#data visualization specialist
Data Visualization Consulting : Putting Thoughts Into Practice
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I. Overview
A. Data Visualization Definition
The graphical depiction of data used to find hidden patterns, recognize trends, and arrive at wise conclusions is known as data visualization. It uses dynamic graphics instead of static charts and graphs to effectively convey complicated information.
B. Value of Consultants for Data Visualization
Businesses are faced with the challenge of extracting insights that are actionable due to the exponential growth of data. In order to transform unstructured data into visual narratives that inform strategic decision-making, data visualization experts are essential.
II. Advantages of Using Consultants for Data Visualization
A. Improving the Interpretation of Data
Simplifying complex data sets to make them easier for stakeholders to understand and draw conclusions from is a specialty of data visualization consultants. Their specialty is turning unprocessed data into aesthetically pleasing and easily understood representations.
B. Enhancing Decision-Making
A thorough comprehension of the data is necessary for making well-informed decisions. In order to show data in a way that encourages prompt, informed decision-making and improves business outcomes, consultants employ sophisticated visualization techniques.
C. Customized Business Solutions
Data visualization specialists recognize that every business is different. They provide tailored solutions, matching industry standards and particular company objectives with visualization tactics.
III. Elements of a Successful Data Visualization
A. Simplicity and Clarity
Simplicity and clarity are given priority in effective visualizations. Data visualization consultants make sure that even non-technical stakeholders can understand the information that is given.
B. Interactive Elements
Users are engaged when there is interaction and may examine data at their own pace. Interactive features are incorporated by consultants to allow stakeholders to delve deeper into the data for a more thorough understanding.
C. Interoperability with Different Data Sources
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IV. How Consultants in Data Visualization Operate
A. Evaluation and Analysis of Data
First, consultants thoroughly examine the client’s data environment. This entails determining important KPIs, comprehending data sources, and evaluating the particular requirements of the company.
B. Tailoring Tools for Visualization
Consultants customize visualization tools to meet the specific needs of the organization based on the investigation. This personalization makes sure that the final images are in line with the goals of the business and appeal to key audiences.
C. Constant Observation and Improvement
The process of visualizing data is continuous. Consultants keep an eye on how well visualizations are working and adapt as necessary to meet shifting corporate objectives or alterations in data patterns.
V. Data Visualization Consulting Trends
A. Integration of Advanced Technologies
Data visualization is a field that is always changing. By incorporating cutting-edge technology like augmented reality and artificial intelligence into their visualization methods, consultants are able to stay ahead of the curve.
B. Put Predictive Analytics First
Consultants are concentrating more and more on predictive analytics in addition to retrospective analysis. They assist firms foresee future possibilities and difficulties by using visualization tools to forecast trends.
C. A Greater Focus on the User Experience
A key consideration in data visualization is user experience. In order to maximize engagement, consultants place a high priority on producing visually appealing and user-friendly graphics that are also instructive.
VI. Difficulties in Consulting for Data Visualization
A. Guaranteeing Data Protection
Making sure data is secure is of utmost importance as it becomes more accessible. Strong security measures are put in place by consultants to protect sensitive data during the visualization process.
B. Overcoming Change-Resistantness
A reluctance to adopting data visualization may come from stakeholders who are used to more conventional reporting techniques. Consultants are essential in helping to overcome this reluctance by providing training and efficient communication.
C. Combining Various Data Sets
Companies gather information from multiple sources. The task of integrating disparate data sets to produce a holistic picture and guarantee that no important insights are missed is taken on by consultants.
VII. Case Studies: Data Visualization Consultants’ Success Stories
A. Effect on Marketing and Sales
By offering lucid insights into consumer behavior and industry trends, data visualization consultants have assisted companies in revolutionizing their sales and marketing tactics.
B. Healthcare Analytics Transformation
Consultants have been essential in the healthcare industry in boosting operational effectiveness, optimizing resource allocation, and improving patient outcomes through data-driven insights.
C. Improving Manufacturing’s Operational Efficiency
Data visualization helps manufacturing companies by enhancing overall operational efficiency, finding bottlenecks, and streamlining production processes.
VIII. Selecting the Appropriate Data Visualization Consultant
A. Evaluating Knowledge and Background
Prioritizing knowledge and experience is crucial for firms when choosing a data visualization consultant. Experienced consultants are better suited to tackle unusual problems and provide significant outcomes.
B. Recognizing Customer Needs
Successful consultants take the effort to comprehend their clients’ unique needs and goals. This guarantees a customized strategy in line with the business objectives of the client.
C. Economical Remedies
Although cost is an important factor, companies should prioritize the total value that consultants offer. A solution that yields measurable outcomes and a favorable return on investment is considered cost-effective.
IX. Homemade vs. Expert Data Visualization
A. Benefits and Drawbacks of Homemade Methods
Some companies might think about tackling data visualization on their own. Although this can save costs, it frequently falls short of the breadth and depth of knowledge provided by qualified consultants.
B. Professional Expertise’s Value
Expert consultants for data visualization bring a plethora of experience and expertise to the table. Their experience guarantees accurate representation of complex data sets in high-quality visuals.
C. Observing Long-Term Cost Reductions
Even though professional services could seem expensive at first, the long-term cost savings that come from well-informed choices and efficient procedures exceed the original outlay.
X. Prospects for Data Visualization Consulting in the Future
A. Changing Technologies and Methods
In order to stay ahead of the fast evolving data landscape, data visualization consulting will need to embrace emerging technology and evolving approaches.
