#which is definitely a reoccuring thing for me lol
savethepinecones · 3 months
okay i was totally right about not putting my rant in the tags of that last post because ive been writing it up and its getting out of hand even for its own post and im not sure if im gonna finish writing everything out or if im gonna just scream in my head for a while. anyway on a related note who wants to hear about my very boring dating history
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felinefractious · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you have any thoughts or resources on the Highlander/Highland Lynx breed? Or what, if any, is the difference between the two?
I've read that they're two different breeds, but that that may only be the case because of different registry requirements..??
Also, are they really truly domestic? Every where I've read has said that they most certainly are, but that they're also crossed with Jungle Curls? That bit has left me a bit confused...
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This pretty little guy is up for adoption at a shelter near me, and I'm contemplating going to see him (if he isn't snapped up in the next week lol), but I'd like to cover all my bases for breed research first!
He apparently came in fully intact and was recently neutered which seems.... Strange to me. The people who surrendered him supposedly bought him from a breeder out of state?
I'm not by any means 100% certain, but i did look at a few Highlander catteries and I THINK I may have found his breeder? At the very least they have a king that very well looks like he could be this guy's sire
https://www. highlanderswildnwonderful.com/ Kings.html
I do still wonder why he would be sent out as a companion fully intact though... Or why he wound up in a shelter and not returned to the breeder...
Anyway! I'd love to hear thoughts/opinions resources for potential health issues
So far I've only read that they require frequent ear cleanings and have some UTI issues, but the stumpy tail does make me a little nervous... It doesn't seem to be the same thing as manx, buuuuuut......
Woah, amazing find!
From what I understand - and if this isn’t correct someone more familiar with the breed is welcome to correct me - but the Highland Lynx is essentially the outdated name for the breed more widely known as the Highlander.
The exception largely being the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry which has decided the Highland Lynx is still the Highland Lynx and the Highlander is the same thing but backcrossed to the Desert Lynx use in the breeds foundation.
Which doesn’t make sense to me, it should just be considered an allowable outcross…? But whatever. I don’t respect that registry anyways.
As for their domestic vs hybrid status it’s true that the Jungle Curl is a Jungle Cat and American Curl but it seems like the Highlander falls more into the Toyger realm… there are technically wild caat hybrids in the ancestry but they’re far enough removed that it isn’t super relevant.
Even after 4 generations a cat is largely considered domestic or “SBT” (Stud Book Traditional) and these guys are generally even further out than that.
Before I get into the health of the breed I just need to make a small correction to their description… this handsome fella is not chocolate, he’s black sepia - often called brown or sable, sometimes called natural.
The toe beans tell, and he has many beans to reveal his secrets.
Currently we are not aware of any issues related to curled ears the way there are with folded ears but anecdotal evidence suggests that they’re more fragile and.. yes, require more frequent cleaning. Dirty ears and ear infections are definitely something to be mindful of.
As much as I enjoy polydactyl cats I’m not a fan of deliberately breeding for the trait, the nails on these extra digits can be difficult for the cat to maintain and are more prone to becoming ingrown. Some cats even require an onychectomy (declaw) of the excess digits due to reoccuring problems.
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[Image Source]
So acclimating to having their paws handled and tolerating routine nail clips is an absolute must.
And finally… the tail.
Your concern about the relation to the problematic manx gene is warranted.
There are presently two types of tail mutations documented in domestic cats: the “natural bobtail” manx gene due to T-box mutations and the “asian bobtail” due to an HES7 mutation. The latter is not presently associated with the same issues as the manx gene.
HES7 mutations are not present in the Highlander.
Two T-box variants have been identified in the Highlander breed, meaning the mutation for their bobtail is the same as those responsible for the manx. Standard Highlander’s can have no tail to a short tail, those with a long tail are considered non-standarf and are largely used only for breeding purposes due to the lethal nature of T-box mutations when homozygous.
Some Highlander lines owe their bobtail appearance to a “novel variant,” meaning no known mutation has been identified. As this variant or variants are currently unidentified we can’t confidently say which gene (if either of them) it’s most closely related to or if there are similar issues associated.
All that being said not all manx gene cats will present with related problems and for those who do the severity is variable, some may have minor issues that can be managed with diet or medication while others may be… pretty severely effected.
I imagine at this age they would have a good idea of if Sampson has any issues and to what degree they’re present if he does.
If you’re prepared to deal with potential health issues should they arise I think it would be lovely to adopt him, you’re not contributing to the breeding of more if you go through a rescue and are equipped to educate others on why “Yes, mine is awesome but no you don’t actually want one.”
Like Dr. Frank Bozelka and his rescue Scottish Fold. His videos are hilarious and informative, by the way, I definitely recommend giving him a follow.
It would also be good for him to be placed with someone aware of and prepared to accomodate possible breed-related issues instead of someone who just wants a fancy cat… but I understand this can also be overwhelming, so absolutely no judgement if you decide to pass.
But if you do adopt him I’d love to see more pictures! I want to squish his cheeks.
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nightcolorz · 10 months
Can you talk a little more about how you view gender roles in the vampire chronicles vs amc iwtv bc I feel like sth is missing from amc compared to tvc that i can't place
I would love to !! (Explodes) I have so many tvc gender thoughts. So so many. 
I believe the major disconnect between the show vs the books and gender is the place and perspective the writer’s are coming from. Something I really love about Anne Rice’s writing (and really hate sometimes lol) is that she didn’t think about themes or implications at all when she wrote. She just purged her story onto the page and themes and patterns just end up there. This means that every bit of consistency and meaning in tvc comes from something Anne Rice had fixed into her subconscious that she without realizing is putting into her work. So when it comes to gender, in tvc it’s all personal feelings of Anne rice’s. This differs in the show that obviously has a team of writers who put a lot of thought in about public reception and meaning and all. So these perspectives color how gender (and everything basically) is presented.
Anne Rice had some complicated feelings about gender. I’m not going to go too deep into that bcus that’s not what I want this post to be about, but in summarization she had a combination of problematic biases and internalizations that came from a Catholic upbringing in the 40s-50s and some apparent gender dysphoria or at least disconnect with womanhood and gender/gender roles in general. She’s spoken about not understanding gender or feeling like a woman. This comes off very strongly in how she presents her vampires as androgynous, almost genderless beings. It’s a reoccurring theme in tvc that vampirism takes away the burdens of gendered expectations and gives vampires the freedom of self expression and androgyny. It makes sense why a concept like this would speak to a trans person like me, so it’s a big part of why I prefer the book’s handling of gender. Of course Anne Rice also has problematic gender biases, so her presentation of being an androgynous being free of gender roles is flawed, since gender roles are very ingrained in her mindset, which adds to my dissatisfaction with the show’s handling, which could’ve been so good if they took what Anne Rice tried to do and enhanced it.
Anyways, when it comes to tvc there’s also Anne Rice’s subconscious projection of her irl struggles onto her characters. A handful of Anne Rice’s insecurities and struggles came from, well, being a woman, and since her characters r so much of the time vessels to vent her problems through, a strange occurrence happens where her vastly male cast is struggling in ways that would be relatable to women and people who face misogyny and/or internalized misogyny. (Cough cough this is especially apparent with Louis and Armand cough cough).All of this wasn’t conscious on Anne Rice’s part, it’s just a natural consequence of how personal her writing was. An outlier to the “cis men experiencing misogyny” phenomenon is Gabrielle, who I could write a whole essay on, one of the few afab characters who also has projected gender problems by Anne Rice syndrome, but since she is afab she just ends up coming off as a gnc/transmasc/ftm person dealing with gender dysphoria. 
Then there’s the show, which disclaimer I like the show a lot, but boy do I have Issues with it. I could be wrong, we only have one season, but it doesn’t seem like the show is attempting to tackle the “vampires are genderless” concept. They definitely do things with androgyny and gender roles, but not in the context of “messing around with/being free of these things is amazing”. Vampirism in iwtv seems to only enforce gender, weirdly enough. Let me explain!
