#clone post from cohost
vampire-eros · 2 months
i had a discussion with my partner the other night and like
a while ago, i'd say early 2022 i was kind of enlightened to exactly how bad the transmisogyny problem is I did something that some TMEs felt was offensive and… what happened? well. i received 1 ask reprimanding me for it. an UNRELATED TRANS WOMAN who DID NOT DO WHAT I DID, got the backlash for it and would experience regular, pointless, harassment about it.
and i received 1 singular ask about it and kind of sloppily apologized for it and never heard anything about it again in my askbox. while i would watch my mutual become bogged down and dogpiled about it… something I DID.
and i realized. oh. i really get it now. it's so bad that people would rather target a popular trans woman than a (currently) TME nonbinary person over something that the trans woman did not even do. people will literally make up stories to attack trans women. i understand what TME/TMA means, it's not a repackaged discussion of what's in your pants, it's a discussion about how you're treated in society.
and i think some TME people see that trans women/TMAs are rightfully upset and angry about what they've been put through, that trans women will try to clarify that their situation is BAD. it is TRAUMATIZING. it is ACTIVELY DEADLY. it is PSYCHOLOGICALLY DAMAGING.
and they will see that and think "well hey!! what about me? i'm not a trans woman, but i'm affected by this too!!" and feel like THEIR problems are being dismissed, as if they don't go through transphobia, misogyny, toxic masculinity, and even death. but the thing is, i feel like a lot of them just don't see behind the scenes and see how hot the flames are for the circumstances trans women are being put in, even some of the struggles that people affected by transmisogyny hold in to try to create an environment that isn't festering with hate and sorrow.
imagine this situation is basically you are in an emergency room. and the order that patients are served are, most urgent patients come first. and yes, the transphobia, misogyny, white patriarchy, toxic cultish masculinity practices come down in one sweep. if you are trans, you are probably going to be affected by transphobia unless you are incredibly lucky, and we are all hurting. but some trans issues are much more urgent, more of an emergency and these people in our community are vulnerable and desperately need our support.
we need to stand up for our trans women and TMA nonbinary people (especially our black trans women and black nonbinary folk because they are in a doubly vulnerable position) and everyone else affected by transmisogyny because the way they are affected by this may be way more crazy and out of proportion than you think. easily, this issue currently going on with the tumblr CEO is shedding a sickening light on this problem.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
Most of my dash is people moving to cohost or mastodon or bluesky over the photomatt thing and posting goodbyes. I don’t know if *tumblr* is dying, but the specific community I love here appears to be leaving. This isn’t my first time seeing a social media community crumble, but I feel particularly adrift rn, especially with the collapse of the NaNoWriMo forums, which were my main social platform for years and years.
Any advice as to how I can find a new social platform that fits me? Ideally it would be a space that supports longform text and back-and-forths in the comments.
The key thing to realize is that lots of platforms we loved in the past had absolutely garbage features—at least at the point when we set up camp there. Both LJ and Tumblr had features that were absolute ass and then somewhat improved before tanking again in various ways. The next hot platform will also suck, just like the last 10.
If you want longform text and discussion, start by posting longform text and responding to anything even remotely response-worthy that anyone sends you.
Granted, twitter clones directly prevent longform text, but a lot of the time, the main sticking point is culture. Everyone told me that Tumblr wasn't good for longform text, that it violates social norms to post it without a readmore, etc. Years of How To Tumblr posts discouraged this behavior. Tumblr haters pining for LJ still constantly tell me that discussion is impossible here due to the lack of threaded comments...
To that, I say it's only impossible for cowards who aren't willing to fill people's dashboards with 37 of the same post and all its chatty reblogs on the same day.
Cowards, I tell you!
Who says I can't post 90% text-only and a million long-ass posts to the gifset-and-no-commentary website?
The actual features are only marginally important. Social conventions like linking to the ask you're referencing or snipping irrelevant stuff from the prior e-mail chain can take care of most feature issues.
The important part is either following a community or making the community come to you. Being consistently active is a huge part of it. If you're publicly findable and friendly, people will come hang out where you are or invite you places. It can take a while to get visible enough, but it does work. It's a matter of having the energy and time to invest.
Another key is to recognize that a lot of people feel adrift. If your blog/forum/discord server is the logical place for them to collect, they will do so. They have to know it exists and they have to find it welcoming, but that's all it really takes to collect up people who are feeling lonely and unmoored.
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snakebites-and-ink · 4 months
This masterpost is no longer being updated! The new one can be found here
Hi, I’m @snakebites-and-ink! This is my whump blog and main blog. It’s semi-sfw, in that I never write or reblog explicit onscreen sex, but may include other kinds of mature content. This post contains navigation to my writing and other important posts, but if there’s something you can’t find feel free to send me an ask about it! You can find more about me, including favorite tropes and squicks, in my intro post.