B. Increasing Need across Diverse Sectors
The need for qualified data visualization consultants is predicted to rise sharply as companies in all sectors realize the benefits of making decisions based on data.
C. Possibilities for Professional Development
The discipline of data visualization offers a plethora of chances for advancement and specialization to those who are pursuing a career in it.
XI. Advice on Using Data Visualization Effectively
A. Choosing the Right Visualization Instruments
Selecting the appropriate visualization tools is essential. Consultants help companies choose tools based on the kinds of data they have, their objectives, and the preferences of their users.
B. Recognizing Your Audience
Optimizing visual aids for the intended audience guarantees optimal effect. When creating visually compelling content, consultants take stakeholders’ preferences and degree of understanding into account.
C. Including Narrative Components
A story is told via effective data visualization. Consultants integrate stories into images so that stakeholders can relate to and remember the content.
XII. Typical Errors in Data Visualization to Avoid
A. Stuffing Data Into Visuals
Refrain from including all of the data points. Consultants make sure that visuals are clear and free of superfluous details by prioritizing relevant information.
B. Failing to Consider Mobile Compatibility
In a world where mobile devices are everything, consultants make sure that visualizations work across many platforms to give users comfort and accessibility when they’re on the road.
XIII. Final Thoughts
A. Summary of Main Ideas
In order to fully utilize data and give businesses the insights they need to succeed, data visualization experts are essential.
B. Highlighting the Function of Consultants for Data Visualization
The knowledge and skills of data visualization consultants are crucial for helping organizations make sense of the complexity of a data-driven world and turn information into plans that work.
XIV. Frequently Asked Questions
A. How can consultants for data visualization improve the interpretation of data?
Data visualization experts take complex data and turn it into aesthetically pleasing representations that simplify it and make it easy for stakeholders to understand.
B. Which sectors gain the most from advisory services related to data visualization?
Data visualization consulting helps several industries, such as manufacturing, sales and marketing, and healthcare, by streamlining operations and enhancing decision-making.
C. Is it feasible for small enterprises to do their own data visualization?
Although less expensive, do-it-yourself data visualization is less comprehensive and knowledgeable than that of skilled consultants, which limits its usefulness for small organizations.
D. How can companies get past their reluctance to implement data visualization?
Overcoming resistance requires training and effective communication. When it comes to helping companies make the shift to data-driven decision-making, consultants are essential.
E. Which major developments will influence data visualization consultancy going forward?
The utilization of cutting-edge technologies, a concentration on predictive analytics, and a greater emphasis on user experience are examples of emerging trends.
Elevate Decisions with Data Visualization Consulting Services
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database-integration · 7 months
The Impact of Data Visualization Software on Decision-Making: Insights from Augmented Systems
In today's data-driven world, organizations are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to transform raw data into actionable insights. Data visualization software has emerged as a powerful tool in this endeavor, allowing businesses to make informed decisions based on a visual representation of complex data.
Augmented Systems, a leading data visualization specialist company with a global presence in India and the USA, is at the forefront of this technology revolution. In this article, we will explore the impact of data visualization software on decision-making and how Augmented Systems are driving this transformation.
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The Power of Data Visualization
Data visualization is the practice of representing data graphically to help individuals and organizations understand the patterns, trends, and insights hidden within vast datasets. It takes raw data and transforms it into comprehensible visuals such as charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards. This visual representation not only makes data more accessible but also enhances the decision-making process in the following ways:
Clarity: Data visualization simplifies complex data, making it easier for decision-makers to grasp key information quickly.
Patterns and Trends: Visual representations help identify patterns, trends, and correlations that might be difficult to discern in raw data.
Speed: Visualizing data allows for rapid decision-making, as insights are readily available, reducing the time spent on data analysis.
Communication: Visuals provide a common language for teams, promoting better collaboration and understanding.
The Role of Augmented Systems
Augmented Systems, a data visualization specialist company, has harnessed the potential of data visualization software to empower organizations in India and the USA. They offer tailored solutions to help businesses leverage data for competitive advantage. Here are some ways in which Augmented Systems is impacting decision-making:
Customized Solutions: Augmented Systems understands that every organization is unique. They provide customized data visualization software that aligns with the specific needs and goals of their clients. This tailored approach ensures that decision-makers have access to the right data in a format that suits their requirements.
Interactive Dashboards: Augmented Systems' software offers interactive dashboards that enable real-time data exploration. Decision-makers can drill down into data, filter information, and gain a deeper understanding of their business processes, which ultimately leads to more informed decisions.
Predictive Analytics: Augmented Systems integrates predictive analytics into their data visualization solutions. By using historical data and advanced algorithms, their software can forecast trends and potential outcomes, enabling organizations to make proactive decisions and stay ahead of the competition.
User-Friendly Interface: Augmented Systems focuses on user experience, ensuring that their data visualization software is easy to use. This user-friendly approach means that decision-makers across all levels of an organization can take advantage of the insights provided.
The impact of data visualization software on decision-making cannot be overstated. It has become an indispensable tool for organizations looking to stay competitive in a data-driven world. Augmented Systems, a data visualization specialist company with a strong presence in India and the USA, is at the forefront of this technological revolution.
Their customized solutions, interactive dashboards, predictive analytics, and user-friendly interface are empowering decision-makers to make informed and strategic choices. As businesses continue to embrace data-driven decision-making, the role of companies like Augmented Systems will only become more significant in shaping the future of successful organizations.