Ok, so what the show seems to be doing with gender roles is using the concept of a “nuclear family” and our expectations of what that entails to assert the dynamic of Louis, Lestat, and Claudia’s familial relationship. Through utilizing tropes and imagery associated with a nuclear family the viewers are easily able to pick up on the subtext and conflicts that the show is presenting us with, bcus we all know the nuclear family. I think comparing the rue royal family to a nuclear family is interesting in concept, but in execution, I’m not a fan. I think if the show went a different route, and had Louis frame the story in a way that compares his life to familiar hetero, mortal family conventions for the sake of being sympathetic and understandable to Daniel and readers, without that being the literal dynamic of the characters, that could’ve been interesting. Also, I like the concept of oppressive systems like gender roles becoming oppressive in different ways for vampires, since “vampirism isn’t freeing it just gives u different problems” is a theme of the show that I rlly like, esp bcus Anne rice was rarely able to decide if vampirism was super fun or tortuous. But that doesn’t seem to be what the show is doing. Lestat, Louis, and Claudia literally just fit into your stereotypical abusive nuclear family tropes. Sometimes things are switched around and subverted, but for the most part it’s pretty consistent. Anne Rice’s personal projections onto the characters is nearly nonexistent, most glaringly for Lestat. I don’t like this, it doesn’t make sense for the characters, and it also simplifies their dynamic and conflict in the book to be much less interesting in my opinion. 
Sometimes the show will show us characters breaking gender expectations, Lestat occasionally or Antoinette cross dressing (speaking of Antoinette I’ll get to her), but none of these moments seem to mean anything adjacent to “vampires are genderless or gender-fluid and this is freeing for them. These moments seem to align more closely with imagery associated with queer coded villains during the Hayes code era. Both Lestat and Antoinette are being particularly grotesque and villainous during their gnc moments, which aligns with the old hollywood vibe that the show seems to be going for, which is mildly cool, but not particularly compelling or relatable to me beyond that. And it definitely doesn’t have the type of resonance that the books do when it comes to gender nonconformity. 
So, I think Antoinette is the prime example of this. Antoine in the books was a young man, 19 years old, who Lestat used in a way that was reminiscent of how a cheating husband would use a mistress. He fooled around sexually with this younger man and also confided to him in ways he didn’t his “husband” (Louis), escaping to him when he was fed up with his family at home to blow off steam and vent his struggles, the way he does with Antoinette in the show. But Antoine himself did not have the stereotypical personality of a “mistress”, he was naive and well intentioned, didn’t realize he was being used and that Louis was being hurt in the process. When Lestat tells him that he needs his help fighting back against his family he’s horrified and confused. Antoinette in the show is not this, she’s very much a “mistress”, and the sex change from book to show makes this even more annoying to me. It just seems like the show writers wanted to make the subtextual coding of Antonine’s character in the books annoyingly unsubtle text, by making Antonine the stereotypical evil and seductive female mistress, which I rlly hate. And also they removed any and all sympathy attached to Antoine’s  character in the process. (Side note ik ppl are gonna come at me with “oh but it’s from Louis’s perspective! That’s why Antoinette is treated that way, he hates her! And to that I say there is no evidence to support that, it hasn’t happened in the show, you made it up. And if it’s true and done well I’ll eat my words, but for now my opinion is based on what is in the show, and it prob won’t change until we get new content.)
There’s more, like how Louis fulfills the traditionally female roles in marriage (cleaning, taking care of the kids, etc) which is kind of gnc, but only so that the show can frame him as more of a stereotypical abuse victim, and not to say anything interesting about how vampirism gives people more opportunities to explore gender fluidity in ways they find freeing. The show uses gender roles to non subtly code the characters in ways that are easily digestible and relatable to a cis audience. That’s my main gripe, gender in AMC’s iwtv is very cis. 
What I love about the books is how fluid gender is with the characters. Lestat is very feminine and very masculine, so is Louis, these traits can co exist without ever contradicting each other. But ig that was too complicated and varied for the show to want to tackle, just like the complex mutual toxicity of loustat’s relationship, which was dumbed down so much also. I feel like the show writers didn’t know what to do with a gay relationship where both men are feminine and masculine and also both men have complex trauma and traits that make their relationship unhealthy + a hot mess, and instead just reframed loustat to be traditional abusive relationship we’ve seen a billon times in media.
In conclusion, the show could very well change my mind and portray gender/gender roles in a way that I enjoy, but for now I’m unsatisfied. I want to be wrong ultimately. If you like how gender is handled in the show feel free to disagree, but plz don’t come at me with anger. I’m happy to have a discussion, I’m very interested in this topic, but I don’t want to humor you if you’re rude. And if you want to talk more about the books and gender I’d be more then happy, feel free to dm me or send me an ask or reply to this post, I love the androgyny of the books sm and love talking about it. Thank you anon sm for sending the ask <3 I’ve been wanting to talk about this.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Happy April fools, or Boop day. I shall now give all the twisted wonderland boys a Boop *boops all of them*
I am mainly here to ask how you would headcanon them reacting to a Boop (from either their lover or prefect) because this scenario has been stuck in my head looping for hours and I need to be fed.
(I’m sorry to everyone else who’s waiting for a HC list, but I just had to reply to this one asap lol)
Anon! Happy Boop day to you too, even though it’s already over. I already miss it… Also, thank you everyone for the boops once again <3
Let’s go through the list and boop all the boys! Although as always, it’s easier for me to write this thing with ships in mind, so apologies to Yuu.
Riddle – if Trey does it, he’d be confused and flustered, but then look at him with a pout, asking why would he do that and saying that he isn’t a kid… And he’d look so adorable that Trey would suffer :”3 But if Ace does that, Riddle’d get annoyed and yell at him. And if Floyd does it, he’d get even more annoyed, red and aggressive, maybe he’ll even try to bite Floyd’s finger (spoiler alret: this one is going to be a reoccurring theme in this post). Floyd is going to be so happy – he just found Goldfishie’s funny button! I can also easily picture Che’nya appearing out of nowhere Bugs Bunny style and booping Riddle all day long until he loses it…
Ace – either a “ehh what was that for?!” or a bored and judgmental stare. He is the type to go “really, a boop? What are you, 6?” and then hypocritically boop the person. The moment he learns that it’s Boop day, his first thought would be Deuce lol
Deuce –  he’ll get confused and react a bit slowly, but then immediately get mad at Ace for laughing at him and try to boop him back. These two would probably chase each other, completely ignoring their surroundings and accidentally booping random people.
Trey – with any random person it would be a “do I have to boop you back now?” with an awkward smile, but if it’s Riddle who does it, he’ll get so stunned that Riddle is going to think that he did something wrong and get worried. It’s okay, Riddle. You did everything right, Trey just wasn’t ready for that.
Cater – “Oh nooo, Kei-kun got booped!” with almost everyone but if it’s Idia who does it (for whatever reason), he’d probably be too shoocked to react and just stare at him for 10 seconds. In general, I think Cater (as well as Kalim and Lilia) would enjoy Boop day the most. It’s fun + a good excuse to start a conversation with someone.
Leona – he’d warn Ruggie not to get too ballsy with him if he doesn’t want to lose his arm or something like that, but Ruggie and he both know that Leona won’t do any of that. Still, he’d get very annoyed and hide his face when he falls asleep until the day is over lol
Ruggie – he’d get worried that Leona might’ve hit his head or something, why would he boop him all of a sudden? Of course he knows that Leona has his kinda playful moments, but he probably wouldn’t resist the opportunity to tease him a little bit. Then he’ll hear an annoyed “forget it” and giggle to himself, because he doesn’t get to see embarrassed Leona every day.
Jack – he’s a big doggo, so he might be a biter in theory (it’s a reflex, nothing personal), but he is such a good boy that he’ll probably just get surprised and then frown. If it’s Vil who booped him, Jack is probably going to hear “what, aren’t you going to boop me back?”, just to see if Jack gets flustered hearing that. And if it’s Deuce who booped him, it’s going to get very awkward to both of them afterwards. But just as Deuce leaves, Jack would catch him and boop him…with his nose.
Azul – he’d get a bit startled, because he didn’t expect it, but then – it depends. If it’s Jamil who did it (for some reason…), Azul would get smug and a bit annoyed at the same time, trying to somehow embarrass Jamil for doing that. And suggest a payback, i.e. a boop for Jamil, which he definitely won’t get. And if it’s Idia, Azul is probably going to get more naggy and openly annoyed, because the fact that Idia is giggling at him makes him embarrassed. At first he would say that he doesn’t want to do something so childish, but if Idia keeps provoking him, he’ll absolutely try to boop him back.
Floyd – a biter. A total biter. When he is in a bad mood, he’ll bite out of annoyance, and when he is in a good mood, he’ll bite playfully. Either way, it’s scary! Epel is probably going to be traumatised by that, as well as poor Idia who didn’t want to boop Floyd in the first place. Riddle would yell at Floyd that biting is against the rules though lol Floyd doesn’t like to get booped in general, he prefers to do the booping.
