#crazy ex-girlfriend s3
crazyexdaily · 23 days
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haystarlight · 1 year
Eda: you guys think I'm a bad parent?!
Darius: you're not the most attentive parent
Steve: King is my weed guy
Eda: he's starting a business? that's great!
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mihotose · 2 years
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Good thing I happen to have an old condom in my wallet.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Let’s Have Intercourse
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harru72 · 1 year
The scene in s3 ep2 of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend where Rebecca holds her political tongue while she socialises with some rich people would have been me with my ex.
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cuntylestat · 1 day
i know a lot of people worry about iwtv being canceled because of low ratings. idk maybe i'm delusional but i don't think it will be. i'm not an expert on the tv industry, but these are just some thoughts i have on it.
i think people look at companies like netflix and hbo under david zaslav as a model, but amc is not the same and has shown in the past to keep shows going even if initially they are not mega successful (e.g. breaking bad only started getting major attention in s3). amc still works more like a traditional network than other companies do, and they don't tend to cancel things immediately because they do not have the same glut of content that e.g. netflix does.
amc has invested a lot of money and attention into building "the immortal universe" and even if the ratings aren't high, iwtv is still the one with the highest name recognition (the movie is still pretty well known) and far more critically acclaimed than the mayfair witches. they have emphasized over and over again that they are trying to build this into their next big thing for their company akin to the walking dead, so giving up after 2 seasons on the biggest show in that universe's roster would not really fit with that, especially as they're already building more shows out of this (e.g. talamasca). everything they have said is that they believe in this universe they're building and are willing to invest in it. this is from the variety article on mark johnson, one of the producers:
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then, there is also a precedent from other networks (who are not primarily streamers but more traditional cable networks) keeping shows going despite bad ratings, e.g. crazy ex-girlfriend had the actual lowest ratings on tv for multiple seasons and still got 4 seasons because it was one of the cw's most critically acclaimed and only awarded shows next to jane the virgin. this does show that sometimes networks will keep a show going because of what it means for their network rather than just the bottom line. what i think also helps is that amc owns the rights to the books and is the studio producing the show. there have been cases in the past where shows got canceled mostly because it was just no longer profitable/advantageous for the network to keep a show from a different studio or vice versa (e.g. shadowhunters allegedly only got canceled because it was split between three companies and netflix pulled its funding and the others were not willing to put up the rest of the money for it).
overall, i understand why people are concerned about the ratings, although i also want to point out that we do not have access to how the show is doing on amc+ as far as i know, so we don't have the full picture of how it's performing. however, i have a good feeling about the s3 renewal (i know some people are speculating that we'll get a tvl show instead of a third season which i really hope is not the case because that's a marketing disaster to me).
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best-tv-theme-song · 8 months
Round 1, Group F - 6/16
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*SHOW WITH MULTIPLE THEMES/VERSIONS - The COMBINED votes will determine the winner of this poll, and the top choice will move on alone. Any theme songs that are missing were not submitted.
Remember you're voting for the theme song, not the show as a whole!
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Theme (S1)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - I'm Just a Girl In Love (S2)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - You Do/Don't Want to Be Crazy (S3)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Meet Rebecca! (S4)
Carmen Sandiego
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cannibalismyuri · 11 months
coming out as a passive jopper hater bc the insane level of capitalist pandering they did with s3 (with ERICA who is like. one of the worst, stereotyped portrayals of a black girl ive ever seen, bless her heart) was truly crazy. combine that with the copaganda and the general attitude of hopper in s3 which was played off as 'awkward loser guy doesnt know what to do with Feelings more at 8' was a bit .... Eh :/ to me. because it is so obviously a fictional character and show but like. disliking hopper/jopper bc of the ideals st is perpetuating and the fact that they arent compatible at All in s3 (to me, atleast) is valid. some ppl might just think that jopper is unhealthy and/or 'overrated'. because they do sort of pay a disproportionate amount of attention to jopper, compared to the other canon romantic ships (afaik, bc of the screen time counter) and that can be Weird, esp with the... how should i say this? balancer/savior role hopper takes in the relationship (we constantly see him placating joyce, sometimes even being slightly patronizing, and also they place a lot of importance on him saving joyce from a lot of stuff, which is cool and sick if it wasnt for the fact that it directly correlates with him being a cop, yk). and the general power imbalance bc he's a Cop and abuses his position of power constantly, and that is exactly Why anything that joyce does is seen as a #insane girlboss category 5 woman moment because she simply has the short stick in the power race and when she does manage to make an impact DESPITE her economic/social/'general uselessness in say in Major decision-making when it comes to authorities' shortcomings it is seen as an amazing win. hopper on his own is extremely fleshed out as well, because we get to see his arc play out with his relationships with his daughter and ex-wife and el and re-learning how to be a parent and how to not let love allude him, and that is lovely! it's so great to see the adults in the show being focused on! but joyce is absolutely disregarded and underdeveloped as a character of her own right outside of her relationships with hopper or her kids. we see that she is determined and a force to be reckoned with and that she cares very deeply for the people she loves and would go to insane lengths for them but all that doesn't Mean anything, because we never see a backstory for her. we never figure out who she is without her family or hopper, or what her motives and aspirations and emotional shortcomings and stumbles and mistakes are. for a character to be fully fleshed out, they need to be an interesting, refreshing and palatable character On Their Own without their relationships with other characters, and we just don't see that with joyce. like u have Thee winona ryder on ur show, and u forsake developing her character in favor of developing hopper's character with /not the best taste/ and causing her to be a blank slate of a mother, lover, woman and friend, but not a PERSON. all she's been reduced to is a Mother and Hopper's Girlfriend, and honestly, that's the worst decision they could've made in relation to her and her relationship with hopper.
