good-memory · 10 months
No quiero dormirme pensando en que he hecho mal, pasan las horas y no contestas y me desespera no saber qué pasó.
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bigbadwolf-22 · 1 year
Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches!!
Necesito mucha ayuda 🥺 me podéis hacer un favor super grande? Necesito que contestéis este cuestionario para poder seguir con mi trabajo final de master!!
Es un cuestionario TOTALMENTE anónimo, solo tenéis que contestar unas preguntas, os llevará menos de 10 minutos y me haríais un favor ENORME!!
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sendinoutsmokesignals · 2 months
Me encantaria conocerte, cada vez que veo tus publicaciones me siento tan identificada
Hola persona anónima, debería de decir que los que se sienten identificados con mis publicaciones deberíamos ir a terapia; pero con gusto si quieres enviarme un mensaje.
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diario-de-ansiedad · 8 months
Exiges respeto por ser mi familiar y no das respeto cabron
Bajele de huevos si no quiere que yo también le responda, porque yo ya no me pienso callar
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estudioabogacia · 1 year
Cómo se contesta una demanda
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Clase practica para comprender como realizar una contestación de demanda. Por el profesor Gustavo Nostas y Germán Degano https://youtu.be/MKhugAWySoA Read the full article
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vssmithy · 18 days
🍸 zona de bebidas.
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' ¿cual es tu trago favorito? ' pregunta escapa de sus labios con aires pícaros. ' ¡sea cual sea lo pediré y lo probaré! ' promete y suelta una risita, pretende arriesgarse y divertirse un rato. 
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h4njae · 18 days
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' ¿es tuyo? ' pregunta es referente al vaso entre manos. erróneamente ha confundido preparación, un sorbo fue suficiente para percatarse de desacierto. ' perdón, le di un trago —— si me dices qué es iré a pedirte otro. '
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belyakovs · 3 months
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Sigue picando la pantalla de un celular con el dedo índice, ceñudo sobre lo que ve en el mismo "¿Qué mierda?" masculla para sí mismo, negando con suavidad. la confusión se apodera de todo su semblante antes de picar de nuevo, algo dubitativo, cuando percibe la presencia de alguien más. "Llegas tarde. ¿Qué significa esto que me has puesto?" dice, apunto de mostrarle el celular, cuando nota que no es quien él creía. Entonces, una sonrisa inocente —tanto como puede— ocupa su semblante.
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dosukja · 2 months
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📍 #BIBLIOTECA: “No creo que este sea el sitio ideal para comenzar con tus preguntas, sabes.” Tiene esta mala costumbre, de quizá sonar (un poco) más confianzuda de la cuenta cuando no habla su idioma natal, y más aún ahora que sus palabras son apenas un susurro. Pero Sukja no puede evitarlo, no cuando la otra persona le ha tomado por sorpresa en un espacio que había premeditado como libre de todo el frenesí de aquella actividad. “A no ser que estés bien con que la bibliotecaria te reprenda y yo te eche toda culpa del alboroto.”
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nayerimz · 5 months
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a la orilla del río, yeri está haciendo todo lo posible para no quitarse los zapatos y dejar que dedos toquen el agua fría. trae su cámara en mano, jugando con la exposición y los niveles para poder lograr la foto perfecta cuando alguien se entromete en su toma ' no te muevas ' sisea, concentración hace que punta de la lengua presione contra canino ' si vas a dañar mi toma, ahora vas a ser parte de ella '
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daeulj · 3 months
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después de bloquear una puerta para impedir el paso de vástagos descontrolados, se encuentra con que se ha encerrado en un sitio sin salidas aparentes. eso es, por lo menos, hasta que ve a alguien más entrar, por una puerta diferente. ‘ parece que este es el final del camino para ambos ’ le dice, indicándole una de las sillas que amueblan pequeña habitación, por si busca algo con qué bloquear la puerta. entretanto, se ubica junto a la ventana, desabotonando la manga de su camisa para poder comprobar herida que se ha hecho en el brazo. ‘ ¿viste lo mismo que yo? algunos de esos rostros no son por completo desconocidos ’
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beaudngz · 6 months
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habitaciones de huéspedes: 𝗀𝖺𝗆𝖺 𝖻𝖺𝗃𝖺. aún conservando auto-crítica, las venas de aventura son más dominantes. hotel hachijo royal contando con vastas historias de suspenso era como la gloria. al ser fiel lector del género, fascinación ha liderado el vals de sentidos, explorando quizás la habitación más cautivadora. ni desprecio por suciedad y desorden intimidan subconsciente, repasando los artículos insignificantes, descubriendo cartas de amor y tablero de ouija. segundo lo maravilla, quitando rastro de polvo con pañuelo. es la primera vez con uno real, enroscando comisuras labiales al abrirlo. los pasos de izquierda no importunan, tanteando madera y números. ' el pasado huésped de la habitación perdió el amor de su vida en un accidente de automovilístico. lo supo después de que pasaran meses incomunicados, creo que usó la ouija para comunicarse con el espíritu de esa persona. ' es consciente que puede no interesarle, aún así opta por comentarlo, acomodándose en el suelo. ' ¿quieres jugar? '
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elbiotipo · 3 months
pelotudos manifestandosé en mis notificaciones cuando mi post pasa las 10.000 notas:
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cafedanslanuit · 1 year
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♡   —   pairing: mitsuya x reader
♡   —   tags/warnings: gn reader + no pronouns, birthdays, mitsuya owns his shop, fluff, very soft
♡   —   words: 0.9k
♡   —   a/n: this was written for my lovely @lemonadefortwo it's still your birthday in my country so HAH jokes on u (?? dfjkhds hope you like it and that it was a nice surprise!!! c:
♡   —  masterlist
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It doesn’t take much time until you finish cleaning up once your friends left. They didn’t want you to do most of the work on your birthday, so by the time they were gone, there were only a few things that were out of place― a couple of pillows and a chair that was facing the wrong way. you were thankful they had been so considerate; you wouldn’t have had the energy to clean everything on your own anyway. Now that the laughter was over, the idea of settling in bed and watching something until you fell asleep seemed as good an idea as any.