Jade – pretty much the same as Floyd. Fortunately for Jade, he isn’t as popular as Floyd so there isn’t a huge line to boop him, but if Idia somehow ends up booping him, Jade will smile and hit him with “are you sure you want to do this?” before he does, making him reconsidering his choices. But it’s too late now, because Jade would get closer to Idia with his face, as if inviting a boop… or daring him to do it? I don’t know if Idia has it in him to actually boop Jade…
Kalim – he would laugh as if this is the funniest shit in the world. Especially if it’s Jamil who does it: it’s so unusual for Jamil to do something like this; Kalim is glad Jamil is having fun (he isn’t)!! He would make such a big deal out of it that Jamil is going to regret everything…
Jamil – if it’s Kalim who does it, he would react with a sigh, as if asking if Kalim is satisfied now. But he doesn’t mind it all that much – this isn’t the worst thing in the world, butt-smacking was way worse. But Jamil would get quite a lot of Scarabia people wanting to boop him after Kalim’s example so that would be very problematic. And if Azul wants to boop him as well, this is even worse! Jamil would hide from all of them, he isn’t getting booped by them!
Vil – only a couple of people are allowed to boop him, the rest wouldn’t really dare. He doesn’t really like having others’ fingers on his skin, even if it’s just the very tip of his nose. But if it’s Ortho, it’s okay, because his fingers don’t have any natural oils on it… and he is his special boy who can do no wrong lol He’d probably just smile at him for that. Rook would also be okay, but he has to take off his gloves and wash his hands first, so it’d have to wait until they’re alone. But then the boop would somehow turn into something sensual with Vil biting his finger very playfully?? And then there if Floyd who doesn’t ask for permission and just boops Vil, making him gasp because THE NERVE--
Rook – he is another one who prefers to boop and not to get booped, so he’d spend the day hunting or watching others hunt, enjoying the whole thing. But if someone boops him, he would act surprised and maybe even make a funny sound, but this is pretty much fake – he expected the boop, it’s very difficult to catch him off-guard. I feel like the only one to do it would be Vil who would lean for a kiss and them book Rook when he lets his guard down. Then Rook will get surprised for real.
Epel – this is the one who would definitely make a funny sound. A very cute one, actually. He didn’t mean to, and it was embarrassing, but he sounded so cute that it would make Floyd want to boop him again and again. And the best thing is, Epel can’t even boop him back, because Floyd is too tall. Rook would also boop Epel once, and it would be so stealthy and suddenly that it would take a moment for Epel to figure out what just happened.
Idia – thinking about all of his potential boyfriends, I feel like a boop from any of them would feel like a threat to this poor boy lol But anticipation is much scarier than the boop itself, so after getting booped he’d just sigh and grumble about this whole thing being childish. Which is funny considering that he himself would probably gladly boop Azul, but see, it’s different: Azul is such a stick-in-the-mud that it’s funny to boop him. If Ortho boops Idia though, he’d instantly get playful enough to boop him back. And if it’s Lilia who does it, Idia might actually get flustered.
Ortho – he’s going to make a computer “boop” sound. And then he would giggle and ask to boop him again, and then make a different sound. If it’s Vil who boops him, he’ll scoff and call him silly for that…  and boop him again. And if it’s Idia, he’d probably feel so much tenderness and love for him all of a sudden, which would surprise Ortho – this isn’t the reaction he was expecting at all!
Lilia – oh it’s Boop city for grandpa. He is the mayor of it. He boops everyone he can, and if someone boops him? He’s either sneezes in surprise (was it intentional?? Is that his sneeze button??) or tries to bite the finger with a smug face. He’s probably going to have a booping game with Malleus when they hunt each other, as if it’s beansfest all over again lol
Silver – well, for starters, he would wake up. I don’t think he’d do anything after that… but as he squints and looks at his own nose that just got booped, he’d look so cute that both Lilia and Sebek wouldn’t resist a second boop.
Sebek – wow, another biter lol And not a playful one like some of the previous boys. I feel like if Idia or Silver boop him, he might get so mad that he actually would try to bite them. But not on their first try, I think they would have to boop him a couple of times before he loses it. If Malleus boops Sebek though, he’d whimper in surprise, his brain would overload with information and he would faint… while standing still and still staring at Malleus. The lights are on but nobody’s home…
Malleus –  if Sebek does it, he’d get so surprised that he wouldn’t even get mad. Seeing how nervous Sebek is about this whole thing (was this a bet? Did Lilia force him to do it?), he’ll just start teasing him and enjoying himself tremendously… But if Lilia boops him, he’ll probably get pouty and might even complain about Lilia treating him like a kid. But then, as Lilia tries to look into his face to see if he is really mad at him, he’ll boop him right back with a smug smile on his face. Now it’s 1:1.
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greetingsfromuranus · 2 months
I love your art! Do you jave any tips ondrawing in the EENE artstyle?
Thank you!! The best advice I have is to study, study, and then study some more lol. Look at something, try to replicate it, trace over the original to see the underlying shapes, draw the shapes on your own page and replicate it like that, freehand it w/o reference, just see what works! i know it sounds like general advice, but the EENE style, especially once you get to later seasons,is very stylistically and technically complex! You're gonna have to see which aspects of it are intuitive to you, and which ones you'll have to sit down and make yourself learn. I primarily use Raven Molisee's art (lots of stuff on Deviantart and Poshmark more recently) since with his sketches you can see a lot of the underlying shapes and processes! But it would be a good idea to also check out stuff from the rest of the art department, such as Scott Underwood, Jim Miller, and Cory Toomey (you can find a list of em here: https://ed.fandom.com/wiki/The_Creators). Instagram account dawn_of_the_eds has a lot of good references!
You can also study screenshots of the show, especially if you're trying to replicate the colors/linework/movement/etc… I would recommend @ededdneddy-artrefs, as they have a nice tagging system for finding anything specific, but its also a good idea to just look at your favorite EENE clips on YouTube and go thru them frame-by-frame! It helps with understanding how the characters move, talk, express, etc… and you can really nail down the stuff you'd only get a vague idea of from watching the show at a normal speed.
For me, it took me months (minus some breaks) to get to where i am now with drawing the Eds. Someone more studious and hardworking could easily do it faster, but the point is, it takes practice! Practice combined with active, intentional learning! My progress with drawing the Eds has several phases marked by a sudden jump in skill (usually caused by me finally going out and studying some more art, and internalizing what i learned), followed by healthy stagnation, where i get comfortable with the new knowledge and just do the same stuff for a while. If you really wanna get good at drawing them, you can study much more than i do, or have shorter stagnation periods! It's ok to calm down and get comfortable with the characters, have some nice, easy, art making time, its important to not get too stressed or burnt out! But when you're feeling motivated, absolutely take advantage of that!
Some things to remember:
While the characters do have consistent design elements and basic underlying shapes, these are NOT hard rules. REMEMBER AND INTERNALIZE SQUASH N STRETCH! I've tried assigning hard rules to how I draw the eds, and it's VERY difficult. It's definitely important to write down/point out as many design quirks and reoccurring themes/shapes as possible, but just remember that the Ed Edd n Eddy style is extremely fluid and dynamic - and the guidelines you may have thought were 100% true can be shattered at any point. Basically: all rules are optional! Don't draw something because the "rules" say so, draw something because it looks good! Sometimes one rule looks good, sometimes something else looks better! I'll use the teeth as a visual example:
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(art in 1st image by Raven Molisee)
Sort of a continuation of the last point - Before EENE, I had a tendency (and still kinda do) to use more symbolic drawing process, the kind of design language you'd use for logos or graffiti, or the kind of style you see in shows like Dexter's lab or Total Drama Island or something - where you get good at drawing the same shapes/lines over and over. The EENE style, especially in later seasons, does not follow the same process as these sorts of styles. For example, I used to look at Edd and say "ok, His head is THESE TWO SHAPES!" And then there would be another, I'd say "okay, 3" and then another, and another and this will keep going on and on and on. Sometimes his ears are at the corners of whatever quadrilateral his head is (like in Molisse's art), sometimes theyre on an edge (like ive seen in Underwood's art), and sometimes you just can't see em! You have to accept that the characters are a lot of things at once, and different things at different times! Like Eddys head is usually a sort of bent pentagon - but is his mouth is enough he's more like a tin-can - but from a more top view he's almost a triangle - you can do this cycle forever.
you can think about it like this: the eds designs (especially their faces) are sort of a collection of features, and the shapes holding them together than be molded and distorted as you please!
