#dragonbite viper
ninoxwof · 13 days
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Dragonbite Viper
Threw in drawing a design for this fantasy snake species as well for funsies. Thank you for over 700 followers! I'm really happy people are enjoying this fun little side project I've been doing in my free time. I'm going to be taking another break to recuperate and work on other art projects for a bit before drawing the arc 2 dragons. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for any more adopts, bases or other goodies I may post in the mean time :3c
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting the fictional species, dragon bite viper from Wings of Fire. It's curled around itself, colored with brown scales and a warm creamy underbelly. It has dark reddish purple vertical stripes all on its back and tail. Its eyes are light red with slit pupils, and it has horns on its brow, similar to real life horned vipers. /.End ID]
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thepoisonjackal · 1 year
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Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
Took me a while to find a good look for the sisters, but I think I’m pretty happy with this! The jester makeup idea for Blister came from this post by (i’m pretty sure) @condorcaravan​
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otiksimr · 1 year
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Dragonbite Vipers
[click image for better quality]
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gay-little-sabre-tooth · 10 months
Dragonbite viper if it was an actual fucking viper
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How dragonbite vipers are drawn in the wof graphic novel isn't a god damn viper!!!!! The only thing it got right was it's spikey scales
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Her ass is NOT a viper
Vipers have distinct flat heads that are almost triangular and THAT IS NOT A VIPER BABEY!!!
I also think the dark grey and orangish red combo is UGLY
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girlcraft2003 · 2 months
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Bastard man (affectionate). Will not scam you he PROMISES (lie. he is a liar). Enjoy Dingo a very legitimate salesman.
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seawing-vibes · 6 months
Trick or treat?
TRICK second dragonbite viper :(
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epochthedragon · 2 years
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I think it's funny that her mom was like, "I hate this child so much"
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
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Artfight ref for my guy Prince Finch :]
I also accidentally gave him gay blood akdjkdjd
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wings-of-waffles · 2 months
Currently making up more and more dragon theology purely for the sake of giving characters in fics more snappy exclamations to say when real world ones won't work.
Like I went all out on NightWing specific moon related religion so characters could make a "by Merlin's beard!" type expression in the form of "by Imperial's spear!" In a similar vein there's also "Perception have mercy" and a few others.
And just now I accidentally wrote a character saying "sure as hell" when dragons don't have an equivalent so changed it to "sure as snakes" based on that one time Darkstalker said "by all the snakes!" after somebody melted his eyeball out (unless I made that up but I think that happened? idk I read arc 2 with my brain turned off) and now I feel an intense need to make some snake related mythology for dragon hell or whatever.
I mean it makes sense that snakes would be associated with suffering and the underworld because 1) they're reptiles with no wings or legs or horns or anything like that and 2) dragonbite vipers, a type of snake, are one of the few animals that can easily kill dragons so yeah
Also one that I didn't overthink horrendously but is still very good is "millipedes and moon rocks!", it has less significance to dragon culture but it's just fun to read and write and say and I'm quite happy with it.
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Sandwing headcannons!
• Sandwing accent is really similar to an Australian accent. I guarantee most non-Australians will get the accent wrong.
•They wear little garments on their tails during busy social gatherings and get them for dragonets that haven’t been tail trained yet. They call them tail chains.
• A common way to symbolise sandwings is a little emblem with a raised tail between two outstretched wings.
• After the War of SandWing Succession, they hold a yearly festival at Jade Mountain Academy, since it’s the only place that no tribe owns. They call it a few different names, e.g. The Comet Festival, The Dragonbite Festival, but most of them like to call it the Sunny festival, since she finished the war.
• Little capsule necklaces of sand and water, symbolising an oasis, are worn as good luck charms.
• They LOVE to make jewellery, especially for festivals. Around the time of the Dragonbite Festival, they make little bracelets, earrings, necklaces and tail chains, with little comets on them, some have a Dragonbite viper interacting with the comet in some way, and some just have the Dragonbite Viper coiled up.
•Stonemover always chills with timid dragons who are avoiding crowds, and Sunny added cushions for them all to vibe with him and encourage them to chat with him
Feel free to put any of these ideas into art! If you do, please tag me!
Didn’t expect this to get that many notes. Yowza wowza
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scrollwyrm · 1 month
I really like your art style and I think maybe Ex-Queen Scarlet or Hawthorn would look cool! :)
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I drew Scarlet a while ago but Hawthorn was fun to do! Here he is with his dragonbite viper. Headcanon time: he’s one quarter SilkWing (his grandfather was a SilkWing,) and he absolutely hates this part of himself. It’s also the reason for his red scales. Initially, he became friends with Sequoia to prove to himself that he’s a real LeafWing and not just some ‘spineless SilkWing’, as he initially thought. Unfortunately though, he became obsessed with Sequoia, leading him to make his last mistake: he listened to the strange vine in the woods. He swallowed the plant, and immediately, Hawthorn was dead. Only the worst aspects of himself were left. Sequoia realised her friend was gone and banished him, but not before discovering he poisoned Wasp. She was furious, but she couldn’t do anything; Hawthorn was already in hiding in the darkest corner of the jungle. He lived with the vines, attempting more and more horrifying experiments on the creatures around him.