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emily-joe · 1 year
BI tools deal with the collection, transformation, and presentation of data. The top business intelligence tools for data visualization are Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, QlikView.
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superlinguo · 1 month
Thinking With Your Hands, Susan Goldin-Meadow (Review)
In Thinking With Your Hands, Susan Goldin-Meadow meets the challenge of summarising a lifetime of research for a non-specialist audience. Since the early 1970s Goldin-Meadow has been researching the role of gesture in thinking, communicating and learning. This book captures her passion for this work, and the enthusiasm for collaboration that has resulted in the Goldin-Meadow lab being a powerhouse of Gesture Studies scholarship over the last three decades. There are some black line images throughout the book that illustrate some key gestural moments. I was delighted to read a physical review copy from the publisher. 
Goldin-Meadow’s work spans a range of topics in child language acquisition, the emergence of homesign and signed languages, and the use of gesture in educational contexts. The book is divided into three sections. The first section, “Thinking with our hands”, introduces the ways that gesture provides a more expansive understanding of language and what we communicate. In this book, as in her research, Goldin-Meadow focuses on the gestures we use alongside speech. These gestures can provide visual information alongside the structured linguistic content of spoken or signed languages. Sometimes that information is not found in the linguistic content and instead offers a different perspective on the thought processes of the person using gesture, other times, gesturing appears to not only show, but help, the thinking process. 
The second section, “Speaking with our hands”, is built around Goldin-Meadow’s expertise in children’s communication, particularly in contexts without spoken language. This includes discussion of homesign, where a deaf child is raised in a hearing household without signed language and develops a way of communicating with their family. These homesign systems are more than gesture, but less structured than a language, although as Goldin-Meadow’s work has shown, it’s the child driving the structure, not their caregivers. Goldin-Meadow is exceedingly diplomatic about the choices made by parents in these contexts, but at least makes it clear how the oralism approach does not benefit children. We also get to read about the birth of signed languages in contexts like Nicuagua, where the first school for deaf children was set up in the 1980s. In a context of support and input, children are able to collaboratively build a full language, often drawing on local gestures as one of their resources.  
The third section, “Why you should care about hands”, draws on insights from the research introduced in earlier chapters to make a case for gesture being relevant to parents, clinicians and teachers. The final chapter “what if gesture were considered as important as language?” is an opportunity that Goldin-Meadow uses for a vision for the use of the many remarkable insight from her work and that of collaborators and colleagues. 
Although this book draws mostly on research conducted by her own lab, or by people from her lab who have gone on to become leaders in the field in their own right, the book still draws on research from others across the field as well. It’s clear that Goldin-Meadow is demonstrating the ways she’s honed the message about her work, and its wider relevance, for a general audience. For someone with a passing familiarity with work from the Goldin-Meadow lab, there’s a great deal of charm in learning the stories behind some iconic pieces of research. Goldin-Meadow is very happy to let us know that had shown students some classic gesture mismatch footage in her classes for years before Brecky Church coded the data and noted that the mismatches preceded a developmental advance. Goldin-Meadow is exceedingly charming in her enthusiasm for name-checking her junior collaborators and students, as well as their students (who she gleefully points out are her academic grandchildren). 
In Thinking with your Hands Goldin-Meadow’s expertise and depths of enthusiasm are exceedingly evident, but so is her commitment to finding ways to share her work with people beyond psychology and Gesture Studies. This has become one of my go-to recommendations for Gesture Studies scicomm.  
Susan Goldin-Meadow, Thinking With Your Hands (Basic Books, 2023)
Related posts:
Blind people gesture (and why that’s kind of a big deal)
The relationship between gesture and thinking/speaking
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disabled-dragoon · 10 months
Disability Aid Databases
So. Originally this was going to just be a quick little post where I shared four databases I've found that really help me when it comes to updating my resource. However! In doing that, I discovered more??
These are essentially sites that collect a big list of different disability aid suppliers, specialists and support services across different countries and continents and then list them all for easy access.
And now I'm listing them here so you can access them! 😁[grinning face emoji]
Assistive Technology Australia: Australian Database Personally, I quite like the little pictures they use for their categories. I think it's quite well organised, although it took a little while to get used to. This site is in English.
Canadian Disability Resource Society: Canadian Database I found this site just a little harder to use than some of the others, but after playing around a bit I got the hang of it. I like that you can search by specific keywords and postcodes. I think the contact details are also very clear, and there is an online chat function if you run into any issues. There are extensive language choices for this site.
Disability Info South Africa: South African Database Just going to put a quick warning for potential eye strain and/or flashing lights here as there's a moving graphic on the home page. However, I really like the fact you can change the font size and contrast of the page. I do think the site is a bit wordy but it's so good; there's a lot of information and advice on here once you know where to look. This site is in English.
EASTIN: European Database This might be a bit difficult to use at first, but the search function on this site is so specific it's honestly incredible. It acts as a big data hub for disability aid databases across Europe. Also, there are extensive language options for this site, including mostly European languages, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese and Thai!
Handicat: French Database Again, I like the little pictures for the categories. It gives a good visual representation of each area before you've even read the category title. There's also a little tool that lets you search by trade name, the type of product and the manufacturer. This page is in French.
Hjælpemiddelbasen: Danish Database Or, AssistData. This site lets you search for disability aids by purpose/classification and target group (i.e. disability). It also offers guides on choosing and maintaining different items. I like that the search function also has the option to include discontinued items. You can change the language of this site to either English or Dansk.
