#cs fandom birthday fic
snowbellewells · 1 year
One More {Part Four}
Oh goodness, Melanie @searchingwardrobes This is still your birthday fic (even though I apologize for taking so long to finish it that we could now be celebrating your half-birthday!) One more chapter after this - and I think by the end of this one, things will finally feel like they are looking up for our younger Emma and Killian...
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iv. 22 years old (three years old)
“One more move, Henry,” Emma murmured, glancing at her little boy in his carseat behind her as she adjusted the rearview mirror to start out. “We’ll try one more town, okay?” She offered the happily babbling toddler a reassuring smile - really as much for herself as Henry - though he couldn’t agree in words or fully understand her. His gummy grin bolstered her courage all the same.
“Yep,” she repeated with a bob of her chin, putting the loaded car in gear. “This will be the one.” She pulled away from the curb near the small fourth floor apartment she’d rented for the last few years, almost since bringing Henry home from the hospital, and after carefully making sure there was no traffic coming, eased her beat-up yellow VW onto the two lane road out of town.
Despite what she had told Sabine, a friend she had made through Tink Green and whose mother had rented her the apartment she and Henry had called home, Emma didn’t truly have a good reason for moving on . Things had been tough at first - her money certainly stretched to the limit - but she had also found true friendships and gotten as close to putting down roots as she had ever come. Bless Tink’s sweet, mothering soul; the nurse had stuck to her side from the delivery room all through Henry’s infancy and beyond, allowing Emma to finally feel what having a bestie, or even a sister, might have been like. Tink had introduced her to Sabine - no-nonsense, wryly hilarious owner of her own Creole food truck and maker of the best beignets east of Louisiana, and thankfully with a family in all levels of real estate. Between the two of them, they kept Emma afloat, pinch hit as babysitters, and were the only reason she hesitated when the urge to go began to stir within her bones once more.
Despite the small semblance of roots she had established, no place had ever quite felt like where she was meant to stay. Emma couldn’t explain it; she only knew that an itch would start to prickle beneath her skin, restlessness to stir until she couldn’t focus, couldn’t help but think about where she might go next, and then she’d be packing her bags again. Largely due to Henry, and wanting him to have a more stable childhood than she’d had, and the support system she had gained, these three years since his birth had been the longest Emma stayed anywhere since she had lost - 
“Nope,” she hissed under her breath, shaking her head fervently as she glanced back to be sure her sharp reaction hadn’t disturbed her little boy’s quiet doze. “We’re not going there,” she admonished herself, forcing away images of the wrung-out despair on Liam Jone’s face as he’d come to deliver the earth-shattering news, the hopeful excitement in Killian’s bright blue eyes when he had left, those front porch steps where they’d both met and said goodbye, and the cozy den at Liam and Killian’s house, where all three of them had laughed and talked and stuffed their faces full of popcorn as they’d journeyed the world via tv travel shows, all scrunched onto the brothers’ small overstuffed couch together. That was only place she had ever left that she truly missed.
By this point, she had lived all up and down the eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida, and each of the bustling cities and small hamlets had their charms, but not one had ever stuck to her, not the way she felt that a home should do. When Tink had demanded to know where she was heading, why she suddenly had to go, Emma didn’t even have a good reply, other than to say Maine and that she felt like giving it a second chance. She just knew some thread inside was pulling her, and instead of forward to some unknown once more, she was winding her way back.
Maybe she shouldn’t have left so quickly years ago. She had been shattered, yes, and there wasn’t anything holding her there, but she could have been present for a devastated man who might as well have been a brother; they could have grieved together, found some sort of closure and peace. Instead, she had been romaing ever since - as if some new place, some view over the water or the right stretch of highway could ever fill the void in her soul.
Flicking her turn signal, Emma left behind the quiet street she travelled nearly every day, guiding the sturdy older car smoothly onto the busy highway that would have them slowly beginning to wend their way northward. Henry slept contentedly, though Emma left the radio on a gentle, folksy station just in case, hoping the easy rhythms might be soothing if he woke fussy. Her whole world and reason for being sat just behind her in that carseat, and though it had been painstakingly hard to trip, fall, fail, pull herself up, and repeat the whole thing over and again, she wouldn’t choose to live her life differently, or she wouldn’t have him.
Not doubt there would be those who considered her a terrible parent for uprooting her son from the environment he was used to, the extended family who had been there for them both when Henry had colic, or she just needed a few hours to herself, or who were willing to accept rent just a couple days late if her paychecks didn’t fall quite right one month. Emma was well aware that she was working without a net and didn’t have much of a plan either, but then, that had been the case her entire life. When it came right down to it, she had to depend on her own grit and determination - having known a bit of backup and support in the last couple years didn’t undo a lifetime of prior experience.
Plus, if she was to keep a brave face for Henry, to show him a strong, capable front as he got older and doubtlessly more perceptive, then she had to see to her own needs and desires occasionally, whether they made sense to the rest of the world or not. When she finally stopped for the evening, to find them some supper and a motel room for the night, they were almost out of Georgia and up into North Carolina. Henry whined grumpily when she extricated him from the carseat and took his hand to lead him into the all-night Waffle House, but he cheered considerably at the prospect of chocolate chip pancakes, just as she had known he would.
It was only as she curled up in bed that night, surrounding her little boy’s small form with her own body as she attempted to get comfortable on the thin mattress which had clearly seen better days - certainly not a lot of support for her neck and back already stiff from driving for hours - that she found she still couldn’t relax. With a resigned sigh, Emma forced her eyes closed and tried to rest. She’d chosen to make this journey on as small a budget as possible, not wanting to decimate the tiny nest egg she’d scrimped and saved to put away for the future. They could have stayed somewhere a bit nicer, if her earlier life hadn’t trained her to be frugal to the extreme - even now as an adult gainfully employed and getting by better than she might once have been able to imagine.
Thankfully, the thickness of mattresses or the age and wear of motel wallpaper made little difference to a three-year-old. Henry was simply excited by the whole adventure; he’d gotten chocolate chip pancakes, an extra story as he fought valiantly to keep his eyes from closing in sleep, and the promise that tomorrow they would see and ride a real train on the Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock. Emma wondered if she had ever been that easily joyful - happy and unafraid. Unconcerned for what a new day might bring, and excited to find out.
Exactly as she’d wanted, exactly as she’d hoped and sweat and clawed and fought to make reality, Henry’s first three years had been so different from her own start in life. The way he was resting calmly without a care in the world right now, while she lay staring into the dark restlessly, was proof enough of that.
Despite how physically tired she was from remaining alert and driving for so long, Emma was lost in her thoughts, her mind unable to let go of its restless swirl as her limbs had done. She had just forced herself to close her eyes regardless, when she heard the buzz of a text message from her phone on the nightstand.
Rolling over and then reaching out for the offending object, Emma pulled the cell close to her face, squinting a bit without her contacts and much less light than normal by which to see, she stubbornly strained to decipher the type before her on the small screen. It was from Tink, because, of course it was. In some ways, it felt as if the woman had been hovering over Emma’s shoulder, waiting to cushion her falls like her magical Disney namesake ever since they met. It was little wonder Tink would feel the need to make sure they had reached somewhere safe and stopped to rest for the night. Belatedly, Emma chided herself for not messaging her friend with an update first, so she wouldn’t have had to worry.
‘Hey, E – ‘ the message began before charging ahead in her friend’s typical quick, effervescent fashion. ‘I couldn’t sleep, and I wondered if you might be having the same problem and see this. Anyway, I got to thinking, you’re headed for Maine, right? Some place you spent time in when you were younger? Well, I know I told you that I did some practicum hours several years ago at a physical therapist’s office up that way…’
Emma couldn’t help rolling her eyes playfully at her friend’s way of rambling effusively, even when typing instead of speaking aloud. If they were together, she would be teasing Tink to ‘get to the point already’. Instead, she only shook her head and kept reading.
‘While I was there, I met this gentleman… retired Navy, if I remember right… Anway, he was very nice - helpful, dependable… You should look him up once you get settled. You know, if you need restaurant recommendations or to know which repair companies won’t rip you off, that sort of thing. The guy is noble to a fault, probably why we only went on one date because - Whew, girl, was he handsome!’  Tink’s winky-faced, tongue-out emoji had Emma chuckling to herself just imagining the diminutive blonde saying all that in her usual rush of words and accompanying facial expressions. It made her shock at the last lines of text on the screen all the more pronounced, her breath catching in her throat, choking down her windpipe and making her cough and gasp for breath. Reading the lines over again, Emma still couldn’t wrap her mind around how it was possible. She had never told Tink - or anyone - about the Jones brothers, the closest people to family she’d ever had, and yet there it was in black and white: ‘His name was Liam. Liam Jones’ followed by a telephone number and the promise that she wasn’t trying to set Emma up, her feeling on that had been made perfectly clear.
Stunned, Emma sat the phone back on her nightstand before it fell from her nerveless hand and blinked away the moisture stinging the corners of her eyelids. However it had happened, Fate had either an incredibly cruel or patiently hopeful sense of humor. She might have eventually tried to find her self-adopted big brother once more - if she’d ever felt she could see him without Killian and not bawl until she made herself sick - but it would appear that destiny worked on a schedule all its own.
Three days later, having stopped occasionally for picnics in parks, sleep at motels that seemed relatively clean and safe, and a few other attractions that had caught Henry’s fancy, Emma finally found herself at the address she had seen advertised for rent, not very far from the street where her old foster family had once lived. She could have made much better time without stopping as often, but with a three-year-old in tow, breaks were a must. There wasn’t a particular need to hurry anyway, other than the strange pull in her gut which had set them on their current journey. And in truth, why shouldn’t she sightsee and let Henry have a little fun along the way? She meant what she’d told her son, whether he understood enough to hold her to it or not. She didn’t intend to drag him all over the country like some rootless nomad. She would find a way to silence the wanderlust and stay in one place for him; as long as he liked it here, that would be what mattered.
Dusk was just beginning to gather in the evening sky, pink and orange streaks in the clouds darkening to lavender and gray as late afternoon inched toward the night. Emma exited the Beetle, stretching her back with a groan, and moving to round the front of the vehicle and get Henry from his carseat in back on the passenger side. Her hand had just grasped the door handle when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.
Wheeling, Emma froze at the sound of her own name whispered hoarsely on the gentle breeze. Blinking and dumbstruck, she tried to correct her vision, knowing she had to be imagining the sight before her. 
But the vision didn’t melt away, and her heart leapt, finally daring to believe what she saw. “K - Killian?” she breathed, not sure the words had even come out loud enough to be heard. “Is it really you?”