anyway, all this to say; these are my thoughts on the matter, but i'm definitely not hating on people who enjoy jopper passively and DEFINITELY not any by/ler (the most predominant fandom im part of in the parent fandom of st) who enjoys them as a ship with their own dynamic separate from canon. because the by/ler fandom is NOT a monolith and nobody is obligated to agree with me or change their opinion if it doesn't align with mine or be forced to look at my opinion and feel bad for shipping anything. im not going to act Holier Than Thou for expressing my opinion and u should definitely continue shipping jopper if it makes u happy! as long everybody recognizes the copaganda and capitalist mindset grind propaganda shit in st (which is Pretty Obvious) and respects that while shipping what they want, i have no problem with it. all that is to say; peace and fucking love. can we (the by/ler fandom) stop fighting abt jopper we all have our own opinions this is bc we are Not a hivemind or a monolith and not obligated to have the same opinions relating to all aspects of st just because we happen to ship one thing. i am a hater and a lover
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untherapized-eddie · 8 days
oh man this is my time to shine!!
#1 rec of all time: American Vandal (Netflix). 2 seasons and you frankly only need to watch the first one it's a masterpiece. I like the second season as well but it's not on the same level imo.
Succession (HBO Max). 4 seasons. unhinged, insane, hilarious, genuinely what is wrong with these people. i love them so much.
Veronica Mars (Hulu). 4 seasons but frankly you can skip 3 & 4.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Netflix). 4 seasons. an absolutely unhinged and wild ride but actually at its core SO good and funny and messy and heartfelt. Highly recommend.
The Great (Hulu). 3 seasons. I actually haven't finished s3 yet but the first two are EXCELLENT and absolutely deranged.
The After Party. 2 seasons. I actually have only see season 1 but it's entirely self-contained and SO MUCH FUN.
Haunting of Hill House (Netflix). 1 season. excellent spooky family character drama. extremely well-written but WILL scare you.
Avatar: The Last Airbender (the original cartoon) (Netflix). 3 seasons. Have you seen this already? if not, do it.
Breaking Bad (Netflix). 5 seasons. I'm cheating I'm sorry but it's actually the best show of all time and each season is only 7-13 episodes so it's still pretty manageable. Vince Gilligan is the only show-runner i have ever trusted with my life.
I have more recs that are over 4 seasons but i really tried to stay in your parameters!!! and also probably some shows im just not thinking of at the moment.
ahhh sibyl thank you so much!! i've seen veronica mars and haunting of hill house and some of crazy ex-girlfriend but i haven't watched any of the others. (i don't think i've ever even heard of the great? just looked it up and it sounds interesting)
anyway i will definitely check out your top rec american vandal especially as well as some of the others
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jennycalendar · 1 year
speaking of Angel's victims getting dehumanised, can we talk about Drusilla? I don't blame Buffy calling her a crazy ho, Buff has never been good with victims who remind her of herself, but Spike and Angel end up using her in their cockfight from season three, and aside from a few flashbacks, I feel like the shows abandoned sympathy for her so fast
DRUSILLA BREAKS MY HEART IN TWO. i feel the same way on every level! i think that if the show had presented buffy's tendency to dehumanize/belittle drusilla as something that was very clearly her talking about herself, it might've landed better, but there is absolutely this implicit narrative suggestion that drusilla doesn't love poor downtrodden spike as much as he loves her! i'm sorta grateful for that retcon establishing that she was pulling away from him because she could feel him as in love with buffy, because when we get the info in "lovers' walk" that she'd shacked up with a chaos demon, it's presented very much as "slutty drusilla and dumb spike who loves her way more than she deserves," particularly in conjunction with all the angelus stuff that was happening.
i think there was so much going on with her in season two that was rich and good, too! the framing of her as the "crazy ex-girlfriend" who angel refers to as having "broken," but he's "different now" so buffy doesn't have to worry -- drusilla is the red flag. drusilla is the foreshadowing re: how this story goes. i think very longingly about a s3 where angel stayed dead and the vampire that buffy ended up forging a complicated connection that isolated her from her friends was actually with drusilla -- this idea that they are both adrift now that this man is one hundred percent gone from their lives, and they are finding a sense of connection/communion through trying to figure out the direction they want to go in. (and also buffy is bad at it for multiple episodes because she has some complicated internalized misogyny to work through.)
