#clan forbes
l0nglives · 7 months
um , i don't care what filloni or lucas says , satine & obi-wan were much older than fifteen during the year on the run. unless discussed beforehand , my satine was seventeen & would celebrate her eighteenth birthday two months in. so , yes , teenagers , but not that young.
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clancarruthers · 1 year
  POST CULLODEN   AFTER THE FORTY-FIVE AFTER THE REBELLION   In the days when he was a hunted man, expecting every moment to be taken, Charles confessed that all his thoughts were for his unfortunate followers.   The very moment the victory was won saw a beginning of those atrocities which have earned lasting infamy for Cumberland.     The soldiers were encouraged to refuse quarter; a hut into…
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3, 6, 9 for the asks? Dunno how applicable typical sibling dynamics are in clan culture but answer if it works
— @karriethemechtech
3. I do not tend to spend much money, if I am honest. Not in large quantities. I put away or invested much of the monetary compensation I earned during my time with the Fusiliers, and I still have much of it (barring certain investments that fell through in the Jihad or in the days after Grey Monday). It has been sitting, collecting interest mostly.
(OOC: Melissa is probably, by now, one of the richest people in the Inner Sphere. Certainly in Top 500 on the equivalent of the Forbes "Richest People" list, and most definitely some flavor of multi-billionaire. It just... doesn't mean that much to her, to be honest. A lot more has been donated over the decades to various charities.)
6. There is no true equivalent to sibling dynamics with Trueborn. We have those of our sibko, who often fill a similar role as siblings might, but often only until we reach adolescence and test into being warriors. As well, there is little of the sibling taboos which occur in freeborn society - often a young Clanners first coupling partner of their sibko, and it often continues even past one's Trial of Position and leaving the sibko.
After the Trial of Position, the importance of the sibko dynamic lessens for many. Not for all, however, and certainly not for myself and the other Sixteen; we essentially stayed a sibko for an extra decade while filming Tails of Strana Mechty. We have remained extremely close for well over a century, even with three of us leaving for Terra after the ilClan Trial. We have also added, or hope to add, new members to our "sibko", namely Katrina (@starcolonelkatrinamoon) and eventually, all the new Totem Warriors of the ilClan's New Clan Project, which currently includes Sealth (@killer-orca-cosplay).
9. My favorite holiday remains Founding Day, August 24. It was date settled on to commemorate the SLDF-in-Exile finally reaching the Pentagon Worlds, including Eden, the ancestral home of my Clan. It was once a time of truce for the Clans, and the Clans only, but over the decades, as we grew more intimately intertwined with Spheroid and Periphery populations, it has been been extended to them as well, though notably, not pirates and other criminals.
I am told that the ilKhan may have something, or several somethings, special planned for next year's Founding Day.
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mightywellfan · 6 months
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Craigievar Castle,
Craigievar Castle is a pinkish harled castle or fortified country house 6 miles (9.7 km) south of Alford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. It was the seat of Clan Sempill and the Forbes family resided here for 350 years until 1963, when the property was given to the National Trust for Scotland by William Forbes-Sempill, 19th Lord Sempill. The setting is among scenic rolling foothills of the Grampian Mountains, and the contrast of its massive lower storey structure to the finely sculpted multiple turrets, gargoyles and high corbelling work to create a classic fairytale appearance.
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scotianostra · 9 months
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John Rattray, the Scottish Jacobite Surgeon and golfer was born on September 22nd 1707, Craighall Castle, Rattray, Perthshire.
John’s father was an Episcopalian priest who became the Bishop of Dunkeld, then of Brechin and was elected Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church. On his death in 1743 his elder son James became clan chief and inherited the estate. As the second son John had no such inheritance and he trained as a surgeon in Edinburgh by apprenticeship to the surgeon John Semple between 1728 and 1735, when he began surgical practice in Edinburgh. To enhance his professional status he applied to become a freeman (or fellow) of the Incorporation of Surgeons of Edinburgh (later the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh) This involved sitting a series of four examinations which were held in the later months of 1740, and, having passed these, he was admitted a freeman of the Incorporation in November 1740.
In his spare time John Rattray was a keen sportsman he joined , The Royal Company of Archers in 1731 winning the archery competition for the silver punch bowl on 4 occasions and The Company’s most prestigious prize, the Edinburgh Arrow, twice. He was also a skilled golfer and his prowess at golf is recorded in this extract from the mock heroic poem ‘The Goff’ by Rev. Thomas Mathison published in 1743, the first poem devoted to the sport of golf.
North from Edina eight furlongs and more, Lies that fam’d field, on Fortha’s sounding shore. Here Caledonian Chiefs for health resort, Confirm their sinews by the manly sport. Macdonald and unmatch’d Dalrymple ply Their pond'rous weapons, and the green defy; Rattray for skill, and Corse for strength renown’d, Stewart and Lesly beat the sandy ground, And Brown and Alston, Chiefs well known to fame, And numbers more the Muse forbears to name. Gigantic Biggar here full oft is seen, Like huge behemoth on an Indian green; His bulk enormous scarce can 'scape the eyes, Amaz’d spectators wonder how he plies. Yea, here great Forbes, patron of the just, The dread of villains and the good man’s trust, When spent with toils in serving human kind, His body recreates, and unbends his mind.
John Rattray was one of the men who drew up the first ever Rules of Golf and on March 7th, 1744, the City of Edinburgh Council provided the Gentlemen Golfers at Leith (now the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers at Muirfield) with a Silver Club on condition they draw up regulations for their competition and rules ‘for the goff’.The following month Rattray won the first ever competition for the Silver Club, was duly appointed ‘Captain of the Goff’ and became the sole signatory of the first known written ‘Rules of Golf’.
18 months later the Jacobites entered Edinburgh and Rattray’s older brother James, the Laird of Craighall, suggested he offer his medical services to Bonnie Prince Charlie, I say suggested, as Clan Chief he chose which side to be on for family members.
Please note not all followed their Clan Chief, this split many families down the middle, you had brothers taking different sides during th ‘45 Uprising.
As the Jacobites mobilised ahead of Prestonpans, Rattray, who lived at South Foulis Close off the High Street, rode to the East Lothian encampment along with John Lauder, a fellow of the Incorporation of Surgeons,according to their records he tended the wounded and travelled as surgeon with the army as it advanced into England and then retreated from Derby, eventually becoming surgeon general and personal surgeon to Prince Charles.
Records also show Rattray and Lauder were captured on the battlefield at Culloden on April 16 1746. The pair were held in a church in Inverness and their medical instruments removed, according to accounts. They were moved to Inverness Prison three days later. Their detention, however, was short lived after Lord President Forbes sought a direct reprieve for Rattray and Lauder from the Duke of Cumberland, Forbes, the same Forbes mentioned in the poem, and a friend of the surgeon.
Following his release, Rattray headed to Culloden House, the family home of his golfing companion.
One account of his release in The Lyon in Mourning, a collection of papers, letters and speeches of Jacobite supporters of the ‘45 Uprising, said: “Mr John Rattray came to Culloden House after his liberation at Inverness. President Forbes told the said Mr Rattray that he had obtained his liberation upon condition that he should become evidence.”
John Rattray was horrified by the prospect of becoming a witness for the state, according to the account.
It added: “This provoked Mr Rattray so much that he told the President in a passion that he would far choose to give himself up in a second and to return to the miserable situation of a prisoner once more than to become an evidence.”
Lord President Forbes convinced him not to surrender with the law man sure he was able to spare the surgeon. The medics returned to Edinburgh and Rattray confided in a friend about Lord Presidents’ offer.
It is said the Lord President, who died the following year, was so taken aback at Rattray sharing details of the proposal that “it had bad effects upon the President’s health, and even hastened his death.
“It is indeed a prevailing opinion that the President died of a broken heart,” the account said.
Rattray was quickly seized in the capital and was again taken prisoner on 28 May 1746 before being sent to London, by Cumberland’s orders, to act as a witness.
He was finally released on January 7 1747 and eventually returned to his usual routine of work and sport.
In 1751, he won the Silver Club for the third time. Today, you can visit a statue of John Rattray on Leith Links, close to the first hole of the original course that was played 276 years ago. He died in Edinburgh on 5th July 1771.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Always.. and Forever (1/2)
After your twin goes off the rails, you decide a change of scenery is in order.
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Words: 7.7K Author's Note: ST4 and Legacies AU. We're obviously not going to be in the 80s for this, but the ST characters will be the same age as they are in S4. Also, I'm a tad mean when discussing Hope. Oops.