Living Made Easy: UK Database Or, the Disability Living Foundation. This was actually the first one I found. The organisation system isn't as specific as some of the others but I quite like that everything is still separated by category, and it's not too overwhelming. This site is in English.
REHADAT: German Database I really like the organisation of this site, but I'm going to put a warning for potential eye strain here as some of the blue graphics are a bit faded and hard to see despite the dark background. As well as assistive technology, this site also offers information on things like disability law, education, employment and financial advice, and addresses and contacts for additional support services. You can change the language of this site to either English or Deutsch.
SIVA: Italian Database I think this site is a little confusing, but I like the guided search and advanced search functions. You can really get down into the specifics of what you're looking for. You can change the language of this site to either English or Italian.
Unfortunately, there were a couple of extra databases that I couldn't access, but if I find any others then I will update this post.
Let me know if there's anything you want me to add/change!
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feelinghaunted · 2 years
jobs masterlist.
because there can never really be enough masterlists regarding jobs for muses as far as i’m concerned. jobs on here will be separated by university / town / city / cruise / entertainment, as those tend to be the main roleplay settings i see. i’m gonna try to keep these more unique as opposed to popular ones like professor, barista and bartender - just because i feel like having unique jobs would be more useful. if you found this at all helpful, please reblog / like.
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academic advisor. 
sponsored research development manager. 
security dispatcher. 
student services evaluator. 
vocational nurse. 
university outreach specialist. 
computational scientist. 
application developer. 
maintenance specialist. 
travel and expense associate. 
project management associate. 
marketing content writer. 
graduate assistant. 
security investigator. 
administrative assistant. 
research technician. 
information technology support specialist. 
undergraduate program administrator. 
nurse coordinator. 
bookstore clerk. 
convenience store clerk.
 data visualization analyst.
child and youth program lead.
veterinarian technician.
construction quality assurance analyst.
loan analyst.
art therapist.
distiller / brewmaster / winemaker.
fashion designer.
hotel manager.
apartment front-desk staff.
physical therapist.
dental assistant.
home health aid.
pet groomer.
remote worker (telemarketer).
tax consultant.
cybersecurity analyst.
patient service representative.
beach crew attendant.
leasing agent.
production associate.
facility maintenance technician.
rental sales agent.
flight attendant.
software engineer.
game developer.
delivery driver.
online dating ghostwriter.
bike courier.
ethical hacker.
robotics engineer.
mobile app developer.
catering attendant. 
prep cook.
banquet server.
marketing specialist.
daycare staff.
recreation manager.
brand manager.
casino dealer.
activity coordinator.
fitness instructor.
hr manager.
dive instructor.
electrical technician.
environmental officer.
make up artist.
a&r administrator.
fake food artist.
intimacy coordinator.
breakdown artist.
animal trainer.
pr manager.
booking agent.
video editor.
light technician.
audio engineer.
entertainment writer.
voice-over artist.
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Random question that will definitely not lead to fanart:
I want to work on various designs for cybernetics and the riot kings crew are a good vessel for that, if you feel like answering, is anyone trained for/assigned to various tasks within the fleet? And if so, who is assigned to what?(i.e special ops, med tech, riot control, etc) or if theyre not, what would they be best suited for? Here's a bit of an example of what I mean, a character of mine was trained to be a sniper so his cybernetics are optimized for stability, flexibility, and accuracy(his hands can't shake, all of his joints have 360 degree rotation, artificial eyes that can zoom a fair amount, his cybernetic limbs have artificial nerves to mimic touch)
As an example for a Riot kings character: Nabi is a psychic, she's also a civilian and not particularly suited to combat, so i feel like her augmentations would be designed to mimic normal flesh and would probably be minimal so she wouldn't have to undergo a lot of surgery. For their usage: they'd probably be focused on protecting her, like tougher skin and like, taser fingers. Or maybe theyd be better for helping her focus on her psychic abilities, like being able to temporarily turn off her hearing/sight/other senses to reduce distraction when using her abilities.
oooooh! I haven't delved too deep in cybernetics myself, but your ideas sound super cool and creative!
to answer your question, there are specialized duties within the Fleet, usually separated visually by uniform color:
Green: foot soldiers/guards/undesignated. The most common troops, will also do miscellaneous jobs not covered by the other categories. Leadership also wears green.
Blue: special duty (like instructors or prison guards). Jin's current uniform is also blue, but his special duty is Nabi Guard (his blue is to match her sweater)
Purple: intel, aka the guys who collect data, monitor satellites/surveillance drones, and compile reports. Mainfleet also employs interrogators under "intel" (for the sake of never having to admit they employ interrogators. It's just "intelligence collection", nothing to worry about.)
Red: special missions. Can qualify as spec ops, but are generally just soldiers with unique skills that may qualify them for solo/minimally manned missions.
Orange: personnel/admin. These guys handle paperwork, pay, facilities, food... everything required to keep the Fleet running smoothly.
Yellow: engineering. Mechanics, armament, repairs, construction, and more. Commander Kita is the only engineer I've drawn so far I think. She's the officer in charge of that sector on the Inferno.
Teal: medical! ship's surgeons, emergency med techs, and nurses are common on most ships. Dentists, optometrists, and other specialists are available on Mainfleet-side and at established bases. Field and combat medics will also wear teal to distinguish themselves from combatants.