Whumpblr intro post
Current content warning system
Interaction policy
Ask/submission guidelines
Feel free to tag me/send me stuff
I also have a cohost, though I'm not as active on there
Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from any taglists :)
Technically Not Human (working title)
A superhuman signs away his rights and goes to an institution that will train him up for the highest bidder.
Lore post
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
A story about a pet who’s allowed to live the life of a person. Set in the box boy universe. (Fair warning: no rescue/deconditioning arc planned)
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Whumper-Turned-Caretaker CYOA
What it says on the tin. Updates every Monday assuming I can stay on top of it.
Pt. 1
Pt. 2 (+ bonus)
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
Pt. 5
Pt. 6
Pt. 7
Whumpuary 2024
Standalones: #1 - #5 - #7 - #8 - #9
Multi-part: #3 + 4, #2 + 6, #10 + 12, #11 + 13, #14 + 15
Standalone Drabbles
Pet Whumpee + Broken Dish
Recovering Clone Whumpee
Already-trained Pet
Reluctant Whumper Whumpee
Hero Brainwashed to Living Weapon
My writing tag
My other posting tag
Ask and submission boxes are OPEN with anon enabled!
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vikugnavikugna · 2 months
Me, trying to think of the most niche wormblr post ever: Boston's Favorite Son as an underground radio show in the twigverse
"Jonathan was in the Primordial Outbreak 1903. Since then he has appeared in precisely zero medal-awarding conquests, black coat experiments or small-scale acts of insurrection. We are here to fix that. We are here to make Jonathan of Primordial Outbreak a star. Radham’s most favored progeny will ride again."
Jonathan (white coat; has his own lab where he works in the Most Boring Experiments Ever; had 0 modifications done to his body despite balding; frequently mentions that if his bosses found out he was doing this show they would kill him) is the closest to his irl counterpart. Mostly gets on the show to get bullied by 2 of his friends, who tell him to get gruesome modifications done to his body, whilst he complains about how unsexy he is (and YET he REFUSES to get any modifications - the GALL of this MAN!). Has a son who does a worrying amount of experiments at home ("My son has recently started spiking my drinks with skeleton growth pills he made so I am currently in the process of growint a second skeleton" he mentions calmly, as his cohost burst into a maniacal laughing fit). Gets a ton of weird fan messages that range from clones of him in the fetal stage to vat grown parts to make him into a Noble slaying living weapon. Also cum tributes. There is an episode where Jonathan records during the Sub Rosa incident. He's hidden in his lab mid quarantine talking through the radio. At one point we can hear Sy enter the room and break all of his fingers. Steph and Conrad laugh and tell him to replace his fingers with sausages. Oftentimes recalls stories from his time in the Primordial Outbreak. He didn't even stop it, but he was there when other people did. No one remembers him.
Steph (actual revolutionary leader that, for some reason, still does this show; has more modifications you could imagine and half of them are strictly sexual) often tells Jonathan to break into a random lab and inject himself with whatever he finds there for publicity. Once Duke takes over the Academy, most of her ideas turn to courting him ("Why aren't you a noble yet, Jonathan? Marrying into nobility would be great for your image") or overthrowing him ("Here's how I'd do it. You ready? Yeah? Wings. You need to get yourself a pair of wings, Jonathan. The fucker could never get you if you had a pair of wings let me tell ya"). Has a ton of followers Cynthia/Mauer style and all of them are utterly perplexed why she records this show. Loves mentioning Loyd, an illegal doctor who lives by the river and gives people surgeries for free.
Conrad (escaped experiment; has a cult) mostly just facilliates Steph's ideas. He gets underground doctors and prepares them to make surgeries on Jonathan, which the man always rejects. "What are we supposed to do with the 10 killograms of chicken feathers I ordered to push into your skin one by one?"; "What am I supposed to tell to the doctor I outsorced getting a horse's vagina to?!"; "Jonathan, this is horrible news for the 10 children I kidnapped to use their bilogical material to grow your clone". Member of his cult make up 99% of the shows audience, with the remaining 1% being Sylvester Lambsbridge. Misses a couple episodes early in the radio show's run, because he's busy betraying the academy in Brechwell.
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coraniaid · 2 months
Anyway, uh.
I'm not going to suddenly stop posting on here overnight or anything (as far as I know?) and I have some queued/scheduled posts I won't bother pausing, but I'm probably going to try to post here less and less (for reasons that I suppose are obvious). I wish the alternatives to Tumblr weren't all quite so bleak (and that any of them supported LaTeX) or it would be easier to just jump ship.
I never really saw the appeal of Twitter (and still don't) so the explicit Twitter clones like Bluesky are a non-starter.