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Remember that the eds often exist with 3D underlying shapes, not just flat ones! I would highly recommend studying 3d shapes in extreme perspectives specifically. Draw bent cylinders, twisted stretched out cubes, any sort of shape at the most extreme fish-eye perspective you can manage, just absolutely take advantage of them. Bend and distort and break those shapes, dig your foot into their backs and and pull at their corners like you're ripping the arms out of their sockets. Extreme visualization, I know, but Ed Edd n Eddy is a slapstick comedy - there is immense force and stretching and distortion present, you really have to get that energy into your art to replicate the style (even if I'm not great at it yet, it's something I know I must learn).
Specific tidbit that's important & I sometimes forget: The characters limbs can be as long as the pose calls for! They will be fine! If they're holding something above their head, their arms are going to stretch out much longer than normal and it's ok! You can always sacrifice the "accuracy" to the model to get a strong pose/silhouette. Though one thing I've noticed is that their clothes often don't stretch the same way their bodies do! If you stretch double D's arms out 3 yards, his sleeves are gonna be about the same length as always! Except for when it looks better to break this rule, of course :3 basically imagine their bodies are like stretchy rubber, while their clothes are not
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(note how his arms are stretched reeeal long in the gif, the look of the action holds higher priority than "correct" body proportions)
Apologies on my lack of notes on Ed specifically, I've drawn him good a total of One time and haven't been able to do it again lol.... Sometimes his head is an upside down triangle, but its bent in a way that i cant find a good pattern to remember it by... though sometimes his head is a square but the bottom stretches downward to become his neck. He's weird as hell, one day ill figure it out!
That's all my advice for now :3 If i think of any more i will add it!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 month
I have dyslexia as well so I listen to podfics a lot! Can I ask how you write so perfectly with dyslexia? No need to answer if you don't want to, jus curious about your process :-)
Hey, sweets, it's no problem, don't worry!
I'm gonna take this opportunity to do what I do best and... overexplain. (Which--the overexplaining, overwriting that I do--I'm convinced is due to dyslexia. It takes a lot of words, which I don't feel naturally attuned to, to communicate the thoughts I have in my head. I struggle with words and sentence structure, and it all comes out tangled, so I just keep trying until I have monster paragraphs, lmao.)
Yeah, I'm dyslexic! Very dyslexic, lmao. And I do a lot to work around it, trying my best to write (mostly) coherent words, but also, I don't really think about the process I use all the time because... it's just what I have to do, y'know? I've always had to have work arounds. Like, I've obviously been dyslexic my entire life, but I didn't get a diagnosis until late, late middle school, and at that point, the "accommodations" I got at school were entirely useless. Like, oh, wonderful, preferential seating. Sure. Yeah. That will definitely help with my dyslexia. Thanks.
I also remember, just as a side note, that it was during that time when I was refused accommodations like extra time for tests, reading aids, note-taking aids, etc. all which would've been EXTREMELY HELPFUL because I was doing "well enough" in school. So, clearly, I didn't "need" them, if anything, they would be "wasted" on me when they could go to someone else who was actually struggling (which, I get, public school funding is shitty and there aren't unlimited resources, but I'm still slightly salty, lol. Just because I didn't appear to be struggling on the outside didn't mean I wasn't struggling. It's similar to having "high functioning" depression, like, it doesn't matter if I can function if I still feel like fucking shit constantly). I was also so, so close to not being diagnosed in the first place because, according to the doctors I saw, I was smart enough that it wouldn't matter.
That's a reoccurring theme with my dyslexia, actually!
People never believe me!
Which, sure, is a compliment to other people. But it's a backhanded one. I don't want to be complimented by pushing everyone else down.
The process.
The process starts--background wise--with practice. The shit answer. I know. But, really, practice. I've been writing stories for a lot longer than I've been posting fics. I've written lots of fiction (short stories and nonshort stories), I used to write poetry, and I'm a life-long journal-er. I used to read a lot, lot of books, too, despite the challenges with my dyslexia. It'd just that now I write so much for fandom and with higher education challenging me, I find it hard to have the time or the energy to read and deal with more words than I already do.
So, I have lots of practice on my side, active and passive, but I also have other things...
I type all my fics, and I use fonts and font sizes extensively. I tend to use bigger font sizes overall, not like wildly huge fonts, but not 11 or 12, either. It depends on the font itself--some fonts have larger letters than others. Something about the letters being more visible and having smaller sentence chunks on each line helps me anchor the letters in place.
I also will plan my fics in one font (probably whatever the program is set to by default), then flesh out the plan more in a different font, after I'll actually go and write out my fic in a new font, and when I'm ready to make edits and add final touches I use a new font, again. I tend to bounce between Arial, Verdana, Open Dyslexic, and Comic Sans. Yes, I write smut I comic sans regularly 💀💀
I've seen research that says, yes, fonts can affect dyslexia and research that says it doesn't do shit so... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Either way, I feel like it helps me find mistakes because it tricks my eyes into thinking the words are new, lol. That, and I find it more comfortable to write in dark mode, I don't know why or if it's doing anything specifically to my dyslexia, but I get less lost in the words when in dark mode.
While I'm doing all that font changing, I'm also, as I mentioned, writing and re-writing, which means reading and re-reading. I go over my fics A FUCK TON. Pure repetition irons out a lot of shit by brute force, lol. I have friends who will write essays for school and look over it once, maybe twice if they're feeling spicy. I can not comprehent that. Not me. If I haven't re-read it, once I'm at the final editing and final touches stage, at least six times then... it's not going to be posted. I'll also change fonts between re-readings. And when I put the fucking thing into AO3, I re-read it again.
(I'm sure a beta reader would be very helpful, but I'm also very protective over my art--writing, drawing, sculpture, or otherwise, and so I haven't played with that, lol. You'd have to ask someone else about their experience there!)
While writing, reading, re-writing, and re-reading, I'm also reading out loud to myself.
All 👏🏻of 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
I say all of it.
It helps me with flow and writing style, sure, but really, it forces me to realize mistakes and lessens my mistakes. You mentioned podfics and while I haven't gotten into podfics I am a fucking podcast, music, audio guy. I find audio so much easier to process than written words.
(You might find this poll of interest, I do, lol)
Aaaand, while all of this is going on, I also, of course, use a grammar program. I use Grammarly because it was most accessible (re: free and recommended to me by an English teacher) in high school. I keep in mind that it has batshit insane suggestions sometimes, and I have all their bullshit AI helping tools turned off, but... it does help a ton.
In conclusion, something that I am working on myself is that sometimes when I'm having a bad day with my dyslexia--maybe I'm tired and I can't focus, maybe I have a headache, maybe my eyes are fried from staring at a screen all day, maybe I've done too much reading for college, maybe my threshold for frustration has been exceeded and I just can't deal with the challenge that writing presents that day, or whatever--I can't write and I need to accept that. I'm not gonna be able to produce something good, maybe not even something presentable, every time I sit down to write.
That's fine!
That's how writing works for everyone! That's how writing works for me, someone who struggles with letters and numbers and writing and reading and the whole fucking thing. That's okay. Let it happen. Let it go. Try again tomorrow.
Uhhh, I hope some of that, any of that, was of interest? Helpful? Maybe?
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sf3uuf · 6 days
ART POSTING!? IT'S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK!I've been pretty shy to show off my art, mainly my ocs, but since my account mostly has revolved around my love for metalocalypse, I shall introduce my first MTL OC: Leslie Lee! (These are old drawings of her, so of course they don't really look the best. It was my first time drawing scenes hairstyles! Also, her fashion style is still the same, but I just did her dirty here 💀)
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Leslie Lee, 23-24 (In season 2 when we are first introduced to her)
Leslie Lee is an aspiring musician just trying to get through in this hard life. Of course, considering her conditions, you would think it wouldn't be that easy. Leslie is a bit different from other girls and musicians, and no, I do not mean that in a pick me way, she's quite literally different, because unlike most people attending a high class college for the musically talented, Leslie is blind! However, she doesn't let her disability stop her from pursuing her passions, which are playing instruments, writing songs, and dressing up!
Of course, this is just one of the many special things about Leslie. There is so much more to this scene girl than meets the eye. (pun intended)
I feel like in the show, Leslie isn't a main character (none of my ocs really are LOL), but she is a reoccurring character that I feel like everyone would love despite not having a lot of screen time. She'd definitely shine more in the 3rd and 4th season and the movies. Just like Knubbler!! (Wait... maybe not like Knubbler... maybe....)