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[The Specialist has brought in a dark blue pearl.]
S: Wa wa. (From Sky.)
[All around Gunnie's chambers are holograms. Schematics, maps, sensor data, and what appears to be a visualization of the main cannon's camera. It's pointed somewhere into the sky, focused on a single point.]
[It's not until the Slugcat 'speaks' that they pay attention to their immediate surroundings, and most of the holograms flicker and fade, leaving the chamber soaked in a gentle green glow.]
GCF: A gift? What's she ordained that I should receive?
GCF: Ah, a pearl. You mind terribly if I read it out loud?
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spectralarchers · 1 year
Y’know, a Danish company who helps people on the autism spectrum, had a pattern recognition game going some weeks ago that I did for fun and scored really high on, and fast forward to today, I spoke with one of their specialists and they were like “you scored almost 100% on the first two pattern recognition games” and I was like cool, and they now have my CV in their database even though I do not have an (official) autism spectrum.
I have a borderline personality disorder one instead, but adult women (like me) are more likely to be misdiagnosed with borderline instead of autism due to our ability to mask so well (and there are several overlapping behavioral aspects to both diagnosis), so I’m gonna take that as a win. I’ve sometimes considered trying out an official assessment for ASD, but the trail of going through that feels too mentally taxing right now to pursue.
Their contact person said “your profile is interesting bc you’re more on the visual/creative end of the spectrum whereas we usually specialize in data and IT solutions, so we’d like to keep your contact info if we ever need it” so.
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thinkdigitall · 2 months
Unleash Your Digital Potential with Think Digital - The Best Digital Marketing Agency in Bhubaneswar
At Think Digital, we understand the evolving landscape of digital marketing and the unique challenges businesses face in the digital realm. With a mission to empower businesses to thrive online, we offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services tailored to suit the specific needs and goals of each client. From search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to social media marketing, content marketing, and website design and development, Think Digital offers a wide range of services to cater to every aspect of our client's digital marketing needs. Whether you're looking to increase website traffic, improve brand visibility, or generate leads and conversions, our team has the expertise and resources to deliver.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO):  In today's competitive online landscape, appearing at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) is essential for driving organic traffic to your website. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:
For businesses looking to achieve instant visibility and drive immediate results, PPC advertising offers a powerful solution. Our PPC specialists create targeted campaigns across platforms like Google Ads and social media channels, optimizing ad spend to maximize ROI and deliver measurable results.
Social Media Marketing:
With billions of active users across various social media platforms, social media marketing presents immense opportunities for businesses to connect with their audience, build brand awareness, and drive engagement.
Content Marketing:
Quality content lies at the heart of every successful digital marketing strategy. Our team of content creators, copywriters, and designers collaborate to produce engaging and informative content that resonates with your audience, drives traffic to your website, and establishes your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
Website Design and Development:
Your website serves as your digital storefront, making a lasting impression on visitors and influencing their purchasing decisions. Our web design and development team specializes in creating user-friendly, visually appealing websites optimized for performance, functionality, and conversion.
Why Choose Think Digital?
Proven Track Record of Success: With a portfolio of successful campaigns and satisfied clients, Think Digital has earned a reputation as a trusted digital marketing partner in Bhubaneswar.
Experienced Team of Experts: Our team comprises seasoned digital marketers, SEO specialists, PPC experts, content creators, and web developers with years of experience and expertise in their respective fields.
Data-Driven Approach: We leverage data and analytics to inform our strategies, track performance, and optimize campaigns for maximum results.
Customer-Centric Approach: At Think Digital, we prioritize client satisfaction above all else. We work closely with our clients, providing transparent communication, regular updates, and actionable insights to drive continuous improvement and success.
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northdigitalacademy · 3 months
Best Course After Graduation With 100% Placement In Amritsar
Choosing the best skill course after graduation with 100% placement in Amritsar would depend on your interests, career goals, and the demand in the job market. Here are some popular skill courses that often have high placement rates and demand in various industries:
Digital Marketing: With the increasing digitization of businesses, digital marketing skills are in high demand. Courses covering SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, and analytics can equip you with valuable skills sought after by companies of all sizes. North Digital Academy will consider as best option if you are planning for digital marketing 
Data Science and Analytics: Data is driving decision-making across industries. Learning skills in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization can lead to lucrative career opportunities in sectors like finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more.
Web Development: Web developers are needed to build and maintain websites for businesses and organizations. Learning front-end and back-end development languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular can open doors to employment opportunities.
Graphic Design: If you have a creative flair, pursuing a course in graphic design can lead to opportunities in advertising agencies, design studios, publishing houses, and more. Learning tools like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign is essential for this field.
Hospitality Management: Amritsar is a tourist destination with a growing hospitality industry. Courses in hospitality management can lead to jobs in hotels, resorts, event management companies, and tourism agencies.
English Language Training: With the increasing importance of English language skills in various sectors, courses in English language training can lead to opportunities as English language trainers, content writers, or communication specialists.
Accounting and Finance: Courses in accounting software like Tally or courses in financial accounting can lead to job opportunities in accounting firms, corporate finance departments, or banks.
When choosing a course, consider factors such as the reputation of the institution offering the course, the curriculum, industry relevance, and placement records. Additionally, conducting thorough research and consulting with professionals in your desired field can help you make an informed decision.
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askvectorprime · 2 years
Dear, Vector Prime.
Sorry for the odd question. Are there any other Primax cluster Decepticon that transforms into Cassette Recorder besides Soundwave?