Cohost seems like a nice idea on paper (and I like being able to write Markdown and create real footnotes, which was something I'm sure you used to be able to do here) but -- between playing around with it a bit and the recent(ish?) drama about the inexact wording of its terms and conditions -- I'm not sure the people running it really have any idea what they're doing or that it's sensible to expect it to even outlast Tumblr.
I was mirroring some of my longer Buffy posts on Dreamwidth for a while last year but I stopped doing that because it was a bit tedious to convert things into readable HTML and because (since I didn't and don't know anyone else who uses Dreamwidth) I was getting literally no positive feedback from doing any of it beyond the vague sense of having a backup somewhere. Might start doing that again though (or just post things there directly).
Discord obviously isn't the same thing as Tumblr at all but I think I might dig out my old and barely used Discord account later this month too. Let me know if we're mutuals and/or have ever interacted in a way you thought was positive and you want to know details.
Otherwise, well. See you in the AO3 comments, I guess.
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godbirdart · 1 year
Hi there! Short time appreciator of your stuff (I found you a few months ago + love your style sm!!) first time asker, and this might be an odd one, but do you have any suggestions for how to get involved with the furry community? Just, where to meet folk, maybe what to keep an eye out for (good or bad!) and such? I'd love to chat to folk and such but I'm just a very nervous person ^^;
You don't have to post or answer this if you don't want to! But thank you for all the cool art and the funny memes, I love seeing Sebastian with assorted snacks ^-^ you take care!!
aaA thank you!!
i'll be honest i personally skirt around the edge of the community because i too am a shy creature that emerges only every waning moon to hand people artwork
depending on the involvement level you want, you've got a number of options. a lot of people are still active on twitter, and mastodon and cohost seem to be picking up! i know mastodon has a few furry instances, such as meow.social, though I don't use mastodon that much so I cannot say if the community there is good, bad, or otherwise. same goes for cohost. last i checked it's very much so a twitter clone, but many furries i've noticed have skipped over there. pillowfort.social has a small Furry Artists community. if in doubt, there's also /r/furry on reddit.
if you just want to appreciate art and maybe comment every now and again, tumblr is pretty good. sure the tags can be a little broken sometimes, but at least you'll find the content you're looking for when you look up Furry in the search. same goes for deviantart and furaffinity, ofc depending on your interests you may have to dig around a little to get to the content / art style you specifically like. both tumblr and twitter i find are somewhat good at recommending similar artists if you follow some. sometimes there’s a recommended that pops up after you hit follow on the profile on twitter or a “blogs like these” section on tumblr, so there’s that.
telegram and discord are still popular as ever, though i feel finding a Good chat can be a herculean task. the r/furry reddit mentioned above has both telegram and discord [both sfw].
it’s super likely there’s a local / regional furry group for your area. some meet irl, even! most of these groups have telegram chats or discords if you want to meet people closer to home. of course there's also the Countless furry conventions going on too
it all depends on your social level as an individual. you can dip your toes in just by commenting on and following other furries, or opt to attend meetups and conventions and meet people in person
as for things to stay away from, the two biggest problems i want to mention are:
furry raiders. an alt-right furry group.
people with the zeta symbol “ζ“ in their bio /  name. now, the presence of a symbol isn’t always indicative of someone’s affiliation with something, so use discretion; but the zeta symbol is often used by people who are zoosadists / into be*stiality. these people are not furries, they don’t represent what the community is about, and everyone hates them. we can and will call the authorities on these people for animal abuse. if you see someone telling “zoos” to fuck off, there’s a 99.9999% chance these are the people that person is talking about.
these aren’t the only issues of course, but i feel they’re the most prominent ones. also maybe be wary of people who constantly say things like “no politics uwu” - especially if they turn it into some furry pun like “pawlitics”. maybe i personally have just had too many uncomfortable interactions with people like this and now i’m biased, but i’ve grown to never trust that.
apologies, i’m a bit of a hermit in online spaces and can’t offer anything more specific. if anyone has cooler recommendations they’re welcome to add them in the replies / reblogs!!
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sam-keeper · 6 months
cohost continues to be the place where I'm putting in the most posting effort (aside from patreon, since my website is still busted). it's the site that's most like tumblr of the new crop of stuff, and it's ultimately way way more friendly to my actual work than a twitter clone like bluesky, so if tumblr's going down my recommendation is to follow me here
or, you know, you could subscribe to my patreon! you can even just follow me on there for free now to see the public posts:
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high-pot-in-noose · 10 months
Okay, after braving the wilds of Threads, I was compelled to try out a couple of other social media apps/sites as well.
I will go ahead and say that, while Threads does indeed need a lot more work, and it does indeed keep track of far more of your information than a site should period . . . the facts remain that this stage is literally just its beta, and Ol' Zuck would have already been tracking that information on you through FB and IG. TBH, if you were already using IG, there's no real reason not to use Threads outside of if you just don't want to.