Growing up, you'd been told that having a twin was a blessing.
Obviously, those people didn't grow up with Hope Mikaelson- an uppity little witch who'd been told she was going to be the most powerful witch that ever lived when she grew up. You don't know why they favored her over you when you were of the same blood, of the same birth, but they did. And instead of being jealous and causing tension, you faded into the background and let your aunt Freya teach you when she had the time.
Your family went to hell and back trying to keep you and Hope safe, and in the end there was only so much they could do. Your mother had enrolled the two of you into a school for supernatural children when a majority of the Mikaelson clan was put into a spelled sleep, but even there you didn't fit in. The children, and even some teachers, whispered about your family and that you and Hope were sure to follow in your father's footsteps. It wasn't the best environment to grow up in, but Headmistress Caroline Forbes did her best to make you feel welcomed.
And then your family was reunited, but the dangers never dissipated.
Your mother Haley was the first to die, your and Hope's werewolf curse had been activated, and your father Niklaus and uncle Elijah took in an ancient evil within themselves to free you and Hope from its clutches before joining Haley in the afterlife.
You spent a week mourning down in New Orleans before you went back to school in Mystic Falls, but trouble seemed to find you Mikaelson girls no matter where you went.
And after a couple years of fending off monster after monster, protecting a school full of children who would rather see you and Hope leave, you've finally decided that you've had enough. But your decision comes too little too late, and you only really make up your mind to leave when your vampire side is forcefully activated.
Becoming a tribrid was never something you wanted- not like Hope who spoke of it often since she claimed it was solely on her shoulders to defeat Malivore- so you left Mystic Falls and didn't even tell your family where you were going.
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Hawkins, Indiana is the last place your family would think you'd ever willingly settle down in, so it's absolutely perfect to put down some roots. They have many decent homes up for sale, but the last thing you want is anyone paying too close attention to the eighteen-year-old living all alone in a house she shouldn't have been able to afford.
Forest Hills Trailer Park is looked down upon by a majority of the town it seems, so you manage to compel yourself a double wide trailer and have it set up in that exact park. The trailer itself has more room than you need, but you figure you'd just go ahead and make it your own.
You're so busy decorating your new home to your liking, that you don't notice how slimy Hawkins feels until you've come to the realization that you like the little outdated town. And after casting a few spells to figure out exactly what's going on with the town, you come across a source of supernatural energy you've never felt before. It pulses and writhes angrily, especially when you focus on it to figure out exactly what it is, but it seems stuck for the moment, so you leave it be.
Better to not poke the bear and make it even angrier, painting a target on your back when it eventually breaks free.
You've been at the trailer park for nearly a week now, sitting at the public picnic table and enjoying the crisp air when your solitude is interrupted.
A young redhead sits across from you, setting down a paper plate of cookies that's covered in plastic wrap. "You're that new girl, right? The one who lives at the end of the road," she says, gesturing towards where your trailer resides. You nod and place your pencil down next to your sketchbook. "My mom told me to bring you some cookies as a welcoming gift. They're store bought though. Enjoy."
The girl looks like she's done with the day, and you finally crack a grin. "Thanks." You pull the plate towards you, lifting the wrap to grab one of the chocolate chip cookies. "I'm YN."
"Max." She says. Her eyes dart to the plate of cookies and you gesture for her to take one. She does. "So, what brings you to our crappy little town?" She asks while breaking apart the cookie to slowly eat it.
"Change of scenery." You shrug. Biting the cookie, you chew and swallow before saying, "I, uh, had some family issues so I just took myself out of the situation. Better to be alone and happy, than being miserable with the family."
Max nods as if she understands. "Where'd you move from?"
"Virginia. I'm originally from Louisiana, but I was living at my private school when I decided to just pack up and move."
Max nibbles on her cookie and you take the moment to study the girl across from you. There's an aura of sadness and exhaustion practically blanketing the girl and you wonder what she's recently gone through to have her feeling so morose. But the two of you are basically strangers and you know it's not your place to ask such personal questions.
You pick up the too loud music and rumbling engine of a vehicle way before your companion does, and you watch as she winces when the sound finally reaches her ears.
"You alright?" You ask when she grimaces and rubs at the spot between her eyes, eyes then darting to a van that screeches into a parking spot in front of one of the many trailers.
"Yeah, uh, headache. They started yesterday and Munson's loudness does not help at all."
"Headaches?" You arch an eyebrow at her, gaze darting to the boy with long hair that hops out of his van.
The boy grins when he spots you and starts making his way towards where you're at with a little bounce in his step. "I have some tea somewhere that can help with that. It'll put you into a dreamless sleep too."
From the corner of your eye, you see her perk up. "Does it actually work?"
"Yeah. I used to drink it all the time after my dad and uncle died." The words slip easily from your lips that you don't see Max look momentarily surprised. "So what about this Munson guy? Should I steer clear or..?" The whole grunge look is not something you've been particularly drawn to, but his boyish smile is rather distracting.
"He's harmless. Obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, and his music."
You huff a short laugh and mumble, "Nerd," beneath your breath.
But Max still hears and laughs out loud.
"What's so funny, Mayfield?" The boy asks, hopping up onto the bench and taking a seat on top of the table corner. "And who's your friend?"
You arch an eyebrow at him as he shamelessly reaches for a cookie, silver rings glinting in the sunlight as he bites into said cookie with a smile. "I've lived here for a week. Is this really the first time you've seen me?"
"No shit?" He hops off the table and dramatically bows before you, staring at you through his lashes and a curtain of hair that had slipped into framing his face. "Eddie Munson at your service, m'lady."
You grin and shake your head. "YN Mikaelson."
"Nice." He takes another bite of his cookie as he straightens up, groaning in delight. "These are really good."
"Right? Apparently our neighbor Max here is quite the baker."
She snorts as you wink at her when Eddie praises her mad baking skills. "So what brings you to small town Hawkins?"
"Family issues," you say. "Just wanted to start off somewhere new."
Max snorts again and makes to stand up. "Well it was nice meeting you. I'm sure we'll run into each other again. It's a small trailer park."
"I'll bring that tea to you later tonight. Which trailer's yours?"
"Right there. You can't miss it," she says while pointing it out.
As Max goes back to her place, you're left alone with Eddie. His eyes crinkle as he smiles yet again and you can't help but grin back. His smile is insanely infectious. "So what's your story, Eddie Munson?"
"Don't got much of one."
"Really? Everyone's got a story."
He shrugs and his smile falters. "Dad's in the slammer and mom wanted nothing to do with me when I failed my senior year, so my uncle took me in. Failed a second time and right now I'm army crawling my way towards graduation so I can finally get the hell out there. Third time's the charm, right?"
There's a sadness to his tone that puts a crack in your wall and has you sharing your story when you normally wouldn't. "My twin and I lost our parents and uncle a few years ago. We did our best to carry on, but my twin- she, uh, she did something completely unforgivable that resulted with me running away without telling anyone."
"Your twin messed up so you're punishing the rest of your family by taking your awesome self out of the equation?"
You sadly smile at his ridiculous statement. "Most of them favored her anyway." You shrug. "If they really want to find me, they'll figure it out."
Eddie holds his hands up in mock surrender, showing that he's dropping the subject. "Well, I should get going. If you ever want to hang out, you know where to find me."
"Yeah. Same." You flash him a friendly smile. "I don't have a job as of yet, so it's just me at home."
"Yeah? Well alright then. I'll see you around, neighbor."
Almost as soon as Eddie disappears into his trailer, muffled heavy metal music can be heard. You spend a bit more time outside, sketching and bobbing your head along to whatever Eddie's listening to before you decide to head back home.
And when you get home, it isn't long until you find the herbs to make a few tea bags for Max so the younger girl can sleep in peace.
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Max is the first to visit your home, and you had laughed when she took in everything in your living room and came to the realization that you were into weird stuff. The crystals, globes, and grimoires were weird enough, but the burning incense and ceremonial daggers you had on display gave her enough to pause to consider exiting your trailer then and there.
"My eldest aunt is a practicing wiccan." The little lie had slipped off your tongue so easily. After all, you couldn't exactly tell her the truth. "The youngest of my uncles dabbled in it too, and my twin and I just kind of followed in their footsteps."
"Oh. Cool?" She had said, even though it sounded as if it were a question. "So, uh, that tea you gave me..?"
"Was a blend I made myself after my aunt taught me how to make it. Totally harmless if you're worried."