•In Leslie's concept (which I've never drawn) she was going to wear all black and blue from her clothes to her hair, she was also going to have her eyes covered by her bangs.
•Her last name Lee comes from the Evanescence singer Amy Lee, who was one of Leslie's inspos.
•In her original design, she was blasian (Korean and Jamaican), but now she's Indian and Jamaican, but she can speak a good chunk of Korean.
•Leslie is bisexual.
•Her voice claims would be: Dokkaebi from R6 Siege, Juliett from Lolipop Chainsaw, Deb from Finding Nemo (aka Vicki Lewis her VA)
•I know I mentioned her being blind, but I can't really describe what she sees. It's not pitch black, though. I'm still researching.
•She also was a part of a band called GLITTERWRIST as the singer, but I kinda scrapped that idea?? Maybe I'll add it back, but idk.
•She LOVESSSS rave parties and parties in general!
•Whenever her friends or loved ones are down, she is always there to make them feel better she will never leave you alone unless they yell at her to leave.
•She's the type of person to eat A LOT but never gain weight.
•Her love language is physical touch and quality time, but mostly physical touch.
•Speaking of quality time, she's very fashionable and LOVES fashion (preferably scene stuff, y'know?) She loves to go shopping with her friends and loved ones.
•Even though she loves scene music and pop, she very much loves classical music, which shocks many!
•Speaking of classical, she is very VERY skilled on the violin. Obviously, Dethklok finds weird since the violin is just so...boring to them. It's a grandpa guitar but fancier.
•She also plays a bit on the piano and keyboard, but she's horrible at guitar no matter how hard she's tried to play!
•She doesn't like needles, which is ironic since she has piercings on her nose and snake bites under/on the side of her lips.
•She also has a nice singing voice, but you wouldn't know that since whenever she does make music, it's filled with that Ke$ha type music. But don't say she can't sing. She's definitely good at it.
•She is roommates with my other oc, Skyler Lovelock. (who we will also learn about in a later post)
•I wanted to mention this in a later post, but there is a running gag with her that whenever she's with Toki, she never dies or even gets hurt, but instead has near death experiences that are usually dealt with by someone nearby them (that isnt dethklok ofc), I can't explain this well sorry, but if you've watched scary movie 2, just remember the road scene with Brenda where she mentions bad luck and the couple behind her gets hit by a bus. That's kinda what happens.
Those are all of the facts that I can think of right now. If you have any questions about my oc(s), feel free to ask!
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northern-passage · 1 year
I remembered Lea asking the Hunter, "Is that where're you from?" last night (the scene where Hunter recalls Merry's accent) and it's been stuck with me.
The fact they have to ask this one, simple, get to know you question shows just how much Lea has kept the Hunter at a distance for the years they've worked together.
Will this be a reoccurring thing between these two that you'll be bringing up no matter what route we're on with Lea? I imagine at some point you'll stop at a certain chapter because by then it'll be very clear where the Hunter and Lea stand with one another.
Hate asking that because I'm on the rival reassignment path, so if you were to show us more evidence of just how big the distance is between these two, it'll feed right into my Hunter's resentment lol
yes, it is something that will come up again!
Lea doesn't know anything about the hunter's family, or their history before the order (which isn't much, to be fair...) they suspect that the hunter left someone behind, especially since they used to send money/are still sending money depending, but they've never pressed them about it.
it was a mix of "it's not my business" and "if they want to tell me then they will" from Lea, and the hunter just doesn't talk about their family in general. if you go with Merry in blackwater, she'll ask you about it, and the hunter is pretty vague no matter how you respond because whether or not they feel conflicted, angry, or sad about their family, they also always feel protective of them, too. and they feel like talking about their family makes them (and the few memories they have of them) vulnerable.
so while Lea is definitely a part of the problem, the hunter has also kept a lot of things to themself, too, and refused to share, even when Lea has asked. it's complicated! and the hunter (particularly in the rivalry route) likes to blame it all on Lea.
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
I saw a post the other day about someone being pissed that people were calling Eddie gay instead of bi only because they couldn't handle more than one bisexual person on a show. Now, I didn't make Eddie gay/demi, he was born that way, BUT it got me thinking, because the whole crew feels very fruity? SO, I want to get your guys' opinions on what you think the rest of the characters are. (JUST the characters. We're not speculating on the actors. We all know this.) I'm going to put mine below & I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts :) These are by vibes only. As a definite demisexual and probable bi woman, idk how great my gaydar is, but sexuality is a spectrum & straight isn't the default, so let's go!!
Bobby - 0% fruity. That is a straight, middle aged white man (affectionate) if I've ever seen one.
Athena - Also straight.
Chim - Chim feels very straight to me, but that scene with the bachelor had me peering at him a little closer, because I've never watched the Bachelor, but it looked like Joey (I think that was the bachelor's name, right? I've never watched a single episode of that show so I have no idea) had been around before, so I couldn't tell if he was like, starstruck, or "Wow that's a pretty boy and it's making me feel things" -struck 😂
Maddie - I don't get many vibes from her either, but I also have a vague fic idea of Madney breaking up in s4/s5 and her ending up with Shannon instead, so idk, maybe she's just unlabeled but somewhere on the spectrum of queerness?
Shannon - Bi vibes
Taylor Kelly - 100% bi, I refuse to hear any other argument.
Lucy Donato - This is a pansexual woman if I've ever seen one, you cannot convince me otherwise. (Also, the most interesting AND likable of Buck's female LI's, argue with the wall. Lucy, they'll never make me hate you bby 🩷💛💙.)
Lena Bokso - Lesbian vibes, for sure. I don't think there was ANY romantic undertones with her and Eddie (Which, I'm not saying that's the only reason I think she's a lesbian. She can like men and not like Eddie. Even if she did, Eddie wasn't in a place to do anything with those feelings, but I saw a post about that pairing recently & wanted to throw my 2 cents in)
May Grant - May also gives off queer vibes, and I've seen other view her as full wlw, but I think she gives off more bi/pan vibes?
Ravi - This man is soommmeee kind of queer that I just cannot put my finger on. I've seen him HC'd as gay, pan, & ace in some way, and I can honestly rock w/ any of the 3 of them. All I know is that he is not a straight man lol.
Albert - Also unsure about him, but if someone were to tell me that he was bi, I could definitely see it. I think that's influenced by the fic that had him, Ravi & May in a throuple, which was genuinely so cute.
Ana - Dr. Flores doesn't give off queer vibes for me, but that could be bc she was criminally underdeveloped & we know practically nothing about her.
Natalia - See above ^^
Ali Martin - Same ^^ although I could see her just being queer and not being more specific than that. Maybe she's straight, who knows. I literally forgot about her until I was looking up actor/actress names 😂
M*risol - straight & homophobic lmfao
Abby - Literally could not care less about her, but I wanted to include her so I could talk about her possibly being Tommy Kinard's ex-girlfriend and her coming back to LA for whatever reason and finding her ex-boyfriends happy & having totally forgotten about her predatory ass.
Also, obviously not speculating about any of the children, bc they're still children, even if they're fictional. It's icky.
I think that's all the main/reoccurring characters that we don't already know about, let me know if I missed any.
Talk about being the gay firefighter show, how accurate lmfao.
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Most to least who do you think would pimp reader out to their teammates?? (and would they say yes to a gangbang bc i dont think this would be a regular thing, maybe a once in a lifetime chance sort)(they (s/o) would be like who do u want to fuck in my team) - 💔
NONNIE i am on a spree answering ur asks lol but holy shit this is a vvvv good thought !!!!!!!