Tagging a few who might enjoy @jennjenn615 @searchingwardrobes @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @laschatzi @jrob64 @apiratewhopines @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @xsajx @tiganasummertree @optomisticgirl @spartanguard @therooksshiningknight @donteattheappleshook @the-darkdragonfly @elizabeethan @cosette141 @anmylica @sotangledupinit @xarandomdreamx @justanother-unluckysoul @motherkatereloyshipper @stahlop @lfh1226-linda​ @gingerpolyglot​ @gingerchangeling​ @thislassishooked​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @scientificapricot​ @tomeandflickcorner​ @winterbaby89​ 
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Girls' Trip Fairy Tale Ending--Chapter 5 of 6
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Summary:  This is my combined birthday gift for Joni (  @jrob64​  ), Marta ( @snowbellewells ) and Krystal ( @kmomof4 ).  Happy birthday ladies! Four fandom friends are nearing the end of their annual girls’ trip when they’re suddenly visited by Isaac, the author before Henry.  He gives them an each a gift–an opportunity to jump into any scene in the storybook they want and fix it.  Large focus on CS, although other characters and relationships will be explored.  A big shoutout to @hollyethecurious​ and @winterbaby89 for betaing!
Word Count: 2420
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew @annaamelll @flslp87 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirst @kmomof4  @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight, @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree  @jrob64  @anmylica   @booksteaandtoomuchtv​ @elfiola
Other chapters:  (1) (2) (3) (4)
Can also be found on: (ao3) (ff.net)
Jen didn’t know what she expected transportation via storybook to be like, but she was delighted to discover it was something like entering a snowglobe.  Snowflakes swirled around her, and she watched with delight as they landed on her arms, her shoulders, the ends of her hair.  Each one was different, but each was thoroughly exquisite in its own way.  She knew that most people didn’t get her love of winter and snow but it was beautiful and fascinating, and she would go on loving it despite what anyone else might say.
So engrossed was Jen in the snow swirling around her, that she barely noticed moving from her place in the cabin until the air cleared and she found herself just inside the Charming’s flat.  Her eyes fell first on the tremendous, festively decorated Christmas tree in the sitting area and then the simpler evergreen wreath hanging on the inside of the door.
So it was Christmastime in her version of events?  Well, why not?  Wasn’t Christmas the time for magic?  And she would need some heavy duty, industrial strength magic to fix the mess Isaac had made of the latter part of season 6.
“So Hook….he killed my father?  Okay, that’s a little tough to process.” she heard David say from the kitchen area, and suddenly she knew just exactly where they were in the story.  She hung back for a moment, trying to figure out just the right time and the right way to intervene.
“I was hoping I didn’t have to tell you,” Emma said, sounding defeated from her perch on the breakfast bar.
“Where the hell is Hook anyway?” David asked, aggressively pacing the kitchen. “He didn’t have the guts to come tell me himself?”
If anything, Emma looked even more dejected. “There’s more.  Hook, he … he left town.”
“What?” David exclaimed, finally coming to a stop and staring at his daughter in disbelief. 
“We had a big fight about him hiding this, and I told him if he wasn’t ready to trust me that, that we shouldn’t talk for a while,” Emma said, “so I guess he wasn’t ready, because Leroy saw him on the docks, and he got on the Nautilus and just…sailed away.”
At this, Jen found herself shaking her head, hurrying forward to intervene.
“Emma,” she said gently, “are you sure?  Are you absolutely SURE that’s what happened?”
Emma looked up, anger and pain written all over her face.  She spread her hands wide.  “He’s not here, is he?  What am I supposed to think?”
“I know how hurt you are by all that happened,” Jen said, “but hasn’t he shown you yet that you don’t need to put up your walls to protect yourself from him?  Hasn’t he proven how much he loves you?”
“Not enough to keep from hiding things from me,” she muttered.
“Kind of like how you hid the truth about the shears and your destiny as savior from him?” Jen asked, being careful to keep any hint of accusation from her tone.
“That’s….that’s different!” Emma spluttered, jumping from the counter and striding purposely toward the coat rack.  “I’ve gotta get to the station. Look, whatever you or I or anyone else might think of him, the facts are the facts, and the fact is that Leroy saw him leave me.  End of discussion.”
As though to punctuate her sentence, she stepped out the door and slammed it behind her.  The Christmas wreath on the door fell to the floor with the violence of the action.  David moved forward to replace the decoration on its perch.
“You know I’m right, don’t you David?” Jen asked.  
He didn’t look at her, instead taking long moments to adjust the wreath just so on the door.  Finally he turned back to face her.  “She’s my daughter, Jen, and she’s hurting, and he’s the cause of it, whatever led to it.  My focus has to be on helping her heal”
“But if things aren’t exactly the way they look…if maybe this is the work of a villain or something,” Jen said, “wouldn’t the ideal way to help her be to figure out the truth?  And you know Killian.  You know how much he loves Emma.  Doesn’t he deserve the benefit of the doubt?”
David frowned, and Jen could tell her words struck a chord in him.  “I suppose you’re right.”
With another delightful swirl of snow, Jen found herself transported to the sheriff’s station where David and Emma were discussing digitizing files and the merits of busywork to help dull the pain. She decided to hang back in the shadows, watching to see how this scene played out.
“I’ve got just the thing to mend a broken heart,” Regina said happily, brushing snow off of her coat as she breezed into the station and held up a small piece of paper rolled into a scroll.
Emma eyed it warily. “Whatever spell that is, I don’t want it.  I’m seriously not in the mood for magic.”
“Who said anything about magic?” Regina said unfurling the scroll which was covered in so many images of the season, it looked like Christmas had thrown up all over it.  “It’s a two for one drink coupon for that new club, Aesop’s Tables.  Seems they’re having a big Christmas sale.  It’d be a shame to waste it!”
David stepped up, looking at the coupon and shaking his head. “Really?  You think half priced liquor is the way to go.”
“I certainly do,” Regina said.  “We need a ladies night out, me, Emma and Snow.  We go early enough, we can get back in time for Christmas eve with the family.”
Emma looked unimpressed at the suggestion.  “Remember she’s in a sleeping curse?  She’s at home. Asleep.”
“Well, she doesn’t have to be asleep,” Regina said with a meaningful look at David.
“Oh come on!  I just woke up!” he said.  Regina gave him a look, and he rolled his eyes.  “I guess she doesn’t have to be asleep.”
Emma got to her feet, clearly in no mood for any of this. “I can’t. I’m about to go on patrol, and shouldn’t you be trying to break that curse?”
Regina blew out an exasperated breath. “Well, I’m working on it, but I could use a break.  We all could.  I know you’re hurting, and I know you’re trying to hide it because, well, you’re Emma, but you can’t just run from this.”
Emma gave her a hard look.  “I didn’t run.  Hook ran, so, there’s nothing more to say.”  She placed the last file on the pile in front of her with rather more force than strictly necessary, and then headed toward the door.  It was abundantly clear that she was running from the conversation as much as she was heading out on rounds.
“You know,” David said speculatively as she walked out, “I’ve been thinking.”
Regina snorted, “a dangerous pastime.”
He glared at her and then went back to the topic at hand. “I’m not sure it’s true.  I’m not sure Hook really DID run,” he finished.
“Well he’s not here, is he?” she asked, gesturing around the office to make her point. “Seems your daughter has some reason to think he skipped town.”
“Leroy,” David said.
“I beg your pardon?” Regina said.
“Leroy’s her reason,” David said.  “He apparently saw Hook on the docks, told Emma something about Hook getting on the Nautilus and sailing away.”
Regina tutted derisively.  “Leroy?  Emma’s just going on the word of that gossip girl?”
David shrugged.  “You know how hard it is for Emma to trust, how closely she guards her heart.  She’s hurting, but you and I both know Hook.  That man isn’t capable of loving by half measures.  It doesn’t make sense that he’d decide he doesn’t trust her and just….cut his losses and skip town.”
Jen nodded in satisfaction.  That’s the David she knew, rather than the clueless one Isaac wrote, the one who was ready to believe the worst of Killian at the slightest provocation.
“I guess you have a point there,” Regina conceded, “and we do have a psychopath running around trying to separate Emma from all her sources of support.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe it’s time to give the pirate the benefit of the doubt.”
With another swirl of snow, Jen found herself in the sitting room of Emma’s house.  She smiled as she saw the tall Christmas tree in the corner, bedecked with lights and garland and all manner of  hook, swan, storybook and Disney character ornaments.
The smile slid from her face as she spied Emma and Henry sitting together at opposite ends of the sofa.  Henry played on his phone, earbuds in place while Emma slowly, gently placed Hook’s possessions in his chest. She hesitated as she reached Liam’s ring hanging from its chain.  She held it close, looking down at it, the tears coming to her eyes in spite of herself.
Beside her, Henry seemed to notice her distress.  He pulled the earbuds from his ears.  “Mom, you okay?”
Emma took a deep breath and decisively placed the ring in the trunk and closed the lid.  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she answered. “I have to be,” she added under her breath.  “Henry, can you take this out to the shed later?”
Henry nodded.  “Yeah, whatever you want.”
That was it?  That was all Henry had to say on the matter?  Clearly it was time for Jen to intervene again.
“Take a moment to think about this Emma, Henry,” Jen said.  “Look at what’s sitting before you.  Hook’s chest, filled with all his most prized possessions.  If he was going to leave you, why would he leave all of that behind?”
Jen saw a small glimmer of hope dawn in Emma’s eye, but just as quickly it disappeared.  “I don’t know, but I’ve already told you.  I have to face the facts.  Holding on to false hope only hurts worse.”
Beside her, Henry furled his brow.  “Jen’s got a point, mom,” he said, Jen nodded in satisfaction. Maybe the Truest Believer was ready to work his (metaphorical) magic once more.  “Killian spent two hundred years trying to avenge my grandma Milah.  Once he loves someone, he loves them forever.”
There was that tiny spark of hope in her eyes once more.  It lasted longer this time before it faded. “But sometimes love is not enough.  Seems that’s the case with Hook.”
“Mom, he literally went to hell for you,” Henry said.  “You two were proven True Love.  When Zeus wanted to send Killian to his ultimate reward–to the place he truly belonged–he sent him back to you.  You really think he gave all of that up over an argument?”
Emma took a moment to think this over and seemed to be on the verge of responding when there was a brisk knock on the door, and a moment later David and Regina strolled in.
“Regina…what the hell?” Emma asked, getting to her feet.
“Your Charming father and I have been talking,” Regina said, “and we’ve come to the conclusion that you’re being an idiot.”
“I’d like to point out for the record, that that is not  the conclusion I came to,” David said with an exasperated glare in the direction of his step-mother-in-law.  “I said that I thought your pain might be clouding your judgment.”
“Technicalities,” Regina said with a wave of the hand.