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I like that the world of wof doesn't oversaturate itself with fictional creatures and any made-up species that do exist are relatively realistic and grounded (dragonbite vipers)
it just makes the world feel more real in my opinion
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wof-inbox · 24 days
To Clay: How to you feel about your dragonbite scar? What made you jump in front of the viper?
To Peril if she's there: How did you just appear to burn it out? You must have been flying faster than dragonly-possible!
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“Also the bite is basically fulled healed now! I just have a small limp.” -Clay
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some-pers0n · 10 months
Alright gamers! I've collected a list of notes that my friends were able to pick up on while reading the leaked guide. It's a bit disjointed and hard since it's quite difficult to read, but here we go. Under the cut is a bulletpoint list of it all.
This is the video I'm talking about, by the way.
And a quite couple of notes:
This isn't the full thing. Several pages were skipped during it. Some sections cut-off abruptly because of that
Some things simply aren't readable (at least to those I've worked with and myself) because of the motion blur from the pages turning and the slightly low quality
I'll leave out a bit of stuff from the stories that aren't terribly relevant (like what happens in them) as I don't really consider them lore. Only bits and pieces from them that are relevant I'll include
With that being said, let us begin with the lore dump.
MudWings chose their own names
MudWings have adobe buildings
MudWings have royal balls
Burn threatened Coral to try and get her into joining her side, but Coral refused
Burn pretty much tried intimidating all of the tribes into siding with her via blackmail
Blaze tried to get Coral on her side and the letter was so disjointed that "she could barely write or string a sentence together"
^ "It was abundantly likely that she had never read a single one of Coral's bestselling scrolls"
Blister bribed Coral into joining her side by promising the treasure that she stolen from the SandWing treasury before she left
Blister memorized all of Coral's scrolls so that Coral would like her more
After the burning of the Summer Palace, the SeaWings refused to speak to Blister because it was only then that Coral realized that Blister was fishy with the death of Kestrel and also manipulating her the whole time
There is a letter from Anemone to Tamarin that's basically a love confession plus a vent dump
^ Anemone tells Tamarin about how she was incredibly isolated her whole life and had no social life due to her mother and status as a princess and animus. She had never seen another dragon that wasn't a SeaWing (except Blister) until the DoD came. She writes about how she wishes that there was a town like Possibility built near the borders of the Sea Kingdom so that the MudWings, RainWings, and SeaWings could all mingle about. She also talks about her insecurities over being a ruler and wishes that Auklet will be the one to step up and claim the throne. Anemone writes about how she feels intense guilt for attempting to kill her family and says that Auklet hasn't done anything like that, thus would be a better queen
^ Anemone wanted to gift Tamarin a pearl but Kinkajou didn't allow for it because she suspected it was enchanted
The Rainforest Kingdom has "strange geological formations" that can be dangerous
Dragonbite vipers have an evolutionary cousin called Lanceheads, which live in the rain forest
Glory theorizes that the reason why the screaming monkeys from THK adapted to scream like that was because it was done by the NightWings so that they would lose sleep, resulting in an easier takeover
RainWing knowledge was limited for ages because of how some outsiders would go in and never return, which is why RainWing venom was unknown
RainWing assassins are real
^ RainWing assassins were known to hunt during the day while NightWing assassins worked during the night
Queen Anaconda's grandmother outlawed the use of venom on dragons due to its lethal nature and later tried to disband her army because of a peace treaty she signed between the RainWings, MudWings, and SkyWings
^ Because of no war, the RainWings become more laid-back and this is why they're like the way they are in the modern day
There is a story about a NightWing named Comet who was hatched under "a" comet (no particular comet specified) and with no full moons. He was supposed to be powerless, yet he had a vision. The story cuts-off there
There's a part with a couple pieces of SandWing treasure
^Desert Tiara: This tiara, worn by queens for centuries, is [???] from silver into spikes resembling cactus spines, and embedded with crystals to represent the precious [???] of the sandwing kingdom
^The Twilight Necklace: This necklace is a long, thin, coiled chain made of a [???] black metal, possibly of NightWing origin. Care should also be taken when [???] [???]"
^The SandWing Scepter: The scepter is a staff of oak wood, plated with [???] gold, and inlaid with onyx and pearls. Records suggest the scepter is possibly [???] [???] and [???] animus-touched, but care should be used when handling the scepter [???] [???] [???]"