A knock on the door stops you on your way to your bedroom and you take a moment to look around your living room. Did any of your friends leave something behind? It didn’t seem so, but maybe there was a forgotten wallet or some earring in the kitchen you didn’t notice. Humming, as you try to guess which of your friends was the one that forgot an item, you walk to the door and open it without a second thought.
Out of all of the options running around your mind, a pair of lilac eyes are the last thing you were expecting to meet.
“Hey,” Mitsuya says, a soft smile drawing on his lips. “Happy birthday.”
Even if you know it was impossible, you hope he can’t tell how overwhelmingly fast your heart is beating.
“Hey,” you grin. “Thought you were working tonight.”
“I am. But I took a small break― wanted to bring you these.”
The hand he was keeping behind his back suddenly comes into the picture as he reveals a small bouquet of flowers. Your face warms up as you take them carefully, taking a moment to admire how beautiful the flowers are. If you’re not mistaken, they are tulips, five of them and so very red that you can’t help but wonder if it’s because he remembers your favourite colours. They’re wrapped in sheer, white fabric, helping with the ethereal feelings they give.
“Thank you,” you say, holding them close to your chest. “I like them. I really, really do.” You know your words don’t convey the true magnitude of your feelings, but hope that he somehow understands the deepness of your emotions.
By the way his lip quirk upwards, you think he maybe does.
“You want to come inside?” you offer, but his lips turn into a small pout.
“Wish I could,” he sighs, resting his weight on one of his legs. “I’m pulling an all-nighter at the shop― I really have to finish this project by tomorrow morning or else, I’d definitely stay.” Mitsuya bites his bottom lips, his face filled with guilt. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head. “It’s okay! You have nothing to be sorry about.”
“That’s also why I could only bring you flowers tonight and―”
Your voice brings his eyes back to yours and, for the first time, you notice the insecurity in them.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him. “Means a lot you stopped by, especially if you were busy. And the flowers are beautiful― they’re not only flowers. I love them. This was very thoughtful of you.”
“Okay,” he sighs, a small smile appearing on his face. He takes a deep breath and looks around the building, gaining a little bit of confidence before he looks back at you.  “I lied, by the way,” he says, his voice wavering the slightest bit in the end.
You blink.
“I lied about the flowers― about them being the only thing I had for you,” he explains. The more Mitsuya talks, his cheeks and nose start imitating the tulips’ colour and a funny feeling starts twirling inside your chest . “I do have something else I want to give.”
You wish to ask what he’s trying to say but, as soon as you part your lips to speak, Mitsuya presses his against yours. It’s short-- over before you can understand how it came to this, before your brain wraps around the idea that the friend you’ve been in love with during all this time is kissing you on your doorstep on the day of your birthday. Your hands are holding the bouquet as a lifeline, still dazed at the interaction and wondering if it was part of a very intricate daydreaming spell.
Even if the jury is still out on your thoughts about the situation, you can’t help the smile that forms on your face. Mitsuya notices this and lets out a small chuckle.
“Fuck, I hate I have to go,” he whispers, passing a hand through his hair. “When you look like that, I really want to kiss you again.”
“I’ll walk you,” you say. Any other day, the offer might’ve come too fast for your liking, but you have different priorities now.
“To my shop? I rode my bike here.”
“I’ll walk you downstairs. To your bike.” A pause. You hope your message is getting across. “We can take the elevator.”
One, two, three. It takes three seconds for Mitsuya to understand your implication but, once he does, his boyish grin splashes on his face.
“Okay. Walk me down, then.”
It takes no time for you to leave the bouquet of tulips on the table near the door and take your keys before you close your apartment. A mischievous silence reigns inside your building corridor as he presses the elevator button and both of you wait for it to reach your floor. The moment it does, he gently guides you inside by softly pressing his hand against the small of your back. You turn to look into his lilac eyes and, balancing on your heels, you feel the words come out of your mouth on their own accord.
“I really like you.”
Before the doors close, his lips meet yours once more.
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jjunho · 8 months
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la búsqueda lo ha agotado por completo todo para conseguir un papel que parece ser un cupón de comida, ¿qué diablos va hacer él con eso? "¿has conseguido algo tú?" pregunta sin alzar la mirada a presencia a su lado todavía, supone que es alguien que conoce. "¿o es otro cupón?" bromea.
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vssmithy · 2 months
🍃   𝘂𝗯𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼𝗻  :  ����𝗔𝗥𝗤𝗨𝗘.
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' sé que es muy pronto para afirmarlo pero creo que el parque será mi sitio favorito. ' confiesa sonriente, ojos puestos en los distintos rincones. ' ¿tú ya recorriste el lugar? ¿encontraste a tu posible candidato? ' 
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