Emma rolled her eyes.  “As much as I’m enjoying the bickering at my expense,” she drawled, “is there a point to your visit?”
“We were thinking,” David said, stepping forward.  “How many times in this town has a villain screwed with things and made circumstances seem different than they are in order to despirit the heroes and further their plan?  How can we be sure Gideon didn’t, I don’t know, do something to make Killian leave?”
There was that hope in Emma’s eyes once more, and this time it stubbornly refused to fade.  “Do you really think that could be the case?” she asked.
“Of course!” Henry said, “and we know what Gideon’s trying to do!  He’s trying to separate Emma from all her sources of support before the final battle!  It would be just like him to get rid of Killian, her true love.”
“But…” Emma said, starting to protest once more, but far more weakly this time.
“Emma he’s your True Love, and that’s a special kind of magic,” David said, placing his hands on her arms.  “Don’t you at least owe him–and yourself–trying to figure out for sure?”
“I suppose you’re right,” Emma said, “but how?  Forget why he left.  We don’t even know where he went.”
Jen stepped up, looking at Regina.  “It’s Christmas time.  Surely there’s some sort of…I don’t know…enchanted Christmas ornament ro something that can help us out.”
“I don’t know about an ornament,” Regina said slowly, “but there is the legend of the Christmas wreath.”
“What legend is that, mom?” Henry asked.
“Well the evergreen wreath is a symbol of everlasting love, right?” Regina asked.  “You know, evergreens never shedding their green needles, the circle the symbol of that with no beginning or end, all of that?”
Emma shrugged.
“Well, apparently, at Christmastime, the wreath has a special, even greater magic,” Regina says.  “The magic of the season enhances its True Love properties, and, in short, if someone is True Love, it’s said they will be able to see their True Love in it, assuming they adorn it with something meaningful belonging to said True Love.”
“One problem,” Emma said.  “I don’t have a wreath.”
“But Grandma and Grandpa do!” Henry said excitedly.  “They made it together and it’s on their door!  That could work, couldn’t it?”
Regina groaned.  “Given how utterly sickening their True Love is, I’d say a wreath they lovingly made together might be the perfect option.”
“And as for something meaningful to Killian,” Emma said, reaching into the trunk and grasping Liam’s ring, “I’ve got the perfect thing.”
“Well, what are we waiting for?” David asked with a broad smile.  “Let’s get back to the loft!”
“I don’t see anything,” Emma said dejectedly several minutes later.
Regina had poofed them directly to the loft, and Emma had wasted no time in draping Liam’s ring over her parents’ wreath before staring into the center of it.
“You have to believe, Emma,” Regina said, “truly believe in the strength and everlasting nature of your love.  You need to put all doubts from your mind.”
Emma took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and then looked back through the center of the wreath.  She gasped, hearing him before she saw him.
“Emma? Emma are you there? I didn’t mean to leave. I was on my way back to you and Gideon, he sent me away.”
Slowly the picture began to emerge from within the wreath.  Killian seemed to be in some exotic place, a place in the desert.  If Emma wasn’t mistaken, he was standing beside…was that Ariel?...and he was speaking into what looked like a seashell.
“Seems he’s trying to communicate via ‘shell’ phone,” David grinned. Regina groaned and Emma shushed them both, concentrating on what she was hearing from the wreath…or shell…or whatever the hell was happening.
“I would never leave you. Emma. He wanted me out of the way, and I love you. I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m trying to get home to you, and I won’t ever stop until I do.”
Tears of relief filled Emma’s eyes and spilled down over her cheeks. “Killian?” she answered.  
Through the wreath, she saw him start and look down in wonder at the shell in his hand.  “Emma?  You’re there?”
“I’m here,” she said tearfully.  “I hear you.  I love you too!”
“I’m trying desperately to get home to you,” he said.  “Christmas is tomorrow, and I couldn’t bear to spend it without you.  Do you have any suggestions?”
Emma looked around at Regina.  “Anything more to that wreath legend?” she asked.  “Can it, like, transport someone?”
“Well,” Regina said slowly, “I suppose it’s possible, if he could find a wreath of his own and something of yours to tether them together.  Maybe the wreath could bring him home.”
“Are you there, love?” Killian asked.
“He can’t hear you?” Emma asked Regina.  
She shrugged.  “Well he’s not my True Love.”
Emma rolled her eyes before telling Killian what Regina had just conveyed to her.  It was a matter of just a moment to get everything arranged.  As luck would have it, Ariel had, among her tremendous collection of random things, a Christmas wreath, and Killian was able to tether it to Emma’s by adding her engagement ring to its boughs.
There was a flash of Christmas lights, and then he was there, back in the room with them.
Jen held her breath, knowing what was coming, thrilled at the prospect of being a witness to it.  She pulled back to give them a bit of privacy, even if she had no intention of withdrawing entirely from a scene of such great importance to her very favorite fictional couple.
“I’m sorry, Emma,” Killian said, taking her hand. “I should have told you what I did to your grandfather all those years ago, and I should never, never have even considered running away.
Jen noticed the tears in Emma’s eyes, her watery smile as she looked up at him. “It’s okay.  I didn’t exactly make it easy for you to tell me the truth.  Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
She turned away, trying to pull him with her, but he held his ground.  “No,” he said, “no, there’s something I have to do before I get pushed into another portal and this time, I’m gonna do it the right way.”
Killian reached into his jacket pocket, wincing with the pain the movement caused his bruised body.  He pulled out the engagement ring and Jen noticed how brilliantly it shown in the light of the Christmas tree behind them.
“Swan,” he continued "I know that you face an uncertain future, but there’s one thing I want you to be certain of–that I will always, always be by your side.”  He sunk to one knee gazing up at her with every ounce of the love and adoration he felt for her. “So, Emma Swan, what do you say?  Will you marry me?”
While normally not nearly as exuberant as Krystal, it was only with great difficulty that Jen restrained herself from squealing.  The scene had been beautiful and romantic when she’d watched it on her TV screen–multiple times–but being there, in person–there were no words.
And then when Emma got to her knees beside him, took his face in her hands, gave him her yes and then kissed him tenderly, there was no way Jen could have held back her ecstatic sigh.
Neither Emma nor Killian, who were thoroughly engrossed with each other and cocooned in their love nor anyone else in the room heard or noticed as the snow swirled one last time to transport Jen back to the cabin.
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jrob64 · 7 months
I Loved You First - a Daddy Charming birthday fic for @kmomof4
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As many of us in the CS fandom know, Krystal is the best cheerleader, encourager and flailer for our Captain Swan stories. However, she also loves the relationship between Emma and Charming, so I've written a Daddy Charming birthday story for her. l wish you the happiest of birthdays (a day early), my dear friend! Love you!
Special thanks to @cs-rylie and @snowbellewells for checking this story over and leaving lots of lovely comments and suggestions!
STORY SUMMARY: Emma and her father share some special sentiments with each other before he walks her down the aisle to marry her True Love. A canon compliant missing moment for 6X20, just prior to Emma and Killian's wedding.
WORDS: 1083
ALSO POSTED TO A03 and ffn
David Nolan paced in the hallway outside the room where Mary Margaret was helping Emma get ready for her wedding. He could hardly believe he would be giving his daughter away in just a few minutes, and to a pirate, no less.
He remembered in Neverland when he said he would see to it that Hook would never get Emma. David wasn’t too prideful to admit he’d been wrong. Nobody can stand in the way of True Love, after all - he and Snow were proof of that.
And now that pirate, whom he’d tried so hard to hate, was his soon-to-be son-in-law…and his best friend. While Killian was earning Emma’s heart, he was also earning her father’s trust and friendship. So much so that Emma and Mary Margaret teasingly accused them of having a ‘bromance’.
The door opened and Mary Margaret emerged, brushing joyful tears from her cheeks. “She’s ready, David, and she looks absolutely beautiful!”
David pulled his wife into his arms, murmuring, “So do you, Sweetheart.”
She hiccuped a laugh. “You’re only supposed to notice the bride on her wedding day, not her mother.”
He leaned back, giving her one of his trademark smiles. “There will never be a day when I don’t admire your beauty.”
“I knew I called you ‘Charming’ for a reason,” she beamed. After kissing him soundly, she wiped his lips clean of the lipstick she’d left behind and said, “Now, go see your daughter before it’s time for us to walk her down the aisle.”
David straightened his tie and buttoned his jacket, then gently rapped his knuckles on the door. “Emma? May I come in?”
“Sure, Dad,” came her reply.
He turned the knob and slowly opened the door, peeking around the edge of it. His breath hitched when he caught a glimpse of his daughter. She was truly a vision in her wedding gown and veil, causing him to blink back tears of his own. “Oh, Emma,” he breathed.
“How do I look?” she asked nervously, twirling in a circle.
“You look…perfect,” he managed to choke past the lump in his throat.
Her cheeks flushed at his praise and she looked down at herself, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles in her gown. “Do you really think so?”
“I do,” he assured her.
“Hey, I think that’s my line today,” she giggled.
David laughed and stepped forward to take both of her hands in his. “Any second thoughts?”
“None,” she said confidently. “Besides, if I don’t marry Killian, you might just snap him up.”
“Very funny,” he said, narrowing his eyes at her. Then his expression sobered. “I know you’ve had a lot on your mind the last few weeks, but I want you to put everything aside today and just enjoy your wedding.”
“I’ll try.”
“I’ve thought about this day ever since we found out we were having a daughter. I was sure no one would ever be good enough for you, but Hoo-, um, Killian has proven himself time and time again. I suppose if I have to give your hand in marriage, it couldn’t be to a more worthy man.”
“You didn’t always think that.”
“I know, but I was, well…I was wrong.”
“I’m sure Killian would be very satisfied to hear you say that,” she quipped.
“Of course he would,” David sighed. “But enough about Hook. What about you? How are you feeling?”
Emma’s face took on a serene look. “I’m happy, Dad. Really, really happy.” She swung their still-clasped hands back and forth.
“Happiness looks good on you,” he replied, letting go with one hand and using the other to spin her around. Then he pulled her back toward him, putting his free hand on her waist as hers moved to his shoulder.
They slowly danced in a small circle around the room to music only they could hear. “We missed out on so much of your life, Emma. I’m very glad we didn’t miss out on watching you fall in love and marry the man who won your heart.”
“I know we lost a lot of time with each other, but let’s not talk about regrets today, Dad. We’re together now, along with Henry and everyone else in town. I have more family and friends here than I ever dreamed was possible. And I’m marrying a man who has been at my side without fail, even when I didn’t really want him to be.”
David chuckled. “He has proven himself to be persistent, that’s for sure.”
Their swaying came to a stop as Emma looked up into her father’s face. “You and Killian are such good examples for Henry. He’s lucky to have both of you in his life, and so am I.”
