#did its people want too much queue?
ofplanetsloved · 2 years
american girl doll cafe starter for @frosthidden​
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it doesn’t feel subtle, at all, to meet in a public place, but she can’t have alice visit her in vought tower, not with superhearing and bugs, probably. and she knows she’s probably recognized, the little girls surrounding them staring a little too hard for a second but then getting distracted by cake or their own dolls.
these days, annie feels like she has more in common with the dolls than with the people holding them.
she has her own, JULIE, perched in one of those chairs that hooks onto the table. she’s had julie for years, a gift from her moment when julie was brand new on the market. annie felt slightly too old for dolls, but since she wasn’t allowed to go on dates or anything, her maturity was a little off. besides, her mom meant well. probably.
today, julie’s dressed in a starlight dress, complete with cape. it makes annie laugh sardonically, holding a little starlight in her hands. moving her arms up and down. like the little doll has no control.
is this how big annie was when her mom pumped her full of compound v?
❝ i found something, ❞ she spoke vaguely, in a hushed tone. ❝ about how superheros are born. ❞
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Sometimes I think about that moment in NMH2 when Travis’s talks about how ‘despite assassins being super fucked up, are still human beings that deserve respect’ and I just… kinda get emotional over that because even though he is a pathetic loser, he’s not wrong!! He’s absolutely correct!!
Assassins are more than just tools! They are more than just bloodthirsty killers! They had lives! Dreams! Personalities! Interests!! Family!! They had things that they cared about but had no choice but to abandon them, because the life of an assassin is cruel one with constant competition. The genuine horror of it is realising that at any moment, a ranking fight would be set and on that day of the fight you’d have to accept the fact that you might not walk out the door, it’s sad!! It’s horrifying! And with each little bit of info on the assassins you get you can’t help but feel bad for them. Sure they knew what they were signing up for but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a dignified/honourable death !!
#shallow rambles#nomoreposting#the UAA should be torn down because it profits off the misery and suffering of its main employees#<- I hope that in nmh4 if it ever happens that Travis makes true on that promise to tear down the UAA.#I want Travis to tell his brother that he’s more than tool!! that he’s a human being that deserves freedom and respect and human dignity!!!#<- I never not think how much Henry’s adopted family messed him up because they only viewed him as a weapon to sharpen and not a child to#raise with love and care and affection :(((((#<- JEANE SMACKDOWN DESERVED TO BE TOLD THAT SHE CAN RELY ON PEOPLE TO SUPPORT HER AFTER#HER TRAUMA!! SHE DID NOT HAVE DO DIE THE WAY SHE DID!! SHE COULD BE LIVING A PEACEFUL HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE!!#SAME WITH HENRY TOO!! he deserves to have some personal closure on why his adopted family did what they did to him!! and he has every right#to cut contact with them!!#HI SORRY TIME TO THINK ABOUT THE TOUCHDOWN SIBLINGS AND CRY#thoughts on queue#queue awaits you at the garden of madness#TRAVIS!!! Travis deserved to be with his siblings in a happy and healthier environment!! while I’m happy he carved out a new found family!#he also deserves closure too!! he deserves answers as to why he was split from his siblings!! he deserved the opportunity to mend#the relationships with his siblings that were purposefully broken and taken away from him!!!#I just want a NMH story where the three siblings rebuild their lives together and give each other emotional support!!!#THEY DESERVE SO MUCH BETTER OKAY!!! I mean the whole series is bc their dad was A SHITBAG and thought it was okay to separate them
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Okay im going to sleep now but im having a lot of thoughts also so prepare for like a trillion tags on this one
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fish-and-forbear · 1 year
Really just hope things will be okay. I know they will be, I know I have always done all I could with the information and means I had but.
Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.
Just need to learn to forgive myself and move on, with many many things
- Fisher
#just thinking about a lot of things#I think we all just need a nap#drank water ate half a sandwich got blankets and a dog and the queue is full of funny and nice and thoughtful things#finally made a doctors appointment for my heart rate#didnt entirely destroy beautiful friendships so thats REALLY good#just thinking about. other relationships too (all kinds) and how talking so much and believing when people say its ok but its not#really end up hurting everyone. even though i try so hard to not do that#i need to learn to forgive myself#for a lot of things#because i did all i could to fix so many things and sometimes the most healthy and gentle thing to do is. just to stop trying#damn. thats really depressing. :c#i need a nap. everyone feels quiet and rattled. we just need to sleep and reset I think#i just. hate that I cause people distress by being myself. everyone wants me to be myself but time and time again no one actually stays#when they see what I am.#that doesn't feel entirely true. its just mean neurotypicals who do that. or. people who simply need more space#and thats never their fault. EVER. i just wish people knew I mean it when I tell them I want to support their boundaries and won't be upset#if something is wrong I just want to know so we can fix it... or find a better solution#just. need to learn to stifle my emotions a bit more. I've always been emotional and loved so strongly and felt so deeply.#this is all a mix of... sound reasoning and... just the tiredness talking.#i should just sleep and see how the world fares tomorrow#i just hope the people i care about who need space... don't entirely regret me meeting them.#my dear friend here at home seemed upset at us tonight for some reason and wont respond to my message#i hope she isnt upset for real. i am terrified that... some of the behaviors Grist has will remind her of a Bad Time#Grist means so well. but he can't meet her yet. That breaks my heart.
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loveronlineee · 2 years
The Metal Head and the Material Girl Part 2 (Eddie Munson x Reader)
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Masterlist   All Parts
Eddie Munson x Reader (She/Her)
Warnings: swearing
Synopsis: As Y/N settles into her new school and her new group of friends, the boys prepare for her first D&D session
Okay I’m really fuckin scared to post this one because I can feel the expectations for it to be as loved as part one but I tried my best!! Thanks again D&D peeps for helping me out. I cleared out my DMs cuz they were getting messy but y’all know who you are!
Also uh, this.
Okay okay I’ll shut up now. Go read.
- Willow x
Wanna be on the Eddie Munson tag list? Look here!
Wanna request something? Look here!
Two weeks in, Y/N had fully settled into Hawkins high. She had established herself as part of the outcasts and the window of opportunity for her to be one of the popular kids had officially closed.
The jocks and the cheerleaders tried multiple times to get her away from the Hellfire club, but every glare and mean comment they threw at her friends cemented in Y/N’s mind that they were not people she wanted to be around.
Eddie and Y/N seemed to be inseparable. Eddie would pick her up and drop her home despite the location of Y/N’s house being in the opposite direction of the school. They’d walk to classes together, sit together at lunch… it was uncommon to see one without the other.
The weird looks from most were slowly turning from a look of surprise to a look of oh, them again.
Eddie noticed it more than Y/N. Of course he did. He was used to being looked down upon, he knew all the signs. But he could feel the slight shift too. Y/N was like a buffer for all the hate.
People seemed to have backed off a little since Y/N joined their ranks. Seeing a pretty girl with Eddie made him seem less threatening, less of an outcast. Others didn’t know what to do when Eddie did something weird and Y/N would just laugh, like it was completely normal.
She was disrupting the social hierarchy without even knowing it.
The metalhead spotted Y/N walking into the lunch hall from his table. She waved enthusiastically at him before pointing to the queue for the school lunch. Eddie waved back and gave a thumbs up.
“So when are you gonna ask her out?” Eddie whipped his head around at Dustin’s unexpected question.
“What?” Mike rolled his eyes.
“Dude. You two are pretty much already a couple. She links her arm with yours when you’re walking, she plays with your hands, she laughs at everything you say even when it’s not funny.” The younger one complained.
Eddie wasn’t blind to these things. He felt himself going giddy every time Y/N touched him or beamed at him. But a part of him wouldn’t believe that a girl like her would actually be interested in him.
He shrugged it off.
“She’s just friendly. Y/N’s like that with everyone.”
“She doesn’t act like that to us.” Dustin argued. He looked around the table to see the other boys agreeing. Y/N was always nice to them and enjoyed being their friends but they could all see the difference between that, and how she acted with their dungeon master. “Listen Eddie, I love Y/N. She’s great. She’s like the older sister I never had. I love Y/N. But I don’t love Y/N.”
He raised his eyebrows up, seeing if Eddie understood. He did, pulling a face. He didn’t like his use of that word.
Eddie thought he didn’t believe in love up until very recently. But Y/N decided to come into his life and completely destroy that ideology.
He hated that Dustin used that word because it was the only word that accurately described what he was feeling. And it made him feel stupid.
Two weeks. This girl had been in his life for two weeks and he was head over heels for her.
But how could he not? She was beautiful and bubbly. She actually listened to him when he rambled on about his interests. She didn’t look down on him for repeating senior year. She genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. And every once in a while, Eddie would let himself believe that she loved him back. Just a little.
Before the boys could say anymore, Y/N dropped her tray on the table. She took her usual seat next to Dustin and Eddie.
“Hey guys. What’d I miss?” She looked around with a smile as she tucked her chair in. Eddie reflexively put his hand out in front her. Y/N liked to see what rings he decided to wear every day. She slid her own hand underneath his and began straightening out the jewellery.
“Uh we were just… taking about your first D&D session coming up!” Dustin saved. He gave Eddie a nod which the dungeon master returned.
“Oh right! Have we decided on a date yet?” Y/N looked up. Eddie huffed a little in annoyance, pulling his hand away from Y/N to fold his arms. This had been a problem for him since Y/N joined Hellfire.
“We can’t decide on a date until we decide what we’re actually doing for it!” He slammed his hands on the table, looking around at everyone “We can’t just do any D&D session! This is Y/N’s first. We gotta do it right.” He stated, tapping his pointer finger on the lunchroom table.
“I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing no matter what Eddie. I sat in on last week’s session and that was so fun already!” Y/N reassured. Eddie made a frustrated whine, leaning back.
“Yeah but it’s gotta be something special!” He stood up on the chair. “We are in the presence of a PRINCESS PEOPLE!” He shouted, before jumping back down. Y/N laughed.
“Hey don’t some people dress up like their characters?” She asked. The boys looked at each other, liking the idea.
“We haven’t done that before.” Dustin commented. “Right Eddie?”
“Yeah. Yeah I like that.” A smile slowly creeping on his face.
So it was decided. On Friday, Hellfire were gonna take their immersive fantasy experience a step further.
The boys ran down to their club room the second the bell rang. Setting everything up and taking putting on their costumes. Eddie sat in his throne and looked through his notes as the others scrambled around.
Dustin noticed the dungeon master’s leg bouncing up and down. He chewed the end of his pencil, eyebrows furrowed as he read what he had written.
“Eddie, you okay?” Dustin called out. Eddie didn’t look up.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine Henderson just keep doing what you’re doing.” Dustin could tell he was nervous. But it wasn’t like he could ask for anyone’s help, everyone else was a player. It would ruin the game if they knew what was gonna happen ahead of time.
There was a knock at the door.
“Hey guys? Am I allowed to come in now?” It was Y/N.
“We’re not ready!” The chorus of boys replied. Y/N giggled.
“Okay let me know when I can come in.” Eddie ripped the piece of paper he was looking at out of his book and stuffed it in his jean pocket. He frantically flicked to another page and looked back up. All the others had taken their seats and everything was ready.
“Princess you may enter!” Eddie’s voice echoed around the room as Y/N slowly pushed the door open. He could feel the excitement of everyone building and building. Eddie rose from his throne, coming into his dungeon master persona. “Today you will officially join us as part of the Hellfire club! Are you-“
Eddie’s train of thought stopped as Y/N came into view.
She had put glitter and gemstones around her face. Elf ears added onto her actual ears. A dainty tiara on top of her head.
If she was ethereal before, now she was celestial. Seemingly otherworldly.
Eddie gulped as she floated over and took her seat at Eddie’s right.
“Yeah, I’m ready.” She replied with an angelic smile. She noted the look Eddie was giving her. “You okay Eddie?”
“Fucking hell Y/N you coulda warned me.” Eddie mumbled as he rubbed his hands over his face. She didn’t quite hear him. He composed himself. “Never better. Let’s get started, shall we?”
The session was a massive success and Y/N had a great time. She managed to keep the princess alive, with Eddie giving her hints he probably shouldn’t have.
“I’ll pack up guys. See ya on Monday.” Eddie said as the others got up. The boys said their goodbyes and left the club room. “You still need a ride home?” He asked Y/N with a smiled.
“Yes please.” Y/N smiled back, beginning to help Eddie clear up. The dungeon master breathed in then out slowly before speaking again.
“Uh hey why don’t we do a quick little epilogue, just before we go?” Y/N frowned a little in confusion.
“But the others have already left?”
“Y-Yeah just- just us two.” Eddie began to feel his nerves building.
“Okay then.” Y/N agreed, sitting back down. Eddie composed himself once again and sat down too. Y/N watched as he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, putting it down flat on the table. The pair stared at each other. Y/N in anticipation.
“Princess, you find yourself walking around town that night. After the harrowing journey you had been on, you wanted some quiet time to yourself to reflect on all that had happened. The streets were almost silent, only the occasional villager still out, making their way home from the tavern. You turn a corner, heading towards your horse. Walking through the stables you spot the stable boy, hard at work.”
Y/N smiled. The princess had met the stable boy before, early on in the adventurers’ quest when they needed horses. She managed to charm him into letting them borrow the horses with the promise of retuning them, which they did.
He was the only character Eddie didn’t put on a voice for. The stable boy was surprisingly charismatic and charming himself, seeming to favour the princess out of the group of adventurers.
Eddie tilted his head to the side, still smiling. “What do you do?”
“Hello again stable boy. You’re up late.” Y/N said, being the princess.
“Your highness. He bowed in respect at your status. My day is just starting actually. I heard about your quest and I thank you for saving us and keeping your promise. He patted one of the horses.”
“Of course. What kind of a princess wouldn’t keep her promises?”
“Not one as good as you your highness.”
Y/N watched Eddie as his smile faltered for a moment. He took another deep breath in then out. She leaned forward slightly, awaiting whatever was to come next. Eddie stood up and came to kneel on one knee, on the left side of Y/N’s chair. He kept his head down, unable to look up at her as he spoke.
“Princess. I know I am nothing more than a lowly stable boy, and I’ve got some nerve asking someone as high and honourable as you anything… but I must ask you.” Eddie gulped as he slowly lifted his head. He found comfort in Y/N looking at him. Of course he did. She always made him feel at ease. It was silly to think she would fill him with fear, even in this situation.
He continued. “Would you find any pleasure in accompanying me one night?” Y/N’s smile grew wider and wider. Giving Eddie more and more confidence. “We could go to the tavern. Or perhaps a walk around the town? It doesn’t matter much to me, as along as I am in your company.”
Y/N didn’t answer in game. Her hands went to the sides of Eddie’s face as she crashed her lips onto his. Eddie slowly stood up, making Y/N stand too. He found is hands wrapping around her waist and hers moved to the back of his neck. The two could feel the other smiling against the other. Y/N began giggling which ended the kiss, their foreheads touching.
“Did you plan that all out for me?”
“…maybe.” She giggled again, finding his lips.
“My silly stable boy.”
