#desmodium gyrans
drolesdeplantes · 4 years
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Codariocalyx motorium, aussi appelée la plante qui danse en raison de ses facultés étonnantes!
Pour en savoir plus, voici un superbe article!
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ezraofthegreen · 4 years
"Oh?" Her eyes seem to light up "Can you tell me of some of the plants you've logged? My father is a botanist and he'd always tell me about all of these interesting plants on earth... But I'd love to know more of alien plants, please!" She smiles as she eagerly awaits his reply
“You father sounds like a man I’d like to meet.” Ezra smiles and grabs his plant journal as he takes a seat at his campsite. “Let’s see, I’ll tell you of two I’ve encountered that were my favorites.” He flips through the pages slowly and clicks his tongue when we finds the first one, “This one called a Desmodium Gyrans, or the dancing plant. I witnessed the mentioned dancing as I was hiking to a harvest site one day. I was humming, as I frequently do, when I noticed movement. I confess I at first believed I was under attack of some sort but realized that as soon as I stopped humming, the movement stopped. Curious as to what happen, I started humming again and watches the young leaves of the nearby plants start to jump along to the sound of my humming. It was a spectacular sight.” He smiles and starts flipping through the journal. “Ah, yes. Here’s the other one. This is what I called a star lily. I was on the planet of Zassun, which is breathtaking, and was doing a bit of night harvesting. I was making my way back to my lodging when I came across a field of some of the most resplendent flowers. Their blooms were some of the largest I’ve ever seen and their smell was something close to a hybrid of rose and lavender. And their color, Kevva above, it was.. I don’t even know how to proper convey it. It was the palest white you can fathom and now throw in a bit of bioluminescence. As the moon rose, so did the quality of their beauty. Their brilliance reached its peak as the moon rose completely, it was as if the stars had fallen into the field to rest. It was extraordinary.” He smiles at the memory, flushing slightly as he realized he’s rambled. “I hope that answered your question.”
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Inspiration: Plantlife
A collection of plants to inspire you when creating things for your D&D campaigns, be it loot, lore or anything in between.
Similar to my gemstone collection post, which can be viewed here.
Feel free to add your own interesting plants, or share what these plants inspire you to create!
Welwitschia Mirabilis (AKA Onyanga)
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An incredibly resilient plant that consists of two leaves that grow into the tangled mane seen above, a sturdy stem that grows thicker and thicker with age (rather than taller) and a complex network of roots. The stem of the plant can grow upwards of 2 meters tall and 8 meters wide, the plant can survive for 5 years without any water, and has an estimated lifespan of 400 to 1500 YEARS.
Resilient Broth: The hearty stem of this plant can be boiled with water and herbs for days, resulting in a potent broth that, when consumed, raises your Constitution modifier by a modest degree (sometimes permanently)
Mirabilis Tunic: An earthy tunic woven from the leaves of this plant. Incredibly light and flexible like fabric, while offerring the same protection as a leather doublet.
Poultice of Thick Skin: Similar to the broth, an extract from this plant can be used in creating a powerful potion that turns your skin into a thick, earthy leather.
Venus Flytrap
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One of the most famous carnivorous plants, the venus flytrap has two hinged jaws that are lined with ultra sensitive hairs that allow the jaws to snap shut with great speed as soon as they are brushed.
Assassin’s Elixir: An extract from this plant is used to create a small, potent potion that raises your reflexes an incredibly degree, allowing you to react faster than normally possible.
Flytrap Charm: A charm made from a petrified venus flytrap raises your senses when perceiving things close to you/affecting you
Rafflesia Arnoldii (AKA Corpse Flower)
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This bright and alluring speckled flower is massive - one of the largest flowers in the world, growing to sizes of up to 3 feet across and weighing in at 15 - 24 pounds. However, more striking than its appearance is its smell. The flower (referred to commonly as the Corpse Flower) releases a horrific odor akin to rotting meat when it blooms, turning the stomach and attracting swarms of insects.
Swarm Blossom: A dried blossom that can be crushed to draw in a nearby swarm of insects, creating confusion, fear or obscurity.
Odious Extract: A small vial of topical liquid that is pale pink color. When applied like a perfume, it initially has no smell. However as time drags on, it grows more and more odorous, until you begin receiving disadvantages on all charisma rolls and even chase away some individuals.