They heard the wedding music beginning to play, and David checked his watch. “I guess it’s about that time. Will you allow me to get a little sentimental before we leave this room?”
“Just don’t cause me to smudge my makeup.”
“I’ll try not to,” he promised, then took a deep breath. “Emma, from the moment your mother and I found out we would be having a baby, I wondered what our child - what you - might grow up to be like. Nothing I imagined even came close to the person you are - strong, smart, determined, brave, and so very, very beautiful. You’ve defeated dragons, ice monsters, witches, the darkness and Hades himself; yet you’re one of the most loving, generous, and kind-hearted people I’ve ever known. To say I’m proud of you doesn’t do justice to my true feelings. I love you, Emma, and I’m blessed beyond measure to be your father.”
A tear spilled over her lower lashes, and David dug into his pants pocket to retrieve a white handkerchief. After dabbing the wetness away, he tucked it back in his pocket, kissed her forehead, then pulled her into a hug, cupping the back of her head, as usual.
“I love you, too, Dad,” she whispered in his ear.
They stayed that way for several moments, until they heard a tap on the door. Mary Margaret stuck her head in, whispering reverently, “It’s time.”
David nodded and stepped back, gripping Emma’s upper arms as he looked into her eyes. “Ready, Princess?”
“Yes,” she replied firmly.
“Alright, then,” he said, “but just remember this - Killian loves you now, but I loved you first. You’ll always be your daddy’s little girl.”
“I’ll remember,” she said, a soft smile on her lips.
“Good. Now, let’s go get you married.”
Please join me in wishing Krystal a very, very happy birthday!
Tagging: @hookedmom​​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​​ @cs-rylie​​​​​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​​​​​ @grimmswan​​​​​​ @wyntereyez​​​​​​ @the-darkdragonfly​​​​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​​​​​ @paradiselady19​​​​​​ @xarandomdreamx​​​​​​ @motherkatereloyshipper​​​​​​ @julesep3026​​​​​​ @courtorderedcake​​​​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​​​​ @pawshapedheart​​​​​​ @vampcoffeegyrl23​​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​​​ @captainswan4life85​​​​​​ @bluewildcatfanatic​​​​​​ @eleveneitherway​​​​​​ @elfiola​​​​​​ @kday426​​​​​​ @julieenchanted-swans​​​​​​ @gingerchangeling​​​​​​ @andiirivera​​​​​​ @djlbg​​​​​​ @jonesfandomfanatic​​​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​​​ @huntressandlioness1​​​​​​ @anmylica​​​​​​ @booksteaandtoomuchtv​​​​​​ @pirateherokillian​​​​​​ @cocohook38​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​​​ @laschatzi​​​​​​ @zaharadessert​​​​​​ @jennjenn615​​​​​​ @yasbio2015​​​​​​ @lyssapup27​​​​​​ @nachocheese-itsmycheese​​​​​​ @singersdd​​​​​​ @mie779​​​​​​ @undercaffinatednightmare​​​​​​ @winterbaby89​​​​​​ @xsajx​​​​​​ @jackieorioncat​​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​​ @bdevereaux-blanche​​​​​​ @soniccat​​​​​​ @searchingwardrobes​​​​​​ @jarienn972​​​​​​ @apiratewhopines​​​​​​​ @softkilly​​​​​​​ @goforlaunchcee​​​​​​​ @kymbersmith-90​​​​​​​ @captainswan217-blog
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thisonesatellite · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by the amazing and infinitely talented @voylitscope. Thank you so much! 💕💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now primarily stucky /MCU.
i got started with CS /OUAT (which i no longer write for), and have also ventured into dramione /HP (where i will go again as soon as i have some time).
i also wrote one Leverage fic, which --- guys, i don't know what happened there. It just knocked on my door and demanded to be written. 🤷‍♀️
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is interesting. i would have thought the OUAT fics would grab all top 5 spots, because they've been around the longest, but actually---
we build our lives out of chaos and hope - dramione
Burn To Shine - stucky
The Unexpected Life - CS
break me - CS
if you live by the word, you die by the pen - CS
If you're counting by fandom, well -- i mean, i have exactly five stucky fics so far. That's the top five right there. 😂 (There will be more soon, and then we can see who grabs the brass rings.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ALWAYS. Always always always. i love comments. They make my day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
OK. Like. i don't write angsty endings, OK? i may or may not put my characters through the fucking wringer during a fic, but i ALWAYS HEA them, you feel me.
Having said that, i think militae species amor est (CS) is the one with the least openly stated fluff at the end. (Then again, the title is a quote i ripped off Ovid which means "love is a kind of warfare". Take from that what you will. 😂)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh, all of them? i happy end HARD, ok?
If you're going to make me pick, for stucky it's probably a tie between Burn To Shine and a handful of dust. (So far. There will be others.)
For all of my fic across fandoms, it's everybody knows (CS). Which is also by far the most complex emotional character arcs for an OTP i've ever wrapped around an impossibly complicated plot line. And angst abounded here. Such abounding. The ending had to make up for it and consequently will rot every last one of your teeth.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. i once had someone tell me in great detail why they didn't like my writing style, but while i did wonder why they bothered to read my fic in the first place if my style wasn't for them, i don't count it as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ah. The eternal question. No, i don't. i don't know how. i don't think there's anything wrong with smut at all, but i can't write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i don't write crossovers. Lots of AUs, but no crossovers. i don't like to cross the streams. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, knock on wood.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My lovely and wonderful friend @mariakov81 translated her birthday fic ad extremum terrae into Ukrainian. i may have cried when she told me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. The Sword and The Heart - with the amazing and talented @ohmightydevviepuu. It was one of the hardest and yet one of the most rewarding experiences of my writing life and i strongly recommend the process to every writer out there. The things you will learn about yourself and your writing are immeasurable, and you will emerge a better writer for it.
Also, it was so much fun.
(All the credit here goes to @ohmightydevviepuu, whose patience was infinite every time i went and did A Thing with the plot and the characters. She is the reason we have a fic at all.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i think stucky will always have a place in my heart. (So will many others, some of which i don't even write for, but stucky is my fave, i think.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None. i am a very linear writer. i write one fic at a time. Therefore i never have any additional WIPs cooking, and so i do finish everything i start.
i know. So annoying. 😂
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character development, realistic dialogue, action. (Also probably plot underpinned by emotion. While i'm patting myself on the back here.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
SMUT. i cannot write it (as stated above). Which means there will always be a sense of the explicit lacking in my fic, and i'm sorry for that. But i can't change it.
And certain popular tropes--- some of them perennial favorites--- do nothing for me, so i am also unable to write them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have utilized the fact that i speak more than one language, and have several good friends who speak other languages, in some of my stucky fics. But i will say that sometimes it's hard to keep true to the characters in a different language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Once Upon A Time (OUAT). It's the one that started it all. i was never going to write, you know. And then, one day, i--- did.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
OMG. You're going to make me choose? Between all the blood, toil, tears, and sweat on every page? Yes, i'm being dramatic.
My favorite fic (IF i HAVE TO PICK ONE) is probably we kill the flame (CS). It plays in my favorite sandbox -- cyberpunk dystopia -- and i built an entire world for it. In painstaking detail.
My favorite stucky (so far) is probably despite all my rage - for much the same reasons: World building and cyberpunk dystopia. Also because it has my favorite Sam and Clint.
Honorable mention has to go to Burn To Shine (stucky), which introduced me to the pure and unadulterated fun that is Grumpy!Bucky (who is now my favorite chew toy), as well as the disaster muppet combo that is Scott and Clint, and we build our lives out of chaos and hope (dramione), because i went on a thinly-veiled political tear halfway through it and still cannot believe i got away with it.
Absolutely zero pressure tags for @sparkagrace , @cable-knit-sweater, @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy, @wistfulcynic, @ohmightydevviepuu, and @mxaether 💕
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cssns · 11 months
Time to highlight another fantastic artist! Please help us welcome @motherkatereloyshipper to CSSNS23!
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What’s your Tumblr?
MotherkatEreloyShipper on tumblr, @Ao3Motherkat on twitter
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom?
2 years
When did you start shipping Captain Swan?
2 years ago, I found a sewing pattern of the Captain Hook costume when looking for double-breasted waistcoats to make into a corset pattern and the picture on the front sent me to Google, Google sent me to Disney+ I binged all 7 seasons in a ridiculously short period of time and went straight to Ao3 for more.
What drew you to this event?
Kmomof4 made me, I was going to skip this year but I can't tell her no! Not when her birthday is my favourite holiday!
What inspired your topic?
I'm just here to make art
If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below.
No peeking
For our artists: What kind of art do you like to do? Picsets, painting, digital, etc? Feel free to give as much info as you like.
I make manips using a combination of canva, picsart, faceapp and gimp 3.0, I don't think they are very good but some people like them.
What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event?
The sweet sweet validation of making my friends smile.
I'm really looking forward to the wonderful artwork that @motherkatereloyshipper is going to come up with for @kmomof4's OS dropping on July 25th and @jonesfandomfanatic's MC dropping on August 24th. Please drop by her page to say hi and welcome her to the event!
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donteattheappleshook · 10 months
Happy Birthday @The-DarkDragonfly!!
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Happiest of birthdays @the-darkdragonfly ​ to one of my best friends! I’m so glad that the fandom brought us together and while your birthday fic isn’t finished, I thought it would share some of my favorite fics of YOURS! 
You are such a talented writer and such a wonderful person and if anyone hasn’t read these fics they are incorrect and need to fix it immediately)
This was very hard to narrow down because everything your write is perfect but I gave it my best shot! 
The Ripple Effect
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Of course I had to start with the fic that brought us together. This story, omg this story. Every time I read it I’m filled with an irrational anger at how unbelievably beautiful your prose is and what an ubelievable talent you have for creating atmosphere and building relationships between characters. The way you write this fic is magical, there’s no other word for it. It weaves through time and perspectives, dialogue and imagery and emotion and my heart just shatters every time I read about these two adorable broken idiots fixing each other and falling in love. And omg your little snippets of everyday life are so imaginative and hilarious and are so perfectly in character and somehow both incredibly specific and relatable. I could read a hundred million fics of just filler scenes (which I know you also have -Missing Moments)I will forever think of this fic when I watch the CS movie and wish that we’d gotten this instead. 
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I hadn’t started this one when you were writing the first version but when you started on the rewrite omg I have jumped onboard and along for the ride the entire way with this adorable wonderful fic. I will say it now, I don’t usually like Captain Duckling but this story is so wonderfully written that you’ve managed to make me obsessed with your version of them. The dynamic between them is just beautiful and so honest and pure and they’re both just so. stupid. and I love them and will protect them with my whole heart. I adore the way that you don’t always give us all the moments of their relationship at once and just let us see it develop and then jump back and forth through time to give us scenes we’re already invested in and dying for. I love this fic and I’m fully aware that you’re gonna hurt me with it but I’m 100% here for it. And also - WILLIAM!!! My beautiful, sad, sassy, loveable William. I will never get enough of him and how you write him in this fic. He is the ultimate bestie and comic relief watching his mom and dad try to get their shit together and fall in love and I would die for him. 