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crazyexdaily · 6 months
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top 10 crazy ex girlfriend songs voted by our followers 2. let's generalize about men (94 votes, 3%)
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haystarlight · 1 year
I have the anger of a much taller woman
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spinebuster · 5 months
what are you guys watching rn!! i’m finishing s3 of crazy ex girlfriend
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
controversial take apparently for the byler tag, but it sounds like people dont want mike and will to have another fight because they subconsciously know it will once again portray mike as an asshole so they're vouching for a 'tame' byler narrative as if the whole painting lie doesn't depend on it being revealed and it contributing to a fight between them both as it's been foreshadowed. like idk but this is our narrative since s3.
and it's crazy because mike would literally have a right to be upset like he was made to confess to a girl he didn't want to confess to!!! will always has reasons to get mad at mike (no shade) but this time he's actually given mike a very good reason to be mad and it's like you said do i think the painting is gonna be the catalyst for them getting together yes do i think it's gonna be the catalyst for them fighting again yes! when has their relationship ever evolved with no fighting. they'll fight they'll make up it's fine.
about the mike needs to be seen as nice thing: yes i agree and i think it also applies to el not reacting negatively or just having no reaction at all to her own breakup with mike and to finding out that he's gay because people often envision it as a breakup/coming out scene. i understand that people don't want el feeling bad and resenting mike and will forever because then everyone in the audience would hate byler and it would also be nonsensical for them to not be on good terms by the end of the show but the exact opposite is maybe just as unsatisfactory to me. they want el to be mike's ex-girlfriend best friend mother sister and therapist and to tell him it's okay to be gay when she's...his 14-year-old ex-girlfriend whose perception of the world was built around their relationship. why would you expect her to be coach him through their breakup when she's the character who's the worst at regulating her own emotions? how is she gonna help him? how is it fair to expect that of her? as much as people like to go on and on about mike abhorring lies, he's not the one whose whole thing is friends don't lie, that's el. now obviously she lied to him in s4 the season of all lies but i just don't see her being the bigger person and not having feelings about her own boyfriend having lied to her about loving her no matter how checked out of the relationship you think she might be. she's 14! she's half of the relationship! expecting her to tell him it's okay to be gay is so strange when she doesn't even know why he would've had to hide it. she was crying about him not loving her less than a week ago!
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septembersghost · 1 year
give me a minute — lizzy mcalpine, and the soundtrack of any crazy ex-girlfriend season of your choice
give me a minute
my favorite lyric: every house looks the same in my dreams/every house feels like home for a couple weeks/i've been running 'round trying to find a place where i can breathe
my favorite song: pancakes for dinner
the song that makes me cry: nothing/sad 'n' stuff
the song that’s a fucking bop: over-the-ocean-call (it's not necessarily a bop because it's not a bop album? but that song is so vibey!)
the song i most dislike/least love: you, love (interlude) (kinda cheating because it's such a lovely album!!!)
CXG! let's do season two?!
my favorite lyric: the entirety of (tell me i'm okay) patrick lol
my favorite song: the math of love triangles, but i also think let's have intercourse is one of the funniest pieces of outright satire they ever did (same with i go to the zoo in S3, something about nathaniel...)
the song that makes me cry: it was a sh*t show (out of context that sounds so funny) and also rebecca's reprise
the song that’s a fucking bop: we'll never have problems again!!!
the song i most dislike/least love: makey makeover
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maddie-grove · 6 months
I stopped watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend at some point in S3 (mixture of finding it too upsetting and not enjoying the prevalence of Nathaniel) but I gotta say the biggest surprise was getting to the part where Josh leaves Rebecca on their wedding day and just going, “Okay. Valid.”
The other surprise was that I always watched the musical numbers on YouTube long before seeing the episode in question, and I had a way different impression of Greg/Rebecca before I saw the whole context. Which honestly I might recommend as a way to watch the show…I think it brings out the themes.
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best-tv-theme-song · 7 months
Round 1 is over, full results below!
Round 2 will start on Monday.