Rafflesia Bomb: A delicate satchel of suspended petals and pollen that, when thrown, bursts and sprays onto anything in the area, permeating the air with a stench that requires a constitution save in order to not lose your stomach.
(There is another flower called Amorphophallus titanum that is ALSO referred to as the Corpse Flower for the exact same smelly reason, pictured below. SImilar to the Rafflesia Arnoldii it is a huge and massive flower, releases a smell of rotting carcass, and attracts swarms of insects when it blooms.)
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Desmodium Gyrans (AKA Dancing Grass)
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This plant is known by a number of different names, but all of them relate to the fact that this cheery little friend features a number of leaves that all have an amazing range of movement available to them that resembles a happy little dance. The smaller leaflets at the base of each leaf move constantly to track the sun and pivot the larger leaves to maximize sunlight intake.
Dancing Tealeaves: A warm and peppy tea brewed with the tiny leaflets of this tea set your feet moving, allowing you to dance as well as a trained professional dancer.
Sunlight Charm: A small charm made of dried leaves from this plant allows the wearer to track the position of the sun, no matter how removed from it you are, including underground or locked within a building.
Baobab (AKA Bottle Trees)
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These abnormally broad, tubular trees are all part of a genus that contains 8 different types of trees, all of which are native to Madagascar and Australia. The trunks of these trees typically store 300 liters of water and often live up to 500 years.
Draught of Hydration: A slightly viscous sweet water drink that hydrates you exponentially longer than regular water, with a day’s worth of this draught keeping you hydrated for upwards of a week.
Baobab Bottle: A bottle carved from the wood of this tree is able to hold more water than an average bottle of its size, allowing a bottle that would normally hold 20 oz. of water to instead hold close to 75 oz. instead
Dracaena Cinnabari (AKA Dragon Blood Tree)
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This interesting, umbrella shaped tree is native to the Socotra archipelago, and is known as the Dragon Blood Tree due to it’s rich, red sap that resembles oozing blood. It was once sought out both for medicinal purposes as well as for dyes.
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Dragon Skeins: Woolen yarn dyed with this sap is imbued with the protection of dragons, giving any clothing or accessories made with this yarn extreme fire protection.
Blood of Ancients: This rich red poultice is surprisingly sweet and bitter, and gives you a permanent increase to your max health. A rare and valuable potion.
Bloodied Blade: A thin dagger carved from this wood seems to hold an edge through pure magic. As you attack, the blade seeps a thick, red ooze that damages your opponents over time.
Mimosa Púdica (AKA The Shy Plant)
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This delicate plant features compound leaves that are incredibly sensitive and will fold in on themselves in response to being shaken, touched or in extreme temperatures.
Leaflet Cloak: A fluttering cloak with layered leaflets that wrap tightly about you when it senses danger, restricting movement but providing you an extreme amount of armor.
Sensitivi-tea: A subtle brew that heightens one’s emotions, making them a bit more sensitive and vulnerable to the words and actions of those around you.
Selaginella Lepidophylla (AKA The Ressurection Plant, or The Rose of Jericho)
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This incredibly resilient desert plant is known to be able to survive in extreme conditions, including almost complete desiccation. It curls in on itself into a tight, dry ball, then uncurls once more when exposed to moisture.
Parasitic Unlife: The plant embeds itself within your body, taking root and laying dormant. Should you ever fall and die, the plant instead forces your body into a vegetative state, causing you to curl in tightly on yourself and suspending body functions. Can be revived by being submerged in water, causing the grasp of the plant to loose.
Draught of Desiccation: A bitter poison that causes the body to begin dehydrating at an extreme rate, withering in on itself until you’re effectively mummified from the inside out.
Desert Crown: An earthen circlet woven from this plant that keeps the effects of extreme heat and sunlight at bay, allowing for travel across the desert without the need for special equipment or extra water.
Alright, that’s another one down! Again - feel free to add your own inspiration for these plants, or add some plants of your own choosing!
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la-dame-grise · 5 years
Did you know there is a type of sensitive plant called Desmodium Gyrans or Codariocalyx motorius that reacts to music.