The Wreck of our Hearts
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My birthday fic!!! This one is gonna be short because I get emotional just thinking about this story. You took my favorite Hook, Deckhand Hook, and mixed him with my other favorite, Silver Hook, and you’ve created a monster that no other Killian will ever live up to. Just an ultra sad broken man who still loves Emma so damn much and can I keep typing through my tears? I don’t know but I do know I’m gonna go reread through them. 
People, please, if you haven’t, go read it. If you have, go read it again. 
PS: If you ever wanted to revisit this universe or this character I’m not saying I’d be mad... 
Old Times' Sake - A Captain Swan Tale 
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I don’t care if it’s July. This Christmas fic can be read any damn time of the year and it will destroy me and put me back together again every time. You’ve done it again! Taken my sad broken little babies and put them together and made them whole. This story is SO short (seriously I had to go back and check the word count because I couldn’t believe it) but it somehow has such a rich backstory woven in for both Emma and Killian, both their families and their relationship and oh man you know I’m a sucker for “what do you mean, feelings? this is just boning (LIES)” and you did it so perfectly here. This wasn’t my Christmas present but I’ve decided to claim it as such because it’s my favorite Christmas fic of all time (again, a genre I don’t like that you’ve somehow managed to make me adore - very rude. stop doing that. but also don’t. ever.) 
Sill Love Songs
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You KNOW I had to end with this one right? My very own birthday fic and omg I will forever be grateful to have you in my life for writing me this fic (and many other reasons but the point stands). This story is Hilarious. Like I was giggling and laughing out loud throughout because, you guessed it, William Fucking Scarlet. All I asked for was CS's love story told in the POV of his inappropriate wedding toast and GIRL. You delivered. He’s so absolutely perfect in this story. His interactions with Killian make me die (when he propositions him in the kitchen I thought I would straight up perish) and his interactions with Emma are equally hilarious but also so so soft and beautiful underneath it all. I did not expect to be hit in the chest with a mactruck of emotion in what I expected to be an aptly named silly little fic but of course I should have because everything you write carries so many layers of human emotion and you’re characters are so REAL and beautiful and flawed in such a true to life way. I don’t know where or how you developped such an amazing talent or if you were just born with it but I will selfishly devour and demand more of everything that you write with it.
I’m also just saying that the sequel doesn’t HAVE to be a birthday fic... I have a 2/3rds birthday coming up in August..... 
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Happy birthday bestie!
Thank you so much for everything that you write and for being such an amazing person in my life. I hope you have a wonderful birthday long weekend and a fantastic year! 
And please add your tag list so they can all get a reminder of these amazing fics!
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kmomof4 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday!!! Birthday fics!!!
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My oldest and dearest fandom friends are celebrating their birthdays in the next week and a half and I am counting down the days!!! 
@hollyethecurious​ and @winterbaby89​ are both January babies and this year they are both getting a birthday fic from me!!! Shoutout to @motherkatereloyshipper​ for her manips of CS, and Snowing shown below in the artwork.
@winterbaby89​ is first, with her fic A Very Disney Proposal dropping one week from today!!
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Twenty minutes later, Granny and Ruby were escorting him and David from the costuming area behind the scenes to the Princess Fairytale Hall in Fantasyland, where Emma and Mary Margaret were about an hour away from the end of their time greeting guests as Cinderella and Snow White. The ladies were on either side of the hall, so once the group got to the branch where they’d have to split to surprise their respective girlfriends, Granny took Killian left and Ruby took David right.
Granny cracked open the door to the hall and character greeting area to watch for the current guests to leave. The plan was to surprise ‘Cinderella’ before the next guests arrived.
Emma Swan waved goodbye to the family from Texas and turned towards the other side of the hall. She saw Mary Margaret bidding farewell to her guests, who were now heading her way. Suddenly the door to backstage opened and Cinderella’s Prince Charming stepped through. It took her a moment, but her eyes widened when she recognized her boyfriend, Killian. Her jaw dropped, but she quickly snapped it shut and schooled her features as he approached her, his gloved hand held out to her.
Then, @hollyethecurious​ fic, A Mistress to No One, will be dropping a week from Sunday, on the 22nd. Her fic is inspired by An Offer From a Gentleman, Benedict’s story in the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. No artwork for this fic yet because I’m still furiously writing, but I will share pics of our favorite couple in their ball attire. Manips by @motherkatereloyshipper​. Thank you so much, babe!!!
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  He began to approach her when he heard a wave of whispers behind him. The hair at the nape of his neck stood on end and a sense of anticipation gripped him. He knew he shouldn’t allow anything to distract him from his pledge, but his curiosity overwhelmed him and he turned toward the entrance of the ballroom.
It was as if time stood still. At the entrance of the room stood what he could only describe as a true princess come to life. She was dressed in a beautiful, shining blue gown whose skirt sparkled like diamonds. The bodice and sheer short sleeves were trimmed with silver detailing that flashed when it caught the light. Her mask was silver and had an exquisite swan detail around the right eye. Tendrils of blonde hair framed the other side of her face. But it was her gaze that captured his attention most. This was a woman filled with unadulterated joy. She looked around the room as if she’d never seen a more glorious sight than all the silly members of the ton dressed in their ridiculous costumes.
Her beauty was truly breathtaking, the way she held herself, the poise, the grace of her movements. She was radiant and he had to be close to her. Mary Margaret was completely forgotten as he strode purposefully across the room. Three other gentlemen had beaten him to the lady and stood around her showering her with praise and compliments.
She didn’t react as he would expect a lady of the ton to react. She didn’t lower her eyes demurely, she didn’t giggle, she didn’t act coy or as if their adulations were her due. She simply smiled at them. Or beamed rather. He held his hand out to her.
“Pardon me, gentlemen. But the lady has already promised this dance to me.” He gazed into her green eyes, which widened slightly at his bold pronouncement. He wondered if she would expose his lie for what it was.
She smiled and placed her hand in his. He drew her closer and then led her out to the dance floor.
Thank you for reading and sharing!!! Happy birthday in 7 and 10 days, @winterbaby89​ and @hollyethecurious​!!!
I am resetting my tag list for ‘23! If you’d like to be on it, please let me know either by DM, responding to this post, or contact me on discord. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll remove you, no worries!!
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17 questions, 17 people
Tagged by @hiddenstitches 🥰❤️
Nickname: I mean I usually just go by Kayla, but Kay is fine too
Sign: Taurus
Height: 5’2”
Last thing I googled: HP deskjet 4100 ink
Song stuck in my head: currently listening to “The Only Exception” by Paramore, but I was dangerously singing “Corrupt” by Depeche Mode to myself up front at work earlier without realizing that’s what I was singing at first lol, so then I started humming instead lol 😅❤️🖤
Number of followers: 219
Amount of sleep: Ahaha what is sleep? 🥲 I’m in the process of moving but also still working, so I’m not getting very much sleep at all rn
Lucky number: idk if they’re lucky but I like 5 and 24
Dream Job: dream that won’t happen is being on Broadway, dream that might maybe eventually happen is being a graphic designer
Wearing: my work shirt, teal jeggings, a hoodie which I’m not supposed to wear at work but it’s cold, and black boots
Movies/Books that summarize me: oof like that are essentially my life rn or that are my faves? Not necessarily my fave movie but Inside Out is coming to mind to summarize me? I’m moving and having a lot of feelings about everything rn, the personified emotions in my head are fumbling my memory orbs, I’ve a conveyor belt of Killian Jones copies, and I’m 26 but I feel like my puberty island is just popping up within the last 1-2 years lol
Favorite Song: honestly this changes by the minute lol. Most recently I’ve been hooked on “Mindset” by Every Avenue ❤️🖤
Favorite Instrument: guitar and piano, though I play neither as much as I’d like to learn (I used to be able to play a liiiiiittle piano by ear but I wasn’t very good at it and can’t keep time well, so basically I can’t play it lol)
Aesthetic: quiet, introverted, cats, surrounded by unread books, cozy covers, stuffed animals, fandom everything, black graphic tees, hoodies, colorful nail art but also solid dark chipped nails (it varies), varying lyrics from BSB to Halestorm to Broadway etc, and recently secretly black lipstick 😇
Favorite author: Roland Smith and Lemony Snicket, though I haven’t really read much of anything in a while. Lots of CS fic authors too ❤️
Favorite animal noise: my cat’s purrs 🥰
Random: I never know what to say for this lol. In my high school chorus class, we sang a medley of songs from The Phantom of the Opera, so they showed us the 2004 movie version at the end of the year, but I missed a day because I was sick. So me being me, loving both the musical and Gerard Butler, borrowed it from the library to see what I’d missed. With my renews, I ended up watching it while I did homework every night, 31 times in 28 days, to learn every single word of singing and dialogue before I had to return the DVD, because I didn’t know if I’d ever get to watch or listen to it all the way through again so I wanted to memorize it. (My mom got me the DVD and CD for my next birthday after that. lol) It’s been a while now since I last watched it so I might’ve forgotten some by now, but yeah, for a while I could basically watch the whole movie in my head. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️❤️
Tagging ❤️: @dystopiandramaqueen @hollyethecurious @mischievousgraxaim @justanother-unluckysoul @undercaffinatednightmare @cosette141 and I know that’s not 17 but my phone is acting up, so if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged 😘❤️
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searchingwardrobes · 3 years
@kmomof4​ birthday gift - part two
I wanted to highlight all of Krystal’s fics in order, and here are the rest! Head over to her Ao3 profile and give her fics some love! I myself need to read “In the Viper’s Den” ASAP!! Happy, happy birthday, Krystal!
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hollyethecurious · 5 years
Friends and Family Discount
A Birthday fic for @kmomof4​ 
A/N: Happy Birthday, Krystal!!! While Laura and I were missing you during our weekend together, we though we’d write you a little something. We both know of your intense, passionate response whenever Walsh makes an appearance in fic, so we thought we’d devote some words to the monkey man for you. 
Summary: In which Walsh is NOT an utter bastard deserving of a slow painful death, for once.