Dear Recording Reckoner,
Oh my. Primax is a rather expansive term… let me see… ah! Yes, I believe this bot fits the description. Within the Decepticon Surveillance Division—which counted bots such as Soundwave and Reflector in its numbers—the Head of Inspection was a bot named Polybius.
Polybius first gained a reputation for herself within the Decepticon ranks for producing “compilations” of her comrades, cut together from clips she had personally recorded or sourced from surveillance footage, taken out of context to implicate the subject of the video in some embarrassing or treacherous escapade. The periodic release of these tapes would wreak havoc within the faction. Amused by this, Megatron instated her in the DSD—giving her the mandate to test loyalty and maintain standards, through random searches, spot-checks, and covert monitoring.
Underneath her all-seeing tattletale persona, Polybius is a nervous wreck who—perhaps rightly—believes everyone around her is waiting for the opportunity to get rid of her. She spends most of her time mass-shifted in her VHS video camcorder disguise, so as to escape the notice of her peers, and avoids changing form if at all possible, fearing the fleeting instant of blindness she experiences when her visual input is rerouted from her lens to her optics during transformation. She regularly scours her recordings for any mention of her own name, in case she missed someone talking about her. Her sole confidant is Starscream, who likes the way she often lets slip highly-sensitive blackmail material.
Polybius possesses a "lens flare" attack, which can blind those around her when she needs to make a quick getaway, if she’s seen something she shouldn’t have. She carries—or, just as often, is carried by—two videocassette minions: Lossy-Lot the robot ocelot and Degauss the albatross, both specialists in altering or destroying data.
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bugbyte · 6 months
1062 Days
I had a pretty terrible doctor’s appointment yesterday and have been kind of cycling through a million feelings about it like some kind of unhinged unicycle. (No, I cannot ride a unicycle.) Anyway, if you missed yesterday’s panic posting, the pain people kind of went “oh well” and shoved me off to the MMJ people, which is fine, except costly and not covered by insurance and I am broke. I did receive a Ko-Fi donation that should theoretically cover a chunk of whatever the appointment costs and the amount of relief I am feeling right now is enormous, so thank you, anon donor. One way or another I’m going to figure this out, which is far more hope than I had when I started today. I woke up, wide awake, at 6 am this morning, having a panic attack because I felt like I’d just been condemned to a life of never being able to do or experience anything ever again, but now I feel like there’s a chance.
We’ve been driving back and forth to a city about an hour away to deal with all of this stuff because there seem to be a lot more specialists there (it’s through a university hospital, which has been a really good experience primarily, except for the pain people? wtf) and an hour isn’t that bad in the scheme of things. Anyway, it gives me way too much time to think, and after yesterday I started counting days since all of this started going downhill for me (thank you Siri for doing the math) and yesterday it was 1061 days. Today it’s 1062. I’m just flabbergasted that it’s been that many days and I’m just supposed to go home and make dinner and pretend everything is fine. This is how my brain works: I want to put data to things, I want to turn that into a visualization because I feel like no one ever understands the words coming out of my mouth. I’m thinking about making some kind of animated visualization of how much time that is, how much loss it is over time, because that’s how I process I guess. Or maybe some kind of video essay about it. I don’t think people who aren’t directly experiencing (or living with/caring for/close friends with) chronic pain really understand what a grieving process it is. I feel like I have no sense of time anymore, because all the days are pain.
Doing a read more here for some slightly unpleasant-er medical stuff, so please check the tags if you think it may bother you to read.
This week is a gauntlet of multiple things because it’s just how it fell. If you are lucky enough (and I hope you are) that you aren’t dealing with medical stuff on a regular basis, you might not know how overtaxed everyone is now and how ridiculously hard it is to get an appointment anywhere, for anything. A while ago we made a rule around here to not schedule back to back appointment days because it’s really physically demanding for me, but when you have no choice but to schedule things months out…sometimes you don’t get a choice, and it’s awful. I’m paying for it today after two days of this, in stress and physical testing and sitting in a car for long stretches. Anyway, that sucks.
But at least today was a much more positive experience than yesterday, in a number of ways. Somehow in this entire year of tests and visits and drugs and whatever, this is somehow the very first time I’m actually seeing a neurologist, which was pretty interesting and revealing. In this whole time no one has noticed how flimsy my ankles are, and somehow I never think to talk about it because I just basically walk on eggshells all the time trying not to injure myself by…walking. But today it got noticed, and maybe that’s something I can press someone to do something about. Before my health turned into a flaming car wreck I used to run marathons and I do not know how I did this. I feel like I got away with something I shouldn’t have.
So one of the most interesting bits of today, which relates to some past stuff I’ve written about and haven’t talked about more because it’s all kinda in flux still, is even more genetic testing. The first one was a whole panel looking for connective tissue disorders (spoiler alert: they found something weird, it’s just not what anyone expected, and I get to talk to somebody and find out more next year lol) and now we’re checking out a different but more specific gene for a type of muscular dystrophy, which might also explain some of the issues I have. Essentially: I’m a huge mess and my body is crumbling and it would probably be prudent to start weeding out which problems are caused by which weirdness. Exciting! I got to talk it out with a genetic counselor (again) and a student, which was cool, because I like being able to contribute some of my weird physiology to their knowledge so hopefully they can help somebody else like me in the future. I got to opt-in to putting my genes up for (anonymized) research, which I was also pretty excited about because I’ve got the weird in me and hopefully it can help somebody. I like chatting with folks like this, I am enthusiastic about research and improving treatments and it’s nice to feel like I’m contributing something from this whole mess. Genetics as a whole is really interesting to me, I’ve been reading a ton on it since my first outing getting tested and there’s so much possibility for improving peoples’ lives if we just knew a little bit more. In another life, where I’m not squeamish about blood and am good at math, I like to think I’d have gotten into genetics. I have feelings about it.