That scare of 'you can't delete Threads without deleting IG!' is not technically incorrect, but it leaves out the fact that Threads isn't actually an independent app at this stage (if it'll ever be) but an off-shoot of IG. Wanting to delete your Threads account without removing your IG would be like trying to remove your basement without taking apart your house.
Also, the gist of the claim that you can't delete ignores that you can deactivate -- it's effectively the same as deleting, but it leaves you the option to come back, and prevents people from being able to snatch your handle.
Also ALSO, you can very much uninstall the physical app from your device, it's just your account will remain yours no matter what.
I don't personally recommend Threads yet since the search function is basic, tags aren't a thing yet, you can't see the posts you've like, there's no explore page or DM function, and they're still working out glitches, but those are things the staff has reported that they're actively working to address. TBH, as far as a straight bird app clone goes, it's already better than, say, Spoutible.
Now, Spoutible is purporting to be trying to be the next Twitter, but after testing out the site and app, I'd say it's more like if Twitter and Facebook had a child, but it turned out the child was actually adopted and just happened to share a number of traits with its parent sites. Spoutible is not under Muskrat's X Corp umbrella nor Zuck's Meta umbrella; they're their own thing.
Their functionality isn't great, but they technically have everything a person would want from a social media app. My main gripes are that I can't change my location to say anything but the United States (I can't select anything but the US despite there being a dropdown list), things that should scroll DON'T scroll unless you finesse it in a very non-intuitive way, and the site itself just feels rather bland. Clean, but bland.
Also, it apparently isn't available for iOS yet? This last part isn't a gripe, just a statement of bemusement. With the type of posts I see on this site, you would think it would be filled with iOS users -- these people just give off that vibe. Do with that information what you will.
The one that really surprised me, though, was Cohost. Let me say this out of the gate -- it's in beta. It's unashamedly in beta, and they have what they're working on right on the side of their main page/your dashboard at all times, but . . . it's in beta the same way that AO3 is in beta.
Cohost is known for trying to be a Twitter alternative even though they loudly reject that claim, but it actually has more in common with Tumblr. The profile page is like Twitter, but the dashboard does posts and reblogs in exactly the same manner as Tumblr, their tagging and liking function is the same, the feed is exclusively chronological, you can save post drafts, and they filter content through a blacklist as well.
Color palletes are part of their paid features at the moment, but considering it has no ads and promises to remain that way, AND the only restriction against 18+ content is that it must be tagged and marked appropriately, that's a small compensation. They're still rolling out features like asks, and DMs aren't a thing yet, but I'm actually really hopeful for this one. It gives me the same energy as when AO3 was first becoming a thing.
It's also primarily filled with furries at the moment, but that's just a matter of fact and something to be taken as a pro or con depending on the individual.
With Cohost and Pillowfort marching steadily forward in their development, I actually feel really good about Tumblrina's being able to find a new and suitable home if Tumblr ever makes itself completely uninhabitable. Really the only downsides to moving over to these two sites right away is that there are still a number of features left that Tumblr does better or has that they don't, and that there's no telling exactly when these sites will be at the state that their staff teams consider officially out of beta.
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4noki-vns · 11 months
Consummation Proof of Concept: Mid-June Art Devlog
As we hit the midway point of June, Battle Action Fantasy VN Jam (a.k.a. BAF Jam, which I am helping to cohost) is also halfway in!
I’m working on a proof of concept demo of Consummation ~wind above the dragon sea~, a yuri action fantasy visual novel, for the jam.
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At the moment, the demo script is fully written at approximately 12k words and other assets are in progress.
The Consummation prototype is a solo development endeavor, so my entry to BAF Jam will be a combination of online assets and my own output. It’s been quite a while since I last solo dev-ed a game, having led teams as director, scenario writer, and character designer for my last two projects (Who is the Red Queen?, Lachesis or Atropos).
However, I prefer not to ask someone to create assets that would be scrapped and redone in the scenario that the game is elevated from prototype to active (likely commercial due to scope) project. Thus, here we are. Jack of most trades shino is on the scene.
Let’s talk about the art!
Sprites progress: ~80%
Spites are almost done! Line art is complete as is flat coloring, but I’ll have to play around with the palettes and actually render my girls.
The sprites for the demo are drawn waist up with a white outline around them. Originally, I wondered if I could get away with only flats and no rendering, but it didn’t quite match with the background assets I had.
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The sprites are displayed to the right, a locational cut-in to the left if applicable, inspired by what you might call the Liar-soft Steampunk style. It’s efficient for a one man team, especially one who is not an environment artist.
(I find that there’s 2 main sides of visual novel staging: comic style and anime style, with the use of cut-ins taking advantage of how comics build mental images of scenes within their readers minds through overlapping frames—but I won’t go rambling about that for now…)
Backgrounds progress: 100%
Backgrounds are just about all gathered.