Rated T / Walsh POV / ~1500 words / co-written with @winterbaby89​ and beta’d by the fabulous @ultraluckycatnd​ / Also available on ao3
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The bell sounded over the shop door, its friendly tinkling chime alerting him to the presence of new customers. Walsh emerged from the back room that held his workshop and stopped short at the sight of the pair who’d just walked in. The woman’s prominent belly, swollen from the life currently growing inside of her was the first attribute he noticed. The second were the hands, large and strong yet caring and gentle that caressed her abdomen as the man crooned something over the bump. The woman’s face lit up with a smile, and Walsh couldn’t help the twinge of reminiscence he felt in his chest of a time when she used to smile like that for him.
Well, not exactly like that. Her smiles had never been as free and joyous with him, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t had their moments of happiness. Still, even in their happiest of times it had always felt as though she, Emma, always had one foot out the door, and that foot always seemed poised to take her in only one direction.
Walsh had finally gotten Emma to agree to go on a date with him, after months of pining, and he was elated. The fated date actually went well, leading from one to another, to another, and before he knew it they had been dating six months. In that time he had met her few friends and coworkers, even having weekly get-togethers with the lot of them, with a good time had by all. As time went on, though, he noticed the little things, small annoyances about things he wasn’t even sure Emma was aware she was doing. He knew she’d had a rough childhood, so she was skittish and standoffish with everyone; everyone but him, Killian. At first Walsh didn’t think anything about it because they worked together in bail bonds, and you had to trust your partner with your safety and on occasion your life. But he couldn’t shake it off as much as he tried; there was an undeniable connection between the two that went past working together in a dangerous job. Even a blind man could see it.
Despite these niggling insecurities and occasional suspicions that Killian’s feelings for his partner (and Walsh’s girlfriend) might go beyond that of being just friends, Walsh couldn’t help but like the man. He was gregarious and irreverent, never without a quip or innuendo, yet he always had his friends’ backs and lived by a code of honor Walsh could only ever hope to aspire to. And yeah… he was good looking. Okay, very good looking. Even he had to admit the man was, as their mutual friend Ruby had put it a time or twice, ‘sex on legs’. Not that he’d ever own up to that assessment publicly.
It shouldn’t have been such a surprise to him when the pieces finally fell into place, the two partners realizing they did mean more to one another than mere coworkers or friends. Their realization had still been like a punch in the gut though, probably because it had happened the night Walsh had planned to propose. She’d gotten the call while they were at dinner. Jones had been shot by the skip he’d tracked down and rushed off to the hospital. Being Killian’s friend, Walsh had been worried for him too, but not the same way he’d watched the fear eat away at his girlfriend while they waited for Killian to pull through emergency surgery. When the doctor said they could go in one at a time to see him, it hadn’t even been a question among their assembled group of friends that Emma would go first, that she would be the one Killian would want to see the moment he woke up and that she’d want to be the one there for him when he did.
It was then that Walsh knew.
After Killian had pulled through, and was sent home a week later, Walsh avowed to have a much needed conversation with Emma. While Killian was in the hospital, she had been by his side night and day when she didn’t have to be at work, and now that he was home, Walsh had told her they needed to get lunch together. During their lunch, he kept a level head and calm demeanor as he laid out all of his observations before suggesting that they should break up. Emma had looked guilty and acted properly contrite for her part in all of it, and had agreed with him that it was probably best if they were just friends. Walsh had left their lunch feeling a bit downtrodden about the turn of events, especially since he could see the writing on the wall of what would happen next. Knowing it was coming did not stop the feeling of having all the air knocked out of him the first time he saw it in person.
They weren’t flamboyant about it or anything. That wasn’t really either of their styles. Respectfully discreet when out with the group, it was still too much for Walsh knowing they were clearly a couple, so he’d started to withdraw from the normal gatherings. It wasn’t until he’d run into a despondent and deep into his cups Killian at the bar one night that Walsh recognized there was still a place for him in their lives. They’d all been friends, once upon a time, and he held no ill will towards either Killian or Emma. In fact, upon hearing that the two had just had their first major row, Walsh found himself quite invested in their happiness.
He’d spent the next few hours commiserating with Killian about Emma’s walls and her natural tendency to want to run when the going got tough, but encouraged his friend with the fact that he was the one she tended to run to and the fact that she’d already texted him wanting to kiss and make up was a good sign. After that, things had slowly gotten back to normal. He and Killian often met for drinks after work and Emma had set him up with a fun and feisty redhead. The relationship hadn’t worked out, but it had shown him that he had a lot to offer and the right woman might still be out there for him.
When the time came, Killian had asked him to be one of the men to stand with him as he vowed to spend the rest of his life with Emma. Emma, in turn, had thanked him for making her see the truth that day at lunch as he spun her around the dance floor in her bridal gown. Any remnants of jealousy or longing he might have been holding on to evaporated when they announced the impending arrival of their little one, and though he’d always hold a special place in his heart for the time he spent with Emma, it was clear to everyone who knew them that Killian and Emma belonged with one another and were more than deserving of this happy beginning.
Coming back to the present after reliving their history, Walsh made his way towards the couple with a genuine smile and warm greeting for his friends.
“Is it that time already?”
Killian reached out to embrace his friend in a hug as he said, “Just about; we’ve almost got everything ready, but we knew you would have the perfect crib and changing table for the wee one.”
“I absolutely do. I actually earmarked two I knew you would love, shall we?”
“Lead the way.”
It only took them about two hours to decide on the set they had to have, and when it came time to pay for their newly found treasures, Walsh had stopped their objections over the reduced price stating, “Friends and family discount for you two. You know this by now, so no arguing. I will be sure to engrave the name into the crib’s headboard, that is of course if you two ever decide on one,” he teased.
With everything settled, other than the delivery date and the customization, which was to be determined, hinging upon the baby’s name, he bid his friends good day as they made their way out of the store and on to the rest of their afternoon. Walsh chuckled to himself over the thought of how he’d razz Killian later when they all met for drinks with their other friends. The topic of the baby’s name was sure to be the leading subject of their discussion, and he already planned to tell Jones that the discount would only apply if he agreed to name the baby Walsh. Who cared if it was a girl? They were a progressive couple after all, and they owed him, he would remind him. Killian would most likely give him that infamous raised brow while Emma rolled her eyes, both flat out refusing to do anything of the sort, and Walsh would take it all in stride, awaiting the announcement of the baby’s name so he could gift them other customized pieces to welcome their little bundle with.
After all, what were friends for?
(I promise, we really do love you, K! We just couldn’t resist, lol!)
Tagging the Curious Crew:
@kmomof4​ @sals86​ @jennjenn615​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @artistic-writer​ @courtorderedcake​ @winterbaby89​ @snowbellewells​ @heavenlyjoycastle​ @sunshine2632​ @stahlop​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @kday426​ @cocohook38​ @unworried-corsair​ @aprilqueen84​ @tiganasummertree​ @therooksshiningknight​ @angellifedeath​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @wyntereyez​ @ultimiflos​ @superchocovian​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @facesiousbutton82​ @theonceoverthinker​ @sherlockianwhovian​ @lillpon​
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neverlandnewyear · 2 years
CSNLNY GTKY! Welcome kmomof4!
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What is your Ao3/Tumblr username?
How long have you been writing or arting? When did you start creating for CS?
I started writing in Feb of '19 after being a member of fandom for nearly three years. I made my first pic set later that year. CS is the only fandom I've made art for except for that first pic set, a set for kymbersmith-90's Bishmont fic- Peur et Désir, and a birthday gift for therealstartraveller earlier this year featuring Lokane.
Can we have a little sneak peek or synopsis of your story? Pretty please?
Mine a little canon divergence from the Neverland kiss. *smirk* It's already written and I can't WAIT to share it!!!!
Anything else you'd like us to know?
I am BESIDE MYSELF to participate with new content in this fabulous event!!!
We are so excited to welcome @kmomof4​ to the event!
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snowbellewells · 1 year
Happy Birthday @hollyethecurious!!! ~*~
I’m sorry this is so late in the day, but I hope your birthday has been a wonderful one @hollyethecurious - full of all the fun, celebration and love you deserve! Your writing has brought SO MUCH joy over the years, and I wanted to celebrate some of my favorites of your works. As I looked back over them though, I had a hard time narrowing them down, there were so many that have been so good, so varied, and each one has taken us on a different adventure with our pirate and princess! You’ve been so much fun to get to know in fandom, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your writing with all of us!!! 
Without further rambling, here’s a Birthday Top Ten List of Hollye’s Fics! :)
#10) Mix of One Shots: “Huzzah!” // “Teacher’s Lounge” // “Welcome to the Show” // “Yippee Ki Yay” // “Ghost in the Void” // “A FINE Friendsmas” // “Ballet (Mis)Steps”  I love every single one of these so much! I just really couldn’t leave any of them off the list. Some are funny, some are hot and steamy, and some just lovely and heartfelt, and all of them are unforgettable. If you’ve missed any of these along the way, treat yourself and check them out. 
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#9) “Some Legends are Best Kept as Legends” This fic was originally written for the @cssns and has such an eerie bit of the spooky supernatural and a lovely hint of history mixed in as well. Maybe it’s the literature teacher in me, but I loved how Holly worked “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” in there too. This is a really intriguing take on CS and you won’t be able to put it down!
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#8) “A Different Kind of Fun” This version of Killian as a musician is absolutely irresistible. This is the only unfinished WIP on this list, but you can still enjoy this playful band modern AU as is. I’ve never been able to get it out of my head - it just feels like such a natural iteration of both Emma and Killian, and their friends, and you won’t be able to read without getting into it too.
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#7) “A Toast to What If” I was lucky enough to get to serve as a beta for this story, and I would get so excited for each new bit I got to look over. This story just got better and better with every addition. I love the movie that inspired this one for the @captainswanmoviemarathon​, but seeing it with Emma, Killian and the rest of the OuaT gang in the roles made it all the more lovely. The setting, the plot, and all of this one will draw you in and you won’t want to stop reading until you reach the end. <3
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#6) “Avowed” This one is a short little story built of interconnected prompt drabbles, but I have always had a soft spot for it. I love the setup, the action and drama it kicked off with, then the twists and turns its plot took along the way. It’s another AU version of Emma and Killian Hollye has created that I can’t get out of my head, and it’s an exciting adventure to read along.
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#5) “Varcolac: A Hybrid Tale” This MC is from the inaugural summer of the @cssns event, and it is still one of my favorites from that collection. I’m a sucker for anything werewolf related, but this has its own unique twist on that supernatural genre. I loved how Emma and Killian first met here and how they banded together to face danger. The drama and action get intense in this one and I loved every second! I really can’t say enough great things about this one, and if you’ve missed it, you have to check it out now!!!
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#4) “We Make Our Own Fate” This AU MC is extra lovely because it mixes a lot of less common elements into a CS fic - we get to enjoy Killian with his sweet little Alice, some lesser used enemies along with a few of the usual baddies, and a take on Colin’s movie What Still Remains, and yet it still makes use of the relationships and characters we love from OuaT. I looked forward to every new chapter as this was being written, and it is still one of my very favorites!
