Because if they both start bawling it will never stop she knows it.*
RUSSET: Well shit. =B'I
RYAN: *wheezes out a watery laugh at that response.* i know... damn... really unexpected hearing ryan get all sappy.
RUSSET: *Nods and sniffles just a little.* It is. I think someone might have to pinch me to make sure this is real.
RYAN: would... a hug work?
RUSSET: *She thinks about it and then places her mug on the glass coffee table before opening her arms wide.*
RUSSET: Yes. =B''T
RYAN: *HHH she puts her mug down as well, wiggling out of this couch and then shuffling over to fit into her big sister's arms.*
RUSSET: *Wraps her arms around Ryan and gives her a big squeeze. This hug is pouring in the warmth and love of all the hugs she hasnt been able to give Ryan in years. Enjoy Russet's watery, emotional, bug chirps in your ear because its too much!!.*
RYAN: *the chirps are a comfort and she responds with more soft giggles. she sighs, relaxing into the hug and letting the warmth comfort her and convince her that things might finally start to be alright...*
RYAN: is it okay if i hang out here for a lil while...?
RUSSET: *She nods into Ryan's shoulder.* Mhm. I'm not doing anything today.
RYAN: okay cool cuz im gonna impose like hell for as long as i can get away with it. *pulls away, smiling softly as she flops back onto the couch*
RUSSET: *When she and Ryan part Russet breifly sneaks a finger under her glasses to wipe at her misty eyes.* Fine by me. But you shouldnt stay too long past dark unless you are getting a ride somewhere.
RYAN: *she's gotta dab at her eyes some more too...* yeah okay that can be arranged. *AND SO she gets settled in, drinking tea and catching up on some of the more positive things that have happened.*
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idadayalla-blog · 6 years
Brazil’s emotional election period got me emotional ...
So it has already been two weeks since the elections and the news about Bolsonaro have spread globally meanwhile. On the night of that election Sunday, I had actually been very calm. I picked up the result at the counter of a bakery as a cashier quietly updated another cashier and it was just my turn to pay my bill. I was on my way home by bike from a little hike with friends. Some cars honking had been passing me and I heard noises of firecrackers justifying me that Bolsonaro had won. This behavior of victory celebration, like after soccer games, personally matched my notion of Bolsonaro voters.
The week before the second ballot I had become very emotionally touched because of all the news considering street violence linked to the elections, conversations with friends about politics and experiencing the effort at my university to demonstrate resistance against an anticipated far right shift for the country. I became extremely worried about what is actually going on in the world right now. Right-wing populism isn’t just a phenomenon in Brazil; it is gaining more and more popularity in many countries of the world right now and has already settled within positions of power. If I am thinking of going back to Germany, I would certainly not return to a soil not being infected by that cancer yet having the AfD as the third strongest party right now within the Bundestag (German parliament).
Well, I literally felt that major bricks regarding democracy are breaking right now. Usually I used to not take myself and the world I am living in too serious, however these days something just felt so profoundly serious about this planet leaving me literally unable to focus on stuff I wanted to do during the day like writing this text.
The internet totally consumed my mind shortly after the election Sunday.
- The Pittsburgh shooting (to me: a brutal evidence of anti-Semitism and basically hate)
- Angela Merkel’s (Germany’s chancellor) speech to announce her retirement after the current election period (although I am not an elector of her party, her speech left me impressed on her rhetoric capability and honest attitude regarding the current government’s work. But the intention of her speech also left me sad.)
- chatting with my mom and my former host dad from the states regarding politics, as my host dad writes that they would “joke (for now, at least) about civil war between far right and the left, problem is, the far right has all the guns!” (right after that message, I saw and read a then recently posted vice article with the headline “A new American Civil War feels closer than ever after Pittsburgh”)
- youtube documentaries on Brazilian politics
- the usual random madness within the facebook feed: Seeing the latest news on post elections violence in Brazil: A kid being killed by a gun during Bolsonaro victory celebrations, vandalism in indigenous communities, people wearing T-Shirts with the number “64” which dates the initial year of the past military dictatorship in Brazil (comparable to Neonazis wearing shirts with the number “88”.). But then also videos plopping up about positive thinking vibes, a kitten drinking milk “to brighten your day”, some holiday pics from long forgotten classmates, a video about an American motel trying to give shelter for people which are basically totally lost in their life, a video collecting all homophobe statements of Bolsonaro and so on… within the mess theres had also been a call to sign a petition to attack the plan of a pro Bolsonaro student deputy (as far as I understood the news) who wants to led professors be videotaped while holding lessons. The student deputy says: ‘what do they say which society is not allowed to hear as well?’