Max was apprehensive for a bit more afterward, but when you didn't get after her for her curiosity of your belongings, she became more at ease. She had asked for more of the tea since apparently it did help her sleep, and you did that for her while watching as she appreciated some crystals you had sitting on a shelf.
Then Eddie came over a day after and his reaction was the complete opposite. While Max showed wariness of her surroundings, Eddie practically lit up.
Eddie is like a kid in a candy store as he studies everything with a keen eye, his attention being held by the daggers and books. He didn't look like the type of boy who would willingly read, but he surprised you by sitting on your couch with one of your books in his lap.
"So what? You're into the occult and stuff?" He asks.
"Would it be so bad if I was?" Eddie briefly glances up and flashes you a smile. "Are you into stuff like this?" You then ask.
He shrugs. "Kinda. I'm the Dungeon Master for my D&D club. It's my job to weave a tale with my mystical beasts and demons. I don't dabble in it like you apparently do, but I like to learn random facts here and there."
"What about outside of D&D?" You then wonder. "Do you believe in magic, Mr. Munson?"
You have no idea what's keeping you talking, but you find that you want to tell this boy everything. Eddie chuckles as he looks up from the book once more. "Are you trying to tell me you can wiggle your nose and make shit happen?" He says it as if it were a joke, but you don't laugh.
Instead, you smile. "Well, I don't have to wiggle my nose, but.."
Eddie's amusement falters as he really looks at you. "Bullshit," he says when he realizes you're being serious. He closes your book and sets it aside, and then scoots to sit on the edge of his seat. "Magic isn't real." Your smile slowly widens. "Is it?"
The candles adorning every bookshelf in your living room burst to life. With half his face lit up by flickering flames, you realize his expression isn't exactly one of glee like it was minutes before. Your smile slowly vanishes the longer he stays quiet and for a split second you think you've made a mistake.
But then Eddie meets your gaze, and he beams at you. "You've been holding out on me, Mikaelson! What else can you do?"
Your eyes sting with tears of relief and you quickly sniffle as you choke back a laugh. "I, uh, I can do a lot. But this stays between us, Munson. At least for now."
He quickly makes a cross over his heart. "Done."
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Over the next couple of weeks, Eddie and Max become constants in your home. Only one knows only a fraction of your true identity, while the other is under the assumption that your only trick is mixing some herbs that make her have a peaceful night's sleep.
Your trailer becomes sort of a haven for the redhead, and you completely understand when she tells you why. Her stepbrother had passed away the previous summer, her stepfather picked up and left, and her mother took to the bottle after having to get two jobs just to support the two of them. Her own trailer wasn't the most comfortable to reside in, so you let her be when she took to hiding out in your place from her friends or just hanging around to complete her homework.
Eddie, on the other hand, visits just to hang out with a pretty girl. His words, not yours.
But thankfully he stays true to his word and never mentions anything he'd seen or learned that fateful night in your trailer, so you don't mind his flirty smiles and not so subtle innuendo. You learn he plays in a band called Corroded Coffin and that he deals weed to high school kids, but he didn't judge you so you don't judge him.
Okay, so maybe there's a little judgment when he asks if there's any witchy juju he can sell.
He learned his lesson though when you silenced him for ten minutes and he was left trailing after you like a lost puppy with no mouth.
Spring Break is upon the kids of Hawkins, but no one is looking forward to it more than Eddie.
You're in your kitchen, grabbing yourself a drink when your front door opens. Eddie barges in, in a flurry of limbs, and you smile as he trips over himself. "Excited much?"
He winks at you. "Always. At least when you're involved."
You laugh and grab another soda before taking it to the living room. "Not that I don't enjoy your company, but didn't Hellfire have a meeting tonight?"
"Yes." His sudden scowl makes your lips twitch, but you don't outright laugh at him. Instead, you listen. "Those little dipshit freshmen couldn't find a substitute after one of our members backed out to play in the basketball championship game. I didn't want to postpone Hellfire, but we had no other choice."
"That sucks. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well.." He trails off and pops open his can of Coke before taking a long drink from it. "On a funnier note, the Queen Bee of Hawkins High sought me out in order to get me to sell her."
"Yep. But something was off," he says. "She was nervous, terrified even, and this wasn't the jitters of a first-time buyer. She seemed like she needed actual help."
"So, what'd you tell her?"
"I, uh, I told her I had a friend who made some tea that was sure to offer her a peaceful night's sleep."
"Eddie," you groan.
"I'm sorry! I panicked." He chuckles softly before turning just a bit more serious. "She seems like she really needs help, YN. And I know you helped out Little Red, so I just thought-"
"It's fine. I'll make her a few tea bags."
"You're the best! She'll be by later tonight."
"That's fine, but if I'm doing some magic then you're paying for dinner."
"As m'lady wishes." You huff a laugh at him as he chugs the rest of his Coke. "So, what do you want? I'll go pick it up right now."
"Uhh.. Chinese? I really want some noodles. And fortune cookies."
"You got it. I'll be back."
He leaves his empty soda can on one of your side tables and rushes out before you can scold him for leaving his trash.
You clean up while Eddie is away and get started on pulling together some ingredients for the tea bags that Eddie's classmate apparently needs. And then when there's nothing else to be done, you curl up in the corner of your sofa and watch some trash TV.
Eddie returns soon enough and you grab a couple more sodas and some utensils before joining him in the living room. He's pulled the coffee table closer to your sofa, using that to hold the food, but you reclaim your corner and hold your carton of lo mein in your lap as you eat.
He's seated on the middle cushion, your body turned towards him so your socked feet are tucked under his thigh when there's a knock on your door. You and Eddie glance at it, forks frozen midway to your mouths before the door itself is pulled open.
Max's gaze immediately lands on the two of you, a small smile blossoming as she realizes you are home and not busy. "I brought some people over. I hope that's okay."
"Uh yeah. Sure. Come in."
Max opens the door wider, and you shove the forkful of noodles into your mouth as you watch as teen after teen file into your home. Three boys and one girl congregate around your front entrance, and it only takes a split second for two of the group to spot your companion on the sofa.
"What are you doing here?"
Eddie smirks as he slurps up some of his noodles and you take the time to study the two boys amazed by his appearance- one tall and lanky with shaggy dark hair and the other a little stocky with a head of light curls tucked under a cap. Both are wearing Hellfire Club shirts and you realize these must be the dipshit freshmen Eddie spoke of earlier.
The two boys are still gaping when Max rolls her eyes. "This is Dustin and Mike. Beside them is Robin and then Steve. Guys, this is YN."
"Hey." You wave your fork at them, grinning. "I'd have gotten more food if I knew Max was bringing guests."
"Uh yeah. No, it's cool," Robin stammers. "It's, uh, nice to meet you?" Her gaze darts around your place once more and you grin.
"You guys can sit anywhere. Just make yourselves at home. We don't bite."
"Speak for yourself," Eddie muses.
Max rolls her eyes and you lift a foot to lightly kick his thigh. "Behave."
Eddie glances at you, smiling so wide that his eyes crinkle and your heart skips a beat. You try to narrow your eyes at him, but your lips end up twitching and showing your amusement towards him.
"Holy shit. Munson's got game," you hear someone mutter.
"We're missing Lucas," Max then says as she flops down on the other side of Eddie, "and Will and El are flying in from California right now, so I thought I'd introduce you to these morons first instead of unleashing them on you all at once."
"Ohhh. Lucas, huh. You're actually going to introduce me to the illustrious ex-boyfriend?" Max blushes which makes Dustin snicker, but she narrows her eyes at her friend before leaning across Eddie and snatching the carton of lo mein noodles out of your hand. "Hey!"
"You snooze, you lose."
You pout at the little redhead until Eddie hands you his own carton, and you beam at him. The sudden speeding up of his heart makes you mentally chuckle and then you dig into his carton of noodles since Max had stolen yours.
"Sooo.. any questions?" You wonder when you realize Max's friends are still quiet.
"Do you worship the devil?" Dustin blurts.
You and Eddie both snort. "No. I do not worship the devil."
"Your decor is.." Robin trails off, eying the many witchy artifacts you have out in the open. "It's really something."
You wink. "I promise I'm a total Glinda."
Max ends up giving you a little background on her friends and you do the same, telling them only the things that you told Eddie and Max. So after a half hour, they know where you're from, where you previously went to school, and that you had a falling out with your sister which is why you moved.