FIRST AND FOREMOST REO.. helloooooo !!!! i mentioned it before a lil but he's so possessive of you, his mind works in mysterious ways.. he wants to flaunt u as much as he can. wants to make sure everybody knows just how good u are to him, and that NO ONE else is ever going to have you for themselves <3 he's all that matters to you. there's no one else that will get to be w/ u. it's only ever him until the end of time. if you're adventurous enough, he DEFINITELY lets the team get a little glimpse into what's waiting for him everyday. u saw that reo spin off previews? where he let his high school team try out the life that all the pros live daily ??? the best med care, food, training etc. yeah that sticks to him in his adult years. he's soooo generous! wants his teammates to see what being worlds most wanted midfielder gets u! (reo is going to end up being a mf btw i don't take no criticism lol)
i'd say prob ryusei bc hellooooo mans a freak. he absolutely doesn't mind it one bit, he's confident in himself and your relationship enough to know that you won't ever have eyes for anyone else. sex is just meant to be all fun and pleasure, and he absolutely LOOOOVES seeing n hearing you all messed up <3 making u feel good is enough to make him cream his pants honestly. so ofc the thought passes his mind once,, and he's quick to ask you about it. depending on the rules n boundaries you put up, he might let his teammates go absolutely feral on u !!! he makes sure he's the one to make u finish last tho. the recency effect if u will lol
also sae if u ask sweetly enough - but only a few years into the relationship and most likely only w a trusted friend of his ! needs a bit of alc beforehand lol but he ends up loooooving to watch you get taken care of. he's never rly had the chance to do it before, always saw you through the filter arousal put up in front of his eyes, but now you look even prettier than ever before and he catches on the details he's never seen before. all the second thoughts he's had aren't there no more when it's over lol he loved the experience !! but it would be an one time only for sure!
rin on the other hand is a hard no LOL he'd feel insulted if u ever brought it up. he doesn't share whats his, there's no way he'd let anyone else see you that way </3 he's insane but we love him that way!!!!
also bachisagi hello ???????? u cannot tell me they didn't share u before. doesn't matter which one u're with. it probably ends up as a drunken shenanigans type of thing but they enjoyed it sm !!!! they don't really ever make it happen again but making out w one of them while the other watches is a reoccurring thing on parties lol until they get a partner as well. not really a gangbang tho just a 3some,, but it makes sense so i couldn't pass up on including them lol
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skippyhawk · 6 months
yes, I absolutely agree about Tim and Hawk's dynamic being kind of flipped in the 60s (and I think it's part of why it's my favorite episode so far). Even though Tim is in a sense dependent on Hawk because Hawk is giving him a place to hide while being on the run, he's the one who is guarded/with his walls up/pushing Hawk away (with good reason), and even though Hawk still can't verbalize his feelings (I cannot get the look on his face in response to "why do you care? about any of this?" OUT OF MY HEAD), to me he seems more emotionally open about his feelings for Tim in 1968 than we've ever seen him be thus far, and he's the one trying to reach out for Tim (emotionally *and* physically more than once) even if he doesn't know how to fix everything.
I also find Hawk's determination to fix everything for Tim and keep him out of jail to be fascinating given that we and Tim knew him as a fixer in the 1950s (which he acknowledged), and he wants so badly to fix this for Tim, and yet the episode ends with him watching with pain in his eyes as Tim turns himself in (and then, even more interestingly, using Tim's words from seminary to try and fix his relationship with Jackson by creating a moment of connection and comfort).
Thank you for indulging me with these asks, I love hearing your thoughts and if you don't mind my rambling I'll probably send more as we wait for the last 2 eps ahhh
it was definitely one of my favorites as demonstrated by that fever-induced unusually poetic defensive textpost i dropped straight after... i even had a brief discussion about it with some of my irls and my sister lmao
anyways yes, firstly on the dynamic flips. i do think there’s more to come on that. it seems like these shifting roles they seem to take on in each other’s lives (“carer”, savior, etcetc) will be a reoccurring theme post-50s.
secondly, to me a lot of hawk’s actions in the sixth episode seem slightly panicked (understatement of the century) because he’s truly trying to hold on to tim but it’s not working this time, which in turn literally has him agitated; he wants tim to stay. not only because the threat of prison is very real, especially to him and his wellbeing, but because he doesn’t want to let tim go again. despite this he, as per, hides behind his words and simultaneously leaves the most crucial things unsaid. i believe hawk’s a very “show, don’t tell” type of person. except he usually tends to avoid the showing part as well. (lol)
his franctic behavior seemingly begins with worrying about what might happen if tim does get sent to prison but it leaks through very quickly how he’s actually particularly shaken by tim’s resistance. in all honesty i think he’s been so used to having that certain control over him, most likely finding comfort in knowing that if he wants tim to stay, he will. there’s probably some primal freakout happening inside his head there lol. he does also seem visibly worried about how deep into his faith and denying himself tim has sunk again.
thirdly, i think hawk actually seems at his most vulnerable in the ’80s. i think the reality of tim being ill and possibility of him simply not being around anymore truly shook something deep inside him and spurred some kind of overgrown shrouded gears inside his head into action. to me it seems he’s having some pretty fucking heavy realizations but it’s also obvious after decades he’s finally prioritizing this huge part of himself and the truths, good and bad, that come with it. with finally letting himself just be you can tell how he’s immediately opening himself up more to tim too, sharing his thoughts instead of shoving them down, being there when it matters most. a perfect example of this is him walking into tim’s apartment and within minutes practically stating that actually, he’s not afraid of the disease– he’s afraid of losing him.
in my opinion hawk telling tim he’s “not sure of anything anymore” is truly a pivotal moment in his life. there’s a certain sense of beginning there. something has changed everything and nothing will be the same again.
it’s also why despite the bitterness, tragedy and supposed finality of it all ’80s tim and hawk are already so dear to me personally.
obviously i’m still positively petrified just imagining where they might go with the story next but i certainly hope you and obviously anyone else that’s willing will have thoughts to share or discussions to spark as the final episodes roll out...!
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halfagone · 8 months
Challenge! 20 Questions for Writers
Thank you both @oliveofvanders and @tathartiel for tagging me!! I don't know what the 20 questions are, but I'll try to work from Tathy's responses. XD
How many works do you have on Ao3?
Technically my Ao3 page says 88, but I personally count it as 87, since I became a co-author post-publishing to add a work into a series. It's complicated, alright?
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
Oh gosh, don't hate me for this- Right now my total stands at 1,936,874 words... Yeah. I may be just a smidge unhinged...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now I currently write for the DPxDC crossover, although I'm hoping to branch out into DP-only, DC-only, and other crossover works!! I used to write for another fandom, but I've long since left that one behind.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No. 1 goes to lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood with a whopping 14,759 kudos. It is currently 92 chapters long, I am working on chapter 93, and it is projected to finish at 150 chapters.
No. 2 goes to Two For One Special at 8,349 kudos!! It's a short one-shot, very light-hearted with Danny and Clark being mistaken as two Waynes.
No. 3 goes to what was lost, found again with 7,090 kudos. This story follows more introspection and character exploration, and we get to see a softer side of what things could be if Jason came home after being resurrected. It's 5 chapters long, already completed if you want to check it out!
No. 4 goes to Eldritch Toddler with 7,031 kudos, so a very close runner-up to No. 3. This is another one-shot for DPxDC crossover week (which will be reoccur this year, although sadly I'm not sure if I'll be able to write for it this time), and it's a little wild and goofy but I overall I tried for fluffy family feels.
We wrap up with No. 5, Off With [the Demon's] Head at 5,492 kudos!! It is currently 15 chapters long, who knows when it'll be done. Danny is Damian's older brother, with mommy and daddy issues a-plenty, and he's sorta kinda Ellie's father? It's complicated and I like to hurt the blorbos.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I definitely try to!! I am very behind on them unfortunately, but I try to respond when I have the spoons and time to. It'll be slow going to catch up to them all, but I try to give them the credit they deserve. <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh this one's hard... I tend to write a lot of angst, after all. Hmmm... I think I'll give this one to On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your pain? just because that fic is so depressing and then I end it with a cliffhanger, so you don't get very much relief from the angst.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ah... I think this one does go to what was lost, found again just because of the catharsis for the journey. There's plenty of angst and hard feelings in that fic, but I really loved being able to write that epilogue from Damian's POV and seeing so many people love it too.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some pretty rude comments, but I think I've only gotten outright hate one time. That comment has since been reported and deleted. There are many comments that seem to take a bad faith reading on the entire chapter, and then kinda go on a tangent about it? It's very strange to see but thankfully I have plenty of other wonderful readers who make up for it.
9. Do you write smut fic? If so, what kind?
Technically no. I've written some more mature fics, but I doubt I'll ever go for full-blown smut. And I'd like to keep it that way, thanks...
10. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've written?