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#3) “Conviction” This fic gave us such an affecting alternate version of Emma’s character. You couldn’t help but have your heart go out to her - just like this story’s Killian did. This one also has a bit of a historical element to it (those seem to be some of my favorites of Hollye’s works) and I love that Liam and Graham, Ruby, Granny, Belle and Will all have parts in this too, which only adds the the enjoyment of it for me (some of my favorite supporting characters who don’t always get to be present). You’re not going to be able to put this one down!
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#2) “Hope is the Thing With Feathers” This story is a collaboration fic Hollye wrote some years ago, but it has never lost any of its beauty and it is hard to top. I don’t even know how many times I’ve re-read it. I love the sweet way Killian rescues a young Henry new to Storybrooke, and how in turn Henry and his mother bring life back to this version of Killian too. I love how Smee (sort of) and Belle both make important cameos in this - they’re perfect! The bittersweetness and bits of melancholy in this one make the wonderful way the ending works out all the more amazing and unforgettable. 
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#1) “What Lies Beneath the Mask”  I wouldn’t be surprised if Hollye is shaking her head and laughing at my predictability right now, because there was no way any other story but this one was going to be my Number One pick. This was the first story of Hollye’s I read, and it has never been anything but my undisputed favorite. The angst, the whump, the love story, the mystery, and the suspense -- all of it is top notch! I even have a print book version of this one! I read it so much that it was an absolutely necessary investment!! There’s a bit of Hunchback of Notre Dame, and a bit of Man in the Iron Mask in this, but it is 100 percent a CS masterpiece and celebrates all the things Hollye does so brilliantly in her writing. Just talking about it makes me want to get it out and read it again. If you’ve never read this, you HAVE to - as soon as possible!
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** And that concludes my list! Once again, I hope you’ve had the very best of birthdays @hollyethecurious​ !!! ***
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The Girls' Trip Fairy Tale Ending--Chapter 4 of 5.
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Summary:  This is my combined birthday gift for Joni (  @jrob64​  ), Marta ( @snowbellewells ) and Krystal ( @kmomof4 ).  Happy birthday ladies! Four fandom friends are nearing the end of their annual girls’ trip when they’re suddenly visited by Isaac, the author before Henry.  He gives them an each a gift–an opportunity to jump into any scene in the storybook they want and fix it.  Large focus on CS, although other characters and relationships will be explored.  A big shoutout to @hollyethecurious​ and @winterbaby89 for betaing!
Word Count: 2420
Tagging a few people who may be interested (Let me know if you want to be added or taken off the list): @sailormew @annaamell @flslp877 @emmateo26 @bethacaciakay @ultraluckycatnd @effulgent-mind @ilovemesomekillianjones @kat2609 @brooke-to-broch @missgymgirl @galadriel26 @the-lady-of-misthaven @charmingturkeysandwich @jennjenn615 @laschatzi @kimmy46 @snowbellewells @iamanneenigma @daxx04 @nickillian  @gillie  @britishguyslover @ginnyjinxedandhanshotritafirstt @kmomof4  @linda8084 @golfgirld @captain-swan-coffee @searchingwardrobes @hollyethecurious @laughswaytoomuch  @allyourdarlingswans  @winterbaby89 @facesiousbutton82 @therooksshiningknight, @lfh1226-linda @tiganasummertree  @jrob64  @anmylica   @booksteaandtoomuchtv​ @elfiola
Other chapters:  (1) (2) (3)
Can also be found on: (ao3) (ff.net)
Notes: Happy birthday Krystal! @kmomof4 I hope you have a fantastic day!
Chapter 4
The first thing Krystal noticed after placing her hand on the book was the cold. She’d left a comfortable early June evening to be plunged into the dead of winter–wearing nothing but a tee-shirt and shorts.
“He could have at least provided me with a coat!” Krystal muttered to herself as she trudged through the snow toward the sound of raised voices.
There was a flash, and suddenly Krystal found herself clad in a warm woolen sweater, a heavy coat, long pants, snow boots and the wrist and ear warmers Jen had crocheted for her last Christmas.
There were some serious advantages to being inside a magical storybook!
Turning her attention from the cold to what was happening in the clearing before her, Krystal heard Belle pleading with Neal.
“We need to leave this place!”
Of course the idiot didn’t listen to reason.  “No, wait!  It means we can bring him back. Does it matter who got us here?”
Krystal face-palmed and then began running.  While she certainly wasn’t opposed to watching Neal die a painful, agonizing death, she’d come back here to stop him from the worst of his stupidity.  More was at stake than just his own worthless ass.
“We’ll find another way to bring him back!” Belle insisted.
“What if there isn’t another way?” Neal asked, taking the key in hand, “To hell with the cost!”
Krystal dropped to her knees beside them.  “Listen to her, Neal!” she pleaded.  “Think about this.  For once in your life think about something beyond your own wants and desires!”
“What do you know about it, huh?” Neal asked, turning on Krystal. “You with your happy family and perfect life!”
“You know why I have a happy family?” Krystal asked, “because I didn’t abandon them for my own selfish desires.  I wouldn’t have let freaking Pinocchio talk me into leaving and setting up my husband.”
“Yeah, well, good for you,” he groused. “I’m done talking.  I’m getting my son back.”
“To hell with what anyone else wants, right?” Krystal snarled. “To hell with the fact that if you do this thing, you’ll be screwing everyone in the kingdom.  To hell with the fact that Emma was clear she doesn’t want you. To hell with the fact this will rob your dad of his sacrifice, and to hell with the fact it might well be suicide.”
“I’ll take my chances,” he said, and before she could stop him, he’d plunged the key into the vault.
Vault, key, and surrounding area began to glow, and with a yelp, Neal pulled his hand back, the intricate design in it’s top, seared into his palm.  He plunged his burning hand into a snowdrift just as the vault opened, and the Dark One slowly oozed out.
Krystal thought quickly.  She’d been too late!  She hadn’t been able to stop him!  Now what?
“Rumple?” Belle asked, just as the Dark One in all his sparkly golden glory emerged from the ooze.  A movement at her side pulled her attention to her stepson.  “Neal?  Neal, what’s wrong?  Are you okay?”
It was abundantly clear that Neal was very much not okay as he doubled over, clutching his chest and moaning.  Krystal knew she had no time to lose.  She may have failed to stop Neal from doing the thing, but maybe all was not yet lost.
“Belle, we’ve got to get him out of here,” Krystal urged, pulling at Neal, dragging him away out of the line of fire, as it were.
“But Rumple–”
“He’ll be okay,” Krystal insisted, “but we won’t, and Neal certainly won’t if we don’t leave soon.  The Wicked Witch will be here any minute.”
With one more agonized look at Rumple, Belle finally nodded before picking up Neal’s other arm and helping Krystal drag him away.
They’d barely made it ten feet before there was a green puff of smoke, and Zelena was there.
“Poor Baelfire,” Zelena muttered, stepping between Rumple and the others, “Just couldn’t learn from his father’s mistakes.  He wanted so badly to get back to his son he couldn’t see the forest for the trees.”
“Um-hm,” Krystal said, nodding.  “She may be wicked, but she can recognize stupid when she sees it.”
“I like you,” Zelena said. “I think I’ll let you live.  Can’t say the same for the complete dunce you’re dragging away.”
“You did this!” Rumple shouted at her, taking a step toward Neal. “You tricked him!”
Zelena took another step toward Rumple, placing a hand on his chest to stop him.  Rumple tried to point his dagger at her, but his hand wouldn't move.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Zelena said, almost playfully. “As a newly resurrected Dark One, it’s going to take a few moments for you to get your powers back.”
“You didn’t tell him the cost!  Let me save my son!” Rumple bellowed.
Beside Krystal, Neal began moaning and writhing in pain.
“Oops!” Zelena said with a smile that showed she was anything but repentant. “It’s a sin of omission, love, although I would have thought it was rather obvious. A life for a life.”
“It’s gonna be alright son!” Rumple said, peering around Zelena to look at his son who, by this time, was thrashing around, it apparently being all he could do to keep from screaming in agony.
Zelena looked down at the suffering man dispassionately.  “I do doubt that.”
“Please!” Rumple pleaded, “let me get to him!  Let me save him!”
“It’s gonna cost you,” Zelena said nastily.
“Anything!” Rumple pleaded.  “I’ll give you whatever you want!”
Her smile widened.  “I think you know exactly what I want, Dark One.”
Rumple paled, looking down at the dagger in his hand.  “I can’t!”
“Sorry Rumple,” she said lightly.  You can’t hang on to both of them.”
After one more quick moment of indecision, Rumple tossed the dagger in Zelena’s direction and then turned toward Neal.  He’d taken no more than two steps, though, before he was stopped in his tracks by a simple command from Zelena who was now holding the dagger in front of her.
“You told me I could save my son!” He shouted.
Zelena shrugged her shoulders.  “I lied,” she said simply.  “I’m a villain; it’s what we do.  Come on Dark One. We’ve got work to do.”
And with that, the two of them poofed away, leaving Krystal alone with a distraught Belle and a Neal who’s moans were gradually getting weaker and weaker.
“We have to do something!  We have to save him!” Belle insisted.
“I’m sorry,” Krystal said, feeling nothing for Neal but a good bit of sympathy for Belle.  “I don’t think we can.”
“Well I’m not giving up!” Belle said, getting to her feet.  “Stay with him; I’m going to go for help.”
But Krystal knew the truth: Neal was beyond help, and really he had no one but himself to blame.
Krystal wondered what would happen next after the scene played itself out.  While she waited for … whatever it was that was about to happen, she went through a mental checklist of later Once Upon a Time plot points, trying to figure out what consequences Neal’s death would have.
She could think of only one negative consequence: With Neal dead, there would be no one to send Killian the memory potion and the message that he needed to get to Emma.
No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than Krystal felt herself flying through the air, over land and out to sea.  Moments later, she was deposited on the deck of the Jolly Roger, right next to Killian Jones himself, who was brooding darkly at the wheel.
“Bloody hell!” Killian yelped, jumping a bit at Krystal’s sudden appearance.  “Where did you come from?”
“I was told you knew who I am,” Krystal said.
“Of course I know who you are, love,” Killian said, turning back toward the dark sea before him. “I simply wasn’t expecting you to suddenly materialize aboard my ship.”
“It wasn’t how I anticipated my night going either,” Krystal said, “but I’m not complaining.”
He gave her a quick look, and Krystal was not prepared for the effect of having those sea-blue eyes trained intently on her. “Perhaps you should complain,” he said finally, and the pain in his voice was nearly visceral. “I’m hardly fit company tonight…or really any night anymore.”