Your carefree laughs and easy going smiles seem to loosen up Max's friends, and soon enough they're all at ease in your home.
At least until there's another knock on your door and you freeze.
"Oh! That should be Chrissy," Eddie says. He's quick to stand and you can't help the little pang of hurt you feel at the way he lights up.
Your eyes follow him as he stumbles over to the door and your smile falls when one of the prettiest girls you've ever seen steps into your home. She's in her cheerleading uniform and, though she's obviously uncomfortable with so many sets of eyes on her, she's still absolutely stunning.
She smiles at Eddie and he smiles at her, and you're so annoyed with yourself for ever thinking Eddie would go for someone like you.
Self-pity aside, however, you notice something is wrong with the girl. She's very twitchy and holding herself as if someone or something is after her, and she's doing her best to hold herself together. In fact, she reminds you of Max when Max first started hanging around. Only worse.
"Hey." You stand up and decide to introduce yourself. "I'm YN."
"Chrissy." She smiles at you. "I'm sorry for intruding. If I had known-"
"Oh. Don't even worry." You're quick to assure her. "I didn't know they'd be here either, except for Eddie, so you're fine."
"Well, if you just hang here for a bit, I'll just go grab you those tea bags."
"Okay. Thank you."
As you head towards your kitchen, you listen as Eddie introduces Chrissy to those they go to school with and those they used to go to school with. She's all nervous smiles and nervous chatter, and you take your time gathering the tea so she has a bit of time to relax with her peers.
As you're putting the tea into a tin container, the lights in your trailer flicker.
The talking and laughter from your living room cease altogether, and the hair on the back of your neck raises.
"Hey, is she okay?"
"Munson, what the hell did you sell her, man?"
"Nothing! I didn't sell her shit." A pause and then. "Chrissy. Hey Chrissy, wake up. This isn't funny."
The slight panic in Eddie's voice is enough to make you rush back into the living room and your eyes widen at the sight of the teenage girl standing stock still, eyes milky white and rolled up. "What the hell?"
The lights start flickering faster and the air reeks of fear. Eddie looks in your direction, eyes filled with panic as he says, "Do something!"
"I- I.. do what?" You stammer.
"You're the witch," he shouts. "You tell me!"
Everyone is so busy staring at Chrissy that they don't hear what Eddie said, but they are about to witness it. Because seconds later, Chrissy's body starts to levitate inches off the floor of your trailer.
"Goddammit," you mutter. Rushing forward, your hands latch onto the sides of her face before her body can raise any higher. Then closing your eyes, you concentrate on clearing your mind before uttering the words, "Harae-Tamau Kioku Yomigaerashi-Tamae."
You feel when a pulse of power leaves you. Chrissy's milky eyes turn back to her normal vibrant color, and she gasps before she collapses. The flickering lights stop.
You whirl around and watch as Mike and Dustin hover over Max who's apparently collapsed as well. Suddenly every gaze is on you, wide with panic and terror.
"What the hell are you?!" Mike screams. "What did you do!?"
Your eyes widen at the kid's fierce protectiveness. "I'm a- I'm a witch." You glance between Chrissy and Max unconscious on the floor. "The spell I used is for purging the mind of supernatural influence. But Max-"
"Was having headaches," Eddie suddenly realizes. "Just like Chrissy was having headaches!"
You frown before meeting the freaked-out expressions of Max's friends. "Did Max ever say anything?"
"No. We don't talk like we used to," Dustin says. "Not after.." He trails off when Mike elbows him and shakes his head to be quiet.
You sigh, not liking being left out of the loop. "Get the girls on the sofa. Something is clearly going on in this little town that's affecting the two of them."
"Are they dead?" Robin asks.
"What? No." You huff a laugh. "Glinda, remember? I'm the good witch here." As they get Chrissy and Max situated on your sofa, you rush over to a shelf cabinet and open it up. "Can someone clear the coffee table? I'm gonna need it."
You scour your shelves for items you need- chalk, a bowl, a few dry herbs, and two necklaces that have wrapped clear quartz dangling from the chains. Then heading towards your now cleared off coffee table, you set everything down and sit on your knees. You draw a circle atop the wooden table, lines protruding from the circle and ending in arrows or pointing to other symbols you've drawn in.
"Jesus," Steve breathes in awe. "You really are a witch."
Mike kneels across from you, no longer freaked out but so very curious now. "What are you doing?"
"The girls need protection. Clear quartz dispels negative energy." You place the bowl in the middle, tossing ingredients into it while crumbling others. Then grabbing the necklaces, you set them on either side of the bowl and stretch the chains out. Holding a fist over the bowl, you stretch your fingers out while uttering, "Incendia."
A small flame bursts to life in the bowl and immediately the dry ingredients start to smolder.
"Cool." Dustin smiles as he watches you work. "Have you always been able to do this?"
"Can you save the questions for later? I would rather explain myself after Max is awake."
"Yeah. Sure. That's fine."
Taking a deep breath then, you place a hand over each clear quartz crystal. Then clearing your mind, you say, "Praesidio, protegere ac tutari." You can feel your palms tingle and know the charm has been set. When you open your eyes, you huff a laugh when you see everyone staring at you in awe. "Uh, protection charm," you explain. "Hopefully this keeps their minds clear of any future supernatural influence."
"Yeah. No shit." Dustin scoffs. "That levitating thing was new."
As the girls start to show signs of waking up, you wave a hand over the table and vanish everything but the necklaces. Max wakes up confused, but Chrissy wakes up in a panic.
"Hey. Hey," you say a little louder to get her to look at you. "You're okay. You're safe."
"No, no, no. You don't under-" She glances around at everyone, trying to push herself further back into the sofa as if that'll help her disappear.
"I understand perfectly and I'm sorry you're being targeted," you say. Picking up one of the necklaces, you hold it out to her with a small smile. "As long as you reside in Hawkins, I'm going to need you to wear this."
Her tear-filled eyes dart between you and the necklace you're offering. "W-Why?"
"Because it'll keep the boogeyman away." You grin as she shakily takes the offered necklace after a beat. "And I still have that tea for you if you want it."
"W-Will it help?"
You shrug and look at Max. "Does the tea help you?"
"Yeah. It keeps away the dreams. And the visions." She gulps when her friends all stare at her in surprise.
"I'll t-take it." Chrissy hastily puts on her new necklace, and you return to your kitchen for the tea. When you get back to her, she's standing by your sofa and looking very uncomfortable. "Here you go." Then making sure to catch her gaze, you say, "When you walk out of this trailer, I'm going to need you to forget my face. And the secret of monsters and magic stays with you. Do I make myself clear?"
Unbeknownst to those around you, Chrissy's pupils dilate as the compulsion sets in. "I understand."
"Good. Have a good night, Chrissy. Drive safe."
She blinks and then looks at Eddie, and he jerks into motion. "Oh, uh, come on. I'll walk you out."
As you watch Eddie lead Chrissy with a hand at the small of her back, you grimace before averting your gaze and chewing on the bottom corner of your lip.
All is quiet until they're out the door and then Steve's blurting, "So how long have you been crushing on Munson?"
You wince. "Is it that obvious?"
"It wasn't until Chrissy showed up."
"Yeah, well.." You sigh softly and then hand Max her own necklace. "Tis the curse of a Mikaelson. We always want something we can't have."
A moment of silence passes as Max glances around the occupants of the room who are all standing around warily. "So is anyone going to explain what's going on?"
You raise a hand. "I'm a witch. My grandmother was a witch, my aunt Freya is a witch, and now me and my twin Hope are witches. It runs in our blood."
"So witches are real now?" She arches an eyebrow at you. "Seriously?"
"Yep." The answer comes from Eddie who's returned. "She's even got this book of monsters. You guys wouldn't believe what's actually real."
"Eddie knows? What the hell, YN." Max frowns.
"So the story about moving here because you had a falling out with your sister..?"
"Is true. My sister and I attended a school for supernatural children- witches, vampires, werewolves. We even had a fairy and a phoenix," you muse. "But yeah, my sister and I butted heads, and she did something completely unforgivable. At least in my eyes she did. And I just- I left. I was tired of living in her shadow, tired of being presumed to always be second best and tired of cleaning up her messes and making apologies on her behalf."
"So, you moved to Hawkins where-" Mike elbows Dustin again and you grin.
"I don't know why you're so secretive. I already know something is off about this town."
"What do you mean?" Eddie frowns. "It's just Hawkins."