Tag list: @Mikinyi @justaproudslytherpuff @angelicjinwoo @k12baby @spiderman-berries @ruhro7 @justanotherhappyidiot @dontcallmesavvy @kenzi-woycehoski @gh0stm3g @lagataprrr @spencersbookbag @ygrworld @ambernicole90 @alwaysbeenfamous @angelsarecallin @voteforevilthoughts @iameddiemunsonshair @hellf1reclub @phobles-world @isshecleverorisshecrazy @olrjmarvete @b-bella9 @ultraoliviajeromethings-blog  @beatlebeesstuff @korescomaactually @bilesxbilinskixlahey @darkened-writer @nightless @gnkkstarz @cullenswife @killergoddessmm @preciousbabypeter @uselessbutinteresting @frogtits1 @lotus-es @padfootpottah99 @siriuslysmoking @enoumen-t @marrigold-2002 @nightless @the-mysterious-miss-s @olrjmarvete @evie-119 @rand0m—fangirl @felicityofbakerstreet @lotus-es @v0idl1nq @stv-1-ncent @eiviea @iheartcb @grumpyy-bearr @purple-flamingo @eddiessoulmate @violetrainbow412-blog @mcueveryday @marauders3rawh0re @ravenhood2792 @dragonalpha54 @slytherinintj13 @pastel-abyss-x @missscarlettangel @charli123456789 @henhouse-horrors @erikaar @golden-hoax @fairynamjoonie @caramelkatsukis-bitch @sun-faced @somerandomasgardian @helensophie @avobabe87 @s-u-t @superheavymetalunicorn @low-keyyyyy @carliuxima @avarose06 @ticharluv @ijustfndamilldllrsthatsmnefgt @gia-maybank @takemetoneverland420 @notbeforelong @lovepity @falling4uke @emiijemii @chocolatestudentllamabanana @milkiane @montgomery-fucking-gator @girl-in-the-chairs-void @ourheartsofsteel @simp4fictional @sakurarou @nyctophiliiiiaaa @just-that-bi-girl @ieatrocks1 @beautifulrunwaymodelwombat @geeksareunique @chiggennuggie @levylovegood @eddie-swhore @char1389 @chaerwithluv @annikin-im-panicin @mmmxmo @cestlavie03 @selenelouvel @thanatophobiawilldestroyme @unicorntrooper @jmj-1312 @nxrdamp @funn-sizedd @idblamekate @miraakswhore @7myoi @vintageleather @lemongirl5910 @hermie62 @tuskjohnny @madcosss @vinnielovesmel @michaelfuckinglangdon @bbyharlow @bakugouswh0r3 @bookswillfindyouaway @im-a-nobody-101 @jellyfishbeansontoast @steph88w @kendallpaige @strawberrykittey @abbyeey @rocking—and—rolling @dragons-dejavu @ghoulsgraveyard @spiderstyles04 @piratedelusion @your-mom-is-smoking-hot @lxffy-icon @kaiya3333 @my-obsession-spn @eddiemvnsongf @bicallison @rivuh-stone @summeritalyrain @hanihans @noa-keselman @hangel0veb0t @xbreezymeadowsx @official-maddibrown @sugabops @shoutokozume @joyfulstar81 @dontwaistyourtime @wintersdarling @gnkkstarz @pleasantlycrazyworld @oinomniaparatuso @magnet-girl @e-girl-on-the-server @antisocialthat70sshow @ma-tara @golden-thv @shamidreamer @crypticlxrsh @squishymochiuwu @kovieky @existentialjams-blog @caelin32212 @kissmyquill @lunar-flwr @whiskeypowder @vhscillian @alisslahey @prongs-girlfriend @afs1 @lilsubbysblog @melodiclovesong @same-panic-different-disco @stormyparker @madnessismylover @obi-wanakenobi @nerdboylover @waterfallpussyprincess @cailaif @cherrybean1116 @cal-is-not-on-branding @dragqueen-scully @underrailed @elrose1532 @anxiously-sad @haroldpotterson @nicodoesntexist @ruckusbowzeus @liviav @eddiemunsonlomlll @moonbeampillgoth @seiphira @sweethearteddiemunson @ahoeforharlow @stcrrjoon @tnu-ree @dootys @rengokuiloveu @findleynovadachs111 @reincarnationoftheparty @friednickelfestivalwolf @capybergara @wolflover384 @othermonsters @chibipeachu 
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pjsfvs · 4 months
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- you and marks firsts
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pairing: bf!mark x afab!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: this is super duper fluffy, you might die. its very cute
summary: you and mark just started dating. this is what he would take you to do while on a date, as well as your first kiss.
a/n: for my new favorite pookie jy (@stillgoldenpb) thank u for reading my mark breeding hc over 10 times. MWAH MWAH.. also sorry if u wanted smut, i was in a fluffy mood so i did mark fluff, but i can make a mark smut one-shot just incase.
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First Date:
For your first date with Mark, he would take you for a ride in his Audi A6, to a nice little restaurant out of town. He had discovered it when he went for a drive and knew you would like it.
It was a small place, very few people there, and all of them were nice, and complemented you on being a cute couple. There was a jukebox in the corner, that he would queue up a bunch of songs on, many he knew you liked.
When you were done eating, he “forced” you to dance with him. Meaning he took your hand and lead you to the empty dance-floor, with a wide and enticing smile.
You danced to a couple of songs, talking and gazing into each other's eyes the whole time. When the sun began to set, you leave the restaurant and drive to a nearby peak.
You sat on the edge, legs dangling over, the beach view below you paired with the sunset. You didn’t leave until the sun had disappeared. He gave you his jacket to wear during the walk back to his car, knowing it would be a lot colder now that it was dark.
By the time you got home, it was late. He jokingly asked if you were going to invite him inside. You didn’t, but he left with a quick kiss to your cheek.
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First Kiss:
Your first kiss didn’t happen on an official second date, but after you decided to meet up at the beach. He told you about his day, his training, and how much he loved singing. You told him your goals, and all the places you wanted to see.
Eventually, your conversation become more playful and joking, even more so when you found an abandoned basketball. (HE CANT PLAY FOR SHIT LMFAO)
You tossed it to each other a few times as you continued to talk and tease each other. After you caught the ball, and you teased him for having a weak throw, he began to chase you. Tackling you (softly) to the ground, you were left giggling, and he was watching you with an adoring smile.
When you locked eyes, lying in the sand, he would reach over and brush some sand off your face. Then, quicker than you were expecting, he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. When he broke away, he apologized, saying he just felt the overwhelming urge to kiss you.
You smiled and told him it was alright, you felt it too. Pleased with this, he asked if he could kiss you again, to which you obviously said yes.
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kitorin · 28 days
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contents. unproofread , reader is unhinged ( some dark humour , but i've said much worse tbh ) , written at the time of the 2024 thomas cup so there's stuff about that , sexual humour once again but really subtle
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The chime of the bell finally announces break, your sign to finally sit up and to stop napping. With a groan or two accompanied by a groggy yawn, you stretch and you swear something in your back cracks. Multiple times.
“Shut up already, will you?”
Rin grumbles, and even from your peripheral vision you can notice him scowling while shoving everything in his pencil case with an odd fury.
Another yawn claws itself out of your throat, your insolence amplifies it, the exaggeration earns an annoyed but entertaining glare from Rin, and a cheeky grin from you. He doesn’t say anything, his chair yelling as it’s dragged along the floor when he leaves.
“Where are you going?” You intercept his path, pushing your chair backwards too.
Rin walks sideways, slipping between the back of the classroom and your chair. “Bathroom.”
“Can I come?” His features scrunch up in disgust, an amused sneer pounces on your lips as he stalks away with a firm ‘no’.
“Bye bye~” To which, Rin points up the middle finger towards you without so much of a glance, and soon he disappears out the classroom door along with other students.
You gaze remains on him until he’s completely out of view, then it’s rediverted to the bag resting under Rin's table.
With ease, the zip exposes its contents, you scoff to yourself while making use of this opportunity.
His money that he (tried) to pay back makes its return to his possessions, into a random pocket which held nothing but tissues and a box of mints. There goes his two thousand yen.
What part of ‘it’s my treat’ did he not get? You’ll acknowledge his timing and how he managed to slip the money into your bag without you noticing; maybe even applaud him, but if you say you’re paying, then you’re paying.
“Um.” Isagi approaches you, greeting you with the slight tug of your sleeve. “l/n, what are you doing to Rin’s bag.”
The worry on his face tells you that you’ve behaved too suspiciously (a fair reaction, you just snooped into another’s bag). “Givin’ Rin his money back.” Hands go up in the air, opened. “Don’t worry, I’m not stealing shit from anyone.”
To this, Isagi sighs with relief, his features relax into a polite smile. “Sorry for suspecting you.” You wave it away, leaning on your desk. “Speaking about money, I need to pay you back too.”
His hand digs around his pocket, but you interfere, placing yours on his wrist. “No you don’t.”
“Shhhh.” A finger goes on his lip. “Pay me back with your time, I’ll be spending the money.” The wink was the cherry on top, and you swear Isagi goes pink.
“I knew you said you were acquainted with y/n, but not in that way.” Anri observes from behind Isagi, who yelps and immediately waves his hands.
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear.” You swallow a giggle, almost trembling from amusement. Anri still gazes at him with doubt, but nods anyways.
“I just came up here to ask you about how soccer’s been going. Coach wanted me to ask you about anything you wanted to improve on.”
Aaaand that’s your queue to leave. “I’ll see you later ‘ichi! I’ll leave you guys to it.” You skip out of the room, leaving a flustered Yoichi explaining the situation to a confused Anri.
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Rushing past people and down the stairs (and barely dodging Yukimiya, who was carrying a large stack of books precariously), you make your way to class B, where Hiori resided. He’s your victim for today.
You peek through the open sliding door, and immediately met with a disgusted look from him.
“Do you sprint here or something?” He opens his lunchbox. “Don’t you have other friends to bother?”
A chair groans loudly as you drag it across the floor. “You’re my favourite.”
Hiori deadpans. “Great. What an honour.”
“Have you been watching highlights?” You unwrap your own lunchbox, noticing how Hiori had rested his phone against his pencil case.
"Yeah." Hiori turns his phone and its temporary stand towards you.
"You should've stayed up to watch it with me." Watching games live with Hiori was always a blast, screaming at the TV together through a phone call and placing bets (which consisted of free passes to yell at each other). But with Hiori insisting that he has to sleep more, you refrained from talking about the results. "I mean, you'd make it to school even if you slept in."
He unplugs his headphones, stuffing them into the pocket of his trousers. "I was exhausted. I would've passed out midway as well."
"I didn't even tell you about that—"
"You didn't have to. You sounded like you were going to drop dead during Malaysia and Japan's match last night."
"My bed was comfortable."
Hiori sighs as he gets out his chopsticks out. "Sure buddy." He frowns. "Maybe I should stay up next time. First result on youtube spoiled the result for me."
"Seeee?" China had emerged victorious, 3-1, a shame since the two of you were cheering on for Malaysia, after they defeated Japan the previous night.
"Was each game at least close?"
"Not really. In the singles games Lee Zii Jia seemed to struggle, and Leong was close in the first set." It was a shame, especially when Lee had been playing so well the night before, and was close to winning the first set. You also swore you noticed a point of his not being counted, but with Shi Yuqi's significant advantage, realistically, it wouldn't've made much of a difference. "I passed out for Goh and Izzuddin though."
Hiori shoots you a glare, one that screams I told you so.
"Shi Yuqi plays so well...even if Lee Zii Jia was in his best form I doubt it would've been easy." Hiori keenly watches his phone. "Makes sense because he's second in the world but wow."
You nod. "I should watch more of his games."
Watching full matches had never occurred to you, you viewed highlights and compilations of the sport's best shots, but watching the full game seemed like a hassle. You followed Coach's recommendation, and enjoyed it much more than expected.
The two of you watch in silence, while eating, as Shi Yuqi's score rose rapidly. "Shame they didn't add the part with his abs." Hiori chokes on his rice, coughing and gulping down tea from his water bottle.
"They're very nice abs." You add on, as if clarification was really necessary.
Hiori finally swallows, hand on his throat just to be sure. "We were told to watch professionals to learn. I don't think you're learning."
"I'm learning of this man's beauty. Besides there's no harm in appreciating how hot these people are as well."
"You only use 'as well' when you do both things."
"I did."
He doesn't seem to mind when you pull out your phone and vigorously type. "Name at least one takeaway then."
"Aim at the opponent's dominant side's hip."
The video gets paused. "You already do that."
"Not as well as the pros do." Your thumb eagerly taps the right constantly, in search of the point you were searching for. "I hit in the right side, but at the body or between the arm and hip is better."
"At least you learnt something." He mumbles.
You turn off your phone, placing it under your bottom lip and letting it rest there. "There was also how easy it is for someone to break."
Curiosity blooms across his features. "What do you mean?"
"When we played Malaysia, Nishimoto was in first singles against Lee Zii Jia."
"And he didn't do that well. At first I thought it was just a significant difference in skill. But he's only one rank below him, and I saw a reel the other day and he only lost a set by two points and won the next one."
Hiori nods, letting you continue.
"He must've been flustered. And the next game Lee Zii Jia played the same thing happened to him. I guess Shi Yuqi was a lot higher ranked but y'know. There were a lot of shots I swear he could've returned. And in previous games even when he lost he was still close."
"I guess the same thing happened. Being nervous and losing confidence during a match. It's the sort of thing you'd only get through experience too. Or having a therapist that specialises in sports psychology." He absentmindedly plays with his rice, gathering the final bits into one bite. "There was a lot of pressure too, quarter and semi finals. Not to mention it's their career."
You nod, staring at the wooden floor.
"Why? Are you worried the same will happen to you?"
"I wanna do that to our opponents at national qualifications."
Hiori shoots you a disgusted look. "Oh my god you don't know how weird that sounds."
"What? The Stasi did that to political opposition and it worked—"
"Don't compare the fucking GDR secret police's psychological torture to a sport."
"Fine, fine—but my point still stands. If we can pull that off then it'll make stuff easier."
"We can talk to Coach about it. Also, did she tell you about the playing order?"
She hadn't. "Nope, what happened?"
Hiori sighs, as if it's difficult news. "We can't do doubles together."
"What do you mean??"
It comes out much louder than intended, as you stand up hurriedly and everyone turns towards the yell of your chair, almost capsizing. You mumble out a 'my bad' and an awkward slight bow.
"She wants to swap me and Nanase for first singles. Since he needs to focus on studying for college, and she reckons I can do well in singles as well." He counts off each member. "You're in first singles, Kurona's good at predicting stuff and setting up attacks, but he's struggling with offense. Kiyora's already doing third singles and only because he's the best option available. Nanase's done fine, he just wants to focus on getting into college so he asked to swap with someone."
Hiori also playing in singles simply means it's against the rules for the two of you to do doubles together.
"I see." It's been a dream for you to compete properly alongside Hiori, but there's nothing you can do about it, and you have plenty of opportunity as a first year. "It's fine, we have the next two years left."
"Yeah, we'll play together eventually. Plus, I'm looking forward to singles too. It's a win either way, Nanase can play and study and I get to learn more."
"Mhm, we're doing everyone else an honour."
"What do you mean by that?"
"We're the strongest. We should at least give others a chance before we go dominate the country."
Hiori blinks. "I can't believe you."
"C'mon, you know I'm right." You tease and prod, but deep down believe in. As long as Hiori's by your side, you feel as though nothing appears to be a challenge. "We'll give them a chance this year."
"I can't with you." But Hiori grins. "We'll win either way."
You nod, high fiving him in agreement. "Also, this is the highlight I was talking about." You had finally found the moment you were talking about, before discussing strategy; pointing the phone at him.
"Fine. He does look good though. Really good." You raise an eyebrow at Hiori staring for a bit too long, to which he shoos you away and mutters something about you influencing him negatively.
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Why did I have to be separated from Hiori...?
You stare at the front without a thought, disappointed and still hungry (It's not your fault your mouth had better things to do), and dreading history. Your head goes back to rest on your arms, preparing for another long, nice nap before training.
"I thought you were a good student."
Rin comments, seating at his usual spot next you, a bit of sweat framing his face with his hair.
"I'm smart. There's a difference."
"A smart person would be listening."
"A smart person doesn't need to listen to a teacher waffle on about dead people and whatnot."
"There's more to history than dead people—" He's silenced by a familiar scold from the front.
"Itoshi, how many times do I have to tell you to be quiet?" You swallow down laughter, but don't bother concealing the proud grin on your face. "And y/n, you haven't even opened your book." Now it's Rin's turn to smirk.
"Sorry sir." Confident but not arrogant, you apologise, earning a mumble but sir returns to his lesson anyways. You'll do the bare minimum of pretending to take notes, you open up your textbook, then your pencil case. A two thousand yen note falls out.
You know exactly where this is from.
"Fucking bastard." You mumble back.
You'd wrestle your way to his bag and shove it right back into his wallet, where it belongs, but with your teacher already sick of your shit you resort to something else.
With an annoyingly loud (but not too loud) rip, a page comes out of your notebook.