^Assorted Gems and Coins: Likely in [???] stamped with Queen Oasis' symbol
Smolder keeps Rose on a leash via a bracelet he got for her and has her in a cage when she's not being good or it's night time
IceWings do not use scrolls to preserve stories, instead using "bards", which are storytellers. They are chosen from birth
^ There is a story about a bard named Caribou in the book who's from The-Village-Of-The-Plentiful-Seals, a village near the gift of sustenance, which are three lakes where if a dragon sticks their claws into the water they'll always catch a seal
Nearly every generation in each family has someone named Caribou to honor an animus whose name was Caribou
Icewings have a yearly feast where they go to The-Village-Of-The-Plentiful-Seals where they eat, sing, tell stories, and dance for five days and five nights
The aurora borealis is said to be the Great Ice Dragon's frostbreath
There are Great Ice Dragon temples that feed the poor and hungry for free
Where-No-Dragon-Goes-Hungry is another village and has a MASSIVE statue of Caribou carved out of whale bone
Where-No-Dragon-Goes-Hungry also does a yearly competition on who can make the best caribou sculpture
We-Venerate-and-Remember-Caribou also has a market that stays open all year and holds the Great ice Dragon temples
Noble IceWings despised the gift of sustenance due to believing that it was a easy way of getting food, saying that it only are lazy and that they should work for their food and be useful to the tribe
Canyon was the name of the Skywing King who married Scarlet. He was like Scarlet, but a man. Obsessed with his appearance and a bit egotistical
Skywings have marriage rituals where the two lovers will fly up in the clouds and say wedding vows or something. They do this alone, there are no wedding guests or anything like that
^ This changed when Scarlet became queen, and she threw lavish parties for marriages, but people didn't really like that (because Scarlet would also have gladiator fights as part of the "party") so most dragons would either do the wedding ritual in secret or would just not marry
SilkWing schools take their dragonets to their hive's misbehavior way twice a year to terrify the young dragonets into obedience
^ "Do HiveWing dragonets get traumatized this way? Nope."
Here are some rules that are listed that SilkWings must follow:
"SilkWings are assigned professions suited to their limited set of skills as a tribe and begin work as soon as they have wings."
"SilkWing partnerships (marriages) are designated by Queen Wasp and her sisters, and are binding unless the queen chooses to sever them."
"To preserve the dignity and unity of our two tribes, personal relationships between HiveWings and SilkWings are not tolerated."
"No trees are allowed in the Hives, neither planted in your terrariums or gardens, nor portrayed in our art, in solemn commemoration of all the lives lost during the tree wars."
"To ensure their safe transit throughout the Hives, all SilkWings must wear bracelets designating their school or place of work at all times. Travel between hives must be cleared with supervisors and local HiveWing authorities."
"All dragons must refrain from stealing or destroying property"
"Each SilkWing metamorphosis must take place within the cocoon."
SilkWing dragonets are taught only by HiveWings, and are told that all HiveWings learn what SilkWings learn at a much much younger age in order to keep SilkWings feeling inferior
Silkwings who are especially good at something, or just quick with their work, are often assigned tasks that are much harder for them. "Troublemakers" are always given the hardest jobs. Io theorizes this is to keep SilkWings too busy and too tired to wish for a better future
Yellowjacket Hive is the "manufacturing" hive and has factories and stuff. They produce glasses, lamps, and book printers. They also have a university that specializes in engineering
Hornet Hive is the economy hive, where shops are everywhere, everyone is in accounting, and has a university for commerce, and apparently there are companies or something because Hornet Hive is where people manage their employees which are scattered throughout the continent
Vinegaroon Hive specialized in ecology, and has a bunch of cool fish in a lake (they get eaten). Dragons from Vinegaroon Hive are usually the ones to lead research expeditions? They also host hunting trips
Mantis Hive is still just "The College Place" where they teach HiveWings to become professors for the other colleges in other hives. They also focus on innovation, and part of the hive collapsed a while ago which is theorized to be from an industrial experiment
Tsetse Hive specializes in doctor stuff and healing and stuff. They probably have a med school. It is now basically confirmed that Tsetse Hive has a prison where anyone over the age of 50 is sent. since Wasp cant control elderly dragons
LeafWings don't have very much
There's some letters from Sequoia to someone named Linden, and then Belladona takes over and sends a letter to Sequoia about how her letters are no longer welcome but most of the words are too blurry to make out. I think this part is just about how the PoisonWings and SapWings used to have friendlier relations, but Belladonna changed this when she took over
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localsharkcryptid · 2 months
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-"I wonder..." Ouroboros hummed to themself as they lifted their talon, watching as the Dragonbite Viper coiled around their arm to remain on it's false branch. Their gaze narrowed almost critically as an idea came to mind while they watched the serpent. A solution.
They had learned that the dragons that came to their land were less than inclined to interact with them. The others were bitter and aggressive even if their attacks did little to scathe the animus who kept them trapped to this land. Not to mention that interacting directly also messed with the story, the art form, they were supposed to WATCH from the shadows cast by the stage lights, not to be blinded by them like the common wyrms who stood beneath them. No. They were the director. So, they needed an actor, their personal pick to guide the story where it needed to go, something that the dragons would respond to... And this little viper would be the key.-
Finally some Ouroboros AU lore bits :)
Also I should mention, XD's name in this little silly is in fact Ouroboros. I decided that recently so hehe.
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resident-wof-expert · 17 days
Burn, getting bitten by the dragonbite viper: No!! My only weakness!
Burn: Dying!
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