#do you have braincells
improvapocalyps · 2 months
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You have 90 minutes to complete. (original poem: r.a.)
In participation of the MCYT Recursive Exchange 2024 hosted by @mcytrecursive!
Inspired by know that all my love will be your breath (i will save you when your lights go out)
[text under cut]
1. Have you ever been in love? (Please circle your answer.) a. It's me and him b. Our hearts beat in sync c. Our lives intertwined
2. Do you understand what you’ve done? (Please circle your answer.) a. I couldn't do anything b. I lost my balance c. I doomed us both
3. It's been god knows how long since you felt phantom hands on your neck and there is no one in sight. If you were soul-bound to him and both of you died at the same time then why are you still waiting in the void? Please answer clearly, in full sentences. (Not a correct answer:I just wanted to see him one more time).
4. Define two (2): Fate | The feeling of his forehead against yours Curse | The moment you realise he isn't linked to you anymore
5. True or False: i. It was your fault. ii. You wish you had met him under different circumstances. iii. You can’t regret a single moment that you had him. iv. You would do it all over again if you could. v. It ended long before either of you said anything.
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sketch cover thing for imgur link:
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waveoftheocean · 9 months
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day after tomorrow
(whee finally posting the finished version of this piece! i originally designed it for a cd charm where you can rotate wolfwood like the gif but then i figured there should be a still version too where you can pretend everything is happy and nothing hurts :))
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crescentfool · 1 year
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super excited for the p3 remake, can’t wait to re-experience minato’s journey in HD! 💙
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aurosoulart · 5 months
I made a dog. it's not very good at tricks
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obsidianne-art · 2 years
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Anatomy studies….yeah totally.
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leefyberrybread · 7 months
A bunch o' WIPs and progress pictures from some of the bigger things I’m currently working on :)
I’m already 12 hours into this over ambitious Pharma painting and I don’t even think I’m halfway done. I started this in late October and I’m taking a bit of a break from it to learn how to paint metal and just get back in the groove of painting things.
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MS paint seeker thing I started in the time period where i lost access to photoshop and before i got clip studio (August lol). So far, this has been so FUN to work on and experiment with funky bright colors
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And finally, Stormmyyyyy I started a few days ago but he is the saddest guy in the world rn
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kitamars · 7 months
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yukinohananana017 · 13 days
One of my favorite shipping dynamics :
- A normally introverted/normal guy going through some shitTM
- Goofy Sunshine with DepthsTM who's actually smarter than they look
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redrobin-detective · 3 months
Listen, I'm not done on absolute batshit shenanigans with Lockwood & Co plus Skull.
Imagine this, its late at night, they're chasing down a dangerous specter. They come across an abandoned Night Cab, the driver likely fleeing the terror and decide to commandeer it. None of them are at the legal driving age in Britain and -despite all the laws they break - they are all very concerned about this. They turn to Skull who is being bounced around a plastic shopping bag because they'd been in a rush leaving the house. Not only is he a few years older than them biologically but he's also like, over a century lol.
He and Lucy bicker in the street for a minute while the others listen awkwardly to the one sided debate. Skull gives in so the five of them pile into the car and Lucy straps the half broken into the front seat with the belt across him. Skull - being a dead Victorian boy with NO idea how to drive a car or how traffic laws work but also an agent of chaotic evil - makes an absolute mess of driving.
The kids are screaming in the car as it speeds through the streets, skids through hairpin turns, probably runs red lights and breaks people's side mirrors on purpose. The police are on them before long, Lucy is hissing at Skull to just keep going even as the little shit puts on his hazards and pulls off to the side. Imagine you are the officer walking up to that dented, haggard looking cab.