Take your fucking money you idiot.
its yours i owe you
I never said you needed to pay me back, did I?
and i never said i cared about that
I'm going to punch you.
sure have fun in detention and never competing
To be honest, he had you there.
You're a debt sardine.
Rin stares at your with disgust, as he continues to scrawl and pass the sheet to you. Quite aggressively, too.
what the fuck is that
Like a debt shark But reversed Since you keep thinking you're in debt And sharks are pretty fucking cool so you're not a reverse debt shark
Sardine isn't the right fish. At least those are yummy. If Rin were a fish he'd be dry, obnoxiously salty and bad for your skin (eating him would make you break out).
you sound like a kindergartener
And you sound like a debt sardine.
Rin's left fist tightens, lividly.
then your just a sardine no debt a miserable sardine
Of course he would. Of course Itoshi Rin would make such fatal mistake.
*you're just a sardine
He slams his fist against the table, and sir does the same with chalk against blackboard.
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"Why are you like this?"
Hiori punctuates his words with light pants, whereas you don't find the breath to, thanking god for the final lap reaching it's conclusion.
"Not my fault he keeps trying to pay me." He gives you a moment to pant a bit. "I'm going to shove this right up his ass if he doesn't stop." As annoying as it is, bill remains in your pocket, you grip it from outside with frustration.
"You sound happy." Kurona murmurs. "I've never seen someone so insistent to not be paid back."
You grab him by the shoulders and gently shake him. "I told him it was my treat. It's not a treat if he pays me back."
Kurona agrees with a hum and a nod. "I guess that's irritating. At least you have good reason. Reason."
Kiyora peers over Kurona, doing a cross arm stretch with his racket in one hand. "It's a free two thousand yen. If you don't want it I'll have it." He eyes your pocket, and you instinctively turn your right thigh away.
"If I do anything other than return it then he wins—"
"Two thousand yen is two thousand yen."
"He called me a sardine—"
Kiyora doesn't counter, he's too busy stifling a laugh. "Really?"
"Whitebait suits you more. Sardines are too big for you."
He's lucky you don't have your racket, nor a shuttlecock. "Come here you little shit, you're only five centimetres taller." You lunge forward for a (gentle) kick but he dodges, delivering a flick to your forehead.
"Five centimetres is five centimetres. That's massive, no?"
Kiyora's fast, probably the fastest in the club. You counter it by pouncing on him. "Not even average."
He yells. "Coach, it's attacking me again."
"Kiyora, good luck fighting whitebait then." Coach Akiba doesn't bat an eye, checking if each net was set up correctly.
"Coach are you agreeing with him?" The betrayal. She's strict yet gets along well with everyone, but you never expected her to side with Kiyora.
"If it'll get you off of him yes, c'mon, you're here to practice. Go join wrestling if you want to jump on other boys." She calls everyone else other (in other words, Kurona, Hiori, and Nanase) and you release Kiyora.
"For someone so short you weigh so much..."
You shrug. "I like food."
"And I'd like it if you guys would shut up because I don't want to run anymore laps." Hiori says, not very quietly. "Hurry up you idiots."
Coach shoots a glare, that's more than enough for you and Kiyora to scramble towards everyone else.
"Right. Now that we're adjusting our playing order, we're going to get Hiori and l/n to try out different pairs." You and Hiori share a glance. "Play a set, write down who wins, then swap. I'll do drills with whoever's not on. Sounds good?"
Strong and united, a confident 'yes' echoes in the gymnasium.
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"Hioriiiin I'm ready to off myself and go see jesus."
He ignores your whining, swallowing a large gulp of energy drink. "You're not even religious."
Hiori stares at you with disappointment, while you lie on the gym floor. You muster up the strength to roll over onto your stomach. "So it's you and Nanase, me and Kurona..."
You roll back around, sitting up and accepting a drink from Hiori's. "Called it. They're the most balanced options too."
Nanase's tactical and defensive style compensates for your impulsive offense, which makes up for his fear of risk taking. Getting into nationals should be in the bag, you cover Nanase's weaknesses and he covers yours.
The only worry is singles.
"Good job y/n, you did great. Great." Kurona pats your back, settling down next to you to stretch. "Summer really sucks, doesn't it? My hair feels all sticky 'n gross." He eyes his braid, holding it up with his fingers in disgust.
You lean forward to touch your toes. "You too, Kurona. I hate you for making me run so much though." The amount of trickshots he had under his sleeve was impressive, you'd sell a kidney to do them half as well as him, or at all. "Only two months until qualifiers start..."
"We'll be fine." Nanase joins the small circle of you, Kurona, and Hiori. "Haven't known ya long but ya improving a lot already."
"What are the opponents like?" Hiori pushes against Kurona's back after he asked. "How come our school's never been to nationals?"
"I've never been to qualifications. Before you two it was just the three of us."
"Actually?" You whip around to Nanase. "Then it's also Kurona's first time competing for a place at nationals."
Nanase nods. "Before Kurona there were a bunch of third years. They got close but Kamakura High beat them in semi finals."
"Are they the powerhouse of our province?" If that's the case then they would've went to nationals at least once in recent times. There should be something online to analyse if you dig around hard enough. You pirate plenty of shows, footage of national comps shouldn't be that bad.
"Exactly. We lost 3-2. Coach only put on the best members." Nanase takes off his headband, about to wring it out for sweat before deciding that'd be too gross for now. "There was a really good player that was my age though. He played in doubles, he's definitely going to be a big threat now."
"What his name, name?" Kurona pulls out his phone. "We could find something about him online."
"Ryuusuke? Ryuuji? It's been a while I've completely forgotten." Your senior scratches his head.
"Eh. We can ask someone else no?"
"y/n, ya know I'm the only person left from the club since three years ago."
Your jaw drops. "Actually?"
He nods. "Actually. I was the only first year that joined. That's why I was relieved that we just had enough to enter a competition thanks to you guys."
Silence prevails for a while. Kurona stares at god knows what in the distance and Hiori fiddles with his fingers. Nanase seems fine though, smile remaining without falter.
"Is our sport really that unpopular?" Hiori's brow furrows. "I know soccer and volleyball are massive but we only have the bare minimum. Which is like, crazy."
"And Kiyora had to go home early." Kurona adds.
"If we don't do well it'll be the end for us." You vocalise what everyone's been thinking, an uncomfortable truth. The school won't bother with a team that's barely counted as one and doesn't produce any results.
"That gives us more reason to train hard, doesn't it?" Nanase still grins without a sign of it fading soon. "Bare minimum or not I'm grateful to have you guys here, I want to the best we can for my upperclassmen's sake.
You slap your cheeks, to which Hiori flinches out of surprise. You jump to your feet. "Nanase's right, we have to make the most of what we've got. I'll destroy Kamakura High and that Ryuuji guy."
Nanase chuckles. "Pretty sure it was Ryusei."
"Ryusei's the energetic one on our soccer team." Hiori corrects. "But yeah, you're right. No point in sulking. Why'd you stand up to say that though?"
You shrug. "It just happened."
Hiori laughs, a giggle cascading into almost wheezing.
"Shut up." He doesn't, you're ready to tackle him.
"Oh, Coach!" Nanase waves to her, and never mind, tackling Hiori will be for another day. "Is everything okay?"
She hurries to where the four of you sat. "Just a couple of phone calls with other schools."
"About national qualifications?" You can't name anything else it could be, maybe joint training.
"You could say that." She glances at her watch. "I'll have to lock up soon, you all ready to go?"
"Yeah, we just finished with stretching." Everyone else nods in agreement, you stand up and they do the same. "Thank you for today."
"Good work today, take it easy and rest plenty on the weekend, okay? Get home safely."
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"I don't like where this is going."
Hiori complains, but follows you to the classroom anyways.
"What are you on? Now is perfect. They're still in the middle of a practice match." And you're spot on, you can see them play from the window, tiny dots chasing around an even tinier dot; black and white blurring into grey.
Nanase and Kurona were long gone, going their respective ways while you went on your little side quest; returning the money.
"You look like you're trying to rob him." Yet here he is, accompanying you as you make your way to where you sit together. "You guys are lucky, the view's nice from here."
"Yeah but to look at the view I have to look at Rin, to look at Rin means to declare war against him." Rin had left his stuff on his table, so had Isagi, the muscular friend of Isagi and the hyper friend of Isagi (you never learnt their names).
Hiori nods, definitely to get you to shut up rather than out of understanding. "What's this?" He grabs the sheet of paper near the bottom of your desk, opening it. "Oh my."
Without looking up from Rin's bag, you reply. "That's what I was talking about. When he got yelled out then sent out."
"I can see why he's so angry all the time now..." Hiori skims through the 'conversation' you and Rin were having in class. "By the way, won't he know if you just put it into his bag again?"
"That's why." You pull out his lunchbox, wrapped in fabric. "I'll slip it into the fabric. So he won't notice until he gets home."
"Should I be impressed or disappointed at the amount of effort you put into this?"
You pack up Rin's stuff. "Disappointed. At Rin, not me." There you go, it's as if you never snooped around. "C'mon, let's get out of this place."
Hiori nods, readjusting the strap of his bag on his right shoulder in the hallway.
"Gimme that." Hiori tries to protest, but it's easy to take away from him. "My bag's lighter than yours anyways."
"But still—"
"Nope. You pushed yourself a lot during training."
"I wonder who's fault that was." You both know it was you; always aiming for any neglected areas of the court, forcing him to run and dive everywhere. You shrug, rushing ahead of him anyways. "Thanks though." He rolls his right shoulder a few times before catching up.
"No worries." It's not heavy, not remotely if it's for the sake of him. "By the way, didn't coach seem off today?"
"Yeah. But I'm not sure if I've known her long enough to make that sort of observation."
Good point, maybe you'll check with Nanase. "That's true."
"You look awfully happy." Hiori comments simply. "Was returning his money that important?"
"Nope! I just feel excited for qualifications. I mean we finally have a coach and have a team now. High school's so good."
It's thrilling, even if it's a bare necessity for any athlete it's a luxury in your eyes. Gourmet you've never tried, grandeur that you couldn't afford.
And there's Hiori.
You stare at the roof in awe, for no apparent reason; just caught up in fantasy. Scoring a beautiful match point and moving onto nationals, screaming in triumph and running into Hiori's arms. "I'm going to soar higher than ever and I get to do it with you."
"I like that." His pink lips curl into a smile, eyes squinting with joy. "We'll beat Kamakura High."
"Then to the nationals we go! Let's go get shaved ice today! We deserve it. Just because."
"Just because." Hiori echoes with a smile.
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pairing. itoshi rin x reader
synopsis. all itoshi rin ever wanted was a peaceful high school career, his plans go to ruin thanks to the school's badminton genius; entangling their lives—and emotions together.
contents. rivals to lovers, badminton player!reader, sports romance, fluff, high school au
a/n. malaysia v china has made me a shi yuqi fan (haven't watched him before but GOD DAYUM he's so cool and yes i'm projecting onto reader). also i tried to depict the kansai dialect the same way english manga does (idk what i'm doing)
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taglist. @yuzurins, @silly-ez, @chigirizzz, @kaiserkisser, @httpshujii, @saesins , @yoimyas , @saetorinrin, @hxniplayz , @certaindreamchopshop , @rroxii , @jar-03m, @celestair , @satoruukisser , @kaitfae , @biaonww , @hellothere9597 , @its-ur-pillow, @saesofficialwife, @miyanaranagikenmal-intp , @popponn , @kascar-chronicle , @junberrry , @sereniteav , @raphsimp, @lectris00
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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blehrbie-blog · 1 year
Neteyam x Reader story
Sooo, I haven't written anything in genuine years. But after watching Avatar:TWOW I've become hyperfixated and have been scrolling and refreshing the Neteyam x Reader tag basically since the movie came out. As a consequence I've had this idea in the back of my mind that I thought was very sweet and cute (something we all need after that movie) so I decided to sit down and give it a go and see what comes out of my brain. So here it is. I haven't properly edited it and it's pretty much a 1000 words of word vomit and a bunch of time skips but it made me happy to write so I'm sharing it.
Oh, BTW SPOILERS!! but also I don't stick to the event's of the movie so idk I'm just putting it out there in case someone hasn't watched the trailer.
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So the idea is our girl meets Neteyam informally for the first time when they're 9. She gets cornered in the jungle by a Palulukan and Neteyam helps her run away from it. She had always known who he is being the firstborn son of the Toruk Makto. She remembers her mom telling her about the big ceremony the Tribe had when he was first born. Everyone knew him.
- You shouldn't go into Palulukan territory without being careful - he says, looking a bit unsure about her now that there's no imminent danger.
- I didn't know I was in its territory
 - Don't wander off too far on your own then.
After this meeting, you get closer and become friends, which means as a consequence you occasionally hang out with the rest of Neteyam's family. However, as he gets older and his Dad starts preparing him to be a warrior and later on Lo'ak as well you don't have as much time to spend as you once did laughing and roaming around in the jungle exploring thick forests and shallow pools of water. It's not like you have nothing to do with your life, you do! You've been thinking of taking up lessons from the Tsahik, to see how you can use the spirit of Eywa and nature to help people who are hurting. It just so happens that the Tsahik is Neteyam's grandmother so you sometimes end up seeing him come back from a mission with his father and you share sweet smiles from across the camp.
When the tribe moves to the floating rocks, you are required by the Tsahik to help those injured from the journey and the ones getting used to the new terrain. So you're even more often in the same circles. As you're working one day about to go over to help Ninat with her sprained ankle, someone taps you on the shoulder
-You seem busy with work. - says Neteyam smiling sweetly at you
-Oh! Yes, I was just about to start. How's your training going?
You hadn't spoken in a while, just a quick wave or nod when crossing paths throughout the day. You hadn't noticed but he towers over you by a couple inches now. He nods towards his dad who's speaking with Neytiri at the edge of their tent.
-You know, just the usual responsibilities of carrying on the legacy. - His eyes gaze into you softly, like he's memorizing your face after not seeing it for long. He shakes it off and looks down - Have you got many tasks today?
-Not too much actually, just need to check up on Ninat and prepare some medicinal salves.
- I want to see you later – He looks back up into your eyes and smiles – Maybe we can go on one of our expeditions like before.
You chuckle – Sure, I'd love that.
With a final nod of approval, he stalks away to his parent's side.
When you meet later towards sunset he's waiting patiently with his Ikran by the vines connecting the Hallelujah Mountains to the Jungle below.
-We won't go too far out into the jungle so we have time to come back before sunrise. - He says as he connects his Queue with the Ikran and gazes at you expectantly – Hop on.
Can I trust that I'll come back alive from this flight? - you raise a skeptical eyebrow. He only went through his Iknimaya ritual not too long ago.
He reaches out a hand to help you up onto the animal – I don't think Eywa would forgive me if I wasted you on a simple flight.
You smile warmly into his shoulder as you hold tight onto him feeling the powerful animal shift under you as you fly out.
Roughly 10 years later
When he comes back from the Mitkayina islands. He's taller and broader and his hair is much longer pulled into a loose braid around his Queue. You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you first see him. He's magnificent and commanding in his presence. The tribe has gathered all around to accept him and Jake back with a warm welcome. And even though you're hidden by your fellow Na'vi, his eyes immediately find you in the crowd and issue an eager and warm smile on his face.
As soon as he has settled the greetings with the current Olo'eyktan and the Tsahik, he finds you – walking to your sleeping pod. You would have gone to say hello and see him up close but, honestly, you were a bit intimidated. What you now knew was a childhood infatuation with him all those years ago still couldn't handle seeing him all of a sudden in all his... perfect glory. You were a little intimidated. But that doesn't stop him from reaching out for you. You see him jog over with a grin. He grabs you by the shoulders about to pull you into a hug but stops himself at the last moment. His eyes roam you over from head to toe and he looks up with glistening eyes -You've grown! - His tone sounds almost unbelieving
-That tends to happen as time passes, yes – you chuckle, hands coming up to hold onto his arms. His strong arms.
-I'm not too sure what I expected you to look like but you're... way beyond any expectation – He sounds so awe-struck as he's still taking you in, that you start to feel a little embarrassed.
-I can say the exact same thing – You say as you meet his gaze again. As you do his face softens and he brings you into his arms finally.