What are your most devastating losses this round?? Mine are Milo Murphy's Law, Gilmore Girls, That 70s Show, and Reba. (No respect around here for a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops)
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Fairy Tail
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place (S1-3) vs. Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. Only Murders in the Building
The Backyardigans vs. Downton Abbey
Naruto vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Kenan & Kel
Parks and Recreation vs. Jujutsu Kaisen
Danny Phantom vs. Pippi Longstocking/Pippi Långstrump
My Life as a Teenage Robot vs. My Hero Academia
Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S4-7)
Little Einsteins vs. The Benny Hill Show
Teletubbies vs. Ted Lasso
VeggieTales vs. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lizzie McGuire vs. The Proud Family
Steven Universe (Original Theme) vs. The A-Team
Group B
Doctor Who (New S1-2) vs. Charlie's Angels
Thomas & Friends vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. The Brady Bunch
Adventure Time vs. Ever After High
Seinfeld vs. Ranma ½
Batman vs. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. One Piece (2023)
Friends vs. Rocko's Modern Life
Sesame Street (S1-23) vs. Saved by the Bell
Total Drama vs. Monk
Full House vs. Winx Club (We Are the Winx)
Looney Tunes vs. Murder, She Wrote
M*A*S*H vs. South Park
Pinky and the Brain vs. Happy Days
One Day at a Time (2017) vs. The Suite Life on Deck
Pokémon (Pokémon Theme) vs. The Andy Griffith Show
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Milo Murphy's Law
Horrible Histories vs. Leverage
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
The Simpsons vs. Samurai Jack
The Golden Girls vs. Wonder Pets!
Merlin vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. CSI: Miami
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic vs. Smallville
Good Omens vs. Good Luck Charlie
House, M.D. vs. Pride and Prejudice
LazyTown vs. The Big Bang Theory
Bob the Builder vs. Wild Kratts
New Girl vs. Infinity Train
Arthur vs. I Love Lucy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The X-Files vs. Pucca
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. X-Men: The Animated Series
Sherlock vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Orange Is the New Black vs. Hunter × Hunter
The Office vs. Angel: The Series
Law & Order (SVU) vs. Arcane: League of Legends
BoJack Horseman vs. Wonder Woman
Jeopardy! vs. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. Taskmaster
Totally Spies! vs. Yellowjackets
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs. Ouran High School Host Club (Japanese)
Yuri on Ice vs. Samurai Champloo
Ducktales (1987) vs. Charmed
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood vs. Shaun the Sheep
How It's Made vs. Tokyo Ghoul
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! vs. The Emperor's New School
Group E
Kim Possible vs. Once Upon a Time
The Great British Bake Off vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Gilmore Girls
Animaniacs vs. Pretty Little Liars
Zoboomafoo vs. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
The Umbrella Academy vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision (A Newlywed Couple/Ep 1) vs. NCIS
Reading Rainbow (1983-1999) vs. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hannah Montana (S1-2) vs. Gilligan's Island
The Mandalorian vs. Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head-Cha-La)
What We Do in the Shadows vs. Inspector Gadget
Big Time Rush vs. Barney & Friends
Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) vs. Young Justice
Futurama vs. Spy × Family
Succession vs. Bluey
iCarly vs. Code Lyoko
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Jackie Chan Adventures
Digimon Adventure (Butter-Fly) vs. The Last of Us
Star Trek: The Next Generation (S3-7) vs. Soul Eater
Zoey 101 vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. We Bare Bears
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vs. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Star Trek: Enterprise (S1-2) vs. Mr. Bean
Sailor Moon (Japanese) vs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S1-2) vs. Red Dwarf
Death Note vs. Phil of the Future
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. El Chapulín Colorado
The Flintstones vs. His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones vs. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
The Nanny vs. Haikyu!!
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. Frasier
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. The Facts of Life
George of the Jungle (1967) vs. Veronica Mars
H2O: Just Add Water (S1) vs. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: The Original Series (With Vocal) vs. Hawaii Five-O
Drake & Josh vs. Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
Puella Magi Madoka Magica vs. Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. Torchwood
The Twilight Zone vs. Wander Over Yonder
Rugrats vs. Columbo
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius vs. The Walking Dead
Hey Arnold! vs. Psych
Twin Peaks vs. Voltron: Legendary Defender
Dragon Tales vs. How I Met Your Mother
Stranger Things vs. Mission: Impossible (1966)
W.I.T.C.H. vs. Daredevil
What's New, Scooby-Doo? vs. Tiny Toon Adventures
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. X-Men: Evolution
Fraggle Rock vs. Stargate SG-1
Firefly vs. Scrubs
Codename: Kids Next Door vs. Inuyasha (Change the World)
That '70s Show vs. Bear in the Big Blue House
Cheers vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
A Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Black Sails
The Powerpuff Girls vs. Darkwing Duck
That's So Raven vs. Grey's Anatomy
Ben 10 vs. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cyberchase vs. Reba
Malcolm in the Middle vs. Shake It Up
Teen Titans (2003) vs. Mob Psycho 100
The Owl House vs. I Dream of Jeannie
Assassination Classroom (Question) vs. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Phineas and Ferb vs. Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future
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