It is positively coated in frost, one of the few visible signs of an active haunting. You peer inside to find 4 brightly smiling youths with grave dirt on their cheeks and rapiers across their laps. Agents, obviously but with no adult supervisor in sight. One darling, pretty girl bats her eyelids and asks is there is problem because they really are in quite the hurry. You look down to find the car is driving seemingly by itself, the wheel and radio dial turning on its own. There is an old looking, cracked skull buckled into the drivers seat. One girl in the back is grinning unsettling wide because she is the only one who can hear the skull explaining to the officer that he was just taking his children to the sacrifice pit to offer them as tribute to his dark lord. You decide this is well above your pay grade and wish the agents and their?? driver???? a good night. As they drive off, you decide its finally time to take up your brother's offer and move out with him to Australia. Britain just gets weirder every year.
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 768: Doubashi attack!!
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Pag 1
1: Orange....
“Less of a hero”? Ah!?
2: Nonsense!!
You've never been a hero to begin with!!
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Pag 2
1: Ha..... Hakogaku!!
Even Hakogaku caught up!!
2: Thick.... thick.....
3: A man like this holds the strongest of powers!!
6: I'm thin compared to him!!
That's not true, Oosumi-kun!!
7: Senpai, is he strong?
The Hakogaku member who last year defeated Sohoku's Kaburagi in the first day's sprint is
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Pag 3
1: him, Doubashi Masakiyo!!
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Pag 4
2: Buah...
So in the end you've decided to run?
3: “Chicken”
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Pag 5
1: We're passing by the sign the signals 5km until the sprint line!!
2: Hakone Academy.....!!
3: Ace sprinter, Doubashi!!
6: We're at “5km left” until the sprint
7: There's not much left
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Pag 6
1: It won't take more than “10 minutes”!!
2: So you've come, Doubashi!!
It's “san”!!
How many times have I told you!!
3: Again!!
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Pag 7
1: You want to get revenge against me!!
2: That's how someone who won last year would speak, but you lost against me!!
3: Hahaha, are you being a sore loser?
I'm telling you you're the one who lost!!
4: Whatever, come at me!!
It's not whatever, what are you even thinkin when saying that!!
Are you that self confident
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Pag 8
1: We'll definitely win!!
2: Interesting, buah!! I came here to humble you!!
4: Ugh....
He's different.....!! He's much more dangerous now that he's running rather than when I met him this morning in the tent!!
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Pag 9
1: Hakone Academy's Doubashi!! He's so overwhelmingly intimidating!!
It's like the pressure of a huge raging bull that has its eyes on you!!
2: Just by looking at me he makes me feel like my hands and feet are restrained
Issa fought against someone like him last year!?
4: No!!
5: Calm down
Steady your breathing
6: Swallow your nerves, Danchiku Ryuuhou!!
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Pag 10
1: He moved on his own!!
Everyone is so overpowered by Hakogaku that they're not moving!!
For me, on the contrary
2: It's a chance!!
Nagoya's Komao used the curve and jumped ahead
He plans on going ahead alone!!
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Pag 11
3: The sprint line is 5km from here!!
Horse acceleration!!
I think I can aim for a breakaway victory!!
4: That guy has a reputation for running solo!!
This is bad!!
5: Doubashi has an incredible pressure!? But isn't this kind of things
6: just fears that we create ourselves!?
7: I can keep going like this!!
Doubashi isn't worth fearing!!
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Pag 13
1: Where are you going?
3: Uaaaaaaagh
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Pag 14
1: I thought I was 200m ahead of him, and yet
2: I could have let you go freely, but if you keep wandering around in front of my eyes like that
3: I can't win comfortably!!
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Pag 15
1: Hakogaku's Doubashi accelerated in an instant and passed Nagoya!!
2: Together with Sohoku!!
3: Ah!? “Sohoku”!? Tch!! He reacted at the same time as me...?
4: You're the only one who can react at the same speed as me in this leading pack
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Pag 16
2: Chicken!!
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Pag 17
2: Orange is still behind!?
3: Did he give an order to this guy?
4: And he still managed to keep up with my speed of reaction!?
6: What, this guy's eyes, this running
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Pag 18
1: What happened, your expression has changed!!
So this guy wasn't a chicken!!
2: Sorry, Doubashi-san
We'll take this sprint
3: The two of us!!
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Pag 19
1: Garuaagh
2: After stopping Nagoya down, Sohoku number 5 jumped out from there
3: and attacked again!!