-I missed you, my friend.
Your hand caresses his hair gently – I missed you too.
You break apart and you decide to go for some late food with him abandoning your plans of sleep.
Months later, when they have their first kiss. It's a slow thing. He will say something dry-humoured in his soft voice and she'll forget to laugh too busy staring at him, realizing how in love she is. And has been all these years. And when he notices that she hasn't replied he'll look at her and know immediately. That she's realized, at last. And he'll come to hold her like she's the most precious thing in his world. He'll thread his fingers through her hair bringing her face close to his. Forehead pressed to hers, patiently waiting for her to join him in the reality he has been living. Where they have loved each other for a while, longed and missed unbelievably because of it, and are finally able to bask in it. The warm smiles and looks, the casual closeness that not being apart allows. The things he has been dreaming of. He looks at her lips and back at her eyes, pulling back slightly to give her some space. Maybe she's not entirely understanding his feelings, maybe she's too caught up in her own to recognize his signs, he thinks, ready to give her all the time- When she grabs his neck and drags him back to her. - Neteyam... – her eyes are glossy like she's about to cry. So he caresses her cheeks gently and finally presses their lips sweetly together. And he can not compare it to any other feeling he has ever experienced. It's not like loving her, that's easy and at the same time overwhelming. It has brought him to the point that he is ready to lay down his life and all of his family's expectations to travel back to the tribe just to see her. To be reunited. But this feeling, this kiss is like knowing, that he won't be alone in his love and he can give her his all, his soul. They stay there, lost in the sweetness of being together like never before until the sun has long set and the moon has long risen.
That is it! I do realise I keep skipping between tenses, I apologise if anyone finds it annoying and hope you enjoyed!
Edit: I thought it might be useful to put a link to part 2 down here so: Next
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colealexart · 7 months
Can you tell us the story of you meeting Ashley and Sam?
we waited in ashley's queue after seeing laura but it was taking a while and they had to leave for lunch, then photo ops. when we did see her, we had been in the queue for a while because she likes to spend time with people, so the nerves that i was feeling at the beginning kind of dissipated. i was still super nervous to meet her, because she's ashley johnson, but my back and legs were hurting from standing in the queue for so long, so that kind of took my mind off of it a little.
my friend went before me in the queue and got my fearne print signed by her, and i was getting the same print signed too. so when it was my turn, she was like "ohh, that person had this print too" and i was like "yeah i drew it" and she looked so shocked(?) lmao. she was like "you did?! oh my god, it's beautiful!"
i mentioned how much i loved ellie and how much the last of us means to me, and she looked so touched. she stopped signing for a moment to listen to me, with the softest smile on her face. she is very good at keeping you in conversation, so much so that i completely forgot to gift her the extra fearne print that i brought for her.
i did give her the dice that i brought for her though, and she looked so excited. i started saying “i’m sure you receive so many dice but-“ and before i could finish, she interrupted me and said "NO, LAURA GETS ALL THE DICE!" which i thought was hilarious. we played rollies and i got a nat 1 and she got a 4. i also got to hear the signature ashley johnson quote “its caaacked” in person because my dice was slightly tilted off the paper.
i also completely forgot to ask for a selfie, because... well. she's ashley johnson. i was lowkey ascending into another dimension.
as for sam, i had met him before a couple times, during our group and single photo op, but for the autograph he came immediately after ashley. during our photo op, i wore the cursed sam mask that was given out during the live show prank, and he laughed and called it horrifying. i didn't realize, but during our photo he was pulling a face at me because i wore the mask, and it makes me laugh every time. (also, as we were waiting, he introduced himself to every single person taking a photo with him, which i find very funny. sir, we are literally here for you. we paid for this.)
for the sam autograph, on all the other tables i went to, they had you talk to someone beforehand to tell them your name and any autograph personalizations you wanted, so they could write it down on a post-it to make it easier for the talent. however, with sam's, it was a little different. the person helping him out asked for my name, and instead of writing it down he personally introduced me to sam himself. it immediately relaxed me, for some reason. it didn't feel like i was meeting a celebrity (even though i had already met him briefly during the photo ops.) he shook my hand and said, jokingly, "wow, i've never seen this before" about my fcg print. (i had tweeted at him a couple months ago with the print i was going to get signed at mcm, and he responded "cant wait".)
we made conversation about the live show. sam is very soft-spoken irl. he took his time with my autograph and we chatted about the flat white with vanilla please prank on marisha. he said it's very fun to bully her lol. he then took a second to look at the fcg print, and said that it's really cool and he loves the design. i had a spare in my bag, so i offered it to him. he said "oh, i don't want to take it from you, so only if you're sure" which was just. the sweetest. i gave him the print and he was very gracious and shook my hand again.
sorry, this got long lol. i had so much fun meeting them and they truly made everyone feel so welcome and loved. i could talk about my experience at mcm and the live show until the end of time.
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fadingsnow · 5 months
i am frothing at the mouth i love your hotd content and only just found out you write for coriolanus now.
i love angst so this idea for young snow where she was previously in a relationship with festus or something but snow manipulates her into dating him instead (for the social position she has.) he starts to distance her from her friends like arachne and giving her excuses to why he’s spending so much time with lucy gray. reader is at the zoo talking to her tribute when arachne dies and is quite distraught. during the bombing he protects lucy gray and reader gets saved by ex boyfriend. idk how it would end but snow would probably just ghost her while he was in district 12
𓆙 new girl - CORIOLANUS SNOW x f! reader
summary and tw: the request, also i'm not sure why it posted before i added anything else! i think i accidently put it on the queue, divider credits : @cafekitsune 𓆙
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You huffed, picking at your food once again. All of this talk you had heard of Festus betraying you with.. Livia. You'd hear about it from Coriolanus, his eyes holding a pitiful look. Apparently, he had just wanted to let you know as Festus was parading his new girl around as if to mock you without your own knowledge. And you could feel your heart sink to the bottom of your stomach. Of course, there were rumours of his betrayal. But hearing it firsthand made it worse than anything you had thought.
Coriolanus had been there to help you. At first, you were suspicious. Who wouldn't be? I mean, you knew he was somewhat friends with Festus, but.. he was always somehow lingering wherever you went. But soon enough, you let him the little enclosed space you call your heart. He didn't judge you, and he helped you through everything. It wasn't much, but it was what you needed. So you took comfort in his presence.
Now that was before, but it was the 10th Hunger Games. Every person for themselves. That is what you told yourself at least, but you sometimes didn't believe yourself when you saw the rare grin accompanied on Coryo's face. The crease of his frown, or his smile. You didn't mind.
Soon, he became more and more.. possessive? You had to start calling off study dates with Arache, someone who Snow wasn't shy to tell you his displeasure of. You'd see how his lips pursed at times, how he clenched his fists whenever he felt he was losing control. How he glared daggers into people around him when he was upset. Sometimes, he would even throw fits. You weren't sure where it came from. Maybe it was the stress of the situation. Or maybe it was just an overreaction. You couldn't really place.
And then.. Arachne dies. You had been talking to your tribute, a small girl named Wovey. You knew she was sure to die, but you could make her last few days memorable.
"Eat the foo -" Your words stopped right in its track when you saw something happen in front of your eyes. Arachne's tribute had.. hurt her throat, to say the least. You were about to run over to her before you saw a familiar face going to help her. Strangely taking you away from the severity of the situation, you were enamoured by Coryo again.
But for some time after, your mind couldn't function right. Arachne was gone. No one was going to ever talk to you for hours and hours over nonsensical stuff and giggle over it. Why did you listen to Coryo and stay away from her for so long? She haunted you everywhere you went, her scent, her favourite foods to eat at the Academy. Coryo was somewhat sufficient on supporting you. You were there when he sang at her funeral. You could only bring yourself to not let tears fall from your eyes, being given a tight embrace by Coryo when he found you in the small gathering. You breathed in his clothes, your shakes of cries vibrating against his body. He soothed you, running his fingers up and down your shoulders.
His voice was low when he spoke to you that night, his breath fanning across your cheek. "I can't lose you too," he whispered before pulling back to look at you. When you met his gaze, all you could do was stare into his eyes and nod numbly. That day, you weren't sure if he was really referring to his past or you.
He held you tightly for so long.
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Days go by, but it's always Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray is the wedge in your relationship. She always has to be there when you haven't even met the girl personally.
You grabbed his hand, intertwining yours, "Can you not see it? Day and night, Lucy Gray plagues your mind! She is like a bird perched on MY porch that will never leave!" You breathed, speaking loud to get your words out.
"Lucy Gray is nothing but my tribute. She is what will help me win. We will win because of her. You will do well to remember that." He murmured harshly, taking his hand back.
"We? Since when was this a we situation?" You scoffed, holding your hand in your other now.
"Since I decided to care for you!" He yelled, his face seeming frantic after. He looked at you nervously before going to reach for you to comfort you.
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You looked around, someone was bombing the arena. Your hands shook as you tried to move around. You were done for, your whole life's work at the Academy. You knew you were never going to get your tribute to win the Hunger Games, but you still wanted a life after it. Wait- You had to go get Coryo-
You could barely think before rough arms collided against yours and pulled you away, you couldn't even look up to see who it was. You hoped it was Coriolanus.
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No, it wasn't. You looked up from the bed that was meant to hold you while you recover and saw Festus' face over you.
"How come you're not in the bed and I am?" You muttered, looking up at him.
His eyes widened slightly before composing himself and putting a hand on your arm softly, "It was a mistake, I'll see to it you won't get hurt anymore. You are no longer my responsibility."
You blinked owlishly up at him.
"Thank you, Festus. And just to let you know.. I am sorry for what happened."
His eyebrows furrowed before shaking his head. "Nevermind. Just focus on resting." He whispered before leaving you alone.
"May I ask one thing?"
"What happened to Coriolanus?"
"Oh, he went to save Lucy Gray. A bit brave, I suppose."
You in your anger had went to go find Coriolanus Snow. But when you looked for him, you found out he had been sent to District 12. Lucy Gray's district.
Weeks, weeks, weeks, and weeks, you had waited for a letter from Coryo. You didn't know a single thing that had happened to him, and he never told you.
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There was no way. You just saw Coriolanus Snow on the screen as the president.
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ofplanetsloved · 2 years
FROZEN // @heartheaded​
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dean winchester was a lot of things. a hunter. a brother. often, a killer. but so often, he defined himself by what he wasn’t— optimistic, a father, SCARED. when he agreed to help cas’s daughter, whatever way necessary, he didn’t think there was any actual help he could offer. what could a man do for a nephilim? what could a broken son do for a daughter?
not that he saw claire as a daughter— he saw her as a young hunter to feed, to house, and to wade through the waters of grief with. he saw her as bobby singer had seen him and his brother. oh. so maby he did see her as a daughter.
he rubbed his hand on her back, something he did to sam when he was younger, usually having nightmares. certainly john wasn’t there to comfort him. and even if he was, physically, he’d tell sam to grow a pair and go back to sleep. instead, dean would hold him until he fell asleep, and then quietly bring him back to his room, and he might even think he teleported.
if claire needed to sleep, or simply to be held, he could do that. the room was trashed. it was one of the spare bunker bedrooms— they had so many, and never enough friends to stay. too many friends to bury. inside the bunker, claire was safe, and the world was safe from claire.
even though he told himself she wasn’t a monster, some part of him, the part his dad raised, couldn’t shake a FEAR. and he hated himself for it.
❝ don’t even worry about it, ❞ he didn’t hesitate to say. ❝ we’ve all damaged this place up a bit. that’s what makes it home. ❞  he felt the same way about the bunker as he did about bodies— the scars, the bruising, the tattoos. that’s what makes a body lived in. he was thankful to castiel, of course, for pulling him from hell, but he remembers feeling like a blank canvas.
the demon blade sits in his back pocket. his gun is in his jacket. he has lockpicks and knives in his socks. he wasn’t entirely sure that claire wasn’t being attacked.
but the weapons are not for her. he needs you to know that.
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Blood of my Blood pt.1
Pairing- Sully family x sully!reader
Summary- There is so much you would do for your family even at a young age but there is one thing you just couldn't do so you do the only thing you find reasonable you run.
A/N- so this is lowkey just a prologue but i hope you guys like it 🤭
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
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Your mother, Neytiri sat you down and Jake, your father, held a contemplating expression on his face. ''Hi mama, dad.'' You said as your missing tooth smiled up at them. ''Y/N we have something to tell you.'' Jake began and you peered at him with big eyes looking up at him with childlike gleam in them. ''We have made an agreement with the Kekunan clan, you know the tribe we visited last week and you and Neteyam played tag with the chief's son Entu.'' Jake said and you shook your head. ''Yeah he kept hitting me and he played with and injured animal it was really mean.'' You say and Neytiri looks upset and she sees your thoughts of the boy.
''What about it dad?'' You say looking at him again as he takes a deep breath in. ''You and Entu are betrothed when you become one of the people you shall be his mate.'' Neytiri finished and all the joy you felt seeped from your body and into the earth. ''W-what do you mean mom?'' you knew what she meant, but you prayed to Eywa that it wasn't what you thought. ''You and Entu with be mates in a few years it is done daughter be happy.'' she smiled and you did the same getting up and running to Neteyam.
You lived normally existing as if the news your parents just delivered to you didn;t fill you with despair. Though, it was only one day you could see that Entu would be cruel, cruel to you, cruel to the clan. You couldn't subject yourself to this, you would do anything for your family even at your young age but this is one thing that you couldn't and wouldn't do.
It was late you fought the sleep that simmered in your mind and waited till you heard your dads loud snoring. Slowly crouching out of your cot grabbing a bag you packed a few days ago its intended use was for a get together at another clan but it would do for getting away. You opened a window flap and stepped onto the grassy earth that surrounded your home. You walk to the Hallelujah mountains, you knew it was too early for your Iknimaya but you had to get away somehow.
You stepped into the pit, all of them were awake skin glowing and bright eyes peered into your soul. They moved as if upset by your presence, they would attack you if they wanted you to be their rider but none attacked. But one didn't move.
He was small, wings looked weak, but his beak was strong enough to crush a grown Na'vi skull as he hissed at you getting in attack mode. 'Better than nothing." You whisper before you hiss back at him loudly as he stood up on his short legs. Getting your rope you wrap it around his beck jumping at him onto his back.
He threw himself on his back making you gasp. Grabbing your queue quickly connecting it with his, completing tsaheylu he flew off the rock and then your eyes widened as you though, ''Slow, slow.'' He balanced in the wind as he went forward at a slow pace.
Your back straightened as you reached behind you grabbing the bag that managed to stay in you. Opening it you grab a leaf scroll, unrolling it having the directions to a clan. ''Mangkwan Clan known for letting people in hm.'' You whisper and the Khal, that's what you named him, chirped. ''You how where it's at.'' He chirped twice in response and you just trusted him as he turned left and farther from your old home.
It was a week's journey, you felt yourself going hungry but you held hope when Khal stopped his flapping wings in front of a hometree very familiar to yours but with key differences. A blow of a horn took you from your amazement as many surrounded you so worried, some excited, two of three hissed at you. But then a man and a woman stepped between the swarm of Na'vi they must be the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik as everyone bowed their heads in respect.
The woman had goddess braids that stopped at her hips with intricate gems and jewels in it, her long skirt went up at the sides and shined with the amount of jewls that went through it, and a tattoo that started at her wrist and wrapped all the way up to her neck. Her wide eyes peered at you, studying your face and body language.
The man stood more protective than curious like the woman. He has a huge scar on his left upper arm, he has huge ear gauges, he had a head dress that shined like a million diamonds, truly the brightest thing you've ever seen that sat in his long dreads.
They stopped in front of you and you quickly bowed your head and the woman smiled before touching your bicep with her tattooed hand, making you flinch at the touch. ''Child please tell me why you've come, one of you put this young ladies ikran with the other.'' She spoke to the guards around you as she wrapped her larger arms around your smaller filling your body with warmth. ''May I please stay here I can pull my weight, I can hunt, paint, sing, weave anything but can I please-''
''Shush child, tell me your name and why you seek to live here. Is something wrong?" Her eyes looked bug full of wonder and concern for the young girl in front of her.