When you glance back at the others, they all seem to suddenly find the floor or the walls more interesting than meeting your gaze. "It's not. When I settled in, I realized Hawkins felt slimy. There's a supernatural presence here for sure, but I don't know what it is. It's nothing I've ever come up against."
Eddie glances back at the others and notices their avoidance as well. "What do you guys know?"
"Nothing!" Dustin blurts.
"Nothing at all," Robin agrees.
But Mike caves with a sigh. "Can you just wait another day or so? My girlfriend's coming back and this is her story to tell."
"Technically it's all of our story, but yeah. Whatever." Steve shrugs. "Let El tell the tale."
Everyone seems a little on edge after what's just happened, so you don't blame them when they suggest they should get going. They promise to keep your secret and you wave them all off with promises that they can drop by whenever they feel like it. Your door is always open.
Everyone but Eddie takes their leave and as soon as they're out the door you practically collapse onto your sofa.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You good?"
You sit on the edge of the sofa, elbows on your knees as your hands clasp at the back of your neck. "Mhm. Just- just give me a moment." A slight breeze picks up inside the trailer and the lights briefly flicker. You hear Eddie gasp. "Don't worry. It's just me."
"What's happening?"
"Magic's going a little haywire," you tell him. "That purging spell I did? That was my first time doing it. It's, uh, it's dark magic."
"YN, what the hell.." You lift your head, only to see him kneeling a couple feet in front of you. "If it was dark magic, why would you do it?"
You shrug. "Because you asked me to. Chrissy is your friend or whatever and, uh, I couldn't exactly let her die in my home."
"First off, she's not my friend. Yesterday was the first time she's talked to me since middle school." Your lips twitch in brief amusement before you're lowering your head once more when you feel a pang of pain in your temple. "And secondly, you did the spell because I asked? Lil' 'ol me? Seriously?"
"Stop," you groan. "I don't even have to be looking at you to know you're smiling so wide right now."
Eddie laughs. "Can you blame me? This smoking hot babe of a witch just admitted to doing something because I asked. Me! You gotta let me gloat here for a bit."
"Get out of my trailer, Munson."
He laughs some more and you finally brave a look at him, uncaring that your cheeks are probably lit up with a blush. His smug smile turns soft the longer he stares at you. "In all seriousness, are you good?"
"Yeah. I just- I'm probably gonna soak in the bath and head to bed. I feel icky after that."
"Okay." He stands then and with a soft exhale, you follow. "If you need anything.."
"I have your number and know exactly where you live. I'll be fine, Eddie."
"I'm just saying." He starts walking towards your door, only to stop when it's opened halfway. "Or if you need someone to scrub your back in the bath-"
He barks out a laugh and there's no use in trying to hide your smile. You can't.
"Okay, okay. I'm going. I'll come over in the morning to make sure you haven't gone Wicked Witch of the West on us."
"Jesus Christ. Just go."
You grin the entire time you watch Eddie walk back to his trailer, waving at him when he pauses at his own trailer door to glance back at you.
Then left alone, you lock up and do exactly as you told Eddie you were going to do. You fill the tub with water as hot as you can take it, and then soak in it until the water's lukewarm before crawling into bed.
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The following afternoon, Eddie is gracing your trailer with his presence yet again. You still feel a little off balance from the use of dark magic, but Eddie's nurturing side makes an appearance and claims the two of you are just going to hang out and watch some mindless TV.
You lay out across your sofa, your head being cushioned by a pillow that rests against the arm rest, and Eddie makes the bold move to lay between your hip and the back of the sofa. He drapes his arm over your thighs and uses your abdomen as his own personal pillow.
"Is, uh, is this okay?" He nervously squirms as he tries to get comfortable.
His hammering heartbeat momentarily distracts you, but when you feel him tense and start to move off of you, you lay a hand on his shoulder. "It's fine. Really. You're good."
He tries to exhale softly in relief, but with your keen hearing you pick it up.
You aren't expecting the children back so soon, but later that evening they're all being led into your trailer without so much as a knock. You stare incredulously at Max, but she merely shrugs before making herself comfortable. Dustin, Robin and Steve make themselves comfortable as well, and Mike's left standing with three newcomers.
"So, this is Lucas, Will and Eleven," Mike introduces them to you. "Guys, this is YN. She's a witch."
Eleven and Will's eyes widen, but it's Lucas who scoffs. "Yeah. Right."
"Not a believer?" You ask from where you're still laying, Eddie happily smug about his position still half on you. The young black boy rolls his eyes. "Invisique." Everyone gasps and you know you've gone invisible.
"Holy shit. That's really cool," Dustin muses.
You let the spell drop and reappear for all to see. "What about now?"
Lucas just gapes at you and Max rolls her eyes before pulling him down into a seat.
Mike, Will and Eleven take the lead in telling you and Eddie all about Hawkins' dirty secrets. You learn all about the child experimentation, the tattoo adorning Eleven's wrist which explains her numbered name, and about the other dimension that she accidentally ripped a portal into. They tell you about monsters and Will's disappearance, as well as a death of a girl that Steve went to school with, and how the Hawkins Lab and a portion of the government are covering it all up.
Max surprises everyone by telling you all about Billy, and while he was a dick to her, you know it's tough to lose someone you consider family.
When they seem to run out of steam, you fill in the three newcomers about everything you've already told everyone else. You keep most of your life a secret, and only let them know about your witchy side.
But like all good things in your life, something ends up happening and forces your hand.
You and Eddie have been adopted into Max's circle of friends, which Robin and Steve are grateful for since they were surrounded by too many freshmen. They seem excited to see you perform little bouts of magic here and there, and even ask if there's anything you can do for Eleven since she seemed to have lost her own powers when she fought the Mind Flayer.
Unfortunately, you couldn't do anything for her.
But still, they're excited for you to hang around, especially the younger boys who can't stop talking about D&D with Eddie.
"How are you even attracted to that?" Steve asks one night as you herd the kids out of the movie theater. Maximum Overdrive was playing and the kids had been eager to see it.
"What?" You manage to peel your eyes from Eddie who is gesturing rather wildly with his arms as he speaks, smiling like an idiot.
"That! That right there," Steve says while lowering his voice. Robin snorts from his other side. "He's so- he's so weird," he explains.
"Steve, my whole life is weird. I like who I like. I can't help it."
"Well, I think it's adorable," Robin says.
"Thanks, Buckley."
She and Steve then start to bicker over the pros and cons of Eddie Munson, and you find amusement in how they're slightly obsessed with who you should and should not be attracted to. But your amusement is cut short when you notice how oddly quiet the street is.
You can detect numerous heartbeats all around you, but the only other noise is coming from the teens who've yet to notice the odd way the many adults are suddenly coming to a stop all around you.
"Eleven." The stated name comes from a man with a head of white hair, decked out in a suit and tie. He walks out into the middle of the street, several of the supposed civilians following him and pulling guns from the back waistband of their pants. "Eleven, it's time to come home."
Almost immediately, Mike and the other children form a barrier around their friend, shouting obscenities at the man as he holds a hand out towards Eleven. Even Steve joins the fray, protecting the girl who's gripping onto Mike's hand for dear life.
Eddie stumbles back until he's at your side, warily glancing around at all the men and women holding guns. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" His hand subconsciously slips into yours and you squeeze it.
"Not a clue."
"Eleven." The man calls out again. "Come. I'm sure you don't want anything to happen to your little friends."
"Fuck you!" Mike screams. "She doesn't want to go. She's happy with us. She has a real family with us."
"I am her only family."
"Like hell you are!" Dustin shouts then. "You took her from her mother and experimented on her! She's nothing to you!"
The man exhales and glances to his right, nodding at the man who meets his gaze. Suddenly, all guns are aimed at you and your group.
"Don't!" Eleven shouts. "I'm sorry. I'll go-"
"-but you don't hurt my friends. Please, papa, don't hurt them."
Mike tries to keep Eleven at his side, but the girl turns to him with tears in her eyes. She sniffles and quickly kisses his cheek before turning back to the man she just called papa.
But the second she takes one step in his direction; you release Eddie's hand and step out to the side. "Hold on, Eleven. You don't have to go with this man if you don't want to."
All gazes turn towards you even as Eddie whisper-shouts that what you're doing is extremely stupid.
"Oh?" The white-haired man smiles. "And just what are you going to do about it?"
"I was hoping you'd say that." You smile back and let your features shift, outing yourself to your friends that you're something more than just a witch. 