4: Hahaha
I told you!!
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Pag 20
1: “We'll definitely win”!!
2: Orange!!
Hahaha, what we're aiming for is to be
3: “Japan's number one”!!
4: I'll make you Japan number two!!
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fallout-fucker · 2 months
Random Sole x Hancock Headcanon - Emails.
Sole figures out how to get some sort of online connection up and running again purely so they can send emails to Hancock's terminal from their Pip-Boy whenever they're apart. Love sick idiots.
Cue Hancock blushing and kicking his feet whilst reading the emails. He invents the ;) emote. Sole, in turn, makes the ^-^ and :3 emotes.
They both invent selfies. Hancock's the first to send one when he realises he can send pictures. It's a fucking process but he barters for old parts here and there and gets help from Kent. Eventually he has a working camera for his terminal. The first selfie was him stood on his couch, high af and surrounded by an assortment of baked goods (Edibles) he made. The email said 'Look what I can do ;D'.
He regularly sends pictures of what he's baking or random selfies when he's high.
Sole then made a similar upgrade to their Pip-Boy the minute they could. They send him random pictures of cats and other creatures they see in their travels. Cool views or old, historic buildings and art they think he'd enjoy. A collection of Dogmeat being cute. They sent one of Danse falling over. They send him pictures of books they'll think he like. Usually literature, history, or STEM stuff. Sole also takes pictures with their shared friends and lets them email him too from their arm for a quick update.
They also show off their new builds and inventions. Gun mods, armour, ect.
They also share a 'Spotting Deacon In The Wild' collection. They have a running joke that every new disguise they spot is a 'Deacon Variant' or new Deacon 'Synth'. They add names for each 'character' and the email will say '[Insert Character Name] Deacon Unlocked!' Like, Butcher Deacon, or Diamond City Guard Deacon, etc.
On that note, they invent memes. Usually from pictures of other companions or each other.
Like when Nick was 'sleeping' one time (Wide eyed stare Synth style) and Sole sent a picture of him, captioned 'Me after the horrors'.
Or when Preston was stood looking out at the Sanctuary River after a long night. Coffee in his hand. His hat and one shoe missing. Expressionless as he stared at the sunrise.
Hancock replied 'Me fucking too, brother'.
Sole will update him on their whereabouts regularly so he stays sane.
Hancock will tell them about how Goodneighbour is doing. From Mayoral plans to general gossip. How Daisy is doing, how the local kids are, etc.
Sometimes Hancock sends the most cryptic chain spam looking things when he is stoned.
Sole can email him whenever they're nearby and plan on visiting.
Hancock sometimes requests items if he knows they’re on their way, but only if they happen to come across it or already have whatever it is.
Will email them questions that he doesn't actually mean for them to answer. Just questions to the void, really. He just uses them as an outlet for his thoughts a lot.
Or for help on a crossword puzzle.
Sole will email him when they can't sleep just in case he's also awake. Nights feel really lonely when everyone you knew died 200 years ago.
Sometimes they ask him for knowledge. Like 'Do you know if this plant is poisonous?' or things that most Commonwealthers know for survival, but Sole is still figuring out.
They ask him for leadership advise. Especially during big decisions.
They both tell each other things they've seen/heard through the grapevine that they think the other should know. 'I heard that guy you were looking for was seen in Bunker Hill' 'Some Gens 2s were spotted patrolling Medford Hospital' 'Hi :) Sorry for the late response, I was running for my life :( Tell your traders to stay away from the East Bridge- Gunners'
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swordcoasts · 11 months
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pov they saw you from across the tavern and they really hate your vibe
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yrdnzz · 4 months
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kainess comm i finished 2 months ago !!! this is a scene from amselei’s kainess fic, “what we deserve.”
comms are closed at the moment but i will be doing sketches in return for donations for supporting those in palestine, more information on that here :]
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moonlightedva · 1 year
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whats up persona community
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Some other outfits or something idk
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vinylattes · 11 months
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Can we get on with this?
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS 5.02 (A Night Out with the Guys)
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