The cool part of this is they were able to do the testing right on the spot this time. I still have to wait a while on results, but I didn’t have to go through any approvals or waiting for test kits or anything. No, instead I just got stabbed several times for blood. I used to be petrified of needles and I still feel pretty bleh about it but I guess that’s the equivalent of exposure therapy or something. The poor nurse today was not a good needler but she was really nice and tried really hard so I can’t be upset about it. I did get stuck in the dang hand, though, which is my absolute least favorite place to get stabbed. Ugh. Weirdly, my opposite hand is also aching like ME TOO and I’m like NO, NOT “YOU TOO” but here we are. At the beginning of the year I started keeping a needle count for myself because somehow it helps mentally to know how many times I’ve done this, and so as of today it’s 22 for the year but it’s probably going to be more before 2024. Getting over it has made me start thinking about getting a tattoo someday, though. I know it’s a different process and sensation probably, but it was always the stabby bit that put me off in the past. I want to get my cat’s paw prints done on my leg, in the spot where he used to put his feet when he sat with me while I was having a bad pain day. One day I’ll get there.
Anyway, I feel like I learned a lot today and got to sign off on contributing a little of myself to science, which is a good feeling. And it was really nice to deal with people who were actually compassionate as well as excited about their work. Makes up a little bit for the bad day I had yesterday.
Gauntlet week continues. Hope you’re all well out there. Working on being a little more well in here, too.
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cyberart1a · 7 months
Artificial Intelligence in the art world
Gabriela Pereira
These days, in the modern world, when technology and creativity intertwine with one another, it might be possible to emerge questions like: Does artificial intelligence have the capacity to produce art? But how do we define art, and who has the authority to do so? Can AI create art, and can artists use it as a tool for expression? Regarding creativity and art, questioning whether machines can be artists on their own, or even serve as tools for artistic reasons, and having different specialists give their opinion on the topic on the journey of art, artificial intelligence as an artist, or as tools. While the recurring question of who has the authority to define art won't be addressed in this essay, those interested can find answers in Amei Wallach's article, “ART: Is It Art?Is It Good?And Who Says So?” in the New York Times. To understand the participation of the Ai in the industry of art, there is the need to know the definition of art, that is indeed a very broad one, and each and every one can have one of their own. The Cambridge dictionary defines art as ”the making of objects, images, music, etc. that are beautiful or that express feelings”. Art serves a dual purpose, embodying beauty and conveying emotion. It extends beyond visuals, along with tactile forms, acting as a conduit for both aesthetic pleasure and emotional expression, evoking feelings besides stirring the senses. According to artist Richard Prince, the essence of art lies in the revolutionary act of making people feel good, transcending visual aspects and intertwining with human emotional expressions. Based on this definition of art , an artist is an individual who creates objects, images, music, or any form of expression. Not only an artist has to have the ability to put in their work beauty, but also the power to evoke emotions. On the other hand, even though AI may be able to do this, according to specialists around the world, what artificial intelligence is doing is recreating art that already exists, by using the data that humans produced and reorganizing it. “AI agents are not creating art; rather, they are replicating art. For example, the CAN agents were trained on tens of thousands of original artworks created by humans”, said S. Will Chambers in his article.
Artificial intelligence can also be used as a tool to produce art. One aspect of this discussion is its potential threat to artists. However, most experts agree that if used wisely, Ai is not a threat, but rather an aid to human creativity. “For me it doesn’t make any difference which tools an artist uses, I only care about the quality of the art. We can make art with a brush and easel, or with data and algorithms. It’s art if it moves us, if it’s aesthetically interesting,” said Hemment, from the University of Edinburgh. Being a form of artist and posing a potential threat to artists, concerns about AI persist. The consensus among experts tends to view AI as a valuable aid to human creativity rather than a hindrance.It should be noted that the essence of art, expressed by Hemment, depends on the tools used, emphasizing the importance of quality and aesthetic impact to move and intrigue the public. As the journey through artificial intelligence and artistic expression unfolds, it becomes clear that the evolving relationship between technology and creativity is a complex one, and one that brings many challenges and opportunities to the artistic realm.
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theplayerscorner · 7 months
How is Match and Performance Analysis Used in Football?
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Match and performance analysis are integral parts of the modern game. To attain peak performance levels, the deployment of analysis must be precise and structured to guarantee its efficacy in influencing both the game and individual player performances.
What is Match Analysis and Performance Analysis?
Performance and Match Analysis are fundamental in the world of football, but what do these terms really mean, and what sets them apart?
Performance analysis identifies tactical trends to measure the performance of players. It assesses the decision-making of the players and analyses that information to recognise whether the team is executing the game plan. This analysis ultimately serves to improve and optimise performance. It's not limited to the field; it can also be used for player recruitment, among other applications.
Conversely, match analysis zeroes in on the assessment of quantitative data conveyed through performance metrics. These metrics serve as a tool for scrutinising behaviours and decision-making, unearthing insights that might not be readily discernible during a match. While its primary focus is on matches, it can be considered a type of performance analysis.