By the time I saw news that the “Nigerian army is using Trump’s words to defend gunning down dozens of protesters” (vice), I’ve luckily already made my way out of this depression trap called internet. However, when I was walking along my street for instance and passing neighbors I just felt so little trust in the faces I saw. Like I was thinking meanwhile: “Oh she/he probably voted for Bolsonaro as well”. And many of them did so for fact, as there is apparently a lot of arguing going on in my street’s groupchat on WhatsApp, which is what my hairdresser neighbor told me the other day while giving me a new look. Gosh, am I glad that I am not in that group. I am hating group chats in general. But anyway she voted for him as well, as she didn’t really answer to my concerns and criticism on Bolsonaro except “He might had been kidding a lot” and “Well let’s see”, in Portuguese ‘vamos ver’, also belonging to one of the most outspoken sentences over here and expressing the uncertainty within the Brazilian mentality pretty much on point. Well, she might had voted for a radical candidate but during my appointment she had been a bit afraid and hesitating in giving me, as she said, a ‘radical haircut’. I was asking her to do me a very straight-lined hair. “Do many people have that haircut in Europe?” Me: 🙄. Well, back to the group chat misery:
A guy I met at a friend’s birthday said that the group chat of his apartment complex is full with pro Bolsonaro content and he wouldn’t dare to text something contra. Most of the people he is sharing the building with are apparently evangelic. “I’d be probably screwed leaving a red scarf or so on my door handle”, he was joking. Because the Pro Bolsonaro side argues/d that the left-wing would want to turn the country communist.  
So now, post elections, many people are very afraid, especially the ones belonging to minorities or being activist. Uruguay is a considered country among those and professors and artists and maybe other people as well to emigrate to. Some of them have already left the country prior to the elections because the victory of Bolsonaro had been a pretty save prediction. A friend of mine told me that he basically doesn’t see a future for him. On election day he held a specific meditation, to mentally prepare himself for a new era. Within the WhatsApp group of my university, ‘UDESC against fascism’, a five screen long guide with security advise in fascist times had been dropped immediately after the result was final. And last week in my ceramics class I could definitely feel a despondent mood capturing the studio.
But how am I feeling eventually? First of all, the major voting motivations seemed very ridiculous. At the second ballot, the majority of people would vote for one of the two candidates to not let the other win. I mean, voting for a party based on being supportive on their political plan is totally left out in this sort of voting scheme. In general, many people voted for Bolsonaro as a matter of protest against the past year’s corruptive politics by the PT. On the other hand, had many Haddad voters (in the second ballot) not been convinced by him or his party, but basically voted for him to save democratic values in their country. A fact that made me very angry is that many people of my social environment haven’t gone vote because they didn’t transfer their voting region in advance. They moved to Florianópolis within the past years, e.g. to go to university here, but they didn’t officially change their location of residency to then be able to vote at the polls here. They are all against Bolsonaro and saying that his voters are ignorant but to me this way of letting the election just happen is ignorant as well and letting shine through a pretty lazy attitude on top. Some people drove back home over the weekend to go vote but many whose parental residency are farer away, like outside of Santa Catarina or its bordered states, didn’t due to the travelling effort and expenses.
Postal vote isn’t possible in Brazil which is what I am usually doing in Germany. Thus I suppose all the Brazilians living in the exterior, which certainly aren’t just a few, didn’t influence this election at all. So, I guess there could have been a chance on flipping the result if left orientated people would have made use of their right to vote having been more urgent than ever to make use of, and if the voting conditions for people living outside the country would be sorted out in some way. I mean, ultimately the voting difference had only been 10% and something between the two candidates.
Above all it is kind of crazy to already feel that this election will very likely divide the country’s society in two sides, as already happening in the United States. Over here, the two mindsets clash with each other even within inner family circles. In many families the older generations, parents and grandparents, are pro Bolsonaro and the children contra.  And so it is in the family of my former flat mate, thus he decided to not travel back home for Christmas this year.