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The white-haired man's expression falls, everyone tightens their grip on their weapons, and you smile to the point that your fangs press into your bottom lip.
From his position right next to her, Eddie watches as YN's features change into something almost monstrous. But the longer he stares, the more he realizes she's not monstrous at all.
In fact, it's actually quite an attractive look.
So as Eddie gulps, he nervously rubs his sweaty palms along his jean clad thighs and hopes no one is paying him any attention.
"If you want the child, you're gonna have to go through me," you tell them.
"What are you?" The man asks.
"Nothing you're going to remember. Ad Somnum." And with a wave of your hand, the white-haired man and his armed companions fall to the ground as if their strings had been cut.
"Holy shit. What did you do?" Max asks, looking at all the unconscious people and then looking right at you. She gulps. "And, uh, what are you? Because if I recall correctly, witches don't have fangs."
"Don't worry." You flash her a fangy grin before strutting forward, standing in the middle of all the unconscious individuals. "They're just sleeping." Hands held out at your sides, you then let your eyes fall shut. "Dedisco."
"What- what was that for?" Eddie asks.
"I erased their memories of me. If there's anything else you wish to be erased, speak now or forever hold your peace," you tease.
Eleven pulls free from Mike as she asks, "Can you- can you erase me from their memories? They won't stop looking for me if they know I'm still out there."
"Sure thing, kid." You take a moment to repeat the last spell, concentrating on erasing Eleven from their collective minds. You'll have to make her a pendent for the future, but you still have a bit of time for that.
Then when you open your eyes once more, everyone's expression ranges from shock to awe to slight fear.
"Um, so I might be something more than a witch?" You say, posing the statement as a question.
Steve scoffs. "Yeah. No kidding."
Your lips twitch in amusement. "I'm also part vampire."
"And part werewolf." At that, you let your eyes flare yellow.
"Oh my god. This is so cool," Robin murmurs.
You smile at her, but then that smile falters as you fidget under everyone's stare. "My twin and I? We're not meant to exist," you tell them. "It's just easier to tell someone that I'm a witch instead of a tribrid. It draws too much attention."
"Well, the wolf's out of the bag." Dustin mumbles.
"It is." You huff a laugh. "And, uh, if we can get back to my place, I'll tell you all about it."
To be continued..
Harae-Tamau Kioku Yomigaerashi-Tamae - a spell that can purge the mind of supernatural influence or solidify the erasure depending on what the witch wants.  Incendia - a spell that is able to create fire or ignite flammable objects.  Invisique - an invisibility spell which allows a witch to cloak themselves and their targets.  Ad Somnum - a spell that renders the target instantly unconscious when cast.  Dedisco - a spell that erases memories.
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kirythestitchwitch · 10 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Necromancing the Stone - It's About To Be A... Witch Fight
Follows right after the last tidbit...
Caroline pushed herself up and turned to head back to her workroom, when a shrill tone cut across her mind. The parameter wards. Quickly changing directions, she jerked open the hall closet and pulled out an open sweater with deep pockets. Shoving her arms in the sleeves, she made her way to the front door, glad she had put on boots this morning. Having to deal with whatever bullshit was about to greet her in slippers would have been undignified.
A quick peek through the peephole showed her four people arranged in front of her porch, their magic tasting of witch lightning and incense. She took one calming breath, and then pulled open the front door and walked out onto the porch, a pleasant smile on her face.
“Siblings, to what do I owe the honor?” Caroline asked, sliding her hands into the pockets of her sweater. Gods, it was bright out here. She squinted.
A tall woman stepped forward in jeans and a light jacket, her braids wound in a bun on her head. “Caroline Nikols?” At Caroline’s nod, she continued. “The hybrid came here, we believe, for assistance with the Piatra Inchisorii.” There was a soft bayou twang in her voice, and Caroline felt a sinking feeling that Klaus’ problems had followed him to her doorstep.
With a shrug, Caroline looked down at her. “Never heard of it.” 
“We know he was here,” a man in the back said, his freckles standing out starkly on the grey undertones in his pale face. At least someone was worried about their choices here today.
“Good for you,” she offered. “Now, if that’s all, I’d like you off my property. I have a business to run.”
“A business making dangerous magical items and raising the dead,” The first woman stated, clenching her fist. Don’t do it, Caroline willed at her, don’t start what you can’t finish.
Caroline shrugged again. “I like challenges. Keeps me young.” Her smile was more bared teeth than anything now, a gleeful little reminder that age brought knowledge and power.
A girl who looked like a teenager, big eyes in a thin face, practically snarled at her. “Did Klaus offer you a challenge, the powers of your fellow witches a payment too great to pass up in exchange for doing his dirty work?”
Her eyebrows raised coolly at her, flicking a glance of askance at the leader. “Are the witches of New Orleans using children to do their dirty work these days?” The woman’s face tightened.
“Turn over the stone to us, and we let you live,” the leader said, like she was being magnanimous.
“My ancestors are not bound in the swamp; you are a long way from home,” Caroline pointed out, wrapping her hand around a woven ball of wire the size of a cat toy in one pocket, and a chunk of pumice in the other.
The woman’s eyes narrowed. “Klaus isn’t here, and you are one witch. I think we’ll take our chances.”
Caroline tilted her head. “It’s your funeral. Do tell your ancestors the Forbes clan sent you.”
The silent up til now woman to the left of the man raised her hand, energy gathering in her palm. “That blasphemous line died out hundreds of years ago,” she scoffed.
“Did we now?” Her smile was sharp as she fed energy into the chunk of crystal at the heart of the wire ball.
*to the tune of Girl Fight* It's about to be a... witch fight.
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mias-playground · 30 days
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Sara Forbes Bonetta (born Aina or Ina c1843–1880), was ward and goddaughter of Queen Victoria. She was believed to have been a titled member of the Egbado clan of the Yoruba people in West Africa, who was orphaned during a war with the nearby Kingdom of Dahomey as a child, and was later enslaved by King Ghezo of Dahomey. She was given as a 'gift' to Captain Frederick E. Forbes of the British Royal Navy and became a goddaughter of Queen Victoria. She married Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, a wealthy Lagos philanthropist. Wikipedia
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nightsidewrestling · 6 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Haf McFarlane
The Clurichaun Princessof C.R.C Haf McFarlane (2020)
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Kirby's cousin, Hywel's niece, and the daughter of Uinseann, Haf. An Irish-Catholic woman living in Wales and a shy, sweet and gentle mother. Her looks deceive many as to her status as a wrestler.
"It's never wrong to be feminine, especially if you can kick asses in dresses."