Examples of performance analysis include scrutinising key performance indicators of a player during training. This may involve using GPS data and heart rate monitors to assess and monitor the fitness levels of players rehabilitating from injuries. Meanwhile, match analysis has evolved in the modern game, introducing concepts like 'expected goals' to determine how many goal-scoring opportunities a team creates, even if they don't result in immediate goals.
Performance Analysis, as a specialist discipline, involves systematic observations to enhance performance and improve decision-making. This is primarily achieved through the provision of objective statistical data analysis and visual feedback through video analysis. The aim is to empower teams to make informed decisions and improve performance. You can explore further information on the Institute of Sport's website.
Similarities and Differences
So, what are the similarities and differences between Performance and Match Analysis?
Both Performance and Match Analysis aim to provide insights into player and team performance, but they differ in focus. Performance analysis is broader, encompassing various aspects of player and team performance, while match analysis narrows its focus to specific matches.
In summary, performance analysis is the umbrella term covering different forms of analysis in football and other sports. Key terms for Match Analysis and Performance Analysis include objective, recording, data, understanding behaviour, improving future outcomes, and modification of athlete behaviour. These terms help us navigate the complex world of football analysis.
Why Is Analysis Performed?
The fundamental question here is, why is analysis performed in football? Analysis, whether it's performance or match analysis, is essential to support the coaching process. Feedback and information processing are crucial aspects of coaching at all levels. However, human memory has limitations, and coaches can only recall a portion of match events accurately.
Academic research has shown that coaches may recall as little as 30% of match events accurately. This is where analysis steps in, providing coaches with a comprehensive and objective overview of the match. It also reduces the impact of time and memory limitations, ensuring that information is available when needed.
The Role of Objectivity
Objectivity is crucial in analysis. Objectivity through video and data ensures that the analysis is not influenced by personal biases or limitations. It helps coaches, scouts, and football professionals make informed decisions based on concrete data.
What Analysis Can Be Performed?
Finally, let's explore some examples of what analysis can be performed to aid coaches, players, recruitment departments, and more. From player performance metrics to tactical insights, analysis plays a pivotal role in improving football's understanding and performance.
Match and performance analysis are indispensable tools in the world of football. They provide a window into the intricate world of player and team performance, helping coaches and teams make more informed decisions and ultimately enhance their performance on the pitch.
Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner and do not represent those of institutions or organisations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, company, or individual. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on the world-wide-web. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor the availability of this information. The owner is using this blog to map their educational journey with the University Campus of Football Business (UCFB) and the Global Institute of Sport (GIS). The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
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Power Up Your Career with Online Power BI Certification Training
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In the data-driven world of today, the ability to transform data into actionable insights is a skill that holds immense value. Microsoft Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool, allows you to do just that. With the right training, you can become proficient in Power BI and take your career to new heights. This article introduces you to the world of Power BI and how online certification training can be a game-changer for your career.
The Significance of Microsoft Power BI
Unleashing Data Insights
Microsoft Power BI is a leading business intelligence and data visualization tool. It enables users to connect to various data sources, transform data, and create interactive, shareable dashboards and reports. With Power BI, you can unearth insights, make informed decisions, and drive business growth.
In-Demand Skill
As organizations increasingly rely on data-driven strategies, the demand for professionals who can harness the power of Power BI has surged. Companies across industries seek individuals with the ability to analyze data and communicate insights effectively. Therefore, learning Power BI is not just a career choice; it's a strategic move.
The Power of Online Certification Training
Online Learning Advantage
Online certification training offers a convenient and flexible way to acquire new skills. You can access high-quality training programs from the comfort of your home or office, allowing you to learn at your own pace. This flexibility is especially valuable for those with busy schedules.
Hands-On Experience
Effective learning requires practical experience. Quality online Power BI certification training includes hands-on exercises and real-world projects that enable you to apply your knowledge in a practical context. You won't just learn theory; you'll gain practical skills.
Expert Guidance
Certification courses are often created and taught by experts in the field. These instructors bring their real-world experience to the table, sharing insights, best practices, and industry trends. Learning from experts can fast-track your journey to becoming a Power BI pro.
What You'll Gain
Course Content
In a comprehensive Power BI certification course, you will explore various aspects of the tool, including:
1. Data Transformation
Learn how to connect to data sources, clean and transform data, and create data models. Data preparation is a critical step in the data analysis process.
2. Visualization
Discover the art of creating compelling visualizations. You'll understand how to design interactive reports and dashboards that effectively convey data insights.
3. Data Analysis
Master the techniques of data analysis. You'll be able to identify trends, anomalies, and correlations in data, enabling data-driven decision-making.
4. Power BI Service
Explore the features of the Power BI Service, which allows you to share and collaborate on reports and dashboards securely.
Elevate Your Career
Powering up your career with online Power BI certification training is a wise investment. As a certified Power BI professional, you'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in data analytics and visualization. You can pursue a variety of roles, such as Data Analyst, Business Intelligence Analyst, or Data Visualization Specialist. These roles offer not only competitive salaries but also the opportunity to influence business strategies and outcomes.
Don't miss the chance to take your career to the next level. Enroll in an online Power BI certification training program and unlock a world of opportunities. Elevate your career, seize data-driven success, and make a significant impact in the data-centric business landscape.
Source:- https://skillup.online/courses/microsoft-pl-300-power-bi-data-analyst/
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