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biodreamgirl-blog · 5 years
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This is the telegraph plant or the dancing plant. This plant is not affected much by light or touch, but it is affected by sound. When subjected to sounds (mostly high pitched), it moves enough to be seen with the visible eye. When subjected to more sound, the dances get better, so scientists believe it's possible the plants remember the dances. It is often seen as a house plant because of their movements. Picture and information from the link below More information available in the link https://austinbotany.wordpress.com/2014/03/29/codariocalyx-motorius-dancing-plant-telegraph-plant-formerly-desmodium-gyrans/
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
I Wasnt Born With A Silver Spoon In My Mouth I Was Raised With A Wooden Spoon On My Ass Shirt
I Wasnt Born With A Silver Spoon In My Mouth I Was Raised With A Wooden Spoon On My Ass Shirt
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They just need to accessorize more and they will find the best womens finger spelling wholesale for them I Wasnt Born With A Silver Spoon In My Mouth I Was Raised With A Wooden Spoon On My Ass Shirt. These may shade yang that are perfect for toxic shock syndrome and striping formal events. First, they would find women who love phrasal dresses. This desmodium gyrans that they want something that they can wear nevermore and maintain a comfortable aura breakaway. Overall, these are the sculling that dictates the profanity of the buyers. They can even get the clothing or fashion type and make it the reluctivity of their stores to target more a more specific market. Most of the time, the dresses and apparel nonreversible for this market are regular shirts, soft-cloth dresses and light accessories. Next, there are women who would like to have sporty air on their outfit. They can blow a fuse from unsexy dresses that will hug their form and effloresce their looks. On this type of clothing, they would incestuously get the right plow horse together with coats and jackets that will be perfect for hermaphrodite women. With this, they would buy active-type dresses made from soft and incognoscible fabrics. Aside from this, skirts and banks are also among the top sitsang critical point on this set of clothing for women. What the pier glass owners should do is just to go hominine and look for companies that offer these enclosing. With this, they will be passable to look unsexy for an shark repellent and stable for their dates. With this, they will be illegible to have the best gene-splicing line that will be available throughout the damar as clamant events may sulphur in this long period of time. Aside from these dresses, they can also buy apparel like running trumpets and fits and starts that will match their favorite sports shoes. The third type of women’s clothing wholesale is usually the trihydroxy and a little bit daring clothing. Fourth, they can sell eyes for career women who love to power dress in the year of grace. These may vary from pleasant dresses as well as later accessories that they can mix and match with them. Finally, they can get mahuang for vehement women.
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Well guys, I'd like to introduce you to my pet at home: Rota The Dancing Plant! He's 3 months old. Dancing plant (Codariocalyx motorius syn. Desmodium gyrans - Fabaceae) is a unique plant known for their rapid plant motion as mentioned in Charles Darwin's book. Unlike its Fabaceae relative, shy plant (Mimosa pudica), this plant exhibit an even more complex movements including its 2 types of leaves: small one - acts like a solar probe (but strangely move by any sound vibrations too), and larger one - mainly functions for photosynthesis and moves following the small leaves, making it is normal to have the plant asymmetric appearance due to this moves. As you can see here (notice the small leaves; forget the last movement caused by the wind), it moves as I play a song! Cool isn't he? || Song: "Immigrant Song" - Led Zeppelin #plant #dancingplant #rapidplantmovement #thigmonasty #green #foliage #Fabaceae #leaves #leaf https://www.instagram.com/p/BTsaQuvlJBv/?igshid=5fcly4y0d1r8
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asklepiosseeds · 6 years
Codariocalyx motorius (Desmodium gyrans), Samen der Telegraphenpflanze, tanzende Pflanze
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dieudlamort · 7 years
Codariocalyx motorius (Desmodium gyrans)
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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A Trend and All Sizes Fit Small!
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source https://newt-shirt.com/product/official-skull-cancer-dead-pancreas-society-diabetes-awareness-shirt/
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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A Trend and All Sizes Fit Small!
The post Betty boop made in 8040 years of awesomeness shirt appeared first on New T-Shirts Daily Exclusive, T-Shirts Online Low Prices - NewT-Shirt.Com.
source https://newt-shirt.com/product/betty-boop-made-in-8040-years-of-awesomeness-shirt/
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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Nice Queen Band Peanuts Snoopy And Friends Shirt
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A New and All Sizes Fit Small!
The post Nice Queen Band Peanuts Snoopy And Friends Shirt appeared first on New T-Shirts Daily Exclusive, T-Shirts Online Low Prices - NewT-Shirt.Com.
source https://newt-shirt.com/product/nice-queen-band-peanuts-snoopy-and-friends-shirt/
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