Full Legal Name: Haf Fianna Ciar Meadhbh McFarlane (Née Rhydderch)
First Name: Haf
Meaning: Means 'Summer' in Welsh
Pronunciation: HAV
Origin: Welsh
Middle Name(s): Fianna, Ciar, Meadhbh
Meaning(s): Fianna: From Irish 'Fiann' meaning 'Band of Warriors'. Ciar: Derived from Irish 'Ciar' meaning 'Black'. Meadhbh: Modern Irish form of 'Medb' meaning 'Intoxicating'
Pronunciation(s): FYEE-na. KEER. MYEW / MYEHV
Origin(s): Irish. Irish, Irish Mythology, Old Irish. Irish, Irish Mythology
Surname: McFarlane (Née Rhydderch)
Meaning: Anglicized form of Scottish 'MacPhàrlain' or Irish Gaelic 'Mac Pharlain' meaning 'Son of Parthalán'. (Rhydderch: From the given name 'Rhydderch' from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted')
Pronunciation: mac-Fahr-luhn (HRUDH-ehrkh)
Origin: Scottish, Irish (Welsh)
Alias: Clurichaun Princess, Haf McFarlane
Reason: This is Haf's ring name
Nicknames: Summer
Titles: Mrs, Ma'am
Age: 35
Gender: Female. She/Her Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh. Irish-Welsh Mix. Dual Citizenship ROI-UK
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: April 6th 1985
Symbols: Clurichauns, Alcohol, Crowns
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Aries
Theme Song: 'Addicted To Bass' - Puretone (2003-)
Voice Actor: Eve Hewson
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 5'6" / 167 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 10
Piercings: Navel, Ear Lobe (Double, Both)
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Maeve Pritchard, Deirdre Llewellyn, Bridget Griffiths, Rosaleen O'Sullivan, Aisling O'Hannigan, Caoimhe O'Hannegan, Eithne O'Hannagan, Kathleen Mulrennan, Tydfil McFarland, Olwen McDermott, Gwen McCracken, Branwen McCormick, Llinos McConnell, Wanda Ott, Hortensia Marino, Genesis Winter
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Keaton McFarlane
Mentor: Uinseann Rhydderch
Significant Other: Keaton McFarlane (36, Husband)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Uinseann Rhydderch (74, Father), Odharnait Rhydderch (75, Mother, Née MacCarthy)
Parents-In-Law: Forbes McFarlane (66, Father-In-Law), Alli McFarlane (67, Mother-In-Law, Née Pollock)
Siblings: Kathleen Mulrennan (44, Sister, Née Rhydderch), Sean Rhydderch (41, Brother), Wyn Rhydderch (38, Brother), Tydfil McFarland (32, Sister, Née Rhydderch)
Siblings-In-Law: Fachtna Mulrennan (45, Kathleen's Husband), Yvette Rhydderch (42, Sean's Wife, Née Plamondon), Ragnhild Rhydderch (39, Wyn's Wife, Née Perreault), Keith McFarland (33, Tydfil's Husband), Aliyya Hall (33, Keaton's Sister, Née McFarlane), Sherlock Hall (34, Aliyya's Husband), Samwise McFarlane (30, Keaton's Brother), Aminah McFarlane (31, Samwise's Wife, Née Holm), Alya Lang (27, Keaton's Sister, Née McFarlane), Zorro Lang (28, Alya's Husband), Tuor McFarlane (24, Keaton's Brother), Asiya McFarlane (25, Tuor's Wife, Née Lind), Amira Lund (21, Keaton's Sister, Née McFarlane), Benediktas Lund (22, Amira's Husband), Antanas McFarlane (18, Keaton's Brother), Asmaa McFarlane (15, Keaton's Sister), Eimantas McFarlane (12, Keaton's Brother), Aya McFarlane (9, Keaton's Sister), Emilis McFarlane (6, Keaton's Brother), Ayda McFarlane (3, Keaton's Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Eachann Mulrennan (24, Nephew), Aurora Mulrennan (25, Eachann's Wife, Née MacDonald), Daffodil MacDaniel (21, Niece, Née Mulrennan), Grant MacDaniel (22, Daffodil's Husband), Calanthe Mulrennan (18, Niece), Baggi Mulrennan (15, Nephew), Abel Mulrennan (12, Nephew), Zinnia Mulrennan (9, Niece), Yolanda Mulrennan (6, Niece), Xerxes Mulrennan (3, Nephew), Walker Rhydderch (21, Nephew), Henriika Rhydderch (22, Walker's Wife, Née MacColuim), Velvet Rhydderch (18, Niece), Unni Rhydderch (15, Niece), Talfryn Rhydderch (12, Nephew), Ragna Rhydderch (9, Niece), Queenie Rhydderch (6, Niece), Samson Rhydderch (3, Nephew), Pacey Rhydderch (18, Nephew), Ogden Rhydderch (15, Nephew), Naomi Rhydderch (12, Niece), Madonna Rhydderch (9, Niece), Lachtna Rhydderch (6, Nephew), Kal-El Rhydderch (3, Nephew), Easter McFarland (12, Niece), Dalton McFarland (9, Nephew), Cadell McFarland (6, Nephew), Barbara McFarland (3, Niece), Tariel Hall (13, Nephew), Amaal Hall (10, Niece), Turin Hall (7, Nephew), Amna Hall (4, Niece) Aras Hall (1, Nephew), Arij McFarlane (10, Niece), Augustinas McFarlane (7, Nephew), Asra McFarlane (4, Niece), Daumantas McFarlane (1, Nephew), Assia Lang (7, Niece), Domantas Lang (4, Nephew), Ayah Lang (1, Niece), Donatas McFarlane (4, Nephew), Ayda McFarlane (1, Niece), Egidijus Lund (1, Nephew)
Children: Jane McFarlane (15, Daughter), Idalia McFarlane (12, Daughter), Hall McFarlane (9, Son), Gael McFarlane (6, Son), Fallon McFarlane (3, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Uinseann Rhydderch
Managers: Keaton McFarlane
Wrestlers Managed: Keaton McFarlane
Debut: 2003
Debut Match: Haf Rhydderch VS Odharnait Rhydderch. Haf won via pinfall
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Technician / Powerhouse
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2003-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Back Body Drop, Bearhug, Bearhug Into A Thrust Spinebuster To The Ring Post, Big Boot, Chokehold, Corner Clothesline, Flying Clothesline, Rebound Clothesline, Arm Twist Ropewalk Chop, Over The Top Rope Suicide Dive, Reverse STO, Running DDT, Running Elbow Drop, Running Leg Drop, Running Leg Drop To An Apron-Hung Opponent, Sidewalk Slam, Snake Eyes, Standing Dragon Sleeper, Arm Drag, Dropkick, Headscissors Takedown, Knee Lift, Running Crossbody
Finishers: Ropewalk Diving Elbow Chop, Heart Punch, One-Handed Clawhold, Elevated Powerbomb, Triangle Choke, Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver, Figure-Four Leglock, Flying Forearm Smash
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Haf McFarlane (Née Rhydderch) of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch Family. When Uinseann dies Haf will have a 1/40th ownership of the promotion. Haf is a 'Clurichaun Style' (Technician mixed with Powerhouse) trainer. She's a quarter-Welsh and three quarters-Irish
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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inky-duchess · 9 months
Ello duchess In my story the king sends one of his sons
( the very youngest who into seeking knowledge and enjoys traveling.)
The kingdom they travel to allows and has slavery and upon arriving the king of that place gives the prince a welcome give and which is a female slave.
My question is would it be wrong for him to regret the person and was there any cases of something like this in history?
A lot of monarchs were given people as gifts. Victoria was presented with a young princess of the Egbado clan of the Yoruba people, called Ina/Aina (Anglicanized to Sarah Forbes Bonetta) on behalf of the King of the Yoruba who overthrew Ina's father in a bloody coup. Victoria rejected the notion of having Ina as a slave but Ina never returned to her homeland again.
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nghtmqred · 1 year
i’ll be back in time!
A recap of where my beans are in the future.   TW: mentions of cancer
Kadir Sari : Alive, married probably a father and living his life happily with his wife and pack. They years weren’t easy and some were far less kinder then others but on a whole. It isn’t the future he had expected but he wouldn’t have changed it. His ire for the Crescent have waned over  the years-- in large part due to Leigh and in part to the friendship that started to bloom around this time between Jackson and Kadir and Hayley and Kadir. His idea of vampire's have not change and he will keep them till his dying breath. But he’s very happy to know that not all the crescents are lap dogs to vampire's like he thought. Even if he be happy to punch quite  a few of them on his own. Centuries passed with bad blood between them and he is sure centuries more will have to before all the hard feeling are gone. It’s in these early years that his younger self and a younger Jackson will make those changes... or at least they will ... with a little push. “ Declan O'Connell : He’s alive, shocking even to him. There is a lot he learned about himself, about his powers and about where he is going in the world.  He did take over Mystic Grill, making the food that he really enjoys. Co-parenting with Bonnie, running a business together. So adult of him now, he loves his children all of them and tries his best to be supportive in their needs and wishes. It’s easier said then done that is for sure but he has taken it one step at a time. He’s become really good with his powers as well. thanks in large part to Bonnie helping him and  surprisingly his sister who too is a psychic.  Alaric Saltzman : Alive though dying and not by  supernatural causes . He has lived a long life, fell in love with a woman that gave him two beautiful children. Some how found himself in the mess of a family that was the Forbs/ Mikaelson / Salvatore clan ( yes he’s still having trouble wrapping his mind around that) Life was not easy nor could it be dealing with what they deal with. But Alaric found other ways to figure out that life... without the aid of booze. Though that change came too little too late. His new wife and he had decided early on to keep the news to themselves for a little while. Then the whole sleeping beauty curse happened and well... here he was in the future with liver cancer. The simple thing to do is to take some vampire's blood and heal himself but... that isn’t how life works. He’d come to the conclusion that he was okay with dying. It was natural. Lucy Bennett gave him the medicine he needed and the armory has taken really good care of him. So, he’s just waiting but it will be nice to see some old familiar faces again.  Lucy Bennett: Alive, still the leader of the Armory and all and all a badass Bennett witch till her dying breath. She is keeping a close eye on Alaric when it came to his health- but never babying the man please that was something she didn’t do for anyone. Still no kids, still unmarried but she has found a special someone in her life. They are pretty... happy together and she never expected happiness. She was dead set about The Bennett witches being cursed when it came to love. So the less she speaks on it the better. No, you aren’t going to know nosy-- this is Lucy Bennett she isn’t an overshared when the time comes and she feels like telling people she will.  Sarah Nelson Salvatore : Alive and has taken her family name, and still human shocking she knows. There was some point in her life she did change into vampire. That was an interesting time to say the least. But taking a little bit of the cure and she was human once more. The supernatural world isn’t so scary-- how could it be when you are related to a psych like Giuseppe. But she had grown to love her bio logical family and her adopted family equally. And her extended family has grown rather large by extension but Sarah always like the idea of coming from a big family-- and now she was. 
