#dean crit
samsrosary · 1 year
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sam week day 6 - autonomy / abuse
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kerryweaverlesbian · 6 months
Dean to Krissy, 17: you gotta get out of the life. Kids shouldn't be in this. You are precious and important.
Dean to Kevin, 17, one single episode later: You're in this Kevin and you always will be. Guys like us have to carry a little extra load. It will never be over.
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serendipity0930 · 26 days
s1 dean (affectionate) vs s8 dean (derogatory)
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mpregspn · 2 months
on the other hand. "you'll never convince me that you real you is anything but good" maybe sam doesn't know dean that well after all
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sammywlw · 1 year
sam: admits that there is something seriously wrong with him and that he needs help
dean: beats sam until he is fucking unconscious
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covetedbrother · 27 days
most days i’m like “yeah i’m pretty over my ‘sam is me i’m him we are the same and he’s also my bbg my son and my dad’ phase” and then i see one (1) bad take about him and i genuinely get murderous and i’m like “ah. nevermind”
what the fuck has he ever done????
(insane samgirl ramblings under the cut bc i’m losing my fucking mind)
if you’re mad at sam for starting the apocalypse: you’re telling me that if you were dealing with the effects of dying, watching your brother die, addiction, and actively being manipulated by your DEALER and also genuinely operating under the belief that that killing a demon would be a good thing, that you wouldn’t have killed that demon?
this bothers me especially bc sam broke seal 66. because he thought it would prevent the apocalypse. dean broke the first seal. because he tortured ppl in hell!!!!!
leaving for college: imagine getting mad at an 18 year old for leaving to go to stanford on a full ride scholarship. he did that in a “household” where he never lived in the same place for more than 6 months. ever. and his only family members thought it was emasculating to do well in school.
“choosing ruby over dean”: hey. hey. look at me. imagine the person you love most in the world. that you have a toxic codependent relationship with to the point of literally getting murderous if you are separated by more than a room without your choice. you’ve known each other for forever. you’ve killed for him. he’s your brother. you have spent a full year trying to figure out how to save his life. now imagine watching him die knowing he did it to save you. and you can’t get him back. now you are actively suicidal and someone comes along and acts almost just like him and offers you this thing that gives you the power to kill the things that killed him. this person says that you have the power to stop a horrible thing from happening. you believe her. and then your brother comes back from the dead and he’s. different. he doesn’t trust you anymore. and the person who gave you power tells you that it’s because he’s being lied to and manipulated to start the tragedy you are bent on preventing. so you’re hurt and scared and trying to save the world so, just this once, you choose to work with someone other than him.
the shit that happened in s8: again. same scenario as above but now you’ve both killed and died for each other multiple times. you’ve endured over centuries of torture by the devil himself and have just started recovering from the hallucinations that you had of the literal devil torturing you and telling you that you can never feel happy bc this is just another way of torturing you. making you feel happy for a moment only to bring you back and hurt you. then your brother disappears into a pile of black goo in front of you. you have no idea how or why. you do months of research and come up with exactly nothing. life without him isn’t worth living. you’re about to drive your car off a bridge. the car you grew up with him in, the one you both engraved your initials into when you were 8 and 10. with the legos shoved into the vents that you’ve never been able to take out. you’re not paying attention so you hit a dog. shit. he doesn’t deserve to die. not like you. you take him to the vet. his medical bills need to be covered by someone. it can only be you. the vet there treats you like you deserve to live, to be loved. you fall for her. you move in together and adopt the dog you hit. maybe,,,, just maybe,,, you can be happy.
and then your brother comes back. and he’s best friends with a vampire… the vampire’s name sounds like yours.
and your brother is mad at you. then your girlfriend discovers the husband she thought was dead is alive. your brother wanted you to break up with her anyways. you’d do anything for him. always. he doesn’t forgive you. it’s what you deserve.
you take on the trials of hell to try and do something right. it’s actively killing you. every day you wake up and cough lungfuls of blood into the sink. it’s fine. these trials will probably kill you, but it’ll be ok. you’re finally doing something right. the final trial requires you to confess your greatest sins in a church. you spend hours there, and the biggest sin you confess is disobeying your brother. you confess the times you’ve let him down. you’re clean now. you’re ready to die, ready to stop any demon from ever coming to earth again. and your brother calls you an idiot and stops you because he doesn’t want to watch you die. but by now, your body is going to die with or without completing the trials. your brother coerces you into being possessed without your knowledge for a year in order to keep you alive. the thing possessing you kills your friend. your brother blames you for it. it’s fine. he cares. you know he does. he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t care.
are you mad at him for forgiving his father?
maybe you’re mad because dean had bad things happen to him that didn’t happen to sam.
are you mad at the man who got into stanford on a full ride scholarship and was about to get into law school before he dropped out for thinking of himself as smart?
i think they’re mad at him bc he’s not a perfect brother who gives into dean’s codependent tendencies 100% of the time. dean has a codependent personality, and sam has a rebellious streak of independence a mile wide. his rebellion just looked like choosing school over hunting, or studying over weapon training, or reading over sparring. not that he didn’t also do those things, he just also did other things.