The majority of the backgrounds in the game will be from asset packs, sources to be listed on the game page when published. Alas, as is the case always, some locations are hard to find in those packs!
Hence, I did some photobashing for a handful of places. That is to say, finding some photos on Unsplash and editing them in an image editing software, such as GIMP, to create another image.
Use the clone tool to edit out unwanted elements, overlay lots of blue, and put the image through a variety of filters such as blur, oilify, mosiac, and others until satisfied.
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The end result is workable as a temporary asset in a prototype game… Rinse and repeat as needed.
I may occasionally smash up some photos as placeholders, but you probably won’t see me doing BGs often aside from the rare solo dev game where I can’t find a separate asset for a location.
CGs progress: ~10%
Not much to say here; CGs are all still in the sketch phase, so I’ll just go ahead and show you a sneak peek of the first CG:
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To summarize the current progress:
Scenario: 100%
Art: ~50%
Scripting: ~50%
The month started strong, but unfortunately June’s a bit of a busy one for me. Here’s to making a good demo!
As always, do subscribe to the newsletter if you enjoy these posts and would like them straight to your inbox!
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such-a-fellow · 6 months
Making a pinned of my various links, because I'm kinda shifting where I hang out these days. Between the changes in site structure and culture, the endless moderation issues, and the vocally pro-israel CEO I just don't really have the motivation to be here as often, or feel that I'm getting what I want to out of this site the way I used to. I don’t feel i can really enjoy using a site i’m honestly on just to blog about my hobbies and shit when this is the situation here and when so many other people who are just trying to hang out, make art, or share resources are being harassed or kicked. I'll be around here still and post some art and whatnot til I get my neocities blog up and running, but I think I’m phasing out, lads.
However, some of you aren't half bad, so I'd love to keep up if anyone's so inclined! Feel free to add me anywhere whether we're mutuals or not! I use the same username pretty much everywhere for consistency.
Personal Neocities website : under slow construction, since I'm learning html from the ground up, but I plan to blog, post art and various projects, etc.! I think this is where I'll be the most, so please feel free to hang out or watch me fumble through building the thing in the meantime. Frankly I think we should just all make neocities sites.
Cohost: I'll probably be here more than any other socials! art, unfiltered stupid thoughts, etc., (so pretty much like here lol)
Ao3, if you want to be jumpscared when I post fic once every 2 years
My discord @ is such_a_fellow5832
SpaceHey: an absolutely delightful classic MySpace clone. I'm not on there too often but I highly recommend it.
StoryGraph: if you're the type who likes to follow peoples' Goodreads, I guess. This doubles as a plug for StoryGraph, which is miles better than Goodreads and isn't run by Amazon.
anyway free palestine, fuck capitalist internet, etc.
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sootyships · 1 year
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i'm soot, my current main focuses are mcu ultron and eric from divergent, and i have written too many self-insert/savage opress (star wars) fics
in addition to self-shipping, this blog contains personal posts, finnish shit, judaism (i'm, eh, ~ yir'ei elokim for now) and the occasional finnish current events, but for the most part no heavy topics. tagging is inconsistent but i try to tag negativity as #negative.
pillowfort - cohost - bluesky
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(his nickname here is vaash, and that's also his tag (#vaash).)
i also adore:
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... and then some?
i don't mind sharing. AUs and polycules exist. ✌️
this is a discourse free zone. i'm not here to promote infighting.
no dni, i'll just block if i don't jibe with someone's vibe. apply the same principle to me, ty. 👍
i'm not here to parent other ppl's kids, i'm not getting paid.
i don't look for dnis unless i'm interested in following. sorry?
i may draw sometimes. and once i wrote the following:
my S/Is:
Gi Kast (Star Wars, with Savage since Aug 2019, married with children) #savalorian au #savagi
Vinnie (SU, with Jasper since July 2019) #serpentineverse
Mikitta (Marvel, in a polyship with Mayhem and Ultron since July 2023, may have a kid or a few in some 'verses) #ultimate mayhem
Bo (Divergent, Eric's fave Dauntless individual since March 2024) #cb2o au #boric
my fankids:
Cuyan Kast - Feral Kast - Nyn Kast - Nuhur Kast
Sidzla Ultron-Karamäki - Satu Ultron-Karamäki
rare fictional friend: Nasti Kravinov, a very AU Ana Kravinoff
i also platonically have several emotions about Rocket Raccoon
not a BYF but a FYB (for your benefit)
dnf if you suspect your dni might apply to me. it's just awkward.