Oh boy do I write crossovers. Majority of my fics are crossovers now actually. lol lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood does take this cake once again, because it started off as a few responses to a Tumblr prompt, and then it became interconnected one-shots and back then I had planned out at least 20 chapters, and here we are now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't believe so, and I really, really hope not.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have co-written a fic!! It's called Born to Make History and I write it with my lovely friend @nightshiftshenanigans. I do have some more plans for co-written fic and hopefully one day soon I'll get to unveil them. ;3
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Oh... that's hard... I don't think I have one all-time favorite? I guess Tim Drake/Danny Fenton would be the closest, since it's the ship I've written the most for. Much like Tathy, I really adore Danny Fenton/Valerie Gray, they are my canon babies. <333
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably weekend wonders. I have plenty of ideas for the fic, the problem is I have so many other WIPs that came as a higher priority that I don't know when this one will get to update. It's only meant to have 15 chapters, but other things get in the way.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm, now that's a hard one. I do enjoy writing many things, especially worldbuilding, but I think introspection and character study would probably be the top ones up there. It's always been very important to me to show a character's reasoning and motivations. Even if you don't relate to it, even if their reasoning is inherently baseless, it is always good to see that people do things for a reason even if it's a stupid one.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am so bad at dialogue it physically pains me. TAT Occasionally I'll get scenes and bits of dialogue I am absolutely in love with but otherwise it's just- It's not my strong suit for sure. lol In other news, I get pretty good at monologues, though!! XD
17. First Fandom you wrote for?
Tower of God, Korean Manhwa from Webtoon. It's so freaking long and so freaking good, but I have sadly since left it (and the fandom at large) behind. :'(
18. Favorite Fic you've written?
I bounce between favorites, but my current one would probably be this is me trying. It is a birthday fic for a wonderful friend of mine, @disillusioneddanny but the idea itself has been something I've wanted to explore for a long time, and I am so proud that I could give them a gift they could enjoy.
Apologies if you get tagged twice here: @die-erlkonigin6083, @chromatographic, and @theredshirtsarecoming!! (You ain't getting out of this that easily, zia!! MUAHAHAH) No pressure if you're not up for it, but in case you were interested~ Have at it!!
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cizzle-freezy · 5 months
If your OC story had it's own fandom etc which of your characters do you think would be the most popular and why? And who would be the least popular?
Given what I've noticed from friends both new and old: Out of the RP cast, it's definitely my deities that are most popular, especially Gelum. I've tried for years to also shift focus to other OCs but it doesn't seem to stick and my personal hyperfocuses on story arcs do NOT help. XD
Though in the past, Ten and Crystal used to be pretty popular among friends. I can see them being focused on too.
As for least, out of the RP cast... Absolutely no clue?? I mean, I personally find Nick/Alexander unappealing but mostly because after his initial arc I found using him boring (i know i never mentioned him before, but that's because I genuinely struggle to use him). Going off of vibes I also feel like some people might not like Cymek but he's part of a rp story that's also been neglected a bit? Maybe Ryvin because ideally I wanted to write him as a Villain Who Is Just An Irredeemable Villain And A Terrible Father. WAIT SHIT, as I type this, I remember Kori! The one Deity of mine that my friends very visibly wanna deck in the face (affectionate)!
Breathing Color specifically? I feel like it might be either Alex for the Anti-Hero Angst, or Violet because she is smol sweet bean with some trauma. I've had some people gravitate towards Derrick too.
I feel like not many would like Heather early on. She DOES start out as the generic mean girl but at least gets better, but not sure if I should count her because she's early arc and not really reoccurring. Tho I think the Early Arc Characters do have a lot of room for headcanoning so idk?? I do also think Alex could theoretically fall under this category depending on how I write him. He was originally kinda creepy but that whole thing is complicated-- Do not get me wrong, I just think it could be executed better.
I do want to give special mention to @loz-the-alternate-relic, aka the comic I help w/ @hikaririnku-blog, @juan-o-clocks, Kobi (who doesn't have tumblr), @jessebizarreart, and Skai_Blu (also no tumblr). It is a fan comic, and there's only so much that's been currently revealed, but Layla def thus far is like, the one I'd think would be pretty popular. But I cannot reveal who I think would be unpopular.... okay I admit this project might be too ambitious for our own good at times lol
I'll admit, it's kinda hard to think of who'd be least popular because I do love most OCs pretty strongly. I can think of many reasons why someone would or wouldn't like an OC??
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apri-apri-no-mi · 9 months
OPLA Review: I love it but it’s different!
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Some context: I started watching One Piece when I was 19 years. So the straw hats have been part of my life for over 9 years. Nevertheless, I’m anime only. I have never read the manga. But I know about the story differences between the manga and anime.
I love the live action adaption! The characters feel in line most of the time. The pacing is quite fast, which is actually good for the story. It definitely broke the curse of bad live action adaptions. I can feel the love that is put into this series at each and every moment. Yet, it still feels different to the One Piece in my heart.
I was super excited for the series to be released. After my initial hype, I still tried to keep my expectations low. Yet while watching the first episode, I felt really conflicted. I loved it for what it is. But I wished I could love it even more. Does this even makes sense? Even after finishing the first 4 episodes, I felt every loving post and meme about it. But something was missing. And this feeling didn’t change after finishing the series.
After exploring my thoughts I noticed to main reasons for this:
First and foremost, I love One Piece for its emotions. I have goosebumps, I cry, I feel excited and motivated. With OPLA the emotions where conveyed on the conversational level a lot. A lot more than in the anime. But I was missing the emotions on the emotional level. Characters where saying what they feel. But I couldn’t sense them feeling it.
The second thing which is crucial about One Piece for me is the music! Especially reoccurring background music that also conveys a lot of the emotions. Yes, we had a little bit Bink's sake here and there. And the main theme song We are was incorporated twice if I’m not wrong. But besides that I cannot recall any music except the fishmen's background music. Most of the time I didn’t even notice the background music at all. Epic moments had no epic music.
Nevertheless, I am still very much in love with it. I see so many people engaging in my most favorite fictional world. And they get lost in it! Maybe some even start to read the manga or watch the anime. Some might won’t. But knowing the straw hats - somehow as they are - will be part of other peoples lives as well, makes me unbelievably happy!
And for everyone interested, here are some other random impressions and thoughts:
Almost all story changes where made with love and payed tribute to the original. Like having Chouchou in Orange Town or a girl offering Zoro onigiri. But making the Grand Line map the main story plot device leading to Arlong being kind of the end boss of season 1 felt off to me. It fits somehow into the story. But since Arlong is from the Grand Line, I feel like he wouldn’t be that much in need of the map anyway?!
Koby had sooo much screen time! It was an interesting choice. But I’ve admit, I liked it a lot! Yet I’m not sure if I like how Garp is portrayed. He seems a bit out of character to me personally.
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I loooved how they integrated the wanted posters for each character! That was a really unique and cool idea!
We had a panda in the show!!! At this point I knew it’s just a big success haha!
There had been a lot of queer moments! So many more than in the anime at that time of the story. There will be so many fanfics lol
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I loved Namis and Luffys first interaction. Even though it was different from the original , it was so cute and gave them some funny moments together. In contrast, Sanjis and Luffys first interaction felt really lame. I love how in the anime the first thing Luffy sees Sanji doing is offering someone starving food for free. This way he knows immediately Sanji is a good one. He asks him to join his crew without having tried his meals. In OPLA Luffy first sees Sanji as waiter resolving some fight. Luffy goes from "he's a good fighter" over "he's a good cook" to "he’s a good guy". And to me Sanji is a good guy first and everything else comes after!
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The only time I felt emotions like in the anime, was the scene were Luffy gave his hat to Nami. I think it was almost a 1:1 adaption of the original scene and the dialogue. But somehow this scene felt also off in the live action, because it was so much heavier in emotions than the rest of the series. I’m sorry I’m really picky about the emotional stuff lol
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Thanks for reading my rumbling about my favorite fictional universe! I’m really excited what OPLA can do in the future! For anyone starting to watch the anime, I have some last words for you: I’ll wait in Wano Kuni for you!!!
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 2 months
I am not patient so ima answer these now
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?: my turtle wall <333
2. how tall do you wish you were?: much taller 😔
3. what color is your hair?: im a natural redhead :D
4. whats a rare fear that you have?: nit rlly rare i dont think, but I am TERRIFIED of deep water- like to the point of crying
5. are you single?: naur✨
6. has your heart ever been broken?: not really?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?: 2012 and Money Island SE
8. favorite coping mechanism?: Loud music and a weighted blanket 👌
9. whats your favorite love language?: defo physical touch. I am a veryyyy clingy person oncw I get comfy
10. how often do you get nervous?: really only before auditions (and ordering food)
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?: uh- cha. Who wouldn't??
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?: asl fs. I like being non verbal, so it would be helpful
13. where do you wish to live?: I wish I lived with my aunt and uncle in Everett
14. what’s something surprising about you?: I do cheer
15. when did you last shower?: last week I think? (I am ass at taking care of myself 💀💀)
16. when did you first join tumblr?: A couple months ago (I think)
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?: yerp. Probably my arms. Something meaningful. Idk it just sounds cool.