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opheliasam · 4 months
(smiling) tl flooded with dean crit ? Aw
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stagnantgrief · 1 year
"dean is a final girl" and is this final girl in the room with us now?
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nyaningthroughlife · 7 months
Currently watching SPN 6x18 Frontierland and Rachel is right, Sam and Dean do keep calling Castiel down even though they know he's in a war. Like come on guys, just let Rachel help you and let Cas do his war, like dang, I'm so mad rn...
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hellhoundlair · 1 year
i love it when dean absolutely lays into sam and tells him hes a shit brother / he doesnt trust him / hed hunt him if he didnt know him / blames and guilts sam for all of the terrible shit that has happened to him and when sam does something extreme out of guilt deans like 🥺 ur my everything 🥺 why would you ever doubt that 🥺 dont you want to stay with me 🥺 your brother who loves you
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shallowrambles · 1 year
This Gabriel bit in 13x22 was well-written, and it's uncomfortable.
See, objectively, we know that Lucifer was wronged by Chuck. We know this because we saw how corrupting the mark was for Cain and Dean. We also saw Chuck rationalize Lucifer's corruption as "inevitable" in order to avoid culpability.
We all have bad thoughts, and so what if Lucifer "cast a jaundiced eye"? That doesn't mean he'd have acted on it without the mark. The mark fucks with free will.
If complete obedience is an eradication of free will, so is unhinged impulsivity. It's just the *other* extreme.
(Season 10 in particular is an exploration of this other extreme.)
It fucks with our ability to govern our own personality and impulsivity. If damaged, there might be no “braking mechanism” for self-control. And that's NOT free will, though many young North Americans might fall prey to viewing it that way due to our pro-growth and obsession with unrestrained capitalism and hedonism. Too often, we mistake that for freedom.
Chuck put the mark on Lucifer because he was "most trusted," "most beautiful," and "Good." See, Chuck allegedly thought Lucifer would be so good that he could withstand the mark. (By the way, Cas falls prey to a similar mindset with Jack: he believes in Jack's goodness to the point that it mucks with his judgment.)
But then, in 13x22 Exodus, we get this very difficult line from Gabriel:
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At one point, as an adult, do you stand up and stop blaming your childhood and your family for own your bad decisions?
I feel like that's relevant for everyone in the series, especially a vehement portion that over-emphasizes John's crimes. And that's not to say that childhood circumstances and serving the cause to your own determinant (Michael's army, Lucifer's rebellion, John's revenge, Sam's revenge, Dean's revenge), don't feed into impaired coping mechanisms. It's just asking, "where do we draw the line?"
I don't have an answer. I just like it.
Gabriel is right, but he's also wrong. The truth seems somewhere in the middle.
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jellybracelet · 2 years
Dean Winchester's most Unfuckable Moments
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kerryweaverlesbian · 6 months
"[I sold my soul to keep my mom alive, not knowing about the 10 year time limit]"
"That was a stupid move Ellie"
Dean, YOU sold your soul for ONE year. Patronising dick lmao!!!!
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serendipity0930 · 2 months
besides the whole "sam is emotionally abusive" argument I keep seeing fucking everywhere (I need it gone!!), it's very obvious that a lot of people don't really understand the effect that the demon blood had on sam as a person. idk in my mind, it's always kind of compared to deans moc arc. like yes, sam was willingly drinking it, as opposed to dean not having control over the mark's influence (besides taking it on in the first place after leaving sam alone in the wake of his non-consensual & third possession but dw about that rn). in concept, the demon blood had the same effect on sam that the mark did on dean, in the way that it fucked with him innately (dean telling sam he should die, when dean's always gone to extreme lengths to save him, while sam calls dean weak, when just the next season he sacrifices himself because he's the "least of any of them"). it's not really present in the first half of the season (up to 04x14ish), when he's not consistently taking the demon blood, but it's especially obvious in the second part of the season. after reestablishing his relationship with ruby (after she guilt trips him and tells him it's his fault for people dying but we'll move on for now), he very suddenly goes from being very willing to talk to dean about hell and console him, to not really being there for dean. and while I don't love/agree with him calling dean weak for being traumatized, I think it really shows how it was making sam, an undeniably compassionate person, very closed off and cold, which is devastating in its own right, and part of the reason why the demon blood arc is so amazing.
idk I just see a lot of people constantly hating on sam for shit that he did while being high on the blood/while the blood was fucking with him, and I think a lot of those things are very un-sam things that he spends the entirety of the next season apologizing and trying to make up for. like sam in his right mind is a person who would not necessarily do the things he says/does in that season and I think that's forgotten a lot. for me, the bottom line is, if you hate sam for things he did in s4 and then turn around and immediately defend dean for things he did in s10, there's something going on there and it's not just blatant hypocrisy from the narrative.
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mpregspn · 2 years
people who are like 'dean is just like mary (honorary) and sam's just like john (derogatory)' are dumb. ofc they both have a little bit of their parents in them. the difference is sam got the best of both mary and john and dean got the rest
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humantorch · 1 year
watching season 14 and i get what jack is saying about sacrificing dean if they can’t get michael out of him. i think he’s completely valid. plus dean would say the same thing if the roles were reversed. they’d be in agreement that sacrificing someone to stop michael would be better than letting him live to save one person
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