"My name is Y/N te Suli Neytiri'ite." You whisper looking down the woman's back straightened as she looks at the man who walked behind you, his eyebrows furrowed even more. "Y/N why have you come here?" The woman crouched to your height. "Um," you debated telling her the truth would she send you back.
"Um, well back home I'm betrothed to someone, someone I can't just can't be mates with. He is cruel, and my parents just don't see it." You look at the ground in shame.
The two adults looked at each other and tye man had a much softer look on his face now as the woman looked uo waiting for his final answer on the whole thing. He tilted his head down and she smiled. "Well you shall stay here with us." She said and you looked at the two and smiled. "My name is Peyral and his name is Kamun."
-6 years later-
Jake held a picture in his hand and then the sound of a leaf crunching pulled him from his thoughts quickly flipping the picture over not to show the image. "Ma Jake." Neytiri spoke and he rubbed his eyes. "Hey baby." He said and Neytiri looked puzzled. "What is wrong?" She asked and he only shaked his head opening a drawer to put the picture up but ahe snatched it just in time. Her face softened as she smiled, caressing the picture, it was of you jumping at your parents after your first time swimming and Neytiri finally figured out how a polaroid works.
She gulped and placed the picture in the drawer and grabbed his hand dragging him into the meeting with Mo'at.
"Ah JakeSully, Daughter.* She said bowing her head formally greeting them.
"Mother." Neytiri responded as she and Jake bowed their heads.
Sitting down around an unlit fire pit. "What have we come to talk about?" Jake asked and Mo'at lifted her head. "Yes, well some clans are threatening to battle over a few things." She said to the two and Neytiri's eyes widened as she now sat up straight as did Jake. "What should we do?" Neytiri asked Jake who ran over ideas in his brain. "You meet with them, you talk and you compromise." Mo'at blurted out and they looked over at her.
"Meet, Talk and compromise." Jake repeated and Mo'at shook her head up and down slowly. "Yes and I suggest you go to the Mangkwan Clan last." She said, looking off to the side. The two of them look at her curiously. "There may be something there for you, all of you." She said before blinking multiple times as Neytiri helped her up.
Neytiri and Jake stepped out of the tent and Neytiri went in her way as Jake did. But what Mo'at said simmered in his thoughts. What did she mean there's something there for him? For all of his family? He had no idea.
But he would soon find out.
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@ssc7514 @23victoria @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @chaoticmagazineboard @spicycloudsalad @ilovejakesullysdick @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @neteyamforlife @phoenixgurl030 @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @kikookii @elegantkidfansoul @kurtsworld096
A/N- if you asked to be tagged and arent in gere it is bc i couldn't find your blog sorry in advance.
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avatarl0v3r · 1 year
Chapter 1| The Sully Family
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Warnings/notes: Like i said basic avatar shit, italics = Na'vi and jakes monologue, also i’m currently writing both this and the first movie, have fun reading lovely’s
side note about y/n: she has white hair, and has a close connection the the creatures and life (including her kids) around her and she can feel their emotions and pain
Taglist 🏷️: @ladylovegood-69 @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @minkyungseokie
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"The forest of Pandora hold many dangers, But the most dangerous thing about Pandora is that you may grow to love her too much."
You take your aim at the viper wolf a few feet away from you as you pull the string back it gets caught on your stomach causing you to have to readjust your form letting the arrow fly through the air with a grunt.
you walk back to the village with your pray slung over your shoulder upon entering neytiri runs up to you "where have you been?" she then notices the viper wolf slung over your shoulder "you were hunting?! what about the baby? is the baby alright?" she says trying to turn you and check for any wounds or signs that you got hurt.
you hissed and slapped her hand away "im not a baby, im an adult, and i may be pregnant, but that doesn't mean im growing weak im strong enough to take care of myself and my baby," you say angry with the way she was treating you since you became pregnant shes been treating you like a baby "i think of my child all the time its the first thing i think of in the morning, if i want to hunt ill hunt, now if you'll kindly move out of my way" you say walking past her.
your mother came from behind neytiri "you've made her angry" neytiri let out a irritated sigh "she was out hunting without thinking of the baby" your mother smiled at her daughter "y/n is perfectly fine, if she wants to hunt let her, she doesnt want to feel like a burden to anyone just because shes pregnant, she has a strong spirit and strong willed, she'll do what she wants and no one will be able to stop her" she said smiling at neytiri.
"even while pregnant y/n wouldnt listen to anyone at all, not even me something about that made me love her even more."
"Lie si oe Neteyamur, Nawma Sa'nokur mìfa oeyä, Atanti ngal molunge Mipa tìreyti, mipa 'itanti Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (I experiment Neteyam, To the great mother inside me, You brought me light, New life, new goal, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
you sang holding a woven line with beads in your hand slowly moving your fingers across every bead, singing a different story which each one your fingers touched.
"We sing the songcords to remember, each bead, a story in our life, a bead for the birth of our son" the whole clan in the forest standing in a circle, the same way they did when jake become on of the people jake was in the middle holding your son in the air, your arm on jake while your other hand was being held by your mothers.
you watched as neteyam was lifted in the air being welcomed as one of the people you smiled at the sight "Neteyam" and the rest of the Na'vi repeated.
"Zola'u nìprrte', ma Kiri, Ngati oel munge soaiane, Lie si oe atanur, Pähem parul, ti'ongokx ahuta, Lawnol a mì te'lan, Lawnol a mì te'lan" (Welcome, Kiri, I experiment the light, A miracle arrives, a born comes to me, Great happiness that is in my heart, Great happiness that is in my heart).
"A bead when we adopted our daughter, Kiri" you and jake stood on one side, while norm stood on the other side of the glass tank that held graces avatar watching her stomach grow throughout the months "born of graces avatar, a daughter whos conception was a total mystery."
"A bead for the first communion with Eywa" you, jake and the rest of the clan were at the soul tree everyone's singing voice filling the air around "The people say we live in Eywa, and Eywa lives in us," your mother connects neteyams queue the the tree as you look over and smile "the great mother holds all her children in her heart."
"Ma Eywa, ma Eywa" you finish singing as you stood up to put the songcord back in its safe place, jake looks at you lovingly as you stop singing.
your sitting down with kiri and lo'ak as jake holds neteyam as if he was toruk flying above pandora "Happiness is simple," you flap your arms as if you were toruk flying around your kids "but who would've thought a jarhead like me would crack the code" jake watched as kiri and loak followed you.
your whole family is laying together you telling the story of how you first met their family the kids smile and watch you talk with interest in their eyes "when i first met your father i was trying to kill him, he was to loud, and he acted like a baby not knowing what to do" you tell them.
they let out little laughs, not believing that their mother would've tried to kill their father "it was love at first sight." as you all sunggled close to go to bed, while you laid there awake wondering about these dreams Eywa has been plaguing you with, there was fire and destruction, the sky was dark full of smoke and ashes, you felt the emotions of the creatures around you, pain and sorrow is all you felt from them.
but you didnt let those dreams bother you, but it was always there replaying in the back of your head, if the sky people did return and there was another war you would fight to protect your people and the people you loved, but this time your kids would be involved and that thought scared you,
only Eywa knew about what was to come and she was warning you of what dangers were lurking around the corner.
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puuta-heinaa · 2 months
Joker Out, Paris (Café de la danse) 22.3.2024
I arrived at the venue around 14ish, and was third to last in the EE queue. However queueing is part of the party! I exchanged sooo many bracelets and met amazing people, some of which I just met that day, some I knew from Discord or tumblr or earlier gigs, couldn't have been happier. Got selfies with Bojan and Jan?? Hug from Bojan??? HELLO. That would never happen in Finland. I described his hug as jämäkkä and turvallinen, which roughly translates to sturdy and safe.
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Some of the bracelets I made for the concert!
Met someone in the queue who had hawk's eyes and who encouraged me to go and ask for a selfie with Jan, and later on she spotted Bojan on the street 100 m before everyone else did. I had a chance to give Bojan 3 2 ananaslonkero -bracelet that I'd made, with a tiny drink charm. If the main joke in fandoms is that a hug from your blorbo would cure you? well it's true. Getting a hug from Bojan removed some stiffness between my shoulder blades that I didn't even know was there. It was literally easier to breathe after the encounter. I also kept vigorously shaking for 3-5 minutes afterwards, so much that some people asked if I'm ok. Just released years worth of trauma ig. Also LOTS of happy hand stims throughout the day, my autism was showing lol.
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Jan was outdoors SMOKING!!! And Bojan had charmingly dirty hair! He was taller than I had thought.
ANYways the gig !! I ended up on Jance side, which was nice as I was on Kris' side in Helsinki. Whole stage was about as wide as K-18 section at Kultsa, and I think they suit better on smaller stages.
We got Vem da Gres and Gola in soundcheck! I was wearing Vem da gres -bracelet that I got in Helsinki a few weeks ago and thought about that person for a few seconds!
Gola was ok. Bojan got disney mickey ears, and he was wearing my 3 2 ananaslonkero bracelet. Bojan also got a maca plushie that he was NOT scared of, he even made it fly.
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Kris left the stage as soon as the last notes of Gola were over, other boys stayed jamming in accelerating speed for couple of more minutes. I showed them my UM sign that only read "I want to sing UMAZAN" at that point. :')
20h02 was ok, didn't connect with their music at all though. JC Stewart seemed a bit sick, but sounded good nevertheless. Finished my sign.
They started with Katrina and Bele Sanje, and people were singing even guitar riffs along. Dopamin hit like dopamine followed by Ne bi smel, Nace was staring at me several times during those songs.
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Liinu's superb edit of staring sc Nace and struggling Kris and Arcti's edit about Jan's forgotten library books made my day
People were already singing along to Sta bih ja, and Bojan was sooo happy (and sweaty. We were all very sweaty, the concert hall was ridiculously warm.). Kris disappeared for a moment in the beginning of Sta bih ja, and Bojan looked like a lost puppy (wait, where is kris?? about 5-10 seconds into sta bih ja). Bojan said Kris didn't like how Jan played the riff and that's why he left the stage :P. Jan flipped a bird to him.
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Decibels raised by about 20 when they played Ona and Demoni. Turns out they might be the easiest to sing along for absolutely everyone, not just for people who speak Finnish. Bojan looked me directly into eyes during second verse of Demoni for several seconds, and I felt so seen (in a good way). EE was definitely worth its price.
In Helsinki I felt like the setlist was over before it even started, but in Paris it felt more like we were really dancing and playing until the stars fade. I think it had something to do with how much they interacted with each other and with the public during each song. In Helsinki they seemed like they had forgotten how to be on stage, and there was just TOO MUCH SPACE, whereas Paris had Nordic Tour energy.
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They all moved a LOT on stage!! Kris was on jance side several times! Nace had a mating dance thingy going on with Kris at least twice, Jan once. Jan interacted with the public on Kris's side a few times. Bojan almost run into Kris at one point - no wonder he caressed Kris's arm to let him know he's there before grapping his hips?? and dancing behind him??? during Behind those eyes. It's cafe de la danse after all.
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Def thinking "THIS is how we'll trend on tumblr tonight" right after the famous dance
Everybody's waiting and soooooo many people raised hands when Bojan asked in his spiel before the song if anyone here suffers from panic or anxiety attacks, and I think it made everyone feel less alone. He sang I'm the problem it's me -line to make things a bit lighter before proceeding to the song.
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We got Omamljeno Telo and I felt SOOOO HAPPY (but also sad for Moonu) but also SOOOO HAPPY it was on the setlist, I think I screamed VITTU JES on top of my lungs (manifesting it for Ruisrock huh). Famous water spray on Jan during OT, and it shows I've grown old, because instead of "yeeeess I want Bojan's spit on me" I went "rat disease, why am I not wearing a mask".
Everyone sang along during CD, not in French though even if there was a fanproject French translation published a whole 28 hours before(....). Plastika hit like a hammer once again, but I think I was already waiting and stressing for UM, so I didn't mosh for example. Which, good idea, because my neck was soooo sore after Helsinki.
Bojan announced the karaoke song, and asked which versions we have today. He saw my sign, asked "Slovenian version?", to which I "said" (from 4th row on Jan+Nace side) Finnish version, and he heard it and corrected himself and said perfect. I was not afraid at all even if I knew I'm probs going to sing in front of about 500 people in 5ish minutes???? How??? I'm usually a ball of anxiety but here I was just proud and excited to sing my version of it.
I loved the Bretogne/French version (I've still no idea what were the words, but it rhymed super well and she sang well, but that was def NOT paris region French), cringed at some of the "translations" because they did not fit the lines and did not rhyme, sang along to Slovenian versions in Finnish, felt bad for one of them as the karaoke singer started at the wrong moment and Bojan spent most of their special moment trying to orchestrate the band.
When Bojan approached with "I think we still have a Slovenian version, OH NO, A FINNISH VERSION" I chortled, and felt the last bits of nervousness disappear. (Cue "some boat, titanic, oh no".) I had my ACTUALLY finger pointing moment, which, on point with my personality, telling him it's a hybrid version. I don't know what he meant with SUOMI SAA, but it was NOT full-on Suomi SAATANA, that much is certain. I quite like the idea/interpretation he was making a pun with SAA(tan)Are you ready? But who knows. Sad about missed chance to answer "ArE YoU???" now that I think about it, but at least I wasn't the only one who failed the moment :') . Speaking of cursewords though, a histronic youngster next to me did shout vittu though! I loved my spot but she was super annoying throughout the evening.
The Finnish version is in the beginning of this one, and the Arabic version right after Finnish version is AMAZING. The French version is on the first part, as well as Bojan going "uuu Finnish version? perfect".
Started in Slovene, which made him have a Ok?? face, but when I switched to my own Finnish version that rhymes with the Slovene version, he raised his brows and seemed so impressed that I just nodded to him, sending telepath(et)ic messages that yes, our languages match and rhyme, about time you collaborate with Jere. I think he remembered I asked for a hug in the afternoon, because he did not hug everyone during karaoke. Afternoon hug was better btw.
I love his little surprised smile right when I finish the first Finnish line on this one
I usually think quite a lot about how other people perceive me, but now I didn't give a single fuck, just enjoyed being the main character for 20 seconds, having this interaction with my blorbo. Forever grateful for the 4 different angles I received from friends I made in the queue, and 1 from a random guy who asked me after the concert if I'd like to receive a video he took of me singing. Even Vita was filming the whole thing with her big light + camera + phone ensemble. I often sing in my car, and even IMAGINING i'm singing karaoke makes my voice suddenly tiny and weak and compressed, so I'm overflowingly glad it went this well, you have no idea even if I've just bragged about it for 4 paragraphs.
I later realised I was the only one who didn't hold the mic themself, this is a clear example how I objectify the boys, seeing Bojan just as a mic stand.🫣😵‍💫
I got fluent Kiitos from Bojan, that guy needs to move to Finland he speaks Finnish so well. Also LMAO I forgot to sniff him in the afternoon, now I'm praying the snifff I took after karaoke wasn't too evident and doesn't show on Vita's video……….. Jere is wrong, Bojan does not smell like shit, but there were no parfume smell either? He just smells like nothing in a pleasant, pheromone rich way lol.
my translation: Sanje so tvojega okusa Aamuihin taas tuoksusi Neula ei haarukassa Sieluni on hukassa Etsimässä tietään luoksesi
I haven't figured how to translate the first line. I've been playing with "Makus' on tarrannut uniini", but it does not rhyme with the og well enough. Otherwise super proud of my version. Neula and haarukka are parts of compass, basically saying the compass is layed on the map the wrong way. 🧭
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This is how small the place was??? I was in 3/4th row, and the hat guy in the right corner was right behind me during the concert so the club truly was tiny.
Apparently bubbles were not allowed on stage in Cafe de la danse? But some people had brought their own so we had bubbles anyway.
Jure exchanged his drumstick to a breadstick. I laughed because a) it was a clever pun and b) such a stereotypically French thing to bring a BAGUETTE wrapped in a napkin to a concert. Also no wonder boys are always sick, I don't even want to know how many people touched that bread before it was on stage.