Krystal had the strongest desire to give him a long, comforting hug, but she figured it probably would be best not to push it.
“You miss her, don’t you?” she said simply.
To his credit, Killian didn’t even attempt to pretend he didn’t know to whom she referred. “Every moment of every endless day,” he said.  “Nonsensical though it may be, the pain is even worse than when I lost my Milah.”
“Emma’s your true love,” Krystal said simply. “Being separated from her, given no hope of a reunion must be like losing a vital part of your very self.”
“Aye,” he said simply.  “I don’t wish to be rude, love,” he said after a moment of brooding silence, “but was there a reason you came, other than reminding me, quite unnecessarily, of the agony that is always with me?”
Krystal clutched the small vial in her hand and then nodded.  “Killian, I’m here to tell you that the Wicked Witch is about to cast another curse.”
“Oh?” he asked emotionlessly.
“Yeah,” Krystal said, “sending everyone back, once again to Emma’s world.”
That got his attention, he turned his head toward her so quickly he probably got whiplash. “That’s impossible!” he breathed. “The barrier between our worlds–”
“Is now down,” Krystal said.  “You can get to her, Killian.  You can find Emma and bring back her memories.  Convince her to return to Storybrooke and save her family from the newest threat.”
For the first time, probably in months, hope crept into Killian’s eyes.  “I’ll have to outrun the curse.”
Krystal shrugged.  “So ditch your crew and outrun it.  Shouldn’t be a problem; you’re a hell of a captain.”
He grinned.  “That I am.  I’ll need a bean to open a portal.  Those aren’t easy to come by.”
Krystal smiled.  “They are when you have something of value to trade.”
Killian groaned.  “Bloody hell, I’m going to have to go back to that bastard Blackbeard, aren’t I?”
“Afraid so,” Krystal said, not envying him the unpleasant task ahead of him but knowing that the result would be far more than worth it. “But the question is: what are you willing to do and what are you willing to give up to get to Emma?”
“Anything,” he breathed, and the love and longing in that single word nearly had Krystal swooning.
“Good,” she said finally.  “Then you’ll need this.  It’s all the memory potion I could scrounge up.  Just enough for one, I’m afraid, but who knows?  Maybe only one of them will need a potion to return their memories?”
The hope and determination on his face as he worked out the implications of her words nearly did her in.  She knew he was thinking about a true love’s kiss, and she wanted to warn him that they didn’t work on memory loss, but she knew she couldn’t change the story any more than she already had.
No matter.  Killian and Emma would fight for their love and they’d win.  All was back on track.
Krystal blinked and suddenly she was seated in the Charmings’ booth at Granny’s surrounded by Snowing, their baby, Henry and Emma.  After a quick look around the room she smiled.  She knew exactly when she was–the end of the Captain Swan movie.
“So are you ever going to tell us the name of my brother?” Emma asked.
Snow and Charming shared a quick smile, and then David got to his feet, infant son in his arms.
“Can I have everyone’s attention?” he asked with a broad smile.  Immediately the diner went silent as everyone waited for the announcement they’d all shown up for. “Snow and I wanted to name our son for a true hero, someone who was taken from us far too soon but who spent his life protecting this town.  In fact, without him, Snow wouldn’t be alive, and by extension, our daughter and son would never be born.  Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to Prince Graham.”
A cheer went up from all in Granny’s and Krystal applauded as exuberantly as the rest of them.  Of all the changes she’d anticipated from her interference in the timeline, this was by far the best.  She couldn’t wait to get back to the cabin and tell Marta!
For several minutes seemingly every resident of Storybrooke stopped by the table to congratulate Snow and Charming on the new addition to the family and Krystal loved every moment of it.  She couldn’t have asked for a better trip into the Storybook.  She’d gotten to meet virtually everyone.
Finally conversation in the Charming booth turned back to the adventure Emma and Killian had just had.
“So Prince Charles and Princess Leia huh?” Henry asked with a grin.  “That really the best you could come up with, Mom?”
Emma laughed and then ruffled her son’s hair. “We were kind of put on the spot.”
She stopped and looked around.  “Speaking of, where is Killian? He should be here joining in the celebration.”
“Check the outdoor seating,” Krystal said trying to tamp down her excitement at what she knew was about to take place.
She glanced out the window, watched Emma approach the table where Killian sat, drinking and brooding.  She watched as she sat across from him and began talking.  She watched as he smiled at her, answering the question Krystal knew she’d just asked.
But when Emma leaned in and gave him the most tender, gentle and yet passionate kiss in history, Krystal couldn’t stop herself. She squealed in glee.
She was still squealing a moment later when she found herself suddenly transported back to the cabin in the Smokies.
“I think it’s safe to say K enjoyed her adventure,” Joni said dryly.
“You have NO idea!” Krystal said.  “Just wait until I tell you what happened!”
“Well you’re going to have to wait,” Isaac said irritably. “I don’t have all night, and by my count we still have one of you left to send into the book.”
“My turn!” Jen said stepping up.  “I think it’s high time somebody dealt with at least a little of the mess you made of season six.”
--Well there you have it! Neal died painfully, Snowing didn't name their son after him, and Krystal got to witness the CS movie kiss!
--Up next: My story! I won't make you wait until my birthday, since it's in April. Hopefully the ending will come soon!
#ouat fanfiction#girls' trip fanfiction#fandom friends' birthday fics#1x07 The Huntsman fanfiction#sheriff graham#snowbellewells#my fanfiction
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jrob64 · 3 years
Happy Birthday @kymbersmith-90!!!!
Today (April 19) is the birthday of one of my very best friends in the CS fandom! We bonded while discussing one of our favorite episodes, “White Out” and Kym wrote a lovely OS called “Thawing Out” to satisfy my need to see the episode through David’s eyes. In honor of her special day, I’ve created a pic set to go along with her wonderful story. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it on Ao3 here. 
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Have a fantastic birthday, Kym! I love you, my friend!
Tagging: @hookedmom​ @xsajx​ @kymbersmith-90​ @kmomof4​ @katie-dub​ @ohmightydevviepuu @lassluna @pirateherokillian @teamhook @stahlop​ @elizabeethan @whimsicallyenchantedrose @resident-of-storybrooke​ @therooksshiningknight @jennjenn615 @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @killianswannn @stories-enchanted @eleveneitherway @girl-in-a-tiny-box @withheartfulloflove @kday426 @lyssapup27 @swanlovato @kaoslikesstuff @djlbg @kristi555 @laschatzi @xarandomdreamx @lkles08 @wyntereyez @bubblegum1425 @xhookswenchx @yasbio2015 @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @wefoundloveunderthelight @hollyethecurious @let-it-raines @jonesfandomfanatic @searchingwardrobes @dreamingdreamsalways @oncechicagolove @andiirivera @vvbooklady1256 @gingerchangeling @everything-person @klynn-stormz @qualitycoffeethings @vampcoffeegyrl23 @enchanted-swans @cassy1511 @ohmakemeahercules @donteattheappleshook @bluewildcatfanatic @the-darkdragonfly @demisexualemmaswan @lavenderbudd @grimmswan @spartanguard @flslp87 @ultraluckycatnd @sarahpaq08 @thisonesatellite @captainswan21 @zaharadessert @mariakov81 @snowbellewells @xouatxcs @kiwistreetswan @batana54 @nadine200179 @probalicious17 @courtorderedcake @julesep3026 @jackieorioncat @whatthehell102082 @xemmaloveskillianx @jarienn972 @sthonour @linda8084 @carpedzem @pirateprincesslena @daxx04 @winterbythesea @artistic-writer @scientificapricot @cocohook38 @wisfan3000 @chrisilybrooke @pcrcabcth @captainswan4life85 @molly958 @kingofmyheart14 @badwolfreturns @itsfridaysomewhere @mcakers @chamomileandmint @fallingforthecaptain @lovethelifeyoulive1106 @onceratheart18 @strangestarlighttree @omgmarvelous @justanother-unluckysoul @mrs-potatos-but-likes-tomatos @karlyfr13s
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jackie-shitposts · 3 years
Fish. It's me, fish the fish anon. 🐠
what fandoms are you in besides Carmen Sandiego?
Carmen Sandiego is absolutely my #1 Fandom. I love tons of other shows and dip my toes in other fandoms, but CS has been my first TRUE fandom experience, you wont find me actively making content for any other fandom at the moment.
other fandoms/interests include! (in no particular order)
Sailor Moon (my obsession pre-CS! was the topic of my very first YT shitpost)
Gravity Falls (The only show I’ve seen without a bad episode imo)
Steven Universe (MKAtwood- i miss you)
Hilda (gonna get the 1st comic for my birthday!)
Avatar The Last Airbender (LOK is on my watchlist!)
Amphibia (Watched it partially when it first released, just starting to get back into it!)
The Owl House (see @gulfish CS / TOH fic im beta-ing >:D)
Moomin! (god snufkin i love you. TOVE JANSSON WAS QUEER!!)
Spies are Forever (Tatiana my BELOVEDDD)
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse (the best marvel movie I’ve ever seen…the only marvel movie ive ever seen)
Phineas and Ferb / Milo Murphy’s Law (Melissa and Milo is the best friendship ever YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND)
Butterfly Soup (GAY ASIANS PLAY BASEBALL. Also @animaestro717 is Akarasha I dont make the rules)
Undertale / Deltarune (havent played Ch 2 yet IM GONNA THO)
Jacksfilms (I have some shitposts for his stuff i’ve never released)
i could go on!! but i wont because we’d be here 80 years. thanks so much for asking :DD
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cssns · 2 years
Get to Know Me 2022
Today we have Joni with an incredibly intriguing story idea! 
Tumblr Name @jrob64
How long have you been in the CS/OUAT fandom? I started watching OUAT at the midway point of Season 4 (after I binged the whole show up to that point during a three-day weekend) so about 6 years
When did you start shipping Captain Swan? During the CS Movie at the end of Season 3
What drew you to this event? I've read some of the stories written for this event, and have participated in a few other CS events, which were a lot of fun, so I decided to try this one.
  What inspired your topic? The premise of the movie "Somewhere in Time"
  If you would like to share a snippet/sneak peek/summary of your fic or artwork, please use the space below. When Emma Swan sees an illustration of Captain Hook in a storybook titled "Once Upon a Time", she feels an instant attraction to him. Then she sees another picture of him dancing with someone who strongly resembles herself and becomes obsessed with trying to transport herself into the book to find him. What are you looking forward to most about participating in this event? Having @winterbythesea as my artist! I am in awe of her art and am so excited to work with her!
Thank you so much, Joni! I know I’m looking forward to reading your story -- it sounds so good! Be sure to say hey to Joni on tumblr or discord, and look out for her story dropping on July 15 (which is Megan’s birthday!! 😘)
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