I request that people please tag unfilterable shipcourse DNIs in the post body. If it's performatively censored or just an image, it won't be caught by filtering. Ideally, the DNI should be in its simplest form: for example, "p.r0/c.*m-sh.ip go away" gets tagged #proship dni and an "antis dni" banner gets tagged #antis dni. #shipcourse mention or #shipcourse dni are also good options. Thanks, I appreciate it. 💖
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updated apr 4th -24
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xxxjarchiexxx · 2 months
here's a rundown of the sites that have popped up for people to move to if they wanna leave tumblr for ur own comparison (you know what twitter and reddit are already so they are NOT included)
cohost: this one is the most popular one suggested, it's my personal favorite but it's very much not made for you to garner or interact with a large audience and there is 0 way of finding people outside of tag browsing and the broken 'global cohost feed'. the site culture is very friendly but very anti-judgement or dni type lists, so if you have any group you don't want interacting with you that isn't against the site's rules, it's probably not the site for you. it's a little buggy too by virtue of being so small. it also does not have a messaging system, which is by design as it's meant to be used with other websites
bluesky: factually just twitter 2, it's by the same guys and is built the same way and is literally just twitter
pillowfort: this is almost a 1:1 tumblr clone, though with less discourse on the site overall. there's a focus on fanworks and fan creations with the site culture making it the norm to follow and interact with people who don't share your fandoms because of the small userbase. it has limited customization but what is there is really useful. you can find people to follow through "communities" that you can join or browse, and there's a group dedicated to introducing yourself and finding people via browsing their tags. it's easy enough to use, but has a VERY limited userbase. it does have the best image upload system in my experience, so for artists this is probably the best option other than bluesky for visibility
dreamwidth: it is just a livejournal clone, mainly good for posting fan creations and joining fan challenges and not much else
mastodon/fediverse: site culture here ranges wildly from instance to instance, it's basically an open source code that provides a skeleton for a twitter-like where anyone can host their own 'instance' which is like a unique social media site with unique rules and url, but anyone on ANY of these instances can follow and interact with each other. you can discover people within your instance and people your instance interacts with fairly easily, but branching out or finding active tags is a little harder. finding an instance that works for you can also be some trial and error.
spacehey: a sort of myspace revival clone that's good if customization and css is a big draw for you to tumblr, it's mostly a really young userbase though there are some 20-somethings floating around too. there are forums and groups but the community culture seems to be based mostly on blog posts and comments, where forums and groups are basically a comment once to answer/ask a question and that's it situation rather than thriving subcommunities
neocities: you probably know what this is, but neocities is a website builder with a community tab for updates from people whose sites you follow, it's probably my favorite option overall but is also the hardest to use because it requires you to have an entire website to create. i maintained one for 6ish months until i had to wipe my harddrive and didn't back up my site files, but it's a good community if you like coding (though there are a lot of free to use templates/themes you can use if making a site from scratch is too hard/not in your wheelhouse)
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chelzone · 9 months
i crosspost my thought posts from here to cohost / here to tumblr cus its just fun and diff audiences but also one's just a clone of the other so It Just Works and and and and an-
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netherator · 2 years
Call me Endymon, it's my internet name.
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I also have a cohost for my ulterior motives
Other blogs I run (by run I mean post rarely on and own)
OC's you can ask about anytime (ppl lease do I beg of you I love getting asks)
John, my main guy, half demon, chill, son of the current king of hell, he never mentions it as he really doesn't care for publicity and values his privacy. Physical description:≈5'7"(he's still growing and doesn't know when it'll stop due to his dad being like 9ft. tall) usually wearing a red hoodie, has dragonlike wings that are a little more than 6ft. accross when fully outstretched, he also has a tail that fits the stereotypical image of a devil with the triangle end, both the tail and wings are a dark red with the membrane of the wings being more yellowish, he's got hair that's fairly well kept and is a bit shorter than shoulder length, also I forgot to mention he wears jeans mostly and a comfy pair of sneakers (bro is straight up inaudible when walking). He/him. He's 15. Also bisexual.
Noah, @the-boat-man, energetic as he is 12. Learning magic from John. significantly messier hair and typically wears a blue long-sleeved shirt with a poorly fitting pair of jeans because he doesn't give a crap. He's like 5'4" but will grow quite a bit before adulthood to like 5'10". Parents are MIA but he lives in John's place so it's fiiinee. (He actually doesn't know his parents are missing as he basically moved into living with John because it was just a chiller place to be)(his parents don't fight or anything he just likes hanging with John and the parents didn't disapprove because they trust John with their kid's life). As far as he's aware he's straight.
Joseph. Fucking green. Went off to live on an unknown island in the tropics 30 years and hasn't been seen since. Typically wears a tank-top and shorts. His ears are pierced and it's not uncommon for him to be wearing his favorite mushroom earrings. Can photosynthesize. Is into botany. Like 6'2". Asexual, he/they. Looks 20, is likely in his 60's. Genetic modification is another hobby of his (it's why he's green and lookin' young). He's got some naturally curly hair that rarely goes beyond a finger's length.