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Life is pain (in mouths)
We waited for the boys after the concert outside the venue in the rain, and they walked past quite quickly. Bojan stayed for 30 seconds to take a group selfie. <3
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Honestly so happy I traveled there and met amazing people and surpassed myself on so many levels.
I feel like 2004 again, because that's when I last made a post this long on livejournal and also when I last was this hyped about a group.
I loved band's AMAZING OUTFITS in Café de la danse, everyone had some idrija lace on them, and I'm afraid my next special interest will be bobbin lace.
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spider-mancan · 10 months
peter and tony are broken up and everyone knows it. nick fury knew it when he made peter accept this mission, his teammates knew it when they piled into the jet, and tony knew it when he sat down as far from peter as possible
peter is awkward on a good day but he's not sure he can handle being side-eyed by the most powerful people in the world. black widow's round kick has nothing on her disapproving look, but peter does his best not to pay attention.
he wasn't even the one to break up with tony. it was mutual, after months of barely finding time for each other. peter had tried, but with college and...who is he kidding? if tony wanted to make it work, he would have.
with that in mind, peter tries not to stare at tony through the reflection in the glass and tony tries flirt with the flight attendant and only one of them is successful.
the mission goes fine. peter almost expected to be useless, but considering about 75% of the fight happening on scaffolding, he was much more active than expected.
peter doesn't think about getting thrown off by a ninja (which, like okay, that's pretty cool) and being caught by tony. he would have caught himself just fine, but he hadn't even hit free fall before his nearly brained himself on tony's chest plate. and then tony did the extremely predictable thing and told him to pay more attention and didn't flip his face plate up but peter knew it was a little derisive but he still really wanted to see tony's face, just a little.
he wasn't handling the break up well.
afterwards peter is sitting on the ambulance passing out shock blankets to hostages and tony shoots a syringe of pain medication into peter's forearm before peter realizes its happening
"you threw your shoulder out," tony says.
"you shouldn't be stabbing people when you're not a doctor," peter replies dully, even though he's pretty sure he tore his trap. tony opens his mouth and peters cuts him off because it's familiar. "not THAT kind of doctor."
tony wipes off the bead of blood on peter's arm from the needle. its a little useless, since the suit is torn and his skin is greasy with sweat and blood. "take better care of yourself, then."
peter scoffs, because tony is even worse than peter is. when he asks karen, friday snitches on the limp tony is hiding with the armor -- old knee injury. peter knew about it because there was a time when he knew everything about tony.
he could count the moles on tony's thigh and trace the shape of tony's scars and now its been four months since tony really looked him in the eye. its been longer than that since they talked about something that meant anything.
its another week before peter gathers the nerve to take the suit to tony for repairs.
he wonders if tony is still limping, or if someone held tony down and took him to medbay. tony had stayed in the area by himself after the mission to schmooze, and peter had flown back with a pleasantly numb arm and the avengers trying to figure out if peter did something wrong.
it doesn't matter when peter says nothing happened, or reminds them that the breakout was both mutual and none of their business. bruce is the only one mature enough to tell peter that tony is miserable, so clearly it wasn't really mutual at all.
well, it's great that he's miserable. they were miserable together too, because peter always thought tony missed the thread of women in and out his door and tony proved him right by putting out the queue line as soon as he was single
"don't trust all those articles," pepper told him, near the end.
peter thought it was mean, so he didn't say it out loud, but he wasn't sure he could trust tony either, since tony wouldn't talk to him.
it was childish. in the moment, peter and tony both knew peter was being childish. four months later, peter knows he was being childish -- it's also childish of him to hesitate outside the door of the lab, psyching himself up like he's about to go to war.
it's just tony. peter tells himself that for two days before he shows up at the tower, and he's telling himself that now, even though tony has never been Just Tony and peter is childish and he misses him and peter didn't want to break up but he's scared and he's lonely.
friday opens the door before peter knocks. tony looks up in alarm, double-take, and then cooly goes back to sewing up the kevlar on widow's uniform. "long time no see, kid."
its not warm, but it warms peter. he's awkward, quiet, and smooths the suit out flat on the worktable that was his until it wasn't. there's still web fluid stuck on the corner. tony left his photos up on the wall.
peter watches tony finish widow's suit, and the wordlessly passes the spider suit over and watches tony run his fingers over the torn fibers. "next time it will be better," tony tells them both. "next time it won't tear."
after two hours, peter brings tony a sandwich, pats dum-e on the head, and says, "i think i'm still in love with you," and it's quiet except for the sizzle of the solder gun.
and tony just puts his tools down and looks at peter and his eyes are a little wet and his jaw is clenched. "don't do this, pete." and a few years ago maybe peter wouldn't have but this is important enough that he doesn't care what tony has to say about it.
"i just...wanted you to tell me i was crazy," peter admits. "i thought...it wasn't about the--the girls. i know that...i know that you wouldn't. didn't." the clock ticks. tony doesn't say anything, and peter clears his throat. "i just...missed you. i was angry. i don't know."
"i'm an old man," tony tells him. "i'm not interested in playing around anymore. i'm not going to be alive long enough to play around--don't tell me i'm wrong." he's not even looking at peter, but they know each other backwards and forwards, and he knows peter will tell him off.
"i'd bring you back," peter says quietly. he's never thought about it until now, but he would. he knows that he would. "even if you hated me. if you never forgive more or...well. i would bring you back."
"i don't know if that's what i'd want." tony picks up the gun again and returns to working on the circuitry, lovingly crafted to protect the love of his life, even if the thought makes him choke. "i'm just saying, kid, that this is it for me."
"you have a funny way of showing it." peter won't pretend he's not bitter. tony ignored his calls and cancelled plans and then swept peter up in his arms and kissed him and then disappeared again, like a ghost. like a man on the run.
"you're it for me," tony says again, eyes on his work, "and that terrifies me."
peter is still sitting on his stool and his workbench, hands folded in his lap like he's getting scolded. but he can't stop himself from scowling. "why? we want the same things, so why is it...why are you terrified?"
"i can't be the guy on your posters, pete." the circuit sparks and tony tosses the soldering gun away with a huff. dum-e whirrs over to pick it up and tony runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. "you're so young. i can't predict what you're going to want in ten, twenty years."
"i don't need you to." peter consciously relaxes his hands, smoothing them over the rough denim of his jeans. sweaty. nervous. pointed. "i just need you to be here."
tony curses, and then his stool is kicked over and he's rounding his workbench and he's pulling on peter's clothes and he's burying his face in peter's neck and breathing so deep, like he's been drowning and now he's on the shore.
peter is apologizing and tony is telling him not to, and tony might be crying or maybe the collar of peter's shirt is just mysteriously damp, but when peter pulls back and kisses tony's cheek and his nose and his forehead it's good. it's so good.
"it's been so horrible," tony groans, and then cups peter's face and kisses his mouth, sweet. it's just as good. "it's been the worst four months since i was dying that one time."
and peter punches tony lightly on the side and then sighs into the kiss like he's been longing to.
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foreverisntenough · 3 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestive, smut love bombing, little sad, and kind of angst- not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 16 - ‘You’re Mine’
(This chapter feels long and is exaggerated but what isn’t about the whole series.)
It was another match day. It was raining as usual and you sat in your kitchen gathering things before Marcel was set to pick you up from your house. You two had gotten really close, you spent so much time together over the years. You joked that you spent more time with him than you did Trent but the hours you spent in bed with Trent probably tipped the scales in his favor. You were together just about every match and had developed a little routine. You could technically drive in the UK with your US license for now. In the next year though you’d have to take an actual UK driving test if you wanted a real license which you were planning on doing but we’re putting off so your boyfriend's little brother drove you around. You two would go to a particular coffee shop you both liked every home game, it felt comfortable but when you went in today something felt off.
“I know I sound crazy... but do you feel like people are looking at us?” You hushly asked Marcel waiting in the queue.
“I am the best looking brother, it happens, people know…” he goaded, staring ahead debating if he wanted to venture away from his usual order.
“Humble too… but no, seriously.” You quipped back.
“Erm… “ he looked around the place assessing if anything was different, and it did feel different. “Now that you mention it, maybe a little… Don’t worry about it.” He tried to reassure you but put his hand on your shoulder moving you in front of him in the queue just in case. The Alexander-Arnold’s kept a low profile but they were known in Liverpool, when the boys walked in anywhere it was noted. The three brothers, obviously Trent, but all three really felt inclined to make sure you were okay. You weren’t actively trying to keep the relationship under wraps but your presence alone over time caused people to take more and more of an interest in Trent’s personal life and they were doing anything to get some insight. The uptick in curiosity was apparent to his family as it had changed from what they had been used to and it now was involving someone else; you.
When you were next in line the barista’s jaw slacked a little recognizing Marcel. You put your phone on the counter mindlessly before ordering and her eyes glanced down at your screen. Your background was a photo of Trent picking you up after a match, legs wrapped around him, still in his full kit, kissing. Her eyes widened, putting all the pieces together that the ‘mystery girl’ she and the whole city, country had seen, still unidentified in posts about Trent’s relationship, was in front of her and 100% in a serious one with Trent.
Marcel stopped the awkward encounter in its tracks interrupting it to place his order. When you got your drinks he trailed behind you making sure no one was going to bother you. Finally back in the car, relieved and back to normal banter with Marce, you got an abrupt call from Trent.
“Hi baby,” you cooed with a silly smile, answering excitedly to hear his voice.
“Can you do me a favor, beautiful?” His words came fast and he sounded a little stressed. You told him you would and he calmed hearing you and thanked you mushily with a few ‘I love yous’ before he even got to the actual task. Marcel rolled his eyes, able to overhear the excessively affectionate conversation.
“Could you bring me my headphones? I think I left them at home. I don’t know where. They aren’t here. I need them. I need them before the match.” He was panicking at the thought of shaking up his usual routine.
“Course, T. It’ll be fine. I’ll get them and be there soon.” You reassured him.
“Nah, it’s not like I’m the one actually really going to be doing this or anything..” Marcel yelled for Trent to hear. Trent knew you wouldn’t say no to helping him and Marcel wouldn’t say no to helping you so it was a chain of coercion. Trent was at the hotel with the team before the game, his car parked at Anfield already so even if he was allowed to leave, which he wasn’t, he couldn’t go get his headphones himself.
When you arrived at the hotel, security had to let your car through barricades. There were hundreds of fans surrounding the gates of the hotel knowing it was where the squad gathered every match. Trent met you and Marcel down in the lobby. It was rare for you to see him on match days so this favor turned out to be a pleasant one. Marcel kept his hand on your back from the car to the front entrance. His frame blocking yours from the fans. Trent greeted you both getting his headphones and the camera shutters were clattering outside. Trent dapped up Marcel as he wished him good luck. It was sincere but incredibly bro-y. Your interaction couldn’t have been more opposite. The crowd outside’s view was skewed, blocked by trees, a pillar in the hotel, other people in the lobby, but some of the onlookers were adamant to see what was happening, recognizing his brother and spotting Trent appear inside. Trent pulled you into his chest placing a kiss on your forehead whispering in your ear furthest away from the doors so no one could make out what he was saying but it was all being captured. He couldn’t help himself as his hands slid from holding your lower back while you three talked quickly to slip down to palm and squeeze your ass. You left with a kiss to his cheek and a tight hug before Marcel swung his arm around you to walk to the car leaving.
Once Trent had his headphones the team could proceed with preparations and went for their pre-match walk around the city. A little boy stood patiently on a corner holding a number 66 shirt so Trent stopped mid stride talking with Dom to sign a little boy's jersey.
“All good mate?” Trent cooed, taking the shirt from him.
“Do you have a missus?” The little boy bluntly asked.
“Uhh..” Trent was shocked by the question, his brows furrowed and he pulled away before laughing it off. Dom squeezed Trent’s shoulder at the direct and funny question.
“What’dya need to know what I’m up to off the pitch for?” Trent asked teasing, diverting from his lack of answer.
“I think you should date my sister so we could be related, you could be my brother.” The little boy's logic was wild but it was cute and endearing.
“I’m happy at the minute lad but thanks for thinking of me. You’re a big fan, yeah?” The little boy nodded eagerly. “We’re bros then. Reds are family.” Trent bent down and squeezed the little boy's arm, his mum thanked him for stopping before he and Dom walked away. She had captured the sweet encounter on video for her son to remember and posted it to her Twitter tagging him to share how kind Trent had been. The video fell into the abyss before it was spat into the algorithm and started racking up likes. The nice video turned into fuel for a fire that was already brewing on the app.
A Liverpool fan account shared a few videos and photos they’d taken at the hotel as live updates before the match. One particular post read ‘Alexander-Arnold last minute delivery before tonight’s clash’ including a bundle of photos and videos of you, Marcel, and Trent’s interaction. Its original intent was harmless but spiraled quickly when fans became interested in who delivered the item rather than what it was. Tweets and replies were multiplying at a rapid rate in discussion.
‘If we win tonight it’s thanks to another Alexander-Arnold’s assist’
‘What could he really need that badly to hold up the whole team?’
‘If that’s his brothers girl, I’d be throwing hands when Trent gets home’
The tweets were dramatic and exaggerated but the discourse ran wild with the tweet about you being his brother's girl. Simultaneously the heartfelt video with the little boy was generating another discourse about his current relationship status. Accounts were quick to call out Trent’s avoidance in his reply.
‘Wait.. but answer the question. Does he have a missus?’
‘If I was the girl he’s always seen with I’d be screaming’
‘Why didn’t he answer’
There were paralleled conversations about Trent and they both involved you. When the inevitable happened and the discussions merged ‘Alexander-Arnold’ began to trend on Twitter. You were blissfully unaware of it all unfolding going to the stadium. The internet dialogue continued as you entered Anfield with Marcel and Dianne. You were walking down the steps of the open air seats in the box to sit down to watch Liverpool warm-up when someone in an adjacent section took a video when Trent blew a kiss to you. A DM including the video was sent to a Liverpool update account who quickly reshared the message.
‘She’s here tonight btw with his family. Definitely together.’ Definitely not his brother's girl.’ The video featured you leaning on the bar in front of your seats, it panned to Trent’s kiss, then back to you smiling making a heart with your hands down to him. People were desperately just looking for confirmation of the relationship and this video was only feeding the beast.
After another win, you left the stadium with Trent headed back home. Pulling out, the car, as expected, was flooded with camera flashes. The photos quickly uploaded to the continuing Twitter narrative. A storm was brewing and you had no idea. Before, during, after... it was being rubbed in the public’s face you were together but they knew nothing about you.
You weren’t much of a Twitter user but the buzz there had leaked over onto Instagram. You were on your explore page scrolling mindlessly, Trent’s hand holding your other in his lap, when you jolted up seeing a video zooming in on you in the box tonight.
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed in the relatively quiet car.
“You okay?” Trent's eyes widened at you before speaking again, “baby...”
“Just… erm. Someone posted videos of me at the stadium.” You muttered out shocked not looking away from your phone, swiping to only see more photos.
“That’s happened before though, no?” Trent tried to downplay it in hopes it would settle you. You had gone almost two years keeping things private but lately…things had started to get a little out of control.
“Yeah, but this is like… my face. It’s about me. I’ve always just been in the background. People are talking about me… specifically.” You mumbled lost in your phone screen.
“When we get home, I’ll look at it, baby. It’ll be okay. Promise.” He kissed the back of your hand continuing to drive. As you had discussed you weren’t hiding the relationship and people were bound to talk. People would eventually want more details but your private information wasn’t up for grabs. This was the first time though there was direct focus on you.
“Did you still want to go out tonight?” Trent was hesitant with his question seeing your obvious discomfort with the online attention but he needed to know. It wasn’t often players, specifically Trent, went out after games. There was a break in the fixtures though and some of the boys wanted to grab a dinner together tonight thanks to the earlier kick off time.
“No, it's fine, T…” you said, leaning your head onto his shoulder looking for some solace. He pulled into your driveway and seeing the warm light emitting from your front door made you feel a little better. It was your little sanctuary tucked away in suburbia, just you and him together. That didn’t last long though when another set of car lights came beaming down the driveway.