In general, it is very disillusioning to see another success of an election campaigning targeting to create fear and anger within the people and doing this mainly via social media platforms. It feels nasty that there is a specific agency supporting Trump, AfD, Bolsonaro and surely many more right-winged politicians and parties in other countries besides USA, Germany and Brazil, and thus supporting that antidemocratic and inhuman behavior becomes accepted again. It is kind of ridiculous to see that people turn very nationalist again while everybody is making use of a globalized world on a daily basis. And yes, here you can receive a “Go back to your country” as well, as this sentence became very common to hear in public in Germany after its refugee wave in 2015.
Well, but Ida come to a point: I realized that living in a democracy had been something very unquestionable for me. I guess people of my generation take it very much for granted. And so far, my political interest had been very low or not there at all. But I can feel that the circumstances over here and the emotions I am absorbing are making me aware to become more involved. We, the generation Y and close by generations, are spending so much time by dealing with ourselves. We are so busy in discovering ourselves, finding the sense and fulfillment for our lives. But meanwhile, the shelter to do so, to develop our personalities freely, is losing its power. And that is frightening me. I surely do not want to live in an environment where repression is ruling, where being oneself, being authentic in public, is in danger.
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gingerhulkwrite · 7 years
The hunt.
Where they're stuck, watching this happen--its like they knew this entire mission was doomed to failure. Vergosi had it out for them both and it was Gorgova who put two and two together, found where the circles overlapped, pinpointed a weakness.
And there would've been a punch to the face of anyone calling her a weakness. There would've been hell to pay for anyone trying to prove it. 
So why--
"You look tired." A pair of warm arms slide over his shoulders, hang loosely around his neck, like a scarf. He leans his head back, just far enough to rest against her shoulder. "Don't I always?" "You should sleep. We have a briefing in a few hours." She says it like it's the easiest thing in the world. And--he wishes it were. Maybe for her, it is. Or at least, it is now. She sleeps soundly when he's around, and while he envies that weightless unconsciousness she gets, he doesn't begrudge her it, not one bit. If one of them should be plagued at nightly hours with a non-stop mind, thank god it's not her. "Do I need to knock you out?" She jokes, then. He grins, turning his head so he can kiss the side of her face. "You'd love that." "You know me so well."
"Why--are--we--still here!" Oliver sounds more angry than panicked; he's not focusing, and the others can tell. Ace begs him to compose himself, but he can't. Not with her in the middle of all the danger. He isn't in Punisher mode any longer. He's not in soldier mode; not in a mindset to think clearly about salvaging their mission. He just wants to get out of the quickly crumbling building. Rhys is out of arrows, trying to pull them out of the clone corpses around, trying to look as calm as he can, but--even his resolve is breaking down. The Leviathan base is all but rubble, and the clones have been eradicated. Why are they still here?  Because they are missing a few people. And if it's one thing they have all learned, it's that you don't leave people behind. Not without checking. Not without warning. Even in a damn burning, crumbling building. You save what you can. You save it while you can. Robbie, Audrey--all of them land back where the others are standing. The headcount goes up, but it's still not right. "Because Widow's still out there." Jack hisses, furiously trying to locate her through an electric signal. Her communicator is offline; he's starting to get progressively more irritated with Oliver. "What--" "She's not responding to any of the signals, we need to--" "Get out of here." 
"Shut down the headquarters, and then close off the branches. Seems easy enough, hmn?" "Too easy, really." Rhys says it calmly, though he looks wildly amused. "Really, this is child's play. What's the catch, Kittykat." Kat twitches once at the name, but says nothing of it. Jack rolls his eyes, Oliver blinks, and Shanta stifles a laugh.  "No catch, I just want this op done fast. We've received reports that since the last mission in Sydney, Vergosi and Gorgova are attempting to re-establish what they can of the Clone Project, restart Leviathan." "How can they, if they don't have anything they had before?" Oliver questions. He's been suspicious of this job from the start. "You're sending us in blind? Bullshit. There's something else." "...Well. Look at that. Theres our catch," Rhys' eyes zero in on Kat, and she does not react. Doesn't blush, doesn't break eye contact. "Want us to find out their plan before we ruin them, or..." "Actually..." Kat finally looks away, an almost smug look on her face as she glances at Shanta. Jack's eyes narrow, Oliver's eyes narrow. Rhys looks back at Shan, and smirks as he realizes. "You three take care of the ruining. Widow can handle the real spy work." Shanta salutes Kat wordlessly, turning towards the door. "As you wish."
