#created my dating life
savethepinecones · 3 months
okay i was totally right about not putting my rant in the tags of that last post because ive been writing it up and its getting out of hand even for its own post and im not sure if im gonna finish writing everything out or if im gonna just scream in my head for a while. anyway on a related note who wants to hear about my very boring dating history
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thisischeri · 6 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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cove-simp · 1 year
When the Baxter DLC drops…
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Attack of the clones belongs to the girls.❤🌸🌅
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lovrbooy · 5 months
i feel like i have very unpopular opinions on dennis within this fandom. i am scared of fandom spaces so. to the tags i go
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oneiricazalea · 4 months
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Happy 5th birthday to my dear OC, Sei ♥
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saetoru · 2 years
i feel like some ppl need to realize ppl in their 30s are not old it’s just that ppl in their 20s are just young 😐
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elidelochaned · 3 months
ohhhh the urge to delete instagram
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strawberrybabydog · 1 month
as another newly discovered lesbian in his bodily 20s, i dont think we have to do all the required reading immediately. i think we get to play around in our label/identity and figure out if + how it fits us first. our history IS important but so is our self-discovery. we need to allow ourselves to play in this space and try it on before we commit full hog to this. youre allowed to explore your sexuality before going down the list of required literature :°]
🫂 thank you anon. been feeling lonely about it thru reflecting on how all of my peers seemed to Know they were queer when we were in middle/high school, and i had an idea (ID'd as bi and always got butterflies around butches) but .... all lesbians know how complicated flirting can be !! :0P its comforting to know there are other queer people at my pace. thank you for sharing this
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necrogfie · 1 month
i hate dating sim/otome game where you have no clear way of checking the targets affection for u .. the one im playing right confuse the hell out of me and idk what I'm doing ??
bcuz i obvi went for the emotionally unavailable musican and like, one instance he tease the hell out of the mc and is like very close to her and the next he filrt like hell w an another girl and im like ?? who do u want (also often he filrt w this one girl that we/the mc know has feeling for him, if she isn't lying and it's like urgh !!)
and then the next, when ur spying on a private chat between him and another girl with whom he filrt too soemtime, she is like haha ur so silly x3 but also ... im jealous that [the dude she's interested in and it's painfully obvious] doesn't look my way and look at mc ... she rlly is popular isn't she? he's like lol wdym, and she is like it's so obvious [her crush] like her and he's so over the top .. but aren't u jealous, don't u like her ? he's like lol noo and poof u can't spy on them anymore like BABE u do not know im here, she told u who she like and ur willing to do the same ??
aaand also it feel very confusing when the girls crush literally wasn't talked to us since the first episode of the game when we go on a date w him bcuz it just doesn't work and when we finally talk a bit it's bcuz u girlie are here and is his old friend he meet will traveling the world and u both have like a very close relationship??? how tf am i stealing ur spot, ive been trying to either get in the musican or the sea guy pant, not ur man !! not sicne the beginning at least !! (and i haven't tried w the business mam bcuz a third girlie has her claim on him and hell no i am not fighting her for ... mr business)
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creampuffqueen · 2 months
y'all don't even know about The Timeline 😳
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carmsgarms · 2 months
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My husband is roasting me in the groupchat again.
((If everyone in the chat responds to a message with the same emoji it gets pinned so I'm gunna be roasted forever now))
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emmyrosee · 2 months
HAIII EMMY!!! 35!!!! (though i could probably deduce it by now LOL)
35 what I find attractive in a man
Honestly if you’re funny, or can at least take jokes and run with them. Comedy really does make me melt
Physically though, I like tattoos and piercings a lot. I also really like rugged, bulky men, or short kings. My tastes are very varied KDBDODNDOS
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dollsuguru · 3 months
i care less abt suguru in this fic i’m literally just thinking abt haigojo rn and their dynamic
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miodiodavinci · 4 months
writing out my to-do list for the semester and feeling an overwhelming wave of terrified nausea like ohhhhh this is going to suck so so bad huh
#and i haven't even gotten to writing down the weekly responsibilities of my actual Internship yet#this is just the university and state deadlines ! ! ! !#(and not even all of them because my professors have not released all their due dates yet)#lads i think i am going to be crying and having many a panic attack this spring unless i can forcibly shift myself into a dissociative stat#that craves neither rest nor pleasure nor any other state beyond being hunched over a computer and writing for my life#(face in hands) i'll survive it for sure but. god.#the really frustrating thing is that the department that is supposed to be preparing me for The Big Test has.#created artificial deadlines for each component of The Big Test that. do not include the final component of The Big Test.#they really just said 'oh yeah and fit that last on in there somewhere when you get the chance :)'#'yes we plan for you to be ready to submit the second to last part within days of the submission deadline'#'but just remember to also fit in that last part somewhere'#'during your free time probably lol'#anyway skfdgjkhdf#i'll survive i'll survive#i have survived literally everything the education system has thrown at me thus far and none of it has resulted in physical harm#i am pushing the boundaries of my body's stress tolerance and that means that everything in the future#will be that much less stressful in comparison#just gotta get through it and then i never have to do it again . . . . . . . . . . . . . .#(unless i go back for my masters or something which i will. probably do at some point unfortunately.)#(this user is prone to suffering)
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seishun-emergency · 1 year
Also guys i fuckign missed my one year of playing enstars because i'm a fucking idiot . so. happy late one years to me (jun 21!!!) AND happy 1 year to the day i binged the entire anime in the span of like. one night an dthen two hours the next day (jun 26/27) this is what started me on what is now a year long and counting spiral . i would get emotionally but its 10 am im not awake enough to have emotions yet
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