“Think Dom came straight here. You gonna be okay, baby?” He spoke, pulling you off him to look into your eyes trying to see an honest answer. You could only nod. When you got into the house, Trent and Dom went straight into the kitchen, you told them you had to go upstairs to change, trying to get a moment alone. The videos of you today had accumulated thousands of comments about you. You scrolled what felt like endlessly until your phone was plucked from your hands.
‘Erm… who the fuck is that?’
‘He could do so much better’
‘TAA scoring on and off the pitch’
‘Ngl not good enough for me’
‘Honestly, gross.’
“Stop…” Trent had come upstairs. He knew you well, he knew you were running away trying to hide being upset from him. He snatched the phone away from you sitting on the edge of the bed to stop the flood of self doubt you were feeling. “Do you know who I’m looking for in the stands every match?” You didn’t respond just looking blankly around the room. “Hmm?” His hand was a little harsh, grabbing your chin to turn it up to him.
“Me..” you quietly said, rolling your eyes at his persistence to make you feel better.
“And who are you looking at..” he cooed, still holding your chin. His thumb caressing under it.
“You… T.. stop.” You pulled away getting actually annoyed with him.
“Baby…me and you. That’s it. Why do you care about people who we aren’t even aware are there? I’m looking at you, that's what I’m paying attention to.”
“T.. I’m not like you, people talking about me doesn’t just roll off my back.” You quipped standing up. He pulled at your shirt to keep you close.
“C’mere” your body pressed into his. He was tired and a little frustrated, not able to understand how you were feeling. His aggression started to seep through as lust. “Gonna be a good girl? Put something pretty on for me to go out? Hmm?” He was teasing you, his lips pressing to your neck now nipping a little at your skin, pulling a soft moan from you. “Hmm, baby? Let me take you out, show everyone how sexy you are for me?” His hands came to stroke down your thighs squeezing at your legs.
“T, please.” You whimpered.
“Answer me… gonna be a good girl?” His words felt like a drug, your brain had gone hazy, the sensation of his hands and lips on you had intensified.
“Y-yeah, okay baby. I can be a good girl for you tonight.” You whined and felt his cock twitch at your words. He let you initiate a passionate make out. It was mean but he pulled away. He slapped your ass, pressing his lips to yours once more before he walked towards the bathroom. “Hey!” You yelled after him flustered.
“Go on, we’ve got to go soon.” He said looking at you through the mirror with a smug smirk gesturing to the wardrobe.
He went downstairs and you got ready to go. You, Trent, Tyler, Dom, Curtis and a few other friends were going into Manchester for dinner. You came into the living room where the boys were, albeit a little shy after all the online commentary on your appearance. You weren’t sure if Trent told them but the boys were actually incredibly sweet telling you how good you looked for a change instead of the usual jeers. Trent got up to come over to give you a big hug.
“You know how much I love you, baby?” He whispered, lips pressed to your ear. His words sent a shiver up your spine. You just nodded, still feeling the remnants of your confidence being knocked down a few pegs. You sat on the edge of the couch starting to put on your shoes. You opted for a pair that brought back a warm familiar feeling. They were the pair of black heels you wore on your first date with Trent. The ones that wrapped and tied around your ankles. Trent offered to help you tie them so he came over and sat on the floor in front of you. His face perfectly aligned with your core. You were in a black mini skirt and he smirked at his view of your legs open a little so you didn’t close them. He just wrapped the leather strings around your ankles slowly, eyes fixed on the little material covering you. When he was done his hands stayed on you gliding up your legs as he stood up. Hands going up your calves, over your knee, gripping your thighs harshly to push himself off the floor. He leaned towards your face, you expected a kiss but he went straight to your ear biting it.
“You're so hot, you're gonna lemme take those panties off you later?” He whispered. Trent was trying to build your confidence back up and to be honest it was working. Having a man at your feet, staring at your panties asking to take them off later had you smug.
With your mini skirt, you wore a long sleeve sheer black top with a black bra underneath showing it intentionally. You actually really liked the look when you caught a glance again in a mirror in the foyer as you were leaving, setting the alarm to the house. While you typed in a code Trent’s hand crept under your skirt to squeeze your ass but he managed to pull the material up completely exposing your butt too.
“T!” You exclaimed, very aware your whole ass was out.
“Relax… everyone’s outside. Just f’me yeah?” He said in a sexy voice and as you scanned the room noting you were actually alone and gave in to his persuasion.
“So needy… gonna be like this all night?” Your eyes feigned innocence. You grabbed his hands and guided them around you to place them over your exposed ass. Once his hands were where you wanted them you took your hands off his and slid them over his chest slowly upward until you got to his neck wrapping your hands around it, digging your nails behind his head. You hummed when he started to massage your ass, your bodies coming to press together. Your faces were so close. Your glossy lips kissed his slow when you gently pushed your hips into him. He groaned a little at the movement only to squeeze you tighter and push a harder kiss back to you. He pinned you up against the entry way console, picking you up to sit atop it, him coming to stand in between your legs. His hands slid under your top up your back pulling your body into his. You moaned in his mouth at the feeling. If people weren’t waiting for you this would’ve ended up differently but instead you pulled away. His hands coming off your back up to your cheeks.
“All night.” He finally answered your question and it had you giddy. You both were incredibly aroused leaving the house so it was bound to be an interesting night. You closed the front door and got into some luxury car service completely lost on you, your focus was on Trent’s hand around your waist squeezing you, his thumb tucked in the waistband of your skirt. The boys had to kind of travel separately and enter stagnantly to avoid complete chaos. So you went in one car with Trent, Dom and Tyler. It was filled with a lot of noise, the boys all yelling about nonsense but it all sounded like static, the whole world blurred around you but Trent. You were lost in a moment gazing at him wondering how he got to be so perfect. He had pulled your legs over his. He wrapped one arm around your back, the other holding onto your thigh, while your hands played with the fingers of his hand on you. His body was so warm. He was so beautiful. You could stay in a trance like this for hours watching his lips move, his eyes light up, dimples appearing in big smiles and then disappearing but it was cut when the car came to a stop in front of the restaurant.
“Let’s go eat, beautiful,” Trent said, nuzzling his head into your neck playfully.
When the driver opened the door the all too familiar white barrage of flashes returned. Trent grabbed your hands and squeezed them. “Me and you.” He whispered before helping you out of the car. He held your hand tightly walking into the restaurant. When the door of the restaurant closed behind you he grabbed your hips swiftly pressing his body to your back behind you. His lips pressing kisses to your neck. “Okay?”
“With you… yeah. Always.” You said hands snaking up to hold his face for a quick kiss. Even in moments of distress he made you feel at ease, always sure to check on you. Unfortunately, the restaurant wasn’t that much calmer than the scene outside. This was a pretty popular spot that footballers seemed to frequent, it was expensive, it had good security, you guessed good food but it was just more so known as a domain of theirs hence the photographers outside anticipating the arrival of a few if not more players. It was a big place. Your table was a large one for all of you tucked behind an ornamental tree providing a screen from the front of the restaurant and potential for outside photos. You slid onto a bench Trent coming to sit absurdly and unnecessarily close to you but you liked it that way. Per the restaurant's standards an incredibly attractive girl came over to introduce herself as the server. She was very nice and returned promptly with bottles of liquor ‘on the house.’ It was ludicrous these boys were given so much for free given how much they made but you were just along for the ride and weren’t going to complain having a seat at the table.
After receiving the menus, Trent held up his childishly high to cover your faces to kiss you. His hand slipped around your waist gripping the material of your skirt. You couldn’t not smile but pushed the menu down, pulling away from the kiss to lean your head onto his shoulder, attempting to move your body even closer into his.
It wasn’t long after you had ordered that a group of younger girls came up to the table giggling. You understood the infatuation. They stumbled over words but eventually got some out.
“H-hi..” the first girl giggled, hiding behind her friend. Dom's eyes widened watching the girls lose all common sense when he looked at them. When they pushed closer to the table Trent’s hand possessively came to grip your thigh tight and high pushing your skirt up a little where you had to adjust it not to show your panties.
“Okay?” Curtis asked the group not really caring for their answer but just wanted to see them squirm seeing as this was a little amusing. You looked at Tyler shaking your head at them entertaining the girls falling over them. The girls weren’t all that young though after getting a better look. They probably were close to Curtis and Doms age so you gave them the benefit of the doubt maybe they had drank too much.
“Could we get a quick picture?” One girl finally got to what they came over for. Tyler almost interjected seeing as the boys were just trying to eat dinner with friends but let it play out. When Dom confirmed they could he stood up and walked around the table next to the girls who continued in their fit of giggles. At this point you deduced they were definitely drunk but you thought it was funny and a little sweet, not something you couldn’t see you and your friends doing. Definitely the giddy demeanor around boys who looked like they did. Trent hadn’t really paid mind to the situation, he acknowledged them of course, he’d never be that rude but he didn’t say much.
“I can take it if you want,” you smiled offering. Tyler looked at you with a ‘thank you’ expression because this interaction seemed to be dragging, taking a long time with the intermittent giggles.
“Oh my goodddd! Thank youu sooo much!” The girl was definitely slurring. Dom placed himself between Trent and Curtis still in their seats with the girls nestled in between them. Trent slid over on the bench some for the picture but kept his hand on your leg, just moving it down as he got further away. You took a couple photos for them.
“Can you take one with flash..?” One girl called out. You said sure. The light from the phone's camera though was like an alarm bell for people in the restaurant to register who was at the table.
“Here ya go” you said kindly, holding the phone out for the girls to grab after the photos. Trent pulled himself back over to you. You smiled at him softly. He returned the smile, gaze now locked back on you; his hand coming to brush up your spine to your neck, gripping it gently, stroking his thumb over your skin.
“Thank you! Sorry and you’re…?” one girl questioned who you were as she reached for the phone curiously watching Trent’s hands all over you.
“My girlfriend,” Trent answered for you. It was definitely short but he turned toward them with a smile.
“Oh! Omg she’s actually your girlfriend!” They all kind of murmured together simultaneously. Their tone and look of connecting all the dots in their head was enough for Tyler. He nodded at someone who worked at the restaurant who swiftly came over to the table and asked the girls to go on their way. The table continued on with the conversation you were in before like nothing happened but you definitely didn’t miss one of the girls sitting back at her table taking a photo of what looked to be directly of you.
You sat through the meal happily, probably having a drink too many but you blamed it on the bottles that kept appearing. Trent kept a hand on you at all times. You shared a quick kiss and nuzzled into him as you listened to Curtis tell a chaotic story. You were so comfortable under the influence of Trent and Tequila it was almost lost on you you were out in public for the moment. A table across from you, one behind Curtis, was pointing at Dom so you watched them talk about him, in a literal sense, behind his back. It was after that when you felt like you got a bit paranoid. It felt like there were eyes on you. You could feel the text being sent at the table next to yours ‘omg Liverpool players sitting next to us at the restaurant. Trent Alexander-Arnold is all over that girl… not that pretty in person imo’
Dinner wrapped up and your paranoia was broken in half when you heard Trent’s voice above you.
“Ready?” Trent said, holding out his hand for you to stand up.
“Thank youuu” you cooed while holding onto it, bringing his arm around your waist once you were fully standing up in front of him. Your faces pressed close together your noses brushing against each other saying mushy things till he placed a kiss on your lips. While you two stood there in your own world a man stopped Dom and Curtis for a photo. They graciously took one. The man posted the photo right away to instagram in excitement tagging both boys. The photo picked up more traction than a usual fan photo though when you and Trent were lit by the flash kissing holding onto each other in a way that could only be described as ‘in love.’ It was probably the first picture, a zoomed in, cropped, low res one, but the first proper one people had been able to see you were a couple. It was a quiet answer to all the questions; you weren’t with Marcel, you weren’t a friend of the family; you were most definitely Trent’s girl. The storm began to brew again online.
You left the restaurant hand in hand with Trent, the white flashes filled your eyes again, leading you to the car. He helped you get in but stood close to your body to block the view in case your short skirt slipped too high. You held onto his hand and stepped in dragging him in after you giggling a little as he stumbled in. He sat in the back seat and pulled you onto his lap. You felt like you could hide a little tucked in the back of the car waiting for the others to walk out so you grabbed at his face to give him a kiss but your body so close to his mixed with the drinks from dinner the innocent peck snowballed into a messy makeout. The cameras continued to shutter when Dom exited the restaurant walking to get into your car. The bright lights illuminated the interior of the car, you were unaware that the cameras could see inside while memory cards of media outlet’s press cameras filled with images of you on top of Trent passionately kissing, hands all over each other. The steamy moment only broken up because Dom opened the door to get in.
It was a night off for the boys, drinks were flowing, and you started to really let go of what people might be thinking of seeing when you were with Trent. No camera or headline could outweigh the love in Trent’s eyes when you looked at him. The car pulled away from the restaurant and drove a short distance to a club that had invited them to have a private table. With your newly developed detachment from the attention, Trent’s hands on you didn’t feel like a form of reassurance but a confirmation that it truly was just you and him. The ride to the club felt much more free, you could still feel the warmth from the cameras but it didn’t ignite your anxiety the same. You didn’t care, you were a little drunk on tequila and really drunk on love when you finally arrived.
It was like a familiar replay of entering the restaurant but as you exited the car to enter the club you felt more prepared to ignore the barrage. You were a little braver facing the lights. Trent held your hand and you squeezed his, your other hand gripped his forearm while he kept his head down guiding the two of you inside. You definitely didn’t like it but it’s how it was going to be on nights like this. Once everyone had made it in, security took you to a roped off area. The boys seemed unphased but you watched phones follow the group from the door to the section once they realized who was walking in. When you got to the section Trent pulled his hand away from yours and wrapped you in a tight hug, swirling you around with a kiss. It was a nice area filled with couches, tables of liquor, lights, the music was loud, and it overlooked a large dance floor but he was acting as if it was a closed off private room. If he was going to be okay with it then so were you.
It was a really fun night. You were drinking a lot more than you should’ve. You knew tomorrow it would seem like terrible logic but right now it was helping you cope with the amount of phones that seemed to be videoing your every move. You were straddling Trent’s lap on a je of the couches when he went to grab a bottle of tequila off the table to make a drink.
“Gimme!” You cooed in his ear taking the bottle of Don Julio 42.
“You want this baby?” Trent held the bottle further away from you just to tease so you whined rolling your lips into a pout. He caved immediately at the sad look that was swept off your face in an instant when you got what you wanted. You took a small swig from the bottle directly and Trent's eyes widened, he shook his head laughing. You leaned into him. You kissed his neck working your way up to his ear. His arms wrapped around your waist tightened. His hands gliding under your shirt. You pressed your lips slow and gently against his ear.
“Wanna taste?” You whispered sitting your core harder down on his lap.
“Mmm depends what of..” he cheekily replied. One hand letting go of you coming to grab your face and pull you in for a kiss then rolled into a messy make out.
“Relax!” Curtis called out from another seat. You couldn’t help but pull away from the kiss laughing. You were the definition of PDA and you were pushing the boundaries. Your one hand slid up the back of Trent’s neck and pulled on his hair to tilt his head back then sliding it to grip around his neck gently. He obliged and you couldn’t suppress the smirk. His arm still wrapped around you, your free one holding the bottle of the tequila poured it slowly into his mouth. It was sexy. A little dripped onto the side of his mouth when you pulled the bottle away so you took the liberty to clean it up with your thumb, brushing over his plump lips.
“I love you, baby” he cooed holding your waist tight.
“You’re drunk.” You babbled back earning another kiss from him making you beam.
“If I’m drunk.. then you’re very drunk, beautiful, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less.” He sealed his words one more kiss and you hummed in satisfaction. All you could taste was tequila and desire for him. It was like your body was wired to function solely off his approval.
The night continued as expected, drinks, more drinks, Trent refusing to dance, more drinks, and a lot of laughs. Your section was next to another private one that had later filled with a ton of girls in white all celebrating a hen do. It looked fun and made you miss your girlfriends back at home a little but a squeeze of your ass brought you back to the current moment remembering how happy you were to be here with Trent. You stood in front of him and nuzzled back into him. One of the girls from the hen do gestured over to ask if Dom, Curtis, and Trent wouldn’t mind taking a photo with the bride to be. Of course they didn’t, it wasn’t a big ask.