"We--are not--leaving without her." If Jack's expression got any more hateful, the others would have backed off a bit. But as it is, they have only two options; listen to Jack, or listen to Oliver. "Then you're not going to leave here at all." He spits back, eyes flashing red once in warning. He doesn't mean to be so caustic, but the building is falling to bits around them, and he knows these patterns. He could time it down to the seconds they have left before they are suffocating under rock. And Oliver does not trust his own mutation to stop it entirely; ever since Sydney, since the revelation that the Trojans had induced an epilepsy-like brainwashing on him, he had not trusted his own genes. Relied on guns, on brute strength, on nothing but his own judgement, even if it scared him that a part of him belonged to a force that no longer existed. No, Oliver was not trying to be cold, to desert a teammate--not again. He was trying to warn Jack there was nothing that could be done about the imminent destruction.  "Then get out," Jack's temper boils over at last, a large bolt of lightning striking a few steps away from Oliver. That is a warning of his own. The men glare at each other, the ground shaking, the remaining electrics hissing with energy. It takes Ace's panicked voice to snap them out of it. "Hulk!" She half shrieks, eyes widening as a gargantuan shadow crosses them. Skaar's frame crosses them, dragging a bloodied body behind him. "--It's Vergosi! He has Vergosi!"
"It's a girl!"          "Please wake up. Please."                      "You left, and I had nothing." 
She can't remember what order those words were said in; can't remember if the voices are the same person, or if they're her own words. She can hear, only faintly, a tune playing. Quiet, sweet music from another room almost. If she focuses, she can tell it's from a guitar.
"She's--not breathing."                "It was so stupid..."                             "Our house? Did you just--" 
Her body aches, but it's her thoughts that make her want to scream. Don't make a sound. She can feel hands on her neck, shoulders, forcing her eyelids open, shining a light in her eyes. No...she couldn't see the light, but she could feel it. Burning through her eyes, blinding her--but she couldn't see it. Couldn't see anything but rapidly flashing images. Her mind is ablaze, and something--something--is being burned away. 
            "Jackson Daniel Price...                                      I think I love you."  
"Why aren't we gone yet." Skaar grunts, dropping Sorian Vergosi's semi-conscious body at their feet. Robbie looks baffled; he had only been called in along with Audrey, Ace and Skaar as back up. They had no idea what had happened since the team had been dispatched. "We can't find Widow." Before Skaar can say anything else, Audrey pipes up.  "Kat only called us in today; she said Widow had completed the transmission of the necessary intel, but didn't report back to the others."  From beneath their feet, Vergosi chokes out something. A laugh, a wheezed sentence. Only Rhys catches what he says, having been watching him closely; he snatches the battered man up by his shirt front, suddenly snarling in his face. "Say that again."  "It--it was a trap, and you fell for it--" He's rapidly losing consciousness. Babbling. Rhys shakes him, hands tightening, further choking Vergosi with his own collar. "The regrouping, it was a lie. It was a lie. And we have our weapon now."  And suddenly, they realize, one by one...Leviathan were never intending to rebuild, they truly had nothing to build up from. All they wanted was revenge. They have their weapon? That could only mean--
The burning worsens, and finally--she screams. Screams bloody murder. Screams like something is being ripped out of her. Screams that choke down a moment later, though she can breathe just fine. Can't forget to breathe. 
Skaar looks as though he is about to crush Vergosi's skull in his hand, chest heaving, growling furiously at the man. Rhys, equally as furious, lets him go--disgusted. Jack and Oliver exchange a look. A quiet moment of understanding passes between them; she wasn't the intended target. If they were looking for a weapon, they'd have picked one of us. If they have no use for her, they'll kill her.  "She's with Gorgova, then." Robbie settles, with a nervous glance back at Ace and the others. He's formulating a plan of some sort. "We'll find her. We don't have much time, but we'll find her." "How--where do we start?" Demands Oliver, glaring at Ace, trying to say You need to get out, baby bird. Get out right now. She folds her arms, glares back. I am going nowhere.  "Robbie, Ace and I will search from higher ground. The top floors," Audrey says, fast, and before Oliver can argue, she adds "That way we're closer to evacuation points if anything happens. We can get Ace out of here faster." Oliver nods, understanding that he has to remain below in order to keep the building standing as long as he can--even if he can't stop it crumbling all together.   "And us? How are we gonna find Widow--"  "Old Power. I can track her," Skaar grunts, swinging his axe over his shoulder. His eyes glow with blue energy, seeing something they can't. And before anyone else--even Jack--can interrupt, he turns fast on his heels, and goes running off in one direction. Jack follows hot on his heels, with Rhys running to catch up. Oliver hesitates a moment, only to turn Vergosi's head with the toe of his boot. "If you've hurt her, I will come back for you. Remember that." It's unnerving then, that all Vergosi does is laugh. "No one hurts our girl." is the last thing he says, before sprinting off after the others.