Elijah Mikaelson : Deceased  ( he and ezra have matching tombstones in the family plot. IT’S CANON!! )  Giuseppe Salvatore : Deceased  Grace Campbell : Deceased  Tobias Granger  :  Alive and  free of Cade’s influence Ethan Winthrop  : Alive 
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valkyries-things · 3 months
“She was ward and goddaughter of Queen Victoria. She was believed to have been an titled member of the Egbado clan of the Yoruba people in West Africa, was orphaned during a war with the nearby Kingdom of Dahomey as a child, and later became enslaved to King Ghezo of Dahomey. She was “liberated” from slavery by being given as a “gift” to Capt. Frederick E. Forbes of the British Royal Navy and became goddaughter of Queen Victoria after she was impressed by the young princess’ “exceptional intelligence”.”
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celticbarb · 5 months
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Book: Highlander Fated
Author: Jayne Castel
Series: Rebellious Highland Hearts, Book #4
Publisher: Winter Mist Press
Print Length: 297 Pages
Overall Rating: 5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5 Saltire Flags
Dun Ugadale, Kintyre Peninsula, Scotland 1454
Greer Forbes and Bonnie MacKay had formed a bond a year prior at Castle Varrich. She had been invited to Dun Ugadale and was thrilled to get away from her own family at Druminnor for the summer. Greer and Bonnie had formed a rare closeness and become the best of friends. Bonnie was the sister Greer never had, having two selfish elder brothers. Her father forced her to make a deal after this summer to pick a husband. She being a chieftains daughter it had to be a good alliance. Another loveless marriage like her parents and two elderly brothers. None of them were love matches and none of their marriages had grown into love matches either sadly. Greer saw what strained relationships all three of them had with their spouses and it broke her heart.
Now at Dun Ugadale Greer is immediately drawn to the castle blacksmith; the chemistry and attraction happens immediately between both Brodie MacKay and Greer. Although Brodie can hide his attraction better, always being the family sourpuss and for good reason. He had not an easy life and had been born illegitimate but Greer did not care! After all none of that was Brodie’s fault it wasn’t like he asked to be born. In many ways he was her opposite being sour and grumpy and he wouldn’t even live with his brother although he did love them and knew they loved him.
Greer had this great outlook on life looking at everything sunny and bright. However Brodie looked at everything with sourness never being accepted by his stepmother and being treated horribly. He wouldn’t sleep under the same roof as his brothers but learned to be a magnificent blacksmith. So he was surprised when Greer asked to make a dagger. His price was steep but it would be worth it.
Again Brodie is secretly attracted to Greer but he knew he was way below her in status. He has always felt like an outsider and feels she is out of his league being a Chieftain’s daughter. Brodie was born illegitimate when his father fell in love with the castle cook. Now both of them are deceased however his step-mother has always mistreated him since he was a wee lad. The problem is he can’t stop thinking about Greer as no other woman compares. Now Greer has asked him to teach her to defend herself and in such closeness one thing leads to another. Even though they both know they have no future, these star-crossed lovers can’t resist each other.
It is even worse when Greer’s father comes to get her and changes her plans that just breaks her heart! He wants her to marry a chieftain’s son, one that is an enemy of the MacKay clan. On top of that this man says she can never go visit the MacKay clan at Dun Ugadale and must sever her friendship with her best friend Bonnie! Except Greer does something very wreckless with the man she loves except things do not unfold when they both admit they love each other. Plus both are betrayed by the people they thought they could trust.
Will Greer be forced to marry a man she does not love? Will this man abuse her and use brute strength against her petite fraiI body? Is she disowned by her own family? Will she be forced to take the veil? Will her sunny disposition become broken and filled with sorrow and melancholy, including a great misery and unhappiness that can never be mended? Read and have your tissues ready for this emotional roller coaster!
This is the fourth book and series finale for the Rebellious Highland Hearts series which I absolutely loved. It was a slow burn but definitely worth the wait. As Jayne Castel is one of my go to authors. I was waiting for Brodie’s book being the family outcast. Another book I absolutely loved which can be read as a stand alone book or in series order. I highly recommend all four books which I absolutely have loved! This was a beautiful series finale that readers don't want to miss!
Thank you for this advance readers copy and I agreed to do an honest, fair review and blog review. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.
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laurazukerman-blog · 6 months
While dozens of celebs lean on their famous names to hawk expensive hooch, Jenner started her tequila, 818, incognito. Before publicly launching in 2021, the model and member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan anonymously submitted her reposado to the 2020 World Tequila Awards—and took home the category’s top prize. “I wanted the liquid and the brand to stand on their own and for people to love it…
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scotianostra · 11 months
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24th July 1411 saw the Battle of Harlaw, near Inverurie.
A pretty bloody battle, by all accounts,aren’t they all? Well apart from Carberry Hill, look for it in the group search box to your left if you don’t recall it!
This was Scot against Scot clan battle, a feud between Donald of Islay, Lord of the Isles and Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar, fighting on behalf of the crown, and was all to do with who controlled Ross, a large region of northern Scotland.
Donald planned to strike south east into Moray towards Aberdeen, along with 10,000 of his clansmen, Stewart, forewarned of their arrival, had gathered an army of Knights on horseback, of around 1,000, and over 1,000 spear-men, heavily outnumber but better armed.
Holding his knights as cavalry reserve, Mar organised his spear-men into battle formation to face the advancing islanders near the town of Inverurie.
The islanders launched charge after charge against the close packed ranks of Mar’s spearmen but failed to break their ranks. Meanwhile Mar led his cavalry into the main body of Donald’s army, where the islanders thrust their dirks into the soft underbellies of the horses, stabbing the knights as they fell.
By nightfall the dead littered the field. Exhausted, Mar and the survivors of his army rested and waited for the battle to resume the following morning. With the dawn they found that the men of Donald had left the field, retreating back to the Isles.
The heavy losses suffered by both sides meant that neither side could claim the day; however Mar had successfully defended Aberdeen.
Among the dead was Provost Robert Davidson and many of the City Burgess’s fighting on the Crown side.
The ferocity of the battle gave it the nickname “Red Harlaw”. It is commemorated by one of my favourite memorials, on the battlefield near the town of Inverurie, designed by the architect William Kelly and erected in 1911.
The inscription around the top reads “To the memory of Provost Robert Davidson and the Burgesses of Aberdeen who fell here, AD 1411”. There are also a number ballads and music commemorating the fight
Look for the song on Youtbe from Old Blind Dogs, the song is a traditional one and the “modern version is Child Ballad 163, the song was first mentioned in documents from 1549.
And cam' ye frae the Hielans man, cam' ye a' the wey?
Saw ye MacDonald and and a' his men, as they cam' in frae Skye?
Wey a diddum a-do and a dree and a drum
Diddum de-droo drum drae
And cam' ye near and near eneuch, did ye their numbers see?
Come tell to me John Hielanman, what might their numbers be?
Well I cam' in by the Garioch land, doon by Nether Ha'
I saw MacDonald and a' his men, a-marching tae Harlaw
The Hielanmen with their long swords, fell in at us fu' sair
And they drave back wir Lawlanmen, three acres breadth or mair
Lord Forbes tae his brother did say, "O, brother, dinnaye see?
They've drave us back on ilka side and we'll be forced tae flee!"
Oh no, no, no, my brother dear, this thing it maunna' be
Ye'll tak yer guid sword in yer haun', an' ye'll gan' in wi' me
The first blow that Lord Forbes struck, the sword ran in, in hale
The second blow Lord Forbes struck, the great MacDonald fell
Sic a cry frae among the Hielanmen, when ye see their leader fa'
They cairtit him and buirit him along by fair Harlaw
Gin anyun' should spier at ye for them that's gone awa'
Just tell them plain an' unco plain, they're sleepin' at Harlaw
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