Nevik, any pronouns, prefers they/them, likes xe/xem, chill with he/him, and while basically no-one ever calls them by it doesn't mind she/her, no fucks givin about gender, panromantic demisexual, alien that actually bothered to learn English. Telepathic, can breathe underwater. He looks like a humanoid axalotl with pinkish skin. Cold-blooded (biologically I mean. they're a pretty friendly dude). planet is called Xotalia. Their entire species is entirely genderless and doesn't even have biological sexes.
Capt. Pike Alford, he/him. Straight as can be. 6 foot guy. 43 100+ years in the future in a world of spaceships and asteroid mining. Also occasionally researchers will join aboard his ship for a couple weeks to do do stuff to figure out the development of life or some shit he doesn't care he's just happy to get a small share of the grant money but stays courteous and helps when he can with the research.
Bill, living drawing in appearance, he/him and gay. John's ex boyfriend. pretty powerful magic user, especially illusions. Demon. Rich by exploiting the labor of clones of himself, but not filthy rich. Does not age. He's 16 and has yet to confront the fact that he will outlive everyone he currently knows.
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Anyone who harasses another person for any reason gets blocked immediately!
oh yeah also I stream in the summer and occasionally other times.
and also there's a gimmick project I will play a pretty small part in
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shessoparticular · 4 years
Headphones - s.m pt ii
This is a (much longer) follow up to my first blurb headphones, which can be found here. Enjoy some more dad! Shawn x
Shawn had braced himself for the aftermath of his random and public announcement of his daughter. He knew that the two of you hadn’t discussed ever talking about her publicly, and definitely not on a whim as Shawn had. He knew that you wanted to maintain anonymity at places like the grocery store and the park with your daughter and the thought of him jeopardizing that made him upset at himself.
You couldn’t be mad at him; you knew he adored Frankie with every ounce of his being and would never do anything to intentionally hurt her or you. Heading backstage after the show only confirmed this. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me” Shawn started as you sat down in the greenroom. “I was just in the moment and when I spotted my two favorite girls in the crowd I wasn’t thinking and just started talking about her. I’m so sorry” He apologized while taking a sleepy Frankie from your arms. “So good dada!” Your daughter exclaimed, hugging into her daddy’s shoulders and nestling her face in his neck. “I put on my best show for you and mommy” He replied, leaving wet kisses all over the girl who was not as sleepy anymore, giggling up at her daddy. “I’m not mad Shawn” You replied, hugging into his side as he tried to calm Frankie down. “I know it probably wasn’t the ideal way for us to announce the existence of this silly girl, but it was bound to happen one day, plus it was super cute” You explained, never being able to stay that mad at the gentle giant.
Playing in New York City had its perks, like staying in a 5-star hotel for a few days far away from the cramped busses with your loud daughter and a bunch of crazy touring boys. Frankie loved all her uncles, but you knew everyone needed a break from each other sometimes. It also meant Shawn spent most of the first day off doing press and you knew that Frankie would definitely be bought up by interviewers because of her dads out of the blue announcement at the show the night beforehand. You couldn’t hideaway for a few days and just hope it would all blow over this time.
“Babe I promise Elvis is super respectful, I’ve known him since I was like 16 or 17, its safe for you and Frankie to come along” Shawn promised, smiling next to you in bed while your daughter played on his chest. “Me come dada?” She asked raising her head to look up at him, clearly understanding that her dad was trying to get her to come along to his first interview of the day. “Let’s see what your mommy says hey?” He laughed, brushing the curls out of your daughters eyes. You knew that she was obviously going to be a topic of conversation for quite a while. “Okay, but she’s not in front of the cameras under any circumstances okay? I like Elvis’ show so it’s probably a good way to start” You responded, trying to get used to what you assumed would become the new normal. “I’m gonna try and be as truthful as possible if that’s okay? There’s no point in lying about it now” He replied as you nodded your head in agreeance.