There are three men, and a monster. A man with a skull emblazoned across his chest, a man with a mechanical bow, a man with a metal arm. And a giant, green beast. 
She has no names for them. She has no feeling other than fear. Who are they, what are they--
And why are they staring at her?
When they find her, it's--thankfully--out of the building. Not far enough to be out of view of the wreckage, but far enough that it would not touch them. She's weak, Gorgova is using her as a shield against their bullets, weapons, strength. There is no way to touch him without hurting her, and he looks smug.  There is blood boiling through Jack's veins, and for the moment, he can't focus on Shanta. Only on Drogos Gorgova's swollen, bloodied face, twisting into a contented grin--and how much he wants to tear that face to shreds. Skaar roars at top volume, and he doesn't flinch. Rhys nocks an arrow, aiming for Gorgova's head. The metal arm crackles with electricity. The grizzled man's response is to poke the muzzle of his gun to Shanta's shoulder, push her forward. He says something in sharp Italian; Attack.
Her fists rise, acid bolts forming already--and that right there, that moment, they realize what Gorgova and Vergosi have done. She looks drained, exhausted, and still forcing on forward, against them. Like a mindless soldier. Like a zombie.
"Widow--" But she's too fast for them. As always, she is much too fast. The first acid bolt hits Skaar, the second exploding Rhys' quiver, leaving him with only one arrow left. Oliver pulls a thick sheet of rock in front of them, holding it at his forearm like a shield, looking over the top--straight into her eyes. And he is terrified then, of the blankness in her eyes. No light of recognition, nothing. It was like looking at himself back when the Trojans had him. She looked desolate, vicious. She looked deadly. "Widow, stand down." He orders, and she goes charging at him instead. He refuses to hurt her, but the same cannot be said for Shanta. She explodes the rock shield, breaking the barricade. Skaar can't get past her to Gorgova; none of them can. Jack barks something at Rhys, and with the last arrow he has, he fires into a weak spot he knows she has. Right into her shoulder. She lets out a cry of pain, and is knocked off balance--Skaar bounds forward to pick her up, out of harm's way. Her acids don't hurt him. With Shanta out of the way, Gorgova is dead meat. The remaining three descend on him like an angry mob, and all that's left is barely a scrap. 
There's a sharper noise, then. Skaar rips the arrowhead out of her shoulder, and Shanta lets out a string of curses. And instantly, all of them are racing for her. ...Again, she's too fast. Out of Skaar's grip, she scrambles to her feet, hand on her bleeding shoulder, and glowing eyes narrowed on them. Jack, as always, is the first one to reach her, the flesh hand extended. He's relieved she's alive. Stupidly relieved. He forgets to correct his hopeful thoughts, and it would cost him dearly. Hope spawns heartbreak.  "Shan--thank god, are you--" "Stay away from me."  He blinks, but doesn't back off. Heart thuds once, twice, and he pales then, when he sees the genuine spite in her expression. There's a twinge in his chest, of complete sympathy. What did they do to you?  "It...it's me. It's Jack--" The mask comes off, the others gather behind him. If anyone can get through to her, it's him. It's always him.  "Who the hell is Jack." 
Now they can see why Vergosi was laughing. Now they can understand why both Gorgova and Vergosi were so pleased. What made Winter Soldier the weapon they so coveted? His ruthlessness. Single-minded focus on destruction. No distractions, no wants for himself but blood for his grievances. The trap had been for Jack, they had no doubt of that now. But they'd caught a spider in that web, and decided--if they couldn't control the Soldier, they'd break him.
When they'd try and fix Shanta's mind, later, they'd find it was like salvaging a burning building. Dousing the fires, pulling priceless items out of the flames, repairing what they could. But there were chunks missing, there were pieces the fire had taken and it would take so much more to restore them. Everyone thought so.
Her memory would improve, she'd remember almost everything. Except--him. That's when they would realize, or rather--confirm what he'd known all along. Her mind had always been ablaze. She'd always burned like a supernova from the inside, always. If Gorgova and Vergosi had taken away Jack, then he was not a missing piece.
He had been the fire.
And it suddenly is a world on fire.
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