“I’ll be right back, pretty girl” Trent whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your temple. The girl waiting to show them to her area watched your interaction like she had seen a ghost, shocked that all the swirling rumors over the past year were right, some wrong, it didn’t matter you definitely were with Trent.
They took what felt like a lot of photos. This was normal though, this was your normal now. People were excited to meet Liverpool players and if a photo was going to make a fan happy then that’s what the boys were going to do. It was a little ask but made a big impact.
You stood in your section trying not to watch in an attempt to not look overly protective or jealous. Tyler of course saw right through your facade.
“It’s fine” he confirmed to you, coming to grab both your shoulders from behind you.
“It doesn’t bother me, I just want to know what they say to him.” You told his brother honestly. It did make you wonder often but you never asked Trent because it was so common for him you didn’t want to make a big deal out of a regularity.
“You’re so hot, leave your girlfriend and come home with me’” he poked fun at your worry and impersonated how you were imagining these girls spoke to your boyfriend. “Y/N… you know they don’t say shit. If anything it’s a ‘my brother, dad, boyfriend, uncle, whoever loves you’ they just want a picture to show people they met him.” His actual opinion made you a little less tense but you still tried to glance over at the group.
“I know, it’s a me thing... I don’t know, it still gets to me.” You mumbled not really saying anything, a little embarrassed by your lack of confidence in the interactions.
“It is a ‘you’ thing. You two are end game, trust me… he’s definitely not thinking about anyone else.” Tyler told you, finally releasing your shoulders after one last tight squeeze. He and Trent had had many conversations about the trajectory of your relationship; ultimately what Trent wanted out of it and when he wanted it but you didn’t know he had these finite plans. You two just kept an open dialogue about the future with no real decisions made yet so Tyler bit his drunk tongue from sharing Trent’s plans for you.
“You don’t think there’s like an agenda there?” You asked once more as you watched a girl squeeze Trent’s arm in a photo.
“Yes, Y/N. One of those girls who met him just now, he’ll spend the next week not leaving a hotel, they’ll date, he’ll fly her around the world to see him, become so obsessed with her he makes them move in with our mum to then buy a house together all to just throw it to the wind…” He trailed off with the over exaggerated response mimicking a rendition of your and Trent’s story.
“Okay, okay! I get it. Thank you for the belittlement” you slapped at his chest starting to laugh at the ridiculousness of your worry spelled out for you.
“Believe or not… not all 10 million people that follow him want to have sex with him. In my opinion I’m amazed even one does, you’re insane to me but hey… each their own. If you want to voluntarily put up with his moody ass go ahead.” He said half joking half serious.
“He’s not that moody!” you tried to defend him but got lost when you caught Trent staring at you while he took another photo. He winked and your heart fluttered.
“Yeah… okay.” Tyler quipped, rolling his eyes. Tyler obviously knew Trent well and had a lot longer than you did and he was right, Trent could be dramatic but it was cute to you. You loved him for every quirk. Every little annoying thing to others was alternatively cute to you.
“One more!” The bride to be yelled while posing for another photo with the boys. “My fiancé is going to go mad when he sees this… thank you lot so much! Obviously I’m taken,” pausing to show the boys her ring, “but I have lots of cute friends!!!!” She squealed, pointing back to the girls they had just finished taking photos with. “Are you boys taken?” She quizzed. Dom just smiled, Curtis confirmed he was off the market leaving Trent. The girl looked at him but he wasn’t paying attention he was looking at you.
“Bro! She asked if you’ve got a girl?” Curtis snapped nudging Trent knowing the answer. He didn’t really turn back to the conversation he was itching to get back to you. He wanted to know what you and Tyler were talking about, he was definitely a little drunk and you looked so good.
“Yeah, me girlfriends over there.” He said practically drooling over the sight of you.
“Lucky girl!” The bride to be cooed. She was sweet, the boys said their goodbyes and wished them a good night etc.. you were still in Tyler’s ear yapping about something unrelated when Trent’s hands ran up and down your arms, his lips coming to your neck. It sent shivers down your spine.
“Hi” you cooed struggling to keep your voice steady trying to keep your gaze on Tyler to seem unphased by Trent’s arrival but he wasn’t interested in assisting you and Trent’s games, leaving you.
“I missed you,” Trent whispered, taking another step to press his chest up against your back. His hand snaked around your waist. Your heart began fluttering again. Any semblance of control to look composed was slipping away feeling the warmth of his skin.
“You were only over there, T.” You tried to play it off as if you weren’t eagerly awaiting for his return.
“You didn’t miss me?” His plump lips rolled into a pout. “Not even a little, baby?” His hands laced together tighter as you spin around to turn in his embrace to face him. You gave him a pretend unimpressed look.
“Don’t give me this.” You said pulling his bottom lip a little with your fingers. “So needy.” You teased, letting go of it, before pressing your lips to his. He hummed in contentment but you pulled away too soon for his liking so his hum turned into a whine. “I like when you need me, T.”
“I always need you” his hands sliding down to grip your ass over your skirt. “You should come home with me” he cooed, pretending like you were just meeting, like this would be a hookup.
“I don’t really know you though, do I?” You tried not to giggle as you questioned back like he once said to you on the street in New York.
“C‘mere beautiful.” He said pulling you closer pressing into his body. “I wanna finish what we started earlier.” You nodded your head ready for Trent to take you home. The way his hands felt on your skin made you dizzy. You felt so beautiful and desirable because of all the people here, the options he had, he still wanted you so bad. You had security escort you out when you decided to leave the rest of the group because you simply couldn’t take the teasing anymore and needed to get back home.
What you didn’t realize is that every finger you laid on each other during your time at the club was being videoed or photographed. People who were fans that knew he had a ‘mystery girl’ and people who thought they were just witnessing Trent hook up with a random girl were just glued.
You left the club and the familiar lights were back but you were much more intoxicated than when you walked in. Your shirt was no longer neatly tucked into your skirt; it had been bunched up from Trent pulling at it. Your lipgloss was on his skin, the color smeared a little on yours. You walked out first but Trent was right behind you, his arms wrapped completely around your frame, his face pressed into the back of your neck. Having him so close seemed to lower the pressure of the spotlight but it only heightened the noise around your relationship.
Trent wrapped his arms around you protectively, helping you into the car to be driven home. You slid in after Trent opened the door for you and he quickly followed.
It was a bad decision but you two were pretty drunk and you couldn’t help it. You needed him, he needed you. There was a divider between the driver and the back so there was some discretion but not enough to deem the ride’s actions acceptable. Trent’s hand initially was suggestively but innocently on your thigh but minute by minute it seemed to get closer and closer to your core. Your back was arched at the proximity alone. The intoxicating scent of him filled the car and made your heart race faster.
You looked at him with doe eyes, tugging his hand when he kept swiping his fingers closer to where you wanted only for them to drift back down.
“What do you need, baby?” He laughed at your needy expression. He was teasing you and he loved it. Alone in the back of this car felt like a private oasis from a night where you felt a million eyes on you and you couldn’t wait to take advantage of that million dwindling down to just his two.
Finally, after what felt like tortuous hours, actually mere minutes, he snaked his hand under your skirt stroking his fingers over your covered sensitive clit. Your body jolted finally feeling his touch. He moved your panties to the side and he started to rub your clit casually, he was so nonchalant leaning his face into your neck pressing kisses to your burning skin while you were trying to bite back moans silencing your actions. You were whimpering, squeezing his leg trying to remain calm but he was tracing soft circles over your clit making your pussy clench and gush. He dragged his fingers through your folds, humming content at your warmth before dipping two inside.
“So wet,” pushing his fingers in further, curling them, your slick running down his hands, you were trying not to scream from the pleasure.
“Want more, T” you were begging, pulling him into a filthy kiss. It was messy, his tongue in your mouth had you almost unable to hear the squelching sounds of your sopping pussy getting loud. This wasn’t discreet anymore. You were getting closer to the edge and he knew, the smirk on his face grew. You were overcome with a blinding pleasure fluttering around his fingers, before he slowed down. Trent gently pulled his fingers out and licked them clean. You looked at him with clear desperation. Your legs were glistening coated in a thin layer of your sweat under the motorway lights.
“Almost home.” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your temple. You relaxed into his body, spent, making him giggle so he pressed another kiss to the top of your head.
Before you could make it through the front door Trent had grabbed your waist pulling you away. He proceeded to throw you over his shoulder and carried you directly into the house, up the stairs, and straight to your bed before dropping your body onto it.
“Raise your arms in the air, baby” he said, pulling at your top as you sat up. “Gonna be a good girl for me?”
“Mmhm” you couldn’t get out any words you were desperate for him.
“Fuck, you have the prettiest tits, baby.” He groaned now pushing his face against them, licking, sucking, biting on your sensitive skin. You couldn’t compose yourself. You were giggling at the sensation. You were so focused on him. When he pulled away, his plump, pink, beautiful lips were just begging for a kiss so you pulled him down on top of you. Your kiss spiraled into breathy moans, the rest of your clothes peeling off, your bodies pressing into each other, your hands grabbing anything. You were absolutely soaked, he was impossibly hard. The kiss was a mess, you pushed your body further into his. He tasted like heaven, tequila and black cherry. The memory of your warm wet pussy was seared to the front of Trent’s brain, the thought of being inside made his cock twitch.
“Oh my god” you moaned, feeling him twitch as he pulled away to bite the sensitive skin on your neck, sucking harshly. His teeth grazed against your skin. A whimper fell from your lips as you rolled your hips into him. The things coming out your mouths varied form insanely lude to the most romantic things you’d ever heard. You were so in love with him, all of him. The alcohol blurred your vision, it felt so good, you couldn’t really process what was going on other than the sensation of his skin on yours, you were saying things you probably shouldn’t, things you needed to have proper discussions about, but you couldn’t stop them and neither could he.
Trent thought he was going to black out from how hard he was. He needed to fuck you now, he couldn’t even manage foreplay. This kiss, your body, it was going to break him. He flipped you over harshly. He grabbed your waist pulling you back to him.
“Please,T” You whined, arching your back begging for him to fuck you. His brain was short circuiting. You had drunk sex plenty of times but something about this was different. It was a familiar feeling, the one like he needed to take care of you, that you were his. He couldn’t work out what triggered him to be so possessive when you were with him the whole night but he felt compelled to fuck you so roughly as if you had done something wrong.
“You’re the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my life” Trent cooed his hand coming to pull your hip the other stroking his cock. He dragged the tip of it down your ass, tracing it over your skin, smearing pre-cum all over you before he aggressively spread your ass to rub his cock up and down your pussy. “Oh my- Fuck.” You were soaked, you couldn’t take the waiting anymore. Trent wanted to fuck you so hard you were seeing stars but his brain did a 180 seeing your face turn a little. He could see a blush hue over your cheeks, a little pout and he just fell apart. You pulled your body up to his pressing your back to his chest because he was taking so long. He wasn’t going to do that now, he wanted to make love to you. you’re his baby, his best friend, the love of his life, he needed to be gentle with you. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder, your hand coming to grab his throbbing cock to tell him he needed to hurry up. He groaned when the other hand grabbed onto his hair and pulled.
It felt like absolute heaven when he slowly eased his cock inside you. You were so wet, warm, your walls squeezed his huge cock encasing him in warm velvet. He presses his lips into your hair quieting his moans as he pulled in and out of you. He kept his face buried there, eyes shut, relishing in the feeling of you.
“I love you” his words were muffled as your ass recoiled against his cock. You could feel your orgasm building.
“T...” you whined. “I-I love you” you could barely breathe. His gentle warm and comforting hands guiding you through the movements. It was so languid it felt like it was in slow motion. You had never felt so good in your life. You couldn’t stop yours eyes from trying to flutter closed.
“You’re so close aren’t you, baby? I can feel it.” He moaned as you squeezed him tight making it harder for him to pull his cock in and out. He hit a spot he never had before so deep that the invisible rubber band snapped inside you. Your walls pulsated around his cock as you came. Your legs felt like jelly, pleasure radiating through you as Trent continued to bounce you up and down. Your slick ran down your thighs covering his cock and your ass, it was a mess. Everything was a sticky mess and he loved it, he loved you. You thought you blacked out momentarily from the feeling. Tears started streaming down your face. You collapsed onto the bed, feeling so needy and overwhelmed as he continued to fuck you. Trent couldn’t process how you looked as you unraveled, prolonging your orgasm and he continued to hit so deep inside. Even his dirtiest, hottest wet dreams about you could never measure up to the real thing. You were so fucking beautiful to him, your pussy perfect, made just for him, squeezing his cock he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer when he heard you start to speak again.
“Gonna make you a daddy” you moaned being compelled to grind your ass back into his cock.
You both heard it. You couldn’t process what you just heard yourself say, you had no idea where that came from. You felt weird, like you actually meant it. Trent's brain shut off. That was it for him. Something broke. His strokes got harder and faster rapidly. You were so shocked but you knew that telling him to slow down would be pointless. The change in his behavior didn’t go unnoticed so now you were interested in what he thought but your interest was overtaken quickly by your pleasure.
Trent controlled your body and you let him. You liked it this way, he knew you liked it this way. You both felt so fucking good, nothing could ever compare to this feeling. He was so deep inside you that all he could think about was filling you up. He pulled your hair to press your body further into his aggressively. He bit his teeth down into your shoulder, unable to handle the feeling that was approaching. His mind had completely gone when your drunk self decided to push this further.
“Gonna cum inside me, get me pregnant?” You mindlessly whined begging for it.
“Fuck Fu-fuck Y/N, oh my god baby.” He couldn’t breathe. He wanted so badly to keep eyes open but he couldn’t handle the sensation. “Make me a daddy, be a good girl and take all of it f’me” he mumbled when you could feel his load pumping into you filling you past full. Some of his cum leaking out as he continued to thrust into deliriously. “Is this pussy gonna get pregnant for me?" You were on another planet, so you nodded, unable to hear the words he was babbling. The smile that appeared on his face was so genuine he was in utter bliss. He slowed completely, holding you so tight to his chest you couldn’t breathe. You turned your head back to try to see his face. His pupils were completely blown out, getting you pregnant still on the forefront of his brain. His heavy body laid on top of yours and you felt a wave of emotions hit you. Coherent thoughts finally were coming back to Trent and he was in the same boat. Were either of you supposed to acknowledge that you said you wanted to get pregnant? He rolled himself off you laying leading up to the ceiling, his chest heaving. Neither of you said anything but he pulled you to him. He didn’t know what to say but he didn’t want you to feel like he wasn’t with you. Your sweaty bodies stuck together when you nuzzled into his neck, kissing his skin softly. He sighed tilting his head to the side for you to trail more kisses up his neck, your hand coming to scratch gently at the nape of his neck. He broke the silence first.
“I want to wake up with you like this. You look so beautiful just like this,” his hand stroked slowly over your glistening cheek as you finally made eye contact for the first time. He kissed the top of your head.
“Never gonna let you go,” you muffled into his skin, cuddling closer to him. What had just unfolded wasn’t exactly anything you hadn’t heard before but the manner at which you were having sex and the way it was acted on felt like it was a genuine thought. Not some kink, you, he, actually might’ve wanted this and that thought was way too scary to bring up right now. You both could feel the pressure. Trent was trying to figure out the same thing. If either of you had any energy left you would’ve mustered up some courage to talk about this but instead he whispered into your hair a long ramble of words that answered if he wanted this or not. You couldn’t remember how much he drank tonight so you couldn’t tell if he maybe was just drunk. He was promising you the world, telling you all about the perfect life that laid in store for you in the future, gushing over the perfect life you two were living now. The life he depicted for you now was the one that he had already confided in Tyler. Sure, he was buzzed, high on adrenaline, fucked out of his mind, but this wasn’t something he was making up on the spot. You didn’t know any of that but it was true nonetheless.
“My T…” you cooed playing with a little piece of his hair till you fell asleep. Trent practically melted at the way you clung to him, curled up… filled with his cum.
Thank you for continuing reading! Comment or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Next Part - Chapter 17 xx
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