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?: A reoccurring dream I keep having is where my mom lets me go to school for one day to try it out, but something always goes wrong (I lose my schedule, miss my classes, etc.)
19. whats your dream job?: Actor/Voice Actor
20. whats your ideal date?: just doing something easy and fun, like going to the aquarium!
21. what do you wish you could do better?: take care of myself
22. what country would you live in if you could?: idk Canada? I mean they get free healthcare-
23. whos the best person you know?: my brother Asher
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?: I didn't, but my mom once walked in on my neighbor teaching me the wap when I was like 9
25. Already answered!!
26. when have you been most embarrassed?: I accidentally blew snot in the boy I liked in 3rd grade✨✨
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?: so far, Carrie
28. what are you best at?: Acting
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?: yuh
30. do you have siblings?: three- almost four- little s shits
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?: if i make it to adulthood
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?: dishonesty
33. whats your favorite current class?: ELA
34. how many people have you dated?: 4
35. how often do you wash your hair?: every time I shower
36. do you daydream? what about?: living w my aunt and uncle
37. where do you go to be alone?: my room. people kinda forget I exist lol
38. which parent do you like more?: my dad. They both suck, but he's at least a little better
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?: not being hateful
40. whos voice do you enjoy?: BEN SCHWARTZ!!!!
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?: bingus
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?: actually learn an instrument (I am learning drums tho!)
43. what do you wish you never did?: came out to my friends in the gc where my ma could see
44. do you believe in life after death?: sort of? Im pretty open to whatever, but I do like the idea of reincarnation
45. do you prefer book over movie?: the book is definitely 100% better than the movie
46. whats your favorite season?: Autumn
47. Answered!!
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?: yup! Pussyslayer the turtle <333
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?: 3rd grade when I drove a friend away by being to crazy
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?: nothing really, I thoroughly make sure the purchase is worthwhile before proceeding
51. do you have your own room?: sadly, no
52. whats your favorite book?: white rabbit
53. who’s someone you hate?: Colleen Hoover
54. whats your best hottake?: ???
55. whats your favorite game?: I don't really play video games, but I'd say either Minecraft, Unpacking, or Sims 4
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?: when I went to twin falls in Hawaii, and my dad swam me across the third one, under the waterfall. I cried.
57. are you a morning person?: aaaaabsolutely not
58. do you drink enough water?: definitely not.... Im very dehydrated
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?: Ion know dawg- i cant even remember most my childhood 😭😭
60. do you enjoy tumblr?: yeah! I just wish people would rebLOG INSTEAD OF LIKING.
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?: No(t yet)
62. whats your least favorite game?: fortnite
63. were you a markiplier fan?: still am motherfucker
64. how do you respond to compliments?: If its in person, I usually just say thanks and give a compliment in return. If its online, I usually squeal and giggle and stimm big before calmly replying 'ik✨✨' or 'ty!!'
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?: literally no idea
66. do you believe in marriage?: im kinda 50/50 here- on one hand I would love to have a wedding and get to wear a pretty dress. On the other, I don't believe in marriage as an idea- I feel like you shouldnt have to be legally bound to prive your love. But you do you boo <33
67. do you have a crush on someone?: other than Donnie? Nah.
68. do you like tumblr?: I do! So far everyone is really nice (but please for the love of Aphrodite REBLOGGGG)
69. were you a voltron stan?: naur
70. whats your favorite ship?: Leosagi
71. whats your favorite song?: atm im between Two Time by Jack Stauber and the entire Lucid Dreams album by Boywithuke
72. do you like loud crowds?: I would honestly rather be skinned alive
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?: nah
74. how do you sleep?: very little
75. do you bite your lips?: only when they itchy
76. do you use chapstick?: frequently. I have eczema so my lips are constantly dry
77. do you have any pets?: two dogs and three cats!
78. what color are your eyes?: blue-gray
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?: nothing, im perfect already✨✨
80. have you ever had surgery?: nerp
81. whats your least favorite animal?: mosquito
82. whats something that youre really bad at?: math (I had to use my fingers to count 7-3 the other day, then I had to pause and rethink my entire life)
83. do you have an sqishmellows?: just one, the lil panda
84. do you enjoy fast food?: meh. I prefer eating at home
85. do you like soda?: yup!
86. Answered!!
87. do you wear any jewelry?: mhm! I have a bunch if cute earrings, and I love wearing bracelets
88. what socials do you use?: just Insta and tumblr
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?: social studies at 73.24%
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?: all night
91. did you ever have bangs?: Nerp
92. what trends did you hate?: thigh high uggs because for some reason those were a thing
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?: the dress I wore today, so affectionately called the 'coffin dress'
94. Answered!!
95. whats your opinion on body hair?: if you want to shave, go ahead. If you dont, thats okay too! I don't like telling people what to do with their bodies. Personally, I don't like shaving. I like me the way I am, body hair and all!
96. whats your least favorite time?: morning
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?: its basically mandatory in my house
98. Answered!!
99. have you ever been to church?: I don't go regularly, but have been a few times. Not a terrible experience, but not for me.
100. are you lgbtq?: queer as hell baby
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randomthefox · 3 months
That a cool im kind of confuse about erazor djinn,merlina, time eater and the end representation
Erazor Djinn is obviously based on Djinn or Jinns from arabian mythology, aka genies. Djinn's can be good or evil just like humans, and Shahra herself is also a djinn. Of course Erazor being NAMED Djinn while Shahra is more presented as a classical wish granting Genie is deliberately being done to present the idea of a "djinn" as being inherently malevolent, while a genie is more benevolent. Considering both words are just anglicisations anyway and the original arabic word is جِنّ this is obviously a fine way to interpret it into english. Pre-islam, djinn's were essentially personal spirits that were worshiped in private as opposed to gods which were worshiped in public, although we don't have all that many historical documentation on the specifics of this. After the rise of Islam, djinns were rolled into the Abrahamic hierarchy and are on a lower rank compared to angels, and in modern mythology Djinn are essentially always portrayed as demons or evil trickster spirits (very similar to how pagan holdovers are portrayed in a negative light by christian storytellers).
Merlina is based on Merlin and also probably Morgan le Fay, as befitting of her role in the story as initially presenting herself as a mentor and guide for Sonic (who is King Arthur) only to reveal herself as the true villain and final boss as Morgan was a reoccurring antagonist of King Arthur. Given the name, Morgan was probably a fae entity of some kind and in some texts is even referred to as a nymph. Faeries in celtic and britanic tradition are a whooooole fucking thing I don't have time to get into lol. But again given christianizations tendency to take pagan traditional beliefs and incorporate it into biblical mythology for the sake of portraying it as a falsehood or evil in some way, it makes sense to take the Morgan le Fay character and portray her as this malevolent fairy creature that wants to trap the world of Camelot in a timeless limbo. That's pretty classical fae shenanigans. Once Sonic sets her straight, she recalls her Father who was Merlin with fondness while holding a flower, and Merlin is a pretty straight forward Druid (again, discounting christianization and Robert de Boron which turns him into a prophet of the holy grail). So she's definitely got a food in both circles, I'd say.
The Time Eater is pretty Lovecraftian I'd say. It reminds me of the Color Out Of Space, especially in the state we see it in before Eggman hijacks it. It is your typical eldritch entity and a being that exists outside of linear time, though I don't know if it can be said to have any specific inspirations beyond that.
The End is a God of Death and looks like the moon because various cultures viewed the moon as a symbol of death. This also puts it in stark contrast to Solaris which was a Sun God. Specifically the cycle of death and rebirth is symbolized by the moon in the way that is has difference phases of visibility throughout the year and the way those phases effect the tides. And death and rebirth is a big theme of Sonic Frontiers, particularly with the Koco and Sage's entire storyline which appropriate ends with her sacrificing herself to defeat The End before being reborn in the post credits scene. It is very similar to Dark Gaia in that it wipes the slate clean, and Tails even directly compares the power of The End to Dark Gaia in the game. Of note that in most mythologies the moon is often (but not always) presented as female, and the sun is usually (but not always) male. The End speaks with both male and female voices at the same time. It is also of course very eldritchian as well, as it only APPEARS as a moon to our mortal comprehension and we are incapable of perceiving it as it actually is, and the form that Sonic and Sage destroy is only an aspect of its true self. It is PROBABLY not inherently malevolent, just inherently destructive, and the way it is in the game is likely just because it was pissy over being imprisoned for countless eons and not perceiving mortality as having any inherent value which again speaks very much to Lovecrafian influence.
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