“For the 100th time it seems, please welcome Shawn Mendes to the Elvis Duran show” Elvis Duran exclaimed. He one of Shawn’s favorite interviewers and you knew that this was probably the safest show to do straight after the announcement. “Happy to be back. You guys know that this is my favorite place to come to every time I’m in town” Shawn replied sincerely. “Don’t start that with me Mendes, we have to discuss something serious with you after last night” Elvis sassed as you grimaced watching from behind the screens with Shawn’s press crew. You knew that Frankie would be bought up eventually, but you were given no time to prepare as she was about to be Elvis’ first topic. “Ahh yes, I knew this was gonna happen after my slip up last night” Shawn laughed, trying to be as truthful as possible as you’d previously discussed. “You have a daughter!” Medha, Elvis’ cohost exclaimed loudly. “When did this happen, Shawn?” Elvis asked, allowing Shawn to try and explain himself. “It’s a long story” He laughed before continuing to explain. “My wife isn’t in the public eye and we’ve tried to keep it that way for a long time. She shouldn’t have to deal with stuff like being harassed and followed in public because of my career so we decided pretty early on that I’d keep that side of my life pretty private” He continued, making eye contact with you as you blew him a kiss through the window of the studio. “Frankie came along around 18 months ago and it was extremely hard for me to not talk about her. That’s why I didn’t tour for a little bit, I wanted to be there for every step. I found it extremely hard not to talk about them though or show them off in public” He started to tear up. “I always talk about how I have the best job in the world when truthfully being a husband and a dad has far surpassed it for me. I love my job but when I saw her for the first time, nothing else even mattered and I just knew I would give up everything for her and her mom” By this point he was in full blown tears with Elvis passing him tissues. “You are such a dad Shawn” Danielle, Elvis’ other cohost laughed, clearly touched by what he was saying. At this point of the interview you were crying like a baby as well, your heart swelling from the affectionate words from Shawn.
“God I just love her so much and I’m so lucky. I know my wife agrees that she’s a total daddy’s girl and man, she has me wrapped around her little finger. I don’t think I’m now gonna turn into a full-blown Instagram dad but I’m really glad the secret is out in the open now. I know I’m gonna have to show you guys the 3 million photos I have of her on my phone after this. Man, I’m such a dad” He laughed, wiping away his tears. “I didn’t expect this outcome for the interview in the briefing yesterday Shawn. Did you and your wife plan the announcement on stage last night?” Elvis laughed. “Absolutely not. I thought she’d be raging but she understood that I was just in the moment and it just came out” He replied, listening as Elvis replayed the fans clips from the show. The show continued, discussing the tour and new music as you and Frankie stood outside the studio watching him with pure love.
As soon as the recording light turned off, Shawn rushed outside to grab the two of you to introduce to his trusted media friends. “Holy shit Shawn, did you just clone yourself but into a female version?” Elvis laughed as you handed your daughter to Shawn, who wrapped her hands around her daddy’s neck while hiding from the unfamiliar people. “She’s pretty cute hey” He laughed, wrapping his right arm around you, introducing you to everyone. “Missed you dada” Frankie sighed, hiding her face. “Missed you more, superstar” He replied before peppering her face with kisses as she lit up the room with her giggles. “Lights up the room, just like her daddy” You sighed with content, watching your two favorite people in the world.
Later that night, with Frankie cuddled up in the middle of your large queen sized bed, the two of you discussed the events of the day. “Do you think I should just post one photo of her, just so the media backs off for a bit?” He asked nervously. “I think that’s a great idea, I have the perfect photo” You grabbed your phone off the nightstand, showing him that photo of Frankie in a giant tour shirt, her daddy's face in the center, massive noise cancelling headphones and the famous Mendes smile from the night before. “This is perfect” He laughed, posting the photo with the simple caption of “My Frankie❤️” before turning off his phone, ready to sleep.
“You know Shawn if you want to keep referring to me as your wife in interviews, you better hurry up with a ring honey” You teased, as he cuddled into you from behind, being careful to not squish your daughter. You were completely unaware of the diamond weighing down his suitcase.
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esonetwork · 4 years
Metal Geeks 179: Trivial Geekery
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/metal-geeks-179-trivial-geekery/
Metal Geeks 179: Trivial Geekery
The Metal Geeks crew are joined by MSRcast cohost Sean the Metal Pigeon, and the voice from the other room, Cary the Metal Geek’s better half, Kimmu, as they discuss what is continuing to occupy our time including Community, Doom Eternal, Ghostbusters The Video Game, God of War, Gato Roboto, Parks and Rec, Jeff Henneman, Upload, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Sorry To Bother You, and so much more! Phew! We also play a game of Disney Parks trivia straight from the Disney Parks blog. Come join us, shall you? Stay safe, keep it geeky, and keep it metal!
Join us on our website at http://www.metalgeekspodcast.com to keep up with all the geekery. Email us your opinions and ideas at [email protected]. Follow us on twitter, @metalgeeks, and @msrcast. You can now find us on Instagram, @metalgeeks. Find us at Facebook/MetalGeeks. Subscribe to Metal Geeks Podcast on iTunes, and please leave a 5-star review on itunes and a like us whilst you are there. You can also find us on Stitcher as well as on Google Play. We are now also on Spotify, so jam us into your playlist! Don’t forget to pay a visit to all of our affiliates including ESOnetwork.com, where you can find all of the killer shows that make up the ESO Podcast network. You can now get some killer Metal Geeks merchandise over at redbubble.com/people/metalgeeks including t-shirts and more!
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